#imagine a world in which they got dragged into the drama......
theskymahtin · 2 months
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yo WHY did I never notice that hennessy HAS A FISH SCALE TATTOO ? aka a tattoo probably very similar to the one she later gives ronan.......... i need a moment
[Image ID: photograph of a paragraph from pg 70 of Call Down the Hawk.
Transcript: She had changed since she'd left in the car. Her kinky hair was now pulled up in a ragged black topknot. She wore tinted glasses, a rabbit fur coat, a lace bralette white against her dark skin, and leather leggings that exposed a fish-scale tattoo on her lower calf. More pastel tattoos covered her knuckles, which were also smeared with paint. He still couldn't tell how old she was. She could be twenty-five. She could be seventeen.]
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beansricejc · 3 months
Hello 👋 can I pls request boyfriend headcanons for John Constantine? Both sfw and nsfw if you're not uncomfortable? Thanks ❤️
of course nonnie!
cw: possessive behavior, p in v, cursing, smoking
the thing is, i cannot physically imagine this man as a boyfriend. he hates labels. he doesn’t want to over complicate his life and potentially put you in danger by giving you the title of his girlfriend.
“she’s not my girlfriend.” he’d grit his teeth, denying it all together. “i just fuck her, that’s it. well, and we go out, and have dinner at her’s occasionally, and i may have accidentally met her grandma. but she’s not my god damn girlfriend.”
“yeah,” chas would roll his eyes and pass constantine a beer. “whatever you say, dude.”
you two met on somewhat normal of circumstances. that’s why he’s stayed as long as he has, he doesn’t associate his first impression of you with any sort of shitty job. no demons, no half angels, no anything.
i said somewhat.
it was some club that he had been to before in his younger years. he wanted some pussy and to get drunk while doing it. so fuck it. some shit head, a 5’6 dumbass knocked into him and cussed him out in front of the whole bar. turns out, that the short asshole, was your date that night.
the last time he saw that little shit, the dude had walked in on constantine holding you up in the men’s bathroom. his nails dug into the flesh of your ass while he thrusted into your sopping cunt. and the eye contact you two made in that dingy restroom? with his hot breath smelling of gin and cigarettes, you relished in it’s scent while being fucked by constantine, with your date finding himself cucked in the doorway.
what’s a better way to get back at an asshole than fucking his date?
just because you two technically aren’t a couple, doesn’t mean Constantine isn’t a jealous SOB. he doesn’t have much in this world, so anything close to him, he’s stupidly possessive over.
“so, I saw your car at that new bar on Thursday.” constantine would grumble, lighting a cigarette in his weird excuse of an apartment.
“yeah, and? what about it?” you’d reply, changing the channel on the tv to the bachelorette. (he claims he can’t stand that show but will comment his varying opinions on the drama, classic)
“well, what the hell were you up to?” his tone agitated, frowning over at you.
you’d sigh, rolling your eyes. “i was on a date, john.” you ripped the band aid clean off. he’s a grown man, he can handle it.
well, that’s what you assumed.
that’s until your face is pressed into one of his cheap pillows on his bed, his bony hips slapping against the cusp of your ass, as he spanks it over, and over, and over again. the stirring in your core repeats, just on the brink of a blood curdling orgasm. constantine has been denying you of the satisfaction of cumming, he grabs a fistful of your sweaty locks by the base, yanking your head back so you’re forced to look up at him.
“bet he can’t fuck you like me. can he? nah, I’m the only one who knows just how you like it, fuckin’ brat. you don’t deserve my cock, i should have just given you the tip and let you suffer.”
your loud moans and other sinful noises bounce off of the unkempt walls of his dwelling. constantine would pry your mouth open, spitting directly into it, his saliva landing right onto your tongue. yet another power play he can pull, just to humiliate you.
“you’re fuckin’ mine, these tits are mine,” his calloused hands pawing at your bosom. “this ass is mine.” SMACK! you shriek in pain, while he hammers his length deeper into you. “this cunt? yeah, that’s mine, and you got the best baby. so tight, so god damn warm, all for me, right?” his grip on the roots of your hair tightens, shooting pain down your scalp.
“yeah! yes yes yes, john, it’s all yours! f-f-fuck!”
constantine would snicker, grabbing his still lit cigarette from the ash tray on the bedside table and taking a long drag. he blew the smoke right back into your face, which makes you cough and wheeze.
“that’s what I thought. no one else’s, just mine.”
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am i the only person thinking about twst x obey me where yuu gets yeeted from night raven to devildom?
just me?
thinking about a yuu that got dragged from their world, into twisted wonderland and dealing with all the overblots, all the drama and trauma of the housewardens, all of the training they go through to survive as a magic-less human in a magic school.
by the end of their first year, yuu has become strong and agile, able to analyze a fight quickly, and lead their friends to victory. they don’t need to rely on grim or their friends to constantly protect them, they know how to hold their own just fine.
so imagine their surprise when their second year rolls around and they are suddenly launched into devildom. but unlike sweet yuki, yuu already has experience on how to deal with people who have close relationships with bad personalities and assholes with untreated trauma.
yuu doesn’t trust belphie for shit, but they got dragged into something messy again, so they might as well get to work fixing it before it becomes too bad. they blame their bleeding heart for helping him every time, and boy, are they glad they trained to somewhat deal with crushing pressure from a certain eel twin.
sure, satan is the literal embodiment of wrath, but yuu’s pretty desensitized to rage in general after having to face a red-headed housewarden multiple times a month due to their idiot friends. plus, he at least has an off switch if you just give him some cats.
mammon is greedy, a gambling addict, and also incredibly lonely because he is often the scapegoat of his brother’s issues and craves affection? oh, so like grim. just give him love and affection. and also don’t let him out of your sight, those clothes are worth so much more than fancy tuna.
levi refuses to interact with people without someone by his side? well, time to channel your inner excited little brother, and get him to explain his nerd shit to you, and then maybe you can trick him into putting down his phone for a bit at the table, at the cost of learning about a random gacha character’s niche skills.
if anyone actually cared to ask (which nobody ever does, yuu’s a bit surprised they themself haven’t blotted yet), yuu would actually say that dealing with the brothers is easier than dealing with their friends back home. the marks certainly help reign them in, and it helps that the brothers aren’t teenagers who (mostly) have shit impulse control (staring at you, mammon). and they also don’t blot, so no need to beat the shit out of them.
yuu thinks that if it were a game, twisted wonderland would be round one, where you get used to the controls and gameplay, and devildom would be round two, where you have to start putting skills and abilities together. yuu also thinks that this is a very shit game, and would love to go home to ramshackle, where they at least had a bit of privacy.
at some point, malleus shows up to bring his child of man back, and that is a whole can of worms.
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lolabearwrites · 5 months
You know what I would have loved most about canon klance? Is the little snippets of them even when the episodes have nothing to do with their relationship
Team Voltron is eating breakfast and you see Keith wearing Lances green jacket/hood that is obviously way too big for him
Two characters are taking and in the background you see Lance's hand resting on Keith's hip casually
They're always walking side by side when in a group.
You know just, the little stuff!
In the perfect world Keith never left with the BOM and Keith and Lance each grew respectively as their own characters and their bond deepened. What I would give for their relationship to be handled like how they did Lumity in TOH. They didn't drag out the "will they won't they" and Luz and Amity got together mid Season 2 in the natural progression of their relationship. And there wasn't any unnecessary drama to pull the couple apart-it was a healthy relationship and all around cute! Just imagine Klance being like that! Ugh, it would have been amazing.
Like, Lance leans his arm against typical broody Keith's shoulder while making a stupid quip, but it makes Keith smile nontheless. (Which has turned into Lance's whole goal since they got together: make Keith smile w/ his stupid jokes)
Their banter would just get more flirtatious
Subtle smiles thrown at eachother even if they're across the room
Little shoulders touches or hand holding for comfort
Cute shit. That's all I want.
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caffeine-clouds · 1 year
Sonic Characters When They're Sick
Hi, I'm sick - which is fun. But this gives me a good excuse to make yet another post. How Sonic characters act when they or their friends are sick, let's go hoes:
Sonic: He has two moods. When he just has mild sniffles? The WHOLE world knows about it;. He whines with the worst case of man flu imaginable and acts like he's about to die - much to the annoyance of everyone around him.
However, when he has a sickness you should worry about? No, you won't know about it. He'll keep trucking along to the best of his ability until he faints. As for when his friends are sick? He's more likely to laugh than anything else before running to get some medication.
Tails: He's smart so he actually knows like - how to take care of himself. He has a tendency to downplay his symptoms though but thankfully Sonic can spot when Tails is going through a rougher patch than he's letting on. The only time Tails will neglect looking after himself is when he's currently working on a big project and he doesn't want to stop - regardless of his sickness. Sleepless nights end up only making things worse and you get the point. Sonic or Amy has to drag him away from his work as a result.
Knuckles: For a guy who's lived in the wilderness all his life and has never stepped foot in a hospital - he's only gotten sick once in his life, guess he built up his immunity. He's got all the natural herbal remedies ready to go for his friends and basically goes into full-blown crunchy mom mode when he hears they're struggling. You have medicine in your hand? Nope, nope. Put that down. He's got the flowers, herbs, salts, and essential oils right here - you'll be just fine.
Amy: Again, as a functioning member of society - she knows how to take care of herself. She balances it out - she has both medicine and natural remedies to treat herself and others. She is doting on others when they're sick, especially Tails. Although she doesn't have patience for Sonic's bullshit. She WILLL show up to your house with dozens of baked goods because sugar = happiness, simple equation.
Rouge: Drama Queen, period. Homegirl is dramatic even when it's just a common cold. This has had an undesirable effect on her teammates that we will discuss later. She lays on the couch under a blanket, tub of ice cream in hand and watch whatever TV show she's been meaning to binge. Being ill is an excuse to be chill - that's her motto. She might remember to take actual medicine.
Shadow: Can't get sick. But when someone around him is sick, his germaphobe mode fucking activates. He will be cleaning the same countertop for ten minutes straight, very vigurously. Why? Because Rouge ended up accidentally teaching him that all form of Mobian sickness is the end of the world and in his mind - anyone could die from a cold if untreated. He does not want it spreading, and if he could get Rouge to wear a hazmat suit - he would. He's the one reminding everyone else to take their fucking meds.
Omega: He doesn't really understand the concept of sickness all that much but when he sees Rouge in pain - his instict is to go straight to the source. He will interrogate to find out who she caught it from and will proceed to beat up that person if they fail to stop him. Although let's be frank - he's mainly just feigning his ignorance at this point so he can have an excuse to get violent.
Blaze: Again, knows how to take medicine and keep herself hygenic. Often doted on by castle staff allthough she doesn't really like it when it happens. She will keep insisting she can carry out her royal duties instead of taking rests - which can have poor effects. But again, castle staff are there to stop her from going too far. Her friends also encourage her to rest because they know of this habit of hers. If her friends are sick - she'll make sure they have their meds, a place to rest, and a warm cup of tea before leaving them so she can go about her day.
Silver: Surprisingly the most competent in dealing with sickness alongside Amy. Again, a surprisingly strong immune system despite how much ash he's probably inhaled over the years. Maybe chaos energy exoposure fixed it - who knows? But anyways - he rests, he takes his medicine, but if he hears his friends are in a fight he will show up to it regardless of how he feels. When his friends are sick - he's supportive, always checking in to offer company and he's texting cute cat GIFs to cheer people up.
Tangle: She's got you, okay? She'll make you a nice drink - hot chocolate - with cream and sprinkles - she's on it, she'll give you snacks, she will find her old video game consoles and comics to keep you entertained, she will get you dozens of blankets - everything you need! Everything... except... medicine. She has a tendency to forget the important part.
Whisper: If she doesn't know you too well, she'll pass you the paracetamol with the longest piece of apparatus she can find so she doesn't have to get too close to you. If she is close to you however, (i.e. Tangle) - she is fretting, girl is waiting on hands and knees, she is ready to give you EVERYTHING you need - you just gotta say the word.
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lovejosephquinn · 2 years
Hey there!
Can you make a Joe Quinn x reader where they meet on ST4 set and are good friends but are starting to be friends with benefits and later on they begin to fall for eachother but they don't know that from eachother and one night at his house he suddenly tells her in bed he loves her more then a friend and in panic she goes away and doesnt speak to him for weeks and Maya only knows about the benefits things and says why its so hard to confess her feelings and at the premiere she tries to avoid him as much as possible and later he drags her away and she explains she loves him too but she's scared cause she got hurt in her past relations and he assures her he isn't like that and they get together? :)
Oh, hi lovely. This has really got my brain working and I was mentally cheering you on for a hot second. I'm excited to see how it pans out, thanks for requesting :)
Warnings: sweet fluff, heart breaking drama, smutty smut, swearing and a mild mention of abuse
Word Count: 3.7k
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A Bittersweet Love. Joseph Quinn x Reader Requested by @kellysimagines
There was no telling when you got the role as one of the new upcoming characters of Stranger Things on what friendships you'd make and what could go on behind the scenes, but the day you met one Joseph Quinn, your world changed forever. On first meeting with him, you knew you were attracted to him in every sense. His eyes, the way they watched you intensely when you had something to say, the way his smile would soften at the sight of you, the way he would touch you if you cracked a joke or mentioned pretty much anything. Touch was definitely his love language. Joe had also newly joined the cast so that first day when you walked into the table reading, you made sure you tagged along with him and Mason, the original cast made you feel so welcome, so it wasn't long before you were mingling altogether.
Months into filming, time was going on and scenes were heftily coming together one by one for each episode. Yours and Joe's bond had grown strong since you had so many parts to film together. Between takes you'd notice Joe was always looking your way, but when you glanced over, he'd move his gaze elsewhere, you'd only notice because you were sneaking a quick glance back at him.
There was one particular day that would remain in your memory forever. The director had yelled cut and called it a day for filming. As you approached your trailer and headed in to get back into your normal clothes, shortly after, a subtle knock came. "Come in." You quickly tugged your shirt down over your chest as a too familiar face opened the door and peaked in. "Hey Y/N, got a second?" You nodded as you straightened your clothes out and grabbed your hairbrush from the side. You gave Joe a quick once over, his hair was slightly flattened down by the wig he'd been wearing all day and not seeing him in leather and ripped jeans but rather a plain white t-shirt and grey sweats was certainly a pleasant change, he was quite easy on the eye.
"Today was a lot. Just wondered if you wanted to grab a drink together?" You couldn't deny that face that puppy eyed you, hoping you'd say yes. "Sure, got nothing better to do anyway."
You waited outside Joe's trailer who'd fluffed his hair up, changed into some spare smarter clothes that he'd had left on the side from a previous day, he wanted to make an impression, you weren't the only one who had a profound attraction to the other.
Back at the hotel the majority of the cast stayed in, you went into the bar situated on the ground floor, it was empty which Joe favoured because that meant he had you all to himself. You shared a few drinks and you'd finally got a minute to actually get to know each other a lot better, finding you had more in common than you initially would have imagined.
Maybe it was the alcohol going straight to your head when you had mentioned him coming up to your room to carry on talking a little more, making the excuse that you were having a good time and you didn't want the night to come to a close quite yet. Of course, that wasn't disputing that you weren't having a good time, but you were certainly more confident once you'd got a few down you and you were a certified horny drunk. He agreed anyway.
Laughing as you had been the whole time you were around him since the moment you'd walked out of your trailer, you arrived back at your room. You both had been pretty touchy feely with each other for the whole night, at one point you could've sworn you saw a thick outline in Joe's trousers when he'd said something that had made you throw yourself into fits of laughter and you put your hand down on his thigh, rubbing it slightly as you moved away, but he crossed his legs so you never got to confirm it.
You both kicked off your shoes and sat down on your bed, legs spread out next to each other. You thought you were reading the situation right when Joe put his arm round you. "I'm so glad I got the chance to meet you Y/N, you're an amazing person." Yeah, the alcohol was definitely talking through the both of you now. You found yourself turning your heads to face each other as you got closer, little by little. Joe's eyes were fluttering between your eyes and your lips and before you could blink again, Joe's hand came to meet your cheek as you leaned into his touch and he gave you a subtle kiss, testing the waters to see if it was ok. What he didn't see coming was when he pulled away, you quickly returned the kiss back but this time, sloppily crashing your lips onto his. The kiss was hot, extremely hot for two people that were just friends. As the sudden turn of events grew stronger, Joe laid you down and leaned over you, pushing his tongue straight into your mouth, dying to taste you.
Eventually you found him moving himself to lay on top of you, feeling his extremely apparent erection move down and grind into your thigh. You moved your leg up slightly to meet his hard on which earned a hot mouthy groan from Joe, once you'd moved it back down you could feel the jolt of electricity shoot down to your core as you clenched your legs together. Joe broke the kiss first, leaning up slightly to look directly into your eyes, the guy had such an intense stare and your heart raced rapidly. "C-can I touch you?" his hand was hovering down above your left thigh, the fact he was asking permission was sweet, but you knew all dignity was out of the window now he'd got you into a hot mess. And boy were you both down for this. You sat yourself up and removed your shirt and jeans, throwing them to the side quickly to show him that you were indeed wanting him to go further with his actions. Joe wasted no time in palming his hand over your wet clothed panties. "Jesus, you're soaking already, did I do that to you?" You shot him a look of slight confusion. "Who else, you idiot." He rolled his tongue over his top lip as he let out a snort of laughter. Moving your panties down and off you quickly, he pushed his index finger between your slit and stroked up and down in an agonizingly slow motion. "More." you whined out. He granted your wish quickly, pushing his finger straight inside of you. "Fuck you feel tight, you're going to feel so good when I get inside of you." He didn't want to assume that's where this was going but the slip of his tongue got the better of him; that made you raise an eyebrow. "Oh, is that what you're going to do huh?" His fingers started to work you faster as he leaned up to use his other hand to rub circles on your clit. He was a fucking professional. "Is that what you want?" If the moans that escaped you didn't prove otherwise then the boy was clearly a moron. "I said, is that what you want?" You nodded quickly, feeling the knot in your stomach begin to tighten. "Answer me Y/N." His eyes had become darker now, there was not a glimpse of brown to be seen in them, instead a heavy black tone full of lust and want. The dominant side in him showing was extremely unexpected, but in a good way. "Please, Joe. I want you to fuck me." He grinned cheekily at you, knowing you were close when your head couldn't have fell any further back and you were whimpering for him to go faster. "Not before you cum."
"I-I, oh my g-god, I'm going to..." you couldn't finish your sentence as your orgasm washed over you, your whole body stiffened, your eyes squeezed tight, and your toes curled as you moaned out his name several times. He released his fingers from your now gaping hole and pushed them straight into your mouth without warning, you obeyed and sucked them clean whilst he was grinning right at you, pleased and so turned on by how sexy you looked doing so.
Pulling his trousers and boxers down, you eyed up his hidden body part. You'd be lying if you said it hadn't crossed your mind how big it might be, you'd clearly been internally thinking about this man for months, a little hard not to when you spent every day with him. His cock was thick and an average sized length, perfect. As he knelt down at your feet on the edge of the bed, he leaned over and yanked you up by your hand. "Spit on it, pretty girl." You did as asked, spat into your hand and rubbed it over the reddened mushroom shaped tip and up and down his shaft, pumping him a couple of times, earning a sharp breath in between. He pushed your shoulder back harder than anticipated, you were laid beneath him now. Joe didn't waste time in letting himself adjust before pushing himself inside of you, both of your moans filled the room in no time. He was brutal, he slammed into you as hard and fast as humanly possible. Fucking you was a complete understatement, this felt desperate, like it'd been wanted and waiting to happen by both parties for a while.
"I knew you'd feel like heaven, fuck you're so beautiful Y/N." Wait, did he just call you beautiful? You pulled him closer to you, wrapping your legs around his waist so he could get even deeper, clawing at his back relentlessly and definitely leaving a trail of nail marks.
"Fuck, I'm g-getting close, I knew you'd be the death of me."
You were almost there again, searching for your second orgasm which came upon you quick and fast when he hit a certain spot inside of you. "Joe, Joe please, you fuck me so good." He felt your walls clench and tighten around him as you fell apart underneath him, crying out an inaudible string of words. Joe quickly pulled himself out you and began to pump himself fast, finally finishing all over your stomach. "Holy shit." You were both breathing rapidly, spent from clear desire for one another.
Joe spent the night with you in your bed, completely abandoning his room until morning when he'd sneak out unnoticed.
That was how it went on for the next few months, you'd decided from that first night this was going to become a regular occurrence, a friend with benefits kind of situation. It'd happened nowhere but yours or Joe's hotel room and you were never caught, that was until one day Maya confronted you to one side on set. "Can I ask you something Y/N?" You nodded at your friend.
"Sure, anything."
"What's going on with you and Joe?"
Shit, wait. what?
"What Quinn, or Keery?"
She let out a laugh which quickly faded when she pursed her lips together and folded her arms. "You know which Joe I'm referring to. What's going on?"
She knows.
"Save it, I already know. You know it's easy to find out when the walls are quite thin, and I can hear the two of you going at it like rabbits. I'm not saying it's a bad thing but just be careful Y/N."
Your cheeks reddened and you begged her not to tell anyone else. Maya had become quite a close friend to you during your time filming and you knew you trusted her - you just needed that piece of mind.
The attraction was growing stronger with Joe, and you had confided in Maya a few days later and told her that your feelings were becoming a more than friends feeling. She sat in your trailer with you as you held your head in your hands.
"Do I break it off, or do I carry on? Help a girl out."
She patted your back as she hooked her arm round you into a side hug and you rested your head on her shoulder, glad of the embrace.
"Do whatever you feel is right, only you know yourself."
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You'd made the decision to not put an end to what was happening with Joe, because over the last nearing year you'd spent with him and the months you'd personally spent together, you'd formed a pretty solid friendship and an even higher sex drive. The thing was it wasn't just becoming meaningless sex anymore to either of you, it was the cuddling after, or the subtle personal touches on set, or taking you to one side between takes where nobody could see and wrapping your arms round his neck whilst you kissed the shit out of each other. Joe was secretly pining for you too; it had become a mutually unknown feeling between the two of you. Love.
The final day of filming was tomorrow and then you'd be returning back home until you were called out for the premiere of the new season where you'd all meet again. That night as you were both completely fucked out laid side by side in Joe's bed from the mind-blowing sex that'd just occurred. You'd got up to go to the bathroom as you did recently straight after the deed was finished, because if the feelings weren't intense enough now, Joe had begun finishing inside of you, so you always needed to sit down on the toilet after to flush his seed out of yourself. A dangerous game you knew, but it felt so good.
Walking back into the bedroom to see Joe had gotten into the covers properly to settle down to sleep. His mood seemed to have altered completely, he was twiddling his thumbs, his stare falling intensely on his hands.
"Everything okay, Joe?" you let out a small smile to see if he'd return it, he usually did. He sat up quite abruptly and looked over to you.
"What are we Y/N?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, what is this. We've been doing this for a long time now."
You slowly started to put your night clothes on you'd kept in his room for when you stayed over, saving you having to go back to get anything and risk getting caught.
"It's a decision we made together to have a little fun every now and then, we're friends?"
"Friends, don't cuddle in bed and spend every night sleeping next to each other. Friends don't do all the shit we do Y/N."
You sat on the edge of the bed staring directly to him as you felt a sickening feeling erupting in your stomach, a slight hint of sadness shown in his eyes.
"What are you trying to say Joe?"
"I guess, over time. I don't want to just be your friend. I can't be someone's friend that I feel more for, way more. I-I love you."
Woah, woah woah. He loves you?! Inside you were screaming that you loved him too, but you just couldn't bring yourself to say it back.
"No, I can't hear this, you don't love me."
He looked away to anywhere but at you when a single tear declined onto his cheek, rolling straight off onto his arm.
"I do love you; I've loved you for a while now, I just couldn't risk fucking this up and now I clearly have because you don't feel the same. If you really don't feel the same, walk away now because I can't risk doing this any longer, it'll kill me."
You stood up as your heart cracked, you didn't know what the hell to do, so you walked, you collected your clothes off of the floor and left to go back to your room. You heard Joe call your name twice as you were heading out the door, but you didn't look back. Closing the door behind you slowly as to not attract attention from anyone else, you heard faint sobs coming from the heartbroken soul you'd just left. Stupid girl.
The last day of filming was so surprisingly hard to act like everything was ok, but you got on with it. Having to stand next to Joe whilst the cameras were rolling. Let's put it this way, it's a good job you both were professional actors, because the reality of last night that was stuck in your head was disgusting and if you weren't you would of surely broke there and then. When the Duffer Brothers had yelled cut and announced the ending of filming, thanking all of you one by one, you all embraced each other and said your goodbyes. Everyone except you and Joe, you avoided him like the plague.
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A couple of months later of being back home and before you knew it, you were being flown back for the season premiere. Everyone looking extremely dapper and gorgeous in their get ups as you stared around, linking arms with Maya, keeping her close. She was pretty much the only one you'd kept in contact with over the last couple of months, you'd told her everything that had happened that last night before filming ended and she had scolded you for not telling Joe you felt the same way back and that she admired his confidence which you had clearly been quick to put down, although she quickly understood when you'd gave her the reasons why and as your friend, she was there for you and you were grateful for not just her loyalty; but her honesty too.
Joe was the last to arrive and you noticed him through the crowd of people as he wandered past you with Charlie and Natalia. You took a deep sigh and Maya gave you a reassuring tug of the arm when she led you over to them. "It'll be ok Y/N, you really need to explain all of this to him though, at least give him closure, it's not his fault - you both created this and it's the least you could do."
God damn it, she was a woman of sense, and she was so annoyingly correct.
You gave hugs to your co-stars, asking how they were and exchanged in light conversation, still not even taking a glance at Joe, who was constantly looking at you the whole time. From your peripheral vision, you couldn't tell if it was still a look of hurt, hate or he was just listening to what you were saying.
Maya, put her hand onto your back and gave it moderately large nudge, clearing her throat as you looked straight to her. She motioned her head subtly at Joe.
"Hey Joe, can I talk to you alone for a minute?"
"Um, okay." He pretended in front of Charlie, Natalia and Maya that he didn't know why, but Maya knew exactly why.
You found a quiet corner where nobody was around and you took a deep breath in, looking down at your shoes. "You look beautiful tonight Y/N, it's good to see you, I hope you've been-"
You cut him off quickly. You didn't know what else to do. "I love you."
His eyes widened like a deer in headlights. "What?" he gulped hard; anyone would think he didn't expect this.
"I love you; I really do."
"Then w-why, what? Why didn't you say anything that night?" It was time to confess, it was time to for the truth to come out.
"Because I was fucking scared out of my wits Joe, nobody has told me they loved me since my ex and that was pretty hard to believe in the end. Especially after what he-"
You hitched a breath in your throat, you didn't want to cry in the middle of this damn event.
"Wait, what did he do?" He was clueless to anything to do with your ex-boyfriend, and he learnt swiftly why you didn't reiterate those three words back to him that night.
"Well, clearly he never loved me, he used me for sex when he needed it, he cheated on me several times and I was mentally abused by him for years in a controlling sense. I got out when I finally figured I was worth more. It's took a while for me to get back to being me again, you helped with part of that, showing me that I was worth a damn and I guess I was terrified when you told me because I was thinking it'd just end up the same."
Joe didn't need to hear another word; he knew that the burning feeling of anger in his chest that someone would hurt you in the way was enough, but he wouldn't dare show that emotion.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry that someone would do that to you and me telling you that I wouldn't do such a thing won't just snap you into being with me. But let me prove it to you, we'll take things slow, please just give me a chance."
You were practically shaking by this point and Joe put his arms out to hug you, you welcomed it and felt the familiar strong arms wrap around you, stroking your head so lovingly. You can't deny him of the chance to prove it to you, you just had to know one thing.
"Do you still love me too?"
"I never stopped, you broke my heart that night but if you're willing to give me the opportunity, you can help heal my heart and I can break your walls down and be the best damn boyfriend there ever was. I really appreciate you telling me, and I understand now."
Oh, he loved you. He really fucking loved you. You leaned up without any word of warning and kissed him, not in the way you used to, but one that passionate and full of sentiment. He held your waist as you wrapped your arms around his neck as you felt him smile into the kiss.
As you broke the kiss you took a hold into each other's arms again and spied Maya out of the corner of your eye grinning wildly at you, giving you a nod of approval, she was proud.
Since the day you'd laid eyes on Joseph Quinn, you'd not been able to deny him of anything bar that one night where it came crashing down. That was a blip that could slowly be forgotten, you were indeed his and you know that he was yours. That was more than enough.
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alpaca-clouds · 8 months
NaNoWriMo 2023 - You Decide
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Okay, you know what? I cannot decide what to write for this NaNoWriMo, so I am letting you decide this time. I have four different ideas I could theoretically write. And it is up to you which one I am gonna write.
Let me quickly introduce the four ideas.
Sonata of the Dawn (Castlevania)
It's been eight years since they killed Dracula and life is good for Trevor, Adrian, Sypha, Greta and their kids. They still got to save people from time to time, of course. But when two mysterious men arrive at the castle, introducing themselves as Magnus and Lyudmil, Sypha already has a feeling that something is off. Yet, the man named Magnus promises, that he has the knowledge to fix the castle. [This would be a Gretrephacard plotheavy thingie, loosely based on the Nocturne of Recollection Audio Drama]
His Story (Castlevania)
For the longest time, Hector and Isaac had thought - like everyone else - that Dracula had died ten years ago. But they know by now they were wrong. When the old vampire visits the castle in Styria to make ammends with the men he has once exploited, Hector offers him a way to make up for it: By telling them the story he has kept a secret from the world. The story of how Vlad Dracula Tepes came to be. [This would be set within my post-canon Styria stuff and focus on the relationship between Dracula and the forgemasters, obviously featuring Hector/Isaac and Striga/Morana, as well as Dracula/Lisa as ships.]
Thick as Thieves (Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves)
Half a year has passed, since the merry band of thieves saved Neverwinter from Sofina, the red wizard. Being pardoned and free, Edgin, Holga and Kira have settled down. But somehow Ed cannot quite be happy about it. Then, one night, Xenk appears in front of him. [What can I say: I should finish this Xedgin story, I know it Q-Q]
Voice of the Voiceless (Baldur's Gate 3)
While Tav puts a lot of value on rescuing the innocent, Astarion is very happy just spending his nights stalking the streets of Baldur's Gate, thank you very much. Still, the bard manages to convince him to get involved when his little band of bards tries to bust a trafficking ring smuggling sentient beings through the port of Baldur's Gate. Of course things are not as easy, as Tav imagines them to be. [What is there to say? I have this whole story about how my Tav was always kinda a vigilantee. So, this is about chaotic good Tav and some assorted bards trying to save innocent people - and Astarion getting dragged along. (Will definitely also feature Karlach, Wyll, Shadowheart and Halsin.)]
So, yeah. Which one would you find the most interesting?
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leviadraws · 9 months
What would you think about the Kisaragi foundation if the entire gang survived DRA? Like the one image Linuj made.
Personally I think Mitch would get kicked out. Immediately.
I think about this a suprising amount, what if they all lived and had a The Office style sitcom/drama /lh
This is real long, I went a little crazy, obvs DRA/SDRA2 spoilers so under the cut
If they all got their memories back I might give him a week for that apparent off-screen character development /lh perhaps they keep him around just so Tsurugi can keep an eye on him/drop him in a jail cell.
If timeline AU is like one of my favourite AUs in DRA, especially if we say Utsuro/Akane survive and have the chance at redemption. You still get all the conflict of the setting with the disaster, you have the conflict between Utsuro/Akane v Yamato/Mikako/Tsurugi, some of the survivors potentially meeting their families, and then all of them essentially being thrust into being adults and needing to help provide relief for a ruined world.
I do seem to remember that Linuj has given everyone a role in that scenario, so assuming the wiki is correct we end up with a strike team and an office team (and management I guess, they'd probs be "you should be in the office" but don't).
Office team: - Rei | intel network, imagine like the people who try to predict and prevent terror attacks - Teruya | finance, probs also works with Haru to manage supplies - Mikako | counsellor, also works on all the management stuff that Yamato isn't fixated on, and drags Tsurugi to therapy - Kizuna | receptionist (really Linuj? She'd be a pretty good addition to either Kinji's or Rei's teams, so I'm gonna say she jumps between the two) - Kakeru | company lawyer. I read somewhere that he also helps Teruya with financial law. - Kanata | company medic - Akane | catering/janitor - Satsuki | Linuj has her listed as "welfare" but that sounds like a hr job and we're not doing Satsuki dirty like that? I'd kinda imagine she'd help Mikako with the mental health of survivors, or go with Kinji as like a first response for victims. Strike team: - Kinji | negotiator - Kiyoka | Daredevil? Kinda more pictured her as the support watching through a sniper scope - Mitch (apparently? Who taught him to use a gun??) - Ayame | scout - Haruhiko | getaway driver, somewhere had him listed as haulage so I guess he also manages procuring supplies. That means that providing supplies to peopleis probs the whole sunshine quartet which makes me happy (Haru drives, Satsuki is the main point of contact with survivors, Teruya manages cost/procurement, Kiyoka acts as security).
Management: - Yamato | Head - Tsurugi | Second-in-command - Yuuki/Utsuro (except if this is IF, he'd probably be monitored for a real long time/essentially a prisoner. He'd have a lot of redeeming to do to be trusted by Yamato again).
So like, first off the dynamic is a lot more balanced, since Yamato acts as Tsurugi's tether to stop him going off the edge, and with a larger more trusted team it's less likely that Rei and Teruya would need to go out on missions as much, which in turns puts less of the stress on them.
I feel like out of all of them, Kakeru has the most work on his plate. It's easy to ignore laws in your favour when society has all but collapsed and I can totally see Tsurugi, Rei, and potentially Yamato wanting to just side step some laws to get things done easier. He really has to put his foot down, because /no/ catching the bad guys is not worth becoming the bad guys. He gets a real headache after the strike team goes on missions as all the collateral means more paperwork.
Likewise Kanata has the problem of half the team disregard their physical health and the other half disregard their mental health. Sometimes it's better and sometimes people wonder if she'll just snap and kill them all /lh. She does get to work with her dad tho, which helps a ton. When they find Midori, she helps Kakeru keep an eye on her condition.
Yamato spends a lot of the early days working to remove the memory wipe on everyone, and reversing the side effects on Mikako and himself. The effects were disabled in IF due to the device Yuuki pressed, but there's no guarantee that effect will last. I'm gonna say for this that it does revert, but Yamato still has good motor function, so for a while he communicates via sign language and a whiteboard he hangs around his neck. He becomes friends with Kiyoka this way, as she has poor hearing from years of shooting without proper safety equipment and is the one who teaches him JSL.
I'm not sure how morally grey the og Kisaragi foundation was, since our narrator on it (Teruya) was kinda unreliable. They're kinda in a difficult situation anyways, they want to save people as a priority but also they need money/resources, which means they'll need to work with anyone they can, especially in the early days of the tragedy. I'd like to think that a lot of their income comes from creating and distributing anti-monokuma tech like the railgun Yamato has in chapter 0.
Kakeru + Teruya would definitely catch Tsurugi if he attempted something like what he did with Syobai in SDRA2, and in this timeline it's not a certain that Tsurugi regresses to his old ways. I think he's not in a good place after shooting Akane, but he's not past the point of no return.
Something I do wanna talk about is that the strike team has Kinji and then one braincell between the other four?? I guess Tsurugi and Yamato (and possibly Rei) will go too just to have some planning and thinking amongst the team /lh Going back to the actual question, perhaps they take Mitch for him to be cannon fodder in missions and then he just gets patched up again when they get back lol. Haru gets really annoyed when people bleed all over his car/van/helicopter.
One last thing, they figure out pretty quickly that they can't really imprison Utsuro/Akane since the moment Utsuro just thinks about leaving a string of events will happen like a Rube Goldberg machine and he'll just walk out and get a sandwich or something. So, they just kinda work with his mental health and try to help him and Akane through their despair. It's a lot on Mikako, but she wanted to give him a chance back then and she wants to see that through.
I'm not sure how they'd eventually interact with VOID, I think Mikado would still be obsessed with him, but I think the other voids would be happy with their luck still in effect.
Right, I could keep talking about them but I'm gonna stop there, if you read this far - congrats!
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melodyschaos · 1 year
Can we have more poly web it amazing dynamic!!!
A/N: You people would not believe how many Sapphire Polyweb requests I have sitting in my ask-box assdhfkjdshf it's ok I love them too! Burnout has me in its grippers but I think I can spare some headcanons. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - I imagine the Mayor maintains his normally creepy personality 24/7, which helps him dodge the LBD's suspicions that anything's amiss. He still feels honor-bound to his lady, but it is rather conflicting that he wants to hold you and the spiders gently and give you all kisses. - Does he have a few scrapbooks with wedding ideas? Maybe. It gets boring sometimes when the spider demons are off getting their asses handed to them by the Monkie Crew and you're off busy making sure they don't get completely murdered. - Taking this time to point out that the Mayor used to be an Emperor's Chief of War...and normally in Chinese dramas it's the Chief of War that either makes or breaks an empire by either joining the rebels or defending their monarch until their last breath. Just some food for thought. - In the grand scheme of the polycule I can see the Mayor trying to keep an eye on everyone since, at the very least, you would be upset if anything happened to them. Which is gonna get complicated when LBD's plans finally hit, but I have my theory on how that would shake out! - We don't actually know if the spider demons were necessary for the Bone Mech, so I'm imagining that rather than killing the Spider Demons (as is what we think happened), he probably teleported them to a liminal realm he controls where no one can access without his permission. You, of course, would be brought there as well. The Spider Queen was the trickiest to scoop out of danger, especially with the Lady Bone Demon right there. He had to time the portal to be just beneath the surface of the trigram's contents, there was likely some damage she sustained despite his precaution. - Everyone is still very. Very horrified because from their perspective the Mayor just decided "die <3", which cemented their worst fears about him - They get it, you love him too so he as to be included, but even with months of living with him, going on group dates with him, and having him sometimes hang around the base he still gives them the heebie jeebies - Spider Queen probably had it the worst, she got dragged into the furnace and likely has serious burn wounds all over her body - Sure, the Mayor says he never planned to hurt them, but it's a bit hard to reconcile with just how well he was able to finesse his lady with a straight face - Imagining after LBD was defeated he went to stay with you and the spider demons in his little liminal realm. Probably start trying to make it less liminal and more...habitable. - Imagining a nice three-story home that no one but the Mayor can enter or exit freely (he has to keep you safe after all), but if you look out the windows it's picturesque forestry - Don't mind about food, he'll just bring you some! - "My Lady said she desires a perfect world, but she has not had time yet to see how perfect all of your imperfections are! We simply must give it time, I am sure I will be able to sway her mind."
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wings-of-ink · 1 month
Hi! (this got a bit long, sorry for that,,)
I just finished reading the update and wanted to let you know I absolutely loved it! It was such a pleasant read, even if it wasn't packed with drama and action to the brim—I feel like a palate cleanser like this was appropriate after such an eventful start to the story.
I loved all the interactions between the characters, the dynamic between Oswin and Nathanael is especially fun. Actually, Nathanael by himself is fun. The oats sowing euphemism made me laugh more than it should have because, yes, I'm childish like that. What a dork; I love him. (I'm imagining now a scene in an alternate universe where MC stumbles up to Oswin dazed out of their mind after they shared a pipe with Nathanael, which is immediately followed by Oswin grabbing the merchant and shaking him until he spills out what it is he smokes—because we all know it ain't just plain ol' tobacco—and how could he let MC of all the three other people gathered take a drag, all while MC and Zahn sit by the fire, watching a looney tunes cartoon unfold before them.)
Oh, and Zahn! Oh man. Can I just say if they asked, I would give them anything? (the world, the universe, the stars; you name it.) Actually, no, scratch that—they don't even have to ask; I would just bring them all the yummy food and warm blankets and pamper them until they accept they are worth it, because they! are! not! a bad! person! Also, I don't know why, but before they were introduced, I had this image of them being a character that would only appear here and there (you know, like every story has a character that just doesn't get enough screen time), but knowing they'll be tagging along for a while longer makes me really happy! Right now it feels like a circus lol we have a horse (maybe also a mule), an elk, a cat and a golden retriever✨.
I also found it particularly interesting how you implemented the hobbies! To be honest, I haven't read the flavor text for all of them yet, but I picked sewing as soon as I saw it as an option (no reason, I just liked the idea). My MC chose to be a healer, so learning that they were the most trusted with stitching up wounds was a really nice touch. (Not to mention they can—and will—make/mend clothing for Zahn in secret and then surprise them while they least expect it… >:P) Once their journey is over and the MC comes back to Stonebrook, they're going to wait for Nathanael to pass by with his cart and give Shadow a little kitty sweater💖.
This is already too long, sorryy; I just get very excited when I find a story that pulls me in and refuses to let go. Seriously, I keep thinking about it way too much lol. I'm usually a simple lurker and nothing but, however, I do believe there's never enough praise and encouragement! You've done amazing so far, and I know it's only going to get better. (Can't wait to meet the rest of the cast; I keep daydreaming about Rune.. it's getting serious)
Thank you for your hard work, and I hope you have a nice and cozy rest of the weekend! <33
No worries, Anon, sometimes you just have a lot to say! ^_^
I am so glad you enjoyed the chapter! I am hoping to update it soon. I'm adding a few extra optional moments to spend with all three of your camping companions. Fingers crossed for more shenanigans.
Nathanael cracks me up too. I find fun in writing for all of them, but I feel like he gives me more liberties. I wrote the oats line and made myself crack up, but thought most wouldn't find it quite as funny so I'm glad you did! Also, your imagination is pretty much spot on with that scenario!
The hobby section was fun, but also a little bit of a slog for me to write since it was huge, so you won't find a ton of differences. The exception is the singing hobby. I really want to incorporate original music in some way, but I have zero - absolute zero - skills in it, including writing lyrics. I went a little extra, and I found a small artist to help me out, though the type of song I asked for was like waaay out of their normal wheelhouse, lol. I think they did a wonderful job. They are listed in the credits too.
I can't wait to give you a chance to spoil Zahn a bit! They need it and will adore you for it! Well, they will adore you pretty well regardless, lol. Shadow does not like clothing, but he's also getting attached to MC - best bed he's tried probably ever - so he'll make an exception to wear the little sweater.
I am so glad that you are living a bit in my little world. I can't wait for you to experience more! Thank you so much for the wonderful message, it lit up my day! As someone who usually just lurks as well, your reaching out warms my heart. ^_^
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cat-loves-music · 11 months
Chapter One: Love of My Life
A/n: Lord this took me a loooonggggg time to get done. First I started this last year, gave up on it cuz writers block kicked my ass, recently got motivation and inspiration so I started writing again, then I accidentally deleted it. Now I finally have the first official chapter of this series completed! I should have the masterlist for it linked below so I hope you enjoy it. Beware, the angst is real for this series.
Words: 840 (it's relatively short, I feel like the other chapters will be longer)
Warnings: Angst, talks of mental health/panic attacks, mentions of family drama, ?suicide?, if there is anything else plz let me know so I'll add to it.
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Y/n's POV
I never expected that I would be sitting in a new apartment without him. I could never imagine it but now I'm actually here and letting the reality sink in. It causes my stomach to churn at how unbelievable it all is.
Thinking that someone is your whole world, and having it all just flip overnight is excruciatingly painful. It feels like your heart is being ripped from your chest and some days you wish you could.
Harry and I were in love. There isn't a doubt about it, especially looking back at how amazing our life together was. We would do everything together. I would go with him on tour, he'd use this fake name for our trips to hotels, we'd go for walks together. It was always us.
Then Fine Line came out. It is an incredible piece of art, which I couldn't be prouder of him for, but then started the talks of tour. With the stress of my job and my family, I couldn’t go with him on tour. All of it was just eating me alive, to the point I wasn't okay. I couldn't burden him with all of my problems, especially not while he was so happy about going on tour and seeing his fans.
"Love, I know you've been stressed lately, so James has invited us and Adele to a getaway vacation. Would you be up to go?" Harry had asked.
"Harry, you know I can't. I would honestly love to, but there's no way I can go on vacation right now," I replied back.
He had looked at me with concerned and sad eyes. He hated seeing me like that, I know it.
I told him to go on the vacation, he'd need some time to himself before tour. He deserved it and he deserved having some time away from all of my problems dragging him down.
I could feel the rift between us growing larger, as my mental health deteriorated and the buzz of tour finally became too much. All of it was crowding my love for him, so I finally needed to speak up.
"Harry, can we talk?" I asked.
He turned to me, a worried look on his face. Something inside me feels like he knew where this was heading.
"Of course, love," Harry replied, patting the seat next to him on the couch inviting me to sit next to him. "Have a seat."
I took a deep breath and sat down next to him, my heart pounding against my ribcage.
"I love you," I stated with a shaky breath, my nerves were electricity and I had to keep myself from shaking.
Harry looked at me with furrowed brows, a slight smile on his lips, "I love you too."
One look in his eyes told me it was true, which caused my attempts to keep my shaking under control to be in vain.
"I'm not okay," I said, my voice breaking slightly as tears brimmed on the waterline of my eyes, "I can't do this to you. I can't have you watch me break. I—"
He watched me with worried eyes, his slight smile no longer there. As Harry took my hand in his, all that we could hear were my shaking breathing as I tried finishing my sentence.
I finally controlled my breathing and continued on, "You're going on tour, and I'm dealing with so much. I don't think I can handle the weight of it all, I can't hold you back from something as important as your job."
The weight of my words sunk in and I could see his heart start to break. Most of all, I could see how much his heart wishing that he could prevent what I said next.
"Y/n, I know you've been going through a lot, especially with your parents. I know that, but I can help you through this. I'll be here for you," he stated.
I sighed, my tears threatening to spill. "Your help would only do so much. I have to help myself and as much as it pains me to do this, I need to do this for myself. "
His eyes were silently pleading now, which only broke me even more as he whispered my name.
"We need to break up, Harry," I stated.
As if on cue, I could practically hear his heart shatter. Tears were blurring his vision and mine, I hated it, but it was for the best.
"Y/n please," Harry pleaded, his voice breaking, "don't do this. We can get you through this."
"Harry, I can't keep you from living your life. Your fans need you, the world needs you," I replied.
"But what about what I need?" he shot back. "I need you."
I shut my eyes, took a deep breath, and wiped away my tears before I stood up.
"Goodbye Harry."
With that, I walked out the front door to what used to be our shared home. Leaving behind the shattered heart of the love of my life.
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Hope you guys enjoyed it! I have honestly no clue when I'll post next. I will try to get it done soon. If you could please comment/like/reblog, it will really help me with motivation.
Anyways, have a good day and I'll have chapter 2 up soon :)
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crazycookiecrumbles · 2 years
Do You Like Waffles?
A/N:  The Sequel to Do You Like Pizza? That no one asked for.
Pairings/Characters: TASM! Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: Tony Stark’s dazzling personality, sexual innuendos so MINORS DNI YOU WILL BE BLOCKED, swears
Summary: It’s been nearly two years since Tony revealed he was Iron Man, and you discovered he was your father. So, what else could possibly go wrong in this universe? What other messes might you have to clean up while trying to maintain your relationship with Peter Parker?
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“Baby, honey, honey, darling, sweetheart, terror of my life, madam stun gun, baby,” Peter’s finger was poking your cheek, his breath hot on the back of your head as he perched on his knees in bed and badgered you into consciousness.
“What?” You hissed as you yanked the covers up over your head. “Peter, please. This is the worst day of my life. Let me sleep in. I won’t get fired for being late.”
“I just wanted to know, do you like waffles?” He whispered.
What the fuck?
“What the fuck kind of question is that?”
“Do you like waffles?”
“Yes, yes, I like waffles.”
“Okay. Great. Thanks, honey,” he leaned over and mashed his lips against your cheek to leave a slobbery print before he jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen.
You sighed heavily as you lay there finally opening your eyes and accepting the day.
Things were very, very weird, okay? They were bizarre.
Your mom dies, your dad is back from the ‘dead’ and the world’s most annoying, eccentric billionaire. Your boyfriend is a superhero who, apparently, learned the multiverse is a real thing and refused to touch on the subject anymore for fear of ‘timey-wimey anomalies’ and all that stuff. Then, your ‘dead’ dad moves to your side of the country, buys a tower, starts to build it and put things together all the while he nearly: died of palladium poisoning, had a giant Russian nearly kill him, his best friend got his own suit, and the pirate-looking guy came back around.
This was very, very weird. Okay? 
It seemed like in such a short amount of time, things were getting even more weirder than usual. Hell, you thought that growing up having a guy run around dressed as a spider was fucking weird. Imagine how strange and unusual it was that your new norm was your father flying around in a red and gold suit to save the day?
To top it all off, you caved.
To be fair, it took you awhile. At first you rejected working at Stark Industries, which was fine, because with all the drama in Tony’s life and trying to fix up that building, it was just taking far, far too long to move everything to the East Coast. Hell, sometimes he was still going over to the West Coast to deal with his empire.
But, when it seemed like Tony was grooming you to work at the company alongside Pepper and leave your current job because of his illness, when you realized that SHIELD seemed just as shady and questionable as every other government agency you had considered after working with them for awhile, when working freelance was just too difficult and annoying to sift through the serious inquiries against the Stark stalkers, well, you realized that maybe it was time to see how Stark Industries would work with you joining them. 
That leads us to today, your first day working at Stark Industries, and you already had a sense of dread. You’d been in the bathroom all night shooting your anxiety into the porcelain throne and listening to Peter’s jokes about you trying to kill him in his own home. To Peter’s credit, he did say if you had this much dread working for him, that you didn’t have to, that you could just do anything else you wanted, but there was a part of you, maybe it was sick and twisted, that just had to know what Stark Industries would be like.
Dragging yourself out of bed, you took a shower and put on your clothes for the day. Tony gave you a start time, and whether it was your poor quality of sleep your desire to constantly rebel and piss him off, you were electing to generously ignore his request.
Entering the kitchen, you saw your boyfriend standing behind your usual seat at the kitchen table, drumming his fingers on the back of your seat while he smiled at you.
Peter also had his fair share of drama. Almost two years later, and Peter’s lab work was slowly but surely making progress, but his work as Spider-Man seemed to be moving at a much faster pace. There was a Vulture guy, someone who you think might have been named Kraven? You couldn’t remember, but it was all utterly chaotic, and that didn’t even count all the other various gangs and mob bosses on a daily basis. 
It was because of his desire to fight these sorts of crimes and stay on the street-level to protect the little guy that Peter refused to have anything to do with SHIELD, plus, well, his father did have a few words to say about that as well. Besides, Peter owed his life to being down in the streets with his favorite New Yorkers. After all, if he was too busy fighting aliens and galactic stuff, how could he have ever met you?
Although, to be fair, he definitely met you on accident. And, of course, he fell out of a portal. But his reasoning was that it was on a street — well, it was in an alley. That still counts, right?
“Did you make waffles for breakfast?” You asked with a smile on your face as you approached the kitchen.
“I actually made pancakes, and they came out absolutely disgusting, so I ordered some waffles. Look, look, I got Nutella and strawberries to go with it. And, and, and?” Peter ran to the refrigerator, yanked the door open, and dramatically fanned his arm out to the side to show the door, “We have whipped cream.”
“Are you sure? I thought we used it all on Friday night for human sundaes,” you leaned over the counter while Peter checked the can. You watched as he frowned and shook the empty can in his mouth before expertly tossing it into the recycling bin.
“Okay, so we don’t have that. But we have breakfast, and you’re going to have a magical day,” Peter said as he came around the counter and rested his hands on your hips. “It’ll be fine. You two get along better than you think.”
“I don’t know. He’s annoying.”
“Right, and you’re not?”
“Hey!” You pouted while he laughed and squished your cheeks in his hands before he pressed a kiss on your forehead. “Dickhead.”
“You happen to like my dick head, so,” Peter shrugged easily and escorted you to your seat. “It’ll be okay. Pepper will be there! You love Pepper.”
“Yeah. I’m not sure how she dealt with him for so long,” you sighed and sat down while Peter grabbed a strawberry and brought it to your lips. You spotted Peter’s hand, opened your mouth, and let him place the strawberry slice in your mouth, playfully biting the tip of his finger. He hissed and pouted before playfully squeezing your thigh and sliding into the other seat. Your shoulder sagged as you looked to him,“This is fine. Right?”
“It’s fine, honey,” Peter smiled softly as he stared at you. “You’re going to do great things, trust me.”
“Okay…” you sighed dramatically and grabbed your fork. “Hey, since there’s a multiverse — “
“No —“
“Do you think there’s one where Tony also has a kid? What’s she like, or he? Does he have a daughter in every universe? How —“
“I don’t know, and I couldn’t tell you anyway,” Peter told you.”
“But you trusted Happy because you saw him —“
“I —“ he paused for a moment as he stared at you and thought back to the day they learned your original name would’ve been some variation of MJ. Peter took a deep breath and shook his head, “I think you should focus on our universe and our life, no?”
“So boring,” you stuck your tongue out at him.
“Oh, really? You didn’t say that the other night,” Peter quipped. “In fact, I think it was along the lines of, mmf-hmph! mhm—“
Face burning in embarrassment even though no one was around to hear him tease you, you hurled a strawberry at his cheek. Peter was laughing hysterically as he let it land on his cheek, holding his gut and cackling while you hid your face in shame.
“Hey, no need to be embarrassed. We’ve practically perfected web bondage. I mean, did we rip off your mustache a little bit last time? Yes. We should probably stick to regular gags, but — ah!”
Peter jumped out of his chair and ran away from you as you jumped out and chased him. You cornered him into the bedroom where he let you spear him onto the bed. You grabbed your pillow and put it over his face. Leaning forward, you shushed him and told him to go to sleep while he flailed dramatically beneath you before going still.
Peter flipped you quickly after that, straddling your waist with his thighs while he laughed into the crook of your neck after tossing the pillow away. You were a giggling mess beneath him as one hand wound its way through his hair and the other ran up and down his back.
“I have to go,” he murmured after a few minutes of this cuddling. He pecked your neck before leaning up and kissing your lips. “Do you need a ride to work?”
“Uh,” you thought about it before being interrupted by your phone. Peter shot his web across the room to grab it and hand it to you. Checking the phone, you shook your head. “Nope, he told me it’s a late start because he wants to work on something tonight. So….”
“I’ll pick you up tonight when you guys are done, then,” Peter nodded and kissed you a third time before getting up. “Eat your breakfast! Take your vitamins, all that good shit.”
You shook your head and sat up just as he poked his head back into the bedroom, “Yes, Parker?”
He shot you a toothy grin, “I love you, Y/N.”
He still made your face heat up every time he said that, “I love you too, Peter. Now go! Don’t be late!”
“Who, me?” He called out to you as he grabbed his waffles, made a sandwich of it, and headed to the fire escape. “Never!”
Shaking your head, you flopped back down into bed and stared at the ceiling.
If only your mother could see you now, an amazing relationship, some sort of companionship with your father, a new place, an entirely new life for you. It was unlike anything you could’ve imagined. You wish she was here to celebrate it with you.
Late in the afternoon, you arrived at Stark Tower. It was more put together now than it had been, that’s for sure. Hell, it basically looked like it was finally completed and had some employees move in already.
You got off at the designated floor, the penthouse you had seen when Tony first bought the building. You quickly thought back to the day where you all met Nick Fury hiding in the darkness. You shook your head as you stepped out of the elevator and spotted Tony and Pepper immediately.
Tony was sitting on the sofa with an arm around the back. One leg crossed over the other as he whispered something in Pepper’s ear. You watched as she laughed and leaned forward to rest her head on his shoulder as she muttered that he was deplorable.
“Spawn in the room,” you announced your presence as you stepped off of the elevator. Neither one jumped away like they’d been caught red-handed. Instead, they turned and greeted you with smiles. Well, Pepper smiled. Tony raised an eyebrow.
“You’re late.”
“You told me to come in late.”
“Right, and that was after you should’ve been here. So, technically, still late,” Tony said while Pepper sighed and lightly smacked his thigh. “What? It’s true.”
“It’s nice to see you, Y/N.” She said, loudly, and over Tony’s voice. “Come here, we were just going over the blueprints.”
“Yes, you can finally see what I’ve been working on that you’ve been denying yourself of,” Tony explained as raised his hands and brought the blueprints to life in hologram form. 
“The holograms? Yeah, I know. I installed them for SHIELD because they couldn’t understand the blueprints you sent.”
“Yeah, I thought that’d be funny, really give them a test, yet only my Spawn could understand it. How precious,” Tony quipped. “But, no. I mean this, the tower. It’s going to run on arc reactor energy, completely clean. I’m going to give it a test run tonight and I want you to be a part of it.”
You blinked, “Why?”
“Eh, feels like this should be some father-daughter type of shit,” Tony shrugged casually, refusing to show an ounce of feelings of parental desire. 
 That wasn’t very, well, strange at this point. See, Tony hiding the fact that he was dying certainly put a strain on the relationship you two had been building. Pepper and Peter theorize it’s causing the two of you to put each other at a distance to not have any feelings hurt. Again. Both feel like you two are stunted morons and are waiting to see you two sobbing in each other’s arms one day.
You’re their favorite idiots, though.
“Okay, then. A very, very large arc reactor to power an entire building —“
“And part of it is underwater but that’s neither here nor there and we have nothing illegal or questionable to worry about,” Tony said.
You looked to Pepper who nodded, “I took care of it.”
“Great,” You set your bag down on a chair and rubbed your hands together. “Okay, then. What can I do?”
Later that evening, surrounded by containers of takeout and a bottle of champagne that had yet to be open, you and Pepper were hanging around the workbench while Tony was flying out to dive under the Hudson and take the tower off the grid.
While he was doing this, the elevator doors opened and Peter was exiting the elevator and heading towards you with a smile on his face and a black jewelry box in his hand. When you turned around and spotted the box, you tilted your head to the side curiously while Pepper beamed and greeted him.
“Hey, Peter. How are you?”
“I’m great, Ms. Potts, thanks. How are you doing? Still sane after being with these two?”
“I think sane is a debatable term in their presence,” Pepper teased.
“Okay. Rude,” you nodded while Peter leaned in and kissed you. “Hi there.”
He grinned, “Hey. Look, I got you something —“
“Peter, this seems potentially expensive — “
“Just open it,” Peter insisted, pushing the box into your hands.
You glanced over your shoulder at Pepper who smirked to herself and turned around, focusing her attention on Tony and the work he was doing. You weighed the box in your hands for a few seconds before lifting the lid. What you found inside made you cackle quickly before reaching your hand in. Peter watched in utter delight as you lifted up a brand new stun gun in your favorite color, “You didn’t!”
“I did,” Peter beamed. “I know you lost yours, and you kept forgetting to get a new one, so I got you a brand-new, trusty tool for self-defense.”
“You are a sweet man, Parker. Thank you,” You cupped his chin and gave him a kiss before spinning around and waving the weapon around with glee. Peter shook his head as he set down his jacket and backpack and walked up to the desk to inquire what Tony was working on.
Pepper explained what was happening while Tony was working. When he announced that he was returning and that all they had to do was the work on their end, you happily pressed the button while Pepper spoke to Tony.
And flirted.
You looked at Pepper with a mock expression of horror while she shot you a wink and continued on.
“How are we doing?” Tony asked as he approached. “Looks operational. Am I a god or what?  Ladies, how does it feel to know an absolute genius while also being absolute geniuses — Oh, hey, Cummy Parker.”
“Tony!” Pepper hissed quietly.
Peter shook his head, “Hey, Tony. Nice tower.”
“Thank you. Maybe one day you too can be this brilliant,” Tony teased, his back to you as he leaned in to kiss Pepper, all the while you ere slowly raising your taser. 
Peter caught this and slowly lowered your hand, even though it would be amazing to see you stun him.
You looked up at Peter and pouted while Pepper and Tony were flirting, pouring champagne, and moving into the living room. Peter smiled down at you and shot you a wink before kissing your forehead and coaxing the stun gun back into the case.
Suddenly the elevator doors opened, and you all turned to see Agent Phil Coulson entering the party.
“Security breach! It’s on you,” Tony told Pepper as the two of them stood up from the sofa.
“Hey, Coulson,” You smiled and waved to the agent as Pepper greeted him.
"Phil, hi!” She smiled brightly.  “Come in.”
“Phil?" Tony questioned as she quickly made her way over to him.
“I can’t stay,” he nodded to Pepper before glancing at you and Peter. “Ms. L/N, Mr. Parker, it’s good to see you both as well. However, I’m afraid I’m afraid I come with business.”
“That’s okay, Phil,” Peter began.
Tony scoffed, “What is happening? His first name is ‘Agent.’ Never forget that,” Tony replied. 
Ignoring Tony, as one must do to deal with him, Phil lifted the portfolio tucked under his arm and attempted to hand it to Tony while saying they needed him to look at it. Tony, of course, did not like to be handed things, so Pepper took it from him, gave him champagne, and then handed the portfolio to Tony.
“Should I be here for this?” Peter leaned down to whisper in your ear as they talked about the Avenger Initiative. “After all, I said no.”
“As did I, and Tony was rejected. You’re fine, Peter,” you replied back in a whisper. “But, you know, at least you weren’t rejected.” You said loudly, locking eyes with your father.
“Apparently I’m volatile, self-obsessed, don’t play well with others,” Tony explained as he brought the device over to his workbench. 
“Well, who doesn’t know that?” Pepper quipped to Phil who smiled ever so slightly.
“This isn’t about personality profiles anymore,” Phil insisted.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Tony brushed him off. “Ms. Potts, can I have you over here for a second.”
Pepper excused herself, leaving you, Peter, and Phil to stand around each other while they spoke quietly. You paused your lips and nodded a few times as you shoved your hands into the pockets of your slacks. “So, how’s SHIELD?”
“Good, good. We took care of that New Mexico problem,” Phil explained. “You were right, mythical weaponry definitely only moved for one reason.”
You smirked, “I told you so.”
Peter balked. “Wait. What happened in New Mexico?’
“Classified,” Phil told Peter. “But it could very easily be unclassified, should your career aspirations desire a change. You’d be a wonderful team player. Actually, we’d like you in on this as well.”
“Leave the kids out of it,” Tony’s voice was heard across the room, arm waving back at Phil while he kept his eyes on the holograms of various people fighting in front of him. “They stay out of it.”
You rolled your eyes, “We can make our own decisions.”
“You couldn’t even decide what you wanted for lunch today,” Tony answered. “They stay out if it, far, far out of it.”
“I think he’s still upset that giant Russian guy threatened you,” Peter said quietly before turning to Phil. “I’ve got my own work down here, but if you guys need me, I’m just a phone call away.” Peter blinked for a moment, wondering if this man knew of his other identity. “I mean, well — “
“We’ll keep that in mind, Spider-Man,” Phil winked and turned his attention to an approaching Pepper who asked for a ride to the airport. Phil said his goodbyes and left with Pepper.
You and Peter joined Tony’s side, curious as to what he was studying. You and Peter were marveling at what was being displayed, all the while, Peter was thinking about what an Avenger was, his mind going back to the young Peter Parker he had met right before he met you.
“Wow,” you trailed off. “So that’s what they did after New Mexico. Loki Laufeyson, interesting,” you mumbled to yourself as your eyes went to the blue cube. “This looks dangerous.”
“This looks like it’s not in your job description. “Tony quickly put it away. “You two need a ride somewhere?”
“I’ve got us covered,” Peter spoke up.
“Good. Beat it, I’ve got some work to do. Try not to get kidnapped or anything, would ya?” Tony said as you and Peter started to walk towards the balcony. 
“I’ll leave the kidnappings to you,” you replied as you wrapped your arms around Peter’s shoulders. You looked at Tony and sighed watching him bring everything back up to study over. You then turned your attention to Peter, “Be gentle with this drop. I’m still not used to this.”
Peter snickered to himself, “That’s not what you said last night —“
“You’re disgusting, go home!” Tony roared as he fought off the potential trauma this could induce in him.
Arriving at home after picking up some takeout, you and Peter climbed onto the sofa together, limbs tangled up in one another’s as you both put on a movie to watch while you ate.
“Do you think they’ll call for help?” Peter asked you after a few minutes of silence.
“Nah,” you shook your head as you took a bite of food. “We’ll probably see them fuck something up on the news, though.”
Peter nodded and stared at the TV, “So, did you know Captain America was back?”
You cleared your throat, “That’s classified, Peter. I mean, why would I, of Stark DNA working with SHIELD, know of Captain America’s return?”
“You fucking knew didn’t you?”
“Golly, what is this movie? So..interesting,” you joked as you ignored him.
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yume-x-hanabi · 1 year
I thought of simply copy/pasting my twitter thread but you know what, we’re on Tumblr, we’re allowed proper paragraphs, so let me just ramble like in the good old days :p
Assorted B²TSM Headcanons pt.1: Worldbuilding
Honestly the funniest thing about this fandom is that the entire canon consists in four skits, two music videos, and a song. That is to say, BARELY FUCKING ANYTHING. Guys, I’m used to a video game with extensive lore developed over several games, eight guidebooks, thirteen Drama CDs, five short story series, and some manga. I cannot begin to tell you how different this experience has been 😂 Anyway, as frustrating it can be to have barely anything concrete to go with, it also means… it’s free real estate, baby 😎
A. The Time Machine
So, I’ve been thinking about the mechanics of the whole time-travelling thing for a bit longer than is healthy, and I’ve developed some potential ways it could go that could be fun to play with.
But first, a crack theory I’ve become very fond of: the "time machine" gave them new young & healthy bodies, but the creation of those bodies was influenced by whoever was operating the machine at the time. That's why they all look vaguely like Brett or Eddy—I mean, Bang YG and his assistant. That would also explain the fact they can all speak modern English (+ the accents).
Now let’s look at a couple ways they could have been brought to the future:
1. Actual, full-fledged time-travel
They were plucked from some point of their lives and dragged to the future with no warning. That opens up a few possibilities:
1.a. Continuity errors. Plucking them from their past lives will alter the timeline, and probably change the world of classical music irrevocably. Basically Bang YG u done goof. You’re gonna need forty Ling Ling stones to fix that mess. Oh boy.
1.b. The timeline is not affected, which means they’re fated to go back to their own time at some point, probably with some very convenient memory loss (this was a common plot in HP time-travel fics when I used to be into it /tangent). This one comes with high angst potential: knowing their time here is limited, having to make the most of it, and the worst is that they won’t even be able to use future knowledge to make their past lives better when they go back. Oh the drama, oh the angst.
1.c. The timeline is not affected, because this basically creates a parallel universe, in which history up to the use of the time machine remains unaffected.
Whichever scenario you go with in this category, this means they were brought over when they were still relatively young, and likely haven’t yet composed some of the great hits they’re known for. Imagine Tchaik and Shosty talking about Beethoven’s 9th symphony, meanwhile he’s like “huh, I have no memory of this piece”. That can lead to some complex feelings, knowing such-and-such famous piece is yours but in a way it’s not (not yet). Or, worse, learning about facts from their personal lives that haven’t happened yet. Momo realizing he’s got about five years left to live when he goes back to his era (in scenario 1.b.)
2. Kind of a reincarnation AU
So this summer I watched Paripi Koumei, which is a very fun and light-hearted anime (highly recommended), and I bring it up here because I really like the concept and think it could apply here. The premise of the anime is that famous strategist Zhuge Liang (Kongming) from the Three Kingdoms is reborn in modern-day Tokyo after he dies. He basically spawns in modern Shibuya with a youthful appearance and all his memories. So, I thought this could be a way to go with how the “time machine” works here: it brings the guys’ consciousness from the point of their deaths and gives them a younger body (a copy of their own, or *see crack theory above*).
That means they know exactly what they did in their past lives. That also means that they remember their own deaths. Very trauma, much angst.
On a brighter note, that means they’re here to stay. They’re basically given a second chance at life, in a world that’s hopefully a bit easier to live in than their past one.
B. The Band’s Concept
I can’t imagine the public being told they’re the real deal. I mean, imagine if people learned that there was a time machine out there that could bring loved ones back to life. That would cause unending chaos. And that’s if they’re believed to begin with—the most likely reaction would be to dismiss it as a prank.
So, the “official” version they’re going with is that it’s simply the band’s concept, that they’re roleplaying the composers (like I think there’s a kpop group whose concept is that the members represent the zodiac signs). So, in essence, they’re pretending to be random guys who’re pretending to be their actual selves XD
Regarding roles, there is much debate about who the maknae is. Is it Shosty, because his birth date is the most recent? Or is it Mozart, who’s the youngest in terms of actual years lived in his previous life? I like to think that the company never confirms either ways and lets the fans argue about it to their hearts’ contents. It’s part of the mystery~
(In truth, the actual members don’t give a damn about “roles”, they’re just there to make music.)
(Maybe that’s part of their unconventional side that makes them popular among some people.)
Also, Pag wasn’t meant to be brought to the future, it’s a result of a time machine mishap. He basically barged his way into their debut because “How dare they form a band without me, greatest violin virtuoso Niccolò Paganini?! Mamma mia…” and now he’s hanging around. Not quite an official member, but often heavily involved (whether they want it or not). Mozart says he’s their mascot. No one is sure how to feel about that statement.
Lastly, since so far they’ve either been using their last names or nicknames to address each other, I’ve developed some headcanon that their last names are their stage names, but also simply the names they go by now in their day-to-day lives. Like they’ve shed their first names, it’s a thing of the past, an identity they can’t truly assume anymore. Maybe that’s why they’re so fond of nicknames, because it gives them a more personal touch (Mozart started the trend, and it caught on very fast after that). They do still use full names from time to time in certain circumstances, and that’s what’s on official documents, but… it’s complicated. I like to think they eventually start reclaiming their full identity between themselves as time passes and they grow more comfortable in their new circumstances and their bond grows closer. (Names as a sign of intimacy, in my fandoms? It’s more likely than you think!)
Anyway that’s it for the worldbuilding side. I have a few more posts planned about different aspects of this universe and their characters.
Feel free to share your thoughts on this, and your own headcanons if you have some!
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 2 months
Doodles dump! Digital edition >:3c
Bcs on the sketchbook I did references for my current comic and thus I won't spoil u yet :3
This time is a lot of Jade for sum reason :v
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We starting with the new au i didn't explain: the fight club au
The premise is basically MK meets Streetfighter, meets twst, meets real world. With Epel trying to get around New York and attending the prestigious NRC school for mages. He uncovers a secret fight club and gets recruited by a misterious fighter in order to uncover a secret drug ring.
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The magical girl au :D
This was more of silly doodle time, but there are a few hints of the au's plot :P
Lowkey I didn't know how Ace was gonna look like at first, but now I know EXACTLY why he turned out like this. Parkour I guess :'3
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This is from the lettler exchange p5 x twst au :v
Noting how I confirmed that the velvet room attendees are siblings, I HAD to make a few shenaningans in between them :3
Lavenza and Floyd are the ones who get a new fusion method, thus Igor(the deemed parent), Had to instruct Floyd first so he could tell Lavenza as well. I really like how the uniforms turned out tbh.
And yes, this implies that all the attendees are mers. Lavenza, Theo and Elizabeth are eels, while Margret and Azul are octopuses. Might draw those one day :v
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For context, it's this spuerhero au. :'3
Ace is the funny lil guy that has and absolute TRAINWRECK of a backstory. And Riddle as well, but I wanted to practice a bit on backs and side profiles, but I also wanted to add sum context ;3
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I tried to get around model references, because GODDAMN some of those peeps look like sum bones are in the wrong place :v
also colored vgs, bcs I saw some using those and I do enjoy sum complementary color sumtimes :'3
And what better au than jjba au? The first one is ur hint at the main plot idea of this au, while the latter is a ref for Azul and his stand: Dark Side Of The Moon. I tried to also see how realistically his stand would resist against things, seeing how it is made out of bulletproof glass, also a lot of Drag inspo for his stand tbh. :'3
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You know it, I know it, WE AIN'T ESCAPING THE MLB MILD AU<3
It's a sort of tease of what happens during the mlb specials, which all happen post the main 4 seasons ya'll read and saw me losing my shit abt. :'3
Think that NY and Shangai Specials happen at the same time, but each of the our main 2 heroes go through sum self discovery post all that chaos with Madame Moth. Riddle with accepting the flaws of himself and coming in terms with his new family dynamic, while Malleus comes in terms with the tesnsion and the chaos around himself and the fact that he cannot ignore changes he doesn't like anymore.
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And the other miraculous au, this time the maleidiazu hard au version.
Since Jade got the butterfly miraculous, I thought that the twins would be ABSOLUTE MENACES to Azul.
For Jade's design, I saw those very pretty butterfly decorations photos and I fixated on Gabe's butterfly tending hat. I also wanted to allude to his eel form, so I imagined a long, sleek, trein, reminescent of a cocoon, that can flare up and reveal it's true shape of a half wing, the top vest part acting as the 2nd part of the wing. He looks pretty aloof, the kind of person you'd assume would be nice, but the veil is like your warning sign, with the butterflies always sitting on the outside, all alert. I really liked how he turned out and probably is one of my favorite designs in this au tbh.
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And again, Jade for the last one: the Jjk mild au. damn, I can't find the post
I knew right off the batch that I wanted this mf to get some inspo from Nobara's uniform, just because I think Floyd-pre curse era would have a more yuji insp uniform and since in cannon jjk these 2 were like besties and up to shenaningans at first, I thought it would be a fun and subtle reference. :3
The reason that yellow overall is shown, is bcs underneath the jacket, Jade has a top of a similar shape, mostly to accomodate his brother.
It's fun to think that Jade's so reserved and acts humble, but in here there's literally the truth. He's thrown in this world with 0 knowledge, trying to gather up the disaster that was left behind his brother and just fix things that he isn't responsible for in the first place, all for his own selfish reasons. It's fun :D
and that would be all for now :3
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ninetwelves · 10 months
idg this one opinion i saw on all stars 7 being bad bc the back ups they had to me make no sense theyre like all stars 7 was bad bc it didnt have enough early season winners like omfg wherw is the self awareness
bebe was on all stars 3 should could come back but thats kinda debatable ik they bring queens back 3 times( and even 4 times being jimbo) but maybe its more debatable for a first all winners season
tyra is cut out for her bomb threats to drag con she gets left out the winners circles
obviously sharon gets left out the winners circle and what clasifies as early season winners for me itd be 1-3 or 1-5 bc 6-8 or 9 feel a bit mid season (def not in quality) bianca wont do it, bob wasnt invited but thank god she hosted pitstop
violet would do it and maybe it wouldve been good if she did bc shes out here huffing paint of booting raja for not wearin corsets fjndjfnfnfn
alaska wouldnt be invited back
trixie wouldnt do it
sasha velour wouldve been cool but if they make a second one they cant use all their best queens and sasha art is great but maybe they were thinking best tv personalities w chemistry (bc all stars 8 lacked that MAJORLYYY) bc i think they did pic best tv personalities together like sure certain queens i absolutely would gag but i strangely wasnt mad at the cast for how robbed manila was (and she was robbed like imagine manila in that season but thats the all stars format riggery fault) but yk monet and trinity were some of the mosg entertaining thank god it made me fall in love w monet???
like thats debatable tho for some queens coming back but unfortunately for early seasons there was genuinely not a lot of options BUT IM SO GLAD WE GOT THE TWO BEST ONES ESP FUCKING RAJA (BC BOY WHAT THAT SEASON DID TO ME IT MADE ME FALL SO DEEP LOVE FOR RAJA SHES OFFICIALLY MY MOTHER GF BF AND AUNTIE ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY) and yk the first thing i fell in love w that season was raja + jinkx and all the newer winners holy fuck did i ever love that sure it was def a bit rigged theyre not the most stand out lip syncers of the bunch but god did they both ever pave the way for them all there (esp raja) and i believe it was so needed to show that respect
and raja and jinxk r good lip syncers stunts arent everything song choice is important
it def wasnt the strongest lip sync season ill admit that but yo i adore watching lip syncs ppl dont think i care about fashion in drag race but i really do this season is my fav for a reason raja is my fav for a reason it wouldve been sm more perfect for me if the lip syncs were so top tier but idk fuckin raja vs viv was so fun / perfect raja vs jaida was so so fun
raja had no chance for yvie im super biased that im glad she won but idk raja still slayed its just yvie oddly ur going against maybe ru hated yvies wigs or smth (listen i love yvies shes one of my favs) i dont disagree w the track record vs lip sync bc i guess itd depend on the lip sync and track record and entertainment to the season ofc u cant please everyone, it makes it a lot less predictable altho imo jimbos win as much as its deserved is waaayyyyyy too predictable and not even cute bc at least w season 15 the other queens of so many different styles of drag and diversity and experience and worlds kepts sasha on her toes a bit she shouldve won more but damn i just love me a season w milfs ok IM JUST MILF BIASED LET ME HAVE THISSS
ok also the cast was good (despite manila being robbed in as 4) they didnt need to rely on villian edits or drama which im not against for drag race but thats how good their chemistry and personalies were like that is so important a goooooood ass cast can carry and i dont think all stars 8 delivered (i even think all stars 1 delivered that sm more than 8)
but idk i think my all stars ranking that some places can be flipped is
all stars 7 (fav season EVER)
as 2
as 3 + 4 tied
all stars 6
all stars 5
all stars 1
all stars 8
and im gonna be real cast chemistry/entertainment/personality/humor is like the first thing thatd enjoyable about the show fuck ill take bad runways even bad lip syncs usually a season will have one or the other or at least one good runway or lip sync bc i can trust the queens tonpull thru on that more than the producers holy shit
and yk bad lip syncs and runways to me can be so fucking funny like jigglys garbage dress, kennedys cyrstalized chicken, the i will surive lip sync in s8, the 2 messy ass lip syncs in s3 (like it had 2 of the best lip syncs in the show and 2 of the worst but the worsr were so fuckjng funnyfbfkdhd)
but yk you want better lip syncs?? actually pay attention to ur front runners styles of performance, rewards all styles of lip syncs, and pick ur song choices more off that.
also snatch game being good is quite important all stars 7 fucking DELIVEREDDDDDDDDD
i get more peeved when a cast of a season has no age and drag style variety (which theyve always delivered drag style variety and age usuall like season 14 im sorry did not deliver that 4 me enough) variety bc whats the point u did not respect where drag came from, the veterns, and ofc the new queens for the future of drag like come bring in at least one milf drag queen one milf per season IS ENOUGH FOR ME
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orangeyaglcd · 4 months
Lloyd Oberson // Twenty-Five // Human // Personal Trainer
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Growing up Lloyd got whatever he wanted with a snap of his fingers. He was a demanding child and that carried on into adulthood. He was spoiled rotten and his parents rarely said no to him. When they did he would just throw a fit or act out to get what he wanted, and most of the time they gave in. 
Giving Lloyd a lavish upbringing was a given for his parents seeing as they owned the largest orange orchards in Florida. With money constantly flowing in they were able to provide Lloyd with more than just their love and care. They were able to give him the world at their fingertips. 
As Lloyd grew older his attitude only got worse. Into his teenage years he was a menace, whether that was cussing out his parents because he knew he had them in the palm of his hand or causing them the headache of getting arrested for smoking weed with his friends they looked down on.
Around the corner of eighteen years old his parents finally put their foot down in a way that scared him. Not letting him inherit the business that provided everything they have today was a fate worse than death to him. So, he did something about it. He acted like he gave a shit, did his bullshit on the down low, and kissed his parents’ asses. He was still Lloyd but at least to his parents and the media he was the soon to be heir of Oberson Oranges Orchards he was a decent man with good intentions.
Evermore wasn’t something he could have ever imagined would happen. It was straight out of a fantasy story to him. One night he was sleeping in his penthouse his parents bought for him and the next day he was trapped in a town he’d never even heard of. Lloyd was quick to give into old habits out of the watchful eye of his parents, but also quick to find the nicest penthouse he could find that could maybe rival his one back home. It didn’t overlook the beach, but whatever. 
His memories were there but not clear. He did regain them over time and that made him both relieved and upset. He missed his friends and parents at home, but at the same time he had the freedom to wreak havoc and raise hell in this town.
After adjusting to Evermore he was able to fit in just fine. There were plenty of assholes like him in that town with fame and money to throw around. The longer he spent there the more the place grew on him. Perhaps it wasn’t as bad as he’d thought but it still wasn’t Miami. The more he did think though he wondered if he could leave would he come back. 
Becoming a personal trainer wasn’t a part of the plan, but to keep up the image for his parents he got a job he knew wouldn’t be difficult for himself. He could be someone’s hype man and work out at the same time. They still put money in his bank account so he could continue to live the life he did back home and that was enough for him for now. At least working kept him out of trouble sometimes. 
The sugar racers are his crew and he doesn’t know if being their friends is necessarily being a part of a ‘bad crowd.’ He does enjoy all of the crazy shit they do but he is so over the drama. If he causes it, which is likely to happen, he just gaslights and manipulates his way out of it. He tries to at least. His own drama is fine, he just doesn’t want to be dragged into other people’s bullshit if it doesn’t involve him. 
World’s biggest fuck boy. The man is down to fuck any time of day and has no intentions of doing anything other than that. He won’t fuck the same person for too long until he moves onto to a different fling or one night stand. He’s tried the whole relationship and feelings bullshit and he’s over it. He’s got too many exes to count and for now he just wants no strings attached to anyone he sleeps with.
He enjoys the nightlife Evermore has to offer. It might not be as exclusive or have as large of variety as Miami but it does it’s job. He’s often found out at the various bars and clubs, drinking too much or engaging in other substances just to elevate his spirits. He doesn’t always go into work hungover, but it’s a common occurrence. 
He wishes he had a pet but he knows he wouldn’t be able to take care of it. Just because he makes stupid choices doesn’t mean he’s stupid. If he did have one though he thinks he’d like a dog because he could go on runs with it. 
The boy had never cooked a day in his life before Evermore and rarely does now. He’s managed to learn a few basic things to make himself that’s more complicated than a sandwich or cereal, but he usually eats out or orders food to his house. Despite that his fridge and pantry are stacked with essentials and every snack or drink a guest could ever desire. Yeah, that does include sparkling water.
He also has never cleaned. Still does not know how to do laundry to this day because he has a cleaning lady that he pays extra to do it.
He misses the ocean a lot. He wishes the beach was like it was back home but a lake doesn’t compare to the sea. 
He has three different sports cars that are mostly just for aesthetics. He does drive them but switches it up depending on his mood. He may not be the safest or best driver but he sure does think he looks cool.
Overall, Lloyd is living his life to the fullest. He does what he wants when he wants just as he had back home. Not much has changed about him and as charming as he can be his attitude is still there.
Aries sun, Taurus moon, Leo rising
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