#imagine he’s secretly op tho
mistyriousness · 4 months
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“Is this canine a new UA student?”
What if that dog from the Card Game OVA were a real character?
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sunsteps · 7 months
ops and hcs on hualian idol au. also i adore ur writing and want it injected into my bone marrow
firstly, thank you. this is one of the best compliments i have ever gotten for my writing and i would like to eat it
secondly, i literally spent like 5 mins trying to figure out what ops and hcs means but i am going to assume it means opinions and headcanons??? consulted my friend and she also said opinions and headcanons so we are going to go with that. if it doesn’t mean that then this is going to be really embarrassing BUT.
i actually have like. 3 hualian idol au wips buried somewhere in my gdocs. maybe one day i will complete them but in the mean time here are some of my. ops and hcs:
- i had an idol au a few years ago where hua cheng is in a group with feng xin, mu qing, and he xuan, and i still think that’s so fucking funny. i just dug through my gdocs and found the 1 page i wrote of it back in september 2021:
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- alternatively i think having all 4 calamities in an idol group is also equally hilarious. and then another group is xianle trio. sqx and swd an idol duo. OR three tumors are a group and sqx a solo idol.
- alternatively xianle trio group and huaxuan duo because i am crazy and predictable.
- idk if this counts but i have another wip from february 2021 where xie lian works at a convenience store and is a fan of hua cheng the idol. like SUCH a big fan. he goes broke to buy all the merch, knows of him from the predebut days, attends every concert albeit his nosebleed seats, etc etc. and then one day hua cheng walks into the store in like a mask and stuff and immediately falls in love with the pretty cashier and stuff. u know how hualian goes. anyways i also found the 1 page of this au i had written:
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oh my god ok so i actually had more of this au dumped in my dms with bella (astrocosmos on ao3). so fxmq are xl’s besties in this au and they are both secretly big fans of hua cheng even tho they would rather die than admit that out loud. one day they all accidentally meet in the merch line at one of hua cheng’s concerts and all hell breaks loose. 
fxmq: [fighting in the merch line] xie lian walking up to them out of nowhere: do you guys think i should get the ghost city era picket or the paradise manor era picket? fxmq, immediately: OBVIOUSLY GHOST CITY—wait, XIE LIAN?!?!?!!?!?! xie lian: [smiling serenely] hello guys
- hualian idol au where xianle trio are an idol group and hua cheng literally comes to EVERY SINGLE ONE of their fansigns, buys a SHIT ton of albums to make sure he gets in every time, and at the actual fansign he just completely ignores fx and mq and instead spends the entire time complimenting xl and showering him with presents, etc etc. xie lian’s company literally has to enforce a No Gifts At Fansigns rule bc of hua cheng. fx and mq thinks that he is the creepiest thing on the planet. there are whole subgroups of netizens who HATE hc and think he’s really creepy bc he’s ALWAYS around xl. meanwhile xl thinks hc is the cutest person ever and is in love with him. yeah.
- hualian idol au with solo idols xie lian and hua cheng and their fanbases HATE each other. think armys and blinks. engenes and teumes. i can’t really think of any more but u get the idea. meanwhile xl and hc are dating LMAOOO
- ok that ^ but imagine like a socmed/twt au where like. this random twt account starts getting really popular and they are like hualian shippers and both of xl and hc’s fanbases make fun of them all the time and it’s literally the only thing the two groups ever agree on: that this random acc is stupid af and completely delusional. THEN ONE DAY the admin of the acc posts a selfie and guess what. it’s hua cheng. and then xl replies to the selfie from his very real main twitter account and the internet just goes fucking bonkers
i am sorry this is literally a whole dump of aus and thoughts for no reason but. yeah. those are all the ops and hcs i can think of right now!!!!!!! thank u for asking me this question and giving me an excuse to ramble about hualian. <3 hope you are having a lovely day <3
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cielospeaks · 3 months
game stuff (compiled. and no its not positive lol)
bruh a real one step forward five million steps back moment fr. we had samurai remnant (fun and enjoyable crossover event. only downside is only now i find out robot mozart and yui have the same voice actor and i aquiesced to not rolling her bc she wouldnt come home and now i am full of regret. tho to be fair robot mozart happened long after the event lol), valentines (awesome new servant! andromeda is cute and i feel completely neutral but not negative on the take on her character! charon was cool too), and white day (usually i am so irritated at the cut ins but charly is so good natured and honest i cant be mad at him. he just feels like the good energetic boy coming in to check on you every morning. and cyrano is just so peak -pacha meme- the rest of the cast was wonderful too). but then. oh then. you had to just fucking do main story stuff. like yea sure some cringily fanservice power level edge thing with d antes and j alter is inevitable and whatever. but bring sal into it??????? only to not give him fucking anything????? and then permanently delete him, lobo, and any other half tolerable avenger (angra ig. or kuroe?) bc the edgey op fanservice characters need their wangst. ugh. the plot isnt even out but i imagine its something like- sal is typecast into himself and hates every second of it, moz bullies him bc its moz and the feeling is mutual, but evil marie takes advantage of it and him and the fandom reads it as cute. same w d antes or j alter and him. im so done w their reaction to the trio it makes me just disgusted. if the two of them treated him better id be more on board but they dont. just bc sal believes theyre on the same wavelength doesnt mean its some cute fluffy nonsense you can just slice of life. i think it cuts personal bc ive believed to be on the same wavelength of others and thats why im so fucked up today is bc of what happened there. and above all i dont want sal to have to go through that sort of suffering, esp on top of all his other suffering.
also if i had a nickel for every time a fictional somewhat m arie a ntoinette has ruined the life of my favorite dead composer character i would have two nickles which is weird that it happened twice.
speaking of which
this is the positives girls. antonio traumerei!!!!!! love love love. oh my gosh. it looks beautiful and antonio is beautiful. traumerei is such a good fit for him, it reminds me of the schumann song which reminds me of jack and rikudou. good vibes infinite immaculate vibes.
ricky seems to not be dead. i am so hoping hes secretly a ghost. like imagine if hes in the like reconstructed research vessel and then at the end is like "lol im not exactly alive lol" like that poke mon episode. i would lose it. tho if hes like cursed or something it makes me think of that kingdom hearts scene which i also find really funny.
mystery maid: aztec treasure eh
ghost sail ricky: aye
but all memes aside i hope he exclusively talks to inference or violetta bc they are easily the characters i can stand the most of the confirmed cast. i will get so disappointed if its just rehashed main story plot, esp bc i really dont like their interactions there. and violeta is so cute in this pls let them interact.
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liliallowed · 7 months
Vague idea dump and info for Street Artist Dust:
• There’s no magic in his AU
• He’s still tryin to find a good reason to keep on living in a pointless life that feels like a never ending cycle
• Slapping colorful graffiti all over the drab and greyscale city helps him feel like he’s not in a cycle, giving him a thread to hold onto
• The city don’t like him graffitiing the city tho so they try to arrest him a lot. They can’t catch him tho lol
• He also serves as an agent/hand for hire for the shadier peoples, like gangs and shit. I mean the police after him already so why not make a few bucks
• He has pew pew that he keeps in the inside of his baggy ass jacket at all times
• He has made a flamethrower powered by spray cans. Don’t ask how, he just did
• Middle class and higher don’t really like him but him and his art is really well received by the lower class and homeless
• He’s a fuck the government kind of guy half the time and a the gov ain’t that bad the other half. Very neutral on most important topics
•The police don’t actually know his face so whenever he’s in public and not a “criminal” he just puts his hood down and puts his mask away
• Plays music on a homemade radio whenever he paints graffiti. Helps him get into the mood
So, what you think of the hawt manz?
I think you just made an ink equivalent of a dust sans/pos.
no magic tho? hmmm interesting... would actually make sense tho. since if you have magic it changes everything.
(like magic runes and stuff)
magic is known to be a form of self expression in the Undertale universe... so who's to say in a world where monsters can't use magic, or defend themselves, that ART IS their magic?
like... not as in it actually does anything special... it's more of a spiritual thing. in a repressive environment when you see a flower blooming over concrete... it fills you with determination.
THAT kind of affect.
a subtle magic that touches the hearts the SOULS.
something monsters innately tend to do.
others see the art and feel... better. energized. determined and understood. it strengthens their minds and hearts toghter.
the graffiti magic isn't even something op or something...
bit I imagine if other people start doing graffiti pouring their intent and souls into it... as a united group the magic starts having more super natural affects... slowly on it's way to becoming a full fledged rune.
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swanno-arts · 1 year
what type of bird is cygnus the swan 🙏😋🍔
jkjk, tell me some weird relationship headcanons between your ocs! are there any weird, funny, dumb "x thinks y looks suspiciously like this one celebrity they like" or "y daydreams about x platonically because its funny" style relationships between your characters that arent major enough to be on their toyhouse sheets?
op i just got hit with psychic damage with that first part
ALSO. HM!! I think there are some few! But most are already on my TH,
Under the cut bc this turned out longer than I planned SHDJHDSKJ
(Birdkind) Axon actually has someone that obsesses with him to the point its just Weird. Her name's Hu Hummingbird and she's basically what you'd expect from a teenage tiktoker. Axon hates her so much deadass she keeps trying to pull him into a Birdkind equiv of Tiktok and constantly argues with her online.
(Birdkind) The Halo of Red has a lot more officers I haven't talked about other than the big three (Arch, Parasol, Gilgamesh) and they kinda have their own gig with each other (mostly discourses). Most prominent of them is Brigadier General Roger (Bald Eagle) and Colonel Ohio (Shoebill) who are basically a platonic Florida Man and Ohio Man. You can imagine how that goes. They never get along but also the closest of bitches. Everything goes wrong with them godbless.
(Birdkind) Not yet mentioned on TH, but Formes and Tigor were actually close friends. Went to the same school and grew up in the same village. Formes has been invited onto the KRI Multatuli once (and Formes got so seasick he had to be speedboated back to land) before he eventually left the country to follow his wife. They both miss each other and honestly at this point it's like a closeted crush. They don't talk about THAT to anyone else they BOTH think it's embarrassing. So yes, they are the "dreams about them platonically" but more leaning to Might Actually Be Gay.
(Birdkind) Cooper has a girlfriend who later broke up with him because he bought NFTs. I wish I was joking.
(Sentishapes) Apollo and 333 are basically a Divorced Couple kind of relationship. They hate each other so much but they argue like a bunch of old people. Granted they're deities, but, y you know.
(Papers, Please) Natalie is secretly crushing on Siv! She's the kind of person to doodle him on her personal notes and make silly love letters and poems intended for him but never actually gave them to him. It's embarrassing for her so she told nobody as of now. It's like, for lack of better words, an anime-esque crush scenario going on.It's like a fanfiction in her head or something unironically. Boris knows tho.
(Papers, Please) Did you know Askali and Behelmus were a thing? Yeah thank god it was scrapped. You genuinely cannot have a healthy relationship with any of these two separately.
(Papers, Please) The Spectator and Askali. "What?" Guess.
(Miitopia) In a scenario where all generation of Great Sages exist in a single timeline, Haigha would 100% have a chaotic gay moment with Hezel. He sees this BEAST of a man and just 😳 unironically.
(Miitopia) Ernst IS genuinely the "y daydreams about x platonically because its funny" but towards, fucking, DIVINE. Might not even be because it's FUNNY. Ernst is just a bit strange.
theres. PROBABLY MORE. but these are the ones on top of my head i hope theyre strange enough for you anon
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Just saw your post and I'm kinda want to share my thoughts for the self aware au sksnksan (kinda a bit shy HAHAHABA👉👈)
It's all started when I encounter self aware au Genshin, well ofc they all Yandere. It's fun to see there's a lot of headcanon lol. And then I enter SAGAU Genshin where it's the reader is the "imposter" and "God", it was fun at first reading it but I find myself not enjoy it since I find op reader kinda boring and I don't really like how all the characters worship and obsessed them isneiww but of course, this is my preference and I don't mean anything offensive. (Well, this means I'm not really a fan of harem jansia) Also it's quite rare to see the non-yandere self aware one 😂 although ig I still enjoy the yandere one haha
Anyways, I always thinking when the reader suddenly isekai to the game, I think they will started to notice the change of behaviors of the characters than how they act in-game, depends how observant they are.
Like hey, have you noticed how Riddle seems to nervous around you? That's quite weird isn't it? Have you done something wrong? Hm, maybe it's nothing! Is it just me or did Leona kinda clingy than usual? Is he like this in-game? Also I swear that Azul always almost lose his composure. I wonder what's wrong... Kalim is the same sunshine as always... but something feels wrong, but what is it wrong? His behavior never change... Right? The famous actor, the loveable Queen Vil seems to quite love to give you skincare, I don't mind but isn't the skincare products seems too much than usual?! Is this normal? Idia also the same as always but why do I feel like wherever I go, there's like cameras? Shivers...
Also Hornton- Malleus, is it just me or there's a sound of thunder just now? Why are you looking at them with that scary eyes of yours? They didn't do anything wrong tho...
Depending on the player's personality, they will probably more open up to the characters they simp or pretend they never seen this person for the rest of their life. If it were me, I would pretend like "Omg! What is this world?! Totally did not play this game or know the characters! Hahaha!" even if they are secretly obsessed with the player, you never know if they truly know they are just a bunch of characters slap into the game for entertainment purpose. You don't want to make the situation more weirder, do you? Let's pretend we did not heard any characters simping for the player, haha- oh shit wait, why are they attacking each other-
Although the self aware au are fun and games especially yandere, let's imagine yourself fr Isekai in the game and all the characters obsessed with you. I hope you mentally prepared for that haha :) It may be a very scary experience but who knows some ppl into it
People say they will fix the obsessive and tragic characters, but how about fix yourself first?/lh
Okay but fr, it will be kinda cool chatting with the self aware characters but imagine you got slap into the game and after getting close to the characters you like, imagine you kinda want to tell them the truth and be like:
“Hey, you're a game character btw.”
“Oh dw, I know.”
“Haha that's great! Wait what.”
I think that's all from me, I feel like I wanted to share my thoughts more for the self aware au but I feel like my brain already flush out all my remaining thoughts for this 💀 I'm really sorry if this offensive to people cuz of my wording, but hey! Everyone has their own different preference so you do you! :D (okay that sounds kinda rude wtf me-)
Anyways, that's all. Thanks for taking the time to read. Stay healthy and have a good day/evening y'all.
Tbh if you write yandere you sometimes have to say “Uh... this not only kinda but very wrong.” (bc there will always people who will be like “I want to have such a relationship!” no, no you don't) and I couldn't find anything offensive until now so dw. (I think there is nothing offensive in there? Tell me if I'm wrong. Maybe I'm already too tired to think straight.) And it's your opinion on the SAGAU. Totally fine. If people are mature enough they will just be like “ok. Their opinion. Not the law of the world.”
But your take on the whole thing is also pretty fascinating. (Nevermind that little bit at the end. Made me chuckle.) I mean, reader just gets launched into TWST without any warning so of course they will not be prepared for anything and just take what they are given. Ofc it's going to be scary.
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misqnon · 2 months
its march :3 (side note i think its funny that i chose march .. as a name.. to call myself. because i just like the name (and secretly i was thinking of the character from to you, my immortal/to your eternity) but it.. it was just march. march just ended. i only realized this connection yesterday.)
you would be CORRECT..!! see its Obvious. i think i would be way more embarrassed to pretend like ur wrong or gloss over ur guess bc thats ... .. the 2nd one just proves u right and the first one... is... is humiliating .... i will not go off anon tho this is comfy for me <3 (another side note. 20 minutes after giving myself a name . for ease. i was so embarrassed and ashamed LOL. like wow... i named myself when its already so obvious who i am....)
im really not much of a shipper tbh, especially with the straw hats cuz i love to see them as having familial relationships or just being real close friends but!!! one piece has definitely awakened something in me.. to ship characters. bc before i would never ship characters in media. i have.. various reasons for this. but the one piece fandom is so into shipping it has rubbed off on me a bit. i cant help it. i love hannyabul x magellan.
zoro is the perfect mix of cool and goofy, its so wonderful!!! using 3 swords is like the silliest thing in theory and then he busts out the most awesome moves with it and its like wow .. look at him. i cant imagine being zoro levels of bad at directions tho that is... impressive... /lh. DO PEOPLE CHOOSE LEAST FAVORITE STRAW HATS??? HOW DO THEY DO THAT .. tbh i dont consider people old til theyre in like their 50's or 60's (partly bc my parents are nearing their mid 60's and i see them as eternally youthful) but i feel like old man yaoi can include middle aged men!??? also tbh rayleigh (when hes old man-ified...) is really hot.. like young rayleigh is fine but old man rayleigh??? wow....
GOOD THING UR IN WHOLE CAKE ISLAND ARC SO U GET TO SEE KATAKURI SOON!!! cuz omg.... he is so lovely. he deserves so much love. crocodile is so popular!! i get the hype n i used to love him like that too.. but my interest has faded.. 😔 i do love the trans man croc and crocodad theories tho theyre so fun even if theyre not true. i love to imagine dragon (oh my god imagine dragons ...) as a guy whos still in love with his ex. i think that would be so silly .. and if his ex was croc??? that would be even sillier ... theyre perfect.
don't worry i have the sanji tiktoks saved for the day i work up courage 🫡!! pls DO send me more op stuff i love it !!!!
YES YES YES YES THATS THE WXACT VIDEO I WATCHED AHIFHSDJD!!! i was rly converted into a dub liker by That Alone!!!!
im real picky about voice acting tbh and japanese just makes it easier for me to like bc they have way cooler sounding voices. that "luffy... help me" scene with nami in arlong park will forever sound better to me in the sub rather than the dub . the voice crack!!! the helplessness!!! the way she squeaked it out, like it was the most painful thing to ask for help!!! ugh... big fan. i looked it up just now to rewatch and yeah i cried a bit 😎. also i just noticed her tears are rolling down her neck that is so real. anyways back to luffy,, yeah his voice acting makes him sound kinda more like... mature?? perhaps?? and he is a guy with endless youth and childish energy.. i dont like a luffy that sounds like. a teenager ... ofc i say all this having never watched a full episode of the dub so i could be super off LOL
the live action seems to play nami and zoro as much bigger grumps and ive heard zoro doesnt joke around much and im.... honestly rly worried to watch and be disappointed by that. although tbh nami not being super goofy makes sense to me .. zoro... my beloved zoro.. mackenyu (?) is a perfect zoro in terms of looks so i just hope i love his characterization of him too!!
i watched the april fools video!!!! i recognize that blob but idr the comic name.. very silly though i loved it. i guess i will have to do some pirating.. yarr mateys.
i can sit and watch shortform content for like 6 hours straight but as soon as i feel like i have to pay attention because im afraid of missing any context. suddenly my brain is out the window. i cant handle it anymore. ALSO IVE NEVER SEEN THAT COLORSPREAD??? DOFFY TONGUE PIERCINGS CANON??????
i ALSO loved younger joseph like he was so fun and goofy!!! and then he comes back as a gross old man who not only cheated but cheated with a MUCH younger woman.. and i was like wow!!!! suddenly you are disgusting!!! i will never pity that old man >:( (i will a little)
taking sanji away from oda and dressing him like a doll is Perfect. wonderful analogy. i love it. i keep thinking about dressing characters up like dolls so its topical to me specifically.
admittedly even as a transmasc person i didnt pick up on yamato being a trans guy at first. but all i had to do was look it up.. and read some ppls thoughts on it . and now i will defend him to the ends of the earth. its not hard to learn things that change ur perspective in this age of the internet !! i also agree he's done yamato dirty a few times . honestly when i see people listing reasons yamato isnt trans as like "he was drawn in a womens spread" or "he only identifies as a man because he idolizes a man" its. first of all its so exhausting. bc they always say the same few things. but also!! why did oda have to do him dirty like that!! 😭😭. i genuinely think that him being in a womens spread is probably just transphobia on oda's part (yes i think u can be transphobic towards ur own characters). but the whole "hes not trans because he wants to be *this* man not just *a* man" is so Weird?? like i usually love things being up to readers interpretation (even/especially lgbtq rep tbh) but i think yamato being trans could have been left up to interpretation in a better way?? or like he couldve just said "im a guy" at any point without the whole "because of this man i idolize" thing tacked on. idk if any of this makes sense. I'm trying to explain without spoiling anything LOL. hopefully i succeeded and ur still mostly spoiler free..
i havent written for any op characters before but i can imagine how easy it is!!! and somehow people still butcher their characters LOL its fucking insane. (im bitter)
law!!! yes hes SUPER popular. tbh i liked him real quick after the timeskip. it didnt take much for him to become one of my favorite characters!! all he has to do is make a shocked face every time he ends up going along with the straw hats antics. that is enough. sanji making sandwiches when theyre talking abt the alliance and law says "i dont like bread!!" and then his face of horror when he realizes what hes done .... its so beautiful... i love law and straw hat dynamics!!!
YEAH THATS FROM ONE PIECE PARTY. he actually shows up a lot in that series. i couldnt find all of it online but of what i could find... he was in almost every chapter. it was great. another amazing one piece party moment with law is. the sauna scene where they ask about his tattoos... i . i. i cant even explain how funny it is to me. my explanation could never do it justice.
actually a tierlist sounds Genius.. i am going to make a tierlist. wait for me... i will send it.. whenever im done .. although i dont kno w how to send images... ill find out .
choso is seriously the love of my life (i have many) hes so .. he is so special to me. i have been drawing for a large portion of my life but i spent a long time not taking it seriously out of fear . fanart has reignited my ambition to get better at art!!! its great. thank u hyperfixationions. thank u special interests. thank u audhd.
ok honestly ive never abt eye colors?? i saw recently that robins eyes are actually supposed to be brown not blue tho.. and like... wow... both are so lovely i cant decide what i like more.
to give u an answer though i will brainstorm what eye colors i think they all have!!
luffy: tbh.. like a light reddish brownish color.. i have reasons for this but i cant tell u yet.
nami: a soft orange. she is just so orange. or green!! like the leaf on an orange..
zoro: i... i have no idea for him??? grey?? white?? pink???? green?? im just listing colors?? actually white sounds pretty cool tho.. or maybe a super pale yellow?? that also sounds cool to me..
usopp: his eyes r definitely yellow or green
sanji: ive seen blue and brown for him but tbh as a blue eyed dirty blonde.. i like brown eyes better. i choose brown
chopper: theyre brown. he has big doe eyes. i love deer and their freaky giant eyelashed eyes.
robin: yeah blue or brown are both lovely on her!! tbh i loved her pre timeskip design especially bc the highlights in her hair matched her eyes.. and it was such a nice contrast with her skin color. so i have to choose blue.
franky: my blue eyed king. i love u american boy. they match his hair
brook (for funsies, despite never seeing his eyes): hes gotta have something wacky... rainbow eyes... rainbow.. yes rainbowm.. perfect . ok but actually if i were to choose id choose purple. light purple.
overall i think i chose pretty basic answers (lotta brown and blue). i love brown eyes they r so pretty . also this was very fun to think about???? thank u for asking??? pls tell me what ur headcanons r!!
no yeah i thought possibly it was a name but i was like “haha march anon. bc its march. yea”
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jvbhc IT WASNT OBVIOUS WHO YOU WERE TO ME i did not have a guess at all until you said it was obvious and then i got a reply on my post that same day after that that had ur similar typing style and i was like. 👁️oh. KJFNKDSN but yes ur free to stay on anon if u want!! but my dms are always open too 👍
i was a big shipper when i was like. a teenager. and then i grew out of it UNTIL ONE PIECE…IDK WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED AND IM REALLY EMBARRASSED ABOUT IT </3 THOUGHT I WAS OVER THIS DAMN STUFF!! i jokingly refer to zosan as my one piece yaoi to my friends. they hate it. so do i,
p.s. the end of that paragraph. took me for a loop. i . WAS NOT EXPECTING HANNYABUL X MAGELLAN SKVNFKD BUT SO TRUE. SO TRUE ‼️
zoro IS a perfect balance its no wonder he’s so well liked (even tho...a lot of dudebros seem to ignore his silly side). whenever i ask someone their favorite one piece character im just expecting them to say zoro tbh. like yea that’s the correct answer. KDNKS not really but its definitely the one i see being most popular. and YES his 3 swords are cool enough but the earrings. does oda know how hard he went giving zoro 3 gold dangly earrings on one ear. like does he know
and you’re right about rayleigh. my friends tell me i am an old man chaser and therefore i am biased but u see my vision. he’s literally hotter when he’s old. it’s the silver fox look.
I KNOW I GOTTA BE SO CLOSE. AHHAGHHH. when i get to katakuri best believe the liveblog will go crazy
my interest has kinda faded with croc too as he hasnt shown up as much…but i know he comes back and when he DOES show up im always so pleasantly surprised i gotta list him. I 1000% think he’s trans (though i dont believe the part about him being luffy’s mom. however. i do enjoy the content that comes from it bc its an interesting concept. and dragon as his ex works weirdly well and is so fucking funny imagining dragon (oh my god i did it too…) missing his ex. 
WOOHOO!!!! AWAITING THE SANJITOKS WITH BATED BREATH. i love that the brook video is making its way around bc its actually a joy. sub does sound “cooler” usually but it just sounds so foreign to me at this point (not foreign in the literal sense of being a diff language. like. just sounds Wrong after being so used to dub.) hold on i need to watch that scene sub now [...]
OKAY. SO. TWO VERY POWERFUL SCENES: i watched both nami’s “help me” at arlong park and robin’s “i want to live” at enies lobby in both sub and dub just now…and for those two in particular. damn theyre actually ALL GOOD?? LIKE ALL REALLY WELL DONE?? although. my favorite dub moment by far. is robin’s “i want to live” in dub. her english voice is my fav compared to the sub by far. if you havent heard it i HIGHLY recommend you check it out like please. for me. literally gives me chills every. time.
tbh that is one of my only major issues with the live action. i actually prefer live action luffy (DONT KILL ME. ITS ONLY BY A LITTLE BIT. INAKI IS JUST SO WONDERFUL AND ITS A COOL ALTERNATE TAKE TO HIS CHARACTER. HE’S..NICER. MORE KIND? BUT NOT IN A WAY THAT I FEEL ERASES MANGA/ANIME LUFFY) tbh the live action tweaked each character a bit. nami is more serious and grumpy, zoro is WAY TOO EDGY?? (zoro is the one i was least happy with) and isnt boisterous nor does he laugh enough (esp for early/pre ts zoro) he does great with the action scenes though. usopp is the closest but he feels more like. suave about his lying whether than nervous? i dont mind it tho. jacob is great. taz is a good sanji but melontee once called him “chad british sanji” and now i cant get tht terrible phrase out of my head KJDNFKVN it really is a fun ride tho!! 
YES THAT COLORSPREADDDD i saw once that apparently the color spreads arent “canon” but whatever. thts not the point. the point is oda has drawn him with tongue piercings which mean he has considered doffy with tongue piercings. its canon to Me
im literally planning to write a fic where sanji goes back to kamabakka with the strawhats and gets forced into doing Kamabakka Island Things (read: gay shit) by Iva even tho he’s embarrassed bc his crew his there. rewriting kamabakka to be better is my favorite past time
u did a good job with the yamato explanation, i already was aware of a lot of that/dont feel spoiled at all! and i agree completely to all of those points. i feel like he Almost wanted to do trans rep but maybe wanted an out ?? or was too scared to go full send with it?? or is just being transphobic lmao. yea. yes to ur whole paragraph basically
law’s “i dont like bread” is iconic ksdnkdc. also ur description of “all he has to do is make a shocked face every time he ends up going along with the straw hats antics” just makes me imagine law pogging all the time. i think that alone just made me like his character more than before KSADNC
if u make a tierlist i will make one…i might have made one b4 actually…i will look. 
HELL YEAA i recently made a bingo for my fav characters across fandoms. u should tell me if u share any . and i think i have it turned on so people can send media in asks?? if not, my submissions are also open
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and yes. keep drawing. always and forever as long as its fun!! dont be scared. ur supposd to enjoy it!
yea robin’s eyes are brown in the manga but blue in the anime! i think it was either an error or oda was like “yea whatever thats fine” lmao
luffy’s…”i have reasons for this but i cant tell u yet.” HELLO?? IM SCARED. personally i feel like he has dark brown!!
omg..i like nami’s canon brown eyes but orange or green would be cute!
i 1000% want grey eyes for zoro. i know whenever they stylize the irises in the anime they just color them grey for sanji and zoro but like. for zoro they actually really Work…though i think when u CAN see his irises in colored manga art they’re usually brown? the other most popular option i see people give him in fanart is gold/yellow tho!
ive gotten so used to blue eye sanji bc thats how EVERYONE draws him but in the most recent colorspread…bro. tell me those arent brown. and i recently found other examples with oda colorign his eyes brown, so i think he has a situation similar to robin’s. i prefer brown eyes and brown eyed sanji is so hansome but like. i saw his blues so much that now im torn
i think i actually agree w you about robin for the exact same reason! and bc so many of his characters seem to have brown in “canon”
omg. i havent thought abt franky a lot but hear me out…pink?? i just think it would look good with his hair,
also i consulted this post for what i think their “canon” colors are (in manga)!
RAINBOW EYES FOR BROOK…GAY ASS OLD MAN…light purple would actually look good behind his glasses in his human form!
i might not be able to reply in the next couple days bc i always write so much in these that i sit down to do it at my laptop but i'll keep an eye out and get back to u when i can 🥸
ps...what are ur favorite arcs...
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raribella · 2 years
You're Breaking My Heart, Op. Peter Parker: No. 2 | p.p
summary: It wasn't something unusual for Peter Parker to find himself watching every single one of your presentations, since your parents usually fought about who was coming to see you, he was glad to be a constant. It was until he took you a bouquet backstage and found you crying that he knew the divorce was official. He hears your absolutely broken being ranting about how can he still be so good having such a life, and how you wouldn't. 2 months later Peter hasn't seen his best friend in ages and feels terribly lost, but his spider self starts having frequent encounters with Black Swan, a villain with an all too familiar description and a name you didn't remember telling him that night.
pairing: peter parker (tasm!) x reader
genre: angst!
involves: trauma, divorcing parents, villain origin story, ballet, friends to lovers, slowburn, the usual fights, bruises and boo boos that come with spider-man fanfictions, some language.
word count: 2,3k
part 1
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How the most dangerous thing is to love.
You were always a sweet person. As a child, you used to bathe yourself in the disney fairytales as a refugee of an already tense environment created by your parents; since they had you, their only child, the couple seemed like a volcano, ready to erupt in broken hearts at any minute. And it happened, when you were seventeen. –Just in the last year of school and on the verge of the most important ballet presentation of your life.–
Really, you grew up as a hopeless romantic, a kind soul; Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, and others from your dear collection would doodle pictures of dancing by the refrigerator light or romantic picnics, and candles, and kisses, in a cloud of imagination during your childhood; they taught you to say hello and good morning looking right into the eyes of everyone in your patch, to be patient, to be bright. It was almost like you used the safety net you found as your real-life reference, and it didn't take Peter so long to find himself lost in that magnetic force you had about you, contrasting what you had at home and what you brought outside it.
By elementary, everything was already being taken seriously. Ballet quickly came to be like breathing to you, not imagining life without it –at least not one that made sense–. Gracious stories which you grew up with, as well as intense new ones, all being translated with raw emotion into each movement. That's what you wanted to do, that's what you claimed for your life.
Being by your side during all your life, Peter understood, obviously, where were you coming from with all of this, and he could pinpoint some reasons, but he couldn't really comprehend it all. How it put all the sunshine you were described as to doubt. How it painfully kind of... crushed a reality of his.
For if he knew you so well, and if he could trace you back to back, why was he about to go on Spiderman's third fight with the Black Swan?
He thought of this while he was swinging, about you, about the both of you; he thought about how you talked ever so gently, and how you couldn't whistle, even tho you really wanted to and made him giggle every time you tried; about skate parks and ballet centers, reminisced about how you once had a Spiderman band-aid on a bruised shin and he laughed so hard, and you got so upset because you didn't get the little intern joke he just had with himself. he thought of the perspective of being in the crowd of your dozens of dances, and of how many different angles his camera lenses have seen of you at school.
Peter thought about how he secretly loved you, and he missed you. And that's when it hit him.
He loved you. Peter Parker loves y/n y/l/n. So Spiderman couldn't solve Black Swan's problem. He couldn't figure out how to help you because Spiderman was the one trying to, just how a hero tries to figure out how to defeat a villain.
He had to quickly work through a plan of action, though. He was nearing your location, and he needed to, as Spiderman, get you somewhere so you could talk to him, like Peter. He needed to get you not to want to fight him. And that... well that would be just the hardest part.
So when he stopped you from whatever –here's the thing, you didn't know the first thing about being a villain; you were clearly trying, and evolving rapidly; he'd give you that. But you didn't really have a field, common targets, anything. for all the four times you were spotted, this one counting, you were doing something different; causing some different inconvenience. Just like if Odette, the white swan, tried to fake as Odile, the bad twin, the black swan. Damn, you would be so proud of his little reference to the ballet play were you not avidly giving him a death stare.– he had to really try hard to swerve from your feet; your strong let aiming a kick right between his stomach and chest.
It would've made it really hard to breathe, he'd been hit there more times than he could really count, and it was way worse than being hit in the stomach. As relief quickly rushed through him for successfully diving his torso backward, he heard sirens, turning back and opening his eyes to a venue now brightened with red and blue lights, and your running figure.
Peter started to aim his webs at different buildings as you dove in between walls and alleyways. He would've just webbed you if the chase happened to be like any other, he considered it, even, but Peter knew better than to startle you in a moment like this. Since the boy was used to all the spider powers, it wasn't a surprise he wouldn't be tired from the running, but the fact that you weren't panting already, or even stumbling did amaze him.
As he tentatively reached for your shoulder, the distance between the both of you getting shorter, you reached a mesh fence, and peter took a deep breath. It was game over now, he would finally be able to talk to you. Except you grabbed the top of the fence, getting some impulse to throw yourself over it, finally looking in Peter's direction -in the direction of the spots his eyes would be on his mask- with a piercing look, your own eyes being adorned with the black mask that covered very little of your face.
"How did you get so agile?" He asked, a tired tone finally coating his words, as he stood there in front of you, the mesh being the only thing separating you both, he could take time to pay attention to your black tinted eyelids, nearly copying the swan makeup you had to wear two months ago now. If he wasn't deeply worried, he'd joke you got the whole villain attire thing very right.
"Who are you?!" Your voice sounded strong but tense, and after letting out a deep sigh, you just decided to keep running, using the advantage point you had gained earlier; you didn't see Peter's mouth starting to open under the mask to tell you just exactly who he was, nor did you see his arms jolting to the side as he exhaled with a short "argh!".
He wouldn't really let himself be kept behind by you, this was getting long and annoying, he was taking it too easy on your smart brain and ballerina physic just because it was you, and he wouldn't do that anymore. So Peter started rapidly chasing you from an upper view, he webbed the high tops of different buildings as you ran on the streets under him, he needed to stop you somehow, he needed to startle you.
As Peter rapidly webbed yet another skyscraper, just when he has hanging in the air, he got distant enough for you to hear him clearly and yelled your name, and it worked perfectly, you heard your best friend calling for you. And you looked over to every direction possible, yelling back an erratic "PETER?!", as he used of your disturbance to grab you by the waist, reaching for the closest rooftop so he could land the both of you.
"What?!! What?! Peter!!! What the fuck?! What did you do??" you asked in distraught, looking anxiously between a suited Peter, your sides, and the streets before you. Peter kept calling for you until your wide eyes could settle over him. His mask was held on his left hand, while the other was lifted beside his head. Peter. Peter Parker.
You gasped and the air got stuck in your lungs. It was as if your world came to a stop as you stared at him from a short distance. New York could be perfectly seen from where you were, his hair was being softly blown by the cold night wind, and, before your vision got blurred with tears, everything seemed like it was in slow motion, Peter was apparently saying something as he got closer to you, but you couldn't hear anything. It all just... lingered.
And then you felt his body against yours. Just as if your senses all came back at the same time, you could hear you gasping for air; sobbing, actually, and you brought your shaking arms around Peter's waist, not really mustering the strength to touch him. He placed his hands on each side of your face. Peter kept calling you by your nickname and whispering hello's as if to calm you down. The plea that followed through his lips, though, that pulled you out from that little personal heaven and brought you sharply right back to reality:
"...you need to stop y/n.. Hi... Hey, you gotta stop with that, darling, you gotta believe that there's more to it." His raspy voice muttering those words calmly contrasted perfectly with your brisk reaction, pushing him away and taking a few steps backward as you shook your head. "No," your voice sounded low, so you repeated your answer in a shout.
"How the fuck am I supposed to believe that there's more to it, Peter?! Do you fucking realize what the fuck are you asking from me?!" He had never heard you curse so much. "What am I even supposed to believe that there's more to?"
"You know what I'm talking about." He stated quickly, almost interrupting you, and then kept his eyes locked on yours for a moment, standing his ground before shifting his look to the city view"
"Then you know how terrified I am of this. Of love. Come on Peter, what exactly do you think I am? A child? To believe that real love would just heal all wounds and make the world better?! I am absolutely terrified of-"
"YOU DON'T KNOW-" He pursed his lips together, correcting himself from starting to scream before running his free hand through his face "...You don't know how it is how it's supposed to be."
"Then how is it supposed to be?!" You scoffed. Furrowed brows and an ironic side smile basically calling him an idiot.
"Like a constant." He stated simply, eyes darting to the floor before fixating on you again. "Love is... Like the absence of anxiety." He described the feeling he felt when watching you on stage the best he could, and you could actually understand him. It was just like what you felt seeing his face after landing on the rooftop, –well, before breaking down.– you felt relieved, surrounded by the feeling of him. What you couldn't believe, though, was that this feeling could last for long.
"Peter, leave me alone. This is..." you sighed, putting both hands on top of your head, keeping yourself from crying for dear life. "Look, I won't... bother this city any longer, okay? I won't get in the way of your job..." You finally said something related to him being Spiderman. Peter was shaking his head in a small no. "But I can't. Okay? Just let it go; let me go."
It was a Tuesday afternoon, and Peter had gotten home from school a while ago, he wasn't really doing much. He didn't do much since that conversation you had on the rooftop, three days ago now. He loathed in self-pity; no, self-judgment. Maybe both. He judged himself because he couldn't help you, and he pitied himself because he couldn't help... you. Even though Peter was absolutely in love with you, that wouldn't help; far from it even. So it was understandable to feel bitter about it.
His train of thought was interrupted by the doorbell. It couldn't be aunt May, she was working at these hours. Peter considered ignoring, but then convinced himself otherwise.
And he couldn't be happier about it.
Standing right before him, your figure was looking down, anxiously; dressed the same as you were in that favorite picture of his, which still hung on his bedroom mural. "...black leggings adorning your legs and ankle warmers over the pointe shoes." The shoes were new, though. he assumed you threw your older pair away after they were painted black for... your night activities.
"They wouldn't- the academy wouldn't let me in because I was a bit... reactive back then, I-I had to... I have to look for the other constant"
He absorbed the thought of you being impulsive and responsive in classes before and it broke him a little, but he didn't move, silently inviting you to say more.
"It's you." He smiled. "The- The constant. You know? How you said-"
And then his lips were on yours. Dear God, his lips!! were on yours, he was finally freaking kissing you. He put both hands on your head again, holding your neck, right under your ears, the tips of his fingers brushing through the roots of your hair. And you were completely taken, mind just lingering on that moment, on the feeling of his soft, but slightly cracked lips. Transporting you right back to that damn view that night on the rooftop.
A few moments later. The both of you were just hanging, laying out on his bed. Legs tangled in one another as you exchanged stares when Peter asked you sweetly:
"What did you do? On those three days, I mean, after-"
"Held my own frame on the bed." He chuckled, you joined him before getting a bit more serious. "Love is scary, Peter... This feeling of falling terrifies me. The only way it ends is by hitting the ground." You unveiled your thoughts from the last couple of days slowly.
"Not if I catch you," Peter suggested.
"That's the thing... You can't catch me if you're falling with me."
"Darling, I started falling long before you did."
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zorilleerrant · 3 years
imagine some paparazzo takes a picture of one of the batkids that catches their group chat on film, and they have to scramble to explain it away. and they’re like. oh, yeah, we always pretend we’re the batfamily why not? and all the Gothamites latch onto it like nobody’s business and it’s like
“hey, you guys know I love the Waynes but does anyone think it’s a little racist that Bruce went out and specifically found an asian girl to adopt because Orphan is getting popular now”
“wait who said Orphan was Asian do we have an interview???”
“OP you only think Orphan is asian because of that one picture with the katana but that means nothing everyone has a katana. Robin has a katana. for all we know that was Robin’s katana”
“wait is Robin asian??”
“I headcanon Robin as Asian”
“well, that’s a little offensive, I mean, these are real people, don’t we (not me personally) know where Damian is from”
“We’re talking about the real Batfamily, though, not the Waynes.”
“wait there are real ones??? I thought Batman was a myth??? I thought that was just like a pretend Gotham version of Superman like The Flash???”
“But like. Batman is white. So shouldn’t Robin, Son of Batman probably also be white? Like I know not necessarily, but.”
“who said Batman is white? we don’t even know Batman is a man, honestly, like I wear sports bras whenever I fight and you pretty much can’t even see my tits so like. imagine that under armor. that would be a good misdirect, I think, if Batman was actually a woman. you wouldn’t look for her”
“yeah and like. if any of them didn’t have boobs they could make fake ones anyway and fill them with batarangs and it would be like. surprise!”
“Or they could do both, probably. Because Batwoman’s got very specifically outlined breasts for what’s supposed to be armor, you know?”
“so we’re all agreed. Bruce Wayne is secretly BatWOMAN.”
“who’s batman then”
“I say that reporter chick you see him hanging out with sometimes.”
“Lois Lane wasn’t even in the group chat tho? Besides isn’t she Superman lol”
“I want to know why Luke Fox was in there??? what happened to Lucius Fox that Luke needs to be adopted omg he’s such a brilliant inventor???”
“don’t say anything happened to Lucius Fox!! I thought Luke was just friends with Richie Wayne ahhhh!!!”
“speaking of Dick was Nightwing right on the moneymaker or what”
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atomsmoon · 3 years
Dsmp Olympus be like:
Most recognized and old god on the server, at first because of his powers and protection of the Holy Land... then he started showing up just to simp for the British Mushroom guy and he lost all of the intimidation factor.
Has a creepy voice lately does anyone know wassup w that?
He's around fairly often.
WILL show up if you try to set up a table on an ancient looking portal OR if you call him a homeless teletubby.. go ask Techno about it.
People are either chill with him or don't want him to show up cuz that means trouble.
Definitely the most powerful AND most chaotic.
Dream's (and DreamXD's?) sister.
Shows up once every three months to wreck havoc and hand out a couple of impossible blocks.
She built an invisible staircase to fool people into thinking they can reach the sky (and mostly to make them fall down)
Signed her name in obsidian to assert dominance.
Her and Tommy are actually good friends (their allyship first started to piss off Dream, now they enjoy messing around on the server together c: )
Probably has a good relationship w Foolish, Olympus God buddies share shulkers c:
Totem of Undying, the new guy on the block.... unless?? He's been around long enough to have a tragic past as the Totem of Death.
He can pew pew lighting.
Apparently him and Eret go way back? Either that or he knew Herobrine 👀.
He's oddly letting himself be pushed around by two minors with a piglin child but hey at least they will pay him.. right? Guys? gUYS?? (Oh also don't comment on the chandelier it's a sore subject).
Is the tallest mf on the server reaching 27ft.. no wonder his builds are so massive.
Has recently entered a love triangle between Ponk and Sam... someone pray for him, he needs it.
Probably the most elusive god on the smp.
He never talks. Ever. Everyone loves him nonetheless.
Sometimes reaches out as <Server> in chat or he shows up with his Captain America and Reindeer outfit.. (i like to imagine him binging Marvel movies in the Olympus when he's got nothing else to do, which admittedly is most of the time)
Was at the site of Tubbo's nuclear test.. sightseeing?
He's the one to call when something's wrong
Generally the best
Deserves the world
Ok we love him moving on
Philza Minecraft
Was called the Angel Of Death once upon a time
He lost his wings to protect Wilbur from the L'manberg explosion... dearly misses flying.
Oooold friend of Techno, some stories say they ruled an ice ridden land called The Antarctic Empire
He's technically NOT immortal but Ageless aka he can die but he's always been too cool for that
His vibe is being done with everyone's shit, just don't mess with the people he loves.
People say he's the creator of the game. They are right. This is the truth now.
He's also the person everyone yells for for IT Support... ?
His only weakness are Baby Zombies, do not ask him about it.
Egg (evil)
Now onto the: GODS *?*
People chant "Blood For The Blood God" but his story is very confusing and complicated, is He getting the blood for the blood god or is he the Blood God himself? Nobody's sure but Everyone knows not to fuck with him.
He actually hybernates for several weeks on end, trusting Philza to look over him.
Has a thing for wither skeletons
Possibly old as hell (see long ass friendship w Philza)
Confusing and conflicting information about his nature, some say he's a straight up pig, some say piglin, some say he's a hybrid or wearing a mask... more info needed
He can and will kick Dream's ass
... still owes him a favor tho rip.
Immortal person too??
Herobrine/ Herobrine's descendant???
Idk fam everyone just thought "this normal dude has weird eyes" then Foolish rolls around and now the questions rise in number by the second
Is a Queen nonetheless
Demon guy
Once said he's immortal till his best friend dies... now... he took one of his lives... *it's complicated*
Actually a nice dude before he got possessed by the evil egg.
Can fix weird problems with the servers cuz console access making him another person to yell for.
Mainly just hangs around in the main area talking about muffins.
I imagine Callahan and Drista mainly chilling up there, only occasionally swinging by to check what's going on. Foolish and Phil always enjoyed hanging around on the server, building and travelling respectfully. Eventually they all ended up in the same place, who's to know if they ever met eachother in their long lives.. (yes phil and foolish give us crumbs please it is an invitation).
Everyone else is more of a demigod entity to me (apart from bbh because i do entertain the thought that everyone who has op on the server is secretly a god BUT that would make Awesamdude a god which hMMMM, but also philza would be a demigod which kINDA MAKES SENSE because he ISN'T in fact immortal- imma stop myself)
Ah and DreamXD just followed Dream around till he got stuck in the prison... oh well.. more time to simp ig  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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piratedrouge · 3 years
oh, i love rouge too! she's absolutely a queen in my opinion, we (sadly) couldn't see her very much on screen or manga but obviously she loved her beloved son and lover (could be a husband but, guess what, we don't know that either) so fiercly and stubbornness for give a good life to her son is just awasome. much love for queen!
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omg yes rouge is such a queen!! she has so much potential and she is the only female will of d character in op so she must have had incredible power (or i would like to think hmmmmmmmmmmm)
i like to think that she was a lot like ace in personality – the confidence, the charm, the swagger. and i like her character design. the freckles, the sunset pink hair. now just imagine her in the same cowboy aesthetic ace had going on. some people think he was inspired by her to go with that look. please look at @quilfish-swan's beautiful art to see what i mean. even the general rouge tag has good stuff. thank you op fandom.
i love the idea that she was a pirate as well. i mean, come on. and i'd like to think she was a damn good one too, probably crushing marines and stealing treasure and kicking ass all over the world. deep down tho she secretly likes the idea of eventually settling down and having a family and love and so on then she meets roger, a fellow pirate, and after a few fiery adventures and explosions, they fall in love and do just that.
*dreamy sigh* i just love partners in crime to lovers okay? plus they're both mega hot. the power couple vibes are off the charts.
also, let me very totally absolutely subtly point you towards my fic where i wrote some pirate!rouge. i definitely want to write some more of this so... stay tuned, maybe?
p.s. another response to this ask:
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anyway, rouge stans, unite with me!
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immortal-green-snom · 3 years
We’ve seen your thoughts on Oobleck but what about Glynda? She’s based off the good witch from the Wizard of Oz but we know nothing else about her.
I'm gonna be completely honest, i have not gotten around to analyzing and understanding Glynda as much as I should have by this point. alsniidlaisndlanisd. Because you're right, there's just not that much about her. Ozpin is such a prominent figure in the show and so engrained into the plot. And Oobleck got a fair amount of screen time with Team RWBY at Mountain Glenn for a couple episodes so there's stuff to go off of for him.
But, despite always being at Ozpin's side, there's just not as much with Glynda. There's things to speculate on, for sure--just like with Oz and Oobleck--, but its not as much as I'd personally like to have [keep in mind i have not read the books, haha! She could have more of a role in those].
Also, the problem with Oz and Glynda being based on the Wizard of Oz is that I have not READ the wizard of oz [ 1.) cause I can't get my hands on physical copies and i hate reading things off of a screen. 2.) I'm a lazy, lazy bitch and it takes me a while to sit down and actually read something.] AND IM SITTING HERE LIKE "YO IF I READ THE BOOKS, I'D HAVE SO MUCH TO PLAY AROUND WITH AND SPECULATE ON FOR BOTH OZ AND GLYNDA BUT AGGH PFTFTFT, READING, Y'KNOW??".
Meanwhile, Oobleck's allusion is so simple and easy. i mean, it took me like, 10 minutes to read The Bartholomew and The Oobleck? no big deal. but ahhhhh, Wizard of Oz?? [whining noises]
SO ANYWAY. That means all i've got for Glynda is base personality, some speculation, and the rough backstory I came up with for my Young Headmaster Ozpin AU. I WISH I had more and I WISH I wasn't so lazy when it came to reading, but here we are, lol.
If you want some of my personal headcanons tho!! ;O
-grew up either in a fairly wealthy family or one that was stinking rich -DOES in fact know about Oz's reincarnation. I imagine he either told her or she figured it out on her own. -REALLY likes cute, girly pink things but is too prideful to admit it -On that note, she's just very prideful in general and is very, very private about her personal life. Reason being because she is just a straight up weeb [I imagine she secretly likes overly sugary, pop-y music and lil anime figurines, okay. You CAN find her at a convention in hiding, buying some exclusive anime funko pop. AND SHE WILL LITERALLY DIE IF ANYONE EVER LEARNS ABOUT THIS] -Her semblance is like the Schnee Glyphs, in that its passed down through the family bloodline -Though her Semblance is OP, she could still kick your ass without it [I imagine she can both take a punch and return one] -Isn't ACTUALLY as annoyed with everything and everyone as she makes it seem. It's just, like, part of the performance she puts up to seem more put together and knowledgeable than she actually really is. I like the idea that, like Oz, she, too, is slightly a mess. As in, she's just as human as he is, or anyone else for that matter. I just REALLY like the idea of a Glynda with some insecurity. -cat person 100%. still debating in my head whether or not she just owns one or two that she treats like royalty or if she's one of those extreme pet owners who has, like, 10 cats -Glynda at work: neat, tidy, hair always perfect, clothes always pressed to wrinkle-less perfection, always on time. Stone cold, reliable baddass bitch who's got it all figured out. Feared and respected girlboss, strict ass teacher with a sharp tongue who gets shit DONE. -Glynda at home: sweat pants and bath robe, eating out of an ice cream tub. walking the treadmill while watching anime, lounges around on top of nine pillows on a giant ass bed. Won't leave the house for days if she can help it. Bubbles and bathbombs. Crying at 3am cause of some romcom. Eating instant ramen despite the fact that she can cook fairly decently. Actually kinda lonely tho she will never admit that, either.
Like most things with me: No evidence for any of this, all speculation and headcanon. But heyhey, headcanon is fun lolol
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kndrules · 3 years
okay so you know how in INTERVIEWS hoagies like science nerds stink at keeping secrets from eachother rite. but like. how long did he know? like what was up with that part in PLANET where he accidentally calls kuki and wally test subjects?? did the gknd consider making one of them earth operative?? i dont know what to do with this information
not to imply he knew the gknd was going to try to blow up earth! if the other non-secretly-an-alien kids knew that theyd probably be uhhh mad lol but anyway if true that could be an interesting and emotionally devastating thread to explore in gknd the series if it ever exists
It sure is emotionally devastating! I think about this all the time and it's one of the things that makes me the most upset when I watch op INTERVIEWS tbh cuz like fuck dude Hoagie knew for a while and had to keep it to himself, even tho it was clearly tearing him up inside. He couldn't even talk to his best friends about it. What he said to Nigel also makes sense, because he had the most time out of everybody to process the fact that Nigel was leaving, so he'd already been thinking about it (I'm referring to when he's like "you're going to go on amazing adventures out there and we're just going to be stuck down here". He was clearly giving it a lot of thought and had time to consider things past his initial feelings of loss)
There is no way that even the science nerds had TOO much information about the GKND though. 74.239 could control what they knew and didn't know, and could have even fed them misinformation on purpose. He might not even be the only operative who was a stealth GKND agent, but still, I feel like they would be very particular with what information they let out, possibly based on what they NEED certain people to know to perform certain tasks.
(On the subject of other knd ops who could have been GKND, consider the medical operative who woke Nigel up from his GKND influenced dream in WHITEHOUSE.....)
I could go down a million GKND related rabbit holes, but to stick with Hoagie specifically- Yes I think his behavior in PLANET is foreshadowing the fact that he knew some things. In fact, it's interesting that he's even there as a part of the study, since he's technically a field operative. I'm assuming 74.239 wanted him there, because their test subjects were his sector members. It's possible that this episode is when he learned about GKND, perhaps in the briefing for the mission. There's no way he didn't know, though, because that's an episode from the second half of s6.
But yeah mostly I just get sad about it. I'd imagine at first Hoagie is extremely excited to learn about aliens and all that stuff, he's probably overwhelmed with the possibilities. But when he finds out that Nigel is leaving and is the only one who gets to leave, it would have been crushing. If he built up the GKND in his head before that, as some amazing sci-fi adventure, to then be told "your best friend is going, and you have no possibility of going", it would be heartbreaking in multiple ways, which canon seems to imply.
Thanks for this ask!
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lesbiansupersons · 5 years
Imagine instead of accidentally killing a cat like earth prime, his dad tried to have him kill a cat, he secretly hid it and kept it safe and is now taking care of it, he gave it to Damian bc he wanted to keep the cat safe
op your mind....
honestly he would tho, and Damian would absolutely adore the cat so much. Though sadly he wouldn’t call them Alfred considering Alfred doesn’t play an important part of the story.
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jonghoshoe · 4 years
Imagine incompetent chef Yunho trying to learn how to cook because he secretly wants to impress you but you think that he likes someone else and offer to teach him (slowly falling for him more and more) until one day you visit him to teach him how to make something but you're surprised my him in a suit with candles and flowers and a restaurant quality home cooked meal. I think that this is a concept
I adore this concept except I know nothing about cooking and therefore cannot write anyone being taught to do so, the extent of my cook knowledge is baking dry brownies and making pizzas. I am bobo the gen z fool I'm sorry op that sounds like a really good idea tho 🥺
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futanaritalizorah · 7 years
So i did a lot of raids last night. Damn am i making a lot of enemies lately. Alkurna put me on blast cause i kicked him out of kp sm 8 man gf. Tbqh, i dont remember kicking the guy out...but either way the group was irritated with him and said he was "triggering" them so i wrote "you are triggering" or something. He thought i kicked him because he was criticizing me dying twice on first boss. Ok first of all, rancor didnt enrage so stfu. It wasnt a dps issue. But after that i couldnt tell because sasha (usually a healer) was tanking and pres (usually a tank) was healing. Yeah. So i know we gotta be behind the fucking rancor but i got the debuff so i died. It hit for 200k and i have 100k health. Bit this guy tried telling me i should bubble and im like....i dont need to be told how to sorc. That and i bubbled because healer got me up but didnt heal my health up. That shit should be able to be solo healed. Either way he got on allies bitching aboyt me but i really paid no attention because while he was bitching about 1 person (me), 6 people were bitching about him. Yeah, surprise bitch. 6 people dont wanna raid with you. It was a group decision. I was simply a figure head. Um i did snv before that tho. I noticed kell alting a lot. Surprise, i didnt do shit. If you noticed your toons out of the guild, surprise. I wasnt even in the guilf when you got kicked. Blame me now bish. I didnt do shit to you and i didnt tell them to do shit. Kell argued shes "quitting" the game. Fun fact. She alwqys disappears and comes back. She did it before. And the reason i said she did this to herself is because whenever shes not toying with boys in game, shes toying with guys in rl. I forgot his name, but it started with a 'T'. Thomas? Either way this shit happened in rl. She lost a lot of friends and idk she claims her friends told her another girl is talking shit but...bitch try that for me Try that for me. Its possinle the other girl did that, but try that for me. Cause i have ss. No! I have conversations that are uncut that show how toxic your own fucking words are...dare you to ss my shit and cut context out. Its so simple to but do you really dare to? I will fight back. Tread carefully. I have nothing to lose while you have everything to lose. Dont you realize that you had everything to lose to begin with when you made relationships on a foundation of lies? Dont even saybyoure fucking misguidrd cause youre a liar. You dont hurt people you love. I see the trash you posted on fb before i blocked you. You talk about love but youre a fucking snake and youre the one trlling our mutual friends *i* was doinf stupid shit. Do you know how *nice * i am? Do you onow how many times you fucked me over in the past and our mutual friends knew? Cause i fucking had a meltdown? But they fucking know how kind i am. They know ive supported cody, regardless of how fucked up the situation got for me or his friends. I never spoke any fucking ill will towards him when i had every reason to. Never. I just kept wishing him.the best. When kelsara popped into my life and kept harassing me? I had a meltdown. You fucking ran away and couldnt dewl with it. But aris and gold have seen me meltdown before. They were my rocks. I had every reason to be mean to kelsara and every reason to hate cody but you dont see me rubbing it in his face. Dor a reason. I still dont know how to really process it. But i know i have no ill will towards cody. I didnt even shit talk him then for christs sake. When he banned me from the ts and kicked me out of my home, the guild, i should have had every reason to hate him. He "chose" you over family. You even said i was on the "no" list but nobody stopped raiding with me. No one. I did however refuse to carry a fucking tank that doesnt know their rotation. Aka kell. Hell not even you have the power to get her into raids. If her rep is a shit tank, shes not getting into raids. That has nothing to do with me or her shitty being. But even i noticed you dont form raids for her the way i did....dont say i didnt fucking care dor her cause i did so much for that girl....so much. She took no appreciation and wanted more. But yeah, ven if she couldnt get into raids, i noticed you didnt form raids for her either. Shes bad news to run with. Her shit doesnt cleqr. She got cocky and formed a ravagers run without me because i was with muh doing ec. Fucking idiot could have brought an alt but nope. She was petty and formed for rav and kept saying "i hqte you lmlei". Yeah, no. She ender up inviting 3 healers. More on that fucjing later. Its on a stream though. Her fucking petty and immature ass attitude is on stream. Yep! What a gem! Bitch (kell) your love meant nothing to me to bwgin witg because you use people so often. Its why im so bothered youre toying with cody. But either way i formed raids for her qnd i see why...she couldnt form raids...not even in the fuilds she was in. I joined her ev sm run with,her guildies and shit did they aggro a lot of shit to the point i froze the entire time but dethhs qnd i cleared trash as soon as their asses fucking died and my fps fixed itaeld. Idiot. So yes you may have jumped the gun and banned me from ts and kicked me from the guild but i still felt i got the longer end of the stick. Cause i didnt have you looming over me like aris, wick, and gold did. They either didnt know when you were kicking them or if you even were or if they were leaving themselves cause they saw no valid reason for me to get kicked to begin with. They saw no valid reason cody. This is why im saying ask for the truth from them because in no way did i feed these bitches shit. They experienced and lived this shit. They know what went down. That and i raided then and i didnt stop raiding now that i had no guild. Jokes on you, ive been pugging and making friends a ling time before you came back...i hope i made you proud...cause my shit clears...so i did meet friends and i am familiar with fuckers you shouldnt raid with....but yeah... Jokes qlwo on you cause you put me on the "no" list for the prog team i helped solidify. Cody, i lovw you found these people. I love it. It means you still know what quality looks like. But while you were gone, it was a group effort to find the rest if the players and make sure theyd get along in the long run. We clicked pretty well. You came in wnd told them i wasnt allowed to be apart of that...who tge duck qre you or anyone to tell someone else who they cant play with That beinf said, even you xontinued to rwid with me. When kell wasnt invited to the group, you still raided with me. The man who made and put me on the no list...still raided with me. Rip. Secretly or not...you still raided with me. I just wish you soent less time pulling bs stories out of your ass and just played cause you xant relax when youre too busy lying qnd hiding. Cody, please. Play the fame you want it to. You know how i know they love you? Months ago i told them that rhey had to play the game they wanted to. So fast forward to kell and kevins shitty tanking and they notice neither of them know how to form tight vaginas at karraga. Aris initiqlly suggests that you might have to tank and i didnt even have time to unmute my mic before she and wick chime in qnd say "nvm let him decide what toon to play" . THAT is why wick hopped on his tank. He didnt want you to. They love you dearly and just wanted you to wnjoy playing the toon you wanted. Aka your sniper lately. Also when you died on n'hova at karraga no worries. We knew you knew your shit but your gear wont be able to hold aggro and your health is affected wince you were still lvl 65. It wasnt on you. But yeah, if you were completely upset or...whatever, or believed anything at all of what she says, you wouldnt be raidinf with me. Idk why youre raiding with me or raiding with me in secret wt all,but yeah. Ill tell you this much, if you spent less time secretly raiding with me and more time raiding with aris qnd gold and the peog teqm i heped make, you could be touching hwrd mode content. Just sayin. You qr3nt made for sm cody.. youre ready for hm...let me do that...i enjoy it...wventually it wonr be a chwllenge but....i meet people this way...teach them...and recruit them...i get people that stay in the guild cody....you should be trying hm with aris now...no more of this sm stuff with me cody...i enjoy spending time with you but imagine what you could have cleared by now... But yeah...kell cant take my ops or friends away from me...*i* made a name for myself...i knew that if my raids cleared, more people will run with me more frequently....and my friends? Theyve seen the ugly sides of me when...i had meltdowns...they saw the honest parts of me as well...but they never knew me to be a liar...so yes cody...i kept friends and burned bridges with one...why? Cause im not q liar qnd even if i tried burning bridges (believe me, i tried. I tried burning it with wick)....they wouldnt let me... I asked wick why qnd he said he thought i was genuinely kind...so i finqlly told him why i told kellavia to wqtch himself with her...thats a story for anoth3r day...but yeah... I have people who choose to stand by me because im not fake and im genuinely kind qnd im not even trying to tear kell down at all...shes doing it heraelf 2hen she approaches these "mutual" friends of ours...and shit talks me ans blames me I had no hand cody She has a mouth and im not gonna protect her. I told her that shit we ever talked about stays between us...my last straw? When she told klebis. She even told him your reql name. I just...i broke down from there. Im careful with your name cody...i have studf i should be blamed for but...i cant control ofher peoples mouths. Th3 onee that wr3 nontoxic and like understand the situation know this isnt their information to share. She made my life into a shit show by thinking she can share this information thays not even hers. Like i said, she has a naive view of thinfs so why the fuck would i want her of all people telling people qbout it. I never let her aee the bwautiful parts of you...i showed her your little dipper...so handsome... Sigh. Doing it again. This is pure torture.
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