#implied alcohol
judacris · 8 months
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Chilli Heeler and her "fun" husband in: Drinking Buddy // dm29.deviantart.com
A 2019 Chardoonie? Why, thank you. Mighty kind!
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whimsii-cal · 8 months
(please click all images for better quality tumblr crunched the shit outta them)
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↑ character sheet. fun fact he’s classed as a bard lmao ↑
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↑ render variations: (mask) - (no mask) - (no mask + shadows) ↑
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↑ his cat is Lady Pestilence the Wicked, Harbinger of Anguish ↑
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↑ he’s being very evil (he’s not actually evil) - little dance ↑
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paintpanic · 1 year
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Oh.. The music is so nice...
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danafeelingsick · 2 years
sɪᴄᴋғɪᴄ ᴅɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛs #5
sɪᴄᴋɪᴇ ʟʏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴀʀᴇᴛᴀᴋᴇʀ
1. “I'm fine, I just stood up too fast.”
2. “I just feel a little dizzy, that's all.”
3. “I just haven't had enough sleep.”
4. “I swear, I don't get motion sick.”
5. “I can't be sick, I feel fine.”
6. “I'll be okay after I take a quick nap.”
7. “I haven't been sick in ages, it has to be something else...”
8. “I feel fine, why do you ask?”
9. “Do I look sick to you? I mean, come on.”
10. “Of course I can walk on my own, what do you take me for?”
11. “Huh, what did you say? Sorry, I was a bit distracted.”
12. “I can feel the medicine working already.”
13. “I might just be hungry.”
14. “What? I sound fine. Ahem.”
15. “No, I don't think it's nausea.”
16. “I think I just drank a bit too much.”
17. “You're getting all worried over nothing.”
18. “You'll be the one worried sick if you keep going like this.”
19. “It's nothing, really.”
20. “I'll be fine, I swear.”
21. “I can take care of myself, thank you very much.”
22. “I think I might have overeaten.”
23. “Yeah, I can handle another plate.”
24. “I'm just not hungry.”
25. “What? I just don't eat a lot.”
26. “*growl* What? That wasn't me!”
27. “No. I don't need to go the hospital.”
28. “I can handle it, it's fine.”
29. “Are you sure? I can take it from here.”
30. “That's far from fever.”
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bright-eyed-dizzy · 1 month
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I ❤️ midwest emo
OC Mitch Mensley any prns
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fragiledate · 10 months
hard day!
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some stills and colour palette explorations. i ended up going very simple
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dkniade · 2 years
Team Dynamic (Platonic)
Shows Kaeya being uncomfortable with fire. Implied insomnia and alcoholism in the caption
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Bennett: I had a great sleep!
Tartaglia: So did I! …Pff, but you look terrible, Kaeya.
Kaeya: …Do I? Haha, interesting.
Rosaria: Kaeya, talk it through with them. I’m going to sleep.
Tartaglia: Did you not sl—
Kaeya: Fancy taking shots with me, Harbinger?
I saw a video of Layla’s attack animations model-swapped with Childe and he looked cute sleeping peacefully (so naturally ?? the conclusion is to have sleepless Kaeya with his Vision going off like crazy because there’s fire)
If we’re going by my actual main team then Lisa should be in Tartaglia’s place by personality-wise these four are so fun
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puppitproductions · 2 years
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Happy singles day!
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flowersarefreetherapy · 9 months
I Won't Let Go of Your Hand
. . . here is the fandom piece *throws this into the void and runs*
CW: Emotional whump, angst, arguments, brief physical violence, brief mentions of alcohol
“No organizations, huh?”
The sunset’s rays spread across the city, trapping everything in orange, encasing it in amber, holding the moment forever. Somewhere the ticking of a clock fills the silence as he struggles for answers past a sudden lump in his throat. Orange slipping away as the dark night creeps over the buildings, stars blinking awake.
“Things change,” he whispers. 
A scoff. He can’t make himself turn around. 
“What happened to not wanting to be part of anything? The Lone Wolf. The independent assassin. Above it all.”
“Gen'ichirō . . .”
“. . . he’s a good kid.”
“I had to make him a home. I had to give him somewhere he would be safe. Like I did for you, years ago.”
Laughter. His spine stiffens with the presence of another close to him. Do not turn around. Do not move. He always wins. There is no threat here. 
“Right. After you beat my ass. Never did quite forgive you for that.”
“You’re still drunk.”
Breath across his skin, raising the hair on his neck. He slowly turns, gaze raised, body ready for a fight. Everything inside him screams. Too close to the window. Trapped. There isn’t anywhere to run. Habit. Years of being with people he can’t trust, years of being without the one person he knows will protect him, too much time spent with the demon and his fiend. 
The smell of cheap whiskey on his breath. “Maybe.”
“Not maybe, Gen'ichirō. You’re still drunk.”
A hum. Hand over his shoulder, resting against the window, caging him in. He’s taller than he remembers, broader in the shoulders. A shiver of fear slips down his spine. No. If he breaks now, he loses. 
Stop seeing him as a threat.
“What now?” It’s tired, heavy, words dropping into the small space between them as if it was a canyon. “What do you do now?”
“I make him a world where he is safe,” he responds. “A world where he is welcomed and loved. Where nothing can hurt him.”
“Right.” Violet eyes gleam like cat’s in the dark. “You can’t.”
“Why are you here? Why now?”
“. . . I saw you. The papers. The news. All those people dead . . . and you hated me for my choice.”
“I had to end the war.”
“We could have ended it together!”
Silence. Clock hands ticking. He prays the boy doesn’t hear, doesn’t come investigate. This is not for him to know. 
His hand hovers between them for a few seconds, drops back to his side. Not on his hip, his cheek, the soft touches he remembers and craves. His weight rests heavily on his hand, trapping him further. Forcing deep breaths past the proximity and the smell of alcohol. 
“You need rest,” he whispers. 
“I’m done resting. That’s all they told us to do. Rest. The war’s over. Heal. Go home.” A bitter laugh. “Whatever that means.”
Don’t say it. Don’t say it. Don’t say it. “You could stay with us. He looks up to you. You could help us! It would be like what we always wanted.”
Another laugh that fades into a heavy sigh. “I can’t. I have responsibilities to my soldiers, like your responsibility to the kid.”
“What responsibilities? The war is over, Gen'ichirō, you can come home.”
“There isn't a home. Not any more. They took all of that.”
“You can remake a home! It doesn’t have to be permanently gone!” 
Why does he care? Why is he fighting for something they both know they don’t want? Why is he fighting to keep someone who left? Even after everything, he can see a future of the three of them, standing against the darkness of the city, fighting to keep the peace among the Gifted and the government. They can do it. 
“Maybe . . . they offered me a command. Nothing big. But it pays well . . . well enough to take care of a kid, get you on your feet. You don’t need this agency. No killing, just a ceremonial role. You wouldn’t have to do anything other than some paperwork, which you’re already doing.” His other hand resting on his shoulder. Familiar comfort. He tampers down the urge to kiss him. “Please, let’s not repeat our past.”
“I’ve given you my answer, Gen'ichirō. I will not fight on behalf of our government.”
His hand tightens. When did he get so much stronger? He slowly exhales, hating the flinch that he can’t suppress when he pushes off, steps back. For the first time, he realizes the danger Gen'ichirō presents. Stronger and taller, coupled with an Ability of dangerous proportions. Yet he doesn’t feel the same fear as when he is with the demon. Just resignation, and hurt. 
“This agency is going to fail.”
“Gen'ichirō, please, listen to me. Please stay. If not for me, then for him.”
“Why won’t you come with me? Why do I have to come with you? You who have never listened to me ever!”
“Keep your voice down!” he hisses. “He is sleeping!”
“Yukichi, please” –gripping his wrists hard enough to bruise, pulling him far too close– “come back with me. We can change this nation, I know we can. War has torn us apart and we need someone to lead us. With my talent and your wisdom, we could fix it!”
“Gen'ichirō, let me go.”
“No. No, listen to me. Don’t you want to repay your mistakes? Don’t you want–”
“I am making reparations. I am opening this agency to help the people.”
“But we could help everyone!”
He sighs. In the silence, he swears he can hear the healing shards of his heart shatter yet again. This damn man. This whole damn thing. He shakes his head and ignores how the pain grows when his smile falls.
“You’re drunk. You need to leave.”
“Bokutō, you can’t-”
“Please, I–” He looks away, ignoring how his hands tighten. “Please, Ouchi.”
He steps back. Laughs. The brash, loud sound he remembers all too well. Runs a hand through his mane of hair. “My little swordsman. All grown up.”
“You’ve changed too, Gen'ichirō.”
“Tell the kid he’s gonna do great. He’s got a good father.”
“Gen'ichirō . . .”
He smiles, a flash of teeth in the dark. “Call me if you need anything. Or if you change your mind. I’ll keep the same number.”
“Good night, Gen'ichirō.”
“Good night, bokutō. I wish you the best.”
The words don’t ring true. He watches him slip out into the night. Darkness falls over the city. It’s no longer in his hands. 
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squishranger · 8 months
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kirbtober day 5 - animal friend (and other characters i felt like drawing), prompt courtesy of paintpanic alt caption: "and then i was like, snap out of it, kirby! y'know, 'cause he was loopy."
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ethan8439 · 9 months
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Drunk waddle Dees and doos lol
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okay siblings are gone time to sip on a nice red and smoke some grass and watch cr
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patchworkbubblegum · 2 years
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Eddtober 2022 Days 1-4: Edd, Matt, Tom, & Tord
Lineart by @mc-cuddlebunny
Colour by @patchworkedits
Boys in their Drinks!
For the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th @eddtober prompts, we decided to combine the first 4 prompts into 1! Tom was supposed to share, but he got there before Tord and chugged the entire thing. Edd and Matt seem to be having fun though!
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softestmidnight · 2 years
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(LATE) Fugoweek Day 2: Drunk Advice
Fugo: Hey Abbacchio, can we order a pizza?
Abbacchio: Listen Fugo, *hic* don't waste your life *urp* trying to cure your depression through *hic* material means. It might feel good at *urp* first but in the long run it'll only make you *hic* feel more *urp* hollow on the inside. You're a good kind, you've got a good support system, don't fall down that path, please.
-Awkward Slience-
Fugo: So...is that a no?
Abbacchio: Get my wallet.
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danafeelingsick · 2 years
I really like the idea of Diluc throwing up from drinking hard liquor since he can’t handle alcohol really well hard liquor must make him very sick. Can you draw either Jean or Kaeya holding Diluc’s hair back as he throws up from drinking too much hard liquor? I would appreciate that a lot thank you so much I love your art!
hey (again?) anon! am i safe to assume you are the same anon? because these two ideas go so well together. thank you for the kind words as well! ⸝⸝•ᴗ•⸝⸝)
so, here's your request. tried to imply the hard liquor part with the color, but it isn't all that convincing (references for these are hard to go by so...) i chose j.ean instead of k.aeya because i've been dying to feature her a bit more (i mean, hot tall lady, how can i not?), but i just haven't gotten to that yet. i have so many ideas going around...
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 2 years
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