#implied rape
bunnieswithknives · 1 year
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Hostage Rowan deserves his own outfit 
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daisy-mooon · 8 months
Whumptober 2023 Day 4: Cattle prod
Apollo sprinted as fast as his legs could carry him, lunging for the griffins. Calypso sat upon the female, her arms locked reassuringly around her neck, and Meg was perched anxiously on the male, all but screeching at him to hurry up, when something struck his back and he fell cleanly onto the ground.
It took him a moment to realise what it was between the stabbing, sparks of pain that set his entire body alight in familiar agony. Something he’d only briefly glanced at, something that should have been kept in the shadowed corner of the enclosure, something that should have never been used on any of the furiously anxious animals locked behind the glass let alone be in sight of them - a cattle prod.
His head was achingly warm against the sandy ground, and his eyes watered as dust swept into his face. Distantly, Apollo was aware that Meg had broken out screaming. Calypso was yelling. He could see and hear nothing of Litreyses, but he could feel something cold and metallic prick carefully at his shoulder blades, pressing his limp form firmly into the floor, before electricity wept through his spine. 
The world around him turned into a haze - it wasn’t that Apollo couldn’t see it, it was that he was physically incapable of processing the world around him. With his face in the floor, there wasn’t a lot that he could see anyway.
There was one, particularly loud cry from Calypso before he heard something huge move, before he heard the footsteps of Germani, before he heard the flapping of wings, before Meg’s wails grew more and more distant before drifting into nothingness. In some far-removed part of his mind, he allowed himself to feel relieved that she had escaped. She’d been through enough already. But still, he'd just gotten her back, he'd just gotten to see her again-
His thoughts were cut off as the prod reignited - he’d been so dazed that he didn’t even realise that it had stopped in the first place. A fresh scream tore from his lips and he mustered up only a single twitch in defence. Out of all the weapons Lityerses could have used, he had chosen to weaponise electricity. He was a master swordsman with a sword, for the love of the gods, and chose the one thing-
It buzzed again. The sparks were thick and suffocating, like being skewered by a million arrows at once. It was burning, consuming-
A pause. A relief. His skull was numb against the floor, and he let it stay there.
“I thought we were going to kill him.” The Germani were arguing with Lityerses now, no doubt some wanting revenge for their wounds, others wanting to bring him back to Commodus and get their mission over with. Apollo tried to flex his hand to see if there was any way he could try and fight back against the next weapon. His fingers barely moved.
“Well, I was.” A boot made contact with his head, nudging it in a way that wasn’t really rough, but definitely wasn’t gentle. Even that managed to hurt. “But the other two escaped with the griffins, and Commodus was very insistent on having Apollo to start with. I’d rather bring him something than nothing at all.”
Commodus wanted him? That… could mean a whole plethora of things-
“No, I don’t know what he wants with Apollo beyond making sure that he stops messing with the Triumvirate. Something about bathtubs? I didn’t ask.”
…So it meant something that would probably result in his death. That was… that was great.
“Maybe Apollo knows.” One of the Germani suggested, before helpfully kicking him in the ribs. He coughed in a way that was dry and cracked and full of pain. Had he broken his ribs? It would certainly explain the horrific burst of pain that flooded through him-
The cattle prod stabbed back into him without warning. He screamed again, something that completely drowned out the sound around him. At any other time, he would have been grateful to receive a fraction of his voice back, but now? Surrounded by Imperial guards that were intent on capturing and torturing him? It did nothing but remind him of how utterly helpless he was. 
Tears beaded out into the corners of his eyes and he clenched them shut, determined not to give the Germani, determined not to give Lityerses, any more satisfaction in his suffering then he could help. That idea was lost to him as it lifted for an aching moment of relief, before pressing gently into the flesh of his neck.
None of the guards laughed at him for the sob that rattled through him. Or at least he didn't think they did. It was hard to hear when his entire being was racked with agony, had been even when he was a god. He felt himself begin to teeter on the edge of unconsciousness.
It stopped briefly as someone began to yank his arms behind his back and clamped something cold and hard around his wrists, then began again as his hands were dropped back onto them. Apollo couldn't cry out this time, throat too choked and strained to make out anything coherent, and he let out a thick, strangled gurgle. It stopped again as similar cold things- no, they were manacles of some sort- were locked around his ankles. He tried to push his leg, tried to kick whoever was restraining him, and his body went alight with pain in retaliation. No matter how many times sparks were forced into his veins for doing something wrong, he'd never get used too it.
"That's enough." Lityerses called from the side. It stopped. Had he not been the one electrocuting him? "We need to get him out of here before the zoo opens."
"One more?"
"Well, Apollo isn't stopping you."
He felt cool metal press against the top of his skull, and lost all connection to reality as the pain hit him.
His body hurt.
Someone was dragging him across the ground. 
Something metal poked him and he twitched in fear, terrified of the cattle prods return-
The light around him burnt into an intense, glowing fury. It wasn't the warn rays of his sun, or the cool shine of his sisters moon, but harsh and blunt and interrogative.
He swore he could hear laughter.
Apollo woke up, cold, sore and aching. 
Every part of him screamed as he opened his eyes, protesting the torture they had been through- what, hours before? Days? He wasn't sure. He didn't know if he had a clock, wherever he was, and he didn't know if he had the strength to look at it even if there was one.
Right... where was he?
His eyes had opened but he hadn't bothered to look, too distant from his own body to concentrate. As he forced himself to focus, his nerves protesting even louder as he became fully aware of his body, he saw the plainest of surroundings. Fluorescent lights. Uniform white walls. A polished marble floor. The room was adorned in a golden trim. He attempted to draw comfort in the colour, a similar colour to his bow, but it left him feeling hollow and empty. 
The room was plain, yet elegant. There were no shadows at all, no dark spaces to hide and retreat into, and the intensity of the brightness convinced his eyes to ache with the rest of him. It was with this exposure that Apollo then became acutely aware that he was lying down in a hollowed out section of the floor, the perfect space for a human to lie down in. The perfect size for a large, luxurious bathtub
Apollo writhed, attempting to pull himself out of it immediately, but the manacles that had been pressed against him earlier kept him immobile against the freezing stone. He started to notice things around him. The fact that the top of the bathtub-like mound was taller than his head could reach. One golden, tap-like pipe at each end. The concerning lack of a drain. And, perhaps most importantly, the opening of a door. 
From his point in the floor, he couldn't see who entered. But judging by the slow, dramatic pace, he had a rather good guess as to who.
Commodus walked all the way from the door behind his head, to the end of the bathtub where his feet were shackled. He looked- he wanted to say that he looked hideous, but he couldn't. He looked stunning, like every part of the New Hercules he claimed to be. And Apollo hated it.
"Hello, Apollo." His eyes glittered in the light. They were pretty, in the way a wolf's eyes were pretty before it leapt forward to rip your throat out. What he wouldn't do to be surrounded by his sacred animal right now. "It's been quite a while now, hasn't it?"
"...Commmodus." He hated how silky his voice was whilsy his own broke in anticipating terror. He hated how incomparably gorgeous he looked. He hated how he wanted to kiss him. These were not thoughts he should be having right as he was most likely about to kill him.
His head tilted to the side and drank the sight of him in, lingering at the parts he supposed were desirable. Apollo then became intensely aware that he was still very much in the body of a teenager, and any all of his attraction was replaced by the desire to throw up. Was Commodus seeing Apollo, the four thousand year old god, or was he seeing Lester, the sixteen year old boy? He hoped to every god in every pantheon that it was not the latter.
He was snapped outside his discomfort by laughter. Commodus' laughter. "Now, now Apollo. Don't you have anything else to say? After all, it has been a couple millenia since we've last spoken. No thanks to you murdering me."
Even after that enormous stretch of time, Apollo still had every detail of that day seared into his mind. Like a painful brand you could ignore, but never forget. He shivered through the fear and looked at him straight in the eyes. "And what do you want me to say, Commodus?"
"There are a variety of things I want you to say." Commodus leaned down, slowly, and swung his legs over the side of the bathtub. His sandals skimmed the tops of his shoes. "There are a variety of things I want you to do. There are far fewer, and much more important things that I simply want from you."
…sweat began to bead at the back of his neck. Apollo forced himself not to focus on Commodus' body, but even if he hadn't had the willpower, he wouldn't have been able to feel desire for him anyway. Had he been in any other circumstance, he may have struggled, but there was something deeply uncomfortable at having him say anything… implicative whilst he was restrained at his mercy. 
"And what kind of things do you want from me?" He asked, wrists twitching against the restraints. They did not give. 
Commodus let himself bask in silence for a moment, observing the small, animal-like signals of his fear, before moving until he was sat on the side of the bathtub, at such a position that he could easily reach down and touch his face and chest. Then, slowly, he turned around and gripped something that had been lying on the floor out of his sight.
Apollo twitched against his will as he fingered the cattle prod and began to slowly, slowly press against the dip in his collarbone, right the bottom of his throat. His eyes betrayed him, displaying a look of hoarse, vengeful delight.
"I want to hear you scream." Commodus said simply, before flicking the cattle prod on.
He clamped his mouth shut almost on instinct as electricity coarsed through him, and it took every bone in his body not to immediately start pleading for mercy. This was not his father. This was not a safe person to start begging too. Another crackle raced through him and he shook, biting down hard enough that his jaw began to ache. He was fucked.
It stabbed into that hollow once again, making his muscles seize and lock up in a cruel mirror of paralysis, and Apollo clutched his eyes closed equally as hard as his mouth as he felt the first beginnings of tears form in his eyes. He wasn't even sure why he was being defiant, why he was trying to hide himself from Commodus when he very clearly had intentions of murdering him the moment this was over. Maybe seeing Meg, maybe knowing Meg was safe had inspired him to act something like her. Maybe it was the humiliation that would come with giving in. He didn't know. Though really, with the pain ripping through him, he couldn't.
A question was said above him and he remembered shaking his head weakly, already feeling the skin under his eyes dampen in preparation for tears. Commodus moved away from that spot, having decided that he wanted to know what he looked like when he was writhing from pain in another location, and poked at the side of his neck.
Apollo didn't quite scream, but he did whimper as he attempted to jerk away from it. A peal of soft, dark laughter rang out from next to him he stabbed again at the same spot and held it there. It was beyond painful. The electricity seeped into every part of him just like his father's lightning - skin, muscle, nerves and bone, nothing could be hidden from it. He could feel his ears start to ring, but he was somehow able to make out that he was talking to him about something.
Another noise curled out of his mouth before he had the time to stop it, accompanied by a smooth, sliding tear. Commodus paused. He didn't know whether to feel grateful for the pause or disgusted at his touch as he slowly wiped the tear away, balancing its remnants on the pad of his finger. 
He tsked. "Now this is the kind of reaction I want, Apollo. Don't try and hide them now, there's nothing wrong with feeling the pain of electrocution."
Apollo's mouth opened stiffly and he inhaled a shaky breath. It was interrupted by the cattle prod being forced between his teeth and his eyes flew open in a panic. He'd made a mistake. He'd made a huge, massive mistake-
He wasn't sure if he stayed fully conscious through that round, but he was very confident in the fact that he screamed. Artemis liked to tease that his screams would scare every wild creature for miles, and the memory motivated him to scream louder, somehow, as if it was possible to scare Commodus away like he was nothing more and an animal. He couldn't move. Couldn't think. Couldn't comprehend the pain. He began to inhabit the air around him, began to inhabit the bright fluorescents and the chilling marble, completely detached from his body yet somehow wailing. He started outright sobbing, wanting to plead too his father to stop, whilst drowning in the knowledge that he could make nothing but cries with Commodus having shoved the cattle prod between his teeth-
It stopped and he sunk back into reality, slowly, one piece at a time. The cattle prod was gone, leaving a sensitive jaw and aching teeth. The buzzing of electricity seemed to have dispersed, apart from lingering throbs that wrecked him in every place at once. The emperor beside him was standing up, speaking to someone, not even looking at him.
Through the corners of his eyes, blurred by tears and exhaustion, he saw Commodus scowl. He heard rather than saw the cattleprod clatter onto the floor, and he turned back to him.
"I wouldn't worry, Apollo." His eyes glimmered cruelly. "I'll be back to have a proper reunion later."
Somehow, he got the idea that a 'proper reunion' included choking him in the bathtub shaped space he was trapped in. But Commodus didn't stop to explain himself, and he didn't have the energy nor the desire to ask, and he left him tied down and battered without a second thought. 
He startled, weakly straining at the cuffs to see who was there. They were, rather annoyingly, imperial gold, and pulling did nothing but cut bruises into his skin.
"Apollo." He knew that voice, but he couldn't place it. Why couldn't he place it?
Footsteps pattered towards him, and suddenly a small, grubby face was staring down at him with huge, watering eyes. She looked like she'd seen a ghost. She looked like she'd seen someone that she'd killed.
"Meg." Apollo croaked, his voice still quiet and heavy from the electrocution, mouth not fully recovered. He realised with a shock that it left marks. Marks that Meg could see. "Meg, what are you-"
In a second, her scimitars hard twirled into her hands and were slicing through the restraints like they were butter. In a second, tiny, chubby hands were yanking at the unhurt areas of his arms, pulling him upwards and out of the floor. In a second, all of the pain in the world didn't matter. Meg was there.
He then panicked, because Meg was there. Had Commodus captured her? His voice strained with panic. "What are you doing here?"
She sniffed and buried her face into his shoulder without second thought, arms wrapping around him both tight enough that she felt like she would never let go, and gentle enough that it felt like she was treating him like the most fragile sculpture in the world. The space around him seemed to dissolve as she cried, sobs racking her entire body. No shout, no scream, no death, not even the end of the world could have been enough to distract him from this moment.
"I left you." Meg whispered, curling into him. "I left you."
"Meg, what-" someone came running into the room and he tensed, wrapping his arms around her as tightly as possible, terrified of someone taking her away. "Oh my gods, Apollo-?"
He was distantly aware of Leo's face coming into view, joined quickly by two silver adorned girls, all three wearing faces of shock and horror. He must have looked like shit, and vainly, he allowed himself to feel just the smallest bit relieved that they were worried about him. But that wasn't important. What was important was that Meg was here, Meg was right here and he wasn't letting her go-
"We need to move. The rest of the Hunters are fighting Commodus' forces." One of the girls said quickly. He blinked. They were Hunters of Artemis. Apollo started crying just as hard as Meg. "Valdez, you grab one arm. Tana, you grab the other-"
She began cutting away at the restraints at his ankles, as Leo and the Hunter (Tana, he assumed) slowly tried to coax him and Meg apart. He, for the most part, ignored them and sobbed with her, burying his face into the top of her head and whispering reassurances into her ear.
"I'm not leaving you again." She protest as Leo slowly prised her off of him, displaying distraught, bloodshot eyes that matched in colour with the frames of her glasses. "I'm not-"
"You won't have too." He whispered back, hand firmly entwined in hers. "I promise."
His reunion with Commodus could wait. Apollo had one job, and one job alone - comforting Meg.
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Some older UTMV fics I haven't posted!
under cut!!
Contrary to popular belief, Nightmare did have friends. He had several healthy friendships with well-known skeletons like Blue, Ink, and Vio. He liked to go out and do things such as get dinner with his friends. He liked to hear what his friends had to say, and they liked listening to him as well.
Most of the time, that is.
It wasn’t like they didn’t like him or his opinions, no matter how much it seemed that way. Nightmare just wasn’t very good at talking to people. This was made incredibly apparent when he decided to meet up at Ccino’s cafe with Thistle, Geno, and Lavender. They were all seated and chatting aimlessly when the Minecraft server that they shared came up.
“I’m not on that,” Geno said, looking up from his drink.
“Oh, we could add you,” Lavender offered. Thistle mumbled his confirmation as he ripped a sugar packet open with his teeth. Nightmare had been quiet as the others spoke, preferring to listen to them converse instead of jump in and embarrass himself, until he remembered something Killer had told him.
“Speaking of Minecraft,” he began, but the others didn’t seem to hear him. “Guys.” They continued their conversation without him, still not acknowledging his attempts. He began to grow frustrated as their voices grew louder. He cleared his throat in a futile attempt to get their attention. Still nothing. Nightmare clenched his teeth, wishing he was at home. Listening to them talk over him angered him further, and in a fit of rage, he slammed his fist down on the table as hard as he could.
None of them noticed.
Why didn’t they notice him?
Nightmare felt his face shift into a hurt expression, eyes turning downward. He shifted in his chair, bringing his knees up to his chest. His tentacles hung limply over the backrest as he buried his face into his lap, trying not to cry. This was stupid. His friends were stupid. He peeked out of the corner of his eye to the other three. They were still talking like nothing happened, not even bothering to glance over to him. They were treating him like he wasn’t there.
What the fuck?
Nightmare hopped out of his chair, grabbing his bag. “I’m going home,” he mumbled, fighting to keep tears out of his voice. He didn’t cry, he couldn’t cry, he wouldn’t cry.
“Wait, what? Why?” Lavender asked, looking at him with worry in their eyes.
“No reason.” They looked like they were going to say something else, but Nightmare was quick to cut them off. “Fuck off, I’m tired.” Technically, he wasn’t lying. He was tired- tired of being invisible. Tired of being ignored. Tired of hoping that his friends would literally just acknowledge his very existence because really, was that too much to ask? To be recognized as a fucking person?
He carelessly ripped open a portal to his base, practically throwing himself through and crashing face-first into the couch. Cross, sitting next to him, jumped slightly.
“Hi, boss,” he said nervously. Nightmare stuck up his open hand, tilted it slightly, and dropped his arm back to his side, sighing heavily. “How’d it go?”
“Hrmmng,” Nightmare groaned, rolling over to his back and slumping to the floor. “Not good.”
“How not good?” Horror asked, cocking his head. Nightmare opened his mouth, hesitated, and closed it again. He glanced behind him, looking Cross up and down. The monochrome skeleton blinked purposefully, which Nightmare took as an invitation to continue.
“Well, it was annoying. They mostly were just talking about things they’ve all done together, which somehow devolved into talking about the server- Killer knows what I’m talking about. I tried to tell them something, but nobody listened to me- or even recognized my existence- so…” Nightmare trailed off, hearing himself starting to whine the way you do before you cry. Cross gave a hum of displeasure and Horror furrowed his brow. Nightmare took a breath, continuing shakily. “So- I don’t know. This happens a lot, so I guess I should expect it by now, but it’s still really sad because I just want to talk about things I like and-” He cut off sharply, pressing his palms against his eyelids and biting his tongue. He wouldn’t cry. He would not. Cry.
Cross lightly touched his shoulder and Nightmare crumpled forward, sobbing into his knees.“I-I-I j-just want to- to be heard,” he blubbered shakily. Cross slid onto the floor next to him, offering a hug tentatively. Nightmare leaned into it, shoulders shaking. Horror looked around awkwardly before getting up and leaving the room. After some time, Nightmare managed to calm down and Cross released him. He quickly retreated to his room so he could get pissed at his friends in peace. Unfortunately, Horror followed him, awkwardly trying to make him feel better by showing him things Killer had sent him. Nightmare would never admit it, but it kind of worked. For the first time in a long time- longer than he could remember, actually- he felt seen. He felt heard. He was listened to, and sometimes, that’s all he needed.
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Nightmare sat atop the stump of the Tree of Feelings. He was having some feelings, himself. He didn’t want this. Looking around, he took in the dusty, deserted landscape. He felt a kind of disconnect between doing this and, well, doing this. He knew he did, but he couldn’t remember anything about it. There was a blackout lasting almost immediately after he ate the apple until he found himself in a MafiaTail, scared and alone. He had asked the Sans of the AU for directions and had instead “earned” a much more… personal prize. He was only seven.
He didn’t like to think about that.
After he made his way to a different AU (an OuterTale! How fun), he met Error for the first time when he was about ten. Error was tearing apart the universe. He had asked what the god was doing, and Error replied, “None of your business.”
He heard a staticky kind of ripping sound and almost laughed at how well-timed it was. Well, speak of the devil and he shall appear.
And oh, appear he did. The blinding white light of the Antivoid poured into the (now) eternally night AU, appearing as though Error was glowing.
“Long time, no see, Error,” Nightmare said smoothly, as though he hadn’t just been on the verge of tears recounting memories from a time meant to be pure and fun. He was glad Error had arrived. He didn’t want to be alone as much as he said he did.
“G00d m0rn1ng t0 y0u t00,” Error said, smirking and snapping the portal closed instantly. “W45n’t 3xp3ct1ng t0 533 y0u 1n 4 d43d un1v3r53.”
“Wait, dead?” Nightmare said, startled. “I- you’ve gotta be kidding me. This AU has been around for hundreds, no, thousands of years. You’re joking. You’re joking! I- oh- you are not saying what I think you are, no way. This- you can’t be-”
“%t0p y0ur p4th3t1c r4mbl1ng. Th3 4U’5 c0mpl3t3ly gl1tch3d 0ut. L00k 4t th3 fuck1ng 5ky, N1ghtm4r3.” The corrupted skeleton did as he was told. “Wh4t d0 y0u 533?”
“It’s nighttime,” he said, hating how young he sounded. Sounding young is why he was here in the first place. After thinking for a second, he added, “So…?”
“%0?! Th4t’5 th3 wh0l3 d4y-n1ght cycl3, f0r 0n3 th1ng. F0r 4n0th3r, n0n3 0f th3 1nh4b1t4nt5 4r3 5t1ll h3r3-”
“I’m still here. Dream is too, sometimes.”
“-N0t n34rly 0ft3n 3n0ugh t0 54v3 1t. G0dd4mn1t, N1ghtm4r3, why d0 y0u th1nk y0u 4nd y0ur br0th3r 4r3 c0n51d3r3d 0utc0d35?”
He opened his mouth indignantly, only to shut it again. Why was he an outcode if his AU is fine? “Don’t talk about the day-night cycle. You didn’t grow up here.” He came very close to sticking his tongue out at the god but decided against it. It would have been asking for it unprofessional, after all.
“W45 1t 4lw4y5 n1ghtt1m3 wh3n y0u w3r3 4 k1d? B3c4u53 1’v3 45k3d Dr34m, 4nd h3 54y5 n0.”
“W-well,” Nightmare began. “No. No, it was day sometimes. But! That doesn’t mean the AU’s dead, Error.” He scoffed. “Classic Error, always jumping to conclusions-”
“L45t t1m3 ! c4m3 h3r3 th3 v1ll4g3r5 w3r3 b4ck.”
“Last time you came here the what I’m sorry?” Nightmare asked with wide eyes.
“Th3 v1ll4g3r5. Th3y w3r3 b4ck.”
“Back? Like, as in not dead?” Error gave him a deadpan expression.
“Y35, 45 1N N0T D34D, Y0U FUCK1NG 1D10T!” Nightmare was silent, staring at the ground. He bit his tongue, then his lip, then his cheek, then his lip again, just for kicks.
He didn’t like being yelled at.
“For real?” he asked, feeling smaller than he ever had before. (Well, maybe not ever.) He hated feeling small. He knew what people did to things that were small.
“W0uld ! l13 t0 y0u?” Error asked. The god’s voice had softened, probably realizing how much this fucking dead tree and rubble meant to Nightmare. He shook his head slightly. He wouldn’t cry. He wouldn’t. Crying means you’re not happy. Being not happy is bad. That means they have to make you happy.
“L00k, !’d t3ll y0u t0 s4y y0ur g00dby35, but 1t l00k5 l1k3 y0u 4r3.” Error paused for a moment when Nightmare didn’t react. A million thoughts were going through his head at once, and he wanted them to stop.
“! w45 g01ng t0 t3ll y0u b3f0r3 ! t0r3 1t d0wn 4nyw4y5,” the god said dismissively. Still nothing. Nightmare could barely process any of the thoughts that he was having. Error was all he could understand, and he was clinging to the sad truths the god was speaking. “D0 y0u w4nt m3 t0 w4lk y0u thr0ugh wh4t th15 m34n5?” He felt himself nod slightly. The whole conversation didn’t feel real, and Error’s presence always looking painted-on didn’t help. He felt himself begin to space out, but he was quickly snapped back by Error’s multicolored fingers.
“C’m0n, 5t4y w1th m3 h3r3.”
“Right. Sorry.”
“Try r3p34t1ng wh4t ! s4y. 0r 1f y0u h4v3 4 d1ff3r3nt m3th0d, g0 f0r 1t. ! d0n’t kn0w h0w d1550c14t10n w0rk5.” Nightmare whispered what the god had just said back to himself. The act of speaking stopped his brain for a moment. He still felt small, unbelievably small, but respected. It was just like when he was taught by Mr. Gilbert don’t think about Mr. Gilbert don’t think about Mr. Gilbert don’t think about him don’t don’t don’t you little whore don’t.
“)k4y, 50 th3 v1ll4g3r5 c0m1ng b4ck- n0t 4ll th3 t1m3, m1nd y0u, ju5t 0nc3 0r tw1c3- m34n5 th4t th3 un1v3r53 15 try1ng t0 3553nt14lly r353t 1t53lf. But 1t’5 n0t 4 r353t, Dr34mt4l35 4r3n’t c4p4bl3 0f th4t. W3ll, 3xc3pt f0r R353tm4r3, but th4t’5 4 wh0l3 0th3r th1ng 1n 4nd 0f 1t53lf.” Error paused. “Fuck. !’m r4mbl1ng. B451c4lly, th3 un1v3r53 w4nt5 t0 run thr0ugh 1t5 5t0ry, but 1t 4lr34dy d1d. H0w3v3r, th3 un1v3r53 d035n’t kn0w th4t b3c4u53 1t’5 c0mpl3t3ly 3mpty.”
“Then why’s the sky broken?” Nightmare asked. He was finally, finally, beginning to get it.
“!- )h. G00d qu35t10n. ! 4ctu4lly d0n’t kn0w. %0m3th1ng mu5t h4v3 c0rrupt3d 1t.”
“Was it me?”
“N0, ! d0n’t th1nk 50. !’m, l1k3, pr3tty 5ur3 th4t’5 p4rt 0f th3 5t0ry.” Error stopped talking for a minute. “$ny qu35t10n5?”
“No- no, I don’t think so.”
“G00d. N0w, ! d0 n33d y0u t0 g3t 0ut 50 ! c4n t34r 1t d0wn-”
“NO!” The two skeletons were quiet for a while.
“Wh4t?” Error asked, the god’s flat tone promising a dark end. Nightmare stood stock-still, paralyzed in fear. He needed to apologize although that never stopped them before.
“I-I mean, uh, d-does Dream know? You said you’d tell me, w- I-I- tha- w-what about Dream?”
“H3 d1dn’t t3ll y0u?” Error, who had previously been facing the remnants of the village turned to face Nightmare. The god’s normal scowl had been replaced with an incredulous look.
“What do you mean he didn’t tell me?” Nightmare asked slowly, not wanting to process what that meant.
“N1ghtm4r3. Y0u 53r10u5ly d1dn’t kn0w?” The god’s voice was soft, tone gentle in a way Nightmare needed liked. His silence was apparently all Error needed to hear. “! told Dr43m t0 t3ll y0u. Y0u w3r3 5upp053d t0 c0nt4ct m3 45 500n 45 y0u c0uld 50 w3 c0uld t4lk 4b0ut 1t. D1d- d1d h3 n0t t3ll y0u?” The genuine concern in Error’s voice was enough to break him. Nightmare fought to keep the tears in his eyes and not streaming down his face, tainting the ground. Tainted. That’s what he was. He couldn’t cry, not in front of Error. He had to be strong if he wanted to be a boy. Look at how easily he broke, he couldn’t be a boy. Boys didn’t break, boys were strong. He had to be strong.
Error was very close to him. Nightmare stepped back in shock. The destroyer was standing right in front of him, only a foot or two away.
“$r3 y0u 0k4y?” Nightmare couldn’t bring himself to move. “H3y, 1 r34lly n33d y0u 0ut 0f h3r3, m4n. !’v3 b33n try1ng t0 b3 ch1ll, but- uh- 1t’5 g0nn4 c0ll4p53. ! d0n’t kn0w h0w 500n, but ! d0n’t w4nn4 fuck 4r0und 4nd f1nd 0ut, y’kn0w?”
He couldn’t move. He was trying. It was like the signal was being interrupted. He was stuck standing stiffy, staring at the dirt underneath his feet.
“Y0u g00d? L1k3, f0r r34l th15 t1m3.” Nightmare tried his absolute hardest to choke out a no yes, but he couldn’t. He tried. Those tears he had been holding in fell, and he couldn’t even wipe them away.
“L00k. ! d0n’t kn0w 1f y0u c4n m0v3 r1ght n0w, 50 h3r3’5 wh4t’5 g0nn4 h4pp3n. !’m g0nn4 5tr1ng y0u up 4nd h0ld y0u 1n th3 $nt1v01d unt1l !’m d0n3 h3r3. Th3n, !’m g0nna dr0p y0u 0ff b4ck 4t y0ur c45tl3. Th3n, !’m g0nn4 have 4 t4lk w1th Dr34m. Ju5t 4 fr13ndly ch4t-”
“He wants what’s best for me,” Nightmare blurted out. The words were fast and jumbled together and were way too hard to understand.
“W4nt1ng wh4t’5 b35t f0r y0u d035n’t m34n h1d1ng 1mp0rt4nt 5h1t fr0m y0u, N1ght.” The god was quiet for a moment. “D1d h3 t3ll y0u th4t?” Nightmare fought to respond.
“A little.” Error sighed, giving the guardian an expression of pity.
“)k4y. C4n y0u m0v3 n0w?” “Dunno,” he said, voice growing more snippy and strained. “Can’t even talk, so…”
“Y0u’r5 pr0b4bly ju5t g01ng n0n-v3rb4l. !’m g0nn4 put y0u 1n the $nt1v01d n0w, g0t 1t? $ctu4lly, f1r5t !’m g01ng t0 bl1ndf0ld y0u. !’ll 4dm1t 1t, th053 l1ght5 4r3 r34lly 0v3r5t1mul4t1ng.” Nightmare barely nodded as Error carefully slipped a blindfold over his eyes, making sure their bones didn’t touch. “)h, 0n3 l45t th1ng. #bb 54y5 ! 5h0uld w4rn y0u, th3 fl00r 15 h0t. N0t h0t 3n0ugh t0 burn y0u, but h0t.” With that, Nightmare was tossed through a portal into the destroyer’s place of residence. He sat on the floor, trying to process what had just happened. His mind felt cloudy and dull. He didn’t know how long he was in there until Error came back through the portal.
“W3ll, 1t’5 g0n3.”
“Gone,” Nightmare whispered to himself. He felt mostly empty, maybe a little bittersweet. Any real emotion was buried deep inside him as a form of protection. He had learned young, being upset only made things worse. He could feel Error give him a funny look.
“Y34h. )G Dr34mt4l3 15 n0 m0r3.”
“All gone,” he said. He didn’t know why. That was childish and unnecessary. He didn’t have control over his actions.
“!- wh4t? !- 0k4y. Wh4t3v3r. Y35. $ll g0n3. By3 by3 Dr34mt4l3.” Nightmare rocked back and forth where he sat, waiting for Error to send him back to his castle. He was tired and he needed to be alone to process this. Actually, scratch that. He just needed to be alone. “$lr1ghty. W3lp, 1t’5 b33n fun, but 1t’5 t1m3 f0r y0u t0 g0 h0m3. Y0u’r3 g0nn4 turn 1nt0 4 nutj0b 1f y0u 5t4y h3r3. ! m34n, l00k 4t #bb. Y1k35.”
“Yikes.” Error laughed slightly.
“Y34h. W3ll, 0ff y0u g0!” Nightmare felt the atmosphere change, growing much colder yet much more welcoming. Taking off his blindfold, he saw Error had dropped him off in his kitchen.
“Oh, hey boss! You’re back.” Nightmare gave a nod. “Why were you hanging with Error?” Nightmare tried to say, “None of your business.” Emphasis on tried. He instead whined, walking away from Killer and heading for his room.
“Alright, don’t wanna talk to me. Damn.” Nightmare gave him a noise of confirmation, completely missing the hurt in the other’s voice. He just wanted to be alone. He thought everything went- well, not well, but better than expected for his AU being destroyed. Okay. He thought everything went okay until he got in his room, closed the door, got into bed, and broke down sobbing. Really turned on the waterworks. The weirdest part? He didn’t know why. He didn’t know why he was upset, because everything went so well. Everything was fine, so why was he crying? The thing that broke him out of it was a small knock on his door. It was timid, like the person knocking was asking permission to ask permission. Cross. He took a deep breath and suddenly he was calm again.
“Come in,” he said quietly. Said like he wasn’t just sobbing into a pillow.
“Uh, are you busy? Because if you are, it’s fine. I-I just was thinking- well- uh, we’re all hanging out in my room and I was wondering if you wanted to join us?”
“I’d love to, Cross, truly. I just really need to be alone right now. Maybe later.” Nightmare felt oddly standoffish and he didn’t know why. He hoped that didn’t leak into his tone. They never liked his tone.
“Oh, alright,” he said, nodding. The ex-soldier slipped back out of the room, careful to shut the door behind him. As soon as Nightmare heard the door close again, he felt better. He felt safe. He felt like he was going to cry until he made himself sick. And so he did. He moved to his bathroom (his blankets were too warm, too fabric-y. Too much. Fuck, he could barely handle wearing a shirt the little perv) and he cried uncontrollably. He screamed and sobbed, letting his guilt and sorrow rip him away. He let any shred of okay-ness be absolutely destroyed and then let the remnants be torn apart. He sat on the cold tile floor and cried until he was sick and then he did it again. And again. After what felt like hours (thirty minutes), he was at least 62% sure that he was okay. Maybe. If you squint. He wiped his eyes, splashed some water on his face, rinsed his mouth out, and went to join the others.
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“I’m gonna fucking kill you, nerd,” said the soulless skeleton, wielding his paintbrush menacingly. Acidic red paint dripped from the end. Ink pinned him against a wall, removing all forms of defense he may have. Nightmare stared down at him with wide eyes. His whole team stopped to watch with bated breath. This had happened before, and it didn’t go well. A glance to the right revealed that Dream was watching, too, with fear in his eyes.
“Do it, boss. Go apeshit,” Killer muttered, the slightest smirk creeping onto his face as they all waited for carnage.
Nightmare didn’t move as his eyelight shrunk to a pinprick. He stayed there, letting Ink pin him against the wall and whisper things into his ear as he further trapped the dark skeleton. Blue managed to get up, despite his many injuries, and pull Ink back, telling him something nobody else could hear. Nightmare still didn’t move, aside from violent tremors causing him to visibly shake, even from Dust’s distance. He stayed, back pressed against the wall, no doubt ripping into his delicate tentacles. He eventually crumpled forward to the ground, presumably tearing up his knees as well. He let himself go limp, folding in half on the sharp cement. His tentacles were acting oddly too, staying stock-still in the position they had been in against the wall.
“Boss…?” Horror murmured. Dust glanced over and saw genuine concern in his blown-out eyelight. They were about to say something when an audible gasp came from where their leader lay, drawing the attention of everyone on the battlefield. Horror looked like he was about to say something else when a loud, gut-wrenching sob burst forth from the fallen skeleton.
“Boss!!” he called, starting to run towards him. Dust put an arm out, stopping him silently. Nightmare continued crying on the ground, convulsing as experiences and traumas none of them could understand flowed out of him as tears, his tentacles thrashing about wildly. They all stayed like that- frozen- for several minutes, until Horror eventually shoved Dust aside, running over to him. He dropped down to his knees as he ran, wrapping his arms around their boss.
Not his boss. Their boss.
What was Dust doing?
They followed Horror, Killer running behind them. At a closer proximity, they could hear words mixed in with his sobs. Horror spoke softly as he ran a hand along Nightmare’s back, pulling him closer and rocking him slightly. Nightmare sputtered apologies that slowly devolved into gasps of fear and pain, and he was back to weeping into Horror’s jacket. His voice got progressively higher-pitched as he spouted his regrets until he broke once again, words regressing into shrieks and sobs. His fingers dug into Horror’s back, trying to get closer. Dust heard the Stars tear open a portal, leaving the “Bad Sanses” alone in the AU. Dust seemed to be the only one who noticed, Horror still attempting to comfort Nightmare and Killer watching it all go down with an unreadable expression. Dust waited another moment before joining the other two on the ground, wrapping their arms around the corrupted skeleton. Killer also entered their little freakish huddle at some point, as Dust felt a third body in the pile.
“It’s alright,” Horror said. Dust thought they heard a quiet “No,” come from their boss. “You’re alright.” Nightmare shook his head, wailing louder.
“No, no, it’s not, no!” Nightmare shrieked, pulling Horror into an increasingly tight grip and continuing to sob into his jacket. Everything became more surreal as Dust watched, listened, and felt their boss’s pain. Nightmare was the guardian, no, king of negativity and evil. He had killed so many people. He had destroyed his AU. He had imprisoned his brother in stone for 500 years. He had ended the lives of everyone he had ever known, including his own mother, but Dust was having a hard time seeing him as anything other than scared. Scared and lost. It made them rethink his title. It made them rethink all of their titles. Why were they considered “bad?” Yes, they were all criminals, but for good reasons. They looked at Nightmare again. They knew what he had done, the atrocities he had committed. They knew why he was called, well, Nightmare. But he was so much more than that. Dust knew what happened after he ate the apple, he had told them. He blacked out. The corruption completely took over and killed everyone, left the universe, and then killed anyone it saw. Nightmare came to in a MafiaTale, still as old as he was when the incident happened- seven years old. He was seventeen when he found Dust and recruited them to join him. Currently, he was twenty-one. Barely even old enough to drink. Although, liquor consumption laws had never stopped “The Bad Sanses.” Alcoholic drug addicts, every one of them.
The skeleton breaking down in front of them was not a bad person.
He was not a bad person.
Nightmare was a living being with thoughts and feelings. Fuck, people not realizing that is why he became Nightmare in the first place. Dust could see him change and adapt to his surroundings. When they were all in the castle, he became more light-hearted. He made jokes. He laughed. He lived. When they were out and about or on a mission, all that went away. He became cold, calculating. What he was expected to be, not who he was.
Nightmare took a deep, shaky breath, pushed away from Horror, and gave a small smile. “Thank you. I-” He paused. “I think I needed that.” He laughed quietly, his tiny grin growing ever so slightly.
“No problem,” Horror said. Nightmare opened a portal.
“Shall we?” he said, as though nothing had happened. Except… not quite like nothing had happened. Something had very much so happened and he was aware of that. It was like his shell was cracking. Dust was glad. They liked seeing him be himself. Not the king of negativity. Not a monster in every sense of the word. No, they liked Nightmare, their boss. Nightmare, their friend.
Just… Nightmare. That’s all.
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gothghostiie · 3 months
So in the context of Marble Hornets, we know that Tim is kind of fighting off the Masky headspace. We don’t know what exactly causes it but we know it’s not something he can control nor does he like it, as he doesn’t remember anything about what he does as Masky. He’s lost entire weeks to him.
Hoodie we know significantly less about behavior-wise, but it’s implied that the man he used to be (Brian Thomas) has been completely lost and Hoodie is the dominant headspace. We also know that Hoodie sometimes deliberately acts to ‘bring out’ Masky in Tim.
Where am I going with this? Well, I think that being chained in that basement and used routinely by the two of them while they refuse to speak is a state that can’t last forever. I think maybe if and when Tim finally takes back control, he leaves the mask behind and comes down to the basement when he hears sobbing, only to find poor you curled in a ball naked and filthy. And when you notice him and desperately keep your legs shut and beg him not to hurt you, Tim realizes what he’s done when Masky was in control.
this is so???
Tim is so horrified, hugging you close and trying to get the shackles off of you, whispering panicked apologies while shaking his head violently, but you dont understand:( you just see the yellow jacket and the dark hair and panic sets in, with or without the mask. the voice sends shivers down your spine despite how gentle he seems to be now..
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writermich18 · 5 months
Final Fantasy XV Writing Prompt
Somnus gets kidnapped by a cult at the age of 18. The Cult of Bahamut, the Eclipse (yes I stole the name from Horizon Zero Dawn's cult, shut up. It's for ironic purposes). He spends years under their thumb, trying to escape and failing. They (try to) take his magic from him, take his being, use him and mark him for sacrifice as a puppet to Bahamut.
Ardyn, in the middle of his journey, doesn't learn of his brother's kidnapping until one year later. Because the people wanted him to focus on healing Scourge victims. By the time Ardyn their clan's army find Somnus, he has lost the will to live. Somnus Lucis Caelum, 23 years old, dies in his brother's arms after the cult attempts once again to steal his magic during the Caelum Clan Army's strike against them.
Ardyn, grieving and angered over what had been done to his brother, attacks the cult, destroying them and erasing them from history. He also destroys everything they'd taken from his brother. He makes certain the people never forget what they had done, what they took from him all in the name of his duty.
2,000 years later, Somnus gets reincarnated (writer decides with who. Restriction: It can't be a Reader or OC. You can only reincarnate him with a canon character. Secondly, it can't be the main character Noctis).
Request: You can have Somnus have kids early in this, if you want the canon royal members like Regis and Noctis to remain Somnus' descendant. You can even have those kids be the byproduct of the experimentation and rapes Somnus went through in the hands of the cult. Let Ardyn have something that will last through the ages from Somnus. And let Ardyn have his own non-canon descendants. Or you can have the Lucis Caelums be Ardyn's descendants with Aera from before the Scourge changed him. It's up to you.
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POYW Rewrite V2 - Harry Hook x reader - P9
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About an hour to five-there was a knock at your door. You stood, putting your hair kit down, and walking over, opening your door to see Evie; who was grinning. “Hi?” you said, slightly confused, stepping back as Evie stepped inside and tossed a few items on your bed-one of which being an entire outfit. “Uhhh what are you doing?” you asked, crossing your arms over your tank top, you had just taken a shower, and were getting ready for your date with Harry.
“Getting you ready for your date with Harry of course~ now c’mere-“ Evie held up an eyeshadow pallet-holding it next to your face. You pushed it away, chuckling. “thanks but no thanks Evie, I got it covered.” Evie just rose her brow at you, clearly not willing to budge.
“Mmhm, what were you going to wear?” Evie asked, grabbing a few lipsticks and glosses and holding them next to your face-comparing them to your eyes and complexion. You nodded over to the outfit you had chosen about a half hour earlier and Evie glanced at it, humming and then grabbing the top she had picked out for you and switching it out with the one you had chosen.
You had to admit-it worked better. “All right all right, got me there, but-make up? Really?” you sighed, pushing Evie’s hand away from your chin as she attempted to match your skin tone. Evie nodded, pulling your hair out of your face and sitting you down on your bed.
“I won't be intense, just something to compliment what you already have, promise.” You stared at Evie, your hand on her wrist that held a bottle of concealer. Evie beamed, batting her eyes at you. “Pretty please? With sugar on top~?”
“The physical appearance of please, nor does putting sugar on top, make a difference.” You said with a snort, but let Evie do as she wanted-closing your eyes as she instructed, letting out a slow sigh as she worked.
Only a few moments before Evie burst into your room-she threw open Harry’s door and chucked an outfit at him-along with makeup wipes and hair gel. “It’s a first date! look nice! No eyeliner!” Evie said with a teasing grin, slamming the door shut and then going over to your room.
Harry blinked three times before looking down at the outfit in his arms. A red velvet jacket, a white t-shirt with black stripes, black pants, and a few complimentary bracelets and rings. He sighed, grabbing a quick shower and making sure there wasn’t a lick of eyeliner on his face. He suppressed the urge to put some on, staring hard at his liner pen but he sighed and got changed, drying his hair and then styling it loosely-his curls tamed by the gel.
He looked…Auradon. He still felt like himself but-he was all cleaned up and…it was weird. He made a face at himself and chuckled, pushing down the urge to mess up his hair and grabbing his phone, making sure Ben’s sailboat offer was still up.
‘For sure! I’ll let the guards know you’re coming :3’
Ben and his weird emotes.
Harry went down to the student kitchens, grabbing a picnic basket and packing it with whatever he could think of, making sure to grab some cinnamon rolls(which were still warm) and root beer. He put the basket into the same car you had driven him and Gil to the beach and went back to the dorms-by the time he did that-it was two to five.
He bit the inside of his lip-not wanting to just knock on your door too early, but before he could think about it more-your door opened and there you were.
And-holy shit-you were-so fucking pretty. You smiled at him; the choker Evie had picked out to compliment your outfit made him swallow hard. “Wow,” Harry muttered and you giggled, tilting your head at him-squinting. “wha?”
“Where’s the eyeliner?” you asked, only half teasing. “Not saying you don’t look good, cuz damn,” Harry flushed, giving you a shy smile. “but the eyeliner is a look, makes your eyes pop.” Harry just chuckled, holding up his finger and going into his room-applying a thin line of liner before going back out-offering his arm. “shall we?”
You laughed, taking his arm, Harry admiring the gold tentacle ring on your pinkie. “We shall, where are we goin’ by the way?”
“You’ll see,” Harry hummed, handing you the keys as you arrived at the garage, “I can't drive so,” You laughed and nodded, spinning the key ring around your finger.
“I got you; I got you.” Harry grinned, getting in on the passenger's side before he paused, furrowing his brows. “ye have one of those licenses, right?” you shook your head, starting the car. Harry laughed, slapping his hand over his mouth as you grinned at him. “ye don’t?”
“Nope, I know how to drive well though, and even Ben doesn’t care if I drive, besides-cops don’t pull anyone over unless they’re drunk driving or somethin’, so we’re good.” Harry hummed, looking out the window as you pulled out of the garage and headed for the location Harry put into the car’s GPS.
You pulled into the royal port parking lot and laughed as you spotted Ben’s sailboat. “for real?” you asked, turning off the car and getting out-standing on the door seal to get a better look. “holy shit!”
“have ye ever been sailin’?” Harry asked, feeling so excited for this, and it wasn’t just because he finally got to sail a ship that wasn’t run down to pieces. You shook your head, hopping down from the car and closing the door, bouncing in place as Harry grabbed the basket from the back seat and followed you down the dock-the guard having Harry sign in before he let the two of you onto the boat.
“not really, I’ve been on a motor boat but never sailing!” you yelled back at Harry as you climbed onto the boat, giggling as you explored it-Harry quickly and expertly setting up the boat and getting it ready to sail, un-tying it from the dock and hopping on-pulling the main sail up as you coasted out to sea.
“oh this is wicked-“ you said to yourself as you went to the front of the boat and sat down, resting your head on your arms as Harry walked about-soon finding himself at the wheel. He smiled at you, those butterflies returning.
He dropped anchor when he got the boat out far enough, joining you at the front and leaning back on his hands, enjoying the ocean breeze and the sun on his face. You both sat in comfortable silence for a  few minutes, before Harry leaned towards you, that lopsided smirk on his face.
“I dunno how ta start this,” he whispered and you laughed, Harry’s cheeks turning pink at the sound. He smiled at you, watching you as you pulled your legs into your chest and turned to him. “Neither do I, never been asked out, nor been on a date.”
Harry hummed, furrowing his brows. “Really, never?” he asked and you shook your head, playing with your fingers. “Never,” you said quietly “I was never that girl boys, or anyone, was interested in. You’re actually the first person to show any interest, like…ever.”
Well, that just made Harry feel horrid, here he was-the first person to ever ask you out-and it was a ruse for the wand.
He decided he was going to make the dates you had with him amazing, just hoping he didn’t break your heart at the end of it. And hoping he didn’t break his own. “Those other fucks were all suckers then,” Harry said instead, giving you a soft smile. you flushed, hiding behind your knees. “Such a flirt,” you chuckled, giving him a shy grin.
He laughed, biting his lip “Ye should’ve seen me on the isle, I mostly used it as a distraction tactic but Uma called me a pansexual mess, I flirted with anythin’ in sight; especially if it meant I could steal a wallet or two,” Harry laughed and you snorted, setting your chin on your knees as Harry’s eyes drifted at the mention of the isle-finding it on the horizon.
“Anyways,” Harry muttered, turning back to you. “uh…tell me somethin’ ye have never told anyone.” You hummed at that, tapping your chin.
“I’ve never had a crush on anyone till this year,” you landed on, giving a cheeky grin to Harry, who smirked, leaning towards you. “oh, and who would tha’ be?” Harry purred, his bangs falling into his eyes.
“Chad,” you said, fully joking and Harry acted like he took a hit to the heart-falling on his back with a dramatic groan. “oh-ye wound me lass,” you laughed, shaking your head as Harry sat up and you gestured to him. “Your turn, what's something you’ve never told anyone?”
Harry licked his lips, gazing at the sea-his eyes finding the Neverland star. “Me mom was a mermaid from Neverland,” Harry whispered and you perked up, your eyes on his profile-his eyes staring off to Neverland.
“Oh,” you whispered, letting your legs stretch out and fully turning to face Harry, whose smile turned sad. “is she?” He nodded, yes, his mother was dead. “Died when I was four months old, ran out of magic, couldn’t survive under tha’ barrier,” Harry muttered, his fingers now messing with a black banded ruby ring. “Uncle Smee says I look like ‘er,”
You nodded, slowly reaching out and taking his hand-smiling softly as he squeezed your hand gently. “I hope that’s a good thing?” you asked, and Harry nodded, his sad smile turning fond. “Aye, Smee says she loved Hettie, me sister, and I till her last breaths. Nothing me father could’ve done ta make her hate us, even if we were forced on her,” Harry’s voice turned bitter, aimed at his father.
You squeezed his hand, he squeezed back.
It was silent for a moment, then you leaned towards him, whispering. “Do you have a hoard of shiny things?” Harry burst out into laughter, holding his stomach as you grinned. He appreciated your redirection; he hadn’t meant to bring down the mood. Eventually, he nodded. “Aye, I do, I had a big pile on tha’ isle, and I’m startin’ one in me room, found a few pretty stones at the beach on Monday.”
You hummed, bringing your knees back up to your chest. “So, you have mermaid brain?” Harry laughed again, nodding. “Aye, I see a shiny thing, I gotta ‘ave it. me sister, Harriet, would use it against me too-would hold somethin’ shiny’ ta keep me attention,” You cackled at the thought of Harriet holding a pretty rock and Harry unable to look away-his eyes following it like a cat staring at a bird.
Harry soon enough got out the food, the two of you sitting across from each other as the boat rocked gently on the quiet ocean. You found yourselves going back and forth-asking and answering each other’s questions; “yer favorite color?” Harry asked, and you told him it was (fav color), and Harry answered in turn when you asked him the same question “Red, if it ain’t obvious already” He laughed, gesturing to his jacket.
“favorite food?” you asked “Simanim buns” Harry answered, a dreamy look on his face. He was in love with the dessert. “cin-na-mon” you gently corrected, not caring he wasn’t able to say the word, it was part of his charm.
“Ever have a pet?” Harry asked “A dog! And a few guinea pigs, always wanted a bird or a snake though, you?” you answered, and returned the question. Harry shook his head. “nah, had the opportunity at Evie’s sixth birthday party, but it got crashed by the imps ma’ before I could get one, wanted one of those baby parrots Iago offered.”
You laughed at the thought of Harry with a big ol’ scarlet bird on his shoulder, oh how it would complete his pirate look.
“Favorite drink?” you asked, and Harry grinned, holding up the bottle of root beer he had packed. You laughed, agreeing. “Weirdest dream? Or nightmare?” Harry asked, licking his fingers clean of mayo as you hummed, tapping your chin.
“Spiders taking over the world,” Harry shuddered, oh how he hated spiders-terrified of them in fact. You giggled at his reaction, setting down your soda and picking up a cinnamon roll. “ummm,” you hummed, tapping your fingers on your roll. “worst prank you’ve pulled off?”
Harry snorted, rolling his eyes a bit-oh there were too many to count, many from his childhood-many of them against Jay or Mal. “not me worst-but definitely not me best or brightest-but ye know those lil’ furry worm things on strings?” you nodded “I hung em all up on the ceilin’ of Uma’s room for ‘er ta wake up to, funny as all hell but she threw me over the docks fer doin’ it,” Harry laughed, and you burst out into giggles, picturing little Harry carefully hanging the worms while Uma slept.
Soon the sun had disappeared behind the horizon, and you were laying on your backs looking up at the stars, pointing out constellations to each other and talking about whatever came to mind. “so-did ye mean it?” Harry asked quietly after a long moment of comfortable silence, his arm acting as a pillow for you. You turned, pushing your cheek into his arm as he continued to look up at the stars. “When ye said ye never had a crush before this year?”
You slowly nodded, licking your lips as you turned to look up at the sky again. “yeah, ever since I was kid, I never had a crush, I never understood what everyone was talking about when they would gush about boys and how cute they were-like yeah, they were…cute I guess, aesthetically pleasing but I never understood why anyone would go crazy for em, especially boy bands n all that junk. Always felt…left out I guess, or even sometimes…better? Than the rest because I didn’t have a crush on a stupid-looking boy who used auto-tune too much,” you ranted, Harry turning to look at your profile as you sighed, laying your hands on your stomach.
“Eventually I just accepted the fact that it would never happen, I wouldn’t ever have a crush or like anyone, I would just be the odd one out. And then…then I saw you,” you turned to look at him-locking eyes. His were practically sparkling under the starlight. He gasped lightly, staring at you. “I saw you and I just thought; wow, this is what everyone was talking about? This is what liking someone feels like?” you chuckled, tearing your eyes away from Harry-though he continued to stare at you, his cheeks flushed red.
“so…I’m really the first person ye have ever liked?” Harry asked quietly, a slight pit in his gut as you nodded, laughing slightly. “yep, so-congrats-you made it past whatever the fuck kept me from liking anyone else~” you cheered and Harry snorted, shaking his head.
“mmm,” he hummed, looking back at the stars, his arm curling up to graze his fingers against your arm. “so-(y/n)-“ his voice cracked horrifically and he let out a small squeak noise that made you giggle, turning to look at him as his face turned completely red. “fuck-um-“ why was he so nervous?!
You just smiled, and that somehow eased Harry’s nerves and he sighed, licking his lips. “I was wonderin’ if-if…after this” he gestured to the boat-meaning your date. “ye don’t hate me…would-would ye liked ta’ go on another date and…maybe, be me girl?” Harry asked, averting his eyes as his face burned. You laughed gently, taking his hand that was curling around your shoulders and squeezing.
He looked back at you and you kissed his cheek-giggling as he gasped at the feeling. “yes,” you said softly and Harry grinned, ignoring the way his body felt lighter than air at your answer. “Cool-cool,” Harry whispered, a giddy smile on his face. You giggled again, threading your fingers through his as he bit his lip and looked back up at the stars, that smile never leaving his face.
You lay in comfortable silence for who knows how long, listening to the waves, the sound of ocean life echoing above the calm. Eventually, you packed up, since it was getting close to curfew and Harry sailed back into the port, tying down the boat and guiding the way back to the car. The drive was quiet and comfortable as you drove back to the dorm building.
You parted ways when you got to your rooms, whispering goodnight before you stepped into your rooms and closed the door. You sighed, a bittersweet smile on your face. Oh you were so fucking doomed, and yet you knew it was all a trick, but maybe you would get your happy ending? Maybe Harry would choose you like Mal chose Ben.
You could only hope.
Harry swallowed down the bittersweet taste in his mouth, he had so much fun with you-those feelings not leaving him once the entire date. He knew he liked you, he had to accept that, not when he felt so…happy-when you said yes to being his girl.
And all that was left was to break your heart when they took the wand and destroyed Auradon. His eyes drifted to Gil-who was solidly asleep-a little bow bracelet set on his nightstand. He looked at the desk, his recently graded math desk staring back at him.
…did he really want this? Did he really want to take the wand and destroy Auradon? No, he could easily say that, he wanted to destroy the system that left him and so many other innocent kids on the isle for no other reason than who their parents. He wanted to see Ben rise as King, and do as he wanted-he wanted to be free from his father.
But he also wanted to free his sisters, free Uma, free his uncle Smee, free his Smee twins, free the isle and every kid on it-every kid that was hit, or screamed at, or starved, or tortured simply for existing.
He wanted to free everyone like him, and he wanted to leave his father and his friend's parents to rot. As they deserved.
Harry sighed, taking off his shoes and collapsing in his bed, rubbing his face.
If only he knew what his heart was telling him. Maybe he’d find who he was supposed to be, maybe he’d find his path, maybe…maybe he’d find you at the end of it, smiling like you always did.
He huffed at the thought, curling up in his too-soft bed and falling asleep to thoughts of the future.
He brushed his hair back, fixing the crop top sweatshirt he was wearing and making sure his pants fit right. “isn’t that against the dress code?” Gil asked, in the middle of brushing his teeth. Harry just grinned, shrugging. “fer girls yeah, code says’ nothin’ bout boys wearing crop tops~” Gil just fondly rolled his eyes, spitting out his toothpaste and rinsing his mouth. When they walked the halls to breakfast-there were many many eyes on Harry, mostly on his exposed stomach and abs.
You might’ve blue-screened seeing him, staring at his stomach as he chuckled, leaning down to smirk at you. “Like what ye see?” he purred, cackling as you just looked up at him with the expression that clearly said ‘sir you’re wearing a crop top-im loving it’
“I am resisting the immense urge to bite you right now,” you muttered, clenching your hand as Harry laughed, his nose scrunching. He felt everyone’s eyes on them, mostly on him-many being the girls who had sent him notes and flirted with him in the halls. He smirked, his smile turning sharp as you narrowed your eyes at him; gasping when he pecked your forehead-grabbing your hand and joining you in the breakfast line.
“Oh lucky bitch!” he heard someone whisper and he chuckled, making a show and wrapping his arm around you, leaning down to get in your face. You just grinned back, scrunching your nose as you playfully pushed his face back. “Show off,” you muttered, going down the breakfast line and sitting down with Lonnie, Jane, Gil, and Fergus.
Jane, Lonnie, and Fergus were grinning like mad-all giving you and Harry knowing looks. “So?” Lonnie sang, resting her chin in her hands “Are you two?”
You just nodded, rolling your eyes fondly as Jane and Lonnie squealed, Harry and Fergus making a face at the noise, Harry rolling his jaw and rubbing his ear as the girls battered you with questions, asking you how the date was and how Harry asked you out.
When you glanced at Harry as you told them all the deets, he was staring at you already, his chin resting in his palm with a soft smile you knew he didn’t know he was wearing. Honestly, if you didn’t know any better-you’d say he was the one under a love spell.
You flushed a bit, returning your attention back to Jane and Lonnie, Fergus grinning at Harry who finally noticed his stupid face and kicked him under the table-Fergus cackling as Harry pouted.
The day went by quickly, and you seemed to run into Harry more often than you usually did on a school day. Almost as if he was doing it on purpose-but you didn’t mind, you never minded seeing his pretty face more.
Fairy Godmother seemed to approve of the two of you, giving you a proud smile when she saw the two of you holding hands as you walked. And here you thought you raised her blood pressure all too often for her to see you as a good influence.
Later you were in English, Ben sitting a few feet away from you. You were focusing on your worksheet when he slid closer, whispering in your ear. “You knew, didn’t you?” you glanced at him, seeing his face set in soft seriousness. He meant the love spell. You nodded, glancing back down at your worksheet. “And you ate the cookie anyway? I know it wouldn’t affect you, but you really just ate it?” you snorted, and nodded again. “why?”
“Chaos,” you answered simply, giving him a grin, and Ben laughed; shaking his head. “C’mon~ now that you’re all cleansed, don’t tell me watching Mal scramble around wasn’t funny?” Ben just rolled his eyes, a fond smile on his face. “Cute, is the word I would use,” Ben mumbled, sliding back into his seat when the teacher saw him all too close for you. You just snorted-but you felt the same way about Harry, watching him fumble about knowing you were ‘spelled’ to love him was very cute.
Watching Mal continue to scramble as the week went on was very funny, love notes from Ben, presents from Ben, sweets from Ben-all for her and she hardly knew how to handle it, Evie giggling from behind her shoulder as Ben delivered another gift for Mal with that grin on his face, playing up the love spell but now he was acting all of his own accord.
Harry was really sweet too, now he was the one bringing cinnamon rolls to you-you had picked up that habit about half a week into his stay, seeing how much he liked them-you would always grin and kiss his cheek-laughing at the red that spread across his face.
The days went on, and the vks were getting…comfortable, they were all smiling more often, becoming less guarded, making friends; enjoying themselves.
Harry was blossoming on the Roar team, grinning wildly every time a sparring session ended, even making friends with Tara Pan and her lost kids, which came as a shock to everyone including Harry.
All too soon, you knew what would happen, Friday would be that video call, and then Sunday would be family day-the thing that tipped the scale-what pushed the vks too far.
Honestly, you hoped your inclusion would prevent some…things from being said. For now, you hoped things ended the same way they did in the movie.
-end of p9-
Short one~ as we get closer to the grand finale-these will probably be shorter, idk, maybe lol, im running out of ideas for extra scenes XD
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange @lunanight2012
@daughter-of-the-stars11 @musicarose @rintheemolion
@random-thoughts-004 @anythingbutmar @imtryingthisout
@dai-tsukki-desu @remembered-license @thecaptainsgingersnap
@thetrueghostqueen @littlewierdalien
poyw taglist!
@reallysparklychaos @tzurue @evilunicorns4minions
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cobaltdevils · 3 months
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get off her you creep (i think something awful happens after this and not of plushii's volition)
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karlyanalora · 2 years
“Please don’t touch me.”
It’s a request Batman gets a lot from the young people he rescues. Often they don’t use words, merely flinching at the hint of being touched. He does his best to respect it, gently explaining everything he’s doing when he does have to touch them. It breaks his heart every time and he strives to bring the monsters in their lives to justice. But justice won’t undo the hurt they’ve suffered. 
“Please don’t touch me,” Dick says after being summoned away from Catalina Flores and Bruce somehow misses the signs he so easily identified in others.
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ratscraftz · 2 years
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it wasn't a dream mommy
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fairysteve · 2 years
have a free snippet from Call Me, the Stevie H companion piece from Mrs Harrington's pov
Shirley met John Harrington the summer before she turned 18. He had graduated six years ago, she was going to start her senior year, and they were both at the same party.
She had been drinking. He hadn’t.
She had been a virgin. And then she wasn’t.
It was never about love. It was a sober man finding a drunk girl at a party. It was about a straight man taking everything from a lesbian girl, because he could, because he was stronger, because she was too out of it to fight back.
She hadn’t been 18. He had been 24, halfway to 25.
And then she turned 18, and she was three months pregnant.
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"Have I ever told you," he whispered in his ear, "how beautiful your eyes look in this light?"
"WTF?!" said Andrew Jackson, adjusting his sitting position. "Come again?"
"I said," repeated Hamilton with sultry lathered voice. "HAVE. I. EVER. TOLD. YOU. HOW. BEAUTIFUL. YOUR. EYES-"
"No! I heard that part. I'm just so taken back by your statement. I think I threw up in my mouth a little,"
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writermich18 · 10 months
Remember that Night Vale and Final Fantasy XV crossover prompt post I made a while back? Well, I made a 10k one-shot about it.
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johnbattel · 1 year
Ann P.o.v
Me and my boyfriend Akira kursu had been hanging out in his room playing video games. I had noticed that Futaba had been getting touchy with my boyfriend and was flirting with him I had also noticed that Akira was flirting back with her whether it was genuine flirting or not It doesn’t matter the only person he can flirt with him is me he belongs to me. I had decided to take care of Futaba and when I was done with her I would help fix him. I had invited her out and when were Alone I had brought out a knife and stabbed Futaba to death. I had realized that today was Valentine’s Day so I removed Her heart and went to pick up some chocolates. Akira had surprised me with a date at a 5 star restaurant. The date but when we were done with the date I had invited him to come over to my house I had told him stay in my room and don’t move a inch I had grabbed a blunt object and hid it in my shorts I had walked back into my room Ann:Hey Akira babe. Akira:Yes? Ann:Could you open the closet for me. Akira:Sure. Once he opened the door he saw Futaba’s corpse she had been stabbed 13 times and her heart had been removed Akira turned around and saw Ann looking at him with crazy eyes that felt like she was burning a hole through him Akira:Ann what did you do!? Ann:*Calmly in a monotone voice *Thats what That flat chested bitch gets for flirting with my man you belong to me and only me however you two had been flirting with her she had corrupted you she deserved it baby but don’t worry about it. I will fix you darling. Before Akira could say anything Ann bashed him over the head with a statue and knocked him unconscious. 3 years later Akira P.o.v I had been looking after one of me and my wife Ann takamaki’s kid Ren kursu I had missed my wife she went out for some modeling gigs I remember when this had first started I would resist but I quickly found out that it was pointless to resist her I want to be with her at all times but. I am not allowed outside I haven’t been allowed that for years but I had accepted it accepted that this is my life now with my 3 children suddenly I hear the front door open Ann:Hey there Akira I got you this gives him a chocolate heart happy Valentine’s Day. Akira:I missed you and thank you. Ann:I missed you too and no problem Ann P.o.v It had worked he was broken his once bright eyes filled with rebellion were empty except for love to me and our children I wipe the detectives blood off of the knife in my bag that detective would not be bothering us again.
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Mí amor<33
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spacebatisluvd · 2 years
I have a really unpleasant idea: Horde Prime has a huge entitlement complex and an entire British museum of stolen artifacts and a habit of touching his slaves in really creepy ways. So, what if he was attracted to Entrapta and wanted to add her to his collection, and then got mad at her for refusing? Or for having a crush on Hordak instead of him? Horde Prime probably considers himself more handsome and better in general than Hordak, so the idea that someone likes Hordak more...
I mean…bold to assume he’d give her the option to refuse. I’m pretty sure he’d fix that little “free will” problem with a nice chip. Chipped!Entrapta is a popular angst AU for exploring such concepts.
Of course, for a more comforting headcanon, some folks believe that Entrapta, if pulled into the Hivemind, would also terminally disrupt the Hivemind and end up dismantling it.
(Personally, I like things to be a bit more challenging if we’re discussing plotlines, though that is a gratifying headcanon. I just find delayed gratification to be a touch more gratifying in the long run.)
Especially if Prime decides to use the relationship between Hordak and Entrapta, rather than just quietly resent it.
I think that might be the worst part, actually—seeing how Prime can exploit their relationship. He probably wouldn’t view it as a threat to his ownership of either of them, but instead an aspect of his ownership. There’s no competition here: both of them belong to him. He can use Hordak’s body at will, after all. And he would view Hordak less as a rival or an individual, and more as an extension of himself.
And of course…if Entrapta’s chipped, then he can essentially just use them as life-size dolls for his entertainment.
Yeah, good angst. Nice and upsetting.
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mid-nightingale · 1 year
I was the first to know, wasn’t I?
Four years before everyone else.
I’m left here, with the knowledge of your intimate thoughts.
Your fears. Your hates. Your unshared identities.
I sit here, unsure if I can ever forgive you. Relearning how to love myself.
Keeping your secrets. Forever keeping your secrets.
I think I may be nothing more than one of your secrets.
The first and only I dared to share.
You called me, long after I was no longer your secret for me to keep.
Begged to know if I’d shared a different secret. I hadn’t. I still haven’t. Even when asked directly after.
You never acknowledged the secret I shared. Not to me. Not to anyone else.
You told me I was the secret no one would forgive. And everyone did. Everyone forgave me.
Maybe that’s why I’m keeping your other secrets. In case you were wrong about those being forgivable. In case one day it makes it back to you.
In case I ever forgive you.
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