#in andreil fics???
charlotlie · 10 months
bitches be like “this is the best piece of literature i have ever read” and it’s either a book that took them six weeks to finish or a fanfic they read at 3 AM
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kirsctein · 10 months
I don’t really get it when ppl write Neil younger than he is for no reason??? Is it for shock factor?
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moontrader-arts · 4 months
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Andrew prepare for St. Valentine dinner (of course he hates his boyfriend)
Talk with me about your headcanons for andreil’s interior design
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rainbowd00dles · 10 days
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Fic art for Soft Mornings (Gray Skies) by @halfpintpeach
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writtenbylupin · 14 days
You might disagree, but Andrew would be the loviest person with children, not the kind that runs around with them and make baby voices, but the kind that protect them with everything in his power and let them mess with him as much as they want.
Like, if Aarons kids want to put a princess tiara and feathers on him, he would stay still and let them have as fun as possible.
And when there isn't many people around, he would smile. Just a little.
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fortheloveofexy · 10 months
AU where Andrew is trying to work through his touch aversion, so Bee suggests he tries exposure therapy with somebody he trusts.
Cue Andrew complaining about it with his best friend/roommate Neil, who then offhandedly offers to help. Andrew, in a moment of impulsive stupidity, agrees.
On paper, it's a great idea. Neil is decidedly uninterested in sex and dating, so Andrew can trust he won't get the wrong idea or take advantage. He also knows a lot of Andrew's history already, so it will be a lot less embarrassing if it goes wrong and Andrew freaks out. In theory, it should be the perfect plan. There's just one, teeny tiny little problem.
Andrew is utterly and irrevocably in love with him.
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aftg-paranormal · 2 months
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Do you love AFTG? Do you love the paranormal? Then this is the fest for you!
The AFTG Paranormal Fest aims to inspire fanfics and artwork based on all things supernatural.
You can sign up as a writer, an artist or both! Express your interest by filling out this form now! Sign-ups begin May 1st.
Please reblog to spread!
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What content is allowed?
Anything and everything paranormal, supernatural and AFTG. All we ask is that it is tagged correctly when posted.
All transformative works will be accepted. All relationships, tropes and ratings are accepted. There are no limits, other than the paranormal!
You may use themes such as, but not limited to:
Witches / Magic
Ghosts / spirits
Superpowers and/or abilities
Reality shifting
Mermaids / Sirens
Demons / Angels / Devils
Time Travel
Seers / precognition
Faeries / Fae
And more! If it is supernatural, it counts!
If you have any questions. do not hesitate to reach out through our inbox, asks or discord!
Q: Am I allowed to sign up as both an author and an artist? A: Absolutely!
Q: Can I finish my WIP for this event? A: Absolutely, as long as it is completely unpublished (i.e. is not already up on AO3).
Q: Can I write a sequel? A: You can write sequels to already-existing fic! However, it must also be possible to read as a standalone. If you are writing a sequel of someone else's fic, you must have their permission.
Q: What kind of art is accepted? A: Everything! Drawings, paintings, fan videos, podfic, edits, everything in between!
Q: Can my friend and I sign up as a pair? A: You absolutely can! Can't wait to see your collaborative efforts.
Q: Are crossovers or fusions allowed? A: Yes, as long as AFTG is the main focus.
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sunriseabram · 5 months
May I proudly present:
This website includes over 100 personal fic recommendations by over 100 authors, organised by rating and word count.
Every recommendation is one that I have personally read and enjoyed. This is, of course, not an exhaustive list and I am sure there are far more great fics I have yet to discover. However, this is a great starting point, especially for people new to the fandom!
If you don't find your favourite fic on this list, feel free to send me a message and I will check it out. Please reblog to spread to those who may need it!
(Authors: if you are not on this list, it doesn't make your writing bad. Either I've not come across it, or it personally wasn't for me. Keep writing! If you'd like your fic removed from this list, please send me a message.)
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - 01
Just thinking about some poor Palmetto Freshman who, due to the nature of the Foxes, is super quiet and blends into the background. This poor freshman is a foreign language major (forcing himself to have to talk to people and he likes languages) and he knows a couple languages already!
He hasn’t mentioned his major so no one knows but its fine there will be time to make friends and- did Captain Neil just call the scary goalie милый (Darling)? Their tones give away nothing but the goalie with all the knives responded by calling his weirdly intense captain кролик (Bunny).
He stares at them but Andrew threatens to cut him if he keeps looking (he thinks its about Neil’s scars) and now he has officially missed the chance to mention that he is fluent in Russian.
Cue being subjected to the sappiest shit on the entire planet because Andrew and Neil are fucking extra with the shit they say when no one can listen in. So now begins the long play of trying not to let on that he knows because that would be so embarrassing! So awkward! He masters the art of the poker face by the Fall Banquet. He refuses to sit in hearing distance of the two of them on the bus because last time he listened to Andrew describe in excruciating detail what he was going to do to Neil if Neil let him when they got back to the dorm. (He couldn’t get up and walk away! That’d be suspicious!)
This is his hell but at least he made friends with the other freshmen when he accidentally said “No I think Andrew likes Captain Neil plenty.” Because he was trying not to process the absolutely filthy things Andrew was saying to Neil in what looked like a heated argument.
The only person who knows is Nicky because Nicky came up and asked if he was homophobic (power walking away from Neil and Andrew when Neil sat in Andrew’s lap for movie night because he has LEARNED that lesson) and he panicked because HE IS NOT HOMOPHOBIC and confessed that he is fluent in Russian.
Nicky, wisely, promises to take this information to his grave. The freshman weeps in gratitude.
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fauxyz · 11 months
thinking about andreil in one of those soulmate aus where the first words your soulmate says to you are written on your body, because their first words to each other are "better luck next time" and "fuck you."
and like, it's messing me up thinking about their lives and how they'd be impacted by having those words written on them.
neil's words "better luck next time" written across his chest becoming another way for his father to hurt him, because neil isn't good enough and apparently he never will be, even for his soulmate.
andrew's words "fuck you" written on his wrist, causing the adults around him to treat him differently even before he's old enough to understand what the words mean. (and then, when he's old enough, knowing that they're the reason.)
on the run, neil's mother being so adamant that he never meets or socializes with girls because she's convinced that his soulmate will betray them.
andrew growing to hate the words on his arm and deciding to get rid of them, and feeling more and more resentment for his soulmate every time the words come back through the scars.
neil keeping a bandage over the words on his chest even when he doesn't keep the rest of his scars covered because he can't stand to see the words taunting him when he catches a glimpse in a mirror.
andrew hearing people tell him the words so often that they lose their meaning as a soul mark, until he starts to think he doesn't even have a soulmate and instead they're just how the whole world feels about him.
so the first time neil tells him, "fuck you," he doesn't even notice how the words burn under his skin.
but the first time andrew tells him, "better luck next time," neil feels that icy chill searing the words across his chest, and the thing that gets him to agree to come to palmetto is a morbid curiosity, a sick need to find out exactly how andrew is going to stab him in the back.
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ionlydrinkhotwater · 4 months
OK but YOU KNOW that Katelyn and Neil have accidentially worn their boyfriends jerseys at the same time at some point.
All the Vixens and Foxes struggling NOT to point out that Katelyn and Neil both have MINYARD plastered on their backs during lunch or something. Andrew and Aaron scowling at their siblings significant over it
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its-parkerblake · 8 months
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Nathan at Neil
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feelingthedisaster · 18 days
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i think that as fandom, we should have more fics with this tag (x)
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wolfgangwithoutgang · 2 years
Nicky: I can’t believe Neil ignored us all winter break! He better be dying.
Neil: Hey guys, sorry I ignored you all winter break. I was dying.
Nicky: I take it back I take it back I take it back I take it back.
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hrtstpr · 14 days
hiiiii i commissioned clementine.clouds on insta to draw this scene from my fic!!!!
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kevinsbitch · 8 months
Imagine all for the game, but after Andrew says "That doesn't mean I wouldn't blow you," Neil responds with "A threatened blow is seldom given," and then Andrew's jaw just drops.
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