#in the words of pikachu: i want them to light something on fire and fuck in the ashes
technicallyverycowboy · 5 months
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chaos0pikachu · 5 months
Cinematography?? In MY BL??? Not as likely as you think.
TLDR: it's a joke!!! but also legit sometimes I see "cinematography in bl" and it's just some basic pictures with mid-tone lighting and blue t-shirts. Let's talk film terms like: aperture, panning, tilting, and movement in film so we can see what goes into cinematography (with sources!). Also if I name a show you like as "boring cinematography" don't send me hate mail I'll laugh
(examples used: Our Skyy2 vs kinnporsche, 2gether vs semantic error, 1000 Stars vs The Sign)
If I name a show you like in this post as "bad cinematography" be chill about it, like, I ain't saying you can't like it, I'm just talking about techniques here not personal likability or overall show quality. I like badly filmed shit too say hello to my collection of Friday the 13th Blue Rays we're just here to talk techniques and like, educational stuff okay?
So the straight (heh) textbook definition of "cinematography" is: the art of making motion pictures. Which, frankly, tells you nothing. Like it's not wrong~~ but it's not informative either. Cinematography covers a lot of what we, the audience, visually see on screen:
"Cinematography is the art of photography and visual storytelling in a motion picture or television show. Cinematography comprises all on-screen visual elements, including lighting, framing, composition, camera motion, camera angles, film selection, lens choices, depth of field, zoom, focus, color, exposure, and filtration." (source)
So let's talk movement in film.
So when I talk about movement, what do I mean? I mean the way the camera, the characters, and the environment moves within a frame.
This video on Akira Kurosawa's usage of movement in a scene is brilliant:
Something as simple as having rain or fire in the background of a shot can enhance the emotions of a scene vastly. it gives the scene depth - literal depth, not narrative depth - that would otherwise be missing.
The way the camera moves and transitions leading the viewers eye back and forth makes what you're watching more engaging. You aren't consuming these scenes, you are engaging with them. They are apart of the story itself, giving the environment life and texture so the characters within them matter more.
And, look, I get busting out Thee Akira Kurosawa might be unfair, but if we're gonna talk cinematography we can't not talk the importance of movement on film.
To understand good cinematography you have to understand what makes it good and as such what makes bad or mediocre cinematography.
In connection with movement we gotta talk about camera techniques like panning and tilting:
"Camera movements are a fundamental part of video production. They can be a powerful storytelling device, heightening tension, evoking emotions, and bringing the viewer into the action. Without saying a word, camera movements can transform a scene’s entire narrative, and direct audiences’ attention where you want it." (source)
So we have movement of environment, of characters, and we also have movement of the camera itself.
Ok so like, where does the BL come in Pikachu??
I'm getting to that, I'm going to start with a more general example: Our Skyy 2 (Bad Buddy meets 1000 Stars edition) vs Kinnporsche.
Starting at 5:17 we have Pran stranded or whatever, and this shot is like, it's fine. It's boring as hell, but fine. Why is it boring as hell? Well it's flat, it lacks movement, it lacks depth.
When the driver drove off the camera could have panned to follow his movement and then panned back to Pran at a different angle to showcase his isolation. Honestly since the scene starts with a mid close up of Pran, I would have had the camera behind Pran as the driver drove away, and had the camera pan around Pran 360 so we get shots of his environment, and him, while also emphasizing holy shit he's like, fucking stuck in the wilderness. 
In general, there's a big lack of movement in the scene. The camera remains almost entirely static, there's no attempt at zooming in or out, following Pran's movement, or showcasing his environment in any meaningful way. Even when Pran begins walking towards the camera the angle of the framing is still centered, rather than tilted downward or upwards to give us more dimension (non-BL comparison, the Book of Eli starring Denzel Washington does the "walking towards the camera" shots really well).
We get a cut of a medium close up of Pran, with a deeper focus so his environment is blurred out.
I understand the thought process of this shot, we want the audience to focus on Pran, but if the point of the scene is to emphasize he's alone, confused, maybe even a bit anxious at his new circumstances it could've been done better. Take a wider shot from this angle, open up the lens to allow for that background environment to come through and show him isolated. Maybe do a pan above him or tilt the camera up going from his feet up as he nervously ruffles his hair. There's options here.
This just adds more walking to the scene, which we already had. It doesn't enhance or emphasize anything about Pran's emotions as a character.
Anyway the camera continues to follow him and then we get another cut. And it's from the same angle as before, only this time we see a truck coming. The camera remains static, it completely stops moving, and we just wait for the truck to drive into the frame.
This whole sequence of events ends at 5:57 and while not a long sequence I find it frustrating because it's boring. The only way the audience knows that Pran is anxious is via Nanon’s acting, there’s nothing in the filmmaking that enhances or contributes to that feeling.
He’s alone, until he’s not, and that’s all the scene tells us. It leaves the scene lacking any tension as well, because we’re not getting a sense of isolation - how large is this space? How alone is Pran right now? What is the entirety of the environment? 
Contrast this with a similar scene in kinnporsche ep06 where Kinn and Porsche are alone in the mountains. I don't have a video of this specific scene so I have to link the trailer, starting at 1:48 to 1:52, but see how we start mid-close up of Kinn and Porsche, then pan out from above them? This is a better showcasing of just how vast the environment around Kinn and Porsche are.
They're still center frame throughout all of this, the depth of the scene is in mid-focus so nothing is blurred out and you can see the sharpness of the environment.
It also places the audience in the same space as Kinn, who is looking up at the sky while the audience looks down at him. It makes the audience a more active participant in the shot, emphasizes the state of the characters, gives the audience a sense of space & environment, and relies a sense of emotion.
The additional fast zoom out also adds to the scene by adding movement and making it more dynamic.
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(my man pran looking like this 🧍)
Both these scenes are pretty short, but they're relaying similar information and one is way more dynamic and effective than the other. Both Pran and Kinn/Porsche are alone in the wildness, but in the latter there's a lack of space, a lack of movement, and a lack dimension. This is mainly a framing issue, so let's talk more about camera movement (panning, & tilting).
Here's a scene from 2gether vs a scene from Semantic Error.
(saw someone say 2gether had a high production value and chepie where??)
This entire scene with Sarawat and Tine is flatly shot. There is nothing in their background so no outward movement is happening, the lighting is even as are the colors, everything is at the same depth, and there's little to no motion in the camera.
The scene with Sarawat pushing Tine into frame. Why doesn't the camera follow Tine's motion of movement so the scene has more momentum? It just stops and the char falls out of frame before walking back into it. Then we get a series of cuts back and forth of close ups on Sarawat and Tine's faces. Back and forth, back and forth.
The editing leaves a ton to be deserved because if the back and forth did a quick pan back and forth with each beat we could build up tension, give the scene some texture, heighten the intensity of the argument. If we're going for something softer we could place them in on better set, or make the characters move themselves - have Sarawat walk away from the argument up those stairs, have the camera follow his movement as Tine chases him continuing the argument - or play with the lighting a bit, pan the camera down or tilt it something!
When Tine kisses Sarawat why doesn't the camera move with him in a more notable way? Why did we have a cut to a close up? And then we're back in a mid close up and more cuts and this editor is killing me!
This scene is 4mins long and the only engaging bit of filmmaking here is when the camera follows Tine when he steps closer to Sarawat putting the latter in the frame at 3:15, the entire scene is 4 minutes long.
I want to compare this scene to this scene in Semantic Error which is also all dialogue and also obviously filmed on a shoestring budget.
So right away the camera work here is smart, it starts off in an establishing shot, evenly lit, of Sang Woo and Jae Young both in the frame. Then we get a mid close up of JY looking down, then a tight close up of JY looking up.
The change in camera angle emphasizes his surprise at seeing SW here as he looks up at SW. The lighting has also changed, it's much brighter now. The camera also begins to move, where it was static before it begins to tilt and shift.
We get a cut to SW, the first one of this scene. JY is seeing SW in a new light for the first time, and as such so is the audience. By starting the scene off in an outward shot with both chars in the frame, they are placed on the same level and the audience doesn't see their expressions up close. So when we're hit with JY's close up of surprise and then SW's close up of his wet hair it holds way more impact. It enhances the feelings of JY's character for the audience.
The lighting behind SW has also changed, it's much brighter, and warmer compared to the cooler tones of light behind JY. The camera also slows, and continues to to tilt and shift. JY's world has literally been shifted on his axis.
We get another cut, this time medium on SW and notice, the camera stops moving for that moment and the light around him dims. It's not as saturated. We're moved out of JY's pov here and back into "regular" framing.
SW tries to make JY leave, we get a close up cut of the cut on JY's arm - hey editing used to display important and new information! - then the camera cuts to SW getting medicine and here's a small but important thing, when he tosses at JY the camera follows his movement. And instead of cutting away, when JY gets up thinking SW is hurt, the camera follows JY's movement back towards SW.
It would have been easy to make a cut there back and forth - like in the 2gether scene did over and over - but following the movement of the characters makes the scene way more interesting visually to watch.
Changing the angles of the camera from a lower angle (where JY is looking up) to a downward angle (where SW is looking down) makes the scene more interesting visually as well and enhances the storybeat of JY looking up at SW in a new light memorized. This contributes to the story as well, as it's JY who catches feelings for SW first so their are literally, on uneven ground until they're not later in the story. The camera is panning, tilting, moving with the characters even given the limited space. The lighting adds to the effectiveness, as do the minimal cuts.
On a technical level, the scene in Semantic Error is just better filmed. In my own opinion, the scene is far more engaging b/c the filmmaking is better, where in 2gether the reliance is almost completely on the actors to sell the scene with little help. And I'm not saying nothing about Bright and Win cause their stans wildin'.
Next, I wanna talk about aperture.
I saw a post that used this word and I didn't understand the context in which they were using it because aperture isn't a style of filmmaking its a camera setting or lens adjustment - it's the rate at which the camera opens and closes letting in light and focus.
"Aperture is the opening of the lens through which light passes. When you hit the shutter release button to take the picture, the camera aperture opens to the predetermined width, letting a specific amount of light through. A large aperture lets more light in, and vice versa. Aperture is calibrated in f/stops, written in numbers like 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11 and 16. The larger the number, the narrower the aperture." (source) <- really recommend this article if you want to learn about aperture in film.
A great non-BL example of aperture used for style is One Piece Live Action where cinematographers Nicole Hirsch Whitaker, and Michael Wood love using deep focus aperture in a lot of scenes.
But let's compare The Sign vs 1000 Stars.
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So when the scene starts, we're in mid-focus/aperture, everything is of similar sharpness and depth. Nothing is especially blurred out we're getting the full spectrum of Phaya and Tharn's environment.
When the camera switches to close ups of Phaya and Tharn however, we get a deep focus aperture. That's why everything behind them is so blurred out. In a close up of Phaya, even Tharn's face is blurred. The director wants the audience to focus specifically on these characters individually, so we can understand the weight of their dialogue. But when the camera wants us to see the characters as a unit, it cuts, pulls back out of that deep focus and everything is back in mid-focus again.
Here's another thing, it's subtle but it's important.
This scene also combines what we already discussed about movement. At :08 of the scene, in that first mid-shot the camera is actually zooming in closer on Phaya and Tharn. Not dramatically, subtly, but it is there. This is important, because at 3:23 we get another mid-shot of them, pulled out of that deep focus, and the camera begins to zoom out.
The camera also follows the movement of Phaya grabbing Tharn's hands, then pans back up to Phaya's face once again before panning higher into the frame and panning back to their faces and zooming in.
When we move back out of that deep focus, into a mid-shot the camera continues to zoom out on the two characters as they kiss.
I saw someone say that this scene wasn't "filmed like BL kisses" and, eh? Like it isn't filmed in that static style of filmmaking which has dominated BL filmmaking probably due to budgetary reasons. But
The Sign follows a similar filmmaking style as Kinnporsche and Domundi shows do. But also just like, basic filmmaking techniques you'd see in shows of the non-CW/soap variety.
The thing fans are seeing here is film technique (probably partially due to a larger budget). Movement, lens adjustment, panning and titling, lighting and color are all playing a role in this specific scene.
Cinematography baby.
(sidenote the VFX of The Sign is dope as fuck too)
Okay so let's talk Our Skyy 1000 Stars
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So this opening scene follows a similar structure to the scene in The Sign: mid focus shot of the two chars, into separate deep focus close ups. It's also a dialogue heavy scene like the one with Phaya and Tharn.
So why does their scene work better on a technical level than this one in Our Skyy 2?
The scene in The Sign combines techniques of aperture, movement, lighting, color and framing to give everything more impact.
In this scene with Phupha and Tian we get a similar editing style as the scene in 2gether: lots of back and forth cuts, very tight close ups, static camera movement. Where as the camera zooms in and out during mid-shots, the camera doesn't move in Our Skyy 2. It remains motionless even though a zoom in as the two characters lay in bed would add a lot to the scene itself.
In the close ups the camera continues to remain static, only changing angles when there's a cut. At 1:22 Phupha moves his arm to wrap around Tian, the camera could have taken a closer shot at his arm, and then followed his movement as he wraps it around Tian. Like how the camera followed Phaya's movement when he holds Tharn's hand.
Instead it's just a flat shot, we see his arm wrap around in a mid-focus above shot. The camera does move to follow Tian a couple times - at 1:50 for example. But overall, the scene is stiff - who sleeps like this frfr - in framing, in movement, in depth.
I want to say that I don't think this scene is bad - like I do the 2gether scene or the earlier scene with Pran - I think it's just, okay~~
And no, for none of these examples did I pick "the worst" shots or whatever. I'm not out to get any specific show, but tried to find comparable scenes and compare and contrast the filmmaking techniques used in both and how effectively they were used.
I want to leave off with this.
There's a lot that goes into cinematography, yes this singular shot of Furiosa is amazing, but what makes the scene amazing?
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Pay attention to how the camera moves (panning and tilting), when the camera moves (zooms in and out), the movement of the scene (the hair and sand moving), the lighting (Furiosa from behind is in darkness, her side profile more lit), the depth of the scene itself changing (as she walks away from the group the focus/aperture gets deeper on her, then when she walks out of the frame it grows larger to focus on the characters left behind).
All these little things make up what is "cinematography". The more you learn about the techniques used the more you can notice about film and what makes a scene powerful.
As BL gets more budget we're seeing shows expand their filmmaking catalogue more and more. Which is exciting! If fandom is gonna talk cinematography I think it's helpful to have the vocab to do so, and it's cool to watch a scene and be like "oh I see what they're doing here and why and how".
I mentioned other things that go into cinematography like framing, lighting, color, and there's also editing (which is separate). Idk if I'll make a post about those things cause I'm lazy and this shit takes forever to research and write but who knows~~
Check out other posts in the series:
Film Making? In My BL? - The Sign ep01 Edition | Aspect Ratio in Love for Love's Sake | Cinematography in My BL - Our Skyy2 vs kinnporsche, 2gether vs semantic error, 1000 Stars vs The Sign | How The Sign Uses CGI | Is BL Being Overly Influenced by Modern Western Romance Tropes?
[like these posts? drop me a couple pennies on ko-fi]
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plaguethewaters · 3 months
@thetiredyuk i am having more Thoughts about that one - ranboo is the sone of death beeduo au. I was about to just send you an ask but also this is almost 2k words so it may be better off as a post lmfao
So like. bullet points time, this is an approximate summary of what i think the Plot would be like - wordbuilding aside
(Temporary mcd, suicide warning)
Year like, 1500 something (to be more well researched but i do want it to be like. something something renaissance. it works) we've got two poor ass kids born of the same year. Except tommy is pretty much a normal guy, liked by his family and such. His parents have enough children they can gamble for at least one to be successfull, so they send him to be a painter's apprentice in the hope he'll make some kind of money. There, in the slighter bigger town thats almost a city but not quite, he meets tubbo. Now Tubbo would have been a normal guy, except he was born with facial deformities so now everyone thinks he's a demonic freak hated by the gods (this renaissance world is politheistic bc kristin needs to be there and also i wil not do christianity if i dont have to lmao.)
Tommy is not intimidated by any gods. obviously. also his dad is really into the goddess of death and he prays enough for both of them, so he's like. protected and shite. And he immidiately hits it off with the cursed boy
surprise hes not actually cursed but people are dicks anyways. Tommy makes him a fancy mask to cover his face - even thought its totally cool as shit, but its cool enough only tommy should ever get to see it - and that eventually does help him. Because tubbo wasnt like, a shit guy. Hes a damn good builder and knows how to read, which are talents big enough that the costruction workers for that church out of town are ready to ignore the whole probably cursed thing. As long as he as the masks.
Tommy: makes him the first genuine gift hes ever received in fifteen years of life Tubbo: never takes it off again. like never Tommy: shocked pikachu face
anyways so tommy dies like. super young. They have their fun for a few years but at like seventeen tommy is called to be the artist for this very fancy duke of the town over - and at the start they'r super happy bc that means Money and Food and Roof over your head and shite. its a very good fucking deal.
except the noble is a bastard. His town revolts against him, and when they storm the castle they aren't exactly asking names or faces: tommy gets immidiately like, super destroyed by the crowd, and dies a few minutes later.
Tubbo hears of this like five months later bc its the fifteen hunderds and hes poor.
He does Not take it very well ngl
He goes a bit murdery - basically hes like "im not living without tommy, might as well burn down a village while im at it right, right."
Now ranboo, in all of this, freshly the equivalent of seventeen for an immortal death being, is starting on their training to actually become death- His mom send him on a quaint little village in europe thinking "hey, the most those guys die of is like. malaria. consumption maybe. itll be easy as hell"
And now like two hundred different souls are around him with FIRE written on their foreheads and Ranboo feels distinctly outside of his range, to be really honest.
he steps a couple ethereak planes down just to see what the heck is the matter - if this is another of those voide beings his mom will be Super Pissed and they want to see that reaction
And it isnt the void people
Instead, in front of their eyes, the singular most beautiful person hes ever seen - and hes seen lots, in this line of work.
He cant see their face, but their actions speak enough. The sheer rage, the almost dance like movement of their body perfectly framed by the light of their torch, seeing no humanity or mercy in whatever their searching for. their hair look angelic in its softness, burnt by the worst flames of hell and yet tended by the same hands who wield it - strong hands, clearly forged by hard work and dedication. This is a guy who has nothing to lose, and there's little Death loves most than someone who doesnt fear it.
He has to go down, has to speak to them immidiately.
So he does.
There's really no time - his mom had given the singular rule not to interact with humans, shell be on them in Seconds- but one question can be asked in the haste: "What brings a mortal to do this?"
"It's all for you, love!" the mortal says. They also say some other things, after, but Ranboo is not very well versed in the human tongue and they are speaking Very Loudly.
(Tubbo actually said "Fuck you, you motherfucker it's Your Fault, you took every single thing i love". Easy mistake, if one thinks about it.)
Their mom is Pretty Pissed but she does undesrtand stupid things done for young love. So she's like "eh, ive loved mortals too. go have fun" and everything
Except a year passes, and ranboo still hasnt even spoken to the guy, and she remembers suddenly Mortality Exists.
Shes never had them take a soul who died naturally - for lack of occasion, mostly - and they may have been. a tad sheltered. They most definitely do Not know what death actually is like for humans, nor how long does it take for them to die
she wonders if it would be a tad overprotective to take this over for them
she thinks about seventy years in the future, at most, when the boy dies. She thinks that her son cannot cry but can definitely cry. she thinks of their screams of sadness ringing through her ears-
Tubbo wakes up in the river, alive.
He did not Intend to be alive, and it's actually quite unfortunate for him to be so.The survivors are quite angry and probably close to him, now. Welp, no way to die is reallt any worse than another, he thinks. Ill just wait here for them.
When the pitchfork collapses his heart and he continues breathing, he understands something might be a little bit wrong.
And like, a good five hundred years pass like this.
Things Tubbo has learned in his five hundred, twenty three and two halves years on this demon forsaken earth:
Clothes get so much shittier over time. he has One (1) tailored shit from the 1800 and Nothing has even barely compared to it ever since.
getting stabbed does not hurt less just because youre not actually dying. Poisoning is actiively way worse since you're not actually dying. Diving off cliffs is Not Fun. In general, try not to do dying things even if youre immortal
theres a hole in his heart where his loved ones were and it will never get filled
Food gets esponentially better over time. Lord bless whoever decided curry should go on chicken because they were Cooking For Real. Chocolate was still better before though.
Working for soulles bosses has not changed At All in all of this time tho.
he works at mcdonalds because no college would accept his non existant resume, and being immortal dosent deprive him of his needs unfortunately. The manager took one look at this kid dressed from like three different centuries with a goat mask on his head and was like. why not. at least youre not a stoner and you know how to read.
His coworkers firmly believe hes a criptid and have a full going investigation to prove it. The highest bet at fifty dollars says hes mothman in disguise, there to eat the fliest that live on their shitty food. The lowest bets hes an angel waiting for the right time to brign down armageddon.
Every night he goes in the woods to an almost forgotten Death altar and he prays. Half of his prayers consist of insults and the other half are pleas for her to fucking kill him already
This does not help the criptid chronicles
Kristin also has like. only so much patience. Hes holding up the prayers line - which is actually still pretty fucking used in central asia - and hes generally annoying as shit.
She takes ranboo by the scruff, gives them a passable human form, and throws them down there. Get your shit together boy youre like a thousand years old. Get your man (to stop fucking with the phoneline)
Ranboo is Not Enthusiastic about this but cmon. Hes death. How hard can working at a mac really be?
Spoiler it is
Spoiler it does Not matter, because awkwardness aside ranboo is funny, and easy to talk to, and compassionate and caring. He doesnt want to kill tubbo, he doesnt look at him like hes a fictional creature (and yes marcie, hes seen the bet table), he isnt his soulless boss. Tubbo is grieving but he also very desperstely wants a friend.
One day someone stops at his shitty apartment at like three am
Ranboo stands in fron of his door drenched from head to toe, holding the possibly smallest kitten tubbo has ever seen in his Life. Hes miserable but the cat is miracoulously dry, screaming their head off - and ranboo is panicking. Are they okay are they dying? Do you have any food i dont know what he eats but its so small and i didnt know where else to go- please i dont want it to die or something and-
The moon shines on their long, wet hair and their stupid fucking suit is as wrinkled as ever. They look like they desperately want to rub their hands against each other but there is a kitten in the way and it probably makes them even more anxious - theres very little messes bigger than him, right now.
Tubbo falls in love.
They heal the kitten and keep enderchest in their now shared apartment.
They grow closer, and closer, and something is forming. Ranboo is aware a relationship cannot be based on lies, as much as it worries him how tubbo will react.
so he prepares like a romantic ass evening
roses and candles and a nice dinner with a fancy wine
tubbo almost gets flustered
except at the end of the night the confession isnt "i love you" but "im the guy who took away your only ffamily".
and he sees Red.
Ranboo doesnt remember what tubbo screamed, not exactly. He remembers grief, and crying, and feeling worse than he ever believed he could. He remembers the endless guilt sitting in his chest, and the slam of a door - maybe from the inside out. Hes definitely outside, now, and the house ifìs far away enough eh cant see it, but that could also be the tears.
His mother finds him crouched in a patch of grass, tears steaming down their cheeks in a constant flow. Shes not aware if they'd returned to death form to feel safer, or because they believed they deserved the burn. Shes not sure what option makes her feel worse.
shes aware that this is. pretty much her fault
TO HER DEFENSE she was not really aware humans were so touchy about death. The souls she reaps arent very talkative and the guy shes with is chill about it so like. maybe this one is weird
(the guy she's with is Phil, whos Decidly not a human but has also decided not to tell her yet. For the bit, yknow? He's been a live a couple thousand years, it would be awkward to drop it now. He's also somewhat a serial killer and Not Normal about death At All)
BUt this is still here fault and she does have to set it right a little bit
So she summons Tubbo to her persnoal room in the palace and goes like. "oi. why r u so mad little guy"
And hes like: you took away the single person whos ever loved me ever
"Wait that's the only problem?"
"What the fuck else would it be"
"thought u were mad at him cause he lied lol"
Anyways Kristen is so relieved rn. She thought tubbo was phisically like, repulsed by the concept of death and all, and he was mad that Ranboo lied to him and all. Which he is, but the rage is so so much less than the grief yknoe. And she knows how to fix it if its just one (1) measly soul
Tommy is so fucking confused
Th modern world is full of sounds and weird textures and the food is fucking fantastic but also Too Much, and Tubbo introduced him to this weird ass potion hed called a bong and now hes seeing gods the likes of which had never been discoveres
Over all hes just happy to be alive and with his best friend
He kinda hates ranboo. The fucker threw a scyte at him for no reason when tommy would have Almost Certainly survived because he is simply That Cool. Ranboo didn't believe in his awesomeness enough and is thus a Bitch
Tubbo is. iffy
He cant deny he has a teensy tiny crush now, because hes far too deep in this for that
But also ranboo did like. lie straight to his face
but also tubbo would Not have believed him if a random guy showed up at three am at a mcdonalds saying they were the child of death
and he Did trust that what he saw in ranboo was real, betrayal aside. No one fakes looking That much like a wet cat
so it does take a while. couple years in fact, to get back at the level of trust they had before (inster a cool anime montage where they have lots of fun together as roommates and cats coparents and all)
One night when they are - not back together, because they hadnt been dating before, but back to that almost definitely dating just not officialized stage- ranboo asks him if would ever want to be mortal again.
And tubbo thinks of it. His time on earth had been so plagued by grief hed never really ecperienced anything it had to offer. Hed never seen the sights or did anything at all besides praying for death, and thats kind of a shitty way to pass five hundred years
'But tubbo what about your humanity? wouldnt it be irrevocabily lost by giving awau something so fundamentally human as death" someone would ask. And tubbo would anser "ehh who cares"
He hasnt been fully human since hes burned that whole village down, anyway. And he likes the benefits of this life more than whateer moral superiority a Normal human would have over him
"and tommy too, obviously. I get the feeling you dont like him dead" Ranboo jokes.
There's no decision at all then. Fuck yeah, immortal boyfriend and immortal brother what more could a fucker want.
They get to cause chaos on earth and probably kill a bunch of rich people for a long long time
the end :)
Im like. very tentatively calling this Deathless Death, in the vane hope that i will write something for this better thant bullet points. But for now bullet points it is
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h2bakugou · 3 years
🍀 hello! I have a suggestion
How would the class 1 a boys react to you both getting recognized in public as "the secret class 1 a couple?!" And seeing it on the news or social media, Before yous are dating. Hope this makes sense 💖
a/n: hi!! this is super cute! i decided to do a bunch of the boys from 1-a, i didn’t get to do all of them, but this is certainly a cute idea!!
headcanon: them reacting to news of being a couple before they’re actually a couple
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: fluff, swearing
;cut for length;
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katsuki bakugou
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It happens during a training battle with class 1-B. 
It’s just a little get together, the two classes joining for some competitive training.
You’re working with Bakugou since he tolerates you the most, which he would gladly chose you over Beavis and Butt-Head Kirishima and Kaminari.
He also has a crush on you but that’s a secret teehee.
You got one on him too so don’t act all innocent.
But of course, Monoma happens to be one of the members of the group you face off with.
He’s just messing with you, teasing you. Calling you pet names like Angel or Honey.
He’s doing it ‘cause it clearly pisses Bakugou off.
“I’m sorry, where are my manners, flirting with your significant other.” Monoma apologizes as he slaps Bakugou’s shoulder, activating his quirk.
“We’re not dating!?” You yell as you charge at the blonde that isn’t your crush.
“So you mean the entire class has been lying to me?” Monoma pouts.
After training, Bakugou asks you out, stating he’d been thinking of doing it sooner but he had been caught up with staying top of the class-
He was most certainly jealous.
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izuku midoriya
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Like legit, Deku’s in some parent-teacher conference and All Might is like ‘many things are blossoming, such as young love.’
And his mom is just like ‘finally you and y/n got together, about damn time.’
And Deku’s just like ????? IM SORRY????////
Literally races over to you and is like
“They think we’re together-”
And you’re just like
“Well damn we should be” *lip bite*
Deku blushes but asks you out on the spot so he doesn’t have to explain to his mom that it wasn’t like that.
Lowkey he had the biggest crush on you and was just really nervous that you were too occupied with studies to even notice him.
His mom is so proud of him, probably throws him a party or something for your first official date- please i love her 
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shoto todoroki
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Tell me why I think this fool finds out about the whole ‘secret couple’ thing from Dabi-
It’s just so bad that it’s absolutely perfect.
Tell me that this crispy ass patchwork villain would not take every opportunity to tease Shoto.
“So you came here to fight me with your true love? Perhaps romance isn’t dead.”
Literally about to light his ass on fire and Shoto’s just frozen-yeah go on laugh I know you want too-and just stares at this dude like??? 
come again? pardon?
Deadass looks over at you and just raises an eyebrow.
“I think he thinks we’re a couple.” You fill in the blanks and Todoroki eventually nods.
“Well yes, they are indeed my true love, but I think this might be a bit extreme for a first date. Perhaps when we’re done beating your ass, I can take them out for dinner.”
chivalry isn’t dead *heart eye emojis*
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denki kaminari
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Honestly with the flirty comments you litter under each other’s social media posts, google probably be recommended y’all relationship stuff, those little heart lamp message things, matching necklaces, technology was dropping all the hints.
No but Kirishima probably just assumes you’re together when Kaminari brings you along to one of the mall trips they usually go on.
“Dude you finally asked them out, sick, took you long enough.” 
Cue red Kaminari. Man is a tomato. Like he just turns to you shaking throwing a thumbs up.
“Awe, you like me?” You give him a hug and kiss his cheek, shoving your hand in his.
“Yeah, totally, I mean who wouldn’t.” Kaminari is back to being smug, he’s got a pretty person’s hand in his own he is now taken JSFSJFJ
He will literally be in debt to Kirishima for getting the two of you together. Like he’s deadset on somehow repaying Kirishima.
»»————- ★ ————-««
eijiro kirishima
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Two words. Katsuki Bakugou.
Kirishima is super sweet, like I just see him doing a bunch of really nice stuff for you, helping you carry things to your dorm, or like maybe doing your hair if you asked.
Bakugou is extremely observant and will just watch how y’all act but like he’s finally so tired of watching you act like a couple. He knows you two have to be a thing so why hasn’t Kirishima mentioned it.
“We get it you’re together! Just cut the sappy shit already!” Bakugou snaps randomly one day because you’re just sitting in his lap because all the couch seats are taken.
Your cheeks burn and Kirishima’s face turns the same crimson color as his hair.
“Dude we’re-”
“Friends.” You finish, but there’s a hint of sadness.
“You certainly don’t act like. Fucking ask each other out already goddamn.”
Do what he boss says.
Kirishima brings you pretty flowers and asks you out, literally taking you on a date when you say yes, god he’s so sweet love him kiss kiss.
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tenya iida
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Honestly, I think Aizawa’s gonna just have to lecture Iida on social cues. ‘Cause Iida may seem like he’s just being a good class rep, but walking you to and from class, carrying your bag, and tucking hair behind your ear are most certainly beyond what classifies as ‘class rep behavior.’
A bunch of students from class 1-a are gonna be really suspicious, whispering around, making plans to try and catch it happening.
Sure enough, Iida’s carrying your bag as you walk back toward the dorm building, your pinkies just barely touching, before you finally heave a sigh and interlock yours with his.
Kaminari can’t hold in his excitement, congratulating the navy-haired class rep on scoring such a hottie.
“I’m confused, you’re congratulating me-”
“Because you finally asked (y/n) out!” Iida just turns red and stares at you.
“No no, I think you may have misinterpreted!”
“Really? On god? Just like that?” You pout, lowering your head.
“No! I...” 
Iida quite literally has to prove he likes you by kissing you in front of the class. Guess it’s not really a secret anymore.
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hanta sero
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Much like Kirishima, Bakugou and/or Kaminari and/or Kirishima play a big role in ‘exposing’ the two of you.
Late nights in each other’s dorm playing video games?
Wearing each other’s sweaters?
Picnics and walks together?
Yeah try convincing off-brand pikachu, red robin, and the fitness gram pacer test you’re not together.
the fitness gram pacer test bit sounded much better in my head but i didn’t really have any other funny nickname for bakugou other than johnny test which made about as much sense as the fitness gram pacer test.
“Yo we’re going to the mall!” Kaminari is the first to spill the plans for the weekend.
“Oh shoot alright-”
“I meant us. Don’t you have a date with (Y/n)?” Kaminari points to the rest of the group, excluding you and Sero who sat side by side, under a knitted blanket.
“Uhm, Kaminari we’re-”
“Oh no, I know you like them.” Kaminari leans in really close to Sero’s face before squishing his cheeks and turning him to face you.
“I’m so sorry.” Sero whispers to you.
You roll your eyes and lean over, planting a kiss on his cheek, earning a few cheers from Mina and Kaminari who pretty much played matchmaker.
Sero takes you out on a date when they plan to go to the mall, but it was really all a ruse to spy on you on your date.
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ssatoritendou · 3 years
You Are My Sunshine
Pairing: kaminari/reader
Denki Kaminari
Word count: 1.1k
+ summary: You were forced to tell Mina that you have a crush on Kaminari and you are worried that she will tell the sparky hero to be.
Genre: fluff
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"So......" "So what Mina?" You said to her as you were walking back to your rooms. "Uraraka likes Midoriya, Momo likes Todoroki, I like Sero, and now who do you like?" "I don't like anyone. And the sleepover is over now.” You said looking away trying to avoid her question. "You are such a liar. Your face is red. You got to tell me now." "What does Miss. Sunshine has to tell you, Mina?" Denki said coming out of the bathroom. "Who she likes?” Mina said laughing and twirling her hair. Her laugh turning into a smirk directed at you. "Ooh, gossip I want to know. What did the girls really think of me?” He said with a big smile and dopey eyes. "I'm not telling you Pikachu," You said ruffling his hair. "Fine ___.” He stuck out his tongue at you. You giggled and smiled. He went back to his room. "Pika pika girls.” He said with a peace sign "Night Kaminari," You said with a sigh in your voice and a smile. "Yea night Kami,” Mina said with a smile and waving at the sparky boy. She looked at you and back to the door. She noticed how you looked at the door with adoration. Her mouth dropped open. “You like him?!” Mina whisper-shouted at you and hitting your arm at the same time. “No!" You said back to her and rubbing your arm at the same time. "Liar liar pants on fire. Your face is red again." "So? You only like Sero because you want to know what it would be like if he taped you down as he fucks you senseless." "No- I like his hair and how nice he is. The kink comes with it." She laughed. "Uh-huh. I'm going to bed."
"I'm bored ___!” Denki said leaning back on your desk. "You should probably listen to Mic. English is just as important as quirk training Denki." "But I'm bored." "Pikachu if you don't shhh I'm going to kill you.” "What's got your panties in a twist?" "Nothing. I have just been having a bad week." You were becoming increasingly nervous that Mina would tell Kaminari that you had a crush on him. “We can talk about it later.” "Your dorm. You got it Sunshine." Denki said with a wink. You turned around when you felt Mina poke your back. Her face was making kissing noises. You grumbled. “HEY, GIRLS! STOP THE GIGGLING AND PAY ATTENTION TO THE LESSON!” Mic yelled across the classroom. “Yes Present Mic.” The two of you said looking down at your desk.
You were just starting to start training with Midnight. It was special training today girls were specifically with Midnight and the boys were working with All Might. You walked over to Mina as she was stretching before training.“Mina, I have a question?” “Sure what is it, Sunshine.” She said with a knowing smile. “First of all don’t call me that only Denki can call me that. Second of all, you aren’t going to tell him right?” “Of course not. No need to worry. I might be best friends with Kami but I always say Hoes before the Bros.” She said with a thumbs up.
You had gotten back from training with Midnight. The training today was really intense and kind of inappropriate because well it was Midnight. You laid down on your bed, screamed into the pillow. You knew that your tantrum and freak out could not last long because you had homework to do. Jirou was just as frustrated as you, you were guessing because she began playing her electric guitar. "Sunshine are you ready to talk?” Denki said walking into your room. "No, I'm working on the English assignment.” You said with a sigh. "There was an English assignment? Oh well.” He said with a chuckle. "Denki can you come back later?” "No. I'll just wait here on your bed." He said. He jumped onto your bed. His fingers started twitching across his chest and he started making faces. ”What are you doing? It looks like you're having a spasm.” You said laughing. "I play a mean air guitar if that's what you're asking." "Very cute." "Are these your sisters?" He said pointing to the picture frame on your desk. "The devils? Yes, that's them. They want to meet you." "Do you talk about me when I'm not around?" He had a wicked grin on his face looking at you. "Just your face after you use all your quirk." You giggled while doing an impression of his whey face. "Oh, that's very funny you. But you want to know something funny?" He had already gotten up and walked behind you. "Denki what is funnier than your face?" You laughed once again turning back to your homework. "I can't stop thinking about you." He placed a light kiss on the base of your neck. "Denki? What the hell?” You said getting flustered and pushing him away slightly. "I'm sorry. I heard you and Mina talking last night in the hallway. I thought you liked me." He was about to leave. You pulled him back but by doing that you both tripped and fell onto your bed. You straddled him and kissed back him. He let out a shock of energy. "Ouch Denki." "Sorry, Sunshine. You caught me off guard." "Don't do that next time." "There's going to be a next?" "Does this answer your question?" You grabbed his face and lightly kissed him. He leaned into it and he kissed you harder. He ran his hands all over you as you ran my hands through his hair. You would only come up for air when or when you needed to moan. "Hey, idiots shut up!" Jirou said through the wall. "Jirou you were loud first!" You yelled back. "I'll stop if you tell me who is on top of you?" "Hey, Jirou shut up I'm trying to please my woman!" Kaminari screamed. "EW!" She screamed. "I'm oddly both grossed out and very happy for you!" "Ok! Thank you!" You said. "Please don't have sex in your room." "Ok." "I can't make any promises," Denki said. He said with an evil grin. He then took my lip been his teeth. "Oh Kami, you're so bad.” You said teasing the girl next door. "Really baby? You like me like this. How does this feel?" He shocked you again. "Ah, Kaminari yes. Keep doing that!" "Stop! I beg you two to stop." Both Kaminari and you snickered at the fact you made her so uncomfortable. "Can we cuddle Kami?" "Yes, baby." He brought you in closer to his body and you fell asleep safely in his arms.
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emmyrosee · 3 years
give us a random headcanon go 👀
This got long and kind of angsty I’m SORRY-
Axel and Mark are brothers. Axel’s older than mark by a fairly big margin so he offers that good ol’ elder brother wisdom™️ and Mark isn’t always here for it.
Axel’s had to drag mark out of parties more times than he can count, some because he was worried about his lil bro, some because he wasn’t answering moms texts and axel wasn’t about to let him make their momma feel bad.
Like this one time, their mom was punishing Mark for being completely shitfaced and missing something for their grampa, and Mark straight up snuck out of his room, no note, no regards, nothing, and with his mom fearing the absolute worst, that she’d lost her son, her baby, Axel quickly tracked down his brother and hauled his drunk ass right back home, speeding so fast mark was puking in the truck, yelling at him so bad mark pouted, and by the time they got home his brother was just a needy, scolded mess, and their mom was all over him, taking care of him and letting him puke and whine about his tummyache, and if she needed Axel to get anything, he did, not questions asked.
When mark was going through his first serious breakup, Axel really stepped forwards to work him back to normal, doing things with him other than just drinking the problems away like his friends wanted to. They went to cheap bowling alleys and drank cheap beer, they would drive around at 2 am, blasting music as they passed a joint, and it was probably the first real time- like honest, true, raw- that Mark learned it was okay to be a man and cry. He was hitting Axel, screaming and telling him she was every terrible name under the sun and that Axel had no idea what the fuck Mark went through to try to keep her happy.
When Axel pulled over, he shoved Mark back a little, just enough to straighten him back, telling him to stop being a pussy and just embrace it. She was gone. She was no good for him, and she was gone. She broke his heart, it was okay to be sad, and Mark wore his vocal chords raw with his sobs and shrieks of despair. “Why doesn’t she fucking want me, Axe? What’s wrong with me?”
“Nothing, dude,” he promises over his brothers tears. “You’re at a stupid age where love doesnt mean shit to nobody. Fuck, I am too. But right now, you’re sad because you’re alone, and one day you’re going to find someone, and they’re going to make you fear a lot of things more important than just ‘being alone.’ Trust me dude. You’re too fucking young to get that.”
They don’t talk about that night often. Axel’s jacket collar had been permanently ruined from Mark’s tears and hot breath against the leather, but from then on, instead of just getting drunk off his rocker when he was sad, he’d just find Axel and cry it out.
Their dad passed away when Mark was young, and their mom never really recovered from it. Because of this, Axel really took the role of being momma’s fix-it man, getting an under-the-table job when he was young and making sure Mark had snacks and lunches while their mom took care of the house. When momma Cluney eventually remarried, she never ceased to thank Axel for all he did, and it always put Mark in a weird feeling. Not that he wasn’t grateful beyond words, he just always felt bad that Axel had to go through that at such a young age.
“You were in Kindergarten,” Axel says cooly, passing his brother a beer. “What were you going to do, sell dunk-a-roos for cold, hard cash?”
“I could’ve done more,” he mumbles, taking a long sip of his drink. “Like... I could’ve been more grateful for the toys and the lunch money.”
Axel chuckles and reaches over to ruffle Mark’s hair, “hey; you were fed. You didn’t give mom too much shit. And on your birthday, you got the Power-Ranger toys you wanted. You were grateful. You just didn’t get why you had to wait until your birthday.”
Mark snorts and shoves Axel’s hand away, sighing softly, “I wish I knew him, dude..”
“You look just like him.”
“What was he like?”
Axel hums and leans back in his seat, fingers swirling the lip of his beer bottle, “I remember when I was nine, I told him I was going to run away. Go live in the treehouse of our old house.” He paused to smirk, “bastard made me a lunch box with two peanut butter sandwiches, a bag of barbecue chips and a juice box and said ‘good for you! You’re a man now, do what you gotta do!’ I never made it off of the porch.”
Mark snickers and they get real quiet. “I miss him,” he admits. “I don’t remember him... but I miss him.”
Axel hums again, “he was moms great love. Never laid a hand on us, nor her. He was a good man.”
Mark raises his bottle to his brother, “you’re a good man too, dude.”
“Believe me, mark,” Axel chuckles sadly. “I’m only a quarter of the man he was.”
On a lighter note, Axel taught Mark to drive. He filled his truck with gas, drove them both out to the city limits, butt-fuck no where, with a bag of fast food and his gps.
“Okay,” Axel hums. “Get out.”
“Excuse me?”
Axel pulled the keys out of the ignition and tossed them to his brother, “you’re driving us back home. Oh, and to CVS, mom needs sugar and milk.”
And with those buggy green eyes, Mark just completely stares at Axel, freaked out and worried (mostly because Axel’s truck is his baby, and Axel was levelheaded enough at all times to hide a body if need be), so with a reassuring smile, axel slips out of the driver side, gesturing mark to slide over the bench-seat, and he slowly walked Mark through the process of starting the car and driving back home.
He hit a curb. And ran a stop-light. Nearly hit a squirrel, but never once did axel raise his voice to him. He would simply tell him it was alright and that “it doesn’t have to be perfect; I just want you to get us home.”
When they finally pull in a few hours later, Mark was so terrified Axel would tell their mom everything, but axel just shook his head. “If I wanted you to be perfect, I wouldn’t have just thrown you into traffic; I wanted to make sure you could drive if I wasn’t around and mom needed you. You got home. We’re alive. Tomorrow, if you’re feeling easy, we’ll go to a parking lot or something. But you did fine.” He smiles and leaves the truck, “but don’t puke in the truck; do it in the front yard, please.”
Which. Mark obeys.
Whenever Mark’s birthday rolls around, Axel drives them up to an old lake house their great-grandparents built, only bringing some clothes, booze and a gas can to get in and out of town, and they fish, make s’mores, and just be kids again. Again, Mark is much younger than Axel, so all the memories Axel has here, Mark doesn’t, so he wants him to enjoy the young years of his life that Axel really couldn’t.
Sometimes, if they’re bold, they’ll bring whoever they’re dating or smashing, but they’ve found it’s better to just have a guys weekend away, only them two in the middle of the woods, with only the fish in the lake to keep them company.
“So you had a treehouse and a fuckin’ cabin before I came along?” Mark asks by the fire, marshmallow clinging to his face childishly. Axel snorts, “dude I haven’t had a birthday party since I was seven, then you showed up.”
“Oh I’m sooo sorry,” Mark sings, rolling his eyes and plopping the last of his s’more in his mouth. Axel sighs dramatically, “don’t be. You made mom happy,” he pats his brother on the shoulder. “And she said I wasn’t allowed to try and return you anymore, so.”
Mark laughs before his brows furrowed, “anymore?”
Axel smirks. “Why do you think you’re so claustrophobic now, Markie?”
“The fuck did you do to me?”
“Shoved you in a box and left you outside.”
“You WHAT.”
“Three times.”
They bicker. They fight. But they’d fucking die for each other. As they got older, they really became best friends and Mark is open to that fact.
In fact, for Axel’s birthday, Mark got his hands on a pikachu doll from the 90’s that Axel was dying to have a kid but couldn’t get because he had to help his mom take care of mark, but every now and again he brought it up to joke.
Mark could tell that, even as an adult, he still wanted that pikachu toy because he wouldn’t shut up about it, so he finally saved up and got it ($150 mint-condition his asshole), and when Axel opened it on his birthday, there was not a dry eye from anyone except Mark.
Big, green eyes flip from the toy to Mark, jaw dropped in surprise and just completely at a loss for words. Mark grins, “now you can shut up about it; you own it. Live your Ash Katchum dreams, freak.”
Axel laughs around his cries, a tattooed hand coming up to stop himself. He wastes no time in stalking his way over to his brother, pulling him in for a tight hug while the younger just hugs him back, still smiling before shoving him off when people tried to get pictures.
“Cant have people who get our Christmas card think I like you or anything,” he snorts, making Axel laugh again before going back to his seat to finish his gifts, but everyone (including himself) knew that Mark won that year.
The first time Axel brings someone home, they’re a guy. Their mom was chillin, she had no problems with it (though she didn’t really expect Morgan to necessarily be a man), Mark was pretty confused. Like, sure Axel always had friends over, but they were never cuddly and touchy before, and it made Mark really curious.
He probably brings it up on one of their fishing trips years later, and axel barely has any clue what he’s talking about at first.
“You seriously don’t remember Morgan?” Mark asks in disbelief. “Like, how do I, but you don’t?”
“I’ve been with a lot of people,” Axel shrugs. Then, he tenses up and a slow grin spreads across his face, “oh. Morgan.”
“Yes! Morgan, the first person you ever brought home!”
“They’re not Morgan anymore,” Axel recalls. “Well, to me anyways. After we broke up, they became she, and her name is Bella. We’re still close, she’s just not Morgan anymore.”
“So... are you... like...?”
Axel smirks, “I’m nothing, dude. No skin off my ass for labels. If you learn anything from me, Markie boy,” he turns to his brother, “do what makes you happy. Love who the hell you want. Mom’s going to love you. I’m gonna love you. And fuck anyone who tells you you can’t.”
“I think I’m straight.”
Axel chuckles. “You’ve just never pursued anyone who hasn’t gone after you; just so happens only women have gone after you.”
Mark frowns and sinks lower in his seat, “do you think... not-straight-guys are afraid of me?”
“I think they’re afraid of your frat-boy-fuck-buddies who tease someone for having any sort of human emotions,” Axel says nonchalantly. “I’ve taught you enough about treating people with respect, your friends don’t have the same drive you do.”
Which brings me to my next point
Axel ABSOLUTELY taught Mark about the birds and the bees.
He drove them both around town not long after Mark turned 14, and he parked at their town’s high school and just... talked about sex. What happens, how does it feel, etc..
“You need to listen to her, Mark,” he says sternly. “The minute you hear a “no,” you fucking stop. The minute you hear a ‘I don’t want to,’ you stop. I don’t care if you’re balls deep inside of her, you slip out, tuck yourself away and apologize for making her uncomfortable.”
“But what if-“
That’s the basics; like what happens when you have sex, what how to use protection, and the importance of consent. A while later, once Mark starts going to parties, he drives them out again, only this time to talk about when she says “yes.”
“You gotta work her up,” Axel hums, cigarette low on his lips. “Her body will let you know when she’s ready. If you go in dry, you’re going to hurt her.”
“How do I like... do that?”
Axel smirks, “play with her a little. Kiss her nice and slow... let your hands paw and squeeze, let her moan a little, let her purr... I’ve been with a few girls who like being tickled and picked up, some girls like it more rough and playful too, a smack on the ass, a few bites on their neck-“
“How will I know?” Mark squeaks. “If she like... likes what I’m doing.”
Once again, Axel grins, “believe me, Markie boy- you’ll know.”
Sjfhvdgbgh I WANT MORE, MY BOYS🥺🥺
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koris-crumbs · 4 years
Tea With The Todorokis:
A Todokami/Dabihawks story
Suggested by @camys1984
‘I have a todokami hc that's like, shouto and touya have sibling bonding time talking bout the energetic blonds they like, while neither the league or 1A knows.’
A/N: Sorry for taking so long with this request! I’ve been pretty busy the past couple weeks. Feel free to make more requests on this post, or go back to the original one!
Warnings: Cursing
It was cold. Even with half of his body feeling like it was practically on fire (which it was), Shoto still somehow felt cold. It made sense why, it was the end of November and it had been raining for the past couple days. Not cold enough for snow, but not warm enough for sun. Well...it was nighttime at the moment, but you get the picture. Now, you might be wondering what the hell Shoto was doing walking down the streets of Musutafu at eight ‘o clock at night, by himself, in the cold. The flickering light that came from the few streetlights was the only thing illuminating Shotos path, the streets empty as most people were waiting out the cruddy weather in their own homes. Probably everybody except for Todoroki.
To get to the main point, Shoto didn’t even want to be out here in the first place. The only reason he was out here is mainly because it would help him clear his mind, he had a lot of thoughts streaming in and out of his head...some of them more intrusive then others. You see, a certain electric blonde had managed to be occupying all the space in his brain. Yup, that electric blonde being the one and only Denki Kaminari. Shoto hadn’t even realized how it happened, hadn’t even taken notice of the times when he was staring long-fully across the classroom or the dorms at Denki. Brushed off the times when he found his mind drifting to thoughts of the bubbly, loud giggle of the human pikachu look-a-like. He had pushed his actual feelings down so much, that when he finally realized they might be a little less platonic then he originally thought, his brain just froze. Along with his entire right side.
Once he was aware of how he really felt for his extroverted and outspoken classmate, he didn’t know how to act around Kaminari anymore. It’s not like he was super close with the boy, at least he didn’t think so..? Denki usually just teased him the same amount he teased everybody else. Except for his friends that were dubbed the ‘Bakusquad’. That got Shoto thinking even harder about the subject. Was Kaminari...romantically involved with anyone? Kirishima? Sero? Hell, even Bakugo would make more sense than him getting with Shoto of all people. A dark feeling started boiling up from deep inside of Todoroki. He didn’t realize what it was at first, but then recognized it as the feeling of jealousy. It wasn’t something Shoto felt a lot, and it definitely wasn’t something he wanted to feel all the time. It made him feel...bad. Not that he hasn’t ever felt bad before. He definitely has. But, this was a different kind of bad. Jealousy was a different kind of bad...
“Something on your mind, little brother?” A deep, gravelly voice grumbled out from behind one of the nearby Japanese Maple trees. Oh. Right. There was another reason he had ventured out of the dorms this late at night. And that reason had been because of his hot-headed older brother. Touya Todoroki. Or as most of the world knew him, Dabi. To make a long story short, Touya had faked his death, lied to the entire family and had the world believing he was deceased. Going by the alias Dabi, and ‘becoming a villain’, although he knew better. The whole world believed it except for a chosen few who knew the truth. Those being Shoto, obviously, and the number two hero, Hawks. The only reason Hawks knows is because him and Shoto’s brother had gotten rather...close recently. Touya hasn’t clarified if they were romantic with each other, but it was clear that they were involved. Todoroki didn’t really feel the needy to ask about it, and really didn’t want to hear his own flesh and blood talk about how...intimate him and Hawks got. Shoto had learned enough about Touya to know that he wouldn’t hesitate in going into extreme detail about those sorts of things...
“You’ve been quiet for a while, so I’m gonna take that as a yes.” He drawled sarcastically. Pushing himself off of the tree from his position where he had been leaning against it. He shuffled up next to the heterochromic-colored eyed boy, bumping Shoto’s arm with his. The younger brother knew he had flinched, it was still weird to think that the guy who had literally kidnapped one of his best friends only a few months ago, had secretly been his brother and wasn’t even a villain technically. More like a vigilante if anything. Todoroki wasn’t gonna sugarcoat it, he knew him and his brother needed to discuss a lot more than the shit they had briefly touched on before. Shoto definitely had mixed feelings about his brother right now, but he couldn’t touch on them at the moment. Since Touya has decided teasing Shoto was his new favorite past time.
“Or...perhaps a someone-?”
“Oh shut it.” Todoroki immediately shut down Touyas jab at him. Which made the black haired males eyes gleam curiously and mischievously. A grin spreading across his face, which caused his scar to stretch in a way that made my skin crawl. Although I couldn’t really say much either.
“Oh-ho-ho, you definitely are. So, who is it? Midoriya? Bakugo? Maybe Yaoyorozu-?”
“Shut. Up.” Shoto hissed. Elbowing his older brother in the ribs. He had to admit, this was...nice. Most of Shotos family didn’t really know how to take jokes, to be fair neither did Shoto, but Touya was different. Fuyumi always treated him as a fragile little boy who would break if she said the wrong thing to him. Natsuo was hardly ever home, and the conversations they had on the phone were more like, ‘so how has school been? How’s the weather there? Etc, etc.’ they couldn’t do any joking with each other. Dad was...well, dad. And mom and him still hadn’t really gotten to that level of familiarity quite yet. Touya was the only one who he could talk to like this...the only one who would understand. Even if he wasn’t a hero, hell, he could hardly even be considered good...Shoto understood Touya. And Touya could understand him without either of them having to exchange words. So maybe...maybe he would understand this feeling that Shoto has been feeling more recently. He has experience right? With Hawks?
...It was better than asking dad.
“Touya..?” Shoto started, shoving his hands in his pockets as the two started walking side by side once again. Their shoes scraping against the concrete roughly as the two of them were dragging their feet, probably both needing to talk about something. Todoroki could physically feel his brother bristle up a bit at the usage of his real name. Being called by his fake name this entire time, it made sense why.
“What.” He responded dully. Almost as if he was bored of this conversation already. Shoto briefly wondered again if this was a bad idea. If his brother was going to be a dick about this...was it really worth it? “Spit it out, Shoto.” Touya piped up again, snapping his younger brother out of his thoughts. Shoto hesitated for another moment or so before taking a deep breath, and beginning to spill his thoughts.
“Is it normal...to feel attracted to someone you hardly know..?” Shoto asked softly, his voice barely a whisper. He didn’t like how his brother was quiet for more than a minute, it definitely didn’t calm the growing pit in his stomach. If he really had feelings for Kaminari, and Touya didn’t have anything to offer him, he was gonna be completely lost on how to make a move.
“Yeah. Attraction is totally normal. If the person looks good especially. This doesn’t seem like that though...this seems more involved. You’re romantically interested in someone it seems like...you have feelings for em.” Touya explained with a small grin on his face, staring ahead at the road in front of them. Shoto was surprised his brother had actually given him a decent word of advice. As he thought about what he had said for a bit longer, Shoto realized Touya was right. His feelings for Denki hadn’t been just a little, ‘oh he looks good’, he was attracted to the electric blondes personality. Some saw it as annoying, Shoto found it endearing. Some found Denkis constant flirting a nuisance, while Shoto wished the other male would flirt with him instead of everybody else. Huh.
Oh fuck...he had feelings for Denki fucking Kaminari...
“...Ah, okay...” Shoto awkwardly mumbled in response to his brother giving him a questioning look. He had probably been silent for too long again...he should change the subject, quick, quick. “So, I’m assuming you’ve experienced this before..?” Shoto asked quietly. Yes, he had an idea of who it was that his brother was involved with, but he just wanted to make sure he had it right and wasn’t thinking about things too much. Flashbacks of when he accused Midoriya of being All Mights secret love child flashed through his brain...which in his defense kind of made sense, but still.
“Well yeah, no shit. You think I would tell the number two hero who I actually was if I wasn’t involved with them in some way?” Touya snapped back sarcastically. The older male crossing his arms, which let Shoto get a better view of the rest of the burns and scars that were occupying Touyas arms. Snapping his gaze back forward, he thought about what his brother had just revealed. He knew there was a pretty good chance Touya had been romantically connected with the hero, but hearing it come straight from the others mouth was a whole different thing. “...He’s honestly my lifeline, Sho. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I hadn’t met him when I did...the League isn’t exactly a friendly environment to sit down and talk about how you miss your family and don’t really wanna be doing that kind of shit anymore just for kicks...” Touya continued. And Shoto listened intently. Happy that him and his brother were finally discussing something. It seemed like that was all Touya had the guts to share though, since he stopped talking soon after that. Shoto was also silent for a few moments, before finally speaking up again.
“Well, Hawks is a good person to be around. He annoys the hell out of dad as well, that’s a plus.” The half and half male attempted to joke. Only earning a slight chuckle from his older brother, before the two fell back into their awkward silence. God, this felt so weird...at the same time though, it felt familiar. Like they were just normal siblings talking about their crushes to each other. Shoto knew that Touya only focused on most of the ‘stronger’ people in his class. Bakugo, Midoriya, Tokoyami, etc...so he may not know who Kaminari was...it was fine to drop at least a couple hints...right? “...The guy I like is really loud, can be considered annoying, but he’s really sweet. And determined. He thinks he’s weak and is always striving to get better, but he’s already gotten so strong. It’s amazing how much potential he has, he just needs to realize that.” Shoto ranted. Running his hand through his multicolored hair. He couldn’t read the look on Touyas face from this angle, but he could definitely make out the slight upturn in his lips and the slight huff of laughter that escaped from his brothers mouth.
“Sounds like this guy is pretty great. But, he doesn’t sound like any of the little bitches I’ve met before in your class.” “Don’t call them that. And, that’s because you haven’t met him. And, I swear to god Touya if you go seek him out purposely and do the whole ‘older brother interrogation’ thing I’m never visiting you again.” Shoto growled in a low, warning tone. Touya raised his hands up in a surrendering sort of gesture. Shaking his head in response as he snorted.
“Calm down, I wasn’t planning on it. I’m definitely not risking getting caught right now.” Touya said in response to Shoto getting defensive. To which the younger of the two seemed to relax a bit more, quieting down and focusing his gaze onto the ground. He could practically feel Touyas icy turquoise eyes staring a hole into him, almost as if he was studying him. To which Shoto merely raised his eyebrow in response, giving his older brother a questioning look. That caused Touya to chuckle a bit, and quickly gaze back upon the road instead of at Shoto. “All I’m saying is, you sound really sure about this guy. If you really do feel that way about it, then you should do something about it.” “But-“ “Don’t give me the ‘I don’t know how to talk to people excuse’. If I can get a boyfriend of all people, so can you.” Touya said, and for once in his life, Shoto heard absolutely no hesitation in his voice. He was serious about this. And, as Shoto looked over to see his brother, he was met with Touya staring right back at him, a small smile and a sincere look in his eyes. Only having to receive a small nod from Touya, Shoto felt the corners of his lips quirk upwards.
“Fine, maybe I will.”
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redhawtriot · 4 years
Operation Unvirgin (Bakugou x Reader)
Tip Jar ☕- Not expected but always appreciated💞
I had this idea the other day that Bakugou probably would be super celibate. Like he is very goal oriented and doesn't like to attach himself to others, so I feel like he wouldn't have ever bothered with girls or even beat his meat or anything (the shit’s fucking perverted okay?! how could any decent person touch themselves?)
But he hears that Deku is boutta get laid and he gets pissed bc WHAT? That loser is gonna beat him in something?! So he goes on a mission to loose his virginity before Deku. 
So I wrote the NSFW piece of this and it was UTTER GARBAGE, but I know that many of you guys are writers so think of this as a very informal request: Anyone can write the second half of this and tag me and I will repost it (except no non-con plz). It doesn’t matter how long it is.
If this completely flops I will ... sigh... post my shitty NSFW next week... (But please spare me and yourselves from that outcome) 
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Bakugou never could understand all the hype surrounding the opposite sex.
The blond man would wrack his brain as he tried to remember the exact moment where his fellow peers stopped looking at girls like the enemy and started looking at them like walking deities, mindlessly floating behind them as if an invisible scent enchanted their spirits. Sometimes he felt like a lone soldier in sustaining self-respect.
In his isolated state, he only watched in disgust as freaks like Mineta and Kaminari drooled over women and reduced themselves into warm bodied zombies in the presence of a vagina. Pathetic.
He would never in a million years let a woman rule over him. He had seen how his hag of a mother treated his father, and he would rather stick his face in a vat of acid than have his soul belong to someone like that.
His stupid mom always told him that he would probably meet someone in high school that would change his mind, but there he was, the night after graduation, victorious in his pursuit of staying the fuck away from crazy broads like her.
In fact, this ridiculous graduation party that Kirishima had dragged him to was probably the last time he would see most of these extras, since he doubted many of them would make it past being D-listers or side-kicks—and that was him being generous.
The colorful beams of light took turns fading in and out of the dark room as the heavy bass of multiple speakers pounded into his body, sending a flurry of vibrations in his abdomen. Although, Bakugou would never admit this out loud, he actually enjoyed this scenery. The stomping of the music reminded him a lot of his own quirk and the lights weren’t completely hideous.
Yeah, as long as no one at this shitty party tried to talk to him or get on his nerves he would be just fine—
God Dammit.
“Hey, dude!” Kaminari threw a sloppy arm over the angrier blond’s shoulders as Kirshima, Deku and Mina all followed behind him through the dense party crowd. Now, if this had been two years ago, Kaminari just might have found himself short an appendage through an explosive altercation; however, throughout his high school career, Bakugou found that simply ignoring the idiots was usually enough to deter them from trying to converse with him.
So Bakugou swallowed the increasing rage that was bubbling in his throat and simply scoffed instead, swatting the man’s arm away from him and turning his back on him and his incoming entourage. Kaminari only laughed in response, “C’mon bro we are officially graduates! Ditch the bad boy act and loosen up a little—we are men now! Just ask Midoriya!” he slyly suggested.
The sound of his rival’s name piqued his interest, yet the stubborn man still refused to give the short-circuited idiot the satisfaction of knowing such a thing, so he continued to glare away from him as Izuku spoke up, “N-no it’s nothing really… Uraraka and I have just been together for a while. Honestly, I don’t even know if I will go for it. I don’t wanna be a jerk or anything bringing it up to her! Forget I said anything at all, actually!” the young man frantically waved his hands as his face became obviously red even in the dimly lit atmosphere.
Mina snickered as her hands found their way to her hips “The shy guy act is cute and all Midoriya, but every girl wants confidence in bed! I am sure she wouldn’t mind if the two of you at least talked about it,” she bumped the green haired boy with her hips as Bakugo furrowed his eyebrows even deeper.
Kirishima was the next to speak up “GO for it, man! There worst that can happen is that she’ll say no!” he heavily patted the concerned Izuku’s back, “But the manliest thing for you to do is respect her boundaries,” he quickly added in.
The green haired man shook his head at the ground, “I should have just kept my big mouth shut...”
“She won’t say no,” Mina sang with a mischievous expression drawn across her face.
The three boys turned their attention to her with confused glances before Kaminari spoke up, “C’mon Mina! You know something don’t you? Spill it!” he begged.
Mina looked as if she were contemplating for only a moment before he gestured for the men to come closer, “Don’t tell her I told you, but…” she trailed off for dramatic effect, “She was totally gonna try to seduce you tonight, Midoriya!!” She winked. Bakugou’s ears perked up at this statement,
“WhAT?” both him and Izuku cried out.
Kaminari and Kirishima laughed at the blond’s outburst, “So you were listening after all, huh Bakugou?” the latter questioned.
“What do you think of the situation, buddy?” Kaminari leaned into the explosive man with a smirk.
“I’m not your damn buddy,” Bakugou bumped the electrical dumbass away from him, “I think you idiot perverts need to stop worrying about whose panties you’re gonna fail getting into and worry about not being able to keep food on your fucking plates when your careers flop!” he barked as the four blinked in surprise at his sudden outburst.
Kaminari saw this as the perfect opportunity to mess with him, “Bakugou are you… a virgin?” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS, PIKACHU,” the man under interrogation screeched.
“He totally is!” Kaminari threw his hands up in feign shock, causing Mina to giggle.
Izuku awkwardly shifted on the balls of his feet as Kiri loudly spoke up, “Hey guys, it’s not manly to butt into another man’s personal life like that.”
Bakugou ignored his defender and continued screaming at dumb and dumber through the loud music, “S-Shut the hell up!” his face was dusted in a light shade of red as he spoke. He tried to shake these foreign feelings of embarrassment away. So fucking what if he was a virgin?
“Deku still ain’t shit! Who fucking cares if he’s gonna get his dick dirty?! I could fuck any of these bimbos!” he loudly called out, causing a few girls crowding the area to throw him wary glances before they cautiously moved away. The group of friends noticed this and Kamari and Mina failed miserably at stifling their laughs at the scene.
“It’s ‘make love to’, dude…” Kirishima quietly correct his angry friend in a feeble attempt to save his future endeavors with women.
“NO. FUCK! I said what I meant dammit!” he yelled as he once again fought away the redness on his face, “I could fuck any one of these bitches within an inch of their life!” he furiously vowed.
“Any, huh?” Mina questioned with a raised eyebrow.
“That’s what I fucking said, Raccoon eyes!”
“Then how about…” the yellow irises scanned the dense room for a moment before a smile split her face. She happily pointed a finger, “that one!”
Bakugou followed her finger through the crowd and found you on the other side of the room. The fading lights intermittently illuminated your features, but he knew exactly who you were— Y/N L/N.  The only other person at U.A. known for being just as proud as himself if not more. Also known for having a slough of men on your heels at any given moment, but not giving a single one of them any significant time of day.
Mina snickered at Bakugou’s sudden silence, causing him to throw a glare at her. He fought of any creeping feeling of disheartened as he began a march toward your dancing figure, “Fucking easy” he roughly hyped himself up before approaching you.
“Hey,” he barked roughly. It didn’t really come off as much of a greeting and had more of a threatening tone to it, but in your shocked state you could only offer a half-hearted smile at the daunting man before returning to the conversation that you were having with your friends.
However, after a while, you noticed that your friends were distracted as their scared eyes kept darting behind you. He was still there wasn’t he?
You rolled your eyes before throwing a glare in his direction, “Do you fucking want something, dickhead?” you snapped.
“I SHOULD—” he began to threaten but he clamped his mouth shut and bottled up his feelings of rage from being disrespected before he continued, “You…” he barked, an unfamiliar feeling of uncertainty gripping at his chest, “I want you,” he said sternly. He had heard Kaminari say some stupid shit like this before and it worked. If it worked for an idiot like him then surely—
Bakugou’s thoughts were cut off as you simply threw your head back in a fit of laughter before turning your back to him to converse with your friends again, “Anyway,” you loudly began before beginning to talk to you friends again.
Bakugou’s face contorted in aghast uncertainty before he looked back to his classmates. Kaminari was giving him a thumbs down, Mina was giggling like crazy, Kirishima was beaming him a reassuring smile and Deku was no where to be found. Fuck! he probably went off to find Uraraka!
The thought set a competitive fire in his chest as he looked back toward you, “Let’s--“ he stopped himself to re-frame his approach. He thought of the words of encouragement that shitty hair might give him in this moment,
‘Treat her like a queen!’ ‘Ladies love a man with a code! Don’t tell her what to do, ask her!’
“Do... you want to dance,” he forced himself to ask through slightly gritted teeth. This was utterly humiliating.
“You think you can handle it?” you joked through a small smirk before eyeing him up and down. The man only averted his glare from you in response as he scowled at a nearby wall. You gave a small laugh at the display. It was almost childish how he was acting.
You suddenly noticed the red tint that was adorning his cheeks, sending a wave of excitement throughout your body. A sudden predacious urge clutched your abdomen at the sight.
“Okay,” you smiled after wetting your lips. You leaned into him before grabbing his forearm and leading him deep into the hot pool of dancing bodies. He stiffly followed after you.
If he thinks he can handle it then you’ll just have to show him how wrong he is...
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ghostly-cabbage · 3 years
Frigid (Chapter 3)
Genre: Horror, Angst, Enemies to Friends
Chapter Rating: M (Language, Underage Drug Use)
Word Count: 5,326
<<Previous | Next>> 
Dear old Dad got home late that night while Wes and Kyle were tucking into a plate of pizza rolls. Wes heard the door open and his Dad's voice from down the hall.
"Tell Roger that it doesn't matter, whatever it takes, Mr. Masters expects it to get done." He walked past the living room without so much as a glance at the two of them. His voice faded down the hall punctuated by the sound of his door closing.
Wes snorted and stuffed another pizza roll in his mouth. Stupid Dad with his stupid government job. Why the hell bring them to Illinois just to ignore them? He curled his fingers into the upholstery of their new couch, gripping it until his fingertips ached and the smell from the Ikea warehouse threatened to make him sick. He forced himself to swallow the bite and shoved his plate onto the coffee table.
He got up and went to the kitchen for a capri-sun. If it hadn't been Kyle that bought them, he'd be pissed about that too. His Dad seemed to treat him like he was still in elementary school no matter how old he got.
Wes slammed the fridge door hard enough he heard the dressing and condiment bottles rattle inside. He went back to the living room, the TV illuminating the space in it's flickering light.
He flopped backwards onto the couch, pushing his back into the corner of the sectional, wishing it'd swallow him up. Kyle was watching some alien history documentary. How ghosts could be pure fiction but aliens were "science-fact" was beyond Wes. He rolled his eyes and got out his phone, pulling up his knees.
Instagram was a short reprieve, or it should have been. He scrolled past post after post of his old friends back in California, smiling wide in front of the beach, or the boys at the park playing basketball. Over there they hadn't even started school yet, and wouldn't until the end of the month. To say he envied them was a gross understatement.
"Are you gonna eat those?" Wes glanced up over his knees to see his brother pointing at his abandoned pizza rolls.
"Go for it," he said. Kyle scooped up his plate and went to town. Wes really should be doing his chapter reading for History, but the thought made him want to set something on fire. A part of him felt like he should be grateful for a fresh start after the divorce, but another part of him wanted nothing more than to dig his heels in. Just because his Mom was a liar and his Dad was an asshole didn't mean they had to move across the country, why didn't they get that? Maybe they did, and just didn't care.
He scrolled on his phone long enough for Kyle to watch another episode. By the end Wes had been sitting and refreshing his feed over and over again. He watched the buffer wheel spin, screen go white and the same post as last time take its most recent position at the top. He pulled down again, and watched the wheel spin for the millionth time.
"Dude, this is just depressing to watch."
He glanced over at Kyle, narrowing his eyes. "Got nothing better to do." It was a lie and they both knew it. Kyle flicked the TV off and stood up from the couch.
"C'mon." Kyle came to stand in front of him expectantly.
"Let's go have roof time."
Wes made a face. "You're so weird, don't call it that. Cringy as fuck, man."
Kyle grabbed a pillow and swung it lazily towards Wes' head. "C'moooon lil bro! It's roof time!" He said it in a big brother voice that always pissed Wes off.
"No. Fuck off." Wes held up an arm to shield his head.
"C'mon!" Kyle insisted. "Don't you wanna spend time with your brother?" he pouted. He swung the pillow at him again.
"I'm gonna kick you in the balls."
"Weeeeesslleeeyyyy! C'mooooon."
"Oh my god, you're so fucking annoying." Wes kicked half-heartedly towards his brother. He held up both arms to try and fend off the onslaught of his brother's pillow attack.
"I'll stop if you agree to go sit outside with me, Wes! Surrender, you're out matched, kid!" Kyle picked up another pillow in his left hand, and continued batting at him. Wes tried to bury the beginnings of a smile behind a sour expression.
"You just—Ow, stop— You just wanna go get high, don't you?"
"Oh, absolutely. But you think I'm going to sit out there alone like some kind of loser?"
Wes anticipated his brother's next swing, and snatched the pillow from him. Now it was his turn. True to his word, he kicked a foot out directly into his brother's crotch. Kyle grunted and stumbled back a step, hands going down to grab his groin. Wes capitalized on his opportunity and lunged forward, springing off the couch to tackle his brother to the ground.
They hit the carpet with a loud thud, and became a tangle of limbs.
"Oh it's on, kiddo!" Wes couldn't hold back a laugh as he wrestled his brother. He attempted to push the pillow onto Kyle's face at the same time as his brother was trying to twist his arm around in a joint lock.
"Shut up, you're only a year older than me," Wes said, wriggling out of his brother's grip, and yanking his hat down over his eyes.
"A destined rematch to determine the stronger brother! A tale as old as time!" Kyle fought blindly to get a hold back on Wes. Wes whacked him on the side of the head with the pillow.
"You're a moron," he said without any real venom. Kyle flung his hat away.
"Don't make me purple nurple you like last time."
Wes hit him again with the pillow as Kyle tried to steal it from him. "Try it, bitch, I'll kick your ass."
"I did wrestling for two years!"
"Yeah, in middle school, now you're just lame and out of shape."
Kyle gasped. "Bro, take it back." He twisted the pillow hard to the right and broke Wes' hold on it.
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. You're not out of shape, just the lame part." Wes tried to get out of Kyle's reach to escape retribution, but he wasn't fast enough. Kyle got a hold of his shirt, and yanked him into a headlock. It had no real pressure behind it.
"Hah ha! What have we here? Could it possibly be that I win again?"
Wes rolled his eyes and pushed up on his brother's arm to break the loop. "Shut up, stupid-ass," he muttered. They broke apart, and Kyle stood up, offering him a hand. Wes accepted it with a puff. Kyle yanked him to his feet and punched him in the center of his chest.
"Kyle : 1 Wes : 0!"
Wes stopped. "Hey, wait, our score was up in the hundreds! What gives? I was winning you asshole." He'd challenged Kyle to a game of Horse last month and it had been a slaughter to say the least. Kyle was walking towards the stairs.
"Nu-uh, new-state-clean-slate, bro, we're starting over!"
"That's stupid, and I didn't agree to that. You're just a sore loser." Wes trudged up the stairs after his brother.
"Guess you'll just have to wait till our next rematch." Kyle shrugged, pushing into his room with a shoulder. Their rooms shared a wall, Kyle's being the furthest down the hall. They both had north facing windows that had access to the brow of the roof which overlooked the pool in the backyard. Moving from a place with obscene living expenses to the armpit of Illinois had its perks he guessed.
"Pick the challenge then. How about MarioKart?" he offered.
"After last time? No way dude." Kyle went to his bedside table to retrieve a small baggie of weed and his pipe and lighter. Not that their Dad ever checked, but a pipe was easier to hide, and less hassle than a bong. Or so Kyle said. Wes didn't really mess around with the stuff if he could help it. The times he tried made him so paranoid it felt like the end was nigh.
"Ugh, fine, princess. What about Smash?" Wes slid the window open and popped out the screen.
"Best outta five?"
"Sure, tomorrow after school? You can't play worth shit while high."
"Bruh, I'm great at playing while high, makes all the distractions just—" he wiggled his fingers— "fall away."
Wes snorted. "Sure, keep telling yourself that. The AI Pikachu wiped the floor with you." Wes climbed out onto the roof, scooting to the side so Kyle had room to clamber out. Kyle handed him his pipe to hold and followed after.
"No, that's not what happened, okay?" Kyle pointed an accusing finger. "I let that adorable little rat fuck win, because what kind of monster would I be if I destroyed Pikachu?"
Wes rolled his eyes. Kyle settled next to him, hanging his legs over the side and reached for his stuff back. Wes looked up at the sky, leaning his weight back on his hands. It was another clear night, the stars bright and unblemished. He heard the flick of his brother's lighter, but paid it no mind. The lack of light pollution was nice, if there was one positive from this whole situation, it was that.
The wind stirred, a chill laced in that made Wes wish he'd brought his jacket. He was looking forward to the snow. He'd only seen snow once when was ten and his parents took all of them on a skiing trip to Lake Tahoe. He remembered biting it on the bunny hill, and how Kyle laughed so much while picking him up that he'd dropped him more than once. The memory felt brittle, like if he touched on it too much it might break into a million pieces. It always felt like that, remembering what it was like to be happy, to be a family. His parents had broken enough, he wanted this thing, this one little thing to stay whole.
Was it childish to want that?
He glanced at Kyle, who exhaled a plume of smoke, the slope of his shoulders loose and relaxed. For all his flaws and his seriously maddening, downright annoying personality, Wes was glad to have Kyle. After the divorce they'd gotten closer, and he wasn't really sure where he'd be right now without his brother.
Not that he'd ever admit something so fucking embarrassing out loud. Jesus, what was he? He sounded like a Hallmark card.
He rubbed an eye, and laid back, the shingles of the roof cold against his back. The two were in a comfortable silence, Kyle too preoccupied with making short work of the bowl he'd packed to make conversation yet. That was alright with Wes. He was tired and still a little freaked out after today. He knew better than to bring up his run in with the ghost at school to Kyle.
This place was weird, and he had so many questions he felt like he was going insane. First thing tomorrow he was going to ask someone what the hell was going on in this town. He could try and ask the Danny Fenton kid, since his parents were apparently the ghost experts. He rolled the idea around for a few seconds in his head. Maybe it'd be best to ask more than one person. Leave Danny as a last resort.
He was staring at the first stars of Orion as they peaked over the dark horizon. That's when he saw it. His brows furrowed and he sat up.
"Dude, do you see that?" He smacked the back of his hand against Kyle's arm.
"What?" Kyle looked up.
"That!" He pointed. In the sky and getting closer was a glowing streak.
It wasn't a star, or a comet, that was for damn sure. It was flying in a wide circling pattern. It was fast, whatever it was.
Kyle gasped next to him. "Holy shit, a UFO." Kyle fumbled around to try and get his phone, in his haste he sent his lighter tumbling down the roof and off the edge. Wes trained his eyes on the shape as it got closer, squinting. Kyle had gotten his phone and had started recording, feverishly commentating about the time, place, and the appearance of an "alien craft".
Wes leaned forward, straining his eyes. As the shape wound closer it looked… almost humanoid? It seemed to move in a thoughtful systematic way. Like it was covering specific ground.
"I'm so putting this on my Snapchat story," Kyle said. He turned his phone towards Wes. "Say hi! In case it goes viral."
"Dude, stop." Wes pushed his brother's phone away from his face and back towards the… well. UFO.
As suddenly as it had appeared, it sharply changed direction and flew away, before blipping out of existence entirely. It hadn't gotten close enough to identify, but Kyle seemed to only care about his video and nothing else. Wes sat there thoroughly confused, staring at the point in the sky the shape had vanished into thin air.
"Clearly this is evidence of alien superior technology. The fact it sped up and disappeared so fast means they've cracked flight speeds faster than light, dude!" Kyle buzzed. He was tapping on his phone, already sending the video to everyone he knew.
Aliens, really? Could this day get any weirder?
"Look, look, Hannah, snapped me back." Kyle leaned over so they could both see his screen. He opened the Snap, and Wes saw a girl with blonde hair and dark eye shadow. He vaguely recognized her from school, part of Kyle's new stoner group of friends. The video showed just the top of her face as she looked down at her phone. Her eyes were crinkled at the corners.
"Kyle, what the fuck," she laughed. "That's not an alien, doofus. It's clearly a ghost. Probably Phantom. He flies around almost every night." She leaned back and sprayed canned whipped cream directly into her mouth. " 'Aliens'! Oh my god I'm totally telling Jennie." She snorted as she laughed and the snap ended.
Phantom? That was Phantom? The image of the ghost boy from earlier lingered in his mind. Kyle was already recording a video to send back.
"Hannah, obviously you have very little experience with UFO's. I know an alien when I see one and that was an A L I E N. Okay? Don't buy into this ghost conspiracy, it's what people want you to think, but it's probably all aliens! Or beings from like the 4th dimension, I don't know."
His brother's voice sounded too loud. His eyes traced the place where the shape… the ghost had been. He rubbed at his temples with his fingers. Kyle continued arguing with his new local friends, protesting the idea of ghosts. Wes sighed, a headache building behind his eyes.
He nudged his brother with an elbow. "I'm gonna get to bed." Kyle gave him a distracted goodbye and Wes headed back inside, mind swirling with the image of white hair and glowing green eyes.
His sleep that night had been fitful and interrupted. He didn't have any nightmares, or at least none he could remember, thank God. But there were a few times he could have sworn there was someone standing in his doorway, watching. He shook it from his thoughts by busying himself with his camera.
The final bell for first period rang and with it commenced the beginning of the school day.
Students with no cameras of their own were having some checked out to them for photography class. The teacher told them to check over everything and make sure all previous files were deleted from the memory card, and there were no cracked lenses. He ignored the majority of what was being said.
When he was young he would use his Mom's camera. Just to mess around really, it wasn't like he had the lofty goals of being a professional photographer. But his Mom didn't see it like that. She bought him lenses and his own high-end camera for his 16th birthday. That was before everything fell apart. Before he found out about Emily.
Once the class started going he hoped he'd enjoy it and actually learn something. He was ready to start taking pictures already. Unfortunately, the day's class was all about the different buttons and functions on the cameras, explaining exposure, aperture and manually managing the iso. Uck. Yawn.
Towards the end of class Ms. Fletcher let them have "free time" to explore the options on their cameras on their own. Learn by doing and all that.
"This is way too much all at once," complained the girl next to him. Mia, was her name, if he remembered correctly. She had brown hair, and light eyes, her tan skin suggesting a mixed heritage. She was turning her camera around in her hands like a kid trying to find the on switch on a new toy. He smiled, turning toward her.
"First time using a fancy camera?"
She let out an agitated sigh. "Yeah. I took this class because I thought it'd be easy and I could just, I don't know, take cute pictures of my dog or something." She put the camera down on the table, gently, like she was afraid of breaking it despite her frustration.
"Yeah, it can be complicated at first." He lifted his own to inspect it.
"You brought your own, right? That's not a shitty school one."
"Yeah, it's mine. Birthday gift."
Mia whistled. "Pricy, your parents must be loaded."
Wes shrugged a shoulder, "I wouldn't say that exactly."
"Don't be modest, it's okay!" She patted him on the shoulder. "Plus I'm sure however rich your family is, it's nowhere near the Mansons."
"The Mansons?"
"Uh...yeah." She looked confused for a second before understanding flickered in her eyes. "Oh, that's right you're new. Sam Manson, the spooky goth chick that hangs around Fenton and Foley. She's in our homeroom class." She held her pointer fingers up by her ears to mime bat ears.
"Oh, yeah, her."
"She says she doesn't like people knowing even though it's super obvious. Her parents are always in the news for making donations and stuff."
They fell into an awkward silence, and Mia shuffled her feet.
"Well, uh. Tell you what. If you help me with this camera crap, I'll…" She stopped to think. "I'll give you the inside scoop about the school. Help you get caught up and fit in, ya'know?" She held her hand towards him. "Sound good?"
Wes would have helped her out even if she hadn't offered to keep him in the social loop. It could be useful, especially for a few things in particular.
"Deal." He shook her hand, a little surprised by her grip strength.
"I'm not as popular as Paulina and Star but I still have an ear to the ground. So if you want to know who's single or who can write your english essay on the cheap: I'm your girl." She pulled her hand back to jab a thumb at her chest for emphasis.
Wes chuckled. "Thanks. I actually do have some questions."
"This Phantom ghost, what do you know about him?"
She looked surprised, before she smiled. There was something in her expression that Wes couldn't place.
"Phantom? Really?" She shrugged. "Alright, I see you." She scooted her chair closer to his. "Phantom showed up freshman year, no one knows why, but since he popped up he's been saving Amity from all sorts of ghosts." She said it like it was the most normal, perfectly sane thing. "Not only is he hella cute but he's also basically a hero."
Wes frowned in confusion. That wasn't at all what Mr. and Mrs. Fenton had said. "Why would a ghost help people? What's he get out of it? Also, isn't he… you know. Dead? Isn't it kinda creepy to have a crush on him?"
"How should I know? And dead or alive, he's still a total heart throb around here, get used to it." She sighed, looking fed up with his lack of understanding. "Listen, all I do know is that if an evil ghost is breathing down your neck your only real hope in this place is Phantom. Really, ask anyone." Wes' thoughts drifted back to his brush with death yesterday..
"You shouldn't be telling people the fantasy version of things, Mia," came a cold voice. Wes jumped, turning to look at the girl looming over them. Her arms were crossed over her chest, curly hair back lit by the fluorescent bulbs in the ceiling. Fantasy version? What was Valerie talking about?
Mia's face went from warm and open to closed and stand-offish. She crossed her legs and sat back in her chair.
"Oh come on Valerie, we all know you're not a fan of him, but you could at least try and be reasonable."
"Reasonable? Don't listen to her new kid," Valerie jabbed a finger towards him, "if there's one thing Phantom is good at, it's manipulating the public perception. Don't be fooled like the rest of this school, Phantom will ruin your life without an ounce of remorse."
Wes blinked, caught off guard by her ferocity. In chemistry she seemed like a perfectly normal, kind girl. He made a mental note not to get on her bad side.
Mia made a dismissive sound in the back of her throat. "He wasn't asking you Valerie, he was asking me. Butt out."
Mia and Valerie glared hard at each other, neither backing down. It went on for what felt like ever. Wes was afraid he was about to end up right in the middle of a cat fight. But eventually, Valerie let out a sound of disgust then turned and stalked off back to her table. Mia watched her go, gaze steady. Once Valerie sat down, Mia relaxed and let out a breath.
"God, she really needs to get that stick out of her ass."
"What the hell was that about?"
"Apparently freshman year her Dad lost his job and she's convinced it was Phantom's fault." Mia uncrossed her legs, sitting more casually again.
"Was it?"
Mia looked annoyed. "I don't know, I wasn't there." She ran her fingers through her hair, taking a small swatch and braiding it absentmindedly. "Listen, people have different opinions... but Phantom saved my life." It was small and serious the way she said it, like it was a confession. "And not just once but on several occasions. It's fine to ask questions, I don't blame you. But just wait and watch, then decide for yourself." Before Wes could say or ask anymore, the bell rang. Mia started collecting her stuff.
"See you tomorrow, Wes," she said brightly, as if the seriousness from before was just a figment of his imagination.
Sixth period rolled around and Wes was ready for the day to be over with already.
In his previous classes he'd asked other students here and there about the ghosts, and even if he didn't directly ask about Phantom, the conversation eventually led there anyway.
"Uh, yeah. Tomorrow." He watched her go, getting up and gathering his own belongings.
He did regret asking Star during lunch, which seemed to have summoned Paulina from the aether. She went on almost the entire lunch period about how her and the ghost boy were "meant to be" and how cute he was, with his snow white hair and tanned skin. Wes was debating faking a family emergency to get away from her. Talk about obsessed.
He shook his head at the memory and closed his locker.
He started walking down the hall, daydreaming about whatever gourmet frozen dinner him and Kyle would have later for dinner. He was about to turn the corner down the hall towards the chem room when he heard a raised voice.
Next up: Chemistry. At the thought he deflated further. He'd totally forgotten about the quiz today. Damnnit, Fenton.
He started walking down the hall, daydreaming about whatever gourmet frozen dinner him and Kyle would have later for dinner. He was about to turn the corner down the hall towards the chem room when he heard a raised voice. 
“Hey Fentina, watch where you’re fucking going.” He turned towards the sound to look. The halls were clearing, there being only a minute or so till class, but that didn’t stop the few scattered people from stopping to idly watch Dash Baxter slam Danny Fenton against a locker. Wes couldn’t help but wince. From the sound alone he’d guess that was going to leave a bruise. 
“You might be taller now but that doesn’t mean I won’t still flatten you, got that?” Dash announced. He was clearly making a show of it. Wes wondered why. Fenton was definitely the lowest on the social ladder, why would someone like Dash need to establish his power over someone who had none? Wes shifted his weight, remembering that trying to apply logic to bullies was a losing battle. 
Danny though… He seemed completely... unfazed. He looked at Dash like an overworked retail employee looked at a raving customer. The dark bags under his eyes and the uncaring air he had coupled with his black hoodie and torn jeans made him look like an emo band's wet dream. 
“Got it, now can we all get to class, please? I’m trying not to be tardy as much this year,” Danny said. Dash leaned further into Danny’s space. 
“Dream on, Fenton,” Dash leered. He leaned back and let Danny go. He made to leave, or at least Wes thought he was. Danny seemed to think so too. Which meant he was caught off guard when Dash turned and punched him in the stomach. Even from a few paces away, Wes heard the air rush from Danny’s lungs. He staggered a bit, arm wrapping around his midsection. 
Dash laughed and walked off, flexing an arm to his football team buddies who joined in as they made their way down the hall like a pack of hyenas. 
As if that was the cue, everyone that had stopped to watch went back to their own business, as if nothing happened. Wes didn’t know what to think at that moment. He knew everyone called Danny a loser, and he hadn’t exactly gotten along with the guy himself but… That felt like a step too far. He couldn’t help but pity the poor dude a bit.
 It had been a long time since Wes was the one pushed around the school yard. He remembered what it felt like though, and he had never been in a rush to expose himself to the kind of treatment again. In fact he’d done just about anything to keep himself from the bottom. He’d done his fair share of looking down on losers and saying cruel things to be accepted into the throng of popular kids in California. He wasn’t proud of it, as he got older he realized that. It made his stomach clench with guilt and shame. 
He’d have never done what Dash just did though. 
Wes watched Danny lean a shoulder against the wall of lockers and catch his breath. He glanced around, and when he was satisfied that no one was still watching, he straightened, took a breath and rolled a shoulder, nonchalant. 
Wes felt his brain stutter and stop. 
Uh. What? 
Just a second ago Danny was writhing in pain the way someone just punched in the gut would, and the next he was acting like he was fine. Like he’d just got done with a leisurely jog.  
At this point Wes was starting to wonder if he was being gaslit by this whole school, what the fuck? 
He watched Danny put a book into his locker, and then lock it up. He started down the hallway, no evidence he was in any pain or struggling for breath what-so-ever. Wes turned and walked towards the classroom. He didn’t want Danny to know he’d been watching from around the corner. 
Wes sat down, spreading out his stuff, trying to make it look like he'd been there for ages. A few seconds later the tardy bell rang. Another few seconds after that, Danny walked in. 
“Mr. Fenton, you’re late—”
“Uh-huh.” He didn’t make eye contact with the teacher, just made a beeline for their desk and slumped into his seat. Mrs. Merriweather looked ticked. 
“Pick up your tardy slip at the end of class young man.” 
Even Mrs. Merriweather seemed taken aback by Danny’s odd energy, but she said nothing else. Instead she jumped into the lesson plan for the day. 
Wes wasn’t paying attention. He was looking at his lab partner, still trying to figure out what he’d just seen. Maybe Danny had just been acting like it was worse than it was to… what, get sympathy? Have Dash back off quicker? Both seemed likely, logical. It must have been, what else could it be? 
Danny seemed to feel his eyes on him. He turned to Wes, his blue eyes sharp and angry. 
“What?” he snapped. 
“Nothing. Sorry.” Wes disengaged, looking down at his blank notebook page. He heard Danny sigh, but he didn’t know what sort of emotion drove it. 
Class dragged on, and they didn’t say another word to each other the entire period. But that wasn’t too surprising, considering Danny left in the middle of class. 
They’d just got done taking their lab safety quiz, and were handing them back when out of the corner of his eye Wes saw Danny shiver. He also saw a flash of… what looked like smoke? Vape? Was Danny seriously vaping in class? 
“Fuck,” Danny muttered under his breath and his hand shot straight up into the air. “Mrs. Merriweather, can I use the bathroom before we start the lab?” Danny’s typically tired and slouched posture had gone ramrod straight, and the air around him felt desperate and panicked. Mrs. Merriwether studied him seriously for a second, before she relented. 
“Alright, don’t take too long.” 
Danny scrambled from his seat and out the door. It left a weird silence in the classroom.
O….kay? That was weird, super weird. He looked around the class. A student adjacent to him caught his confused look and shrugged. 
“He just does that, always has. Some people think he has some sort of chronic illness or something.” 
“Quiet please, everyone. I’m passing out the lab instructions and then we’ll be getting started.” 
Wes couldn’t help but look towards the door where Danny had disappeared seconds earlier. He felt pretty safe in saying not only was the town weird, but everyone in it.  But maybe Danny more so than the others. 
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Bakugou/reader: Icarus, Part 3
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Part 1 here Part 2 here EDIT: what the hell you’re telling me I never added Part 4?? It’s next week, and Katsuki is ready to take you down. He’s got to reiterate- this isn’t sport, it’s war. (Or: winning is harder than it looks.) (Sorry for the late update, this one got pretty long and I had some plot problems to work out!  I think everybody can tell by now that I am not good at update schedules and will probably never have a consistent one :,) Reviews and/or constructive criticism are always welcome- thanks to everyone who’s been showing this series love so far and thanks to all the commenters I’ve had on this blog in general! Kinda kills me inside that I can’t reply to any of you without using my main, but please trust me when I say I am obsessive enough to see all comments and deeply appreciate the kind words ;-; ;-; ;-;  Also, hooray for the most unrealistic fight scene ever! I have never done hand-to-hand in my life and it probably shows XD -Mod Eve) ____ For the rest of the week, Katsuki stews. There’s nothing particularly intimidating about you. You’re too mild- too fucking bland, with your polite little smiles and stupidly unwavering calm. Your quirk’s fine, from what he knows, some shit called Reflection that does exactly what it says on the tin: you bounce things away before they reach you. Can’t be a coincidence that you have a defensive quirk- hilarious, isn’t it, how even your biology seems to be cooperating with your pacifist bullshit? And it can’t be a fucking coincidence that your quirk gives you the biggest advantage over certain emitter types.
He contemplates this on the way to school the next Monday morning and scuffs his sneaker spitefully against the sidewalk, palms tingling. He’ll win anyway, though. There’s never been any question about that.
(If you decide to repel his explosions, fine; he’s not an idiot. If you could deflect every attack that came your way, you’d never get hit during training. But he’s seen you go down before.
Even if he has to face you with bare fists, he’ll win.)
Throughout the day, he itches with the urge to get going; the teachers’ words slide off of him like water, and he snaps at more people than usual as they crowd around him like a bunch of buzzing, persistent flies, making his palms begin to crackle until Aizawa-sensei fixes him with a look and he tenses, looking out the window instead of making a scorch mark on someone’s desk.
You’re there through all this, sitting in your corner seat with your gaze fixed on the blackboard, not knowing or not caring about what’s coming.
Either you don’t know, hisses that aggravated little voice in his ear, or you do, and you’re so confident that you STILL don’t give a shit.
(Or there is a third option, a reason that you don’t care, that “I don’t fight for sport” isn’t meant to be a taunt- but fuck if he wants to think about that one.)
It’s more of a headache than it should be worth, so he grits his teeth and reminds himself: today is the day. Doesn’t matter what you think will happen, you’re losing the luxury to ignore him this time. No more standstills.
“We’re sparring partners today,” he informs you during break, only mildly aggressively, making you look up from your textbook with a slight start. Good. You better be on your guard. “Hope you’re ready to lose.”
A beat of silence, and then- fuck you, honestly- you smile.
I’ll do my best to be a good partner. That’s really not the fucking point, and as he stalks back to his own seat, he’d bet anything that you know it’s not.
He doesn’t talk to you again until it’s time to spar. Aizawa-sensei eyes him coolly in a way that’s always sort of annoying, because it makes it impossible to figure out what his teacher is thinking of; which makes Aizawa-sensei actually surprisingly similar to you, he realizes. This heightens his annoyance, and he watches you while Aizawa-sensei watches him and the rest of the class files into groups of twos and threes and you…just stare at the ceiling, then nod at him in greeting.
Still with that faux-polite attitude, but whatever. He’s got this. He grits his teeth.
“Hey,” Sero whispers from beside him, “No offense, Bakugou, but is everything ok…?”
“Yeah,” Kaminari chimes in, squinting at him. “You look like you’re thinking of something nasty.”
Katsuki sneers, feeling the beginnings of heat building at the tips of his fingers, already mildly damp with nitroglycerin. “Shut it, Pikachu.”
And it feels like the longest five minutes of his life until Aizawa-sensei finally calls his name and yours, the signal to get in place, get ready, he’s been ready since the cafeteria and before and fuck him if he’s letting you slither out of things this time like a fucking coward with a ridiculously useful quirk.
(Not a coward, that persistent thought prickles at the back of his mind. He squashes it, hoping he’s really not losing braincells at this point. If not a coward, then what the fuck are you?)
He faces you and finds that you’ve stationed yourself a safe distance away, just out of his immediate reach, where you stand very still and refuse to approach. And it’s so very typical of you and yet so very calculated and so much like the most subtle version of a middle finger that the ticking time bomb inside him, the one that’s been steadily nearing its limit since the first time he laid eyes on you and has only sped up since the cafeteria incident, is now seconds away from bursting. These confrontations have always been on your terms, your placid, fluid refusal to respond to his challenges throwing cold water on any spark he’s ever tried to ignite, but here and now, it’s his turn to make the rules. That’s only fair.
“It’s not fucking sport anymore, you know.”
You bow your head ever so slightly. I happen to take sparring very seriously.
And hey, true, at least you’ve switched to a defensive stance now- the type of cautious position that makes him think you’re probably gearing up to use your quirk. Katsuki’s lips curl into something resembling a smile. If you think you’ve got the upper hand here, well, fuck it, he’s going to show you.
He readies his fists.
And as soon as the words alright…start, fall from Aizawa-sensei’s lips, remember, the session ends when one person yields, he leaps towards you with his arm drawn back and a vicious punch aimed straight for your jaw.
He feels a slight resistance, a faint push against his knuckles, stopping him just shy of hitting his target as you swerve out of the way. So that’s Reflection- that’s what it feels like. He almost laughs as he turns to chase you down, because he’s seen, caught just a fleeting glimpse of your eyes widening and the sterile white lights above mirrored in your irises as you stared at him and his clenched fists.
There’s no fucking point in explosions if you’ll just reflect them back at him, but look: from what he’s seen, he assumes you can’t deflect a fist attached to an entire human body.
“Don’t get shy on me now!” he shouts as you dodge his next movement, a little quicker than before. Again, laughs the fire inside him, a little wild, a little pissed off, typical. The fucking stubbornness of you. Trust you to not fight back but you’re gonna see why you should, just you wait-
He hurls his fist forward as you seem to slip to the left but you’re gone before it hits and his punch connects to thin air, sending him off balance and lurching forwards with a quick, sharp intake of breath. You’re not in his line of sight anymore, probably behind him, probably some sort of clever strategy that’s going to prove utterly useless once he figures out your movements. He twists around and there you are, darting away from the kick he aims at your legs and already two steps away before his fist connects with your cheekbone. You’re adapting, getting quicker, and maybe you’re using your quirk in random places because at certain points he feels that faint pushback against his attacks, just strong enough to slow him down by a fraction-
(Come on, he wants a better response than that. Do you really have to be such a shitty sport all the time?)
He swings again, knuckles white, a wordless growl ripping from his throat as the hit lands just the most infuriating centimeter off from its mark; it only glances off your ear, but it still makes you freeze for a split second with a wince and he takes your momentary shock as a chance to reach forward, trying to grab you, drag you back, do something before you’re gone. As he reaches, however, your leg sweeps out to hit against his shin just hard enough to earn a reflexive shout and a small explosion, stopping him for long enough that you can jump back, putting more distance between you. Nice of you to actually move for once, but he’d appreciate it if you’d stop running away and do something interesting for once in your fucking life. This fistfighting is getting real old and he might just blast you if he could be sure that that’s not what you’re aiming for under all your defensive tactics, for him to just hand you the weapons to win, and that’d be just really fucking fantastic- And like this, you go back and forth, him swift and deadly and driving you back with every punch, kick, and grapple, you weaving in and out of his movements like the world’s most infuriating, immovable butterfly, utterly refusing to take a shot back at him unless it’s a quick, disarming movement that’s just not strong enough, and he feels somewhere in-between euphoria and rage, because he’s looking you in the eyes and you’re panting heavily, sweat on your brow, shoulders tensed, but your gaze stays steady. (You stay steady.)
____ He takes you down, in the end, just like he knew he would.  There’s a pattern to your evasions and once he cracks it, it’s easy enough to get behind you, out of your line of sight where he makes a gamble- that you won’t be able to activate your quirk in time- and then rushes forward, the blood burning in his veins and the heady, maddening triumph coming out in a shout of almost-laughter as he opens his palm towards you and lets the fire burst out. You stumble, trying to move out of the way, and that’s when he finally gets a grip on your arm and flips you to the ground. He’s on top of you, then, pinning you down. You’re both hot and sweaty and it’s mildly gross- your lip bust sometime during the fight and every spot you’ve kicked him in aches more than he cares to admit. He’ll find bruises in the morning. It’s worth it, he tells himself as he pushes down insistently, making sure you don’t have the space to move. Are you looking? Do you see this? Do you get what’s going on? You lost. You can’t walk away until I say so. And you look up at him, still gasping a little. I yield. And... That’s that. He’s done it. Not that he ever doubted he would. You stay like that for a moment, both breathless and a little stiff.  Then he lets you up, sneers when you thank him for a good fight, and makes his way to the cafeteria for lunch alone. Iida and Yaoyorozu team up on him for pinning you and busting your lip, and you smile and tell them it’s ok- you kicked him pretty hard, anyway, and that’s kind of the point of sparring in U.A. People get hurt. It’s no big deal. Katsuki scoffs and quickens his pace, leaving you and Iida’s nagging far behind. It’s a spitefully nice feeling, to be the victor, the one walking away, just like he always should’ve been. He won. You didn’t walk away this time. You know, now, that you shouldn’t have underestimated him. Everybody saw you fight. Everybody saw you lose. He sits next to Kirishima and takes a vicious bite out of a sandwich, making some offhand insulting comment about Kaminari’s latest batch of puns, and ignores the discomfort creeping over him; it’s the pain from the bruises you’ve probably left on him, nothing more, nothing less. Bruises are nothing. They fade. (He remembers the way you looked up at him, though. Your eyes were dull. You’re such a fucking blank slate and apparently, even an actual fight couldn’t get you to look halfway alive. It’s disappointing.) Then again, he saw you look surprised that one time, for his first hit. He gloats, keeping that image close to his mind for a moment, but it merges strangely with the distant way you stared at him when he pinned you to the ground and it taints the feeling of triumph, making him uncomfortable again. You didn’t get to walk away- that much is true. He’s just not sure you knew that yourself. Victory, he realizes, is surprisingly anticlimactic.
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Survey #337
“if i showed you my soul, would you cover your eyes?”
What's your favorite brand of chips? I like Lays best. Are you a good painter? My Painting teacher when I was in college last said I did wonderfully, but I definitely beg to differ. Before buying a car, do you usually test drive it? N/A Have you ever written a poem and then read it aloud? No, but a teacher has. It was so fucking awkward; it was very pacifist, the topic being about war, and it had some depressing tones of death; there was just silence at the end of it, and I still don't know if it was shock or "what the fuck, she's messed up." There was this one guy that went, "Nobody is going to clap at that?", though, which I thought was pretty nice and reassuring. Do you like pineapple? Yeah, I do. Have you ever met your favorite author? I don't have a favorite author. Have you and your best friend ever liked the same person? No. Do you have any freckles? Not on my face (though oddly enough, I did as a kid?), but on random parts of my body. How many different languages can you say goodbye in? English, German, and then Spanish. Do you like or hate the smell of fish? I hate it. Have you ever been to Sea World? As a child, yes. I'd never go as an adult. Do you know someone who suffers from short-term memory loss? I don't know how this is actually diagnosed, but my memory is absolutely fucking nightmarish, almost exclusively in short-term situations. I can remember the most obscure events from my childhood, but not what I said to you five seconds prior. I'm rather sure my medications have made it worse over time. Have you ever read any of John Green's books? I got like, one chapter or less into The Fault in Our Stars before the book got replaced with the Wings of Fire series, so I never finished it. Are you a protective person? I'm an immensely protective person over those that matter to me. Have you ever experienced an earthquake? No, thankfully. I'm terrified of earthquakes. What's one thing that makes everything in life worthwhile? The fact that to our proven knowledge, this is the only one we'll ever experience. What type of waffles do you like? (Plain, blueberry etc..) I prefer plain, but I can eat chocolate chip ones as well as blueberry and strawberry. Have you ever seen the show Wife Swap? Yeah, I actually quite like it. Do you like chicken or beef better? Or do you not eat meat? Chicken, I think. I eat meat, but wish I didn't. What brand of dish soap do you use? Dawn, usually. Do any of your neighbors have dogs? Yes, and they never shut up. Do you believe in fortune tellers? They're money-driver bullshitters. Have you ever been to one? No, and judging by the fervor in the above question, I hope you can tell I never would do so and thus monetarily support them. Do you like regular or chocolate milk better? Chocolate, of course. But I love normal milk, too. Once again, wish I didn't, though. Forcing a cow to constantly reproduce to lactate is pretty fucking cruel. Growing up, did you listen to country music? I actually did. Do you normally wash your hands in warm or cold water? If it's just a quick wash, it's usually cold because our water takes quite a few moments to warm up. However, if I'm looking to thoroughly wash my hands, it's gotta be relatively hot. Do you believe in mediums? I see them in a worse light than I do fortune tellers, so... Like sure, manipulate grieving people for profit, sounds great. Have you ever been to one? Obviously not. Have you ever dated someone on the football team? No. Do you have a gazebo at your house? No. Do you like tomatoes? Solely when straight from a garden and on a bacon and mayonnaise sandwich. Otherwise I am noooot a fan. Are you a competitive person? Not very, but there's a tiny spark in me, really when it just comes to photography. I hate it. Google or Bing? Does literally anyone use Bing? What's your favorite brand of bottled water? Essentia. Do you have any ceramic animals in your house or outside? Ummm I don't think so. Have you ever given someone flowers? Yes. What is something you might eat with a hamburger? Fries or mac and cheese. What is a sport that you’ve always wanted to play, but never got a chance to. None. What is a fruit that you might eat in the morning? A banana. Who might you send a selfie to? I don't send selfies to anyone. About how many pages is the longest book you’ve ever read? I THINK it surpassed 1,000? At least in the high hundreds. Who would you call first after getting engaged to tell them the news? Probably Mom. Around what time do you start feeling tired enough to go to sleep? Truth be told, it's usually arouund 7-8. I rarely make it to 9:00 nowadays. What trends do you refuse to give in to? I don't even know what's trendy right now. What subjects in history interest you most? As dark as it is, I find the Holocaust interesting to learn about. Are you superstitious in any way? No. How do you get rid of anxiety? What a relevant question, being in a partial hospitalization program right now. Coping skills that help me are doing deep breathing, mindfulness exercises, and a little jerk back to reality is splashing freezing cold water on my face. It also helps to talk it out with somebody, just get my feelings into words. Then if it's a true anxiety or panic attack, I have my "emergency" anxiety prescription. Are there any items of jewelry you never/rarely take off? My lip and tragus piercings never do, and I always wear two rings. Do you find yourself correcting people’s grammar often? Not really, no. It just seems rude and snobby to me, honestly, if it's not in an educational setting, like helping someone with an essay. Correcting someone in your average conversation is just... unnecessary, imo. Now if you're talking like in surveys and stuff, I definitely do in questions and such, but I don't point it out. Gummi worms: Yay or nay? Yay, love 'em. What do you do when you have ‘me time’? I only ever have "me" time, so what I always do... Do you lack common sense sometimes? I have a horrible lack of common sense, shit's embarrassing. Have you ever poured glue on your hand just to peel it off for fun? No. How do babies make you feel? "Nervous. They’re so damn breakable." <<<< Mood. Would you/Have you milked a cow? No, and I'm not interested. What really gives you the creeps? #!: seeing a baby move inside its mother's stomach. It will actually make me scream and/or cry because it just grosses me the fuck out. Whale sharks' mouths also creep me out big time. Do you ever eat leftover pizza cold? Yeah, I love cold pizza. When you're wanting a midnight snack, what do you normally get? We normally have cashew bars that I like if I'm really hungry. Which cartoon character would you want to keep as a pet? Obviously Pikachu. My niece loves Pikachu anyway, so she'd be ecstatic to see a real one. Or well, maybe I'd go for an Eevee. Not as dangerous with electricity and all but just as cute and small. Do you like marshmallows? Yeah. If you had the opportunity to live forever, would you take it? No. It would ruin so many factors of the temporary nature of life. Things would lose meaning, get old and boring, it'd be much easier to take advantage of things... There are many reasons why I have no desire to live forever. Hell, I even wonder if I want an afterlife for those same reasons. Did you ever really believe in Santa Claus? As a little kid, yeah. Do you like quesadillas? I like cheese, chicken, and shrimp ones. What's the greatest/most influential song you've ever heard? Ozzy's "Life Won't Wait." Do you prefer to pull off band-aids slowly or quickly? I tend to do it slowly. What was the last thing someone told you that had you at a loss for words? Uhhh I feel like Sara said something, but I don't remember what. What was the last health scare you had? Ugh... I'm kind of living in one now. As my legs have been worsening, I'm becoming increasingly concerned I'm eventually going to need a wheelchair for "walking" longer distances. And mind you, "long" for me is probably short for the average person. My knees do nothing but crack incessantly and burn when I use them, and they frequently feel like they're going to give way, and in a few rare instances, have. It's my own fucking fault for not sucking it up and exercising with my mom in the room, so I'd like to move on. What is your favorite filling for a piece of chocolate? Caramel. Do you enjoy the sound of birds chirping? I do. If applicable, what’s your favorite drug, and why? I don't do drugs, so. What was the last TV show you binge-watched? Avatar: The Last Airbender with Sara. Would you rather eat burgers or tacos? Definitely burgers. I don't like tacos. Did your mother change her maiden name when/if she got marred? Yes. What was the last job you applied for? Did you get the job? Deli worker, and yes. Do you use TikTok? No. What decorations do you have in your bathroom? None. Our bathroom is pretty small. Well, the one we use, anyway. The one attached to the master's bedroom isn't cleaned up yet, but we'll use it in case of emergency. What year was your favourite band formed? (Before people think I'm smart, no, I looked the dates up, haha.) Well Ozzy was Black Sabbath's vocalist, and the band formed in 1968, but Ozzy became a solo artist in 1979. What's your favourite fruit? Strawberries. Have you ever had an out-of-body experience? No. Do you prefer gory horror films or the psychological ones? I prefer psychological. Are you easily paranoid? Yeah. Do you have a favorite obsession? Meerkats and Mark are kinda tied, haha. Are you a workaholic? No. Have you ever given a tattoo before and would you like to? No and no; that would be an awful idea, given I have bad tremors in my hands. Have you ever seen the movie Labyrinth? I actually have not. Would you rather be called pretty or hot? Pretty. Have you ever gotten a serious injury at school? What happened? No. Have you ever performed in front of my large group of people? Yes; I was a dancer for many years. Have you ever fundraised? If so, what for? You know how Facebook recommends making fundraisers for a charity of your choice for your birthday? I've done that for the Trevor Project and two charities for ovarian and pancreatic cancers. Are you wearing earrings right now? Ugh, no, even though I want to be. The first holes in my ears are just too stretched for normal earrings because I wore heavy ones too often, and I just don't have nice earrings. I still want to get very small gauges to put in the stretched holes. Name a singer whose voice makes you swoon? Fall Out Boy's Patrick Stump can do that, holy shit. "America's Suitehearts" does it for me, man. Y'know, when his voice goes all deep. Do your pets follow you when you walk around the house? My cat Roman is quite literally my shadow. Where I go, he goes. What do you do online? I seem to only exist online, really, so I've got a lot on my plate to choose from, yet I'm still bored half the time, haha. I'm essentially always watching or listening to YouTube, I play World of Warcraft for varying amounts of time depending on the day, I scroll through deviantART, check KM periodically, do surveys obviously, "work" at the wikis I contribute to, wander around on Facebook... idk, that's all I really do at least semi-regularly online. Haha oh, wait, I also check Craigslist like... every day for tarantula and hognoses even though I can't currently get either. Let me dream. Do you have any scars on your face? I have a couple on my chin from when I fainted and busted it open. What countries were your grandparents born in? In the US. What was the most damaging relationship (romantic or not) that you’ve ever been a part of? Ultimately, with Jason, because of how it ended. The relationship itself wasn't at all damaging to me, but the breakup shook my entire fucking world. When in your life was your self-esteem at its lowest point? Self-esteem? Now. I'm very unhappy with my weight going back up, my body is just in poor health in general, I'm not employed, not in school... I just feel like a lowlife. Who was the last person you cut out of your life? Do you regret it? I want to say my sister's mother-in-law. Sure don't, considering she revealed her disgusting support for conversion therapy. I'm civil around her in person, but I kicked that woman off my Facebook so fucking quick when I saw that shit. Who is the most attractive person you know personally? That I know personally... I would say Alon, but I haven't seen even a picture of her in forever. Summer, though, shares selfies frequently, and by god is she gorgeous. I know a lot a lot of beautiful women, asldkjf;awe. It's funny that I'm blanking on men, at least involving people I still "know"/are somehow present in my life. Would you rather look older or younger than you are? I'm fine looking my age. Have you ever dated someone who was very vastly different from your “type”? No. What is the biggest project you’re currently working on? I suppose you can count an RP plot as a "project." I'm procrastinating so bad on it because it is going to be A LOT of writing. Is there a person from your past that you wonder about frequently? Who? Take a shot in the dark for me. Who knows you best, excluding romantic partners? My mother. What are your thoughts on human creation? I believe we evolved. How many people have you had sex with? One. Have you ever had a yard sale? Yeah. Have you ever been surfing? No.
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alolanrain · 4 years
Fangshipping nobody knows how’s ash
I’m gonna guess that you ment to say ‘who’ instead. I also turned this into a little fic things as well ^_^
Raihan bounces on the top of his feet. Eagerly bouncing around his home as well. It was all cleaned and spiffed you for once, cute fairy lights he finally bought for his living room and kitchen all stocked and cleaned for the incoming week and a half. Arceus he’s so excited!
Checking the time on his Rotom phone one more time Raihan grabbed his wallet and house keys before going to the mud room and slipping on his shoes. He just about pulled the door back and was greeted by Leon with his hand raised to knock on Raihans front door. Piers and Gordie were standing behind him.
“Raihan!” Leon beamed happily.
“Leon,” Raihan smiled a little less happy then before, “Piers, Gordie. What are you guys doing here?”
“Bar hopping.” Pier grunted out. Crossing his arms. “We came to see if you want’ta join us?”
Raihan took a sharp inhale of breath. Smile falling as he watched Leon wilt just a little at his reaction. “Sorry mates,” Raihan scratched at the back of his head while stepping out of the door way and shutting the door, “I’m actually headed to the airport to meet up with someone.”
“Really?” Gordie spoke up, giving Raihan an incredulous look.
“Really.” Raihan smiles a bit brighter this time. “Now if you’ll excuse me mates, I got someone to meet.” And just like that he was down the porch steps, across the large barren garden, and out the gates closing his property in and onto the gravel path that lead to Hammerlocke city. Pulling out his phone and the CorviCab app.
“We’re following,” Piers spoke up after a few minutes as he stared at Leon’s face, “aren’t we?”
Leon didn’t even say a word as he bounded down the step and onto the gravel road in seconds. Leaving Piers and Gordie to scramble after him, yelling at Leon to wait.
Raihan was near vibrating in his skin. Watching as People slowly walked past him into the ticket lines. He signed a few things here or there for passing fans and was mobbed once and a while for pictures. It was all fine since the plane he was waiting for is actually a tiny bit behind schedule. It gave him half an hour just to chill hack and people watch for once, even though he was nervous as all fuck. He didn’t even notice the three very familiar people watching him from a cafe table just across from him.
Piers had his hair tired up. Dressed more comfy and he was glad that he brought a warmer sweater, Airports are always cold for him. Gordie didn’t even try but switch out his shades for a darker pair and messed his hair up just a tad. It still worked for him and Leon was a bit jealous. Leon himself had his hair tied up to. Cap and glasses obscured his face.
“He’s just... standing there!” Leon whines and let his head rest against the table. Board out of his mind and waning curiosity getting to him.
“That’s what you do when you wait for someone, idiot.” Piers snarled around the straw he was drinking from.
“Hey.” The Champion weakly objected but said nothing more of.
“Oh,” Gordie finally spoke up, making the other two immediately look over to Raihan, “he spotted someone.”
True to Gordie words, Raihan looked like a damn near wiggling Yamper. Eyes tracking something until a Pikachu came bounding out of a crowd of passing people and jumping straight into his arms.
“Pikachu!” Raihan cried out happily and easily rubbing his cheeks back into the frantic mouse Pokémon, “I know, I know! I miss you too.”
“Raihan! There you are!” A voice spoke up.
Raihan couldn’t help but nearly melt into the ground when his bright blue eyes met warm hazels.
Leon watched in renewed curiosity as a very short, to Galar standards, male came jogging up to the Gym Leader. Black fluffy hair that looked sinfully soft and the warmest of hazel eyes he’s ever seen.
“Ash!” Raihan greeted happily. Pikachu climbing up into his head so he could use both his arms to fully wrap Ash into a hug, making Ash drop his luggage bag and lifting the tiny Kantonian off the ground.
“Raihan!” Ash squealed his name again, wiggling his feet in the air. “Set me down please.”
The dragon tamer did just that. Hands lingering on Ash’s shoulders before fully dropping back down to his side. “So...” he drawled nervously.
“So?” Ash asked. Bending down to grab his luggage again and offering an arm out to Pikachu who happily chattered and purred on top of Raihans head. Very clearly not moving and content where he is.
“You must be tired.” Raihan broke out of what her haze he was shortly in. Hands flying back up to nervously hover around Ash’s body. “You look absolutely exhausted! Look at those bags under your eyes. Have you been sleeping well?” Raihan gently pulled at the skin under one of ash’s eyes.
“I haven’t slept the past three days.” Aah happily learned into the hand before jerking awake and pulling back sheepishly. “Never could really sleep on planes.”
Leon continued to watch in wrapped fascination as Raihan fluttered around this ‘Ash’. The boys Pikachu’s tail gently tapped the back of Raihans head and soon enough Raihan grabbed Ash’s luggage out of the boys hand and started hearding him out of the airport. Babbling on and on about something Leon didn’t understand and could no longer hear.
“Sonia and Nessa are gonna flip when they see this.” Piers started tapping away at his own Rotom phone. Leon wondered when he pulled that out but didn’t object. “Nessa is understandable yelling in the chat but Sonia is being unusually quiet.”
Leon was happy he had his phone shut off and on do not disturbed. Something he recently learned how to do so that Oleana and Rose couldn’t bother him on his days off.
“Oh!” Piers raised a critical eyebrow as he read something that must have popped up on his screen. “Sonia just saw and she’s livid.”
Leon nodded, already standing up after handing the waitress their check with money and telling her to keep the change, he grabbed at Gordie again. Making the man squawk with surprise and struggle to set the drink down before it got pulled away with him as well.
Piers sighed and got up after them. “I really do hate all this walking.” He bemoaned loudly even though Leon highly probably couldn’t hear him with Gordie whining in his ear.
Nessa and Sonia met up with them at the small rolling hills just besides Raihans house. The perfect view in the front and back yard.
“If the Paparazzi find this spot, Raihan’s basically trapped in his own house.” Piers grumbled. Head leaning down onto the cool night grass. The other four didn’t say anything to the Gym Leader. More focus in coming up with a way to get Raihan to spill about who ever this ‘Ash’ person is.
“Oh look!” Piers spike up a bit louder when he noticed the sliding back door opening.
Everyone turned their head to see what Piers was and it got real quite afterwards.
“Everyone come on out!” The tiny raven haired trainer yelled happily. Throwing his Poké balls up into the air.
“Is that Ash?” Nessa spoke up. Leaning into Leon’s side that Sonia wasn’t taking up. The Champion hymn in confirmation. “He’s cute.”
“He is!” Sonia agreed readily. Eyes widening as the Pokémon materialized in Raihans large back yard. “Holy shit!” She hissed. Flattening her body more into the hill side.
“You must be Melmetal!” Raihan padded off the back porch and reached over to the giant glimmering Pokémon. “Ash kept spamming me pictures of you when you were just a Meltant.”
“Raihan!” Ash cries out in embarrassment as his Incineroar caught him in a near bone crushing hug.
“Lycanroc!” Lycanroc barked. Happily padding around Raihan and licking the palm of his hand. Settling down by his feet and watched as Ash pried himself from Incineroar’s hug.
“Hey buddy.” Raihan mumbled. “It’s good to see you too.”
Rowlet cooed above from a branch it settled down. Opening its wings the grass peel Pokémon gently floated down to Raihans waiting arms. The gym leader scooping the grass type form the air and hugging it close. The three watched Ash interact with Incineroar and Melmetal.
Pikachu opted to stay inside, curled up with Raihans Flygon on a pile of blankets by the gas fireplace, then to meet his Alolan team mates.
“Watch’cha thinking about?” Ash asked. Padding over with Incineroar close on his heels. He took Rowlet from Raihans arms and watched happily as Raihan greeted the fire Pokémon. Incineroar purred loudly as it rocked its face more and more into Raihans hands that were petting its cheeks.
“Just ho amazing my boyfriend is!” Raihan teased.
“Ah!” Ash whined wordlessly. Face blooming red in embarrassment. “Raihan!” He grumbled once more.
“Just spitting straight truth!” The large Gyn Leader crowed happily.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Ash groaned grabbing a everyone’s Poké balls, “return everyone!”
“Aw!” Raihan whined jokingly, “and we were just about to have some fun to.”
Ash rolled his eyes but couldn’t help the smile that filtered into his lips. “I would like some fun with my boyfriend to, you know.”
“Oh?” Raihan asked. Pupils already blowing up. “And what kind of ‘fun’ do you want to have?”
Ash didn’t answer. Only using his fingers to beckon Raihan to bend down. He curled his arms and kissed his boyfriends. Arching with a gasp as Raihan slid his hands from the back of Ash’s shoulder blades down to his ass to squeeze it.
Ash was picked up so that Raihan didn’t need to keep bending over to kiss him. Legs curling around Raihans lower stomach as he held on tight.
“I like this kind of fun,” Raihan growled happily against Ash’s lips, making the Champion shutter in expectation, “but I think we’ll have even better fun if we do this in the bedroom.”!
“Take me away then,” Ash giggles when Raihan dove back for a smaller and chaste kiss, “my dear Dragon.”
“Well damn.” Piers spoke up. Watching with raised eyebrows as Raihan carried Ash inside. Presumably to go have sex in bed.
“I was...” Nessa’s face scrunched up in thoughtfulness and disgust at the implications of Raihans words hit her, “not expecting that.”
Sonia and Leon didn’t say anything. Their own cheeks a little bit red as they pressed their shoulders more into the grass.
“Welp!” Gordie’s hands hit the grass lightly before pushing himself up. “I’m going home now that we figured this out. Night!”
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ilikeoneshots · 4 years
The Long Game- Bakugou Katsuki
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-Kinda based on two TikToks I’ve seen lately, I’m gonna try to link them down below-
-Also, sorry if this is OOC-
Today was quite an unusual day for the Bakusquad because he was actually participating in the conversation (sorta). Pikachu and Smiley were showing Shitty Hair and Bakugou pictures of different girls on their social media talking about how “thick” they were.
“Listen Discount Pikachu, that’s like ‘thick’ with one ‘C’. Now this is ‘thick’,” Katsuki showed a familiar picture of a girl, her face wasn’t in the picture but it was taken in an arcade and she was playing a motocross game.
“That’s three ‘C’s right there boys, she thiccc as fuck. She about to eat that whole damn motorcycle with that ass,” Katsuki smirked mischievously at how his ‘friends’ reacted to his words. Kirishima was howling with laughter at how Kaminari and Sero were reacting. Kiri was really the only one that knew Bakugou was into bigger girls more-so than thinner girls. (No shade being thrown!!!)
Right then, Mina walked up behind the boys. None of them noticed her yet so she peeked at what the boys were fawning over, “Isn’t that (Y/N)?” The hooting and hollering stopped so abruptly and Bakugou looked like he was about to bust a blood vessel.
“The fuck do you mean, Pinky??” He was confused and surprised by both Mina’s appearance and statement.
“That’s her instagram and the picture I took of her when we went to the arcade last weekend,” Mina stated calmly as she continued her way around the group.
Bakugou’s face flushed instantly and Kaminari and Sero started ‘ooh’ing at him realizing he might have a crush on their plus size classmate. Resulting in Bakugou screaming at them to “Shut the fuck up or die”.
Kirishima already knew of Bakugou’s crush on (Y/N) but he grinned nonetheless at his friend’s flustered face. Right at that moment, (Y/N) walked in.
“Hey guys! What’s going on?” She asked with a smile that seemed to hardly ever leave her face. The boys straightened up almost immediately, knowing that if they let it slip that Bakugou liked her they’d all die.
Unfortunately for them, Mina wasn’t one to shy away from playing matchmaker and pissing off the blonde boy with the red face.
“Nothing really, just Instagram stalking you,” she grinned and showed (Y/N) the photo on Bakugou’s phone.
How did she swipe his phone without him realizing??
“Who’s phone is this?” (Y/N) asked with a giggle. Bakugou came out of his frozen state and snatched the phone from Mina.
“Mine, you shitty girl,” he grumbled before walking away with really red cheeks. When he was out of ear shot the boys all turned to you and grinned.
“W-What’s up, guys?” (Y/N) asked with a nervous laugh.
“He totally likes you,” Sero stated.
“He called you ‘thick’ with three ‘C’s,” Denki added.
“He’s been obsessed with you since the Sports Festival,” Eijirou informed. Everyone whipped around to stare at him shocked. He chuckled and held his hands up, “W-What? It’s true!” (Y/N) jerked him up by his collar.
“What the fuck do you mean, you shark toothed, red headed bastard?” Her friends normally would have been shocked by her words if they hadn’t been used to her occasional outbursts of swear words and light hearted insults. She isn’t as violent as Bakugou but she could definitely hold her own when tossing insults around.
“He made me swear not to say anything when I found out about his crush on you, but he has yet to try to make a move on you,” Eijirou explained, “that’s why I said it. You both need a push. You can’t say you don’t have a crush on him either (Y/N). I see the way you look at him.”
(Y/N) let go of her friend and leaned her head on his shoulder, “You can be such an asshole, Eiji,” she whispered. He laughed and patted her back.
“Go talk to him, (N/N),” Kiri pushes her lightly towards the hallway. She turned to look at her friends and they all gave her a thumbs up with wide smiles.
“You know we probably have a 50/50 chance of dying right?” Kaminari stated out loud.
“Oh shit, you’re right. Let’s dip,” Sero and the rest of the crew ran out the front door to avoid the possible fire bombing in their futures.
(Your POV)
I stood in the elevator as I waited for it to reach the boys’ floor, thinking about what I was going to say.
Bakugou Katsuki likes me? McBlasty? Lord Explosion Murder? Nani?!
Before I realized it I was faced with the long hallway of the boys’ dorm rooms. Why does this hallway feel like it goes on forever?? My heart is beating so fast... As I stood in front of the door of the boy that could blow me away in either a good or a bad way, I could hear him cursing. With one last deep inhale, I knocked on his door. I heard his cursing abruptly stop. Soon his door cracked and one crimson eye peeked out.
“What?” His rough voice spoke, oddly softer than usual.
“Can I come in? I want to talk to you,” I managed to say in a steady tone. I internally fist bumped myself for not stuttering.
His door opened wider and he stepped aside to let me in, this isn’t my first time in his room. We’re somewhat friends in a way so he’s helped me with math and Japanese homework and I helped him with English homework. Even though I’ve been in here before this time feels a little different than the other times.
He walked back to his bed and he gestured for me to sit in his desk chair, “Look I’m not some kind of creep, okay?” He used his normal ‘I’m better than you’ voice but I knew it was his way of covering embarrassment. I smiled at him softly.
“I know that Katsu,” he flinched at my nickname for him, “The boys told me what you said,” he jumped up at that and was about to storm out to no doubt ‘kill’ the boys but I gently held him by his elbow. He seemed to calm down at my touch.
“I’m not offended, Katsu,” he whipped his head around so quickly I was kind of worried for his neck, “If anyone was to say that about me I’m glad it was you,” now I blushed and broke eye contact. He stayed silent (which is weird) and seemed to wait for me to continue, “Honestly, I’ve had a crush on you for a while. So it was nice to hear that my crush thought I was attractive,” I managed to look back at him, pushing past my embarrassment.
He sat back on his bed and seemed to be going through some kind of inner turmoil. His brows were furrowed and his eyes staring holes into his floor. I sat quietly as he did for me, while he sorted through his thoughts. Not long after, he looked up at me with a determined look on his face.
“I like you,” he plainly stated, “I like how strong you are, that you can hold your own in a fight or argument. I like how confident you are and you don’t let shitheads get away with talking to you any way they want,” he said in his normal steady voice. Then I noticed his expression soften, “I like how you talk to me without any reservations. I like your (H/C) hair, your (E/C) eyes. I like how you smell like (Fave Lotion/Perfume) literally all the fucking time,” he slowly reached out and pulled me closer to him by his desk chair. Then, as if he was worried I would pull away, he slowly raised his calloused hand to push a strand of fallen hair behind my ear and held my face in his hand. Unconsciously, I leaned into his touch and a ghost of a smile graced his lips.
“So what does this mean?” I asked, my voice still holding strong. Wooo go me!
He stared at me for a minute and dropped his hand from my cheek, “How about we try this-”
“Boyfriend and girlfriend right now,” I interrupted him.
“No,” he smirked at his automatic response. I rolled my eyes at his Bakugou behavior.
“Boyfriend and girlfriend, eventually?” He looked away from my steady eye contact but didn’t say anything, “You’re not saying ‘No’, you have to say something,” I grinned at him, he smiled and embarrassedly turned his head away for a second like he was stopping a laugh. He turned back towards me and let out a soft huff.
“I’ll play the long game,” he smiled and held my hand.
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todorosy · 5 years
High Score // Bakugou Katsuki
Author’s Note: Wow hi yall I’m back from the dead! I haven’t written anything in so long, so I hope this is as good as my previous works!
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Ever since they’ve been on school break, the infamous “Bakugou Squad” had been taking several nights out of the week going to the new arcade in town (with the persistence of Sero, of course). 
Once the group had stepped foot into the dark fluorescent room, their eyes were overwhelmed with the loud buzzing lights and various noises coming from the games themselves.
“My man!” A worker chuckles, giving Sero a big slap on the back, “Good to see you and the gang back here. You guys have fun.”
With that, the group cascaded from game to game, blowing most of their pocket change on gaming coins. It was a typical night out. Jirou absolutely obliterating everyone in guitar hero, Kirishima clearing the floor with dance, dance revolution, and Kaminari short circuiting every machine he touches whenever he got too excited.
However, for Bakugou, he has his eyes on the prize. He would be off on his own with his eyes glued to the Pac-Man screen. He had managed to keep his name on the slots for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd for weeks. Everyone knew he was undeniably the champ of that particular game.
Kaminari had been leaning up against the machine, watching Bakugou control the small round man eating up the coins, while effortlessly avoiding each ghost.
“Dude it almost got you there!” He gasps loudly for his best friend.
“Shut up, pikachu! You’re distracting me.” Bakugou grumbled. “I know what I'm doing, I'm just trying to lure that stupid bastard out of my way."
All of the sudden, he was trapped in the corner, allowing the ghost to finally catch up to him. Once the words “GAME OVER” words flashed on the screen, he slammed his fists on the machine.
“Hah, loser! Maybe you’re losing you magic touch, blasty.” Jirou teases.
“Yeah whatever, I already beat my high score so it doesn’t even matter.” Bakugou sneers. “Much higher than what you could ever get.”
He types in his 3 lettered name as-per-usual, the word KAT blinked until he confidently clicked “enter.”
To his dismay, he finds a new name taking a hold of the 1st place position. HIS 1st place position.
“Y/N?!” He exclaims. “Who the fuck is Y/N? And how the fuck did they beat my score?”
“Sucks to suck, sucker!” Sero laughs.
Bakugou was about ready to slam another coin into the machine, allowing himself the second chance to redeem his “well-deserved” title. Before he could, Kirishima’s hand was quick enough to cover the slot.
“Sorry bro, the arcade closes in a few minutes.” He says. “And I don’t think you’d be very happy to have your game time get cut short, would you now?”
Bakugou sighed in annoyance. “Fine. I’ll just come back tomorrow without any of you losers there to distract me. I’m going to get my fucking title back no matter how long it’ll take me.”
Just as he had promised himself, the was back the very next day with a pocket full of coins ready to be cashed in. He stormed his way into the arcade- ignoring the greeters at the door, skipping out on his glow-in-the-dark wrist stamp, and pushing past the small children that got in his way.
He made an B-line to “his” game just to find a lone person there, eyes fixed on the screen and blowing bubbles through the wad of bubblegum in their mouth. This made Bakugou snarl in annoyance.
“Get off, it’s my turn.” Bakugou bluntly says to you as he approached closer. You were clearly giving him no time of day, keeping yourfull attention on the game in front of you. “You hear me? It’s my turn.” He says a little firmer.
“You’re distracting me, dingus. Wait your turn because I can already feel another high score coming.” You confidently say as you continued to rhythmically move the joy stick.
“Actually, I’m here to reclaim that title, so if you don’t mind moving your cute little self over, I can get to that.” He says patronizingly.
“Cute huh? Nothing cute about beating your ass here, sweetheart. You’re never going to be able to top this score once I’m done, so I suggest you go spend your time and money at the skeeball or something” You return the tone.
“Alright, let’s bet on it then. Person with the highest score wins. Loser does anything the winner wants them to do.” Bakugou suggests with a cocky smirk.
“Deal. I would shake on it, but I'm just a little busy here."
Once you had finally finished your turn, you quickly entered your name before clicking back to the starting screen. You two had agreed to let Bakugou have a shot at the high score before you would reveal who had the highest score.
“You haven’t even introduced yourself, stranger.” You say, smacking you gum. You leaned your face against the side of the  screen to allow yourself to analyze every inch of his face. 
What kind of person comes up to a stranger and challenge them like that? He has a fire burning in his eyes for sure, his hair screams bratty 10 year old, and the obvious calloused fingers indicated that he was no stranger to this arcade. He was an odd one for sure. It was as if his face was permanently upset at the world.
“Don’t talk to me. You’re distracting.” He states, keep his eyes glued onto the round character.
“I’m distracting?” You scoff. “You’re the one who came up and harassed me in the middle of my game. Damn near made me lose my control too.”
“Yeah, whatever. Shouldn’t have been playing my game then.”
You didn’t bother replying. You just simply rolled you eyes and kept your eyes glued onto him. Maybe he would get distracted and lose. Maybe you stare would make him so uncomfortable he would burst into fits.
However, there was no cracking him. Sometimes you were able to receive quick glances from him as he took his eyes off the screen for a quick second, nut it wasn’t anything notable. He kept this up until he had finally lost, which felt like an eternity.
“Ready to lose?” He smirked before he entered his name, which would immediately switch to the scoreboard.
Once he clicked the button, his jaw slowly fell.
“Well would you look at that.” You chuckle. “Looks like I take on 1st and 2nd place as well,huh....” You read the names below yours. “Kat”.
“You’re fucking Y/N? You got to be kidding me. How did a tiny punk like you manage to beat me? I had that score up for weeks!” He whines.
“It’s called talent.” You arrogantly say. “Guess who won the bet?” You smile cheerfully,
“No, I want a rematch!” He huffs. “Your face was all next to the screen and you were distracting me.”
“That’s fine with me. I was going to make you take me out on a date anyways, You could pay for my next turn.” You wink.
“H-Huh?” He stammers, a blush creeping up to his cheeks. "The fuck do you mean?"
“Loser does anything the winner wants them to do, remember? Or did you lose braincells from staring at the screen for too long?"
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Mistletoe Kisses
@dorky-bird for the BNHANewYearsFanfictionExchange I decided to write your lovely fanfiction and I do hope you like it! <3 <3 <3 
Pairing: Hitoshi Shinsou x Denki Kaminari
Hitoshi could feel the grip on his red solo cup tighten a bit as he saw Denki laugh at something another had said. Why did people feel the need to be so close to each other? This wasn’t a fucking commune.
“Keep staring at him like that and you’ll light the guy on fire Shinsou”
Hitoshis grumbled as he took a sip of the punch
“I’m not staring at him...and shouldn’t you be, I don’t know, fucking Bakugo in some closet somehwere Kirishima?”
Kirishima let out a laugh and shook his head. Clearly not deterred by the others words, he stepped closer, taking a drink from his own cup.
“You could just go over there and confess you know?” he offered, making a face at his drink before taking another sip. 
“I’d rather not look like an idiot...and Denki is enjoying that conversation. So i’m not going to ruin it” he mumbled into his cup, his grip not lessening but the sad look on his face increasing
He glared as Kirishima looked at him and then Denki, and then back to him with that weirdly confused expression.
“We are looking at the same thing right? Denki looks bored out of his mind! Go save him!” he said with a roll of the eyes
“Shinsou has been a pussy all night babe, why are you even trying? I shoved him in pikachus direction four times tonight and nothing” Bakugo growled as he joined the group.
And as if summoned by some higher spirit, Sero and Mina joined them as well. Hitoshi groaned into his cup and smacked his head against the rim.
“I tried to lock Denki and him in a closet and that obviously did not work!” Ashido pouted as she tried to poke shinsou in the side.
To which he violently swatted at her with a growl. He was not drunk enough for all of their shenanigans. Why did he join this group of friends and not Deku’s? His gaze followed Denki and smiled at the others giggle.
Ah...thats why
“Oh my god if you make that face again I am going to drag Denki over here myself!” Sero groaned, obviously having seen Hitoshi’s love sick expression.
Snapping out of it, he turned to sneer at the other boy before Ashido put a hand on his shoulder. He took another look at Denki, attentively listening to the stranger talking to him, before turning to Ashido. His eyebrows rose at the serious expression on her face, it wasn’t rare...but definitely an uncommon expression.
“What we are trying to say, oh martyr of romance, is that if you don’t confess to Denki now...we will either tell Denki ourselves or watch him get stolen by someone who does not deserve him” she said, poking the others chest with a good amount of force.
Bakugo chuckled into his drink as Hitoshi basically got scolded by the girl of their group, snarling when Kirishima smacked him over the back of the head.
“Do you know why Denki never gets a date?” Ashido asked
“Cause hes a stuttering mess?” Hitoshi asked into his cup
How did no one else find that completely adorable?
“Because we don’t approve of them. Denki is our friend, and we are not about to let him date someone that doesn’t deserve him ...are you connecting the dots?” she asked
Hitoshi was ...slightly trying to connect the dots, but the stranger was getting closer to Denki.
“Mind explaining?” he asked distractedly
“We don’t approve of others for pikachu so we fucking threaten them,. But we approve of you dumbass, so go get him before we decide to take our fucking decision back!” Bakugo growled
Hitoshi just nodded distractedly to the angry blonde...focusing on another altogether. The stranger was not pressed up against Denki anymore, but he was definitely still in his space. He watched as Denki made a shooing motion at him...and after a few words were exchanged the stranger left with a frown. Shoving the cup into Ashido’s hands, he walked quickly to the others side. When Denki turned and smiled at him...damn he had fallen hard.
“So who was tall dark and handsome there?” Hitoshi asked, trying to come off as disinterested. 
He didn’t succeed
“Well your name is Hitoshi Shinsou, mr. tall Dark and handsome yourself. I don’t know who the drunk idiot was but I sent him away” Denki chuckled.
The blonde crossed his arms and leaned against the door jam, his whole focus now on Hitoshi. How he wished the blondes eyes were always on him. He closed his eyes at that thought...sappy much? He opened his eyes to see Denki giving him a confused smile.
“You okay there Hitoshi?” he chuckled
“Yeah...yeah… just weird drinks. Who the hell thought mushroom schnapps was a good idea?” he groaned
Denki went to talk before the room fell silent, and then their friends started chanting.
“What are they doing?” Hitoshi groaned, sending a glare to their friends 
“I think they’re...chanting? And...mistletoe?” Denki said looking up
“What mistletoe? What on earth is--”
Hitoshi was brought out of his aggravation by the blonde tapping his shoulder. He looked to Denki, and then followed his finger pointed upwards. His eyes widened as he saw a huge sprig...no...more like a huge bouquet of mistletoe above them.
“How the hell?” Hitoshi asked distractedly.
“KISS KISS KISS KISS!” Their friends chanted loudly, and the rest of the room gently joined in.
Hitoshi glared at the others before sighing
“What are we? Five years old and pining--”
He was cut off as he felt Denki grab the collar of his shirt. He turned and suddenly….he was pulled in to meet soft lips. The whole room erupted into applause...but it all sounded muted. Denki...denki was kissing him? When the other pulled back...he was smiling. But...his smile fell the longer he looked at Hitoshis blank face. The blank face that was meant for shock and surprise...nothing else. But Denki must have saw something else, because he got that sad look in his eyes and pulled back.
“Um...sorry about that...I just...I’ve always wanted to kiss you...I should have asked first though”
Denki wanted to kiss him? Hitoshi blinked before looking closer at Denki, and frowning at the other. He looked sad and self-conscious. 
“We can just forget it happened if you want and--”
“I’d rather not”
Denki blinked at the statement before he felt himself pressed against the wall and the others lips covering his own. He blinked in surprise before his eyes fluttered shut and he pressed back against the others touch. Hitoshi wrapped his arm around the blonde, holding him tight and possessively. The other hand coming to gently hold his head in place. Denki gently kissed back, shivering when Hitoshi hummed in pleasure. The other kissed the blonde a little more fervently...like this would disappear if he softened or pulled away. Denki groaned softly into the others mouth, his arms going around the others neck. It felt so nice...so-
Mina’s loud shout brought them out of their lovely stupor, making them separate...just a bit. They looked, and immediately felt embarrassment fill them at how loud and extra their friends were being. Denki flushed a deep red before he felt a hand intertwined with his own. He barely looked to the other before he was being pulled away from the crowd and towards a bedroom. He stuttered and flushed, though he was happy that they were getting further and further from the cheers. Hitoshi gritted his teeth and pulled them into a guest room of the house, closed the door and locked it twice, before turning to Denki with a smirk. Though the closer Denki looked...the more unsure it seemed
“I….Ugh” Hitoshi groaned “I didn’t kiss you because of the mistletoe...I hope you know” he murmured a bit shyly
Denki blinked before smiling softly, he walked closer to the other
“I kind of guessed after you pushed me against the wall” he chuckled, though he didn’t touch the other...their standing as of now? Unsure...were they friends still? Friends with benefits? Boyfriends?
Hitoshi could see the gears turning in the others head. He chuckled and a soft smile crawled onto his lips. He pressed himself closer to Denki, wrapping his arms around the others waist...and taking a deep breathe.
“...go out with me?” he asked, trying to sound confident.
Denki blinked before a smile spread across his lips
“Of course.” he chuckled before raising an amused brow “I don’t kiss and run”
Hitoshi blinked before chuckling, he leaned down against the other, foreheads touching, sharing the same breathe.
“Good...good” he managed, so overwhelmingly happy.
Denki chuckled before reaching up to cup the others face in his hands.
“though...I do want another taste” the blonde teased with red cheeks
Hitoshi blinked before smirking, pulling the other flush against him. His lips barely touching the others.
“We got time to fix that”
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dreamcity-rawr · 5 years
Comfy || Jeno
Character: Lee Jeno (NCT DREAM) Genre: 7 deadly sins - Sloth, fluff Words: 2.1k words Summary: in which you wake up the demon of sloth, Lee Jeno Warning: language Request: Jeno extension of demon!nctdream 
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  “You want me to what?!” You turn towards the group of older males with a look of disbelief. You’re casually sitting by the infirmary desk, looking after the place for the day because the doctor in charge has an urgent matter with her daughter again and you’re the only person she trusts enough to ask for help.
   You don’t have to do much. Just sit there and write down the names of any students that come in for care or just to rest. There isn’t much of a need to treat anyone’s injuries because no serious stuff really happens around your school.
  It was all going so well, with no disruptions or problems until these people show up, asking you for the most ridiculous favor. You recognize them as the basketball team and you know well who they are here for.
  “We’re having an important practice for tomorrow’s match and we really need him to wake the hell up. He’s been skipping too many practices just to sleep in this place” One of the males reasons. You watch them as if waiting for them to give you more of a reason but seeing as they aren’t saying anything more, you continue, “And that concerns me because?” Your brows meet in both confusion and annoyance.
  “You’re the only person gutsy enough to wake him up, y’n. You’re in charge of the infirmary anyways right? So.…” Another says, nodding his head as if to make you nod yours as well, it only manages to make you scoff.
  “Don’t give me that bullshit. He’s your teammate, go wake him up yourselves” you reason back. The older males all sigh before one steps up to say, “He broke the captain’s arm the last time he tried to wake him, we can’t afford to lose another good pla-”
“-and what makes you think he won’t break mine? Jeno’s a demon for god’s sake, I don’t want to wake him up and have my head chopped off” You shake your head in defense, refusing to even think about what might happen if you were to take on the responsibility.
  For the very few times that you were present at the infirmary, you always see Lee Jeno on the list of “patients” resting in the infirmary, he just sleeps there most schooldays. Makes you wonder what kind of sickness he, a powerful and probably immortal demon like him, might have that he’s always in there. How on earth did he get into the basketball team in the first place if he’s so sleepy all the time.
   The times his sleep’s disrupted are terrifying and you were unfortunate enough to witness the rage that’s Lee Jeno, woken up from sleep. The minute anyone even touches him, his hand shoots out to grip their throat so fast you’d think he wasn’t even asleep in the first place. His eyes turn this unnatural and demonic green color, sending shivers down your spine just seeing it from afar.
   The time Jeno broke the captains arm was the time you were sick so you were resting in the bed next to his. You, as a light sleeper, were woken up instantly when you heard the captain call for Jeno. So when you turn around to frown at whoever was making the ruckus, Jeno already had him pinned against the wall as his other hand grips the older male’s arm that just shook Jeno awake.
  In a breath, he broke his arm with a sickening crack, sending the older in a painful scream. That was the day you decided you’d never, ever, even think about talking to him when he’s sleeping, let alone touch. Not even if the building was on fire.
   In a way, it opens your eyes. You’ve always thought demons are just like human beings with just a bit of supernatural power. But after witnessing Jeno’s rage, you come to realize that demons are so dangerous that humans are nothing but flies compared to them.
   After that situation, the doctor had told you, Jeno is a demon, yes, that you know. But he’s a demon of Sloth, meaning he’s just flat out lazy. And it explains why he’s sleeping most of the time and if he’s not, he just looks so drained, as if life was sucked out from him. And that also means that anyone who stands in his way of getting sleep has a death wish.
  “Come on, y/n. Just this once. You’re a girl anyways so he might go easy on you” the older male says, almost pleads. Your gender doesn’t change a thing. Jeno’s a damn ruthless demon. Nothing can possibly make you even touch Jeno. You’re not that eager to die young and definitely not in such a pathetic way.
  “You wanted that limited edition pikachu figure for your sister’s birthday, right?” That’s when you look back at the male, quiet for a long and thoughtful minute. The male smirks to himself as he’s hit the bull’s eye.
  Your sister’s birthday’s coming up soon and she’s been talking about that dumb pikachu silver figure every single day. And you truly want to get it for her, only problem’s money. It is so expensive as it is limited edition but then again, the way your sister’s eyes always sparkle when she talks about it just makes you eager to finally get her a great gift after so many years of being apart from her.
  A long sigh leaves your lips as you stand up from your seat. You turn to look at Jeno, sleeping so soundly before looking back at the basketball team, “You better get that fucking figure for me, I’m sacrificing my limbs for this, dude”. The male smiles in content, nodding his head vigorously.
  Here goes nothing, you think as you approach the bed.
  You watch him quietly, gathering your courage to do this dumb thing, sleeping so soundly. His features are a mix of softness and sharpness together. So peaceful and gentle as he breathes softly, body curled up a little as there’s no blanket. He was too lazy to get himself one even in this chilly weather. But his nose and jaw are so sharp they could cut, those and his piercing gaze are what draw this really cold and fierce aura to him.
  Your hand reaches out, hovering over the male’s shoulder hesitantly. You turn to look at the team of basketball players once again, as if to think through whether it’s really a safe idea only to roll your eyes as they hide themselves behind the door, just as anxious and nervous just standing that far away.
  You look back at Jeno and clench your jaw, hand finally going forward. As soon as your palm makes contact with his shoulder, his eyebrows narrow in a frown. You inhale sharply, freezing for a second, waiting for any alarming reactions. That’s when his eyes open ever so slowly before he looks you directly in the eyes.
  If looks could kill, you’d be long gone. There is this cold and distant feeling about him as he glares at you with his greenish eyes. Your lips tremble as you let out a quiet, “Your teammates are looking for you”. It comes out way shakier than you intend it to and Jeno feels the fear even through your palm.
  You brace yourself as you notice the snarl curling at the corner of his lips. He’s pissed.
  But then his eyes move from yours to your body. Or more exactly, what you are wearing. It’s a chilly winter so you’re in an oversized hoodie, one that you feel really comfy in just because it is warm and soft. Unsure of what he’s thinking, you look down at your hoodie before looking back at him with a tilted head, “W-Wanna borrow thi-” before you can even finish, your vision spins.
  The next thing you know, you’re lying on your side on the bed Jeno’s in. your eyes widen as you feel his arms circle around your waist, one hand even reaches beneath the hoodie, coming in contact with the shirt you’re wearing under it. Your back is pressed flush against his chest, feeling the coldness of his skin even through the thick hoodie. His legs tangle with yours as you don’t even dare move an inch from the position he’s holding you in.
  Your eyes wander towards the doors in panic, searching for the basketball team and asking for some help because Jeno’s about to either crush you and suffocate you but to your horror, they had fled the minute Jeno had pulled you down onto the bed, not wanting to be involved.
  You curse mentally as your eyes shift around the room, feeling Jeno’s grip around you go even tighter. You close your eyes shut, just waiting for pain to start hitting you or any of that sort. But then the only thing you really feel is breath hitting against your neck. Jeno’s cold breath sent shivers down your spine.
  “Mmmm, warm and comfy” he hums, face almost hidden at your nape, his nose grazing it slightly with every breath he takes. And you realize, he’s gone back to sleep when you hear the gentle snores.
  “Jeno?” you call out quietly to confirm, not really sure whether you should be glad that he hasn’t hurt you yet or not. Because being in this position isn’t something to be glad about either. But then again, should you really take the risk of waking him up again and probably having him go mad demon mode at you for real?
  You wiggle yourself from his grip, hoping it doesn’t wake him up. But to your discomfort, his arms are so tightly wrapped around you that you can’t even shift your position. A low growl comes from behind you and you freeze in your spot.
  “Stay still, stop moving” his voice is so low, somehow even demonic, that you feel the vibration at the back of your neck. “just let me go and you can continue sleeping” you say, not sure why you even said that, knowing you could be getting him pissed and yourself in trouble.
   A gasp leaves your lips when his arms loosen around you only to swift you up and turn you around so you’re facing him. It all happens in a blink of an eye, because it is a demon you’re dealing with here. His speed takes the breath right from your lungs. But another thing that leaves you breathless is how close your faces are right now.
   Jeno’s face is just a breath away from yours, his eyes looking right into yours, still droopy and tired as always. His features are absolutely stunning up close, as if carved by heavens. He’s a demon, maybe he’s carved by Satan himself.
   “Woah…how the hell does one look like this?” you mumble unconsciously as you just stare at his features. You feel his hand snake up to the back of your head and in a second, he presses your face against his chest before his other arm returns to wrap around your frame, “Shhh, you talk too much” his voice is tired yet so alluring.
   It leaves your heart beating like crazy. At this point, your face is flushed because one, it’s getting pretty hot and two, Jeno gets you so flustered with so little effort. There are lots of attractive guys, yes, but Jeno just has this alluring aura around him that just screams inhuman. And as much as it nerve-wrecks you, it also excites you.
  “Had I known you’re this comfortable to hold, I’d have already joined you all those other times you were here” you hear him say in his tired voice and you look from his chest in surprise. Your eyes widen you notice he’s already been looking down at you.
   “How do you even know I was here when you’re always asleep” You ask, actually having the courage to hold a conversation with him, he watches you for a quiet while before he closes his eyes while replying, “I hear everything in my sleep”.
  “Wait, so you heard your teammates earlier?” you ask with a raised brow, shifting your position to put some space between you two but Jeno’s not letting you move even an inch, instead, he pulls your face into chest once more, this time, making sure to secure it there so you stop talking to him as he drifts back to sleep, but not before muttering a quiet, “This is much better than that pikachu figure, don’t you think?”.
  Shit, he got you.
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   author’s note thank you yoonbabe-d and anon for sending in teh requests~ I love doing these extensions, maybe taht’s why they end up being too long, lol...anyways, hope you enjoyed reading this~   ♥️ I love you  ♥️
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