#inhale. exhale. okay i got that off my shoulders. feels better.
desceros · 30 days
i open up my tumblr to get my daily dose of turtle content after an excruciating day and immediately SPAT out my tea seeing what was happening in the rottmnt tumblr community like?? oh my god thats WILD
i presume you're referring to the dragon situation which is. well. it sure is fucking something i'll tell you that.
it's my understanding that she's currently being told she didn't do anything wrong which. ok. i'm going to need people to understand something. there are two big reasons to Why this is Such a Huge Fucking Deal.
interacting, sexually, with adults (which dragon lied about her age to do) is harmful for kids. it puts them directly into explicitly sexual places, which while Mostly Safe, do harbor some people who will latch onto vulnerable people. kids don't have a lot of the real-world experience that adults have that allow them to Spot these asshats and avoid them. kids like validation. they like feeling cool, wanted. and groomers know how to spot people that like these things and give it to them. christ, there are a lot of Adults that get this part wrong. (comprehensive sex education can reduce the chances of this happening, but considering the state of that for children being less than robust, it's safe to assume Most kids aren't being taught the sighs of a proper, actual predator and not 'dude in a white van with some candy.')
interacting, sexually, with kids, can get adults into a MASSIVE amount of trouble. there is no recourse for this. it ruins your reputation, it puts you on a fucking List, it can get you jail time, it destroys your ability to get housing or a job, etc.
so yes. this was all bad because a kid was doing sex stuff. but for everyone who i've seen saying "ohhh we all looked at smut and stuff when we were teenagers, she didn't do anything wrong", yes, she did. because she INTERACTED WITH ADULTS ABOUT IT. yes, we all know that teenagers read smut. we all know that you can click onto someone's blog. frankly, in my opinion, there's never going to be a way to stop that. but having that teenager come into adult spaces and TALK to adults, SEND them asks, POST erotic art, SEND THAT LEWD ART TO ADULTS, DO EROTIC ROLEPLAY WITH OTHER ADULTS, is beyond the pale. that's not "a teenager reading smut like we all did." that's a minor violating the trust and consent of adults who have said they don't want to interact with minors.
i want you to imagine a scenario where we have someone we Know is a liar. she says she's 17 in two months. but is she? she's lied about it before. but let's say we believe her this time. let's say we trust her when she says she's 18 now. we start letting her interact again. we talk about erotica with her again. except oops she's still not 18, she's 16 and her mommy just checked on her blog and sees she's talking about porn with adults. or she hears a headcanon she doesn't like and decides to narc on that adult for sexting with a child. or one of her friends decides they don't like how i talk to people, so they say something.
do you see the problem? sure, the kid is in danger. but so is the adult. the adult who thought they were interacting with another adult, but because that kid lied, now they're the one in trouble. oh, and fun fact, there is typically no recourse against the kid in this scenario. the adult's life is ruined, and the kid gets to walk away.
there are very few adult-only spaces left on the internet. we put up signs on our blogs that say "we talk about sex. minors do not interact." because we want these spaces for ourselves. it's so disrespectful and childish and stupid and selfish and bratty for kids to think "oh, i'm adult enough for that, actually" or "well everyone i'm following is an adult, but they all say minors don't interact, so i'll just lie and say i'm an adult, heehee." it reveals a lack of character and regard for others that disgusts me. it tells me that you don't care about my wishes, you will do whatever you want to get what you want. i did not consent to speak with a child. it's vile behavior, and people who can't comprehend why the adults here are so upset because "oh you don't owe anyone your age, we all read smut as kids, what's the big deal, it's totally fine" are clearly not using any amount of critical thinking because they learned that their favorite artist is a minor and they don't want to rock the boat and lose access to it which, by the way, maybe think about what that says about you.
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thebestandrealestever · 3 months
moon river , & me.
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miles1610 x reader . sum : miles can’t hold it in anymore . warns : cursing , n word , the short film doesn’t mention miguel or spot so im not going 2 . a/n : currently binge watching drake & josh , wyd?
*starting point is right after his panic attack*
it wasn’t that late at night so you were still awake to hear the frantic opening of your window. you know who it is but still look , “hey ma, u got a minute?” he says in a shaken tone, you sit up and squint your eyes to see him more clearly in the darkness and say “yea of course what’s wrong?” he clears his throat and you stand up to look at him “can we take a walk?”he says taking a sharp breath like he was running from something . you nod and put on your coat and shoes , you tell him you’ll meet him outside because you don’t know how to down from the window and he leaves. on the walk down you were a little nervous . you saw a spider man mask in his coat pocket about two weeks ago but didn’t know what to say so you just didn’t ? it caused you to be a little distant from him because you were worried , he acted like he had something to hide and even though you knew what it was it his tone still scared you .
when you got outside he was standing in front of the door being all awkward, you walked closer to him chuckling a little and said “you okay babe ?” you kiss his cheek and he sighs letting go of a breath he didn’t know he was holding . “i dunno actually, i think i just had a heart attack at home” you guys start to walk and you turn your head to look at him with confusion on your face “hm?” you say and he sighs “i dunno it was crazy , felt like my chest was caving and i couldn’t breathe even though i wasn’t doing anything? i was bugging” he rushes out his words in talks in total disbelief “it was prolly a panic attack, you been stressed recently ?” you ask and you take his hand “like never before i just got so much on my mind” he exhales deeply and looks up as he continues walking “yea i can tell , you’ve been a little off . but you know you can always always always tell me anything , you gotta talk to me miles” you say reassuringly and you squeezed his hand . he lets go of your hand and freezes in place looking straight at you when you turn to face him, all you do is squint your eyes a little , miles inhales then
“i’m spider-man [name]. andi’vebeenspidermanfortwoyearsandifeellikei’mgoingfuckingcrazyican’ttalktoanyoneaboutitordoanythinganditstakingovermyentirelifeitsdrainingmesomuchandputtingastrainonallofmyrelationshipsespicallyoursandihatethatbecauseiloveyouandnimnotfinnaletthisruinusbutthenagainirlycantgoaroundtellingpeopleandijustdontwhatishoulddomyparentsareallonmyassaboutschoolandcollegeandidontwannathinkaboutcollegeicantevendogoodinschoolnowbecauseofthisstupidassjobandifeellikeimdrowing” he just spills out his feelings and the complete double life he’s living at 15 and all you can do is listen , you’re a little stunned by the delivery of his confirmation of your boyfriend being the city’s hero but you truly did already know . it’s quiet for a little , you just hug him hard and he returns it slowly . “miles, im really happy you finally said it , it felt like i was gonna have to force it out you of you .”
you chuckle into his chest and he pushing you back by your shoulders looking into your eyes “wait wtf are you talking about” he says with genuine concern “i know you’re spider man baby” you smile and he looks dumbfounded “but- how??” he goes through all the instances in his mind where he almost slipped but he can’t think of one where he did . “i never see you and spider-man in the same room , he sounds just like you , and i found your mask in your coat pocket a while ago” he just scoffs “do you feel better now?” you ask you start walking and he puts his arm around you sighing softly “yeah i do, feels like a weight lifted” “yea you don’t have to keep sneaking around me , almost thought you were cheating before i put the pieces together . i can help you with school , maybe it’ll get your parents off your back a little ?” you suggest and he nods with a big grin “yes please i love you sooo much and i would never cheat on you mami” you smile and walk in silence with him for a little until he noticing you yawning “wanna go back home baby?” you nod and he picks you up . “what are u doing?“ you ask and he smirks “now i don’t have to hide we can just swing home.” your face lights up “i’ve always wanted to swing let’s go” he chuckles and you guys swing all the way back to your house .
when you get back in your room through the window “moon river” by frank ocean is playing softly through your speaker and miles starts to sing along as he takes off his outside clothes so he can get in your bed “wtf u know about moon river?” you say playfully and he sings louder the says “stfu i know a lot more than you, this song is sweet” you giggle at the absolute sass monster he is and get into bed with him , you listen to the sound of his heart beat and fall asleep to his voice lightly singing the song . now whenever you think of that song you think of the moment when you and miles relationship changed for the better
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starryficsfinishwen · 4 months
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✧。◟ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴍᴇ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ! — PGR Men x reader
last night, I laid in bed so blue / then I realized the truth!
summary // how do your favorite constructs kiss you?
a.n. - post Valentine's post :D I've been so busy with irl lately, I only just got back on my Tumblr 🫠 how'd your valentine's go?(I had a date with my school project :'D so peinful)
pairing(s) - lee, chrome, wanshi, kamui, camu, watanabe, noan, roland, noctis x f!commandant (and can be gender neutral!) (separate!)
content // suggestive LOL basically how your favorite playable characters would kiss you scenarios~
dividers by @/saradika-graphics!
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ Lee: Hyperreal
Kissing Lee is like breathing.
Inhaling, in the way his hands are on your jaw, the little smile on your lips when his breath fans yours. Breathing in, the smell of the cologne you've gifted him makes you dizzy in a good way, the softest brush of his mouth on the corner of your lips. Taking in, the taste of chocolate; bitter as the coffee you made the first time, yet morphs into something so sweet as sugar cookies, and you can feel him smiling as your lips meet, savoring every drop he offers—
Exhaling, as Lee pulls away to give you air, foreheads touching, because you are both too intertwined to move away from one another.
“We made quite a mess here,” you giggled.
The newly-made kitchen of the Gray Raven base is as messy as a child's breakfast: pots and pans strung everywhere, chocolates and other liquids splattered all over the counter, the drain is probably clogging for some reason (it was Lee's fault), and there was a burnt cake placed somewhere (your fault) but you both never minded those.
“I told you to let me handle all the baking,” Lee huffs, thumbs unconsciously caressing your jaw, “You had to be so stubborn.”
“I knew what I was doing,” you pout, “You always follow the recipe, even though you could just do some feeling!”
“I am starting to doubt your feelings. Remember the first-”
“-not another word.”
“Okay, okay, I'm sorry to burst your bubble.” Lee smiles at you, hands now placed beside your legs on the table you sat on, “We might as well clean up and just order something else.”
“Nooo,” you whine, tugging on his 'Kiss the Cook' apron, “The last cake is in the oven. It'll be done. I promise, it will taste yummy.”
Your lover laughs, his head rubbing your cheek, “Remind me again why we are baking?”
“It was supposed to be my surprise for you for Valentine's.” You admit, sighing, “You had to come and ruin it.”
Everything feels natural; his body fills in the gaps in yours. His head rests on your neck, your hand on his cheek and hair, his arms on your waist. You breathe in the same air, laughing off the smell of the burnt cake from earlier.
“I'm sorry,” he softly murmurs, his lips lightly kissing your neck, “...at least I get to take you out tonight.”
“Tonight?” Did you have a plan for tonight?
“Yes. I reserved a table for us at the restaurant you like.”
What a surprise. Pulling away to look at Lee's cerulean eyes, you somehow realized something:
“I thought you hated dining outside of our lounge.”
“I do,” Lee purses his lips, before sighing, “but I know we've been busy and you wanted to eat outside. Besides, it's still practical because of the restaurant's offer for Valentine's.”
Ah, this man is so smooth. You already knew that it wasn't just for that reason. Leaning to press your lips into his, you could feel your heart leap out of joy. You could hear the ting of the oven, but you never cared. You only wanted Lee's kiss— Lee's love, in the form of inhaling, taking in, exhaling.
“Commandant,” Lee pulls away slightly, whispering, “the cake-”
“I love you, Lee,” you giggled, hands threading in his hair as you purposely let your leg catch that particular spot that made him shudder, “You're so sly.”
“...You better finish what you've started, Commandant.”
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ Chrome: Glory
Kissing Chrome is needy.
It's hot, it's heavy— his hands that grasped your shoulders, almost afraid you'd disappear if he wasn't careful; yet, still so gentle— his lips on yours are so soft, you feel like you'd melt if he wasn't holding you.
“I missed you,” Chrome mumbles when he parted from yours for air, “I missed you so damn much.”
It's not a common occurrence for the both of you to be away from each other. He was the Captain of Strike Hawk, and you had your own team. But to be away from the public eye, to be in some random corner of the streets, as your heavy breathing mingled with one another and your bodies touching, you remember that you couldn't be away from your lover far too long now.
“I missed you, Chrome, I missed you, too.” You could sob from the intensity of your situation, hands reaching for whatever part of him—his shoulders, his arms, his cheek— “Thank God, I can finally see you.”
“Me too,” Chrome breathes, placing a kiss on the crown of your head, “I couldn't wait any longer.”
“Do you still have more appointments?”
“I do,” he groans, frustration evident on his pretty face, “I still have to meet a few more people...”
“I'm sorry.”
“Don't be,” Chrome is the one who apologizes instead, starry eyed twinkling that made you frown instead.
It's always busy and no rest days. Apart from your lover being such a dependable leader, sometimes, your greed makes you want to steal him away. But alas, as you caress his cheek, the cool touch of his skin underneath your fingertips, it makes you lean onto him, lips kissing his jaw.
“I missed your touch,” You admit, hands now on his cheeks, “I missed your face. I missed your hands, your kisses— I don't want to be away from you longer.”
Was it your position that somehow made you hot? Or was it the way Chrome leaned more into you, kisses reaching every inch of your face, to your chin, to your exposed jaw— you stifle a quiet moan, as Chrome nips at a particularly sensitive spot on your neck, something that you've never touched before, something that was a step closer into your relationship.
“I am trying so hard not to overwhelm you, [Y/N]. I missed you so badly,” Chrome groans, “but finally seeing you, finally being able to touch you...I want to show you how much I missed you, but I'm afraid it'll be too much...”
“Don't stop,” Boldly, you proclaimed, hands running through his hair, disrupting it into a messy one, “Let's go home, Chrome. Show me how much you've missed me, and I'll show you mine.”
Pulling away so slightly, Chrome's turquoise irises reflecting a darker shade amidst the light from the crack of the corner. In between those eyes and your pending responsibilities, you already made your decision. As you feel Chrome's hold on your hips, you pressed your lips to him.
“I hope you'll stay true to that offer, [Y/N].”
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Wanshi: Hypnos
Kissing Wanshi is dreamy.
In the tender tones of daylight, the artificial sun bleeding into your skin. There are too many touches all at once, but neither the two of you bother to pull away. Wanshi's lips find your skin without a hassle, humming when you swallow your laughs. He's everywhere— your hand, your arm, your shoulder, the dip of your breasts, your clavicle— everywhere but your face.
“Wanshi,” you purred, never bothering to open your eyes, “you're so needy...”
“Hush, let me dream a bit longer,” your lover sighs in your neck, nibbling your skin, “it's not everyday I get to kiss you like this.”
“We'll both be late at this point. Didn't you say Captain Chrome warned you already?”
“He already put those rules before,” he pauses, yawning, arms now wrapped possessively around your waist, “I'm exempted.”
“I won't be surprised if you get to be deprived of your capsule for another week...”
“Hey, this is about us today,” he murmurs, lightly kissing the side of your neck, “I don't want to hear another man's name in our bed...”
Your lover never learns. But still, you couldn't help but laugh at his antics. It's his problem anyways, not yours. As you giggle, your hand finds itself cupping Wanshi's soft cheeks, squeezing it.
“Wanshi, darling, we really need to get up soon. I also have work.”
You could feel Wanshi pouting against your skin. Without a warning, he gets on top of you, golden eyes looking at you. “Five minutes. Give me five more minutes, and I'll let you go.”
As you were about to ask what he meant, Wanshi leans down to capture your lips with his. You squeak from surprise, but in the end, you couldn't help but submit to his whims. His soft lips, the love that permeates from him, slipping in so deeply into you as you felt yourself buried deeper into the sheets. Your hand finds his, intertwining as he leads it above your head. Forget your job, forget that it's another shitty work day; it's only you and Wanshi, in your bed, and his dreamy kisses.
You love Wanshi, and you'd always pick him, despite his sleepy circumstances, despite everything else.
“Mm...Wanshi, give me more than five minutes.” You mutter, letting your legs wrap around his waist, pressing into him.
“Yes, nngh, you win this time. Now, give me more kisses.”
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ Kamui: Tenebrion
Kissing Kamui is like catching the sun in both hands.
More like a surprise; playful shouting as he wins another round of your favorite game, leaving you dumbfounded in your chair. You love your man so much that you'd rather see him with that goofy smile on his face. But sometimes, some victories feel like they are being rubbed hard on your face.
“Haha! This is the third time now!”
“Alright, alright,” you shrug, placing the controller down, watching Kamui lead out of his seat, “You win.”
“Does this mean I get to have the seat for a week?”
“A month, too, if you want,” you shrug again, “Congratulations, Kamui.”
It's his playful character that made you fall for him in the first place— a unique laughter, the way his eyes crinkled with delight, how Kamui's feet would curl. But unbeknownst to him, however, you had another trick on your sleeve.
“Time for a free round!”
“No, thank you,” you flutter your eyes at him, “I'd like to see you play for now. I might get you next time if I watch your movements.”
Kamui laughs instead, making your stomach jump, “Babe, just watch, then. But I'm sure that I'll win again like always.”
As Kamui positions, your plan goes into play. He won't win against you, the real mastermind of the game.
Kamui's eyes glimmer as he focuses intently on the game. Somehow, in the middle of scoring another new record, his mind lands on you.
“[Y/N]? You seem qui-”
When he turns his head, he is met with a surprise kiss on his lips. Kissing Kamui always felt like reaching for the sun in your hands, especially this way: the surprised sound from his lips when they met yours, the softest yet so hot as he absentmindedly drops his console, reaching to hold you; Kamui doesn't hesitate to kiss you back with the same intensity— tongue tasting his favorite drink on yours, the smell of your perfume, and the dizzying heat when he refuses the pull away, in spite of your little plan.
You squeak when Kamui gently pushes you onto the sofa, him breaking away to find your saliva strung together on both of your lips. The game plays in the background, forgotten as Kamui straddles you. Looking back at his glinting eyes, you seem to miss this in your equation.
“Really, [Y/N]?”
“Y-you didn't have to- I-I thought you'd-”
“Tsk, tsk,” Kamui laughs, thumb caressing your swollen lips, “[Y/N], you already knew I'd let you win. I guess you'll be getting your present early, then~”
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Camu: Crocotta
Kissing Camu is like snow on the beach.
So rare, so sudden. It's the rumble of the vending machine of some unknown brand, dropping a new kind of food. Was it edible?
“So they really did put up these things.”
It's the low sound of Camu's husky voice surprising you on a random sunny afternoon. You quickly pick up the food, presenting it in front of him, “Do you mean this?”
Camu takes the food from your hand. It's a cake in a can, you presume, as it is written boldly on the cover. Squinting his eyes, Camu effortlessly tears off the lid without the use of the safety pin. At this point, such a scenario no longer surprises you.
“A cake in the can?”
“A cake in the can.” Camu affirms, giving it back to you, “It was a staple for the Japanese vending machines back in the Golden Age.”
The little treat (although forced open) seemed cute. Using the spoon provided, you took a few bites. Immediately, a yummy flavor pours into your mouth, making you squeal with joy. You quickly taste more.
“Mmh! It's so sweet~!”
“Yeah, they're usually really sweet.”
Taking a large spoonful, you hold it out to Camu. “Would you like some?”
Hesitant. Camu looks at you, somehow judging you (do you usually hold out food to random people?), yet cautiously leans down to your height. His eyes never leave yours as he takes a bite, even until he gulps it down. Your eyes twinkle as you notice your joy reflected in his, signaling the sweet taste of the dessert.
“What do you think?”
“...it is very sweet.”
“I really want to eat more of this~” you grin, “let me order-”
Camu holds your shoulder, causing you to stop. When you turned to look back at him, focused dark eyes looked at you.
Camu leans forward, his face inches away from yours. As you feel your temperature grow higher, you only notice Camu's thumb caress the corner of your mouth.
“...you had a bit of cream there.”
Did you only notice Camu's handsomeness just now? Or was it because of the close proximity? His breath is cool on your lips, pretty dark eyes devoid of any harshness that he usually portrays, yet the subtle softness of his features somehow made him look more handsome up close. It makes you want to kiss him.
“I'm sorry?”
Snapping out of your reverie, you blink at him, “Huh?”
“You said you wanted to kiss me.”
Crap. You and your thoughts! You groan, trying to mask your reddening embarrassment, “Ah, Camu, I'm so sorry, I didn't-”
But Camu closes the gap anyways. It catches you off guard at first, but his kiss is cool and warm at the same time, almost felt like bathing in the sea amidst the snow. You taste the sweet cake on his lips, the smell of peppermint invading your senses. It is only a short while, ending as fast as it started. When he pulls away, you find dark eyes reflecting your emotion: curiosity.
“Technically, we indirectly kissed already.”
Camu points at the spoon, realization dawning on you. You squeak, trying to assess more of the situation. But Camu, with a small smile on his lips despite the deepening blush on his cheeks, coughs, “...I guess it's time for me to ask you out later during the Valentine's event, then.”
You were about to ask what the deal was about, until your mind whirred back to his initial words.
“I thought you don't like Valentine's?”
“I don't like Valentines.” He said.
“So why...?”
Camu, turning away from you, before looking back with a smile on his face, “I like you, obviously.”
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Watanabe: Epitaph
Kissing Watanabe is always a surprise.
It's when you least expected it. From the sudden kisses in front of children, to meet ups in the warehouse, and even in random times of the day. Watanabe would always keep surprising you, you almost think it's a routine at this point (God Bless your heart; hopefully his antics won't kill you before your fated day).
However, lately, it's almost not happening.
“Hello, [Y/N],” your lover greets you as he passes by, opting to continue talking to the man beside him. You retract your expectant hands.
“Watch out, [Y/N].” Watanabe calmly catches you by your hips, when a child nearly hits you with the ball. You wanted to reach out, but he was already walking away.
“I'll be taking that.” And gone was the playful kiss on your shoulder, instead, it was a smile on his lips as he took the supplies and left you in the dark. What the hell was going on?
On a random evening, he started to avoid you on purpose.
“Watanabe!” You cried out as you watched him disappear from the sea of people.
It was the nth time of you trying to track him down that day. Tired from running around, you slump against the wall, tears filling your eyes. Your tears began to escape your eyes as the atmosphere around you, despite it being Valentine's, was full of love and laughter.
What did you do wrong? Watanabe is your lover, one you've long promised to be with forever. But what was forever if he no longer looked at your way?
“Miss [Y/N]?”
Sniffling away your tears, you looked up to see one of the Forsaken soldiers. “Y-yes?”
“...are you alright?”
“Y-yes, yes,” you were not, but you still stood up, facing the soldier, “What do you need?”
“Could you kindly come with me to the warehouse? I need someone to inspect the weapons before we head out tomorrow.”
Wordlessly, you follow the construct. Your mind swims in a hazy sea of doubts and self depreciation. Should you leave this place? Go back to Babylonia? You are still welcome there, last time you checked. But the people...
It didn't take a while before you both arrived at the destination. Stepping inside the dark warehouse, you failed to notice that the door behind you closed. As you ran to pry it open, from the corner of your eyes, you saw a lone light shine in the middle of the dark warehouse.
It's Watanabe.
All of your anger rushes to your brain. Your legs move quicker, however, sprinting to reach out to the estranged man.
“You selfish little-”
Anything Watanabe says is fast, but your reflexes are faster. You held onto his arms, your tears of anger flowing as you cried out.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
“I know, I know-”
“Do you know how sad and angry I am at you? For leaving me with no answers?”
Watanabe does not answer. He lets you speak.
“Why? What did I do wrong? Why are you ignoring me?”
“I am aware, yes.” He answers, sorrowful, “I am sorry for treating you that way, [Y/N]. I know I shouldn't have done that, but my actions hurt you instead.”
“Then why did you do it?”
Watanabe doesn't answer. Instead, he reaches out to cup your cheeks, genuine sadness reflecting in his expression.
“I have been thinking. And I made up my mind.”
He caresses your cheeks with such reverence, it almost makes you melt. “...being away from you is so cruel. I wanted to make such a heavy decision, to leave you so you could be with another human, but I realized that I was just like you— I would be angry, too.”
Watanabe leans down, your forehead touching, “I want to be greedy for you, [Y/N]. Please, let me make it up to you.”
Suddenly, you were aware of the weight of your words from earlier. You weren't mad; you were devastated. Should this man, the love of your life, leave you, what becomes of you, then?
You tug on his collar, whispering, “Don't go. Kiss me, please.”
Kissing Watanabe really is a surprise. It's fulfilling, in a way that completes you like a puzzle, his warm lips on yours. You love him just as much as he loves you, perhaps more— it's agonizing, it's too much, yet you crave for him; he is all you have. When he reluctantly pulls away, he whispers your name.
The lights of the warehouse turn on. And behind him, a dazzling display of flowers and pictures are shown.
“I know it's not much, unlike the luxuries in Babylonia,” Watanabe kneels down, the glittering stone on the engraved jewelry in his hand, “But this is all from every corner of my heart; I love you, my [Y/N]. Please accept my proposal.”
You couldn't hold your tears anymore— from anger, they turned into immense joy. The answer has long been spoken.
“Marry me, my [Y/N].”
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Noan: Arca
Kissing Noan is sweet.
Little kisses and noises of joy as you take breaks in between your book reading. It's his warm hand on top of yours, the other busy flipping through the pages. Noan's voice is a soothing lullaby, a gentle lull as he reads the passages for you.
“It's quite ironic,” Noan breaks away from the book, putting it aside as he brushes away the hair covering your face, “I thought you wanted me to read to you.”
There you were, comfortably laying on his lap, watching him with tired eyes. Slightly pouting, you weakly tugged on his scarf, “Noan, why did you stop...”
“My lap isn't very comfortable to sleep in. Let's move you back to your base.”
“Nooo,” you stubbornly shook your head, trying not to let Noan stand, “Finish reading the book, please? You're almost at the exciting part...”
Sighing, Noan picks up the book. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, one of the books that caught Noan's attention. Driven by your immense curiosity and how Noan was itching to read the story, judging by its summary, you thought it was a nice idea to let him read to you. It's hitting two birds with one stone!
“I don't get how you're so interested in the book,” Noan asks, flipping back to the page where he left, “You're already falling asleep.”
You don't have the heart to tell him you've already read it while you were still in the F.O.S. “Well, I think the concept is neat.”
“The concept of a man who has the body parts of dead people off killing people just to appease his creator?”
You shrugged, “I mean...”
Noan laughs, fingers idly drifting and drawing circles on your cheek, “Just tell me that you're just doing this because you think that I'm interested in it.”
“Are you not?” You turned to catch brown eyes looking at you with mirth.
“In a way, yeah.”
You pondered for a bit, trying to remember the contents of the book. Lifting your hand to cup Noan's cheeks, you huffed, “Y'know, you remind me a bit of the monster.”
Quickly catching yourself with your words (to which Noan laughs), “I mean, minus the killing. Wait, no, I mean-”
“Okay, okay, something related to that?”
“Yes, that.” You grinned, “the monster wasn't supposed to mean any harm. He simply wanted the attention and love from his creator.”
Your lover, in a way, was similar to the monster of the book. Rebuilt and revived, nearly as a killing machine. But does a killing machine have to look this beautiful in the hazy afternoon glow? Noan's lips parted for a bit, before pursing them. Lifting your head, you snuck in a short kiss on the corner of his mouth.
“You're similar yet different from the monster, Noan.” You murmured, closing your eyes as you inhaled his smell, “Thus strangely are our souls constructed, and by slight ligaments are we bound to prosperity and ruin.”
Noan chuckles, lightly squeezing your cheeks, “and you tell me you've never read the book before-”
“I didn't disagree, didn't I?”
“Noan,” you whispered, “Unlike Frankenstein's story, you are never feared, nor despised.”
You kissed Noan. It's sweet— the taste of the cookies you gave, the herbal tea; his lips that were made to kiss yours, to fit; and Noan, who went through too much, was yours to protect forevermore.
“You are loved, even more than your creator.”
When you pull away, deep red tinted his cheeks and ears, which made you laugh. “Well, Noan?”
“Mm...I should stop reading the book since you already know-”
“Keep going, please?” You purred, “I like you reading to me.”
“...mh, fine, you're lucky I like you.”
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Roland: Flambeau
Kissing Roland is, well, comedic.
He's laughing; the crescendo plays a melodic tune, as he plays his role. Your lover is a clown at this point, laughing manically with every step he takes.
But you love him anyway. You love your clown.
“Roland, dear,” you giggle, “Remind me again what's my role?”
He pauses, before approaching you. “Mi amor,” Roland reaches out to your hand, kissing it, “You are the lead of this play!”
As he continues to play his role, you are sitting in front of him, on a fancy chair. For Valentine's, you half-expected Roland to join the theatre, however, he was here in front of you— with only you as the audience and apparently the lead as well.
“What do I do?”
“Sit prettily there,” Roland winks, “That's your role.”
“Alright. Do I still get compensated?”
“Hush, the climax of this story is now nearly in full bloom.”
With a crisp spin, Roland turns to face you, the spotlight hitting every nice angle he had. In his hand, a single, beautifully blooming rose.
“Mi amor, my love, my light,” Roland began his monologue, “Though it has been a very long journey and story, here we are, still alive.”
Ah, you realized this scene now. The first proper confession.
Roland walks to you, despite his clownish appearance, he genuinely had a sweet smile on his face. “Damned by those who defy our circumstances; from this day forward, I am yours, as much as you are mine.”
He looks at you, with gentle hands holding your cheek, “What do you say, mi amor?”
In the original story, you ran away out of fear. But you were in a new scenario with him now. Smiling, you dragged him to you with his shirt, “Hmm, sounds missing.”
You wink at Roland, “Ah, I know now.”
Without a warning, you closed the gap in between your lips. Roland eases into you easily; grasping at hands, responding to your move. It's still soft, his lips that make you dream of oceans and theatre plays— it makes you want more.
But Roland pulls away, chuckling, “Well, that certainly wasn't part of the script.”
“You kept missing the cues,” you stuck your tongue out, “I merely filled in the gaps.”
“That's my girl,” Roland praises, “My perfect muse, my perfect actress.”
Comedic, in a way that it's the perfect timing. You leaned further to kiss him more.
“Mm, I still have a few ideas you can add to your script.”
Roland's hand in your hips tightened, mirroring your smile, “Do tell, we should execute it afterwards.”
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Noctis: Indomitus
Kissing Noctis is wild.
In how he holds you effortlessly in one hand. You grasp where your hands could reach, but you could only breathe in. In how Noctis's voice sends shivers. A melody that echoes so long.
His lips are begging to be with you. It's almost painful.
“[Y/N], [Y/N],” Noctis whines, “Please, let me touch you.”
“We are in a public area, Noctis,” you whisper, aware of his creeping fingers on your pants, “Mmh, it's not just me...”
Your lover was supposed to be a grown man, but who knew his neediness could make him such a needy child?
“Please, please, I promise it won't take long,” He groaned as his fingers rubbed your thighs, “I'll be very quick.”
Sighing, you try to look around you. Making sure that no one else could see, you pulled Noctis closer, lips mere inches away from one another.
“Be quick, okay?”
And you trust Noctis. Kissing him is wild— as if asking to be breathed back to life, he kisses you with such fervor. Never minding touchy hands, it's so hot that you unconsciously opened the buttons on your shirt. Noctis loves hard and harder, the beating of his heart a testament. His tongue on yours, hands everywhere else.
“Thank you,” he cries out, making you throb, “I owe you so much...”
“How about pushing it past my limits today, Noctis?”
Without a word, Noctis slips into you for one more stolen kiss. “You have my word, then, [Y/N].”
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Writing this half asleep HAHAHAHAHSHSHA
— starry
216 notes · View notes
acapelladitty · 5 days
caught a saint, while he was sinning
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Pairing: Cooper Howard/Lucy Maclean
Summary: His insides more outside than he would like due to a deathclaw attack, Cooper is fixed up by Lucy until a wicked nightmare sparks disaster between the pair. (5k words)
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Link to AO3
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Hissing in discomfort while Lucy diligently threaded the needle through the torn flesh of his lower stomach, Cooper grit his teeth against the pain as he let his mouth run to compensate for the sharp sting.
"That goddamn hurts, vaultie."
Lucy paused at his exclamation, her hands stuttering in their work as she glanced up as his drawn face. He hid it well but she could see the dullness in his eyes as he refused to flinch away from the needle which pulled his skin neatly back together.
"Sorry. I'm trying to be gentle. I haven't sewn someone up before, only my clothes."
A rogue deathclaw had got the better of Cooper, its sharpened talons ripping a solid line through his stomach and tearing the hell outta his shirt as it ambushed them from behind an old billboard they were attempting to pass by. Quicker with his reflexes, Cooper had knocked the oblivious Lucy down to the ground as the beast charged but the slight delay cost him the kill shot and the pained shock of having his skin torn open had dropped him just as quickly.
Lucy had been the one to put it down, recovering with surprising speed as a scream wrenched free of her throat at his injury. Her hands had been quick to pull her gun free and blow a chunk clean out of the beasts head, a lucky kill which felled it in an instant. Immediately returning to drop to his side to check the damage, her hands had been everywhere, tugging at the ripped shirt to expose the wound as he lay there, gasping and grunting as he valiantly fought the urge to scream.
It had hurt like fresh hell in a handbasket.
Sure he could heal, but something like this took time and that vulnerability was almost worse than the wound itself.
Luckily, a nearby house - the four walls barely standing due to weathering and age - had been close enough to be jerkily hobbled to as Lucy supported him with his arm locked around her shoulders.
She had never seen him hurt like this before and it showed in how her fingers trembled and her eyes refused to leave him as she administered what little help she could. It was a level of attention that struck a hot discomfort which ghosted across his skin as he endured her ministrations while propped against one of the filthy walls within the kitchen.
"Will you be okay?" Lucy asked, again, and as much some part of him acknowledged that the question came from a place of genuine concern, Cooper couldn't help the irritation it ignited within him as his jaw twitched.
"I'm damn fine, quit your fucking yappin'."
Lucy winced at the aggression but didn't stop her work as she sewed up the last of the wound and tied off the end of the twine. Her fingers were coated crimson and the glossiness of them made her feel queasy as she inhaled and exhaled careful breaths to keep her composure. Watching Cooper drop following the fleshy squelch of his abdomen being carved through had made her own heart cease beating for a solid moment and the adrenaline from that fright refused to leave her as it spilled across her actions.
"Do you need anything?" Her shaking hands reaching for the small backpack which housed her kit, Lucy wasn't sure what the hell she was supposed to do now. The blow should have killed him, it would have killed her stone dead as her body was much softer than his own, but Cooper was still here, suffering yet as much of a grumpy bastard as ever. "What about some chem?"
"Best idea you've had today, sweetheart." Cooper hissed through gritted teeth, his hand unfurling from his duster to hold out and await his beloved drug. "Hand it over."
Lucy didn't hesitate, uncorking the small vial and placing it within his hand, holding it there until she was certain that he had a good grip of it. In response, Cooper didn't hesitate to slam it down his throat - a few errant drops dripping free of his lips as a satisfied shudder rolled through his damaged frame.
"Sweet as honey." He mumbled, wiping off his mouth with his wrist. "Apple pie and ice cream ain't got shit on whatever the fuck they lace this with. Makes me miss cocaine."
With no idea what that was, Lucy smiled indulgently regardless before her face turned somber once again and her nose pinched with concern.
"But will you be okay?"
"Relax, princess. Don Pedro used to carve more than this off me for fun and you don't see me sobbing like a bitch about it."
"Wh-what does that mean?" She frowned, the little wrinkle that always appeared between her brows when she was confused quickly making itself known.
"Oh yeah. Just before our little causal disagreement over that one scientist, I spent the last thirty years six feet under with nothing but the maggots for company." Cooper said, his face tilting to meet her own as he confessed a bit more of his history to her. "Except for being dug up, hauled out like a mule, and made lighter to the tune of a few fingers and toes here and there every year."
Looking thoroughly repulsed, Lucy allowed her upset to shine on her features as her fingers upped their tremble on the edges of his duster.
He wasn't kidding.
Unable to fathom just how terrible that would have been as her mind raced with questions about things like food and air, the expression on Lucy's face was open as she worked through that revelation.
"Cooper," clearly unsure how to respond, Lucy went with her gut reaction, "that's awful."
Not quite able to argue that point, Cooper simply grunted in acknowledgement.
"Could have been worse. He threatened to take my cock once. Bastard." Cooper spat on the floor, tilting his head away from his body.
Again offset by the casualness of the violence he had been subjected to, Lucy couldn't tell if he was now joking or not as his stoic expression held her own without flinching. But hold her gaze he did, his eyes flashing as she stared him out with something almost like pity.
Revolted at the thought of being seen in such a light, Cooper felt a wave of weariness pass through his frame with such a pressing determination that he audibly shuddered and adjusted his upper body against the kitchen wall - sensing that if he didn't take a small nap that his body would make the choice for him anyway as it fought to start the healing process.
"Take this." Handing off his gun to her, Cooper remained reclined against the wall but Lucy could tell that he was ready to pass out as she sat back from him and held his gun in her hands. "And shoot anything that walks through those doors. Don't hesitate, vaultie, or we're both fucked."
Accepting his instructions with a nod, Lucy took the hint and backed further off his position, allowing him the space he was unspokenly asking for.
Blinking at his reflection in the mirror, the sinking feeling which Cooper felt within his gut as he observed the familiar bathroom around him told him he was dreaming. This bathroom had been lost before the bombs, taken by Barb in the divorce as he had been forcibly ejected from his own home by Vault Tec lawyers who were more prepared than his own sleazeball lawyer could ever hope to be.
Feet treading a familiar path as hell settled in his gut, a cruel mixture of nostalgia and pain making his legs feel weighted, Cooper turned to leave the bathroom and trudge down the stairs to his sitting room. His own steeled gaze meeting him from the posters which littered the walls, he caught his reflection in one of the panes and the textured leather of his skin felt hot under the sudden scrutiny.
The ghosts of laughter, the faint footfalls of Janey sprinting across the hallways as he chased her, assaulted him and the ache in Cooper's heart grew so intense for a moment that he pressed his wrist over his chest. Stairs creaked under his weight as he descended and his every instinct knew what he would find in the sitting room before he even turned the corner.
Inhaling steadily, he faced his demons.
And there she was.
"Barb." A gut punch as ever, the sight of her sparked a wretched feeling in Cooper's chest; shattered love and primal hate making his heart uptick in tempo once more as he curled his roughened hands into fists.
"Cooper." Barb replied in kind, her dark skin standing out beautifully against the light sundress which cinched around her waist before flowing out to her knees. "You still here looking for me, sweetie? After all this time?"
"Not looking." Cooper snarled, immediately firing off on the offense. "Hunting you down." Unwilling to allow himself any weakness he steeled his spine and drew to fullest height. "To get what's mine and punish all of you for the shit you pulled and the hell you wrought. And that includes you, Barb. What you did."
"What I did?" Laughing breezily as her beautiful white teeth flashed in her mouth, Barb shook her head at him. "You mean, what we did? You knew what was going to happen, Coop. You knew what they were going to do and you did nothing to stop us."
Cooper spat on the floor.
"Horseshit. I couldn't do an-"
"You took the easy way out. Stayed quiet for Janey and look where that got you. A horrible monster, all alone in the world because he was too afraid to speak up and try to help anyone."
"The mighty jerk-offs of Vault-Tec vs one washed-up acting son of a bitch. What the fuck else was gonna happen? I spoke out, I got taken out. Best thing I ever did was leave that den of fucking vipers."
Unbothered by the vitriol, Barb smiled at him with obvious placation as she made her points.
"You left her as well."
Flinching as though struck, Cooper denied the accusation hotly.
"No, you took her. From me. The one person who didn't want her locked up and hidden away in your perfect fucking utopia world that never existed."
"And look where she is now."
It was a cruel tease and Cooper couldn't stop his body from leaping at his ex-wife, determined to exact some kind of revenge, to feel her flesh beneath his fingers, before his brain caught up with his actions. Regardless, he found his hands grasping at nothing as Barb's voice shifted to speak from somewhere behind him.
"Not going to work, Coop."
Cooper whirled towards the source of her new position and found her lounging against the large bay windows which led out to their garden.
"It's your fault as much as mine. This was our dream."
As Barb indicated a sweeping hand out the window, Cooper watched with horror as the plush garden fell away into ruin; trees withering in an instant to rotten, gnarled bark as the greenery shredded itself into reddened dust. In a blink, his garden was gone and replaced by the vastness of the wastelands.
His new home.
"We did it to build a better life for Janey."
"Fuck you, Barb. This wasn't our dream. You wouldn't even let me bring the fucking dog."
Still bitter about that despite the relentless hell which his life had dissolved into since, Cooper held his ground as he stared Barb down and continued.
"You took Janey away from me. From me. She was all- all I had left, Barb. All that you left me after I kept your cruel fucking secret."
"Our secret. That's why you see me, Coop. All that guilt and all that rage but you still love me-"
"Don't. Don't love you no more." Pain gnawing at his nerves, Cooper felt almost light-headed as he denied her accusations once more. "That feeling died when the first bomb hit the ground and I had to scoop up our daughter and run."
"So why are you still chasing me then? Two hundred years and you've never stopped. Not even with this new, pretty little thing by your side."
Barb dissolved in a blink before materialising before him and Cooper found his hands locked around her throat before he could think too much about it. Her mention of Lucy was strange. In all his decades of nightmares, his demons had never shifted from their focus and the off-hand comment unsettled him greatly as he squeezed his fingers into Barb's neck - rage and pain making his arms tremble in place as her smile never shifted once.
"Are you going to kill me, Coop?"
"For Janey. For what you took from her."
"I did it for her."
"For taking ME from her."
Barb's smirking face melted away to be replaced by an encroaching darkness and Cooper felt a childish fear seize his heart as he realised he could barely move as his wrists and feet struck out against solid wood.
The coffin.
Stale air filled his lungs as his breathing quickly grew erratic, his throat feeling hot with a shocking speed due to the quick inhales of trapped dirt and terror, and his hands moved of their own accord as they slammed against the heavy wood which trapped him in place with a frantic desperation.
Unable to articulate his words, something raw and guttural tore free of his lips as his blows did nothing but dislodge some of the dirt which had settled in the cracks of the wood and it fell to his face as he spluttered and twisted away from it as much as possible.
Panic clawed at his chest. Memories and nightmares. The constant shifting of the darkness as it swallowed him making him writhe and kick out against the wood despite the pain in sparked in his toes. A sharp pain in his hand alerted him to the IV which steadily pumped chem into his trapped body - a cruel insurance that he would remain conscious and aware of his fate as his stomach cramped from the hunger and his lips withered to cracked lines, desperate for water.
"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! Can't fuckin- won't do this again."
His hat feeling claustrophobic against his head, Cooper tilted his head back enough to knock it free of his scalp as his lips continued to spill panicked pleas and hot tears threatened the very corners of his eyes.
"No. Fuck. C'mon. Not again. Let me the fuck outta here you sons of bitches. Fucking cocksuckers!"
But as much as he screamed, he was met with only silence as his frenzied hysteria refused to let up.
Awoken from her own disturbed nap by a sharp noise which jerked her eyes open, Lucy was quick to snap into alertness as she felt the gun in her hand and remembered her duty to keep threats at bay. She raised the gun to the door, ready to take the shot, but found nothing, only an empty space. The same noise startled her again and she glanced around to realise that it was coming from her travelling companion.
Cooper's body was still propped up where she had left it but whatever peace had found him in his initial sleep had abandoned him, leaving something much more distressing in its wake.
A nightmare.
In the vaults, nightmares were common even though no one dared to mention them. Some of the older members would dream of the famines, of the struggle to survive as others dropped dead around them with paper thin skin and jutting bones marking them for death.
Rarely did anyone share what haunted them in their sleep and rarer still did anyone ask.
But still, Lucy felt something in her chest clench as she took in the genuine upset which lined Cooper's face as his breath came in short pants and his mouth twisted with each whimper. Dropping to her haunches, Lucy gently placed her hand on his shoulder as she attempted to jostle him into consciousness.
"Cooper, hey. Get up. You're having a nightmare."
A horrid noise escaped him, something animalistic, and Lucy recoiled for a moment before steeling herself and shaking him with a little more vigour.
His eyes snapped open in a flash and Lucy barely had time to crack her lips into a soothing smile before the shit hit the fan.
Cooper's hand moved even more quickly than she could have anticipated as sharp pain exploded across Lucy's jaw - the sudden blow forcing her from her feet and back onto her ass. Falling awkwardly due to the unexpectedness of the assault, her elbow collided with the floor and she yelped as hot pain blossomed from the site. Cooper's attack continued without mercy as he followed her fallen frame like a predatory animal, his body pressing down atop her as his unseeing eyes were still haunted by whatever terrors had disturbed his sleep.
Hands jerking up to lock around her throat, the strength in the digits truly frightened her and Lucy kicked her legs against the floor as she fought valiantly for breath. Tears sprang into her eyes as her vision blurred. Her hair trapped beneath her head, the strands burned as they pulled free and she swung her face from side to side in a vain attempt to escape his hands.
His strength was incredible, she knew that from the way he so easily handled her from her use as gulper bait to the way he threw her around and adjusted her during sex. But this, this was terrifying in its aggression.
He was going to kill her.
The pressure of his thumbs on his windpipe made it impossible for her to do anything but wheeze and struggle to pull in air; not to mention that the pain of his fingertips digging in to her neck felt like fire as his unkempt nails locked into the skin at the back of her neck to keep her pinned.
Thrashing, Lucy was able to free her hand enough to sink her own nails viciously into the fingers choking her and tear off a good chunk of the skin there as it peeled back from his roughened hide. Grunting, the pain seemed to bring some kind of awareness back into Cooper's thoughts and his eyes widened in open shock as his hands went slack around her throat in an instant.
Lucy coughed and spluttered as her windpipe was released, a fat tear rolling down her heated cheek as the pressure build up in her head from the lack of oxygen made her vision darken dangerously for a moment. Her abused throat felt like hell, every grateful gulp of air feeling like acid as it burned its way down to her lungs.
Atop her, Cooper appeared frozen in place - his hands hanging in the air as he stared between them and Lucy, an open look of distress making his expressive eyes widen as clarity sparked a cruel combination of guilt and rage.
Even through her struggle, Lucy startled as Cooper used her name. Her real name. Not her surname and not some stupid nickname he had whipped up to make fun of her.
Her name.
Still unable to truly speak, the weight of Cooper rolling off her body drew a fresh wheeze from Lucy's lungs as she quickly raised up to her elbows - a sharp pain jolting in the elbow she had fallen on as she quickly switched to sitting up fully to take the pressure off.
Cooper stood, his leather duster whirling out around his legs as a vague flinch overtook him, his stomach wound making itself known once more with a flare of pain.
Silence hung between them, only broken by the odd, rattling cough from Lucy as she continued to try and settle her racing thoughts. The look which Cooper fixed her with, guilt and anger laced with a sorrow which made her heart feel tight, made her want to say something but no words would come.
Thankfully, Cooper broke the lull.
"This was a mistake."
His voice so low that Lucy had to strain her hearing to pick him up, Cooper gestured to their individual packs as they sat off to the side. Nothing existed in his tone, the empty huskiness of it refusing to be hidden behind his accent.
"Take what you need to make it to your daddy in one piece. Hell, take what the fuck you want and don't think twice about what you're leaving. When I come back and you're gone, I won't look for you. Better to try and make it yourself, Lucy Maclean."
And with that, Cooper stumbled towards the door - his injury making him slower than he would have liked - and he left, his exit leaving Lucy on the floor with a crestfallen expression.
Sleep eluded Lucy as she paced the kitchen, her feet wearing a thin track through some of the accumulated dust in the floor.
Cooper had been gone for over an hour and in that time her mind had went through every possible situation and explanation of what the hell had just happened.
He didn't mean to hurt her, that much she was sure of.
His eyes, so bright and vivid against his reddened skin, had been as shocked as her own as awareness of his assault dawned in them. And then the guilt which pooled within them left her no doubt that he wasn't fully aware of his actions. But still, her throat ached and if it weren't for the luck of her injuring his hand, he would have probably killed her, and that would be the end to her story.
No finding her dad again.
No revenge.
No changing the world.
Just a broken girl who left the world she knew to do nothing but kill her own mother and be left to rot on a kitchen floor.
Scolding herself at the depressive thought, Lucy pinched her own wrist as she tutted aloud.
"I think he would at bury me." She muttered to no one, the words carrying across the kitchen.
Cooper may have been a son of a bitch when it suited him but he did have a code of honour that she consistently saw leak through his merciless actions. He would have at least buried her and that thought didn't bring as much comfort as she hoped it would.
He didn't mean to hurt me.
A traitorous voice and one that she clung to with a selfishness that surprised her. Cooper had hurt her, really hurt her this time, but that didn't take away from the moments of softness which she shielded her mind with. The gentle touches of his calloused hands as they stroked along her softer skin. The way his weight enveloped her and protected her from the worst of the world around them as they fucked. The comfort he had given her after her brief kidnapping by those traffickers.
Why are you protecting him?
With just as much ferocity, the less savoury moments assaulted her. The burn of the toxic water in her lungs as he dropped her repeatedly into the lake as bait. The searing, white-hot pain of her hand as he carved her finger from her and took it for himself. The fear which made her feel like a little girl again as he sold her off into what she assumed was sexual slavery.
We would be better without him.
The thought curled in her mind but it was rejected with a harshness which caught her breath in her lungs as the reality of her situation presented itself in a stunning moment of clarity.
She didn't want to be alone again.
Even with his bad traits, her travels with Cooper were heaven compared to the pressing pain and anxiety at the thought of having to traverse the wastelands alone.
Cooper's wicked comments, his ability to rile her unmatched by anyone else she had ever met, gave her a companionship that allowed her to push back and express thoughts and aggression which her vault family would have recoiled at.
Cooper's lessons, as unnecessarily cruel and upsetting as they could be, had made her a better survivor and someone much more prepared to succeed in her goals as she hunted down her father.
Cooper's body, hot and textured against her own as they fought off the loneliness of their world with some physical pleasures, gave her something solid to focus on as the guilt of her choices - of killing her mother - threatened to swallow her whole in her darkest moments.
She wouldn't be alone again.
Even if that meant having to be more careful when waking Cooper up from his nightmares.
As though sensing that Lucy's thoughts were encased by him, a click of an opening door announced Cooper's return as Lucy paused in her pacing and stood to face the entrance to the kitchen which she knew he would have to pass through. His footfalls heavy, Cooper's approach was marked by the thud of his boots and, as he turned the corner into the kitchen, his breath audibly hitched as he hesitated within the doorway for only a moment before striding through.
He stood away from her, a long-suffering sigh making his chest visibly sag as he took in her standing position - his hat tilted back while his bright eyes flicked between Lucy's face and the red markings which littered her neck, the bruising not quite beginning to show.
"Still here?"
Despite the audible disappointment, Lucy swore she saw the vaguest flash of relief pass through Cooper's features and it steeled her spine as she smiled softly at him - her recent revelation bolstered by his appearance as it sparked a fondness in her chest which she refused to question.
"Cooper, I don't blam-"
In an instant, he was up in her face again and Lucy hated herself for flinching as the smell of leather and copper assaulted her nose - his scent as familiar and alluring as ever as he spoke to her harshly.
"Hit me."
"Hit me." Cooper grabbed at her hand and curled her fingers into a fist with an almost desperate pressure. "Beat my ass to the ground. I won't fight you back. Not this time."
"I don't und-"
That same desperation flashed in his eyes for a blink before being shut off and hidden away as all of his emotions quickly were.
"Knock me down until your hands are as bloodied as mine, vaultie."
"Cooper, I don't want t-"
"An eye for an eye. Do unto others, thats your golden rule, eh? So fucking hit me. Don't make me ask again."
His voice taking on an even more aggressive edge, Cooper's grip on her fist lessened when Lucy placed her other hand atop his.
"I don't want to hurt you."
"Everyone wants to hurt everyone up here. One way or another."
Lucy raised her hand and relief flooded Cooper's chest as he steeled his body against the blow. She deserved to even the score and he would take whatever she wanted to throw at him.
The smack wasn't to come though, as Lucy stroked her fingers along his jaw instead - her motion almost experimental as she trailed the roughened skin with a determined gentleness.
"I saw you. Heard the nightmare. I saw that you didn't mean to hurt me like that." Lucy soothed, pressing her chest against his own as she gazed up at him with her big, dark eyes. "I don't want to hurt you. I could- but I am choosing not to. Not everything is about coming out on top of other people."
Stunned into silence as something in her words struck a part of him that hadn't been questioned in far too long. Cooper fell back onto his heels as he stared her out. She was serious in her meaning, earnestness dripping for her features as she fought to prove the honest of her words.
He should have known better.
Lucy Maclean wouldn't take the opportunity that other people would kill for; a chance to put the infamous ghoul to the floor and do to him some of the terrible things which he had enacted on others.
This woman didn't choose violence as a reflex.
This woman had taken his unwilling brutality and chosen to forgive him rather than even the score.
This woman saw the wastelands for what they were and wanted to save everyone she could, regardless of how foolish that was.
This woman would have never dropped a bomb on this world.
That knowledge stabbing something in his chest that his recent nightmare had exposed, Cooper's slackened mouth pulled into a tight line to soothe the fear that he would do or say something personal that he would later regret opening up. Instead, he reached up his hand and trailed his ungloved fingers across the nasty marks which he had left on her throat.
"Then accept my apologies, Lucy Maclean. I don't make a habit of strangling pretty young things."
"I don't think you've ever apologised to me before." Lucy replied, allowing him to touch her neck - to see that she was okay and willing to move on as she kept her voice even.
Curiosity about his nightmare nipped at her thoughts, but this wouldn't be the right time to ask about it.
She knew that much.
But she filed the questions away for later.
Much like she filed away how softly his lips had wrapped around her name as he breathed it with repentance.
"I ain't had much to apologise for." Cooper answered in kind.
Frowning as her own hands trailed across his abdomen to ghost across the stitches she had sewn into his wound, Lucy was pleased to find that his messy movements hadn't torn any of them free.
"Mmm, I'm not sure about that one, Mr Ghoul."
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
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bugs1nmybrain · 9 months
Shoulder - Tomura x Fem!Reader ◇ Non-S3xual MDLB
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Listen I've put myself in a rabbit hole. I am embarrassed and ashamed. I am so sorry. My heart tugs for this boy. It was actually very sad to write this and I teared up a little to be honest. I want to hold him so bad, even if I die at contact. I don't know if I can tag this sfw only because I know the mommy dynamic weirds people out sometimes, but there is nothing sexual in this story at all.
This isn't a sexual fic but I would prefer minors to not interact.
Warnings: non-sexual mdlb (i am so ashamed), is it problematic? I have no idea, angst, reverse comfort, Tomura cries pretty hard, panic attack, unprescribed use of anti-anxiety meds, PTSD, mommy issues, nausea and vomiting, abandonment issues/separation anxiety, season 5 blue hair Tomura era (ignoring the Gigantomachia canon), reader is probably older than Tomura, reader is resistant to Tomura's quirk because the plot requires it, reader's POV, a lot of paragraphs start with "you" and "he" I'm so sorry
He was silent when he came home, not saying a word as he entered the bedroom. You watched as he just slid his shoes off and slumped himself on the bed, with himself turned to face the wall. He didn't acknowledge you.
This was unusual for him. It wasn't out of character for Tomura to be in a bad mood, but quiet wasn't typical. Usually, he would come complaining to you with his nasal voice, moaning and whining about how much he hated something or how bad his day went. It wasn't just that his silence that was concerning you. When you looked at him, he was breathing so heavily that you could see his back expand and shoulders rise and fall. At first, his breathing was slow and heavy, but it continued to build.
You left him be for a moment, not wanting to invade his personal space. Maybe he just needed a little time to himself. But when you went back to resume the task that you were doing before, you began hearing verbal, raspy breaths that sounded as if he was suffocating. You turned around to see Tomura's shoulders shaking, and he was closed in on himself. You realized that the only hands he had on him right now were the ones on his neck. His mother's.
You didn't want to upset him more, but you couldn't just watch him like this. You slowly approached him from behind and sat on the bed next to him. You didn't want to touch him yet, worried that he'd be startled or angered by the sudden sensation.
"What?" he rasped out, still gasping on the oxygen he managed to inhale.
"What's wrong?"
He didn't respond. His shaking got worse, and his breath seized to function. You could tell because his shoulders and back were no longer moving, and he was rigidly still.
"Tomura..." you reached out to rub his back, fearing that he'd snap, but he didn't. "Tomura, you need to breathe, okay?"
You rub firm circles on his back, and then motioned up and down. He was now only allowing small exhales come out through his nose, and his shaking stopped. Now, though, his body was tight and tense. You couldn't see it, but he was beginning to sweat.
"I need a bucket."
"Now! I'm gonna puke!"
You didn't hesitate and rushed out of the room to grab a mop bucket from the kitchen closet. You returned fast, Tomura was now lying on his back with his eyes closed and furrowed, hands on his stomach.
"I-" he was huffing in between words. "I" "I can't move" "I'm gonna throw up." "If I move I'm going to puke."
"It's okay, please sit up. You'll feel better if you let it out."
It takes you tucking your hand underneath his head and helping him to sit up for him to move. The moment he sat up, he snatched the bucket and hurled it into it. The sounds of him puking made you uncomfortable, but it sounded much more painful for him. It went all out quickly, though.
He holds out the puke bucket, signaling that he's finished.
"Are you done, baby?"
His mouth formed into an uncontrolled pouty frown and he held his head down. He only motioned a nod to tell you yes.
"Okay. I'm going to go put this outside for now and come back with a water."
Tomura mumbled an "mhm" and criss crossed his legs, head still facing downwards. You took the bucket and brought it out into the alleyway outside. You'd take care of it sometime later, but not now. All you wanted to do was make sure it wasn't stinking up the house, and to get back to your boyfriend to make sure he was okay.
When you came back your heart shattered. You watched in silence as Tomura sat there with a palm holding the sides of his face, crying. His sounds were very vocal, but when he realized you were back he began concealing them. He itched himself red as he cried, as if bugs were biting him all over. Slowly returning to his side, you began to stroke his long, blue hair softly. He shakes at your touch and his cries became uncontrolled, with breathy sobs and tears falling out from underneath his hand and he scratched vigorously.
"Do you want to talk about it?" You soothe at him gently.
"I can't-I can't breathe."
He was indeed still shaking and he sounded like he was choking on air. Your glance met the hands around his neck again, and you worried that they were causing more discomfort. You reach out to cup them, a little freaked out by it initially. They were dead hands, after all. Cold and lifeless.
"Maybe you should take these off."
"I can't. I need them! They're suffocating me! I hate this! I hate it..."
"I know, baby," he sobbed harder when you said that. "But they're hurting you. Just for a while, okay? You can put them back on later, once you've had a chance to catch your breath. Is that okay, sweetheart?"
His hand lifted off his face. He still averts his gaze, but he nods with a deep sigh. "Yea."
You proceed to remove the hands. It was hard, actually. They were snug on his neck so tightly, clasped together, and very difficult to separate from each other. You made sure to put them with the others, where they would be safe.
When you sat back on the bed you continued to rub Tomura's back. His tears soaked his lap, and his face was red.
"Hey, hey, hey..."You ran your fingers on his scalp for comfort. "Come here, Tomura..."
You gestured him toward your embrace and he latched onto you. His hold was tight and needy as he tugged on the back of your shirt and rested his face on your chest. His cries drenched your shirt and you could feel his heart pumping rapidly against your body. It felt like he was on the verge of a heart attack. You couldn't bare it.
"I have some anxiety meds, do you think that would help?"
He nods into your form and you try to get up from his embrace to get the medication. As you rise he pulls on your shirt, "please come back."
"I will, I promise."
It was sad, given that the meds were only inside of a drawer close to the bed. You got out a couple of pills and grabbed the water that you had gotten him earlier. Tomura wasn't prescribed these medications, but frankly, it didn't really matter right now. It wasn't like he hadn't committed far more severe crimes. He needed to calm down, or his body was going to collapse.
You move back on the bed and hold out the medicine and drink for him. He takes both with his trembling hands as you put your hand on his tense back again. The medication goes down easy, and he sits there with the water in his hand, shaking.
"You should drink more. You're going to be dehydrated because of crying."
"I'm sorry."
"There's no need to be, I want to make sure you're taken care of."
The pout that returned on his face made your heart thump in sympathy. What was going on? You had never seen Tomura in this kind of state before. It was unlike him.
"What's wrong Tomura? Please tell me. I don't mean to be nosy, but I can tell something is hurting your feelings and I want to help if I can."
Tomura turns back to snuggle you close, holding your body as if his life depended on it.
"I don't know how to explain it. I don't understand why I'm like this right now. I just...I feel empty. I think I miss her? Like I'm grieving something I don't even know. I don't get it. I fucking HATE this so SO much!"
You didn't need clarification on who he was referring to. The hands, the needy physical touch, the balling whenever you would stroke his hair or call him "sweetheart" and "baby"...It was clear to see that there was a void within Tomura. One that he'd never be able to fill. He must have felt grief for what he didn't have, what he lost a long time ago.
"I'm sorry, babyboy. I really am."
The grip he made almost suffocated you, but it was okay. He needed this, and you wanted him to feel nurtured. Loved.
"I can't get her back. I never will. What if I lose you, too? What if you stop being resistant to my quirk? I don't want you to, I can't bear even thinking about losing you. It makes me feel sick."
"You won't lose me, I promise," there was something you weren't sure would help. You expect a negative response somehow, but you try to test the waters to see what could comfort him right now. "Mommy's not going anywhere."
If Tomura wasn't crying before, he surely was now. You were scared that you broke him, but his grip around your waist didn't loosen, and he held you so hard that you felt stuck. His tears seeped out harder as you stroked his hair with his head buried in between your warm chest.
"Does mommy love me? Have I been good for her?"
"Yes, baby. You're my good boy and you've been more than good for me. Mommy loves you with her whole entire heart, Tomura. I'll never let you go for as long as I have you."
The exchange of words was foreign and was awkward to process, but it felt natural even so. There was nothing about it that seemed sultry. It was a need for him. You were simply substituting a void for him, and you couldn't feel ashamed for being there to give him that affection and nurture that he hadn't had since murdered his family. You only knew about what he had told you, and he only knew about what his master told him. This regression was heart breaking for you to witness, but if you could comfort him, maybe it would be all better.
"I love you. I love you so much, mommy. I need you to be here. I need you to hold me."
"I will. I'll hold you all night long. You're such a perfect little boy, do you know that?"
Tomura snickers as tears escape his eyes, "Thank you."
"Of course, baby boy. You should rest, though. You've been through a lot."
"Will you sleep with me?"
"Yes. I'll be right here with you and beside you when you wake up, okay?"
"I love you, Tomura."
"I love you too."
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scholastic-dragon · 2 years
Flufftober Day 17: Up Against the Wall Kiss
Leonardo x Gn!reader
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: turtle smootches (my favorite), established relationship, nervous and flustered Leo, idiots in love, spelling mistakes, 
Summary: Leo's too shy to initiate your first kiss; you're not.
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Leo was a gentleman.
Sometimes a little too much so.
He was ever so sweet and thoughtful. Always pulling out your chair, offering you a hand when climbing down the manhole ladder.
It's what drew you to him. He had a heart of gold hidden behind his strong chest and he'd given you the honor of calling it yours.
Two and a half months into your relationship and you hadn't stopped smiling. You were sure he hasn't either.
That wasn't to say it was without fault. It took a bit of work in the beginning, he sat you down and sheepishly explained how nervous he was and that he wanted to take things slow. You agreed and allowed him the time to open up about his boundaries. 
After that, things only got better and better. He texted you whenever he could, sometimes thoughtful messages, others funny pictures and memes and sometimes simply 'I miss you'
You couldn't complain. You shouldn't complain. And yet....he's yet to kiss you. You can tell he wants to.
Getting ready to leave your apartment after dinner and a movie, perched on the windowsill, eyes flickering between your eyes and your lips.
Then he bids you goodnight and ducks out of the window.
You’d be lying if you said it didn’t bother you. It was clear he wanted to kiss you: so why hadn’t he?
Deciding it was time for a change, you invite him over for another dinner and movie. He accepts without question. 
You feel nervous throughout the whole evening, it wasn’t a big deal, was it? 
“Are you alright, love?” Leo asks, gently putting his hand over yours. His palm alone engulfs your whole hand, he’s warm and comforting and pulls you out of your thoughts. 
You shake your head, forcing a smile. “Yeah, yeah, I’m okay, just got some stuff on my mind,” You take a sip of your drink, hoping your face wasn’t as red as you felt. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” He squeezes your hand, smiling warmly: why was he so handsome?
“We probably should,” You scoff, exhaling sharply. He raises an eyebrow, rolling his shoulders back. “It’s nothing bad,” You’re quick to amend, not wanting him to assume the worst. 
“What is it? You can tell me,” 
“I know I can, I just, well, I’m not sure how to go about it,” You start to ramble, feeling a blush creeping across your cheeks. “There’s something I want us to do and I know some part of you does, but if I’m going too fast or you feel uncomfortable you can just tell me and I’ll back off, but-” 
“Love,” He quietly laughs, “Deep breaths, okay? You don’t need to be nervous,” 
You take a deep breath, rolling your shoulders back and meeting his bright eyes. 
“I....I want to....to kiss you,” You were sure his heart stopped. He inhaled sharply, shoulders going back, eyes wide. He looked like he stopped breathing. “Leo?”
“I....um....uh,” He looked away, hand rubbing the back of his neck. You were sure if he could he’d be bright red. 
“If that’s too much right now we don’t have too,” You squeeze his hand. “I don’t want to pressure you into doing something you don’t want to do,”
He sighs, whispering as if he were saying something he shouldn’t. “I want to, I-I just,” He runs his free hand down his face, clearing his throat. 
“It’s okay if you’re not ready,” Reaching across the table you tilt his chin toward you. “I just wanted to let you know that whenever you’re ready to take that step, I’m here,” 
He smiles, a small sigh of relief escaping him. He takes your hand from under his chin and presses three firm kisses to your knuckles. 
“And I’m so grateful for how patient your being, and how you’re willing to take this slow.” He opens and closes his mouth a few times, unsure of how to word his statement. “I want to....to kiss you, but, I’m nervous,” 
“Nervous about what, honey?” He lowers his hand, still holding yours, to the table, not meeting your eyes. 
“You’d be my first kiss and I’m afraid I’m not going to do it right,” He mumbles, running his thumb across the back of your hand. 
You smile, taking both of your hands and cupping his. “That’s alright, Leo, we’ll learn together, okay?” 
He nods, exhaling a deep breath. Not wanting to stress him out more, you offer to snuggle on the couch with a movie. He agrees, helping you pack away the leftover food and rinse the dishes. Now you’re wrapped up in his arms watching a cheesy Christmas movie. 
“Is there a reason why we’re watching a Christmas movie in the middle of October?” He mumbles into your hair. 
You shake you head. “Makes me happy, I love Christmas,” Your back is pressed up against his chest, you feel him chuckle softly, wrapping his arms tighter around your waist. 
The movie goes by quick and now you’re back to the same spot. He’s putting on his gear and shoes, telling you the schedule for the next week and when you both can hangout. 
He opens your window and turns around, looming over you. 
“I’ll text you later?” He gives his classic boyish smile, eyes soft and he reaches for your hands. 
“Yes, you should,” You giggle, squeezing his hands, looking up into his blue eyes. 
The moment happens again, eyes flickering back and forth between your lips. He leans forward; this is it, he’s gonna do it. He leans at the last second, pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek. 
Damn it. 
He sheepishly pulls back, clearly a little embarrassed. 
“Leo?” He hums, not wanting to speak. “Do you want me to initiate the kiss?” He swallows hard, adams apple bobbing, he nods eagerly. 
Smiling you push on the hard plates of his chest, his eyes go wide but he lets you move him until his shell bumps the wall. You take his face in your hands, gently adjusting his mask. 
“Ready?” He nods again, licking his lips. 
Your thumbs running along his cheekbones, you lean up on your tiptoes, tilting your face to meet his. His lips are considerably larger than yours, but are warm and soft. He’s gentle, afraid he might mess up, but you feel his shoulders loosen. 
You pull away, trying not to giggle as he leans forward, recapturing your lips. His hands, shakily, go to your waist, pulling you closer. Gaining a small spark of confidence, he splays his palms across your back, holding you close. 
Needing air, you pull away, panting heavily you meet his eyes. He’s smiling and panting as much, if not more, than you are. 
“How was that for a first kiss?” You giggle, kissing his chin. 
“Not sure, perhaps you should give me another,” He leans in, pressing his lips to yours again. 
He was such a gentleman. 
tags: @flufftober @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @mysticboombox @strawberrycakeblog
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undercovergamer · 9 months
✨Laughing Your Worries Away✨
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I couldn’t decide which pic was better so this one has two
⚠️This fic focuses mainly on tickling. Do not read it if that upsets you.⚠️ also contains angst
After sort of becoming Kaveh’s “emotional support oni”, he felt that he should come up with more fun ways of cheering him up whenever he’s sad. No Kavehs were harmed in the writing of this fic.
Content warning: Kaveh is very anxious in the beginning which can be upsetting to read. Hi I edited the summary bc it was too long lol
Note: This is a silly scenario I made up with a friend. Basically Itto is in Sumeru because lazy writing and he’s staying with Alhaitham and Kaveh until he returns to Inazuma, also because lazy writing. We don’t need logic in silly fics like this, right?
Word Count: 3303
“Argh! It’s no use! Something will go wrong, I just know it!”
“Nuh uh! I bet it’ll be lots of fun, actually.“
“Anything can happen, which means anything can go wrong!”
“Or… it means anything can go right, instead. Right?”
“No it doesn’t! That’s not how it works… Do you even know how unlucky I’ve been recently? Who knows when that’ll end?!”
Kaveh was overthinking an event he was going to attend in a few days, panicking over all the possible accidents and mistakes that could ruin everything. He was sure something would go horribly wrong, just not what exactly. It was really stressing him out. Itto was trying his best to help, but Kaveh’s just couldn’t listen. Every time a solution came up, another problem came down.
“Kaveh, please, try to be more rational here, alright? Just think of all the good things that can happen instead! Like... what if you win a prize?” Itto suggested, trying to comfort him.
“Oh, please. How I wish I could! What if something breaks? Or- Or catches fire?! What if it rains and I forget my keys again? What if- I just- I- I can’t- Ugh!! I’m gonna make a complete fool of myself!” Kaveh was stress-pacing back and forth in his room and messing with his hair. He was too anxious to think straight, poor guy.
“Hey, hey, easy now. Take deep breaths.” Itto was trying to de-escalate the situation.
“No! I can’t! This is serious!”
“Please, you need to chill for a bit… all this stress isn’t good for you. Let’s just sit down and we’ll-”
“Ugh, it’s no use, Itto! I can’t just ignore my problems like that! I’m sorry…” Kaveh turned around put his hands in his face for a moment before groaning and anxiously pacing back and forth again. Itto sighed, trying to keep his patience. He didn’t want to be upset with Kaveh, it’s not like he can help that he’s anxious. Hmm, what to do…
“Ah… do you need a hug?” Itto asked, extending his arms and smiling. “You sound like you really need one. C’mere!” Kaveh turned to him with tears in his eyes. If words didn’t work, surely actions would, right?
“F-Fine. M-Maybe just- *sniffle*… j-just one h-h-hug.” Kaveh had tears streaming down his face the moment he accepted Itto’s hug, collapsing into his arms and sobbing. Itto hugged tight and comforted him while he cried, making sure to hold his balance.
“There, there… sshh… it’s gonna be ok. You’re safe… I’ve got you.” Itto said calmly, giving him a gentle headpat. He was starting to tear up as well, but held it together so Kaveh wouldn’t feel worse.
“H-H-How *hic* d-do you *hic* know??” Kaveh sobbed, burying his face in Itto’s shoulder. He was always surprised by how gentle Itto could be, unlike his usual high energy and loudness. It always caught him off-guard a little bit.
“You’ll feel better after you’ve cried, trust me. It’s okay… Just let it aaall out. And remember to breathe...” Itto held him close, gently stroking his back and slowly rocking back and forth.
“Take a deep breath in through your nose.” He said, inhaling and holding his breath for a few seconds. “Hold it for a bit... then, exhale through your mouth. Like this!” He said, slowly exhaling to demonstrate. Eventually, the architect began sobbing less and breathing more, trying to calm down with the breathing exercise Itto suggested. It seemed to be working fine.
After a while, Kaveh could finally compose himself and stop crying. He stayed in the hug for a bit before letting go to wipe his tears away.
“There you go… Do you feel better now?” Itto asked softly, handing him a tissue.
“Yeah… I-… I really needed that. Thank you.” Kaveh replied, blowing his nose into the tissue before throwing it in the bin.
“How do you feel?”
“I feel... fine, I guess.”
“You look sad…”
“Oh… no, no, I’m not sad. I just… ugh…” Kaveh sighed. He was actually feeling better than before, but it was only a matter of time before he’d start overthinking again. He felt so hopless… Itto needed to solve that; he knew exactly how.
“Hmm… you know, I think I know something else that could cheer you up.” Itto said with a sudden grin.
“Wh-What are you doing? D-Don’t- No funny business!” Kaveh felt nervous. Every time Itto had that expression, he’d conduct mischief.
“Hey, c’mon, I’m not gonna do anything bad!” He looked really suspicious… definitely up to no good.
“I-I know, but- uh- d-don’t look at me like that! Ooh, I just KNOW you’re planning something…” Kaveh glared at him and took a step back.
“Heheheh. Oh you are absolutely right, my friend...” Itto chuckled and began wiggling his fingers in the air. Kaveh’s eyes widened as he realized what that meant.
“D-Don’t even THINK about it! Don’t you dare!” Kaveh protested, but it didn’t have any effect as Itto slowly came closer, chuckling to himself.
“I’m gonna get you~” he teased.
“S-Stay back, or I’ll- uh…” Kaveh backed up against a wall, realizing he’d have to make a run in for it.
“Or what, you’ll tell Haitham?” Itto teased. Kaveh suddenly tried to escape by running past Itto to get out of the room. But of course it backfired as Itto quickly caught him and held him tight with a playful hug from behind. “Haha! Gotcha!”
“Agh! Let me go, you brute!” Kaveh squirmed, trying to break free, but he wasn’t strong enough.
“Hey! That’s not very nice!” Itto replied, still smiling with mischief.
“I-…! I uh… s-sorry… I-I just-”
“Hey now, no guilt! It’s alright, buddy! Don’t worry. I’m gonna cheer you up in the most effective way I know!”
“B-But this is unfair! I can barely move!” Kaveh complained, looking down in frustration.
“Good thing I can! Heheh. Are you ticklish, Kaveh?” Itto asked, playfully forming his hands into claws on Kaveh’s sides.
The architect began nervously giggling at the sight, but tried to stay cool. “D-Dohon’t be ridiculous! O-Of course nohot!”
“Reeaaally? Are you sure about that?” Itto teased, clawing one single time, resulting in a jump and surprised squeal out of Kaveh. Itto laughed at his reaction.
“H-Hey! That’s not funny! L-Let me go!” Kaveh giggled against his will, trying to break free. His face was slowly turning red from embarrassment.
“Sounds pretty ticklish to me! This’ll be fun!” Itto said teasingly, slowly beginning to tickle Kaveh.
“ACK- D-Don’t you dare!! Y-You- hngh...” The architect twitched and yelped, trying very hard to keep his giggles in by covering his mouth.
“Tickle tickle~ come on! It’s not fun if you won’t laugh!” Itto suddenly started tickling faster, scribbling over Kaveh’s ribs. “Tickle tickle tickle~!”
Kaveh squealed at the sudden sensation and began laughing and squirming. “EEEHEHEHEHE!! Ahahahahahahahaha!! Nohohohoho!!” He tried is best to break free from the oni’s grasp, but the hug remained strong.
“Haha, got you! Tickle tickle tickle!” Itto giggled along with Kaveh, spider-tickling his ribs and tummy.
“EEK! Ahahahahahaha!! Ittohoho!! Plehehehehease!!” Kaveh squealed, trying to bend forward to protect himself. Itto responded by lifting him up in a bear hug and tickling his waist. The man let out a scream before laughing and kicking like crazy. “PUHUT MEHEHE DOHOHOHOWN!! GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!”
“Grrr! There’s no escape from the tickle monster! Mwahahaha!” Itto laughed, playfully putting him down and letting go before tickling his sides. “Tickle tickle tickle!!”
“EEK!! BahahahaHAHAHAHA!! G-Gehehet awahahahahahay!!” Kaveh laughed, trying to push Itto away.
“Hehehehe! I got you~!” Itto teased, playfully following Kaveh down as he lost balance and squirmed to the floor. Itto stopped tickling to make sure he didn’t get hurt.
“S-Seriously? The… huff… the tickle monster?! Come on… that’s… huff… that’s just childish…!” Kaveh said, panting heavily.
“Hahahaha! Y’know, you haven’t told me to stop yet. Are you having fun?” Itto asked with a giddy grin on his face. He was sat on the floor, next to the architect.
“I- uh, y-you- um…” Kaveh’s face turned red from embarrassment. He wanted the floor to swallow him whole.
Itto laughed. “Ah, I get it. You’re embarrassed, aren’t you?”
“H-How did you know?!” Kaveh questioned, feeling flustered. Itto was probably gonna tell everyone, he thought. Oh how humiliating…
“Well for one, you haven’t said ‘stop it’ even once, and uh… well, your face got all red when I pointed that out. Hahahaha!”
“S-Stop laughing! It’s not funny!” Kaveh covered his face with his hands.
“Hehehe, sorry! I’m not laughing at you, I just think it’s silly. Anyway, do you want me to stop tickling you yet? Or should I continue?” Itto chuckled and wiggled his fingers above Kaveh.
“Y-You better n-not-… pfft-” Kaveh started giggling from anticipation again, trying to keep it in.
“Listen, all you have to do is tell me ‘stop’ and I’ll stop, alright? I promise!” Itto said, giving him a friendly smile.
“It- It can’t be that easy…” Kaveh said under his breath, but Itto heard him anyway.
“Oh, but it is! I don’t wanna make you panic, y’know. I’m still tickling you because I know you’re enjoying yourself.” Itto playfully poked his tongue out and chuckled to himself.
Kaveh got nervous. “O-Ok fine, y-you got me… uh… p-please don’t tell anyone! I-I don’t know what I’d do if- uh-…”
“Hey, hey! Relax! I won’t tell a soul. Not even Ushi! My lips are sealed. No one shall know! I promise!” Itto said, giving Kaveh a reassuring pat on the head.
“Thank you…” Kaveh said, sighing with relief.
“No problemo, hombre! Now… where else are you ticklish?” Itto asked, tickling Kaveh’s sides and ribs without warning.
“EEK! AAHAHAHAHahahahaha!! ITTO NAHAHAHA!!” Kaveh squealed, squirming around on the floor. Again, he was surprised with how gentle Itto was. He thought the tickling would hurt at first, but oh how wrong he was. The oni was as gentle as he was merciless… in a playful way of course.
“Hehehe! Tickle tickle, Kaveh!” Itto teased, tickling down to his tummy and waist as high pitched laughter and squeals filled the room. “Just let me know when you’ve had enough, alright? Say ‘okay’ if you heard that!”
“EHEHEHE!! Ohohokahahahahay!! AhahahAHAHAHAHA!! N-NOT THERE!!” Kaveh screeched, trying to roll away from the tickles.
“Aha! A weak spot! Heheheh, I win!” Itto exclaimed, playfully squeezing the architect’s waist.
After a little while, Itto heard a voice from outside the room.
“What’s with all the noise? What are y-… …oh.” It was Alhaitham, checking the situation out of curiosity. “Itto, what are you doing..?” he asked, rolling his eyes at the scene.
“Oh hey, man! I’m just tickling Kaveh! He was feeling stressed so I thought I’d distract him for a while!” Itto replied, poking all over Kaveh’s ribs.
“EEK! NohohoHOHOHO!! AAH! Not like thahahahat!!” Kaveh protested, covering his sensitive ribs with his arms.
“Don’t you think that has the opposite effect..?” Alhaitham asked, confused.
“Naah he’s fine. It’s working pretty well, I’d say.” Itto giggled to himself and began playfully squeezing his sides instead.
“AAHAHAHAHAHA!! AHALHAHAITHAHAM HEHEHEHELP!!” Kaveh screeched, squirming even more and trying really hard to roll away and escape.
Itto laughed and stopped tickling him. “You good, bro?” He asked, helping him sit up and patting him on the back.
“Haha… hah… y-yeah…” Of course Alhaitham had to show up. Kaveh could simply die from embarrassment.
“Kaveh, I hope you realize you don’t have to just lie there and take it.” Alhaitham said, looking down at him.
“Naah man, don’t worry about it! He’s fine, really! We-” Kaveh quickly covered Itto’s mouth and hissed “Sshhh!! You weren’t supposed to say anything!”
Alhaitham rolled his eyes. “Kaveh, for your own good you should at least try to fight back. It’s not as hard as you’d think.” He said, looking at Itto.
“Whoa whoa, hang on, are you saying I’m weak? Ha! That is simply absurd! How dare you?” Itto scoffed, crossing his arms.
“No, that’s not what I meant, Itto. Let me show you.” Alhaitham quickly poked his side, making him jump and protest.
“Wha- Hey! Don’t do that! I’m not- I’m not ticklish! I just- pfft-” Itto was interrupted by yet another poke, this time from Kaveh who was now curiously poking away at his ribs, sending the oni into a giggling fit.
“Hehehey! Nohohohohahahaha!” He giggled, trying to defend himself.
“Wow, no way! I never would’ve guessed an oni like you would be so ticklish!” Kaveh said, chuckling to himself.
“Hahahaha! I’m nahahahahat!!”
“You are! Tickle tickle tickle!”
“Nohohoho!! Pfft- stahahahap!!” Itto managed to push Kaveh’s hands away to stop him from tickling. “Ohoho, you’re not gonna get me that easily! You’re in trouble now!” he said, grinning.
“W-Wahahait nohoho! A-Alhaitham, do somethihing!” Kaveh pleaded, giggling nervously.
“I’ve got better things to do. I’m sorry, Kaveh.” Alhaitham replied.
“See ya.”
“No! NO WAIT!” Alhaitham left the room and Kaveh started squirming, trying to escape his playful demise.
“Heheheh, looks like ol’ Haitham can’t help you now, huh?” Itto said with a somewhat menacing grin.
“Oh, by the way,” Alhaitham poked his head through the doorway. “Itto, get his hips.”
“WHAT?! D-Don’t tell him that!! Are you crazy?!” Kaveh yelled, glaring daggers into Alhaitham.
“Ooh, you don’t say~?” Itto already guessed that area was particularly sensitive, but decided to play along for the sake of evil.
“Mhm. Anyway, see ya.” The scribe simply smirked and left the scene, closing the door.
“Alhaitham, you are SO DEAD after this!!” Kaveh yelled angrily, but he started giggling uncontrollably when he heard Itto’s sinister chuckle. That grin sent shivers down his spine. The anticipation was through the roof!
“I-Itto, wait! Y-You don’t have to- pfft-hehehe nohohohoho!! Wahahait!!” He tried, and failed, to crawl away in time.
“I’m gonna get you~! Hehehe!” Itto caught him before he could escape.
“Nohohoho!” Kaveh quickly covered his sensitive hips as best as he could.
“Oh, that just won’t do.” Itto could simply move Kaveh’s arms himself, but he was worried that’d make him panic. So instead, he decided tickling them away was a safer option.
“EEK! AhahaHAHAHAHAHA!! NOHOHOT THAHAHAHAT!!” Kaveh squealed when Itto began rapidly poking all over his ribs and tum, with more fingers this time. Why on earth did that tickle so bad?!
“Hehe, this is fun! You’re no match for my signature ten-finger-pokes! Hahaha!” Itto bragged, giggling along with Kaveh’s laughter. Soon enough, the architect gave in to his instincts and tried to cover his ribs with his arms instead. That’s when Itto’s hands quickly latched onto the architect’s hips, summoning a surprised squeal.
“Waitwaitwaitwait nohohoho!! Nononono don’t you DARE!! I- ehehehehe!! Plehehehease!!” Kaveh grabbed Itto’s wrists, but wasn’t strong enough to pull them away.
“Heheheh, you haven’t said ‘stop’ yet, buddy. Still having fun? Hmm?” Itto teased, laughing when Kaveh’s face turned red.
“J-Just you wait! You’ll be sorry!! I’ll get my revehehEHEHEHENGE!! GWAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!” Itto began rapidly squeezing his hips. Kaveh screamed and arched his back, kicking and flailing around, unable to struggle properly. His wild laughter even rose an octave or two. Those ticklish shockwaves were so bad he couldn’t think straight!
“Hahaha! Aw, does it tickle? Kitchy kitchy koo!” Itto teased, laughing with Kaveh.
“AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! PLEHEHEHEASE!! N-NAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE!!” Kaveh screeched, shaking his head and desperately trying to push Itto’s hands away. He had been laughing so much that tears were starting to fall from his eyes.
“Should I stop?” Itto asked, smiling playfully, switching to gently scribbling on Kaveh’s tum to make his laughter less frantic.
“EHEHEHEHE!! Y-Yehehehes!! Plehehehease stohohop!!” Kaveh pleaded. Itto stopped tickling immediately and helped his buddy sit up. Kaveh was panting heavily and wiping away his tears of mirth, with a tired smile on his face.
“Whoa, looks like I broke you there. A-Are you ok?? …Did I go too far?” Itto asked, suddenly feeling worried.
“Ha… haha… I-I’m fine… hehehe…!” Kaveh replied, catching his breath while still giggling a little bit. His hair was a mess after all that squirming.
“Are you sure? You look exhausted...”
“Hahaha… ehehe… haha… I-It’s fine, really… I… I had fun…” Kaveh said, smiling at the oni. He looked pretty happy!
“Really? That’s awesome! Hahaha! I’m just glad I didn’t overwhelm you too badly. Here, let me help!” Itto stood up and reached his hand out so he could help Kaveh up.
“Thanks… hehe… phew… th-that was a lot..!”
“Take it easy now, breathe. Do you feel better now?” He asked happily.
“Huh? What do you…” Kaveh thought for a moment. Thanks to Itto, he had completely forgotten his worries. “Huh… I actually feel really happy! I feel so much better!” He smiled brightly, feeling grateful for the oni’s help.
“Hahaha! I’m so glad to hear that! Really glad you had fun, Kaveh.” Itto replied excitedly, giving him a tight, playful hug.
“Hngh… c-can’t… b-breathe..!” Kaveh wheezed.
“Oops! Oh sorry, hahaha!” Itto loosened the hug and laughed happily. “Hey, do you need water? I can go get some for you!”
“N-No! D-Don’t leave yet...” Kaveh said, hugging him tighter.
“Huh? What’s wrong?”
“N-Nothing. I just… just wait… please.” He was feeling a bit overwhelmed and needed the hug to calm down fully.
“Aw, ok! We’ll hug for as long as you need, buddy!” Itto held him close and gently rocked back and forth to help him chill.
After a bit of silence, Kaveh took a deep breath to compose himself. He had something important to say now that his brain was working again.
“…Itto, I-... thank you for cheering me up. I-It means a lot to me. That was really nice of you, I… I appreciate it. A lot. Thank you so much…” he said, hugging him closer.
“Aww, no problem! That’s so sweet of you to say! I’m really glad I could help. Let me know next time you’re feeling down, and I’ll tickle the sadness away!” Itto playfully tickled Kaveh’s sides for a bit.
“EEK! Hehehey! Nohohoho!” Kaveh jumped and squirmed away from the hug.
“Hahaha! See how easy it is? You look so happy now!” Itto exclaimed, stopping the tickles again.
“Haha... That’s not gonna work every time, though! Please, make sure you ask first. Sometimes I don’t want to be touched at all.” Kaveh said, placing a boundary.
“Gotcha! I’ll make sure to always ask first! You have my word on it. No discomfort on my watch!”
“Thank you, Itto. But don’t go thinking I’ll let you off the hook without revenge! Just you wait.”
“Hahaha! No problem, my guy! I won’t make it easy for you, though!” Itto said, giving him a playful look. Then he pointed at him and said, “You, my good sir, need to drink water. Like… right now. C’mon!”
“Haha, alright. Fine.” Kaveh replied, following him to the kitchen.
After they both hydrated, Itto started another conversation.
“Let’s go outside! I bet I can help you plan for that event!” he said.
“A-Are you sure? There’s a lot to consider…”
“Of course I’m sure! Not to brag or anything, but I’m a PRO at organizing events!”
“Well, we’re not exactly organizing it...”
“Hey, trust me! I know what I’m doing! We can come up with ideas together and write them down. And you can get inspiration from nature itself! How cool is that??”
“Oh alright, but no sudden decisions! We need to give each idea a good amount of thought first.”
“Suuure, of course… Hahahaha!”
Once they went for a walk outdoors, Itto continued to passionately rant about all the event’s possibilities while Kaveh listened and took notes. It felt nice to hear suggestions from an excited perspective rather than an anxious one, he thought. He still couldn’t believe how tickling actually helped him calm down of all things. And he certainly couldn’t believe how Alhaitham just betrayed him like that… but that was for future Kaveh to think about. Now, it was time to chill and brainstorm with Itto.
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DP Side Hoes Week 2023/ Day 2/ Wes Weston, Revenge.
Revenge is a dish best served cold
If no one believes him when he says that Fenton is the Phantom, then he must make Danny confess himself.
He planned everything perfectly. This morning he and Fenton had a fight. Mr. Lancer himself gave them detention. The half of A-listers will also be staying late at school, holding a pointless club meeting.
In the right pocket of his jeans rested an empty box for bright green lenses which will glow in the dark.
Inhale-exhale. Lancer just got out. Wes’s ready. The show begins.
Wes: Fenton, I can’t do this anymore. I know you want to hide it, but it hurts so much.
Danny*whispers*: You’re sick! You know I can’t tell anyone. Get over it.
Paulina and Baxter should be walking past the room soon.
Wes*screams*: It hurts so much! I know your parents are ghost hunters!
Danny*screams louder*:That’s right! So what the hell are you doing all the time
Wes: But I will not let them separate us!
Danny: W-What?
A cloud covers last rays of a setting sun. Everything is going even better than planned.
Wes closes the eyes. Hears a slight rustle behind the door. The audience is already here.
He dramatically looks at Fenton and grabs the boy by the shoulders.
Wes: Should the boundary between life and death be a boundary for my love for you?
Danny: What the hell? Your eyes!
Wes: No, don’t protect me, Danny. I don’t care if everyone finds out I’m the Phantom! The important thing is that we’re together. You’re my boyfriend and I’m tired of pretending to hate you!
Dash behind the door: *gasps*
Danny hears it.
Danny*whispers*: You little shit. Okay, you want to play..so
Danny*pretends to cry*: Will you really go for it? I love you so much, Phantom! *Rushes into a hug*
Wes*whispers*: It was not part of my plan.
He need to come up with something worse.
Wes: Sure, let’s run away from your parents and live in a Ghost Zone. Let’s have three kids and a dog!
Danny: Oh, Invisobill, you’re so funny. Your dead brain always forgets that we already have Cujo and a daughter. Dani will be so upset if you only think of her as a clone. She’s got my DNA in her too. What is this if not a miracle?
Danny*smiles angrily*.
Valerie*screams from behind the door*: I will kill him! I will break him molecule by molecule!
She runs into the room.
Valerie: Danny! Don’t trust the ghost bastard! He has no feelings for you! He’s probably just using you to access the portal!
Paulina*cries*: No! Ghost boy, you have to be with me! Why do you need this loser?
Danny: P-Phantom? Did you use me?
Wes: ...we’ll talk about this later, dear.
Wes:*dramatically jumps out the window and runs off into the sunset*.
Danny*screams out the window with an angry smile*: Oh, no, a ghost! Help! I’m just a human schoolboy!
Wes is handcuffed to one of the GIW agents in a minute.
Wes: Well, that’s not what I expected.
Wes: God damn you, Fenton!!!
Agent: Well, child, the ghost can’t hurt you anymore.
Danny: I was so scared, sir, thank you!
Dash: Not cool, Fen-turd. Why are you bringing hunters to fight with your boyfriend?
Wes&Danny: Shut up, Dash!
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anothergwen · 9 months
bad idea right?
*kinda based off the song bad idea right by olivia rodrigo*
a/n : haven't written in a while so i apologize if it's lowk ass
word count: 905
warnings : peter's lowk an asshole but it's okay because it's him :3 , they get a lil intimate at the end but it's nothing really explicit
background : y/n and peter recently broke up due to complications. it was a messy breakup, leaving both frustrated yet missing the other and wishing they handled it better. gwen, y/n's best friend, tells her that it's for the best and that she shouldn't give into him. now y/n loves gwen, she really does, but what happens when peter texts her that he misses her?
it's been 3 weeks since they broke up, 3 long and hard rough weeks for y/n. she's frustrated with the idea of not being able to greet him with a kiss everyday before class or hold his hand throughout the halls. having a class with him doesn't help either. everyday he walks in with that fluffy brown hair of his, that sexy blue shirt on, or that famillar attractive scent that lingers wherever he goes. it drives her crazy knowing that they aren't together anymore.
she stares at him from across class, almost daydreaming of the day they get back together and run away into the sunset, ready to live their happily ever after.
"hey !" a famillar voice wakes her up
she turns to the voice and sees that it's her best friend, gwen stacy. her scolding face is all that y/n needs to know what she's going to say.
"stop thinking about him..and stop staring too. don't forget y/n he treated you like shit. he forgot anniversaries, your own birthday, and god must i continue y/n?!" the blonde raised her voice as her friend only looked at her with a disappointed frown. she inhales and exhales deeply before switching her tone of voice to something more softer and less harsh.
"look...i know you love him but you just have to move on. it was agonizing seeing you get treated like that. you don't deserve that honey" she gently spoke, resting a hand on her shoulder
"but gwen he's so cute ! when he walks into class looking so good it's like he's inviting me to take him back !" y/n pouted as gwen only groaned
"you're missing the point y/n ! he ended things and didn't even bother trying to put in effort." the bell had rang, breifly interupting her setence "...don't go chasing after someone who treats you like dirt. especially if they don't want anything to do with you. now cmon let's go, we have a test next period" gwen said as she left class
y/n followed behind gwen, her mind now racing with gwen's advice and flashbacks of her and peter's relationship. her words echo throughout all the memories. for a split second she's ready to take gwen's advice but when she sees peter walking past her, she forgets everything she was just told.
later that night y/n sat in her room watching a movie, hoping it'll take her mind off her ex boyfriend. as the movie plays, y/n can feel herself drifiting off to sleep. her eyes got tired and weary before the ding of her phone interupted her slumber.
"you up?"
"i miss you"
her eyes nearly pop out of her head when she sees the messages. her heart sinks to the floor when she recongizes that it's peter who texted her. without thinking and in a panic she calls gwen. as the phone rings y/n paces throughout her room, praying that she picks up.
"hey y/n what's up? everything okay?" gwen's voice rings from the other side with concern
"he texted me ! he fucking texted me gwen !" y/n shouts
"oh my god really? what did he say?"
"asked if i was up and said he missed me. oh my god gwen what do i do?? i talked about taking him back but now that i have a chance to i don't even know !!! gwen cmon help me you're like the angel on my shoulder and i'm my own devil on the other side"
"okay first thing's first, you don't reply. you leave him on delievered and you keep him on delivered. no matter what he says or texts you, don't even consider giving in alright?"
y/n's phone dings one more time, loud enough for gwen to hear as well. it was another text from peter.
"open your window pretty girl. miss you so much. can't stand being away from you anymore"
her heartbeat was pumping. he was just outside and the opportunity of getting him back was just at the finger tips.
"y/n? you okay? what was that? who texted you?" gwen's voice on the other end was becoming static. she couldn't think about anything but letting him back into her home, and into her life. she opens the window and just outside is peter and god did he look good.
"hey pretty girl" he grinned as he let himself in
he took her by the waist and kissed her passionately. in that moment y/n was gone, she didn't care if gwen would scold her, all that mattered to her was that she was finally with peter again. his touch beginning to make her body melt like putty.
"god i missed that so much..." he panted, breath heavy from the kiss he just shared with y/n
"y/n is that peter??? what is he doing there? did you take him back? oh my god y/n i told you-" she was cut short by peter hanging up the phone. he tossed it to the side and continue to kiss her.
he slowly brought her down to her bed, slowly trailing down from her lips to her neck. she's too lost in him to say anything and too deep to turn back. her mind goes blank as she feels him reach those famillar spots he always knew how to reach. god did she miss him so.
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jadewritesficshere · 5 months
Eddie Munson x Reader
So my joints have been hurting more and more recently, and I've noticed a decline in what I can do without taking breaks. It isn't to the point I need a mobility aid yet, but that struggle with my own mortality and insecurity came up and I wrote this little blurb as a way to work through some of that...yea....
Warnings: Reader needs a walker, hurt/comfort, discussion of insecurity
You don't want to look at it. The metallic frame seems to taunt you. If you turn away, the sunlight glints off the bolts holding it together, casting a burst of light into the corner of your vision.
You glare at the inanimate object. A walker. Something you always pictured using when you were old and greying. Not when you were young and in the "prime of your life" as people called it.
You can hear the fall of footsteps and rustling of plastic bags coming from the hallway. You peer through the crack of the door and the frame and spot Eddie, multiple bags in his arms. Eddie uses his hip to open the door, grin widening into a wild smile at you. You can feel your heart pick up speed as you return a small grin.
"Hey," you murmur, sitting up slowly in your bed. Eddie dumps the bags onto your bed with a thud before he presses a kiss to your forehead. Your eyes flutter shut and you can feel the warm exhale of Eddie's breath against your face for a split second before he kisses your forehead again. You feel the press of his lips trail down your nose, pausing at the tip of your nose before he jokingly nips at it with his teeth. Your eyes snap open as you jerk back, but Eddie follows you, pressing his forehead to yours.
You stare into his soft, warm chocolate eyes. "Hi," Eddie mumbles before pressing his lips to yours. Eddie pulls back slightly, looking into your eyes," Got something for you." You tilt your head slightly as Eddie grabs one of the bags. He dumps it out on your lap, doing the same with the rest of the bags.
An assortment of paints and paintbrushes scatter across your bed. A bottle of glitter, thankfully never been opened and still in packaging (a shiver runs down your spine at the thought of glitter all over your bed). There are stickers, glue, stamps, and basically anything you would need for a craft project.
"What's all this for?" You poke at the obviously newly bought glitter," New dnd mini?" "For you!" Eddie waves his hand over the supplies with a flourish. You blink at him, waiting for him to continue. Eddie bounces up and grabs the walker so easily you're almost envious," Thought we could make over this bad boy. Make it look fucking metal."
You take a deep breathe in," And why would we do that?" You can feel Eddie watching you as you cross your arms and look away. You can hear Eddie sigh before hearing his footsteps come closer to the bed. A hand gently lays on your shoulder, slowly going up and rubbing the back of your neck. "I know you hate the walker. Thought that if you made it more personal you'd feel better about it."
You snap your head over at Eddie," I don't want to feel better about it! I don't want to have to use it Eddie! I used to be active, okay maybe not like running a marathon, but I could hike for miles no issue. I wish I had been more active, cause i can't now! Hell, I'm grateful if my joints aren't stiff getting out of bed in the morning. Some days I can get up and be okay, and others I can barely roll over in bed. My body is fucking rioting against me. Using that just proves how weak I am."
You can feel the tears start to form and you clench your jaw, willing them not to fall. You look down, annoyed at yourself but more at your own health. Eddie's fingers slowly massage your neck, tension slowly easing out of it. "Look at me," Eddie commands. Your eyes lock onto his. "When I was recovering, and I used a walker, was it weak?" "You got maimed and almost died dumbass of course not-" "So what makes you think you are for using one?"
A heavy silence fills the air. Eddie inhales before continuing, "I know the situation isn't the same, but follow me here. Was I weak or bad or less then for using a walker? No. Will Wayne become less then or weak for using a cane? Nope. What about Max, think she's weak in her wheelchair?" You shake your head slowly.
"Exactly. This walker? It doesn't make you weak or less then to have one and use it. It's a tool to help make life easier for you. Don't you think we deserve an easier life after the shit we've seen?" Eddie gently cups your face with his other hand," I hate seeing you think less then about yourself, and I know I can't take that all away, but if making over the walker helps I'll do it. Fuck, I'll buy my own and use it if you want. Be the coolest people around using walkers, except for Ms. Miriam."
You let out a chuckle and smile weakly at your boyfriend. "Miriam is pretty cool," you lean your face into his hand, relishing the comfort it brings. "Fuck yeah she is! And so are you. You're still the person I love, an aid isn't going to make me think less of you. Anyone who does think that doesn't deserve to be in your life anyways." Eddie nods before pulling back and flipping both middle fingers off, "They can suck it."
Eddie grows quiet for a second, absently fiddling with his rings," But, if you want me to drop this for now I can. If you want, I'll pack all of this back up and we can do something else. I know it doesn't fix all those thoughts in your head but...I dunno thought it would make things a little easier."
You look at Eddie and then at the supplies on your bed. You hum as you think, looking things over. Eddie sits in silence, a hard thing for him to do, waiting your decision. You inhale, "Want to paint it black?" Eddie's grin is infectious and you can't help smiling back.
It isn't perfect, life rarely is. It may not take away every thought you have, every insecurity or frustration that cuts deep. But it does soothe that ache. And as you and Eddie paint the walker, you can feel a little better.
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writeforfandoms · 11 months
Heyyyy, congrats on your 2k celebration!!! I was wondering if you’d do something with Gaz or any of the 141 boys really with the prompt:
“Listen to me.  . . take deep breaths, yes follow my breathing just like that. There’s no need to panic, I’m right here now, aren’t I? You’re safe.”
Ooooooh yes I love this prompt!! So good. Mmm. Okay, let's see what I can do.
Warnings: panic attack, implied danger, Gaz is badass.
Most of the time you didn't mind that your flat was quiet. It was mostly a quiet building (although not always). The quiet was nice - you could play your music or your shows not too loud, you could enjoy the morning sunshine on your little balcony.
It was plenty enough for you. And even better when your boyfriend was home and shared it with you. Which wasn't as often as you liked, but, well... you were kind of hoping to spend the rest of your life with him.
You'd have time enough with him.
New neighbors had moved in not long ago just next door to you. You'd already seen the couple in the hallway, exchanged smiles and nods with them.
And you'd hoped that would be that.
You were in the middle of cleaning, humming to yourself, when the shouting started. It wasn't bad at first, but it escalated quickly. The couple were yelling at each other, throwing accusations like knives, tones sharp enough to make you flinch.
Your heart beat faster in your chest, your palms sweating. Maybe you could leave. Just walk down to that coffee shop and spend a couple hours there.
Swallowing hard, working to get past your panic, you ran shaking hands over your clothes to make sure you were presentable.
Screaming from next door had your shoulders hunching up to your ears. You needed to go. Now.
Something shattered. Sounded like glass, the way it shattered and tinkled against the floor.
You stopped breathing. Your hands clapped over your ears and you pushed yourself back into a corner. The shattering rang through your head on a loop, a thousand instances of breaking glass and screaming. Only in your mind was it accompanied by the steady drip of blood.
You didn't hear the screaming stop, didn't hear the front door open. Didn't see the change in light.
But you did feel hands over your own, and you jumped hard, trying to scramble away on instinct.
"Hey, hey, it's just me," Gaz murmured, ducking his head to try to catch your gaze. "Look at me, love, c'mon."
You managed to look at him, focusing with effort.
"Good." Gaz smiled a little, one hand cupping your cheek, his other fitted around your wrist. "Listen to me. Take deep breaths, yeah, follow my breathing, just like that." He demonstrated another deep breath, and you stuttered through following his example.
He continued talking, soft and gentle. One of your hands ended up on his chest to feel him breathing, the steady beat of his heart under your palm.
Finally, you slumped into him, lucid and breathing fine and exhausted. Gaz didn't move except to stroke your back, up and down in time with your inhales and exhales.
"What happened?" He kept his voice quiet, unwilling to totally disturb the peaceful bubble he'd built for the two of you.
"The neighbors were shouting," you said, slow and almost toneless. "They were so loud. And that was not great, but tolerable." You paused and swallowed. "One of them threw something and it broke and..." You trailed off, breath hitching.
"Shh, shh, you're okay," Gaz murmured, immediately cuddling you closer, pulling you practically into his lap. "It's alright, love, you're safe. I've got you." He pressed his cheek to the top of your head, rocking the two of you ever so slightly until you calmed again.
He managed to get you up and to the couch (which was easier on both your knees) before he went right back to cuddling you. The rest of the day was a wash - he ordered dinner in for the two of you and turned on some of your favorite movies.
The only time he left your side was to get the door. He paused with the door open and then started talking. You couldn't hear what he was saying, but his tone... that was new. Cold and dark and authoritative.
You didn't ask, and he didn't offer, bringing food to you with a gentle smile like nothing had happened.
But your neighbors had one more screaming match, and moved out immediately afterwards.
You didn't question it.
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yukoii1 · 1 year
╭﹐❣︎﹕ Racer’s Desire ﹒〣 ﹕‹𝟹 - 𝖤𝖱𝖤𝖭 𝖸.
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music rec!. Chill Bill- Rob $tone (Ft J. Davis & Spooks)
Sex, Drugs, Etc. - Beach Weather
cw/tw. , smoking, weed, cussing, miscarriage, angst, panic attack, racer!blackreader, racer!eren, eren is a dick
summary. - he left. no warning, no note, no phone call or text— he just left, without a word to anyone. Till one night he showed up to a race meet surprising you which causes some..conflict.
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐎𝐅 𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐃 instantly went through my nose as i lit the blunt that was placed between my lips, taking a big inhale moving my attention back to whatever the hell was going on. I was met up at a street meeting with some of my members waiting till the event begins, i averted my eyes through the crowd to see what the competition brought and honestly— It looked like easy wins compared to us. I silently scoffed to myself as I took another inhale from the blunt still eyeing the crowd, I must've been too deep into thought to realize Isiah was calling for my attention.
Breaking eye contact with the crowd I turned my head to face the dread head with a raised brow. “Finally, I've been calling you for like— the past 30 seconds!” I only rolled my eyes, placing the weed stick back between my lips, inhaling the smoke into my mouth before removing it, exhaling it as i spoke, “You got my attention now what do you want.” Isiah raised his hands in the air with a grin planted on his face, “Woah there doll, there’s no reason to get so feisty,” I only grumbled under my breathe rolling my eyes as he laughed, “You better watch it Siah, (Y/N) might beat your ass again.” Chuckled Kai, Isiah gasped offensively as he placed a hand on his heart like he was hurt by what he said, “She never even beat my ass to begin with! She got a cheap blow and she knows it.” He huffed I once again rolled my eyes as I now sat up from leaning against my car with a scoff, “We all know i won that fight Siah, stop tryna make it seem like I cheated. Just admit you’re a terrible fighter when it comes to me.” Isiah just grumbled under his breath rolling his eyes. “Man whatever. Back to what I was saying, tonight’s races are gonna be interesting.” I raised a brow, “How so? And it bet not be one of those cat fights again,” Isiah shook his head in an instant with a grin on his face, “Nope! It’s more than that.” That piqued all of our curiosity, I nodded my head a little. “Okay then, just spit it out Isiah we don’t have all goddamn night.” Marci grumbled out, “Okay okay! Let’s just say a certain brown head is entering a challenge race between Suki, Aj and (Y/N) later tonight.” I froze upon just hearing him say “brown head” instantly knowing who he meant.
There was only one brown head i know and that’s..
Eren fucking Jaeger.
A 24 year old cocky bastard that caused many problems with many different people. Including you, so hearing he was showing his face again after two long fucking years excited you but also angered you. You were excited to see him again but also pissed off that he has some nerve to come back acting like nothing happened when he straight up left you. “Ah, so the jackass Eren Jaeger is finally showing his face again?” Kai scoffed but instantly got interrupted when.“Ouch, Kai. That’s not a very nice thing to say now is it?” A deep voice occurred, the group turned around to face the familiar voice to be shown Eren standing with the rest of his group grinning towards them, Kai scoffed at him walking towards him but stopped when he felt a pair of hands grab him by his shoulders pushing him back a little, he looked to see who it was and it was no other than yourself walking in front of him towards Eren who had a raised brow.
You walked towards him as you took an inhale of your blunt feeling the warm smoke entered your mouth, stopping infront of him leaning forward blowing out the smoke in his face with a scowl, “Wassup Jaeger? Decided to finally show your face again after you practically just up and leave? Or did your little guard dog over there force you to come?.” You nodded towards Mikasa who had her hand clenched together glaring at you, she walked one step towards you before Jean held her back putting a hand on her shoulder. Eren hummed, shrugging his shoulders, “Mm, nah. I just decided to come because I heard you were racing again tonight. Plus i just missed my precious little (Y/N) and wanted to see if you still got it or..” He stopped leaning down towards your ear, “You’re gonna lose like the last time.” He chuckled, leaning back as he took the blunt out of your hand to place it between his lips, turning around to walk away leaving you standing there with a annoyed look on your face glaring at the back of his head.
“See me personally, I would never let that sli-'' Before Isiah had the chance to finish the sentence you side kicked him in the gut walking away towards your car to get ready for the race without saying a word to anyone. Marci walked towards him who was holding onto his stomach laughing at him. “What did we say Isiah? We told you to stop messin with her.” The dread head only rolled his eyes still whimpering from the harsh kick he received, as for you, you slammed closed your car door gripping the steering wheel glaring ahead of you. You have always been short tempered since you were a toddler so thinking of how easily Eren pissed you off and acted like how he didn’t just straight up leave you made you more mad than you already were, you shakily let go of the purple steering wheel leaning back into your seat running your hands down your face. You breathed in and out trying to relax yourself before you had to line up for the race to begin. Once you felt yourself relaxed you placed your hand back on the steering wheel starting your car hearing that satisfying roar, “Calm down (Y/N)..breathe and calm down. Just win this race.”
Just win this race.
Just win this race.
You repeated, you silently smiled to yourself as you finally relaxed. You looked down towards your stomach silently rubbing it, “I’ll win this for you baby..for you and i.” You sighed as you looked back up, pressing the gas pedal to go to the lineup for the race to start. When you pulled up to the start line everyone instantly started to cheer and shout seeing your car enter the crowd, guess everyone missed you that much to be only focused on you— I mean it has been a couple of months since the last time you appeared because of an incident.. You grinned as you heard your name being shouted as you stopped to get ready for the race to start, you reared your engine a few times having that satisfying roar leave its engine. You looked to the side to see Suki smirking towards you as you gave her a grin. You then turned to your left side to see the bastard himself already lined up next to you giving you a taunting wave, you practically growled under your breath tearing your eyes away from him to face the straight street ahead of you.
You faced the front as well, watching Queen taking her spot in the middle. She grinned as she looked over at Eren then me then Suki and Aj then the front where she can see all cars in view. "I want a nice, fair, and easy race! No interfering with your opponent, No cheating, No BULLSHIT!. This race contains the four racers on the startin line, your task is to go all the way down and back!. Winner takes the prize money!.” She raised the blue bandanna in the air as all the cars started rearing there engines, she grinned upon hearing the engines roar.
You instantly pressed down on the gas pedal feeling the car jerk forward speeding down the street. You were so lost into trying to winning the race you didn’t realize Eren was inches away from speeding in front of you, you glanced to the side to see the dark green car lined up with yours, you furrowed your eyebrows glancing back to the road as you pressed more down on the gas pedal speeding in front of him. He raised his brow seeing your car speed past him, he grinned to himself as he pressed down on the gas pedal being side to side with you once again. He looked over to glance at you to see you were nothing but pure focused on winning the race. He knows that look like the back of his hand and once he sees that look planted on your face he knows you are not to be messed with when your head is in the game. It made him slightly smile at the memory when you once threw a stuffed animal his way when you were focused on making ideas for car parts for your car, it’s one of his favorite memories that always lingered in the back of his mind.
Oh how he missed you..
He turned his way back ahead to see the turn corner, he grunted as he placed his left hand on the lever getting ready to drift. When the turn appeared he pulled the lever up turning his wheel all the way to the right drifting back onto the straight road, when the road was in his vision he pulled down the lever turning his wheel straight taking off again. He swore he thought you were far behind but was proven wrong when he saw your black car speed past him, he felt his eyes widen seeing you speed off and towards the finish line. You smirked as you looked in your rear view to see him far behind, “Still got it.” You mumbled. When you saw the crowd of people enter your vision you crossed the finish line with Eren right behind you, you brake your car, turning off the engine and stepping out of the car with a cocky grin. You watched as Eren stepped out of his car with a scowl on his face, you knew he hated losing and by the look on his face he was pissed.
“Looky here, mister Jaeger came in second how cute that is huh?” You chuckled, he practically growled under his breath as he stared at you. “You’ve got some nerve sayin i came in second. You gotta admit (Y/N) i was close in coming first and you knew it.” You laughed rolling your eyes. “Yeah but who came in first?” You teased, but for Eren he was far too pissed off to even take teasing at the moment, he slowly walked over towards you, leaning down towards your height. “Yeah? But let’s not forget how you practically had a panic attack in a middle of a race causing you to crash, huh? Remember that?”
You felt everything slow down, everything moved in slow motion.
You were going above the speed limit as you were panicking, you didn’t give a care at the moment as you were speeding off to go somewhere, anywhere that’s far away from him. You were so deep into thought you didn’t hear the honking of another car being targeted towards you, after the third honk you snapped out of it swerving your car to the right as the other car barely missed you. You felt the tears starting to blur your vision which caused you to immediately press the brake pedal, when you felt the car stop you gripped the steering wheel as your body started to violently shake.
Your breathing was uneven as you tried to calm yourself down. “F-Fuck..” Your body felt extremely hot as your face felt wet due to the non stop tears going down your face, you don’t why he said it but when he did you just snapped. All the emotions you had since you found out you lost your baby came back after so long of trying to heal yourself and keep them away.
When the day you got into that crash was the day you found out you were pregnant and you had miscarried.
“I’m sorry to say Ms. (Y/L/N), but due to many fractures of your body..unfortunately you had miscarried.” The nurse had said, as for you, you were confused and frozen as you were sat up in your bed. “Miscarried? W-What do you mean?.” The nurse bit down on her lip seeing as that you didn’t even know you were pregnant in the first place, she softly sighed walking towards your bed and crouching down towards your height taking your shaking bandaged hand into hers with a sad look. “(Y/N), you were 10 weeks pregnant. And due to you fracturing many parts of your body, it caused you to miscarry your child.” You felt your world grumble to the floor upon hearing that leave her mouth. You were pregnant and you didn’t even know? I mean you could say one morning you were feeling a little sick throwing up out of nowhere and just not feeling good at all but you just thought it was something you ate the other night brushing it off. But it came to realize..the reason why you were feeling sick and puking your guts out was because you were indeed pregnant. You had lost your baby..your sweet little angel that didn’t even get a chance to live.
You were feeling so many emotions you didn’t know what to do, after you heard the news you had stopped racing for awhile, smoking and even hanging out with the gang, they all grew suspicious of the act but just brushed it off not wanting to bother you while you were in the state you were in. After a while you decided to tell them what had been going on and what happened. “What’s been going on, (Y/N)? You’ve been ignoring us for the past month now. We’re worried about you..” Marci said sadly as she watched you nervously play with your fingers. “I- I’ve..uhm.” You couldn’t form the right sentence as you instantly felt the tears come down your cheek. This made the group widen their eyes to see you violently shaking and tears coming down your face fast, they all came over to you into a group hug, leaning your head into Kai’s shoulder just letting out the emotions that were in you.
Kai silently shushed you into your ear as he softly played with your braids knowing it would kinda help calm you down, as for Isiah and Marci they were whispering nothing but it’ll be okay or we’re here for you etc etc. You continued crying onto Kai’s shoulder feeling your whole body weaken, you were weak..you were mentally fucked, you were depressed, you were just going through a lot. As you began to calm down after a few minutes you decided to tell them what you’ve been hiding for so long, “When I had woken up in the hospital bed the nurse w-was already there to do whatever she needed to do. She had begun to tell me what had happened and said i badly fractured my body..t-then she mentioned that i..i had m-miscarried.”
You were afraid they would be disgusted with you but you were proven wrong when they all took care of you and helped you back up on your feet, you leaned your head against the steering wheel with faint breaths as you tried to calm down. You felt your grip on the wheel loosen as they went limp on your lap but soon rubbed your tummy with a small smile.
“I told you we would win..”
He just stood there frozen with wide eyes still feeling the sting you had left on his cheek. You had speeded off into the faint night leaving the crowd shocked and confused, as for the gang Isiah and the rest were pissed off. Kai had walked up towards him slightly shoving him back into Jean’s chest. “Fuck is your problem dawg? You just go out of your way to bring that shit up?!” He yelled walking towards him but got stopped when Isiah grabbed him by the shoulder. Eren furrowed his eyebrows as he watched the two males glare at him, “Oh, so it’s okay when she gets to tease him but when he does it-“ Jean started but got interrupted, “That wasn’t teasin are fuckin stupid?!. That’s bringing up trauma she had to face!” Marci yelled making the group go silent, Eren looked up making to look at her, “Trauma? What trauma?” He questioned, Marci rolled her eyes glaring towards the male, “She was fucking pregnant. With YOUR baby.”
His eyes widened, “Pregnant?!”
The group furrowed their eyebrows as confusion started to linger, “Trauma? What are you talking about?.” Armin asked, Marci scoffed and rolled her eyes. “For god sake! When she crashed into that god damn race. She lost her baby, YOUR baby! She was fucking pregnant.” Everything went silent, the crowd had gasps leaving their mouths with whispers beginning as Eren widened his eyes.
A/N : Pt 2 coming…NEVER 🤣.
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pandorasfavorite · 11 months
Keep my cool
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AN: Firstly NO hate to Rhea its all fiction. This is a little cray cray because most people wouldn't fight someone when they are jealous but I WROTE IT OKAY. TW: violence
SONG I used
You don't like it, not one bit. You wouldn't call yourself possessive but protective is a better way to describe it. Sure you and The Judgment Day get along relatively well, you've never had problems with any members of the group. These people were Dominik's friends, family even, but family shouldn't be flirting with him.
Rhea has that small problem, her hands linger too long on his shoulder and she whispers in his ear too often. You dont like to share... you'd never share Dominik with another woman. He's your boyfriend and you're his girlfriend not Rhea. Despite Rhea's advances Dominik is clueless to how this may look to everyone else. Even Television thinks they are exclusive, though its not true. Youll ignore it until she ticks you off horribly.
Dominik is sitting by Finn and everyone else is moving to sit by eachother, you walk towards Dominik to sit on the other side of him when Rhea plops down beside him. You inhale shortly and exhale just as quickly trying to control your breathing and to calm down. You cough to bring her attention to you standing in front of her, "Do you care to scoot over? I want to sit next to my boyfriend" I ask less than patient. You think for a moment that this will go smoothly, that for once she will step down and not be so persistent. Everything goes south quickly though when Rhea laughs and lays her arm on Dominiks shoulder, "I like sitting next to Dom Dom though".
Heat is burning throughout your body... you took up wrestling to channel your anger properly but moments like this bring out something uncontrollable. Dominik's face contorts at the conversation and how Rhea laughed at you, he's beyond confused why his girlfriend and friend are fighting. You take another short breath focusing on the stinging in your palm, from how tight your fists are wound together. You only stare at her for a moment before she leans over to a unexpecting Dominik and whispers in his ear. Dominik turns to face her quickly obviously astonished by what she said.
You grab her by the shirt straps pulling her up from the couch harshly and you push her backwards with the same amount of force. "You got something to say?" you ask her menacingly raising your eyebrows in question. You had no doubt that Rhea was going to want to fight after you pushed her, actually it was a given that she was going to come towards you full blazing. Dominik flew off the couch watching you push Rhea, FInn and Damian follow suit only observing for a moment to see how far this will go. Rhea steps towards you quickly ready to hit, Dominik moves towards you both but he isn't quick enough to stop the inevitable.
Rhea sends a painful slap across your face making your head turn in the same direction. Dominik feels useless in these moments but nonetheless all the boys get closer to break it up. You are too angry to be mature, you dont share. You take a moment to think of the all times shes whispered in his ear and all the times she complimented him flirty. You whip your head back around the your fist follows suit hitting her across the nose, you use your upper hand to push her to the floor and to straddle her. Rhea groans and tries to roll out from under you, Dominik and Finn are pulling on your back and shoulders to get you off. Your squirming makes it all so much harder for them.
Your anger diminished with every hit you plant onto her and every hit she lands makes your adrenaline so much fuller. Dominik and Finn manage to pull you off of her with curses spewing from their mouths. Damian holds onto Rhea by the shoulders to make sure she doesn't get up and try to start it all again. Your arms are basically behind your back while everyone is processing the fist fight that broke out. You stare at Rhea with blood trickling from your eyebrow and your chest heaving from the workout. "Want to sit by him now?!" you yell at her leaning forward some to get your point across. You can feel Dominik's hand tighten a little, finally understanding the origin of the fight.
Rhea sits up against Damians legs still prideful, "Fuck you" she spits out holding her nose in pain. Damian speaks from behind her "Alright that's enough lets go" he says tugging Rhea up by her armpits. Rhea doesnt really complain she just scoffs and walks out, Finn lets go of your arms when Rhea leaves. Finn sits back down on the couch roughly mutter profanities at the situation and the exhusation of holding such a strong woman back.
Your anger is starting to fade and the dull ache of your knuckles becomes more prominent but its nothing you cant handle. You roll your shoulders back to relax your body even more but Dominik's hands are still on your shoulders holding you still. You turn your head to try and peg the reaction Dominik will have. He looks lost himself, like hes not sure how to react to what happened. He cant decide if he should be angry or extremely turned on... but the latter is really calling his name. He clears his throat before moving his face closer to your ear, "Are you jealous?" he asks breathlessly. You roll your eyes at his constant obliviousness, "If me beating her ass didn't answer that question then I dont know what will", you mutter craning your neck to get a glimpse of him.
You can hear Finn snort from the couch at the ridiculous display he just seen and witness. Finn stands up to leave the room laughing to him shaking his head at Dominik. You manage to break out of Dominiks grip on your shoulders to face him. Your heart stings a little because you can clearly see conflict within Dominiks eyes, he doesn't want to loose anyone he loves. He sighs thinking this was his fault, "Im sorry--". You shush him putting your finger on his lips, you glance down at his lips and he glances down at your hand on him. You remove your finger and you grab his vest pulling his face and lips towards you. You kiss him a few times with a smack, you push your lips against him and he reciprocates pushing down against you.
You move the hair out his face taking a moment to reassure him, "Me and her will talk about it, okay? You're not losing anyone today". Dominik sighs in relief knowing that his girlfriend is in tune with his emotions. He nods and your heart and cheeks warm at his cuteness. Dominik takes his thumb and rubs it over the small cut and bruise lightly, "Does it hurt?" he asks calmly and concerned. You take that same hand in yours and you kiss the back of his hand, "A little. But you should've seen the other guy". You mimicked him from all the times he's gotten hurt. Dominik laughs a little grabbing your chin to pull you to him again, connecting your lips one more time before leaving to smooth things over.
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I want to know whoe reader and sap became roomies?? there is always a story when it comes to roomies
o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
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pairing: college!sapnap x gn!roommate!reader
SUMMARY: in which you meet your new roommate… one george doesn’t exactly approve of.
A/N: this drabble takes place before this imagine but they can both be read as stand-alones!! if you’re interested in related stories check out my roommate!sapnap tag <3
WARNINGS: swearing, george being a brat basically, i can’t really think of any other warnings but if i missed something lmk!!
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“I don’t trust him.”
You turn your head to George, nearly dropping the cardboard box onto the floor as you do so. You quickly readjust your grip on your belongings, exhaling loudly.
“I’d appreciate if you got off your ass and helped me move things in, you know,” you retort, looking pointedly at George. He rolls his eyes as you add, “besides, you haven’t even met him yet.”
George scoffs, pocketing his phone and turning to you with an unimpressed look. “Neither have you.”
You set down the box over the kitchen counter, carefully retrieving the plates and glasses your mom gave you. You click your tongue. “But Dream has. You trust Dream, don’t you?”
You have to bite your tongue to prevent yourself from snapping at the brunet. You’re supposed to be in a good mood for when your new roommate shows up— and you can’t exactly risk George of all people being the reason why you two get off on the wrong foot.
You don’t understand why he seems so set on making your new roommate look bad. After all, the only reason as to why you’re sharing a flat with one of Dream’s buddies is because George bailed on you— something about finding a better arrangement with one of his friends from the UK.
“I don’t know,” He shakes his head, slumped against the couch as he stares at the ceiling. It paints quite the picture, that with the couch being the only unpacked item other than your beds. “This Sapnap person is weird. Who even agrees to become roommates with someone you haven’t even met?”
You stare back at George, unamused. “Gee, I wonder,” you quip, resisting the urge to throw one of the empty boxes at him. “And it’s not like he’s a total stranger— we’ve messaged each other a few times.”
“His name is Sapnap,” he deadpans.
“And he’s from Texas.” George groans out, as if that was the worst possible place he could imagine. You can’t help but wonder if he does truly dislike Sapnap, or if he’s merely doing this because he’s bored. Knowing George, it’s probably the latter.
George straightens off the couch, hair fluffed as drawls out, “Come on, you can still back out if you want. He’s not even here yet, you could just tell him you changed your—” A knock on the door. “—mind.”
You feel your back growing stiff, anxiousness suddenly building up inside your chest. “Coming!” You call out, hastily heading towards the door. Your hand curls around the handle and you pause.
Okay. Breathe in, breathe out. First introductions are important. Relax.
Before opening, however, you turn to British friend. “George,” you start sweetly, though there’s an edge to your voice. He simply quirks a brow. “If you say anything weird to him, I will shove your ass down the trash chute.” You say with a sickeningly honeyed smile, only to receive a dismissive wave from him. You hope he knows you’re not bluffing.
Finally, you open the door. “Hi! You must be—” Your eyes center on a boy with a light beard, disheveled brown hair and a nervous smile. You inhale sharply, sticking to a softer smile. “Uh, Sapnap, yeah?”
Sapnap blinks once. Twice. He suddenly shakes his head, as if snapping himself out of a trance. “Yeah! Yeah, um, hi.” He waves sheepishly while holding a few boxes between his arms.
You move aside as to let him come inside. He makes his way into the apartment, dropping the boxes near the counter. “You’re Y/N, right? Dream’s friend?”
You shrug your shoulders with a small smile. “That’s me.”
As Sapnap fumbles around with his boxes and making sure none of them fall, you silently regret not having asked Dream for pictures of Sapnap. Perhaps then you would’ve been able to mentally prepare for the fact that your new roommate is actually pretty. As in ‘I would definitely hit on you if we met at a party’ type of pretty. Or, more accurately, the type of pretty boy you see at an airport at three am.
“Hey,” George suddenly calls out from the couch, raising his head ever so slightly.
George’s sudden intrusion is enough to help you pull yourself together. He’s your roommate, god, you think, get a fucking grip.
“Fuck!” Sapnap jumps, heart hammering against his ears. His rattled hazel eyes meet with George’s judgemental brown. “Who are you?”
His lips part to respond, before you quickly step in. “Oh! That’s George.” You wave at him dismissively. “Ignore him— we all do.”
George huffs. “Uncalled for.”
Sapnap blinks. “You’re George?” He tilts his head slightly. “I think we’ve actually met a few times. Y’know— ‘cause of Dream.”
Your friend quirks a brow, allowing his gaze to linger for more than just a moment on Sapnap. He thinks about it for a second, before asking, “Were you the guy that broke his mom’s vase and blamed it on the cat?”
Sapnap sputters, ears growing a pink color. “…No.”
“Huh.” George hums, amused. You shoot him a glare, to which he raises his hands innocently.
You fold your arms over your chest. “Are you gonna help unpack or are you just gonna be a brat?”
“No, I’m leaving,” He responds, standing up from the couch and swinging his bag over his shoulder.
You furrow your brows, looking back at him in disbelief. “If you weren’t gonna help why even come here in the first place?”
George clicks his tongue as he reaches the door. “I just wanted to make sure he wasn’t a creep.” He narrows his eyes at Sapnap, who almost seems to straighten under his gaze. Then, he drawls, “I gave them a switchblade for Christmas, so watch it.”
The door slams closed before you can say anything to hin, leaving you and Sapnap alone in your new apartment.
The silence lasts a beat. Two.
Sapnap drums his fingers against the counter, a faint pink still painting his cheeks. “Is he, uh, your boyfriend?”
“What?” You sound borderline horrified as you snap your head in his direction. “Oh— fuck, no. No, no, George’s just a friend. A really annoying one, but a friend nonetheless.”
“Huh.” Sapnap murmurs, lost in thought. He snaps back to his senses quite easily, hands reaching for one of his boxes.
You exhale loudly, turning to Sapnap with a brighter look. “You hungry?”
The corner of his lips twitch upward, spreading into a grin. “Starving.”
“How do you feel about pizza?”
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xxradfemfairyxx · 8 months
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Truth or Dare? Chapter 1
Masc!reader x Ellie Williams
Freinds to lovers, a lil angst, fluff, smut, mentions of smoking weed, modern setting
Proof read? No lol
Authors note: i do it 4 the girls n the gays thats it!;3 Also this first chapter will be fluff because I like setting the stage for spicy stuff later on
You sat in a circle around a campfire with your best friend Dina, and her friend Ellie. Though you had just met, you and Ellie immediately took a liking to each other, you both throwing jokes at each other as swiftly as you said them, the conversation endless. Dina had planned a trip to her grandparents farm in the middle of no where, and she had insisted on letting Ellie join. You had no qualms after meeting the confident girl that now sat across the campfire from you, and even if you did you couldn’t say no to Dina, she was persistent on making you get out there and be more social.
“You guys, I have something that may be of interest,” Dina said grinning mischievously. “If it’s another cheesy campfire horror story I’ll shoot myself Di, I swear,” You jokingly say as you pretend to shoot yourself and fall back into the chair you sat on dramatically. “No you fucking drama queen, better. And fyi, my stories are awesome you dick.” You both laugh as she throws a stick at you and you duck away from it bouncing off your head. “You may not have good stories Dina but you have good aim.” Ellie chimes in, chuckling. “You know what? You both are assholes. I had a joint for us to share but now I may not share it.” She says flicking you both off. “NOOOO Dina I’m sorry please forgive me!” You say. “O, almighty one may you spare us?” Ellie says bowing and you both glance at each other and bust out laughing. “Oh look at what we got here. A couple of clowns. I forgive thee.” Dina says smiling while digging in her bag and pulling out a pre-roll. She lights it and inhales, then exhales sitting back in her seat. “You know Y/N if you think my stories are ass, why don’t you tell one better.” You roll your eyes as she hands the joint to Ellie. “Girl, fuck no, I’m bored. Truth or Dare sounds way more entertaining.” Dina side eyes you smirking; even from your distance away from her you could see her eyes where pink and droopy. “You know full well I’m going to embarrass the shit out of you just like we did when we where kids.” She says smiling evily. Then suddenly Ellie taps you on the shoulder and hands you the joint. “Here you go,” she says and your hands brush lightly as you take it, and a blush creeps up your neck as you see how pretty she looked in the light of the fire. “Thanks bro,” you said and take it. You mentally slap yourself for saying ‘bro’ but it was instinct. You hoped she didn’t notice the light red coating your neck as she sat back down. “Okay so who goes first?” Ellie says, clapping her hands together as you take a drag off of the joint, and quickly you forget your embarrassment, everything becoming a tad bit more funny than usual. “Don’t let the evil queen go first, pleasssseee.” You say and take another hit, blowing the smoke out of your nose. “Just for that I’m going first.” Dina says. “But I’ll spare you just this one time, Y/N Y/L/N,” She flips her hair over her shoulder sassily as she says your full name. “Bitch not my government name,” You say handing her the joint laughing, now decently high. “OOO your in trouble!!” Ellie says laughing just as much as you. “Nuh uh,” you say with a fake grumpy voice crossing your arms. “Okay, anyways, Ellie. Truth or Dare?” Dina says, and then French inhales the hit she just took. “Umm, you know. Dare. I’m feeling brave.” Ellie responds. “Okay so. I dare you to take your pants off and run around like a fucking chicken.” Dina says fully on a power trip now. “I told you she was evil.” You say sighing. “God gives his toughest battles to his gayest warriors I’m afraid.” She retorts and you almost spit out the water you just took a sip of, some dripped out of your nose as a tear ran down your face trying to contain your laughter and not choke. You wipe your face and swallow, and take a much needed breath. Ellie slips off her skinny jeans and reveals men’s boxers and as she does you cant help but stare a little longer than you should’ve. Tattoos covered her thighs and you had to basically rip your eyes off of her. She runs around the campfire, flailing her arms and both you and Dina laugh as she slaps the back of your necks while she passes behind each of you. She comes to a stop and puts her jeans back on and as she’s zipping them up, Dina tries to speak through her laughter. “Oh- oh my fucking god you actually did it. Y/N will never do a dare anymore.” She says struggling to get the sentence out. “Fuck you, you know what it’s my turn. I’m going to avenge Ellie’s honor.” Ellie chuckles at this and takes the joint Dina hands to her. “Dina, truth or dare.” You say raising your eyebrow at her. “Hmm, dare.” You give her wicked grin.
“I dare you too wear your bra on your head for the rest of the game. Or are you a wuss?” You say and she rolls her eyes as her arms disappear into her shirt and they reappear holding a solid black bra, and she fastens it on her head. “Fuck. You.” She says crossing her arms but smiling. “Interesting fashion statement,” Ellie says and leans over to you handing you the joint. You briefly caught a whiff of how she smelt, like sandalwood and campfire smoke. ‘Stop being weird,’ you say to yourself mentally and thank her, taking a drag. “Ellie your turn.” She nods and points to you. “Y/N. I dare you to kiss Dina.” Your eyes widen from their droopy state and you look at her. “You know what-“ you stop and huff. “Hold this,” you say and hand Ellie the joint. “C’mere n kiss me handsome girl,” Dina says batting her eyelashes. “God will you shut up,” you say feigning disgust. In truth you had already kissed Dina, but who hasn’t kissed their best friend? You stand up and cup both of her cheeks in your hands and kiss her. She grabs your arm, kissing you back and you both quickly draw back and you sit back down. “Are you satisfied perv?!” You say playfully kicking Ellies leg with your own. “Anti-climatic actually.” She says kicking you back while putting out the joint. “Oh god its Dina’s turn again, she may look ridiculous but she’s out for blood!” You groan. “Exactly fucking right.” She says, “Y/N, truth or dare.” She turns to you. “Truth, i dont trust you right now.” “Okay so who’s the hottest person here. You can’t pick yourself.” You flick her off. “No comment for the press thank you.” You say, not wanting to admit it was Ellie, nor offend Dina who was beautiful, but simply it was platonic. You where coming to the realization that you had a raw attraction to Ellie, even if you had only known her a short period of time. But you felt like you didn’t have a chance. You would rather save yourself the time and avoid rejection.
“Okay well your a pussy, and I’m getting tired of you nerds. Let’s head to bed.” Dina says taking the bra off her head and stuffing it into her bag. She was never to be the one ashamed of her body, so her not wearing one didn’t bother her, nor you and Ellie. You nod and stretch. And stand up, and roll the sleeves of your sweater up and put out the fire with a gallon jug of water. You had tattoos up and down your forearms, so showing them off was something you loved to do. Ellie brushes off her pants and stands up and looks at your forearms, her eyes flicking up and down. You blush and thanked god it was dark and your face was concealed. She was probably just checking out what designs you had, not checking you out. Dina clicks on her flashlight and climbs into her tent. “GOODNIGHT LOSERS!” She yells and zips up her tent, soon after her light clicking off. You and Ellie both stand there awkwardly for an unbearable minute. It was unlike you both to be so timid. But damn, she looked angelic in the soft glow of the moonlight.
“Uh, anyways goodnight.” You say, clicking on your flashlight and entering your own tent swiftly, zipping it up. And as you take off your hiking boots and change into basketball shorts, your thoughts race. You rarely felt drawn to anyone as quickly as you did with her, and it scared you. You enter your sleeping bag and click off your flashlight sighing. She was out of your league you where sure of it. And even if you had a chance it’s way to soon to act on anything. You close your eyes cover your face with your hands. For some reason you couldn’t help but feel shame around her. In fact thats how you felt around most people except Di these days. You had become extremely introverted after losing a freind group and a bad breakup. Dina wanted you to have a freind besides her. And you had finally thought you where over it, and maybe you would’ve been if you just didn’t like Ellie like that. So close, yet so far. You uncover your face and turn on your side and try to sleep, yet sleep wouldn’t come.
An hour, maybe two passes by. No sleep, not even the slightest hint of it would come to you. And suddenly you heard a whisper, barely audible, “Hey Y/N you awake?” Holy fuck it was Ellie. You quickly sit up. “What, Ellie?” You whisper back and unzip your tent to see her crouched outside of yours, holding her sleeping bag; dressed in a tank top and shorts. “Are you okay?” You whisper your words laced with genuine worry. “I- um don’t make fun of me. But I’m actually scared of the dark and i was wondering if I could sleep in your tent.” She looks down her cheeks red from embarrassment. You where shocked. Why you and not Dina? After all she knew Di better. You shrugged it off, oblivious to Ellie’s ploy to share your tent with you, you guessed she had just realized you where the only one awake. Unlike what you thought, the minute she saw you she thought you where attractive. Your masculine way of dressing, your smile, the way your eyes crinkled at the corners when you laughed, the silver rings you adorned, the tattoos snaking up your arms. She didn’t know why, but she was attracted to all of you and hatched a plan to be in your arms one way or another. You nod. “No I wouldn’t make fun of you for that. C’mon on in,” you whisper and smile gently at her. Ellie crawls in and rolls out her sleeping bag as you get back into your sleeping bag. She lays next to you as you lay back down. You lay face up still and stiff like a dead body, not daring to look at her. Was this really happening? Your mind was boggled and you listened to her breathing. You could tell she was still awake.
Meanwhile Ellie was trying to figure out what to do mentally. She hadn’t thought this far ahead. Her heart pounded so hard against her chest, she was worried you could hear it. But you couldn’t. She squeezes her eyes shut, gives herself a mental push and turns to you. “I- Y/N?”
“Y-yes?” You stutter out, your heart beating just as hard as hers now.
“Can we um- cuddle? I understand if not your already being nice enough to let me in here and-“ you cut Ellie off.
“hey it’s okay we all need to cuddle the bros sometimes yeah? Don’t feel embarrassed. Me and Di have.” You try to comfort her. But thats not the type of comfort Ellie wanted, but it was a step forward. You both awkwardly unzip your sleeping bags and she jerkily grabs your side, wrapping her strong arms around your waist resting her head on your chest.
No no no! You mentally panicked. She could hear your rabbit paced heart beat now clearly and you couldn’t do a thing but act normal. You where fully enveloped in her scent now, sandalwood, cinnamon and campfire smoke. You hadn’t caught the cinnamon scent earlier, but thats because it resided in her hair. You had a full dark and deep blush now, and you didn’t know it but so did Ellie. You looked down at her arms that where just as tatted as her thighs and you mentally trace the moth and plant she had on her forearm.
She held you tighter after noticing your heart beat, and she had a small smile on her face. She saw the way your eyes lingered a little bit to long when she was dared to take off her pants and run around, and your rapid heart rate confirmed her suspicions of mutual attraction.
To your surprise she grabs the side of your face turns your head to her and looks into your eyes. You finally notice her dark red cheeks and not only that, but the small scar in one of her eyebrows, her freckles sprinkled perfectly across her face, and the way her eyelids drooped over her green eyes from the weed and from fatigue. Your breath hitches in your throat and her eyes look at your lips and then back into your eyes. Everything was still for a moment, and then she gently kisses you, her hand going from your cheek to your hair. Your eyes widen, but quickly shut as she pulls you by your waist closer to her. You both separate and but stay quiet looking at each other timidly.
“I’m sorry Y/N.” She says looking away, taking your silence as shock, which it was, but in a good way. Terrific even.
“N-no i just didn’t realize you where into me like that.” You say your voice shaking slightly.
“Well I do.” She buries her face in your chest, like she’s trying to hide.
“I do too.” You whisper out.
“Good, because that would’ve been embarrassing.” She says and you wrap your arms around her smiling like an idiot, giddy.
You finally fall asleep, thanks to her.
Heyyyyyy y’all its ya boy, skinny peni- anyways i hope y’all fw this i already have the idea for the 2nd chapter
Shoutout @elliessluv for this idea
I am now retreating back into my cave to be the feral goblin i am, byeee! XD
Chapter 2 (literally just smut I warned you)
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puffpasstea · 2 years
Jealous Guy
One shot of Harry trying to make his ex jealous but it ends up backfiring.
Warnings: small bit of angst, swearing, alcohol consumption.
"What do you want me to do, Harry? Formally disinvite her from everything?" Tom leaned forward, closer to his friend's ear, attempting to have a semi-private conversation with him in the middle of the party.
"I didn't say that, did I?" Harry sipped on his drink, his eyes still on the woman across the room.
"You didn't have to say anything. The way you're trying to kill her with your eyes says a lot."
Harry finally turned to look at Tom. "Okay, then, how about this? Thanks, mate! Totally love that you've invited my ex-girlfriend to your birthday party without so much as a heads up! What a brilliant surprise! Now I feel like it's my birthday...that better?"
"Oh, C'mon, man..."
"Who's the guy anyway?" Harry gulped down the remainder of his drink, setting his empty glass down on the table, and standing up.
"Don't know. Never seen him before."
"You don't know the guests at your own party? good job, mate. Really, well done..." Harry patted his friend's shoulder, walking away to disappear into the crowd.
The next time that Tom saw him, Harry was making out with a model. Of course, standing strategically, a mere few feet away from his ex.
Tom rushed over, fantasizing about shoving his clearly drunk friend into a closet for the rest of the night to save him from any more stupid decisions. It was already too late, though. He could see that she'd looked up, her eyes stunned at the sight in front of her. Just as Harry had intended.
She got up off the couch, grabbing the hand of her date, and walking away.
Tom rolled his eyes as he watched the catastrophe unfold. No longer able to remain out of it, he grabbed Harry by the back of his shirt, pulling him off the model.
"What the fuck are you doing, H?"
"What? I'm not doing anything!" Harry adjusted his shirt. "So, what are you saying? She's allowed to bring some random person off the street with her, but I'm supposed to stay alone forever? Can't even kiss anyone else?"
"Harry- she left." Tom nodded in the direction of the couch where she'd been sitting. "No more drinking. No more dumb shit. Please..."
Harry rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, and, ignoring his concerned friend and his kissing partner, he plodded out into the yard for some fresh air.
He inhaled deeply, his lungs filling with clean air for the first time today. Closing his eyes and exhaling, he felt his head already get clearer. It was way too stuffy inside. He began to slowly walk around the yard in a circle, trying not to think about his actions moments earlier. That's when he saw her, standing in the dark shade of a tree, crying.
He meandered over to her , in feigned aimlessness, hands in his pocket. "Don't cry..." he mumbled barely loud enough to be heard against her loud sniffling, his eyes up at the sky, avoiding her.
"C'mon, now. Please. No tears." Harry spoke again when his first attempt had failed to induce a response from her.
She wiped at her eyes and looked up at him. "Leave me alone, Harry! go back to kissing someone else." Her voice had cracked at that statement. The image of him with his hands all over someone else, his tongue down the model's throat, came rushing back.
"That's not fair! You brought someone, too!" Harry finally looked her in the eyes. Clearly outraged.
"That's my cousin, you moron!"
"Your co- fuckkkk." He squeezed his eyes shut, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Of course it's your cousin...." The information slowly flooded his memory. "Oh, you're cousin! Cuz he was supposed to come see you." Harry could suddenly recall the discussion they'd had about her family flying out to see her. He'd even promised to show them around, and let her cousin tag along to the studio sometime.
"Clearly everything about our relationship has been wiped from your memory." She spoke, still crying.
"No, no- C'mon. Don't. Don't do that..." Not his most compelling argument. The drinking had clearly gotten to him. "I- I still remember. And you're the one who dumped me, remember?"
She shook her head, frustrated. She couldn't believe he was digging up those tired comebacks yet again. How many times have they been over this?
"Doesn't make it any less difficult for me!"
Harry felt his heart split in half at the sight of fresh tears pouring down her face again.
"yes, you're right." He put his arms out, pulling her into an embrace. "You're right. I'm sorry. I'm such a dick." He rubbed her back as she sobbed into his chest.
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