#is a lie and i know it's a lie because they also said they had three meetings with me about it plus i just don't
fairyhaos · 3 days
❖ i am all of you // lee jihoon
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woozi x gn!reader, 1.7k+ words
tags: requested by @mirxzii, established relationship, producer!woozi, scriptwriter!yn, hurt/comfort
warnings: pet names (babe, darling), food mention
summary: on the days you feel exhausted, lost to the clouds of fear and fatigue, you wonder whether anything in the world will ever be fine again. not to worry, though. because jihoon always finds you, and he brings you home.
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Jihoon kind of misses you. 
Okay, that's a lie, because he actually misses you a lot, because even though you're right here and you say hello to him in the morning and you eat your meals together and you say “I love you” to him at night, you're still not… here. 
You get like this, sometimes, where you're all stuck in your head and he can't get you out. Anything he says doesn't seem to register, not really, because you'll hum in response before drifting away again to somewhere he can't reach. 
Jihoon knocks on your door, gentle. You emerged from your room to have breakfast, but you've been stuck inside ever since, and, well. It's like he said. 
He kind of misses you a lot. 
“Are you okay in there?” he asks. “Just checking up on you, babe. I haven't heard from you in a while.”
“I'm okay,” you say back, and even though you're only on the other side of the door, you sound distant. “I'm just tired, that's all.”
He hums, sceptical. “Are you sure? Can I come in?”
“I don't see why not,” you say, and he opens the door and cautiously peers inside. 
You’re lying in bed, pillows propped up behind your head, quite literally doing nothing other than staring emptily up at the ceiling. When Jihoon enters the room, you look over in response to the sound and wave at him from the bed looking confused but also very, very exhausted, and something in his heart twists sadly.
He walks over to you, leans over, and presses a hand to your forehead. You look up in confusion, going a little cross-eyed as you try to see his hand on your head. 
“What are you doing?”
“Checking for a fever,” Jihoon responds matter-of-factly. He takes his hand away, presses it against his own forehead before feeling yours once again. 
“Hey, hey, I'm fine,” you say, waving his hand away. “I'm not sick.”
“Then why are you in bed?” he says. “It's so sunny today, Y/N. Normally, you'd be the one pestering me to get out of bed so we can go on those walks that you love so much. What's wrong, Y/N? Can you please tell me what's wrong?”
You fall silent, looking away. 
See, he thinks he kind of knows what's wrong. 
Not the exact reason, of course, but he knows that you're getting this tired and withdrawn from him because there's something in your life that's making you overwhelmed. Whether it's a situation that's happened or something you fear will happen in the future, if it scares you enough then you'll end up retreating in this way. 
Jihoon knows it's your way of coping when things get too much, but it frustrates him, because all he wants to do is take care of you but you won't let him in. 
“Please,” he says. Gently, simply. “Can you tell me what's wrong so that I can help?”
So he asks. He asks, and waits so, so patiently, silently begging you to please let him in. 
You slowly shake your head. 
“Nothing's wrong,” you say, and then shrug, like everything's fine. “I just need to take a nap.”
“I had to wake you up at noon for breakfast, today,” Jihoon points out, frowning. “And it's four in the afternoon. Why do you need a nap?”
You just shake your head again. “I just do.”
He opens his mouth, ready to refute, but you abruptly pull the covers over yourself and bury your head into your pillow again. A clear sign you want to end the conversation. 
“Goodbye, Jihoon,” you say, voice muffled by the sheets, and Jihoon sighs. 
“I'll let you know when dinner is ready, okay?” he says, and you make a soft noise in reply. He looks over at you again, before walking out of your room and closing the door. 
───────────── ⛅
It’s only thirty minutes later that he knocks on your door again.
He can’t help it. You two aren’t exactly the clingiest couple in the world: what with Jihoon’s work and your busy life, you can’t really afford to be so codependent. There have been days where you barely speak to each other, both absorbed in projects that take up all your time and leave you unable to indulge in the typical cuddly affection that other couples take part in.
This is what happens, he supposes, when a music producer and scriptwriter decide to date. Not that he minds, because he loves you, and he knows you love him too, and neither of you mind the lack of physical touch because often, the knowledge of that love is enough.
Just because you’re not the clingiest doesn’t mean that he likes not spending time with you, though.
Especially when you’re right there.
“Y/N? I’m coming in,” he says, and opens the door before you can answer. You’re lying in exactly the same position that he’d left you in, and you look over as the door opens again with a mildly annoyed expression on your face, as if Jihoon was interrupting your very precious time of doing absolutely nothing.
The mild irritation melts into confusion as you spot the things he’s holding. “Why did you bring your laptop with you?”
“Laptop and chocolate,” Jihoon emphasises, holding up the bag of chocolate coins in his other hand as he pushes the door shut with his elbow. “I’m here to do my work. And give you chocolate. Move over, will you?”
You give him a curious look, but still obediently shuffle over in bed so that he can climb in and sit there beside you, back against the headboard, opening up his laptop and immediately clicking on his emails. He doesn’t look at you, seemingly absorbed in answering whatever is sitting in his inbox, the bag of chocolate plopped onto the covers between you two.
Jihoon hums in response.
“What are you doing?”
He glances at you briefly, and pats your head. “Don’t worry. I’m not here to drag you into doing anything. Just pretend I’m not here, okay?” He goes back to his work, and then adds, “Oh, and eat the chocolate.”
You furrow your brow, mystified by his behaviour. This is… weird. You’ve had episodes like this before, where the foreboding lump in your throat joins forces with the anxiety that sits, ice-cold, in your chest, and you end up with a bone-deep exhaustion that leaves you terrified to do anything at all. Every time, Jihoon seems to understand, leaving you to your own devices to work through the fatigue until you feel better. He might bring you soup, or remind you to brush your teeth, but never anything like this.
The soft click-clacking of his keyboard is quite soothing, you’ll admit, but it’s still not quite enough for you to stop teetering on the edge of this crushing exhaustion and finally sleep.
“Jihoon,” you murmur, looking up at him again. “Jihoon, seriously, what are you doing?”
His fingers stop moving, and he looks over at you once more, before looking at the untouched bag of chocolate coins. Wordlessly, he opens it, unwraps one, and presses it against your lips. 
“I’m feeding you chocolate coins,” he says, and something about the deadpan way he says it makes you smile, allowing him to push the chocolate into your mouth. “What does it look like I’m doing?”
“No, I can see that,” you say around a mouthful of sticky, warm sweetness. Hm. Eating it makes the weight in your chest feel a little lighter, actually. “I just…”
Jihoon raises an eyebrow at you, but there’s no unkindness in his expression. He unwraps another chocolate for you, and you dutifully eat it, letting the overwhelming sweetness coat your teeth as you melt it down in your mouth, making the most of the taste.
“What are you doing here, though?” you ask, as your boyfriend deposits the metal wrappers on the bedside table next to him. “Babe, if you’re here to take care of me… it’s okay. I’m fine.”
He looks at you again, and smiles. “Silly. I’m not here to look after you.”
Wait, what?
“You can do whatever you need to do,” Jihoon continues, as he goes back to his laptop and starts click-clacking away again. “Rest, sleep, try to turn yourself invisible, whatever. You do you, darling. I’m just here because I want to spend time with you.”
“Jihoon,” you breathe out, touched. You are certain that there are stars in your eyes. “Jihoon, I love you.”
He chuckles, and finishes sending off the email. He jostles you around in bed for a moment, pulling you close until you’re resting against him, and though the position is uncomfortable, you don’t protest.
“I love you too,” he says, patting your head affectionately. “Now, don’t worry about what I’m doing, alright? Just let me spend time with you.”
Jihoon may pretend otherwise, but he really is soft. He gives and he gives and he gives, always, and that’s what he’s doing right now. He’s giving you all of him, under the pretence that he’s doing this for himself but you know him, know him like the other half of your heart, and your chest squeezes at how gentle he is with you, especially now. When you’re at your most vulnerable.
And instead of getting frustrated at your distance, at how far away you were floating from him, he brings your back down to Earth, pretending it’s all for him but you know, you know that he’s bringing you back to safety for you.
Pressed up against him, leaning into his side, you finally let yourself cry, the hot, stinging tears tracing paths down your cheeks. Jihoon doesn’t say anything, and instead pulls you closer, fingers threading through your hair as you cry quietly against him until you tire yourself out fully and there are no tears left for you to cry anymore. 
It’s kind of cathartic—freeing, the way you let yourself succumb to the exhaustion, comforted by the knowledge that Jihoon is there beside you as your tears die down, and you lie there beside him, taking deep, shaky breaths, heartbeat finally slowing down.
And at last, you close your eyes and sleep.
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fics tags: @jeonginssa @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @zozojella @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @abibliolife @doublasting @wonranghaeee @icyminghao @sweet-like-caramel @your-yxnnie @odxrilove @kyeomyun @crackedpumpkin @jeonride @kellesvt @sakufilms @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @starshuas @raevyng @isabellah29 @hrts4hanniehae @mcu-incorrect @dokyeomkyeom @suraandsugar @melodicrabbit
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foulphantomllama · 2 days
My Secret Desire | AESPA Winter x Male Reader
AESPA Winter x Male Reader (POV)
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Y/N is an abroad student from Europe. When he realizes he has feelings for his bully, Minjeong, their love-hate relationship made them push each others limits.
I will be releasing it in chapters. If you guys like it, i will make it as long as possible. And also I can take requests! Enjoy your reading.
The Exchange Student
It was always hard for me to go to school in the mornings. There were multiple reasons but the main one was my bully. Minjeong. But everybody was calling her Winter. Because she was stone cold, rude. Her attitude has a certain charm, I’m not going to lie. I guess this was the main reason I took the bullying for so long. I may be an exchange student but, i wasn’t really the type you expect to get bullied. After all, she was literally pocket size. I even can call her efforts cute. It was like taking a beating from a two year old. But little did I know that this cat has very sharp claws.
I had classes three days a week. So does she. She was not the brightest student, but she was always on time to classes. I don’t remember a single one that she missed. I, on the other hand, was pretty good at my grades and I knew my way around nearly all of the subjects. But still, she found something to make fun of me. But mainly me being a westerner. As time passed by, I get used to her attitude towards me. At some point I was addicted to her verbal abuse. She mocks my accent, my eating habits, the way I study. Everything. This toxic relationship started to grew inside me. It was just like I had found the motivation I needed to stop thinking about the choices I made with my life. And I was still getting pretty annoyed at some things she does but, overall, I started to fell for her.
Like I said, waking up in the morning always made me think about my choices. What the fuck I was doing in Korea tho? But I always ended up looking at myself at the mirror. Although my self-esteem was at its lowest, I was surprisingly pretty egoistic. Don’t ask me how that is possible. I don’t know either. Just like one of those mornings, I come to school, grab myself a freshly brewed americano and when I was on my way to the class, I saw Minjeong coming towards me. “Hi” she said with a soft, nice voice. Something I did not heard from her before. She got me. “Hi” I said back. “Look” she started to talk. I was nervous. Why I was nervous? “I’m so sorry for all my attitude towards you.” I was shocked. Did she just.. apologized to me? “Don’t worry about it. We’re adults after all, In fact I was starting to like it.” I answered. “Ha” she smirked at me. But that smirk was too evil and too inviting. She was fucking me up. Making me stand for everything I hated before. “So, can we just talk over there?” she said to me. I accepted. We started walking together.
After a little walk, we sat at a bench looking towards our building. She took my cofee off my hand and started drinking it. “Sorry, I’m so nervous.” She said. “I was probably never should have bullied you from the start.” She looked at me. Her face was to innocent to be guilty. But she was. I knew that but still, wanted to hear the rest. “Do you need something?” I asked. “How did you knew?” she answered back. “My father says If I don’t pass my classes this year It will be over for me.” “What will be over?” I answered. “School.” She said. “He says he will remove me from the school.” She put the coffee to the side. Something was seriously off. I could feel it. But I agreed to help anyway. She was so happy when I agreed to help her. Some of it felt insanely real. Was it real?
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redxx95 · 3 days
How Cherry Magic avoids romanticising self-sacrifice
Alright strap in boys, this is gonna be a long one.
Spoilers for the manga (mostly the english volumes but I will include a bit from vol 12. I'll mark it tho so yall may skip it if you don't want to be spoilered).
So in this one I want to examine how cherry magic does a great job at portraying self-sacrifice in a relationship as an actual flaw rather than a romantic ideal to aspire to. Very often you'll see characters in media putting their own needs aside for their lover. A lot of people will swoon at that because it is usually presented as proof of how dedicated they are to their partner and their wellbeing. (See... well the thai adaptation actually).
But what has pleasantly surprised me is how Toyota handles this in her manga.
Starting from the beginning, we all know the millions of things Kurosawa did for Adachi to get closer to him. After all, that is what's usually expected of him if we talk traditional gender roles. But one of the reasons Adachi even starts falling for Kurosawa is because of how he was for once able to do something for him.
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For someone with very low self-esteem, being able to help this super-capable perfect man is a big boost in confidence and also raises his own selfworth.
So now let's look at a few instances of selfless action and the consequences resulting from them.
First one is the disaster-date in volume 4
Kurosawa does his very best to choose activities that he thinks Adachi will enjoy. That is his primary concern.
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The effect this has on Adachi though is that the gap between them feels impossibly wide, only worsening his already low opinion of himself.
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Whenever Kurosawa does something big, it makes Adachi feel that much smaller. That's why he'd rather them be equals in everything instead of one giving more than the other.
Next is the argument they have in volume 8
Kurosawa attempts to, very selflessly, protect Adachi from his lowkey homophobic parents. He doesn't want them and their opinions to hurt Adachi personally, so he ends up lying to him to keep the peace. The effect this has on Adachi though is disastrous. At first he's just generally worried about why Kurosawa would even lie to him in the first place, but then they have that fight in their living room and you really get a good look at how negatively this affects Adachi.
The very first conclusion he jumps to is that he's not doing good enough for Kurosawa to feel secure with him.
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The next one is even worse, where he thinks he's not good enough in general. Both of these show how when pressed, he will default to blaming himself, believing that he is the problem first and foremost.
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And then, if all of that wasn't bad enough, this happens next:
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He's actually being self-deprecating again, something he hadn't done ever since Kurosawa told him not to in volume 5. And yes you can actually go back and check for yourself. Whenever he has negative thoughts after this point he's always pushing back.
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So there's an escalation happening here, one that is entirely caused by Kurosawa not sharing his burdens with him, by making their relationship unequal.
I think it also hurts him extra bad because they've had this argument before, just with their roles switched.
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So to him it must feel like Kurosawa is betraying the important lesson Adachi learned from that argument, which is that communicating with your partner is important, even when you feel like it might hurt them.
There's also something to be said about how most people would've probably stopped prodding when someone says "it's something I can't tell you", but Adachi knows that Kurosawa has a pattern of hiding his issues from him thanks to the mind reading, which is the whole reason they had that argument in vol 6 in the first place.
So, to summarize: Whenever Kurosawa acts selfless it takes a toll on Adachi's mental health. Because of his low self-esteem he needs to feel on equal terms with Kurosawa to be able to see himself as worthwhile. (And obviously he also loves Kurosawa and doesn't want to see him in pain just in general.)
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So after all that, surely Kurosawa would have learned his lesson, right? Surely he wouldn't just do it again, right?
... Spoilers for volume 12 start here ✨
So volume 12 is all about Kurosawa overworking himself because he's been assigned this big project by their chief to oversee their company's spot at a stationery convention. (I didn't look up whether or not that's a real thing but it is in the manga universe I guess lmao.)
Adachi tries to help alleviate his burdens with mixed success.
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(On the left he feeds Kurosawa because he needs to finish his work and doesn't have time to eat. On the right he tries to take a phonecall for Kurosawa but gets told that Kurosawa needs to hear it personally so relaying a message won't do.)
Then Adachi muses to himself how Kurosawa was always helping him out in the past and how Adachi can't do anything for him in return, especially since they're in different departments. He feels very useless, which is once again bad for his mental health.
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Later at home, he offers to at least take over the chores for the time being, but gets told that Kurosawa actually enjoys doing chores so there's no need for him to help.
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Kurosawa tells him that all he needs is Adachi to be close to him, while making out with him on the sofa. And right here we see how he only got half the lesson he was supposed to have learned in volume 8: In their fight Adachi told him that they should both be happy and he should share "all the hurt" with him, too. Well, the simple solution to that is not to see all his burdens as burdens, then he's not hurting and Adachi doesn't need to bother fussing over him! Win-win. Epic mind gymnastics 😎 (To be honest, I feel like this is actually very relatable to people that tend to give more than they take. We get so used to the weight of the burden that we don't notice it slowly pulling us down.)
So Adachi obviously notices what's going on and berates him about not having understood anything he said from that fight.
Throughout the volume Kurosawa gets more and more overworked, makes mistakes and is confronted with unexpected complications. He's very adamant about not asking anyone for help though, stating that he "can't be bothering his senpais any more than he already has" and that he's "doing this all for the sake of his future with Adachi".
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He also still has some hangups about people seeing him as just a pretty face, as you can see in that flashback in the second page. He constantly feels the need to prove himself to others, which prevents him from ever seeking out help.
So when he inevitably reaches his limit, Adachi is finally able to be there for him, being the only one that sees through his facade.
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(That hand kiss is so precious 😭)
Also, on that first page Adachi asks him whether or not he's fine, which reminds me of this panel from volume 6:
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He really knows him so well.
Emboldened by his husband, Kurosawa finally does ask for help and is, of course, met with understanding and sympathy.
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Spoilers for volume 12 end here ✨
So all this to say: Sometimes, when we try our best to be selfless and to protect the people close to us, we do more harm than good. Sometimes we cause harm to others (see volumes 4 and 8) and sometimes we cause harm to ourselves (see volume 12). It is of course a noble cause but it's not something to strive for at all times and can sometimes be actually counterproductive to what we wanted to achieve in the first place.
As someone who breaks themselves apart to help all the people around them, this aspect of the manga resonated very strongly with me and is probably the biggest reason I got so obsessed with this silly little BL romcom.
I know that this manga is not like, the best in quality. I know it's super niche and silly and cannot compare to the big popular mainstream manga with lots of depth and thought put into it, BUT.
A piece of art doesn't need to be "good" in order to resonate with people. You don't need to paint the mona lisa to reach someone and make them feel seen. You just need some sort of medium and a will to communicate something to the observer. (Something an AI could never replicate but that is a whole other discussion.)
This manga reached me when I needed it and it communicated a message that resonated with me and that is all it needed to do for me to love it to the point of obsession. 💖
Finally I'm done with this essay it is so long oh my god. If you reached the end of this, I'm so sorry. I hope you enjoyed it tho.
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AITA for telling my friend that our mutual friend doesn't care for us as much as we care about her?
'Harriet' (20F), 'Daisy' (19F) and I (20F) have been friends since we were kids. 6 years ago Harriet was forced to leave the country - we planned on all meeting again once we were adults and could afford it.
Daisy has wanted to visit Harriet for over a year now, but I've been reluctant because Harriet never shows the same interest. She never seems very excited when the topic is brought up, and I also find it questionable that we should have to visit her rather than the other way around, considering there are two of us here and one of her over there.
Daisy admits that Harriet doesn't reply to her texts that much, and I barely talk to Harriet at all nowadays. It does make me sad but I don't want to spend my money going to see someone who doesn't really want to see me. Daisy has been abandoned and let down by her friends time and time again, and basically never gives up on people. She has a lot of insecurities about people secretly hating her, which is why I could never bring myself to tell her how I really felt. After all, I don't think that Harriet hates us, I just think she's moved on with her life.
About a week ago I found out that about a year after Harriet was forced to leave, she returned to the country without telling anyone - I guess this was to visit family. I found out from a mutual friend who lives in the same country as Harriet. I was shocked and angry that she hadn't said anything - I would have been prepared to travel to whatever part of the country she was staying in just to see her. I was especially shocked because she was still very close to Daisy and I at this point, so I didn't understand why she would lie. She would constantly talk about how badly she wanted to see us, but was in the same country as us and didn't say anything!
Yesterday Daisy brought up the topic of visiting Harriet again, and with the information that I now have, I found myself unable to keep my thoughts to myself. I told Daisy that Harriet has moved on and that we shouldn't waste our money on her, and that if she cared that much she would make more of an effort to talk to us, or even visit us herself. I also told her about my recent discovery.
Daisy was really sad and started crying over the phone, saying that she didn't understand why no one wanted to stay friends with her. I felt awful and did my best to comfort her, explaining to her that I didn't think Harriet had any bad feelings towards her and that she had just grown distant over time. This didn't really seem to help though and she hung up and hasn't been online since.
To be honest I'm still confused about a lot of things, like why Harriet lied about not being able to visit before, but I still think that what I said was fair. I don't want Daisy to waste her affection on someone who doesn't feel the same way. I will admit that I hold a lot of resentment towards Harriet due to messed up things she has done to me in the past - however, I don't think I've been blinded by my anger towards her, I think the conclusion I came to was fair and unbiased. Still, I feel guilty, since what I said seems to have badly affected Daisy, and maybe I'm biased against Harriet without knowing? So, AITA?
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gauloiseblue · 2 days
Every Day, You'll Hear Me Say
(Kyle Garrick × Reader)
[Fluff | No Warnings Apply]
On the day of their marriage, when the newlyweds were asked about how they met, their stories would be touching. Some loves bloomed at the first sight, some had existed long before they even realized it.
Yours, however, began with a comedic story.
It was early in the morning on Thursday, just one day after you moved to the new place. You were exhausted from all the cleaning and moving boxes, and you'd sleep the whole day if not for your growling belly. You couldn't possibly go too far, so you settle with the sandwich bar near your apartment.
You didn't pay that much attention to your surroundings, moreover to the other customer beside you. So when you heard your name being called, you grabbed the order without looking. It's not until you took a bite that you noticed the mistake.
"I didn't order this." You told the staff, and she furrowed her brows.
"You're Reese, right?"
You nodded.
She looked just as confused as you, before the other staff came and flusteredly explained the situation.
"I'm sorry, we got your order mixed up with the man here. His name is also Reese."
You turned your head to the side, and saw the man she referred to. There was a trace of surprise in his face, but it's been replaced with amusement, for an obvious reason.
You felt your face heated up, as you covered your mouth.
"Oh my God." You stuttered, "I'm so sorry, I didn't know—"
"It's alright, you look starving." He chuckled, before he reassured the staff when they apologized.
"Let me buy you a new one."
"No, it's really ok." He smiled, "My treat."
You tried to pay him back, but you ended up with two sandwiches. And one drink.
At the table, you apologized to him once again, but he shrugged it off.
"Don't worry about it, it's just a small thing." He told you, "You should worry about yourself, you look like you could faint at any time."
You rubbed your neck as you looked away, "I haven't slept since I moved here, so…"
"No wonder you look unfamiliar." He said, "So, your name's Reese?"
"No, that's my Starbucks name." You sheepishly smiled, "I assume yours is Reese?"
"No." He softly laughed, "It's also my Starbucks name."
"Really?" You said in surprise, "It's not Reese?"
He shook his head. "Why? Does the name suit me?"
"Kind of." You replied, "You look rather sweet."
You slapped your hand on your mouth as you realized what you just said.
"No, I mean—it’s not like that—I didn't mean it that way or whatever—" You groaned, "This is embarrassing."
"That's alright, I used that name for that reason.” He said, “My friend once did an experiment by asking strangers if I looked like Reese or my real name, and most of them answered Reese." He grinned as he quipped, "One of them even told me that he wanted to “eat me up” because I reminded him of Reese's."
"What," Your eyes widened at his story, before you burst into laughter, "Wait, did someone really say that?"
"Why would I lie?" He smirked as he took a sip of his drink, "What about you? Why did you use that name?"
You scratched your cheek, "It's for a boring reason, really."
"Tell me anyway."
Just like that, your story began with a simple talk.
You'd laugh whenever it’s being retold—either by you or by him. Because your version was different from his, and both of them were amusing. For you, it was an embarrassing day. But for him, it was the best day of his life. You’d kick him under the table for saying such cheesy things, yet a wide grin would betray you as you scold him.
Of course, it’s not the only story worth telling, since it’s just the beginning.
The next story is much less interesting, but memorable still.
On a particular morning, you bumped into him in the hallway. He's in his sportswear, with sweats still forming on his forehead. He had a thin hoodie on him, and kept his hands inside the pocket. You wouldn't look at him twice if the bump in his pouch wasn't bean shaped.
It didn't take long before his pocket whined, which, that itself was impossible. Unless something else was inside that pouch.
"I, uh—I have to go." He quickly fumbled, "See ya around."
Before you could stop him, he already disappeared behind his door. Leaving you in the hallway, dumbfounded.
Though it didn't take long for you to figure out what it was. Since the smuggled item was quite vocal.
A few days later, as you took a shower, you heard a high-pitched howl from next-door. Along with the lecture from your neighbor.
"I wouldn't do this if you didn't roll in the dirt, Lou."
A loud protest soon followed, as well as a splash.
"Alright." You could hear him sigh, "I'll give you a treat after this, yeah? How's that sound?"
From that moment, the fuss slowly died down, as gentle coos replaced the argument.
"Good girl."
You quietly chuckled, as you washed off the remaining bubbles. While you reached out to grab the towel, the thought of treats came up to your mind.
Maybe the pup would love blueberries.
The next day, when you made your way to your door, you slipped a bag onto his door handle, with a sticky note attached to it.
You could remember exactly what was written in it, but you received the reply not long after. "Thank you for the gift." He told you, as you both retrieved letters from the mailbox, "She likes it very much."
You raised a brow at him, before you caught the context.
"Oh." You muttered out before you smiled, "I'm glad to hear it."
You both stared at each other, and would continue to do so if he didn't chance it.
"Do you want to meet her?"
The question rolled out with a slight tremble, as if he's both eager and hesitant about it. You studied him for a moment, before deciding on the answer.
"Yes," You said, "If you don't mind."
Which seemed to hit the mark, since his doubts were quick to disappear.
You couldn't get why he was unsure at the beginning, but you later found out that pets weren't allowed in the buildings.
The little pup is a mixed breed, with dark eyes and 4-colored furs. She wagged her tail when she saw you, and he had to scooped her up to quiet her down.
As you both settled back, he told you the story of how he found her, while you played with the pup.
“When I saw her on the side of the road, I knew something was off. She was too young to be left alone, and even if she was left unattended, she wouldn’t have strayed too far from the rest.” He said as he scratched her ear, “My only guess is that she’s left there by her previous owner, for whatever reason.”
“That’s so cruel.” You frowned, “Why couldn’t they put her into adoption or something?”
“I don’t know.” He shrugged, “But I suspected she came from an illegal farm, which means she had no birth certificate.” He explained, “Most adoption centers won't accept dogs from unknown sources, and sending them to the shelter would be a lot of work, since you’d have to write the admissions.”
“So they just threw her away?”
“Maybe. But I wouldn’t think about it too much. It already happened, and there’s nothing I could do to change it.” He chuckled when she started nibbling his thumb, “Besides, it’s more important for me to give her home. That’s the least I can do for her.”
You looked at him as you quietly observed how he stroked her cheek. If he’s the one who cared for her, then there's no doubt she’s found her home.
There’s a saying that a simple gesture could mirror someone’s heart, and it’s not hard to see when it comes to him. At that time, you couldn’t explain why you had the urge to help him, all you knew was you wanted to. At least for Lou.
Negotiating wasn’t your forte, but after many bribes and sweet talks, you managed to convince the landlord to allow him to keep the pup. You arrived at his door right after you got the written permission, in which you showed him with a proud grin.
“You don’t have to play hide and seek anymore.” You told him, “You have the permit.”
He read the letter carefully, before he turned to you, wide-eyed.
“How did you get this?”
“Pure luck, I guess.” You scratched your cheek.
“Come on, you expect me to believe it?” He chuckled, “How am I gonna repay you for this.”
“You don’t have to.” You added when he’s about to protest, “Think of it as my way to return the favor.”
“Still, it’s too much.” He muttered, “Let me buy you dinner.”
The automatic response that you thought was to refuse him, but something stopped you from doing it. You stared at him in silence, with your mind running miles an hour.
It’s still curious how a single word could slap some sense into you. Because at that very moment, you understood your own feelings.
Oh, You thought. That’s why.
Without further knock-back, you accepted his offer.
The details of what happened during that night are fuzzy in your memory, since your head was swarmed with the thought of him. But you remember walking into your room, with a slip of paper and a loud heartbeat on your hand.
It wasn't hard to see how you'd struggle with a simple message that night. But it all paid off the moment his reply popped out.
Since that day, texting him would be a part of your routine. Whether it's a long conversation, or simply a good morning. Sometimes he asked you to keep him company on the evening walk, sometimes he asked you whether you're up for dinner. On weekends, you'd join him in the park—where Lou could run freely. He'd bring the sandwiches from the bistro, and you'd giggle when you read the name 'Reese' on the wrap.
Months would pass, and all the moments you shared would come to a pause.
It was 9:34 PM when you heard a knock on your door. You smiled as you thought of the suspect, and while you got it right, the mood that's reflected on his face was far from what you expected.
"What's wrong?" You asked.
It took a moment for him before he uttered a few words.
"I need your help."
It was a simple request, take care of Lou, but the way he said it was dreadful. As if he'd be gone for long.
"I can't take her to the dog care because I have to leave now. You can drop her off tomorrow, but please, keep her for tonight." He told you, "Here's my spare key, you can find whatever you need for Lou. I've put the money on the table, you can use it for her daycare."
"Where are you going?" You frowned, "When will you be back?"
"Airport." He looked away, "Got a call from my boss, saying it's urgent. I don't know when I'll be back, it can take a month or so." He shook his head, "If I don't come back… No, forget it. I'll leave it to you."
That night, you could only watch him as the elevator door slowly closed. Despite the haste in his steps, his face didn't mirror the same eagerness.
When you entered his place, you found Lou on the tousled cover. She curled up by the empty space, where the owner was supposed to be. For a moment, you thought of moving her to your room. But you decided against it.
You spent the night on the couch, reading the message he left on the table. He had given you an address to the pet care, along with the money he mentioned. It's still puzzling how he could entrust everything to you—so easily, that you could take it for granted.
You turned your head to the bedroom, where the pup slept soundly on his bed. She had no clue that he had left, and you doubted that she's prepared for it. And if you took her to the care, would she understand it? Would she know that it's only for temporary?
With your fist tightened, you chose to let her stay.
It's not for a noble reason, rather, you couldn't bring yourself to leave her in an unfamiliar place. You scolded yourself for being sentimental, but you’ve been with her long enough that you’ve grown fond of her. One month shouldn’t be long, you could handle it just fine.
And it’s true. One month wouldn’t be a problem for you. Alas, he didn’t come back on the supposed day. The marked number on your calendar had been crossed, and still, no news from him. The messages you wrote were sent, but never received. You’d stare at his profile, as you read the word ‘OFF’ on the status.
Each day, you worry would grow as you glanced at the date. What if something had happened to him? And if he doesn't come back, what would become of Lou?
As you turned your calendar page, you felt the apprehension when you saw the month. Twelve more days, and it’d be exactly three months after he left.
The pup sensed it too, as she whined whenever she passed his door. You tried to overlook her cry, until you couldn’t. You retrieved the spare key from your safe, and headed over to his place.
The room was still the same as you left before, though it felt a little bit colder. You brought the pup down and closed the door behind.
Lou dashed to his room with a wagged tail, as she followed the lingering scent of him. You followed her behind, and stopped on your track the moment you saw her pawing at his wardrobe.
“You shouldn’t open that, Lou.” You stated as you lifted her up, “It’s impolite.”
She writhed around in your hold, before letting out a low whine.
“I know.” You murmured, “I miss him too.”
You plumped down on the sofa, before you rested your head on the arm pillow. The scent of him still lingered on the fabric, and you curled up against it. Lou snuggled closer to you, as she slipped under your arm. You smiled when she began to yawn, you glanced at the clock and caught the arms in the shape of a tilted V.
It’s almost midnight, and you should’ve gone back to your room. But something tempted you to stay, lulling you to rest. To close your eyes, even for a moment. Like clockwork, you slipped into nothingness when you gave in.
At this point, with all the past tense that you’ve used, it shouldn’t be a surprise when the story will come to an end. As cliché as it might sound, he really did come back that night. Although much later, near the dawn.
When you rose up from your sleep, you felt the weight on your body that wasn’t present before. You tried to shift away from it, but it seemed to be on top of you. When you peeked through your lashes, a mass of grey came into your view.
You leaped from the couch as you recognized the cover. It was a blanket, and you’re one-hundred percent sure that you last saw it in his bedroom.
“Good morning.”
Until now, nothing could beat the speed of your stare as you snapped your head towards him.
He was standing by the table in comfortable sweats, with Lou nestled in his arms. There were plates on the table, and you were hit by the delectable smell of food.
“Are you hungry?” He put a metal plate down, before lowering her to the ground.
Still dazed, you ended up answering with another question. “When—” You gulped, “Since when did you come back?”
He turned to the clock, then back to you, “2 hours ago.”
“Oh.” you rubbed your face, and brushed your hair to the back. “Um, sorry I didn’t hear you.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
He offered you a glass of water, and you took it while you murmured a small thanks.
“You didn’t take her to the pet care.”
You lowered the glass after a few gulps. “Um.” You scratched your neck, “I felt bad leaving her by herself, so I took her with me. Besides, you didn’t tell me how long you’d be away.” You muttered the last part.
He chuckled when he caught it. “I’m sorry, I should’ve informed you beforehand.”
The two of you exchanged a look, which you couldn’t look away from. The heat started to rise, as it painted your cheeks in red. There’s something between you and him, something vague but palpable at the same time—
“Thank you.”
You blinked, as the thick air dissipated from you.
“For taking care of her.” He added, “I owe you one."
At that time, you didn't quite catch the underlying meaning of his words. Only years after that—as you laid beside him, with a new ring on your finger—you finally found the answer.
"You told me that the day you realized you like me was the day I gave you my number." He started, as he stroked your cheek tenderly, "And when you asked me the same question, I said I've loved you ever since you took my sandwich. But I only realized it the moment I came home to you sleeping. I was beyond exhausted that day, both physical and mentally. I thought I'd collapse when I came back, but as I walked through the door, all my tiredness just disappeared. In my mind, I was expecting to see an empty home. So you can imagine how surprised I was when I saw you there.
"You might not know it, but your presence means so much to me. I wasn't brave enough to say thank you, for being there for me, so I said whatever's appropriate at that time. But in my heart I knew; you're the one I'm gonna marry."
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thelaundrybitch · 2 days
Chopsticks - Part 2
Part 1
Sorry, Blurple lovers... Leonardo weaseled his way back to being the one and only 💙
So, please enjoy some quality time with Leo 😘
TW: Sushi and a thirsty bitch. Proceed forward at your own risk.
And as always, my ninja turts are aged up to 30+ years. Don't be weird.
Please don't steal my work. Reblogging for others to enjoy is highly encouraged, though🤩
18+ content - for mature audiences only
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Chopsticks - Part 2
Thankfully, living in the lair wasn't terrible since it was like living in a 5-star hotel. You'd been there for a little over a year now since "The incident."
Things had been good between you and the turtles since all the drama had finally calmed down. Donnie still hadn't backed down from his sudden onset of flirting since the kitchen debacle, but it was more tolerable.
As always, Mike was full of fun-loving energy. Always finding ways to make you smile and laugh. Quick to share a video game with you, quicker to share a tasty snack. He was your friend. Your brother, even. 
Raph was Raph. Serious about his fitness regimen, while also entirely too busy playing Splinter's caretaker to even attempt to entertain any kind of drama or other BS… regarding anyone. Poor guy seriously needed a vacation. And a woman.
Leo was still Prince Charming. And honestly, you could never get a good read on him. Your heart had and always would belong to him, but you were sure he wasn't interested in a romantic relationship with you… especially after all the Donnie drama. 
But you kept hoping. Hoping that his casual flirting actually meant more than he let on. Or that, maybe, all those light touches and soft whispers might lead to more feelings on his end.
Because good God… He was killing you.
You were currently sitting at the table enjoying a cup of herbal tea Leo had made for you.
About 45 minutes ago. 
You were stalling. 
Secretly hoping he would come back in and join you, but that looked to be a bust. 
Sighing disappointedly as you got up to bring your cup to the sink, Leo walked in with a bag.
"Oh! There you are! I was looking for you!" He exclaimed, his whole face brightening with a smile, his eyes sparkling as the lighting hit them just right.
God, he was beautiful.
"Oh, sorry. I was just finishing my tea," you answered, smiling back at him and lifting the small cup, attempting to swallow the nervous energy that the swarm of butterflies in your stomach had managed to swirl up.
"Oh.” It was a concerned statement as that beautiful smile you loved so much disappeared from his face. “Was it alright? It took you a long time to finish it…" he inferred, brow ridge furrowed in dismay as he stepped toward you with his hand out like he was going to take the cup and test it for quality.
"It was delicious!" You responded quicker than intended, brows hitting the ceiling, one hand up placatingly while the other moved the cup from his reach. "I was just really enjoying it. It was almost meditative for me."
It wasn't a lie. You just happened to be "meditating" about him. But he didn't need to know that.
"Did you need me for something? You said you were looking for me?" You asked before he could inquire about the meditation comment.
"Yes!" He exclaimed excitedly. "I was wondering if you'd like to join me for lunch, actually!" He remarked, holding out the brown paper bag towards you. "You know, if you're hungry…"
"I'd love to! What did you get?" You inquired, walking to the sink to wash out your dirty cup, still looking at him as your smile threatened to split your face in two.
"It's a surprise," he told you with that cute boyish smile of his. "I'm gonna set it up in the Tatami room. Would you mind getting us some drinks?"
"Absolutely! Water with ice and some lemon?" You recalled, knowing his preferences well at this point.
He smiled at you kindly, "Yes, thank you. Oh, and do you mind waiting here for me until I come back to get you? Please?"
"Sure," you agreed, brows furrowed as you looked at him skeptically, pausing before you reached into the cabinet to grab two glasses.
With a curt nod, he hurried out of the kitchen and across the hall to the Tatami room, closing the doors behind him gently. And you couldn't help but wonder what he was up to, acting all nervous and un-Leo-like.
Just as you finished slicing the lemon and adding it to the edges of your water glasses, Leo stepped back into the kitchen.
"Ready?" He asked, clenching and unclenching his fisted hands repeatedly as he stepped back and forth nervously.
You smiled kindly and nodded, still pondering over his odd behavior while also trying to put him at ease.
Outstretching his arm in an invitation to go ahead of him, you stepped forward to take the lead. Before you passed by him, however, he took one of the glasses of water that you were carrying and followed closely behind. 
As you reached your destination, he hurriedly reached around you and opened the Tatami room door. Looking back at him, he smiled and signaled for you to enter the room.  
You stepped inside a dim, candlelit room, where a variety of sushi was spread out on the table. 
"It's beautiful, Leo," you whispered, looking up at him where he stood behind you, his plastron barely a breath from your body.
He looked down at you and chuckled, "Well, I was hoping it looked delicious, but I'll take beautiful," he teased you as his free hand made contact with your lower back.
Heat crept up your neck toward your face, and butterflies tickled your belly as his hand slid from your back to your hand so he could help you to the table to sit. You steadied your breathing the best you could, hoping he wouldn't notice the fast, trembling breaths.
Instead of sitting across from you as you had expected him to do, he sat down directly next to you. Surprised at how close he was, you couldn’t help but watch as he grabbed a plate and filled it up for himself.
Eyes locked on yours as he looked over at you, he asked, "May I?" As he picked up your plate.
Blinking a few times before what he had said actually registered, you nodded as your stomach did a half dozen somersaults, one right after the other, and you thought to yourself that this very much felt like a date—a romantic one.
Giving you a sexy smirk, he paused, making deliberate selections as he filled your plate before putting it in front of you with a set of chopsticks.
Oh, no.
He grabbed his own chopsticks and started eating, as you sat and looked at your set like they were laced with the plague.
After about four bites, he stopped and looked at you, brow ridge furrowed and head slightly cocked to one side. "Everything alright?" He asked, studying your features.
You let out a defeated sigh. "I don't know how to use those," you confessed, slightly embarrassed as you pointed to your foreign utensils.
"Here, like this," he instructed, showing you how to hold and use them, demonstrating with his own set in his hands.
After five minutes of hell and some stifled giggles from him, he suggested, "I have an idea."
Standing up from where he sat beside you, he walked out of your view. Suddenly, and quite unexpectedly, you felt him sit behind you, his thighs straddling your hips as he laid his long legs out straight beside yours under the table.
Eyes wide, your breath hitched as you felt his plastron touch your back. 
Please don't pass out.
You tried to steady your breathing as you felt his arms come around you on either side to pick up your chopsticks.
"Like this," he whispered, his warm breath caressing your ear as he fixed the sticks in your dominant hand.
You swallowed hard. "K." It was the only thing you could make out, and just as you feared, it came out in a trembling breath.
He kept his hand around yours as he brought the chopsticks to your plate to pick up a piece of sushi, then brought it to your mouth. You opened your mouth, and he placed the food inside gently.
"Good, right?" He breathed, voice low and smooth as his lips touched the outer edge of your ear.
"Mmm," you hummed quietly, barely tasting the food as he picked up another piece.
Your gaze followed his motions as you watched him use your hand, still encased by his, slowly bringing the chopsticks to his mouth and feeding himself.
When your innocent observing turned into full-on gawking as you looked up at him, a sly smirk tugged at the corner of his lips.
"You gonna finish that?" He teased with raised eyebrow ridges as he nodded his head at you and looked at your mouth, licking his lips.
You cleared your throat and continued to chew, your face growing as hot as the summer sun.
He chuckled, and you felt his lips on your ear again, "Did you know that sushi is considered an aphrodisiac?"
You shook your head in response as you attempted to swallow your mouthful of food.
Spinning the chopsticks so they were being held by the grace of only one of his fingers, he leaned forward to grab your glass, handing it to you as he saw your struggle to swallow, "Relax," he said softly, his other hand resting on your bicep, giving it a small squeeze.
You chugged a couple of mouthfuls of water, forcing the lump of food down your esophagus to hopefully squash the butterflies that had seemingly multiplied. Tenfold.
However, the moment you set the glass back down on the table, Leo took the opportunity, deciding to continue in his onslaught of lusty torture.
As you placed your water glass back down, you felt his hand move to your hip. The intimacy of the action caused you to sit up straight.
"Easy," he whispered. "I'm not gonna bite you," he practically purred, lightly trailing his snout down the side of your neck, then back up to your ear. "Do you want more?"
Holy shit, yes.
You nodded, letting out a hard breath of air.
"What would you like more of, love?" his voice husky, his lips ghosting over your pulse in a restrained kiss.  
Unable to breathe, nevermind speak, you pushed your hips back between the apex of his thighs, where the unmistakable outline of his growing erection against your backside ignited the fire between your own.
You hoped the action was enough of an explanation because you were positive that you wouldn't be able to form a coherent sentence at this point.
He dropped the chopsticks and used both hands to pull your hips flush to his so your back was now completely flat against his plastron. His hand found its way under the front of your shirt and made its way quickly to a hardened nipple. 
A small gasp left your lips as he trailed kisses down your neck. "I lied," he breathed out. "I need to taste you," he growled, his tongue making contact with your collarbone and his lips closing on the skin as he sucked.
"Lied?" Your question came out as a moan, pulling a guttural groan from him.
"Yes, I am going to bite you,” He growled in your ear, both hands now tight on your hips. “But only if you want me to, love," he added, a bit of uncertainty laced in his voice as his grip loosened to give you an out if you wished.
Without a thought, you nodded frantically, a trembling “Yes” being whispered to the empty portion of the room. One of his arms moved around your middle while one of his legs pushed the pair of you away from the table.
Big hands moving over your body, he spun you around, manhandling you until he had you exactly where he wanted you.
Straddling him.
Placing your hands on his chest in feverish shock, you felt his heart hammering under his plastron. And the intimate position allowed you to get a good look at him in the low lighting. His eyes were completely blown black, his lips slightly swollen from loving you.
His hands came up, pulling your face to his. One of his thumbs moved to your chin, pulling your mouth open just as his tongue found its way through your lips. Devouring kisses, as if it were you he had planned on having for lunch instead, his tongue exploring every inch. With a bit of suction, he pulled away, catching your bottom lip between his teeth. 
You were unable to silence the whimper his sensuous affection had drawn out, and honestly, you couldn't care less. Your need for him had you grinding your hips down against his rock-hard member reflexively, a lascivious groan ripping from his throat in response.
"Jebus, what did they put in that sushi, and where can I get some?" Exclaimed Mike right before slamming the tatami room door, cackling loudly as he took off before his eldest brother could maim him.
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potion - @bartylusmicrofic | rating: T
word: 1111 (went overboard oops)
Regulus leaned his head on the palm of his hand and discreetly glanced over at Barty who was taking every note possible, his gaze slowly moved to Evan who was staring at his not so subtle Hufflepuff crush, Edgar Bones with a soft smile.
Yet his eyesight went back to Barty, who was biting down on his lip in concentration, who had their sleeves rolled up to their elbows - revealing a few tattoos he had done on himself, to pissed off his dad and his tie was slightly pulled, revealing a chain.
Regulus forced himself to look away before Barty noticed that he was staring - he did not want that, because Barty was his best mate and well best matés don't just look at each other like they want to rip each other's clothes off. So he reluctantly forced himself to look away and listen to Slughorn go on about some potion.
“Attention to detail in the preparations is the prerequisite of all planning…” Slughorn went off, walking around the class slowly and cheerfully. “I prepared some concoctions this morning, Any ideas what these might be?”
Regulus jumped, when he felt the brush of Barty's arm as he raised his hand to answer the question - always the one to get any opportunity to get extra points. All due to the fact that regardless of how much Barty hated his father, he would not give the old bum the chance to talk ill about him.
“Ah yes, Mr. Crouch, please come here” Slughorn said.
Barty tense up a bit, as everyone looked his way, nodding he slowly got up and walked towards the front and looked down at the cauldrons, glancing at the liquids. “That one there is Veritaserum.” He looked up at Slughorn. “It’s a truth-telling serum”
“You need that Reg.” Evan whispered rather loudly, making Regulus jump alarmed and forcing his sight away from Barty- no slughorn.
Pandora and Dorcas laughed behind them quietly. Also knowing about Regulus' obvious crush on Barty.
Regulus glared at Evan, elbowing his best friend. “Shut up. If anyone needs that is you, Mr. I’m not staring at Edgar Bones.”
Evan blushed. “I am not.” he hissed.
Slughorn glances their way. “Quiet down, please. Carry on Mr.Crouch”
Barty nodded, looking down at the next potion and recognizing the sheer pearl color. Fuck Me .“Uh.. This one is terribly tricky to make. It’s Amortentia. The most powerful love potion in the world” A few people in the class perked up in interest. “It’s rumored to smell differently to each person, according to what attracts them… for example, new parchment, uhm freshly mown grass.. Uhm coffee, and paint.”
Regulus blinked, feeling a swirl of jealousy on his tummy trying to figure out who smelled like that and who had Barty in love with them.
“Very good, Mr. Crouch, you may go back to your seat.” Slughorn said, patting Barty in the back, making him tense up briefly.
Barty slowly walked back to his seat, shooting a glare at Evan who was staring at him with the biggest, I knew it grin. He glanced over at Regulus who was currently staring at his book very interested in Draught of Living Death.
“Now, Amortentia doesn’t create actual love…” Slughorn emphasized, glancing at any students that looked suspicious. “But it does cause powerful infatuation and obsession and for that reason, it is probably the most dangerous potion in this room” he claps his hand, smiling. “Alright, I’m going to call a few students to come up here and smell it and tell us what they smell.”
The room immediately goes silent. An almost dramatic eerie silence. A few students exchanged a few nervous glances, at the thought of their crushes knowing that they smell them.
“Let's see… Regulus Black.”
Fuck, Regulus thought. He could feel Barty eyes on him as he got up slowly, walking towards the front. He could always lie and say what he smells in the potion is something else or he could tell the truth, and hope his best friend doesn't disown him.
Regulus glanced down at the swirling pearl color, glaring at it as the different smells started to attack his nostrils.
“Come on boy, we have others.”
Regulus' smile slowly grew as the smell embraced him in a hug, his voice dropping to a dreamy tone. Bartys eyes twitched as the jealousy creeped into the pit of his stomach, at the thought of the lucky person that was making him smile like that. “I smell.. new parchment, sweet.. like candy,” He smiled a bit, an image of Barty hidden candy stash. “Uhm, like a cedarwood smell mixed with water lilies, and coffee…”
And if Barty didn't know before, well he knows now.
“Very good Mr.Black, you may go back to your seat.”
“Mhmm..” Regulus hummed, walking back to his seat. Looking at Evan, who was wiggling his eyebrows at him and trying to tell him something by eyesight.
After an intense eye staring contest, neither was able to telepathically tell each other what they wanted. He casually sat down on his seat, opening his potion book.
“So…” Barty whispered, low enough that only Regulus would be able to hear. “When do you wanna go to hogsmeade with me, as a date?”
“WHAT?” Regulus yelled out, in complete utter shock. How dare Barty Crouch Jr, be a smooth mother fucker. Also, what?
“Everything okay Mr.Black” Slughorn asked, furrowing his eyebrows at the disruption.
Regulus shook his head, blushing. “No, no.. sorry, carry on.”
Slughorn nodded, and continued his lecture on how they would be brewing the potion for next class.
“Was that a yes…?” Barty asked, glancing at him with a grin.
“...Bold for you to assume that I smelled you Crouch, maybe it was Potter.”
Barty clenched his jaw a bit, narrowing his eyes. “Potter? Your “secret” best friend's boyfriend?”
“... there are more potters than James Potter.”
“I swear!” Regulus insisted, blushing.
Barty raises a brow. “You aren’t answering my question.”
“I mean I believe my answer is obvious, considering I did blur out what I’m attracted too in front of everyone.” Regulus shrugged.
Regulus bites down on his lip. “Yes, fine, let’s go on a date.. just does it have to be Hogsmeade? It’s so cliche.. But if you wanna go there, that’s fine. I’ll do all the cliche shit with you…”
“Reg.” Barty said, making Regulus stop his rambling. “It’s alright, we could go anywhere as long as I get to go on that date with you.”
“Oh, oh okay, alright, yeah I would enjoy a date with you.”
“Good.” Barty replied, bumping his shoulder against him smiling
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somber-sapphic · 2 days
hii could you possibly do a jj x reader book where reader is in denial abt being ill 🫶
Too Far
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〖Summary: You and JJ have a fight about your health. This is my attempt at angst (with a happy-ish ending), just a heads up that I am still practicing so it may not count as real angst and instead h/c.〗
〖Word Count: 〗
〖Pairing: JJ x Sick R〗
〖Notes: Every time I drink caffeine for writing I think it's a great idea because I'll be able to write so much but then I focus on something that isn't writing for several hours. I played too much Toon Blast. Also this is sort of edited but not that thoroughly〗
“Y/n what the hell are you doing?” JJ asked, her words laden with exasperation. You looked up from the case file and raised an eyebrow. The two of you had been snippy with each other all day, each of your nerves fraying as the days without catching the killer went on. The fact that Hotch had ordered you to the hotel made everything worse, the guilt of not being able to help the victims eating at you.
“You want to check your tone?” You snapped back, the hoarseness of your voice taking a bit away from the punch you meant to deliver. It was probably for the best, the combination of exhaustion, stress, and what seemed like more than just the sniffles was making you bitter. JJ rolled her eyes and walked over to the desk, dropping the CVS bag beside the papers you had been studying for hours.
“Cold medicine. Take it. And seriously, put the file away and lie down.” You rolled your eyes, something that caused an explosion of pain in your head, but it seemed worth it for the passive aggressiveness. You didn’t want her to know how bad you were starting to feel, you couldn’t give in to the pressure of the team, and everyone worked while they were sick. 
Your fever, stuffy nose, cough, and the pressure in your sinuses were not more important than catching a serial killer. Although the fever was really starting to bother you, weighing down your head and making your eyes burn. And your nose hurt from blowing it so often. And your body ached so badly that it felt like your bones were being squeezed. And your throat felt like you had lived off of a diet of lemon juice and broken glass.
“I don’t need cold medicine because I don’t have a cold. Why are you here anyway, I don't need a babysitter. Don’t you have families to interview?” JJ let out a harsh laugh and plopped herself down onto the bed, crossing her arms over her chest in clear frustration. What the two of you needed was a bit of space before a serious conversation but it wasn’t an option given the current situation. 
“Right, of course not. The obvious cold symptoms are nothing, you’re shivering in a 75-degree hotel room because of a nonexistent draft. And believe me, I don’t want to be here right now but Hotch doesn’t trust you alone.” That last comment cut deep and her face clouded with guilt as soon as she said it. She knew it was too far but it only hardened your resolve. 
“Then leave, there are six other people who could be here it doesn’t need to be you.” 
“Why won’t you just admit being sick? Why? You are not helping anyone here, the only thing you’re doing is hurting yourself. Do you honestly think this is a good idea?” JJ exploded, dragging a hand through her slightly greasy hair. She’d been too preoccupied with your health and the case to have time for more than a quick shower. 
“Do you honestly think I want to work like this? Of course, I feel like shit, my entire body is on fucking fire but if I stop working people will die!” You yelled back, tears brimming in your eyes. You’d finally said it out loud. You’d admitted to the thoughts that had been swirling inside of you, keeping you from even allowing people to talk about the way you felt. 
JJ’s face fell as you felt tears that you couldn’t blink away beginning to run down your fever flushed cheeks. You barely had a handle on your emotions before but now the walls had crumbled to dust and you couldn’t take it. You felt so shitty for so many reasons, it was so hot in your skin and you were struggling to keep case facts straight in your head which only upset you further. 
“Sweetheart,” JJ murmured, taking a half step forward. She’d seen you break down before but never on a case, when it happened it was always at home. 
“No! No! JJ we’ve been here for weeks, he keeps taking them and we don’t even know why, we can't tell these people anything. They hate us, they have every right to fucking hate us! There has to be something missing and-and I can't just sit here and do nothing while people are dying!” You were sobbing now, your chest heaving as you tried to calm yourself down. You wrapped your arms around yourself in a tight hug, a self-soothing method that usually worked to calm you down. The switch had been flipped, you were acting on pure misery. 
“Y/n, honey you said it earlier. There are six other profilers doing everything they can to find the killer. You being sick is not your fault but it is something we need to take care of. If you keep going like this you’re going to mess up, you’re going to hurt yourself, there are so many reasons why you need to rest. Come here, lay down, let me take help you. Please.” 
She was right. You hated it, but she was. You were already mixing up facts about victims in your head, there was really no way that you could be of any use right now. The last thing you wanted to do was stop but even worse would be providing false information that would throw the team off the trail. 
Despite your hesitation, it didn’t take long for JJ to get you settled into bed. She was working with the determination of a worried mother hen, moving quickly to check your temperature, feed you some medicine, and put a cool cloth on your head. You huddled under the fluffy duvet, your body already beginning to shut down now that you weren’t forcing yourself to work.
“I’m sorry Y/n. I haven't been fair.” JJ said softly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. She flipped the cloth on your forehead, sending a wave of cold through your body. You didn’t like it but she insisted that it needed to be there. 
“Neither have I. But I can’t right now. Can we wait until we’re home?” You pleaded, voice exuding weakness. Even if you wanted to have that conversation there was no way it would be productive in your current state. JJ nodded in agreement and let out a deep sigh. 
Nothing had really been resolved. The apologies from both were surface-level at best but at least there was an admission of wrongdoing on both sides. Your jobs had been hard on the relationship, harder than either of you had thought it would be. For now, the discussion would be tabled, saved for a time when the two of you were in a space to have it. It might not have been perfect but it was better than nothing. 
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ladyazurith · 1 day
Vil Schoenheit Headcanons
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These are some of my headcanon’s for Vil and how I write him/ characterize him.
The woman who gave birth to Vil walked out on both him and his father right after he was born. She and his father were never married, and he was born out of an on-set fling. The woman that is actually VIl's mother, was a makeup artist, who Eric met when Vil was just a baby, and they married, and the woman (I named her Caroline) treated Vil as if he were her son. This is why when he’s asked about who he could have gotten his magic from, he says he doesn’t care. That woman wasn’t really his mother. 
One of the reasons he loves the Fairest Queen and her story so much is because he remembers his mother reading stories about her to him as a small child.  Unfortunately, the woman fell ill when Vil was about 5 years old, and her health declined rapidly and she passed away. This was a very traumatic event for him, that he’s suppressed. 
Most of Vil’s interests lie in his line of work, cosmetics, fashion, acting, etc. But one that he doesn’t talk about much is gardening. Especially cultivating rare and exotic flora that can be used in various potions. 
Vil’s ideas of love and romance are very skewed and jaded because of the fact he grew up in the film industry. With the death of his mother, he lost the one positive example he had in his parents. And was surrounded by people who tended to treat love as leverage for PR and personal gain. This is also why he’s so harsh concerning Cater when he’s been shown to be rather unbothered by other people who are clearly out to use his fame to their advantage. (Azul, Jade, Ace, etc). It’s the romantic angle that ruffles his feathers so much, because of how he’s seen it play out time and again all around him.
He has a terrible sweet tooth, he just has enough willpower to fight it off most days
As shown in Chapter 6, he’s got a very clear personal vs professional side. He’s able to compartmentalize them as separate and distinct. When he talks about Rook’s actions not bothering him at the end of chapter 5 and the start of chapter 6, that’s his professional side talking. On his personal side however I do believe he was hurt, not that Rook voted for RSA, but the fact that he hid his obsession with Neige from him all this time. That I think would feel like a bigger betrayal. (And specifically not that he was a fan of Neige’s but the hiding it bit) 
Vil knows the nonsense that Rook gets up to, stalking Leona and the other beastmen, etc. He turns a blind eye to it because he doesn’t want to lose who he sees as the only real friend he’s ever had. Despite how he might act passively and brush off Rook’s behavior (like in Rook’s portion of the Tsum event when they go to his room) his companionship means more to him than he’s willing to voice. And Yes despite what I said above, I do believe they are great friends. Friends can hurt you sometimes, even if they don’t mean it. People aren’t perfect. 
This is also why I think Jack’s friendship means a lot to Vil, more so than it does to Jack. Jack was the first person who stood up for him and how he was treated. But to Jack, he was just another kid who lived in the neighborhood and hung out and played with him sometimes. 
Leading into, I think part of the reason that Vil has such strong negative feelings toward Neige, isn’t just because Neige was the hero to his villain, but because Neige, despite acting like they’re close friends, never did anything to stop the way he was treated. Yes I know Neige was just a kid, no I don’t really expect him to have truly done something to stop it nor hold him responsible for Vil’s treatment, BUT Vil was also a kid, and I can’t blame him for feeling that way. Kinda like that kid who says they’re your friend, then goes and hangs out with the other kids that bully you. Never registering what the problem is.
We know Vil is a deeply insecure person, especially when it comes to his typecasting as a villain, and I think this extends to his outlook on love and romance, as I stated above he hasn’t had the best examples in his life, but typically the villains don’t get a happily ever after love story, and I think he’d projected that onto himself. Something else he wants but feels he can’t have so he doesn’t try. 
I also think he doesn’t know how to make friends or communicate with people in a casual/social manner. This helps account for how few friends he has. And the one he does is Rook, who basically adopted him and didn’t go away. This is also why I think he can come off as abrasive even when he’s trying to help. Like how he dealt with Epel. 
I also defend his treatment of Epel. I grew up in a very small and isolated town like Epel. I grew up with a lot of backward views because that’s all I was exposed to as a child. In a place where being even slightly different can make you a social pariah, if you step out of line it can be a nightmare. And it takes a lot of stern force to help someone overcome that. Not letting them make excuses. I’m grateful for the people in my life who helped me see differently, my version of Vil essentially, and I was so happy that they showed that Epel appreciates what Vil had done for him. 
I have more but that’s enough for now. 
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thebrokenpapergirl · 2 days
S2E4 - Louis' Plan
This episode had me on the ropes, I'm not gonna lie. I need time to process all the other things that happened before I can attempt to talk about them.
That being said: Louis' plan to get the coven in line has been doing somersaults in my brain.
Louis decides to step up to the game in the last 15 minutes of the match and the thing is... the thing is... HE COULD HAVE WON.
Louis should have stepped up to the game much, much earlier. Two years prior, to be exact. The second he realized Armand almost killed him, but chose not to, because he cared for him. Louis should have started to pay more attention to this damned coven seeing as it almost got him killed once already. Yet, he doesn't.
A year into his relationship with Armand, and the plan he suggested of letting Santiago have enough rope to hang himself could have worked.
Not now.
The first words out of Louis mouth should have been: "We have to kill Santiago."
(Listen... I love Santiago, but in order for Louis and Claudia to have a chance... my man needed to perish.)
Killing Santiago would've been a clear message to the coven and it would've put into question all the manipulation he has been doing behind the scenes. Because Santiago is not targeting Armand. He is targeting Louis. Louis was the change in the status quo.
He will hurt Claudia, not because he dislikes her or resents her, but because he knows it is the easiest way to hurt Louis, and in so doing punish Armand for his "abandonment" of the coven.
Louis decides to take the reins, but because he hasn't done this in a long time, he shies away from the brutality. He needed to handle this situation with the same ruthlessness he handled Paul in the first episode of season 1.
Louis will also feel more emboldened to give Claudia the companion she wants, Madeleine, breaking more rules and giving Santiago the perfect ammunition. (All of this adding to the wreck of Lestat's return from the "dead".)
Now his plan will have Santiago assume more power than he should ever be allowed, which will culminate in the trial. The problem is that Louis doesn't have a clear grasp on Santiago, he is severely underestimating him, because, as Armand has stated this entire fucking episode, Louis does not pay the coven any mind. Santiago has been stacking the cards in his favour ever since Louis showed up.
Louis has now, once more, indirectly been the cause of Claudia's life being forfeit due to his not very well thought-out plan. The fire that ends Claudia's human life = the trial that ends her immortal one.
So even if Louis' memories of Claudia's death are intact. It makes sense why he stays with Armand. Louis has to stand by the choices he has made or the guilt will eat him from the inside out and leave nothing behind.
Louis loves Armand. Armand loves Louis. The tragedy was inescapable.
Armand could have stopped it, but he thought Claudia's fate was inevitable. Louis intervention made Claudia's fate inevitable.
They are the only two people who will ever, truly understand the calamity of what unfolded.
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noveauskull · 2 days
How WUWA Men React To You Being An Alcoholic (SFW)
characters: geshu lin, jiyan, scar, calcharo, mortefi, aalto, yuanwu
warnings: heavy mentions of alcohol addiction, inaccurate ways to getting rid of alcohol addiction or improper help for alcohol addiction is also mentioned
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He comes to the conclusion that you're an alcoholic everytime you come home smelling like alcohol
He's not stupid, so he knew for a while, he just wanted to wait and see when you will tell him, though you never did, cause you believed he never knew
He confronts to you about it after growing impatient, and you tried to lie to him because you didn't want him to know that you were an alcoholic, but it's no use, he's determined to find an answer
When you started feeling an immense wave of guilt, you started to cry and bury your face in your hands, confessing that you couldn't get over the addiction and how its affected your other relationships
You weren't surprised when he said that he doesn't care about you being an alcoholic, but you've already heard those words from many of your exes before
But he still insisted on staying by your side
But you remind yourself that Geshu Lin is a strong man. I mean, he's literally a General, he can handle anything
Now if you ever come home drunk he just kisses you and asks you if you could come home sober to get drunk with him instead
He's the type to encourage your bad habits as long as long as he can be with you (green flag but at what cost?)
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You would confess to him about having a drinking problem right off the bat, there's no way you could lie to your beloved boyfriend's face
You knew he'd be understanding, but you were sort of bummed out when he suggested on keeping you away from any alcohol
He'd make sure everytime you came home he couldn't smell a single drop of alcohol, if he did, he would be very disappointed, and only increase the amount of things you need to do to keep yourself from drinking
He may be strict, but he's doing this for your own good, he doesn't want you to face any issues with your body and wants you to remain healthy
Often times when you feel so stressed and hurt, but you can't drink alcohol, he'd let you run to your arms and cry as much as you wanted, whispering sweet and comforting things to make you feel better
Of course, the addiction doesn't go away that easily, so whenever you make it pass the week without drinking alcohol, he lets you get crazy drunk on saturdays so you can rest with him on sundays after being completely wasted and hung over
Slowly but surely, he'll help you overcome it
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You never told him you were an alcoholic, but things started to get real obvious as time went on, and he sort of put the conclusion up himself that you were addicted to alcohol
At first, Scar didn't care if you're an alcoholic, matter of fact, he wanted to get drunk with you or at least be present in every moment you get drunk just so he could have some entertainment
But his excitement wears out fast when he realizes that you're drunk almost every time
That's when he starts to worry and he tries to find ways to keep you away from alcohol
Unfortunately that led to a huge fight between you and him, that's cause he found your stash of alcohol in the bedroom closet under your clothes and got rid of them
The argument happening while you were drunk of course, but you immediately feel sorry when you saw how serious he was about this
He'd give you juice boxes to take to work instead of you having to sneak alcohol into your waterbottle
He is very sharp, so don't even bother doing something as dumb as sneaking alcohol in
If you try to come home while you are drunk, chances of you sleeping on the couch/him sleeping on the couch away from you is very likely, so don't make him upset
He's crazy, but he's even crazier for you
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For a man at his grown age, he had no idea that people can get this addicted to alcohol
He only knew about alcohol addiction when you would come home smelling like every different alcoholic drink in the world
When he asks you about it, you had no choice but to be honest and say you might have a small drinking problem
He didn't think it was a huge issue at first, so he didn't mind you drink alcohol to the point that it's literally part of your scent
But on some days, he would come home to you frantically trying to find something worth drinking, and your behaviors when you're sober too long started to become abnormal
That's when he decided it was enough and grabs you by the arms, making you look at him while he tells you to get a hold of yourself, and that he will do anything to help you
It took you a while, but he managed to help you get through your addiction just by showing you more affection, he himself has no idea what he did either, but just his presence alone makes you feel like alcohol might not be worth it at all
He is literally worth more than any addiction
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No way, not on his watch.
The moment he smells alcohol, he's alright with it cause it was only one or two times
Anymore than three or four times is a cause for concern, but over five times? Get it together, he is not letting that happen to you
You can try to explain to him that this is all you needed to help you get over a full day of stress but he is not listening to you, instead, he's too busy finding your other stashes of alcohol that he has no idea about
He's a bit upset at you for not telling him about your problem and hiding things from him, but he is understanding and will make sure you never touch a class of alcohol ever again
That means going through heavy lengths to keep you away from any place that sells alcohol, even convenience stores
Yeah, he's a bit crazy, but honestly, his determination to keep you away from alcohol is kinda admirable, and cute
It's even funnier when he starts pulling up random cases of people who have heart problems on his phone, showing you why you shouldn't drink (it won't work but it's cute to see him so desperate to help you change)
He's forceful, but he's doing it for your own good, and he's cute while doing it so it doesn't matter
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He thinks it's his fault you became an alcoholic, even though he's not even close to being the reason why you're like this
That's because before you two were official you two would often go and drink together
Anyways, he is making sure you don't drink too much alcohol
Truth being, you drinking alcohol is fine, but if you drink too much it might affect your body, and knowing you're struggling mentally with stress, he doesn't think giving your body struggles is any better
Whenever you feel like crying or getting aggressive, he's taking all the hits for you, anything you are going through with he'll take the damage for you just so you could get a chance to breath and get things out of your system
He tries to find you a new hobby, such as playing video games or gardening, anything to give you some sort of relief
Oh and he loves making jokes with you, anytime you look grumpy or sad, he'll keep throwing in jokes until he sees the corner of your lips move
Eventually you gotta let out a small giggle, cause this guy is way too sweet and goofy for your own good
Although it doesn't help with your drinking problem, it's still nice to know he's willing to go through these lengths for you
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He doesn't expect you to be an alcoholic, but he isn't that serious about it
He is aware that it's an issue that you're so stuck on drinking until your whole immune system fails but he doesn't show you how worried he is
Instead, he makes it subtle to help you change your ways
Such as taking you out on midnight walks
Or even making you drink every flavor of tea he has, so that your mouth and bladder gets tired of all the drinking
He always asks how your day was, but ever since he knew about your drinking problem, he starts making you go into detail without you realizing
Funnily enough, he even recomended you to start boxing, this is just so he could keep an eye on you though
You might think you're slick when you sneak in some alcohol in your bag, but he knows, so he also, secretly takes the alcohol away from your bag without you noticing
That's literally how you knew that he knew about your alcohol addiction
You're very glad he didn't shame you for it, or even bothered talking to you about it, he just immediately went to finding ways to help your issue in anyway he could
Truly a gentleman
A/N: PHEW I FINALLY PUSHED ANOTHER ONE! Next up WUWA Men when you act like a brat! (In a few hours)
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jjkamochoso · 1 day
Imagine… Feitan Stealing a Bouquet of Flowers for You
Feitan Portor x gn!reader
Warnings: small mention of violence
It was a warm sunny day and you and Feitan were walking side by side through the busy city streets. It looked like a market was being held, booths and their vendors lining the pavement, and you fought the urge to stop and take a long look around because you knew you’d be left behind if you did. The mission you had just finished a few hours ago left you both exhausted and ready to hide out for a while and recuperate. Feitan was adamant about not making any unnecessary stops on the way back to base but you couldn’t help yourself as you slowed down your pace, your eyes landing on an especially appealing cart to your right. It was like your legs had a mind of their own as you left Feitan’s side and changed course to satisfy your desire of seeing the beauty that caught your attention up close. You stood in front of a vendor who was selling the most gorgeous bouquets of flowers. They were absolutely ginormous and each one contained a different type of flower a person could ever ask for. As you ogled the vendor’s creations, you felt a menacing presence behind you and you knew your partner had found you but you were completely unbothered. You didn’t even notice Feitan’s eye roll or huff of annoyance, too enthralled in the sickly sweet smell enveloping you.
“You finished?” Feitan asked from behind his cowl.
“Not yet. One more minute, please,” you replied dreamily. Another sigh left his mouth as he crossed his arms and watched you with his deadly gaze. He had never seen you this happy before and he wasn’t sure why he liked it so much. It was totally unlike him to relish in the joy of others and it almost made him sick when he realized that he didn’t want to see the smile leave your face. When you turned away from the booth and began your trek back to your original destination, both of you felt tugs at your heartstrings for different, but still related, reasons.
“What wrong now?” he asked, taking notice of your dejected aura.
“Hmm? Nothing,” you replied. The man in all black stopped walking and grabbed your arm with an iron grip.
“Don’t lie to me. You never this quiet.”
“It’s silly, just forget about it.”
Feitan was never this unyielding when you brushed him off, usually opting to not press further when you said you were fine, so this was a bit of a shock to you.
“I just… wanted a bouquet, that’s all. I’ve been all over this country and I’ve seen countless people presented with them and I… it’s something that I’ve always wanted. It’s trivial, really, forget I said anything.”
You waited with bated breath, expecting a harsh cackle in your face and some name calling about how juvenile you were being, but none of that came. Instead, you watched in awe as Feitan ran over to the vendor and came back in a blur. His speed never failed to surprise you, but what surprised you more was the bouquet of flowers that he thrust into your unsuspecting hands.
“Here,” he said, “for you. Now stop frowning.”
You didn’t know what to do or say. This was something you’d never expect from the Phantom Troupe’s most macabre member and the gesture made your stomach do flips.
“Feitan!” you cried out, the short man now many steps ahead of you now due to your stupor holding you back, “I don’t know what to say. Thank you.”
“They’re just plants,” he replied, but you saw the way his eyes softened when you came into view with the flowers he stole.
“You tell anyone about this and I cut out your tongue,” he tutted, shoving his hands in his pockets and ripping his stare from you as you just chuckled a bit.
“Deal,” you said, opting to go with the story that you stole them yourself, if anyone asked. Feitan knew they wouldn’t speak a word, though, as the whole Troupe (minus you) were privy to his growing affections toward you.
Two weeks later the flowers in the bouquet eventually died and you decided to preserve one of the flowers in a notebook (also stolen and left on your bed by Feitan). Finished with your work, you closed the book shut and leaned back in your chair. You gasped in surprise when pale fingers reached around you and took another wilted flower from its vase.
“I like dead things,” Feitan shrugged as you gave him a look. You wouldn’t know this until much later but he saved that flower in a notebook too (along with some hair that he had plucked from your head).
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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There's nothing he can't do. Yet.
(Thank you to everyone who participated in the poll!)
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arpeggio · 2 months
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this is the first poem i've written in a while, and although it's not perfect, it's very dear to me. titled revision of the fourth of july.
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devilsskettle · 2 months
i've watched a lot of good films lately in an attempt to catch up with a bunch of movies that have come out recently, but talk to me was the best movie i've seen in a LONG time
#i put off watching it for so long because i was sure it was overrated + i'm generally not a fan of possession movies#(because so many of them try to be the exorcist and they will never be the exorcist. you know how it is)#but holy shit. genuinely a brilliant movie in every aspect of filmmaking + completely aligned with my personal taste#+ exactly what i look for thematically in possession and/or ghost movies#+ the absolute perfect balance between psychological and gory#and like i said SUCH a good cold opening#tbh i think it's a useful trick to know how to get your audience to buy into a supernatural premise from the very first scene#i think that takes some VERY effective + skillful writing and directing#and as someone who again typically does NOT like possession movies i usually end the movie NEVER buying into the story#not because i'm a 'skeptic' or whatever just because the writing doesn't do the work#but SCENE ONE of this movie i was so in it#anyway. movee of all time to me#also from the trailers etc i had thought that that fluffy yellow sweatshirt mia wears at the beginning of the movie was a bathrobe lmao#my first impression of what this movie was gonna be like was NOT correct#anyway 'recently' means in the past 2 years i guess?#actually maybe this post was a lie because i LOVED nope which was also just an absolute cinematic masterpiece#anytime i watch a jordan peele movie it's just like. this man is so far beyond any other filmmaker out there right now#it's almost unfair to watch lol like an olympic gold medalist running laps around a middle school track team#anyway ummm. yeah talk to me was good though
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oneechangoddess · 6 months
My job found out I was looking for a new job so they cut my hours from 30 to 9 for about a month. I found a new job and I was going to put in a two weeks before but I feel inclined to just not show up anymore. Am I wrong or would y'all just quit too?
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