#it can't be meant to be laughed at
milarvela · 1 year
I’m the living embodiment of a heart of stone, a human monument to testosterone.
Pet Shop Boys trying to give testosterone a bad name. 😂😂😂
I need an antidote:
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source: Can't Keep A Straight Face, written by Ellen Orleans & illustrated by Noreen Stevens
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butch-reidentified · 8 months
you survived the pulse shooting?! oh honey.. thats so awful..
so awful that a scum miserable cunt bitch like you wasnt brutally and painfully massacred. So awful that decent human beings lost their lives only for a piece of bottom of the barrel shit like you to walk out with your life when you should've been one of dead... just so unfortunate honey.
at least maybe one day your mental illness will get the best of you and you'll finish the job yourself :)
die, cunt. and make it snappy.
unfortunately for you, my mental health is excellent 😪 I'm currently on the way to an island resort with my wife & our best friends for her birthday, but I promise I'll try really hard to find something to be a little unhappy about if that'll help, ok? 💗
oh and thanks for reminding everyone how lovely transactivists are to anyone who even questions their beliefs on gender
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crestomancer-art · 1 year
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🖤 beloved 🤍
(no spoilers please, I'm only 2 endings deep 💦)
(update: finished all endings 😭💗💗💗 they're in love your honour)
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fubuwu · 9 months
Cope and seethe xoxox
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God seeing jc antis bitch about us loving jc for all his canon and fanon traits truly is a serotonin boost for me
It's not our fault jc is a fan favorite with loveable traits and more intrigue than most of the characters in the book 🤷‍♀️
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alasarys · 2 years
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Horsing around in Texas
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killa-trav · 7 months
all matthew perry wanted to do during friends was to make people laugh, no matter how hard his own life was he just wanted to make people laugh bc that's what he loved and he did, he made chandler into a relatable and comforting character and left a profoundly positive impact on so many people's lives
i hope he's at peace now may you rest in eternal paradise
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spaciebabie · 8 months
something I love Abt Lucifer (the show) is that it will do these dramatic cuts away from where Lucifer is in perilous situations with the intention of it being, "IS HE LIVE OR DIE?? TUNE IN NEXT EPISODE 2 FIND OUT THE TRUTH 💯‼️" and then there's 4 seasons afterwards lol
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yesokayiknow · 2 months
cannot believe that in 2007 the eighth doctor adventures writers just decided to put toxic yuri in their show. they did that for me
#not me going insane over 2 minor recurring villains#but literally what the fuck is going on with the headhunter and karen#what if an amoral assassin and a normal office worker decided to become partners on a whim & now they time travel and commit crimes together#like what?????#the headhunter could not give less of a shit about other people and doesn't think karen is useful at all and yet just keeps her around#and karen's like yeah she hates my guts and also she makes me kill people. it's a laugh though can't complain#and i'm just meant to be normal about that?????? huh???????#also the way they both just flirt with lucie every time they see her is so funny#karen's like hey babe!!!! how are you!!!! do you want to join us!!!! while holding a knife to lucie's neck shdjshs#while the headhunter's like ah lucie miller the thorn in my side [saves her life] this means nothing [saves her life] you disgust me [saves-#doctor who#big finish#i've finished s3!!!! whoop!!!!#my thoughts are why does lucie miller keep getting turned evil and can it keep happening bc it's hot. who said that#my only issue with this format is that it's very adventure based. which yeah it's called the 8th doctor adventures#but i wish there was more breathing room for lucie. the doctor keeps being all sad (fair his life is awful) but lucie's going Through It#and never gets a chance to really process anything#also the retroactive continuity errors make me laugh#'i'm 900 years old' no the fuck you're not! you still have the time war yet buddy!#i like to think they're just signs of 8's swiss cheese memory#i hope there's books set in this era. i'm sure nobody will be able to tell me bc they gave up 20 tags ago agdkhsjshsjs
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her-satanic-wiles · 13 days
The way I get so angry over my schedule changing even a little bit.
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clumsyclifford · 8 months
It’s not even about the sexuality crisis anymore, honestly; he just doesn’t think Alex deserves the satisfaction of knowing he can successfully induce a sexuality crisis in Brian. It’s kind of unfair that Alex has that much power, and that he’s aware of it. If he’s going to be parading around seducing band guys on Warped Tour, he should at least have the decency to pick the ones who are already into guys.
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jewvian · 9 months
I remember Amanda talking once about her news reel and how everyone thought it was hilarious. She was baffled of course, as was I, cuz how can a serious news reel can be funny? Like unintentionally funny?
Well. Now that I've seen it with my own two eyes I totally agree lmao that shit was hilarious!! Like omg Amanda you were born to be a comedian!!!!
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That part alone had me in stiches for so long, like I don't know if that story is made up for the reel or an actual real accident, I was just laughing hysterically. That's some Parks and Recreation shit I'm sorry lmao
Well. Thank God she decided to pursue acting, I'll say that.
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One of the most helpful lessons I learned from my meditation praxis and listening to lectures is that emotions exist in the body, yet what we often get taught is to fix them in the mind. We get told to change our thought patterns, use affirmations or "just think positive" - which are all ideas with good intentions, but you can rarely think your way out of sadness. You can't use logic alone to transform your anger into something different.
You have to get your body on board. When you are scared, it's not enough to do the work inside of your head. You have to feel the fear where it is - in your body -, see where it sits and what it wants to tell you. You have to make room for it. Breathe deeply and calmly. Be still and listen. Watch it with loving awareness. When fear is sitting in my chest and tightening it, I lay a hand on my chest and allow it to soften, to become wide. I come to the safe present by following my breath - and with time and practice, the fear dissolves. It doesn't take a single thought, it doesn't take logic (because emotions know no logic). It takes being present in the here and now, in the physical body where life takes place. It takes being a non-judgmental watcher who allows feelings to come and go as waves come and go or the clouds. As everything passes - some things quicker than others. When we try to think our way out of emotions, we're getting ourselves stuck in concepts that aren't tangible. That's not where life takes place, that's not where emotions sit.
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questionablemuses · 3 months
More ship tag drops before the small queue starts soon-
⋆You carved open my heart. Can't just leave me to bleed. - Vox/Alastor💔
⋆You were meant to be mine. I am all that you need. - Travis/Angel♡
⋆I don't like your perfect crime. How you laugh when you lie. Isn't cool. no I don't like you. AngelTravis❥
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
Innocent Bean Bedievere: Why did Merlin call you 'baby girl'?
Arthur: How about we stop talking for a while?
congratulations, you've won the fucking game
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