#it is not YOUR dad is it? you want to tell your dad off publicly? go ahead
reigningmax · 3 months
not people getting mad at max for not publicly shaming or shit talking his dad?????
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sugrhigh · 2 months
RUMORS - ( c.s )
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summary: you and chris have known each other for a long time, and you’ve always had an inescapable crush on him. when you all go to tara’s party and fans see them together for the first time, speculation begins to circulate, and you begin to pull away in fear that he likes her as more than a friend
warnings: angsty in the beginning, fluffy in the end :) some swearing a kiss and that’s it really
bff!chris x fem!reader
a/n: i loved this concept and i hope i brought it to life well for the anon that requested <3 my inbox is always open for u guys #kisses
@fawnchives @l9vesick @mattinside @sturnioloco @sturniolossss @cupidsword @teapartyprincess4two @princessbetsy123-blog @cookiehaos @sturnlova @junnniiieee07 @vsangel-starbies @chrissystur
doom scrolling online is like a car crash that you can’t look away from; especially when it involves your friend and your long term crush. you’ve been laying in bed scouring the internet for the past hour, pouring over comments about and tara and chris.
ever since her last party, when fans actually saw them publicly interacting for the first time, the gossip has gotten out of control. people want them together, and you hate to admit that it makes you sick to your stomach.
hell, you’d been the one to introduce them, since tara had become your friend first. but you and chris go all the way back to childhood; you were best friends with him and his brothers in your early years of school, and then you moved to another town after your dad accepted a new position.
you kept in touch through social media and occasional texts after that, until you all found yourselves in LA fresh out of high school, alone in an unfamiliar city across the country.
their youtube channel had taken off, and you’d gained a large following after you’d finally been recognized for your photography due to some big-name collabs. you were all in the same vulnerable position, and because of this your friendship with the three of them started right back up where it left off.
the rest is history. it’s been two years now, and you’ve all grown exponentially, fully adjusted to LA and the recognition, comfortable with where you are in your lives professionally and personally.
you spend nearly every week with the triplets, doing anything and everything together. they’ve made the occasional homesickness bearable, been your rock through the hard times, and supported you like no one else.
but things are a little different with you and chris. he’s your best friend, the person you want to tell everything to first. it’s always been that way, really. you had feelings for him at 13, and now at 20 years old you love him even more.
but that doesn’t mean you have to love him being shipped with every female influencer on the planet.
it’s selfish, really, to want chris to yourself, considering his occupation and the fame that comes with it. tara is a good person and an even better friend, and you shouldn’t be angry over the idea of them dating.
still, it’s been consuming your mind ever since you saw the first post about the two of them a few days ago, and you’ve been checking social media every hour since.
you’re about to read through yet another comment section when your phone buzzes, a notification appearing at the top of the screen.
can you pls answer me
i don’t like this silent treatment thing
your stomach flips. he’s been texting you things like this for the past few days, since you started distancing yourself after the party.
the whole night he had acted as if he was into tara; always making conversation, asking to dance, posting her on his story. even when you were right next to him, it still felt like he was miles away.
so of course it’s been upsetting you, and you figured rather than taking it out on either of them you would just remove yourself from the situation.
it seemed like the best option in the moment, but it still sucks. you hate not talking to him, not seeing his face or feeling his arms wrap around you in a familiar hug.
another text pings, snapping you out of your spiral once more.
i don’t know what’s wrong but you’re scaring me
the message makes your eyes burn, and you blink away the tears. you don’t want him worrying about you, especially when it’s your own stupid feelings getting in the way of things being normal.
you sigh, tapping out a response and staring at it, debating back and forth whether you should actually press send. but he beats you to a response, and another string of texts come through.
i can see you typing
i’m coming over
no don’t do that, everything is fine
i don’t believe you
and i already left my house
it’s only a five minute walk to get from his place to yours, and you know he’s too stubborn to actually turn around, no matter how hard you plead. you’ve already broken out into a nervous sweat just thinking about the confrontation.
but at this point you owe it to him and yourself to be honest. you just hope you don’t get your heart broken in the process.
fine, doors unlocked
i’m in my room
a few minutes later you hear the front door slam open and closed, just to see chris peek his head around the corner of your room moments later. you’re still curled up in bed, too scared and tired to move, so he takes the liberty of coming to you.
“hey.” he says softly as he sits down.
“hi.” you mumble, wrapping your blanket against your chest tighter.
it’s not cold, but you’re so anxious that you’re shivering. chris notices and puts a hand on your covered knee, rubbing small circles against the joint. he looks so sweet, clad in his blue fresh love hoodie with his hair all curly from showering.
“what’s up? i haven’t heard from you all week, and nick was about ready to call the cops.” he tries to joke with a small grin.
you can’t bring yourself to match his energy, and your face remains grave as you attempt to swallow the lump in your throat.
“i’m alright, just tired.”
his face falls, and a slight frown replaces his smile. you know he’s not believing any of it for a second, and you’ve never been a very convincing liar.
“don’t do that, you’re obviously not alright. and i’m not trying to be pushy or anything, but i feel like you’re shutting me out.” chris replies quietly.
you shift a little bit so you can sit up properly, back resting against the headboard as you gaze at him. his hand remains on your thigh, a source of comfort while you try to pick your words wisely.
“i’m not trying to push you away, chris. i just…wanted to give you space.” you continue to dance around the truth.
he looks even more confused, eyebrows furrowed like you’re speaking another language. “that’s nice and all, but i don’t want it.”
“well maybe i do.” you shrug.
you’re lying through your teeth, but chris’s eyes go wide regardless. you’ve shocked him into silence, which rarely ever happens. he’s just staring at you, the gears in his mind turning as he tries to figure out what could possibly be wrong.
“are you serious? did i do something that i don’t know about?” chris asks, clearly exasperated.
he removes his hand from your leg, dropping it back in his lap. the small act alone makes your heart sink, and you feel the question crawling its way out of your mouth before you can help it.
“do you like tara?”
it hangs in the air, and you’ve stumped him once again. chris shakes his head, clearing his throat while his face reddens slightly.
“i can’t believe you’re even asking me that.” he sounds genuinely astonished.
“what? why?” it’s your turn to be baffled.
“because i feel like all i ever do is flirt with you. i mean seriously, it’s embarrassing for me at this point.” chris reaches to scratch the back of his neck sheepishly.
your jaw drops, which makes you feel silly. throughout this whole relationship you felt like you were the one putting the moves on him, doing too much. you’d never once stopped to think about all of the little comments he would make.
“i, uh, guess i didn’t pick up on that.” you manage to reply.
you immediately wish you hadn’t, that you just kept your mouth shut. but he smiles widely at you, chuckling lightly.
“no shit.”
this makes you laugh too, and it feels good to experience at least a brief moment of normality between the two of you. things have felt tense for so long that you’d almost forgotten why you love being around chris in the first place.
you wait to calm down a bit before you decide to finally lay it all on the table. “i like you a lot, chris. and i don’t want to mess up the dynamic we have, because you mean the world to me. but i’d be lying to myself if i said i didn’t want to be with you.”
he’s still grinning, though you can tell he’s gone a little shy now hearing you admit your feelings. this moment is all he dreamed about for so long, and now it’s finally happening in a realm outside of his own brain.
“i want that too, and i’m a dumbass for taking this long to say it. so no, i’m not interested in tara like that. it’s always been you.” chris confesses, reaching to interlock your fingers.
you’ve held hands before on many occasions, but it’s different now in the best way. butterflies erupt in your stomach as he leans in, and you can smell the fading hints of minty body wash on his skin.
you tilt your head so your mouths finally meet, soft and slow as you both finally enjoy the kiss you’ve been yearning for for so long. he tastes sugary, like the lollipops he’s always got between his teeth, and you’re already addicted.
chris pulls away a minute later, his lips reddened and glistening from the contact. you giggle slightly from the unfamiliarity of the situation, glancing down at your linked hands.
“your lips are so soft.” he praises, still awestruck that he finally got to kiss the girl he’s loved since he was a preteen.
“take a girl out to dinner first, jeez.” you joke playfully.
chris rolls his eyes, but he smiles nonetheless. “i think i will, actually. you got any plans tomorrow?”
you tap your chin with your free hand like you’re contemplating your schedule. “i can probably squeeze you in.”
“you better. everyone else can get in line.”
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Ding dong, here’s the final chapter! I have an epilogue in mind so that may come later, but for now, Thanks  so so much for the response to this series and Enjoy!
Ch1 Ch2 Ch3
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[talking] [talking passes]
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Gai: You knew right away, didn’t you? Kka: Correct. I knew something was wrong when you weren’t trying to do situps or anything..... You little criminal, who smuggled that in for you? Gai: Naruto
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Kks: How did you get him to do that? /I/ cant even get Naruto to do things. The tear tracks and shit eating grin are cute. Kinda wanna kiss you. Gai: Don’t let me be a hindrance to-
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Gai: What are you giggling about? Kks: I just remembered
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Kks: I get to hold over your head that I held mirai before you. Gai: You what?! Your first baby hold and I missed it? Get off of me Kks: So mean! Near death made you crabby. Gai: I won’t give into this Kks: You will, you always succumb. [gai sighs annoyed]
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Gai: [Groans] When are they making you swear in as hokage? Kks: That’s not happening anymore thankfully. Gai: Huuuh?? Tenzou didn’t tell me that!
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Gai: He said Lady Tsunade was retiring and you were the only choice. Naruto even tried to- Kks: Where do you think i’ve been all day? I convinced her to hold out until Naruto or whoever  took over next. Gai: How did you smooth talk that one? Kks: I agreed to do her paperwork and cover for when she needs R&R. I also advised her to ditch the elders so she can actually run this shit show right. Gai: And they... took that well? The elders? Kks: No, not at all. Let’s just say I said some... things that made them backtrack on their decision.
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Gai: YOu cant just say that and not tell me now!! I gotta know! Kks: Well... Homura: Absolutely not! Kks: If I am appointed, I’ll be replacing you regardless. Naruto certainly will. It’s inevitable. Koharu: Those kids don’t know how this village runs!
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Kks:Those kids just won your war and this is how you speak of them. Or are “those kids“ only respectable to you when they’re eager to die at your beckon call and shut up. Elders: How dare- Watch your tongue! Kks: I won’t be someone who you can walk all over. Things will change. Just so my intentions are clear
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Gai: What next?! Kks: That’s is really. Kinda tuned the rest out and passed out for 3 hours. Gai: Rival, I was so invested Kks: Sorry Gai: So you agreed to essentially split the work of a hokage but not publicly take the title? Kks: Mhm Gai: So cool! Apologies, I had just assumes since you were gonna accept last time Kks:[hums] Things changed. Konoha’s not on the brink of war, Tsunade’s still here. The village can breathe and rebuild now.
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Kks: After a glimpse of the hassle and public attention the last time, I’m just... Not interested in any of that. I’ve never dreamed or desired to be the hokage. That was always something others wanted /for/ me. So I said no. I know you were happy for me so- Gai: Kakashi
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Gai: I’m so very proud of you for expressing how you truly feel. You and tsunade will do amazing work supporting the next generation. Even If you chose to retire today, I’d still be just as proud of you. Also a selfish part of me if happy to have more time with you. [kks huffs]
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Kks: I’m proud of you too, y’ know. All your hard work, you’re fucking incredible. Glad my dad made me talk to the cool kid in the green jumpsuit. 2nd coolest shinobi. Gai: Only took 25 years, but I’ve finally caught your eye! Kks: Yup, let’s move in together.
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Gai: WHAT?1 Whu-! Kks: I’m fixing up dad’s old house with Tenzou. you should live there with me Gai: Why? Kks: Why are yo suspicious? I’m serious. Space, accessibility for you... I want you around more. Gai: Ok Kks: Ok? Gai: An exciting change is just what my youthful journey needs!! Kks: So yes?
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Gai: I would love to share a home with you, Rival [kks giggling] What now?
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Kks: Did I just make you succumb, Gai-kun? Gai: When can we have a match next, I need to consensually slap you in the head [kks laughs] Why did you say it like that? Kks: I’m sorry! Your pout looks so cute.... You are still moving in with me, right? That wasnt a joke.
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Gai: I’m gonna let you sweat on that one awhile... [whimpers]
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Kks: Love you so much, Gai
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[gai snoring]
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[gai snoring]
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enamouredfae · 9 months
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little astro observations i've made based on my little chart collection and experience 🎀
honestly i've observed this only in myself but you have a natural pull to people who's sun is the same sign as your 5th house, mine is in pisces and my bf, my best friend and my cat are all pisces, not to mention that 90% of my crushes have been pisces as well.
there is something about pisces and bunnies, they will either love bunnies (have tattoos of them, make art about them, be their favourite animal), own or have owned a bunny or they look like one, (my bf is all of the above).
in synastry a north node over a person's mars may indicate the north node person taking the mars person's virginity.
in synastry a person's moon in your 9th house may indicate they understand/feel/empathize with emotions in a different way from you due to where they come from and how they were culturally socialized, i have this with my bf and he comes from a north american individualist country where your emotions are your responsibility and other's are theirs and i come from a post communist country where you are responsible for everyone's emotions, and ppl live for other people.
in vedic astrology i am a hasta moon, claire nakti made a video on hasta nakshatra and describes hasta natives as "fairy pretty" and i have a pair of dragonfly fairy wings tattooed on my back, plus ive been told (before my tattoo) that i give off fairy vibes.
saturn ruled 3rd house makes you have to spend a lot of time in public transportation, for example you might live far from where you need to go, for me it used to take me 1 hour at least to get to some places, sometimes i'd have to wait an hour just to then spend on hour on the bus. just overall imposes patience for transportation
a lot of astro observation posts say that an aquarius 4th house makes you feel like u dont belong in your family or that you're the black sheep of the family, but i dont find that accurate at all, i feel like it makes the native the one to challenge family values, they may be the one to make their family change for humanitarian reasons
idk if this is a real technique already used by astrologers but i have a wholesign MC theory. in wholesign the midheaven can fall in the 9th/10th or 11th house. my theory is that wherever it falls is the way you get ahead in life, the way through which u become publicly known or get your career. If it falls in the 9th your career is owed to ur studies/travel, 10th your hard work/experience/reputation, 11th your connections/social media/friends.
i think i have the most literal astrological placements being passed down from your parents example. obviously placements dont always get passed down, my sister has none of their placements, but perhaps being the first child may have contributed to this since the first child is when parents still have their personality not yet influenced by parenthood. so my moon and my sun, which we know symbolize the parents amongst other things, are at the same degree and they sextile eachother exactly, which I think is an indicator that my parents are very harmonious together; they are still together and in love even now. furthermore, my moon and sun are the same signs of my parents' stelliums, i have a libra moon and my mom has a libra stellium, and my sun is in leo and my dad has a leo stellium.
sibling's ceres in your first is feeling like a parent to them, i constantly tell my sister she's my daughter, we even have an inside joke that i gave birth to her at 5, and my ceres is in her fourth, the house of motherhood so she definitely sees me as a parental figure.
me and my bf have eachother's jupiter in our 7th houses, besides being in a serious committed relationship, we want to start a business together. so i feel this is a great indicator for great partnership in both regards.
i feel like this is also a technique but i haven't really heard much about it, generational planets affect us through societal conditions/problems whereas personal planets affect us through personal problems. for example: let's go with two malefics, i have pluto in the first house which i feel would be very different from having let's say mars in the first house. the first house is amongst many things our appearance which i am insecure about. i have never in my life been told i am ugly, i am actually constantly told i am beautiful, and yet it does not click. it isn't through personal experiences that i have problems with my appearance but through consumption of society ideals. this is of course an oversimplification but you get what i mean.
chiron retrograde in natal changes our perception on trauma. me and my bf have the same chiron, his is retrograde while mine is not. he constantly says he is not traumatized, whereas i can tell i am. he 100% has traumas, the thing is that it's like he's left them behind? he just says it happened a long time ago so it's done. my observation is that retrogrades in your natal may make u leave things in the past or have a "it happened a long time ago it doesn't matter" attitude towards trauma. the thing is he acts like a non-traumatized person which is crazy to me.
i have a skin condition called dermatographia, also overall very dry itchy acne prone skin, i also have scars. here are a few placements that i have that i feel may be an indicator for skin conditions: mars ruled first house (traditional rulership) mars is inflamation and scarring, saturn in seventh saturn is dry and some people consider that libra(7th house) rules the skin, saturn opposite ascendant, saturn square venus i see venus as clear skin due to its aesthetical perfection.
saturn in 1st, especially conjunct ascendant indicates identity issues. borrowing elements of identity from people you admire, not feeling like you identify with the gender assigned at birth, not identifying with your birth name, etc.
having a libra 12th house can indicate traumatic female friendship. the 12th house is the house of hidden enemies, so you perceive these people as your friends, sometimes even best friends, so when they betray you it is very jarring and traumatic. having female friends that are jealous of you, female friends that pretend to like you, female friends that talk shit about you and even sometimes lie about u, friends that purposefully hide information from you, that want what you have, sometimes sabotaging what you have or trying to make u lose the thing they want, etc. this is a very difficult placement, because you love these people so much that you would've given up things, changed things or shared things with them if only they were honest with you. in the best of cases the friendship is real and full of love but you grow apart, and this is also painful because you can't control it.
venus square ascendant is people telling you they love you and you not believing them. just overall hardships around love and seeing yourself as loveable. double points when it also squares saturn making u think that if u are loved it's hard work or that people had to convince themselves to, that you're hard to love.
people with venus conjunct mars in first are stunning and have an androgynous vibe to them. sometimes this is visual, strong muscular body with graceful posture, but it can reflect in their personality, just strength imbued with vulnerability, people that surprise you, that are balanced.
taurus 6th house can indicate finding romantic partners in the workplace.
having a stellium in the 4th and no planets in the 10th, can indicate a strong connection to your mom and a disconnect from your dad, especially when the sun is in the opposite sign of your tenth house(in your 4th) feeling like your dad is not the way he should be.
please let me know what you think, im very curious how they hold up in other people's charts, critiques are welcome and invited.
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mochiroreo · 10 months
Oh goodie! Prologue [breaking in]
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Summary: being a latchkey child, you are used to being alone. So when your parents announced that your whole family is moving to Hawkins, you paid them no mind and just packed up your bags. What you are not expecting was that the house that your family just bought comes with two neighbours that are in dire need to have you in any way.
Trigger Warnings: she/her pronouns. [mentions of god in this chapter] DUBCON. NONCON. 100% FILTH. Smut. Unprotected P in V (wrap it before you tap it). Hidden relationships. Age gap. Cream pie. Size kink. Degradation. Corruption. Choking/slapping (in a pleasurable way). Pet names (no use of y/n). Fingering. Squirting. Overstimulation. Public sex. Recording. Dark!Steve Harrington & Dark!Eddie Munson
Author’s note: thank you for your support on the teaser! I did not expect that
૮ ◞ ⸝⸝ ◟ ྀིა this is my first time writing and posting my fics publicly so I hope you like them! This part does not contain much but I will still post it for the sake of world building for this fic 💞
P.s. not beta’d. So.. there might be grammar mistakes..
Thank you to @kayaedits and @kitsunecafe for the dividers!
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“It wouldn’t be that bad,sweetheart. I swear. Me and your dad promises that the house is really pretty! Plus,you get the spacious room that you have always dreamed off!”
Your mom tried to pacify you,telling you all the things you will like about the new house that they bought at Hawkins, Indiana. A place you did not know even exists when they mentioned that they were planning to sell the house where you currently live and move to the said place. Eyes a bit puffy and red while your lips tremble and jutted out in a pout. Hugging your soft stuffed teddy bear,you were feeling overwhelmed. With their decision already made, you cannot help but look around your room.
The soft pinks and pastel blues are adorning every corner, the trinkets that you collected along the way throughout high school were neatly piled and arranged. The medals, awards, trophies, and books that are lined up on the shelves that pretty sure had indents on them for how long the pile has been there. She looks at you with pity,before sighing and pulling you in a hug. They know that you’re not crying because of how you’ll miss you best friend. Or how you’ll miss the town. No, they know you don’t really care much about those.
You hate big changes. Knowing how shy and timid you are, you always prefer staying home or discovering new spots where you can just relax and let your mind drift away while reading a book or jotting down notes on things you find interesting. And your parents know that. Being painfully aware of the times their jobs affected your upbringing,they try to make it up to you every single time. With you being on their minds when they bought the house,they chose the biggest that they can find which is full of greenery in a quiet neighbourhood.
“But.. its—“ you tried to reason out your frustration,tears slowly filling up your eyes again. “I know honey,I know. I’m so sorry. Me and your father just wants what’s best for you,you do know that.. right? Its not just for work but we can just see that house as our permanent house. No more moving after this.” Your mum apologised in a gentle manner, still patient while hugging you and rubbing your back. You just groaned under her hug,sniffling as you continue to bury yourself on your mom’s arms. “Besides, there are public and private colleges around. You can also get a summer job there too while you are still deciding on what to study. I’ve heard that there’s a book shop and a record store near our house,too. Maybe they’re hiring? Oh,we even have lovely neighbours! Too nice,actually! Me and your dad happened to meet them while we were inspecting the house..” you listened to your mum telling you all about the new place, fiddling with your fingers while it slowly sinks on you that you really don’t have any choice. “Its a really beautiful place,honey. I promise. We promise.” Your mum ended softly, giving you a forehead kiss.
“And—“ your dad’s voice popped the bubble you and your mum had,slightly jumping at his voice. “Maybe you can find a decent boyfriend out there. You know, better than— what was his name again? Frank?” He asked,his nose scrunched in disgust. You laughed at how he tried to remember you ex’s name. Giving your mum a tight hug before standing up to give the same to your dad as well,you answered him while copying his expression. “Yes,dad. Frank. What an ugly name,huh?” Your whole family giggled,slandering your ex while talking about what you and your mum should cook for dinner, the anxiety slowly easing in the background.
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“Hey mom, where do you want these?!” You shouted after your mother who is already carrying a box of kitchen utensils with a laugh out of excitement.
After a grueling 6 hour car ride, the first thing you did was immediately jump out of your family car and stretch your limbs. The air was sticky and humid,feeling the spring season already ending. You definitely did not expect the temperature on the way here despite it still being early morning. With the heat making your shirt stick to your skin,you slumped your shoulders,already tired at the thought of moving. Putting your sunglasses up your head, you made your way to the car’s boot, quickly grabbing some of your boxes that you won’t clumsily drop.
Hawkins is definitely an eye catcher. Sure, a small town. But there is something mysterious about it that you cannot help but be curious about the said town. You like how snug and tight the community is. People smiling at your parents here and there, striking up a conversation with them too. It eases your nerves that it looks like your parents chose the right place to settle after all. It looks like you will be spending the upcoming summer exploring the never-ending variety of stores your whole family drove by.
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The day ended when the last piece of furniture is inside and assembled. “I’m dead..” you muttered under your breath when you plopped face-down on your bed. The house is beautiful— Pretty is not even enough to describe it. The outside definitely shows the history and age of the place. Vintage,painted with neutral colors, while hints of greens,moss, and crawling plants adorn the vast spaces near the windows. It is definitely different from the two houses on both sides of your house. Your mind is already racing on how you are going to decorate your bedroom, already allocating the empty corner for some massive book shelves and a shrine of trinkets and random journals that you collect for fun. You just finished taking a much needed bath,giggling to the comforters when you became too excited on buying new stuff for your bedroom, not noticing your mom’s footsteps as she make her way upstairs.
Your mom stood in front of you,a big smile on her face. Your giggling stopped when you noticed her presence— and how she is holding two pies that are meticulously packed with a bow on top of each boxes. God knows when she had the chance to bake a pie amidst the chaos of never-ending boxes and assembling furnitures together. You went quiet,noticing how your energy is not matching hers as you press your lips in a line while hoping whatever she plans on asking you for is not the one that you are currently thinking. “Sweetheart can you give—“ she started sickeningly sweet before you immediately answered “no. Nope. No,no,no. Goodnight!” You tried to evade her favor, quickly hiding under you fluffy blanket and closing your eyes. Your mom,expecting the behaviour, had quickly put down the pies on top of your study desk and snatched the blanket from your body. “You will!” She exclaimed before laughing loudly as you fight her back for your blanket. “No! Why am I always the one handing it to the neighbours?! I’m always the sone doing it!” You whined,already losing from your so called “battle” against your mother. “Because! Me and your dad are still busy!” She tried to reason out when you know she’s just planning to make you go out and hopefully make new friends or just meet new people. Your mom tugged a bit too hard that made you sit down. You continued whining and whinging,knowing that you already lost and you have no other choice.
You changed from your tank top and sleeping shorts to a cropped cream sweater and a plain pink skirt before brushing your hair and swiping some cherry lip gloss on your lips to at least make yourself looks presentable. With a last look to the mirror,you have put on your glasses and sneakers,before turning around to your mom. You find your mom holding the boxes once again with a cheshire-like grin before handing it to you. “Yeah,you trickster” you mumbled and your mom knows that you are only joking as her loud laughter and giggles together with yours echoed throughout the house.
The air cooled down quite a bit when you stepped out of your house,the gate creaking as you try to push it close using your foot. Trying to ease your nerves, you looked around and drank in your surroundings. How the cul-de-sac is surrounded by trees that makes the place a bit eerie but also dreamy when the sun had set today. How the clouds are soft and plush,orange and yellows slowly disappearing while the moon and the stars slowly peek out. Slowing your steps as much as you can, you focused on the feeling of the gravel underneath your feet and just avoiding the dread of meeting new people. On your way,were slowly starting to hate the whole thing and how you wish the houses are far more apart.
Finally,you made it towards your neighbours gate,seeing that its slightly ajar which made you hesitate before deciding that you just want it to be over with and stepped inside. “Screw it” you say to yourself while walking towards a black stained oak door. Trying to balance the other pie on top of another to fix your glasses from being crooked and your hair from being destroyed slightly because of the wind, you lifted one of your fist and is already thinking of how to escape the social interaction if they end up being too talkative.
“Well fuck that.” You heard a deep,husky voice as he talk to someone that you cannot hear clearly. You dropped your fist beside you,anxiety slowly creeping in while your mind runs hundred miles per minute if you should just come back later than to interrupt their conversation. “They keep on trying to sell their god to me for how many fucking years already!” The man clearly exclaimed before another man let out a roaring laugh. “If god is fucking real he will present me or you with someone that can fucking blow my balls off and suck my dick so deep that I will be convulsing at the end of the night and he— whoever the fuck he is— will tell me how its his gift for me,like— someone fucking made for me and you—“
It was the last thing you heard before the huge wooden door opened,the man’s rambling abruptly stopped and two of the most breathtaking men entered your view. One with long,curly hair that looks like it’ll be soft under your fingertips. While the other one has thick,luscious hair that is not as long as the other but is styled to perfection.
“Hi..?” with your face red as a beet,that was the only word you can whisper.
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sturniolocraft · 3 months
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౨ৎ hot chocolate in march, dad!matt x reader !!
summary: when the kids demand hot chocolate, even when it's way past winter and it's beginning to get sunny, their dad is going to get them their hot chocolate.
a/n— first time writing publicly hi ^_^ this is kinda short but hopefully ppl don't mind?? i rlly enjoy writing for this au sooo expect more
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matt was the first to wake, light barely peeking in from behind the curtains as small hands poked at his face. he stared blankly at his son's bright blue eyes, still bundled up in blankets with you exhausted and asleep on his chest.
"cody, it's—," he looked over at the broken alarm clock before huffing and unplugging his phone, reading the bright screen that said six am. "it's six. what're you doing, bud?"
cody looked around with a cheeky smile before gesturing to his younger sister, peeking into the bedroom, her eyes red from crying and clutching a stuffed eeyore. "eve is sad," he informed while trying to pull his dad out of bed. "she wants hot chocolate!"
matt didn't bother arguing with them, knowing that they'd win anyway. he presses a soft kiss to your temple before standing up, leaving a sloppy note explaining where him and the kids are, then he set off.
it was a hassle fixing his kids to look presentable. they had attempted to dress themselves already, anticipating the trip they'd take. cody was wearing his shoes on the wrong feet, and everly had mismatched shoes on along with her shirt backward.
he didn't bother with his appearance much, throwing on different pants and loading the kids up in the car with their own respective portions of cereal in their snack cups. he ignores the mess cody makes, deciding that he can just clean the car when you take the kids.
"so what kind of hot chocolate are we thinking?" he asks them, pulling into the parking lot. he drives around looking for a spot while listening to their chatter, cody says that they should get the ones with mini marshmallows and everly agrees, so that's what they'll search for.
cody ends up acting like a pirate as soon as he's set into the cart, "argh! matey, we need thy cocoa!" he says loudly, impatiently waiting for his dad to buckle up everly into the cart seat.
matt fumbles with cleaning the cart and buckling her in, but he complies with cody's pirate behavior. "aye aye, captain," he says with a seriousness that makes both kids laugh. it's barely seven as they cruise around the aisles of the store, searching for the brand that they want.
everly is the first to point it out, her little hand almost hitting his face when she points at it and says "daddy look!". the hot chocolate mix gets put into the cart, instantly being arranged neatly by cody, who has now declared himself captain of the cart.
as matt is about to wheel over to the check out, his phone buzzes with a text. he tells cody to calm down for a second, not that it works, and goes to answer the phone.
it's almost 7:30 and march whyre u out buying hot cocoa ml??
eve cried to cody abt wanting some :(
u big softie <3
matt smiled at his phone for a moment before trying to hide it when both kids began saying ew and telling him that he's in love, he couldn't hide it while he said that you're their mother and they should shush and love you too.
neither kid argued that, only pointing and giggling at him some more before pleading with him to get a toy. he doesn't talk to you about it later on how they ended up with a bag full. "they must've slipped them in while he wasn't looking." he says, but both kids end up just shaking their heads from behind him.
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whyse7vn · 1 year
[ ot7 x reader ]
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jk: i’m sorry
jk: didn’t mean to make you upset :(
i hope i die
i should get jumped
barely survive
be on life support until i’m 50
and when i wake up die from the most painful heart attack recorded
i hope no one attends my funeral and i’m publicly and privately made fun of even after i’ve passed
hope my parents are ashamed and i hope that whenever the name jungkook is said people feel sick to their stomachs
i’m gonna throw up
gonna choke myself to death
i have the tightest grip on my throat rn
i’m going red
it’s fading to black
i’m sorry i wasn’t being a good boyfriend
tell bam that his dad was an asshole who didn’t deserve any rights
don’t even let him remember me as his father
i don’t deserve that title
i don’t deserve anything
not after what i did
burn all my clothes
delete all my pictures
tear my face off all posters
cross my name off all paperwork
i am not worthy of anything
y/n: shut up
jk: i’m sorry
y/n: i can tell
jk: i didn’t mean it
y/n: i forgive you
jk: really?
y/n: yeah
jk: do you really or are joking?
if ur joking it’s not a funny joke
y/n: you can come back home now
jk: really 🥺?
y/n: don’t ever use that emoji again
jk: sorry
i’m coming
i love you
this is so great
y/n: you’re so dramatic
jk: i’m sorry
y/n: stop apologising
jk: sorry
i mean
love u
y/n: hurry up
jk: 🏃‍♂️
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jin: can you talk to me now
i’m going to kms and it gonna be all your fault if you don’t reply to me
y/n: record it
jin: hey loml 😘😘❤️❤️❤️🤗🤗
THATS SO SICK?/?:£:££.&.&.&&.
y/n: what do you want?
jin: i love you ❤️💓🩷
y/n: bye
jin: WAITTTT :(((((((((((((((
y/n: what
jin: i’m outside 🤭🤗❤️
y/n: stay outside
jin: am i a dog?????
i’ve come to see you princess 😘❤️‍🔥
y/n: gross
go home
jin: i am home 🥺
y/n: ur at MY home
jin: tu casa es mi casa 😚
y/n: that is not how that phrase goes
jin: let me inside pookie it’s cold 😍
y/n: you should have a key if it’s ur house
y/n: it took you 3 minutes
to be an asshole again
jin: :((((
i really tried that time
i can’t help it
this is real this is me
i was born this way
you can’t change me
ur the asshole if we think about it why are you trying to change people?? let the world know you LOSER
y/n: fyi you can stay outside
y/n: “pls” doesn’t really sound like sorry to me…
i love you
this is kinda sadistic if you think about it
didn’t know you was a freak like that bae
it’s okay i kinda like it
how about you let me in now
or do you want me to beg more???
pls oh plsssss let me in 🥺
i’ll never be mean again i promise 😇
pls 😚
fr this isn’t funny
i’m fr sorry
i mean it like genuinely
okay let’s stop now
fuck you
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hobi: this fighting stuff kinda boring now
i’m sorry
y/n: you can’t just walk out the house mid argument
hobi: in my defence u were being mean
y/n: so were you???
hobi: ??
y/n: be honest are you fr gonna just leave like that when things get hard?
hobi: i mean i might
y/n: …
hobi: things were pretty hard
y/n: fuck you don’t come home
hobi: i would never lie to u bae 🙏🏼
and i would never suppress a moment for a woman to feel empowered
y/n: don’t actually fucking speak to me
hobi: ily
cheer up baby cheer up baby
y/n: picked the wrong member
jungkook would of helped me
hobi: omg????????
are you fr?
y/n: would never lie to you bae 🙏🏽
hobi: ….
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y/n: ???
jimin: are you still mad at me?
y/n: yes jimin wtf
jimin: do you want to have sex?
y/n: yes jimin wtf
jimin: love you
y/n: whatever
jimin: say it back
y/n: i won’t
jimin: you will
y/n: definitely will not
jimin: i’ll sing for you
y/n: no thanks
jimin: no thanks?
y/n: no thanks.
jimin: you say that like i’m bad at singing
y/n: eh
jimin: eh?
y/n: eh.
jimin: i won’t have sex with you
y/n: aw man
jimin: don’t sound too sad
y/n: ok
jimin: you should be
y/n: i’m not
jimin: i go crazy in bed yk?
y/n: that is the ugliest thing you have ever said to me
jimin: if ur not in love with me just say that
y/n: i won’t
jimin: so ur IN love with me is what i’m hearing
y/n: ur not hearing anything cuz we are messaging rn
jimin: can you just tell me you love me like a normal person?
y/n: you don’t deserve it
jimin: okay maybe that’s true
but you should do it just once
pretty pls with a cherry on top 🥺
y/n: i’ll punch you
jimin: maybe i’ll enjoy it
y/n: nasty
jimin: kiss me
y/n: where are you?
jimin: ur really gonna kiss me?
y/n: ur talking long to tell me where you are so ig i’m not
jimin: joon’s studio
y/n: maybe i’m omw
jimin: ur so in love with me it’s kinda gross 🤭
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yoongi: :3
y/n: die tbh
yoongi: :3
y/n: your stupid faces mean nothing to me
yoongi: :3
y/n: …
yoongi: :33333
y/n: i hate you
yoongi: :Ɛ
y/n: ew wtf how did you do that
yoongi: Ɛ:
y/n: stop omg
yoongi: i’m sorry :3
y/n: cool
yoongi: i’m fr :3
y/n: idc :3
yoongi: you used the face :3
ur not mad :3
y/n: ur logic is wrong
yoongi: bring the face back :3
and it’s not logic it’s common sense :3
y/n: ur wrong
yoongi: never been wrong a day in my life :3
y/n: that’s crazy
so when you shouted at me for no reason you weren’t in the wrong?
good to know
yoongi: okay i never said that :3
y/n: but you did
yoongi: ur being annoying :3
y/n: fuck you
yoongi: did i? :3
y/n: you can’t just buy my forgiveness
yoongi: i can’t? :3
y/n: this is not how relationships work yoongi
yoongi: this is how our relationship works :3
y/n: no it’s not
yoongi: :3
y/n: you are still not forgiven leave me alone
yoongi: unforgiven i’m a villain :3
yoongi: ur making me real upset rn :3
y/n: go back to work
yoongi: stop being mad at me :3
y/n: die
yoongi: don’t say that i’m about to get on a plane :3
y/n: now i feel bad
yoongi: say sorry :3
y/n: nvm
yoongi: :(
look you’ve made me change faces hope you feel bad :(
y/n: i don’t
yoongi: ur sick and twisted :(
y/n: cry about it
yoongi: really hope i survive this plane ride :(
y/n: i will not be guilt tripped by you
yoongi: you told me to die knowing i was getting on a plane :(
y/n: bye
yoongi: what if i had a deep deep fear of flying and u made that fear 10x worse rn :(
y/n: you don’t
yoongi: you don’t know a thing :(
y/n: fuck you
yoongi: do you really want ur last words to me be fuck you :(
y/n: fly safe
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y/n: no
tae: hiiiiiiii
wtf how did you know
y/n: blocked
y/n: you have one minute
tae: i am walking alone rn
y/n: ???
tae: on the street
y/n: ok?
tae: alone
y/n: you said that
tae: ALONE
y/n: right
tae: it’s not right actually
do you know what could happen to me rn?
i could literally be snatched up off the street by anyone
y/n: hopefully it’s a rehabilitation centre 🙏🏽
y/n: ur one minute is up
tae: no it’s not
can you pls care for me rn i’m stressed out
y/n: it was pretty stressful when you stood me up yesterday
but i powered through 💪🏽
i’m sure you can do the same!!!
tae: that never happened
pls let’s pretend that never happened
i’m the perfect boyfriend i swear
y/n: get lost
like actually
never come back
tae: 😢
you don’t even mean that
y/n: are you sure?
forgive me
y/n: no
tae: you can have my card
y/n: don’t want it
tae: take my house
i’ll give you my keys rn
y/n: i have ur keys
tae: you do?
you thief omg
give them back
y/n: you left them here???
after YOU stormed out my house after you made ME upset
tae: oh yeah
i’m coming back now
y/n: asshole
tae: let’s put this behind us and move on
that’s a great idea i say
y/n: you are single
tae: don’t say that
y/n: said it
tae: we are actually engaged and expecting our 10th child
y/n: you are single
tae: top 10 singles
made a few of those in my time
i’m funny right
say i’m funny
y/n: it’s painful talking to you
tae: painfully in love with me are you?
y/n: it’s like i’m taking to a brick wall
you have like selective hearing
tae: what i’m hearing is you want to kiss me on the lips?
y/n: call an ambulance
tae: feeling so much love for me ur throwing up?
maybe i do deserve this
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y/n: would you now like to explain why the hell you sent halsey flowers on MY birthday??
namjoon: it wasn’t just on ur birthday i’ve been sending them all week for like a month now
y/n: namjoon what the fuck??
namjoon: i’m confused
y/n: UR confused????
do you like her or something?
namjoon: ofc i like her!
y/n: so ur cheating?
namjoon: what
y/n: ur cheating on me and you have no shame???
what the actual fuck is wrong with you??
namjoon: i’m not cheating?
y/n: for a month now you’ve been sending another girl that you like flowers
namjoon: every friday
y/n: fuck you
namjoon: i’m confused how that’s cheating when you told me to do that?
namjoon: you literally said you loved how halsey’s bf gave her flowers every week and that you wished i did that?
y/n: ….
there is no way
oh my god
kim fucking namjoon
namjoon: what??? i’m so confused pls tell me what i did wrong
i would never cheat on you
ur freaking me out
y/n: think about it
why would i wish you sent halsey flowers?
like really think
namjoon: IDK i was confused as hell but you seemed like you really wanted me to
so i did
y/n: i meant i wanted you to buy ME flowers you idiot omg
namjoon: oh
that makes a lot more sense
y/n: yeah
you are the dumbest smart man i’ve ever met
namjoon: my fault
i get confused sometimes 😞
y/n: i love you
namjoon: i love you too
ur not mad anymore?
y/n: could never be mad at you silly
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a-sterling-rose · 1 year
Danny Phantom Writing Prompt: The Lack of a Hero Complex
Once Danny publicly shames Vlad into returning the status quo of Amity Park, Danny also stops ghost fighting.
The Human Trio and Vlad confront Danny about his lack of action. The Human Trio finally gets a taste of the sleep deprivation Danny experienced when he didn't want to burden them from their schedules while the property damage continued to tarnish Vlad's public reputation. Danny just laughs.
Sam, completely livid at the lack of reaction: Who’s going to protect the town, Danny?
Danny gets up from the couch and looks directly into Vlad's eyes: Yeah, Vlad, how do you plan on protecting your town?
Danny lightly chuckles while he goes down to the lab where the Fenton Parents were working. He was just gonna play on the family computer while his Dad would boast about their latest idea.
The human trio:
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When the ghosts who come to directly harass Danny, he decides he just needs to be completely honest with each of them.
Danny: Listen, I'll admit I kinda had fun with the bantering, but I want to focus on better things now. I was never really interested in any of you.
The Ghosts:
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The results?
Vlad has to set up legit ghost detectors all over the city and properly hire the Fentons for protection. Vlad hoped that the hiring would gain him favor from Maddie, but he finally got to see how she really was compared to his idealized version. Their constant public damages made Vlad's reputation even more tarnished, and their lack of change despite him personally talking to them about it makes him grow equal resentment towards both of them. It gets to the point where Vlad just sets up the same ecto repellent he uses to keep ghosts from escaping his portal back in Winsconsin. The extra paperwork he has to do now governing is not worth the mess he caused. Political power wasn't as worth it as he thought it would be.
The Human Trio gave Danny the cold shoulder for a while, but that just gave him some well needed alone time to raise his grades. He even finally got to join the astronomy club like he planned before the portal accident. They were a very chill group and welcomed him to sit with them at lunch, so he was never alone. Dash tried to start their usual routine, but that was immediately hauled by the club leader.
Dash wasn't clever enough to figure out how to respond to being called 'Pussy Lips' by a girl, so he just kinda sulked away.
Dash will say the occasional snarky comment, but he never bring himself to get too close to Danny after a club member told Danny to tell Dash and the other football players they could take turns sucking him off after their club meeting. Dash just wasn't clever enough to get things back to normal.
Though the club members weren't A-listers, they weren't at the bottom, so Danny social life became better.
The Human Trio tried to continue on like before, but they were soon caught ghost hunting by the Fentons. There was no punishment, just overactive excitement, seeing they were finally interested in Ghost Hunting. Now, having to join the Fentons whenever there was a ghost detected, the fun of it is zapped away for them, making the tiredness not worth it anymore. The three eventually apologized to Danny, which he accepts, and the group finally accepts the new changes.
There are many things that can upset a ghost, but the universal act that can anger any core is being ignored. Even with the ecto repellent, the stronger ghosts manage to get through and try to get Danny's attention. The boy always just texts Vlad about how he sucks at his job and to take care of the disruption. The ghost eventually pick up that their violent outburst aren't working, so it gets to the point that they try to get his attention another way.
They tried to coax him with things they believed he liked. It is comparable to how Hyper Cat-lovers try to get a shy cat to love them.
Lunch Lady offers him a freshly made meal when he's low on money one day. He thanks her but says he had a big breakfast.
Ember tries to act like their best friends in front of the A-listers, so Danny will become more popular at school. He greets her but continues on his stroll like she was a typical citizen.
Technus offers to give Danny the answer key to all the tests for his classes, but he denies this offer instantly. He'll never cheat on a test ever again.
It got to the point that Skulker said he would drop the promise of getting Danny's pelt if he just let him see his ghostly form. Creeped out, Danny just backed away. He was thankful Valerie was close by.
Box Ghost actually got somewhere when he offered a three-dimensional solar system model. It was in a box he had, so Box Ghost offered it to Danny. He accepted it as the one in the club was showing its age.
This seemed to make these random ghost visits even more frequent. Danny guessed Box Ghost bragged about his 'accomplishment'.
Basically, the ghosts' obsession to defeat Danny changes to them wanting his attention. Vlad’s obsession becomes solely focused on Danny as he just finds Maddie and Jack so annoying now. Like, Vlad just wants to get custody of Danny and get the hell out of Amity Park. He doesn't even want to kill the Fentons now out of fear that they will become ghosts.
After the Ember incident, the A-listers kept trying to buddy up to him. However, Danny learned how they really were, so he just treated them the way he treated ghosts. Now, it seemed they were just as desperate.
Danny will turn into Phantom only when it's necessary, that or he's in the mood to fly. The downside to this change is that whenever he does transform, he always has an entourage of attention-starved ghosts following behind him. He can't even imagine how things would be if he went to the Ghost Zone.
For those who want to know the members of the astronomy club-
For those who want to see the club room-
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cozage · 8 months
The Daughter's Return Part 3
Chapter 12: The Call Home
Start From Beginning | Next Chapter | Table of Contents | Read on AO3
Characters: female reader x Portgas D. Ace Word Count: 1.7k
The amount of times you were dry heaving into the toilet made you think your body was trying to delay this conversation with your father. You had to admit, you were thanking this baby for prolonging the inevitable. The thought of hearing your father and Marco on the other side of the transponder snail made you start another round of gags into the toilet. 
A knock came at the door, Whitey’s friendly voice asking if you were okay. 
You almost laughed at her question. How could you answer that? You were pregnant. Thatch was dead. Teach was a traitor. Ace had abandoned you, and now he was set to be publicly executed. 
You were far from okay. 
And yet, when you answered, you simply let out a weak “I’m fine!” Even though your heart and soul had been collapsing in on itself for almost a month now. 
You and Ace were supposed to be going to doctor's visits. Your baby was the size of an avocado now, if you remembered correctly from that pamphlet the nurse had given you back in Alabasta. 
You should’ve defeated Teach easily. The two of you working together would’ve been no match for him. It didn’t matter what his devil fruit was. The two of you would’ve won. 
If Ace wouldn’t have acted irrationally, the two of you would still be together. The two of you would’ve been okay. Life would be a little less bleak. 
But Ace never thought about the consequences of things. He only ever just did them. 
God, you were so tired. 
You began crying again, hot and angry tears. You wanted to scream or punch something, anything to get rid of your frustration. You wanted to create a lava flow so extreme that you created a new island from your grief. 
But you couldn’t do any of that right now. You could only cry. 
“I’m coming in,” Whitey said, opening the door. 
“Hey babe,” she said softly. “I told you it’s going to be okay. Do you really think the Whitebeard is going to let his second commander die?”
“It’ll be a bloodbath,” you sobbed. “People are going to die regardless of what we choose to do.”
“Let’s not think like that,” she said, although she knew you were right. “Let’s go talk to Pops and see what ideas come up.”
You wiped your face free of tears and took a deep breath. You had to be composed for this meeting. You had an idea, and you knew your father would only let you do it if he thought you were in an adequate mental state. The plan was risky, but at least you were the only one being put at risk. 
The snail began to call, and the knot in your stomach tightened. 
“Yes?” Your father’s voice boomed from the snail. He sounded exhausted. You couldn’t blame him. 
“Hey Pops,” Whitey said. “It’s-“
“Whitey!” His voice became more enthusiastic, but you could still hear the exhaustion. “Tell me you have good news.”
“I do.” Whitey nudged you, motioning for you to speak. 
“Hey dad.” Your voice came out weaker than you wanted it to, but still confident, given the circumstances. 
“Y/N.” You could hear your father’s voice get watery, and you knew he was just as relieved to hear your voice as you were to hear his. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
“Listen, dad.” You took a deep breath. “I have a plan.”
“A plan?”
“If Whitey can give me Ace’s vivre card, I can intercept them before he gets to Impel Down and-“
His voice cut you off, full of rage. “Absolutely not.”
“Dad!” You cried, trying to stay calm. “It’s the best way for us to-“
“No. Your ass is coming RIGHT back to this ship and you are staying here until I say otherwise.”
“I can do it!” you argued. “I need to-“
“You are not doing it. That’s an order.”
“You know I can do it!” You screamed. You knew you were losing your cool, but you didn’t care. Ace’s life was at risk. Everything was at risk. 
“I want you to report back to the ship.” You could hear he was struggling to keep his composure. 
“That’s not fair!”
“I don’t want to hear SHIT about fair. What’s not fair is you keeping secrets! I have tolerated your rebellions and let you get away with far too much these past few months. But this is crossing a line. You WILL remain with Whitey until you return and then we will have a private discussion on your involvement in this rescue mission going forward. Is that understood?”
He knew. Of course he knew. Marco would’ve told him as soon as he read the report. 
“Dad, ple-”
“Whitey,” your father said, ignoring you. “Do whatever you have to in order to keep her on that ship. Put sea prism cuffs on her. Throw her in the brig if you need to. But do not let her get off that ship until you are here. Is that clear?”
You looked at Whitey, your eyes full of silent begging. You needed her to fight for you. To vouch that you could succeed. 
“Of course, Pops,” she said, giving you a remorseful look. “We can do that.”
“Whitey-“ you pleaded. 
“Y/N.” He sounded so tired. “For once in your life, don’t cause more problems than there already are.”
His words made tears prick at the corner of your eyes. They were harsh, but they were true. All you had done was cause problems recently. For everyone around you. The least you could do was follow this one order to return home. 
“Yes sir,” you whispered, and the line disconnected without further conversation. 
“Im not going to lock you up,” Whitey said. “But you are going to have to stay in my view the whole time.”
You gave her a weak smile, thankful you wouldn’t have to spend your journey in the cells below deck. “Just like old times, huh? When the others couldn’t pay us to be apart.”
A wave of relief visibly washed over her face, thankful you weren’t going to resist. “Just like old times.”
You slept with Whitey in the captains quarters that night. 
Slept wasn’t the right word. You couldn’t sleep. You just kept thinking of Ace, chained to a wall and being beaten and ridiculed. Had he given up on life as much as you had? 
You knew you couldn’t go get him. The fleets that were escorting him were going to be full of high level marines. Even on a good day, you weren’t sure if you could do it. Trying to do it now would be suicide. 
But maybe there was something else you could do. Someone else who could help. You just had to get to them. 
You carefully climbed out of bed, trying your best not to wake Whitey. Every creak made you wince, but Whitey stayed asleep. 
The door was the hardest part. You knew it would groan as you opened it, and there was nothing you could do to prevent the sound. 
Slowly, painfully, you opened it, your eyes glued to Whitey. She stirred in her sleep a few times, but she never opened her eyes. You finally opened it enough to slip through, and you silently shut it back into place. 
You quickly moved to the kitchen, grabbing food rations and other supplies that you would need. You were going back to the New World. It would be a long journey, especially with your current state. But you would do it if it meant saving Ace. 
You would need a bottle of sake, and you found the perfect one. A large one from the East Blue. It wasn’t nearly enough for the favor you had to ask, but hopefully he would be gracious. 
“What are you doing?”
Fuck. You hadn’t been fast enough. 
“Whitey!” You turned around, her icy glare on you. “I was just-“
“Don’t lie,” she snapped. 
“Please Whitey I…I need to do something.”
“Do you even have a plan?” She demanded. “You can’t take on that kind of naval power even on your best day, and you know it.”
“I’m not going to rescue him!” As much as you wanted to, you knew Whitey was right. You couldn’t do it alone. 
She scoffed, clearly doubting your words. “You’re not? Really?”
“I swear Whitey. I’m going to ask for help. I know I can’t beat a naval fleet, but there is something I can do. Someone I can talk to.” You looked around desperately. “Please, just go back to bed.”
She shook her head. “You know I can’t do that.”
“Whitey please-“
“I can’t let you leave after explicit instructions,” she yelled, and you feared that other people would come to investigate the commotion soon. “I’d be disobeying my captain. And you might be able to do that, but I can’t.”
Your words wouldn’t convince her. You’d have to use strength. Against your best and oldest friend. 
Tears pooled in your eyes. “Please don’t make me do this.”
She closed her eyes. “You have to.”
You took your bracelet and held it across your knuckles. “I’m sorry, Whitey. I don’t want to-“
“Good luck,” she whispered, a smile on her lips. “You can do it. You can find a way to save him.”
You swung as hard as you could, aiming for the spot you knew would knock her out. Your fist and sea prism bracelet connected with her pressure point, and she slumped to the ground, unconscious. 
You grabbed your things and took off towards your sloop, which was still connected to the back of Whitey’s ship. 
“Okay baby,” you whispered to your stomach. “Just let me get to help, and then you can make me as sick as you want, okay? Just cooperate until then. We can do this.”
You really were a terrible person. Lying to everyone around you, knocking your best friend unconscious, forcing your unborn child to go through dangerous waters with little sleep and little nutrition. You had never been this careless or thoughtless in your life. 
If you kept acting like this, you were going to die. You knew that. But you didn’t care. Ace promised that you could die first. If he was moving up his timetable, so were you. 
You took off on your sloop, pulling out the vivre card to follow. Onto the New World. 
Onto find Shanks.
Tag list! @taeyoge @teiza @tojislawyer @trafalgardnami @bloopbopsblog @dancingnewcat @dxestyi @flooofity @nyxthedragon01 @deadsnothere @h-rhodes1598  @morgyyyyyyy @trafalgardvivi  @fiestynatureweeb @frogpogjoghurt @beepboopcowboy @ms-portgas @luvyallbabes @appalost @zuchkaa @saybeyonce @stray-npc @kitsunechan707 @theyluvmesblog @heartysworld @aira-needs-sleep  @mothmomjay @ophelias-flowerss @aqualein @sehyojae @fanficwriter5
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magicalrocketships · 6 months
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
Oh, I'm sure I've talked about this before but L U C K I L Y I retain zero information, particularly when I'm tired, so this means I get to explain it again.
SO, the plot which I won't ever write because it gets pretty dark and it also requires me to make up an injury (I got the idea from the first series of Chicago Fire, where the dude whose name I've forgotten (no, really, I retain no information anymore) has a life-changing made-up ?neck? injury where he requires surgery and it will take one year+ to recover from the surgery so he self-medicates and then it's miraculously fixed by a dazzling new surgery in one episode after making it an entire plot for an entire season):
Canon divergence somewhere along the way, maybe the pandemic doesn't happen, maybe he never really got as publicly involved in streaming, whatever, but what's key is that Max doesn't have anything really going on outside of racing and it's this year
So Daniel's left RB/Mcl, and Max is focused focused focused on racing and maybe he gets his first world championship a year earlier but whatever happens, he doesn't build that strong sense of home outside of racing (no cats, no partner, no online streaming, just what's becoming an unhealthy focus on racing and winning at all costs)
Then there's an accident. It happens off-track, so it's not a racing incident, and it's not Max's fault. His car gets hit. And Max is injured. He breaks something in his neck (I am assured this injury does not exist in the manner employed by Chicago Fire. For the purpose of this imaginary not-to-be-written fic, it 100% exists).
Max is told he can't race, maybe forever, but likely for at least a year post surgery
(and at this point I'm just going to c&p from the chat fic doc I saved months and months ago, and it's going under a cut with a content warning here for suicidal thoughts, some mention of disordered eating and childhood abuse, look after yourself, pals)
surviving to drive: the max verstappen recovery story (~3k)
Anyway max realises that he has exactly one (1) thing in his life, racing, and it's just come crashing down and he's v emotionally unhealthy as we know and has nothing else going on so when he loses racing he believes there is literally no other reason to keep going plus he's in hospital
anyway daniel ignores all of max's emotionally unhealthy bans on hospital visitors and sneaks in to see him and he's like... "something is very wrong here"
he leaves and max thinks he's chased him away but then daniel comes back later that day and he's like, "you don't have to have the surgery in this hospital, you can have it done in any of these places *presents a list* so pick a place and we'll go there instead"
so yeah they just go somewhere else and daniel rents them a house and just hangs out with a secretly suicidal max who sees precisely no reason to wake up every morning if he's not racing
and daniel has precisely zero idea that max is still here/alive/whatever just because daniel is there every night and every morning and max doesn't want daniel to have to see him like that
ANYWAY max is very clearly not in a good place and his dad sends him messages telling him how he can improve his recovery and get better faster
it becomes more difficult for max to hide the fact that he's alive mostly by virtue of not being dead right now
and he's had the surgery or whatever and he's looking at a 12 month recovery so he's definitely out for the whole of the next season so daniel's like, "It doesn't matter how long recovery takes, take your time" which of course he has precisely zero idea of how to deal with since he's been racing so long and has nothing else in his life
Something happens idk he breaks a glass and Daniel finds him with cut hands and a piece of glass idk and Daniel's like, "a new crisis! I can help with that! this is clearly not something that max has been dealing with daily for weeks now, it's a new thing!"
so he's like, IT'S THERAPY TIME BABY, no more clutching a handful of broken glass and bleeding everywhere, superdaniel is here to help
yada yada finds max a therapist and max HATES IT, HAAAAATES IT, he's uncomfortable and the therapist makes him feel worse and he still wants to like... not be here if he can't race today, he can't wait a whole year
and daniel asks him how it's going and Max lies because why wouldn't he and he's been doing miserable things his entire life that he didn't want to do so what's another thing on top of everything else
meanwhile Daniel's like... hmmmm this is scary Max looks worse
and he sits in on a therapy session and half way through he's like, "nope, we're ending this, sorry, bye, you can have the money for the whole hour but we're never speaking to you again"
points out to Max that that therapist was awful and why didn't Max just tell him how awful it was and how it made him feel
Max, who's never had a choice over anything in his entire life: "..."
anyway he gets max to try another couple of therapists and in the end there's one who is NOT monstrously awful and does not make Max feel like he wants to scratch his own skin off
so Max gets THERAPY and it becomes clear that max's childhood was weaponised beyond belief and he doesn't even know what foods he likes and doesn't like
because he never got a choice and he was always on some kind of food plan that his dad could withhold or not according to how max was doing in every other area of his life
well of course, he gets a whole year of therapy and it turns out his dad was an abusive asshole and he is BLOCKED from Max's phone
and Max has to do things like "make sure his life has more than just racing in it"
so he reads a book
the first one he's ever read
he tries food and tries to figure out if he likes it or if it's just a source of energy he has to eat anyway
he gets a PLANT
anyway whatever he gets therapy and he lives in a house with daniel and is allowed to feel some things because he never really felt anything before
and daniel goes off and does some promo stuff idk and films some shit from the house and max is maybe in the background or something and no one's heard from him in ages and in fandom it's all like MAX IS IN DANIEL'S HOUSE etc
and the drive to survive people get in touch and are like, can we interview you for the series even if you're not on the grid, do some stuff about your recovery etc etc
and max is like... i guess
he's not, like, actively suicidal any more because his life has actual pillars of stuff that isn't just racing
his life isn't just like dependent on one jenga tower of racing with the pieces falling down
like, he can't wait to get back to racing but he's like, six months in to therapy or whatever and he's been living with daniel and it's... nice to just... watch movies with him and eat stuff and play computer games (daniel banned racing games so max has had to... compromise)
and maybe there are some... warm feelings
some best friend shit when he's never had real time for a best friend
some "i could probably spend more time with daniel in a forever kind of a way and not get tired of it" you know
BUT ALSO, daniel blowing up his life for max, he saw max in that hospital room and didn't once question what it would mean to him to step back and just... fuck shit up so that max would be okay
anyway drive to survive team show up and they do a bit of interviewing and it is VERY CLEAR that this isn't a natural fit for an episode because Max has, for once, got some shit to say
so they come back with an idea for a spin off documentary that's just Max and this injury and getting back to driving
because Daniel has kind of been fielding red bull this whole time, saying "he's not racing this year, leave him alone, give him some space", and he's got to go out and talk to them or do some promo stuff with them, whatever, he's going away
Max says the timing is good because he can do the main body of the interviewing about what's come before etc, then Daniel can come back and do his bits
and then the docu team are like, "where do you think you'd be right now if you hadn't crashed" and Max looks at the camera and says, "dead, I think" and the team know they're on to a winner because Max has realised that actually, driving like you don't care if you're alive if you don't win isn't actually okay
anyway Max does the documentary interviews and Daniel comes back and Max tells him he can talk about whatever he wants, it's fine but when the team ask him about helping Max when he realised he wasn't coping, Daniel won't give any details and says it's Max's story to tell and he just wanted to make sure his best friend was okay
not realising that he looks very much in love during this idk
ANYWAY SOME TIME PASSES and they do a bit more documentary stuff and Max is preparing to race again and Daniel is doing some stuff with red bull and he flies out somewhere to do an interview and photoshoot for some magazine or other.
The first clips from the documentary are released and they're on youtube and clipped up for instagram and Max posts them but the first picture is just like, 'this contains discussion of suicidal thoughts' etc
Daniel is preparing for this photoshoot and interview
anyway the first clip is about Max in hospital and they go straight in for the kill, Max saying, "I didn't want to live if I couldn't race.
"I didn't want to see anyone, I didn't want to speak to anyone, I shouted at the nurses, I just wanted to get somewhere so I could figure out how not to wake up again. And then Daniel walked in.
"He didn't know how bad it was, he didn't know anything specific, but he knew something was wrong and he got me out of there and he brought me here and got my surgery moved. And he didn't know he saved my life that day. He won't know until he sees this. But he saved my life that day."
END OF CLIP ONE, start of clip two
"You were suicidal," the interviewer says
"Yes," Max says. "The only thing that stopped me was that I didn't want Daniel to find me. He'd moved me to a different hospital and he'd rented this place for us so it was close to the doctors, and every day I woke up and he never knew that he kept me alive just by being here."
"But he found out in the end."
"Not how bad it was. Just that it was bad. And he got me help. And when that help didn't work, he got me more help. He's the best friend I've ever had, and I still haven't been able to tell him how bad it got."
end of clip two, start of clip three
except this clip is DANIEL
"I snuck in to see him in hospital. he wasn't doing great. He was kind of lost, and I didn't really know what I could do, but, like, I figured he needed some space so I got him some. Different hospital, different views, nothing to remind him about racing."
"But he was struggling?"
"Yeah," Daniel says. "He struggled. It was hard to see him when he couldn't race. He's my best friend. It was hard when he wasn't doing so well. But he's doing great now."
smile smile etc Daniel being happy
then a final max clip i think
"Do I still have that drive to win? God, yes. I'm going to win. That hasn't changed. I just want to live as well. I want to wake up tomorrow, and the next day, and the one after that, and win."
then a final slide with the documentary logo on and some suicide prevention helplines, idk
ANYWAY imagine Daniel, if you will, at a photography studio about to have pictures taken, crying his eyes out in the toilets because he's just found out Max wanted to die
so Daniel, who is always very professional, entirely bails on both the photo shoot and the interview so he can go home because he needs to see max
and Max lent him his plane because that's a normal thing excessively rich world champions have so it's not a fucking nightmare getting back from... wherever the interview is, somewhere not that far away in europe
and Daniel chooses to respond to Max's documentary clips on instagram
[ASIDE, my beloved friend as I was telling her this over Telegram, in response to that above: WHY????
Me: because this is MY 4am hurt comfort fic baby]
so anyway he makes a text post that just says Max is the bravest and best person he knows, he's fought so hard to be here, and that there hasn't been a day in Daniel's whole entire life that would have been better if Max wasn't here on this planet, and he's so glad he stayed
and then another one which is like, if anyone else feels like they don't want to go on, please stay, people love you, here's some helpline numbers etc
and Max just replies to him with a blue heart
important to understand that this is my four am comfort fic so it is ENTIRELY appropriate that Daniel walks through the door and both hugs him and starts to cry
and Max hugs him back but does not cry because Max has broken through a lot of shit in therapy but he is not a crier
but he IS accidentally in love with Daniel
and Max makes some Choices in his life, as Daniel does, but this choice involves touching Daniel's cheek and glancing at his mouth and then up at Daniel and Daniel kind of nodding and then there is a KISS
which is badly timed really considering that today has been very emotional and Daniel is still crying and has been travelling etc and they've never actually addressed any of this
so Daniel needs a moment and he goes into the bathroom to stare manfully into the mirror and wash his hands and face and when he comes out Max doesn't let him say anything, just launches into a multi point in-person powerpoint about how they should be together
[my friend: maxplaining his way into a relationshippp]
which Daniel, it turns out, entirely agrees with, but he's really kind of emotionally burnt out right now and would really just like a hug and a sit down, so he tells Max yes, of course, but could they just talk about it later and hug right now
How good is Max at listening to instuctions to stop talking?
not marvellous it turns out but daniel kind of likes it when max gets enthusiastic about stuff
even if the stuff in this case is a multipoint argument in favour of them being quite gay together
OH OH OH now we skip forward a bit
to when Max is racing again
first or second race out there for red bull
and daniel is kind of tied to red bull again
anyway Max WINS
hurray etc he's a conquering hero with a recovered broken neck
so once he's out of the car idk he's done the bit with the team and he spies daniel and goes over to hug him, which the cameras in general love, and then he goes off to do some kind of next step celebratory thing, cool-down room, whatever
only partway there he's like... um
has a feeling, one or two, you know the kind of thing
max hasn't historically been very good at feelings
or healthy choices
but anyway, he decides to act on this one, which is to go back to where Daniel is, and kiss him
which is as much of a surprise to daniel as it is to the whole of the media who are still around to film him
and then Max just turns back around and heads for the podium, so there's a very nice accidental shot of Daniel, afterwards, just smiling and ducking his head and touching his thumb to his lip
which turns into a very popular gif
for reasons
Anyway!! there is a LOT of discussion about Max losing his edge now his focus is not only racing
the documentary talks a lot about Max's childhood abuse and limited food intake etc etc but doesn't mention his dad by name
Daniel races again somehow but probably not in the fic
daniel ends up losing some bet or other and has to do a computer game live stream from his living room of some cosy game idk and the whole thing is interupted by max just living his life in the background
max getting up and sleepily saying morning, max going for a run and kissing him hello, max going in and out of the sim, idk, the two of them making weird noises at each other because they still do that
OH I forgot they buy a house together like immediately after getting together
somewhere green again and it's in both their names because they've lived together for a year already and whatever
and still don't tell anyone they're together even though red bull has them residing at the same address
and ZERO people realise until after the kiss on screen
and obviously the docu clips suggest they've been staying together
and Max gets to say to Christian that they literally own a house together when he expresses some degree of surprise at kissing in public
not their fault no one noticed
Forgot to say that max and Daniel get filmed driving about and max stalls his car and doesn’t know if he likes olives and maybe they forget they’re being filmed
And also that when the documentary finally airs all its eps Netflix on Twitter are like “lol bet you can’t figure out which bits we filmed after they got together and which were before because we certainly can’t, lol”
And Daniel’s in the comments, like “do I get a prize if I get it right”
He gets 9/10 clips right but no one but max knows
Anyway when they buy their house max has zero shits to give about the decor so daniel just gets a decorator in and the only thing max wants is a fancy catio for when they’re not there and his new cats want to go outside
Daniel arranges this because he’s a sucker for max.
anyway that's general plot of surviving to drive: the max verstappen recovery story, the end.
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wysteria-clad · 2 years
Dating Will Miller would include:
paring: Will Miller x fem! reader; established relationship
warnings: mentions of sex but nothing explicit, pregnancy, kids.
If marriage, babies & children aren't your thing, keep scrolling.
a/n: I'm highkey soft for the Miller brothers. I'm in love, your honor.
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- Will is 10/10 the guy to give you his shoes if you say your feet hurts after wearing heels all day. He would even carry you in his arms after teasing you a bit playfully.
- He is so good at cuddling. His hugs are the best. He completely wraps you in his arms, shielding you from anything hurting you figuratively and literally, making you feel loved, safe and warm.
- He is a gentleman. He opens doors for you.
- Kisses on the side of your head, lots of it—as a goodbye, a greeting, a reminder of his sweet love. He is soft for you <3
- His terms of endearment for you—sweetheart, honey, sweetie usually. If he is feeling really tender/trying to calm you down, he calls you, 'Baby'
- He is not the jealous type, but he is really protective of you.
- He is attentive, he notices your cues if you are in a bad mood/ pms-ing. He knows exactly what to do to comfort you. And he will give you space to cool down if you prefer that.
- Daddy af
- He is the dom, but would be down to switch for you if you want to try it.
- He is always gentle with you. But he is rough af when you want it that way, but still he checks to make sure you are alright.
- He gives you anything you desire—Hot passionate sex? Yes. Soft vanilla sex? Yes. You just want to be held by him and kissed and cuddled sweetly? Yes.
- He is the big spoon. You tried to spoon him once, but you looked like koala bear clinging to him. You both laughed it off. He doesn't mind as long you are next to him. But you hook your leg over his hip in sleep and he loves it.
- He is not big on pda, but he would never turn down your kisses. He holds your hands when you go out.
- And when you go shopping, he actually pays attention to the outfits you pick out when you try it on for him. He doesn't zone out and scroll his phone mindlessly.
- He is patient af. He would wait for you till you choose without complaining.
"You look beautiful in everything, sweetheart."
To him you can wear nothing but a huge baggy t-shirt, and be the most beautiful women on the entire planet.
"You are not helping," you laugh lightly holding all five outfits you tried.
"I'm just telling the truth."
"Flattery would get you anything, Miller," you add, smiling. You ended up buying all five outfits.
- He would carry your bags. No way he want his baby to carry stuff when he is around. Not in a controlling, macho way, more like, 'Let me treat you like the Queen you are, baby.'
- His primary love languages are quality time and acts of service.
- He is a girl dad™
- You have two daughters with him. (If you wanna see soft! Dad! Will, here ya go)
- They are daddy's girls without a single doubt. You joke about how your girls 'betrayed you'
- He tries to leave for work before your daughters are up, cause he cannot resist their faces when they cling to him. Your youngest refuses to leave his arms, while your oldest clings to his legs and cry for him not to leave. "Daddy, don't leave me alone!'' (You don't count, mommy 😂)
Dating Benny Miller would include
paring: Benny Miller x fem! reader; established relationship
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- Let's say you did something great/achieved something in academics/career. Benny is the type of boyfriend to yell, "That's my girlfriend!", publicly. You are embarrassed, but deadass love it.
- He is a proud boyfriend and he loves to show you off to his friends.
- Santi, Frankie and Will thought it would tone down after he married you, but no. It only changed to 'That's my wife!', after the marriage.
Frankie casually mentions how his wife is the best, and of course, Benny has to go on and on about how wonderful you are until they cut him off, grumbling.
"Yeah, yeah, we get it. Your girl is the best."
"My wife," he corrects with a not so subtle grin on his face.
- Benny loves your cuddles. He would just lay his head between your breasts or bury his head on the crook of your neck. Mans just loves your touch. He is your personal weighted blanket. He cannot keep his hands off you.
- He melts into you like a puddle when you thread your fingers into his hair, and play with his hair while cuddling.
- His terms of endearment for you—baby, babe, darling, sweetness, babygirl. And he would call you more cheeky names.
- Constant teasing and playful banters.
- Palm kisses are his thing <3
- He is the kind of boyfriend that would rest his chin on your palm/kiss your palm if you do the 'hold out your palm to your lover and see what they do' challenge.
- He is your golden retriever puppy. His mere presence lights up your entire day.
- He gets jealous and is a little insecure at times.
- Always knows what to do and what to say to make you smile and laugh.
- Switch af
- Down to try new things with you, but impact play is not his thing.
- kinky sex, giggling goofy sex, passionate sex.
- He loves and enjoys cuddling you after sex.
- He usually spoons you, but would not hesitate to ask you adorably, "Baby, can I be the little spoon now?". He is your six feet tall baby <3
- He knows how goddamn handsome and hot he is, yet he would blush whenever you compliment him, especially his pretty eyes.
- You want piggyback rides from him? You got it.
- pda. pda. pda
Always has his arm around you shoulder/waist/thigh when you are out. And he can't stop kissing you any chance he gets.
- His primary love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch.
- He is great with kids. He is 'the fun uncle' to his nieces and his friends' kids.
- You have a son and a daughter with him.
- Highkey cries on your kids' first day of pre-school, and won't hide it.
(a/n: I can go on & on about these cuties, let's save that for later)
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earthtoharlow · 1 year
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liked by cozane, tmz, urbanwyatt, neelamthadhani, yungskylark and 841,425 others
jackharlow: Two weeks ago today, paternity test results revealed that I fathered a child with Stacey James. I take full responsibility for my actions and now that paternity has been established I look forward in raising our daughter amicably.
I want to sincerely apologize to all my friends and family that I’ve hurt and disappointed these past few months both publicly and privately. Most importantly, I want to apologize to YOURINSTA. You didn’t deserve the heartbreak and humiliation this has caused you. I will do everything in my power to get back in your good graces even if it’s only a friendship. I will forever love you.
View all 10,578 comments
user: YIKES!!!
user: you’re a fucking idiot
user: I don’t like y/n but she’s an idiot if she takes him back after this
neelamthadhani: proud of you for being so mature about this 🫶
user: mature how????
user: he’s mature because he finally stopped lying about that baby being his? Okay sis
user: is his whole team stupid?
urbanwyatt: you must have worms for brains, why didn’t you turn the comments off
saweetie: honestly I think you should go to hell
user: hope he starts dating Stacey tbh 🫣
thatgirlstacey: excited to co parent with you
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liked by saweetie, lilnasx, normani, SZA, druski, urbanwyatt and 789,046 others
yourinsta: Smoking on my ex pack
view all 7457 comments
user: glad you aren’t letting the news bring you down
normani: GNO soon!
user: your post been kinda bitter lately
user: well her boyfriend of two years cheated and had a baby on her
user: we honestly should be glad she hasn’t killed Jack yet
yourinsta: not the best ideaaaaa 🔪
urbanwyatt: check your dms please
saweetie: leave her the hell alone, and tell that mop headed friend of yours as well
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liked by jackharlow, 1dessdior, theshaderoom, nemoachida and 678,456 others
thatgirlstacey: mom & dad 👨‍👩‍👧
view all 8,456 comments
user: he ain’t really want that baby fr
user: low down and nasty
user: I promise no one cares
user: Jack is really a dilf
urbanwyatt: 🤦🏼‍♂️
user: anyone else think she’s doing this for attention? Or to make y/n jealous?
saweetie: can’t stand a weird lame bitch
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Liked by 756,056 users
theshaderoom: Well, looks like Stacey and the judge are gonna make Jack Harlow’s pockets hurt! Jack Harlow will pay Stacey James nearly 10,000 per month in child support for their 3 month old daughter, Willow. The judge stating that Stacey doesn’t make enough to support Willow by herself.
view all 6789 comments
user: these men will never learn
user: DAMN
user: I mean it could’ve been worse 😵‍💫
user: is no one gonna point out the fact that the judge called her a broke bitch
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liked by saweetie, SZA, dojacat,djdrama, thehomies and 967,367 others
yourinsta: Her baby daddy got some money, but I think I'm richer
view all 8,478 comments
user: whole lotta money 💰
user: I love a petty queen
SZA: rich flex
user: Jack’s grandpa would have a heart attack seeing that
user: girl give that money back to whoever it belongs too 🙄
saweetie: humble brag 🤑
user: be my sugar momma
notjackharlow: seriously?
urbanwyatt: just shut the fuck up Jack
saweetie: y/n do you need me to kick his ass?
yourinsta: go be a father
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strollist · 1 month
as much as i love defending lance, it is tiring seeing people use the same excuses:
“he’s a nepo baby, billionaire, privileged, etc”, majority of the grids come from some type of former involvement with f1 and have good money. in order to participate in certain levels of sports you need good money.
“his dad [insert rest of the sentence]” yes lance’s father played a huge role in him getting into f1 but so did almost every driver’s parents. i don’t understand why people are treating this as lawrence gambled or placed bets on his son’s career because ive seen parents do that before.
“he hasn’t been told no and doesn’t take accountability”, there is always multiple sides to every story. lance has taken accountability for things he’s done in f1. i’m sure he’s been told no by people before regardless if he’s a billionaire or not. sure lance did not take accountability for this crash, but that is his belief. but don’t go saying that lance is the only driver to do this when there have been tons of drivers who believed they were in right for something but were actually in the wrong.
“he’s a brat” and “i don’t like him!”, this has to do with the fact that lance has money and is considered privileged. you can’t just tell how someone is based off of what you see over the internet. it’s very easy to lie and pretend to be someone you’re not on the internet. it’s exactly like acting. saying you don’t like him is your own opinion but when you run out of things to argue, don’t revert to that.
finally, the slurs and death threats. sure these are privileged billionaires but that doesn’t mean they’re immune to death threats and gross things said about them. they could be suffering with their mental health in silence or speaking publicly about it. as someone who’s been down a dark path and has received death threats during it, it’s hard not to give in. you’re told you need to focus on the support you have but sometimes there’s always those lingering thoughts.
for me, it’s the refusal/denial to see lance as a proper driver and see that he wants to be good and improve but yet people are blind to that because they believe that lance will just be a dick and refuse to improve. if lance felt that way, why don’t we see him recklessly driving, finishing p20, etc every week? why do we see him having the most overtakes at the moment in this season?
just my opinion abt it all since i see f1 twt mostly pr3 stans crying and babying the grown musty looking rat. and yes i am well aware as a lance fan that his father had a huge role of getting lance into f1 and without him lance would not be there, but let’s not dismiss that lance can drive.
and if i said im lowk glad lawrence is there for lance whereas daniel has to kiss horner’s bum which has allegations and misogyny all over it, i would get canceled on f1twt and the pr3 fans would probably leak my address.
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boydepartment · 29 days
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.⋆。 “i wish…”: anton lee x m!reader (PT. 2)
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angst - fluff - masterlist - pt1 - wc - 300-350
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the next time you saw anton was when they had a live event in the states again. you were nervous again and your hands were shaking.
the air felt light to everyone but you as you were guided backstage. you could hear fun loud chatter and fans excitement throughout the hallways.
you should be excited to see your friend
if he was just your friend
when you got backstage your saw anton’s dad and made small talk with him, just trying to distract yourself from having to see his son again. you felt guilty almost, and this guilty feeling inside of you just kept lingering even after the fun event shenanigans. you were so caught up in everything and your own emotions that it made everything draining and not fun.
to everyone else though, you looked fine. you looked happy.
you thought you were masking your feelings really well.
your high school friends chatted at the restaurant dinner table, they kept asking anton questions about his life now. you messed with your straw just staring at the ice in the glass. you wish you could just freeze yourself, then you’d just wake up 100 years from now and you wouldn’t have to worry about this feeling.
“are you even allowed to date?” one of your mutuals asked, this broke you out of your concentration. you watched as anton answered, laughing slightly, brushing hair out of his face. you swallowed the lump in your throat.
“well… i mean not- not publicly- i don’t know it’s complicated.” a few giggles escaped anton and you wanted to bury yourself. his words again ringing in your head
i wish you were a girl
if you were a girl, i’d marry you
the words kept ringing in your head again, taunting you. quickly you stood up grabbing your wallet and slamming a 20 on the table, “that’ll cover me, i- i need to go.”
you quickly pocketed your wallet and phone and got out of the restaurant like your ass was on fire.
you walked down the street a smalls ways away, it was dark and you were sure no one followed you. at one of the closed stores you leaned against the brick wall and covered your face.
the lump in your throat becoming too hard to swallow, you squatted down and started to cry in your hands.
it was hard enough hiding being gay from all your friends, but hearing anton’s words in your head almost 24/7 after that night a few weeks ago was a form of medieval torture.
“seriously what the hell is your problem today?”
you almost jumped out of your skin hearing his voice, you looked up and saw anton standing there, right when he saw you were upset his face softened and he quickly fell to his knees to help you.
“y/n? what’s going on come on talk to me!” anton softly held your biceps and tried to get you to look at him.
you kept shaking your head no and crying, it was too much, he was too much.
you didn’t want to be in love with him anymore
you yourself started to wish you were a girl because maybe then you’d have the privilege of marrying him like he said.
“y/n..! please… i can’t help if i don’t know…” anton’s voice got even softer and you couldn’t believe it.
“i broke up with her because she wasn’t a boy.” you stuttered out while crying still. your hair was messy and your sweater felt like it was choking you.
anton’s brows furrowed, “what the hell are you talking about?” it wasn’t attitude he was giving you. it was confusion.
“i didn’t- i dont- i-“ you were panicking now, you wanted to tell him. everything in you wanted to tell him.
anton scooted closer and tried to wipe your face off with his sleeves, “you can tell me i won’t judge you or anything…”
“my first serious girlfriend, the one you thought i was going to marry,” you took a deep breath, “the only thing wrong with her was that she wasn’t a guy.”
once again anton looked confused, “why would that- oh.”
you looked away from him, you didn’t want to face him at all, “i’m sorry..”
anton took a deep breath, “is this why you’ve been weird with me?”
you looked at him, “what are you talking about?” your confused tear stained face was a sight to behold to any passerby’s
“you’ve been distant and sad…” anton said looking in your eyes, he took a deep breath, “i wanted to ask what was wrong but i didn’t want to pry… was this the weight on your chest?”
your heart beat quickened and before even thinking you said it, “no i- i am um… i am also in love with you- i’m sorry. i’m so sorry i dont want to be and im scared and i know im not a girl-“
anton’s soft hands grabbed the sides of your face before he smashed his lips on yours. so quickly you fell back and gently hit your head behind you on the brick wall. quickly anton pulled away to ask if you were okay but you just chased his lips and kissed him again.
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wheredafandomat · 2 years
The Ropes
Dads best friend Loki! x female reader
18+ | despite the name there aren’t actually any ropes 😭 contains smut - age gap but reader is a grown woman capable of making her own decisions
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It had been just over an hour of greasing palms and avoiding Loki. It was your dads annual gala and he was finally introducing you as a partner. You focused on smiling brightly at his guests, most of which were other wealthy businessmen who could easily be manipulated by the faux promise of them potentially being able to see up your skirt one day, something you’d bare in mind once you eventually took the company over; your dad always did want an early retirement. The only man not perverse enough to hand over a fortune for a date with you was none other than Tony Stark which was unexpected considering his track record. The walls talk. He often told you you reminded him of a younger version of himself. Minus the beard you’d often laugh to which he’d reply something about both of you growing up rich, not wealthy. You never truly did understand what he meant by that. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that you were actively trying to avoid a man double your age after he walked in with a stunning blonde on his arm. Surely you couldn’t blame daddy issues when daddy hired maids to look after you in the comfort of the manor you were raised in; you’d blame your own immaturity. Rich not wealthy, the words reverberated through your head.
“I’d like to make a toast” your dad announced, tapping a glass as he gathered everyone’s attention including Loki who’s eyes met yours before turning to your dad. “I want to welcome my newest employee, my partner, my darling y/n” he beamed, gesturing for you to join him. With a smile of your own, you made your way towards him, kissing him on the cheek.
“Thanks daddy” you grinned, spinning to face the photographer.
“Loki, join us” your dad called out to the man too enthralled by his whore date to even notice there were pictures being taken. Your eyes followed him as he walked towards you, standing on the other side of you as the three of you posed for the picture.
A few pictures later, Lokis hand left where it held the small of your back before he turned towards your dad who was speaking to him. You could barely hear them, too focused on the loud beating of your heart at Lokis previous closeness, the smell of his cologne, the betrayal you felt at him bringing another woman. Of course you could never be together publicly, how you wanted to be, he could never be yours but it hurt nonetheless seeing him like that with someone else.
“Loki I was wondering if you’d be able to show y/n the ropes” your dad requested, the sound of your name catching your attention.
“The ropes” Loki began, a small smile gracing his features as you looked at him “that’d be my pleasure” he assured causing you to roll your eyes at his tone.
“Excellent” your dad clapped “there are actually a few folders on my desk, have her file them please, wouldn’t want someone stumbling upon them. Sticky fingers these business men, sticky fingers.”
“I don’t doubt it” Loki answered, wriggling his own fingers “come on y/n, off we go.”
“And one last thing Loki” your dad interrupted, Loki turning to face him “that’s one fine lady you’ve got, she the reason you’re so smiley?”
“A gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell” Loki replied, turning away and continuing his walk “come on” he gestured to you. Sighing, you followed him.
Both of you walked in silence. Half of you couldn’t wait to finally be alone with Loki, you had missed him, it had been almost two weeks since you had seen him but the other half of you was furious, upset. How long had he been seeing blondie? Had he really been happier? Was he simply using you until he found someone better, more mature, prettier? Your mind swirled with questions, your heart rate increasing again the closer you drew to your dads office. What if this was Lokis way of letting you down gently, get you alone to break your heart on the one night you couldn’t make a scene. Once you both reached the office, Loki held the door open for you before making his way towards your dads desk and sitting at the chair. You looked at the files scattered along it as opposed to at Loki who was clearly looking at you. For the first time ever, he intimidated you, you felt nervous. His jaw was clenched, that much was clear and he seemed stern.
“You’ve been avoiding me” he finally spoke, a harshness to his tone.
“And you’ve brought a date” you answered with a newfound confidence as you rolled your shoulders back and straightened your posture, glaring at him.
“Well I couldn’t tell your father that the reason for my newfound happiness was his darling daughter now could I” he replied causing you to scoff as you looked away from him “besides, she’s far more interested in you than she is me.”
“Oh” you murmured, eyes widening in realisation. You stepped towards Loki, sitting at the edge of the desk in front of him.
“Anyways” he began “considering I’m supposed to be showing you the ropes—”
“You’re not my dads lackey” you interrupted.
“The first thing to note when it comes to filing is” he continued, one of his hands trailing up your thigh.
“So you’re not seeing anyone?” You questioned.
“Well, unless you count yourself” he winked, looking up at you, his hand still moving underneath your dress.
“Good” you smiled, leaning down to kiss him, widening your legs so he could position himself between them. Standing up, Loki deepened the kiss, his tongue pushing past yours as he pulled you closer towards him from the edge of the desk, you reaching up, pushing his blazer off of his shoulders. Breaking the kiss, you used his tie to pull him closer so you could whisper in his ear. “What if we get caught?” You asked licking the shell of his ear.
“We won’t” he answered “besides, this all excites you doesn’t it?”
“Who doesn’t love a thrill” you grinned, kissing him again, deeply. Breaking the kiss, Lokis lips trailed over your neck as he lowered himself onto the floor on his knees. Hooking his thumbs under the waistband of your panties, he pulled them down slowly, noticing your breath hitch when he brought them to his nose, inhaling. Your eyes fell closed as he began peppering kisses up your thighs, resting one of your legs on his shoulder as he pushed them apart, tongue darting out to lick your clit. “Loki” you moaned quietly, his lips wrapping around the bundle of nerves before he sucked causing you to take a harsh inhale. His tongue travelled lower, licking at your entrance before he reached your clit again, your knuckles white as you tightly gripped the edge of the desk. The urge to moan his name loudly threatening to evade you. “Loki, I’m so closee” you mewled, your climax fast approaching as he flicked your clit with his tongue before rolling it across it.
“Cum for me princess” he urged before sucking your clit again causing you to orgasm, thighs quivering as he rode you through your high until you pushed his head away, the overstimulation rippling through you. Retreating from your centre, he kissed your thighs again, leaving love bites before you could stop him.
“Don’t leave them too low” you interrupted, Loki looking up at you with an amused expression at your tone, clearly you weren’t on cloud nine anymore. “Last time I had to wear trousers” you added.
“Wear longer dresses then” he shrugged, standing to his feet, his erection near level to your face before you began to unbutton his dress pants, running your hand over his length.
“Want me to return the favour baby?” You smiled, licking your lips.
“No, I want you to bend over this desk” he replied.
Wasting no time, you turned over, bending over the desk as Loki pushed your dress up a little more. Untying his tie, he tied it around your mouth, needing you to not make a sound as he fucked you. There was a whole party happening only a mere dozen metres away, he couldn’t risk you both being caught. Gripping his cock, he guided the tip through your wet folds, spreading your arousal down his shaft before lining himself up with your waiting entrance. Thrusting inside, he had to bite his lip to stifle his own groan at the feeling of your walls gripping him. Moving his hips backwards, he pulled out of you before thrusting inside of you again, your walls gripping him more wantonly.
“Ah y/n” he uttered, concealing his pleasure as best he could as he fucked you. Tears spilled from the corner of your eyes as you shut them tightly, another orgasm quickly approaching you. It felt like forever since you had last felt Loki breach you, every time felt brand new, he fucked you so good, it was addictive. His fingertips dug into your hip, his attempt at keeping quiet as he changed his pace, his own peak approaching. “Fuckk” he breathed out before stilling, spilling into you as he came, your own orgasm hitting you leaving your knees buckling, legs shaking as they threatened to collapse underneath you. “Perfect, just perfect” Loki exhaled, pumping into you a couple more times as you both sailed through your highs before he pulled out. “Consider the ropes shown” Loki chuckled, removing your makeshift gag.
“Next time we have to go somewhere we don’t have to be so quiet.” You spoke, pulling your dress down.
“Agreed. Now, let’s get you cleaned up” he announced, pulling you towards the bathroom opposite, the files still askew on the desk.
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I like finding random gifs like this one 😂
@lokisninerealms @lokiprompts @mischief2sarawr @mochie85 @lulubelle814 @evelyn-kingsley @lokilvrr @peaches1958 @fictive-sl0th @lokisgoodgirl @mcufan72 @cabingrlandrandomcrap @vickie5446
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knotmycupofchai · 6 months
🩶 🌫️ Who’s romantically interested in you? 🌫️🩶
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Pile #1
This person is not all what they seem at face value. Their exterior is well masked & their interior is well composed. This person will always present themselves as such. So you most likely will not see them lose their cool, crying or having a melt down publicly or in a unstable or sloppy state. Ex: if this person needs to cry they’ll leave the room. They don’t allow bad circumstances or pain to stop or delay their goals; hard work or self-improvement. This personally may currently be going through ( or went through) an emotionally or mentally hard time, while maintaining ( or seeking to maintain) material or exterior stability.
Negatively: Hidden situations from their past could negatively affect their relationship, actions or thoughts regarding you. This person could be so focused on on avoiding emotions & pain, that they completely neglect the emotional aspect of the relationship. They can come off as cold hearted, nonchalant, superficial or money focused.
Pile #2
This person feels unsure of themselves. While this person is trying to pursue or establish something with you— they’re also battling with their own demons. They seem to communicate openly & direct or display a very enthusiastic and sunny persona. You probably wouldn’t know what they’re going through or feeling mentally/ emotionally. Ex: they may 2nd guess themselves or have self-deprecating moments. This could cause them to put pressure on themselves & put themselves down; while uplifting you onto a pedestal. This person has fears, insecurities & anxiety that they have to overcome in their own.
Negatively: This person could have an unhealthy attachment, addiction or obsession with you. They love the idea of being with you & it’s more so in their head than reality. This could be someone social media stalking you or watching you from afar. They like you & prefer you as their dream, memory or fantasy. They could attempt to manipulate, groom or mold you into this ideal version of you in their head. *This can be vice versa* They may be trying to mold themselves into something their not, for YOU.
Pile #3
This person has watched you from afar or has taken the needed time to contemplate their decision or next move. This person is ready to either tell you how they feel about you, ask to date you or take action to approach / pursue you. While they are passionate and enthusiastic, they will move at a slower pace. Meaning— they will take it slow. They want to get to know you & build on a stable & clear foundation. So this person might be your friend first OR you might casual date for a while until you fully commit and become exclusive.
Negatively: This persons actions or energy towards you may shift or become delayed from doubts, pessimism, arrogance or impatience. There’s indications of delaying growth of relationship, anger issues or lack of communication. This person my be unable to made decisions or have a lack of direction/ plans for future.
Pile #4
Be careful with this one. Their wants & needs come first and center. This person may be younger than you, less experienced, youthful or just immature. While they seem to be very eager to get to know you— it seems more based on excitement, curiosity or infatuation. It could be deceptive or rushed. This isn’t a very serious energy. They might look up to your or see you as a provider or benefit for them. Ex: treating you like a mom/ dad. Not reciprocating & taking more from without bringing anything to the table. They could be dependent on you or not support your needs. Theres an indication that they may not want a genuine connection, but just pleasure, healing or material things from you. This person doesn’t want to grow or level up with you. They want you to nourish them. ( doesn’t mean they can’t change)
Pile #5
This person might be eager to please or prove themselves to you or others. Insecurities or feeling unsure of self, or their place in your life is indicated. You could seem too busy for them or have many friends, obligations or too many potential suitors to prioritize them. This person may feel attracted to you or have feelings for you, but has a lack of confidence.
Negatively: This person could bring unnecessary arguments or power struggles stemming from their own insecurities, feelings of being left out, abandonment issues or jealousy. Naivety & impulsivity is indicated so this person may actually be the one with multiple suitors ( causing the drama). This person may be a serial dater AND ghoster. They could jump from person to person & have unfinished business, angry or scorned ex partners and tons of baggage. This person could lack the ability to truly love and give love; which causes them to jump to someone to feel the novelty, take and then leave. Energy vampirism is indicated.
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