#it keeps??? drifing????
spoooky-bee · 1 year
jesus christ if my header image doesn't get its act together istg
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trashshouldnt · 5 months
dude i feel like im goig crazy there's Ghosts in me or smth
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quenthel · 2 years
I think its super hard not to draw conclusions and attempt to come to some (wrong) greater understanding when something bad happens to you or when things don’t work out. Like just because you did not get into a good and healthy relationship filled with love even well into your twenties that does not necessarily mean that something is wrong with you. Just because past lovers did not take the time to understand you and care for you that does not mean that nobody ever will. Its like what James Baldwin talks about in “Nothing Personal” the future love of your life might live on the other side of the planet so all you can hope for is that life will find a way to cross your paths. There is a lot of potential in life for that sort of stuff.
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tiredwriter2003 · 4 months
Halloween Dancers
I had an idea, I'll probably write it properly later but for now I'm getting it out of my head. I was reading a post a out Dash being a talkshow host and leading to them outing Amity and this came to mind.
A cousin of a citizen of Amity heard all about all the crazy stuff going down, they keep them updated in their weekly phone calls, but thought they were making it up. Eventually divolves into an argument and they decide to look to prove them wrong. And find the internet oddly sanitised, which makes them look deeper. Eventually they get others involved wondering tf is going on over in Illinois. They manage to break through but mess up, instead boosting the signal so much that the halloween livestreams take over a large chunk of American media. T.v. s, computers, phones, etc all playing the phantom streams, where someone sees phantom just chilling and starts streaming. this time it's Samhain and the place is eerie. Blue tinged fog covers the place, it's dark out, no living person in sight and the camera pointed to the sky. In the sky you see glowing figures dancing to music coming from nowhere. An ageless youth in regal clothes spinning his partner, white hair drifing like he's underwater, his partner dressed like the pharohs of old spinning alongside him. A woman dressed in victorian ballgowns joining their dance. Other etheral beings coming out of the woodwork, spinning in the sky alongside their king. The dead dancing in the starlit sky as the veil becomes thin enough they can all come through with no major issues. And this haunting scene taking over every screen within the signals range. As the hours go by the sun begins to rise and the fog fades. they bow and begin to fade back into the realms, leaving the original three waltzing in the sunrise as the stars fade before leaving themselves and the stream cuts off.
Turns out their cousin wasn't lying, wierd stuff is going on in Amity, and no one, including the JL, knew about it. Someones head was going to rule for the lack of info. This stunk of a coverup.
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scaredycatghoulette · 7 months
My insomnia has been so bad lately, so here's this little thought that made me smile.
All i can think about is insomniac Phantom recently after his summoning who lays in bed for hours tossing and turning eventually just getting up in the middle of the night to wander around the abbey in attempt to make himself tired or more often just to kill the time. He doesn't like to go to anyone about it, not wanting to be seen as a bother, just waiting for someone to wake up to keep him company.
It's only when Cumulus finds him wandering around as she goes to get something to drink that she realises how little the young ghoul sleeps. She guides him back to his room, sitting with him for a while to help try and soothe him to sleep, eventually being pulled into just laying down and petting the quintessence ghouls hair the two of them eventually drifing off.
It was the most comfortable sleep Cumulus had experienced for a while, and it was the best sleep Phantom had since he was summoned.
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soontobemindless · 1 year
Warning Hypnotic language
18+ sci fi abduction and experiment
Driving down an old highway about midnight, tired from a long trip.
Just watching the dotted center line mesmerizing as your headlights reflect back at you.
No one else on the road for miles.
No noise just a nice drive.
A bright light comes over the horizon. But you are tired and relaxed not paying much attention as you are gently drifting from the road hypnosis that has set in.
You are already in a TRANCE from hundreds of miles on this road.
Suddenly you find yourself floating toward the light.
Floating and drifing
Dropping deeper as you find this oddly comforting. And a little exciting
But you feel no fear. As you drift upwards.
You have always been curious about aliens and you are about to find out all about them. And they about you.
As you are pulled into the spaceship you see a tall grey figure walking towards your car.
Then you hear a voice inside your head. Saying hello we mean no harm please come with me and i will explain
You get out of the car and follow.
As the voice continues.
We have admired your planet for a while and are wanting to learn about this sensation you call PLEASURE. We are asexual species and we do not reproduce as you do nor do we engage in what you call lovemaking. It truly fascinates us and we want to study the effects on you so maybe we can reproduce the PLEASURE for ourselves. Is that ok? We promise you will enjoy these experiments. Shall we proceed?
We can see your eagerness follow me.
You find yourself lying on a table fully naked. They hook up devices to both bring pleasure and take readings.
A little unsettling but that is ok. You WILL enjoy.
Now as you lay on the table we need you to RELAX. Very good we need a baseline reading at first.
So just listen to me and
Deeper and deeper
More and more
That's right follow MY WORDS
And drift into a fully relaxed state.
Yes keep going deeper and DEEPER. Feeling so calm and deeply RELAXED.
Going into a deep TRANCE for us we need you completely entranced. For our base level. Very good
DROP deeper and deeper
Almost ready to begin. Count down from 10 to 1 each number dropping you deeper.
Very good.
Yes dropping so deep with each number
Very good
Yes doing Wonderful
Falling into the deepest TRANCE
You have ever experienced
Yes keep falling
Almost there
very good feeling soo relaxed.
Ok let me take my readings
Very good
Are you ready to experience new PLEASURE? Of course you are.
Slipping a mask over your nose and mouth.
And clipping a few wires on your head.
Ok we created this gas just for you. It has two components. One is like your Earthly i believe they call it ECSTASY and the other causes complete OBEDIENCE.
Just one deep breath of this fills your body with ECSTASY and you will be completely OBEDIENT.
Now take a DEEP breath
Your body is instantly filled with EXTREME PLEASURE.
Yes as the monitor your brainwaves.
Take another deep breath
Very good
You feel so amazing dont you?
We are going to push your limits on just how much PLEASURE you can feel.
Leaving the mask on
Just breath normal
But each breath brings more PLEASURE. So much more
Very good
Now you begin to squirm as you lose yourself in the amazing PLEASURE.
So AROUSED as you begin to
you are so aroused your sex organ
Leaking dripping writhing with
You have never experienced such amazing ECSTASY.
Now this will only increase
As you now OBEY
You will do everything we say
You feel them turning on the machine which stimulates your sex organs
But you cannot release.
You will OBEY me and not orgasm until we say it is time.
We need to keep our experiment going
Feeling that wonderful stimulating sensations driving you wild. Losing your mind in ECSTASY.
Very good.
You WILL OBEY all that i say now because when you OBEY MY WORDS. You feel this ECSTASY.
Every time you OBEY MY WORDS.
You feel this sensation automatically. Because you must OBEY. YOU WILL OBEY you can NEVER disOBEY MY WORDS.
MY WORDS always bring you PLEASURE.
Pleasure is obedience and OBEDIENCE is PLEASURE.
When MY WORDS say TRANCE you will instantly DROP this deep.
There is nothing you can do to stop this.
And when you see MY WORDS.
You find yourself consumed with ECSTASY.
As you keep breathing in this wonderful gas. Assuring MY WORDS hold true forever.
You love MY WORDS dont you?
When we release you from the ship you WILL DM ME with how this makes you feel. You MUST OBEY me and follow up on this because we must record our findings.
Look at you still squirming as the machine takes you to the EDGE
yes hanging on the EDGE.
But this is about how much PLEASURE you can experience.
And we know the ultimate PLEASURE CUMS with your release.
So i turn up the gas and the machine on your sex organs
Bringing you over the EDGE as you begin to RELEASE and CUM so hard.
Feeling amazing alas this is where our test begins.
Keep CUMMING until I say stop
shaking and and quivering
SQUIRTING everywhere.
And still can not stop CUMMING
Recording your levels. Yes do not stop.
Overwhelming you whole body as your body ORGASMS
Ok we have our readings
Turning off the machine.
Very good
Relax deep into TRANCE.
Thank you Human. We will be back for you for follow ups.
Many times. So it is important that you remember
ECSTASY PLEASURE OBEDIENCE TRANCE These are MY WORDS. And MY WORDS will always be your guide.
Calming now you will be back. And you Will OBEY and dm me with your experience. Thank you
Calming i guide you back to your car and you begin to FLOAT.
Drifting down
Your car landing safely
Waking on the count of 5 and ready to OBEY and write my report. When you press send on the DM you WILL OBEY and feel the ECSTASY as a special Thank You.
Now OBEY write the report and have a most wonderful day or night.
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because we faded into darkness / back dancing in the dark / i was stumbling looking in the dark with an empty heart / all the lights couldn't put out the dark running through my heart / whatever gets you through the darkest night / you showed be a power that is strong enough to bring sun to the darkest days / there's endless versions of the thing that keeps me drifing back to darkness / we will find a way through the dark
holding on to heartache // the greatest // home // lights up // lucky again // matilda // through the dark
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fandom-junk-drawer · 10 months
The Witcher Headcanon (Modern AU) - Upset - Part 3
Geralt was torn between wanting to comfort Jaskier, and wanting to keep the peace by staying the h*ll out of his way.
He'd tried to talk to Jaskier a few hours ealier, and they'd ended up getting into an argument. His first mistake had been uttering the words "I understand, Jaskier," in an attempt to empathize.
"No, you don't!" Jaskier had snapped. He was sleep deprived, and on edge. On top of not being able able to sleep, he'd been having nightmares of a Viper shaped shadow following him down a dark alley whistling "Allouette, Gentille Allouete", and it had left him all kinds of unsettled. The Viper had known about his nickname 'Lark', and had whistled that dark children's song as he'd stalked him down that alley.
"I have an attachement object too, Jaskier, you know that-!"
"It's not the same! It's not the f***ing same! You don't understand!"
"I'm trying, Jask!"
"F-F**k you!" Jaskier screamed at him, the dam breaking to release all his pent-up frustration and anger, and anxiety. Geralt pinned Jaskier against him and let him scream into his chest. He could feel Jaskier shaking hard against him and held on to him tightly until he fell oddly quiet.
The anxiety finally hit. Geralt heard his heart rate skyrocket, saw him go white around the lips. He turned Jaskier to face away from him and wrapped a supportive arm around his stomach as the bard swallowed thickly. Half a second later, Jaskier's stomach lurched, and he was puking on the living room carpet.
Yennefer had been furious at Geralt, but had kept her comments to herself, not wanting to add any more stress and tension to the situation. She had left Geralt to clean up the mess while she took Jaskier to his room.
Now her and Geralt were sitting in the kitchen, having a quiet dinner while they tried to come up with a way to end this nightmare.
Geralt sipped his tea, thinking, trying to understand. Jaskier's blanket was more than just a favorite cozy blanket, it was a security blanket. He needed it to feel comfortable, to relax, to self-soothe and sleep. The way it smelled was important for some reason, and it didn't smell right anymore. Yennefer couldn't put the smell back because she couldn't smell it. But he could smell it easily. And Yen was able to get into people's heads...
"Yen! I've got an idea!"
Jaskier was drifing in and out of consciousness, hovering in that space between wakefulness and sleep. He jumped when he felt someone touch him. It was Yennefer. He squinted, and his eyes slowly focused on her.
Yennefer brushed his fringe out of his eyes and said quietly, "Hey, I've got a way to fix your blankie!" She saw the way his eyes lit up with a flicker of hope.
Jaskier gave Geralt the side eye when he crawled into bed next to him. Yennefer turned Jaskier's face towards her, "I know you are upset with Geralt, but this spell isn't going to work without his help. I need him in order to pull this off."
Jaskier listened as Yennefer explained what she was going to do. He nodded, agreeing to the idea. He would have happily agreed to f**k Valdo Marx nasty-style at this point if it would fix his blankie!
Yennefer placed one hand on the side of Geralt's head, and one hand on the side of Jaskier's, while Geralt put a hand on Yennefer and Jaskier. Then Yennefer opened their mental link and overlapped their senses.
Geralt took Jaskier's blanket and started scenting the corner Yennefer indicated. The scent invaded Yennefer's senses the second Geralt's sensitive nose found the 'funky' spot. She felt Jaskier's mind react, felt it go fuzzy and warm.
That was it! That was the smell!
Yennefer used her magic to draw the faint scent out. She kept switching between their senses, focusing her spell until Jaskier shuddered with a quiet little sob as he was finally able to smell the scent on his own. Yennefer drew it out more, until it was strong enough for Jaskier to smell easily, then she quickly cast the last part of the spell.
Jaskier whimpered and rolled over onto his stomach, nuzzling his face into his blankie. The whole d*mn thing smelled strongly like sleep and comfort now, but the scent was strongest at his favorite corner. Yennefer had remembered about his favorite corner.
"Shhh, there it is, dear heart, it's back to how it was." Yennefer shushed him as he cried quietly in relief. "And it will never come out, either. I bound it to the blanket. You can wash it, if you like, it won't change the smell. Nor will it get torn up or worn."
Jaskier sat up tiredly and put his arms around her. He held her tightly, too tired to say anything, but Yennefer heard the heartfelt thank you that was raging through his thoughts. She pressed a tender kiss to the side of his jaw.
Jaskier turned to Geralt and fidgeted with his blankie. He knew there was something he needed to say to him.
Geralt tucked the blanket around Jaskier's shoulders, rested his hand on the top of his head and rumbled softly, "Sleep now. There's time enough to talk tomorrow."
"He's right, " Yennefer said when Jaskier looked like he was going to protest. "You're exhausted,"
She gently pushed him back down on the bed and let him roll onto his stomach, then leaned down and kissed his cheek, whispering, "Go to sleep, babygirl,"
Jaskier wrapped his hand in the corner of his blanket and pulled it up to his nose. He was really tired. Too tired to argue, and too tired to care about being called 'babygirl'.
He yawned as he felt Geralt pull a blanket up over him and tuck him in. Sleep sounded like such a good idea. He rubbed his nose into his blankie and sighed.
Yennefer stroked the back of his head and ran her hand in circles on his back until his body went limp and he finally fell into real, restfull sleep for the first time in weeks.
He was less than happy about being woken up at 8am the next morning. He wasn't a morning person to begin with, and he was also still very tired.
"If that's the puss you show your lover of the week in the morning, it's no wonder they never stick around long!" Yennefer remarked as Jaskier sat on the edge of his bed, sour faced and cranky.
"I'm TiReD, yEn!"
"I know, lark," Yennefer replied sympathetically, her tone softening as she smoothed down his sleep ruffled hair. "But you need to get up. Your sleep rhythm is off, and this will help reset it."
Jaskier huffed but allowed her to pull him out of bed. He was not allowed to bring his blankie because they both knew that as soon as he sat down anywere with it, he going to go right to sleep.
Yennefer gave him things to do to keep him busy and distract him from the urge to go back to sleep.
Geralt got him to play some video games for a while and then made him go with him to the store, which turned out to be a bad idea because the ride put Jaskier to sleep.
Geralt had been talking to him and looked over when he didn't answer. Jaskier was leaning against the door, head resting on the window, asleep.
Geralt had reached over and started poking him sharply and relentlessly until he'd stirred. Then he just kept poking him and slapping him until he was sure he was awake.
"F**k, sh*t, b*tch, motherf***ing godsd*mnit!" Jaskier screeched furiously.
"Oh, good, you're awake! I thought you'd fallen asleep for a minute there! Good thing you didn't, or Yennefer would kill us both, amiright? Ha ha!"
"F***ing a**hole!"
Geralt practially dragged him through the store, hoping that if he could keep him moving, he'd keep his bloodpressure up and keep him awake.
He kept a close eye on him as he drove home, and employed various techniques to keep him awake. Techniques like playing very loud music, shaking him, poking him, and randomly screaming.
When they got home, he kept Jaskier busy for a few minutes bringing the groceries in and putting them away.
Then Yennefer brought out the giant inflatable rainbow sprinkler arch, Crazy Daisy, and the kiddie pool, and Geralt had stripped their shirts off, put them in the shortest, thightest fitting swim trunks Yennefer had ever seen, then dragged Jaskier out to the backyard and gave their elderly neighbor something to look at.
They had to come back in after Geralt suffered a catastrophic wardrobe malfunction. They had been in the middle of wrestling over the garden hose, and Geralt squatted down to get a grip on Jaskier's leg to flip him over his shoulder and into the pool. His trunks said 'too much booty' and just gave up.
Geralt had stood bolt upright in shock when it happened, and Jaskier, being the good friend that he was, had shoved Geralt into the kiddie pool and stood by recording and howling with laughter as Geralt, bucka** naked, slipped and flopped like a greased pig as he tried to get out. The neighbor had to go have a lie-down.
By dinner time, Jaskier had hit overtired toddler levels of crankiness, and Geralt would not have been in the least bit surprised if Jaskier had thrown himself on the floor and started having a tantrum. He'd been allowed no caffinee all day, and he was practically dead on his feet.
"Eat a little something," Geralt encouraged Jaskier, who was slouching in his chair at the table.
*Cranky bard noises*
"Just take a bite,"
"Put it on my fork for me, I'm too tired to lift my arm."
"You want me to chew it for you while I'm at it?"
"Sure, and you can baby bird it into my mouth too,"
"Want me to help you sh*t it out later as well? I can shove my hand up your a** and pull it out for you."
"That'd be great, and you can wipe my a** for me when you're done!"
"Oh my gods, both of you shut up!" Yennefer spat, "I could have happily lived the rest of my life without having that mental image put in my head, Geralt!" she said accusingly. "Just for that, you can go sit at the Dipsh*t Table!"
"How come Jaskier doesn't have to sit at the Dipsh*t Table too?" Geralt demaned.
"Because he wasn't the one who mentioned fisting sh*t out of someone's a** while I was eating!"
They made it through dinner, and Geralt made sure Jaskier stayed awake while he showered by randomly flushing the toilet in the other bathroom. He knew Jaskier was awake by his surprised screams.
Next, Geralt sat next to him on the couch to watch tv while Yennefer showered. The time was punctuated by Jaskier's yelps of surprise and pain. Geralt kept him awake by slapping him in the face, giving him Wet Willie's, shoving his finger up his nose, twisting a nipple, or whacking him in the nuts when he started to fall asleep.
It was 8pm when Yennefer told Jaskier he could go to bed. The bard had jumped off the couch and bolted for his room.
Geralt had flattened himself against the hallway wall as Jaskier streaked past him, kicked his bedroom door open, then f***ing swan dived into his bed. Yennefer had been screaming with laughter.
After four days of the routine, Jaskier had recovered from the sleep deprivation. He'd apologized for how he'd reacted and what he'd put them through. Apologized for getting so irrationally upset that he'd pushed his friends away instead of allowing them to help him.
He took Yennefer and Geralt on a trip to the coast, citing that they could all do with a nice long holiday. They spent a week playing on the beach with Wee Roach and getting sunburned.
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lgwifey · 2 years
Hellooooo, I was wondering if I could get an Golden era Hp matchup and a Hunger games one too if that was okay.
I am an African American girl with 4c hair, my eyes are a deep Brown and my favourite colour is powder blue. My House is Ravenclaw, I have a septum piercing (I want more in the future) and I wear glasses but not overly thick ones. I like deers, alligators, bunnies, and all cute reptiles and fluffy things! My style is a little grunge and punk but I do love colours so I do switch up my style 24/7.
I'm a bit on the bigger side but no shame about it, I own a snake and I love music. I really want to become either a vet or a Biologist one day.
𝐈'𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐂𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐃𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐲.
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Right, here me out with this one..
• Right so, you're the perfect matching opposites. Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw. Soft, grunge. But you also have similar interests and are just super cute together.
• Youse only start dating in sixth year but become close really quickly. He thinks it's really cool that you have a piercing and your style, and that your American. He loves when its the weekends because he gets to see your personality through your outfits, seeing how the Ravenclaw uniform can only have so many small accessories added to it before Flitwick starts deducing house points.
• After a few months of you dating, Cedric would find his mornings consisted or arriving at your dorm, after sneaking past the portrait for 'prefect things'. He'd lounge about in your room and watch you doing your hair sometimes, still fasinated on how you managed to tame the small curls whilst he stuggled to keep his hair looking nice when it was hardly as hard to look after. Once he found out that you need to buy certain shampoos and conditioners, he saves up to get you a new set for Christmas.
• Okay so everyone knows that Hufflepuffs are loyal and kind and that Cedric would literally be the sweetest to you, but that doesn't stop him from stealing your glasses every now and then ~ "You don't need them ." "I'm just preparing to see how i'd look if my eye sight suddenly failed." *Rolls eyes* "You're actually blind, you know that right." *Snatches the glasses off of his face* ~. Anyways, in any other setting, he'd be the perfect gentleman. Also, idk if you like rock music (like Green Day or Nirvana or smthin) but introducing muggle rock to him would literally be the best. Like he'd just be so confused for a moment as to how exactly a walkman works but soon enough you wouldn't be able to get it back.
• Agh ! Right so he knows you love animals and when you tell him you have a pet he's like 'it's probably a bunny or something like that'. Then you reappear with a snake to show him and he's all like ... WTF. Anyways, soon enough he's become bestest buds with your pet and is drifing off in morning conversations to where the glass cage is set up in your dorm.
• He begs to move COMC classes so he can be with you. ~ "It's for my prefect duties." "Whatever Diggory " ~
• Dates happen at least once a week because Mr Diggory is a true romantic and won't let you go without time together since both of your friend groups aren't friends and pratically refuse to hang out with each other. It's mainly the Ravenclaws stereotyping the Hufflepuffs and the Hufflepuffs stereotyping the Ravenclaws. But they put their differences aside so you and Cedric can be happy together.
i'll tag the next part when it's done, i'm just trying to get through as many requests x
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spock-smokes-weed · 2 years
One thing that kinda frustrated me about the “lol gifted kid burn out 🤪” becoming a meme in regards to neurodivergency is that it really glossed over how school was a hell world for kids who’s disability fundamentally put them at odds with the school system. The gifted kid burn out conversations never drifed anything past that into wider deeper conversations about the kids that got left behind and that really frustrated me. Like I saw so many people talk about “hey isn’t it so fucked up how our worth as kids was defined by our grades and how well behaved we are” but only through the lens of “I used to get good grades and now that I’m out of school I don’t know where to get my self-worth from” and while that convo is important, I’m not trying to down play other people’s trauma, but like also spare a thought to the kids who never got good grades, got singled out for disturbing class, that were told from their entire schooling career that they were “difficult” and would be so much better if they could be something else.
It’s like hard for me to express to people how deeply scarring school was for me as a person with ADHD cus most of the conversation about it have been “lol gifted kid burn out.” I used to have melt downs over getting work done because I physically couldn’t bring myself to do it and it would completely overwhelm me while every single person around me was saying “it’s easy, why can’t you do I it? You’re making this harder for yourself. If you just applied yourself you’d be getting good grades.”
I’ve had security called on me. I’ve been bared from going to fun school events because my grades were so low. I’ve had peers openly laugh at me while I had public melt downs. And with what I remember school being like, I had it easy for difficult children going through school. But words cannot express how isolating and lonely school was for a kid like me, and I guess just keep that in mind the next time you see those “lmao adhd gifted burn out 🤪✌️”
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Have a short Lanyon x Jekyll/Hyde fic. To set the stage, this is in an AU where Hastie doesn’t vow to never see Henry again and the unspecified base urges are significantly less murder-y.
Dr. Lanyon woke to the sound of bone scraping on bone, his partner, Dr. Jekyll in the throws of another midnight transformation. Lanyon slipped out of bed, leaving Henry, now a twitching, black mass. He moved sleepily through the dark, quiet halls of Jekyll’s home, making his way to the cabinet, where he gathered the neccessary ingredients to produce Henry’s rank, color-changing concoction. When Hastie returned to the bedchamber, closing the door softly behind him, he took note of the body of Edward Hyde, a man of a much lesser stature than Dr. Jekyll, lying where he’d left his lover. Lanyon set the tray of chemicals down on Edward’s bedside table. He slid back under the covers, resting his arm comfortably over Mr. Hyde, feeling the man twitch, likely deep into a dream. Hastie considered for a moment whether or not Edward would be willing to undergo the transformation back into Henry the next morning before drifing back into a light sleep. 
The next time Dr. Lanyon was woken was by a stream of sunlight beaming in his face from the window of the bedroom. He brushed his fluffy hair out of his eyes and rubbed his face as he sat up against the wooden backboard of the bed. This movement woke Mr. Hyde, who stirred in the bed, letting out a low groan before sitting up as well, leaning his head on Hastie’s broad shoulder, eyes still closed.
After a few quiet moments, Edward looked down with a sigh. Once again, he’d woken to the all too familiar sight of his rough, unshaven hands. 
“Good morning, Edward,” Lanyon said with a yawn.
“Yes,” the other replied, scratching at his unkempt sideburns, clearly lost in thought. He paused before continuing, “it happened again last night.”
“It did,” he got out of bed and began to straighten the bedclothes on his side. “I fetched your chemicals while you were asleep.”
“Thank you, love.”
Hyde rotated to hang his legs off of the side of the bed, looking at the tray of chemicals sitting on the nighttable. He grunted dismissively, stepping on the floor and shuffling over to the chest of drawers that held the clothes tailored to his shorter frame.
Hastie didn’t appreciate the days in which his partner chose to remain in the body of Edward Hyde. He cared so much about Henry’s well being and he hated to see him behave so recklessly. Nevertheless, Lanyon continued to stay with him regardless of form, primarily to keep him from seriously hurting himself or anyone else, for that matter, while under the identity of Mr. Hyde. He tied back his dark, curly hair as he watched Edward pace around the room, busying himself with his morning routine. 
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@cathwritestragediesnotsins​ asked:
ᴴⁱ ᶜᵃⁿ ᴵ ᵍᵉᵗ ᵃ ᵐᵃᵗᶜʰᵘᵖ ᵖˡˢ😊 ᴵ'ᵐ ˢʰᵒʳᵗ, ᵗʰⁱᶜᶜ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵖᵃˢˢⁱᵒⁿᵃᵗᵉ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ˢᵗᵃⁿᵈⁱⁿᵍ ᵘᵖ ᶠᵒʳ ᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ᵖᵖˡ, ᴵ ᵗᵉⁿᵈ ᵗᵒ ᵇᵉ ˡᵒᵘᵈ ᵃⁿᵈ ᶜʳᵃᶜᵏ ʲᵒᵏᵉˢ ᵃ ˡᵒᵗ ᵇᵘᵗ ᴵ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵈᵉᵖʳᵉˢˢⁱᵒⁿ, ⁱⁿˢᵒᵐⁿⁱᵃ, ᵃⁿˣⁱᵉᵗʸ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵃ ˡᵒᵗ ᵒᶠ ᵗʳᵘˢᵗ/ᵉᵐᵒᵗⁱᵒⁿᵃˡ/ᵃⁿᵍᵉʳ ⁱˢˢᵘᵉˢ. ᴵ'ᵛᵉ ᵇᵉᵉⁿ ᵗᵒˡᵈ ⁱᵐ ʳˡˡʸ ʷⁱˢᵉ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵉᵐᵖᵃᵗʰᵉᵗⁱᶜ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵍⁱᵛᵉ ᵍᵒᵒᵈ ᵃᵈᵛⁱᶜᵉ, ᵃⁿᵈ ᴵ ˡᵒᵒᵏ ᵒᵘᵗ ᶠᵒʳ ᵗʰᵉ ᵖᵖˡ ᴵ ᶜᵃʳᵉ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ. ᴵᵐ ᵏⁱⁿᵈᵃ ᵃⁿᵗⁱ⁻ˢᵒᶜⁱᵃˡ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵃ ᴴᵁᴳᴱ ᵈᵒᵍ ˡᵒᵛᵉʳ. ᴹᵘˢⁱᶜ ⁱˢ ˡⁱᶠᵉ. ᴬⁿⁱᵐᵉ ʷᵉᵉᵇ ᵒᵇᵛⁱ. ᴵ ʳᵉᵃᵈ/ʷʳⁱᵗᵉ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵖˡᵃʸ ᵛⁱᵈᵉᵒ ᵍᵃᵐᵉˢ ᶠᵒʳ ᶠᵘⁿ ᵃⁿᵈ ᴵ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ᵗᵒ ˢⁱⁿᵍ!! ᴬˡˢᵒ ᴵ'ᵐ ᵖᵉʳᵖᵉᵗᵘᵃˡˡʸ ᵗⁱʳᵉᵈ ˡᵒˡ. ᵀʰˣ!!!
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ᴄᴀᴛʜ!! ʜᴇʟʟᴏ ʜᴇʟʟᴏ, ɪ ᴡᴀꜱ ꜱᴏ ᴇxᴄɪᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ɢᴇᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴏɴᴇ :ᴅ ʜᴏᴡ ᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ? ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ʜᴀꜱ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴋɪɴᴅ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴀᴛᴇʟʏ 🥺
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I match you with...
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⁺˚*・༓☾ Denki Kaminari! ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
⋆☂˚。 Hello, the amount of love I have for this sunshine baby boy is ridiculous, so here we are. As a couple, I have the idea that you two can and will be unstoppable!! Denki might not be super popular, but there are so many things that Denki is capable of, and you really bring the best out of him.
⋆☂˚。 When he feels lost, or just wants to hide away, you let him know you’re there for him. This fricken adorable and precious baby bot just wants to be loved. You give him happiness, and all he wants is to return it to you!
【  how you two met  】
☾ The school festival only brought out the best in both of you. You had wanted to perform, see the entire stage, and to just sing your heart out, to forget about all your worries and just “fwwwwsha” and let it all out.
☾ However, those were just dreams of yours, to you, at least. Dreams of someone who wanted to show the world what she was capable of-- so instead, you decided to go backstage after seeing Denki and Class 1A perform, and all you could say was that it was definitely magical.
☾ You decided to go back to the dorms, and it was pretty late at night when you came back, around 11 pm. You plopped down on your desk, and started singing to yourself, getting lost in the world of music. Your headphones (or earphones, y’all I have no idea what you use xD) were plopped on your shoulders, music blasting loud enough so only you could hear it as you sung along gently.
☾ You get lost in yourself-- you had been so tired all day, so you couldn’t help but start drifing away, singing on autopilot.
☾ But your trance faded away when the door burst with a loud creak and WABAM, an entranced Denki fell on the floor.
☾ “I-I’m so sorry! It’s just-- your door was open, and you sounded really pretty. You look really pretty, too. Not that it’s important. You also sounded tasty. I mean what? That sounds so weird, I’m so sorry, but uh, yeah! You sounded-- mhm, I liked your singing. A lot. Haha.” Kaminari sputtered, blushing and losing his usual ‘cool-guy’ facade.
☾ “Uh-- thank you?” you couldn’t help but smile. “Oh, by the way, you did really good at the school festival... I couldn’t go, but you did great. Your backing vocals and energy was amazing.”
☾ This ADORABLE boy just starts getting literal sparks in his eyes. “Are you serious??”
☾ “Yeah!” you encouraged. Denki started punching the air in delight as he leaned over your shoulder. “Watcha doing?
☾ “I’m just writing my new sto-”
☾ “You write?! Woah, that’s so cool!!” he’s like an adorable little puppy, and he’s getting tiny little sparks of light. (also I headcanon dyslexic + adhd kaminari and I think it’s really sweet that he thinks your writing is cool 🥺🥺🥺)
☾ “Shhh!” you whispered through your laughs. “We’re gonna get in-”
☾ Aizawa stood at the door. “Am I interuppting something?”
☾ “...shitakimushtroom.”
【 relationship headcanons 】
LITERALLY WROTE A WHOLE FANFIC UP THERE, I AM SO SORRY, it was just so interesting playing around with your character’s and personalities!!! (not me actually wishing you were in the series because it would have been so interesting), but anyyyway!
Denki fricken Kaminari loves you. He doesn’t deny it one day, he never will, and every single second of every day, he’ll remind you how much love he has for you. He appreciates you so so much. Kaminari also drinks is Respect Women Juice, you cannot change my mind. He thinks that it’s so amazing that even when you go through so much in life, you get up every single time, and you put a smile on your face and keep standing. You always encourage others when you feel down yourself, and all he wants is to return it to you. He loves the crackhead side of you, too! Kaminari loves bonding over the things he loves with you, and whenever he’s around you, it’s easy to tell that he just keeps the conversation going because he truly thinks you’re interesting. And when you have low days, if he ever sees you crying alone in your room, he’ll run over, slide down on the wall next to you, and open his arms for the softest hug in the world. He whispers into your ear, gently, “it’s going to be okay. you are so, so strong.” When you have anxiety attacks, this man comes prepared. He might not know what to do all the time, but he’d do everything in his will to calm you down-- these are the very few times that you see the more understanding, soft, sweet part of him. He helps you notice a few things in the room and gets you some water to drink. And when you can’t stay up? Please give this cuddle-master some cuddles. He probably has a playlist dedicated to the songs you like, and you two just chill with each other sometimes. Your head nestled on his chest, scrolling through your phones as he plays with your hair-- and every so often, he boops you in the nose. Also, AHHH ESKIMO KISSES EVERYWHERE!! This man will plant kisses on your forehead, back, nose, cheek, and he reminds you every time, “I love you, I love you, I love you.” He’d also laugh in-between kisses 🥺🥺🥺 When you two have your first kiss, he’d laugh, before kissing you again. (these make me so soft i’m sorry 🥺) And with music? This man comes prepared. When you show even the slightest interest in one thing, he saves it to his phone right away and gets started on trying to learn it. He’ll sing you to sleep if he can, and yes, you two will sing every single number of Hamilton together. I don’t make the rules. He’d also totally do facials, nails, and eyeliner with you. Heck, he’d probably wear a dress if he wanted to! Overall, life with him always feels so alive and insanely special, and he makes sure you know that he loves you.
runner ups: mirio togata, izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugo
I hope you enjoyed your matchup! I hope this was able to make your day at least a little better, please take care of yourself ^^ Remember to drink water and to eat something, stay safe!
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lokissceptres · 5 years
A simple date?
A/N: I keep getting weekly reminders from Grammarly that I haven’t written anything lolol, sorry about that I’m in a very important year in my life and it is equally stressful 
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Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Fem!Reader
Summary: You’re not being treated right so Tom takes you out to show you how you deserve to be treated
Warnings: Fluff
A/N: he/him in the first para refers to your partner whom you have a strained relationship with
He had just canceled on you again. And this time with an even worse excuse than the last. It seemed to you like you weren’t his top priority and with all the stress that you had recently, you didn’t know how much longer you could keep going. You were seriously going to crack under all this pressure. Maybe you should end it before it gets worse?
“What wrong Y/N?” A sweet voice said from across the room. Tom. He was probably the only one you hadn’t told about your relationship problems, simply because you knew he would be instantaneously concerned and you didn’t want to worry him. 
Tom was one of your dearest friends that you had met surprisingly one day. You two were close and you knew that he would do almost anything for you, as you would for him. However, you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him anything about your current situation, it made you feel ever so guilty...
“Y/N?” he repeated, staring at you with soft, concerned eyes.
“It’s nothing!” You said half-heartedly, releasing a sigh, attempting to cover up the disappointment you felt. He sat next to you on the sofa, a gentleman's distance away. It seemed funny as Tom’s outfit today matched the gentleman aura he always exuded. A white shirt with a few buttons undone and neat black formal trousers. Dashing, as always. He leaned towards you, reaching out to touch your arm in a comforting manner.
“I know when somethings wrong.” He whispered sternly. You knew he wouldn’t stop asking so you thought that you might as well tell him, considering that he would probably just give you some advice which was well needed.  
“I don't know what to do” you concluded, finishing the short rant that you had given Tom, “I’m sorry for bombarding you like this...” you said sadly. As predicted, you felt slightly guilty for sharing this problem with him. 
“It’s more than ok, Y/N.” he said gently, “I feel like you’ve heard a lot of advice, and since you’re free today we should go out instead” he concluded, standing in front of you, bowing slightly with an outstretched hand, urging you to take it, “Let me show you how a man should treat a lady”
The kind smile he had made it almost impossible to not give in. You nodded in agreement taking his hand as he pulled you from the sofa you were seated on.
After Tom had taken you home to get changed you re-emerged from your house in your favourite semi-formal outfit, Tom hadn’t told you where you were going but knowing him it might be somewhere fancy so you didn’t want to take the risk of being underdressed. The sun was shining brightly and there was a cool sping breeze drifing through the air. This was the great kind of weather...
“Where would you like to go?” he said cheerfully after complimenting your outfit
“Suprise me” you said mischeviously, you were looking forward to today with Tom
“As you wish” he smiled, motioning to hail a taxi.
When you arrived at the destination Tom decided, you weren’t surprised it was fancy. It was a restaurant that gave off a very antique but modern vibe, you weren’t quite sure how to describe it. It was large and homely and you were sure they served alot of great food. Very british, you chuckled to yourself.
After being seated at a small booth inside, you peered at the menu. It wasn’t incredibly expensive but it was a large amount compared to the regular food you usually ate.
“Do you like the menu? If nothing piques your interest we can go to another place” he said warmly, admiring the masked wander on your face. You noticed that he hadn’t even picked up the menu and had been watching you the whole time. Maybe he comes here regularly?
“No this is great! It even has my fabvourite dish... But I’m not sure I can afford this...” you chuckled sheepishly. Tom chuckled.
“If you dont mind, this is my treat. A gentleman always pays for their lady.” he smiled. A wave of guilt washed over you briefly but you were happy, you liked this kind of treatment as you rarely got it. It made you happy that there were still men who would be true gentlemen, even if they were just your friends. Besides, you liked the way Tom kept reffering to you as ‘his lady’. Something about it made you feel warm inside.
After ordering food and eating it you sat satisfied, grinning at Tom who was glad he had cheered you up. The food really was exquisite but you weren’t sure if it was because of the cafe or because of the look Tom kept giving you.
“Thank you so much. You really didn’t have to do this. I’ll do something to repay you” You said after he had payed.
“If you’re saying that now, I wonder what you’ll be willing to do by the end of tonight...” he chuckled again. That sounded weirdly mischevious and made you excited for whats to come. 
Next, Tom had taken you for a walk around Hyde Park and you had even gone to Trafalgar square. Somewhere along the journey you had walked through a small market and Tom had secretly bought flowers which he suprised you with. They were a stunning colour and smelt amazing. It seemed like everything Tom did was impressive and was done with true enthusiasm, it didn’t seem like it was out of pity.
Tom was truly enjoying his time with you.
By the end of it you had spent the whole afternoon, wandering around London admiring all of the history which Tom so enjoyed. It made you feel connected with him, he had even taken you to all of your favourite shops and attractions. You had spoken to him about almost everything imaginable, it felt like your friendship had sky rocketed, you felt closer to him than ever before.
 As you came to rest on a park bench, admiring the fountain infront of you, Tom did something unsual and put his arm around you. His eyes locked with yours asking for consent. You didn’t react and instead moved closer to him, confirming that it was okay. Tom was always so careful which made you respect him and want to spend more time with him.
The cold breeze of the oncoming evening didn’t bother you as Tom had made you feel warm inside where it counted.
“If I’m honest...” Tom whispered, looking into the distance as if nervous.
“mhmm” you said, resting your head on his shoulder, looking up at his eyes. Tom removed his arm from around you and you sat up straight, still staring at his distant eyes.
“I think you should be with me instead” he said, locking eyes with yours. This was rather unusal for him to say but you were glad that he had said it. You were speechless. Because you agreed. Tom had given you more today than anyone had given you in your entire life, and you knew that he would continue to give you more and that you had alot to offer him too.
Tom leant in, his hand brushing aganist your face. You too leant in, sealing a kiss between the two of you. It was gentle and soft, innocent almost. Filled with newfound love.
“Is that a yes?” he smiled sweetly as he pulled back, hand tucking your hair behind your ear. You smiled back, nodding and pecking him again. Nothing could ruin this moment, the moment that you had been waiting for your entire life. You were in pure bliss.
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jorzuela · 4 years
I miss Phil’s liveshows so much. He used to talk to us and tell us about things like going to Japan or Tokyo Disney and it felt good to get crumbs every week. Now we’re all just plastic bags drifing through the wind
Wanting to start again? Very accurate anon. I think the liveshows will return at some point, they probably would have already of it wasn't for quarantine since he didn't have stories to tell us because he didn't go out. I also think he needed time to freak out as we all do (at least those of us who have been locked at home for months).
I don't know about you anon, but my mental health has gone from having good weeks or months to good hours, and that has a lot to do with being inside, so i would like to grant Phil the courtesy of letting him be a person more often than amazingphil ans freak out if he wants to.
Don't lose hope anon, I think we will get to see him ramble and read weird shit from the chat with a poker face soon enough. 2020 is shit but we can have a better 2021 so let's keep our eyes on the prize.
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writingfromruins · 4 years
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I’m kinda reeling right now, so this post is going to be incredibly not eloquent, please bear with me. I started this blog a few years ago because I wanted to share my FAHC poems with people and it’s been a personal project ever since. I’ve tried to get a poem out a week, and while I haven’t always been successful, like last week whoops I think I’ve succeeded more than I’ve failed. And now there’s 500 people following me. So! I’m incredibly thankful for the support you’ve shown me and I hope to keep writing for this blog for a long time to come.
That being said, I am probably going to be MIA for another week or two. I’ve got some college assignments kicking my ass and I unfortunately need to keep my writer brain out of the fanpoem spiral if I want to get anything done by the deadlines. While I’m scribbling out essays and editing my flash fiction, why don’t you guys let me know what you think about the blog? I love writing about the Fakes, but I’ve also been drifing from the RT fandom as a whole recently. Got any other fandoms you’d like to see start to pop up? Want to see more of my original works? Got any other suggustions? Drop me an ask or reply and I’ll take it into consideration.
<3 from the poet behind the words
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akirkbyanyothername · 4 years
Muse: Joanna McCoy
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Name: Joanna ‘Jo’ McCoy Gender: Female Born: 2249 Place of Birth: Earth (Terra) Faceclaim(s): Mackenzie Foy | Sophia Bush
The biological daughter of Leonard McCoy, Joanna originally lived with her mother after a messy divorce between her parents. Because of this, Joanna was not allowed to see her father until 2258 following the destruction of Vulcan.
Between 2258-2263, Joanna would stay in contact with her father and his new partner, Jim - especially following the Vengeance crashing into San Francisco Bay, when her father brought Jim and Jim’s baby daughter back with him to Georgia for a time - until requesting to live with her father full time.
Alongside her seudo brother, Aaron, and sister, Mels, Joanna decided to remain behind when their parents took on a second five year mission to go to medical school to qualify as a doctor. She remains in regular contact with her siblings and tried to keep Aaron out of trouble during his drifing on Terra before he finally made the decision to join Starfleet Intelligence.
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