#it's me nenna
pascallatte · 1 year
ok so now that we've seen what pedro was wearing for the met gala. was actress!reader also invited? and if she is what did she wear??
OOOO this is interesting.
To answer this. Yes Actress!reader was invited to the Met Gala, she's partnered with Pedro rather than being invited separately, sort of like a Suki and Robert kind of thing. As to what she was wearing, her stylist had matched her dress with Pedro's. It was a lively red set similar to what Cindy Crawford wore for the spring/summer show back in 1993. However, it was altered a bit by adding specks of gold on the blazer and the ends of the maxi dress that she wore. The red boots were also switched out to black ones.
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Another noticeable thing was that actress!reader chose to walk on the carpet with the bag that Karl Lagerfeld had gifted her a few years back, after being the brand ambassador.
Also, can I tell you how much I loved their theme this year and not just because Pedro is attending, but also because I've been a fan of Lagerfeld's work for years now. the designs are just. 🤭😍
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nanenna · 1 month
Damian brings home a stray.
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der-papero · 2 months
Raccolgo l'invito del buon @masoassai per calare il mio asso di bastoni (metaforicamente parlando).
Dimane comm' ajere - La Maschera
E' cosa 'e niente - Ebbanesis
Rire - Vesuviano
(trattino canzone jolly) Cattivo Pensiero - Nino D'Angelo
Posillipo Interno 3 - Tommaso Primo
Adda venì baffone - Giovanni Block
Pe' te sta' cchiù vicino - Foja
E' Gioia - Andrea Sannino
Restituiscimi Il Mio Cuore - Tony Tammaro
Oj Nenna Ne - GRANDE GIGGINO D'Alessio
Taggo Maradooo ... no, scusate, quelli erano altri tempi, dicevo ... siccome non so quanti di voi l'hanno fatto, non saprei chi taggare, ma so che a @letargo manca, e siccome condivide con me l'emigrazione grigia e umida dei paesi nordici, la sfida proposta è farla unicamente di canzoni napulitane, so che non mi deluderai 🩵🤍 .
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hoakaikapo · 4 months
LABYRINTH - Clarisse La Rue x Unclaimed! Daughter of Poseidon OC
a/n: this is a little snippet from my ff that’s on my wattpad. only chapters 1&2 are released so far, 3&4 are planned to come out this week.
warnings: fighting, blood, mentions of alcohol
“You alright there, hotshot?” A familiar voice asked.
Sienna’s eyes roamed the person’s body: brown skin, muscular arms, curly brown hair, dark brown eyes – the image of Clarisse La Rue appeared in front of her. The Ares girl kept a firm grip on Sienna and helped to stand her up slowly. A look of concern appeared on Clarisse’s face.
“Oh, hey, Charlie,” Sienna said loudly, her words slurred and drunk. “How are you doing tonight?”
“I’m doing pretty good here, Nenna.” The Ares girl responded.
“That’s good. I’m doing wonderful.”
“Oh, really? I haven’t noticed.”
Sienna hummed in response and smiled as her hands gripped the hem of her shirt. She could barely feel her head and needed something to keep her steady – or, in this case, Clarisse.
After a few moments, Sienna began finding the strength to gather herself together. She wanted to head back to… whoever she was going to see. Silena? Harper? She couldn’t remember. Sienna stood up before falling back into Clarisse’s arms.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean for you to catch me twice,” she muttered and chuckled to herself. “I see why you’re the daughter of Ares, though. You have a good reaction time and you’re very strong.”
She’s so drunk.
Clarisse laughed, then flashed that brilliant smile of hers. “I think you may have had too much fun tonight, hotshot.”
“Mm, really? Wanna walk me back to my cabin, then?” Sienna’s tone was seductive; her words slurred, the darkened, drunk look in her eyes was almost irresistible, the way her lips parted slightly. The alcohol was definitely doing the talking here.
The boy, Clarisse’s half-brother, had instead come over to them rather than wait for her. Sienna’s visibly drunk figure clutched onto his older sister’s chest. He cleared his throat to break the silence between the two girls.
“What do you want, Ethan?” Clarisse growled. She noticed his eyes flicker to the drunk girl in her arms. It wasn’t a matter of what he wanted, it was who he wanted, and Clarisse wasn’t going to have it. “No, Sienna’s done for tonight. I’m taking her back to her cabin.”
Something snapped in her. Sienna looked up at the tall girl. “What? No, I’m not.”
“Yes, you are. You’re too drunk.” Clarisse argued.
“I’m completely fine, Clarisse. But thank you for the help,” Sienna pushed herself off of the Ares girl and gestured for Ethan to start walking away with her.
Clarisse grabbed her arm. “Sienna, you asked me to take you back to your cabin. That’s what I’m doing.”
“Let her decide what she wants to do, Clarisse.” Ethan inserted himself into their soon-to-be argument. He stepped slightly between them and removed his sister’s grip off Sienna’s arm. In a few moments, Ethan would learn this was a mistake.
“I suggest you get out of my way, Ethan.” Clarisse warned.
Ethan scoffed. “You’re not her boss. If she wants to go with me, then let her go with me.”
That did it.
Before anything else, fist met face and a fight erupted between the two half-siblings. Sienna watched in shock as they wrestled on the ground; Clarisse mainly the one winning their tussle. She held him by his shirt, punch after punch was thrown while he helplessly tried to strangle her. Everyone was already watching now: the boys cheering the Ares girl on for beating her brother. Across the way, Sienna saw Silena mouthing to her: ‘What happened?’ Sienna pointed to herself. A few of the other Ares kids stepped in to stop the fight.
Once the two managed to get off each other, Sienna – and everyone else – saw the damage on them. Ethan’s nose was bleeding profusely, his right eye was blue and purple, and his lip was busted and red. The stitches in his right hand had burst open. Clarisse’s lip was bleeding and her knuckles were bruised from punching him. Her eyes darted around the crowd, looking for the girl she had just gotten into a fight with her sibling for; she saw her figure slip out from the crowd and head back towards the cabins.
in conclusion: clarisse is gay, doesn’t realize she has a fat crush on her best friend, and will literally fight anyone for sienna — whether she likes it or not.
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alicenttully · 8 months
A Name for Nettles
Smallfolk often take their names from flowers/nature, like Rosey, Violet, Willow, etc.  Nettles is another example of this trend. However, its one that I haven't seen be used in real life, at least not as a first name.
 That got me thinking about what kind of name she would have, with Nettles sti being her nickname.  I’m aware that names like “Nettie” do exist, but “Netty” is a nickname for Nettles in the setting/used by fans, so that wasn’t an option.  When it came to choosing one that felt right to me, I was after certain criteria.  One, it starts with Net.  However, if I really loved it, I would be willing to overlook the absence of a t.  However, it was non-negotiable that it starts with the letters Ne.  I also wanted names whose meanings reminded me of Nettles.   Here are the ones that I liked, but ultimately didn’t choose.
Neeva (white snow)
Neeta (Friendly, to plant, and bear)
Nenna (daring)
Netha (pure, virginal)
Nesima (fresh air)
Netaniella (gift of god)
However, the name that made the most sense to me was… Netta.  Meaning- plant.  I didn’t choose this name because I actually liked it best personally, I chose it because to me it was the best and most obvious way to adapt Nettles’ name to a context outside Planteos, particularly modern.  It also fit what I was looking for in terms of meaning.  Finally, you can definitely see how Nettles might be a nickname,  given the same syllable (Net) and letters.
The only other name I was close to choosing was Netha.  One, I think it's really pretty.  I tend to think that of a lot of names that end in a.  Secondly, Nettles is a character that we see who as others like @richardsthirdnipple @bohemian-nights have discussed in their meta, isn't afforded the benefit of innocence by the text and people like Rhaenyra. However, as readers we should discern that Nettles is in fact one of the more innocent characters and what's more, she doesn't need to fulfill all the criteria in order to be considered such. Similar to how there is no perfect victim, no one is perfect innocence and Nettles demonstrates that imo. This is why Netha was so close to being chosen by me. However, I ultimately settled on Netta as explained above. It'll be what I use if/when I write Nettles in a modern setting.
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alexnamm · 4 months
Secondo te, se prendo la teiera di mano a Nenna… mi guarda male, mi guarda incuriosita o mi urla? 🤔
Asking for a friend
Secondo me, non se ne farà proprio
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c0zysoul · 1 year
Life, lately.
It is so dull yet I'm not complaining. rather, I want to stay away from people until I get a few things done (my courses,series and movies I want to watch etc.) I'm running away from things... catching up with friends , going out and engaging with people normally I would say it's anxiety but it really isn't I feel like I need self time . Because all schoolwork , waking up at 5 a.m and being at school by 8 and then going back home by 3 pm...
It was so draining both mentally and physically. Especially the first weeks for uni was... Oof I couldn't go to school for like a week because I lost my grandad and it was such a tragic experience, all of a sudden... Idk I miss him so much I've already wrote pages and pages about him. I don't want to fresh my memories tbh. Basically it was terrible and people were so like SO silent and uninterested and with that being said I needed to go back to normal after crying my eyes out for weeks... What kept me going was actually my grandpa said to my nenna that he was happy because I got into uni :') anyhow, I was all alone, just listening to the lectures and going back to home. For a week It was really bad but by the time I got used to it. I kept hanging out with someone I met on the first day of school and she was very kind and helpful to me! -we became deskmates after that -We still hangout together and I'm glad that I met her. Because my class was literally antisocial and it made me feel so disappointed I felt like everyone already knew everything and I didn't which is partially right...
I really loved my professors though! Got loads of compliments from them.
So my recent class is definitely so much better -in terms of sociality and contributing the lecture by speaking up and stuff -compared to my antisocial class. Lol. I have a few old classmates with me in my new class and the good news is my deskmate is my deskmate again and the bad news is I guess I developed a crush on someone I've never noticed before but was always there. Actually feeling kinda lazy to write about rest of my crush story because it's almost 4 am. To be continued?
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Had a dream that I started smoking and enjoyed it, should I? Does it lessen appetite? My dad never wants me to touch a cig, and my older sister sneaks the butt from the ashtray, my gramma smoked and my nenna and bumpa all smoked? Maybe I’ll try it.
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becaexists · 2 years
Volta Family Headcanons
Before I post the fic tomorrow (technically today but y'know), I would like to present my Volta family headcanons! Some of them are a bit silly, while others are what I'm using as canon in the universe of my fics (yes I'm going to write more than one), so enjoy!
First of all, names, ages (as of September 2022), birthdays and star signs: Raphael, 45, June 9th, Gemini Angelo, 42, September 1st, Virgo (this is canon info and what I'm basing everything else off of) Seraphina, 39, July 27th, Leo Evangeline, 32, May 8th, Taurus Michael, 28, November 7th, Scorpio
Heights: Raphael is 6'0, Angelo is 6'2, Seraphina is 5'10, Evangeline is 5'5, and Michael is 6'5 Here is a visual comparison of them all in age order
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Nicknames for each other: Raphael - Raphe/Rafe; Angelo - Angel, Angel Major; Seraphina - Phin, Sera, Sienna (middle name), Nenna, Nenny; Evangeline - Eva, Angel Minor; Michael - Micha
Childhood: Angelo and Phin were close as teenagers and used to watch romcoms together before their father began to subject them both to worse and worse experiments; Raphe helped around when Eva was born, but by the time Micha was born, he was sick from experiments to the point he could barely move, so Phin had to take care of them both as well as comfort her older brothers as their mother was unable to function and their father was too focused on experimenting on the eldest two; When their father would force Angelo to attack Raphael, Seraphina would attempt to restrain him, screaming at him to stop; Raphael left home at 20, Angelo left 18 to study bioengineering, Phin left on her 17th birthday to become a model and later actress in the UK, changing her name to Sienna Voltaire, Eva and Micha left when they were 19 and 16 to go live with their sister before moving back to the states once they had recovered.
Recent events: Seraphina is the only one to marry and settle down, and Angelo was the only one of her siblings that attended her wedding; Seraphina has two kids, Lucia(7) and Cassius(6 months), and three dogs, Lady (Border terrier), Oliver (large terrier and greyhound mix), and Angel(blonde rescue collie); Evangeline followed in her sister's footsteps, becoming an actress and later a playwright after returning to the US; Michael works as a video game programmer and 3D animator, as well as teaching computer science for free online; Angelo and Phin have monthly calls where they check in on one another, Angelo is the only uncle actively in her kids' lives.
Podcast: Phin and Raphael listen to the podcast when they can, Eva listens to it but tries to skip over Angelo's parts, Micha does not know it exists but if he did, he would listen to it while he worked
That's all of them for now! Reminder this all my personal headcanon apart from what has been said in the show, if you have any differences in opinion on what the Volta siblings are like please share them with me, I love speculating (and talking about Angelo)
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pascallatte · 1 year
hiyaa!!! I just wanted to ask a question. Based on what instances or events did Pedro and actress!reader's fans decide to go and tell that oh they're dating already like when did they feel the shift in the two's dynamics?? But did they stop when pedro was seen with lena or they called it a pr stunt to hide whatever's between him and reader?
Helloo!! this question's interesting tbh so I'll try to be as clear as possible in answering. Since there are like 3 points here let's start with point one. (also please remember this is all for the series' plot line and does not apply in real life, ty♡)
Pedro and Lena?(1)
They in fact did not think it was a pr stunt because of how the two were around each other and like I stated in my past answer, no one denied or confirmed anything, leaving everyone in the air. But let's say that Lena's doing it for Y/n, despite being closer to Pedro.🤭
And the rumours did not stop even when Pedro and Lena were seen together, they just got really confused.
When did they (the fans) feel the shift in their relationship(2) and in what instances(3)?
so like let me do a bg check in bullet form
2012 - they were shipped but obviously aren't together since actress!reader is still with Andrew G.
2013(late) - was when the video on the set of GOT became viral and was questioned on their relationship despite reader still being with A.G.
2014(early) - after the news of her break up with A.G., Pedro has been spotted with her multiple times which started the rumours once again.
2015 - so this is when it gets complicated, rumors of them now dating intensified after someone posted that BTS of Narcos.
!!! fic spoilers ahead !!!
now, the first shift they felt was when they were seen together, now this isn't new to everyone, but their body language has changed significantly. from the subtle touches, how close they are to each other, and how they look at each other has changed. and their walks became frequent. Also, as frequently as when they were seen leaving each other's place in the morning, actress!reader was also often seen sporting sweatshirts and hoodies that are obviously not hers. Also, a video of a fan, when they saw them claiming "something was really different between them, but in a good way." (TBA). (2015-early 2016)
The second shift, like the last one, was how they are around each other, not only during the ones where they are caught but also when being on screen, and interviewed (TBA). What also gave away hints was when co-stars often answered/teased things that are too..... specific, making fans question the meaning behind their words (TBA). (2016-mid 2017)
The third and last shift (actually not a shift cause it's clearly a giveaway of something more) solidified their suspicions, was during their annual Amalfi trip, now it was evident that they're really more than friends (TBA). And of course, the unforgettable New Year's Eve live, which resulted in them going public back in December of that same year.
Hope this clears out any confusion or curiosity you have !!! And thank you for following through with the series. 🫶🏻 🫶🏻 🫶🏻
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nanenna · 2 months
Title: Welcome Home Fandoms: Danny Phantom, DC Comics, Batman AUs: Demon Twins Warnings: Discussions of Death, Canon typical Violence, Secrets (most of those aren't applicable to the first chapter, but will happen)
Summary: When Danny accidentally catches his parents plotting against him he does the only thing he can think of: flee to the birth family he's been intentionally avoiding. Now he's got to balance getting to know them and reconnecting with his lost twin while keeping his own secrets from a family of detectives.
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lexclarkeproject2 · 4 months
Section 3: "Feelmore"
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This section is an interview facilitated by adrienne with Nenna Joiner, the owner of Feelmore Adult Gallery, an adult sex shop in Oakland CA. They talk about cultivating pleasure in life and how that shows up for Neena is in her store. She says that opening up a space where people feel free to be themselves and to play is one of the most pleasurable things in her life. She talks about how important it is to have an erotic space that is welcoming to all people in the community. Nenna touches on the struggles she faced when starting this business and she said there was a bit of financial trouble and being a black woman trying to get financial lending. She also talks about zoning issues because adult stores have to be in specific places. Other than that she expresses her gratitude for the Oakland community in believing in her business. Something I really appreciate about this piece is that of her feeling power. Nenna talks about the power she feels when unlocking the door to Feelmore, how everyday it gives her pleasure to put the key in the hole and open the door. I really relate to this sort of mundane activity creating joy, for me I have a similar act of pleasure everyday. I have a rainbow light that I turn on that wakes up my dog and activates her morning stretches and cuddles. I love this ritual that I can count on everyday to bring me joy. This article reminds me of the movie “everything everywhere all at once” . It seems like a bit of a stretch but I see connections in the aspect of pleasure and joy. In the movie there is a scene where the lead man says “in another lifetime I would love to do taxes and laundry with you” and this speaks to that joy in the mundane. The reality is we are so small in comparison to the universe so we should prioritize our pleasure and things that make us happy, even if it is as trivial as unlocking your door to your business every day. I have included artwork from that movie because I think it is beautiful and that movie brings me so much joy that I am putting my pleasure first by choosing this photo.
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luigidigrazia · 4 months
“TU NO” di F. M. Fanti – G. Nenna – E. Mattozzi – F. Monti – G. Colonnelli Ed. Thaurus Publishing/Maira/Iris Flower – MilanoMa tu noTu noTu noTu noQuando non c’eriE non stavo in piediAvrei voluto aggrapparmi a un ricordoSoltanto per vivereE griderò forteMa non starò meglioCado ma in fondo me lo meritoIl fondo è così gelidoNoTu noTu noTu noTu sorrideviCercavi un modo per proteggermiPerò non…
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pixelfashion · 6 months
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The holidays are here and in full circle. Crunchy snow, glowing trees and there's a hum of magic in the chilled air. It's one of the best times of the year and I was so excited to put together an outfit that truly just feels... me. I fell in love with this outfit from Cosmic Dust at this months round of Anthem, which I never shop events because #poor, haha! But, this time I did and I am OBSESSED!!!! As someone wanting to learn how to create mesh - especially clothing - this piece is amazing. A true inspiration to my creativity, and I am just blown away. Swoon~ Click below to see outfit credits.
{ Body & Head } REBORN by eBODY v1.69.6 / HEAD / lel EvoX AVALON 3.0
{ BOM Layers & Head } [TEAR] Liv Eyeliner - 2 - Tintable P<3B. basic pantyhose. reborn. black 1. fresh Izzie's - Cellulite + Stretch Marks 2 Izzie's - Knee Details 07 Izzie's - Hand Veins 02 50% Jack Spoon. Cold Girl Face [blush2] EvoX Izzie's - LeL Evo X - 03 Capillaries 60% Izzie's - Body Veins & Blemishes light Izzie's - LeL Evo X - 03 Pores 60% Izzie's - LeL Evo X - 02 Dimples warm 65% Angel Eyes - MESSY 4 Hairbase Lelutka EvoX - BLACK T1S - NEW FACE SET (BOM) Eye smokey 100 [avarosa] Victoria Skin (Brows) - Icy Picasso Babe Skin for Ebody Reborn (CURVY/ICY)
{ Accessories } .STOIC. HEART BERET : CULT : Nevada - Reborn e.marie // Festive Babe - Hair Pin - HoHoHo { silver } evani. Nenna lights. (Mix & Match) ebody (r) EVERMORE - KHRONOS TEXTBOOK (POSE.A) TRUTH / Twisted / Size 2 / Chest L Vibing -- holly rings -- gold -- ebody linked [Aleutia] Joyeux Earrings [Cosmic Dust] - Holly Cardigan Cherry - Reborn [Cosmic Dust] - Holly Skirt Black Plaid - Reborn
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nennaypenny · 2 years
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Nos presento, somos Nenna y Penny, dos perritas, una negra y marrón y otra canela con calcetines y manchitas blancas. Yo soy Nenna, la mestiza cariñosa, peso seis kilos y soy super juguetona y tranquila, aunque hay algunas perritas que no me caen muy bien y me pongo un poco gruñona… será la edad, ya que rondo los 13 años. Penny es un ratón de Praga y pesa tres kilos de nada. Es un poco pesadilla, siempre ladrando e incordiando, ella tiene 10 años aunque nadie lo diría.
Aquí podréis leer, entre otras cosas, algunos de los mejores trucos para ser el mejor perrito o la mejor perrita del mundo. Espero que lo disfrutéis.
¡Un lametazo para todos y hasta la siguiente publicación!
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cestlacoeur · 2 years
June 25th, 2022.
I'm haunted by a nightmare-- the scenery of nightmare I even myself forget what it was talking about. But the aftertaste felt so real: my mind created a chaotic words, my heart went to ached, so then I suddenly relaxed my body down under a darkness in my room.
I checked my phone and let my fingers do what they wanted in the surface. I googled "can I make it in this life?" Silly, but it is what it is. I'm haunted by the idea of how scary capitalism for me--a young person to live with. IDK if I can make it or not such affording house, letting my mom proud of me (eventho she does now, but I want more), & approved by my own self. It felt like a phase of "I want to be great, or nothing!" From Amy March (Alcott, 1868) filled my head.
I got a lot of words from people (article & Quora after I googled the phrase) that saying we can make it, failure is a common thing even though it's scary as hell (lmao girl, indeed it is, so that's why we'll do our best to avoid that shit) yet I found something serious about: women, are the creature that afraid of the most for taking a risk. So, many women sacrifice themselves to marry a man who can promise them a financially stable life. Plenty of women sacrifice their freedom such as choosing the one who they love (if I may to pour this since love is not really my thing), their academic purpose, or the life they dreamt about because scenario will be changed. When people committed to a marriage, they'll somehow be trapped on an idea of focused what happened inside a house and their family (it's a normal, right? I'm sure it does.) But what happened when it gets worse? We absolutely don't fucking know.
One, women, once again sacrifice themselves. What happened when your husband cheat on you while you do still need the property such a house, an opportunity to make your children successful, even a money to eat since you have no power of taking a risk? What happened when your husband is an abusive while blablabla, plus you have no choice of run away? Those are the scariest things my mind has been imagined.
Two, what if two people can't make their priority such family & job? The time management sometimes sucks. They'll sacrifice themselves. Again. What if a man, is a hard worker, but they can't manage a time with their children so when the children grow, they grown apart. What if there's no figure of parents they dreamt make a presence because the parents they have aren't stable in emotional & still don't know who they actually are. It's scary, again.
Three, me. I'm pissed & ragging. I'm so sick of the idea women can't have their ability to live the life they want. I'm so sick, why women are frighten of taking a risk? The answer is: picture of women we (society) made. What's that?
We, women in society pictured as somebody with no power like a man does. We, women in society pictured as a THING, can you imagine it? A THING. A thing you can choose, a thing you can put control on SUCH A ROBOT. We, women in society sometimes is mocked by the idea of a game, CAN YOU IMAGINE IT? A GAME. I want to scream so bad. We, women in society are trapped in the ideas of no choice: can't choose an academic purpose, build a business, read the radical books. The idea society made about women has constructed for a long, long time. The most heart broken is, we, women in society pictured as a fool. Society made women have no choice from the very first start. So, that's why (I think) some of women are made of fear, they're the most afraid of creature. We, women are constructed as somebody who'll never be able to have a choice: because we're trapped in the idea of shouldn't know anything.
But I myself sure, there are ton of women who have the ability taking risk they wanted such from family who raised them as a fighter & taking role in family (like I do. My family never pursue the idea of marriage to their children, successful is number one. My family letting we the children to take various choices. My nenna herself is a businesswoman since she was very young with my late grandpapi), but I'm so sick looking at women out there even the close I have such a relative or friends who experience those terrible, terrifying, and scary experiences by no choice & sacrifices they give while if we turn our hands back the reality might be changed: Women, they have minds, and they have souls, as well as just hearts. And they've got ambition, and they've got talent, as well as just beauty.
Written by,
Loved, S.
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