#it's not even in my top 10 favorite games ;;; and i have a lil thing against ppl who only play free games esp if they're in the philippines
astrxealis · 2 years
wahhhh i’m still rlly ... confused ... messy thoughts T___T
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#tw uhm. genshin impact ?? me kind of actually admitting my actual feelings on the game and all haha ;;;;#tw rant#i posted on my writing sb but most active mutuals don't even follow me there i think. i'll ramble here instead bcs idk if i want ppl to see#this or not but also this is my main so yeah ?? T___T#i barely play genshin despite being there day 1. i'm not a huge... fan. of the game & the community overall and the company too#i don't like playing the game... i like the characters but for reasons i don't that much as well and yeah... i recently uninstalled genshin#too! i can get it back easily if i want to but. i don't rlly want to ;;;#it's not even in my top 10 favorite games ;;; and i have a lil thing against ppl who only play free games esp if they're in the philippines#and mobile gamers only bcs. i'm tired of being alone bcs that's how it is literally almost everywhere in this godforsaken country#i like those kinda stuff too yes but! i'm alone wherever it is ;; even w my friends ;;; aaaaa i wna ditch genshin once and for all but it's#hard bcs it's mainstream! it's big! it's easy to meet nice mutuals & friends thru it and it helps me actually get recognition for my writing#but. i just genuinely don't like it. dw i'm not going to be so immature to rant and ramble abt THAT here when ik many like genshin but#;;;;;;;;;; i want to ditch it but also. i don't. bcs if i do who's to say who wants to still be friends/mutuals? and my main fandoms r#either mostly adults or kinda quiet ... idk man it's just so hard. huge dilemna#either way is good & bad for my heart T___T i don't like genshin but i don't want to gtfo of it like. yeah. but then if i do what i want#it means i'll be alone even more and it's just. dgbsdjhgbhjsd idk man ;;; i feel like all problems wld be solved if i just was in another#country bcs the ph sucks for so many reasons or if more ppl like me - my age - were in my ACTUAL interests too ......#BCS. i don't fully hate genshin. but i hate everything aside from the lore and the characters. the community i generally don't like#but the ppl in the community i don't necessarily dislike!! it just so happens. when it comes to genshin my feelings r more .... hm#i don't want to mean tho ;; i try to be considerate of others feelings ;; but yeah ^^; it's so hard to come to a decision ...#i think it'd be better for now if i take it slow! T___T#i don't think i'll Fully quit it like. i'll stop trying to force myself to seem like i like it but i mostly like the characters still so#i'll still write and all but just make it obvious that it is not my main fandom or wtvr >< GHJBSDJHG#ig it can kinda be summarized in that i don't want to necessarily leave genshinblr or fully quit genshin. but i don't rlly want to#be associated as a Genshin Fan 10000% bcs i am not lmao. and i'll associate myself w it less ><#ahjbdghjhdbshjgb there's still the problem that my actual faves aren't super . Famous for people like me bcs ppl in the ph have boring taste#and a lot of minors who DO like ffxiv are really hard to find bcs mostly adults T___T so yeah! i'll find a way. hopefully#now that i've rambled abt this i hope i come to terms w this more shbdgjbdhgbsjhdb ........ ^^
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generic-whumperz · 2 months
OC in 3
Choose 3 pics to represent your OC
Oops, I got overly excited and made 10 three-picture collages
Omg thank you @mj-iza-writer for the tag! I am honored that I came to mind! 🥹
No pressure (& open to anyone interested!) tag: @rainydaywhump @eatyourdamnpears @clairelsonao3 @dresden-syndrome @lights-out-knives-out @snakebites-and-ink
Soooo, I know I’m supposed only to pick three pics, but honestly, I simply cannot (I know, no surprise there). I have been wanting to do a vibe photo dump for The Aid (the Whumpee & title of the story) but have yet to do it (hello, my ever-expanding Pinterest boards), so I’ll take this chance to explore The Aid’s past phases he’s gone through (pre & post-Wyatt {Whumper #2}) and give some explanations because it’s a lot. However, I don’t know if explanations are necessary for this tag game, but I’m famously too much, so of course, I’m going to over-explain myself because of my crippling fear of being misunderstood!
Ironically (ironic because his real name reveal doesn't come until around chapter 25-ish), I call his time with Madame Eleanor (technical Whumper #1) his “Aid Era” because that’s when he becomes this character we are introduced to and currently know him as. Yet, this is the part of his life he is phasing out of. **Insert something-something about being haunted by your past.**
In the current storyline, he is going through a succession of more changes, and his world is about to be turned upside down yet again, but I’ll hold off on showing those for now because they’re spoilers, and I have more than enough here!
Starting from the top, here we goooo—
P.S. The people in these pics are not what the characters look like, this is simply vibes only!
Day 1
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1. As soon as The Aid arrives at his new home, Madame Eleanor gets custom-made Gucci uniforms made for him that looks like this. This is his go-to everyday attire. (I spent too long looking at scrubs and hospitality uniforms on and off for over a month—tell me you like it and think it’s cool and sleek.)
2. He has a special built-in in his closet specifically for all his fancy, jewel-encrusted collars Madame Eleanor gifted him throughout the years, but this is what the facility's standard-issue collar looks like for his designation (Grand Servant: Domestic Aid).
3. His favorite Prada frames Madame Eleanor also got him that he bitches reminisces about in Chapter 6 (Wyatt breaks them because he’s an asshole, leaving him straight up blind for several months).
Fancy Threads
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Eleanor Sullivan was a Rich Bitch™️ (I will make a separate post at some point about her house and The Aid’s room specifically because I spent way too much time obsessing over these deets), so best believe she had her servant dressed to the 9s in designer fits when out and about or for Family events and the like. She may also put him in a butler uniform from time to time when they were hosting a party at their residence—which was often, Eleanor was known for her soirées. (To clarify, he’d still wear a collar even when dressed up, and all those attending knew who and what he was.)
The Host
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He loved a good party just as much as Eleanor did! He likes serving and seeing people have fun and enjoy themselves (people-pleasing empath). He was known for his food displays and had a knack for creating a proper afternoon tea spread that garnered attention from all those present. I also have Pinterest boards of some appetizer spreads and cool drink tables he would put together because I was really trying to understand him as a character.
Speaking of Empath…
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We can’t talk about him without bringing up his not-so-secret secret! Lil’ homie has a gang of abilities (telepathic empathy, hyper intuition, premonitions, and psychometry) just bubbling up inside him at all times. His relationship with himself and his sixth senses is complicated, to say the least—he finds them burdensome, yet he cannot function without them, despite how much he argues otherwise. It’s a whole thing, but for a certified Telepathic-Empath™️, he sure is dead inside (which only gets worse after Wyatt OFC).
*Sorry for the shitty upload quality of the Emotional Sponge, idk why it looks so bad!
Domestic Duties
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Not only can he slap together the best charcuterie board you’ve ever seen and easily untangle Christmas lights, but he’s also a man who can cook, clean, and keep a house. What can’t he do?
Hobbies? Interests?
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Don’t be ridiculous, he didn’t have time for leisure activities! But when he had some occasional downtime, he would spend an ungodly amount of it doing facials and grooming himself. He also loved to go to the spa with Madame Eleanor. As far as reading went, he wasn’t into novels, but he would occasionally peruse short-story myths and legends, old fables, or read picture books in funny voices to Eleanor’s grandchildren. Primarily, he’d like to read trashy magazines, comics, and cookbooks. But let’s be real, he considered cleaning, gossiping, and baking his primary hobbies.
RIP Madame Eleanor Sullivan
(She’s been dead for about a year and a half when they story picks up)
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First and foremost—above everything else—The Aid was Eleanor Sullivan’s literal live-in medically trained caregiver, which is why she bought him in the first place. They had a very close relationship for five years, and he did everything for her. When she died, his world was shattered, and he took her death really hard. Wyatt was jealous of his Mother’s relationship with her servant from day one, which is where part of his animosity comes from. Quick note—Eleanor was a posh, vintage-Chanel-wearing Grandma and would never be caught dead wearing a bathrobe outside. Eleanor was Queen of being That Bitch.
Enter: Wyatt Sullivan
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These pics are pretty tame all things considered, but after Eleanor’s death, The Aid is now in a World O’ Hurt and the subject of Wyatt’s drug-and-alcohol-fueled rage. The Aid went from a high-class servant loved by his Madame and respected by her friends, associates, and family (besides Wyatt) to a human punching bag overnight. The beef between these two runs deep and maybe Eleanor isn’t as innocent as she seems. Stick around and you’ll find out all the Sullivan family tea.
To: Wyatt
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Just some memes directed towards Wyatt and The Aid being painfully aware of his shitty situation (I got too many of these and had to sprinkle some in).
Where We’re at Now…
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Quite the fall from grace, wouldn’t you say? Our boy is currently bed-ridden and zombified while having the worst time imaginable. He’s drugged up, fucked up, and can’t move half of his body! But don’t be fooled, this stay-cation is no fluffy recovery arc and you’ll meet some more distasteful Sullivans soon to come!
This took me an embarrassing amount of time to assemble, but I went the extra mile because this doubles as a reference guide. I had a lot of fun making this and I may make more (and way more chill ones that are just three pics, I swear) after I write Part 2 and introduce a gang of other characters alongside my most favorite-favorite guy!
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supervillain-smut · 5 months
Hope I'm not being annoying but I have some more!
Stefano Valentini
Ruben Victoriano/Ruvik
Joseph Oda
Kenshi Takahashi
Hanzo Hasashi/Scorpion
Tim Drake
Barbara Gordon
Not annoying at all! I'm enjoying this.
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MMMMMMMy favorite Italian. 10/10. The voice. The nose. His lips. Jaw. His silhouette!
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Oh we're on a roll. 9.5/10. Voice. Nose. I wanna lick his scars. I don't even care if the texture is good or bad. Minus half a point for the cold demeanor and the fact he'll never love anyone more than he loves his sister.
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You know, it's funny you ask me about him now. I was just working on something for him. 9/10. Cute, smart, probably submissive. And then there's the haunted Joseph. WOO BOY. 9.5. Just... something about it. There's gotta be a screw loose upstairs because they're so much tastier when they're morally grey to completely bankrupt.
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Hey-hey! It's can't-see Takahashi! (I'm kidding, I'm kidding!) Love Kenshi. 8.5/10. They really did him good in the new game! His characterization is tricky, though. Makes him a challenge to write. Not a bad thing, I love a challenge!
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Humanoid or reptiloid, I can take him. (Not in a fight.) 10/10. Personally a big fan of the MK9 zaterran look, but his human look in MK1? Ohohoho. RRRUFF!
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MMMMMMMHMHMHMH!!! I'm gonna use his biceps like chew toys. His MK9 alternate costume is a fucking MEAL. 11/10.
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REEEED ROBIN! ... meh. Too young to me. Grew up with him as Robin, still can't see him like I do Nightwing. He's sweet, honest, and a great Robin. Just not my type. 5/10.
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(Just to top the whole discussion off since I answered Nightwing previously lol). ... I can see what Nightwing saw in her. Again, though, not really my type, and grew up with her. Lil awkward, lol. 6/10.
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silenthillmutual · 2 months
my buddy @doomednarrative tagged me in a fic writer's ask game so ^_^ let's do this!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
on my current account i have 154. being unemployed and hypomanic during lockdown will do that to you.
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
895,907. i can't tell if that's a normal distribution for my fic count or not.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
at the moment: silent hill, bloodborne, and pathologic. most of what i have up there is for pathologic. i've got other fandoms up there though.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
eight, thirty-one - 1899 kudos (danganronpa)
to quote mika, age 35, of beirut, lebanon: "where have all the good (gay) guys gone?" - 1066 kudos (danganronpa)
(they long to be) close to you - 1021 kudos (mob psycho 100)
all jotaro wants for christmas is kakyoin (and he screws that up) - 810 kudos (jojo's bizarre adventure)
anticlimax - 796 kudos (danganronpa)
5. Do you respond to comments?
i've responded to most comments i've gotten, though it's always months late because i tend to read the e-mail first thing in the morning, head to work, and completely forget to respond. responding feels more personal. i know i'd be more likely to comment on someone's fics if i knew they appreciated it, so i try to make the effort, even if i struggle to know what to say.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
god this is old as hell but probably life in technicolor/the end of all things. they're life is strange style aus for one punch man and genos dies at the end of one of them, and at the end of the other the city is destroyed. the fics are connected, but i won't say how.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
so tired, so tired, my heart and i (pathologic) is probably the sappiest i've ever written a fic so i'm guessing that one!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
occasionally. i got transmisogynist hate for when you finally get inovlved, face to face for writing chihiro as a trans girl, and it made me stop writing for danganronpa altogether. i got a guest user on some burakhovsky nsfw i posted (idr which one) who said "jesus christ, tag your trans shit". and someone who went off on me years ago called vita in motu (pathologic) "borderline mpreg" and they very much meant it derogatorily. so if i seem a lil paranoid about interacting w people there's a reason why lol.
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
i do! i actually write more smut than i post because i am not showing everyone my oc/canon smut. like some friends will be able to see it but i'm not brave enough to show the whole world that. also a lot of au smut recently that has no context and i'm not posting it to ao3 without context.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
i did moreso in the past than currently. we're not gonna talk about the craziest one though<3 love and light
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
nah. i've had people write fic very inspired by stuff i've written but not copy-and-paste stolen, to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
people have asked but as far as i know it never happened. always thought it would be cool!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes!! w my buddy dj :) also published rps in the past that i shaped up into fics.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
mulder/scully is The Ship Of All Time to me. the blueprint.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oh there's a few!!
a rebel without a case rewrite that i started because i wanted to fix what i saw as timing issues in the film.
an akira/mob psycho 100... crossover? au? both? i had some real ideas for that one but it's not going anywhere
a silent hill au for mob psycho 100 that apprently someone was interested in enough to try and make their own while referencing mine. it was an audience participation fic and i'm honestly upset that i lost steam on this one because it was a lot of fun!
a magnus archives statement from artemy burakh. the idea behind that one was that he saw daniil die, and then be replaced by another actor... but artemy's the only one who noticed the different actor.
literally dozens of pathologic fics that i have started like you have no idea just how much i have started for that stupid game.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i'm not sure! my partner says i do vagueness well, and the unease that comes with that. i think i do decent at introspection in general
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
action for sure. i tend to do better with thought than with action, so i can write really long scenes where absolutely nothing hapens. kind of an issue!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i don't really do it because i only know like...extremely basic german and i feel it'd be a disservice to other languages to just google translate. i will occasionally describe characters using sign, but again... not knowing it, i don't feel comfortable just saying shit, you know?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
i wrote something like fanfic as a like, eight year old? for a book series i can no longer remember. but for first published fanfic it was either bones or soul eater. those fics might still be out there, who knows!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
i don't really have one! i'm still really proud of o tempora, o mores (pathologic), vita in motu (pathologic), and my mind has changed my body's frame (bloodborne) <- less sure of that one bc not much feedback but y'know!
who shall i tag.... @stvlti, @brodyliciousbooty, @loudmound, @go-go-devil, @shogoakuji and anyone else who writes, consider yourself tagged :P !
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blackbellybella · 5 months
I feel stupid even complaining about this but like am I the asshole here?
I don’t like gifts from my boyfriend’s family. It’s like they half ass it, if that . Gifts for the both of us are really just gifts for Rob.
I want to give them the benefit of the doubt that it’s an all boy family essentially they don’t know how to interact with younger women his mom included. I really want to believe they mean well but at this point it’s starting to feel a lil like they don’t like me
Rob’s bother went to Vegas and got Rob a bottle and a gift shop bottle opener the expensive mgm magnet and an embossed shot glass. They got me a wallet for a child.. like a unicorn lil dollar store wallet you get for a kids play set. And I said something about it to Rob like a shirt or a shot glass would have been fine what am I supposed to do with this? I can’t even use because you can’t fit anything in because it’s for a child. And as soon as I opened it, it separated from its self to where you could see the cardboard.
Christmas I got colorful socks I can’t fit and a $10 Starbucks gift card and It wasn’t like they got the gift card for me Rob’s mom got it because they messed up on an order and she knew I liked coffee. Rob got a whole cast iron camping cooking set and bottle of henny my dad also got Rob a handle of henny that year
Next Christmas they got Rob a ninja blender a pasta maker and a ninja mini oven/air fryer…. These were for the both of us, tho months prior when Rob was talking about buying the ninja mini oven and blender for himself. I suggested we wait bc we had to down size for a smaller apartment and we have absolutely no fucking room. ALSO HE COMPLAINS ABOUT HAVEING NO WORKING SPACE and he doesn’t even use the appliances we have I pointed that out. I also got him a flat top for our oven for his birthday of which he doesn’t use now. So his mom gets him everything anyway and we just had boxes on our floor till I got us the metal self. He still hasn’t used them. I use the blender bc I like salsa and rob broke my last blender. But yea those gifts were for the both of us
This Christmas, they got each other bottles. Clase azule and Jonny walker blue and black label. I got an anime figure for Rob’s favorite anime, it is sukuna and from my favorite brand of figures, however I feel like that was mostly Rob’s doing mainly bc I over heard them talking about it and directing them over the phone phone. But past that they got me a bottle of cream pineapple rum? 🤷🏾‍♀️ it’s so nasty, I can’t make anything with it every drink I’ve tried the cream curdles. The crazy think is we’ve talked about alcohols I like or that I mostly prefer wine I’ve even got Rob’s mom one of my favorite wines bc I knew she’d like it and now it’s one of her favorites. Also they got Rob a ninja wood fire grill…. We live in a fucking apartment, something I pointed out when he brought up wanting one months prior just like before. We had a plan to get a house next year. This year now. But I was like just wait till then bc we have a balcony and again no place to put it… this thing is fucking huge and surprisingly we can’t even fucking use the damn thing BECAUSE WE LIVE IN AN APARTMENT. And Rob’s been mopey about it since new years.
Like I feel bad complaining but like am I overreacting/overthinking this? My Mom gets Rob $300 every Christmas and take us out to eat and or gets him a bottle for our Christmas game night. My dad will take us out to eat or take us somewhere so we can pick out a gift that’s actually for the both of us.
But for real am I being a bitch about this? Like it’s been almost 4 years, me and your son practically share a brain cell and you haven’t picked up on any of my interests besides baking?
ALSO ADD ON: Rob literally has a folder on his phone where he takes a photo of absolutely everything Ive been interested in at any store we’ve gone to since we’ve started dating. They could have just asked him what I wanted
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sometimesraven · 4 months
20 Questions for AO3 Writers
I was tagged in this FOREVER ago by @the-frankenman-writes I'm sorry it took me so long to get to!
1. How many works do you have on A03?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
84,067 (my fics are usually pretty short haha)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Quantum Leap (TV 2022) (18)
Dragon Age (Video Games) (17)
Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) (11)
Original Work (10)
Dead by Daylight (Video Game) (10)
The Witcher (TV) (6)
The Sandman (TV 2022) (5)
Doctor Who (5)
Elder Scrolls Online (2)
Critical Role (Web Series) (1)
Torchwood (1)
F.E.A.R. (Video Games) (1)
Mass Effect Trilogy (1)
The Champions (TV 1968) (1)
Baldur's Gate (Video Games) (1)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Cold and Dark (Detroit: Become Human)
Holy, Holy, Holy (Original)
Her Sweet Kiss (The Witcher)
Just A Scratch (The Witcher)
Less Than Stellar Judgement (The Witcher)
(,,, people really like my Geraltskier whump fics huh XD)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I respond to basically every comment I get, even if all I can usually manage is some variation of "sfkgjhsfkgj thank you!!" because I have no idea how to take praise but I want the commenter to know they mean the world to me
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angiest ending?
Ooooooooof uhhhhh probably the little Detroit: Become Human ficlet I did called I Will Go Down. TW for suicide XD But there are a lot of angsty fics on there so who knows lmao
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics end pretty bittersweet but I think Hope (Doctor Who) is one of my happiest endings <3
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, surprisingly! My fics don't usually have much reach tbf. The only time I got anything close to "hate" was an ableist saying my disabled Dragon Age Inquisition OC is unrealistic to the setting and would likely be "with their clan or dead".
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sometimes! Usually it's abstract (a la Holy, Holy, Holy) or porn with feelings (a la A Tale of Yearning) but I've been known to indulge in a lil PWP on occasion
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Just one! I have an ongoing Torchwood x Quantum Leap crossover 'verse thanks to @chaos-of-the-endless 😂 I also wrote a Baldur's Gate x Dead by Daylight AU recently!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I'm aware
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't believe so (please tell me if you ever do!)
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
no but some of my fics were inspired by other people or based on RP I've done in the past
14. What is your all time favorite ship?
Oh don't even XD uhhhhh right now it's Jenn&Ian from Quantum Leap and Geralt/Yennefer/Jaskier from the Witcher but my shipping loves go so far back I could never name an all time favourite
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Family Reunion :( I've been trying to write it for,,,, basically as long as I've been writing but I can never finish it and then years pass and I hate it and think it's cringe and want to start it from scratch, rinse and repeat)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Taking an impulsive headcanon and running with it. I have so many ficlets just because I thought of a headcanon and NEEDED to put it to the page. I also enjoy angst and hurt/comfort, things that expand on already existing angst and make it WORSE :3
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
In fic writing it's definitely description. I tend to get carried away in dialogue and forget to Say Other Stuff but I think I have a good handle on it now. That and smut, I enjoy writing it but I have to be either In The Mood or shut off my brain so I don't cringe so hard I delete it all bc I struggle with explicit content and get embarassed when things I'm writing are at all Kinky bc I have a crippling fear of judgement
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language for a fic?
As a reader I enjoy it! As a writer, just be careful, stick to one or two words rather than full dialogue if you don't have the time or energy to deep-google that shit
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Doctor Who <3
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
this changes daily but at the moment I'm loving Something More and the rest of my Sandman fics revolving around the dream OC I made for it. I'm in love with them and I enjoy writing their dynamic with the Endless siblings too <3
Tagging: anyone who wants to do this <3
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theblackestvalkyrie · 5 months
#3 - Captain America - Oneshot (Pipe Game Series)
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Frustrated with your new position at S.H.I.E.L.D, you need Steve to dick you down but run into an irritating problem.
Warning: Smut, I guess? Oh, and Steve being a bitch but that’s my lil goofy baby and I love him. There is a description of y/n because she’s black, her nipples are brown. NO BETA WE DIE LIKE LITERALLY ANY MARVEL CHARACTER EVER
A/N: I'm tryna clean out my drafts y'all!
Pipe Game: 8/10
PG Chapters: Tony // Hulk //
Based on this post. 
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How much trouble would you get in for killing your supervisor?
This was supposed to be the day you got promoted from some grunt agent toiling in the field on the worst assignments to the bitch calling the shots. Long gone would be the days of eating shit takeout in a rented room and getting your as beat by d-list sups, or as S.H.I.E.L.D liked to say “enhanced individuals”.
S.H.I.E.L.D liked to say a lot of things. Apparently, that included telling you that the promotion that would raise you out of the gutter and into respected territory was yours. Yet it had been almost a year and you still hadn’t received the coveted raise they had been dangling over your department. That didn’t stop you from trying to show you were capable. You would often volunteer for extra duty; cover shifts and take on missions’ way above your pay grade in the hopes that they would see your strength and elevate you.
Yet here you were still in the same place as when you first started. Your boss was still trying to convince you of the promotion that would never come and frankly you were sick of it. After a particularly shitty mission involving a  REDACTED.
*This section has been redacted by S.H.I.E.L.D. Thank you for your cooperation.*
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You were on your last straw and sick of the false promises.
After storming your boss’s office for answers, he tried to give you the runaround and it was taking everything in you not to jam the nearest pencil in his left carotid artery and let the fucker bleed out.
Instead, you left work early and headed to the gym to beat the boxing bag to death. God forbid some rookie or other poor soul was in the gym because then you would really get to take out your anger on them. After changing into your gym fit and quite literally killing the bag (you unsurprisingly split 2 bags in half), you still had a burning anger in your chest.
Stomping off to your shared room with Steve, who was propped up in the entertainment area flipping through a newspaper on his S.H.I.E.L.D provided tablet, some of that anger lessened when he met your deep frown with a warm smile of his own.
“Hey honey, how was work?”
You crossed the room and threw yourself into his lap meeting his surprised lips with your own the tablet tossed on top of the rounded sofa. Lips locked and tongues dancing in an intimate dance, Steve was the first to pull away. Cheeks rosy and flushed his eyes met your own.
“I can’t say this isn’t my favorite greeting but you never answered my question.” He said breathlessly.
Grinding your plump ass on his slowly hardening cock to distract him you tried to kiss him again but he pulled back still searching for an answer as he stilled your hips from their distracting movements.
“Baby please don’t make me go through the absolutely shitty day I had when all I want is for you to fuck me through the goddamn couch right now.”
He blushed even harder and if it was possible for Steve to turn an even deeper shade of red, he would have at your frank words. It was cute in the beginning of your relationship when Steve would adorably get flustered at your graphic words and actions and it had taken even longer to initiate a physical relationship with him.
But now it was annoying when you just wanted him to fuck you like an animal.
An animal completely lost to their feral sexual needs…...and there go your hips grinding again.
Steve ran a hand up and down your back lovingly and cupped your face in a gesture that any other time you would appreciate for how gentle it is.
“You know I’m here for you right if you need to talk?” His breath hitched as your hips started circling faster feigning innocence at his words.
“You’re really gonna make me beg you to fuck me hard, aren’t you?”
Annoyance colored your tone and you sighed getting ready to get up and say fuck it to the entire thing and take care of yourself but one of his thick muscular arms circled around your waist in an effort to keep you there.
“I just wanna make sure my best girl is okay.” You nodded, half to shut him up and half in honesty, and kissed him again.
“I’m fine but if you don’t wanna fuck I can always find Bucky.” The lie slipped from your moth easily even though you both knew you would never cheat on him, especially with his brother best friend.
“I don’t think so!”
With ease, Steve stood and moved you into a bridal carry in one fluid motion making you giggle as he rushed to the bedroom. He gently tossed you onto the bed and began to strip as you bounced gently. You took off your own sweaty gym clothes starting with the open-back crop top, one of your favorite pieces.
Your breasts spilled out immediately without the cupping support of the top and your brown nipples started to harden once exposed to the cool air. It never you too long to get wet for him and today was no exception.
“Steve, I need you so bad baby”
Looming over your half naked figure he lowered himself to his knees at the side of the king-sized bed and pulled your leggings and panties down together, spreading your thick thighs like a man on a mission.
You moaned loudly as his flattened tongue traveled from one end of your vagina to the other making sure to swirl around your clit a few times. One of the things you were surprised about when you first started dating Steve was the fact that he actually wanted to go down on you and cared if you came from it. It was one of his favorite things right up there with the 1940’s lingerie you had specially ordered for his birthday and wore for him. That was the night he went down on you for what seemed like hours.
“I want you to come on my face doll can you do that?” He released your clit with a loud smack of his lips before he went back to his meal like a man starved, dipping two of his fingers into your opening and lazily pumping with two fingers.
“Harder baby, please.”
His fingers start pumping at a moderately fast pace now, not exactly fast but not slow enough for you to complain. But you needed his cock now. You needed his super serum strength to pound you through the mattress and right through to the Earth’s core and straight to the magma center.
You weren’t anywhere near release yet because you still needed it hard and fast and Steve seemed to sense this and focused his concentration on your clit for a few more seconds before letting go with a long suck as he made his way back up your body.
“Let me take care of you doll. I got you.”
The kiss you were met with was sloppy and sensual, the kind that made your toes curl in pleasure and anticipation. His thick cock sprang up eagerly from the waist band of his boxers and bounced against his chiseled lower stomach. Even in the sexual haze you were in, you could see how shiny his cock head was, how much precum was already leaking from the slit and it made your mouth water. But there was time to worship his cock later, right now all you needed was hard and fast.
Steve pressed a kiss to your temple before taking hold of his hard length and surging forward. Immediately you could feel that familiar burn as he slowly pressed forward until he was snug against your cervix just an inch or two of his length remained. Steve let you get adjusted for a few seconds before he started a steady rhythm. Again, it was nice… but you wanted it hard goddamn it!
“Steve baby go faster.”
Without missing a beat, he slowed down grinding you against the mattress and running his nose against the pulse points of your throat and nipping there, although a bite would be better.
“I know you want it hard baby but you need it soft and slow right now.”
His hips circled a few times and started up a strong pace, the squelching of your combined juices echoed the room lewdly. He was rubbing up against your walls and stretching them out delightfully making your eyes roll back.
“No….n-no I need it hard.” Your breathless moans and wants made little difference to Steve as his hips never faltered.
“I don’t want to hurt you sweetheart.” He bit back a moan at the sight or your shaking figure ignoring the inner animal inside of him that demanded he give you what you want.
You could count on one hand how many times Steve had been a bit too rough on you during your passionate sessions but the aftercare he provided more than made up for it.
The pace he fucked you at was constant and steady at complete odds with the wild haphazard sex you first had in mind. That bastard was using his strength just to keep the same speed. In the back of your lust filled mind, you made a mental note to pay him back for this later.
You could feel that familiar orgasm building up. The kind that was long and drawn up and made your legs shake. You tried to hold it off as long as you could still holding out for that angry fuck.
But Steve knew what you needed instead and pressed his chiseled body into yours pressing you deeper into the mattress, hooking the backs of your knees with his thick biceps keeping you spread open and vulnerable.
He could tell just by the tears forming in your eyes that you were holding back and he let out a short breathy laugh.
“You know I can keep fucking you all day right sweetheart? I don’t need a break.”
Your clit scraped against his bush of pubic hair deliciously and as if to prove his point you came eyes rolling and legs shaking as your cunt clenched around his girth.
“There you go dove.” He fucked you through it releasing his own cum deep inside you with a moan of his own.
All the fight had left you with your orgasm and you let out a tired chuckle at the realization as Steve kissed you softly.
“All better doll?”
“All better love.”
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princessofxianle · 5 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
well THANK YOU for asking, you are the first to!
tbh ive been meaning to do this on my main blog bc I take these wayyy too seriously lol but ANYWAY heres my top 10 faves (in no particular order) that I can think of (tbh theres prob more i forgot about, or i wanted to keep only 1 per fandom... except tgcf)
Huge Spoiler Warning: for ALL of tgcf, 2ha, aot, AND JJK MANGA!!!
1. Feng Xin (tgcf)
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do i even need to explain this one? loyal to a fault, just a cute lil puppy, one hell of a sculpted archers back, and he's head over heels in love with Xie Lian (but tbh same) i have a lot of thoughts about him on a daily basis on this blog (and also theres the #fx backstory au tag)
2. Noé Archiviste (the Case Study of Vanitas)
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the absolute bestest boy of EVER... with a LOAD of unprocessed trauma (yknow the typical stuff like seeing your childhood bff get decapitated in front of you) and a lot more to come once we find out how he kills his boyfriend best friend, Vanitas...
i ALSO think about him a lot but over on @noes-pillow
3. Sejanus Plinth (The Hunger Games: tbosas)
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hated reading as a child... HATED it... picked up the og trilogy when i was 12 and i was a goner. The funny thing is i still hated reading for YEARS up until i picked up the prequel novel then in 2020, and now ive read all of tgcf, 2ha, and more fanfic than i could ever imagine... all because this stupid boy (i love him) chose to trust the WORST person as his friend, rip sejanus my baby
the movie is v good btw, if you havent seen it you should
4. Xie Lian (tgcf)
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*Taizi Dianxia Fang Xin Guoshi General Hua Xie Lian*
how this man survived 800 years of being physically unable to die and never went insane is a mystery i will never be able to fully comprehend (aaand im in love with him... hmm i wonder why...)
5. Mihael "Mello" Keehl (Death Note)
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the chocolate-addicted blonde boi that was my first anime crush... by proxy I must also add Mail "Matt" Jeevas because they are a package deal
these two are also the reason i started writing fanfic so they will ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart
6. Xue Meng - (2ha)
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*sigh* he's just everyone's fav peacock (yes technically the image is XM 0.5 but he had a cool ass bird so im using this photo bc its COOL anyway...) mengmeng is another one of my trauma bois who has lost next to everything and yet is STILL kicking ass and taking names #thatsmyfuckingsectleader so proud of you my son
also this might get me into hot water here but imma go ahead and say it...
this is what i wanted Jiang Cheng to be... (i LOVE my angy grape but...) through thick and thin, despite EVERYTHING, and even mo ran fucking abandoning him he will still call mo ran his "ge"...
7. Howl Pendragon (Howl's Moving Castle)
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ok this one i just simply do not need to explain... if you think i do, go watch this whole movie and then there ya go thats your answer...
8. River Song (Doctor Who)
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aside from being the character that unlocked my unhealthy obsession with :) Main Character Death :) at the ripe ol' age of 8 YEARS (although Will Turner from POTC also helped on that front... Orlando Bloom my beloved) River's story was a stroke of absolute GENIUS from start to finish and i simply love how Alex Kingston played her...
"You don't expect a sunset to admire you back."
I just love the doomed ones, okay...
9. Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen)
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look... theres *gojo girlies* uwu and then theres GOJO GIRLIES... i couldn't give 2 shits about how he's fan-serviced (tho im not complaining) but have you SEEN the amount of grief pumped into that man? he could explode in a fit of fucking insanity at literally any moment and take the whole goddamn world down with him bc what happened with suguru WASNT FAIR to him and satoru has more than enough power to go apeshit... but he DOESN'T... even after losing so many of his co-sorcerers... he still puts on a brave face to the end in order to protect the childhood of his students even tho his own youth was stolen from him during hidden inventory...
SEE? The DOOMED ones!
10. Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan)
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i read the manga during my last year of uni and when i tell you i SOBBED at the end... yes ofc for obvious reasons, but mostly bc my little Levi loses EVERYTHING. He is the SOLE survivor of the veteran scouts. He's missing multiple fingers, an eye, and the ability to walk. He was the strongest (yowaimo) but wasn't even granted the mercy to die at the end of his narrative! Broke my fucking heart.
BONUS: Morph (Treasure Planet)
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he's a morph!!! nuff said <3
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pan-de-queer · 8 months
20 Questions Game
Tagged by @jadedloverart! for once, i've finished work early and am free to write fic and answer tag games today hahaha thanks for the tag!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
31 lmao, feeling a lil fandom old or whatever haha
2. Total AO3 word count
157,459 ??? wild considering i mostly post one-shots hahaha
3. Fandoms you write for
for the past few years it's been supercorp but you can also find bechloe, junksen/embry, some choices (the cyoa game), and les mis sprinkled in my ao3. all wlw too
4. Top 5 fics by kudos -
ruined nights make for perfect first dates (bechloe)
'cause you know all of my secrets (supercorp)
maybe i matter (because i knew you) (bechloe)
love tastes like spring and blood (bechloe)
kept my face to the sun (you drive away my shadows) (supercorp)
most interesting thing for me abt this is that ruined nights is the shortest one out of all five of these??? love that ppl liked it so much tho
5. Do you respond to comments?
as much as possible yeah! which reminds me that i haven't replied to @jadedloverart's comment on my fic. and other comments. i should do that hahaha
6. Fic w/ Angstiest Ending -
i don't end with angst haha i'm angst with a happy ending or bust lmao BUT the closest to angst would probably be love tastes bc the issue isn't solved until the very end
7. Happiest ending? -
all of them 💕 but if i had to choose then probabbbly cause you know
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not that i'm aware of!
9. Do you write smut/what kind?
nope! never been interested in writing it mostly bc my brain sees it as "action with even more emotions" and i have a hard enough time with action as it is lol
10. Do you write crossovers?
used to! and if you count the mcu+comics!marvel crossover i only posted a tidbit of, then yes, i still do
11. Ever had a fic stolen?
again, not that i know of
12. Ever had a fic translated?
yeah! can't remember for what tho but someone very kindly asked and i said ofc!! and then they sent the link but i can't remember where lmao
13. Ever cowritten a fic?
a long long time ago haha, wouldn't be opposed to doing it again though!
14. Favorite ship?
it's been supercorp since the pandemic! but who knows where the winds of my silly lil whims might take me?
15. A wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
all of them 💕 lmao jk jk but seriously i have a LOT of wips and i put them all under ONE file so it's like wading through a garbage dump trying to see what i'll do next and that's just for supercorp, i have separate untouched wips for allll my other old fandoms too lmao (some wips i doubt i'll ever finish for sc though are the undercover fake lovers one, the coastal cleanup one even though it SHOULD be easy in theory, the hanahaki au that's lena's version instead of kara's, and the one based off of emily the song by jeremy zucker)
16. Writing strengths?
anything descriptive! i can go in depth about shit forevveeerrrr
17. Writing weaknesses?
dialogue. like i can WRITE it and i can even write it WELL but that dialogue came from the bloodbath of thousands of drafts so
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in a different language?
many thoughts! number one being that if you don't know it, get someone who's above average fluent to help you if you feel like the language is needed in the story! and if the language is fake (like using kryptonian) then make the inclusion of it make sense! other thoughts are for my thinking only 💕 (and my unfortunate friends who have to listen to me lecture)
19. First Fandom you wrote for?
MAYBE ranger's apprentice or percy jackson
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
i can't pick favorite for my babies but i'm hella proud of all my supercorp fics rn! it had been so long since i joined a new fandom that i felt suuupppeerrr awkward posting at first! but it's been a nice experience shifting fandoms ever since :)))
for the no pressure tags! @nostradamus0 @sssammich @ridiculously-over-obsessed @tiny-maus-boots and anyone else who wants to join!
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steventhusiast · 8 months
Fanfic Tag Game
tagged by @hbyrde36 for this lil tag game EEEE i love tag games :D
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
12. a lot of them aren't stranger things related tho! and they're allll oneshots. working on my first (first for this account anyway) multi-chapter fic atm :D
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
27,486 hoooo boy idk if that's more or less than expected. like i said, mostly oneshots!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently only writing stranger things fics, but every now and then i go back to my spider-man phase so i'll inevitably write spider-man fanfic again. i've also written moon knight (tv show) fanfic before. i just love when my blorbos suffer what can i say
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
NONE of these are stranger things fics fdhgskjfhd
When Peter Forgot What Day It Was
When the Past Calls
Avengers, Meet Moon Knight
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try to! i didn't for a while because i didn't know how to respond to like, comments with just emojis? i've always appreciated them but yeah only started trying to respond to ALL comments recently. love comments so much, so i want to encourage as much as possible!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmm idk i tend to write hurt/comfort, like it ALWAYS ends with some sort of happy. so idk. i mean there is To All The Days We Were Together (To All The Time We Were Apart) which i'm SUPER proud of and that is super sad because it acknowledges eddie's canon death while also being a steddie fic. poor stevie
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hmmmm maybe Google Translate? it's not got LOADS of plot in it it's just a cute lil meet cute.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
gonna also knock so hard on wood for this, but so far no. i've received a comment pointing out how i've gotten various cultural aspects wrong before and just corrected, but never something hateful. i'm definitely VERY afraid of getting hate though. i am fuelled by validation
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
no, i kind of want to give it a try though? i used to write it (like when i was fifteen/sixteen LMAO) and the things i wrote did well but,, obviously i didn't know anything? you know? idk maybe i should give it another go
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
not really? crossovers feel like BIG projects and i haven't really done a big project yet
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no. i've had people request to translate my fics before though? which doesn't count but like,, feels weird because i think one time (when i was writing on wattpad), the person didn't even ask they just started publishing my fic translated and didn't credit me.......... was so strange
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
LMAO yes. both with permission and without as mentioned. i don't mind it if people ask, you know! i just have to make sure it links back to me- it's my work
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
i don't know, this is a hard one. steddie right now,, but like. i just enjoy fics my favourite charaters are in, you know? i will read any ship that is well written and contains steve, and most ships that are well written that contain robin, etc etc.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i would LIKE to think i will finish my WIPs but i don't know. im not very good at that. we will see, i don't wanna say any and discourage myself
16. What are your writing strengths?
i find these kinds of questions very hard to answer HAHA. i think maybeeee i'm quite good at writing internal monologue? i don't know. i get worried to say things like that because i don't want to sound like i'm boasting and it not even be a boast that's supported LMAO. i TRY and ENJOY writing internal monologues of characters a lot, and often have to cut things out to make sure it's not going too internal
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
transitions. i'm TRYING to get it in my head that i don't always have to detail every little thing for the reader to know it's happened, you know? need to work on figuring out things people can assume has happened, or fill in the gaps for, and what people can't
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i don't mind it! i think it depends, you know? if the reader is supposed to understand the dialogue, i prefer if there's a translation in brackets or something, or when it's written in english but the dialogue description tells me the language, more than if i have to scroll all the way to a bottom of a chapter to find the translation. and if the dialogue is NOT meant to be understood by the main character/reader (unless you speak the language of course), i LOVE it i think it's neat
19. First fandom you wrote for?
troye sivan..
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
either Separation Entwined (she is near and dear to my heart) or When Peter Parker Forgot What Day It Was because it's me combining all my favourite spider-man oneshot tropes into one thing fhdjsgkdf
NO PRESSURE TAGS (sorry if you've done this already) @dreamwatch @cranberrymoons @spoookysix @theheadlessphilosopher
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festivepuppetryy · 4 months
OC ASK TIME!! 1, 11, and 27
"1. Your first OC ever?"
I don't think I could remember my very first, but I could definitely describe an early one. When I was younger I used to play a sh#t-ton of Animal Jam, like I hardcore loved that game to shreds, one of my favorite things to do in-game besides relaxing in an empty server was roleplaying in Sarepia Forest- But I didn't do Warrior Cats or wolves or whatever, I roleplayed as weird sh#t like ghosts/shadow people, mutated abominations, creatures that disguised themselves as normal animals, steampunk men, robots, etc. (Funny how I haven't changed, huh?) Anyways, one of these characters was an arctic wolf that was pitch black and had red eyes, and had a tuxedo and a fancy top hat..of course he was a wolf, visually, but I liked to imagine him as a very tall (maybe 10 feet?) scary Victorian ghostguy with sharp teeth, he would hide in obscured areas like under bushes and would watch and wait for other peoples characters to come by to snatch them and drag them into the shadows to be killed and even eaten. I think I remember him even being able to shapeshift and using that ability to lure others to their deaths. One of his forms was a rabbit. Over the years he was slowly forgotten, but now he is back in my mind and now I am FLABBERGASTED at how similar to how many of my current OCs he is. Especially Butler Guy. holy sh#t. me in like 2014 - 2015: tall creepy shapeshifting Victorian shadow ghost man with red eyes who wears a tuxedo and lurks in the dark and lures people in to kill and perhaps eat them me in 2023: tall creepy shapeshifting Victorian shadow ghost man with red eyes who wears a tuxedo and lurks in the dark and lures people in to kill and perhaps eat them
"11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?"
Pretty much every circus OC I have lmao, with maybe like…3 exceptions. But we aren't here to focus on those guys we're here to focus on a happy lil guy…and todays happy lil guy is….drum roll……..Victor! So unpredictable right. Just look at my pfp. Look at that stupid face. Excited kitten vibes. He used to be quite shy and reserved but he had a moment in his life where he realized it was okay to be himself as long as it wasn't hurting himself or anyone. He started getting into entertainment business in the 1800's and it went from there, he loves people and loves when people are having fun!!! He loves his wife!! And kids!! He is so full of love!!!!!!!!!
"27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?"
Parts of stories inspired by songs? A couple. But conjured up entirely from a song? Just one. Funnily enough it was Isaac lmao, this was sometime during 2019 and I was vibing to music and Had An Idea. And of all songs it was this lol: https://youtu.be/e2qG5uwDCW4
His story was originally a love story (so glad this changed), but I couldn't draw him and forgot about him over the course of like..2 years until his concept randomly came back to me in late 2021-something during the early days of Modernparanormal. Back then he still had the prisoner backstory, but it wasn't nearly as fleshed out as it is now. Thunderbird wasn't even involved with Isaac in any way, he was just Katt's sh#tty incubus (iirc, at the time. He's a different thing now) landlord XD (also glad this changed). Isaac lived in a mansion with Gabriel and Vincent (who also had a love story background at the time, blegh), Vincent was a melancholic hopeless romantic, Gabriel was..very very sad, and Isaac was the chaotic one. Over time their stories became separated and changed, and now Isaac is calm, Gabriel is happy, and Vincent is chaotic as f#ck. Isaac went through many design changes over the years, and I may cover them eventually since they've all got their weird little ups and downs, and it'd be interesting to focus on how it evolved, what traits I kept or changed or completely removed and whatnot. Nowadays this is the song I think fits Isaac's backstory the most: https://youtu.be/1HUqreTtn-A
"Well, that is that, and this is this You tell me what you want and I'll tell you what you get You get away from me, you get away from me Collected my belongings and I left the jail Well, thanks for the time, I needed to think a spell I had to think awhile, I had to think awhile"
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3, 5, 9, and 10 bestie!! - katie <3<3<3
Hi, Katie! 🥰🩵 @jovenshires
3. What playlists do you have on your phone?
Apparently I currently have over 350 playlists on spotify 🙈😹
(a lot of them are for specific concepts/ideas tho, so I don't end up listening to at least half of them tbh; I just like making my lil lists!)
My most listened to recently are prob:
Stu'dying (mostly sleeping at last music, that genuinely helps me focus as bg noise)
I have several ts playlists, but one of my faves is def: eras tour in my living room which is mostly a collection of some of my fave taylor songs, that I'm also aware are not all suited for a stadium, but would love to hear live anyways
Other than those two, I have a lot of mood based playlists, but I don't really wanna share those publicly rn lmao.
5. Guilty pleasures?
I genuinely cannot think of any rn. I actively try to avoid feeling guilt when doing or consuming (whether media or food) things I love! 🫶
(I already feel way too stressed and responsible for every little thing 🙈 like ask me to list habits I feel really bad about, and I could name you at least 20 on the spot. But they aren't typically things I do bc of enjoyment, ya know?)
9. Make a confession.
I almost crashed my car into a side walk during my first week of driving it. And I genuinely haven't told to this to anyone aside from maybe 2 ppl 🙈
context: I got my driver's liscence a couple years before that and barely drove in the time, before I got my car. It's also not a new car or anything, it's on the older side and still uses manual/gear shift. It was a weird corner with unfortunate traffic light timing... Luckily no one got hurt (there was no one actually on or even near the sidewalk at that time!) and my car also only got a scratch, that's not too obvious, if you don't know where to look for it 😅 This was well over a year ago now and I haven't gotten my car or anyone else into trouble since then at least 🙈 (but I am still considerable wary of that corner, everytime I have to pass it)
10. What’s your favorite book?
I cannot think of any new ones rn, so I'm just linking my dec ask answer to this one 😅🩵 Top 3 favourite books
Really Get To Know Me - ask game
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waitingonsnow · 6 months
The streaming services are putting out their year end wrap up posts, so I figure it’s time to post my top ten albums of the year.
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10. Full Of Hell and Primitive Man - Suffocating Hallucination
The first of a few collaborations on this year’s list, Suffocating Hallucination is a sludgy combination of hardcore and extreme noise. The two styles are blended effortlessly here, yielding a true collaboration.
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9. Lil Yachty - Let’s Start Here
Easily the biggest surprise of the year was Lil Yachty putting out an epic space rock album that combines psychedelic rock, soul, and funk with unbelievable grace. Yes, the vocals are still auto tuned to hell and back, and I think it hurts the record a little, but this is still a shocking gem.
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8. Wolf Eyes & Model Home - More Difficult Messages
Acid baselines and industrial beats try to claw their way out from under sheets of noise. Add heavily affected vocals (think early power electronics), and you have, maybe not the purest noise album, but my favorite of the year.
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7. Slowdive - Everything Is Alive
A pleasant surprise after I had a hard time getting into their 2017 comeback album. Everything Is Alive is definitely Slowdive’s most mature album, bringing in hints of Disintegration-era Cure alongside their usual dream pop. Not every track is wildly engaging, but they are all good to great.
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6. 100 gecs- 10,000 gecs
One of the best avant-garde pop acts of the last decade got there by not giving a fuck about being avant-garde, pop, or anything else. 10,000 gecs steps up their hook writing even more, with song after song that will get stuck in your head for weeks, whether it’s pure hyper pop (“757”) or a near cover of Weezer’s “Beverly Hills” (“Hollywood Baby”).
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5. Ada Rook - Rookie’s Bustle
Ada Rook (Black Dresses, Crisis Sigil) continues to be one of the most thrilling musicians around with her combination of hyper pop, metal, industrial, and whatever other genres pop into her head. This record is actually a combination of tracks that didn’t make it on her other solo albums, but as she says, “they found a home together.” Extra points for naming it after the incredibly weird and obscure Japanese PC game, Cookie’s Bustle
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4. Earl Sweatshirt & the Alchemist - Voir Dire
On Earl’s third album since the major stylistic change of 2018’s Some Rap Songs he seems to have mastered his newish flow and song construction. The Alchemist’s low-fi, sample heavy production plays perfectly against Earl’s mumbled, barely on the beat flow. The album’s best track, “Heat Check” even strays into vaporwave territory with its saturated lead sample. I figure I’ll love whatever Earl does in the future, but it does feel like maybe it’s time to shake things up again.
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3. MUN SING - Inflatable Gravestone
An album about the ambivalence that can come with loss, told largely through instrumentals and suggestive song titles. Sounds a little like a collaboration between Bjork and Iglooghost.
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2. Russian Tsarlag/Secret Boyfriend - Split
While this is a true split LP, the artists match up well enough in terms of ethos for the final product to sound completely coherent. Russian Tsarlag’s half is dreamy, lo-fi ambience; Secret Boyfriend’s is some of the best lo-fi shoegaze since Flying Saucer Attack. The whole is over an hour of dreamy cassette goodness.
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1. Danny Brown - Quaranta
I wouldn’t say that Quaranta is Danny Brown’s best album, but it is his slickest and most likely to cross over. That doesn’t mean he’s sold his soul, though. This isn’t his usual collection of molly anthems and cautionary tales about drug abuse. Instead Brown is rapping about class. The best tracks, “Y.B.P.” (young, black, and poor) and “Jenn’s Terrific Vacation” deal with growing up poor in Detroit, and struggling to stay there as white people move in and turn crack houses into organic gardens. Brown sounds self-assured throughout, as if he can handle whatever subject matter he decides to approach with ease.
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sugar-petals · 2 years
Hi Caro! How are you? I hope you're good and in a place where it isn't very hot (my friend living in England had a very rough time). I'm just here wondering why my type is cute subby twinks, and why is close to impossible to find them in Argentina (I still remember the day I took one of those online test about the type of men you like and the answer was twinks and I was like WELL DAMN I FEEL ATTACKED). My name is Victoria, idk if I ever told you, but everyone calls me Vik or Vicky (usually the first one, I guess it's more gender neutral so it fits me better). Sorry that I'm ranting, I really enjoy talking to you.
more than glad to answer, vic! 💙 hm... a philosophy on twinks and why they're appealing. time for a little essay.
first off, i wish there was a bi and straight term as well, they're not 100% the same as e.g. pretty boys or femboys — those categories are even more particular to a certain femdom aesthetic. pretty boys are defined by face, femboys by clothes hair and body, twinks by both.
my suggestion for a word would be "prince". it's positive, people get the gist intuitively, and it's derived from the groundbreaking artist who invented this whole game to the fullest after greek culture laid the foundation, shoutout to apollo. before leo (90s) zac efron (00s) and taemin (10s) paved the way, there was prince in crop tops, heavy makeup, heels, and poses few guys dared.
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so, a prince, they're usually the anti-jock/bear, right. more petite in frame, often fashionable like an it-boy (see lucky blue smith), frequently gnc, and found in a 20-30 age group with some exceptions. but i think that's why they are appealing to us, it's a generation thing. just like t. chalamet, lil nas x, and troye sivan hit it big among gen z by sheer exposure, or the eboy/softboy fad in hetero media, although that one wasn't really femdom in spirit and just another brand of manipulative nice guy syndrome.
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princes don't come across as physically imposing, they're more tongue in cheek and seductive or cute, the link to your zelda. that caters to somebody with a taste for subs/bottoms who'd rather have them sat on their lap than getting choked out by them which is almost treated as a given, same with spanking or rough sex. so, that notion of twinks has opened the door to something less compulsive gladly.
a prince can come with an edge, twinks and brats may have some overlaps depending on the guy, but at the end of the day, they're subs, both hard and soft. jonghyun has set quite the tone for it artistically, major credit due. he's broken the mold to say that it's so boring and restrictive to be a dominant guy and there's more out there than what the societal landscape offers.
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thank god taemin has carried that on and continues to inspire others.
in recent times, the word also becomes more and more open to guys who are tall / fit or conventional-looking. i see this in how european football is received on tumblr where calling your favorite club `#twink fc (affectionate)´ is a thing on here 😆 and it's true. you haven't seen more collective prince energy as in the german national team. the gorgeousness is real and the ladies who date them... lucky af.
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(^kai havertz - plays for chelsea fc)
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(^joshua kimmich / leroy sané - play for bavaria fc. they both have 2+ kids with their gfs lmao you don't have to be a DILF or daddy, twinkness cannot be concealed 🤘)
the whole idea is not to be conflated with power bottoms, see aquaria on drag race who looks like a twink but tops, by the way. which is why taemin generates so much traction, he plays with switching and walks the line but always winds up with a submitting conclusion. ten, or yoongi, they’re mysterious to people in that regard, too. or wonho, who follows a jock aesthetic but offers himself as a fantasy with an 'open mind' and a cute personality in the mix, neither gentle giant, himbo, nor a skinny short king, just doing his own thing.
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a twink or prince is easy on the eye for anyone who likes androgyny and is usually in favor of being gnc themselves, or is bored/turned off/disappointed or even frightened by the mainstream. argentina hasn't had that scope of pop culture industry to inspire trends, and prevailing structures of machismo and chivalry prevent androgyny in dress and behavior, especially outside larger cities as is also the case where i live (southern germany where christianity rules — you can imagine, it's not berlin).
where binaries, monosexuality and hypermasculine/homophobic/biphobic conduct is exaggerated, you won't find a twink able to do their thing or getting attention. sure, gnc people are always there and the world is slowly catching up in some places, although it feels like we're going ten steps backwards as a backlash these days which is unacceptable. that's why k-pop is such a refreshing element in the way that male performers present concepts and a female pov is embraced. nobody deems it punishable or strange if you walk up like this, in fact it's celebrated.
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it also bursts the bubble of twink/prince = white and goes even further than just one specific aesthetic. it changes constantly and incorporates actual elements of kink culture rather than leaving men's submission unspoken as an ultimate taboo. it may be commercial, but it is also literal and encourages nonconforming styles and body types as the rise of shinee, skz, or nct exemplifies. the next generation prince/twink trailblazer is sure to be found there, my bet is on taeyong or felix, they're really owning the princeliness.
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spicysix · 8 months
Fanfic Tag Game
tagged by @hbyrde36 and @steventhusiast for a fun lil game! thanks babes ♡
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
25!! thats a lot
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
102,337 which is also. INSAANE
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently only Stranger Things!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
crush crush crush (steddie X gn!reader)
fuck-marry-kill (steve X fem!reader)
it feels like i'm going home (eddie X gn!reader)
love sneaks in with the smell of you (eddie X afab!reader)
Countdown To Christmas (drabble collection, multiple ships)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
absolutely, yeah! all of them, even if a little late
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
no doubt me and you (we can't lose). canon compliant eddie X fem!reader. we all know what happens in canon...... yikes (i was challenging myself to see if i could do it. i did it. i cried)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
all the rest of them basically LKDLSKDAOKS no but fr i think going home still has my favorite ending, simply because i put so much into that fic and that was the ending i had planned since the beginning and its one of my favorite eddie headcanons so. im really happy about that one
8. Do you get hate on fics?
never happened thankfully
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i dont, not usually. theres 1 (one) smut scene in going home cause, again, i was challenging myself, but it's not my thing
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
not my cup of tea, tbh. don't read them a lot too
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
nope but it would be an honor!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, not once in my +10y as a fic writer, in any of the fandoms i've explored. i'm definetely open to the idea! just don't know how it would work lmao but it can be a very fun experience im sure
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
i have so many sakdjsjdoa i'll say, currently, in this fandom, Steddie is no doubt my otp. but i do love every other ship too, just the teeeeeeniest little bit less
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i have this sinclair!reader X steddie fic that i really really wanted to write but i'm not sure i ever will. its not a wip per se because i never started writing it but. yeah that one
16. What are your writing strengths?
im not sure??? i think poetic repetitions if i can call them that, and maybe dialogue
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
descriptions no doubbbbttt. hate describing stuff
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i think its nice and can be a fun little thing if not overused
19. First fandom you wrote for?
McFly lmao
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
THATS TOO HARD DONT ASK ME THAT probably going home, it's my baby. but i really love crush crush crush, now i don't hate California after all and i'll be with you, when the roses bloom again too
no pressure tags: @imfinereallyy @userbats @roykentt @inourtownofhawkins @shares-a-vest @stobinesque @inairbinad @starryeyedjanai
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colorisbyshe · 1 year
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
Thank you for asking!!!!! Love a chance to talk about myself.
The way I got this ask and like IMMEDIATELY forgot any piece of media I have ever consumed?? If I forgot any of my faves... sorry to them!!
Also, a running theme for most of my faves is that they have overcome being otherized and/or trauma and came out being pettier and more self righteous, lol.
Uchiha Sasuke from Naruto. Pettiest bitch alive and he DESERVES IT! Should be pettier.
Wei Wuxian from MDZS/The Untamed. Went through hell, kinda literally, and did awful things but still chose to do the right thing, every single fucking time.
Fenris from Dragon Age. Watching him emerge from such an awful place and learn to let people in, while remaining sooo rough around the edges, was lovely.
Spock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From both TOS and AOS, less so from Disco/SNW, because he's just so fucking funny and also watching him be so repressed and then be forced out of that repression is fun. I love him. Baby boy.
Joy from EEAAO. Loved watching her anger, loved watching her creativity, and I loved watching her anger make her mother change. I love that she was able to give up the anger because she was finally seen and her hurt was legitimized.
***** ****** from ******* ******** because *runs away*
NGL.... it's still my boy Edward Elric. In many ways, I should let him go. But he was my first rep of atheism in literally the funniest fucking way ("Yeah I've seen God but... nah.") and I still enjoyed his journey, even if I now have major issues with the narrative and apologism and recognize Scar as a far more compelling character than Edward. Sorry to everyone but when I saw Edward at age.... 13, I did not realize what war crime apologism looked like. At least I let go of stanning Mustang. Cause I wanted that man carnally for a long time.
Sook-hee from The Handmaiden. Watching her fuck shit up was cathartic.
I need to finish my watch through (bingewatching two seasons in a week was mentally taxing, tbh) but Flint and Max from Black Sails. Again... love a selfish character who has felt left behind by the world and so they take what they can from the world. They deserve it!
Recency bias I guess but I'm REALLY loving Frieren from... Frieren. Watching her learn to value other people while going around with her lil :3 face is nice.
I feel like this list is leaving a lot of faves out--my lovely Sailor Jupiter who I imprinted on like a baby duck and have carried in my heart ever since, Dimitri Fire Emblem, Qifrey, and probably so many more. The characters that I love just for horny reasons (Yae Miko, Kaveh, Tighnari my beloveds). Characters I love for their potential (Finn, Poe, and Rey from Star Wars)(Also Cassian but I guess I could love him more if I watched Andor but I will not be watching Disney+ shows.) Characters who I love now (Louis, Lestat, Claudia from IWTV the show) but haven't finished their arcs yet, so idk how I'll feel int he future. Etc etc.
I will also say that this list feels a biiiiiit swayed by characters who I have experienced more in fandom. There are characters from one off books, video games, comics that I CONNECT with more, maybe idolized more, but engage with less often because there's no fandom, so they come to mind less immediately. And they've been butchered less by fanon, so I don't project onto them as much. Like they are FULLER vessels, which means they have less room for me to go "Oh, yeah, we are exactly the same. Let me into your brain."
This list is mainly of characters I love to play with like bratz dolls in my brain and is less about like... maybe heavily fucking with them while consuming their media and then being able to let them go when I'm done.
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