#it's not like i don't know his parents/family. i do. i saw them plenty. still. oh my god
ftm-megamind · 8 months
me and my boyfriend are sooo javid (he invited me over for a family dinner)
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whateversawesome · 2 months
Spy x Family Code: White Analysis
I finally saw the Spy x family movie Code: White!!
It was fantastic. I loved it 💖
Here's what I think (spoilers below the picture 😉):
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It's super evident Twilight cares A LOT about his family. As soon as Handler tells him someone else will take over Operation Strix, he's worried and, during the movie, he goes around like a crazy man doing all sorts of crazy things to keep his family. Nevertheless, the biggest giveaway about this happens when:
Twilight puts Anya before his mission!! Yes, you read right: Agent Twilight receives a direct order from WISE telling him that recovering the microfilm had priority over rescuing Anya and Mr. Spy puts his daughter's safety first and goes to her rescue (which eventually led to getting the microfilm back, but still).
Yor is a total mom here. She protects her baby and plays with her too 😌 She acts like a mom too because she's always trying to keep the family together; she's the one who reminds that to Loid when he's all frantic working. Here, Yor displays one of her best quality: emotional intelligence. And of course, during the movie at the big fight scene she looks like a total badass.
Now about the big Twiyor moment...
Like I mentioned before here, there's a fake and a real Twiyor moment in the movie. The fake Twiyor moment happens when Yor gets drunk and asks Loid to tell her how he really feels about her (!!!)...before passing out 🫤 You've probably seen plenty of images about that:
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The real Twiyor moment happens later, thanks to the captain of the Twiyor ship 🫡 Anya Forger, who pushes her parents to ride the Ferris wheel alone so they can flirt. Here, Yor tells him (crying) that she saw him with his "girlfriend" and Loid clarifies it was just a random stranger (it was Nightfall) asking for directions. This is when the real Twiyor moment happens:
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Listen, we could argue that Twilight here was being a liar and trying to fix the situation between them "for the mission", but I choose to believe something different. In my opinion, Twilight was being sincere and he wanted not only to reassure Yor but to pour his heart out and reassure himself. Come on, the man repeated their wedding vows! He was getting carried away (it was too much for our shy Yor) and if it wasn't for Yor punching him out of the Ferris wheel, I think this would have ended in the Twiyor kiss we've all been waiting 😆 (maybe one day!).
Something worth mentioning is that when Twilight and Yor get off the Ferris wheel, Anya reads their minds, but we don't get to know what her parents are thinking 😏 she just smiles and that's how she knows everything is okay between her parents. Little sus, right? I am sure Anya knows what's really going on between those two (read about that here).
This happens again, when Twilight rescues Anya from the kidnappers. We all know Mr. Spy is bad at expressing his emotions, so when he's finally reunited with his daughter, he doesn't show much of anything. Anya hugs him, picks her head up and reads his mind. Just like the last time, we don't get to know what Anya reads inside her papa's mind, but she smiles. Funny how this only happens twice in the movie, in both occasions related to his wife and daughter 🤔
So now, the big question: Is this movie canon?
In this case, every person who sees the movie can form their own opinion about that. In my opinion, since there was no identity reveal nor anything that would change the plot in the manga, I think it's okay to consider it canon. So, until the author says it's not canon, I'm going to consider it part of it.
Overall, it was a fantastic movie, very funny, with plenty of Forger family moments and that something that makes Spy x family so special 💖
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lucy90712 · 1 month
babysitting- Gavi
"I know it's last minute but would you mind babysitting today your dad and I have to head out of town tonight we'll be back tomorrow morning I'll give you money for dinner and everything" my mum said on the phone 
"Of course I need to ask Pablo but I'm sure he'd be fine with it I'll let you know as soon as I've got a reply" I said 
It's not often that my parents ask me to babysit. My little brother Milo was a surprise to say the least but despite me being old enough to help out once he was born they very rarely ask and any time they do they always pay me like they would any other babysitter. I would love to just say yes to help them out but now that I live with Pablo in his house I don't think it's right for me to just have my brother with us without him knowing. All it took was a quick text and Pablo answered straight away saying that it was more than ok so I let my mum know she can come over whenever. 
It was then that I realised I wasn't at all ready I'd organised all of this while still in bed so I hopped out of bed and got ready at lightening speed and started on child proofing the house as best as I could. Seeing as Pablo and I are still in our teens and definitely not ready to have kids of our own his house isn't exactly child proof every piece of furniture seems to have sharp corners and there are plenty of uncovered plug sockets. Past me had thought that one day I may need to babysit so I did pre buy some things so all I had to do was find them and put them out. It took me quite a while but just as I finished doing as much as I could the doorbell rang and as soon as it was open I was nearly taken out by Milo who for someone so little has a lot of strength. My parents were in a rush but they gave me everything they have at home that I'd need before heading straight off to where they needed to be. 
In the way little kids do he had a ton of energy so I suggested we play with some of his toys that my mum had given me. It's been so long since I let my inner child take over that I think I had more fun playing with the cars and trucks pretending they were building all sorts of things than my brother did. Mostly it was just nice to see him as I've been so busy that I haven't spent as much time with my family as I should it's crazy how fast kids grow and develop new skills I feel like I'm with a whole new human not the kid I saw just a few months ago. As we were playing with some toy aeroplanes the front door opened and Pablo came in, usually I'm Milo's favourite person but as soon as you get Pablo in the mix I'm always long forgotten. Today was no different either as soon as Pablo had stepped into the living room he got the same greeting I did this morning but he saw it coming and picked up the charging child with ease. 
Despite just getting back from training Pablo suggested we go to the local park so I packed up a bag with some snacks while Pablo put Milo's shoes on which is a battle for anyone other than Pablo. We headed out and I was quickly left behind they went running off towards the park while I walked behind admiring their little bond. Pablo was definitely only running to not let Milo get too far away but as soon as they got to the road across from the park Milo stopped and waited for Pablo as he's been taught not to cross the road without holding someone's hand. They both waited for me so I jogged a bit to catch up but after that they were gone again heading towards the field to play football. As much as Pablo has spent his morning training and playing football he was still so excited to play with Milo who has just started going to practices on a weekend so was looking forward to having his new skills tested by a professional player. 
I let them play football together as my football skills leave a lot to be desired I think I may be worse than Milo who's only just started learning. Eventually I suggested that we go play in the play park which Milo seemed happy about and so did Pablo who needed a bit of a break from trying to match a toddlers energy levels. Milo wanted to go on the slides so I followed him and went up and down so many times I was starting to get dizzy. He then wanted to try the monkey bars but he's too small so I had to hold him as he went across which would be fine if I ever kept up with going to the gym but I don't so my arms got tired quite quickly. A point came where I couldn't hold him anymore so Pablo came to my rescue and suggested the swings. We took turns pushing Milo who was having the time of his life with his high we let him go, the sound of him giggling just melted my heart. 
Eventually we'd tired Milo out and he wanted to go home for dinner and then bed. He tried walking but he was just too tired so Pablo picked him up and carried him the whole way home. If the events of the day so far hadn't already melted my heart enough it definitely exploded with cuteness seeing Milo snuggle his face into Pablo's neck. Whenever the time comes Pablo is going to be the best father he's already so good with Milo and any other child he meets. The image of Pablo holding our baby the way he's holding Milo filled my brain and only made the smile on my face bigger. Of course we aren't ready to have our own children yet but days like these make me so excited for when that time comes being able to share all the amazing moments that having a child brings with the person who means the most to me is something I can't wait for. 
Once we made it home Milo just wanted to cuddle with me so Pablo took charge of cooking dinner but I did my best to help where I could. When the food was ready we all ate dinner together before I did Milo's bed time routine with him as I knew what my parents do with him every night. Pablo came back to join us when it was time for a bedtime story we both sat on the edge of the bed as I read Milo's favourite book while Pablo stroked his head until he was fast asleep. We both exited the room as quietly as possible avoiding all of the squeaky floorboards and pieces of furniture which are hard to see when the lights are off. 
We headed downstairs and both flopped back onto the sofa starting to feel the tiredness of keeping so active all day. This is half the reason we aren't ready to have kids of our own as I know we'd both be so tired at the end of the day and we like our sleep but we wouldn't get nearly enough of it. After gathering our thoughts for a second Pablo moved closer to me and got me to rest my head on his chest while he played with my hair that's falling out of the ponytail I put it in this morning. He pressed a kiss on the top of my head so I looked into his eyes which had that look in them the look they have when he's at his happiest.
"I'm exhausted but todays been amazing I can't wait to have kids of our own one day" Pablo said 
"I'm glad you say that as that's all I've been thinking about all day you are going to make the best dad when the time comes" I said 
"And you will be the best mum I just know it" he said 
"Right now though I think we wait a few years for kids I don't think I could do this every day kids are really draining" I said 
"Agreed how many kids would you actually want?" Pablo asked 
"I think at least 2 but not too many I know it's takes a toll on your body and I don't think I could handle having lots of kids" I said
"2 sounds perfect but we will have as many as you want it's your body so if 1 is enough then we will be a happy family of 3" he said 
"Until then I'm more than ok with just sticking to baby sitting" I said yawning 
"And practicing making babies" Pablo said which earned him a slap on the arm but he wasn't wrong practicing is fun 
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i-write-things · 3 months
Obey Me! NB boys: Who would most willingly have kids
(Note: NONE of them would ever pressure you into having kids. I'm saying this now so I don't have to repeat it every time.)
Any surprise here? I can't remember where I saw it, but I do remember seeing somewhere he said he'd love to start a family. If you don't ask him about kids, he might ask you, first. He'd be a great dad, too. He'd be calm, supportive, and his kids would always be well fed and have plenty of exercise. They'd grow up big and strong like him! :) He'd also do that thing when they're little (and when theyre grown, too) where He'd use them as weights to lift up while he does push ups. He'd also carry them on his back everywhere. If it's a baby, he'd be a little tired of having to get up every night to calm their screams, but he'd get used to it because he makes himself a deal: he'll just get a snack every time the baby cries at night. Speaking of if it's a baby, he'd be afraid he'd crush it at first, and refuse to hold them. But once he finally holds them, he refuses to let any stranger hold them. His biggest fear is his child not being safe. Protective Beel! Oh, and they'd get a LOT of visits from uncle Belphie.
Ok, here me out- he'd essentially be Bandit from Bluey (Dont ask). He'd make sure his kids are clever and he'd most certainly teach them to gamble from a young age, and how to cheat. He'd be very over protective, but also really fun. His worst nightmare is his kids growing up to hate him. He'll never admit it, but he stops cheating so much to earn money. While he wants his kids to grow up learning how to make quick cash, deep down, he just wants them to be good kids. So he also tries to set a good example and work for his money. All his brothers are shocked, and they'll tease him for it. And of course, Mammon being Mammon, will deny deny deny! The brother that baby sits the most for him is probably Lucifer, actually. (He doesn't trust Mammon at first. Jk, he trusts Mammon a lot with this, actually.... mostly)
3. Satan
You may be thinking, 'Pen, you're absolutely stupid and don't know anything about OM!, nor how to write in character', and you may be right, but let me cook!
You see, Satan at first isn't too keen on the idea of a child. All they do is scream and cry shit themselves and eat then cry some more. And when they're a teenager, they'll just sass him. And he does NOT like the idea of that. But all you have to do is appeal. Example:
Tell him to imagine the following: A 4 or 5, maybe even 6 year old boy or girl that's a mini version of him. Running around the house of lamentation, screaming curses about Lucifer, who can't do anything because they're a child who doesn't know any better. They'd be able to get away with anything and he could use that to his advantage. Now he's hooked, and he'll think about it, but despite his hate for poor Luci, he's still aware that it's a lot of responsibility. Which is why you have to reassure him that that's why you'll raise the baby together. Plus, imagine taking the child to the library, reading to them. They get to develop their own personality. Which is when teenhood becomes fun, because it's not about the sass, it's about the fun personality they've developed.
His biggest fear for his child is his child becoming like him. He doesn't want that. He'd prefer his child become like Lucifer than to see himself in his child (though not by a lot) Oh, and he trusts Asmo enough to be super gentle with the child. (Mostly because he threatened to kill Asmo if the baby is hurt) but also because he knows that the baby would be in gentle hands!
4. Lucifer
Lucifer isn't so quick to agree for 2 reasons.
He's always busy, what if he ends up neglecting the child in favor of work? And then you'll end up taking care of the child in its most vital years to have both parents present (though every year is vital to have both parents present). Of course, you'll just reassure him that Diavolo would give him some leave time in favor of raising the baby, and the brothers would help with his work load in the meantime.
2. Ok, but what about his brothers? That's the thing, he feels like he's already a father of 6. He won't be able to look after them as much because a baby is far too much time. They'll be running loose like chickens without heads in no time. You'll have to tell him he'll just have to have faith in his brothers. At first, he scoffs at the idea. But...he thinks about it. And the more he does, the more he agrees. Finally, he'll take you out somewhere private to tell you that he agrees. He wants to have a baby.
His worst fear is his child not feeling like he was present in his life. He already knows what it's like to have someone related to you hate youSatan, so it would be nothing new to him, though it would still hurt. Yet, his worst fear is his child growing up feeling like he was never there for his them. This will result in him constantly switching his attention time during teenage years from super clingy because he wants to be present, to a little distant because he doesn't want to come off as clingy. You better bring it to his attention and help him find a happy medium before your child starts to resent him for this. Oh, and the brother he trusts most to look after his kid is Mammon. This may sound stupid, but we all know Mammon would at least keep the kid alive. (Like Satan, he'll tear Mammon limb from limb if otherwise) but if Mammon isn't present, he'll ask Satan. Though, he can't be surprised if Satan has taught his child how to say 'fuck Lucifer' as one of their first phrases.
5. Asmodeus
Like Satan, he doesn't really want a child for the same reasons. They just cry, they take a lot of time, he won't be able to get his beauty sleep at night, ect. Also like Satan, you'll just have to appeal. Imagine all the cute family photos he can take! Plus, wouldn't the child be beautiful? 'Oh, but what about when they grow up and go through some weird emo phase?' Well, you guys will just have to accept them for that. And when (if) they grow out of the phase, y'all can continue to support them and then finally take family pictures again. And if they never grow out of the goth phase, you'll just have another Belphie. He laughs, and is a little more calm. It takes maybe some few months before he brings up the idea, saying that he thinks he's ready. His biggest fear is his child growing up unloved by their peers, so he tries to dress them up pretty all the time. You might have to remind him to let the child explore their own style for a bit, and he'll reluctantly agree at first, then be very willing later on. He doesn't want people to see his child as anything but pretty, but understands how important it is for the child to have their own style and feel supported for it. But he's keeping all them embarrassing baby photos. And he's definitely showing them off to his child's romantic partner (if they're not aro/ace). The brother he trusts the most to handle his child is Lucifer. He knows the child will be safe. He would pick Satan, but....y'know.
6. Leviathan
For obvious reasons, at first it's a no. He won't be able to play games as much, the baby will always be crying, ect. But you'll have to remind him that it's a team effort, and he won't be the only one taking care of the child. Plus, once the baby grows up, he'll always have someone to play games with. To which he responds they might not like games. You can counter that if they're constantly surrounded by games, they'll become a familiar source of comfort, and they'll likely love games. Same for any cartoon or anime he makes them watch. He'll give you plenty of excuses, but they're all bullshit. His biggest reason(and secret) is he thinks he'll be a horrible, embarrassment of a father. His child won't think he's cool, and might even get bullied a lot. I mean, imagine having some lame Otaku for a father. Sad, right? But just tell him that his child will love him because he's their father, and no matter what, they'll be proud to call him dad, just like you'll be proud to call him their dad. He tears up afterwards, and maybe a while later, he'll shyly approach you and tell you he's ready. He'll pay less attention to video games and anime for a while, but when he gets a break, if he's not sleeping, he's catching up on all the anime. His worst fear is his child becoming lonely like him. So he makes sure the child grows up with a pet of some kind. That way, they'll learn to be social. Oh, and if it's a boy, he'll try his damndest to name him Henry, and if it's a girl, Hana and/or Yuri. The brother he trusts the most is also Lucifer. He would say Beel, but he doesn't want him to eat his child (Beel would never), and he would say Asmo, but he doesn't want to receive an Asmo Jr. Oh, and Mammon isn't allowed near the child.
7. Belphagore
Last, and least surprisingly, Belphie. A child is wayyyyyyy too much responsibility for little old him. Plus, they cry all the time, he wouldn't be able to sleep. I'm not sure if you really could convince him to have a baby. If you did, it would be years in advance before he would agree. I think the best route is to just prove to him that the responsibility will be shared (and worth it), and he could still get sleep from time to time. Which would help. But if y'all ever do have a baby, he'll slack off a lot. You'll probably get into a couple of arguments because you'll be doing most of the work in toddler and infant years. (Most likely to get divorced over the child if y'all are married. Not saying it will happen, though. Just most likely out of the brothers.) Eventually, after ranting to Beel, he'll realize he has been a shit father at first. To the child, and to you. (Thank Beel for getting through to him). Like Beel, his worst fear is his kids not being safe. He really doesn't care how they turn out as long as they're happy and healthy. After he finally starts taking initiative as a parent, he becomes over protective. If its a girl, he sees Lilith in her, and he wont let her go. Obviously, he trusts Beel the most with his kids.
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spotlightlowlife · 5 months
The plot HAZBIN lost
The hazbin pilot allowed Charlie to have a socially opposing view point and do something about it with pride. She moved to a new locations and started up her own business, still at any time she could call her supportive parents, one may be more willing to listen, one may have an "I told you so" attitude but either way the impression of closeness is there. She was a hardworking person using her privilege for good.
Charlie's goals complemented the secondary plot of the angels dealing with an overpopulation problem, she was the whole solution to this problem, all she needed to do was start up her business that she had the resources to run, she did that, then, all she needed to do was be herself.
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This series no matter was always likely to face the one issue major issue, who are the candidates for reform and upgrade likely to be? Probably nobody of the main cast. Now that we have elitism and animosity, chances are this will only prolong this question.
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We had yet to meet any angels but like with the demons, she could have faced adversity, she could have faced support.
The angels were robotic copy pastes of eachother, their was plenty of direction to take them in.
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Now they're the leading adversaries who don't just professionally deal with the problem that is a crowded hell, but they slaughter because they fear hell toppling heaven but seems to see slaughter as a form of sport, they fear being overpowered and their fears apparently just come true.
Why would anyone want to be amungst them?
Why would Charlie want to send those she rehabilitated to heaven, which we haven't been sold on at all.
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Before, we saw the destruction left behind after an angel mass slaughter, it fit that Charlie believed residents of hell deserved better and better objectively existed, but a prehistoric conflict and war combined with 'chosen one' Charlie strips her of her goals, they are no longer hers but what is to be expected, which stripped of her quirkiness, she's no longer that bizarrely nice and caring person because there's no reason to believe her behaviour is exceptional, everyone is there because they are a loser. The winner in heaven and loser in hell concept tells us nothing about a person, it highlights corruption which goes well with this new conflict we are now sold on. The political elements take away from wanting to do good deeds for little other reason than wanting better for people, furthermore, since Lucifer is now a depressed and misunderstood figure who created this world and his charming wife as good as run it, throw in what we now know about the angels and what's so wrong with this place?
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Her parents have a backstory and she doesn't, she didn't to begin with but after years of waiting for an adaptation, Charlie becomes a byproduct in her own show. Her parents get to be mysterious absent figures while Charlie is simply absent fo the most part.
Maybe she's busy ruining a whole hotel? An easy job that nobody is interested in seeing apparently.
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It's like Charlie just wasn't edgy enough? She has lost her stable family, unique perspective and choice. Her status continues to account for nothing even thought technically, it has boosted since her parent now built hell and there hasn't been an involved god figure.
No longer is she someone going into the unknown with nothing really to lose but a lot to gain, now there's war and a whole host of adversaries, taking us away from the hotel, those that check in and those who would upgrade.
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dduane · 10 months
Hello Lady Duane! 😊 (I feel that if we can call Neil Sir Gaiman, you certainly deserve a title as well!)
I've wanted to tell you for ages now that you are one of my absolute favourite Trek authors, have been since I first read some of your novels over a decade ago as a teen - my parents and I have about? 4 or 5 copies of The Doctor's Orders between us, German and English alike (my dad even bought a copy to keep at the office for reading during his lunch breaks). The Wounded Sky is another one of my favourite Trek novels ❤️
My sister and I also occasionally watch old Barbie movies for the nostalgia. So when we watched Fairytopia a few months ago, we found out that you had written the script for the movie! I literally let out a happy yell when I saw you show up in the opening credits and went "omg, it's Diane Duane!!" That was so unexpected but also very delightful! 😊
And now, thanks to you being on tumblr as well, I found out about your other novels and bought your ebook bundle the other day. :D I'm currently a bit over halfway through So You Want to Be a Wizard and I just wanted to let you know that I'm enjoying it so very much!! ❤️
Thank you for all the wonderful words over the years! It continues to be a joy! 😊💜
Hi there!
Regarding titles: Well, okay... as long as everybody's clear that as a US citizen, titles are usually off the menu for me. (As an Irish one, not so much—the government can approve the use of them if it likes—though the neighbors'd snicker at me down the pub.) Anyway: I accept gratefully.* Though yelling "Yo, Trekkie!" might well be just as effective. :)
I'm glad you've enjoyed my Trek work! It's always been very satisfying to do. The chance to actually write professionally in what was my main fandom (after Holmes) during my late teen years has been a most unexpected—when I got started—and extraordinary thing.
And as for Fairytopia: That was a lot of fun too, and also unexpected. My agent just called me up one morning and said "How are you about Barbie...?" and I said, "Well, okay I guess, I had the usual number of them!" —and we were off. The Mattel people were fabulous to work with, and I look back on that whole project with affection.
Meanwhile, I'm delighted you're having fun with the first of the Young Wizards books! There are plenty more of them in that package (still discounted) that conform to the new timeline, which now launches in 2008 rather than the mid 1980s. (Book 10 of the series didn't need that treatment, and so isn't available in a revised edition.)
Anyway: thanks for letting me know. It's always nice to find out that I'm getting the job done. :)
*But also: according to the usual protocols, Neil—when they finally get around to knighting him, probably when a more literature- and intelligence-friendly government takes over—will properly be "Sir Neil": as UK knighthood's an acknowledgement of the person, not the family, and knights are therefore addressed by their first names. (Not to fret: people from both sides of the Water sometimes get this detail backwards.)
(...Be fun if they stuck him straight into the Lords, though. Usually, if you don't want to use your last name in your lordship's title, you can select the name of someplace in the UK that has personal meaning for you. Seeing Neil ennobled as Lord Neverwhere would be a trip.) :)
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cowboybarzy · 1 year
New Year’s Surprise
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this is written for @bitchinbarzal for @antoineroussel winter fic exchange ‘23! I saw you write a lot about families and stuff yourself and since I’ve never done that I thought I would try it!! I hope you like it :)
I definitely love the idea of daddy barz so if you want to see more of it lmk I have plenty more ideas!!
mat barzal x reader
word count: 1.6k
"3... 2... 1... Happy New Year!"
You, your husband, Mat, and your three little kids shouted excitedly while throwing some gold confetti in the air. You went to hug your children and husband, taking your baby girl out of his arms and kissing her chubby cheeks. She was a little over one and was losing her baby like features so you made sure to cherish them as much as possible.
"I want cake now!," your middle child, a little boy practically an exact copy of his father, demanded after the confetti had settled and your dance party was over.
"Me, too, buddy," Mat answered with a grin and made his way towards your dining room table, where you had set out some desert for your family to enjoy. Your two sons clung to his legs, laughing uncontrollably, as Mat tugged them along. Seeing this, your daughter whined, throwing her arms up wanting to be apart of this crazy show. And Mat, not being able to deny his daughter anything, stopped to turn and take her back in his arms.
"Giving them sugar right now is probably not the best idea," you said, trying to get your children to sit in their chairs somewhat quietly so they could choose which desert they want. But they were already screaming at you what they wanted, changing their minds every few seconds. "Good luck," you laughed at your parents in-law who came to visit to celebrate the new year and we're going to watch them for the night while you and Mat got a rare night out.
Tonight was in fact New Year's Eve, but it wasn't the new year just yet, there were still a few hours left. Mat's team was throwing a New Year's party and you desperately wanted to go, but you also wanted to celebrate with your kids so you came up with a plan. Since your kids couldn't tell time yet, you set a clock fast and pretend it was midnight and therefore the new year when it was actually only 9pm. This way, your kids wouldn't have to stay up so late but still felt special celebrating as a family. So you threw them a little party, dressed everyone up and had a little dance party.
"Alright, I'm gonna put her to bed and then we can go," your husband said, while gently stroking your daughters back who was slowly falling asleep on him. You pressed a few kisses to her cheeks, saying goodnight to her, before he walked her up to her bedroom. Your boys were up next to get ready for bed, so you walked them up as well and got them changed into their pjs and watched them brush their teeth. They begged to watch a movie before bed, and though you always scolded your husband for not being able to say no to your children, you often had the same trouble, so you gave in and settled them on the living room couch with their grandparents.
While they were arguing over what movie to watch, you touched up your makeup and got your purse ready to go. Mat came back just as you were finishing up, so you both said your goodbyes to the boys. After lots of hugs, kisses, and promises that you would only be gone for a little while, you finally made it out of the house and into the car.
"Ready to par-tay, Mama?," Mat asked in a silly voice while turning the music up.
"Always, with my favorite dancing partner." He returned the smile and brought your hand up to his mouth to give it a soft kiss. But your smile quickly faded when a wave of nausea hit you.
"What's wrong?," Mat quickly asked, noticing your change in mood.
"I don't know, I don't feel so good. My stomach."
"Are you gonna throw up? Do you want me to pull over?" You shook your head no, but opened the window to get some fresh air. It helped a little and so you closed your eyes and focused on your breathing, hoping the nausea would go away. "Are you getting sick? You didn't feel good this morning either."
"I don't know, I don't really feel sick besides this." You couldn't talk much more during the ride, but it was short anyway and you made it to your destination in a few minutes. The team had rented out a bar for the party that could accommodate most of the team and some additional friends. You weren't the first ones to arrive so you were greeted by a bunch of your friends when you entered.
"Ok, let's get you some water." Mat put his arm around you and guided you to the bar to order you a glass of water. "Do you want something to eat, too?"
"No, I had too much for dinner. That's probably why I don't feel good." While yes you had eaten more for dinner than you normally do, but you worked hard in the kitchen all day so you wanted to have a bit of everything. Probably a mistake. "But I already feel better."
"You sure? Let me know if you want to go home though." You nodded and leaned into his hug after taking a few chugs of your water.
"(Y/n)!" You heard your name from across the room from the girls waving you over. Mat let you go with a chuckle and turned to find someone to talk to.
"Water? Are you serious?," Emma, your best friend and Mat's best friend's wife, called out shaking her head.
"I don't feel so good right now, maybe later." You got a curious or suspicious stare back from her and some of the other girls, but you didn't think anything of it and started a new conversation.
The night went on with lots of conversations and dancing and of course drinking, which you didn't participate in. You had ordered a drink but after two sips it just didn't feel right so you handed it off to someone else who gladly accepted. For the countdown to midnight you found your husband who securely tightened his arm around you.
"3...2...1! Happy New Year!" You shouted for the second time and quickly fell into embrace with Mat. He kissed you a lot harder than he had earlier with your family around, but everyone else in this room was doing the same so you didn't care. You kissed him back equally as passionate, never wanting that moment to end.
"I'm so happy I got to spend another year with you. Let's make this another good one," Mat said after breaking your kiss.
"Me too. I love you." You kissed him again, but this one was kept short because your friends interrupting to wish you a happy new year.
"Shots? Shots!" One of the other girls suggested a little while later. But the thought of any alcohol made your stomach hurl and a wave of nausea hit you again, so you declined.
"You're not pregnant, are you?"
"What? No!," you were quick to reply, but paused right after you said it. Now that she mentioned it, you had been experiencing a few pregnancy symptoms you had previously attributed to stress or being sick. You also hadn't gotten your period in a long time, but since you only had your last baby a year ago, it wasn't surprising that your period was irregular. You and Mat had agreed this last baby would be the last and hadn't been trying to have a baby, so the thought of you being pregnant had not crossed your mind at all. Emma gave you a suspicious look, but got the girls to drop the subject. The entire rest of the night you couldn't shake the thought of being pregnant and just wanted to go home and take a test. Thankfully, Mat didn't want to stay much longer either so by 1:30am you were both home again. You went to check on your boys first, who shared a room, but couldn't find them in their beds. You had an idea where they were though. You stopped in your daughters bedroom, too, who unfortunately woke up when Mat pressed a kiss to her forehead. After some hugs, her sleepy eyes and whiny cries convinced you to take her with you to your bed, where your two boys were already spread out.
Mat placed your daughter in bed and quickly changed to lie down next to her. You however went to the bathroom to brush your teeth and take your makeup off, but your first action was to take a pregnancy test. You nervously waited for the test to tell you the results, so you busied yourself with your nightly routine. You didn't tell Mat yet, no need to worry him in case the test was negative.
Done with your lotion, you flipped the test with shaking hands. Positive. Positive. Oh crap. You stared at it for a few minutes, expecting to freak out or cry or break down, but instead... you laughed. You had one horny husband, that's for sure. And after three kids, the thought of adding one more really didn't seem as scary now that it was reality.
You hid the test behind your back and stepped out of the bathroom. Both you husband and children were spread out across the bed not leaving any space for you. Although you were tired, it brought a smile to your face. "We have too many kids," Mat chuckled sleepily.
"Yeah," you agreed and then held up your positive pregnancy test in the air. "Wanna add another one?"
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charlewiss-writes · 2 years
first meetings / george russell
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day 14: nephew (part of one-word november prompts!)
pairing: george russell x reader
summary: george had been begging you to meet his nephews, but you had plenty of doubts: what if they didn't like you?
word count: 0.6k
warnings: the names of the kids are clearly made up, I thought it was weird to actually look for them (? hope it doesn't bother anyone!
author's note: sorry that's it's late again 🥲 day 15 should be late too since I want to do a long one given that it's about my boy mick<3 but it'll be coming anyways!!!
george and you had been together for quite some time now, getting to know him through a mutual friend while you still were in college, and him starting his f1 career. even though it meant that his schedule was getting busier by the minute, he still found time to hang out with you, which lead to your relationship rapidly evolving from friends to something more.
you began dating in 2019, and by the time the pandemic hit, he suggested that you should move in with him so you could still spend time together. of course, it had been a great challenge for the whole time that the strict confinement lasted, but you got to know eachother even more and it definitely brought you closer. on the downside, you still had to get to know parts of his family, like his nephews oliver and amelia.
"but love, what if they don't like me?" you were anxiously picking up your nails, sign that indicated just how nervous you were about meeting the kids that he so deeply adored. "how could they not? george said, while taking his left hand off the steering wheel to grab your palm, so you could stop hurting yourself.
a few days ago he had convinced you to join them to the karting spot where his niece would be racing for the first time. it seemed like a good idea back then, but as the day had come closer you grew more anxious. of course you wanted them to like you, after all, getting their approval mattered as much as getting his parents'.
"I don't know, george, you know them best!" you said, fidgeting now with your hands, and returned his hand to him so he could park the car. once he was done with the task, george turned his body to look at you, and quickly the blue of his eyes managed to calm you a bit, along with his sweet words. "they're great kids. i'm sure they'll love you".
against your worst thoughts and scenarios, it went surprisingly well. they warmed up to you quicker that you would have expected, with oliver hugging you as soon as he got close. amelia, on the other hand, was a bit colder, but you figured it would be because the nerves from the race were setting in. after all, you saw how george was on the track too: silent, determined and focused on his goal. but thankfully, the little race went great for her, and you and oliver were cheering nonstop for the girl.
after the event ended, joined with three very-happy-russells, you all went to eat some ice-cream and enjoy the buzzing feeling of a race gone right, as amelia had reached the three higher steps of the podium, ones that his uncle knew very well after the great season he was having at mercedes.
"you'll replace me in no time!" said george, nonstop moving the little girl that was on his arms while on the way to the shop. "i'll definitely tell toto we should hire you as a reserve driver". at that, the little girl laughed and hide her little face on your boyfriend's neck, clearly embarrassed due to george's encouraging words.
when it was getting late, you dropped the kids back to their home, where their father, george's brother, greeted you warmly, as their whole family always did.
coming back home after a long day, you plummeted on the couch, too tired to even make your way to your shared bedroom. george had gone to the kitchen to make something for you two to eat, but you could hear how he was talking to someone on the phone. when you finally gathered a bit of energy and managed to carry yourself to the cooking area, to help him with whatever he was doing, you recognised the little voices of the kids coming through your boyfriend's phone, when they asked him something that made you warm inside.
"g, can you bring auntie y/n more often?"
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manako-no-yami · 16 days
a phone call is not far enough away
Harvey gets a phone call from his mom. He and Mike have a conversation about parents, and regret.
Disclaimer: I haven't watched past s1e5, everything else I know I picked up from fanfic.
"Are you still messing around with that boy of yours?" Harvey's mother asks. Her voice grates in his ear. He imagines her inspecting her nails as she does this, or fixing her hair in the bathroom mirror. Trying in vain to capture the beauty she commanded as a younger woman. He grits his teeth.
"I'm still with Mike. If that's what you're asking."
"You need to stop playing games," she chides. "Get serious. All my friends' children have given them grandchildren, you know. Even Marcus has managed that."
Harvey doesn't try telling her it's not a game to him. He doesn't try reminding her that they're married. The last time he did that, she just said, "You're a lawyer. I'm sure the prenup won't be an issue for you." He doesn't tell her about the adoption pamphlets stuffed in their kitchen drawer. They don't need her sticking her nose in it.
"Just think about it," she continues. "I know a few nice girls looking to settle down that I could introduce you to."
Harvey snorts. "Really? You expect me to take advice from you about 'settling down'?"
A sigh. "Really, Harvey? You're an adult, now. You've seen worse things in your life, especially in your profession. When are you going to let it go?"
Harvey fights the urge to scream. "This is why I don't want you in my life," he says, then hangs up.
He tries his best to calm down, but when Mike walks in a few minutes later, he takes one look at Harvey's face and raises an eyebrow. "Your mother called?"
Harvey rubs his face. "Do you really have to ask?"
Mike sits down next to him and begins to rub his back. Whenever he does that, Harvey feels old, but he never tells him to stop because it does actually feel kind of nice. "The old witch hanging around still trying to get a bite out of your firstborn?"
"You joke, but you don't know her," Harvey sighs.
Mike shrugs, eyes going far away. "Maybe not," he allows. "She certainly isn't pleasant. But she still loves you, doesn't she?"
Harvey doesn't know what to say to this. Mike doesn't know what it's like, to idolize your parents and then learn that they're only human. He lost his parents before they could disappoint him.
"There are a lot of words you could use to describe my relationship with my mother," he says, finally. "'Loving' isn't one of them."
Mike bites his lip. Mike has an encyclopedic compendium of Harvey's facial expressions catalogued in his brain. But even without Mike's memory, Harvey can read him just as well. That's the face that Mike makes when he feels he shouldn't say something—the face he makes when he'd say something nice and placating to someone else, but is choosing to be honest with his thoughts here, with Harvey. "But don't you think you'll regret it, if you never reconcile with her?"
This is a delicate topic. Of course Mike thinks that. He'd do anything to have his parents back, to not have fought with them the night they left. To apologize, to have them in his life.
Sometimes he thinks the reason why Mike still believes in the inherent goodness of people is because he never saw the ugliness of people in his own family. But perhaps that's simply Harvey's bitterness coloring his perspective—plenty of other people with worse parents than Harvey still believe that people can be good. Harvey, on the other hand, thinks Mike is good. And that's about it.
But he can't help but feel it's naïve. The notion that your parents will necessarily hold sway in your life even in adulthood simply by virtue of being your parents had always seemed to him to be less a matter of close relations and more a matter of willpower.
But then again, he did pick up the phone.
"Maybe I'll regret it, once she's gone," he allows. "But right now, I mainly just regret giving her more of my time. And between regretting something now or later, I choose later."
Mike frowns. Harvey wonders if he thinks that's ungrateful. "I know you don't want to take the first step. And that's fine," he hastily adds. "But is there really no way to get rid of both kinds of regret?"
It occurs to Harvey that perhaps Mike had hoped that marrying would give him a second chance at being someone's child. A son-in-law, perhaps, but still a son. He resents his mother for that possibility, for ruining that for Mike.
"I don't think so," Harvey says. "But, who knows. Maybe the next time she calls, she'll have something different to say. Stranger things have happened."
The words sound weak to Harvey even as he says them. Mike gives him a small, sad smile. He knows Harvey doesn't believe himself either.
But Harvey will try, for him, anyway—so he leaves his mother's number unblocked.
Maybe next time, he tells himself. If he repeats it enough, maybe one day he'll believe it. Maybe next time.
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nanistar · 1 year
i saw ur nightheart posts and i noticed u hate him quite a lot and im curious for the reasons why! i hope it doesnt sound rude! its a genuine question out of curiousity not an attempt for you to justify ur opinion, personally im aloof when it comes to nightheart i think hes just an edgelord tbh
nah you're not rude dw i get it. tbh i don't hate HIM as a character, i mean he's kinda annoying but whatever. instead i hate everything about him as a written extension of the authors and their views. nightheart isn't real, and doesn't have opinions but they authors do and they speak thru him to a young and volatile audience that might not know better. (which is also why i don't buy the "unreliable narrator" thing)
they twist the female characters around him to fit their narrative of "poor misunderstood sadboy" surrounded by "cruel mean women". squirrelflight, sparkpelt and even finchlight already had personalities, squirrelflight especially is known for bending rules for what she views as "the right thing", so why would she turn around and scream at him for wanting to change his name? why would finchlight, in one book, support his name change and stick up for him, only for in the next book to completely turn around and call him disrespectful and selfish. they needed to create more drama for him. before his warrior ceremony, he pulls off dangerous stunts trying to show off during his test, and it ends up blowing up in his face and fails, and he doesn't see this as HIS failing, he blames squirrelflight and his mentor for "expecting more of him because he's related to firestar" which??? and for that plot point to be given to him instead of his mother sparkpelt who is multiple times described as the spitting image of firestar? but she's like, totally fine with it. she's never given anything to do ever until she becomes a mother, (except disagree with alderheart like once and be the "rude misunderstanding woman" for his story too.)
and speaking of mothers... sparkpelt lost her mate as she gave birth, two heavily traumatizing things happening simultaneously. she had post-partum depression for a while, which is a serious and debilitating illness that KILLS people. yet she was still able to feed the kits, she didn't abandon them. they had plenty of attention from their family and from the other nursery cats. they were never once neglected. she was only out of commission for about a month before squirrelflight helped her back on her feet but that doesn't matter, because for the narrative, (and by the fandom) she is treated like a horrible abusive mother who neglected her kids on purpose. which. first of all crookedstar couldn't even LOOK at his daughter for the first week of her life and he is heralded as nothing but a loving father. second, nightheart goes on and on about how she left him and how she is hardly his mother because (lilyheart? i dont remember) one of the other queens helped raise them for the first month. the erins tie the worth of their female characters to how good of a mother they are, and any deviations from the nuclear family with a working husband and a housewife are automatically bad in their eyes,( yet they killed off ferncloud because she was "too annoying" for being a loving nursery mom.) (also think about how anti-adoption they are. the second the po3 secret was out, suddenly brambleclaw and squilf were never their parents despite literally raising them) they are horribly misogynistic, and their female characters are just pawns for either manpain or to be baby machines. this doesn't even begin to touch on how boy crazy the female protags have been lately, bristlefrost was interesting at first but eventually just turned into a wife for rootspring and then fridged for manpain, and sunbeam suddenly deciding shes in love with nightheart even though he stalked her and creeped her out???
adding on to this point, during ashfur's takeover, sparkpelt is EXILED from thunderclan (after being mauled by dogs, and by who she believes to be her father btw) she BEGS imposterstar to let her stay because of her family but he refuses. finchpaw chooses to go with her mother but flamepaw stays behind. then in his POV parts, he goes on and on about how she walked out on him!
again, nightheart the character: not real. he's a puppet for the authors to speak their misogynistic rhetoric. i would LOVE if he was just kinda a whiny emo dirtbag, or an actual unreliable narrator and whenever he complained everyone around him rolled their eyes and was like "ok nightheart" . remember that scene in meet the robinsons where bowler hat guy is telling his tragic backstory and he's talking about ppl at school and his narration says "they alll HATED me" while everyone in the scene was like "hi goob cool binder!" or "hey wanna come hang out with me later?" THAT'S (hilarious) but also what an unreliable narrator is. if that was nightheart it would be so funny. but instead, he HAS to be right, he HAS to be mistreated by all these mean horrible women. sorry for ranting, i promise im not mad at you.
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scarletwinterxx · 1 year
Sorry I'm not holding back - haechan imagine / sorry heart series pt.1
hi!! this is pt.1 of Sorry Heart Series, not sure how lone it'll take me to write it but I'll try my best. Every part will feature another member and for the pt.1 it's Hyuck. Hope you like it!
if you have a request or scenario you want me to do, just send me a message I'll see what I can do😊💌
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2023 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
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There's a few numbers on your contact list you really don't expect ever hearing from again. One of them being your ex-boyfriend's little brother. You'd never ignore any of his younger siblings' texts or calls, it's just a bit unexpected.
"Noona, are you busy right now?" Sungyeon, Donghyuck's younger brother, asks you when you answered the phone
"No, I'm free. Why? Everything okay?"
"I'm sorry to bother you, but hyung isn't answering his phone and mom and dad is not around. I'm stranded here at the academy" he tells you, already you're worried for the young boy. You didn't need any further explanation, you packed your stuff and made your way out of the library even though you're homework was still halfway done
"Can you wait 20 minutes tops? I'm driving there now" you tell him, putting your phone between your shoulder and cheeks as you rummage for your car keys in your bag
"Yea sure, I'll just wait here at the convenient store outside school. Thank you, noona!"
Even though you and Donghyuck were no longer together, you'd still drive across town for his family. They were so kind and welcoming to you, and you have a particular soft spot for his siblings.
"Noona, you made it! I brought you banana milk" Sungyeon says when he saw you pull up the street, rolling down the car window to call him
"Thank you, were you waiting long?" you ask him, waiting for young boy to buckle up before driving him home. You've been there plenty of times, you don't need the GPS to guide you.
It still stings a bit, the wound from that hearbreak, but you're mature enough to not let that dent your relationship with his siblings.
"A bit, hyung wasn't answering his phone. He promised he was going to pick me up. By the way, why didn't you come and visit for New year and Christmas? He was home all holiday week"
Oh. So it seems like Donghyuck hasn't broken the news to his family.
"Sorry, I went home too. Did you get the presents I sent you?" you asked Jeno to give the presents to Donghyuck to give to his parents and siblings
"Yes, thank you! It would've been more fun if you came though"
"Sorry, buddy. I'll come and hangout with you next time. I'll buy you ice cream, how does that sound?"
"Okay!" by then you pull up the Lee family home, you see a familiar car parked on the driveway. Wondering why he didn't pick his brother up if he was home all along.
"He's here, why didn't he pick me up. That Lee Donghyuck" you chuckle at the young boy's words, watching him step out of the car.
"You go in, I'll go when you get inside" you bid goodbye, waiting for him to safely get inside the house before driving away. Sungyeon waves one last time before going inside.
The moment he steps inside the house, the oldest Lee brother steps out from the kitchen
"Oh, wait shit I was suppose to pick you up" Donghyuck says, remembering his promise to his brother.
"I meant crap I was suppose to pick you up" he repeats without the curse word, scared his mom might know he curses infront of his siblings even though he's a literal grown man now.
The younger one just scowls at him, "Yea you were, why didn't you pick up your phone?"
"Because I have this killer headache since midnight and I've been in bed. I forgot to tell mom though, wait how did you get home? Did you take the bus?"
"I called Y/N noona"
It took Donghyuck a few seconds to process that sentence. his head was already pounding since this morning but hearing you drove his brother home when you're probably busy with your own schedule all across town sends his thoughts into over drive.
That and the fact that he hasn't told his family the two of you called it quits months ago.
To be honest, he didn't have it in his heart to break the news to his family. He was going to tell them during Christmas break, the reason why he spent almost a month at home sulking in his room but then Jeno texted him saying you got presents for everybody when you didn't have to anymore.
He knows for a fact his mother loves you, maybe more than she loves her own son. His siblings are smitten with you, and his dad thinks he's a fool if he ever lets you go. So in short, his own family will disown him if they hear you two are done.
Instead of saying anything, he just sulked away his heartache. The conversation never came up, and every time someone asks why you aren't around he just makes some excuse.
He knows one day he has to come clean about it, but one more day won't hurt.
He thinks.
When you got home to your apartment, another unexpected text came. From another Lee sibling, this time the very one you never thought of hearing from ever again.
Hyuck: thank you for driving Sungyeonie home. You didn't have to, but thanks.
You: don't worry about it, though you should tell him next time. I had some free time, he was lucky.
Lies, you would've still driven him home even if you were busy.
Hyuck: been sick since last night and I forgot to tell mom, I owe you one. Thanks again.
The next day, you see Jeno walking across campus hallway. Calling his name out to catch his attention.
"Hey, what's up?"
"Can I ask you a favor? Please?"
"What is it this time?" Jeno asks, already having a feeling about where this conversation is about to go.
"Can you give this to Hyuck, heard he's sick" you say, passing the brown bag to him
"He is? Huh explains why he wasn't answering his phone yesterday. Anyways, why do you care? Like no offense, but like didn't you two broke up?" he has a point and you don't really have an answer to that.
Last night after the quick exchange, you can't help but feel worried. You know how Donghyuck pushes himself over his own limits, one of the reasons why the two of you argued a few times that eventually led to your break-up.
But even after all of that, of course you still care.
"Just give it to him, or don't. I don't really know too" you mumble
"You good?" Jeno asks
"Yep, I'm gonna go. Thanks Jen"
A few hours later, Jeno is knocking on Hyuck's bedroom door after his mom let him in.
"I'll eat dinner later" Jeno hears his friend shout from the other side of the door
"Open the door"
That made Hyuck get up from his bed to see why his friend is here, "What are you doing here?"
Jeno just puts the brown bag infront of his face, "What's this?"
"Care package from your dear Y/N"
"You're joking" Hyuck scowls at him before taking the bag, checking the contents and it was indeed a bunch of medicine and snacks he likes
"Do I look like I'll buy those for you? You're lucky your ex-girlfriend is a good person. I'm gonna go now before you pass your germs to me" Jeno says before walking away. He can hear his friend say goodbye to his mom, closing his door before walking towards the bedside table to get his phone.
It was easy to dial your phone number, you're still on top of his contact list. After a few rings, you pick up
He wasn't sure what he was going to say, he really didn't think this through but it's too late
"Hyuck? Are you okay?" you ask, getting worried by the second
"Hi, uh yea hi"
"Why did you call? You okay?"
Why are you being so nice to him? You're suppose to not care about him anymore. You're suppose to curse him, hate him and vow to never answer any of his texts and calls.
But instead you're the exact opposite. You still have his number saved, you're still in good terms with his siblings and you even sent him things when you didn't have to.
"You there?" you ask again, breaking him from his thoughts
"Yea, just wanted to say thanks for the stuff. Seems like I owe you another one"
"Don't worry about it, and don't worry about yesterday. Like I said, I had free time but Hyuck, can I ask something?"
it's been a while since he last heard you say his name. To mostly everyone he's Haechan. To his family, he's Donghyuck. To you, he's Hyuck. Claiming you loved his name so much, you even wore his initial around your neck.
"Why haven't you told your family we broke up?"
"I just haven't found the right timing, I guess. Sorry"
"You should tell them, we shouldn't make it complicated for them and I hate lying to them" you tell him
"I'll tell them"
A few seconds passed, neither of you said anything. Until Hyuck broke the silence with a question that'll break your heart all over again
"Why did we break up again?"
"Sorry, I just still don't get it. One day we were okay then the next we weren't. Was it that easy to walk away?"
"You think it was? You think it was easy for me? I was hurt too, it hurt me too Hyuck. But fighting for you and fighting with you started to feel like the same thing. You always tell me everything's okay when it's not, I kept asking you if you were okay but you won't let me in. We were suppose to be a team, why were you holding back?"
He was at lost for words. This is the conversation he's been dreading ever since the two of you broke up. He was a easy go lucky guy, he tries to handle everything positively and would never let anyone see when he's struggling. And because of that, because he was too proud to let his walls down he lost you.
"I'm sorry"
"I've heard that before, doesn't change a thing. Go rest, Hyuck. Goodnight."
You really thought that was the last you'll hear from him. You didn't end things on a bad term but after that conversation you're not so sure. All it did was open wounds you've been trying to heal.
It felt like you were back to square one. Suddenly, you're missing him too much again. His absence too real and too much for your heart. Feeling sorry for your self again.
It was a free day for you, you didn't have any class for the day so you let yourself sulk. You promised you wouldn't do it but just for today you let yourself mope around.
Sometime after lunch, you hear a knock on your door. You thought it was your bestfriend, coming to check up on you so imagine the surprise on your face when you open the door to see your ex standing there with a sorry look on your face.
"Before you slam the door on my face can I just say what I came here to say then you can curse at me, hit me, block me all you want. I deserve it. Can you just hear me out first? Three minutes and I'll go"
You look at him, already feeling a few tears gathering threatening to fall any second. You did want to slam the door on his face, but you also wanted to just hug him and bury your face on his chest hoping that will mend your broken heart.
Even now he's the only one who can fix it even though he was the one who broke it in the first place.
"I'm counting"
"Oh okay, I thought you were going to slam the door on my face so I really didn't think-"
"2 minutes 50 seconds"
"Shit okay okay I'm sorry. First of all I'm sorry. You're right, it was unfair of me to treat you like that when all you wanted was to be there for me. You've always been on my side and I was too dumb and too proud, I pushed you away when I should've been holding you tighter. I was scared to tell you my worries because I didn't want you to see me like that, I was scared to be vulnerable I thought I was being weak. That's on me, now I know that. I should've talked to you, I should've listened when you were asking me. You shouldn't have to fight with me or for me. I was dumb, I know that now. And now here I am making the biggest fool of myself because I lost the only one who stayed with me despite all of my bullshit. Sorry for the pain. I'm letting it all out now, sorry for letting you down. If by any chance you don't think I'm completely dumb, can we have another shot at this?"
Donghyuck said all of that under three minutes, taking himself by surprise. Poor you had to process it all at once.
"That's all I wanted from you" you breathed out
"Was I too much?" he whispers
"No, you'll never be that to me. Nothing I can't handle, so if we're giving this another shot that's all I need from you. Don't hold back when it's with me, all or nothing"
For the first time in months, it's like this weight was lifted off of both your shoulders. It might take some time, but you can already feel things falling back into place. It's a risk, but he'll always be a risk you're willing to take no matter how high the stakes are.
"All or nothing" he echoes your words, ready to bet his heart again because he knows with you he'll never lose.
"Can I have a hug now?" you mumble, Haechan chuckles pulling you by the arms until your in his arms again. And this time, he's not letting go.
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tealeafgrimm · 1 year
A (Nearly) Perfect Date
James Potter x Reader Words: 971 Summary: To surprise you, James has planned a date. But on the actual day, everything goes differently than he had imagined.
He wanted it to be perfect. He had taken every precaution for that. He had thought carefully about what he wanted to do.
James Potter may not have been the most romantic person in the world, and he may not have been the best at planning a date, but he had made every effort. He loved you and he wanted you to know it.
A couple of days ago he had come and warned you.
"Don't make any plans for Sunday. I have a surprise for you," he had told you over dinner. And he had been in planning mode ever since. You thought it was sweet how much effort he was putting in. You would be perfectly fine if you just had a cosy movie night at home, but that was ABSOLUTELY not enough according to James. And so you since watched him go back and forth mumbling and jotting things down.
Although it might not have been the most creative thing to do, James had decided to organise a picnic for the two of you. He had searched all over town to find the perfect spot. Finally, he had discovered a small park on the outskirts of town. It was perfect. A blanket by the little pond, your favourite food, sunshine.
But unfortunately, his vision did not quite match reality. To be more precise, everything went the opposite way. When you got up on Sunday, everything still seemed to be perfect. While you were getting ready for your date, James was in the kitchen preparing the last things. 
The only problem with the whole thing, though, was that James wasn't much of a cook, whether in the Muggle or Wizarding way. And so most of the food was burnt.
"That doesn't matter. We still have plenty James," you reassured your boyfriend, pointing to the packed picnic basket.
And so, with less food than James would have liked, you had made your way to your picnic spot.
"You'll like it. It's a very small park. I don't think many people know about it at all. We can be completely undisturbed," he told you on the way, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. You nudged him and just shook your head.
But this part of his plan also went down differently than James had imagined. As it turned out, some people knew about the park. Especially families with small children. The park was so crowded that you had trouble finding a free spot big enough for your blanket. Eventually you found yourselves sandwiched between five families with screaming children. You could see James' frustration, but you found the whole thing amusing.
You tried to make the best of the situation and focus on each other and your picnic. But that was easier said than done when kids kept wandering onto your blanket, followed by exasperated parents trying to catch them again.
"This isn't exactly how I imagined it," James grumbled, scowling at a little boy who had come up to you, stolen some strawberries without a word and was now strolling back to his parents.
"Oh, it's not so bad. I think it's nice here anyway," you replied and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
That seemed to appease James. After all, he had organised the whole thing for you. You had been in the park for barely an hour when the sky suddenly darkened within minutes.
"Oh no. Please don't," James groaned as he felt the first drops on his skin. Around you, most of the families had already packed up their blankets and were on the move.
But it didn't stop at a few drops. It started pouring down. As fast as you could, you threw your things into the basket, grabbed your blanket and started sprinting.
"Come on! Quick! I saw a bus stop on the way, we can shelter there," James shouted over his shoulder as he ran ahead. He had grabbed your hand and was pulling you along behind him. The rain made it difficult to see the way ahead. And so you missed a root.
With a short yelp, you tripped over the obstacle and fell lengthways. As James was still holding your hand, you dragged him to the ground with you.
You heard the splashing before you felt the wetness. You had come to rest in a puddle of all things.
"Are you all right? Did you hurt yourself?" asked James concerned when he had recovered from his own shock.
But instead of answering him, you could only laugh. You helped each other up.
"Wow, I didn't know we had an adventure picnic planned," you grinned at your boyfriend and tried to brush the dirt off your clothes.
Since you were now soaked from top to bottom anyway, you had given up trying to get into the dry as quickly as possible.
"I'm really sorry. This is not how I had imagined the whole thing. I wanted it to be perfect and instead it went...well not so perfectly," James muttered as you reached your flat.
"What? It was one of the best dates we've ever had! I thought it was perfect, even though it might not have been exactly how you imagined it. The main thing is that we spent time together."
"You don't have to pretend you had fun. I appreciate your effort, but..."
"I would never lie," you said in shock. You took his face in your hands and forced him to look at you.
"I mean what I said. I had a great time. And you know what? Now that we're soaked and cold, we can have a bath together, but if you'd rather sulk..."
With that, you left him standing in the hallway. James just looked after you, puzzled, before shaking his head, realising what you had said and sprinting after you.
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pbeltarts · 1 year
I can’t remember where i saw this mentioned but someone pointed out how danny NEVER cries in the show. Like plenty of characters cry, just never danny, and mind you crying is necessary for emotional regulation. The phandom can use this as angst potential. Imagine characters seeing him cry and just going: “oh shit this is serious.” or theres some kind of last straw and Dan just kinda lets it all out at once and starts bawling. Im actually kinda begging u to make a comic based on this lil detail.
Bro in a remake I would love to explore Danny's relationship with his emotions in response to how he's handling his trauma. Because it wasn't done in the original and I think its such a let down!! The only major emotion I remember Danny expressing regularly, that got a slight spotlight, was anger. And that was interesting!
But imagine Danny starting out as an anxious teen, just starting his highschool career. He wants confidence, he wants to be brave, but its not that easy- and then the transition happens. Now, on top of a confusing puberty he doesn't want (because he's trans), he's struggling with this whole other biological change that no one can help him with. He doesn't feel like he can tell his parents for fear of what they'll do, he doesn't tell his sister yet because what if she tells their parents... the only people who know is his two best friends.
And so the anxiety is still rly bad, but he's learning to just brunt force through it because now? He's the only one who can protect people from the mistake he made. He feels responsible and despite the fear he feels, he has to move foward.
(Frankly, this whole 'get through the fear' thing I think would be mounted early on, as a "starting point" where we see Danny struggling p soon after getting his powers, eventually choosing "I can't do this" and wanting to just put it away and not think about it but something happens that sort of forces his hand and he has to do something and use these powers and the success of this proves to him that he CAN do this.)
From there we see Danny go from anxious and scared, to more confident and mischievous as he gains better control of his abilities. Its still awkward at times, its still bumpy but you can see the small change over time- and then he runs into his first biggest problem, Vlad.
Someone he should be able to relate to, someone he should see as a confidant, but instead Vlad treats him like Dash does. Like a freak, a burden, a loser. And it hurts so much more because Vlad is better at everything Danny is just brushing the surface of. And when he loses to Vlad? That puts this nail in the coffin of "I have to get better faster"
So Danny hardens. Subtly at first, spending more and more time as Phantom and practicing and training and at first his friends just think its a phase he's getting through- but he doesn't get through it. He just hardens more. No more goofy Danny, or anxious Danny. Just Danny Phantom, hero of Amityville, the person who faces any monster without fear. He starts not talking to his friends, to his family. He can't open up because they don't get it.
And then he's jailed in the ghost prison. Another trauma, another nightmare, but one he can't easily deal with and escape. It puts a lot of new pressure on him, being there and being surrounded by danger, and having to operate in this way that keeps him alive- to the best of his ability. He makes it out, luckily and barely, and there begins the start of the cracking. Because it was so fucking scary.
More and more I think we should see these moments in Danny's life that warp how he copes with them and see how he changes in response to them, and how the PEOPLE he relents this to help or hinder him.
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dragoneyes618 · 9 months
I keep thinking of an AU where Imelda died only a couple of months or years after Héctor did. So all that's left is Oscar and Felipe and Coco, and the twins aren't able to take care of Coco. They want to, but they're, like, teenagers, and there's no other family to help them. They don't have much money; they don't have steady jobs, only being hired by whoever needs any odd jobs done around town, or maybe they do but it doesn't pay enough. They don't know how to make shoes as well as Imelda did, they're not earning enough.
Now, the twins themselves would be fine. They can rent a room or live out of the inn or something. But they can't have that for Coco.
Coco needs a home. She needs proper nourishing food, she needs to have a place to live that won't keep changing all around town every couple of months, she needs toys and clothes, she needs people who'll be able to devote all their attention to her like her parents did. The twins aren't able to give her any of this, not at the moment with things as they are.
So they ask Ernesto care for her.
Sure, they haven't seen Ernesto ever since Héctor ran off on them a couple years ago, but he was Héctor's best friend, he knows Coco, he used to babysit her sometimes. Ernesto's not as famous yet as he will someday be, but he's pretty well known, so it's easy for the twins to track him down, and he has plenty of money, enough to easily afford to take care of a child, or hire caretakers, or whichever he does. Coco will always have enough to eat, a safe place to live, with someone familiar. It's not the same as her parents, of course, but it's the best they can do. They figure Ernesto will be able to care for her until they earn & save enough money to get on their feet and properly raise their niece. Hopefully it won't take too long.
Ernesto agrees to take Coco in. Not that he wants to, but of course his reputation is very important to him, and it'd look bad if he refused to care for his missing best friend's orphaned daughter. 
I haven't figured out yet if he ends up doting on her like a daughter because he feels guilty about Héctor, or if he avoids her as much as possible because she reminds him of Héctor, or if he's cruel to her because he's still angry at Héctor for leaving him (twice - the second time when he decided to go home, the first time when he married Imelda) or what.
On the plus side, at least Imelda and Héctor get to reconcile in death. Since Imelda died so soon after Héctor, maybe she was still holding out hope that he'd come home at the time, thinking he was sick or his letters had been mislaid or whatever she must have been thinking in canon when his letters first stopped. And she wouldn't have so many years of bitterness against him for leaving. So when she encounters him in the Land of the Dead she figures that some tragic accident must have befallen him on the road and Ernesto for some reason never told her (as opposed to in canon where when she saw Héctor after she died she probably thought he'd died twenty or thirty years after he'd left her and Coco or something).
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merlot-and-chardonnay · 4 months
The Slighted Sons: A Character Comparison of Aemond and Zuko
Okay, here I am writing another character comparison analysis between two characters from two different shows. This time I'm going with Aemond Targaryen from HotD and Zuko from AtLA.
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Now you're probably wondering what could these two possibly have in common.
Well, there's plenty actually. Both surface level and a little deeper.
So, brace yourself, and let's go over them.
Also I realize I'm making this post the day the live action remake of AtLA is released on Netflix, and I actually didn't know. I swear I must be psychic or something.
First a quick character synopsis for each.
Prince Aemond Targaryen is the second born son of King Viserys and Queen Alicent. From an young age, Aemond desperately wanted to have a dragon of his own, even more so when his brother and nephews started tormenting him for being the only one without. He eventually got his wish when he claimed the dragon Vhagar, which his cousins and nephews beat him up for that and...well we don't need to go into what happened next. After that, Aemond became known as the One-Eyed prince and as he grew, he invested in studying his history and philosophy as well as training intensely with the sword.
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And then we have Prince Zuko, the oldest son of Firelord Ozai and Ursa, whom left under mysterious circumstances when Zuko was still a child. When Zuko was invited into a war meeting at the age of thirteen, he spoke out of term, angering his father, whom Zuko had to fight in an Agni Kai to restore his honor. Refusing to fight, and being subsequently scarred as punishment, Ozai banished Zuko, saying the only way Zuko could restore his honor and return home is to capture the Avatar.
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So, on the surface, Aemond and Zuko are both princes, royalty, and they were physically traumatized in one way or another as children, with Aemond taking a dagger to the eye, and Zuko getting burned by his own father.
Oh my god, I just realized both Aemond and Zuko's injuries are in the exact same place, over the left eye. I did not notice that until now! :0
But, as I mentioned before, there's more to compare to:
1. Dysfunction Family Dynamics
Okay, I best cover this part first. Both Aemond and Zuko's family are pretty dysfunctional, but in different ways.
One thing that is similar is the ways they were treated by their fathers.
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Aemond is the second son, and in Westeros, second sons don't have much to claim in terms of land or title, they often have to make their own way. He trains with the sword and pays attention to his lessons. Even if that wasn't the case, Aemond is still overlooked by his father in favor of his sister Rhaenyra. If we recall from episode 7 of HotD, the night Aemond lost his eye, Rhaenyra, who was trying to cover for her sons when it came to light Aemond called the boys bastards, she demanded of her father that Aemond be 'sharply questioned' so as to learn where he heard such slanders. And it looked like Viserys was prepared to do all this, despite his sons' maimed state.
Much how Viserys often favors his oldest daughter, we saw similar dynamics between Zuko and his own father, whom often favored Zuko's sister Azula. Despite being the oldest child and Heir Apparent, Zuko was constantly overlooked by Ozai, especially when Azula surpassed Zuko in her firebending. As Zuko mentioned in the season finale of Book 1, he brought up how Azula was a firebending prodigy that everyone adored, and that his own father had told him this:
"She[Azula] was born lucky. He says I was lucky to be born." -Zuko; AtLA
Now, I want to make clear, I am NOT saying Viserys and Ozai are the exact same people; Viserys may have been a shitty parent, but he was in general a good man, albeit, a man who made passive decisions in attempts to please everyone in his court. Ozai in contrast is just a ruthless and cruel man overall, and it showed in his parenting to Zuko and Azula too.
Ozai was harsher on Zuko presumably he saw him as weaker, and he doted on Azula, probably because her personality was similar to his, being sadistic and taking pleasure in putting fear in others. But as we saw in the series finale, Azula had a heavy burden placed on her in order to please her father, probably because she did see the way Ozai treated Zuko, and she knows not to get on her father's bad side as a consequence.
Ozai's abuse towards Zuko was direct, while Viserys was more indirect. Viserys was not the one to cause physical harm to Aemond as Ozai caused to Zuko, but Viserys didn't seek any kind of recourse, instead demanding that his sons and grandsons make peace and put the incident behind them...
Yeah, like that was ever going to happen. She said sarcastically.
Oh my god, I actually want to see Ozai and Viserys put in the same room and hear them criticize each other on their parenting styles. OOOOHHH the irony!
Another similarity is the way Aemond and Zuko are doted on by their mothers. Say what you will about Alicent, but the woman was the one who would do anything to see that justice was served to avenge the loss of her son's eye. She was also the one who comforted Aemond when he was bullied by his brother and nephews for not having a dragon, and she was the one who was frantic with worry upon hearing Aemond lost his eye.
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And in the AtLA episode "Zuko Alone" we got to see the way Zuko's mother Ursa doted on him as a boy, being the one to comfort Zuko when he tried to demonstrate what he learned in terms of firebending before his grandfather. She was the one who told Zuko she loved watching what he learned, and that it was okay that he wasn't as ahead in his training as his sister was. And in the comic, "the Search", we saw Ursa take the fall for the death of Firelord Azulon, doing what she needed to do to see that her son and, her daughter even, would be safe and out of harm's way.
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And of course, before continuing with the similarities, I have to talk about the difference in Aemond and Zuko's relationships with their uncles.
Uncle Iroh was basically the father to Zuko his own couldn't be bothered to be, being there to support Zuko during his exile era (even when Zuko would push him away at times), and being there to embrace Zuko when he lost way and found it again. We stan Uncle Iroh in this household...and his tea making, the guy is a true GOAT, just saying:
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It's more than what I can say about Aemond's relationship to his uncle Daemon. Daemon never really cared about his brother's children with Alicent, presumably because it was an extension of his loathing hatred to Otto Hightower.
And for anyone who has read the Fire and Blood novel, we all know how that ended with Daemon and Aemond fighting each other on top their dragons above the God's Eye.
We also stan Daemon in this household, our toxic problematic Rogue Prince :P
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Now, I want to see Daemon in the same room as Ozai. They're both second sons, yet Ozai was pronounced the new FireLord in place of his father. I want to see Daemon take notes on how that was accomplished.
Also, quick note, while Aemond didn't have his uncle to rely on as a father figure, the closest he would get to that is probably Criston Cole, whom Aemond trusted enough to convey his true feelings about the thought of Aegon being king back when he and Criston were looking for the guy in Episode 9
Okay, moving on.
2. Hot Temperaments
Both Zuko and Aemond had shown to have rather firery tempers at times, especially Zuko in Book 1. Aemond is usually a little more calm and collected, better at masking his emotions, but even he has breaking points, particularly in season finale when he demanded that his nephew Lucerys put out an eye to repay the one he lost, and he snapped when Luke refused.
And, as we've seen, their hotheadedness got the both of them into a lot of trouble at times, be it Zuko when he challenged Zhao to Agni Kai in his anger to prove he was not the disgraced prince, or Aemond when...he chased Luke on dragonback and, unable to control Vhagar (cause dragons are not slaves), accidentally killed Luke and his dragon, consequently starting the domino effect that led to the Dance of Dragons.
Oh yeah, speaking of Dragon Dances.
3. Dragons!!
Even though we didn't see Zuko riding any actual dragons till season 3 of Legend of Korra, I still think it counts.
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I think Zuko could've had a chance to become a rider, if his great grandfather Sozin never started the tradition of hunting dragons in the first place. Even still, dragons do hold a certain level of cultural significance to the Fire Nation and the FireLord's family.
Uncle Iroh, after all, was known as the Dragon of the West, having earned that title when he supposedly slayed the last dragon before Zuko was born.
Spolier alert, that wasn't actually how it went down.
Even though we never saw Zuko ride a dragon during the duration of AtLA, we did get to see him and Aang learn about firebending from the dragons, having mastered the Dragon Dance, and getting a better understanding of the element of fire and its true nature. Dragons also hold significant sway for the Targaryen family, and they also held cultural significance for Old Valyria before the Doom. Aemond's ancestors Aegon the Conqueror, and his sister-wives Rhaenys and Visenya, wouldn't have been able to unite the Seven Kingdoms successfully had they not had dragons at their side (Seven minus Dorne, who refused to kneel to the might of Dragon Fire for as long as they had even after Aegon's official conquest, kinda similar to how the Earth Kingdom refused to bow to the might of the Fire Nation even after the Fire Army's conquest of Ba Sing Se).
One of the dragons that was part of the initial conquest was Vhagar, whom Aemond claimed at the young age of 10, and it's a feat Aemond takes particular pride in, especially when he had gone as long as he had without while the rest of his family had dragons left and right.
Although, Aemond did learn a rather hard lesson from Vhagar, that dragons cannot never truly be tamed, they will do their own thing, and to try and think otherwise can result in deadly consequences.
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4. Honor Oriented
Both Aemond and Zuko are heavily duty bound and place varying levels on emphasizing honor.
Zuko, obviously, started off in the series determine to restore his honor by capturing the Avatar, and we saw the lengths he would go to see that through.
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Aemond considers himself an honor bound man; while he never had to go on any quests to restore his honor, he was duty driven, taking his school lessons and sword training seriously, refusing to indulge in deprive acts as his brother Aegon had.
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5. Sibling Rivalry
Zuko was often pitted against his sister Azula, courtesy of his father, and Azula took pride in being able to master firebending techniques at a faster pace than Zuko could hope to. And it was something Azula would snubly rub in Zuko's face, even more so when the two would actually fight, such as in Book 2, when Zuko went after Azula for lying to him, and Azula pointing out how much of a disappointment child Zuko is to their father.
Their rivalry, I would also like to point up, was dialed up compared to Aemond's rivalry with his brother Aegon. I mean, Zuko and Azula had a physical fight in the form of Agni Kai during the series finale, which would also determine who would become the next firelord.
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While Aemond never had such fights against Aegon, the guy did resent the fact Aegon was firstborn, and because of that, he was expected to become king in the eyes of the Greens, even though Aegon was not deemed fit by Aemond to be king due to his excess indulgences in wine and women and the fact Aegon shirked away from his duties and training, while Aemond surpassed Aegon in all these things.
Aegon didn't exactly make things easy for Aemond too when they were children, especially with the Pink Dread prank Aegon clearly convinced Jace and Luke to pull on Aemond.
Aemond knows he is better suited to the position as king, but he is a second son, so there's no chance of that happening (that is until an tragic accident at Rook's Rest during the Dance left Aegon critically injured and unable to perform his kingly duties, leaving Aemond in charge as Prince Regent).
The resentment is there nevertheless.
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6. Fan Favorites
Be honest, you had the biggest crush on Zuko when you first saw the show...well, I did anyway.
I was in middle school when AtLA first aired, and I would like to credit Zuko as the first fictional guy whom I really crushed on as a girl who was slowly moving into my teen years. This scene especially, I'd like to credit for...definitely awakening something in me...;)
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I also know for a fact people felt similar tingly feels when we saw Aemond as an grown man.
Certainly helped with actor Ewan Mitchell's portrayal and how he brought adult Aemond to life, especially with this scene:
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Be honest, you felt things too about Aemond...I certainly did.
Actually I know this is fact, why else would there be so much smut related content around Aemond on this sight?
Aemond and Zuko are princes of prominent royal families who are also slighted sons; one was firstborn and the other is second born, but both slighted nonetheless, by their families, especially by their fathers
Much so that they had to find father figures in other people.
Both were heavily doted on by their mothers, both received physical scars by their family members, and both learned different lessons from the dragons, whom hold cultural significance to their families as well as their ancestral lands.
Both were pitted against their siblings, and both have fiery hot tempers that got into trouble on more than once occasion.
And both Aemond and Zuko are fan favorites to the point where numerous fans write fanfiction on both characters, be it reader inserts, or ships, etc.
We love and stan our brooding, tragic princes, no matter how toxic and angry they may be.
Also, I really want to write a crossover between HotD and AtLA, but I would probably do like maybe two chapters possibly (I say that, but knowing me, that would probably extend into a longer story, and I already have enough of those to work on as it is). I would like to see what it would look like if Aemond and Zuko were put in the same room.
Have a nice day, y'all :)
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silyabeeodess · 2 months
What headcannons do you have on Derrick Arden? I saw your post while back. What would've happened in an AU, everything is the same, except Derrick lives? What would he do after graduation? Both as a job and in private?
Been a long time since I've talked about anything Kuroshitsuji related! Sadly, with the amount of pull Derrick has at school, I just don't see him changing if he survived. More than likely, he'll follow a victim mentality where he'd think he's completely innocent and would ignore all the abuse he himself has done to other students leading up to Greenhill attacking him and the vice headmaster. The reason Derrick was able to get away with everything he has throughout his life is because he's never had to face any true consequences for his actions up until that point. His only consequences prior were responsibilities he did not earn and then just passed on to other people. Moreover, however strict his family his, they've apparently never caught Derrick in his lies, so not even his parents will punish him properly. They'll more than likely just back Derrick as "their poor son attacked by four prefects gone mad."
The thing is though, despite what all of these students, and people like them in the real world, think... School isn't everything. It's a closed environment that means absolutely nothing except what you take with you once you step out of it. I once had bully who ruled over my first elementary school because her mom was a teacher. Everyone followed her like a bunch of mindless sheep, but the instant we got to high school, those connections broke. At this same school, I had a lunch monitor that was so vile she wouldn't let anyone, not even a student with Down Syndrome, get up from their table to get a fork if they forgot it: We were basically told to eat with our hands or starve. She was eventually fired, not for those actions, but (according to rumor anyway) because she refused to help a student who needed to use a urinary catheter (which she legally could not do). She had to work at a gas station after that, along with receiving some other karma that is so dark a fate that I don't feel comfortable sharing it online. In a school's hierarchy, people like those two women, or Derrick and the vice headmaster, get on a power trip, but the instant they step away from that environment... they're nobody.
What would Derrick take with him when he'd graduate? Knowledge? He never put any effort into his studies. Connections? He's got his small circle of nobles, but the prefects and Derrick's victims are a much bigger one--not to mention they're a part of other powerful families like the Druitts that could both figuratively and literally bury him without anyone batting an eye. The prefects would more than likely end up expelled after the event, but all that free time would just give them plenty of opportunities to build up a grudge and cook up revenge. And when things get tough, chances are, those so-called friends of Derrick's that are just as morally bankrupt and follow him around for money are going to kick him to the side.
Derrick's a noble and the family heir at that, so it's unlikely he'd go for a traditional job. More than likely, as soon as he got out of Weston, his family would start pushing him into more adult social circles and prepare him to take over as the next Marques. Here though is where the true consequences of his actions would take over. Because with the prefects expelled, they'll have likely already been in those same circles. Even if his social standing wasn't destroyed, barring him and potentially his family as a whole from things like business deals or marriages... Derrick would by no means be fit to run his family's household. He'd either drag his entire family to ruin; end up revealing his lies to his parents, who'd then strip him of his status as the heir; or both. Even if his family still keeps him afloat with their wealth, if he doesn't know how to manage it, he'll still end up destitute or dead.
Could he grow after that? Maybe. People can change. However, given how many people he's hurt and the severity of his actions, it's not easy to say that others would be willing to give him a second chance.
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