#it's one of those things where it adds sm to the story to know they love the guy
daydadahlias · 1 year
NOOO i love scene 14 and greyhound ashton too but there’s just something about vanilla calls and howdy partner ashton 🫶🏼🫶🏼 they’re so special to me and i love how you write ash bc it’s such a breath of fresh air seeing someone love him so much 💗 my fav ao3 author 4evs
one of the things I love the absolute most about fanfic is when I read a story where I can just tell how much the writer loves the guy they're writing about so this is a really massive compliment for me, thank you 🥺
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miserableworm · 12 days
Hiiii !! Would it be alright to ask for a lyney x reader where he comforts you when you’re sick/period? Thank you <33
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★ a/n - thank you sm for the request <3 getting taken care of when not feeling well gotta be one of the best feelings ever so this was pretty fun to write
★ sypnosis - Lyney had a show come up, but your period had other plans for the evening.
★ tags - Lyney x fem!reader, comfort, fluff, period (no mentions of blood), cramps
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"I can't go to your magic show tonight," you whisper, feeling a pang of guilt. The discomfort from your period cramps is almost unbearable, and the idea of sitting through a performance seems impossible.
Lyney, who had been adjusting his magician's hat, turns to you with a concerned look. "Oh? And why is that?" he asks gently, though you can see a teasing glint in his eyes.
You take a deep breath, trying to muster the courage to tell him. "It's just... I'm not feeling well. My period started, and the cramps are really bad."
Lyney's expression softens even more. "Ah, I see," he says, nodding knowingly. "Lynette has those too sometimes. Say no more." Then, with a mischievous grin, he adds, "Though I must admit, I thought you might be avoiding my grand finale. It is quite dazzling, you know."
You manage a weak smile and rolled your eyes at him. "As if I'd ever miss one of your shows by choice."
He steps closer, his eyes filled with a mix of concern and amusement. "Let me take care of you," he says softly. "The magic show can wait."
"Lyney, you can't just miss your show because of me," you protest. "People are expecting you. They'll be disappointed."
Lyney waves a hand dismissively. "Nonsense. The show will go on without me. My assistants are more than capable. Besides, what's more important right now is making sure you're comfortable."
"But Lyney-"
"No buts!"
Before you can protest further, he's already in motion. Lyney heads to the kitchen and returns with a hot water bottle. "This should help with the cramps," he explains, placing it gently on your stomach. The warmth spreads, bringing a measure of relief almost immediately.
"Thank you.." you murmur, touched by his thoughtfulness.
Lyney isn't done yet. He disappears for a moment, then comes back with a small box. "Here," he says, handing it to you. Inside are your favorite snacks and some herbal tea. "I always keep these things ready, just in case," he adds with a wink. "Lynette taught me well."
You can't help but smile, feeling a bit of the heaviness lift. "You really didn't have to go through all this trouble."
"Of course, I did," Lyney replies, sitting beside you. "You're important to me. Besides, magic isn't just about tricks and illusions. It's about making people feel better, making them smile. If I can do that off stage as well, then I'm happy."
"You're so cheesy."
As you sip the tea, Lyney begins to tell you stories about his adventures and mishaps with Lynette. His voice is soothing, and soon you're laughing despite the discomfort.
"But really, Lyney," you say, interrupting his tale about a mishap with disappearing doves, "you should go. The audience will miss you. They'll be wondering where their favorite magician is."
Lyney raises an eyebrow, a playful smirk on his lips. "Are you trying to get rid of me, Y/N? Because if you are, it's not working. I can be quite stubborn when I want to be."
You chuckle, shaking your head. "No, I just don't want you to get in trouble or disappoint your fans."
"Trust me," he says, leaning in closer, "the only person I care about disappointing right now is you. And I know you need me more than they do at this moment."
Before you can argue further, he pulls out a deck of cards and begins performing a series of close-up magic tricks right there. His fingers move with mesmerizing skill, each trick more astonishing than the last. For a while, you're completely absorbed, forgetting about the cramps entirely.
Seeing your smile, Lyney gets up and performs another trick. This time, he makes a coin appear from behind your ear and then disappear in a flash of light. As you clap softly, he bows dramatically.
"And for my next act," he says, reaching into his pocket for another prop. But when he looks up, he sees your eyes closed, your breathing even and peaceful.
He chuckles softly, shaking his head. "Was I that boring?" he murmurs playfully.
Quietly, he tucks the blanket more snugly around you and stands up, careful not to wake you. Stepping closer, he gently places a kiss on your forehead.
"Sweet dreams, Y/N. "
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requests are open <3
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doobea · 10 months
Hi, I saw your requests were open! If it hasn’t been asked already, could I please request hcs for how Rin, Shidou, and Sae (and any other characters you want to add!) flirt/get someone to like them? Thank you!
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synopsis: how they would go about flirting with you
content: sfw, fluff, gn!reader, assuming reader has medium/long hair characters: rin, shidou, sae, oliver a/n: omg yes of course hehe i love coming up with these types of headcanons, i added oliver bc i love him sm...
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You have to be great at picking up subtle cues just because he won't be verbally saying anything to indicate his true feelings towards you. Some small signs that he'll give away might be his prolonged stares or soft smiles whenever you walk into the room.
A tender gesture that he finds himself doing is tucking your hair back if it obstructs your face when you're focusing on something. In crowded areas, he'll walk behind you with a firm hand on your back as he guides you through.
He'll start paying super close attention to small details you like. If he happens to pick you up from somewhere, he'll make sure to put on music that you like (maybe already has a curated playlist on hand). He'll offer to buy you food from time to time, remembering the order details and adjustments by heart.
Anything regarding verbal flirting from him comes off as super awkward? Rin will think compliments will suffice as flirting so if you're really good at a hobby he'll just be like "nice" followed by his best attempt to smile. Occasionally, when he's feeling bold, he'll say something along the lines of "that looks good on you" or "you look nice today". Bonus but he probably practices saying those lines in the mirror and then cringing hard right after.
If you were to flirt with him back, honestly he wouldn't really know what to do because in his mind he didn't imagine it would get this far. Probably would try and keep his responses curt and stoic but his red ears will give it away.
Like his brother, he won't be too vocal about it but will definitely be a lot more physical in a teasing manner. In public, he'll purposefully brush his hands against yours when walking or reaching for the same object. If you're standing in front of him, he'll lean over and will make sure that he's up against your ear if he needs to ask you a simple question.
His socials are pretty much filled with professional photos from recent games or sponsorships, but he keeps it personal on his stories. As sort of a "soft launch" of his crush, he'll make sure to take photos with him in the center but you're always in the background. His followers will bombard him with questions but Sae responds back with "?" every time.
He'll start calling you by a nickname one day and just stick with it. It'll be super casual too, you could be working on something and Sae will walk by with the usual "morning" but then say a shortened version of your name.
Drops off souvenirs or small trinkets from his international matches. In the beginning, he'll lie and say that management gave him two of the same magnet but, eventually, he'll go out of his way to grab a cute keychain or two for you.
He doesn't really consider himself to be a subtle person, especially when it comes to flirting, he likes to indulge himself with little nuances and enjoys seeing your reactions out of it. If you were to ask him straight up about his intentions, Sae would probably come clean.
Very direct and super playful in a chaotic way. It'll probably pop up mid-conversation where he'll drop the bomb and then talk about the next upcoming games. If you ask him to repeat himself, he'll say it louder for people to hear.
Shidou will do out-of-pocket things to try and elicit a reaction out of you. His signature move is playfully cornering you against the wall with his hand up, inching his face closer to yours only to pull back last minute. Another thing he'll do is undo his laces on his cleats and ask you to tie them up. He finds it absolutely hilarious to see you fumbling over your words and actions, and he will let you know.
He would never flirt without any meaning or intention behind it and he will definitely not just throw out any generic banter for the fun of it. So if he tells you that he finds you funny or attractive, he means every word he says.
Makes sure to follow you back home every single time and not in a weird creepy way. He likes to offer to walk you back home whenever you guys are out, especially when it's late out at night. He claims that if you have him around it's the same as having "scary dog privilege". Definitely boosts his ego when you take up on his offer multiple times.
Goes out of his way to say something to you every morning. Whether it be a generic question or saying hi, he'll always make sure that he talks to you first before anyone else.
If he really likes someone, he'll try and show them that he's genuinely interested in them. That would mean him doing more acts of service rather than solely relying on playful banter. But that doesn't mean he'll give up on teasing you relentlessly. He won't have any issues calling you "cute" every time he sees you.
Extremely touchy to a fault but will only use it when necessary. If you're walking slower than he is, he'll have no problem hoisting you over his shoulders or carrying you bridal style, saying that he's not planning to wait on you. If you guys are riding on a subway or in the backseat of a car, he'll make sure to lean his body against yours and say "whoops too crowded in here".
Loves to show off on the field, especially when he was captain of the U-20 team. Makes sure that you can hear his voice from the stands and will put extra effort into his trick shots and goals. His fangirls will be crowding him after the matches but he'll ignore them to meet up with you.
Will be visibly pouty if he sees anyone else flirting with you. After eavesdropping on the conversation, he'll walk over to you and complain about how cheesy and lame the other person was. "Stay away from perverts" is something he'll always warn.
Some smaller things that Oliver will find himself doing is wholeheartedly giving away his hoodies or shirts to you if you're cold or need something quick to wear. If you're ever sore from working hard or coming back from the gym, he'll offer to give a massage (it's actually pretty good and not sexual surprisingly). This one is a shocker, but he'll soon find himself in the kitchen cooking things that you like.
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
Thank you sm 😭 you actually did so good! It felt so nice to see my favorite creepy boy with those head canons 🥹🥹 but yes your writing is absolutely amazing!! I can’t wait to keep seeing everything you write!! And I apologize in advance if I ever get too excited and request too much 🥹
Perhaps creepy boy relationship head canons with a fem!reader who attempts to steal their clothes because they miss them?
- 🩶 Anon
Laughing Jack, Eyeless Jack, and Hoodie x fem!reader who steals their clothes because she misses them!
went ahead and threw in some other characters that i think would be silly with this request since you didnt specify :3! was gonna add slenderman but im on the fence about whether or not his clothes are a part of his body.. shrugs!! feels weird not doing masky since im doing hoodie too but shrugs again laughing jack included as you state hes your favorite :3 and WAAAAH im glad you enjoyed the previous request!! and no need to apologize; i get it !! sometimes i get excited too with requesting stuff !! ill let you know if youre being too intense (though i gotta admit i love writing creepypasta stuff, had a longish break between august and now where i hardly wrote for it and i missed writing for the fandom loads TToTT)
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honestly for a moment i was going to say his mask but i genuinely think that would be a deal breaker for him since it kind of acts as a comfort and security thing for him. even if hes not wearing the mask around you, dont take it. now his hoodie or one of his shirts... thats a different story.. would rather you ask him, though, but he does find it a little sweet that its because you missed him.. mind you he thinks so lowly of himself that he might even be a little shocked that you *miss him.. might let you keep on his shirts! might have to wash it though and patch up a hole or two but its nothing major.. though i dont think he would let you keep one of his hoodies, he has way less of those than he does shirts and he kind of needs them to keep warm.. also the hood comes in handy.. for things.. will expect you to return his belongings when asked, will not take any excuses since they are his belongings and he cant really waltz into a store and go shopping
okay so this one is a little funny since i do personally hc that his clothes are just a part of his body for the sake of the post lets turn a blind eye.. theres so many options for you.. his shirt (sleeves! long and floppy!) or a spare sweater than hes claimed... hmm.. i think regardless of what piece of clothing you've taken from him he would be thrilled that you miss him THAT much! he rarely goes out, in fact i dont think its often that he goes far from where his music box is.. gotta stay in decent range, you know? but the point still stands... you miss him? i think that actually does wonders for his abandonment issues, since it reassures him that you care about him and think of him when hes away. probably scoops you up in his arms and hugs you, likely wrapping his arms around you like a snake. offers to never let you go, and kind of sticks true to that until you need to tend to your bodily needs
another victim of jacket thief... a moment of silence for this man losing the thing that literally sparked his name.. okay jokes aside i dont think he would care that much, hes probably hoarded other clothing while staying with you; from hoodies to sweaters. so hes not going to sweat it if you briefly snatch something from him so long as you eventually give it back.. might sign some teasing words at you for missing him, might also prompt a session of you two cuddling.. good luck getting up because hes probably not going to let go.. why would he, you missed him! also might make him try to spend more time with you since every now and then he does have decently long periods of just. being gone doing whatever it is that he does.. probably leaves you his main hoodie and wears a different one when he knows hes about to dip for a while..
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peachy-wolfhard · 8 months
Dating Leo II
a/n: I wanted to add more after I posted part one so here it is Bone Apple Teeth, I love leo sm so its LONG
Let me know if you would like to be on my tmnt taglist!
Warnings: swearing, grandchildren mention (splinter is gonna splinter), illness mention, insomnia, mentions of slapping leos bald head
Word count: 738 -woof
Insomnia gang
This turtle physically cannot sleep
When you don't spend the night he is CONSTANTLY texting you everything that comes to mind
“y/n…why is pizza a circle?” “idk lee can i come over :3” “yeth pls HURRY IM DYING HERE WITHOUT U”
Lying in his bed, cuddling, matching eyemasks ON, fan ON
Even with all of that, nothing works
The nights that the both of you are actually able to sleep he has a grasp on you
Holds you so close to him all the time, you guys are joined at the hip
Everyone besides Mikey and Splinter thinks you guys are gross
“You can't even say their names apart now it's ALWAYS Leo and y/n. You can't separate them they will DIE without each other”
“Calm down Mikey please you're scaring Shelldon”
Splinter is…well Splinter. He stays in your guys' relationship, with how dramatic you guys are he doesn't need his soaps
He loves to show you baby pictures of the boys esp the ones of Leo
((cough cough he definitely mentions grandchildren like the old man he is))
Bites all the time like anytime anywhere
Making breakfast peacefully listening to music- CHOMP
Getting ready for work- CHOMP
Dr. Delicate Touch has to intervene
Play fights with you in slow-motion
(slow motion voice) “yyy/nnn iiiimm goooinggg tooo kick your aaaasssss”
(also slow motion voice) “im gooonnnaaa kick yours firrrst”
Initially, it started as a way to keep Leo from running off when exploring places, but then it turned into a regular thing
“My love, light of my life, future spouse eHEM!”
“What Leo”
Absolute drama queen and don't get me started when he’s sick
Picture those old paintings of the sick children in bed, he’s that but dialed up to eleven
All he wants is cuddles and daytime television and don't you DARE come in between him and his Maury
Giving him medicine is surprisingly easy maybe it’s because he’s so out of it or maybe he’s just in love he’d let you do anything to him
But if you’re ever sick he does the exact same for you
If you fight medicine (just like me fr) he’s NOT afraid to use those ninja moves to get you to take your meds
Loves it when you read to him no matter what you are reading
Manga? Sign him up! Horror book? Let's get spooky! Sad book? I'll get the tissues! He just loves to hear your voice especially if you do different voices for the characters but not overly comedic voices, he’s here for the story!
Falls asleep listening to your voice with his head on your lap 99% of the time
Going to the Hidden City for date nights and getting up to absolute mischief
(having to then call Raph to come get you guys because you pissed someone off and just kicked their butt)
Speaking of the Hidden City! During their break in the Hidden City (when everyone gets arrested) you join Leo at the spa
After he gets kicked out he BEGS you to go to the creepy spa across the street with him
“Sorry sweetheart I too am in DIRE need of some relaxation plus it’s not often I’m in an exclusive club”
The moment he shows up with that gorgeous hair you’re suspicious
Texts you a selfie of his new hair with the creepy ass background
“Whatcha think? Even more handsome than normal? ;)” “go back to being bald i miss slapping ur bald head :(“
Anyway when he starts “sleepwalking” your immediate reaction is “Maybe it's the wig” but quickly forget all about it due to relaxation
“Um… yyyy/nnnn could you please help me out with one teeny tiny situation…? Please?”
Now you and Leo are on the case!
“Ooo lala finally some privacy ;)”
“Don't touch me until you’re bald AND we figure this out”
“Pwetty pwease? JUST ONE!”
“Fine, ONE kiss”
After the evil hair reveal and fighting with your boyfriend’s hair he's finally bald again
Leo explains the massage guy’s deal but it falls on deaf ears
“Hey, who’s that guy?” “He'sthe non-member we kicked out earlier!”
“I bet he and that human are the thieves. Call the cops”
After a quick stay in jail, you’re now peacefully back home
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Hello!! Could I request the savanaclaw boys plus sebek screaming their confession at a painfully oblivious s/o? Thank you sm!!
Jack Howl: 
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Jack is at least a little frustrated when it comes to confessing. He was never that great with his feelings to begin with but now that he had you in front of him, with not a single clue as to what he was trying to imply, he felt more lost than before. Had he said something wrong or confusing to lead you down this path? Or were you trying to let him down gently? Either way, he was already in the awkward position of baring his heart to you and he had never been one to back down from a challenge. He just hoped he didn’t come out of this situation with his tail between his legs.
Leona Kingscholar: 
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Leona thinks your obliviousness is the most annoying thing about you, specifically because he’s a man who hates repeating himself. He had to think of a way to deliver his feelings so that his ego would come out unscathed while also winning you over. He doesn’t really doubt that you have feelings of some sort for him, he had been closely observing you after all, but he supposed it would be expected of him to confirm those feelings in some way. It’s pretty obvious that Leona cared about you from the way he treated you but even you being the most oblivious person on the planet wouldn’t stop Leona from getting his point across, one way or another.
Ruggie Bucchi: 
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Ruggie thinks it’s kinda cute that you’re so oblivious, thinking it’s a fun little game to get in close to you and then suddenly pull away without explanation. The fact you don’t understand that it’s because he wants to be close to you and that you’re the only one he’s that flirtatiously mischievous with makes him laugh even more. He thinks he’s pretty obvious but the concept of having to use his words to let you know he’s in love with you makes him a little more apprehensive, wondering if he should add on some grand romantic gesture (Ruggie style) to get his point across.
Sebek Zigvolt: 
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‘Screaming’ the confession is quite literal in Sebek’s case. He has a hard time with volume control when he’s feeling nervous or particularly passionate, so you can imagine the feelings running through him when he’s about to confess. Still, he gave off an air of confidence because why would you ever fall for a man shivering at the concept of confessing something as simple as their feelings? He uses all the honesty he’s been taught since he was young, recounting the love story of his own parents where his mother very blatantly laid her feelings out on the table so there was no confusion.
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doublellay-com · 4 days
I shifted??
I literally do not know how to work tumblr so please excuse me for that (and my spelling).... but I shifted. To my NCT Dr. To Januaray 1st 2012. So SM Rookies started in that year, and I had to have a meeting with my manager about it, because I might be participating (i did obviously). I wake up. 8:30 am on the DOT. bro I felt the breeze on my face, sat up and stared straight at the wall before blinking and looking around my room and KABOOM i realised I was in my desired realtiy.
It wasn't a like "oh my god!!!!!! I SHIFTED!!" type of thing, it was like "Wow, I... shifted?" Like, you know those nights where you have a nap after school and then wake up dehydrated at 3 in the morning? yeah it felt like that. Like, I stood up, slowly walked to the god damn bathroom which FYI is across my house.. all my blinds were open too like it was weird bc its one of those two story apartment things so maybe i just forgot the night before but idk. ANYWAY, BRO my apartment is actually nice. I scripted that it was funded by my jujutsu company because i originally moved to korea to work with some big jujutsu studio and gain a scholarship and stuff blah blah blah and it was niceee like holy hell.
Bro i get to my bathroom, which is pretty small, but like, it was so cute. My shower curtain was like frutiger aero style??? idk something like this:
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It was so cute, loved it. I had a big cart that was full of my hair products and stuff (i kept my CR hair type in but longer) and then when I looked in the mirror.... bro i looked so good. I had my dream body and everything like I WAS an icon like cmon. no wonder i had guys crushing over me in highschool (its because im a foreigner that was homeschooled in middle school)
ANywho, i freak out over that for like... 10 minutes. i had NO pimples, especially on my forehead and back, which is something i struggle with in this reality and idk whether i loved or hated it bc i enjoy popping them and ill feel around my skin for them and they werent there in that reality. I scripted they would be replaced as blemishes instead. which is a life saver fyi. I had to pee like really bad... so i did that and sat on the toilet for an extra 5 minutes because im back in 2012... in a foreign country. why am i in korea in 2012? becayse i chose it. like idk it just feels the same but like... like idk how to describe it like it was the same but not the same ykwim??????????????
I do my little, skincare and brush my teeth and then I remembered i have a phone... with johnny suh's phone number in it and exo and red velvet phone numbers in it. the butterflies and giddiness i felt in that moment.... holy fricking fuck?????? I basically horse jumped and ran back to my bedroom (almost slipping bc i had socks on, it was like the breakfast club intro), and YOINK my phone of a GLITTERY, PINK CHARGER, and flop on the bed like those girls in the 2000s movies. My lockscreen was me and my friend on new years, bro the fashion... it was like those hipster fashion you see in the old one direction imagines but we were so fine like cmon...
I had a few notifications from kakao talk and then from imessages from my family (in italy). when i opened kakao talk.. and could see the messages in my jujutsu studio group chat with other mentors (how i got my money), i quite literally could read EVERYTHING. like it was like speaking english, except it was korean. it was only our schedules for the week so it wasnt that important (I got to teach sunday morning for the littles, and then sunday afternoon with the teenage class, FYI they were a funny class I love them.)
also guess ehat.... i had a message from johnny j suh. I must've fell asleep because it seemed like he was finishing off on a conversation?? all he said was "lol thats so me, i got off so late last night". turns out he was talking about practice but whatever. I replied "haha, hope you get good rest then." and deicded to add a little 'xx' at the end to be flirty and END the convo. (this is my man bro im in love w him ofc ill try getting with him.)
eventually, after scrolling through apps such as instagram... which I was a little famous in ehheehhe and seeing my dm's from guys i went to school in ITALY... it was wild i felt so fine like whew whew whew (pro rider...)
i keep getting off track im sorry. I go make myself breakfast, which was a protein bar and a milkshake, they both slapped. I got ready and got dressed, I only wore leggins and a white top with a big fluffy jumper on bc it was WINTER. like cmon its cold man. but my fit was so chill and cozy like it was so tumblr 2012/2014 arian grande type stuff ykwim. i go out, GET ON A TRAIN, which is actually really busy surprisingly but... i got through it with exo and shinee in my headphones.
i trotted my way to the company and my manager is sitting outside waiting for me (impatient rat), and then like we went in, talked, i met a few trainees. and then apporved of me doing sm rookies and trying to debut and then i left. it was like 12:30 pm by now so i went and had lunch and did a few errands like pick up my school unfirom from the dry cleaners bc it would be my firs tyear in high school AND my first year schooling in korea (#scary). anyway... i didnt get to see johnny that day and none of the other nct members were in the company yet i dont think, so i didnt see them. i just did my own thing, went home, hot showered, skin care, hot cocoa and movie and then shifted back here.
it was an amaing experience,... it was so chill. it was just life?? like what youre doing right now, and what im doing right now is basically what i did in that reality. like its just living like... it sounds so stupid and basic common sense but im just living. surviving. exisitng. being a teenage girl in korea trying to be a kpop idol. like it was just.. idk it was so similar but so different like put me in korea in this reality to do abroad studying and itll be the same thing ykwim??
anyway... thats all that i have but its SO EXCITING LIKE please reach the right audience. this is too too tooooooo good. omw to try again! love yall gn
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celestie0 · 15 days
🪷 girl fuck these people I'm really sorry you're getting so many messages bitching about no smut in ch10. Like who even cares? Does a story or chapter have no value if the characters aren't going at it like rabbits and fucking and sucking on each other?
At this point if you're so disappointed about no hanky panky just go read one of those pornhwas where the characters start screwing at the drop of a hat.
I would've loved that chapter with smut or without smut idgaf it doesn't even matter to me (and the same is for most of your readers too, I'm sure of it). We've all stuck around with your work for so long, and we have faith in your direction as well as your decisions regarding the pace of the plot. It's never that serious, especially not to the stage that bozos feel the need to weep in a writer's asks and swamp them with negative messages. Go jack off or play dj with your hello kitty and go to sleep like the rest of us.
Again, no matter what you do with your work it's entirely your choice. Ofc we as readers can have our own takes and how or why we interact with the work can vary, but it shouldn't reach this stage. I've seen this same story of bullying and pestering authors on tumblr too many times with other authors whose work I enjoy, and many have left their blogs because the harassment made them lose interest in writing and sharing their pieces. It's fucking heartbreaking. Pornhub dot com is right there for y'all to be doing entirely too much in the asks of these writers who are already overwhelmed and write and share all this FOR FREE. If you have so many qualms about it pick up that bic and get to writing bitch!
I'm sorry babe take care! We love you🫂
AHHH LILYPAD ANON I APPRECIATE U SM THIS MEANS THE WORLD TO ME 😭😭 you’re always so kind to me i sobs
yeahh sigh :( i was just a bit upset that ppl were already finding fault w a chapter i haven’t even released yet just bc it doesn’t have smut in it 😭😭 like i obviously know by now that i can’t make everyone happy, but it’s not right to subtly pressure me into a certain direction for my story (ik this is a normal thing authors/writers have to deal with, i am just a weakling unfortunately 💀💀 my therapist wld agree)
i know it’s not most of my readers though :”) everyone is so sweet n kind n patient, i just don’t understand the some few that think that just bc they tell me they’re disappointed there’s no smut, that i’m somehow gonna go back to my 80pg dissertation of a chapter n make it 100pgs just to add some for them 😅…like no. what it DOES make me feel is icky n sad
frankly it’s really uncomfortable to make an author feel bad that there’s no explicit sexual content in a story 😅 your horny brainrot is showing. like, i AM def planning to write smut in kickoff, there will be multiple smut scenes to come. but even if i suddenly chose not to include them anymore, that’s my right to do so.
and yes, if they want smut, they can write it themselves. why do i need to be the one to write it for you? i don’t owe anyone anything.
i totally agree w you. honestly, i feel bad sometimes setting these boundaries, but you’re SO RIGHT in that SO many authors leave their platforms bc of hateful asks/pressuring comments etc, i’ve seen it time n time again. bc it’s true that it DOES get to people, especially when creating art is already a very stressful thing. i don’t have to passively tolerate rude strangers on the internet just because i’m trying to protect n pursue my passion
thanks sm for trusting my direction :”) and YES absolutely!! i love it when my readers disagree w character actions or emotions, bc characters have flaws n i’m intentional about those flaws, so it’s exciting to see opinions my readers have, even if they’re in disagreement, because it’s interactive w my work. not that i expect anyone to interact ever. i understand that i post on my own accord, so readers can choose whether to interact on their accord as well.
but something about pressuring me into writing explicit sexual content into a story that i’d like to think is a lot more than just smut, is really disheartening.
- ellie 🐸
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pudding-parade · 1 year
Geotic by karmatical
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Back to the Exchange we go! Generally speaking, with these world overviews, I mostly want to focus on complete worlds, or at least worlds that are complete enough that you can just plunk down a sim or twelve in the world and play, without having to do any set-up. But, for those who like to build, I will also give a shout-out here and there to empty worlds that I think are nicely sculpted/painted/decorated and that have good lot lay-outs that would be easy to create a nice-looking town in, whether you build the lots yourself or plop down EA or downloaded ones.
This is one such world. It's a recent one, uploaded in January of 2022. It has lovely mountainous scenery full of evergreen trees as well as quite a bit of water and three waterfalls. The lot layout is great, too, with discrete sections that make it easy to create various types of neighborhoods within the world as well as a centralized city/downtown area, complete with a waterfront.
Some stats:
I'm not 100% sure what size the world is, but I think it's 2048x2048. Not all of it is routable, though, so the playable area is smaller than that. It shouldn't take sim-hours to get anywhere.
I'm terrible at recognizing what landscape items come from which EP, but I did see trees that I know for certain come from Pets and Ambitions. I thiiiiiiink the rest is all basegame, though? Maybe? There is no Store content or CC.
I counted 114 lots, with 84 designated as residential and 30 as community, but since they're all empty, you can change that however you want. All of the lots are flat, other than half-a-dozen or so that overlap water so that you could build/place ports/houseboats on them. The "bay" area would be a great place to add some diving lots, too. Some of the lots are odd sizes, particularly long, narrow strips between other lots which are obviously meant to be greenbelts. There are also some other lots that are just a bit "off" from normal sizes -- like 45x40, for instance -- but this wouldn't mean that you couldn't place pre-built "normal" size lots on them. You'd just have a bit of space left over in some cases, which can be a good thing.
There are no spawners in the world. None. Not even fish. Minor pets do not spawn, either. So, if you want to be able to fish or collect things in this world, you'll need to add spawners yourself.
As usual, the title of this post is a link to the world's enormously unhelpful Exchange page, but if you don't want to deal with the Exchange/the Launcher/sims3packs, I have uploaded a .world file here. If you download that, it goes in your install files under GameData - Shared - NonPackaged - Worlds. If you like this world, the creator has two more similar ones, also empty, which you can access from the "Creator" tab on the Exchange page.
So, all that being said, let's have a look at some more pics and info, behind the cut!
First up, some Edit Town pics of the various sections of the world. As I said, the world is broken out into discrete sections meant for different purposes. I don't know about anyone else, but this is something I look for in worlds. So here we go:
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This is the area where all of the lots designated as community lots (except for one out by the lighthouse) are. Me, I'd put luxury houses on the lots on the causeway bit on the left, but as-is they're designated as community lots. Anyway, this is obviously where the city/downtown is supposed to be.
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This is a little rural area, with three larger lots for farms.
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This area has a bunch of small lots. The ones in the grid layout are 15x20, and the ones in the other bit are mostly 20x20 with one or two more 15x20s. So, this would be a good place to put starter houses or small-footprint multi-story houses.
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The lots on the back of the central "mountain" are large and have nice views of unroutable wilderness with a lake and a waterfall, so pretty obviously meant for fancy houses. The area in the upper right has smaller lots but also with a water view, so also good for smaller but more-expensive houses. The lots in the red rectangle are kind of odd, though. They're 15x40. I suppose you could build narrow but very deep houses on them, like urban brownstones or whatever, but I would replace them with fewer but square-er lots.
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Annnnnd this is the area that's mostly meant to be mid-level suburbia, I think. Larger lots laid out in a grid, tree-lined streets, blah blah. There are some larger and more isolated lots there in the bottom right as well as the upper bit along the river, though.
And that's about it! Since the world is empty, we're left with scenery, so...Let's have LOTS MOAR SCENERY!
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mbslost · 3 months
hi. yes i came back for another yapping session, ironic.
i would like to express some of my feelings towards... some interesting things.
1. The Strade nazi drawing
i talked about his before, i am aware, but later (while reading other opinions as well) i got reminded about EP (Electricpuke for those who dont know him). did we all forgot HOW MANY nazi drawings he made? dont you believe that's an influence as well? if i remember correctly, Gato cut ties with him because of his abusive behaviour (there arent many people talking about this but some user are aware about his actions. sadly i wasnt in the community when that happened)
literally there are people calling Gato a nazi when she doesn't support the ideology. why did no one act the same with EP? different standards? the fact he left (probably) for good? still its not an excuse to call Gato a nazi. also she apologised multiple times. again MULTIPLE TIMES. even in the callout post in twt you can see the fact she IS sorry for drawing that. that she REGRETS it
edit: kay found a ss on tt from the user @/gorturic where Gato said this as well
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again, she doesn't support any nazi shit :/
2. The way others silence opinions that they dont like
im not saying you should be forced to agree with it, but when you make a callout account, normally, you let multiple people say their opinions over that thing. you can even show proof when you see someone is wrong. thats how argument work, crazy ik.
i start to see that if you defend Gato or just leave the community because the fandom its on thin ice, you'll be harassed and bullied for your choices. first of all, HOW ABOUT WE LEAVE PEOPLE THAT DONT WANT TO ASSOCIATE WITH BTD/TPOF ANYMORE ALONE. good? literally saw multiple users being harassed by this. its THEIR decision, suck it up. also can we stop SENDING DEATH THREATS???
or the fact that if you do have a point, they'll immediately cancel it with the "oh but its not important". it can be if you have some proofs for their misinformation (just like i proved the variety of poc characters Gato CREATED. didnt talk about Ren since he's another story)
3. Lack of proof for the side allegations.
if people noticed mods harassing people sm, why didnt they talk? why arent there ss of their conversations? we dont even know (most of us) what they even commented about (aside of Pussyspieler drawing). or the twt user that was wronged. that situation was like.. kind of a "im more autistic so you should shut up" (i have to add that i asked people on the spectrum about this and that was their point of view) of course the mod shouldn't have said it like that but.. its more of a misunderstanding really.. that doesnt mean you cant be upset. you absolutely can. everyone can react differently so dont harass them for feeling down or for being frustrated.
also the spanish (or mexican idk) users that just copied and translated @/renhanasgf posts with little to no new information. just the same thing. (although they said something of Gato not sending merch to latin America. probably because of the laws back then or the fact that the transport fee would be high af. im still searching for the reason tho so ill need some time for that one).
4. This fandom is messed up
people when fans of horror porn games are problematic 🤯. i agree that some people are being like extreme with their reactions, but no one is perfect here. just like i approached the situation completely wrong, they did the same. of course, now if you go around and be a racist piece of shit, you shoudl just stay off the internet for a while. luckily more approach the "like the art not the artist" thing.
look. you can always block users that you dont like (just like i do to those who are either into csam,thanks for telling me ab this term anon!, or incest). i know. shocking that people can block others.
after all these fandoms are not for the weak. there may be some safe spaces in it as well but... lets be real... its still going to be problematic. if you cant handle the community or how others act around here, then id suggest for you to not have a close interaction with others. like uhm, just, appreciate the content, not every person around here. just be aware of the users, stau safe okay?
5. Will i stop yapping?
not until i will see an agreement in the fandom. Gato is a human, of course she will do mistakes. especially if she's anxious or tired. having hundreds of people around you its hard and i can imagine it. having supoortive people only to wake up with people hating you. i hope she's safe and that she wont have to go to the hospital again. i pray for her well being, and to others that got spammed with those disgusting comments.
im not saying we should forget about this like.. her poor management and emotional way of responding to things, but is it truly worth it? to force a person to apologise just because they tried to fix things?
i also dont think ill stop because i just feel like im the only one that does talk here (trying to even prove wrong on some things). if others do it as well, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TAG ME I WANNA SEE THEM😭 also because most people are still so confused about EVERYTHING. for some reason this drama its only getting more popular on tt for some reason.. which is a big no no since there are a lot of YOUNG people. i believe this should be talked here, and on twitter. (idk what to say about telegram)
ill stop here since my sickness got me. i will edit it later to add or correct myself but *sighs*
please stay safe and try to view more opinions over this. DONT SPAM OR HARASS ANYONE WHO ONLY WANTED TO EXPRESS THEIR FEELINGS. we'll see on Sunday how things will turn out.
(if i missed something out or said something wrong please correct me)
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melonteee · 4 months
Happy to see some Robin discussion and some Post TS Robin love on the dashboard for sure!!
I guess to continue the Robin love, I really love thinking about how at peace she is with the Straw Hats and also how her dream plays into her story and I'm really excited to see how that wraps up for her. I find hers particularly interesting, because it isn't even really HER dream (to know the void century), but she took on the dreams of those who no longer could. I'm sure she had some level of curiosity as a child for sure, but it can really be inferred that a lot of her interest in the Void Century (at first) was her desire to be closer to the Archeologists and her mother specifically. When she meets Saul, she tells him she just really wants to ask her mom to take her to sea, but she knows her mother is traveling in search of the Poneglyphs, so she learned too. At the heart of it, she just wanted to be loved and be with people who loved her, and looking into the Void Century was the means to that end until the Buster Call. Saul told her to find her friends at sea, and she clung to that hope. Her dream turned into carrying the burdens of those lost, rather than her own, but they both kept her going. It wasn't until that moment on the tower where Luffy coaxed it out of her like only he's capable of - she didn't just say she wanted to live, she said she wanted to go out to sea. Robin is now at sea, surrounded by the people who love her, and it really shows through every moment she's in Post TS. I know everyone wants to see her fight more, and I absolutely would never complain about seeing her more, but I find every time she's just in the background smiling to be some of the most rewarding moments for her. Her dream of finding out what happened in the Void Century is going to happen I'm sure, and I feel like it's going to be so interesting regardless, but I personally thing her true dream was fulfilled that day she asked Luffy to take her to sea with the Straw Hats. I could be way off base and wrong, but there's no rule that says you can only have one dream and be done with it - I mean heck, Luffy has two (being the pirate king and the one we don't know). I'd love to hear your thoughts if you have any! Or I'm sorry if I rambled lol. I just love Nico Robin, I'm not sure if you know this...
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It's why Zou is one of my favorite arcs honestly. She's so happy. She's so, so happy!!
(Also I am sorry if my reply to a post stoked any hurt for Robin Anon, it's all Robin love here and I understand where both of you were coming from, I should have been more considerate)
wahahah hello my Robin mutual!
Do not worry about the robin anon stuff! Me and the kind anon managed to come to an understanding haha.
BUT! Honestly? I have nothing to add! You summed everything up! Because I also love seeing Robin's happiness these days. I love seeing that she can express herself fully, and that she can find peace and comfort amongst the Strawhats without ever worrying about being stabbed in the back. She truly feels like herself in the timeskip, and truly feels like she's able to find herself and grow into someone so caring and authentic in her love for her family.
Egghead especially was so sweet because...she cried in joy! Not in fear or distress, but in joy! How many times would that have EVER happened to her?! She's really finding so much happiness now and it's warm my heart sm 😭😭
also side note I love how evil Nami looks here LMAO
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 8 months
Bro it bothers me sm when ppl are like “Debbie turned out like her mother” or “lip turned out like Frank” or saying that any of the kids turned out like their parents bc they didn’t??? They each have their own struggles and faults, but none of them turned out like their parents as they all broke the cycle??? Idk ppl are just dumb and don’t understand the story 😭😭😭
ok so bee, i saw this ask and i was about to give a normal response to this but then i was like, yk what- fuck it, so here’s a whole ass meta post about generational trauma in shameless and why i also hate this.
(i’m so sorry in advance i’m just crazy)
generational trauma in shameless
shameless is a show that portrays a lot of serious topics, especially topics regarding dysfunctional families, substance abuse, and mental illness. one of those topics portrayed is generational trauma. as someone who comes from a dysfunctional family with a lot of generational trauma, i feel like shameless portrayed this so well.
the first generation to start this (that we really got information about) is frank and monica’s parents. we learned the most about frank’s parents, so i’ll start off there. we learned the most about peggy gallagher, frank’s mother (who- fyi, debbie was kind of named after since peggy’s real name is margaret and that’s debbie’s middle name, so that adds to the whole generational trauma thing but whatever), peggy was an abusive monster. she had four sons, and her least favorite was frank. this was very apparent. she treats frank (and monica, we know she hated monica even though we never saw them together) like shit, and in 4x11, we learn that she raped frank as a child. in season 2, she gets out after being in prison for around eleven years and found joy in humiliating frank + could’ve killed carl with their meth lab. she sucked. her husband was also bad. we didn’t learn much about frank’s father, but we know that much like his son, he was an abusive drunk. he used to make frank wear a dress and would beat him. frank had a very traumatic childhood, which definitely played into the way he parented his children and decided to spend his adulthood. we don’t know a lot about monica’s parents, but we know that frank says that monica’s parents ruined her. monica’s mother is mentioned once in 3x06, where she’s calling fiona and forgets who monica is. one can infer she had dementia or something like it, and it’s implied she died by season 7. speaking of season 7, that’s where we meet her father, bill. bill is a crude man who criticizes everything. we know that he had little involvement in his daughter’s life, and was a army man, making monica a military brat.
so, one abusive addict parent and one uninvolved parent. sound familiar?
i don’t think i need to explain much about frank and monica, but i will anyways. frank and monica made fiona on accident and monica didn’t want her, not long after lip was born, frank went to rehab and monica and clayton made ian. when debbie was born, frank wanted to sell her. when carl was born, monica left not long after. when liam was born, monica, yet again, left weeks later. monica is uninvolved, and frank isn’t necessarily uninvolved, but he isn’t really involved either. frank was the black sheep of the family and the least favorite. his father hit him (we’re lead to believe he was the only one who was hit) and he seemed to have had it pretty rough, maybe it’s just me, but when i hear that, i think of ian. monica and frank are both victims of their environment. being a military brat, monica most likely moved around a lot and felt very lonely. so, she found comfort in the lifestyle that was moving constantly, and didn’t really grasp the concept of two parents being there constantly. that, her addiction, and her disorder played parts in her parenting style. frank grew up humiliated and was smart, but became an addict and a drop out. he tried to improve his life on multiple occasions but failed each time. i will die on the hill that both frank and monica loved their kids, but not enough, not in the right way. something i feel very strongly about due to my own experiences is that you must heal before becoming a parent. growing up with unhealed parents puts you into a position nobody should be put it.
on the topic of growing up with unhealed parents, we have lip and debbie. lip and debbie both have hero complexes, and also both have always wanted nothing more than to have children. lip is an alcoholic, and one of the ways he copes with this and keeps his sobriety is by putting other people’s problems before his own. debbie is troubled, to say the least (it’s implied that she struggles with borderline personality disorder), and to cope with her crippling loneliness she self sabotages and prostitutes herself. in season 2, the possibility of lip being a teen dad was there and lip was willing to ruin his entire life for a kid that he wasn’t even sure was his. in season 3, he takes in mandy’s half-sister to save her from foster care. in season 8/9, he rescues xan and tries to become her guardian. ian describes him as the closest thing to a dad all of the gallagher siblings have ever had. in debbie’s case, from season 1 we learn about her caring nature. we see her care for her father, aunt ginger, and her babydoll. in the next season, she starts her own daycare and cares for those babies. she has wanted nothing more than her own family since her first appearance. she gets pregnant at fourteen and by fifteen, destroys a lot of her life for her baby. she likes feeling wanted and having a family and she loves caring for her daughter. (it’s also worth mentioning the similarities between frank and fiona and monica and ian, but that’s for another day).
so now, here’s the question: are lip and debbie frank and monica?
i’d say no. lip is still struggling with active addiction, by season 11, he is not recovered, he relapsed and the ending is so ambiguous (purposefully, every character’s ending was left up to interpretation) that we don’t really know what’s going on with him pre-11x12. but there is that scene where lip gives fred this speech about how frank was an addict, and gave lip alcohol as a kid, and now lip’s an addict. and lip tells freddie that he would never do that to him. i feel like that alone gives us the assurance that lip isn’t like frank (in that way). but is debbie monica? also no. many fans are inlove with the idea of debbie abandoning franny, it seems to be all they talk about, but as a self-proclaimed debbie expert (lol) i’d say that that’s blasphemy. debbie would go through hell for franny, and in 11x08 delivers a monologue about why she will never leave franny. that doesn’t mean she’s a flawless mother, she isn’t, but she’s also twenty. i think that the most confirmation we have that debbie isn’t like her mother is in season 7 when she loses franny. she goes through absolute hell over losing her child. monica gets franny back and claims to relate, but debbie (and viewers) can tell that it’s different. we know that the gallagher’s were taken away on multiple occasions, and we know that when monica found out her kids were taken from her, instead of coming home, she willingly signed the rights to them away.
anyways. i completely agree that they are not like their parents; are they like them in certain ways? absolutely. but i also fully believe that the two of them are breaking the cycle. fred and franny will grow up and never have to worry about having a roof over their heads, they will never worry about not having food in their stomachs, they will never find themselves without a parent for a year or two. they will, hopefully, grow up with no substance abuse issues and no mental health issues. hopefully.
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cosmicdream222 · 2 months
sorry to be morbid again but do you think we can manifest passing away early? im honestly past the point of wanting to exist and just want to get over this thing that im supposed to be a successful person but im not so idrc if i do or dont live
so many ppl on tarot related blogs ask about their fs but if we dont meet them does it matter and would they just move on with their life? like i think u have to have ur life put together but its genuinely so hard to do these days so i hope my fs wont be sad at all when i die cause i wouldnt be able to make tnem truly happy anyway cause im not happy myself with how things have been
ideally i wouldve done something in a sport or music but that ship sailed long ago and now im so stuck but id hate to be reliant on someone else and i shouldve moved out into my own place but housing is ridiculously expensive where im from and taxes dont help anyone. it takes years and years to pick up a talent so i have wasted those years and ik im just going to struggle to get past 50 if i were to have my own place bc minimum wage jobs suck arse and i dont want to be doinng something lame not that its lame for others to do it, its just not what i wanted to have done at all
you cant even get a degree without needing to fork out hundreds and thousands so yeah none of its easy and sure you can try subliminals but lets face it the systemn we are in is fucked up big time so rn i cant even bother with daydream about how it could have been or the what ifs i had done smth differently or if i had any talent but then theres still the, im too old and too foreign to do any sort of music as most successful groups nowadays are korean and even if i tried to do what they did it would probs end up killing me some way or other
its just either about having to be wealthy or having some type of talent both of which id fail at anyway as i shouldve done it years ago like a normal person who goes from being so so at something to being great at something.
i truly think i was born in wrong generation or i just shouldnt have been born at all then i wouldnt have to fret constantly abt these types of things. i think if the government genuinely sorted shit out for once and helped society ppl would be happier to work for less but im not happy at all with the current state of things. i feel guilty for existing and i hate it sm like god just let me end my life pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee there is nothing worthwhile in store, ik we could try shifting subliminals but have those genuinely worked? like u exit this reality and straight into the one you wanted originally? but then i might as well just pass away cause id have to know what i want in another reality
My dude, take a deep breath. You’ve ranted about all this same exact stuff a bunch of times now and I’m just gonna repeat the same thing I said to you last time:
All of that stuff you mentioned about your current reality is an illusion. Time is an illusion. It does not matter what you’ve done in the past. The economy does not matter. Your present circumstances do not matter.
I’ll add to that: Whatever some tarot reader or TikTok psychic says definitely does not matter. Idk what fs means but I’m guessing something like a twin flame and that is especially 1000% bullshit.
The spiritual community has created an incredible amount of false narratives to make excuses and blame outside forces for why things aren’t going their way. None of it is real. Seriously forget everything you learned about fate, karma, astrology, or anything else that’s saying something else is in control. Reality is an illusion. YOU are in control.
You don’t have to identify with any old bullshit anymore. Stop repeating the old story and think about what you do want. You can have literally ANYTHING! You say you don’t know what you want, ok, but you know what you don’t want, right?
I don’t want to work -> I want to live in a reality where I don’t have to work.
There, you just figured out something you want! It’s that simple.
I totally agree that this society is a horrific shitshow and I don’t want to be aware of it anymore either. But it’s just one version of reality available. It’s not the only reality and it’s not the original reality. You don’t have to be aware of it anymore if you don’t want to be.
You also don’t have to involve death at all. There’s a lot of misconception in the shifting world which has lead to concepts like “permashifting” and “respawning”, but those just all assume this current reality is the original one. It’s not.
Have you watched The Matrix? It’s really more like a documentary than science fiction lol. Just like in the movie, we are being tricked by a simulated virtual reality, controlled by a society that’s using us for our energy. Just think of reality as an escape room. We’re escaping the Matrix. Once you figure out how to leave, you don’t ever have to go back. There are infinite realities available to you, and none are more real or right or original than any others. Remember, death is not an ultimate, nor does it exist in all realities.
I am scripting a utopian reality with my best friend where there is no death, aging, or illness. Everyone is a master manifestor so they always get whatever they want. Nobody has to work and there isn’t even a need for money because we can manifest anything instantly. We can just relax and get massages all day. Everyone lives in peace and harmony and abundance. Animals are treated as equals to humans, we can all communicate with each other, and we can all fly and teleport. Because why the f not? 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
And if you really don’t want to exist (I’m guessing that other ask from a couple weeks ago is you too lol) you don’t have to exist in this reality, or any other. Removing your awareness from all physical reality is known as entering the void. You exist there as pure consciousness, and you can stay there as long as you like. It is you as your highest self. There’s nothing negative about it.
As for the whole subliminal thing, shifting subliminals are just one method. Shifting = manifesting = deciding what you want and experiencing it. It’s something we are always doing and is available to all of us. You don’t need any methods to shift besides intention. We just use methods to convince/calm the annoying human brain that is programmed with society’s limits.
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jester-dragons-aus · 2 months
Ah fuck I've done it again
Amalgam AI AU
I've seen some AUs about the humans being AI instead of Caine and I thought that might be the simplest way to get this monstrosity to happen with a massive glitch without abstraction playing a part.
I think I just really like horror AUs and doing stuff like that is just so fun so I made another one with a better title than "Horror House" cuz c'mon what the hell does that mean lol
The only characters I don't have designed currently are Zooble, Caine, and Bubble but I'll add them soon. Caine will be a human, Bubble could be something to help him out and what not.
Inspired by AUs like Sm-baby's and The Horror Circus AU, but like, different ofc.
Think this: the game wasn't originally supposed to be a horror game, just a game you go through for fun. Like Undertale, I guess? But not quite
So first and foremost, I think people would wanna see Pomni, though Jax was the first to be designed.
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Pomni is supposed to be some sort of anti-virus or some sort of protecting thing. Supposed to fix bugs and glitches and prevent viruses from getting into the game. Like a firewall, I guess? I tried to make her look like "right/wrong" esc thing. She was the last to be designed and it was like 1 am when I designed her. I had no clue what to do with her, I'll be completely honest.
Story wise, she'd be trying to find a way to undo this massive glitch and get the game back to normal before she can even rest. Once Caine pops up to try and fix the game from inside, as a dev himself, she does her best to protect him and help him fix the game.
No there is no shipping in this AU, they're just helping each other basically survive. They might become friends over time but nothing more. :V
Next up: Ragatha and Gangle! I actually really like Gangle's design but Ragatha definitely needs a few tweaks I think.
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Ragatha, before this massive glitch, would have been an NPC that would help a player out at the start but end up getting lost after a certain point, like a tutorial. She was the most caring character in the game before everything went down.
Gangle used to be someone who ran a little theatre thing in the game, as I've seen from other AUs and took inspiration from, but she's usually nice no matter what mask she has on. More arms means she can help more people at once, right? Game mechanics wise she was like a little shop keeper for costumes if they're needed and she can help with newer mechanics on stage if something new is added. Friendly NPC, you know? Love her design, too!
Now for the first two to be designed, Jax and Kinger!!
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So Jax was like a reoccurring villain, I guess. Always trying to make the player quit the game or just scare the shit out of them, despite him not being very scary himself. He's more played off to be a joke character, if I'm honest, always failing with his antics and what not. It's part of the code! I actually like his design, small lil paws and just so shapey over all.
Kinger was like a final boss, I guess? The scariest of all of them at that time. He was a king, ruling over his pawns and such, all of which were also bug themed! I love making Kinger bug related it's so fun. He's a big softie in reality but hits like a train if you ever went against him. He had terrible vision despite all of his eyes and was very slow despite the amount of legs.
Now for what everyone has been waiting for.
The reason for the AU title.
The MASSIVE glitch that caused everything to go downhill.
The Amalgam.
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I still think it needs a few tweaks here and there but this is one of four concepts I've had for it.
One time all four of these characters were together, which was relatively rare but possible, a glitch happened in the game. Pomni doesn't know where it started from and none of the game devs understand how it happened, but it did. Some devs think there's a hacker. A massive glitch pulled those four characters together into one terrifying being, always hostile and destructive. All the code of the characters were merged into this thing and somewhat scrambled. The game has now been broken to where once you're in, you can't escape until it's fixed, yet no one knows it, which is why Caine went in.
So much has happened and it's still being fixed, but a hostile blob of characters constantly attacking whenever it's near? It will be hard to fix.
It seems to be guarding something.
Concepts for the amalgam:
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You can see in the first one I was going to put Zooble there but I still need a good design for Zooble. Let's see what they'll be.
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 6 months
To add to your lovely post about “her”. That video her bestie post about the Saturday event, it looks a lot like that video she leaked on her IG story. Soft porn 🤮She is the opposite of what Chris is. She attends to events, loves the attention. Although we don't know how Chris really is, he doesn't seem to be in the Same page. We've seen a lot videos of him talking about how important spirituality and all those subjects, I'm sorry but she doesn't seem to be like that. She's out at parties. There is one video I remember seeing on tiktok, she was out with Scott and his BF in a Las Vegas show. All of them there, Chris wasn't there. Why?. It doesn't make sense ANY sense at all. Unless Chris lied to his fans for years, his choice of “bride” doesn't fit with him.
See! She did throw a tantrum, on the same spectrum as her very public strip tease.
She's getting predictable~ (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
Anyway, you are definitely not wrong, An🫶n. She most definitely isn't the right girl or match for our dear Chris. In any sense of the word.
Actually, when I did my digging to figure out why half the Fandom hated her so much, and called anyone that said, "Just be happy for Chris and Alba", a racist, I saw this funny post. Can't find it now, but if any of y'all saved it or have it in your orbit, please send it to me. I wanna keep it for hate reasons 🤭
Anyway, the post had Chris describing his perfect partner, personality and physical characteristics. Everything Chris said, she isn't. Most notably, "Chris Evans is an ass man!", I'm definitely going to be one of those people because that's what made me cackle, SHE DON'T GOT AN ASS!!!
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Chris doesn't seems like the older he gets, the less likely he is to want to go out. He might just want simplicity, and a family (maybe he's changed his mind about that, but chances are he hasn't, I mean he mentioned it on The View), and hopefully less or total lack of pot and weed 😆.
He's probably waiting for a better person to come along. Because strong evidence suggests, Albitch with all her jet setting, attention whoring, and baiting with her equally thick faced soulmate, LD, is definitely not IT.
Is it too much of me to hope that she leaves SM for months again, after the whole fiasco with her loaned "wedding rings"? Because that will give me ALL the respite I need. Plus, I honestly wouldn't mind if we never saw her face again...
And she'd be the type to post about her kids FOR THE CLICKS. I don't know what delulu juice the other side is drinking, but the pay must be nice. The ones exposing her aren't getting paid for any of this, but YOU BOTS SURE ARE MAKING BANK ON THAT ATTENTION HOG RACIST ANTI-SEMITIC SLUT!!!
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majaloveschris · 7 months
I also don't get it. To be honest, nothing about this whole wedding makes any sense. Even if they had the ceremony in Cape Cod, they went back to their "Boston-area home" to party. So even if they didn't have a hurricane, it was still raining outside, so were they dancing in the middle of a storm? I guess it's not that easy to postpone a wedding, but this isn't the only thing that makes this whole wedding story seem like bullshit./// Hi Maja, I'd also like to add there's been numerous people who live in his area that have said on SM that they never saw anyone or heard anything about a wedding that weekend, they haven't even seen her about with him where he lives. So none of this adds up, and him saying yesterday that they're living a quiet life =you'll never see us together at home. It's all smokes and mirrors Maja, and a lot of people are seeing through the crap
You know that I don't really believe when someone says something on the internet without any actual proof, no matter what. I don't know if those who've said these things are actually living there or not, or if one of them is known to be living there, then it's different, but I kind of agree.
What I mean is that I think that if somebody saw or heard something (which they should've), there would be tweets or sightings about it. There are sightings and tweets about him doing regular stuff, and I'm pretty sure getting married would make a big buzz, especially since the Avengers were spotted there. There were A-listers at their wedding, so it's weird that nobody saw them (outside of a few of them in Boston) or heard anything, especially the loud music they were talking about.
Living a quiet life could mean we won't see them as much as we used to. However, they have a very unusual take on being private or living a quiet life, so who knows what's next?
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