#its all a bit weird and irrational
kabukeo · 11 months
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tonight's little doodles
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woolydemon · 4 months
i am so apathetic to popular male transformers characters, but i have a simple trick to make me care abt them: i turn them into robot women then i suddenly start seeing their appeal
#grimlock would be so awesome as a butch woman. DO YOU HEAR ME DOES ANYBODY HEAR ME HELLOOOO#also crazy in depth conversation i had abt this made me think abt why i get rlly. apathetic abt popular tf characters#esp when i realize all the popular characters im Whatever abt are all men#but i always have interest in the female ones and also the niche little weird guys#you are looking at rare scrounge fan. rare wheelie fan. and Number 1 Fan of Blurr*#*when hes a dorky weird anxious guy. yknow the ones ppl dont care abt bc hes “annoying” and “ugly”#i dont give as much of a shit abt the handsome cocky racer blurrs#i realize. because tf fandom has a weird thing abt only caring abt how attractive a character is#and tends to gravitate to male characters for that aspect#like lets be real here. there is such a high priority in this fandom for what characters look best in porn. im right.#and ppl love the yaoi robots for that.#and i. am on the aroace spectrum. and do not find as much attraction in men (though i do sometimes. just less so)#so this doesnt appeal to me#so i find myself so incredibly apathetic or a hater to a lot of the tf fandom bc of this#in turn i do not care so much for the popular characters or straight up see them as red flags (admittedly im a bit irrational for this tho)#a lot of times i get a feeling like “ok whats so special abt this guy. its just another conventionally attractive man" it feels boring to m#so that might explain why i become more interested in these characters if they arent men#this is all being said from a nonbinary person that leans more transmasc btw. just noting that.#rando thoughtz
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lixiepixiedust · 6 months
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pairing — badboy!felix x fem!reader; highschool au; friends w/ benefits
word count — 3.1k words
warnings — she/her reader, they argue way too much in this, jealousy (both ways), felix is kinda aggressive, uses of korean names, suggestive, small make out, almost sex
summary — you and felix have been friends with benefits for far too many months and everyone knows you secretly like each other. when mutual jealousy arises, you too get into an argument that makes your feelings way too obvious its silly.
"Y/n!" A boy in your year approached you with an eager expression. His name was Juwon, and you two have talked a few times in Chemistry class. He was nice, super weird, but nice. You still tried to avoid him when could since being around him was often draining.
You chuckled awkwardly, "Hey, what's up?" you asked.
"Can I ask you something?" he inquired, lowering his voice.
"Sure," you replied with a forced smile.
"You know, Felix?" he blurted out quickly. "Are you dating him?"
Your smile faded as your eyebrows furrowed, "Why do you want to know?"
"I don't know, I've just noticed you two walking home together and chatting in the hallways," he explained defensively.
"Are you stalking us?" you asked skeptically.
"No! I'm not stalking you," he clarified.
"Ok, this is kinda weirding me out," you chuckled, clearly uncomfortable.
"Sorry, I just see you two so often," he said.
You raised an eyebrow, still puzzled by Juwon's sudden interest in your relationship with Felix. "Okay, but why do you care if Felix and I are dating or not?"
Juwon scratched the back of his head nervously. "Well, um, the thing is, I sorta have a crush on you."
You blinked in surprise, not expecting that confession. "Oh," you said, not sure how to respond. You took a moment to process this information. It explained his odd behavior and sudden interest in your personal life. "Look, Juwon, I have to be honest too—I'm not looking to date anyone right now. I've got a lot going on."
Juwon nodded, disappointment evident on his face. "Oh, I see. Well, I guess I just wanted to know for sure. Sorry if I made it weird."
"It's okay, Juwon. I appreciate you being upfront about it," you said, trying to ease the awkward tension.
"Well, you know, cause you're not with anyone, I was wondering if, I could get your number, though?" he asked tentatively.
You thought about it for a moment. Despite his quirks, Juwon seemed like a genuinely nice person. "If you want it, you have to promise me it's just as friends," you said with a small smile. "I hope you understand that's all I'm looking for right now."
"Nevermind, then," he replied, a bit crestfallen. "Bye, Y/n."
After Juwon left, you sighed, feeling a mix of relief and sympathy for him. You gathered your things and decided to take a break in the hallway. As you walked towards your locker, you couldn't help but mull over the recent encounter. The hallway was relatively quiet, and you leaned against your locker, staring absentmindedly at the passing students.
As you were lost in thought, contemplating the conversation with Juwon, you suddenly heard familiar laughter approaching. Turning your head, you saw your boy best friend, Felix, walking down the hallway, engaged in a lively conversation with a girl who's name you completely forgot. They seemed to be getting along well, laughing and sharing jokes as they walked.
A strange sensation gripped your stomach, a mix of surprise and discomfort. You didn't expect Felix to be chatting so animatedly with another girl, and for some reason, it made you feel a twinge of jealousy. You shook your head, trying to dismiss the irrational feeling. After all, you and Felix were not dating yet, and you had no right to be possessive or jealous.
Felix looked up, and his gaze met yours. That familiar smirk played on his lips as his flirty eyes eyed you up and down, assessing you. You couldn't help but clutch your bag. You gave him a small wave, matching his energy, but he then continued his conversation with the girl beside him.
As you turned away from Felix, trying to shake off the strange feeling in your stomach, you unlocked your locker and gathered your homework and textbooks. With a deep breath, you tried to compose yourself before making your way to find, your bestfriend, Chaewon.
Spotting her not too far away, you weaved through the crowd and approached her. Chaewon's eyes lit up when she saw you, and she enveloped you in a tight hug. "Y/n! How's it going?" she exclaimed.
You returned the hug, grateful for the comfort of a friend. "Hey, Chaewon. It's been a bit of a day, to be honest. How are you?"
"I'm great! I'm ahead on all my work. Come to my locker, tell me everything."
You nodded, and you both made your way to her locker away from the bustling students. You stood beside her as you shared a bit about the encounter with Juwon and the unexpected interaction with Felix and the girl.
Chaewon listened attentively, concern evident on her face as she closed her locker. "Sounds like a lot's happening. You know, guys can be so confusing sometimes. Maybe Felix was just being friendly with that girl, you know, like how he is with everyone? You two have been fucking for like months, there's nothing getting in your way."
You chuckled nudging her playfully. "I'm not worried about that." you lied.
As you continued chatting, Chaewon suddenly looked past your shoulder, her eyes widening slightly. "Hey, speaking of the elephant in the room," she said, pointing discreetly behind you.
You turned around, and indeed, Felix was leaning against a nearby wall, observing the two of you with a playful smirk on his face. Your heart skipped a beat as you caught his gaze. "Hey, Y/n." he called, strolling over with a confident stride.
Chaewon shot you a knowing look before excusing herself, purposely leaving you alone with Felix. "What's up, Felix?" you asked, trying to sound casual.
He leaned against the locker beside you. "Just wanted to see you. How was today? We didn't have time to talk at all."
"Yeah, um, nothing else besides Lee Juwon asking if we were dating," you admitted, avoiding eye contact with Felix.
Felix raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "And what did you tell him?"
You sighed, "I don't even think I gave him an answer after all. Then he told me he liked me."
Felix remained silent for a moment, his jaw tensing. "Juwon has a crush on you?" he repeated, his tone more serious than before.
"Yeah," you continued, "he asked for my number, but I made it clear that I'm not looking to date anyone right now. I just wanted to be honest with him, cause I would've told him we weren't dating."
Felix's expression shifted, a subtle disappointment flickering across his face. "Oh," he said, his usual playful demeanor momentarily subdued.
"Yeah, sorry if that's not what you were expecting," you added, feeling a bit uneasy about the whole situation.
Felix leaned back against the lockers, running a hand through his hair. "No, it's cool."
You nodded, appreciating his nonchalant response. "I mean, we're just hanging out, right?"
"Right," he said, though there was a hint of something in his eyes that you couldn't quite place.
After a moment of silence, you mustered the courage to bring up the topic that had been bothering you. "By the way, who was that girl you were talking to earlier?"
Felix's expression brightened a bit as he remembered the interaction. "Oh, her? Just someone from my last period class. We started talking recently. She's cool." Felix nudged you with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Don't worry, though."
You tilted your head, trying to maintain your composure. "Oh, I'm not worried. Why would I have any reason to be worried?"
Felix chuckled, a sly smile playing on his lips. "Right, right. We're just hanging out, after all."
The mocking tone in Felix's words didn't go unnoticed by you. You felt a surge of frustration, but you tried to brush it off. "Exactly, just friends," you replied with a forced smile.
Felix's smirk widened, and he looked down at you, a subtle condescension in his gaze. "Glad we're on the same page, then."
Your irritation grew, but you bit your lip, choosing not to escalate the situation. "Yeah."
The tension between you and Felix lingered as the conversation continued. The casual banter that usually flowed between you two felt strained, and there was an unspoken frustration in the air.
As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, you found yourself heading towards the exit with a mix of apprehension and determination. You reached the school gates and you noticed Felix a few steps ahead of you, also making his way out. The distance between you felt like a vast chasm, filled with unspoken words and unresolved tension. Despite the silence, Felix glanced back and caught your eye, a momentary flicker of uncertainty crossing his face.
When you stepped out into the fresh air, Felix slowed down, allowing you to catch up. He reached over and effortlessly took your bag off your shoulders to carry it for you, a gesture he had made a habit of since the beginning of your friendship. It was a small comfort, a silent acknowledgment of a bond that seemed strained at the moment.
The two of you walked side by side, the silence becoming almost suffocating. However, Felix's act of taking your bag spoke volumes. Even in the midst of frustration and unspoken words, he didn't want you to bear the weight alone.
"So, Felix, anything interesting happen with you today?" you asked, attempting to steer the conversation away from the awkwardness.
Felix shrugged, his eyes still holding a hint of irritation. "Not really, just the usual. Classes, hanging out, you know." He snapped sarcastically.
"Mhm," you replied.
The silence that followed was filled with an uncomfortable energy. You could sense Felix's annoyance, and you were growing increasingly frustrated yourself. It was as if the unspoken tension was bubbling just beneath the surface.
Finally, Felix broke the silence with a sarcastic chuckle. "So, you and Juwon, huh? Quite the love triangle developing here."
You rolled your eyes, irritation rising. "Don't be ridiculous, Felix. It's not like that. I told you I rejected him."
He raised an eyebrow, a smug expression on his face. "Sure, sure. After all, we're just friends, right?"
You clenched your jaw, annoyed by his insinuations. "Yes, Felix, just friends. Is that so hard to believe?"
He leaned in closer, a challenging glint in his eyes. "Well, if we're just friends, then why do we-"
"Felix, stop." You interrupted him before he could finish his sentence.
Felix sighed. "I was about to say: Why did it bother you so much to see me talking to another girl?" That was clearly not what he was about to say.
Your cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and frustration. "It didn't bother me. I was just curious. That's all."
Felix's smirk only widened. "Curious, huh? Seems like someone's a little more invested than they're letting on."
You took a deep breath, trying to keep your composure. "You know what, Felix? This whole thing is ridiculous. If you're going to act like this, maybe we should just stick to being actual friends and nothing more."
"Wait, I thought we were friends to begin with." Felix laughed which pushed your buttons even more.
The irritation between you and Felix continued to escalate as you walked towards the intersection where you two normally split up to go to your own houses after school.
Finally reaching the familiar crossroad, you stopped and turned to face Felix. "Give me my bag."
Felix crossed his arms, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Oh, come on, Y/n. No need to be so uptight about it."
You gritted your teeth, frustration bubbling to the surface. "Felix, I mean it. I just want to go home."
He chuckled, seemingly enjoying your discomfort. "You know, you're being quite stubborn about this. What's the harm in hanging out a bit more? We're just friends, right? "
You sighed, feeling a mix of annoyance and fatigue. "Felix, we're not in the mood for this right now. Can we please just go our separate ways?"
But instead of acquiescing, Felix shook his head with a playful smirk. "Nah, I've got a better idea. How about you come over to my place?'"
The irritation reached its peak as you reluctantly allowed him to guide you in the direction of his house. "Fine, but only for a little while. I've got things to do."
Felix grinned triumphantly, his playful demeanor seemingly unaffected by the tension. "Deal."
As you and Felix approached his house, a familiar sense of comfort washed over you. You had been there countless times before, and despite the current tension between you two, a small part of you couldn't help but feel a fleeting sense of happiness at the prospect of spending time in a familiar environment.
Felix swung open the door with his usual flair, ushering you inside. The air inside his house was filled with a mix of warmth and familiarity.
You had been to Felix's house many times before, and despite the current tension between you two, a small part of you couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort at the prospect of spending time there.
Reaching Felix's front door, he swung it open with a flourish, gesturing for you to enter. "After you, my friend,"
You stepped inside, the familiar surroundings evoking a strange mix of emotions. It was a place filled with memories of laughter, shared secrets, and casual hangouts. The familiarity momentarily lifted your spirits, and you found yourself slipping into a momentary sense of contentment.
Felix closed the door behind you, and you both made your way to the living room. "So, what do you feel like doing? Homework?" Felix asked, attempting to break the awkward silence.
You hesitated for a moment, still grappling with the unresolved tension between you two. "Honestly, Felix, I don't know why you insisted on dragging me here."
Felix plopped down on the couch, looking at you with a casual grin, ignoring your question. "Or..." he took your hand and pulled you onto the couch with him, "My parents aren't home, but that doesn't matter cause we're just friends hanging out, right"
"Why can't you let it go, Felix?" you retorted, your frustration reaching a boiling point. "I don't understand why you're so pressed about this whole thing."
Felix's anger suddenly bursted out of nowhere. "Because we're not just friends, and you damn well know it!"
His words hung in the air, the weight of the unspoken tension finally surfacing. Before you could respond, Felix closed the distance between you two in an instant. The sudden intensity caught you off guard as he slightly pushed your shoulders against the side of the couch, pulling you into a hot, angry kiss.
The kiss was a collision of conflicting emotions—frustration, desire, and a hint of desperation. Felix's lips pressed against yours with a fiery intensity, as if trying to convey everything he couldn't put into words. The anger that had simmered between you two transformed into a raw, passionate exchange.
For a moment, you were suspended in a whirlwind of conflicting feelings. The familiarity of Felix's touch, coupled with the undeniable chemistry, ignited a spark that had been smoldering beneath the surface. It was a heated kiss that spoke volumes, a silent admission of the unspoken connection that neither of you could deny.
The air crackled with the intensity of the moment, and for that brief instant, it felt like the world outside ceased to exist. The kiss lingered for what felt like an eternity, and as Felix finally pulled away, hovering over you.
Felix's eyes bore into yours, looking down on you. "Do friends make out every week, or is that just us?"
You took a moment to collect your thoughts, the conflicting desire within you. "Just us," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
"So, we're not just friends, are we?"
Felix, sensing the subtle shift, leaned in closer, his eyes locking onto yours. There was a quiet intensity in his gaze that spoke volumes. Without saying a word, he traced a gentle path with his fingers along your jawline, sending shivers down your spine.
Your breath caught as Felix's lips latched onto the sensitive skin of your neck. A soft gasp escaped your lips, and your heart raced in response to the unexpected touch. His kiss was rough, mirroring the unspoken desire between you.
Felix sucked on your neck, leaving a mark. It sent a wave of tingles through your body, and you couldn't deny the magnetic pull that drew you closer. The room seemed to fade away, leaving only the sensation of his lips against your skin.
As Felix continued to explore the delicate curve of your neck, a mix of emotions flooded your senses—desire, uncertainty, and the undeniable chemistry that had always simmered beneath the surface. It was a moment suspended in time, where the boundaries between friendship and something more became increasingly blurred.
Finally, Felix pulled back, his eyes locking onto yours with a mixture of playfulness and sincerity. "Friends don't usually do that, do they?"
You took a deep breath, attempting to process the whirlwind of emotions that had just unfolded. Felix's eyes searched yours for a reaction, and a vulnerable tension lingered in the air.
"No," you replied, your voice dripped with lust.
Felix grinned, his playful demeanor returning. "Well, I guess that means we've crossed the line ages ago."
He gently brushed a strand of hair away from your face and leaned in for another kiss, the intensity of the moment still lingering. You reciprocated the kiss, but as Felix's hands began to wander up your skirt, you felt a surge of hesitation. Even though you two have had sex a few times already, you first needed to talk this whole thing out. Pulling back slightly, you met his gaze with a hint of caution. "Felix," you breathed out, "Stop, slow down."
Felix's hands halted immediately as you pulled away, and he looked at you with an understanding expression. The room, once charged with a heated atmosphere, seemed to cool down as Felix maintained a respectful distance.
"Sorry," he said softly, catching his breath. "I got carried away."
"It's okay," you replied, your voice a bit shaky.
As the tension eased, Felix reached out to gently fix your hair, his touch tender and considerate.
Felix, with his usual playful demeanor, leaned back with a smirk, the glint of mischief in his eyes undiminished. "Well, that was unexpected of friends, right?"
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ddarker-dreams · 8 months
Nexus IV.
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Yandere Blade x F Reader.
Warnings: Explicit not SFW, alcohol consumption, Space Politics, possessive behavior, yandere themes and unhealthy relationships. Word count: 15.4k.
Nexus index.
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Time plucked away at the few petals still clinging to Kafka’s roses. 
The insipid end brought an inexplicable sense of relief. An irrational foreboding cast suspicion upon the bouquet; you considered it an ill-omen. You observed it religiously as one would an upside-down hourglass. Waiting, anticipating, dreading. When the last petal fell, you breathed a sigh of relief. It was late by then, so you decided to throw the remains away in the morning. 
Presently, you examine the vase. 
The once wilted stems stand tall, pridefully lifting its crowning gem on a green pedestal. Ruby-colored petals burst forth, wickedly beautiful and fragrant. 
Is this a practical joke? Some little parlor trick intended to unnerve you? 
The latest developments in holograms include olfactory stimulation. Consider this, you decide to test its authenticity. You reach out, expecting your hands to glide through an incorporeal image. 
Your fingers meet resistance. 
You try again just to be certain — the results are the same.
You’re more determined to get rid of it now than ever.
You pick up the most vain rose by its stem. It delays its demise by pricking you, earning a temporary pardon along the white veneer of your vanity. 
Blood pools into a crimson dome on your finger. You watch it, mesmerized, taken aback by memories that emerge alongside it.
The voice of a haughty girl echoes throughout your being. 
“What’s wrong? It’s just a bit of blood. We all have it inside us, don’t we?”
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The LOTUS-EATER has always been your home. 
So long as it wasn’t open for business, you were free to run amuck. Of course, you refused to run amuck — how unladylike is that — but you did enjoy roaming. There were a lot of interesting things to look at. Anything was better than spending hours in front of that dumb blue screen with its stupid made-up people with stupid made-up problems. You didn’t get it. Everyone always said you’d grow up to be a super amazing Arbiter. You’d get tons of clients, make them all happy, get mountains of credits, buy the IPC, and then fire their staff.
Miss Calliope, your teacher when mother was busy, said it took most twenty years to get to where you’ve gotten in one. This reinforced an argument you’d practiced for many cycles. You thought for sure you could convince mother.
It didn’t work out that way. 
Mother said you had to keep studying before you could make a link with an organic being. You really wanted to argue, but you chose to act like an adult and be angry in silence instead. She tried to win you over and offered a ride on the nectar guides. This bribe almost swayed you from your mission. To ensure she knew how serious you were, you said you’d pass, calmly enough for her to know you weren’t actually calm. 
She went off somewhere to discuss boring things with boring people. You seized this opportunity to further refine your strategy and paced The Lounge’s hallways. Maybe if you broke the blue screen, mother would have no choice but to let you learn through experience. This idea greatly enthused you, until you remembered they could just get another blue screen. For this mission to succeed, you needed to cause the ‘collapse of supply chains.’ This was adult for ‘we can’t get the stuff we want’ from what you could surmise. The problem was, you didn’t know where these important chains were located. There’s Thelx, the good place, Ade, the weird place, Mele, the boring place, and Arc, the scary place. 
You stood and contemplated. If you had to hide something important, you’d put it in the scariest spot. Arc it is then. 
A mission of this magnitude would be unlike anything you pulled before. You’d need a… what was that term again…? Accompanied lice…? 
That’d be the crux of the whole thing. It couldn’t be any of the adults either, they’re all snitches. You required someone who would do your bidding. You closed your eyes and concentrated. There were three people around. Two on the first floor, one on the second. You sought out the latter. 
A little boy with long blonde hair and dull blue eyes sat by himself in the break room. He hadn’t noticed you yet, he just stared off into space and halfheartedly kicked his legs. The workers sometimes brought their kids along and stuffed them in here, where there were snacks and games. He didn’t seem interested in either. 
What resolve, you thought. What fortitude! 
You walked in front of him, pointed, and loudly demanded, “What’s your name?” 
“M-Miss Phaeales?” He squeaked. 
“No, that’s my name,” you sighed. Maybe your intuition was off. “What’s your name?” 
He hung his head and frowned.
“Oh, um… I’m Vincent.” 
You squinted. “Huh? That can’t be right. Vincent’s the bartender. You can’t do that.” 
“He’s my dad. We have the same name.” 
You felt a strange feeling from tinier Vincent; the kind of strange feeling that made your stomach and head hurt. Mother said you’d be able to block it out as you grew up. You hoped you’d grow up soon.
“Well, that’s dumb. I don’t like that name,” you decided. He remained silent. “Pick a new one.” 
“I don’t think I can…?” 
“You can because I said you can. Pick a new one, or I’ll pick one for you.” 
He stared at you like you had three heads. You did the scary thing mother does when angry — you counted down from three to one in a mean voice. Not-tinier-Vincent just sat there and looked confused. You scrunched your face up when your mean counting finished. You didn’t get it, that always worked on you. He must be immune to pressure… a quality your mission required. 
Maybe he had his merits after all.
“Alright, I’ll pick one. From now on, you’re… hm… Lear.” 
You placed your hands on your hips and nodded. This is a great name, you thought. It rhymes with so many things. 
Lear tilted his head. “Uh… alright?”  
“Great. Onto the next business order — how old are you?” 
He put up five fingers. 
What luck you have!
You grinned. “I’m seven, so according to the law, you have to listen to me.” 
“The law?” He questioned. 
“Yeah, the law. It’s what you have to do or you get in trouble.” 
Lear processed this new information and nodded. “Okay. I don’t wanna get in trouble.” 
“From now on, you’ll be my ac—” 
You covered your mouth with your hands. Wait a moment, you can’t tell him he’s an accomplice!  He might not help you then. That was a close one. You considered alternative titles, but none of them sounded as cool as accomplice. What a shame, but it can’t be helped. Missions required sacrifice. 
“From now on, Lear, you’ll be my best friend.” 
A few cycles later, you convened on the balcony outside of mother’s office. 
You liked the balcony. No one made you use the blue screen there. Sometimes, when you weren’t monitored, you’d grab a chair, pull it to the railing, hop up, and stare. This is Eris, you’d think. A cold planet far away from the stars. Stars are big fireballs that make everything nice and warm. I don’t think I’ll ever get to see one. It’d be cool if I could. 
You displayed a vital object for the mission.
“Lear, do you know what this is?” 
Lear stood still with his hands in his pockets. “A circle?” 
“No. Well, okay, yeah, it’s a circle, but this is called a hair tie. You use it to tie your hair.” 
“That’s cool.” 
You held it out to him. “For this mission, full visibility is required. I’d cut your hair, but mother hid the scissors from me.” 
His tiny hand grabbed it. Lear regarded your gift blankly and glanced back at you, his eyebrows furrowed. Did he not know what to do with it? 
You sighed because that’s what mother did in these situations. You started to get why. You took the gift back, tied your hair up, then returned it. He managed to do it on the fourth try. Relieved that the trial was over, you clapped and smiled. Your effort has been rewarded.
“Good job, Lear.” 
Lear’s head rose at that. “What?” 
“I said good job. When someone gets something right, that’s what you say.” 
“... It is?” He murmured. You nodded. You didn’t think you needed to teach him the basics, but an accomplice must be capable. Miss Calliope said that extra effort was always worth it. She changed her mind after you grabbed a stool to mix the adult drinks. You’d like to think she still meant it. 
“Since that’s finished, we can get to the main event.” 
You pulled out a paperclip from a pocket inside your dress. The object was subjected to your immense strength, manipulated, and reforged. It went from a boring shape to a useful shape. You took a deep breath, brought the paperclip’s edge to your pointer finger, then stabbed down. Lear released a choked sound when blood surfaced. 
You cleaned the paperclip’s edge with your dress’ hem and handed it to him. This would go on to determine the rest of your life, you decided. It needed to be done well. 
“I read that doing this makes your promises stronger. Since we’re gonna make an important promise, it has to be extra strong,” you explained. The color drained from Lear’s face. “What’s wrong? It’s just a bit of blood. We all have it inside us, right?” 
Lear refused to take the paperclip. “A promise? Miss Phaeales, I don’t know if I can.” 
“You don’t have to press hard. It barely stings, anyway.” 
You pursed your lips. “Lear, we have to, or the promise will be weak.” 
Lear shook his head and took a step back. There were lots of weird feelings that came from him. They confused you, you couldn’t think of a word to describe them. It didn’t hurt, but it felt heavy on your chest. What did you do wrong? Were paper clips that scary? No, it had to be something else. Mother said you can’t focus on another person too hard because it’s unfair. If they don’t tell you it themselves, you shouldn’t know it. 
He stood on his tiptoes and reached for the number pad. You revealed the top-secret passcode to him, since the balcony was to be your top-secret hideout. Every top-secret hideout had to have a top-secret password. The detective books you read said so. 
“I can’t, I’m sorry,” Lear apologized. His voice sounded tiny. “I’m really sorry.” 
You didn’t know what to say to stop him or if you should try. 
Was this what people meant when they called you pushy? You wanted to complete the mission, but you also didn’t want Lear to be sad. 
The door opened and quietly closed. 
With that, the first friend you ever made was gone. 
The next time you were allowed on the balcony, you were curled up in a ball. 
You hugged your knees to your chest and sniffled. Mom was mad at you. Miss Calliope was mad at you. Mister Caicias had scolded you. The other Arbiters were less nice too. You don’t think they ever liked you, but at least they pretended they did. It’s okay to hate you for now so they stopped pretending. 
You could hear their thoughts. You didn’t want to, but you could anyway. 
What a spoiled child.
If anyone else had done what she did, they’d never be allowed in this line of work.
I hope the Exalted Arbiter lives a long life, if this is to be her successor. 
Your throat was sore, your eyes burned, and your chest hurt. You didn’t know you were spoiled. You never thought you were better than anyone. You hadn’t realized your attitude was awful. You just wanted to be confident like mom. That way, no one would be worried about the future. Everyone on Eris relied on mom. Everyone on Eris will have to rely on you eventually.
You looked at the black sky, the only sky you’d ever known. It always felt sad. The gray clouds were like little discolored tears. 
You wondered if Noct ever felt bad that they made a planet where everyone was unhappy. 
Someone’s coming, you realized. Is it moma? 
It isn’t. 
It’s the little boy with blue eyes and long, blonde hair. This time, it’s pulled back into a ponytail. You hadn’t changed the top-secret password, he must’ve used it to gain entry. 
You hurriedly rubbed your tears away, and he looked elsewhere until you gave up on your task. Afterward, he sat down beside you. He hugged his knees to his chest as well. 
“Are you okay?” He murmured. 
You nodded and sunk your head into your knees. 
“... Those kids are mean, anyway,” he reassured. “I dunno what they said, but it’s not true.” 
“It is too. The adults think it but they don’t say it,” you whispered. 
You know it’s true. Your mission to Arc almost caused what Miss Calliope called ‘a scandal.’ 
You snuck out of the LOTUS-EATER by yourself.
It wasn’t as difficult as you expected. You just borrowed a staff member’s lanyard, pressed it against the door, and it opened. You stuck to the shadows and navigated your way south. You could tell when an adult was close if you heard their thoughts. The thoughts were rarely happy. You pushed on until you encountered an alley, where some older kids were gathered. 
You froze; you hadn’t accounted for kids. Their thoughts weren’t as loud and terrible. You didn’t hear them.
This bunch, though… they had a kid’s build and the expression of an adult. You counted four in total. One was tall, another was scrawny, the tiniest covered in dirt, and the last kid wore a tattered shirt that reached their knees. 
The tall kid spat on the ground. 
“This is our spot,” he said. “Get lost.”  
You fidgeted. 
“Hello, um… could I just pass over that fence? I’ll be quick,” you reasoned. 
“Are you deaf or something? I said, get lost.” 
The scrawniest kid squinted at you. “Hey, wait a sec, J. I feel like I’ve seen her before.” 
“Really? When?” The tiny one squeaked.
“Y’know, during those big events for when Arc folk move over.” 
“Huh, now that you mention it…” the tall boy trailed off, “You’re [First] Phaeales, right?” 
He said your name like it was a disease. It made your heart hurt. 
“Can you read my mind? What am I thinkin’ about, huh?” The scrawny kid called out. 
“Hey, be careful. I heard those things can make your head explode with a single look,” the kid in a long shirt whispered. 
The tall boy guffawed and stepped forward. “Really? Is that true?” 
You took a step back. 
“What? You gonna run away? Can’t stand to see people like us, huh?” He remarked. “Must be nice, getting everything you ever need handed to you. Yeah. Real fuckin’ nice.” 
“I don’t—” your voice gave out. You ignored how they snickered and pressed on to finish your important sentence. “I don’t think that about you! When I grow up, I wanna help—” 
The tall boy stormed over and lifted you by your dress’ collar. “Help? Help? You can’t do shit. You people never do anything! You promise and promise and never come through!” 
You didn’t understand, there was too much to process. Anger and sadness mixed to become a storm that you were caught in the middle of. You closed your eyes and hoped the pain would go away. Maybe you prayed to Noct, maybe you cried out for your mom, you don’t really remember. 
When you reopened your eyes you saw a music box. It was simple, small, and made of wood. There was nothing else around it. No ceiling or sky, floor or ground. You couldn’t speak, so you couldn’t scream. Nothing felt normal. This wasn’t Eris. Did you float into space? Can anyone save you? Would anyone find you?
The music box’s handle creaked; the lid lifted like a yawning mouth. No song was played. Voices came out instead, though they sounded far away. There was nothing else to do but listen. 
“At this rate, she’s only going to get worse…” 
“You don’t know that. I have a few more items I can pawn off, and then…” 
“... Temperature of 102 degrees…” 
“How much longer will this embargo last? Why can’t they just give in to the IPC’s fucking demands already? We all know they’re going to, but we have to sit and suffer while they play politics!” 
“Honey, keep your voice down, the children are trying to sleep…” 
“... Temperature of 104 degrees…” 
“My wedding ring! There’s still my wedding ring! We have— we have to go fast, the pharmacy closes at 3400!” 
“Jason, your mom and I need to run a very important errand. I need you to keep an eye on Iris, okay? Can you do that for me? I know it’s scary, but it’ll all be okay, I promise. We’ll be quick.” 
“Hey… big bro?” 
“You shouldn’t get up! Here, lay back down. There you go, take it easy. Mom and dad will be back soon. They’ll get what you need, and… and… it’ll be okay. They promised.”  
“I’m sorry… for making everyone sad.” 
“No, no, that isn’t true! When you get better, we’ll be the happiest family there is. We’ll— we’ll take a trip to the entertainment district, get tons of yummy food. I’ve been saving up my allowance so I can spoil you. You can have cookies, cakes,  whatever you want, it’s yours.” 
“... Pudding too?” 
“Of course, pudding too. You’ll have so much, you’ll need an entire lifetime to eat it. A long, long lifetime. So… just wait a bit longer. They should be back any minute now.” 
“You want to hear the music box mom gave you? That’s all the way in the— no no no, don’t look at me like that, I’ll go get it. See? Keep an eye on the door, lift your head just a little bit. I’ll be quick.” 
“Hey, look what I found. Works like a charm too. Hm? Did you fall asleep? That was fast. It normally… it takes… normally takes… l-longer…?” 
The music box slammed shut. 
The tall boy — Jason — released his grip on you and staggered back. His friends ran to his aid. You squeezed your head in your hands, fell to your knees, and tried to disappear. It hurt, it hurt, oh, it hurt, a pain you’d never experienced before. It felt like your chest was stabbed over and over again with something sharper than a paperclip. This pain, his pain, it was too much. 
A few guards that’d been dispatched to search for you overheard the commotion. They ran over, worried that you were injured. Nothing was wrong with you physically. The pain came from within. You thrashed and screamed when they picked you up. You wanted to be left alone, you wanted it to go away. 
You looked at the tall boy one more time before they pulled you away.
Tears fell from his eyes and they couldn’t stop. 
You don’t think those kids were mean. They were just really sad.
“I’m sorry I ran away,” the little boy said. His voice wavered. “I was scared.” 
You felt numb. “Of me?” 
His eyes widened and he waved his hands as if he’d caught on fire. “N-No, well, kinda, but not like that. You’re nice. You don’t tell me to smile or to stop looking sad.” 
Your lower lip trembled. “But I made you tie your hair up.” 
“I see better now.” 
“And— and I said your name was dumb.” 
“... I don’t like it,” he said. The strange feeling reappeared. “That name. It is dumb. You know that I guess, ‘cause of the mind stuff.” 
“Isn’t that scary?” 
“Maybe if you did mean things with it, but… that name made me sad. So you picked a new one. Lear is cool. It rhymes with stuff.” 
You lifted your head. The little boy wasn’t lying, you could tell. 
“Why’d you leave then?” 
His little hands balled into fists by his side.
“I was scared. I was asked to make a promise before, and I lied. It was a promise I didn’t like,” he explained. 
Then, he lifted his finger. A droplet of blood dripped from it. “I shoulda said something. I’ll try, I’ll really try, so please don’t be sad. It makes me sad. I want… I want to be best friends!” 
A lump formed in your throat. Tears stung your eyes, the strength of his words pierced through your sadness like an arrow. A friend. You never had a friend before. You didn’t think you’d ever get to have one. Mom said it’d be difficult, that if you wanted it, you’d need to try harder than you’d ever tried before. 
You launched at Lear, your arms outstretched, and wailed loudly. He caught you awkwardly with a gasp. You pressed your forehead to his shoulder and hugged him tight. 
“I don’t want you as an accomplice anymore! You’re my best friend! I really mean it this time!” You exclaimed in between sobs. 
“Eh? Accom-police?” Lear struggled to repeat the new word. Then, for the first time since you met him, he laughed. “I don’t really get you, Miss Phaeales, but… I wanna.” 
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That kid, Jason… is he okay? Did he ever go back home to his parents? You wonder. I used to think I could prove him wrong, that I just needed to grow up faster so I could fix everything. And yet, these past two years have been some of the worst economically. 
You grab the rose by its petals and return it to the vase. 
The crystal lotus shines beside it, its multiple surfaces flickering between brilliant hues. This gift, while beautiful, never particularly stuck out to you before. It wasn’t until Blade expressed an interest that it stood out more.
You sit in front of your vanity.
Mom… was I a good daughter? 
You brush foundation along your face. 
I always thought you never understood me, but… 
Mascara darkens and thickens your eyelashes. 
… I never tried to understand you. 
You slam the makeup drawer shut. 
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It has officially been three months since the IPC instituted its travel ban on Eris with seemingly no end in sight. 
Unemployment rates have crept up from 5.3% to a staggering 15%. We reached out to a financial advisor for Metis Mining from Mele, a company that has laid off one-third of its workforce. 
“It’s an awful situation,” he said. “Essentially, everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. I’ve been in this field for some 150 years — never have I seen anything like this. Thelx is our heart. If it stops pumping, we stop getting the blood we need to live. We need tourism. We need our heart to beat again.” 
An advisor for Chrysus, however, is singing a different, more upbeat tune. 
“We’re feeling optimistic. The negotiations have been going well. None of us want this to last longer than it has to. We’ve cooperated fully with the IPC’s requests, working endlessly to provide the necessary documentation for them to drop this unfounded charge. We ask that the people of Eris stand together. I will not be accepting questions at this time. Thank you.” 
“What is Chrysus doing,” you groan. “The optics on this are terrible. ‘We ask that the people of Eris stand together,’ sounds like a bumper sticker for a spaceship.” 
The comment section on the article expresses a similar sentiment. The most upvoted post is a picture of Eris on fire with bottom text that reads, ‘Don’t worry, just keep standing.’ The second is a screenshot of the advisor’s comment with the caption ‘me when i lie.’ To make matters worse, the user’s profile picture is the lead singer for Mushroom Mania but with a flower crown photoshopped onto his head. 
You squint at the tiny text beneath it. 
Your friend banona69 liked this post.
“Blade, can you cut my phone in half?” 
He throws you a disinterested glance. 
“Riveting conversation, as usual,” you lean heavily on sarcasm to reel him in.
“You’re working. I won’t interrupt,” he drawls. 
Or maybe it didn’t, who knows, he’s as easy to read as an esoteric tome in a lost language. It is true that you’re working. Keeping up with clients, overseeing reimbursements for canceled appointments, apologizing for circumstances you have no control over; the usual. Your latest torment involved your bank’s servers going down when your employees’ paychecks were due. They’re testing out a new customer service android, but yours had a bug that caused it to repeat everything you said. 
That predicament came to an end and five more popped up in its place. 
You stretch your arms above your head. “If I handed you over to the IPC, do you think they’d lift the travel ban?” 
“Find out for yourself.” 
“Huh?” You swipe your monitors away so you can gauge him better. “What do you mean by that?” 
Blade kicks himself off the wall and uncrosses his arms. “If you can subdue me, you can turn me in.” 
That’s one of the biggest ‘ifs’ to ever if. You narrow your eyes, like that’ll help your ability to discern his intentions. He’s standing there, intimidating as ever, his countenance betraying nothing. You decide he has to be joking. It’d be a major inconvenience for Kafka and her cronies to break him out of IPC holding. You know precious little about Blade, but you do know he takes his job seriously. 
Regardless, this cycle has raised your blood pressure to unprecedented levels, so you play along. A little fun never hurts. 
“Didn’t Nona tell you about my mind-liquifying technique?” 
“Screeched it, more like,” Blade dryly recalls. “It’s a bluff.” 
You swivel around on your chair and get up. He remains perfectly still as you languidly approach, his burning eyes never leaving yours. An electrifying sensation courses through your body the closer you get. It’s unfair how beautiful he is. His dark hair that shifts into a crimson shade, broad shoulders, narrow waist, his surprisingly soft lips that are almost always drawn in a straight line; the wanted posters don’t do him justice. 
You have to crane your head to look up at him, the man’s so ridiculously tall. You’ve never liked it when people look down on you — this must be the lone exception. 
“And if it isn’t?” You challenge. 
“You would never,” Blade insists. It isn’t your eyes he’s focusing on anymore, it’s your lips. “You’re too…” 
On the occasions you can get Blade talking, he’s never at a loss for words. His cadence has a quiet confidence. If he’s in the mood, he’ll have a rebuttal for every possible sentence you could concoct. It’s immediate too, as swift as his bladework. It’s unusual for him to trail off for this long. 
“Too…?” You encourage, tilting your head. 
“Forget it.” 
You don’t have the luxury of pressing the issue. He quite literally sweeps you off your feet, taking long strides to your office’s couch like he owns the place.
“You missed your chance,” Blade lays you down on the cushions and crawls over you. “Unless you’d still like to try.” 
You glare at him halfheartedly and prop yourself up on your elbows. This guy must have a thing for manhandling you, because every chance he gets, he goes for it. You splay your hand against his chest and lightly push. He gets the message and moves back, allowing you the space necessary to lift up your blouse. He’s all over you immediately after, kneading your chest and trailing hot kisses down your neck. He stops at the spots with bite marks or bruises, giving them extra attention so they don’t fade. 
“Maybe I could, who knows? Perhaps I’ve extended you mercy,” you breathe out. 
Blade pins your wrists above your head with one hand, his amusement evident. “You’d be the first.”
He leers at your cleavage like it’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. His lips are back on your skin, starting at your collarbones and then moving down. He lavishes your chest in lovebites, his teeth practically married to your skin. Your low-cut shirts will be collecting dust in your closet at this rate, he’s seen to that. He kisses down your navel and stops shy of your skirt’s waistband. 
“Is this for me?” He plays with your skirt’s short hem, raising it to reveal your thighs. 
You did choose this risque skirt to see how he’d react, but he doesn’t deserve the satisfaction of knowing this. 
“You’re not the only person I ever see,” is your cheeky reply. 
He doesn’t look impressed. 
“I’m the only one who can fuck you, though,” he says, as plain as someone describing the weather. 
You frown and twist your head to the side. He picked up on that, huh? You don’t know if it’s definitive, but you haven’t conducted tests to find out. It is exhilarating to lose yourself in carnality without fearing the repercussions. Still, you don’t want him to believe that gives him an exclusive claim to you. You’ll both enjoy yourselves, he’ll get recalled from this job, and that’ll be the end of it. He’ll be nothing but a story you drunkenly recall to Nona. Nothing more, nothing less.
Possessive men are a turnoff. If they wanted to own the thing they stick their dick in, they could buy a sex android. You’re not a sex android. You don’t run out of battery power in six hours or incur hilarious yet painful-sounding reasons for lawsuits. 
“Pouting again?” Blade taunts.
Long, gloved fingers lightly glide against your inner thigh. 
“I don’t pout,” you sigh as his hand dips past your waistband. “I brood.” 
His fingers are quick to find your clit. He rubs the sensitive nub in slow motions, applying minimum pressure. Your breath hitches and you look up at him through lidded eyes. His towering form cages you in. This couch is one of the few surfaces he hasn’t taken you on yet. Your bed, your office chair, your desk, hell, even the wall; he’s fucked you on almost every object with the geometry to permit it. 
Your head tilts back as he steadily drags his fingers down the length of your pussy. His ring and middle finger barely slip in before he pulls them out, returning to their previous task of gathering your slick. There’s enough for each swipe to create audible sounds, despite the relaxed rhythm he’s set. This detail doesn’t go unnoticed by him. No, he grins at you, his eyes practically shining. 
“Shut up,” you grumble, covering your face with your forearm. 
“I didn’t say anything.” 
“You didn’t have to, it’s written all over your— ah!” 
His fingers plunge into you without the slightest resistance, all the way up to his knuckles. You gasp at the abrupt intrusion. Normally, he takes surprising care when pushing anything inside you — whether it be his cock, tongue, or fingers — gauging how your face contorts to ensure you aren’t in pain. He couldn’t have been touching you for more than a minute and yet your body produced enough lubrication to easily suck him in. 
“My what?” He probes, lowering his face close enough for your noses to touch. His soft black locks tickle your cheeks. 
Blade curls his fingers as if beckoning you toward him, which is exactly what he gets; your back arches and you curl your arms around his neck for purchase. He’s noted this clinging tendency of yours and has taken great pleasure in pointing it out. You mewl as he carries on his ministrations, loving the contrast of the cold leather against your warm insides. He finger fucks you nice and slow. His lips find yours, kissing you in a way that can only be described as tender. You reciprocate, though the lustful haze permeating your mind desires something rougher. This is the sweet kiss of a lover, not a… whatever the two of you are. 
Blade pulls back an inch when you run your tongue over the seam of his lips. 
“Are you ever satisfied?” 
“I could ask you the same thing,” you huff. “Do you have any idea how much shipping Plan B to this planet costs?” 
He exhales sharply in amusement. “You like when I finish inside.” 
Your walls clamp down on him before you can protest this claim. 
“Would you look at that,” Blade hums, his voice dropping in volume as if he were sharing a secret. “I can’t even move my fingers, that made you squeeze them so tight.” 
You’d like to think he was exaggerating, but it does take a few seconds for him to comfortably slide his fingers in and out again. 
“You’re delusional. That’s… an involuntary muscle contraction.” 
He quirks an eyebrow. 
His fingers abandon their prior creed. He embraces a new tenet — one that seeks to make your lips part in pure pleasure. You writhe beneath him at the unrelenting onslaught. He angles his palm so that it rubs against your clit with every thrust of his fingers. You’re quick to sync up with his sharp movements. Every time his fingers glide back in, your hips rise to meet him halfway. Soft gasps and moans fill the air as your peak grows closer. 
Your walls start to tighten, promising that sweet ecstasy will soon be yours. 
The second time it squeezes down, his merciless pace relaxes. He doesn’t stop entirely, he just slows down enough that you aren’t getting the stimulation necessary to come undone. You bite down on your lower lip. He hasn’t deprived you of an orgasm since this feverish passion began; he’s been more interested in seeing how many times he can fuck you to completion. He didn’t even subject you to this cruelty when you made a jab at his age that set him out to prove he doesn’t ‘have the refractory period of an old man.’ 
You don’t bother trying to move your hips for more friction. One night, during the afterglow of sex, you inquired after his sword. Among other things, he nonchalantly revealed its weight of three thousand pounds. You called his bluff. He was in an agreeable enough mood to summon it, allowing you to test the claim’s validity yourself. 
Sure enough, you couldn’t even drag it an inch across the ground… 
His breath is hot on your ear as he whispers, “Admit it.” 
“Admit what?” 
“That you love it,” he commands, his fingers massaging your walls. “Don’t be shy.”
“I’m anything but shy.”
“Hm. Dishonesty doesn’t suit you.” 
You groan in exasperation when his fingers come to a complete halt. Is he really going to make you admit something so embarrassing…? Your face burns as hot as those faraway stars. You examine his expression, searching for some sign that he isn’t being serious. It’s a poor tactic. His countenance is stern, except for the blush on his cheeks from how aroused he is. 
“I…” you inhale shakily, your lower lip trembling, “I like… when…”
“Love,” he corrects. 
You turn your head to the side and squeeze your eyes shut. “I love when you… cum inside me.” 
His clothed cock twitches against your leg. 
“I know.”
Blade returns to the heavenly speed that has your mind all but floating away. His palm rubs down hard on your clit, his fingers searching out for that spot you love so much. Inhibitions gone, his name is the only word your tongue can form. Everything else that isn’t Blade has been erased from your lexicon. He makes you feel so good, it’s maddening. He’s addicted to your body and you couldn’t be more grateful. 
To be wanted, to be desired… what bliss this brings. 
Your muscles tighten and release as waves of pleasure devour you. 
Your insides spasm around him, demanding that he doesn’t let up until you’re satiated. He’s happy to oblige. Once your orgasm-induced daze lessons, you yank him down to your lips into an open-mouthed kiss that has you swapping saliva. He swallows a whimper from you while pulling his fingers out, leaving the area he’s become so intimately acquainted with. The arm that he was using to hold himself above you snakes behind your back. You’re made to sit on his lap as he shifts upright, your skirt flaring out. 
As always, it’s you who breaks from the heated kiss first. 
Blade raises his gloved hand for you to see. You gape at how the onyx-colored leather has lightened, thoroughly coated in you. He parts his middle and ring, allowing dewy threads of your essence to form. Those crimson eyes go from admiring his handiwork to reveling in your embarrassed expression. As if you weren’t flustered enough, he slips his fingers into his mouth. His length hardens and he groans quietly while sucking off your slick.
While savoring your taste, he starts the familiar process of pulling your drenched panties down. You set to work on undoing his belt. He then hits an area that’s difficult to pull them over. He gives it one more try before frustration surges from him, hinting at his solution.
“Stop ripping my undergarments,” you chastise, lifting your leg to make it easier for him. “I’ll have to go shopping at this rate.” 
Blade exercises a modicum of decorum and flings the scant fabric aside instead of eviscerating it. 
“Quit wearing them.”
“That dream of yours might come true if I have none left. If that happens, I’m stealing your credit card.”  
“It’s yours.” 
You roll your eyes, focusing on freeing his cock. His length is flushed red and painfully hard. You wrap your hands around the base. Pre-cum leaks from his head in steady streams that flow down, coating him enough that it’s easy to glide your hand up. He hisses out through gritted teeth. Once your hand reaches the top, you rub his smooth tip with the pad of your thumb. The way he leers at you is borderline animalistic. You keep at your task, pumping him up and down. 
“Does this count as me subduing you?” You muse, your voice taking a sickeningly sweet cadence, “Should I get handcuffs ready?” 
“Watch it, girl.” 
You would’ve if he hadn’t teased you so much earlier. But he did, and you must have some compensation. You sink onto the ground. Blade shoots you an inquisitive look, to which you flutter your eyelashes and smile. The realization of your intentions hits him when your lips place an amorous kiss on his leaking tip. The veins running along the length of his cock pulsate from the sight. Such a chaste way of going about a lustful act must do something for him. 
“You…” He growls out, clenching his hands into tight fists, “God.” 
You suck him gently, swirling your tongue along his slit. Meanwhile, your hand pumps him faster. He thrusts his pelvis forward to force more of his cock into your mouth. He isn’t immediately gratified — no, you take him in at your leisure. His gloved hand entangles itself in your hair and helps guide your head up and down. The wet sound of you sucking him off grows louder from the copious amount of saliva slathered along his cock. You reach for his balls, gently cupping and massaging them. Blade pants above you and throws his head back. 
The telltale twitching of his cock starts. 
You pull yourself off him. He glares down at you, silently fuming. 
You suppress a laugh and climb onto his lap. His hand goes to your shoulder, a sign he intends to push your body down so he can fuck you. Rather than moving aside and complying, you undo your bra’s clasp. His enchantment with your bare tits distracts him enough for your scheme to carry on undetected. You align your entrance with the head of his cock and start sinking down, taking the initiative yourself. 
Blade’s large hands fly to either side of your hips from instinct. Inch after inch slides in and stretches you. He maintains unflinching eye contact, the intensity behind his gaze is almost more embarrassing than the act of sex itself. Maybe he’s as pent-up as you are? Whatever the case, the tension in the air begs to be diffused. 
“Have I earned your forgiveness?” You ask. 
“You’re getting there.”
Your lips part in a silent moan when you fully envelop him. Blade grunts, pulling you down so he can go as deep inside you as possible. His thickness caresses your walls and sets your nerves ablaze. You gyrate your hips in one last little act of revenge. He squeezes your flesh, sending the unspoken warning that you’re truly testing his patience. Thinking it best not to test your luck any further, you rise off him and sink back down. 
The legs in your muscles are sore from overexertion but the burden barely falls to you. Blade lifts you off his cock then back down again — you could go completely limp and it wouldn’t make a difference. He must’ve wanted to know you were ready before ruthlessly maneuvering your body for his pleasure.
What a gentleman.
This position has him consistently rubbing against a spot inside you that’s mind-numbing. He fills and stretches you like your body was molded with him in mind. Your gratification isn’t his goal at the moment he’s lost in the pursuit of what you snatched away. He’s greedy because he can be; he’s greedy because you welcome it. You’ve had so much to give and no one to receive it. You aren’t sure how much he’ll take. You’ve decided it’s better to be empty than bursting at the seams with ardor no one can swallow, lest their throat get scorched. 
Maybe his premonition is right. Maybe no one will be able to fuck you but him. 
So you’ll enjoy it while you can. 
The rosy hue on his cheeks, his countenance reflecting the pleasure he derives from your body, the inhuman grip that mars your skin so beautifully; you take everything in. You want it all. You’ll gladly take from him too. You might not like possessive men, but passionate men are a different story. It’s boring if they aren’t a little frenzied. 
“Not… going to last long,” he pants out, his voice strained. 
Your nipples brush against the fabric of his shirt as you lean in to embrace him, your lips right by his ear. 
“Cum in me then,” you whisper, nibbling his earlobe. “Cause I think we both know you love it even more than I do.” 
Blade groans out a series of expletives. Some you recognize, some you don’t.
His cock throbs as he empties himself inside you. He thrusts upward in sharp movements, his pelvis hitting yours hard enough to sting. He’s drunk on the high you’ve brought him. Spurts of his cum slide out from your coated walls, an egregious act he remedies by fucking it back into you. By the time he finally stills, you’re both panting, sweat glistening along your bodies. You rest your head on his shoulder to regain yourself. His bandaged hand runs up and down your back, almost soothingly. 
In a matter of seconds, his flaccid cock steadily hardens, still snug inside you. 
“Who… who’s never satisfied again?” You breathlessly murmur. 
His hand finds your clit and lightly brushes over it. You whimper, your walls tightening enough to give you both a jolt of pleasure. The pitch you hit is high enough to stupefy you from mortification. You slap your hand over your mouth, hoping it’ll dissuade any further involuntary infractions. He gingerly grabs your hand and pulls it away. 
“Still you,” he says, grazing his lips along the pulse point of your inner wrist. 
You don’t get the chance to bite back.
A robotic voice slices through the lustful atmosphere like a scythe. 
“Miss Phaeales, incoming call, Miss Phaeales, incoming call,” it intones. 
You stifle a groan. “Alright alright, I get that, who is it from?” 
“Contact name: Lear.” 
Your eyes widen. Though your limbs feel like jelly, you lift yourself off Blade, who doesn’t give much assistance. You mouth the word ‘sorry’ to him, snatch your bra off the floor, and start wobbling over to your desk. After some quick rummaging, you find the device you need. 
“Put him through to my in-ears,” you order the virtual assistant. 
“[First]? Hello?” 
Relief surges through you upon hearing the sound of his voice. 
“Lear, it’s been so long since we talked, I started to think you were a figment of my imagination,” you say whilst securing your bra back into place. 
“I know, I’m— I’m sorry,” he sounds terribly flustered. You can picture his expression without trying. “It’s just, you’re busy, and then that happened and I—” 
“Slow down, I’m only teasing. It’s alright. I get it.” 
“Eh… you’re as bad as Nona,” he grumbles. “You just hide it better.” 
“Don’t worry, it’s out of my system.”
“I don’t believe you, but I’ll leave it at that,” he’s quiet for a moment, before adding, “You sound like you’re in high spirits, [First]. You don’t know what a relief that is.” 
You twirl a pen on your fingers. “I’ve dabbled with the alternative and found it lacking. It does help that some pesky issues have finally been resolved… which reminds me. Your paycheck came through without any issues, correct?” 
There’s indistinct murmuring from two voices. Lear’s tone sounds chastising, while the other comes off as petulant. 
“Hi Nona,” you greet, to which there’s a faint yet audible ‘Fuck!’ along with rapid footsteps retreating. “How fortunate is it that our paths have crossed like this? I noticed something very interesting. You can’t respond to my texts relating to your studies, but you can like a social media post from a few hours ago?” 
Now, rapid footsteps approach. 
“I’m taking a break from texting for my mental health,” Nona’s voice reasons. 
“... Don’t people normally take a break from social media for that reason?” 
“Check the DSM-106. It’s actually a thing.” 
“Be that as it may, you’re making good progress. Your scores are consistent enough that you can take a few clients again when we reopen. You need to keep practicing so it stays that way.” 
There’s a slight commotion. When it settles, Lear’s the one speaking again. “Sorry, she wanted me to say there’s still an issue with the paycheck coming through.” 
In the background, you hear her cry out, “Teacher’s pet!”
“Allow me to once again request that you place aside your bias. Nona, whose birth name is unknown, was born and raised in Arc’s most hostile faction. At the self-reported age of 74, she submitted a request for Thelx citizenship. Your mother, in her benevolence, granted the request due to seeing Nona’s potential as a future Arbiter. Do you deny any of this?” 
You quietly take a deep breath. 
“... How does Nona seem to you, Lear?” 
What should be such a natural question feels like speaking with glue coating your tongue.
“The same as usual. And, no matter what she says, she is studying the notes you sent. She just hates the training program. You were the same way, weren’t you?” 
“I was, yes,” A heavy smile finds its way onto your face. “Has anyone been giving her trouble?” 
The silence on the other line lasts longer than you’d prefer. 
“It hasn’t… been directly at her, per se. There’s just a general atmosphere of unease. Thelx has the highest percentage of citizens integrated from Arc, so things aren’t so bad here. Occasionally, there’ll be a confused kid pointing and asking why her eyes are different, but that’s nothing new.” 
The tension in your shoulders relaxes. “Alright, that’s reassuring. Please keep an eye out for her in my stead, okay?” 
You refuse to believe Chrysus. Everything with him is a move, some preplanned tactic to achieve a goal that advances his interests. You’ve lived life with Nona; he’s read a few paragraphs about her from a .txt file. There isn’t time to be at war with yourself. If he felt comfortable enough to make an accusation like that, there’s no chance it’ll end there. You’ll need countermeasures set in place. 
Countermeasures, countermeasures… there’s Caicias. He loathes ‘secret alliances’ and ‘bloated bureaucracy,’ preferring to keep everything as simple as possible. Depending on your approach, you might be able to sway the former principal. He’s always treated you as an uncle would their niece. While it feels infantilizing now, this soft spot could be an advantage if played correctly. 
An in-person meeting would be your best chance.
“Of course,” Lear says, breaking you from your thoughts. Then he’s quiet again. “[First]?” 
You hear him sigh. 
“It’s nothing. I should let you get back to your work.” 
“Hold on, you can’t ‘it’s nothing,’ me!” 
A shrill alarm chirps and pierces your unsuspecting ears. 
“Oh, shit, Nona set the fire alarm off while cooking again,” Lear sounds more exasperated than worried. “Let’s finish this another time, [First]. I… I promise that I will.” 
“Wha— again? How often does this happen?” You demand. “Hello? Hello? Ugh.” 
Irate, you tug your in-ears out and toss them on your desk. What could Lear possibly have wanted to discuss? The tone he used made your heart drop. It sounded so firm, so resolute. He’s always been on the more soft-spoken side unless provoked. He did promise that he’d pick it up ‘another time,’ an unintended callous sentencing. Your mind is going to play fill-in-the-blank with the most dreadful words possible until this burden is lifted. 
You’re about to return to your office chair when you remember your present condition. 
Tousled hair, a hastily put-on bra, a wrinkled skirt, and one of the most sought-after fugitives in the universe’s cum dripping out of you. 
Ah. And said fugitive is still behind you. 
You spin on your heels. “So, um—” 
Blade isn’t anything like when you last saw him. He’s redressed, and composed, his expression a mix between indifference and boredom. He’s returned to his favorite position too. Leaning against the wall, arms crossed, with one knee slightly bent. Why he favors this stance so much, you’ll never know. You’ve offered him a seat more times than you can count. He comes across as less intimidating when he isn’t at his full height. 
He stares at you.
You stare at him. 
“I’ll… be getting back to work, I guess?” 
He doesn’t so much as nod and he says you’re the pouty one?! 
You gather your clothes off the floor for what feels like the umpteenth time, your cheeks burning. It isn’t that you feel ashamed, rather, you think he could at least help instead of standing there like his portrait is getting painted. He’s not trying to hide that he’s watching you. His eyes have always had a physical presence, they weigh on you heavily. 
You briefly consider making a snarky comment, but your maturity wins out. You’re above such petty drivel. You finish collecting your garments. Next, you pull up the bra strap that decided to go awol, straighten your skirt, and fuss over your hair. Are you doing this so he knows you’re not embarrassed and in a rush to scamper off like a wounded animal? Maybe. Who could blame you?
You make for your bedroom door, head held high.
Blade speaks your name in that low, dark voice of his, stopping you dead in your tracks. Your body erupts in uncontrollable shivers. 
You stiffly turn around like a rusted cog. 
“Missed a spot,” is all he says. 
You blink. “Huh?” 
Blade nods to the lower half of your body. 
Sure enough, there’s a dribble of his cum caked against your inner left thigh. 
You hurl your belongings at him, which he catches without so much as batting an eyelash. 
Your very short-lived satisfaction dissipates when you recall how much you adore that blouse. The same blouse you just chucked at the immortal sword-wielding Stellaron Hunter who can kill people faster than the afterlife can claim them. He’s still holding it. You get the feeling he will continue to hold it. 
“Could I… have… that… back?” 
This appeal doesn’t move him in the slightest. 
You shift your weight between your legs. “Please?” 
“You can,” Blade starts, momentarily filling you with hope, “Come reach for it.” 
There is no hope in this universe, you decide. Nihilism is the only plausible option. 
Blade dodges all your valiant attempts. When you’re about to give up, he lowers the garment, dangling it in a silent taunt. It then ascends to the heavens the second you dive for it. 
He leaves your office that night with a blouse he hadn’t owned hours earlier.
And your cute panties.
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Are you awake? 
You’ll scold me if I say I am
Historically, that is true
You focus on caring for others so much you forget to care for yourself
You make me sound like a better person than I really am I’m just doing my job
There you go with self-deprecation again… 
It isn’t self-deprecation if it’s true >:)c
That isn’t how that works
You’ve always been hard on yourself 
I know what you’re going to say so I’ll stop you preemptively 
Anyone could’ve been born in your role and decided not to take it seriously. You didn’t choose the situation but you chose your response to it
… I swear I didn’t intend for this to become a lecture
I believe you What was your original intention then? 
Our phone call 
Nona decided to try a grilled cheese ‘hack’ she saw on the internet 
She’s lost stove privileges for a week
Is it truly a punishment if she gets to eat your cooking? 
It’s either that or she starves
Fair point Bring me some leftovers or I’m docking your pay >:)c
I wish Nona never taught you that face. It brings something primitive out of you
(ง •̀_•́)ง
Oh I forgot about those They’re way better
ε (*´・ω・) з
… I got distracted again…
( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬┴
Okay okay enough with the emoticons
I wanted to ask if we could please talk one-on-one 
Pick a date and time and I’ll do my best to fit you into my schedule.  I make no promises. The current estimated wait list is five Trailblazer Years.
Do you accept bribes
Naturally. I am a government official.
I’ll bring you a slice of my galatopita
You’re in
Actually, I wanted you to pick the time
I know that person has to be around and I won’t ask about it
But there is something about him that unsettles me
Does he ever leave?
He’s always on the LOTUS-EATER’s premises He doesn’t have to be in the room though I can ask him to leave
You feel comfortable doing that?
Yeah, it’ll be fine
Even after what happened last time?
You could hit me in the head with a brick and I’d still trust your judgment If you think it’ll be okay I’ll think the same
What an extreme example
It’s very you though
I know a backhanded compliment when I see one
(;° ロ°)
Hey don’t say that
[First]? ?????
… You’re messing with me again, I take it?
>:)c I’ll send you the details
Thank you
Want to play a round of Connect Four? 
Need you even ask
Lear has invited you to play Connect Four™©®.
You have accepted Lear’s invitation to play Connect Four™©®.
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The break room has changed significantly since you were little. Gone are the sterile, eggshell white walls and beige furniture. The redone interior boasts bold greens and yellows, colors that aren’t commonly seen on Eris. This bright expanse was one of the few suggestions your mother took you up on. You even convinced her to get a terrarium imported that goes through a randomly selected flora’s lifespan in twenty-four hours. A few besmirched it as ‘watching grass grow but slightly sped up,’ until certain flowers got popular. The daisy with petals that burned was a LOTUS-EATER staff favorite. So is the dahlia that spins like a pinwheel. 
“Was there something you wanted to ask?” 
Lear places his cup of ice water down. “Does it taste alright?” 
“It’s delicious,” you hum. “That’s not what I was referring to, though.” 
You finish your dessert while Lear mulls over your words. The light, creamy taste of the egg custard, the dash of cinnamon strewn across the browned top; he’d do well if he ever started a dessert business. 
“I know I said I wouldn’t ask about it, but…” Lear’s sapphire eyes flitter toward the door, the paper-thin barrier dividing you from Blade. “Has everything been alright during this… er…” 
“House arrest?” 
“That’s a way of putting it,” he sighs. “I know it’s for your safety, but being stuck in this building for weeks on end can’t be good for you.”
“It’s always been this way to an extent. Now it’s just official.” 
He grimaces.
“That doesn’t bother you?” 
This area utilizes the same technology available in your office or the private rooms. Sound waves cannot travel beyond a set point, or in this case, beyond the breakroom. This safety net allows you to comfortably speak your mind. 
“Maybe. I don’t know. I haven’t stopped long enough to ask myself that. From my perspective, I have two choices — accept the current situation and carry on, or, get upset and carry on, only with less efficiency.” 
Lear struggles to maintain a neutral countenance. It’s why you always beat him at card games. 
“... Okay, that sounds a bit bleak. What I’m trying to say is that I can’t dwell on what’s out of my control. I’ll focus on what I can do and work from there.” 
“Don’t tell me you haven’t brooded at least a little.” 
“Ha, I’ve done my fair share of that. I’ve just reduced it from boiling to a nice, tolerable simmer.” 
Lear’s grip on his glass tightens. “You’ve matured a lot.” 
“Eh? You think so?” You wonder. “If anything, I should’ve been this way to begin with. I had you as the premier example to follow.” 
Lear’s smile doesn’t reach his tired eyes. 
He inhales sharply. After a moment’s consideration, he comes over, pulls out a chair, and sits facing you. This is the closest you’ve been for a long time. He never wanted you to be afflicted with those visceral headaches, so he maintained his distance. For him to cross the bulwark he painstakingly built cannot be easy. 
Slowly, he raises his palm. He stops at the halfway mark between you. You knit your eyebrows. Does he want you to…? 
“It might not be a brick, but it’s similar,” Lear says, his voice soft. 
His hand is calloused from years of cleaning dishes and tinkering with various contraptions. His fingers tremble, belying the nerves he’s trying to push out of sight. This trepidation isn’t for his sake, it’s for yours. The dire consequences that could be reaped. It’s a gamble where you’re the one forced to go all in.
Your heart pounds and pounds. 
You’ll trust him. 
You’ve always trusted him. 
Lear’s skin is cold yet clammy. His hand overshadows yours, though not by much. They fit together as well as they used to. Unlike then, your touch is more hesitant than his. His fingers sink down and clasp your hand, an action you mirror. Nothing’s happening. Nothing hurts. 
You expect a relieved exclamation or expression from Lear, only to receive heavy silence instead. 
He squeezes your hand once then pulls away. 
“Do you remember the ‘important promise’ you wanted to make when we were kids?” 
You nod. 
“I did want to make it, actually. I don’t know if I ever mentioned that.” 
“It’s been so long, it’s possible I don’t remember, but… I don’t think you ever said that, no.” 
“The promise I mentioned was one I made with my mom,” Lear lowers his head. “She made me promise that I’d forgive my father. I never planned on it, not while he was living and breathing at least. I knew that and still… I agreed for her sake. It might seem silly, but that ate at me. She never asked me for anything, and the one time she did, it was something I refused to fulfill.” 
You lean forward, hesitate to put your hand on his shoulder, yet ultimately overcome the instinct. “You were just a child, Lear.” 
“I know. The reason I’m going into this is that… even when I wasn’t a child, I’d sit there and judge my father. I thought he’d acted cowardly. Instead of acknowledging mom’s declining condition, he’d buy more equipment and supposed miracle cures. He worked nonstop. Mom didn’t want that. She just wanted to be with her family while she could.” 
You can hear the lump forming in his throat. You pass him your water, which he gulps down. He gives himself a second and then continues.
“He wasn’t delusional. He knew, and still, he tried so hard to convince himself that he didn’t. There must’ve been some moment of clarity when it hit him,” Lear’s fair eyelashes flutter shut. “What you said to Nona… that was my moment of clarity. My punishment.”
Thoughts swarm through your mind like the Propagation’s reign of terror from eras past. 
“‘Punishment?’ Why would you deserve a punishment?” You probe. 
Lear doesn’t know how to respond. His lips open and close, words escaping him. What comes out next is interwoven with anguish’s thread.
“Mrs. Phaeales approached me about our relationship. I was so worried, I don’t remember her exact words… it was something along the lines of, ‘If you truly care about her, you need to end this before she gets hurt.’ She wouldn’t go into the specifics. It didn’t come across as a threat, just… a plea, maybe. Eventually, I agreed. It hurt, but I didn’t see any other option. How could I ever willingly do something that’d make you suffer? You, the person who matters to me the most?” 
This torrential downpour soaks into your very being. 
“It should’ve ended there. I thought it ended there. Then I saw you again, and god. You’re so… so confident, beautiful, and bright; I couldn’t do it. I was at a loss, and… then I had this thought. ‘I want to keep her even if it destroys her.’ I couldn’t shake it. That isn’t love, I-I don’t know what that is.”
“Everyone has thoughts they aren’t proud of.” 
“But you didn’t know, because I was too ashamed to tell you,” Lear insists, each word growing quieter. “So instead, you thought you did something to me, right?” 
He wouldn’t look you in the eye. His arms remained limp by his side as you unbuttoned his shirt, tense and strained. You pulled back. Something felt terribly wrong. A sharp pang shot through your skull. You ignored it and beseeched him to tell you what was wrong. He wouldn’t. The sharp pang ricocheted. Being close to him hurt. It was as if you were on the same side of a magnet. He repelled you and you couldn’t fight it. You tried to preserve, tried to claw through whatever barrier he’d put up. 
… A barrier?
Had he not wanted this? Was the gravity of your desire too intense for an individual who isn’t trained to resist? 
“I…” your mouth is dry. “Yes.” 
“You didn’t. I knew you didn’t, and like my father, I tried convincing myself otherwise,” he reopens his eyes, revealing a glassy sheen. He wipes it away with his long sleeve. “I ran out of excuses.” 
You don’t know how to begin parsing through this information. It undermines the rough understanding you’ve operated on for decades. The foundations haven’t just cracked, they’ve collapsed, and the materials are damaged beyond reuse. Anything you build will require a new blueprint. 
“If it isn’t manipulation, what exactly is it?” You murmur, placing a hand on your chin. “You rightfully guessed nothing would happen if we came into contact. What made you think that?”
The direction you’ve chosen to steer this conversation toward surprises him. This must not be the response he braced himself for. Regardless, he’s quick to offer anything he can. 
“Something just felt different, I guess? I’m sorry if that isn’t helpful, I can’t think of a better way to describe it.” 
Mother must’ve known more than she let on, you think. ‘Before she gets hurt,’ she said. Shouldn’t it have been ‘before Lear gets hurt?’ She cared about him plenty too. So why…? 
You pace around the breakroom, your heels clicking throughout the otherwise silent room. 
Alister listened when he thought you were taking him to ‘Roze’, a significant other he created in past Synalinks. He tried to kill you after you took him outside and it became evident that wasn’t your intention. No link could be established past that point. Then there’s Blade. You thought you could manipulate him to rescue potential survivors. You were rushed, yes, but you made absolutely no progress. 
“My mind has a will of its own,” Blade tells you. “It’s loud. Something about you quiets it down.” 
What can psyches roughly be broken down into? Primary, unfiltered instincts; an individual’s rationality, or ability to reason; then their mortality, what lines they will or won’t cross. When properly aligned, the mind operates as a cohesive mechanism. However, if there’s friction, disharmony abounds. The resulting fissure causes strife until it’s plastered back together.
It hits you. 
What it is that makes Exalted Arbiters so paramount, why your abilities far surpass others.
You’re a living, breathing conductor, amplifying raw, often questionable instincts. A lightning rod meant to attract the attention of what reason and morality try so valiantly to suppress. 
You forgo your pacing and sit back down. “Lear.” 
“All of us are stupid.” 
“Well-meaning and stupid,” you reiterate. “I know what you want from me. You’re not going to get it. You condemned yourself, I condemned myself… what good did that do? Did it change anything? Make it better?” 
You shake your head. “We like to torture ourselves; we’re adept at it. Enough. It’s finished.”
“... You don’t need to make me feel better—” 
Lear receives a flick on the forehead. 
“Idiot, half of that spiel was for me. Maybe three-quarters.” 
You grab his hand and give it a hearty squeeze. 
He squeezes back.
You both sit there, in this room that’s changed throughout the decades. Where you played make-believe (or, to be more exact, coerced Lear into playing the princess role so you could be the knight), gorged on junk food until you both got sick, plotted how to blow up the IPC with a water gun; you never thought you’d be able to do those things. The dumb, silly things you’d watch in movies or read about in books. 
Lear runs the pad of his thumb up and down your hand. “[First].” 
“Everything you just said — I can tell you believe it.” His breath hitches. “So why… why do you look so sad?” 
You force a smile.
“I think I had my moment of clarity,” you tell him. “Like mother, like daughter.”
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Whoever coined the term ‘misery loves company’ deserves the 85th spot in the Genius Society. 
Blade sits beside you on a sinfully comfortable couch in The Club. His legs are crossed and his arm finds its respite behind you; not touching yet close enough. He’s your perpetual shadow. You steal a glance at his side profile. His jaw’s set and his eyebrows crease inward enough for his otherwise unblemished skin to wrinkle. 
“Would you like to talk about your innermost feelings, Mr. 8.13 billion?” 
Nothing, not even a halfhearted grunt, which comprises 50% of his vocabulary. 
“No? Okay. Let’s focus on mine then,” you motion to the empty bar. “My innermost feelings are telling me to drink until my brain becomes a gray matter slushie. Any recommendations?” 
It’s as if you’re trying to communicate with a rock. Which, according to the latest journals published in Geo Elements Organized, might be possible thanks to an artificial intelligence translator who learned how to speak rock. Apparently, pebbles are prone to bigotry. Marble sings operatic arias but each note is flat. These cutting-edge discoveries justify your 10,000 credit monthly subscription no matter what your financial advisor says. 
You exaggerate your sigh. “Fine, I’ll pick my own poison.” 
“Baijiu,” he eventually says.
“Hm? What’s that?” 
He looks at you like you’re an idiot.
“My, my, somebody’s touchy.” 
You hop the counter and peruse your establishment’s expansive selection. Hundreds of brands slapped over uniquely shaped bottles line the wall, each displaying information about their inside contents. You squint. What if he just said a random word to get you out of his hair? Your liquor knowledge consists of the basics, you’d be none the wiser if that’s the case. 
“Where might I find this— oh, fuck.” 
Blade is right beside you in the blink of an eye. Your hand flies to your chest, and while you’re trying to process how someone can move so fast, he finds what must be his intended target. It’s a tall, green bottle with a script you recognize as belonging to the Xianzhou Alliance. How did he ever expect you to find that on your own? 
He rummages around and finds little wine-shaped shot glasses. In the meantime, you scan over the various juices and additives available. It’s been rough, but not drinking-alcohol-without-a-fruity-infusion rough. Blade notices your scheming and shakes his head. 
“Men are so pretentious about liquor,” you lament. 
“You asked.” 
“My mistake.” 
He ignores you and returns to the couch. You do the same, up until the point where you’re about to sit down. His gaze grows heavier, more concentrated. It took millions of years of evolution to develop complex language and he still chooses to opt out. What a waste. An unofficial staring contest commences. What does he take you for? A mind reader? You technically are, but still, using your abilities for this is beneath you. Especially while you’re in the midst of a crisis that you’d give anything to stop thinking about. 
Blade must have a mind-altering epiphany that he has additional motor functions at his disposal. He pats his thigh. 
He stares at you.
You stare at him. 
You examine your black pencil skirt that stops above your knees. Hopping the counter in this was more of a way to pretend you’re in your early twenties again, not an invitation to test the fabric’s limits. You’ve lost multiple pairs of panties, a nice bra, and a blouse to this bodyguard who took the occupation’s prefix very seriously. This classy skirt isn’t going to be an addition to the clothes necropolis. 
“I like this skirt,” you simply state. 
You stare at him.
He stares at you. 
Your vision undergoes an odd change. One moment, you were standing tall and assertive, looking down your nose at him. In the instant that follows, you’re facing the bar, its black marble countertop and gravity adaptive stools coming into focus. What you’re sitting on isn’t a foam cushion that’s as soft as a cloud. It’s rigid and displeases your tailbone. You struggle to balance yourself, an issue that’s solved by Blade’s left arm curving snugly around your waist. 
“Did you just—” You cut yourself off, unable to dredge up the energy necessary to get annoyed. He could throw you through the roof for all you care. Sitting you on his lap is forgivable enough. “Whatever, you’re pouring my drink then.” 
He’s already in the process of doing so. He pops the lid and fills the specially shaped shot glass with clear liquid. An aromatic fragrance of fruits and spices wafts through the air. It’s a world captured in a bottle; another place you’ll never get to see. You have to settle for admiring pictures and reading firsthand accounts. 
Does Blade have an association with the Xianzhou Alliance? It isn’t your place to ask, but you’re curious nonetheless. He’s been a silent spectator of your life for the past few months yet you know nothing about him. It should stay that way — getting involved with him physically is already questionable enough. Especially now that you fully grasp the phenomena that’s been haunting you. 
The thought makes you wince. 
You lean your head back and down the shot. 
It burns as it travels down your throat. You cough, the unexpected strength hitting you with the force of a collapsing star. Maybe you should’ve worked your way up to taking shots. It’s too late to rectify the mistake, your hubris is irreversible. The bastard chuckles at your suffering. It’s the briefest chuckle you’ve ever heard, but it still counts. 
“What is the— what is the alcohol content of that?” You rasp out. 
You crane your neck to glare at him. “If you wanted to kill me, the sword would’ve been faster.” 
He rolls his eyes. He actually rolled his eyes at you. He picks you up, sticks a little ribbon on your head, and delivers you to death’s doorstep only to disregard your valid concerns? The 8.13 billion bounty isn’t enough. They need to double it. 
“I’d like to see you drink this. Considering your prehistoric age, it might short-circuit your cardiovascular system.” 
Blade pilfers your empty shot glass. He refills it, swallows without any fanfare, and then resumes his staring regimen. 
You don’t know if you should be impressed or offended that his tolerance is better than yours.
Ultimately, your competitive nature wins out. You manage two more shots before waving the white flag. The flavor itself isn’t that bad once you get past the initial shock, it’s slightly fruity. The alcohol taste packs a punch though. A version with a lower ABV would suit you better. 
You sigh, lean into his chest, and try in vain to smooth out your bunched-up skirt.
Your inebriated daze hits fast. There’s no pleasant buzz accompanying it, only exhaustion. The kind that makes the prospect of sleeping for a few years tempting. Those cryogenic pod ads know how to sell their product. It speaks volumes how simple their marketing remains since they’re so high in demand. 
You inspect your soulless business. There aren’t any clients traveling to and fro, well-dressed ladies having their fur coats removed by valets, or businessmen celebrating a deal by clinking their glasses together. It’s eerily quiet. There’s nothing but the sound of your slow breathing and the thrum of the oxygen generator. 
This planet’s heart remains frozen with you at the epicenter.
“What’s it like to travel across the universe?” You ask. 
“It’s just work.” 
Just work. You’ve received variations of this response when you’ve used this question on clients. They’ll take your silence as a signal to prattle, complaining about jet lag, getting through customs, finding a hotel that isn’t ridiculously overpriced during busy seasons; on and on they’d go. You’d sit across from them, smiling and nodding along, verbally empathizing with their plight. If they went on too long, you’d temporarily excuse yourself before your agitation spewed forth. 
“That’s it?” You murmur. 
He’s silent. 
You kick your heels off, lay your legs across his lap and the couch, then sling your right arm around his shoulders to hold yourself in place. He observes you with no discernible emotion as you make yourself comfortable. 
“Tell me about it,” you implore. “The universe. Please.” 
Blade considers your request. You take it as a good sign he hasn’t shut you down immediately. For once, you don’t needle him. You just sit there with high hopes and a pleading expression. A peculiar emotion surges around him. It whispers to you, requesting that you lean in and hear it better. You deny the impulse and swat it away. 
This mental exertion almost causes you to miss his frown and pinched-together eyebrows.
It’s fleeting, but there’s no misinterpreting what you saw. 
Have you ever seen Blade’s face reveal so much? 
It’s a vault he doesn’t leave open long. The doors seal shut before you can catalog the contents inside.
“Nothing I’ve seen is worth telling.” 
You part your lips yet no sound comes out. You retract your arms from him and lay on your back, resting your forearm against your head. The LOTUS-EATER’s dark ceiling becomes your latest intrigue. It’s a cool shade of gray, mimicking the joyless sky that hovers outside like a specter deadset on haunting the living. You hate it. Everything’s gray, bland, depressing, an insult to the vibrancy that accompanies sentient beings. 
You close your eyes and all goes silent. 
After a while, his deep voice rumbles, “Do you want to see it?” 
“The universe,” he clarifies. 
“Oh. Of course. But…” you pause, noticing how draining an endeavor it is to string together a coherent thought, “If I could, I wouldn’t. Too much… there’s too much I hafta do… here.” 
There’s Nona. You want to help her reach her full potential, she’s brimming with it, a never-ending source of energy and zeal. Then there’s Lear. Why he idolizes you to such a degree, you’ll never understand. He should turn that starry-eyed gaze inward. It’s ironic — he considers you confident, yet you’ve always shied away from ever revealing the fathomless depths of your care. 
You were born to be an object and he made you a person. 
How can you ever repay a debt like that? Why is it so awkward and awful to express anything you feel without theatrics accompanying them? You have to tell him. You know he loves you, and while the love you hold for him is different, does he know that? How could he, if you’ve been so hesitant to say those three harrowing words? 
Man, you think. My head’s killing me.
After you grumble in the affirmative, he lifts you up. You think you might be floating. Your head lulls to the side and comes into contact with something solid, which proves you aren’t. Gravity hasn’t quit its longstanding tenure. Your blurred journey begins when you’re laid down in a spot more cozy than the couch cushions. It feels familiar and safe. Tension melts from your body, slinking off to loan you a brief solace. The interest is set high, but you’re too blissfully content to care.
That night, you dream of an ocean dutifully guarded by the sun.
The waves rise and fall along the shoreline, the breeze carries the scent of saltwater, and aquatic birds caw from above. 
Bright white sand is plentiful beneath your bare feet. It tickles your toes and tricks you into thinking you’ll sink with every tentative step. 
As you walk along this esplanade, an object hidden amongst the sand jabs into your sole. 
Blood pools from the wound, trickles down a steep slope, and infects the ocean. 
The scarlet droplet corrupts and warps it, devouring any color it comes into contact with. It's insatiable, a bloody blight that proliferates until the sea is swallowed whole. 
The moon eclipses a dying sun. Driven by vanity, it paints its likeness across red, shimmering waves. 
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I have good news 
I’ll be recalling Bladie soon
I located the party responsible for endangering your life
Isn’t that great? 
If you’re being honest, then yes
Am I not renowned for my honesty? 
No harm will befall you, so rest easy
I hope we can continue our mutually beneficial partnership ♡
If there’s anything your mother’s passing has taught you, it’s that time isn’t guaranteed. 
You thought you’d have a lifetime to see eye to eye with her. Over centuries, the layers you cultivated would peel back. You’d then ask her the questions that have lingered on the tip of your tongue. 
Did you want to have me, or was it out of obligation? 
Is this the way you want to live? 
Am I a daughter or a burden? 
You don’t know what scared you more. The idea of asking her, or what the answers might be. 
None of your blood relations are living, but you still have a family. You refuse to treat something as fickle as time lightly again. Nona’s past, Lear’s present, your future; you can only dance around it for so long. The tempo will inevitably speed up beyond what you can follow. Lear’s confession reaffirmed how dangerous this complacency is. By believing you’re sparing one another pain, you’re only sparing yourself. 
Your tea’s gone cold. The remnants swirl down the basin’s drain. 
The true nature of your abilities, the shackles it puts you in, you’ll tell them everything. 
You shoot them a text, asking them to meet you tonight at the LOTUS-EATER. You then set your phone to Do Not Disturb and place it aside. 
Blade won’t be on Eris much longer. Your chances to help him are limited and you still haven’t fulfilled your promise. 
You’d like to try and remedy that. 
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“I may have been a bit prickly when we first met, but I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for all you’ve done. I’m sure you just consider this a job, which is just as well, still, I’d be dead if it weren’t for you. I don’t even want to imagine what would become of this planet in my absence. So please give me one last opportunity to deter your mara.” 
Blade gives you a long, hard look. 
“You’re talking like that again?” 
“I’m trying to be professional.” 
He walks over and leers down at you. You return his blank stare unabashedly. Eventually, he readjusts the collar of your ivory blouse. 
“What was that for?” You ask.
“I saw something that isn’t very professional.” 
Glancing down, you pull the fabric back, revealing a prominent hickey. Your face ignites and you frantically cover it. 
You clear your throat. “Is it a contractual obligation for you Stellaron Hunters to get on my nerves?” 
The glint in his eye makes you nervous. 
“Actually, do me a favor and don’t answer that. Just tell me if you’re interested or not, I’m a busy woman.” 
He thinks it over and nods. 
Throughout the preparation and rites, you consider what you’ve learned. Individuals exposed to you become more willing to act or dwell on their subconscious desires. The exact metrics aren’t clear, but you can safely assume this effect amplifies the longer they’re around you. These desires have a wide range. It can be as innocent as causing an older brother who ran away from his grief to finally cry over his deceased sister, or fuel for justifying selfish actions. 
Blade’s case feels different. 
Unprecedented as the other examples are, you can understand them somewhat. If a person acts on their most innate wishes, their behavior will change accordingly. However, what you’re causing here extends beyond psychological — it’s physiological too. Is that even possible? What could he possibly want enough to alter the fabric of his very being? 
If you can find out, maybe the revelation will help him. 
And so you close your eyes. 
“To dream is a sacred thing. Don’t fear it. Welcome it, rejoice in it, and shed no tears when it is finished. We’ve been granted your purest blessing. As you slumber, we find rest in you. Allow us the sweetest of dreams.” 
Blade’s psyche has changed.
The grayscale composition is gone. Vitality has been crowned the new ruler, overthrowing the morose atmosphere in a successful rebellion. This change brings no alleviation to the undercurrents of grief that hang heavy in the air. Instead, it feels more erratic, like a heart beating wildly after waking from a coma. 
The Shackling Prison stands beyond a straight path as if it's been waiting for you. 
The first time you entered his mind, it rejected you. Now, it’s pulling you in, its gravity far-reaching. 
You hesitate to proceed.
Is it his mara that’s responsible for this? You won’t be able to tell unless you keep going. 
The invisible force that expelled you nudges you from behind. 
You recall when Blade first appeared before you. Your physical eyes showed you a man while every other sense warned he was a beast. A carnivore that would devour anything, predator or prey alike. You believed it then and you believe it now. His condition has condemned him. Where he walks, destruction follows. It’d make sense for you to abandon him to fate’s whims. 
This excruciating hunger digests him too. It’s destined to eat him alive while postponing merciful death. 
Fate can be cruel, but you have an opportunity to be kind. 
You make your way to the Shackling Prison’s gates. 
The seal that’s served as a hindrance halts you. You examine the once bold obstruction. It has faded, its strength depleted, held together by nothing. At its peak, you think it would have pushed you out instantly. Now, as your incorporeal hand presses against it, there’s little it can do. The most it can muster is the resilience to delay you a few more seconds. 
After that, it shatters and fades like weeping stardust. 
A prismatic shard forms from its ashes, coalescing into a blurred, moving image. Distorted sounds crackle from it, which you soon recognize as garbled speech. The noise becomes clearer. You hear a low thrum in the background. Its timbre matches the oxygen generator standard in Eris’ buildings. 
This must be one of Blade’s memories. 
“I know you’re impatient, but play nice a while longer,” a saccharine voice hums. “She’ll be here any minute now.” 
That voice… 
The image sharpens and unveils a grand screen plastered against a wall. It sections off into numerous squares, each dedicated to displaying financial data. It’s bright, obnoxiously so, attesting to the owner’s tacky taste. 
Chrysus’ office? 
A door creaks. Hastened footsteps approach, ringing throughout the brightly lit room. The pair of eyes you’re viewing this memory from — Blade’s — shift to locate the source. The color they arrive at is familiar. It’s the same shade you see upon viewing your reflection, although the shape differs. 
Mom? You wonder, astonishment hitting like pelting hail. What was she doing, meeting with a Stellaron Hunter in Chrysus’ office of all places…? 
“Your message surprised me, Exalted Arbiter. Getting you to agree to a face-to-face meeting is normally like pulling a tooth. What’s the occasion?” The honeyed voice, which can only belong to Kafka, greets. 
“Don’t play coy with me,” your mother replies. While her words are sharp, they aren’t warped with emotion. This is the demeanor she assumed when conducting business. Her sagacity is a trait you’ve never been able to fully emulate. “That thing’s leaving baubles on my daughter’s balcony. How many times have I told you to tighten your dog’s leash?”
“Oh? I thought I had.” 
Your mother smiles thinly. “Should I add incompetent leadership to your list of defects? Deals are meant to be followed. Otherwise, why make them at all?”
“We draw lines to test them. So long as they aren’t crossed, there’s no harm.” 
“Spare me your casuistry. I don’t want that thing anywhere near her.” 
Your head feels like it’s being stretched in multiple directions at once. This sequence unfolding before you has a dizzying effect. Why is your mother so outwardly hostile to Kafka? The Stellaron Hunter isn’t your favorite person either, but this transcends simple dislike. It’s personal, raw. She’s maneuvered through diatribes that’d make anyone else go red in the face, her poise unruffled. Kafka’s little provocations pale in comparison.
Not to your mother, though. She’s a thinning thread close to snapping. 
“As per our original agreement, there’s no harm as long as she doesn’t notice him,” Kafka dismisses. She leisurely sits on Chrysus’ desk, not bothering to move his papers aside. She then crosses her legs and smiles. Her eyes emit an unnatural glow. “On the topic of testing lines… let’s not pretend you’re innocent either.” 
Your mother doesn’t so much as flinch. “If you’re going to make accusations, at least have the confidence to be forthright.”
“You’re fascinating to deal with, Exalted Arbiter,” Kafka croons. “This is why I look forward to our chats. You don’t cower or plead for mercy like our friend outside did. It’s a welcome change.” 
“I’d rather you don’t compare me to Ophídion.” 
Kafka drums her fingers against the table’s surface. For such a simple sound, it’s deeply grating. “Forgive me in advance, then, because I intend to one more time.” 
Your mother remains silent, her lips taut. 
“Still not afraid, hm? Let’s see if we can change that,” Kafka’s smile widens, which crinkles the skin beneath her eyes. “Chrysus’ shipments of ichor are exact, down to the milliliter. Always delivered on time as well. Comparatively, your end of the bargain is far simpler. You just have to grant Bladie ready access to Miss Phaeales’ vicinity. But, I heard something regrettable through the grapevine.” 
Your mother’s eye twitches. 
“You’ve been shopping around for a way to sneak [First] off Eris, correct? Tsk, tsk.” 
All falls silent save for the generator’s dedicated hum. 
Your mother stands unflinching, folding her hands in front of her. The two openly scrutinize each other. Calculating, strategizing. Her posture betrays nothing. There’s no guilt or apprehension, making it impossible for you to determine the credibility of Kafka’s words. 
“It’s fear you devils can’t experience, correct?” Your mother queries. “Here’s a suggestion — try having a daughter yourself. You praise me for not caving to intimidation; that’s because I’ve experienced far worse. From their conception to our death, fear is the only thing we mothers know. Fear that they won’t become like us, or, even worse, that they will. What a funny juncture we occupy.” 
Mom’s voice doesn’t sound right. It’s so… forlorn. 
You don’t want to keep watching. 
You can’t pull yourself away — the memory’s weight is heavy enough to pull you back in. 
“Is that maternal dedication enough to condemn an entire planet?” Kafka ponders. “I’m not a judge who is eager to sentence. I’ve been lenient with you and would love to keep it that way. Leave Miss Phaeales in my care, no harm will befall her.” 
For the first time since entering the room, your mother acknowledges Blade’s existence. Her eyes turn to slits as she scowls at him. Disgust, reprehension, and wrath; it converges in a maelstrom that could sink fleets of ships. You hone in on the emotions Blade experienced at that instant. There’s nothing. It’s hollow, save for blots of mild impatience. 
“It wouldn’t be your care, it’d be his.” 
Your soul convulses. 
“Is that so terrible?” Kafka hums. “Separated, they’re essentially cursed, the poor things. They complement each other well, the more you think about it. One who incites madness and another who has the means to resist it. You of all people should understand that, hm? Or is Mr. Phaeales available to voice his dissent?” 
Darkness passes over her countenance. 
You don’t understand and you’re afraid to. Kafka freely tosses around the most taboo topics as if twirling a poisoned dagger on her fingers. 
One who incites madness. Is that what you are? A catastrophe patiently waiting for its chance? That can’t always be the case, but, more often than not, what a person covets most should never be fully realized. There’s a reason the sensible and moral components of one’s psyche stuff this risk down as deep as it’ll go. If everyone did what they wanted, whenever they wanted, civilization itself would cease to exist. 
As for Blade’s role in this… Kafka must know whatever he wants would have a value that outweighs the potential drawbacks. 
“I won’t let her be reduced to a retractable leash for your attack dog,” she seethes. “Let your Cancer of All Worlds do what it will. My decision is final.” 
Electricity crackles in the air. 
“It’s this script, then,” Kafka murmurs, more to herself than anything. “So many diverging paths, so many possibilities. To think that out of all futures you’d get to pick out specially for [First]...” 
Kafka motions toward Blade, who readies his weapon. 
“You chose one of the worst ones.” 
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some misc author notes for this one:
regarding the reader's condition, i didn't want to include a sigmund freud jumpscare in the story itself, so it gets to be down here instead. for those unfamiliar with his theories, what reader is referring to here:
'What can psyches roughly be broken down into? Primary, unfiltered instincts; an individual’s rationality, or ability to reason; then their mortality, what lines they will or won’t cross. When properly aligned, the mind operates as a cohesive mechanism. However, if there’s friction, disharmony abounds. The resulting fissure causes strife until it’s plastered back together.'
is a more abstract version of freud's concept of the id, ego, and superego respectively. originally, i used this exact terminology, but something about it just felt very immersion breaking to me 😭 all i could do was think about mr freud floating about in the honkai universe. consequently, the unreliable narration of reader trying to understand her condition + not using the widely known terminology made me worry it'd be a bit confusing...
so, in freudian terms, being continually exposed to reader's presence causes an individual's id to dominate their thoughts/actions instead of their ego and superego.
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WIBTA if i cut off my partner for dating someone who is manipulative?
👁‍🗨📼 for recognition
i know these asks arent typically accepted, but i am curious and feel pretty guilty for feeling like this. for some context, me and my partner are both polyamorous, this is an online relationship, and has been going on for a little over two months. ive also only known and have been dating them for over two months, a bit after we both went through break ups with someone else. other than a few issues with communication and hurtful comments, its a pretty healthy relationship and we both love each other a lot. however, theres someone else theyre dating and while i said i dont care who they date as long as they tell me, this doesnt apply to people who do this kinda thing. this person has been manipulative and kind of weird towards them. i wont go into all the details right now, but the main issue i have is that at the start of their relationship, the other person lovebombed them and then begged them to break up with them, and then later that night apparently got drunk and tried to commit. since then its been an on and off cycle of them leaving and going back to them, despite me making it clear that i do not like or trust them and am uncomfortable with it. i accidentally lashed out at them for this recently, after they went back yet again, and ended up just agreeing to not worry about it, but i cant do that. i know that this person is in a bad situation, but i dont think that excuses their behavior. again, i dont care who they date but i dont think this is a healthy relationship. theyve already been given several chances, way more than they deserve, and still havent changed much, and thats why im uncomfortable with it. among the main thing, theyve also been venting to my partner while theyre not in the mental state to help or listen, and ive had to listen to my partner stress out about them for a while. they said they would block them if i wanted them to, and i do, but i know theyre very attached to this person and it would hurt them a lot like every other time theyve blocked them.
i think i may be the asshole in this situation because for one, i lashed out at them over this recently and have already done it a few times in the past, for two i am a very jealous person, and it feels irrational to do this over their relationship, but it also feels like they dont really care about how i feel about it either. i mean, they outright said that theyre litstening and understand, then immediately said theyre not. and i also did say during my lash out that i didnt want to hear about their issues with this person anymore, which i didnt mean in the end, but it still was said and was hurtful. i was just generally angry and hurtful when talking to them about this.
i think im not the asshole because this person doesnt really have an excuse for their behavior, other than possibly the fact that theyre in a bad situation. theyre stuck in an abusive household, and while i sympathize and hope they get out soon, i dont think thats an excuse to project that behavior onto your partner or anyone else. and the last time i tried to confront them, they took no accountability and wouldnt let me talk to them about it.
so, would i be the asshole for cutting off my partner?
What are these acronyms?
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call-of-ishmael · 2 months
The Last Ishmael OCD Post
One of my first times that i dabbled into character analysis was about Ishmael's OCD, people like that post but i really feel i could have done better
Canto V was my last major chapter i was willing to read. As i put more distance between me and the story, i want one final farewell in the form of finally fixing up my analysis
Before i delve into the writing itself, here is some pointers the story gives to her OCD in the form of flavor text and descriptions.
Firstly we have her Bio
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This is easy to miss as its just a tiny blurb above her whole intro blurb.
Now, "obsessive compulsive neurosis" is a very weird way to phrase it, "obsessive compulsive" is clear enough but "neurosis" is odd, this is not TOO odd though, as "neurotic" used to be how OCD was classified as a disorder.
However if we look at her bio in Korean, the particulars do simply straight up say "OCD" very clearly, you'd need to MTL but this was also confirmed to me by a friend from SK
The sinner bios are biased though, and are written through a very corporate lens, so lets see if there's any other pointers elsewhere
Her base EGO, Snagharpoon, actually does just that
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Her passives name is called "Compulsion" and in its gameplay design its a very interesting way to also point to it
Ishmael is a very all or nothing person, you do it well or you don't do it at all, and this is reflected on how this passive aids you to play
This passive is excellent for boosting the consistency of playing by only going for "Favored" or "Dominating" clashes, while punishing you for taking chances on clashes you MIGHT win
Base ID Ishmael is also a unit with all single coins, rolling tails puts her in a very unfavorable position so this also adds an extra safety net on top. Worth noting being all single coins is also a high risk high reward type of play style.
Finally we see two more pointers id like to note, both from Canto V
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The Compulsive`s Knot, an ego gift themed after a naval rope, one of many in the dungeon all alluding to her struggles.
Most obviously though
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Her exclusive status effect, Compulsion. This is in direct reference to her EGO passive, providing an attack boost at the same time it provides a drawback in the form of low SP.
We are gonna talk a bit more about this passive since it ties into another gameplay oriented way to point towards her OCD
During the story dungeon we have an event where a noise is heard, you are given two choices, check, gain SP, don't check, lose SP.
Compulsive checking is probably the most well known (to the conditions detriment we will talk about it later) hallmark of OCD
Notably, this doesn't aid Ishmael, while checking can avoid the combat encounter, not checking only has a chance of triggering it, and most interestingly, her SP will always start at -25 during combat encounters. Meaning the temporary boost in her sanity will just get reset next battle, should you decide to check. Checking wont satisfy her anxiety for more than a brief moment.
Lastly the most obvious ones are all the references to Obsession. These are so abundant i feel if you are familiar with the Canto its redundant to have them, i wanted to draw more attention to the allusions to compulsion, as they are less common.
Even since before her own Canto, we can see Ishmael's ruminating and anxious tendencies pop up during previous chapters, which for OCD is important to explore as OCD is an anxious and ruminating disorder.
So lets talk a little bit about OCD! Its a disorder characterized by repetitive and constant intrusive urges to perform a task or a thought (lets keep this in mind for later)
These thoughts or actions are used to try to relieve stress from an anxiety inducing thought or situation. The most common example is OCD exacerbating germ phobia, and causing people who have it to wash their hands in excess.
While OCD is usually described as "irrational thoughts" i feel that's a pretty limited way to view it in my own experience with it. OCD compulsions and thoughts can be informed by very real worries, the worry of getting sick, of making the wrong moral choices, of hurting others. Being clean is a normal and a good practice to stave off getting sick, its the frequency and intensity that turns it maladaptive, OCD turns your own lived fears and traumas against you, and those might very well be real things to worry about, which makes dealing with it very hard.
Enough of that off to the writing!
Lets start with Canto II
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This is the first example of her constant need for a lack of ambiguity, previous to this we see her complain about the treatment the sinners are receiving from Effie and Saude, skeptical of the whole deal.
Until shes shown the plans, they are so well crafted shes able to anchor to that and calm down.
This by itself is not really much other than being very detail oriented, lets look a bit further into the chapter
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Here we see that aspect elaborated upon more, this moment is framed as a very important one between Dante and Ishmael in their dynamic later on, Ishmael is incredibly upset at the plan having fallen apart so quickly, while yes this is not unreasonable to be upset at, her anger is remarked on by Dante and Gregor as very intense and unusual. This in my opinion is a minor but clear indication her need for planning and considering every option is due to a deep anxiety, but don't take it from me, lets look at Canto III
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Here we are told pretty explicitly, Ishmael moving quickly and asking lots of questions is something Dante has noted as an anxious habit.
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And here we have more elaboration on what exactly that moment at the Casino meant for Ishmael, it was enough anger and disappointment she has stopped expecting Dante to perform well and instead taken it upon herself to see things go according to plan, this is VERY important to her.
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And her worries, are repetitive enough to annoy others, and to be remarked upon by Dante.
This is perhaps the more notable chain of events to point out previous to her chapters aside from 4.5, as it helps contextualize all her usual ways of acting in a more complete light, showing a lot of this is driven by a deep anxiety
And this all makes S.E.A all the more interesting as it pays off on this.
Something i quite enjoy about Limbus is how it re-contextualizes things characters have previously done and said. And the events of S.E.A and Canto V bring a lot of interesting stuff to the table
Lets get cracking with this chapter
In general shes extremely confrontational, and tense, more than usual
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But its her anxious outbursts i wanna focus on, what she puts
emphasis on.
This chapter is so crucial in this whole analysis. We see some behaviors way more clearly now, firstly we see her emphasize her need to be absolutely 100% prepared for this, no ambiguity no risks she wants certainty.
But we see something even more clearly and that's her ruminating behaviors, shes brought up things like this to a smaller extent before like commenting on a lot of aspects but here we see in full display her inner world become externalized, shes started voicing worries shes never voiced before can Dante turn them back always? What if Dante dies? What if the sinners get eaten can that be turned back?
And these don't all get brought up immediately, she mentions them in different conversations, pointing to the fact shes constantly going over the subject in her head with no pause, and she gets frustrated when she cannot work on these worries when she cant do anything to quell the anxiety.
And the last part, when Dante finds her so fixated in her planning its impossible to even talk to her. She has to perform some action do something to stave off the disaster she can see coming in her head
As someone with OCD inevitably i have to mention the personal component that drew me to analyze this was how real this feels to when you spiral
A lot of the times OCD is explained as the compulsions being something you do cause you feel its a sort of ritual to stave off disaster. Its in this way i see it reflected in this moment.
As we see with Heathcliff acting as her foil, he points out her worrying is really not doing much other than just her talking and talking, and by the state shes in when Dante checks in on her, aimless not even paying attention to anything else we see the main objective of the planning really isn't practical as much as a compulsive coping mechanism.
She has to do something
Lots to cover and honestly i will make a companion post to this with all the examples, so for this section i wanna cover some highlights instead, as well as a general discussion of the tone.
The way this chapter is structured is very interesting, its really reflective of the mental state of Ishmael. The chapter feels really aimless, they wander around not really ever finding what they need, which drives Ishmael more and more tense and frustrate
Its a good continuation to how we see her by the end of S.E.A fixated on one goal one thing
As previously stated shes inflicted with a constant special and unique to her status effect called "Compulsion" as covered in Part I
Her behavior is also reflective of this
For a good part of the first third of the chapter shes in her room, the whole time whetting her harpoon, nonstop
However you might notice compulsion is not as present as obsession, and compulsion is also important to OCD its in the acronym! And i have seen others point to it too
However id like you to remember, in the post earlier i said thoughts can fit into OCD, compulsions can be mental and sometimes almost exclusively or mostly mental. Its even in the DSM noted that for diagnosis the compulsions to count you for a diagnosis can be mental in nature
Its in this aspect that i feel Ishmael shines a lot
In general OCD in media is lacking in representation and is often a trait given to assholes or villains
The normal conception of OCD in movies or TV is of neat freaks or control freaks, Compulsion is usually heavily emphasized when it isn't the whole picture
Often ignored though is the aspect of Obsession, some people can have Purely Obsessional OCD (Pure O), this isn't a formal diagnosis or term but its colloquially used by people who have it. Its a bit of a misnomer, as compulsions are present but internalized as mental rituals or rumination
Usually its harder to diagnose, its harder to treat as there's no apparent compulsions others can see, and the people having it seem pretty high functioning to the people around them.
This can be noticed though in people avoiding certain subjects, avoidant behaviors can be the clearest external behavior.
I personally read Ishmael as having more mental compulsions, the way she tends to be a more ruminating and anxious character than outwardly compulsive
During S.E.A and Canto V we see outward compulsions more but from the examples from previous Cantos we can see that's not her usual and she operates more on anxious overthinking most of the time.
However another aspect that ties into mental compulsions is in the previously mentioned avoidant behaviors, we see her isolate and try to stave of having to deal with her worries in both S.E.A and the beginning of Canto V when shes in her room, in both cases doing some excessive preparation in a compulsive way.
As previously stated Canto V deserves its own companion post, and ill work on that later, i feel this encapsulates what i wanted to say well enough.
I wanted to discuss the previous signs of her behaviors that make me certain her OCD is an intended textual read, and in my opinion a well executed one
Canto V was hard to read as it felt very real and very familiar to the worst times i have had due to my OCD.
Shes a character that despite my distaste i have developed for the franchise, it will never stop meaning a lot to me same as her chapter will always be a piece of storytelling that affected me deeply in ways others haven't
To close i want to leave off what i feel encapsulates the feeling pretty well, in my favorite moment with the membrane consuming her as a metaphor for letting fear, anger, obsessions and compulsions cloud your mind until you forget why you were even there
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To you, dear reader, Bon Voyage
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puhpandas · 7 months
(3,471 words)
Gregory comes home one day acting strange. (Evan meets GGY.)
It had all started on the day Gregory went missing.
...He hadn't really went missing. He'd just promised to call the next day one night after Evan went home and never did. And when Evan had made the trek to his house later in the afternoon after he couldnt take it anymore, his house that's just down the street from his own, he'd found Vanessa panicked. Phone in hand, redialing over and over.
Evan hasn't really been able to shake the worry from that night, even though Gregory had come home safe and sound not too long after that, if not a bit off.
And that's the weird part. Evan likes to think he knows Gregory. He's his best friend, after all. And Gregory not calling to let his family know what hes doing after not meeting his curfew, and then on top of that being badly shaken over something and refusing to share?
Evan already is on edge over Gregory being scared of something. But the fact that he'd used the excuse of being tired to dodge their questions after coming home to a worried sick sister and best friend...
Its something Gregory would never do. That's something Evan knows for a fact. Gregory had been too thoughtful over Evan's personal paranoia multiple times before for it to be. Evan's seen Gregory make an effort to text him every day to ease Evan's irrational worries of his safety ever since it had come out that it's even an issue.
The same paranoia that had taken over his every thought that night. It had been so bad that he stayed the night, taking the usual blow-up mattress on the floor next to Gregory's bed.
Usually, Gregory would reassure him. Tell Evan hes alright, and understand when Evan understandably still has lingering worry over the scare of Gregory's safety. Then, in true Gregory fashion, he'd probably somehow know exactly what to do to help Evan have an okay nights sleep, and then ask how hes doing the next day when they wake up.
That night, all he'd done is stare. Gregory had looked at Evan, cold and calculating, almost like making a decision, before saying a simple goodnight and turning his bedside lamp off.
It had thrown the room into darkness. Gregory hadn't said another word. He hadn't asked if Evan was okay when he'd tossed and turned all night. He hadn't shifted at all himself, despite being a restless sleeper. He hadn't made a peep.
It seems like that day is when everything changed. It feels like Gregory had come back a different person.
It's the only reasoning Evan has for why Gregory's been acting like a switch has been flipped in his brain. He doesnt react when Evan comes over suddenly. He doesnt ask Evan how hes doing. He doesnt text him reassurances. He doesn't even twitch when Evan has nightmares. He doesnt notice when Evan is having a bad day.
But its just him and Vanessa, and the reassurances Evan had been repeating to himself in his own head about Gregory just going through a weird patch, and everything being fine stop working when Vanessa looks at him when weird things happen. She glances at him from the corner of her eye behind Gregory's back, worry evident on her face every time he acts strangely.
Like shes asking if Evan has noticed, too. Every time, he looks back just as desperately. Wanting to know why his best friend is acting so unlike himself.
Why is best friend has become unrecognizable.
Its after multiple weeks when Evan starts to think he isnt so crazy, after all.
Only after things had started to seem hopeless did Evan decide to do something about it. Normally, the idea wouldnt even cross his mind. The concept of acting in response to a problem has always seemed too much for him.
But that's why he has Gregory. Gregory helps him feel fit to do those things. He makes it not so scary. His presence makes things seem not as impossible.
Gregory isnt here, though. Which is what Evan has convinced himself. Theres just no way that the person who came home that day is his Gregory. Theres just... theres just no way.
He hasn't been able to observe as much as hes wanted. Gregory is gone most of the time, now. Before, Evan would see him every day. Before, Gregory would text him about his day and let him know when he wont be home.
He's stopped doing that, now. Gregory is absent almost half the time Evan comes over, now. Not even uninvited. Evan has told and asked Gregory over text multiple times before each visit. Usually, Gregory will respond.
He doesn't anymore. All Evan gets now is bland texts responding to simple questions.
Never where he is, though. Even though Gregory would let Evan know that every time he asked beforehand because of his anxiety.
Its like... its like Gregory doesn't know what hes supposed to be doing. Evan has caught him, before, and confronted him about why hed stopped doing the things he used to.
Hed just laughed, and acted like he'd forgotten. Later, Evan had realized how quickly he'd changed the subject.
And then in the following days after that, Gregory had started texting him again. Just like he'd used to.
Not too long after Evan comes to the conclusion that Gregory has been replaced by an imposter, he catches Gregory in the living room. Alone.
Evan cant find it in himself move his feet. Its like they're glued to the floor. His heart stutters as he watches the imposter sit at the couch from behind the wall hes ducked around.
The TV drones on, switched to a news channel. Gregory watches without a word.
Gregory has never watched the news channel. Hes always watched some weird YouTube thing. Never a reporter accounting for local news.
He doesnt know how long he stands there, too shaken to move, behind the wall. He just waits. Waits for something to happen. Something that convinces Evan that this Gregory isnt the one he knows. That hes a fake. A phony. Just a pale copy of his Gregory.
He doesnt think about what he would do if it turns out true. He doesnt think about if Gregory has been replaced. He doesn't think about what would have had to happen to the original.
He hears keys jingle, and the door swinging open signals that Vanessa is home from work.
Evan ducks low to the ground when she walks into the living room from the other side, hidden in shadows. He doesn't want Vanessa or Gregory to notice him. He wants to analyze. He wants to feel like hes doing something that isnt just watching aimlessly as something else parades around as his best friend.
He peeks an eye around the wall, staying flush against it as he watches Vanessa sigh, and toss her keys onto the shelf kept next to the front door. "Hey, pipsqueak." Vanessa greets.
Evan hasnt been able to see Gregory's face this whole time. He's been hidden behind the wall facing the almost side oppo of the couch. But Gregory twists his body to lean over the back of the couch, and suddenly, the quietness is gone. Replaced with a grin. "Hey, Vanessa. How was work?"
"Boring as always." Vanessa replies heavily, tossing off her hat and loosening her tie. She slides her shoes off, heading in the direction of the kitchen. "I'm gonna go ahead and make dinner. Pizza okay?"
"Sure." Gregory smiles. "Because you dont know how to make anything other than unhealthy frozen meals, right?"
Evan is almost taken aback by how Gregory that sounds. It... it feels unnatural, now. With the idea that this thing isnt Gregory. And Vanessa laughing like it is, and this is just another normal day with her normal brother with normal circumstances certainly doesnt help his doubts.
"Ha ha." Vanessa deadpans. "Very funny, pipsqueak. I'll have you know that I had a hard day at work and would like to relax. So if you'd excuse me," She steps out of Evan's view, and Evan doesn't so much as twitch, too afraid of being seen. "I'm going to go put us a quick, greasy pizza in the oven."
Vanessa isnt visible to Evan, anymore, and it becomes obvious that she isnt to Gregory either quickly.
Evan expects him to turn back around. To keep watching the news. To keep yelling insults at Vanessa from a different room. But instead, the grin on his face drops almost instantly.
Evan cant help the faint gasp he lets out. Gregorys expression goes from joyful to completely blank and uninterested as soon as Vanessa is out of sight.
Gregory stares at the place Vanessa just was moments ago for a few seconds before wordlessly turning back around.
Its silent, again, and Evan is suddenly made aware of his grip on the corner of the wall and his shuddery breathing.
Something grips his heart at that. Hes unsettled. Deeply. Gregory had gone from Gregory, to completely soulless like it was nothing.
Evan looks at the wood floor of Gregory's house, turning over what he just saw in his head. If he didnt know any better, he'd say that whatever imposter took his best friends place has a really good mask to adopt and drop whenever it pleases.
A Gregory mask. Evan realizes. It's gotten better at pretending. It's no longer like Gregory is just acting weird.
It's like Gregory is artificial. Soulless. Empty. Like he's reading a script.
Evan likes to think he knows Gregory very well. So when all of his findings paint a picture in his head, and his theory doesn't seem as far fetched as before...
Evan breathes carefully quietly, inching backwards down the hallway to Gregory's room. Feeling in his heart that this is much worse than he thought.
That same night, Evan decides to do something he's never done.
He stays over that night, back on the air mattress by Gregory's bed, body carefully still and breathing slow.
He waits.
He waits until Gregory seemingly gets up for school, calming his hammering heart as to not shatter the illusion. He waits, eyes shut, listening to Gregory's movements.
He hears Gregory wander around the room. He hears footsteps while Gregory does so. He hears the rustling of fabric. He hears the zipping of two bags before it goes silent.
Evan would think that Gregory had left the room if he hadn't been listening so closely.
But he hasn't. Gregory hasnt moved. Theres been no footsteps, and Evan can still hear his friends breathing, faint as it is.
His heart beats sperratically, and Evan throws all of his effort into keeping his breathing carefully slow, and not letting his slack, faux asleep exterior break.
But it's really hard when Evan feels so unsettled. When he feels terrified of the imposter in the room. When he swears he can feel that same imposters eyes burning into him.
Evan desperately wants to peek an eye open. The feeling of being watched is so strong, he almost breaks. He almost rips his eyes open and runs out of the room screaming. Because if he's right, and his instincts account for something...
Gregory is just standing in the dark, motionless, staring at Evan's seemingly sleeping form.
Evan almost shudders, and tries to lock his body up as obscurely as possible as to not give himself away. If Gregory is acting like this now... if it were to become clear that Evan is onto him...
Evan doesnt know what Gregory would do.
His lungs constrict, and Evan tries desperately to keep his breathing steady. When he suddenly hears the rustling of a bag, his heart skips a beat.
Despite himself, and his fear, the terror that for some reason, it feels like Gregory will do something overwhelms the other. Evan peeks an eye open, frightened as can be.
Its the exact same time Gregory turns around, adjusting a duffel bag Evan recognizes subconsciously as Pizzaplex brand around his shoulder, and walks out of the room.
Evan wastes no time flying out of bed, terror thrumming in his veins. He let's himself breathe heavily, the air he gulps down seemingly never enough. His eyes are wide as saucers as he stares at the darkness, feeling like his skin is crawling.
His legs tremble when he stands up, slipping his shoes he left by the door on. He hasn't forgotten his plan, as dumb as can be. He isn't going to chicken out.
Definitely not now. When it's more clear than ever that whatever thing living in this house isnt Gregory. Not in the slightest.
He follows down the stairs, inconspicuous, when Gregory leaves the house. Not locking the door behind him.
Evan only waits a moment for Gregory to get further away when he opens the door himself, peeking outside.
Gregory isnt at the bus stop. He's going down the sidewalk in a different direction than the bus usually takes them. Evan's stayed over and taken the bus to school with Gregory enough times to know.
He pushes past the fear that burns his stomach, and follows behind, unnoticed.
Not an imposter.
Worse. So much worse.
It's all he can think as the night catches back up to him. The danger has been apprehended. The animatronics have all powered down in a reset. Freddy has been incapacitated.
It's not surprising when the tears fall. Despite the danger being over, the terror doesn't leave.
The taser is to his left, thrown in some dirty corner. Evan hadn't wanted to have it in his hands anymore. The Faz-Camera is sat on the floor, tipped over in the rush.
"Gr--" His breath catches, and the tears dont stop coming when Gregory doesnt so much as twitch. He's still as slack as he'd become when Evan had completed Balloon World. When he had dropped to the floor like a ragdoll. Like a puppet with its strings cut.
That's what he was, wasnt he? A puppet. That's what he'd been this whole time. Not a replacement. Not a fake. A puppet.
He had been being controlled. Controlled by something Evan had watched get better at being Gregory. At acting like the person it had hijacked.
The strange mask he'd been wearing is off to the side, cracked and split. Its right by the knife Gregory had tried to stab him with.
He hadn't wanted to, really. He'd-- hed been playing Balloon World, and he'd been on the last glitch, and then Gregory had found him--
He'd needed to finish it to save him. And Evan had happened to have a taser meant for Security Guards he'd picked up at some point during the night to protect himself from animatronics.
"Gregory--" Evan sobs, ignoring the ache in his knees digging into the cold concrete floor. He adjusts Gregory in his hold, sobbing harder at how his head lolls at the movement. "I'm sorry, Gregory. Im sorry. I didnt-- I just needed to save you..."
The past few weeks flash in his minds eye. How Gregory had acted so strangely. How he'd come home at weird times. How he'd never tell Evan what he was doing. How he'd had two bags instead of one.
How Evan had noticed. How Evan had done something about it. How Evan had been terrified through it all. How he'd pushed through for Gregory when it became apparent his theories weren't so farfetched after all.
How Gregory had been a prisoner in his own body. How he'd been forced to try to kill Evan. How that moment in Gregory's bedroom suddenly makes so much sense now.
"Wake up." Evan begs. He squeezes his eyes shut, trying to stop remembering how Gregory had screamed and spasmed when Evan had shoved the taser into his chest and pressed the button. How he'd dropped to the floor and didnt get up.
"Please." Evan shakes him a bit. "Please dont tell me I hurt you. Or-- or that... that thing k--"
He doesn't finish his sentence. He just mumbles pleas almost deliriously when Gregory stays limp in his hold.
When Gregory finally shifts and groans, Evan rips his eyes open, not even realizing he'd shut them in the first place. He gasps sharply as Gregory's eyes creak open, a twist in his lip.
"Gregory!" His voice rips out of his throat, relieved. He laughs a bit, crazed, as he adjusts his arms he has held around Gregory. "Gregory! Oh my gosh. Gregory, are you okay?! Are you hurt?! Do you need a hospital--"
"E--" Evan shuts up when Gregory attempts to speak, coughing interrupting it. Gregory winces, clutching at his chest, and guilt curls Evan's stomach as he helps Gregory sit up.
"Are you hurting?" Evan asks, a bit softer this time. He sighs, his breath shuddering when the back of his throat starts to feel thick with emotion. "Its my fault. It-- I could have found another way. You're hurt now because--"
"Its--" Gregory cuts him off, a small, tired smile on his face. Evan shuts his mouth immediately, eyes wide as saucers. "Its okay, Evan. Its okay. You saved me. You dont have to apologize for that."
Evan keeps an arm wrapped around Gregory's shoulders, sitting strong for Gregory when he cant support himself all the way. "But--"
"No buts." Gregory winces, the punch of the taser no doubt having lasting effects. "I don't care what you had to do. You--" He trails off, eyes distant. "You saved me. If you hadn't of... I... I might still be--"
"Stop." Evan says. Gregory shuts his mouth. Hes looking at him more exhausted than Evan's ever seen him. "You're right about one thing. I saved you. So you dont have to worry about what... what that thing was making you do anymore."
Gregory nods, his lip twisting as his eyes become misty. "He..." He whispers. "He had me for weeks. I had to watch as he walked around as me. I was so scared today, Evan." His voice wavers, and Gregory wipes at his eyes. "I saw him stare at you this morning. I tried so hard to fight. I didnt know what he was going to do."
Evan tears up himself when Gregory begins to cry, and he frowns, pulling Gregory into a tight hug. "Its okay." Evan says. "He didnt hurt me. He didnt hurt Vanessa, either. We're both alright."
"Thanks to you." Gregory chuckles through the tears. He wipes them away with the sleeve of his jacket. "I saw you every time. You were onto him, and he knew it. That's why I was so scared. Because you know me so well."
"I knew as soon as you'd come home that night.' Evan replies, ducking his head. "...Vanessa knew, too. But I don't think she came to the conclusion that you were an imposter that replaced the real you like I did."
Gregory sputters out a laugh. "Adults." He says. "Its a good thing you did, huh?"
"Yeah." Evan smiles, relieved. "I missed you, you know."
"Me too." Gregory replies, choked up. He leans closer. "I missed you too."
Evan feels the exhaustion from running for his life all night and barely getting any sleep the night before take hold, and he yawns, eyes burning. "We should go home."
"Please." Gregory says immediately, standing on shaking legs, using Evan as a crutch when he rises with him. Call it second nature, but Evan grabs the camera as well. That's what a night of relying on it will do to you. "I just want to sleep."
"...Me too." Evan agrees. They stand shakily, using eachother as support, and he tries not to feel too guilty when they make it outside and Freddy lays unmoving in the middle of the Fazberblast arena. He'd told him himself it wasnt his fault. That he'd be fixed. To go save his friend.
Thank you. He says in his head, his gaze lingering on the bear until hes out of the room. He readjusts his hold on Gregory, squeezing him a bit tighter. I'll come visit you when you're better. I promise. With Gregory.
The sky is a light pink and the barricades are lifted by the time they reach the main entrance. They make it out with no issues.
"Vanessa?" Evan asks as soon as he steps inside Gregory's house, feet aching from the walk. Vanessa flies off the couch, eyebags prominent and the aftermath of a panic evident. Her phone sits on the coffee table.
Her eyes widen when they walk in, an expression that's a mix of confusion, relief, and worry on her face, and Evan smiles when her eyes fall on Gregory.
"I brought Gregory home."
ao3 link
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butchmartyr · 1 month
sorry if i might be misinterpreting ur post but: so its Not just me that gets a little bothered by how suddenly hyped up strap/packing bulge is in lesbian spaces then??? like i swear i used to have to be hyper vigilant about if my dick was visible or not & had an irrational fear of being labelled a sex pest if i ever had like morning wood during a sleepover or something & now suddenly so many tme's are out openly thirsting over plastic dick prints??? like i Guess i'd prefer other dykes openly like a bulge than act the way my paranoia insists they would; but it all just feels a bit eyeroll inducing & irritates me a bit... idk...
as someone who’s had a cis ex eagerly refer to mine as a ‘bio strap’, i do get you (especially with the hypervigilance, mood), but my frustration was less with ppl being centered on ‘strap’ as uniquely lesbian compared to other phalluses and more with the growing comfortability non-transfems build for only addressing and recognizing trans women by their dicks while not working on their other internalized transmisogyny.
like i myself am someone who generally isn’t that bottom dysphoric but what that’s gotten me is great experiences from my love life such as getting chided for perceived male socialization before being made to top by a lesbian ex again (because why would someone like me want or have different sex), or the general fact that it wasn’t until like, last year that i got to experience some explicit compliments and touches for the first time on my breasts and my body that weren’t just about my dick or otherwise typically ‘masculine’ things like my muscles (especially silly given that im just skinny and barely have any musculature). and my partners were all lgbt, several of them trans in various ways! but this didn’t stop them from taking my general comfort with my body as an excuse to hone in on my dick without fear of repercussion.
i feel like a lot of people act like being gay or trans inherently makes you deconstruct/be better about gender, and they might be better about people similar to them, but often they still wind up treating trans women like ‘different’ men and carry matching expectations as such. sometimes it’s more subtle or sometimes it’s obvious like when lesbians will sometimes use us to experiment with bisexuality, but it still happens and people hate to talk about it lol. and we don’t have to get into the frustration i feel for people being like that re: strap ons while still being weird about other kinds of dicks, as if plenty of nb people and transmascs don’t see their strap ons as extensions of themselves and as their dicks through this way, but i do feel it, lol.
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merpisi · 6 months
my opinion that nobody asked for, tldr at end:
the bit was absolutely fuckin hilarious. for like the first 30 minutes. then the major wtf dude like this is funny and all but i was told that it was gonna be hlvrai2. and like. wtf dude. kinda like dick move there but its whatever.
another thing, i saw a bunch of fictives and shit in chat pre-stream and i was like “WOOOOO YAY !!!! HYPE !!MY FELLOW BENRYS!!!!” and gir (at least i think it was gir i dont remember shit man) made a joke saying like “delaying stream cause i saw the word fictive.” and i was kinda like what the FUCK dude????? like obv a joke and shit but what the fuck????? sorry for existing idfk????? i did not get so damn traumatized for that shit man.
dont be a dick to gir btw. (im pretty damn sure it was him but i didnt get a screenshot) honestly hosty boy was more upset about it than me lol. and i don’t expect people to understand fictives. and having some rando being all like “ya no i AM this character you created actually” sounds pretty fuckin weird!!!! but like that in combination with the bate and switch was like, “holy shit they do not give too shits about us” kinda feels yk? prtty irrational and entitled feels ik, but that what feeling are dipshit it came free with your fuckin consciousness bro
tldr; bbvrai was a great joke with bad execution, not mad bout dat rlly. but also gir was accidentally ableist (emphasis on accidentally, dont be a dick)
VERY IMPORTANT EDIT THE MOST IMPORTANT EDIT EVER: it was baaulp not gir i fucked up reblog this version PLEASE
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cinderspots · 2 years
The ladies with a un-bothered germaphobe s/o -- like if something dramatic where to happen the s/o is all like "um Chile... anyways-" but if someone touches them without clean hands or gloves they just loose their shit-
Mood. Also, rip lmao MMs is so much longer and I got a teensy bit off-topic
Hope you enjoy ❤
Tag List: @minitrescu @ultimatebottom69 @imsososolesbian @luni-draws-crap @fatherse7en
Included: Mother Miranda, Mia Winters, Donna Beneviento, Alcina Dimitrescu, Bela Dimitrescu, Cassandra Dimitrescu, Daniela Dimitrescu, Alex Wesker
Mother Miranda
There's a whole thing where you kinda just vibe over hating people being unclean about their lives or whatever
But anyways
You and Miranda get along pretty well once you get to a point where you two talk and not vaguely feel threatened by the priestess
So Miranda kinda just goes by believing that youre indifferent (bc I mean so far-) and it continues like that until one day
One terrible day
A very gross lycan decides that YOU are its best friend, idk why it doesn't want you dead don't ask me hard questions
And he follows you around like a puppy at first and youre like "ok weird" until it escalates to a hug
Uh oh
You lose your mind, Miranda assumes danger and kills it making it WORSE as now it's gotten all over you and bestie youre having a bad time
Anyways Miranda is very confused ngl
Mia Winters
You shake hands and she immediately notes the gloves and the way you use a disinfectant like a weapon
Sprayed some mf in the face was lowkey funny
She respects it and doesn't push you, besides I'd like to think that after the fucking debacle of Lousiana and the RAW meat she had to eat
Mia is a little testy about germs too, so she's got you
If someone ever has the audacity to skin-to-skin contact you not only will you be almost crying, they WILL be crying thanks to your great gf the badass mold queen Mia
Overall she's got your back
Donna Beneviento
Takes the avoidance of touch personally at first which leads to a whole series of rom-com levels of misunderstandings
Once it's explained she gets it
Angie doesn't and has to be put on a leash but it's fine
Donna is extra careful which is ridiculous bc she's barely around other people so she's forcing herself to giant her own damn house
Youre mostly like "girl I'm not allergic to the air you breath"
If someone sets you off they're dead no questions
Doesn't matter if it was an accident they upset you
Take the spoon as you will
Alcina Dimitrescu
Ngl she's not understanding at all when you first meet
Sure once youre like lovers n stuff she's like "back off use your hand sanitizer" (idk how germaphobes live sorry)
But before she's downright disrespectful
Same as Donna, someone touched you skin to skin:)))) what? No, she's fine, the claws just needed some air :))) shell be back in a min don't worry :)))
Bela Dimitrescu
Takes it at face value and sees it as something she could like
You don't like germs which makes you one of the cleaner maids around which makes you an asset to being fucking ridiculous about cleaning rooms
You'd have to supervise for it to get done but Bela likes the mildly irrational idea of it
That's...not quite how it works all the time but she's stronger faster and drinks more human blood than you
You don't tell her that
Eventually she just sort of buzzes around you and hisses at Dani to stay away bc homegirl cannot keep things together
Unsurprisingly Dani escapes Bela's sight and lunges for you in a non-murdery way and makes contact
Game. Over.
You scream bloody murder and go into a panic attack while Dani hisses at the loudness and doesn't understand a thing
Dani briefly has no hand at dinner and everyone sort of pretends like they don't see
Cassandra Dimitrescu
Just like her mother, fucking horrible about it on purpose before she grows fond of you
THEN she gets livid at the idea of someone messing with you
Accidentally sets you off mindlessly and freaks out when you freak out making it so much worse
I think it would take a lot of time to get her to not automatically do something to set you off so idk about your relationship life span
Daniela Dimitrescu
This my bestie is a commitment
You either last like a week or for life
Because she is uh VERY into skin to skin I am living in your organs kind of thing
Daniela doesn't MEAN to set you off. Kinda does it often because she can't help herself
If you commit anyways (very unhealthy of you bestie) then after time she's the most respectful fly woman you'll ever date
And the only but that's not the point
The point is she gets angry when others set you off and everyone kinda pretends like she isn't a serial offender
And we get personality growth as she learns some self control after trial and error
Alex Wesker
She recognizes it and shockingly assists you and respects it the quickest out of them all
Like genuine shock
I'd think it'd be a game of chance working with her though, so many new people coming in and NOT knowing you don't like to be touched
She appreciates your aloofness but takes it harshly when youre touched and pretty much takes that as an instakill
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mumms-the-word · 12 days
silly imposter syndrome brain go brrr under the cut
sometimes I kinda hate that smutty oneshots are the most popular genre of fic in the bg3 fandom (which is the only fandom I write for at the moment) but also I get it. it’s quick, it’s usually consistent, you know what you’re getting, it’s sexy, it’s usually unproblematic, and you can turn off your brain a bit to read it, especially if it doesn’t feature named Tavs and instead is generic or is written in second-person
trust me, I get it, because I read it too, and I’m just as bad as other readers who will skip a well written 1k sfw fluff piece but quickly scan the racy parts of a 3k smut out of curiosity. I want to get back into reading longer fics and I’m hoping soon to have time to go back and read works from my favorite/fellow fic writers here, but its kind of like retraining my brain, and that’s not something everyone will want to do when they can just enjoy shorter, smuttier fics that can be read in 10 minutes. we’ll never run out of smut after all
so I get it
but it’s just not the genre I write, so sometimes I worry that I’m kind of “clogging up the space” by posting non smutty fics. I’ll write fade to black stuff and sexual tension and I’ll write romance but not really smut. It’s a choice I make for personal reasons, but also smut is a genre I just don’t see myself writing well, and I don’t want to hinder the skills I’ve worked on in writing other genres to cater to the numbers (i.e., writing badly written smut purely for the sake of popularity when I can write more decent fluff, angst, adventure, etc and have fun while writing it)
but sometimes it feels like a waste of time and that’s sometimes a tricky notion to let go of
at the end of the day I remind myself that I’m not that interested in the numbers. knowing I have 1-2 consistent readers for specific long fics is enough to keep me going, and I do mean that genuinely. but it’s hard sometimes when the brain tries to trick you into believing that you’re just wasting blog space and space on people’s feeds by posting non-smutty content, which is a completely ridiculous thought, but no one ever said neurospicy brains have to think logically
anyways ima keep writing what I like, I just wanted to vent some weird irrational lies my brain is telling me tonight, like telling me my ideas and fics are a waste of time because they’re not the popular smut genre
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Lizzie thought it a bit strange to have her husband’s severed head tucked into the same furnace her food was prepared in. She thought it even more strange that his head could keep talking after being detached from his body. Admittedly, she was probably the weird one for sticking him in there in the first place- but she panicked, alright! It’s not every day that your dear spouse’s skull starts melting off their torso! Actually- she was getting ahead of herself. How did this all start again?
The ocean was beautiful today. Well, it was beautiful everyday- but that wasn’t the point. The point was, Lizzie was ecstatic. Today was the day she’d finally teach Joel to swim. 
Somehow- despite living mere meters away from the water- he’d never learned how. When asked why, all she got was a shrug and a half-baked excuse about “not really getting along” with the sea. How could anyone not like the waters she called home! Well, today was the day that would change, she’d make sure of it.
Her giddiness only grew as she watched Joel’s small rowboat tread over, making his way ever so slowly to the lilypad she was rocking back and forth on. He was crawling along like a baby moving on their own for the first time, but it didn't matter. She’d help him face his fears. Even if by force. 
Eventually, the Mezelean couldn’t stall any longer and came to a stop at his wife’s feet, barely able to look up at her before being pounced on. The boat rocked dangerously as Lizzie squeezed the life out of him. He shrieked in a rather unmanly way. The Ocean Queen thought it was cute, at least.
“Oh, Joel, I’m so happy to see you!” She bounced up and down as the man stepped shakily out of his boat, looking like he’d just watched his whole family be murdered. Nothing a bit of sweet talk couldn’t fix.
“Yeah- well- you almost knocked me out my blummin’ boat!” Joel huffed and ran his hands down his face.
Lizzie just grinned cheekily and poked his shoulder. “You know you love me.”
He sighed again, looking away defeatedly. “...I do.”
That was what brought him here in the first place. His love for his beautiful, lovely wife trumped all fear and wariness he could muster; something that would probably lead to his downfall one day. But for now, that only led to her convincing him to face his fear of water. 
It was an irrational fear, he knew. Void, he’d only ever touched the stuff once in his twenty-six years of sentience. A small perk of being made of clay: you don’t have to bathe. 
Anyway, he was getting off-topic. The only time he’d ever been in the ocean was during an accident while at sea, ending with him being tossed in the drink. He had barely any memory between hitting the water and waking in the Palace infirmary- besides meeting Lizzie, of course.
Speaking of Lizzie, his wife was bent down to his height, staring at him with those (oddly predatory- like a shark cornering its prey) adorable eyes filled with curiosity. 
“Whatcha thinkin’ about?” She asked, head tilting to the side like a dog.
A fond smile spread across his face. He could never resist her puppy (guppy?) eyes, even if she annoyed the shit out of him sometimes. 
“Thinking about the day we met,” Joel cooed, putting on a sappy expression, leaning closer and topping it off with smooch-y lips for the full effect. 
Lizzie’s face twisted into a look of amused disappointment, pushing his face away. “Ugh- why’d I have to marry such a weirdo?”
He cackled. “Hey! I was telling the truth!”
The Ocean Queen’s expression morphed into something more fond. “Really?”
“Really.” Joel would never pass up a chance to tell his wife how much he loves her, and he won’t stop until he’s dead and gone.
“Well if that’s the case, you might be up for a swim!” And with that his feet were swiped out from under him, leaving Joel in a bridal carry in Lizzie’s arms. He gripped her around the neck in panic, a high-pitched yelp tearing out of his throat.
“What? Wait, Lizzie-!”
The splash that followed was sizable and absolutely soaked the axolotl. She mustn't have minded, seeing as he could vaguely hear her slightly-crazed laughter through the waves he’d created. It felt like he was floating and sinking at the same time, as if his body didn’t know whether to fold to his weight or let the air pockets where his organs would be lift him to the surface. 
After what felt like years, the sea finally decided to release him. He gasped as he surfaced even though he didn’t have lungs. A habit he’d picked up from other cultures, he guessed. After blinking the water from his eyes, he was met with his wife’s face centimeters from his. He screamed and fumbled backwards, forgetting he wasn’t on solid ground until he started sinking back into the depths. When he resurfaced Lizzie was crouched to the ground with her arms wrapped tightly around her middle, almost crying with laughter.
Joel spit out some seawater that had found its way inside his mouth as he climbed back onto the lilypad beside her, scowling. He wrung out his tunic, watching as the water poured out of it. “Yeah- you’re lucky I thought to wear less expensive clothes for this!”
His wife’s laughter slowly tapered off and she wiped a clawed finger under her eye. “But it was so funny! Plus, it got you used to the water!”
He huffed. “Used to it? You blummin’ threw me in!”
She put her hands to her hips as she stood up. “There’s no better way to teach a person something new than to throw them straight in!” She paused for a tick. “Literally,” she added. 
Joel shook his head and chuckled softly. How did he end up with such a strange woman? He looked back up to see her tying up her long hair, tongue poking out with concentration, and suddenly remembered why he married her. 
“Are you going to just sit there and admire my beauty, or are you gonna get in the water?”
The Mezalean was snapped out of his thoughts to see Lizzie already in the water. He cleared his throat, a flush creeping over his cheeks. “But you are gorgeous!” He grinned as he gingerly slid off the lilypad and watched as she giggled, flushed, her fins wiggling with giddiness.
“No buttering up the teacher!” She teased, splashing him lightly.
The lesson said “teacher” gave afterward was much less fun than how it began. Don’t get him wrong, Joel loved spending his day with his wife, pressed close to her (even if out of fear at times) and feeling her presence. But his… relationship with the water won in the end.
The first time things seemed wrong was when he slowly started to feel more and more lethargic. His arms felt too heavy to paddle and his legs were fighting to kick. Lizzie suggested they take a break, assuming he was just getting tired. It seemed to work after eating lunch on the lilypad, taking in the sun. But when they got back in the water, things got worse. Way worse.
They were in the middle of him learning to float. Joel had been on his back, Lizzie holding her hands under his back to guide him and make him feel safer. The two had been having a nice conversation about the new additions to Matral Palace’s horse head wall when Lizzie stopped talking suddenly. Joel looked over at her, taking in her confused and slightly worried expression. “Lizzie?” 
“Uh, Joel-” she paused like she didn’t know how to continue. “Are you prone to… melting?”
“What?” He went to sit up, forgetting he was floating, and sunk. He attempted to swim back up like how Lizzie had taught him, but only sunk deeper. He felt heavier than usual, which made panic flare up in his chest. He wasn’t worried about drowning, since he couldn’t. No, compared to his real fear, drowning was nothing. He was scared of sinking to the ocean floor, never to be seen again. As his arms unsuccessfully flailed in the water, he watched as, slowly, chunks of him started to slough off and float up to the surface. He guessed he knew what Lizzie was talking about now. 
He had almost come to terms with the idea of being swallowed by the ocean, but he soon realized that he was in the Ocean Empire and that his wife (and everyone else) knew how to swim. Lizzie was making her way down to him fast, a few of her guards not far behind. When she spotted the state Joel was in, she chattered a few words to them in Oceanic he couldn’t understand. The King watched as the guards started to collect pieces of him from the water. He was thankful they’d come off clean in big chunks, not wanting to lose small, microscopic pieces of himself. Lizzie ended up grabbing his head first- he hadn’t even realized it had separated from his torso. She said something that sounded close to her asking if he was ok. He started to nod before realizing he needed a torso to do that, so he settled for letting out a watery, “Yeah.”
The process of his rescue was a bit of a blur. He supposed it might’ve been the shock, or something like that. He wasn’t sure how, but the next thing he knew, he was back on the lilypad. Lizzie was leaning over him with an expression that was a bit too calm for just seeing her husband break apart. “Joel?”
“Is it bad?”
She glanced back down at where the rest of his body would be. He couldn’t be sure it even was, not that he could move his head to look. “Erm- I don’t know how to say this.”
He breathed out a dry laugh. “Tell me, doc, how much time do I have left?”
“Shut it.” She smiled thinly and flicked at his face, grimacing when the impact left a slight dent in his cheek. Lizzie cleared her throat quickly before continuing. “So, I may have forgotten that you’re made of clay and that clay doesn’t do so well in water…”
Joel hummed. “Yeah, I kinda forgot that too.”
His wife looked at him guilty as she gingerly picked his severed skull from the ground, pressing it to her chest. “Oh Joel- I’m sorry!” She whined, resting her cheek on the top of his head, smearing some of what would be his hair onto her face. 
The Mezalean just chuckled. “It’s fine, Liz. Just patch me back up and I’ll be good to go.”
She leaned back to show him her watery eyes. “Are you sure?”
Oh, right. She remembers now. 
“Lizzie? Are you even listening?”
Joel’s muffled voice snapped the Queen out of her thoughts. “Huh?”
“I asked if you were listening to me,” he repeated, fondly rolling his eyes.
She smiled. “Well, it’s a bit hard to hear you through the door. And the fire.”
“Fair.” He looked to the side for a second before returning back to her gaze. “How long do you think it’s gonna take to firm the rest of me up?”
Lizzie grimaced and looked out the kitchen’s window. “Erm, no idea.”
“Great,” he sighed. 
A beat of silence passed before either of them spoke again, Joel ending up breaking the awkward air. 
“You know you’ve just given me more of a reason to never swim again, right?”
The axolotl smirked at that. “Is that a challenge?”
He scoffed dramatically. “I just blummin’ fell apart and you want to put me back in the sea!”
She hummed in thought. “Maybe I should get you glazed.”
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sacrificialsam · 8 months
the way sam is the only female coded character in existence and the only proof we actually need is the audience reaction!!! drives me crazy! the one time i like a male character and he gets treated like a female one like not even just by people that dont like him and say hes whiny and a bitch but like he also gets the "female character is too smart to join in the boys fun" treatment in fic by people who supposedly DO like him!! why is he getting the girlboss treatment?
also dean calls him a bitch fully seriously in an argument like not in a "oh your acting like a woman" way that people call men bitches but in the fully serious like calling a woman a bitch way. i cant explain it but there is a difference and sam got women treatment in that scene (theyre arguing about dean killing amy if you cant remember the moment)
its just so unusual to me to see a male character get this treatment. its so weird to see
no you're so real anon. i primarily focused on the treatment he gets from male fans of the show because they literally act like anything but servitude or submissiveness towards dean and his actions is a moral failing, which is just like how sexist men expect women to act toward their fathers/ husbands/ male authorities at all times. and it's crazy! but i've seen the more 'benevolent' or girlbossy types of misogyny against him too; i actually made a post about a related phenomena a while back. when sam gets called a woman some people use that to separate him from the 'regular' male characters and elevate him to this infallible bystander status, which of course makes him harder to relate to, less humanized. which is not to say i haven't seen some less savory interpretations from sam fans too, though the misogyny was intended there i'm assuming, for example ones were gets targeted sexually for being 'feminine' by predatory men or entities like azazel. and that's ignoring the fandom in general being rife with misogyny, this is all focused on a character who, going by the source material, is a cis man. what not having a female main character does to you for real.
and yeah dean, and the show as a whole, absolutely try to feminize sam as another way to degrade or victimize him. comments like you're a red headed woman, the ghost goes after chicks, hell even all the jokes about possessions, or the ones straight up alluding to rape (having a girl inside you, teen pregnancy, made you my bitch), all draw from this idea that sam is very womanly and that's the reason bad things happen to him or why he deserves to be made fun of.
as for the fight, i'm assuming you mean this from 7x07?
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i agree the bitch comes off as weird here, dean is playing into the 'woman too irrational to make decisions for herself' stereotype, and tries to convince sam that his choice was the moral one because it comes from a less emotional/ irrational place. and like i said before, dean's decision making is not to be challenged with how the show is framed, which makes misogynistic slurs against sam always feel more targeted.
anyway i agree that it's weird but it's also very fascinating to me. hope this still makes sense because it got a bit long. thank you for the ask.
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tf2-oneshots · 1 year
Can I ask for Mediscout where Medic is talking about one experiment or the other because someone else asked about it and Scout retains the information, because well, sue him for being interested, it's interesting to hear the doctor talk (and if it gives him him reason to stay a little closer and watch a little longer, thats no ones business. Especially you, Spy.) And later, when someone asks what the newest idea from Medic is, Scout answers instead of Medic without thinking
Of course! Mediscout is one of my faves to write💞
Warnings: None!
Rating: General
Scout pulled his favorite seat out from the kitchen table as he sat down with his plate of breakfast. He scoots in between Heavy and Soldier, squished by the massive men as they eat their share. The youngest of the three takes a few bites, mindlessly eating before a faint voice grows louder.
“Why are you so worried? All I have to do is inject octopus skin cells into yours, and your cloaking will be seamless!” It was Medic, carrying several sheets of paper with diagrams, charts, and sporadic research. He was following Spy into the kitchen, and the Frenchman looked utterly sickened by the proposition.
“Doctor, I spent a minimum of an hour exfoliating, moisturizing, and beautifying my skin. I will not have my work destroyed by…whatever it is you plan.” Spy, admittedly, tuned out the doctor’s rambling. He isn’t the first of their team to do so though. Whenever Medic goes on and on about his discoveries or experiments, most of the team has learned to drone him out. Even Heavy is guilty of losing focus when Medic word vomits his projects.
“You’re being irrational! The octopus cells go underneath your normal skin. I can manipulate them into becoming part of your body, and once the burning sensation fades, you will be the best Spy in the world!” Medic holds out one paper, hoping it would at least persuade Spy into reconsidering. He spent a whole month developing this! Sure, its still highly experimental and could potentially leave Spy with an unsavory complexion, but that’s science! Anyone with a brain can see why they should absolutely trust his work.
“The answer is no. A squid has no place in my body except when I order calamari. Good day.” Spy swipes his plate of breakfast, reaching past Scout to grab the jar of marmalade set on the table. Toast smeared with the sweetness, he promptly leaves the team to enjoy their food. Scout rolls his eyes at the rude parting. He could at least think on it and give Medic’s work a bit of validation.
The man works tirelessly, day and night to improve the team. Scout has found him passed out in his office, hair astray and face tucked into his arms. So many times he wanted to reach out and brush the strands back into place, but he can’t! That’s too weird. Coworkers don’t play with each other’s hair, unless they’re hairdressers. Scout is pretty sure neither of them are in that profession.
“Octopus.” Medic mutters his correction, stacking his papers into a neat pile and heading back to the lab. He gives a disheartened sigh. Maybe he should have offered to do a test strip of skin. Somewhere on Spy’s arm to visualize the comparison and reconsider. He just gets so excited!
“Mornin’, lads.” Demo proclaims to the kitchen as he struts towards the fridge. He rummages through it for a moment before producing a bottle of morning whiskey. With a quick pour into a cup of coffee, he slips the alcohol back inside the fridge and takes a gulp of his drink.
“What was that thing Medic was talking about?Something with seams.” Engineer drums his finger against the table, trying to recall what the man was planning. As his silence grows, he desperately looks for help. Soldier is stuffing his face, Sniper is pretending to sleep, and Heavy is taking far too long to sip his water.
“Doc wants to put octopus skin on Spy to make his invisibility better, but the Frenchie is too fancy for it.” Right as Scout finishes his explanation, he sees the doctor standing in the doorway. His trip back from the clinic was shorter than anticipated, and Scout feels his face burning up. God, he sounded like such a geek just now, and not for the experiment.
Medic stares at the young man in shock and a bit of adoration. Since when did Scout ever listen to him, or anyone for that matter? The runner revolves around himself, focused on his own greatness and incredible strength, which he completely lacks. Everyone comes second to Scout, so how did he perfectly encapsulate Medic’s experiment when no one else could?
“Ja, he’s right.” Medic takes a closer look at Scout. His cheeks are tinted red, and his left hand is shaking more than the right. His head stays lowered as he shovels the last bite of breakfast into his mouth. Before Medic gets a chance to ask how Scout remembered, the man is rushing away. Once again, Scout is too quick for the German.
“Uh, see ya.” Oh, that won’t do. Someone finally gives Medic the time of day to listen, and they try to run off? Not on this doctor’s watch. Breakfast shoved in the fridge for later, Medic’s white lab coat flutters behind him as he hurries after Scout. His leather boots clacking against the floor with every step.
To no one’s surprise, Scout tries to run. His walk turns into a jog, rounding corners with too sharp of turns. Medic huffs, following right on his heels. Scout might be the fastest class, but there’s only so many turns he can make before hitting a wall, which he does. Literally. Too distracted by dodging the German, Scout smacked face first into the wall leading to the showers.
“Scout? May we speak?” Medic calls out as the boy cups his sore nose. Scout presses to the offending surface, unable to pull away as the doctor steps closer. His gloved fingers adjust the circle glasses framing his gray eyes. Scout gulps, trying not to look him in the eye. Damnit, why is he so attractive?
“I want to thank you for listening. It seems as if you’re the only one these days.” That little praise does Scout in. His blushing face goes fully red, and he slinks against the wall. Damnit, damnit! Focus, Scout! Its just Medic. Why is he so weird about the man as of late?
“Yeah, well, uh, you know me! I’m the pro at listening. Like, you see these ears? Always open and listening. Its my middle name actually. Well, no, my Ma picked Tyler, but if I could make it my middle name—“ And he’s off, spilling tangent by tangent. Scout looks up to see if Medic was bored of him, yet the doctor remains neutral. In fact, Scout can even see a smile forming on his face. The American nervously laughs, not used to such a positive face during his rambles.
“Ja, you are very good. It’s sweet of you, actually. ‘Keep at it’ as they say, hase.” Medic leans in, pressing lips right to Scout’s forehead. His latex hand cups his cheek as if Scout would try to run from this. The boy is completely frozen, mouth agape with those adorable buck teeth sticking out. Such a cute little bunny.
“Uh, uh, you-y-you got it, doc. I’m gonna, uh, get you back for this though. You better be ready, cause I’m a ninja. I got a black belt in kissing.” It’s actually a blue one from when he tried karate as a boy before discovering baseball. An awkward grin forms as Medic turns to leave.
“Oh, how frightening! I hope you show mercy, Herr Scout.” Medic grins, walking away as Scout tries to collect himself. He’ll be waiting for that kiss, and he certainly hopes its when Scout checks in on the doctor during his late nights in the office.
Hope you enjoyed this!! -H
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cartoonpigeon · 2 months
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Shyfade is finally here! I've been working on this one for a while, and I hope you guys like it! This is only pg. 1 and 2 of what I hope is going to be quite a long comic :3
Some spoiler free infodumping under the cut :D
AAAAAAAAAA shy is so sillay I love him <3333
Although - before i say anything else, I will clarify that the reason the clan is called "Successionclan" is because this was originally supposed to be a Lifegen run with Roman Roy from Succession, which kinda got outta hand (she's gonna show up later i prommy <33) and I've stuck to the name cause i find it funny :3
Also, warrior scerimonies are really weird when you think about it - the whole head kiss/shoulder lick thing just comes off as weird to me, because like - dude thats a kid?? also it very much gives off cult vibes. It was kinda hard to portray here, this is my first comic so I'm definitely still figuring things out, but the motion :(( had to scrap two panels that i really loved for this to make it flow better. Killing my darlings :(. But Shy's dicomfort with it was sooooo fun to explore!! It's almost theraputic? exploring my own religeous trauma through him lmao
I also have an irrational hatred for Sandstar (the brown cat) for some reason - me and Shy are united on that front lmao. Mskeing me a homophobic dog fr fr lmao.
Also shoutout to @chaotickitchenware ! If she didn't suggest I make this months ago it probably would never have happened, lmao, and she and @black-mass-things have massively helped me to make decisions with it, so big credits to them <3333
I ran out of space on the alt for the first page, hopefully its still legible tho 👍 let me know if there's anything I can improve on, cause I'm quite inexperienced with writing alts.
Clip Studio currently won't let me back into the actual file for the first page (I think it git corrupted ????) so I can't fix the spelling mistake that I just noticed in the fifth panel 😔😔😔 I also normally put progress vids here but i can't for the first page atm, I'll see if I can for the second page tho. (although I'll probably only add it later, I'm in a bit of a rush cause I gotta get ready to go somewhere and I dont have access to my puter at all rn 😔😔)
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randomrabbidramblings · 9 months
do…. do you have any phandrow headcanons… and/or headcanons about phantom and woodrow seperately…. smiles politely
Sure, I guess it's time to share some things that I've tought until now for these two!
Something about Woodrow that I don't think I've shared yet:
Him and Sweetlopek are best friends since elementary school. Sweetlopek defended him from bullies and Woodrow helped him with literature homework. Everyone in town started calling them "the disaster duo" as kids due to Woodrow's jinx and Sweetlopek's fondness for sharp things.
His cloud Jinx is the one constantly above his house. A small portion of it can detach to follow him everywhere, even on other planets, altought it's not really know how it gets there as it isn't allowed anywhere inside, even a spaceship.
He's trans. He briefly went to live with Sweetlopek after his top surgery so he could get some help from his friend while he recovered (yes he got a cone of shame too, lmao). His little cloud Jinx refused to stay outside so the two Rabbids agreed to let it in to watch over its owner. Jinx probably tought Woodrow was injured like after the ship accident, but it seemed deligthed when its owner looked really happy instead.
He can't keep his hair combed, no matter how much hair conditioner, oil or hair straightener he will always have a cowlick.
Rabbids' skeletons are very weird and able to collapse (like a mouse's). Woodrow's one after the ship accident is more messed up. He can basically do a 180 Exorcist style, but with his torso and he can be stretched out without being hurt.
Little about Phantom, why not?
He sincerely tought he was straight. Then between Bea's backup dancer (yes, I headcanon him as male for this now, lol) and then Woodrow he realized he's bi.
He's afraid of chandeliers. What if one crashes on his head?? (I know in the og Phantom of the Opera the chandelier doesn't fall on the Phantom, but I think our Phantom needs an irrational fear, plus it's a funny reference to that scene)
He makes flower orders from Terra Flora under a false name. He could buy flowers from another place, but he adores Bea's compositions. Even if he'll never admit it.
And now Phandrow moments!
Phantom and Woodrow are the couple who lose all their braincells when they are together.
Woodrow is the guy who could set on fire even a salad when cooking, meanwhile Phantom is a pretty good cook. He's also a grandma when it comes to food, so he cooks a lot and if youre not hungry, well you are, lol. After they moved in together Woodrow gained a bit of weight.
Phantom loves playing with makeup. Woodrow was never a fan, but in one of their "no braincells found" moments, he agreed to have Phantom do his makeup. He gave him a moustache with eyeliner and Woodrow bursted laughing saying he looked like his father. He then proceeded to keep it for the day to confuse everyone in town.
In one of their anniversaries together they both had the idea to gift eachother a rubber ducky dressed up as themselves.
Woodrow likes to have his back cracked (it's not a surprise with that posture, lol). When he needs to he would hold onto something while Phantom pulls his legs until it goes "crack!". As said, Woodrow's bones are weird so he can stretch without harm. It's while Phantom stretched him a little bit too far accidentally exposing his butt, that he found out Woodrow wears pumpkin printed underwear, lol.
Phantom is able to fix Woodrow's permanent cowlick. It takes more hair conditioner than Phantom uses (and he uses a lot of it), so it's only done for special occasions.
Phantom writes songs based on the poems that Woodrow reads him. Depending on how many words from the poem he uses in the song, when sung it can have more or less of the poem's effects.
Sometimes they start writing random things before they go to sleep. They often continue writing even while in bed until one of them fall asleep.
Phantom is a night owl and Woodrow an early bird. Phantom makes sure Woodrow falls asleep peacefully while cuddling him and he's usually the one that puts in order the things they used while writing. In the morning Woodrow will snuggle up on still asleep Phantom, combing his hair with his hand while waiting for him to wake up. He only has to make sure no rhyme leave his mouth as he already startled awake Phantom once making a framed picture fall on his head (don't worry Phantom has a very hard head, lol).
Phantom purrs very frequently and very loudly. Before Phantom, Woodrow has never been heard purr by anyone, not even Sweetlopek. He does indeed purr, but only when he's writing when he's very inspired and he does it very softly.
[These two are going to give me diabetes, I have to go punch a wall now AFHABJSWD]
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