#its so good god i actually do need to rewatch it just bc of how good it is
calyptramoths · 1 year
need to rewatch puss in boots the last wish every time i want to draw a fight or chase scene
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paigemathews · 2 years
Last weekend, a friend and I rewatched Death Takes a Halliwell and I was actually really surprised that the episode subtly tells you that Phoebe doesn’t actually know who Cole is, specifically that he isn’t as good of a person as Phoebe thinks that he is. You can tell on how they respectively react when Cole’s landlady is murdered by the Seekers, who are searching for him.
Phoebe is horrified by this and feels guilty, all of that. When she tells Cole about it, her argument is that they have to find the demons who did it to prevent them from hurting anyone else. When Cole agrees to let her help, Phoebe tries to comfort him about Mrs. Owen’s (his landlady) death by telling him that avenging an innocent feels good.
In pretty stark contrast to this, Cole’s focus is only on Phoebe. When Phoebe tried to comfort him by talking about avenging an innocent, I noticed that Cole doesn’t mention or even allude to caring about or protecting any innocents. And I mean, he doesn’t. He doesn’t care about innocents, he cares about Phoebe. 
Phoebe projects her own guilt about a lost innocent and desire to protect future innocents on to Cole, and what’s crazy is that she doesn’t even notice she does this. When they get to Cole’s apartment, Phoebe has a moment of horror when she sees the blood stain from Mrs. Owen’s murder, but it doesn’t even phase Cole. In contrast, he goes to his old room and has a moment about being into Phoebe. 
Just. Phoebe unintentionally creating this idea of Cole in her head, of someone who is like her and wants to be good, when in reality, he isn’t like that at all. 
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beaniegaebie · 3 months
i don't really have any solid conclusions about this yet but i noticed A Thing in a rewatch and i haven't found it mentioned elsewhere yet so here we go
(apologies for the appalling image quality you're about to see, i can't screenshot easily rn pls bear with)
OKAY so in the scene where crowley confronts gabriel about "shut up and die", something about the arrangement of book stacks caught my eye a little
the majority of the books are angled so that we mostly just see the page edges and not the spines clearly, EXCEPT for a particularly shiny and familiar colour combo right here-
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but nothing too weird going on there, i thought, crowley coloured books in a bookshop so what? right up until i registered crowley's line when we get a closer look-
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hhhhmmmmMMmmmm yes yes "everything just the way you wanted" huh, very interesting considering that we know how much thought goes into props huh
and for most of the shots we get of crowley in this position those freaking books are just quietly nestled right there in the corner-
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look at that god damn framing i fuckin see you, you glorious bastards
so i paused to see if i could figure out what the hell was up with those fuckers and this is when i absolutely lost my mind, your honour
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A and C you say?? in crowley colours???? framed like this?????? localised entirely within your kitchen???
anyway long story short they're two books from an Agatha Christie Crime Collection set (24 volumes, three stories per volume) and guess whats on the mfing front covers I'm-
(its a rant for another post but when paired with this other set of initials spotted in s2 i want to scream actually)
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ANYWAY back to the books, through an absolutely unhinged comparison of the formatting of gold text blobs i reckon the two we have here are:
(on top) The Pale Horse; The Big Four, The Secret Adversary
(on bottom) 4:50 From Paddington, Lord Edgeware Dies, Murder in Mesopotamia
(I'm fairly confident but if anyone has a better image to confirm/correct this pls do)
now here is where I'll need a bunch of help from some Christie-heads out there bc I haven't read any of these and I've only seen the tv adaptation of one of them, so i dont know for sure if these are like A Clue, or A Cool Thing, or if I've just fully brainrotted myself into a fun lil corner here? wa-hoo
but here's some initial stuff that jumped out at me after skimming the basics:
(some of) the titles: Pale Horse/Big Four - death's horse ofc, the four horsemen mayb? the them+adam?? ; Mesopotamia is a very biblical choice bbz ; 4:50 From Paddington- azi likes trains i guess? idk that one's tenuous lmao ; honestly no idea with the other two but Secret Adversary feels a tad ominous
iirc Big Four just has kind of an unusual history, it was initially twelve short stories that she later compiled into one, and it was published fairly soon after christie's mysterious disappearance/reappearance
in Big Four, poirot fakes his death at one point and doesnt even let hastings in on it and I'm hoping sure its totally irrelevant to the ineffable bois
part of the Pale Horse story is a group of assassins that basically try to pass off all their murders as being actually caused by like ✨satanic powers✨ which is interesting
christie knew a fUCkton about poisonings thats why she wrote so many into her work and, while i don't believe the poison coffee theory myself, it sure is an interesting link with how cyanide is associated with almond smell/flavour and that metatron chooses almond syrup in particular
(ALSO random side note that is mostly meaningless but I've worked in a good few uk coffee shops and have never worked anywhere that stocks almond syrup; almond milk yes, hazelnut syrup yes, but never almond syrup...? prob just the places i worked though lmao)
EDIT forgotten point: I've seen some speculation that the bently's plate reading "CURTAIN" could be a reference to poirot's last story, along side that alternate scene of crowley ordering the sherry for "miss marple", its just one too many agatha christie references for my melted brain to handle and I'm SUS
so this is where i run out of idea steam and hand it over to you lot because i have no clue what this could mean, if it even means anything other than a cool set feature
is there something here actually or am i yelling into the void just for fun?
who knows, who cares!
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tomwambsgans · 3 months
along that same vein, best part of rewatching ep 2 for me is always tom and greg's concurrent shmoozing of the roys. something about it is so literary to me.
like, we watch greg (definitely at least a little bit high bc he's shown to need it to keep his nerves down) do just the worst, most embarrassing job ever at trying to get in the good graces of the family. he doesn't deserve this, i'd be respectfully somberly willing, lmao, etc. and he gets given a task purely to get him to go away for a bit. tom recognizes this and gives him ironic advice to not fuck it up - made... more?--less?--i'm not sure--ironic by tom proceeding to do the same exact thing that greg was doing. it's just less obvious because in comparison to greg it's SO much less awkward. but if you pay attention to tom's conversation with marcia as its own thing, god is it truly just as embarrassing lol..... at least greg gets to go do some meaningless shit like figure out the difference between checks and gingham and tartan. tom is actually stuck in this weird limbo of maintaining/securing the unstable position that he already has. he throws out the absolute biggest piece of artillery he's packing, a huge risk, a wedding proposal, and snags his place by the skin of its teeth. (he ensures that he's not the same as willa.) simultaneously greg grabs logan's sweater at roman's request and leaves behind the papers. greg returns, they cross paths once again, and tom congratulates greg on his success, or rather their mutual success. he razzes him again and recognizes mid-insult that even if he's a step above willa they are the same, and there has been no competition this entire time, and this is perhaps his last chance to make sure he and greg will keep seeing each other. so he formally does what no one else would, and invites him in.
like idk if it's just me and my biases wrt the literature i personally read but i can so vividly imagine how all this could be novelized from tom/greg's povs in the style of like hollinghurst or monette or something. pure gay sensibility right there
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ryuichirou · 4 months
More replies!
Starting with the one about the Tweels/Idia drawing from yesterday…
Anonymous asked:
HE KNOWS THEY’RE UP TO NO GOOD  I feel like it’s been ages since my last terrified Idia, it’s so fun to draw him like this again
Anonymous asked:
Idia is returned to Azul no less that five hours later than when Azul asked for him when it should’ve been ten at max
Honestly we’re lucky if Idia is returned to Azul at any point at all lol Maybe the Tweels will enjoy his company way too much~ Just kidding, of course they’ll return him to Azul, these two are hilarious together.
Anonymous asked:
Nagito, my beloved ♥️♥️
Yeah, him! <3 I really enjoyed drawing him again.
Anonymous asked:
If Lilia is Catherine and Azul is Katherine, then who is Rin?
Unfortunately, Anon, I don’t have a satisfying answer for you: we don’t know much about Rin :(
Maybe it’s some weird version of Ortho…
Anonymous asked:
Actually, the Catherine AU with Idia reminds me of the Me! Me! Me! music video by Daoko and Teddyloid. Go figure.
Oh god lol yeah it certainly fits Idia, this otaku hikki boy… For some reason this is surprisingly easy to imagine.
It’s actually perfect 😭 Poor Idia is a victim of a vicious hot anime Lilia’s attack, that’s what you get for neglecting your partner.
Although to be honest it’s not just Lilia, it’s stupidly easy to picture Azul and Ortho (even the Tweels if you squint) in this role as well, I guess it’s just Idia being a passive loser otaku hikki boy lol
Anonymous asked:
i need to rewatch black butler bc i barely paid attention the first time, BUT, i always really liked joker... got any thoughts about that guy?
You know, Anon, I wanted to mention him in my post, but hilariously got distracted by the Mob guy 🤦 I’m sorry, this is embarrassing…
I think Joker serves his purpose for the story and I think he does it well; the way he cares about his troupe/family and wants to protect Doll specifically is sweet; and characters who are forced to do horrible things for the sake of the loved ones are always interesting to look at, especially when they don’t fully have a grasp of just how big is the scale of the “bad” that they’re doing. In that regard Joker is good! But on a personal level, I guess he just didn’t resonate with us much.
My favourite thing about Joker is that he is voiced by Mamoru Miyano…
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fivveweeks · 1 year
hi its me it's verdante angst anon (angstnon? idk) again
shaking ur hand SHAKING UR HAND you get me you get me you fuciigndnsn get me
"They're a tragedy, the both of them. Dante's fine with that. (They have to be, they have no choice in this) Given enough time a tragedy turns into a comedy. Maybe they'll be able to laugh about this in the end. Maybe it'll even be divine."
you don't undertsysnds how feral i am about these two. i am firm staunch zealous believer in verg not seeing himself being worthy of like anything good not until he has payed for his sins or wtvr he wants that to mean. i think he exercises a lot of self control to make sure he has like an arm and a leg and several bodies worth of space between him and anyone trying to get close to him (xcept Charon ofc). actively turns and runs from that shit bc 1. he doesn't deserve it. 2. he literally does not have the time for that shit
dnate on the other hand— chronic workaholic, to the point they can and will push personal feelings aside for the sake of their job. if u look up the word professionalism you WILL see Dante Limbus Company as a synonym. they keep their feelings in check (under several locks and keys) in the back of their mind aging like fine wine. they're aware they're not a choice and they're okay with it. it's their fault anyway, they're such a silly little fool.
it has always been doomed from the start. do you understand? it has always been hopeless. it was never meant to be.
dante knew/knows/accepts this, they do not have a choice. (but then again when do they ever?)
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YOU HAVE NO IDEA how much of a firm believer i am about Dante being a chronic workaholic. NOBODY FUCKING TALKS ABOUT IT YET BUT literally i do not think they need to sleep/they cannot sleep/gets little to no sleep at all and instead spends all their time up night reviewing battle plans and rewatching past battles on their little PDA. its a combination of anxiety and wanting to step up as a better manager (if we take into account of limbus players dissecting the gameplay meta of EGOs and ids we can literally translate that into Dante pouring over how to better manage the sinners). god forbid them from stepping out of line due to personal feelings bc they a) do not want to piss off vergilius and risk his wrath b) do not want to piss off vergilius bc they respect him (and like him) as a coworker, a boss, a color fixer and their guide too much. they are the EPITOME of professionalism. their work and responsibilities as a manager COMES FIRST
Vergilius too, you put it into words on him as a person. Literally he doesnt think he deserves it AND he doesnt have the time for that shit (for real verg in canon seems to really hate ppl wasting his time over trivial shit). i think even theres some distance between him and charon but he mostly crosses the space bc he's too guilt bound to deny charon some form of connection (bc it is his fault in the first place), so he is soft to her and her only.
it's like watching two parallel lines running along each other and no matter how close they get they will NEVER touch ever. ISNT THAT A TRAGEDY???
but its not all angst, they at least find a little light in the situation. verg would come to appreciate how dante respects him and his circumstances and would be pleased that they are like-minded enough to keep things professional between them, so he is comfortable in confiding in dante on certain topics (in canto 2 where verg and dante stands together by the side to watch the sinners get their ass peeled and verg telling dante why they should experience it for once lives rent free in my head bc he actually bothered to explain to dante wauhgshfh). he admits that dante is the only sinner that he can have a convo with. he fucking told dante to not befriend him after sharing a little history on charon. dante would appreciate the little moments they get to spend with him
just brief pockets of time with each other, despite everything. i like to think they are both the kind of ppl who would accept that things are just not meant to be, so they will take what little they can (what little they're allowed).
in the grand scheme of lcb and the city they are both nothing but a pair of pawns trying to make the best of their situation without getting in the way. they have no choice.
and to come across another who understands this is a rare, rare gem in their crapsack world, so how can we blame them for having a little bit of pining among the acceptance. mutual respect blooming into requited love that is unable to be acted upon. a divine comedy in its own right. im going to kms
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sugarsnappeases · 6 months
top films of the year!!!
tagged by @standardlovers <3333 who actually has like Film Opinions that don't revolve around how silly/sexy the films were but anyway here's my films...
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np tags for @themuseoftheviolets @stillagoodwitch @quillkiller @fxreflyes @star4daisy <3333
i’m also gonna do some comments like teddy did bc i never know how to shut up ever so…
1. Point Break (1991), the film of all films, i think i rewatched it like three times this year, its my favourite film of all time, i never shut up about it, it literally has it all - surfing, bank robbery, skydiving, keanu reeves, patrick swayze, an excessive amount of deaths, rampant homoeroticism etc etc
2. Mickey Blue Eyes (1999), another rewatch, another banger, hugh grant is his typical bumbling englishman but this time it involved the mafia!! which i love, and manslaughter and the fbi and it’s a bit ridiculous which, of course, is a necessity
3. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007), i said it on my letterboxd and i’ll say it again - there is NOTHING like the love between a man and his razor blades, also helena bonham carter is SO sexy as always and there’s a lot of fun murder, my only note would be that they don’t sing the ballad of sweeney todd, which is clearly the best song from the musical, but otherwise very enjoyable
4. My Own Private Idaho (1991), what was in the water for keanu in 1991?? bc honestly this film is incredible, the campfire scene broke me into pieces, humpty dumpty style, and i’m still not back together again, also there are excellent insults in this eg. you starfish, you vile punk etc so i loved it a lot, and river phoenix is brilliant, are you kidding me??
5. Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure (1989), another keanu but this one is Overtly silly rather than just being silly by association (all keanu films are silly bc he’s a lovably awful actor but this one takes the cake), literally party on dudes like be excellent to each other, what more do you want me to say??
6. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975), ohhh my god guys idk how i’d never watched this before but honestly just incredible, so so so SO good, my friends told me that i give riff-raff vibes which… i’ve chosen to take as a compliment bc after all… it’s astounding… time is fleeeting (picture me bursting into a choreographed musical number)
7. Dangerous Liaisons (1988), a banger, i watched cruel intentions like years ago but this is dare i say it… better??? there’s just something about a period drama that elevates everything, keanu was very sweet, i loved when he was all covered in blood and bedraggled, and just in general i love when women are evil and malicious
8. A Knight’s Tale (2001), this film was an experience… i do think it should’ve just been about the bros going on an adventure and doing a spot of jousting instead of having that romance plot which was kinda eh, but the soundtrack fucks and there were generally excellent vibes and heath ledger was fantastic
anyway that’s that i guess!!!
honourable mention for Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (2022) bc god that film goes so hard, and also But I’m a Cheerleader (1999) bc like come on now, need i say more??
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HIII DUDE good afternoon how r u how's the tokyo ghoul rewatch going!! i would. Love 2 hear ur ghostkicks and/or tg thoughts literally at any given time. taking ur joke tags absolutely dead serious because im trying 2 figure out How To Write Them currebtly & we're doin a bit of wrangling in the google doc 😭.
u know i have the brainrot so so so badly because im on episode 3 of tg and all i can think is "i can make a pd au out of this" so im feeling rlly normal abt it basically. im blaming it on unravel.
ANYWAY. ANYWAY. ANYWAY. YEAH. HI. GHOSTKICKS. they are soooooo. tired depressed introvert gets adopted by a loud bubbly extrovert trope. at least on the surface. like how they behave at school in season 1. thinkin abt jimmy going "what is UP with bro behind u" and william just ominously lurking there. and how dakota defends him later !!!!!!!! idk how much of this youve gotten to yet bc i dont remember when it actually comes up in canon bc its such an ingrained part of his character but dakota is soooooo. guard dog coded. this hits especially hard in the "what if pd were villains" oneshot but its sooooo prevalent in canon too.
they both hold each other in the highest respect. william sees dakota as the prime (ha) example of what a hero should be. hes brave hes kind he does his best to protect everyone no matter what. hes all the things that william Isnt. BUT !!!! dakota also looks up to him !!! hes so smart hes good at problem solving hes so curious about everything and asking questions and poking his nose into things that nobody else would even consider. dakota knows hes not smart so he automatically looks to william whenever he needs a plan or someone to tell him what to do when he feels lost. they complement each other and they dont even !!!!! know it !!!!!!!
also regarding williams powers. fuck dude. season 1 he was so fucking scared of himself and ashamed of the things he could do . he hid every time he had to use wisp form !!! but dakota always thought it was so cool and was not QUIET about it. boy went fucking STAR EYES the first time he saw wisp form !!!!!! i will never stop thinking abt the first rolled for season 2 where charlie goes "if dakota hadnt left, he probably wouldve been able to convince william to keep using his powers and not to completely disregard their existence like he has been" and . considering what william is like in season 2... god this wouldve been a COMPLETELY different fucking campaign. theyre so. incredibly soulmates to me. theyre so important to each other theyd do anything for each other. i cant say too much more without accidentally giving you spoilers bc i WILL keep talking and not be able to shut up but GOD fuck ghostkicks enjoyers eat so well in the latter half of s2. moirails. 2 me !!!!!!!
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devondespresso · 2 months
1, 25, 81, 94 for the fanfic ask game! <3
KOKO HELLOOOOOOO ad thank you so much for the ask 💕💗💖💞💝 i went a little wild and had to reign it back in a bit and its still pretty long so apologies in advance
(ask game we're talking about is here but i also have questions next to the answers)
1. do you know how you want the story to end when you start, or are you just stumbling through the figurative wilderness hoping to find a road?
for the vast majorty of my fics i think i have a pretty good idea of where its going to go, i think because i get the ideas of these cool scenes usually set in act 2 or 3 or i at least the vibe i want from the start and The Point is usually clear the second i put thought into it. currently the only exceptions are 1) this super secret (woooo~~~) ficlet im working on that came from a prompt so i had to spend like 3 or 4 days writing it to properly understand the direction i wanted to take it, and 2) the steve henderson au, which is fucking massive already and it's even bigger in my head stnzgns. that one you obviously know how it ends y'know, it aint the steve henderson au if steve doesnt become a Henderson, but for all the arcs i have along the way it took a while to properly figure out what i doing and how to do that and im just now figuring out what that looks like for the first major arc.
so tldr: usually i know, sometimes i gotta figure it out, but i do need to have it figured out before it can really take shape
25. what’s your revision or rewriting process like?
oof ok so i tried writing this and good fucking god explaining everything i do in editing took up so much space. so this is the short answer for convenience but if anyone wants a long answer im foaming at the mouth to talk about writing stjsnystn (the rest under the cut)
the majority of my process is editing and sometimes first drafts are literally unrecognizable from the final. a lot of how i edit line by line is intuitive/vibes based, and whole scenes/arcs/pacing/flow/theme etc etc is based on a really deconstructed thought process for storytelling, to put it as briefly as i can (because this is one of the parts that got really long) its about The Why of everything going into the story. Picking details or making decisions not based rigidly on formula or trends but instead whats best for the kind of story you want to tell (and then making sure to implement it in a way that actually does that in the story).
for small works i prefer to just change shit as i see it and not worry about doing focused passes through the work, but in the steve Henderson au i literally cannot its too fucking big smhdmyxyn so in that case i do passes that span like whole writing sessions just hyperfocused on this one thing. one of my favorite passes is in-character passes where i pick one person (often dustin bc hes a main character), rewatch them a ton to get in their headspace, and go back and make sure everything they say or do fits them as if they were the sole focus if the story. I'll also do passes to focus just on medical accuracy, passes for a specific character duos to keep their story progressing and consistent, passes for ideas that stay between the lines making sure they stay consistent and understanding how much information im conveying, character's specific mindsets that their arc is about and making sure they dont have any unintentional exceptions, literally if its a thing in the text i probably need to do a pass for it so i know its consistent
also more lighthearted stuff tends to need wayyyy less editing time and its a more balanced half solo half beta process. the easiest was the claudia henderson drabble because it was really just a backstory with an active scene or two all rooted in her outside persective.
also sometimes i just start from scratch halfway through, like mr crayola henderson has one previous half-complete version in my doc fhdlas tho i guess thats how drafts are supposed to work
and this is the tldr im sorry i dont want to cut it down any more just read this one its my favourite fdhaskl
81. if you could go back in time and give your younger self a piece of writing advice specific to you, what would it be?
honestly i wouldn't have much to tell them. i didn't start writing fanfic until july of last year?? something like that and i started with the steve henderson au. maybe don't write that one about the triggering thing lol.
actually wait no. id tell them its okay to abandon projects (and maybe tell them not to make some purchases dgnxngsyn) but ye i spent a while mourning projects because they felt like they ceased to exist, but i had several screenplay outlines that probably helped me a ton. in my writing and those experiences never leave me so their existence still had a purpose and value
tldr: dont write your very recent triggers silly goose, dont cry over abandoned art
94. do you prefer dialogue or description?
i definitely prefer dialogue, and with it action descriptions because i still think in movie-medium (tho i am getting better at understanding how the FUCK prose works and especially prose pacing oh my god why can't i just hold on an actors face for several seconds of silence gAAH!!). i like saying things without saying them, i like subtly building towards something body language until a snap, i looooove making blocking relevant in a medium where you're not even seeing the movement with your eyes, and i love getting into a characters head so far that each person has a different way to word something or a different detail they focus on or a certain tick that tells the other character whats in their head.
but i struggle with internal monologue sooooooo hard, its a practiced skill im actively working on to write a characters internal logic about something but still keeping it from being too on the nose about whats really going on. like i can do it but i struggle to fill page time with it because exploring ideas at least for me usually leads to the source and thats decidedly not where the characters going! its a tuesday afternoon! they're not unpacking shit they're trying to have a third coffee!! i also struggle finding the best words for the reader to feel the text, like idk man maybe im using the onelook dictionary wrong but it just does not get me what im looking for in under three looks zgnshnsyn
tldr: dialogue and blocking, good description is witchcraft
but yee thank you again for the ask dude!! this was so much fucking fun i fucking love talking about writing and the logic process behind everything. thanks anyone seeing this for actually reading this far 💕
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lannisterdaddyissues · 11 months
Mar im gonna need 3, 16, 20, 23 and 27 with bill cage <3
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1. My first impression of them hmm its funny bc i think i first watched edge of tomorrow in august and i was normal about it actually? i was like hm that was a good film but not the best of his movies for sure. i dont think i really understood most of it though so a rewatch was necessary, but that didn't happen until february and idk what clicked that didn't the first time but oh i am SOOOOOOOOOO insane about it now the lights are all flipped on
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like) i knew as soon as he tripped over the chair that i was going to love his stupid pathetic ass <3
3. A song that reminds me of them ill NEVER STOP SAYING THIS but 'the proof of your love' by for king & country it is SO bill-coded, so billrita-coded, it's literally their theme song idk what else you want me to say
however since i've said that one before i'm reccing 'undercover angel' by alan o'day because it would be one of those classics he used to love growing up and when he hears it again on the radio some time after they've gotten together he's like "rita oh my GOD do you know how to dance 🥺🥺🥺" and she's like "nooooooo not the fucking angel song, cage, come on-" but he teaches her how to waltz to it and . let me be delusional okay
16. A childhood headcanon wawawa.... baby bill.... hm i have several small ones but i firmly subscribe to the headcanon that he was actually born in georgia because his mom is from there (it would explain EVERYTHING about him, especially because i also hc that his personality was just copy-pasted directly from his mom) but he moved to cranbury when he was like one or two so he considers himself "from cranbury, born and raised" anyway
20. A weird headcanon ok uhhhh idk if this is weird but it IS oddly specific so! he can make one (1) pie recipe! it's blueberry pie (cranbury is famous for it, according to google) and rita LOVES it. she's definitely not a sugar person and rarely indulges in anything at all but she's such a sucker for that fucking pie and bill is always over the moon whenever she gives him That Look that means she wants another slice but is too proud to ask
23. Future headcanon he takes rita to visit cranbury a couple years after they both fall into place beside each other and it's a very emotionally healing experience for both of them. he tells her lots of silly meaningless little anecdotes from when he was growing up while giving her the grand tour and rita isn't a very sentimental person either but she can't help how easy it is to picture him living in that cute little town when he gets so chatty about it :,)
(also rita eventually takes him to her hometown in wolverhampton and reluctantly introduces him to her very alive, very normal parents because i said so)
27. If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet? in my mind he and fix it felix jr get brunch every sunday to catch up about the horrors they have been through and gush about their sexy muscular action girlfriends. nobody can take this idea away from me
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lolexjpg · 5 months
dts s1e3! AND e4
-while they first showed the baku maxiel crash in ep2, i'll talk abt it here bc its more focused on in this episode: -now that i've seen the 2010 turkish grand prix, this to me is so so reminiscent to mark & seb's crash. long term driver vs fresh faced golden boy, red bull ~trying~ to be neutral but clearly favoring the younger one, while in MY opinion in both cases it was max/seb more at fault -so daniel's choices make so much sense through this lense, seeing how history was repeating itself -i must say, 🙌 RESPECTFULLY 🙌 claire williams is a milf. hope she's doing wonderfully nowadays -the way sergey sirotkin is literally invisible i was even like who tf is that. sorry u got chewed up and spit out by the f1 machine buddy -in monaco qualifying its an interesting rewatch bc i actually know how things work, so the lil radio snippets actually make sense to me. interestin -this is the first episode where they have a truly well set up victory narrative. real life doesn't usually fit into this good cookie cutter narrative, but daniel's story in this episode really does that and it rly sets the bar for good dts episodes IN MY OPINION -i know that max in this episode gets pointed to a lot as see???? dts edits max to make him look meaner than he is!! and i just dont think thats the full picture. sure, they only show him being grumpy and rash and immature and they dont show any of his goofier side, but 2018 max WAS a big hothead. i honestly think it makes it narratively better to see how immature and short fused he was in season 1 to compare to how he is now!
episode 4!!
-CYRIL COME HOME THE KIDS MISS YOU -oh my god love being reminded of the iconic daniel conversation with his MOM "have a good race love you" "yeah alright. gangster ✌️" -now knowing hondas history gives so much more insight into the nuance of the red bull-honda deal. with them struggling a team and then selling to brawn, to the mclaren honda deals that went horribly, i see it as so much more of a risk than i ever did first watch -which leads me to DANIEL'S CHOICE MAKING SENSE. sure, in hindsight we can see how it failed horribly but it made sense! from the bottom of my heart i dont believe that red bull wasnt gonna prioritize max, and i'd wanna get out of that too! sure it was risky, but if daniel didnt make the jump, would we be lamenting that he didnt instead? i think either choice would've likely gone downhill anyway :( -the exes trying to be amicable bc they still work together vibes are Hilarious -christian's whole 'cyril is an emotional guy' is fascinating because christian is SO emotional!!! the difference is his main emotion is anger, which men tend to convince themselves ~doesnt count~ -'he needs a driver AND an engine 😂😂😂' ate left no crumbs king behavior
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demoniccak-e · 6 months
listen i'm listening to purpose is glorious rn so i'm sad but whenever i say that good omens is my silly show i mean that in the way that i just need that in my life. like that silly show has kept me here for so long and i literally see the world differently bc of it
but like i constantly rewatch good omens and every single time i notice something new. it's as if rereading a book and you find a line that you missed that changes the entire scene. for example: when their in the cafe in season 2 in the background i believe it's bohemian rhapsody being played in a classical way. and there's the part where nina tells crowley that "you like that person. you do. that's what you've been feeling." and like i forget to keep that in mind that he realized that and as he walks down the stairs and he's looking curiously at him- it's sort of a look of confusion and then when he's looking out the window and watches him, and when he enters the bookshop and when he runs up to him i think that he's thinking: "i do like this person. and i though i knew everything i needed to about him, and yet he always surprises me." and also (one more I just really wanted to share this little bit of what i'm always thinking idek if anyone would read this) that line with jim, the line about "I feel, like, and empty house. (...) A house of someone who lived there for a long time, but now their gone, but the house can sort of tell where the things used to be- like when i remembered how it all began." and my first thought was terry pratchett.
no because like thats just from season two, whenever i think of season one i think of a lot of things. i think about the way that aziraphale was always so delighted to meet him after long, long, gaps. like they just- don't lose that familiarity with each other. and that like in eden, when aziraphale first met crawly now, and like they just clicked again. but a part of me is saying that maybe they didn't always talk the way that they did as angels. that maybe they weren't particularly friends but more like people who meet up sometimes to talk about the stars yk more like business partners because crowley later says the line "how long have we been friends? six thousand years!" and in season two he says "we've been talking for millions of years. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah." and those little bits just make me explode. (i would give other mentions like vinylatte (nina & maggie) or ineffable bureaucracy (beez & gabriel) or mutt & spouse ((i call them andrew bc that's the actors name)) or like anathema and newt but then i'd be here all day and no one actually wants to know all that.
another thing is how much they relate to songs. how i have literally connected so many songs to them whether it's queen, hozier, boygenius, noah kahan, big theif, adrianne lenker, the oh hellos, olivia rodrigo, whether it's instrumental music i can literally connect it to good omens somehow. like i have wrote so many song connections and essays (not posted anywhere but in my notes app giggles) and like it's literally what i think about. whenever i'm in class and listening to music and thinking of silly things they could be doing, or whether i'm at home walking around like a mad man thinking of them. ITS THEM IN MY HEAD IT'S JST THE ENTIRETY OF GGOD OMENS.
one last thing is the way that they help me view the world, like they have actually taught me so many things, it's insane. like with adam and crowley, he taught me that i don't actually have to be what is expected of me. and aziraphale (oh my god he's actually the best thing that has happened to me btw and that kiss scene hurt as well as healed me a wee bit) taught me how like- sometimes you can't run away. sometimes you have to face whats in front of you and take it. and he's also taught me to look between the lines, to look between the wedges of what people say. what i mean by that is, yeah crowley's the demon, the rule breaker, but like aziraphale also bends the rules in ways that are managable for him. he gives away his sword because it was to prioritize someone else that was important. that was important to god. (which is something that i desperatly would also like to talk about but once again we'd be here all day) furfur also has taught me something that i literally did not know i needed to hear but that your worth should not be measured by how productive you are. (I LOVE FURFUR SO DAMN MUCH.)
anyways thats my thought on my silly little shows i love these silly people they are the best thing that happened to me thank you neil for being a goofy man and go through a phase where you wore sunglasses inside so that terry pratchett could add that into crowley and thank you terry pratchett for creating agnes nutter because she is awesome
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undermycoat · 8 months
I know nothing about football but I'd still like to hear about the au :3
see bc i complain and then i don't even know where to start LOL
ok so ig i'll start with the title From the Sidelines and a little description i have, to pique interest heh
Arthur is Camelot FC's star striker and captain. Merlin is the kitman. Life is hardly ever fair.
anyway . i suppose that's. a little misleading. that being said i think this grew into something waaaaay larger than i originally planned @.@ like it was supposed to be a fun little addition to the surprisingly small amt of footballer arthur fics we have but now this fic has double daddy issues (balinor my beloved...), coming out, sports injuries, shitty coaches (aredick die by my sword) and never making the national team. HUH??? i just wanted merthur to fuck on the pitch... (joke) (just in time for fuck him on the field friday)
also there's side stories. like one is when the players get handcuffed tgt for 24hrs but they've got an uneven amt for it and merlin gets roped in
and then there's the valentine's day arwen special that i somehow accidentally made into a statement about arthur's attitude toward his sexuality?? and feelings for merlin??? through his anxiety about his date with gwen????
“All good?” Merlin asks. “Never better,” Arthur replies, then pivots and walks directly into his closet. He stares at his barren shoe rack before he feels hands on his shoulders, and Merlin is turning him around and guiding him back out. “Wrong way,” he hears him say. “Right.” This time, Arthur marches out his room then down the hall to the front door. “I’ll be back.”
i'm allowed to give this info bc i don't know if i'll ever actually post the extras. i dont' even know when i'm gonna finish the main story sjkdfhgjkf
oh yeah another side story takes place in 2007 (that might be the title for it idk) and it's about uther buying camelot fc for arthur's tenth birthday LOL dont question the legaltiy of arthur playing for his father's club. i dont know and i dont care. this is fiction SIMILARLY dont say shit abt arthur being a striker and captain. it's happened before. it's literally fine. dont even worry about it
there's like. ik i rly only talked about the side stories but u have to realize just how much has already gone into this fic and i wouldn't even say i'm halfway done. i don't think i've written out a single match which is also funny bc i've been keeping up with the prem and actually think i can do it now. i just keep dragging my feet abt it lol
i think the hardest part for me is when im gonna have to seriously injure arthur. i didnt want to but i think it's an important way for his and merlin's relationship to progress and also would explain merlin's attitude toward him in january. its less abt injuring him and more abt him having to sit out of games not for like. lineup stats/compatibility reasons
oh my god typing this all out made me realize we haven't met like. half of the guys on the team yet. i was sitting here like "i need to rewatch eps with all the knights bc i dont trust myself to write percy and elyan accurately" but now i just realized i dont even know if mordred is on the like. squad yet or if he's still with the u18s (after a brief check with my info page he is. i'm gonna be sick)
like i said there is a LOT of info on this . sorry this was so long i just needed to ramble a bit and it also made me realize some info i still need to include so yayyy :3 thank you nonny if u have anything u wanna know in specific like fr anything PLEASE ask. i'd love it so much if u asked. u saved my life <3
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vaugarde · 1 year
Top five anime
oh god forgetting every anime ive ever watched
5. fullmetal alchemist brotherhood/2003 (very different shows ik but i can never decide which i like more). i really love the world presented in these shows, i love the themes of how human we all are at the end of the day. i love all the ways they play with science and real life alchemy, and all the interesting things that come from it... like how do you even come up with alphonse's entire ordeal? it's so unconventional and yet it's handled near perfectly and we get all the drama and situations that come from a boy being tied to a suit of armor.
4. death note. tbh i mostly agree with what everyone else says about the show, it's super engaging and it's fun to see the game of cat and mouse that L and Light play. both of them are super interesting characters and its fun trying to figure out their plans only to be thwarted. again, it's a non conventional idea, but death note embraces the fantasy aspects really well while being more focused on the corruption of light and him trying to keep himself from getting caught. sadly tho i do have to agree with a lot of people that the latter half of the show with nate isn't nearly as good. i like the stuff that happens like light's dad dying but i just kinda missed L the entire time
3. cowboy bebop. this is a show i might have to digest some more bc it does require more thinking, and i may have to rewatch it to fully appreciate it, but i really enjoyed it! space western is a genre i've never thought about, but it's a very natural combination and I think this show really captured that. I love it's main theme of living in the present, it's kind of unlike most shows i've seen. at first i didn't appreciate not having the backstory of most of the characters since they seemed so important to the episodes, but that's kind of the point. we don't NEED to know every little detail about their pasts. because the show is about the present and how they're coping in spite of their pasts. and it works because it's unfair how these people are still suffering for what happening in their past, even despite everything they've accomplished in the show. it's a very bittersweet show and i enjoyed it. also i love edward. baby
2. trigun (i havent finished it yet though). i can't say much abt the entire thing but i LOVE all of the characters a ton. i love vash himself the most, i love silly characters that are actually extremely genuine and tragic at their core. he's got one of the most compelling backstories i've seen so far and i'm excited to see how his arc concludes in the show. the other characters are also extremely good! i love meryl and milly a lot and how they're actually kind of more of a threat than vash, and how they have a vitriolic relationship with him but grow to genuinely care about him. wolfwood is also a good character to pair up with vash in a lot of episodes because he's got different ideals, and also the gun cross makes me laugh. idk i love the world and these characters and im excited to finish the show.
puella magi madoka magica. im aware that on its own, its probably not nearly as good as these other shows, but at this point the show means a lot to me. I've got a lot of good memories associated with it and its kinda helped me at a time i needed it. i love all five of the main characters a lot and each of the struggles they go through. it's another show where it's world is fully utilized in every way it needs to be for the story to work. i love all the psychological horror elements and how they're presented in an almost uncanny way. the art is beautiful and the witch labrynths are fully realized. this show is so good i can't emphasize enough how dear to me it is as this point
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stormxpadme · 1 year
AO3 has been kicking me out for around 10mins bcs of pages loading too slow on wifi and data both so it wont let me post a comment on ch 7 (i think) SO HERE IT IS i will not go to sleep till i send it to you PUBLICALLY ! (gonna also paste it into ao3 tmrw but i need to send it now and then pass out for at least 3 more hrs xD):
REMYYYYYY AAAA i literally firgot everything i was gonna say when i figured out its gambjt j'fucking adoreeeee 🥰🥰🥰
one bad mutant for eric one food mutant fir charles. theyre just playing chess at this point. assholes. also with the like killing and mystiques comment abt another talk between erik and charles i had a thiught there... hmmmm.... i wish i rmbrd what kt was. OH YEAH. it hink i said this a while ago somewhere that its like. Its a draw, and impasse, and until either one of them crossed any of the arbitrary lines they drew in the sand nothing will change
Also scott is a dumbass and katja is so extremely like. Idealistic. I love that for her bcs she still has enthusiasm amd has that righteous anger that comes off as either annoying or hopeful to someone whos been fighting a war for so long such as scott. And i love that part of the convo where scott is like we cant save the whole world. It made me think of schindlers list and that quite - the man who saves a life has saved a world entire. Which is ironic given that its eriks goons doing this, which AGAIN brings me to erkis hypocrisy this time and like. Him and charles are just two sides of a same coin arent they?
The encounter with that girl yesterday had left him more confused than he had experienced in years. - side eyeing you for this 👀🤨😤😹❤️
With this weapon, we can turn all of New York into mutants in a few days and all of humanity in six months - oh i rmbrd now! (I cooy some quites to clipboard not to forget to comment on them xd) - what i wanted to say here is that i have all the love and none of the respect for cartoonish villain plans ised to attract the attention of your ex boyfriend xD "imma turn the whole new york into SHARKS and i'll be the SHARK MASTER" like dude chill ffs just text him its okay its cool xD.
It sent, actually! But yeah, everything's lagging there right now including my answers to you and I'm getting unnerved bc AO3 GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER. So I will answer here :D And then I will send you to bed BECAUSE REASONS.
And hey, there's a definite advantage to posting here: You can include visuals :D.
I needed my red eyed Cajun baby in there :D. I mean obviously, since the team is what it's like in the 90s cartoon plus one additional weather-witch, but also because Remy is too fucking cute (and Taylor Kitsch was too fucking hot playing him).
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Yeep, exactly. Charles and Erik love each other far too much still for their own good. This whole thing would long have been over with everyone dead if they didn't hold their respective people back. With how it's going, there's just more and more collateral damage on the way, and those two still will just fuck it out and cry on each other's shoulder in the end, and they deserve all the shade thrown at them for it.
Uuugh now I get emotional about Schindler's list again, never managed to rewatch that, it broke me so much the first time already. I think it's really the hardest part about this job? Getting to terms that you can't be everywhere at once and that making as much of a difference as you can is what counts and not saving everyone because that simply won't work. And my girl is still at the beginning of learning that sigh. It's really chilling seeing Erik walk around killing off random people in this franchise just because they're normal people bc like. This is what happens when someone's been on the receiving end of this and then gets the power to turn the tables on the fascist assholes. The moral dilemma of the whole thing ugh.
Oh god, I'm so sorry for this storyline already LOL. Poor Ororo really needs better taste in men …
thanks, now I can never take that plan seriously again LOOOL. I mean, when Erik finally gets up to get this plan up and started, Charles will indeed be there in person, so I guess in the end the plan worked? :D
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saviourkingslut · 9 months
okay but curry can we PLEASE talk about how fucking PHENOMENAL like action Mihawk is. Had me on the brink of mental collapse 24/7 bc I kept thinking about his magnificence- he knocked it out of the PARK GODDAMNIT!!! Who's your fave from the live action cast and what are your thoughts?? Personally I think it's very good, I just wish Sanji's arc hadn't been cut (tho Don Krieg sucks as a villain, ngl, kinda happy Mihawk got rid of that bitchboy so easily ☠️☠️☠️), but other than that I'm SO proud of everyone involved, they really put in lov and dedication and respect for the series, I'm looking forward to more!!! How about you??🌸🌼🍀
ok full disclosure lest anyone think i have read the manga or seen the anime: i haven't, it's way long and i've never felt particularly drawn to it. HOWEVER i've seen my fair share of (shounen) anime and when i saw they were doing a live action of one piece i really thought it was going to suck bc the live actions always suck. boy was i wrong. everyone working on this from screenwriters to cinematographers to costume department to the actors themselves clearly love the source material and knew exactly what they were doing, and the vibe is Exactly Right. it's camp and fun and a little stupid like shounen anime tend to be and it fully embraces it and so it feels completely natural. of course the cat-themed pirate crew hiss and wear knife-gloves. of course there's characters with blue and green and whatever colour hair. of course the officers in the marines have personal Themes. we don't need any explanation, the world is just like this. and it's balanced exactly right so the more emotional, serious aspects of the story carry the weight that they need to without feeling out of place.
also, as a someone who hasn't engaged with the manga/anime, i think the series cut away/kept enough of the original material to come out of it feeling well-paced, understandable to newcomers and filled with fun recognisable bits for long-time fans. perhaps this meant, as you say, cutting out some pieces of character development/background that might have been enjoyable, but it's a well-made sacrifice bc it prevented the story from feeling too bloated. i think it was just right like this: gave us background on everyone and simultaneously left room for the story to process, without too many things at once to focus on. you could still sense that it was based on a manga bc of its little arcs - usually two eps with a minor boss to beat each time, and a bigger, badder boss at the end of the season. so i feel like keeping that theme in a narrative sense also really helped to make it reminiscent of the material it draws from and made it well-rounded and well-structured overall.
ANYWAY. mihawk. oh my god. i rewatched his scenes. multiple times. he was gorgeous. effervescent. insert the lady gaga meme. again i haven't engaged with the og material but i know these kinds of manga characters and there's so many ways to do them wrong but steven john ward really said 'i was made for this role actually' and he served absolute cunt. definitely up there among my favourite characters in the show - and that's saying a LOT bc im obsessed with almost everyone in it fr. they made me like the fucking clown (i hate clowns) buggy is genuinely incredible. the main cast? what the hell dude. they just found luffy living irl like... genuinely what the fuck. iñaki was born to play him and he did it so wonderfully - guy who is fatally optimistic but also insane and it works. nami's really cool as well - i've heard/read some stuff abt the writing of women especially in the earlier parts of the manga (woman in shounen main character group syndrome) but i think she was solid here and her interactions with the rest of the cast were great. also usopp! is so cute! so much potential to not have that kind of character work out in a real life adaptation but he's so lovable
and on that note the fucking. interactions amongst the main cast? im sobbing screaming crying they're everything to me. the way they're so supportive and proud and protective of each other and yet they talk shit the whole time too. there's so much chemistry among them and they truly do feel like people from different backgrounds who (sometimes reluctantly) come together and would do anything for each other. like real friends who have fun and make fun of each other too, it's a great dynamic and they really hit the mark there.
as to who's my favourite, well, as i said, mihawk's definitely up there, and im a simple hoe - i love zoro. but i think i enjoyed sanji's scenes the most and not just bc of his ass. heard he's kind of pervy in the og material? well the direction they took him in the live action where they kept the 'imprints on woman' but is overall sweet about it and generally less moody than he is in the anime/manga was a great direction i think. he's supremely enjoyable as a character. the accent? the facial expressions? the smiles? the jokes? im on my bed swooning and giggling and kicking my feet he is so fucking funny and i want him so bad. 'apologies madam i didn't see you there.' 'oooh back for seconds must have liked it' i literally re-watched every scene he was in at least once. his kicks were so nicely choreographed too it was really satisfying to look at, very clean (taz did god's work on his training). sometimes at home ill be doing nothing in particular like ill be standing in the living room and i'll mutter to myself 'cotelette. collier. epaulé. poitrine.' and go on with my day he lives in my brain rent free.
so uhm yea i think the series is really good and 1) sanji 2) mihawk 3) zoro if i had to put them in order i think lmaooo
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