#its way too fun to draw lol
alta1312 · 29 days
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thanks for the ideas everyone
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wasyago · 4 months
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isjasz · 4 months
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Cherries, from fruit to pit. Atoms. The sun, every day. Worms. Mulch. Perspiration. The moon, every night. Me. You. 
The various cycles of life and death. 
<GoodTimeWithScar> fell from a high place. 
EXPLODES THE DOOR ITS HSBB TIMEEEEE This is my piece for @minecraftbed's incredible fic "Gaussian Blur" in @hermitshippingbigbang :D
Go read it for the full context of the comic (and details if you can spot them!) heheeehehe I love it sm and had sm fun doing the comic! The concept is so cool and the feels are KSALDHTHRGRRHRH (please i have been losing it)
SO *grabs you by the shoulders and throws you directly at it* gogogogo 👉👉👉👉👉
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bacchuschucklefuck · 20 hours
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found those sketches I mentioned. and added more
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cloudysarts · 4 months
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this show would be good if literally everything about it was different
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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matryoshkalex · 23 days
tmaynt day niiiiine!!!
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i well,,, i did it with the leos and had a lot of fun so now i have to do it for all of them haha. 2007 and 2012 are the most short tempered i feel like (and thats saying something for raphs lol) n i feel like they would end up fighting,, 2007 called 2012 short stack one too many times or smthn
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meme ref under cut!!
tmaynt masterpost
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again dunno the creator n the watermark is so pixelated idk what it says :( if you know the og artist pls lmk!!
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harbingersecho · 8 months
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WODtober 6 > Underground
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eshithepetty · 1 year
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This is it, mobsters.... our final stand. When the poll starts on @autismswagsummit, go....... do your part.
[Short ID: a comic pertaining to the autism swag summit, featuring Mob and Tome. Mob reveals that he feels insecure about how seriously everyone's been taking this, and how he's not sure he likes all this attention on him for it, but Tome argues and encourages him, saying that his could help him get Tsubomi's attention, since she's autistic herself, and might appreciate Mob being more confident about that. In the end, Mob brightens up, and gets pumped to win the bracket, before it's revealed that Tsubomi actually hopes Papyrus wins. End short ID]
Extended ID under cut:
[ID: a comic pertaining to the autism swag summit, featuring Mob and Tome. It's done in pink and orange tones, except for the last panel, which is purple.
First page: Mob sits down at the table in the telepathy club room, sighing. Tome, who is playing a video game and eating fries, looks at him and asks: "? What's wrong, Mob?" Mob looks to the side, eyes downcast, and says: "It's nothing really... it's just- the autism contest thing. Everyone's taking it so seriously but- idk. It feels weird. Like Mezato-san's cult thing, kinda." Tome, meanwhile, slides him the fries, and he takes one, and continues, "I don't think I like all this attention on me. Not for this." and Tome looks at him, chin on hand, and asks: "But wasn't that like, one of your main goals? To be popular?"
Second page: at this, Mob startles, and in the next panel he shrinks in as he replies "um- yeah, but. To be honest, I only wanted that to-" and shrinks even further in the next, blushing, trailing off with "to..." Behind him, there is the tapping of footsteps as Tome, off screen, rounds the desk, and makes Mob jump with a loud SLAM, and yells "LISTEN, MOB!" Then, she is looking at him with a frown, gesturing with one hand, and continues: "You need to look at this from a different perspective. What if this is the contest that winning would aid you the most? After all, isn't Takane herself autistic?" Mob, eyes wide and blushing, loudly interrupts with "S-SHE IS??"
Third page: Mob asks, "How do you know??" Tome, her arms crossed, eyes closed and a smirk on her face, says "Look. I'm autistic. You're autistic. We're ALL autistic, I know my kin, alright?" Under her breath, (under the speech bubble) she also adds "Plus I kind of heard her say "Leave me alone, I'm autistic" once," before she interrupts herself, her arms spread wide and flapping, with "but that's beside the point!" She continues in the next panel, only one of her moving hands visible as Mob looks up at her, wide-eyed, "My point is, maybe this is your chance to show her what you're all about; that you know who you are; are secure in your identity, proud of it, even!"
Fourth page: Tome crosses her arms again, a confident smirk on her face as she looks down at Mob and asks, "So tell me. What are you gonna do?" Mob, hunched in, shyly responds, ".... I'm gonna win...?" Off screen, Tome replies: "Say it with more confidence!" And Mob does, back straightening and a blush creeping in: "I- I'm gonna win!" Tome yells "Louder!", and Mob stands up, leaning on the table, yelling in response "I'm gonna WIN!!" And Tome, a fist pumped in enthusiasm, yells back "YEAH!!"
Last panel: Tome's dialogue box is cut off, as we see Tsubomi, meanwhile, laying in her bed, sucking a lollipop and phone in hand, as she thinks: "I hope papyrus wins." End ID.]
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elfsyellowflowerzart · 2 months
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take two of yesterdays little doodle, using the ref this time
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i'm putting together a little compilation of Sav's mobility devices so i can hammer out their designs/get more practice drawing them. i'm not anywhere close to done but i wanted to share the design for her rollator since it's what she probably uses most often ^-^
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the limbs are designed to resemble the pillars of the old jedi temple! still working out how she decorates it, but of course i had to include some of the little holocron charms that she & Nia like to carry around. <3
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densewentz · 7 months
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DenseWentz’s End of '23 Commission Information
Alrighty guys!! Ol' Dense has to pay some dental bills so lo and behold my ever-rare commissions are opening back up!
I am open to drawing both fandom and oc content. You can check out my art tag here or my instagram for more examples of my work.
For full commission and contact information check here
Notable Terms
All prices are USD and all payments are through Paypal Invoice only
If order total is under $50, full payment is due up front, otherwise 50% of payment is due upfront, and remaining 50% is due after initial sketches are sent
Commissions are being opened with limited slots available 
I reserve the right to turn down commissions for any reason
All artwork delivered is for Personal Use Only and any use/affiliation with any sort of AI program is absolutely prohibited
Commission slots are limited and will close again in a few weeks so if you’re interested be sure to contact me with your concept and your references!
If you’ve got questions or want to pitch a commissions please feel free to message me here, email me at [email protected] or add me on Discord as densewentz
Let's make some art!
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uniquezombiedestiny · 4 months
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disease of the body, disease of the mind
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pixelatedraindrops · 19 hours
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Yuma Month: Day 31: Post Game
…for the sake of the world’s happiness.
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itsnahhhh · 7 months
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so thicc charlie was brought up as an idea, and i immediately knew i had to draw him. im love himb…
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blighted-lights · 2 months
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woah more fic art. maybe if i draw enough fic art everyone can just Know what my fic is about so i don't actually have to write it lol
anyways have another aid and rav
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