#jake debrusk fanfiction
pastrnaks-sainz · 3 years
Safe Now
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Pairing: Jake DeBrusk x reader 
Type: Fluff, Angst (?)
Warnings: Swearing, mention of sexual assault, nudity  
Word Count: 1k
Summary: Work was the worst. Your boss was a misogynistic piece of shit, and you were so completely done. You were trembling with anger by the time you got home to Jake. He was constantly worried about you and ready to do anything at a moment’s notice to keep you safe. He was ready to go down to your office and punch your boss in the face, but that’s not what you needed. 
Fluff Prompt #46: “I need a hug. Just a hug from a big, tall, strong hockey player who smells really good after he gets out of the shower” Fluff Prompt #62: “My mother always said athletes make the worst boyfriends. I can’t wait to tell her how wrong she is” 
A/N: I know I’m not the only one who needs some Jake fluff 
I quit. 
The words were still echoing in your head as you walked through the front door. Venom had dripped from your voice as you stood in front of your boss, anger surging through your veins. You were done with him. His misogynistic behavior was just the tip of the iceberg, and the only thing Jake knew about. He had sexually assaulted you numerous times, grabbing your ass and playing with your hair as you tried to talk to him about your work. 
You were done and today was the final straw. 
As you stood in his office ready to present the results of a project you had been working on, he made an advance. It was the last straw. You slapped him across the face hard enough to leave a full hand print and quit on the spot. 
I quit. 
The anger was only beginning to leave your system when you came home. The reality of job hunting hadn’t hit you yet. All you wanted to do was hug your boyfriend. 
“Y/N,” Jake said as he rounded the corner. “You’re home early- what happened?” 
“I just quit my job,” you responded, your voice numb. “I quit my job.” 
“Finally,” Jake said, walking up to you. He wrapped you up in a hug. He furrowed his eyebrows and planted his hands on your shoulders when he felt you trembling. “Did something happen?” 
“He tried-” you paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. “He tried to touch me again.” 
Jake sounded dangerous. Like he was ready to tear limb from limb with no regard for human life. 
“Again? Y/N, why didn’t you tell me?” 
“I don’t know,” you whimpered, shaking your head. “I’m sorry.” 
“Hey, hey,” Jake pulled you into another hug, his chin resting on top of your head. “It’s alright, you’re alright. He can’t get to you anymore. You’re safe with me.” 
“I’m sorry,” you cried into his chest, your tears creating a wet spot on his t-shirt. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I thought I could handle it on my own.” 
“It’s okay, baby,” Jake cooed. “You’re safe from him now.”
You took a deep breath. Jake’s scent filled your nostrils. It calmed you, made the trembling stop. Your muscles relaxed as Jake rubbed his hand up and down your back. 
“What do you need, honey?” he asked, his dark blue eyes staring down at you softly. 
“I need a hug. Just a hug from a big, tall, strong hockey player who smells really good after he gets out of the shower,” you said, keeping your arms tightly wrapped around his waist. A chuckle reverberated through his chest. 
“I can do that,” he said, resting his chin on top of your head and closing his eyes. One hand cupped the back of your head while the other splayed between your shoulder blades, holding you tight to his chest. “I can also run you a warm bath, if you want.” 
“Only if you’ll join me,” you answered, your voice muffled by his shirt.  “Like I’m gonna argue with that,” Jake leaned down and kissed the tip of your nose, making you smile. “There’s that smile I love so much.” 
Jake took your head and lead you back to the bathroom. You sat on the vanity, kicking off your heels as he started up the bath. He walked back over to you and slowly undid the buttons on your blouse. You stared at his chest as he pulled it from where it had been tucked into your skirt and slid it down your arms. 
“Thank you,” your voice was just barely above a whisper. 
“Hey,” he placed his hand on your cheek, angling your face so you’d look him in the eye. “I would do anything for you. This is nothing. Now come on before the water gets cold.” 
Jake stripped down as you shimmied out of the rest of your clothes. He stepped in before you and held your hands to help you over the edge. He sat down in the water, a space left between his legs for you to sit against his chest. 
His embrace was warm and soothing and relaxed you almost immediately. His hands rested on your stomach, rubbing random patterns into your skin. Your head rested against his shoulder, nose barely brushing his neck. Goosebumps erupted across his skin. 
His stubbled chin scratched against your shoulder as he placed a line of kisses over your skin. You were so close to falling asleep in his arms you had no idea how much time had passed until Jake was gently nudging you. 
“Water’s getting cold, my love,” he murmured. “And my ass has been asleep for the past twenty minutes.” 
“You just had to throw that in there didn’t you,” you giggled, looking up at him. “Alright, you big baby, let's go eat some shit food and watch even shittier TV.” 
“Sounds good to me.” 
Jake never failed to make you laugh. Not only was he your boyfriend, but he was your best friend. You could not imagine yourself without him. He was the man you knew you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. 
“You know,” you began as you curled up on the couch with Jake, one of his Bruins hockey sweatshirts hanging off your shoulders. “My mother always said athletes make the worst boyfriends. I can’t wait to tell her how wrong she is.” 
“You want me to meet your parents?” Jake asked, looking down at you in surprise. 
“Well, yeah,” you shrugged. “That’s sort of the thing you do when you’re completely in love with someone. And it’s been a year and a half since we started dating, I would think my family would want to meet you sooner or later.” 
“Baby,” Jake grinned brightly, kissing the top of your head excitedly. “We can plan a trip a couple weeks before training camp starts. I can’t wait to meet your family.” 
“Just, please, don’t bring this up when you meet them,” you said, placing your hand on his chest. “I don’t want them to try to drag me back home. I love it here too much to leave. And I couldn’t live without you.” 
“Baby,” Jake peppered kisses all over your face. “I would just die if you left.”
“Well we certainly don’t want that, now, do we?”
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hockeyboysiguess · 3 years
eight maids a-milking -> eight pucks a-slinging | j. debrusk
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a/n: a christmas fic at 10 am? sure. there are no rules about time in 2020. rest of the series linked here. 
word count: 3,046
warnings: none. pure christmas fluff
You sighed as you slammed your car door closed with your hip, your movement jostling the box you were carrying, causing the bells inside to ring among the garland. Luckily, the contents of the slightly overfilled box stayed inside. You let out a sigh of relief and headed inside the arena, box in tow. The Bruins were doing some charity thing that involved decorating a tree and Jake forgot his box of decorations at home this morning, so he asked you to bring it by on your way home. It was just one more thing to do in your already incredibly busy day. Jake was always forgetting things, his wallet, his phone, his keys, his coat, everything, constantly. You frequently had to drive to the airport, ten minutes behind him, hot on his heels, with his passport in your passenger seat, so he could actually get into Canada for a game. Picking up Jake’s forgotten things was something you were used to now. It had become a habit, part of your daily activities.
It was something you did for him, because of the thousands of things he did for you. Jake was the one who told you when you were trying to carry too many things, when you were stretching yourself too thin, he always noticed before anyone else and shifted weight to himself to lessen your burden. He never let you push yourself too far, to the point of fully expending yourself to exhaustion, something you did far too often before him and something that was so easy to do this time of year. Work piled up, tasks upon tasks to finish before the end of December to be completed, along with pressing from yours and Jake’s family with activities and travel and gifts to buy, it was all too easy a time to forget to put some things in Jake’s lap to take care of. He might be a tad forgetful, but he never failed to step up to the plate if it made you happy. If there was nothing he could take on, no burden he could share, then he used every ounce of him to try and be a bright spot in your day. Jake was positive in the face of anything, incapable of holding a grudge or letting negativity rest on his mind for more than a fleeting second. He was a forever kid at Christmas, loving each present more than the last, no matter the cost or its contents. His love of it came from love for the person who bought it for him and in the intent of giving it, not in the material item.
That purity of the way he loved, as fresh as snow that has just fallen, was why you didn’t mind coming to the arena after a long day at work with a box of Christmas decorations. Because Jake would do the same for you, with an even bigger smile on his face than the one he gave you when he saw you coming down the hallway with that box in hand. He looked at you like he hadn’t seen you in ages, even though he’d kissed you goodbye hours ago when you left for work. He scooped the box out of your hands while placing a quick kiss to your cheek. 
“Thank you, as always,” Jake told you, relief evident in his voice. 
You never felt underappreciated with Jake, even if part of the reason he appreciated you so openly is because you were always the one tying his ties and making sure the back of his dress shirt was tucked in properly. Jake didn’t have much polish about him but you had plenty to spare and didn’t mind sharing. Relationships were a series of compromises. You tucked in shirt tails and Jake made sure you took breaks, used your paid time off from work, and always threw your towels in the dryer in the last ten minutes of your shower so he could wrap you up in a warm one when you were done, even if he forgot until you shouted his name in search of your towel. You missed the warm towels and your far too warm boyfriend when he was away. 
“No problem. Happy to do it.” 
And you were. You were genuinely happy to do it for him. Anyone else, and you couldn’t stand the forgetfulness of the small things, but it was Jake’s biggest fault. If your partner’s biggest fault was forgetting their wallet, you were pretty sure you’d won the lottery. 
“So,” you sighed, running a hand through your hair as you did, “where is this tree we’re decorating?” 
He raised his eyebrows at you in a challenge, but Jake could only hold an expression that wasn’t a smile for so long. It fell apart and gave way to that smile you saw across the table during your first date and realized you wanted to see it for the rest of your life if you could, if he allowed you to. 
You rolled your eyes, which only spurred a small laugh from him, “Yes, DeBrusk. We. I didn’t come this far out of my way during rush hour to not decorate a Christmas tree.” 
Jake smiled at you broadly, then nodded softly, “Okay, okay. We’ll do the tree then. Come on.” He turned away from you, sticking his hand out behind him for you to take, “Follow me to your Christmas tree.” 
You followed Jake through the arena, hand in his leading the way. You waved to a few familiar faces as you passed, who waved back more excitedly than usual. You attributed to a large majority of people’s favorite holiday being right around the corner, and the annual Christmas party tomorrow where the champagne would be flowing tomorrow night. Jake gave your hand a tug when you fell behind trying to wave to one of his teammates and you took a few long steps to catch up to him. 
“You’re eager,” you pointed out as you had to practically jog every few steps to keep up with his ungodly pace. 
“Always eager to do things with you,” Jake replied smoothly, but he ruined any ounce of smooth he might have had with a giggle after. 
You loved that he couldn’t keep up a straight face, or really any sort of false face. What he felt and his intentions were drawn perfectly on his face every single moment of every single day. You never had to question what he was feeling. It was another reason among the many as to why you loved him. 
He pushed open a door with the box on his hip and guided you in, dropping your hand to put his entire self into his best impression of a doorman. You thanked him with a tip of an imaginary hat and that smile you loved more than Christmas morning spread across his face. Jake dropped the box onto a nearby table next to a lit, but undecorated Christmas tree you assumed would be your joint task together. The room was set up for the annual Christmas charity event they did with local kids. There were different game stations set up around the large foyer of the arena, some you recognized from last year and others that were new. The largest addition was on a wall covered in netting and trimmed with red piping designed to look like a hockey net with balloons taped to it in a grid, each balloon red or green or white with a different letter printed on the latex. 
“That one’s new from last year,” you noticed. 
Jake smiled one of the widest you’d seen from him in a while, a smile that seemed to tell you something had just fallen perfectly into place for him. You couldn’t even begin to fathom how Jake’s mind worked, so you let what you thought his smile might have meant pass without comment. You could spend your time and energy trying to figure Jake out, or you could spend your time and energy being with him and enjoying him and the results of his less than linear thoughts. You chose the latter as Jake dumped a crate of pucks out onto the ground. 
“It’s for the kids,” Jake told you as he grabbed a stick leaning against a nearby wall, “but I don’t think they’ll mind if I show you, as long as we fix it after.” 
He separated one puck from the rest, handling it back and forth across the floor effortlessly. He jerked his head, motioning for you to come over and join him. A bright smile came across his face when you moved to comply with his silent request. 
“So the whole point for them,” his hands continued to mindlessly shift the puck back and forth across the floor as he talked, “is to spell words by popping the balloons. There’s glitter and candy and stuff instead for them if they can do it.”
“Ah yes, the herpes of crafts,” you noted in response to the word glitter. 
Jake’s ever familiar laughter rang out through the lobby in response to your statement, bringing you right along with him. No one made you feel brighter and lighter than he did, even on your heaviest, darkest days. 
“God, I love you,” he breathed out as his laughter slowly came to a close. “Anyway, so it’s just like this.”
Effortless, Jake pulled a puck back with his stick on the floor, then sent it sailing forward effortlessly. The puck collided and popped a red balloon with the letter “B” printed on it, causing glitter and candy to rain down onto the previously spotless floor below. Jake didn’t hesitate before repeating his actions, targeting and successfully popping a green balloon with the letter “E” emblazoned on it. Jake paused, leaning onto the stick and gesturing for you to go retrieve your candy. He’d seen the look on your face when one of your holiday favorites had dropped to the floor with the second balloon he popped. You pressed a quick, grazing kiss to his lips before shuffling to retrieve the candy he’d freed for you, happily opening your favorite immediately and sighing with relief when the taste hit your tongue. 
“Hey, get out of the way!” Jake teased you when you didn’t return to him, too focused on your candy to realize you were in his way. 
“Oh, you’re still going?” you asked him as you headed back over to join him, candy in your mouth muffling your words a little. 
He nodded to you as you returned to your place beside him, “And you better be paying attention to what I’m spelling. There’s a quiz at the end.” 
“A quiz? After my long day of work? With your spelling skills?” You were smiling as you teased him, and he was smiling back. You were allowed to tease him whenever you wanted because he knew it came from a place of absolute and complete love. “Seems like cruel and unusual punishment.” 
“It’s not too long, promise,” he informed you. “Also, it’s three words, just to help with your spelling a little bit.” 
“Three whole words?” you gasped, words heavily coated in sarcasm. “However will I manage to keep track?” 
Jake didn’t answer. He just laughed lightly before, just as easily as the first two, slinging a third puck against the wall, popping a balloon with the letter “M” on its surface, showering the floor below it with glitter and candy. He followed it up quickly by popping his first white balloon with a “Y” on it, more candy and glitter joining the rest on the floor. You mentally tallied up the letters so far. B, E, M, and Y. You decided it was most likely as simple as it looked, just “be my.” Jake’s hands slipped on the fifth puck, sending it wide of whatever balloon was his target, leaving a black mark on the wall instead. 
“Whoopsie,” he giggled a little. “Nerves are getting to me I guess.” 
“What are you even nervous about?” You laughed a little as you talked, hands fussing with your second candy wrapper that was putting up a hell of a blockade between you and Jake’s favorite Christmas candy, which had become your second favorite after all this time with him. “It’s just me.” 
“Have you ever seen you?” he joked, glancing back at you so you could see his eyebrows raise. “You’re always going to make me just a little nervous, baby.”
You rolled your eyes at him as your cheeks heated up a little in response to his words. With a wave of your hand, encouraged him to get back to spelling whatever he was so insistent on spelling for you. You figured it was probably, knowing Jake as well as you did, something incredibly cheesy and Christmasy, so sickeningly sweet you’d definitely roll your eyes again when he finally got to the end. You knew his intentions were nothing but pure, just him trying to bring a smile to your face. He didn’t need to go to all this trouble to do it though. His smile did the trick itself. 
Jake separated another few pucks from the pile, setting himself up for his remaining word. He took a deep breath and bounced on his heels, spinning the stick in his hands as he did. He settled down and set himself up for the next shot in one motion, letting the puck fly forward. Another balloon, this time with a “W” detailed on it, burst on the impact from the puck. You suspected it had something to do with winter, a suspicion further upheld with the next green balloon to fall victim to one of his pucks with a spray of its contents to the floor had the letter “I” drawn on it. He took a pause with the next puck, spending a little extra time lining himself up, stick swinging back and forth for a moment in the motion of his shot, but not actually letting it content with the puck. Jake took a deep breath before letting it go. You were expecting an “N” to continue with your winter theory, but the puck made contact with and bursted a red balloon with an “F” on its surface, the now familiar sound of candy hitting the floor rang through the foyer after. Now, all of your theories were thrown out the window. Whatever he was spelling, you were done guessing because you weren’t going to be able to align your thoughts with his. 
Jake hesitated another moment, as if waiting for you to have put the pieces together already, but when you didn’t respond, he lined up another puck. His hands shifted on the stick for a moment, finding the perfect positioning again before pulling his stick back, then letting it snap forward to send the puck toward the wall. You watched as another balloon burst, no candy or glitter raining down this time, no newly familiar pings of candy hitting the floor following it. Instead, all you could hear was your heart beating in your ears and your body forcibly pulling air in and pushing it back out of your lungs. It was an “E”, the final balloon. B, E, M, Y, W, I, F, and E. Be my wife. 
He set the stick down before turning to you, dropping to one knee as he did. Your hands flew up to cover your mouth as he opened the box in his hands. He was breathing as hard as you as he watched you take in the ring he had been agonizing over, designing and redesigning, for months. Jake’s hands were shaking, the box shaking a little along with it, and he didn’t even notice because it felt like his entire body was shaking as nerves ravaged him. All you had said was his name.
“It was, um-” He paused to clear his throat because the first two words had come out choked. Jake took a deep, centering breath before trying again, “It was, ‘be my wife,’ in case you missed a letter or something. I don’t know. I didn’t actually get to do a practice run of this or anything. But, baby, I love you. You’re the most patient and incredible person I’ve ever met. I- I feel like sometimes I annoy everyone else on the planet, but I’ve never felt like that with you. You make me feel so loved and appreciated for being me, exactly how I am, and I can only hope I make you feel the same way because how you make me feel is something I wish everyone could feel at some point in their lives because it’s the single most incredible thing I’ve ever felt. I want to spend my life trying to make you feel like you make me feel and you make me feel like I’m your favorite person and I feel like, maybe just me here, but you should probably try and marry your favorite person. You’re mine and I’d really love it if I got to remember Christmas for the rest of my life as the time when my favorite person said she’d be my wife. So, what do you say? Will you marry me?”  
You couldn’t speak with every possible emotion built up in your throat. You had to nod as your answer, and shakily extend your left hand to him. The smile that came across his face was the broadest and best you’d ever seen from him, and it warmed you from the inside out. The cool metal of the ring sliding onto your finger contrasted the warmth you felt inside and the warmth of his hands. It was yours now, the ring Jake agonized over for months, and he was yours now, soon-to-be forever yours. He stood on shaking legs to press a soft kiss to your lips. Forever was an odd concept at a time of year that was inherently limited, but the warmth of Christmas would hang in your heart forever, and on your left hand forever, and in the bed you shared with him forever. Christmas lasting forever, like Jake DeBrusk, was a dream come true.
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kniesyswrld · 3 years
Things I’d Buy These NHL Players From Amazon
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i don’t remember me (before you) - j. debrusk [part ii]
Pairing: Jake DeBrusk x female!OC
Summary: Could it be more cliche than falling in love with your neighbor when she wasn’t exactly available? What happens when getting her to fall in love with you isn’t even the hard part?
Word Count: 9,077
A/N: so, part ii - maybe one day i’ll get good at summaries and update them accordingly but honestly, no promises. this one has a LOT of warnings and i’ll adore any and all feedback. 
Warnings: adult themes, alcohol consumption, abuse [very much the abuse in this part so please be warned], shitty boyfriend/ex-boyfriend, swearing...I think that’s it
part ii
“I have travelled many miles, I don't wanna walk no more Every road and every highway led me right back to your door” -lord huron
Jake was pretty sure he’d never seen Alina nervous before. Normally she was the quintessential Russian: serious, blank face that belied nothing about how she was feeling. But right now she was tapping her foot nervously and gnawing on her bottom lip. Her hair was up in a little half ponytail thing and he forgot he usually only saw her in scrubs, his sweats or a mini dress for a night out. This version of Alina was softer, not as sexy as ‘club Alina’ but he thought he might like it better. She had on a pair of ripped jeans with a loose cardigan buttoned up, cutting in a low v on her chest. They didn’t speak much in the car ride over but Jake kept a hand on her knee, rubbing at the bare skin he could get to.
When she’d showed up at his apartment after getting ready, she shoved a bottle of wine into his hand and anxiously asked if he thought it would be good enough. Jake had managed to make her laugh when he’d snorted at her, asking how it was she thought he would know what wine was good or not.
That same bottle was now being grasped tightly in one hand, her other squeezing at his thigh tightly.
“Ease up, Leenie – you’re gonna leave a mark.” He teased, tapping her hand softly.
“Oh! Sorry, Jed.” But she didn’t loosen her grip much and he just let her keep clinging to him. He realized while she was usually a blank face to everyone around her, lately – more often than not – she was completely and purely herself around him. It’s like a wall that had been blocking back emotions before had come down and now everything she thought played clearly on her face for him to see. But only for him.
It wasn’t a long ride to get to Charlie’s and when they pulled up, Jake went to climb out of the car but realized that Alina was still sitting quietly in the back seat.
“Maybe you should just go without me. I can have him take me back home.” She nodded at the driver who was frowning and looked like he was a minute away from yelling at them to get in or out.
“Nope.” Jake responded, reaching into the car and physically dragging her out. She stumbled slightly as she hit the curb and he managed to shut the door to the car mere seconds before the driver pulled away.
“Jake…” she practically whined. “They don’t like me. I should just go, you’ll have a better time without me.”
“Leenie, if you don’t go, I’m sure as hell not going. I spend all my time with these idiots, I want to be wherever you are.” The hesitance remained on her face and he stepped closer to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “If you really don’t want to go, we’ll go home. Or out to dinner. Whatever you want. Ride or die.”
That earned him a giggle. “Ride or die?”  
“I’m your ride or die, whatever you want, we’ll do.” He nodded seriously until she finally gave him a smile, her facing turning determined.
“Okay. We’ll go. But if they’re not nice to you, I’m gonna let ‘em have it.” 
“I expect nothing less.” He teased, pressing a quick kiss to her forehead. Forehead kisses had become more and more frequent. As had holding hands, cuddling and the way Alina would nudge her nose into his neck, brushing her lashes against his skin. At this point, they were more affectionate than he’d been with any previous girlfriend.
It still wasn’t enough but he instinctively knew he needed to go slow, knew that he couldn’t risk pushing her into something she wasn’t ready for. Shit, he wasn’t even sure if she felt the same as he did. All he had was a ‘feeling’ that things between them were different, that they were out of the sure footing that had been their friendship and in some weird limbo zone where they were both trying to figure out what the other wanted.
Sighing to himself, he took her free hand and pulled her towards Charlie’s building. He had forgotten to ask exactly who was going to be there and now that they were in the elevator, he felt a little panicky about what they were walking into.
While he’d deny it to her, he knew Alina wasn’t his friends’ favorite. And her desire to protect him meant she overreacted to the smallest chirp that was thrown his way even when it didn’t bother him. He only hoped that tonight would go okay.
Walking into Charlie’s apartment, Jake immediately felt like this was the wrong decision. There were at least eight couples and some of the girls were looking at Alina critically, from the bottle of wine in her hand to the way she was clinging onto Jake. Looking friendly wasn’t something Alina excelled at so the stoic look that Jake knew came from a place of nervousness or shyness, instead made her look like a mega bitch.
He squeezed her hand gently and turned his face into her ear. “Smile, babe. You look entirely too Russian right now.”
Alina snorted, squeezing his hand back and relaxing slightly, smiling at him. “It’s just my face, I can’t help it.”
Jake rolled his eyes, dropping her hand and placing it on her lower back to lead her through the room. He wanted to find Charlie and, more importantly, Charlie’s girlfriend. Kiley was one of the sweetest girls he knew and had always been kind to Alina, usually the only one she’d talk to while waiting for him after games.
Walking into the kitchen, he found the hosts putting the finishing touch on plates of charcuterie. And really, that just meant they were unwrapping the clearly pre-made platters.
“So much for doing the heavy lifting,” Jake teased, bundling Kiley up into a big hug. Charlie hit him but stepped around him to pull Alina into a hug. Jake noticed her stiffen slightly but return the hug before pulling away quickly.
“Ki – you remember Alina.” Jake gestured, returning to her side and throwing an arm around her shoulders.
“Of course! Welcome.” She pulled her into a hug before accepting the offered bottle of wine. “Oh wow, this is really nice – you shouldn’t have.”
Alina flushed slightly, waving a hand dismissively. “It was always one of my favorites so I thought I’d share.”
“Well thank you.” Kiley said sincerely and Jake couldn’t help smiling at her. Charlie really had found a good one. “I say we open this in here and just save it for the two of us.”
“Great idea.” She grinned back conspiratorially. “Can I help with anything?”
“Grab a few glasses, yeah? And are you any good at opening wine?”
“Am I ever!” she responded, grabbing a wine key and getting to work on the wine she’d brought. “I used to work in my Dedushka’s restaurant, if you fucked up the bottle, you had to pay for it but you also got to drink it.”
Kiley grinned at the story, taking it at face value but Jake’s head shot up at the sound of her talking about being younger. He’d never once heard her mention anything about working in a restaurant.
“What’s a ‘dad-kush-kah’?” Charlie asked earning a little smile from Alina who promptly corrected his pronunciation.
“Grandfather.” She got a little faraway look in her eyes but quickly returned to the task at hand.
“Come on, man – come say hi to the rest of the guys.” Charlie tried to shove him back in the direction of the living room but he dug his heels in, twirling around to escape and slide next to Alina.
He wrapped an arm around her waist, leaning down so only she could hear him. “You okay? I can stay with you.”
It looked like she was thinking about it, her gray eyes searching his before she shook her head slightly. “Go on, I’m good – I’ll be a wine opening maniac.”
Instinctively, he pressed a kiss to her temple and ignored the look that Charlie and Kiley exchanged before following Chuck into the living room. He greeted his teammates and their significant others, smiling good-naturedly as the boys all yelled his name or teased him about one thing or another. He was just happy that Alina didn’t hear them or she’d end up lighting them up in his defense.
He managed to stay in the room for all of fourteen minutes before drifting back into the kitchen. Despite Charlie saying it was going to be just couples, a few of the girlfriends had brought friends and he got the distinct feeling Charlie Coyle’s girlfriend was trying to set him up with one of them. He walked back into the kitchen to find Alina perched on the counter, chatting animatedly with Kiley. He paused in the doorway to watch her as she gestured dramatically with one hand, large glass of wine in the other, only pausing her story to take a long sip and accept a piece of cheese that Ki had handed her. The sweater she had on had slipped off one shoulder and he eyed the bare skin greedily, aching to touch her.
It was a relief to see her getting along with at least one of the girls, a light floaty feeling filled him at the sight. Baby steps, he told himself, baby steps.
Eventually, he couldn’t resist interrupting, moving towards Alina and fitting himself between her legs. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and rested her head on the top of his while continuing to talk to Kiley.
“But yeah, I’m super lucky the other nurses are so experienced and are actually super sweet. Have you been doing nights or days?”
The two girls continued the conversation around him like he hadn’t even joined and he contented himself with sharing Alina’s glass of wine and helping himself to one of the smaller trays that hadn’t been circulated out into the living room yet. They spent the better part of an hour in there, switching to a different bottle when Alina’s fancy one had been finished.
“If you’re not gonna get your own glass, you have to be the refill bitch.”  She muttered in his ear, pressing an errant kiss to the side of his head before refocusing on whatever Kiley was saying to her.
He pushed back from the counter to refill from a new bottle, pouring it nearly to the brim before returning to his position. A couple other girls had wandered in to join them and Jake felt Alina stiffen slightly as the kitchen got more crowded.
“Ohh, boujee! Who brought this?” one of the girls cooed, picking up the now empty bottle that Alina had brought. “This is like 200 bucks.”
Surprised, he turned to catch Alina’s eye but she avoided his stare, cheeks flushing at the attention.
“JD’s gir – uh, neighbor brought it.” Kiley answered. Half a dozen people turned to look at Alina who just waved awkwardly and tightened her grip on him.
“That was – ” one of the girls who Jake was pretty sure was a friend of a friend paused to eye the way Alina and Jake were tangled together before continuing, “Generous of you, Jake.”
He knew what she was doing. It was something all the guys had to deal with: girls that wanted to be with a player because of the money. And if a girl was like that she usually assumed all the others were. Jake flushed with anger, opening his mouth to respond but Alina beat him to it.
“Actually, I bought it myself.” She answered stiffly, tugging the glass from Jake’s hand to take a sip.
The kitchen felt ice cold and tense, nothing like it had been when it had just been Kiley and Alina chatting. Thankfully, Chuck and Gryz came flying into the room shouting about everyone going into the living room. The girls that had just come in exchanged looks before turning to go while Alina stayed put. Kiley shot the two of them a concerned look but grabbed a few things to bring into the living room, leaving them alone.
He turned around so he could face her, placing a hand on either side of her body and leaning his forehead against hers. “Leen, ignore them.”
“I told you your friends hated me.” She mumbled, refusing to meet his eyes.
“Those are absolutely not my friends.” He nudged her nose with his. “Do you wanna go? I told you, the second you want to leave, we can.”
She was quiet for a second, fingers trailing along the sliver of skin between his shirt collar and hair. He practically melted into her at the sensation. “No, no – I need to be nicer. I do want your friends to like me…”
“How bout this: we spend another hour or so here, drink a bit more fancy wine and eat some cheese then we’ll go out to dinner – just you and me.”
That earned him a smile and her eyes brightened for the first time that night. “You’d do that for me?”
He sighed, feeling the wine loosen his tongue slightly. “Leenie, when’re you gonna learn I’d do anything for you?”
“I don’t deserve you, Jed.” She mumbled, staring straight at him, her eyes serious and intense.
“We’re not gonna do our little argument about who deserves who.” He teased but she stayed serious, eyes dropping slightly to his lips.
“Jake, I – ” he wasn’t sure what she was going to say, he wasn’t sure if she even knew because she cut herself off. 
Instead, she leaned forward and pressed her lips gently to his. It caught him so off-guard he hesitated for a second but thankfully his instinct kicked in before she could pull back in embarrassment and he caught the back of back of her head, pulling her in closer.
It was like everything he’d been dreaming about but better. Alina tasted sweet like honey, her mouth hot on his as she wrapped her arms around him tightly. He wound the hand not buried in her hair around her waist, tucking up under her sweater to press his palm against her skin.
Reluctantly, she pulled back, staring at him seriously. “I’m sorry.”
“Why the fuck are you sorry, Leen? Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted to do that?”
She giggled, sliding off the counter and burying her face into his chest before turning up to look at him. “You still wanna stay?” she teased, eyes sparkling.
“Fuck,” he grumbled into the top of her head. “I really really don’t but we should.”
Just as he was leaning down to steal another kiss, Charlie bounced back into the room. “Heyo, what’re you two doing? Come have some more wine before we have to switch to the boxed stuff.”
He stared at the two of them, tangled around each other and faces flushed but that didn’t stop him from continuing to egg them on about moving into the living room with the rest of the party.
“Alright, alright – we’re coming!” he yelled over his shoulder finally, shooting him a dirty look for interrupting. He turned back to face Alina, resting his head against hers. “Maybe we’ll stay for like twenty minutes?”
Smirking, she stood on tiptoe to press the lightest kiss to his lips before moving around him to go into the living room. He scurried behind her to follow, catching up easily. He wrapped his arm around her waist, feeling her relax at his touch. The move wasn’t lost on nearly everyone in the room. While officially Alina had been introduced as his neighbor, he was pretty sure a blind person could see the way he was touching her and staring at her and refusing to be farther than an inch away from her.
Alina remained controlled with her drinking, sipping wine slower than she had been drinking lately and that in and of itself felt like a victory. She did relax slightly but Jake noticed how she tended to stay close to him or Kiley. If she was ever talking to another of the girls, Kiley was also involved and if she moved along, Alina would do the same after a minute or so. She’d finally settled into a conversation with Charlie Coyle and his girlfriend leaving Jake to talk to a few other people while still keeping a close eye on her.
He desperately wanted to leave, wanted to get her alone so they could talk or make out or do more, he didn’t know. But he also wanted to give her the chance to get along with the group because he was hoping she’d be part of it soon.
“Slim! My guy! You crash any cars lately?” Khuls came blazing in loudly and Jake noticed Alina’s eyes shooting over and narrowing at the words.
He rubbed at his neck, “Er, not lately, man.”
Once the can was open, a few of the other guys started to chirp him, mostly around if he was going to grow a mullet again this year or if he’d been working out instead of going to McDonalds every night. He kept glancing over at Alina who was back to Russian Bitch Face and he was worried about what was about to come next if the guys didn’t stop.
And sure enough, Karson said something else about his driving and then Alina was at his side, threading her fingers with his. There was barely contained rage on her face but she seemed to swallow it down, instead squeezing his hand tightly.
Standing on tiptoe, she pressed her lips to his ear. “I’m ready to go if you are.”
He knew she was trying to make an effort, trying to get his friends to like her and in this case that meant not saying a word to them when they were chirping him.
He knew his face gave away everything when he looked down at her with a goofy smile. “Yeah, Leens – let’s go.”
“You guys are leaving already?” Kiley pouted and rather than admit Alina had just about had enough of being around so many people she wasn’t comfortable with he shrugged, swinging their clasped hands lightly.
“Sorry, Ki – we have late dinner plans.”
“Where are you going?” the girl that had been bitchy about the wine Alina had brought cut in and Jake was never outwardly rude so he just gave her a tight smile.
“Committee, down by the waterfront near our place.” He liked saying ‘our place’ like they lived together for real instead of just in the same building. “It’s Leenie’s favorite.” He added to get this girl to realize Alina wasn’t just some random girl that he’d brought out for a good time.
“Nice.” Chuck gave a reassuring nod, seeming to understand that it was time for them to leave. “Thanks for coming, bro.”
They made their goodbyes as quickly as possible but it still took about fifteen minutes to get out of there. By the time they were heading down the hall, Jake was thrumming with energy at getting to be alone with Alina. As they stepped into the elevator and the doors slid shut, Alina was wrapping herself around his body and pulling him to her lips for a soft kiss.
He pulled back, grinning down at her. “Do you actually want dinner?” he teased and she flushed slightly before smacking his stomach.
“I’m a classy lady, I need dinner first.” She smirked back at him, stepping up for another kiss but he pulled back so she couldn’t reach him.
“You know this is more than that, eh?” He paused, serious as he brushed her hair back off her shoulders.
She squeezed his waist, tucking one hand under his t-shirt and tugging on the belt loop with her other. “If it was just that, I would’ve taken advantage of the four times I’ve woken up to your hard cock poking me in the ass.”
“Fuck,” he groaned, flushing red and feeling his body overheat at her words. “You noticed that?”
“Jesus – yeah. I noticed it.” Now she was flushing, biting on her lip teasingly and trailing her fingers down his torso. “But yeah, Jakey – let’s go to dinner first.”
She seemed to have timed it perfectly, winking up at him just as the elevator door slid open and then she slinked out, heading towards their waiting Uber, leaving Jake shaking his head like a puppy. Before the doors could close on him he hurried after her, catching her around the waist just as she was opening the car door and he hustled them inside.
The couple glasses of wine they’d both drank seemed to have made them both more relaxed and Jake spent the ride back to South Boston contenting himself with sweet, slow kisses and brushing his fingers along the waistband of her jeans. He was aching just thinking about what it would be like when they got home. It was tempting to just race home and throw her on the mattress but Jake wanted to talk about it first. Make sure this wasn’t a rebound or a hookup. He knew he wouldn’t be able to take it if they weren’t on the same page.
By the time they got to the restaurant, Jake was half hard and regretting his plan to go through dinner. The Uber driver had given them a sharp warning to stop getting handsy and Alina had just replied back in Russian angrily which seemed to scare him into leaving them alone.
They were both happy it was a Tuesday and the restaurant was only half full. Jake requested a table in the back corner and while he’d always made fun of couples that sat on the same side, it was impossible to separate himself from being close to her. So he slid in next to her, crowding into her space until she was playfully trying to push him away.
“What?” he asked, ducking in close so he could kiss her. “You think I can sit all the way over there when you’re here looking like that?”
“Like what?” she teased.
“How you always do,” Jake shrugged. “Perfect.”
Alina flushed and Jake was pretty sure he’d never seen her blush as much as she had tonight. She slid her hand along his thigh, dancing her fingertips up along his leg until he was inhaling sharply and caught her wrist with his hand.
“Why won’t you let me play?” she teased, pressing her face against his neck.
Jake had to take in a few deep calming breaths and he felt grateful when the server stopped by. They ordered cocktails and an appetizer but he didn’t think the two of them had the patience for actual dinner.
As soon as the server walked away, Alina was back to teasing her fingers along his leg and he had to get hold of the situation before he wasn’t able to think straight.
“Leenie…can we talk? For just a minute?”
She frowned slightly, pulling back when she realized he was being serious. “Um, of course. I just – you want this too, right?”
The question caught him so off-guard he was quiet for a beat too long. Alina looked up at him sadly, biting hard on her lower lip. He panicked slightly, turning to face her so he could hold her face and she couldn’t avoid his stare.
“Alina,” he started seriously. “I want this. I want you. But I also want more.”
He held his breath, waiting for his words to sink in. She was gripping on to his wrist tightly, eyes scanning his nervously. “Like…you like me?”
He huffed a breath out. How could she not know? 
“Yeah, Leens. I like you. A lot. Like a lot a lot.”
“A lot a lot?”
“More than you could know.” He admitted, heart pounding in his chest. He’d watched Alina go through a traumatic relationship and he liked to think he’d helped her start to heal. Over the last year and a bit of knowing her, he’d fallen hard and stupid but it had felt like she’d been right there with him.
She opened her mouth to respond but shut it, looking shier than he’d ever seen her before. It felt like she was quiet for hours until she finally spoke.
“I – I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way about someone before.” She admitted quietly, rubbing her thumb along the underside of his wrist. “I’m – shit…I’m not easy and kind of a disaster but you make me feel good; feel like someone that deserves to be loved. I want to try this. I want to be with you if you want to be with me.”
“We’ll go slow. I don’t want to push you but I need you to know I’m not gonna give up or go away just because you get a little too drunk one night or you yell at half my friends.” He teased slightly and she gave a watery little chuckle.
“Can we still have sex tonight though?” she asked and he choked on air, glaring at her when she started laughing.
“I might hold out on you just for that.” He answered with zero truth in his words. She raised one eyebrow and just leaned back without a word before he huffed a sigh. “Yeah okay, there’s no way I’m ever going to deny you anything.”
It was obvious he wasn’t just talking about tonight and instead of speaking, Alina just leaned forward to kiss him gently.
Their drinks arrived and then the food shortly after while the two of them went back to their normal relationship, joking and teasing each other except this time there were kisses and sly touches mixed in. Jake felt like he was floating. It was everything he’d been wanting for more than a year and it was better than he’d ever imagined.
Before the server could even ask if they wanted more food or drinks, Jake was sliding his credit card over. All he wanted was to get Alina alone. The restaurant was only a block away from their building and as soon as the check was signed, he was bundling her out the door and practically dragging her along as they walked.
Alina giggled behind him and he just squeezed her hand tighter. “I’m not gonna run away from you, Jed.”
“If there’s one thing I’ve learned about you it’s that you’re a drunk runner.”
“Trust me,” she started to say and he glanced over at her, drinking in the happy glow around her and the way her eyes were sparkling back at him. “I’m not running away from this.”
--- ---
“Holy shit.” Jake exhaled into Alina’s neck as he tried to catch his breath. 
He’d collapsed on top of her and he could feel her still pulsing around him and her heart racing. He lifted his head to see her staring back at him, eyes soft and a happy little smile playing on her kiss-bruised lips. She ran a hand through his hair as he finally rolled off of her, hissing slightly at the loss of her around him.
“We’ve been cuddling for weeks when we could’ve been doing that?” she whispered, rolling into him so she could wrap around his body. He lifted his arm up to hold her close, smirking and pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“To be fair, I’ve been thinking about doing that for more than a year.”
“Oh?” she raised an eyebrow at him. “And how did you prepare? Watch some game tape?”
He threw his head back with a laugh, sliding a hand down her side to land on her ass. “Lotta nights alone in hotel rooms thinking about what I’d do if I had you in my bed.”
“Did it live up to your expectations?”
“Not even a little.” He answered, grinning at the glare she gave him. Before she could say anything he tilted her head up to catch her lips in another kiss then pulled back. “It was a million times better.”
They fell quiet, content to stay cuddled up in the little cocoon they’d made. Alina’s bed was a massive king but they stayed on top of each other, the sheets tangled around them. Jake felt like he was moving through a dream. Last night he had been arguing with his teammates about Alina and how they were ‘just friends’ and now he was in her bed with her naked body pressed against him, trailing her fingers up and down his stomach gently. He traced the length of her spine, a little smile playing on his lips.
He stared down at her, eyes drinking in her features. There was a little birthmark he’d never noticed right on her temple. Her hair was a mess, the dark waves tickling his arm. She was staring across the room sleepily, eyes hooded and a satisfied little smile on her lips. The warmth of her body and the way she was distractedly running her fingers along his skin was making him sleepy. Eventually, her movements slowed and they both dropped off to sleep.
The next thing Jake knew a loud banging was startling the two of them awake. Alina shot up into a sitting position next to him, blinking awake and alert faster than he was. The banging continued, coupled with muffled yelling.
Frantically, she rolled out of the bed, grabbing her phone before snagging his button down and pulling it on as she hurried out of the room.
“Fuck.” Jake hissed, jumping out to follow her only pausing to grab a pair of shorts he’d left at some point.
The banging was deafening in the living room, shouts coming through the door and it wasn’t hard to guess who was out there based on the language and the sheer fear on Alina’s face.
“Baby, let me – ” he moved towards the door but she got between him, pushing back on his chest.
She started to yell back through the door in Russian, clearly telling her ex to go away but he just kept pounding loudly. It was nearly three in the morning and he was going to wake up the neighbors if he didn’t leave soon. Nothing she was saying was working and Jake felt helpless. There was pure fear etched on her face and he stepped behind her to place a calming hand on her back.
“Do you want me to call the police?” it was the only thing he could think of except opening the door and telling him to fuck off himself. He was bigger than her ex but he’d always noticed there was something unhinged that reflected in his eyes. But if it meant protecting Alina, he’d go toe to toe with the guy.
“Yes – no – shit, they never help. I’ll just – I – fuck. I’m going to open the door but keep the chain on. He – he’s yelling about you.” She whispered at him, panic and fear overwhelming her momentarily and some of what she said made no sense. “There’s something on Instagram?”
Jake paled wondering what the fuck could’ve been posted in the last few hours to put this guy in a rage. He could only imagine that it wasn’t good.
Alina cracked the door slightly, hissing back in Russian as her ex pushed hard against the door trying to snap the chain. She jumped back in fear and there was zero-way Jake was going to let this continue.
He stepped forward, pushing Alina behind him. The second her ex caught his eye, his face turned red and he shook the door harder.  
“Stay fuck away Alinochka.” His words were followed by another hard bang as he tried to muscle through the chain.
“You need to leave.” Jake shot back, forgetting he was standing in just a pair of shorts while Alina was wearing his shirt which was only making the guy angrier.
He switched back to Russian, yelling angrily at Alina who was responding but her voice was shaking.
“Leen – this isn’t okay, I’m getting rid of him.”
The fear grew on her face and she grabbed his arm frantically. “Jake, no. You can’t get into a fight because of me.”
“He’s a piece of shit, I don’t want him anywhere near you.” He squeezed her arm softly before turning back to the door and inhaling deeply, trying to control his own temper. He threw the door open and thankfully her ex was smaller than he remembered. Definitely still an angry maniac who hit women but Jake was stronger.
Her ex tried to barrel through the door, attempting to get by him and to Alina, shoving into Jake who pushed him back. “Not gonna say it again, man. Get the fuck out of here. And don’t fucking come back.”
He tried again to get past Jake who muscled him back. He had tunnel vision, entirely focused on getting her ex the fuck away from her. He really didn’t want to get into a fist fight in the middle of the night but he would if it meant keeping her safe. Another shove and this time Jake was knocked back into the apartment. Alina gave a little shriek of panic and he heard her on the phone, giving their address and begging for someone to come quickly.
Again, her ex barreled towards him and this time, caught him around the waist. Jake fell back with a thud and just barely had time to get his arm up to protect himself from a punch. The second one landed, cracking him dully on the side of the head. Going off instinct, he pushed his hands on his chest, shoving as hard as he could to get him off of him.
The move managed to allow him to scramble up and reposition himself in front of Alina who looked like she was having a panic attack. But he barely had time to glance at her before returning his focus to her absolute fucking psycho ex who was preparing to take another swing at him. Ducking from the blow, he managed to hit him squarely in the face, hearing the satisfying crunch of a broken nose. Blood started to drip onto the floor and it slowed him down long enough for two cops to come barreling into the room, one grabbing her ex and the other pushing him back.
One cop tried to get control of the screaming Russian who was spewing blood all over the place while Jake immediately threw his hands up defensively to show he wasn’t doing anything. It only took about thirty seconds for the cops to recognize him.
“Jesus, DeBrusk?” the one that had initially tried to restrain him before realizing he wasn’t the problem. He was an older guy, maybe his dad’s age while the guy trying to hold onto Alina’s ex was younger and beefier, practically a John Cena clone.
“Yeah – can you guys get this asshole away from my girlfriend?” he snarled angrily, stepping over to snag Alina’s hand and pull her close to him. He was trying to calm his breathing, shaking out his hand that was already killing him while pulling her into his side.
“Okay, let’s all calm down here. Jesus – does this guy speak English?” the other officer said, still struggling to control him.
“Sir, officer, I’m sorry – he does but his English isn’t great.” Alina managed to get out, her voice cracking slightly. “His name is Mikhail Drozdov.”
Mikhail’s eyes flashed dangerously at Alina and he tried again to lunge forward to grab at her.
“None of that.” Officer Cena clone grunted, using one hand to twist Mikhail’s arm back behind him at a painful angle to snag his handcuffs before finally restraining him and plopping him down on the floor. “Stay. Does he understand ‘stay’?”
Alina hissed at Mikhail, her words sounding harsh and bitter. He was still glaring at the way she was tucked protectively into Jake’s side. The longer he was sitting there, the stronger the scent of vodka grew and Jake realized the guy was completely obliterated.
“Now that he’s restrained, can I ask you two a few questions?”
“Yes, sir.” Jake said, turning to his media training. He was going to get lit up by the front office if this got out but he was just happy he’d been here to protect Alina and now he just wanted to focus on getting everyone the fuck out of her apartment. “Can we grab some clothes first?”
The officer smirked at the pair of them in their state of undress. Alina was trying to cover herself and Jake made a point to shield as much of her body as she could.
“Go ahead, kids. We’ll try to interview Igor over here while we wait.”
Jake turned carefully, still keeping her as covered as he could as he nudged her back towards her bedroom. The second they were in the room Alina burst into tears and threw herself into his arms.
“Holy shit, Jake – I’m so sorry. So so fucking sorry.” She rambled into the crook of his neck, her tears soaking into his skin. “I don’t know what happened. He was yelling about something on Instagram? What does that even mean? How did he know we were together?”
Jake’s stomach flipped. Someone from the party had to have posted something that showed the pair of them together. He didn’t think it would be from the restaurant, that would take a lot to find but if it was in the background of one of the guys’ stories, it was possible.
He drew back so he could look at her, pushing her hair off her face and pressing a quick kiss to her nose. “I don’t know, baby. Maybe one of the guys shared something? And we were in the back? I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened.”
“How much trouble are you going to be in?” she asked, focusing her worry on him. It made his heart hurt a little to think about the fact that some asshole had just physically tried to assault her and she was worried about him. Carefully, she brushed at his eye where the punch had landed. “I bet the cops would let you go back to your place. You don’t have to be involved. It’ll just be me and Mikhail.”
“Leen, I’m not leaving you. We didn’t do anything wrong. I’ll talk to Bergy in the morning. He’ll help but right now we have to go talk to them.”
Nervously, she nodded through wide, watery eyes. He hated seeing the terror on her face so he pulled her in for a kiss, pressing his lips to hers and holding her tightly for a long moment. When he released her, they quickly got dressed; Jake pulling on a Bruins sweatshirt of his that Alina had stolen a couple weeks ago while she dragged on a pair of yoga pants while keeping his shirt on. The buttons were crooked and only two of them done up so he paused to carefully fix it for her.
Finally they emerged from her room to find two more cops had arrived and Mikhail still on the floor, spitting an angry stream of Russian at those around him. When he spotted Alina he snarled and tried to move forward.
“Where’d you find this guy?” Cena clone asked, kicking at his leg slightly.
Alina ignored him, walking back towards the first cop they’d talked to. “I’m Alina Agapov.”
“Yes, ma’am. We pulled your info. I’m Sergeant McDonald. Let’s take a seat in the kitchen, okay?” It was like a switch had flipped, the police officer turning into a kindly uncle as he led Alina and Jake towards the kitchen island where the two of them sat down. “Looks like you have an active restraining order against Mr. Drozdov.”
Jake shot a surprised look at Alina. He had no idea that she’d taken her ex to court and he hated himself for not having been around to help her through it. And that she hadn’t trusted him enough to tell him about it.
She swallowed hard, moving closer to Jake and he wrapped his arm around her, letting her lead the conversation.
“Yes, that’s right. We just had the hearing a few weeks ago. He – he’s not supposed to come near me.”
“No, ma’am. We’re going to bring him into the station and hold him. He’ll have the option of bail but the more times he breaks the order, the worse it’ll be.” Sergeant McDonald said softly but his words did nothing to calm Jake’s anger.
“‘More times he breaks it’? What the fuck does that mean – he’ll just keep trying to attack her but bail will go up?”
“Calm down.” He said sharply, shooting Jake a stern look.
Alina squeezed his leg. “Jake, please. It’s okay.”
“No, it fucking isn’t.” He huffed under his breath but fell quiet as they were asked more questions. They recounted the night, explaining that they’d been asleep when Mikhail had showed up screaming then all that had happened to get to this point.
Jake chanced a glance behind him to see two of the officers hauling Mikhail out of the apartment. He sighed slightly, pulling Alina in tighter to him. After another ten minutes of answering questions, the officer finally seemed satisfied and offered a card to Alina.
“This is where we’ll be holding him and that’s where you can get a copy of the report. Recommend you call your lawyer in the morning, he’ll know what to do next.” He looked awkward, unsure of how to deal with a girl that was so clearly emotionally drained and then slid his gaze to Jake. “Listen – we, uh, we don’t have to put your name in the report or anything.”
Surprised, Jake looked at him. “That – that doesn’t seem right. I broke his nose.”
“We can work around that, son. The guy is gonna go to jail regardless, your girl has like seven police reports filed against him so it shouldn’t be a hard decision for the judge.”
The fact that Alina had filed so many reports hit him like a truck. It had clearly been far worse than he’d even realized. In a daze, knowing the cop was giving him an out because of who he was, he looked down at Alina.
“He’s right, Jake – this can fuck things up for you.” She said softly, her gray eyes pleading with him to think about himself.
It didn’t feel right. He was worried if there was anything that wasn’t right in that report, Mikhail would be able to work around it and get back at Alina.
So he shook his head no. “Just – write it as it happened, sir. I’ll sign it or whatever but it should be right.”
Sighing, Sergeant McDonald flipped his notebook closed. “Okay…we’ll do our best to keep it quiet though. And uh, good luck – you’re playing like a beast.”
He gave him a tight smile. The fact that they were talking about his play when a guy had just violently gone after his girlfriend didn’t exactly sit right with him.
But he walked him to the door, saying goodbye to the other cop who was lingering as well, staring curiously at Alina. This had been a nightmare of a night and there was still blood all over the floor. As he shut the door behind them, he leaned against it, tapping his head lightly against the surface.
He squeezed his eyes tightly before turning to face Alina. Her face was pale, quiet tears streaming down her cheeks. He rushed towards her, dragging her into his arms and holding her as she cried.
What a fucking night.
It was almost five in the morning. He had practice in a few hours and he knew he’d need to go in early to let management know about what had happened but right now all he could think about was holding Alina.
He rubbed her back gently, tilting her face up to his. “Baby, let’s go to my place – we can lay down for a bit longer.”
She sniffled, wiping her nose with his sleeve. “This is humiliating. I’m sorry, Jakey. Maybe you should just go – ”
“Stop apologizing. And there’s no way I’m going to leave you. I told you earlier I wasn’t going to give up on you. On us.”
“You called me your girlfriend.” She said softly, hands gripping his waist tightly.
He smiled down at her, “That’s because you are. At least, I want you to be.”
“So much for slow.” She managed to tease through a watery smile. “I like it. I like you.”
“Then come on, girlfriend. Let’s go home.”
Trying to ignore the blood on the floor, he told her he’d call someone to clean it tomorrow when she tried to pause to take care of it. He kept a tight hold on her hand as they walked the length of the hall to get to his apartment. It was quiet and peaceful in his place compared to what they’d just walked out of. He didn’t want to push her but he had more questions than answers at this point. There wasn’t anything she could do that would make him not want to be with her; that didn’t mean she could cut him out and not tell him things.
Alina went straight into his bedroom, pulling him along by his hand. She slid out of her yoga pants but kept his shirt on as she crawled into his bed. He pulled his sweatshirt off then slid in next to her, wrapping around her body.
“Can we talk, Leenie?” he whispered in her ear. “I need you to talk to me.”
She inhaled sharply, sniffling as she did and he felt her shake slightly. He wasn’t sure she’d share but then she started to speak softly. “We – we started dating when I was fifteen. My uh – my parents died when I was ten. That’s why I moved to the States. To be with my Dedushka. He lived in this neighborhood in Brooklyn that was mostly Russian and I met Mikhail there. It just – it was easy to talk to him, he knew what it was like. Leaving home and being in a place where people glared if you fucked up your English.”
Jake felt his heart pounding as she shook slightly in his arms. She pushed back into him to try to get closer and he just hugged her tightly, pressing a kiss to her head as she continued.
“I’d spent five years barely talking to anyone. Too scared to speak until my English was perfect. Then Mikhail showed up. He was always with his dad when they came to my Dedushka’s restaurant. He made me remember where I’d come from. His parents were from the same city I’d grown up in. He was familiar in the most comforting way.”
She paused, trying to catch her breath. Jake ran his fingers down her arm so he could lace their fingers together.
“He wasn’t always so terrible. My Deduskha would’ve kill him, that’s for sure.” She gave a watery little chuckle before continuing. “But then…” she paused and Jake could hear her sniffling again, a little whimper slipping from her lips.
“Baby, come’re.” he whispered against her head, loosening his grip so he could turn him towards him. Her eyes were filled with tears and he used his thumbs to wipe them away. “I’m sorry, if it’s too much – we can talk la – ”
“No,” she said sharper than he expected before her features softened. “I – I know I haven’t shared a lot with you. And you deserve to hear this after tonight.”
He leaned forward to kiss her gently, nudging his nose against hers until she smiled. It was harder for her now, facing him as she spoke. She stayed quiet for a long moment before finally staring up at him and continuing.
“My Dedushka died when I was nineteen. And then it was just me.” She whispered.
Jake swallowed hard. No wonder she never talked about family: she didn’t have any. He rubbed her back lightly as she tried to swallow back her tears.
“He was all I really had left. I’ve never made friends very easily and my whole life was in that little neighborhood in Brooklyn. But…well you saw him. The older he got, the more controlling. He expected us to get married and me to be his little wife and have babies but I didn’t want that.
“I wanted to be a nurse. I wanted to see what else was out there beyond the little corner I knew. We made a deal that we would go to Boston for a couple years and if he did that for me, I’d marry him.”
Her voice was so soft, he barely heard her but the words hit him like a truck. The idea that he would’ve never had this made him sick. But he stayed quiet, rubbing her back gently as she talked.
“He got a job in Boston easily with this international accounting firm, managing the Russian relationships. He settled in better than I did – going out with the guys he worked with constantly. I was studying and working so much, exhausted all the time but I noticed how bad his drinking got. He’d come home sometimes just…so fucking angry for no reason. He didn’t get rough until a year or so ago. But it was a pattern I’d seen from Mikhail’s own father. His mama was so…broken. I started to see that becoming my future.
“It just kept getting worse. The cheating. Yelling. The hitting. But then I met you.” She smiled slightly, looking up at him and pressing a quick kiss to his jaw. “And you just…were this light, funny, perfect guy. Who was soft and gentle with me and I started to fall for you but I didn’t know how to get away from Mikhail.”
“I wish I’d – I…” he struggled for the words, feeling lost and a little blindsided. “I didn’t know how to help you.”
“Jake, you did help me.” She swore, brushing his hair back off his forehead. “You couldn’t fix everything, I needed to fix a lot of it myself first. And I made mistakes by letting Mikhail back in so many times but he was my past – the closest thing I had to family and that was hard to let go.”
“Tell me about the restraining order.” He asked softly, bracing himself for how hard it would be to hear what she had to say.
“I did the right thing – the thing you’re supposed to which is report the abuse. So I started to. He was…it was usually the worst when you were out of town. It’s like he waited until you were gone then he’d come over raging like you just saw. I almost got evicted over the summer from the number of times they had to call the cops but the management company was surprisingly good about it.”
“Jesus, Leen – why didn’t you tell me?” Jake asked, trying not to get upset.
Her eyes filled with tears again. “It’s humiliating. All the neighbors hearing him scream at me and throw things then the cops showing up at all hours. I didn’t want you to know that about me.”
“I would’ve come back. I would’ve helped.” He drew her in closer, squeezing her against his chest.
“I know you would’ve, but you deserved your summer. Deserved time with your family and friends.” Her voice was muffled into his chest and she was crying softly again.
“Hey now,” he whispered, grasping her chin to turn her face up to his. “No more crying. Let’s get some sleep, you’re exhausted. This is still the best night of my life.”
That earned him another little laugh as she angled up to kiss him softly. “You haven’t had a very good life then, babe.”
He scoffed. “I’m in the NHL. Very important and cool and do a lot of things. You’re still the best thing I’ve ever done.” He pressed kisses along her face as she giggled and swatted him away.
“Oh, so now I’m just something you’ve done?” she raised an eyebrow at him and he groaned, flopping his head back on the pillow. She kept a smile on her face as she rolled on top of him, straddling his waist.
He caught her hips to keep her steady, rubbing his thumb along her skin. “This is a nice view.”
Leaning back, she grabbed for his right hand. “You okay?” She pressed a kiss to each knuckle, frowning at how red they were before focusing on his face. Gently, she brushed her fingers along his tender cheek. “Do you need ice? I think this is gonna be a black eye.”
“I’m fine. Come’re,” he urged and pulled her down to him so he could thread his hands through her hair to pull her down to his lips. “Want a kiss. Then it’s bedtime.”
“Shit – what time do you have practice?”
“Eleven. I’m gonna go around ten though. I need to talk to Bergy and figure out who to talk to on the team.”
Alina frowned. “I told you I was a train wreck. It’s not too late to – ”
Jake cut her off, leaning forward to kiss her before pulling back. “Leen, I mean this is the nicest way possible – shut up. You’re my girl.”
“Thank you, Jakey.” She whispered, sliding off him and nestling back into his side.
He pressed a kiss to her temple. “Go to sleep, I’ll wake you up before I go.”
She mumbled something in Russian, pressing her lips to his chest and then she was out like a light. He lay awake for a while after she’d fallen asleep, holding her against him and thinking about the night. Everything she’d told him about her life made things so much clearer: the way she was so strong and stubborn yet had continually gone back to an abusive boyfriend, how she never talked about her past or her family. He wished she’d told him sooner but he knew he couldn’t have dragged this out of her until she was ready.
The sun was just starting to peak through the windows when he finally dropped off to sleep, dreading what waited for him at practice later but still happier than he’d been in a long time.
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kvkimball-blog · 5 years
Losing- Jake DeBrusk and Zdeno Chara FanFic
The final horn sounds and the entire Blues bench clears out, excited players rushing onto the ice to congratulate each other, and Jake feels like he’s going to be sick. His head is pounding, every inch of his body hurts, and it’s like he can feel his heart breaking in half. He kneels down, watching the celebration as if it was a car crash, awful but unable to take his eyes away, and takes it all in. Jake knows he could have played better, but he has just felt so out of it ever since their series against the Leafs. His head still hurts, and he has a hard time paying attention, but he couldn’t have just sat around and done nothing while his team went to the finals. He knows it was a stupid decision, he should have told someone how he really felt, but none of that seems to really matter now.
Jake tries to keep it all together. “Don’t cry, not on TV, don’t cry.” He keeps telling himself in his head, trying to take deep breaths. Eventually Chara taps him on the back with his stick, and he has to stand up and get in the handshake line. He glides through, trying not to fall over, and shakes hands with everyone, but zones out, just thinking about getting off the ice. He stands with his teammates as they raise their sticks, saluting the fans one last time, but he can barely look up from the ice, just trying to keep from sobbing in front of everyone. Jake heads down the tunnel quickly and to the locker room, and collapses into his stall and he can’t hold his tears back any longer. He hides his face in his hands and just sobs. Everyone else is equally as shaken up, most guys just sit in shock and disappointment while a few others cry. Eventually guys start to get changed out of their equipment, but Jake can’t move.
“You need to get cleaned up, and go home to rest.” Zdeno gently pats Jake on the shoulder, feeling bad for the young player. Jake just shakes his head, unable to speak, and Zee lets him have some space.
Zdeno gets showered and changed, avoiding talking to the media, and comes back into the locker room to see Jake still in all his equipment, towel on his head, and eyes swollen and red from sobbing. The poor boy looks exhausted and the media is prowling around him. Waiting to see if anyone is going to be bold enough to try and get an interview. Chara feels a protective wave come over him, always looking out for his young players, and he goes back over to Jake.
“Come on kid, let’s go back and get some privacy. I don’t want them bothering you.” He says softly but sternly in Jake’s ear, and basically pulls the younger boy to his feet. He manages to get Jake into the trainer’s room and sits him on an examination bench and the boy begins to sob.
Chara climbs up on the bench next to him. “I know this feels awful.” He rubs Jake’s back, “And it will for a long time, but it will only start to feel better after tonight.”
Jake’s whole body shakes as he cries. Zee’s dad instincts kick in and he holds Jake’s head to his chest, gently stroking the boys sweaty tangled hair.
“It’s ok… let it all out.” He says gently.
“I’m sorry, I disappointed you. I disappointed everyone.” Jake cries, and Zee feels his heart ache. “You didn’t let anyone down, we win as a team and lose as a team, remember?”
Jake hiccups and nods, “I know, but still. Your jaw is broken and you still played, we couldn’t even win one more game for you.”
Zdeno holds Jake closer, just trying to get the boy to stop crying. “You did everything you could, you played very well, and I’m proud of you.” He says in a low, reassuring voice.
Jake cries for another 40 minutes and Zee finally stands up. “Here, let me help you get this equipment off, you have to be uncomfortable.”
He gently pulls Jake’s jersey up over his head, and begins to undo his shoulder and elbow pads. The boy looking smaller by the second. Zee bends over and takes Jake’s right foot between his knees, and unties his skate, doing the same with the left. Taking his skates off like he’s a kid just learning how to skate. Jake just sits there, blue eyes glassy with tears, and so exhausted he can’t even protest his captain undressing him, and just accepts the help. Zee slides off his shin guards and then his hockey pants, leaving the boy in just his black spandex base layer.
“Come on, shower.”
He helps Jake off the table and leads him to the shower, but gives him privacy, and takes his equipment back to the locker room and hangs it up neatly as Jake cleans up. The media is finally gone, and Zdeno breathes a sigh of relief, sick of talking to people through his broken jaw. Jake comes back into the locker room, towel wrapped around his waist and he looks like he’s about to fall asleep.
“Ok clothes” Zdeno talks to Jake like he’s one of his young sons, helping him move through the process of getting out of the rink and going home as fast as the kid can move. Jake slowly gets his clothes on, and runs the towel over his wet hair. Zee takes the towel and throws it in a laundry bin while Jake gets his shoes on. Jake stands up, body and head aching, and Zdeno wraps him in a tight hug, rubbing his back and neck.
“I am very, very proud of you. Everyone is.” And gives the boy a kiss on the top of his head in a fatherly way. “Now, let’s go find your family.” He makes sure Jake has all his important things, wallet, phone, and they leave the locker room together, walking through the garden to find Jake’s parents.
“Thanks for looking out for me.” Jake manages to get out as they walk, voice scratchy from crying, and Zee gently rubs his neck. “You know I’m always here for you. Always.”
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aereres · 3 years
Hockey Masterlist
Important: All my hockey fanfictions are now discontinued.
Anthony Beauvillier
Take Care Of You - (Sugar Daddy!AU)
↳ After a tough loss, Anthony comes home to his sugar baby, who tries to take care of him for the night.
Auston Matthews
Make Daddy Proud
↳ After ending her relationship with Pierre, Y/N clings to her new man, letting her whole world slip from her own hands.
4 times you pressed play on your song + 1 time he did
↳ Basically, what it says in the title lmao
For You, I’d Become Hercules | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
↳ After many years spent apart from each other, Y/N gets back to Auston, her childhood best friend, who happens to have held back a big part of his life from her. His son Tyson.
Cale Makar
Netflix & Chill
↳ Just some plotless smut
Stuck On You
↳ What started as a friendship between you and Cale takes a turn during one of the best summer vacations of your life - a week in a campsite with your new friends from Colorado.
Jack Hughes
Wedding Shenanigans
↳ After getting paired with the one and only Jack Hughes at your best friend’s wedding, the night takes a sharp turn.
Jake DeBrusk
I Got You
↳ A missing invite to a gala has Jake wondering if he really belongs in Boston, leaving his girlfriend to pick up the pieces of his broken heart.
Jonathan Toews
↳ You were expecting things to become calm after landing the position as Jonathan Toews’ PA, as calm as your stressful job could be. Your relationship with your boss, though, makes your life become anything but calm.
Josh Anderson
Hurts So Good
↳ Your relationship with Josh is anything but normal. As your sugar daddy, he is allowed to use you, find pleasure from your body in exchange for presents and company; but when you find yourself entangled in a nest of heartbreak and toxicity caused by him, your entire world collides.
Mathew Barzal
A Helping Hand
↳ When the kid Y/N nannies gets sick, she asks the extremely hot neighbor for help.
Mitch Marner
Still Into You
↳ When Y/N agreed to join her older brother at the Marners’ for Christmas, she didn’t expect to find herself infatuated with her brother’s best friend all over again.
Pierre-Luc Dubois
Make Daddy Proud
↳ After ending her relationship with Pierre, Y/N clings to her new man, letting her whole world slip from her own hands.
Sidney Crosby
↳ Sidney Crosby - ex NHL star, the new coach of the Pittsburgh Penguins, the man every woman could wish for, a proud father. His daughter, Lily, is his ray of sunlight, the person he’ll always love unconditionally, and when his new girlfriend walks in the picture, things take a turn.
Tyler Seguin
↳ When Tyler’s only daughter goes on her first date, the retired player and his family follow them, which makes their night quickly becomes eventful.
Vince Dunn
Off Limits
↳ Waking up next to a nice guy is something that never ends well, especially when the man by your side is your best friend’s new love interest.
↳ Deciding to be selfish, Y/N and Vince finally get back together, this time finding themselves in a serious relationship. Jane, on the other hand, will get her heart broken. (Part two of “Off Limits”)
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Loving You by Chordback | Series Masterlist | Rock Band AU
↳ One band, four men, four stories. Matthew, Noah, Elias, and Johnny open their hearts up for their significant others, showing the raw truths that lie behind the music industry, but most importantly, their different ways of loving.
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Slipping Through My Fingers - Nathan MacKinnon | Series Masterlist
↳ Y/N didn’t think she’d be seeing Nathan again. Her lifeguarding job kept her busy, his hockey career was at its peak, and all they had was a one-night-stand, nothing more. When she finds out she’s pregnant with his child, though, her world takes a sharp turn. A baby boy that is Nathan’s carbon copy, long-distance co-parenting, and her busy job, all end up being the main focus of her day-to-day life throughout her years spent as a mother. But is this everything her future is holding for her?
What marrying xyz would be like
Tyler Seguin
Anthony Beauvillier
Mathew Barzal
Vince Dunn
Sammy Blais
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pastrnakshohoho · 5 years
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Requests are always open although I only take them for dialogue prompts unless stated otherwise. I don’t limit my fanfiction to just writing a pair as a couple. I’m open to writing them as just friends/best friends, siblings, etc.
More players and pairings will most likely be added as time goes on. I also don’t plan on removing anyone or any pairing so if they’re already listed, they’re here to stay.
Clicking a name or pairing will take you to that player’s individual masterlist. At the moment that only consists of Kasperi Kapanen, Torey Krug, Tuukka Rask, Tyler Seguin, William Nylander.
x Reader
Adam McQuaid
Auston Matthews
Brad Marchand
Brandon Carlo
Charlie Coyle
Charlie McAvoy
David Pastrnak
Jake DeBrusk
Kasperi Kapanen
Mat Barzal
Mitch Marner
Patrice Bergeron
Sean Kuraly
Torey Krug
Trent Frederic
Tuukka Rask
Tyler Seguin
William Nylander
Slash (M/M)
Patrice Bergeron/Brad Marchand
David Pastrnak/Tuukka Rask
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pastrnaks-sainz · 4 years
Wives and Girlfriends
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Pairing: Jake Debrusk x female!reader 
Type: Fluff 
Warnings: None 
Word Count: 1451
Summary: Getting dragged to the wives and girlfriends box at the Bruins game was not something you had planned for the night. But when Melanie Krug introduced you to a certain player, you can no longer hate her for throwing a Jake Debrusk jersey at you. 
“Melanie I have finals next week,” you groaned and flopped back against the couch. “I would love nothing more than to go to the game with you but I really need to study.” 
“Y/N, I love you, but you seriously need to get out of the house. You’ve been cooped inside for so long the apples in your fridge are fuzzy,” she said sash crossed the room to where she’d dropped her purse when she came in. “One night out won’t kill you. Now come on, have some fun for once.” 
“You make it sound like I’m not fun,” you grunted as you pushed yourself up from the couch. 
“You’re not,” Melanie teased as she pulled a jersey from her bag. “Now go put this on and see what it’s like to have fun.” 
“My God you are lucky I love you,” you sighed, grabbing it from her and retreating to your bathroom. You didn’t bother to check the name on the back or numbers on the sleeve before coming back out and snatching your phone from the coffee table. 
Melanie tried to get you excited for the game, talking about the slump Montreal had been in as of late. Her words were in one ear and out the other as you stared out the window at the city flying past. Maybe she had been right. You had been cooped up studying for at least a week. You’d lost count of how many days you spent locked in your room pouring over your notes. It was probably time for you to get out of your dorm and make some human contact. 
“Y/N,” Stephanie smiled as she met you and Melanie walking into the stadium. “You look exhausted.” 
“Finals week,” you smiled grimly, accepting a lanyard passed to you by a security guard. “Melanie thought I needed a distraction.” 
“You do!” Melanie shouted from behind you as you walked ahead with Stephanie. She shook her head and pulled the locker room door open. Patrice looked up and smiled brightly. He dropped his skates and made his way over to you. 
“What a surprise,” he said as you pulled you into a hug. “I thought you’d be buried in textbooks by now.” 
“Melanie pulled me out,” you said as you smiled at one of your oldest friends. You and Patrice had known each other’s families for as long as you could remember. Though he was older than you, you had always been close to each other. When you decided to go to college in Boston, Patrice was more excited than you were. He was like your older brother, and made sure you had everything you needed when you got to Boston. 
“It’s about time,” Patrice smiled. “I haven’t seen you in forever.” 
“You took me out for breakfast last week,” you retorted, not noticing Stephanie and Melanie slip away and corner Jake Debrusk. 
“Right,” he said. “Well have fun, come see me after the game, yeah?” 
“You know I will,” you said, hugging him again before Melanie materialized by your side and whisked you up to the box. 
You almost forgot how fun hockey games were. Between the music pumping through the speakers and the fans the atmosphere in the Garden was electric. With just 8 seconds left in the first period, Patrice, in true Bergeron fashion, placed the puck between Price’s legs, sending the crowd into a frenzy. 
The second period rolled around seeing Jake score twice and set Sean Kuraly up for a snipe in the top left corner of the goal. You didn’t see it, but Melanie and Stephanie exchanged excited glances behind your back. 
At the end of the third period, with just under a minute left, Jake extended the Bruins’ 4-0 lead over the Canadiens to 5-0 with an empty net goal. Stephanie and Melanie were high fiving for more reasons than a win and another two points. Before the game in the locker room when you had been distracted by Patrice, they had made a bet with Jake. If he scored more than one goal he had to get drinks with the pretty girl they brought to the game with them. 
He’d been iffy on it at first, but when he saw how enthusiastically you’d been talking with Patrice, he was sold. Now you were all he could think about as he skated off the ice after being named the First Star of the Night. 
“Tell Stephanie thank you for me,” Jake nudged Patrice as he buttoned up his dress shirt, hair still wet from his shower. 
“Did she make a bet with you?” Patrice sighed, tossing a wadded up ball of tape into the trash can in the middle of the locker room. 
“She told me I had to get drinks with the girl you were talking to before the game,” Jake responded. 
“Y/N?” Patrice asked, his eyes widening before he started laughing. “Good luck, man. She’s a college student in the middle of finals.” 
“She came to the game, yeah? How hard could it be to keep her out for another couple hours?” Jake shrugged his teammate off as he walked to the door where you were standing, talking to Melanie and Torey. Patrice laughed and shook his head. 
“Hey Jake,” Melanie called attention to him. You looked away from Torey to look at him. He smiled at you sweetly. “Meet Y/N, your date for the night.” 
“Date?” you looked at Melanie, your eyes widening. “When did we decide on that?” 
“Before the game, you were talking to Patrice,” Melanie answered coolly. Torey snorted and covered his mouth with his hand. He’d known you for long enough to know you were going to do everything you could to get out of it and go home. 
“Have fun, you two,” Stephanie chirped as she and Patrice waltzed past you, Melanie and Torey following. You and Jake were left standing alone in the doorway to the locker room. 
“You didn't know?” Jake asked. 
“Nope,” you sighed. “But that's pretty par for the course for them.” 
“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to,” Jake said, shoving his hands in his pockets. You studied him for a second before answering. He seemed like he meant what he said. 
“Do you have practice in the morning?” you asked, fiddling with the sleeve of your jersey. Jake shook his head. “How about we go to breakfast? I can almost guarantee I’ll be in a better mood.” 
“Sounds good,” Jake nodded, fishing his phone out of his pocket. “Here, give me your number. I’ll text you tonight.” 
“See you tomorrow,” you smiled as you handed his phone back to him and turned around. Jake’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head when he saw his name on your back. 
The next morning, your roommate was bugging you for details as you rushed around your dorm, getting ready for your breakfast date with Jake. When you got a text from him, saying he was outside waiting for you, you could not have been happier. 
“Morning,” he grinned as he watched you walk towards his car. 
“You saved me from my nosy roommate,” you huffed as he opened the passenger door for you. “I cannot thank you enough.” 
“So I didn’t know where you wanted to go, but I know this good place near Fenway if you’re up for it,” Jake said as he pulled away from the curb. 
“Sounds good,” you answered, looking out the window as he drove towards the restaurant. 
“After you,” Jake smiled as he opened the door for you. The hostess led you to your table next to a window looking out at the street. 
“This is nice,” you said as Jake sat down across from you after pulling out your seat. 
“Charlie and I come here a lot,” he explained, picking up his menu. “I thought you might like it.”
“French toast?” you said, looking at the menu. “You thought right.”
You talked in depth through your breakfast, telling stories and just simply getting to know each other. 
“I had fun,” you said as Jake pulled up outside your dorm block. “Thank you. We should do this again sometime.” 
“Yeah,” Jake nodded. He gazed at you, taking his time to take you in. “Would it be too soon if I asked to kiss you?” 
“No,” you shook your head, your voice quiet. Jake leaned over the center console and brushed his lips against yours. You reached over and placed your hand on the back of his neck, pulling him in for a real kiss. You made a mental note to thank Stephanie and Melanie for making you go to the game. 
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pastrnaks-sainz · 4 years
For the next two weeks, starting on August 23, my requests are going to be OPEN!!!!! I am going to be writing the first round of one shots over these two weeks and then queuing them for release. SO drop your requests in my inbox, I will write them, and they’ll come out before the rest of my one shots do. 
- give me an outline or a rough idea of what you want me to write - and also give me the player you want. It can be a player from my list (I’ve added more) or one not on the list - I WILL ONLY WRITE UNMARRIED PLAYERS AND PLAYERS WHO HAVE PROVED THEMSELVES TO BE UNPROBLEMATIC  
I look forward to hearing from y’all!!
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