#james seol
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Problemista (2023) by Julio Torres
Book title: Hard Choices (2014) by Hillary Rodham Clinton
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lauraperfectinsanity · 10 months
Top 20 marvel comics characters
Oh love this *-*
In somewhat random order:
Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman) - Billy Kaplan (Wiccan) - Ami Han (White Fox) - Betsy Braddock (Psylocke) - Remy LeBeau (Gambit) - Seol Hee (Luna Snow) - T'Challa (Black Panther) - Ororo Munroe (Storm) - Marc Spector (Moon Knight) - Matt Murdock (Daredevil) - Daken Akihiro (Daken) - Cindy Moon (Silk) - Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) - Peter Parker (Spider-Man) - James Howlett / Logan (Wolverine) - Elektra Natchios (Elektra) - Anna Marie LeBeau (Rogue) - Wade Wilson (Deadpool) - Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler) - Laura Kinney (X-23)
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yeshuamashiach · 5 days
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Eu preferia Ser Um Mendigo Sem Casa Própria!! O Adão faz Aniversário Dia 20 de Maio. O que [É] que Lhe vais oferecer!!?
[É] Assim Que [S]e Torna Ungido. Para Quê as Abordagens a [S]er Polícia. Tornaste-te Militar David. Achas (M)esmo Que Era Verdade ou a tua Casa, Mulher, Tudo o Que Tens na Vida a tua Mãe (Rosa Maria) - Já Era.
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Ter Um Abrigo Interior Como o de James Hetfield (...) Vão (L)onge.
[É] Verdade Adão,
O James Precisou de Ajuda no Momento Mais Difícil da Vida dele (...) Perder o [S]eu Melhor Amigo (Lars Ulrich) e os Metallica [S]ucumbirem!! E Não [F]ez Tudo Num Dia.
Our Long-Time Friend, Oscar Winner and Candidate to Elza & Pasteur Prize Peter Jackson Is Preparing Something Special for Our World "Heaven Can Wait - Some Kind Of God" - Thanks from the Bottom of My Heart if I Have One!! - Jesus ✞ Cristo NIM 卐 16385098
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Tenho de Cumprir. Ponto. - Jesus ✞ Cristo NIM 卐 16385098
Não há Nada Para Resolver [F]edelhos do Mundo. Está no Vosso ADN. Eu DEUS Morro Para Todo o Sempre e Vocês Voltam a Ser o Que Eram Para Todo o Sempre: Alguns Jovens, Outros Velhos e Outros no Seol a [F]azerem Esterco. Negros Fazem Aniversário!!
Substância Precisa-se T13.
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Tio Davi,
Se fosses Cobarde nunca teria Sido o Melhor Jogador de Futebol do Mundo. Eu vi Com os Meus Olhos na Antiga Nave de Alvalade. Ainda bem que não foste Jogador de Futebol. Fizeste a Captação com os Pitons do Baggio (Um Dia Não São Dias Itália '94 | Tem Mais Peso a Estaca do Baggio ao Taffarel) e Foste à tua Vida. A Elma Avisou-te. À Segunda - Disband. Não Existem Palhaços numa Guerra que Se Tornam Governantes à Maluka. Nem [S]abes o Que [É] Que [É] [I]sso de te Verem (C)om Alguém!! O Google Vai Ter Duplas Pesquisas. Eu Preferia [S]er Filho da Puta (...) Mas [S]e Quiserem!! Nunca Poderás Ver o Meu Encontro com o Meu Pai o Albuquerque. O Fi(lh)o de Ouro do Torres [É] Uma Sutileza. Ponto. És Quem Tio Davi!!? DEUS, O Melhor Amigo Mundo (Jo 15:13), O Melhor Pai do Mundo, O Melhor Filho do Mundo ou O Maior Filho da Puta para os Russische Schweine!!?
Tens de Me Dizer o Que [É] que o Corpo e Sangue de Cristo [F]az, [S]e Eu Tenho Uma Mão Cheia de Ballóns D'Or (Peso)!??
Eu Jesus ✞ Cristo Comungo, dou-te Fé e tu Vences Como Toda a Humanidade. Uns Continuam as Suas Vidas, Outros Não e o Futuro a DEUS pertence - Eu.
Eu Estou Aqui ⇨ +351 967 626 456
Para o Quê que Eu Quero o Pão Celestial Se o Pão de Leite (Sangue de Cristo) é menos 0,01€/Barril de Petróleo da Aramco. Que [É] Minha!!? - CR7
És Jogador, Garanhão ou Político!!? - CR7
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➡ Reabilitação (Mundo de Jesus ✞ Cristo) - Temos Um Tempo e Não [É] (L)ongo. Quem foi embora para sempre não deve nada a quem se tornou Feliz Um Dia. Acredita Sempre numa Mulher Trabalhadora, [É] esta a Máxima. Regala Siempre - Madrid. Entradas à Payet Regala. Cristianinho veio do mesmo sítio que Eu e estão no (L)ugar. [É] Kátia.Ponto. Sir Ferguson. Não Conheço o Vitória de Setúbal. Se a Juventus Abre o Seu Testamento Morro de Alegria e a minha Mãe Dolores fica com Mais Visão. Cuidado Com os Rumores do Dr.º Lucas M. (Davi): a Quetiapina [É] Um Grande Medicamento. - CR7
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[É] a Combinação Perfeita. Dois Monstros da Venda de Carne Humana!! David Vales: [F]icas-te??? Vão Comer o Quê??? Cinzas (2050 ✟ METALLICA JAMES ALAN HETFIELD)???
Fui Eu o 1.º a Chegar à Cátia Barros (George W. Bush) para Vender a 5. Da Rua do Campo Grande chegam informações muito boas: o Davi respeita a minha família (Ciganos) como ninguém.
(Na foto: Ricardo "Trivela" Quaresma)
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Se Essa Merda Vem Para o Norte (...) Hay Espacio Para Messi. Não (L)argo o FC Porto (Jesus ✞ Cristo - Sócio N.º ? - Camisola 85) - Jorge Nuno Pinto da Costa
⇨ Bolsa de Valores do Porto
⇨ Snipers
⇨ Santuário Católico S. João (Torre dos Clérigos - Porto)
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"A Vida, ou melhor, o Davi é (M)esmo Assim." - Eng.º António Guterres (Secretário-Geral das Nações Unidas)
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Como Pão Celestial ou Não!!? A Broa Militar é Para Outras Núpcias!!
Tens de Resolver as Invasões das Nossas Casas ou Vai tudo Para os Cielos!!
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Sem Termo ⇧ | 1 = 144 000.
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Se Política [É] [S]ó Rir (...) o Prof. Carlos Queiroz [S]ó Está a Brincar aos Treinadores DE MERDA.
Sporting Clube de Portugal (SCP),
Não Podiam ter Despedido Sir Bobby Robson nem escorraçado o Menino Jesus Sr.º Cintra.
(Na foto: Prof. Carlos Queiroz)
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Há quem perca a Cabeça com Pouco. Saber Perder é Uma Grande Virtude (Alemanha 4 Partes Iguais).
(Na foto: Eng.º do Penta Fernando Santos)
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➞ Destruição do Kremlin
➞ Destruição Total da Rússia
[F]acilidade Nuclear do Irão (7 de Maio de 2045)
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jayfinch · 5 years
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Living With Yourself
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leighlim · 4 years
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Just some ingredients to get you closer to a purchase:
a recommendation to get you to consider that the product is a fit for you
further proof that it could bring you closer to having the life of people you admire.
(Hopefully by this point you’ve finished at least episodes one and two of Season 1, the kind of person who isn’t bothered by spoilers from the rest of the season, or are just deciding if you still want to keep watching.)
What’s the best thing about this episode? I think the prologue. It manages to summarise the whole show. So if I’m going to indirectly (secretly) convince people from my circle to watch it...I’ll likely put this in the background during a get together.
And yes...after watching all episodes from Season 1 I’m still wondering why Miles needs to wear a diaper. :) I mean...we can speculate right? (Could that point to some incontinence regarding past procedures? Or more like: customers likely urinate when they pass out?
There’s wasn’t anything that was ‘laugh out loud’ here (hence the lack of a ‘screen to script’ section below)...and that’s okay. I think I was just really excited that Paul not only got his own TV show...also that it’s something that appeals to my subtle sense of humour.
The diaper gag. :)
My verdict of the episode: 8/10
Link to the timestamp commentary: TBA
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lifecherished · 2 years
a plotting call + starter call kind of thing for the event! i’ll say... no limits, for now. we’ll see how i’m feeling when we get closer to the event date and with everything else going on in life and all.
han se ju -  shadowsinger ( 5 / ?? ) > allana , hazel , gregory , seol , john .
se ju’s not too thrilled with this one, if we’re honest. he’s a writer, he writes weird things sometimes, and he’s alone in his room all the time. he likes to get out and write outside of the comfort of his home, and this feeling is much more appreciated when, you know, he isn’t hearing things and surrounded by shadows, thinking that he’s losing it. avoiding people in the shadows is cool, though.
lee rang - water manipulation  ( 7 / ?? ) > ji ah , hallie , abner , beezlebub , vax , yeon , magnus .
rang might as well be powerless. he isn’t a half-fox anymore, he absolutely hates this, and although he technically isn’t one... foxes don’t like water. or they try to avoid it, anyway. and it’s out of habit more than anything that he’ll avoid using powers that have to do with water, at least, so that he doesn’t inconvenience himself. he’s living his best life here (/sarcastic).
tak dong kyung -  dog animagus  ( 5 / ?? ) > janine , klaus , lin , james sirius , michael .
dong kyung is truly going to be living her best life (not /sarcastic) although she will be insanely confused to begin with. magical powers aren’t unknown to her and she’s used to her boyfriend’s powers, but shapeshifting into a dog? she’ll have some fun with it but it isn’t like it’s a life-changing kind of event. also, she’s a miniature poodle.
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thexdesk · 2 years
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TO: SAGE (re: the X-Force) FROM: Emma Frost
SUBJECT: Guest List & Security
Hello, darling.
I appreciate the help that both you and the X-Force Team will provide tonight during the Gala to keep the event secure and safe. I’ll be quite busy tonight and need to trust in you wholeheartedly to help keep the festivities afloat. That is easier said than done, however, when you have the likes of Logan & Quire on your roster. Keeping that in mind, please reach out telepathically if there is an EMERGENCY of any sort. Both myself and the Cuckoo’s will be keeping our minds tuned in.
In the meanwhile, I have attached the guest list below. Please do not let ANYONE in who is not on the list. There is one exception: foreign diplomats and politicians were sent over separately for security purposes. 
With Love,
Emma Grace Frost, the White Queen
ASGARDIAN -- for unity and future prosperity: korg. loki. valkyrie.
AVENGERS -- for their work saving the universe time and time again: bruce banner. carol danvers. clinton barton. hope van dyne. samuel wilson. scott lang. shang-chi. spider-man. doctor stephen strange. thor odinson.
CELEBRITIES -- for their accomplishments in the social and cultural world: Audra McDonald. Conan O’Brien. Dua Lipa. Eminem. George R.R. Martin. Jimmy Kimmel. Justin Bieber. Kanye West. Lin Manuel Miranda. Mary Jane Watson. Meryl Streep. Patton Oswalt. Rihanna. Saweetie. Saya Ishii. Seol Hee. Snoop Dogg. Taylor Swift. Virginia Potts [ click for more names ].
CHAMPIONS -- for their resilience in the face of C.R.A.D.L.E. and the promotion of change: amadeus cho. amka aliyak. joaquin torres. lana baumgartner. ms. marvel. nadia van dyne. nova. red locust. riri williams. spider-man. starling. viv vision.
ETERNALS -- for fostering new relations: druig. makkari. kingo. phastos. sersi. sprite. thena. 
FANTASTIC FOUR -- for their heroic acts across the multiverse: ben grimm. johnny storm. susan storm. reed richards.
GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY: heather douglas. hercules. nebula. noh-varr. peter quill. phyla-vell. richard rider. rocket raccoon.
HONORED ACHIEVEMENTS -- for accomplishments in their field: hank pym. janet van dyne. natasha romanoff. steven rogers. tony stark.
INHUMANS -- for unity and future prosperity: blackagar boltagon. crystalia amaquelin. daisy johnson. gorgon. karnak. medusalith amaquelin.
PLUS ONES -- for the association to someone who is more special: cindy moon (saya ishii). dane whitman (sersi). katherine bishop (clinton barton). katy chen (shang-chi). morgan stark (virginia potts). 
SANCTUM SANCTORUM -- for their work on magical defenses: clea strange. wong.
SHI’AR EMPIRE -- for unity and future prosperity: cal’ysee neramano. gladiator.  isabel kane. xandra neramani.
WAKANDA --  for unity and future prosperity: nakia. okoye.  shuri. t’challa. 
STANDY BY -- the following have received an invite during the second round and barely made the cut: barbara morse. james buchanan barnes. jessica drew. melinda may. monica rambeau. yelena belova.
ERROR: When attempting to invite Spider-man, four invites were sent out and accepted.
abigail brand
alison blaire
angelica jones
alexander summers
anna-marie lebeau
brian braddock ( honorary )
clarice fong
danielle moonstar
elizabeth braddock
emma frost
erik lehnsherr
everett thomas
gabrielle kinney
hope summers
illyana rasputina
jaime madrox
jean grey
jeanne-marie beaubier
jubilation lee
katherine pryde
laura kinney
laurie collins
layla miller
lorna dane
madelyne pryor 
martinique wyngarde
megan gwynne 
meggan puceanu-braddock
monet st croix
nathan summers
neena thurman
ororo munroe
pete wisdom
pietro maximoff
raven darkholme
regan wyngarde
selene gallio
stepford cuckoos
tabitha smith
theresa cassidy
thomas shepherd
wanda maximoff
william kaplan 
xi’an coy manh
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phoenixlionme · 3 years
Agents of Atlas - Team Roster
This is a list comprising the team members of Marvel’s Agents of Atlas. There are two versions of this team, but my focus will be on the newer one, which is my personal favorite. The New Agents of Atlas which have Asian and Asian-American superheroes.
1. Jimmy Woo - Chinese American; founder; team leader
2. Ami Han aka White Fox - Korean
3. Amadeus Cho aka Brawn - Korean; also works with the Champions
4. Dan Bi aka Crescent - Korean
5. Io - presumably Korean like Crescent; Crescent’s spirit bear partner
6. Pearl Pangan aka Wave - Filipina 
7. Pele - a Hawaiian goddess; she was revealed to be a robot but I would’ve kept her real
8. Cindy Moon aka Silk - Korean American
9. Seol Hee aka Luna Snow - Korean
10. Lei Ling aka Aero - Chinese
11. Lin Lie aka Sword Master - Chinese
12. Jake Oh aka War Machine - Korean American; Personally, I might give his superhero alias War Machina to further distinguish him from James Rhodey
13. Raz Malhotra aka Giant Man - Indian
14. Isaac Ikeda aka Protector of Pan - dark skinned Japanese
15. Kamala Khan aka Ms. Marvel - founding member and leader of the Champions; brown skinned Pakistani American
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Below the cut you will find relevant information on some of the teams that are currently active in the group along with their members and purposes. Information is liable to change.
PURPOSE: One of the most inscrutable, pervasive and enduring secret societies on Earth, the Atlas Foundation traditionally pursued world domination but currently uses its covert power and influence for humanity's greater good. As it stands, they are a coalition of heroes to defend Asia.
HEADQUARTERS: Temple of Atlas ( Under San Francisco, CA ) STATUS: Active LEADER(S): Agent Jimmy Woo MEMBERS: Ami Han/White Fox, Cindy Moon of Earth-616/Silk, Dan Bi & Io/Crescent, Isaac Ikeda/Protector, Lei Ling/Aero, Lin Lei/Sword Master, Pearl Pangan/Wave, Raz Malhotra/Giant-Man, Seol Hee (Luna Snow) & Shang-Chi
PURPOSE: Recently formed, the Alliance sees the joining of the Kree and Skrull Empires for the first time under their Emperor Dorrek VIII. An intergalactic treaty, the alliance is now almost a comparable size to the Shi’ar Empire. An alliance has never been attempted between these two enemies before.
HEADQUARTERS: Intergalactic STATUS: Active LEADER(S): Emperor Dorrek VIII MEMBERS: Billy Kaplan/Wiccan, Glah-Ree/Captain Glory, Kl’rt/Super Skrull, Lauri-Ell/Accuser, Mur-G’nn & billions of other Kree/Skrull citizens
PURPOSE: Refugees from the destroyed Asgard, the citizens of Asgardia live in Norway under the authority of their King. Most never leave by choice as it is their home, but those listed are known to travel.
HEADQUARTERS: Asgardia, Norway STATUS: Active LEADER(S): Valkyrie (King) MEMBERS: Aldrif Odinsdottir/Angela, Loki Laufeyson, Thor Odinson & all of the displaced refugees
HONORARY/RESERVE MEMBERS: Asgardians of Earth-616 (Sif, Brunnhilde, Hildegard, the Warriors Three, etc)
PURPOSE: The current iteration off the Avengers as you know and sometimes love them. They are the main squad on call for whatever kind of assignment is needed.
HEADQUARTERS: New Avengers Compound STATUS: Active LEADER(S): n/a MEMBERS: Carol Danvers/Captain America, Hope Van Dyne/Wasp, Peter Parker/Spider-man, Sam Wilson/Captain America, Scott Lang/Ant Man, Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange, the Vision and Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch
PURPOSE: A new Avengers unit recently presented to the public. Led by a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, the Mighty Avengers combine familiar faces like Bruce Banner with new heroes such as Stature and those with pre established Avengers history. They are not understudies but will be called to work with the Avengers when need be or reach
HEADQUARTERS: New Avengers Compound STATUS: Active LEADER(S): Bobbi Morse/Mockingbird MEMBERS: Bruce Banner/Hulk, Cassie Lang/Stature, James Rogers, Janet Van Dyne of Earth-616/Wasp, Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver & Simon Williams/Wonder Man
PURPOSE: Not a publicized team. Members are welcome to have other affiliations while being on the roster. The Secret Avengers handle all black op or highly confidential missions and work internationally.
HEADQUARTERS: New Avengers Compound STATUS: Active LEADER(S): Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow & Steve Rogers/Captain America MEMBERS: Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier, Clint Barton/Hawkeye & Jessica Drew/Spider-woman
PURPOSE: A revival of the original West Coast Avengers, this team is an extension of the Avengers to help expand how efficiently/effectively the Avengers can handle threats. They do not often take on anything intergalactic and recently had a roster shift.
HEADQUARTERS: Venice, CA STATUS: Active LEADER(S): Kate Bishop/Hawkeye MEMBERS: Greer Grant/Tigra, Gwendolyn Poole/Gwenpool, Johnny Watts/Fuse, Noh-Varr/Marvel Boy, Ramone Watts/Alloy & Tommy Shepherd/Speed
HONORARY/RESERVE MEMBERS: America Chavez & Clint Barton/Hawkeye
PURPOSE: Formed during the five years of Thanos’ Snap, disillusioned young heroes formed the Champions to reach a group that the Avengers failed to. They have a young, diverse crowd and are very popular on social media. They handle social justice based assignments when possible. There’s the original team (Brawn, Ms. Marvel, Nova, Spider-man, Viv Vision & Wasp), an expanded roster (Bombshell, Ironheart Snowguard & Falcon) and a larger squad.
HEADQUARTERS: Champions Mobile Bunker STATUS: Active LEADER(S): Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel MEMBERS: Amadeus Cho/Brawn, Amka Aliyak/Snowguard, Fernanda Rodriguez/Locust, Joaquin Torres/Falcon, Lana Baumgartner/Bombshell, Miles Morales/Spider-man, Nadia Van Dyne/Wasp, Qureshi Gupta/Pinpoint, Rayshaun Lucas/Patriot, Riri Williams/Ironheart, Sam Alexander/Nova, Sooraya Quadir/Dust, Victor Alvarez/Power Man & Vivian Vision
HONORARY/RESERVE MEMBERS: Abigail Boylen/Cloud 9, Cindy Moon/Silk, David Alleyne/Prodigy, Gabby Kinney/Scout, Kareem/Red Dagger, Lunella Lafayette/Moon Girl & Scott Summers/Cyclops
PURPOSE: Not everyone can have superpowers, but that’s okay.
HEADQUARTERS: Misc. STATUS: Active LEADER(S): n/a MEMBERS: Alicia Masters, J. Jonah Jameson, Kyle Jinadu, May Parker, Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones, etc
PURPOSE: The first family, straight from Earth-616. The Fantastic Four is more than four people and deals with galactic affairs from Galactus to the Watcher as well as threats such as Doctor Doom. They are the leading experts on the Negative Zone and highly knowledgeable about the multiverse. First and foremost, however, they’re a family.
HEADQUARTERS: 4 Yancy Street STATUS: Active LEADER(S): Reed Richards/Mister Fantastic MEMBERS: Ben Grimm/The Thing, Franklin Richards/Powerhouse, Johnny Storm/Human Torch, Susan Storm/Invisible Woman & Valeria Richards/Brainpower
HONORARY/RESERVE MEMBERS: Crystalia Amaquelin/Crystal
PURPOSE: A carefully selected group of Inhumans who act as a diplomatic party / task force between New Attilan and the rest of the world. They are capable of handling both political and combat affairs.
HEADQUARTERS: New Attilan ( Hudson River, NYC ) STATUS: Active LEADER(S): Medusalith Amaquelin (Queen) MEMBERS: Crystalia Amaquelin/Crystal, Dante Pertuz/Inferno, Gorgon, Luna Maximoff & Xiaoyi Chen/Iso
HONORARY/RESERVE MEMBERS: Daisy Johnson/Quake (S.H.I.E.L.D. liaison)
PURPOSE: An intergalactic ragtag group of aliens (and a human) who take on jobs for their own good or to help save the world. It’s a toss-up, but their soundtrack is always good.
HEADQUARTERS: The Milano Ship STATUS: Active LEADER(S): Peter Quill/Star-Lord or Rocket Raccoon depending on who you ask MEMBERS: Drax the Destroyer, Gamora, Groot, Mantis & Nebula
HONORARY/RESERVE MEMBERS: Aldrif Odinsdottir/Angela, Richard Rider/Nova & Thor Odinson/Thor
PURPOSE: The Thieves Guild is a global secret society of criminals. Different chapters of the Thieves Guild exist all over the world, each with their own set of rules and history. They have specific New Orleans and New York branches.
HEADQUARTERS: New Orleans, LA STATUS: Active LEADER(S):  Odessa Drake (New York), Jean-Luc Lebeau (New Orleans) MEMBERS: Felicia Hardy/Black Cat, etc
PURPOSE: Privately funded by the Power Broker, the Thunderbolts are assigned missions decided on by who is the highest bidder. Their contracts are based on the fact that they all have criminal backgrounds and warrants out for their arrest, leading to increased participation to avoid being given up. Assignments often consist of breaking the law and potential murder.
HEADQUARTERS: Ravencroft Institute for the Criminally Insane STATUS: Active LEADER(S): Helmut Zemo/Baron Zemo & Sharon Carter (behind the scenes) MEMBERS: Anthony Masters/Taskmaster, Georges Batroc/Batroc the Leaper, John Walker/U.S. Agent, Melissa Gold/Songbird, Ripley Ryan/Star & Yelena Belova/White Widow
HONORARY/RESERVE MEMBERS: John Morley/Ghost, Karla Sofen/Moonstone & Rita Demara/Yellowjacket
PURPOSE: A proactive task force with the purpose of looking into potential threats and solve them before they could become a problem to Earth, applying nonviolent solutions whenever possible. In some ways, a more intimate and flexible version of S.W.O.R.D. that is not connected to the government.
HEADQUARTERS: Taa II Worldship STATUS: Active LEADER(S):  Monica Rambeau/Spectrum MEMBERS: Adam Brashear (Blue Marvel), America Chavez (Ms. America) & Daisy Johnson (Quake)
PURPOSE: Assembled from across the multiverse, the Web Warriors keep the web of life spinning. They often stay in their own realities but have recently began to converge.
HEADQUARTERS: n/a STATUS: Active LEADER(S): n/a MEMBERS: Cindy Moon of Earth-13130 (Silk), Gwen Stacy of Earth-65/Ghost Spider, Peni Parker/Sp//dr, Peter Parker of Earth-616 (Spider-man), Peter Parker of Earth-42 (Spider-man), Peter Porker/Spider-Ham)
HONORARY/RESERVE MEMBERS: Various spider heroes across the multiverse
PURPOSE: Appointed by the Council, the four Captains of Krakoa represent and protect different parts of Krakoan life.
HEADQUARTERS: Krakoa STATUS: Active CAPTAIN COMMANDER: Scott Summers/Cyclops COMBAT CAPTAIN: Illyana Rasputin/Magik -- guards the sextant/training new squads CAPTAIN: Lucas Bishop/Red Bishop -- defends the Hellfire Trading Company activities CAPTAIN: Tomi Shishido/Gorgon -- bodyguard for members of the Quiet Council
PURPOSE: Tasked with protecting the magical Otherworld, Betsy Braddock (the current Captain Britain) leads a mutant squad that acts as a bridge between Krakoa, Otherworld’s King Jamie Braddock and the High Priest Opal Luna Saturnyne. They deal with magic often and operate knowing that any mutant who dies in Otherworld has a corrupted file that cannot successfully be resurrected.
HEADQUARTERS: Braddock Lighthouse / Krakoa / Otherworld STATUS: Active LEADER(S): Betsy Braddock/Captain Britain MEMBERS: Jubilation Lee (Jubilee), Julio Esteban Richter (Rictor), Remy LeBeau (Gambit) & Shogo
HONORARY/RESERVE MEMBERS: Apocalypse, Brian Braddock/Captain Avalon, Meggan Puceanu/Gloriana, Pete Wisdom & Rogue
PURPOSE: Formerly the Hellfire Club, the Hellfire Trading Company oversees the spread of Krakoan drugs globally. They are ruled by three monarchies: the Red Queen, White Queen and Black King and their various parities. Although technically a united front, there’s rumors of discourse and they continue to operate illegally.
HEADQUARTERS: Krakoa STATUS: Active LEADER(S): Emma Frost (White Queen) / No Lord Imperial MEMBERS: White Monarchy (Callisto/White Knight & Christian Frost/White Bishop), Red Monarchy (Kate Pryde/Red Queen & Lucas Bishop/Red Bishop) & Black Monarchy (Sebastian Shaw/Black King, Fenris/Black Knight & Shinobi Shaw/Black Bishop)
PURPOSE: A rehabilitation squad, the Hellions are for mutants with behavioral issues or violent tendencies that cannot currently be trusted to be safe, functioning citizens of Krakoa. Under field leader Kwannon they are often stuck with grunt work and are on probation to avoid capital punishment.
HEADQUARTERS: Bar Sinister / Krakoa STATUS: Active LEADER(S): Nathaniel Essex (Mister Sinister) & Kwannon (Psylocke) MEMBERS: Alex Summers (Havok), John Greycrow (Greycrow), Julian Keller/Hellion, Kyle Gibney (Wild Child), Manuel de la Rocha (Empath), Nanny & Peter (Orphan Maker)
PURPOSE: Under the Hellfire Trading Company, the Marauders are essentially pirates who smuggle mutants from restrictive countries to Krakoa and monitor the illegal drug trade of Krakoan petals. They work on international waters but answer only to Krakoa.
HEADQUARTERS: The Marauder Ship / Krakoa STATUS: Active LEADER(S): Captain Katherine Pryde (Red Queen) MEMBERS: Bobby Drake (Ice Man), Lockheed, Lucas Bishop (Red Bishop), Ororo Munroe (Storm), St. John Allerdyce (Pyro)
PURPOSE: The senior New Mutant squad who deals with space travel and international affair. They also help train upcoming teams on Krakoa.
HEADQUARTERS: Akademus Habitat ( Alpha House ) / Krakoa STATUS: Active LEADER(S): n/a MEMBERS: Danielle Moonstar/Mirage, Douglas Ramsey (Cypher) & Warlock, Illyana Rasputin/Magik, Jonothon Starsmore (Chamber), Rhane Sinclair (Wolfsbane), Roberto Da Casta (Sunspot) & Samuel Guthrie (Cannonball)
PURPOSE: The senior New Mutant squad who do not deal with space travel or international affair. They provide outreach to young mutants in America and help train upcoming teams on Krakoa.
HEADQUARTERS: Akademus Habitat ( Alpha House ) / Krakoa STATUS: Active LEADER(S): n/a MEMBERS: Amara Aquilla (Magma),  James Proudstar (Warpath), Manon, Maxine, Mondo, Robert Herman (Glob Herman), Tabitha Smith (Boom-Boom) & Xi’an Coy Manh (Karma)
PURPOSE: As the governing board of Krakoa, the Council consists of four factions who come from different areas of mutant lives. While the various members may not always get along they have so far presented a united front for Krakoa.
HEADQUARTERS: Krakoa STATUS: Active LEADER(S): N/A MEMBERS: Autumn Faction (Apocalypse, Charles Xavier/Professor X & Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto), Winter Faction (Bennet du Paris/Exodus, Nathaniel Essex/Mister Sinister & Raven Darkholm/Mystique), Spring Faction (Emma Frost/White Queen, Katherine Pryde/Red Queen & Sebastian Shaw/Black Queen), Summer Faction (Jean Grey/Marvel Girl, Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler & Ororo Munroe/Storm) and Krakoa (Doug Ramsey/Cyper & Krakoa)
► S.W.O.R.D.
PURPOSE: A counter terrorism and intelligence agency which dealt with extraterrestrial threats to world security founded by Maria Rambeau. Although it previously worked with Alpha Flight, the Agency now works (not exclusively) with mutants to handle living threats and explore dimensions.
HEADQUARTERS: The Peak STATUS: Active LEADER(S): Commander Abigail Brand THE SIX: Control (Takeshi Matsuya/Wiz Kid), Eye (Peter Quinn/Peeper), Foundry (Gloria Muñoz/Risque), Guide (Eden Fesi/Manifold), Power (Fabian Cortez), Shield (Hisako Ichiki/Armor) MEMBERS: Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto, Diplomatic Ambassador (Johanna Cargill/Frenzy), Marvin Flumm/Mentallo & the Teleporters (Amelia Voght, Clarice Fong/Blink, Gateway, Lila Cheney & Vanisher)
HONORARY/RESERVE MEMBERS: Back up to the Six -- Control (Forge), Eye (Doc), Foundry (Shen Xorn/Zorn), Guide (N/A), Power (N/A), Shield (Sally Blevins/Skids)
PURPOSE: In order to ensure the resurrection process goes smoothly, the X-Factor Investigations follow-up on missing mutants and check for proof of death and evidence of body to ensure that mutants are not resurrected while still alive. They will also investigate suspicious deaths and work with the Five.
HEADQUARTERS: The Boneyard / Krakoa STATUS: Active LEADER(S): Jean-Paul Beaubier (Northstar) MEMBERS: Akihiro (Daken), David Alleyne (Prodigy), Jeannne-Marie Beaubier (Aurora), Rachel Summers & Trevor Hawkins (Eye-Boy)
HONORARY/RESERVE MEMBERS: Lorna Dane/Polaris - former founding member
PURPOSE: The new iteration of the X-Men that will go into effect in June of 2025. They were created by Cyclops and Marvel Girl against the wishes of the Quiet Council. The team was voted on by the citizens of Krakoa and they will work internationally against all levels of threats.
HEADQUARTERS: Krakoa STATUS: Active LEADER(S): Jean Grey (Marvel Girl) & Scott Summers (Cyclops) MEMBERS: Everett Thomas (Synch), Laura Kinney (Wolverine), Lorna Dane (Polaris), Rogue & Shiro Yoshida (Sunspot)
PURPOSE: The original time displaced X-Men on their own team. They handle various mutant issues but not often on a larger scale.
HEADQUARTERS: Krakoa / Akademos Habitat ( Omega House ) STATUS: Active Reserves LEADER(S): Jean Grey (Marvel Girl) MEMBERS: Bobby Drake (Iceman), Hank McCoy (Beast), Scott Summers (Cyclops) & Warren Worthington III (Angel)
PURPOSE: The Shi'ar Empire is a vast intergalactic empire that rules a million worlds whose religion instructs the Shi'ar to "marry" other cultures, by force if necessary, to become stronger. The empire is ruled by an autocratic imperial government headed by the Majestor (male) or Majestrix (female) who is advised by a High Council made up of selected worlds. Conquered worlds are permitted to self-govern within limits given by the empire.
HEADQUARTERS: Chandilar STATUS: Active LEADER(S): Majestrix Xandra Neramani MEMBERS: Gladiator, Oracle, Reader, etc
► S.H.I.E.L.D.
PURPOSE: Although it was believed to be destroyed when it was revealed that it had been infiltrated by H.Y.D.R.A., the agency continued to operate behind the scenes before recently allowing itself to be officially acknowledged once more. It has a long way to go before it once again reaches its former prestige.
HEADQUARTERS: S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier STATUS: Active LEADER(S): Director Mackenzie, (Former) Director Fury & Assistant Director Maria Hill MEMBERS: Elena Rodriguez/Yo-Yo, Jemma Simmons, Leopold Fitz, etc
HONORARY/RESERVE MEMBERS: Alison Blaire/Dazzler, Bobbi Morse/Mockingbird, Daisy Johnson/Quake, Sharon Carter/Agent 13, etc
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asiantheatre · 4 years
Tony Award winner BD Wong and videographer Richert Schnorr re-conceive Songs from an Unmade Bed as a collection of innovative music videos, reflecting life during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Songs from an Unmade Bed explores the inner musings and romantic life of a gay man living in New York City. 
Special guest hosts for the stream are Awkwafina, John Lithgow, John Cameron Mitchell, Billy Porter and Keala Settle, with featured appearances by Maulik Pancholy and Bowen Yang. The stream also includes Aaron Albano, Mike Bulatao, Grant Chang, Marc delaCruz, Daniel K. Isaac, Kennedy Kanagawa, Darren Lee, Raymond J. Lee, Telly Leung, Jose Llana, Orville Mendoza, Jeffrey Omura, Matt Rogers, James Seol, Hansel Tan and Alex Wong. Renowned cellist Dave Eggar also appears. 
This is a fundraiser for Broadway Cares / Equity Fights AIDS’s Covid Assistance fund. All donations will be matched by the Dream Alliance!
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smylealong · 3 years
Year in review - 2020
2020 has been a mixed bag of an year. Where on one hand it has been a raging dumpster fire with a global pandemic, lockdowns, social distancing, online schools, politics, forest fires, Karens and the general sense of ennui that the year brought. On the other hand, the year gave us all time. Time to reflect on ourselves. Time to teach ourselves new things. Time to binge watch. And boy did the streaming platforms make full use of it. Listed below are the best things I saw in 2020. (Across languages and in no specific order.) IT IS A LONG POST. PROCEED WITH CAUTION.
HINDI Thappad: Dir: Anubhav Sinha. Starring: Tapasee Pannu, Pavail Gulati, Diya Mirza, Kumud Mishra and Ratna Pathak Shah. On surface level, the premise seems frivolous. After all, it was just a slap. Just. One. Slap. Yet, with that one slap, the protagonist’s neatly organized world comes apart at the seams. From there begins Amruta’s (Tapsee Pannu) journey into exploring the micro-aggressions and tiny slights that she has turned a blind eye to, for the sake of keeping peace. The film never veers into a glorification of violence nor does it get overly preachy. It is a mirror to the patriarchal society and raises pertinent questions about the things that the society as normalized. Things that shouldn’t be normalized.
Bulbbul: Dir: Anvita Dutt. Starring: Tripti Dimri, Avinash Tiwari, Rahul Bose, Parambrata Chatterjee and Paoli Dam.
Horror does not always lie in the things that go bump at night. Sometimes, horror is what society expects of you. Horror is the consequence of not fitting into the role that has been written for you. Sometimes, it is terrifying to be a woman in a male-dominated society. That is what Bulbbul explores. Wrapped in a beautiful package, Bulbbul tells the raw story of a child-bride who is punished, harshly, inhumanly, for acting her age. If you haven’t seen it yet, drop everything and watch it. It’s on Netflix.
Lootcase: Dir: Rajesh Krishnan. Starring: Kunal Khemu, Rasika Duggal, Vijay Raaz, Gajraj Rao.
This was a charming little movie that had me in splits. A story of a simple man who chances upon a bag full of money. What follows is a hilarious tale of lies, deception and comedy of errors. Kunal Khemu proves that Bollywood does not realize just how talented he is. Vijay Raaz’s deadpan comedy and Gajraj Rao’s evil smiling desperation are a delight to behold. I’m smiling even as I am writing this. This was fun!
Raat Akeli Hai: Dir: Honey Tehran. Starring: Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Radhika Apte, Ila Arun, Shweta Tripathi, Tigmanshu Dhulia.
This was India’s answer to Knives Out. Nawazuddin Siddiqui is at his finest as the honest and frustrated (in more ways than one) police officer who finds himself attracted to the mistress of the murdered man. What follows is a tale so full of twists and turns that I could not predict where it is going. When you have Siddiqui at the helm, you are almost certain to get a good film. But when he is backed by stellar performance from the able cast, that takes the film to another level altogether.
Patal Lok: Dir: Avinash Arun and Prosit Roy. Starring: Jaideep Alhawat, Niraj Kabi, Abhishek Bannerjee, Swastika Mukherjee, Gul Panang, Ishvaak Singh.
Wow. Just. Wow. This is arguably the BEST thing that I have seen all year. On the surface this is an attempted murder case. But what it actually is, is a mirror to our society. It is a human story. A story of greed, corruption, power, violence, misogyny, depravity and true evil. It is a story of love, hope, support, kindness and humanity. It is a story of us. My hats off to the entire cast and crew for coming up with something truly special.
Haunting of Bly Manor: Created by: Mike Flannagan. Starring: Victoria Pedretti, Oliver Jackson-Cohen, Amelia Eve, T’Nia Miller, Rahul Kohli.
Based on Henry Jame’s Turn of the Screw, this was a poignant tale of love, loss and pain. While it pales in comparison to its brilliant predecessor, Haunting of the Hill House, and the 1961 screen adaptation of the novel, The Innocents, Bly Manor still manages to be a worthy watch. In Mike Flannagan’s deft hands, we get to see a completely different perspective of the Haunting. I won’t say more, for spoilers, but this was definitely one of the better things I watched this year. Especially since I almost eschewed English movies/series this year. (I did watch some forgettable movies like Extraction and Mulan, but even mentioning them here feels sacrilegious.)
This year, I returned to Korean Dramas after a long time. My last Korean Drama before this year was Faith that I saw in 2014. Since Boys Over Flowers (Read Kim Bum) is my guilty pleasure watch, I decided to have it on in the background sometime in March or April this year. (Honestly, in 2020, who knows?). BOF took me to The King: Eternal Monarch. And TKEM introduced me to Woo Do Hwan who gave me some of the best times in this year. Three of his dramas feature here.
Save Me:- Dir: Kim Sung-soo. Starring: Ok Taec-yeon, Seo Yea-ji, Woo Do Hwan, Jo Sung-ha, Jo Jae-yoon.
Do you fancy a kick to your teeth? Because that is what this series is. What starts a simple story of a regular family’s struggles upon moving to a new town, quickly turns into a harrowing nightmare in which you are simply the viewer. The story delves into cults and the insidious power they hold. Through Seo Yea-ji’s brilliant performance as Im Sang-mi, we see a K drama heroine who is not a damsel in distress. She isn’t the one throwing the punches, that is done by Ok Taec-yeon and Woo Do Hwan. Still she is the one that leads the fight. If that wasn’t enough, Woo Do Hwan, plays Seok Dong-chul. Arguably one of the best male leads I have seen.
Mad Dog:- Dir: Hwang Ui-kyung Starring: Yoo Ji-tae, Woo Do Hwan, Jo Jae-joon, Ryu Hwa-young, Kim Hye-sung.
What a treat this show is! Smart protagonists pitted against equally intelligent antagonists and a taut plot that rarely sags (It does sag just a wee bit in the middle but it picks up pace very quickly). Woo Do Hwan is fantastic as the ever changing, tough to pin down, Kim Min Joon. The layers in this character! This show will keep you guessing. Every cast member is stellar and no one has a single misstep. A must watch!
My Country: Dir: Kim Jin-won Starring:  Yang Se Jong, Woo Do Hwan, Kim Seol-hyun, Jang Hyuk.
This series brings a set of very complex emotions in me. Don’t get me wrong. I love the series. Its story, characterization, costumes, cinematography, acting, action scenes, OST. They are top notch. A+. But... and this is a big one, this series is also a glaring display of what happens when a writer falls in love with one of their characters. As a writer, I can say that we love all our characters. But it is very dangerous for a writer to move from simply loving the character to falling in love with the character. When that happens, the writer becomes afraid of letting that particular character make mistakes. Or glosses over their flaws. Often at the expense of the other character. Which is what happened here. The writer fell in love with Seo Hwi and Nam Seon ho paid the price. Hwi could literally assassinate people in front of Hui Jae and still be forgiven for it, while Nam Seon-ho gets demonized for trying to save Hwi by telling lies. I could go on and on about how unfair this series was to Seon-ho, but that would be a separate post altogether.
Tale of a Gumiho: Dir: Kang Shin-hyo Starring: Lee Dong Wook, Jo Bo-ah, Kim Bum.
I started this series for Kim Bum (I LOVE THE GUY). I was prepared for some cheesy, goofy fun with some good looking people. But soon, I was watching it for the story. A smart Urban Fantasy with elements of Korean Mythology, this was UF done right! This series made me do research. I am so tired of seeing the same old myths in fantasy that this came as a breath of fresh air. Intelligent protagonists who communicate well (gasp! what? That happens?). A flip-flopping anti-hero. A truly psychopathic villain and a bunch of other well-fleshed characters make for one entertaining watch. I highly recommend it.
K-dramas made me revive the Tumblr account that I had created sometime in 2017 and which lay dormant since then. Soon, my Tumblr feed was filled with gifs and metas of a show with pretty men. I did not pay much attention to it, till a post about Jin Ling’s Uncle made me snort. Even though I didn’t understand what it was talking about, it was still funny. Realizing that the show is on Netflix, I saw the trailer and wasn’t impressed. Then there was the length. 50 episodes! Holee-moleee. “No. I ain’t got that much time,” I said and moved on. But then, I saw a gif of a man smiling. I had never seen a smile that dazzling. There was something about that smile that made me go back and click on the first episode. And in less than ten minutes of the episode, they killed the man whose smile drew me to the show. WTF? But I had seen gifs of him. There had to be more. Then, the show began and I had no idea what was happening. I decided no smile could be worth the brain-cells I am having to expend for this. Chuck it. But people in Tumblr said, hold on. You will understand it. Episode 2, and I still wasn’t sold. I gave it till episode 5. Then, before I knew it, I finished the 50 episodes and currently reside in the rabbit hole that is The Untamed.
Dir: Zheng Weiwen and Chen Jialin Starring: Xiao Zhan, Wang Yibo, and a host of others. I can’t write the name of the entire cast, even though I want to.
PS: In case you don’t know, the man with the pretty smile is Xiao Zhan.
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exydays · 4 years
A Year In Review: 2020 Awards
This past June, we asked our members to nominate their fellow roleplayers and respective characters for a series of admin-generated award categories. The categories ranged from the humorous to a genuine celebration of well written characters, talented roleplayers, and a look back on memorable scenes.  Each member will receive a physical copy of their award, to display on their social media profiles, or to share across Tumblr.  Without further ado, the categories (and their winners) are listed below! 
In Character: Personalities and Most Likely To...
Watch Romantic Movies: Willow Summers & Jas Liston
Biggest Drama Queen: Ludwig Webber
Has The Weirdest Phobia: Jas Liston
Most Likely To Die Of Something Stupid: Theodore Foster
First One To Die In A Zombie Apocalypse: Finn Lefao
Most Likely To Win An Olympic Medal: Samael De Armas & Nick Raegan
Most Likely To Join the Circus: K.Elliot Finch
Most Likely To Get Punched In The Face: Ludwig Webber
Most Likely to Get Stuck In A Bathroom Stall Or Elevator: Willow Summers
Most Likely To Go To A Party In Their Pajamas: Adrian Tailor
Most Likely To Go To Jail For Doing Something Stupid: Carson Laurent
Most Likely To Own An Illegal Business: Samael De Armas
Most Likely To Be An Alien: Victoria Beaumont
Most Likely To Fake Their Own Death: Koko Virtanen
Most Likely To Become Addicted To Reddit: K. Elliot Finch
Most Likely To Stay Up Late Sexting With Random Strangers On The Internet: Gabriel Seol
Most Likely To Have the Most Side Hustles: Samael De Armas 
Most Likely To Be Late To Graduation: Mackenzie James-Smith
Most Likely To Join A Cult: Adrian Tailor 
Most Likely To End Up In The Amateur Collection Online: Gabriel Seol
Most Likely To Walk Into A Glass Door: Elio D’Rossi
Most Likely To Be Arrested: Samael De Armas
In Character: Miscellaneous 
Best Future Dad: Adrian Tailor & Koko Virtanen
First One To Be Murdered By Sam: Ludwig Webber
Funniest Person On The Team: Adrian Tailor & Finn Lefao
Most Inspiring: Nick Raegan 
Thirstiest Member Of The Team: Ludwig Webber
He’s Top?: Samael De Armas & Nick Raegan
Nicest Person On The Team: Catalina Guerrera
Most Fantasized About Person On The Team: Cecil Elledge & Nick Raegan
In Character:  Dynamics  & Relationships 
___________ Are Relationship Goals: Nick Raegan & Errol Fox
Cutest Couple: Adrian Tailor & Samael De Armas
Power Couple: Nick Raegan & Errol Fox
Why Aren’t ____ & ______ Dating Already?: Jas Liston & Carson Laurent (Koko Virtanen and Gabriel Seol as runner up.) 
Forever Alone?: Willow Summers & Ludwig Webber
Best Group Dynamic: Adrian, Nick, Sam
Most Unexpected Friendship: Koko Virtanen & Gabriel Seol
Cutest BFFS: Willow Summers & Victoria Beaumont
Coolest BFFS: Samael De Armas & Nick Raegan
Best Rivalry: Cecil Ellege vs. Everyone & Samael De Armas & Ludwig Webber
In Character: Scenes
Funniest Scene: Samael & Nick Post-Concussion & The Cookie Sleuth 
Saddest/Most Emotional Scene: The torture of Samael & Adrian & Sam’s reaction to Adrian’s ‘death.’ 
Most Well Written Scene: Siren House Party
Most Heartwarming Scene: The Proposal Scene 
Most Depressing Scene:  The Fall Banquet 
Good Enough To Be Canon/Written By Nora: The Fall Banquet & Siren House Party 
Most Unexpected Plot Twist: Samael offering Cecil a spot on the team. 
Most Memorable Scene:  Halloween Event & Samael shooting Cecil.
Out Of Character
Most Improved Writer: Queenie & Rei
Best Writer: Kit & Rei
Most Descriptive Writer: Kit
Best GM: Rei & Kit
Master Of The Dice: Ely & Mercury 
Most Likely To Torture Their Character: Queenie
Skilled Storyteller: Kit
______ Should Have Written AFTG: Rei
Most Likely To Write A Book: Queenie & Kit
Best Roleplay Character: Nick, Adrian, Finn
Little Ms./Mr. Sunshine: Lufwood & Mercury
Best Roleplay Partner: Rei, Queenie, Lufwood
Best Writer Of NPCS: Ely & Rei
Favorite New Member: Mercury, Shay, Ant  
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rpdrafts · 4 years
Canons & Families
List of canon characters and their children
If you don’t see a character you would like to apply for on this list, just go ahead and shoot us an ask!
BOLD - being played
STRIKE THROUGH - unavaliable to be played
ITALICIZED - has a child (children listed)
ABOMINATION (Emil Blonsky)
ANT-MAN (Scott Lang)
Cassandra Lang (daughter)
Additional siblings/children wanted
AQUAMAN (Arthur Curry)
ATOM (Dr. Ray Palmer)
BATGIRL (Barbara Gordon)
BATMAN (Bruce Wayne)
Evangeline Wayne Prince (daughter)
Half siblings wanted
BEAST (Hank P. McCoy)
BEAST BOY (Garfield Logan)
Children not wanted
BLACK BOLT (Blackagar Boltagon)
BLACK CANARY (Dinah Lance)
Delilah Queen (daughter)
Additional children/siblings not wanted
BLACK CAT (Felicia Hardy)
BLACK LIGHTING (Jefferson Pierce)
Children wanted
BLACK WIDOW (Natasha Romanoff)
BOOSTER GOLD (Michael Jon Carter)
BUMBLEBEE (Karen Beecher-Duncan)
CAPTAIN BOOMERANG (George “Digger” Harkness)
CAPTAIN COLD (Leonard Snart)
CAPTAIN MARVEL (Carol Danvers)
Arabella Danvers (Daughter)
Bauer Danvers (Son)
Additional children/siblings not wanted
CARNAGE (Cletus Kasady)
CATWOMAN (Selina Kyle)
CLOAK (Tandy Johnson)
COLOSSUS (Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin)
CROSSBONES (Brock Rumlow)
CYBORG (Victor Stone)
CYCLOPS (Scott Summers)
DAGGER (Tyrone Bowen)
DAREDEVIL (Matthew Michael Murdock)
DEADPOOL (Wade Wilson)
DEADSHOT (Floyd Lawton)
DEATHSTROKE (Slade Wilson)
DOCTOR DOOM (Victor von Doom)
DOCTOR LIGHT (Dr. Kimiyo Hoshi)
DOCTOR OCTOPUS (Otto Octavius)
DOCTOR STRANGE (Doctor Stephen Strange)
DOMINO (Neena Thurman)
EL DIABLO (Chato Santana)
ELEKTRA (Elektra Natchios)
FALCON (Samuel Thomas “Sam” Wilson)
FLASH (Barry Allen)
GAMBIT (Remy LeBeau)
GREEN ARROW (Oliver Queen)
GREEN GOBLIN (Norman Osborn)
GREEN LANTERN (John Stewart)
HARLEY QUINN (Harleen Frances Quinzel)
HAVOC (Alex Summers)
HAWKEYE (Clint Barton)
HAWKGIRL (Shayera Hol)
HELLBLAZER (John Constantine)
HELLSTROM (Damion Hellstrom)
HULK (Bruce Banner)
HUMAN TORCH (Johnny Storm)
HUNTRESS (Helena Bertinelli)
ICE MAN (Bobby Drake)
IRON FIST (Daniel Rand)
IRON HEART (Riri Williams)
IRON MAN (Tony Stark)
INFERNO (Dante Pertuz)
JEAN (Jean Grey)
JOKER (Arthur Fleck)
JOKER (Jack Napier)
JUBILEE (Jubilation Lee)
KATANA (Tatsu Yamashiro)
KILLER CROC (Waylon Jones)
KILLER FROST (Caitlin Snow)
KILLMONGER (Erik Killmonger)
KINGPIN (Wilson Grant Fisk)
LOKI (Loki Laufeyson)
LUNA SNOW (Seol Hee)
MAGNETO (Max Eisenhardt)
MEDUSA (Medusalith Amaquelin Boltagon)
MISTER FREEZE (Victor Fries)
MISTER SINISTER (Nathaniel Essex)
MISTER ZSASZ (Victor Zsasz)
MISS AMERICA (America Chavez)
MISS MARVEL (Kamala Khan)
MOCKINGBIRD (Barbara Morse)
MYSTERIO (Quentin Beck)
NAMOR (Namor McKenzie)
NIGHTWING (Dick Grayson)
NOVA (Sam Alexander)
PATRIOT (Rayshaun Lucas)
PENGUIN (Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot)
PLASTIC MAN (Patrick O'Brien)
POISON IVY (Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley)
POLARIS (Lorna Dane)
PROFESSOR X (Charles Francis Xavier)
PSYLOCKE (Elizabeth Braddock)
PUNISHER (Frank Castle)
QUAKE (Daisy Johnson)
QUICKSILVER (Pietro Maximoff)
RAVEN (Rachel Roth)
RED ARROW (Roy Harper)
RED HOOD (Jason Todd)
RED ROBIN (Tim Drake)
RED SKULL (Johann Shmidt)
RESCUE (Virginia “Pepper” Potts)
REVERSE-FLASH (Eobard Thawne)
RIDDLER (Edward Nygma)
ROGUE (Anna Marie)
SABRETOOTH (Victor Creed)
SANDMAN (William Baker)
SCARECROW (Jonathan Crane)
SCARLET WITCH (Wanda Maximoff)
SCARLET SPIDER (Felicity Hardy)
SELENE (Selene Gallio)
SHADOWCAT (Kitty Pryde)
SHAZAM (William Joseph “Billy” Batson)
SHE-HULK (Jennifer Walters)
SILK (Cindy Moon)
SINESTRO (Thaal Sinestro)
SQUIRREL GIRL (Doreen Green)
SPIDER-GIRL (Anya Sofia Corazon)
SPIDER-GWEN (Gwen Stacy)
SPIDER-MAN (Peter Parker)
SPIDER-MAN (Miles Morales)
SPIDER-MAN 2099 (Miguel O'hara)
SPIDER-WOMAN (Jessica Drew)
SPOILER (Stephanie Brown)
STARFIRE (Koriand’r)
STAR-LORD (Peter Jason Quill)
STORM (Ororo Munroe)
SUNSPOT (Robert de Costa)
SUPERMAN (Clark Kent)
THING (Ben Grimm)
THOR (Thor Odinson)
TIGRA (Greer Grant Nelson)
TWO-FACE (Harvey Dent)
TYPHOID MARY (Mary Alice Walker)
VENOM (Eddie Brock)
VIXEN (Mari McCabe)
VULTURE (Adrian Toomes)
WAR MACHINE (James “Jim” Rupert Rhodes)
WASP (Janet Van Dyne)
WHITE QUEEN (Emma Frost)
WINTER SOLDIER (James “Bucky” Barnes)
WITHER (Kevin Ford)
WOLVERINE (James Howlett)
WONDER WOMAN (Diana Prince)
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darshanan-blog · 7 years
The Four Immigrants - Play Review
The Four Immigrants – Play Review
“We are the four immigrants” thus begins entirely engaging and ravishingly gorgeous musical, at Theatreworks Silicon Valley premiere, at Palo Alto’s Lucie Stern Theatre. Playwright and composer, Min Kahng adapted the theatrical production from a comic book by Henry Kiyama and tells the story of new immigrants from Japan from 52 comic strips, beginning in 1904.
Unlike the European immigrants who…
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reedrph · 5 years
reed do u know of any asian actors and actresses that could pass as 20s - 40s? i'm drawing a blank trying to think of any. :( ty.
Tumblr media
I’ll be including everyones ethnic background as well so no one accidentally gets racebent!! All of this is going under the cut, because there is a total of 162 different actors & actresses listed below.
 If anyone sees any mistakes feel free to send me a message so I can correct it!!
Alia Bhatt (26, Indian)
Angel Locsin (33, Filipina)
Angela Yeung Wing (30, Chinese)
Anushka Sharma (30, Indian)
Arden Cho (33, South Korean)
Ariel Lin (36, Taiwanese)
Aya Ueto (33, Japanese)
Bea Alonzo (31, Filipina)
Bae Suzy (24, South Korean)
Baek Jin-hee (29, South Korean)
Celina Jade (33, Chinese-White)
Claudia Kim (Kim Soohyun)  (34, South Korean)
Constance Wu (37, Taiwanese)
Davika Horne (26, Thai-Belgin)
Dee Hsu (40, Taiwanese)
Deepika Padukone  (33, Konkani Indian)
Dilraba Dilmurat (26, Uyghur)
Doona Bae (39, South Korean)
Emma Wu (29, Taiwanese)
Gemma Chan (36, Chinese)
Guan Xiaotong (21, Chinese)
Go Ara (29, South Korean)
Ha Ji-won (40, South Korean)
Han Hyo-joo (32, South Korean)
Haruna Kawaguchi (24, Japanese)
Heart Evangelista (34, Filipina)
Im Yoon-ah (28, South Korean)
Ivy Shao (28, Taiwanese)
Jamie Chung (35, South Korean)
Jing Tian (30, Chinese)
Joanne Tseng (30, Taiwanese)
Jolin Tsai (38, Taiwanese)
JuJu Chan (30, Chinese)
Julia Ling (36, Chinese)
Karen Fukuhara (21, Japanese)
Kathryn Bernardo (22, Filipina)
Kimiko Glenn (29, Japanese-White)
Kim Chiu (28, Chinese-Fillipina)
Kim Ji-won (26, South Korean)
Kristine Hermosa (35, Filipina)
Lana Condor (21, Vietnamese)
Li Jun Li (35, Chinese)
Liu Shishi (32, Chinese)
Lee Ji-eun(IU) (25, South Korean)
Lee Sung-kyung  (28, South Korean)
Maggie Q (Vietnamese-White)
Maine Mendoza (24, Filipina)
Maki Horikita (30, Japanese)
Mao Xiaotong (31, Chinese)
Masami Nagasawa (31, Japanese)
Mini Tsai (31, Taiwanese)
Nadine Lustre (25, Filipina)
Namthip Jongrachatawiboon (36, Thai)
Natapohn Tameeruks (30, Thai)
Ni Ni  (30, Chinese)
Nittha Jirayangyurn (28, Thai)
Park Bo-young (29, South Korean)
Park Shin-hye (29, South Korean)
Patcharapa Chaichua (40, Thai)
Radhika Apte (32, Indian)
Rila Fukushima (30, Japanese)
Rinko Kikuchi (38, Japanese)
Satomi Ishihara (32, Japanese
Shruti Haasan (33, Indian)
Sei Ashina (35, Japanese)
Seol In-ah (23, South Korean)
Shaina Magdayao (29, Filipina)
Shen Yue (22, Chinese)
Shin Min-a (34, South Korean)
Sonam Kapoor (33, Indian)
Shraddha Kapoor (32, Indian)
Suzu Hirose (20, Japanese)
Tao Okamoto  (33, Japanese)
Tian Jing (30, Chinese)
Urassaya Sperbund (26, Thai)
Yang Mi  (32, Chinese)
Yifei Liu (31, Chinese)
Yū Aoi (33, Japanese)
Yui Aragaki (30, Japanese)
Zhao Liying (31, Chinese)
Zheng Shuang (27, Chinese)
Alex Landi (26, South Korean-White)
Aaron Yan (33, Taiwanese)
Jing Boran (29, Chinese)
Bai Yu (28, Chinese)
Baron Chen (40, Taiwanese)
Barry Nadech Kugimiya (27, Thai)
Caesar Wu (22,Chinese)
Charles Melton (28, South Korean-White)
Chen Xiao (31, Chinese)
Choi Min-ho (27, South korean)
Chris Pang (34, Chinese)
Christopher Larkin (31, South Korean)
Daniel Henney (39, South Korean-White)
Darren Chen (24, Taiwanese)
Deng Lun (26, Chinese)
Dev Patel (28, Gujarati Indian)
Do Kyungsoo (26, South Korean)
Dylan Wang (20, Chinese)
Gerald Anderson (Filipino-White)
Godfrey Gao (34, Taiwanese)
Gong Yoo (39, South Korean)
Harry Shum Jr. (36, Chinese)
Haruma Miura (28, Japanese)
Henry Golding (32, Malaysian-White)
Hiro Mizushima (34, Japanese)
Huang Xiaoming (41, Chinese)
Huang Zitao (25, Chinese)
James Ma (25, Thai-Chinese)
James Reid (25, Filipino-White)
Ji Chang-wook (31, South Korean)
Jin Goo (38, South Korean)
Jirayu Tangsrisuk (25, Thai)
Jung Kyung-ho (35, South Korean)
Kanata Hongō (28, Japanese)
Kentarô Sakaguchi (27, Japanese)
Kento Yamazaki (24, Japanese)
Ki Hong Lee (32, South Korean)
Kim Ji-soo (25, South Koreran)
Kim Soo-hyun (31, South Korean)
Kim Woo-bin (29, South Korean)
Kōji Seto (30, Japanese)
Kris Wu (28, Chinese)
Lee Jong-suk  (29, South Korean
Lee Min-ho (31, South Korean)
Li Yifeng (31, Chinese)
Liu Haoran (21, Chinese)
Ludi Lin (31, Chinese)
Lu Han (28, Chinese)
Mackenyu Arata (22, Japanese)
Ma Ke (29, Chinese)
Masaki Okada (29, Japanese)
Masaki Suda (26, Japanese)
Mikael Daez (31, Filipino)
Nadech Kugimiya (27, Thai)
Nam Joo-hyuk (25, South Korean)
Park Bo-gum (25, South Korean)
Park Hyung-sik (27, South Korean
Park Seo-joon (30, South Korean)
Paulo Avelino (30, Filipino)
Ranbir Kapoor (36, Indian)
Ranveer Singh (33, Indian)
Ryan Potter (23, Japanese, Ashkenazi Jewish)
Ryosuke Yamada (25, Japanese)
Sidharth Malhotra (34, Indian
Shahid Kapoor (38, Indian)
Shawn Dou (30, Chinese)
Song Seung-heon (42, South Korean)
Sota Fukushi (25, Japanese)
Steven Yeun (35, South Korean)
Takeru Satoh (20, Japanese)
Tanawat Wattanaputi (36, Thai)
Tomohisa Yamashita (33, Japanese)
Warintorn Panhakarn (33, Thai)
Wesley Wong (32, Chinese)
Wi Ha-joon (27, Korean)
Xian Lim (29, Filipino-Chinese)
Yang Yang (27,Chinese)
Yudai Chiba (30, Japanese)
Yuke Songpaisan (30, Thai)
Zhang He (34, Chinese
Zheng Yecheng (25, Chinese)
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yoonsiyoonmusings · 2 years
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Repost from @seorina_world Romantic Comedy Movie 'Nikang Naekang'/'You And I' starring Seol In Ah and Yoon Si-yoon ,will be released around April 2022 (or later than April - may get delayed due to Corona) Kim Chang-soo Played by Yoon Si-yoon Jo Ara Played by Seol In-ah Casting Manager Na Played by Kim Young-woong Geum Eun-hee (Ara's friend) Played by Moon Ji-in Gye Jun-il (Chang-soo 's senior) Played by Lee Gyu-bok James (Researcher) Played by Noh Sang-hyun Can't wait for the movie to be released!! Thanks for sharing! 😍🤗 #yoonsiyoon #yoonshiyoon #yunsiyun #윤시윤 #yoondonggu https://www.instagram.com/p/CcI96Q4N2HR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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