#jedi turtles
colibrie · 23 days
So @trilobitepunch had this GORGEOUS art for a crossover between Rottmnt and Star Wars (if you haven't seen it, then what are you reading this for?! Go check it out!). Being two nerds, we got to chatting, and here is a little piece of the results.
1. Mikey and Leo
Someone was crying, yet everywhere he turned dark walls rose to block his path. Otherworldly shrieks and howls ricochet, pounding a cruel spike ever deeper into his brain until he could not move, see, or speak. Hot iron coated his tounge as the cry came again, as he blindly threw out an arm, reaching and groping in the dark for a faint spark of...
"Leo! Hey. Hey, Leo!"
The smell of paint and moss replaced the fetid oder of sewage and blood, dragging his mind from the mangled remains of its dream into the irritatingly soothing bounds of predawn reality.
"G'way Mikey," he groaned, burying his face in the sleeve of his sleep shirt.
"Nope! Today's the day baby!" His little brother cheered, sunny voice barely contained to a serviceable whisper as his fingers moved to tickle the back of Leo's vulnerable neck. "Get up lazy shell!
"Aren't you the one always after me to get more sleep?" Leo grumbled as he cringed, one baleful eye slitting open to glare at Mikey. Not that his ire seemed to matter to the younger terrapin as he bounced around their shared room, collecting their clothes and belts as well as a handful of Leo's preferred ration bars.
"Aren't you the one always ignoring me? Besides, it didn't look like you were having a particularly good time anyway."
Warm brown eyes peaked over one green shoulder as Leo slowly worked himself upright, softness in the words that followed wrapping carefully around his frayed nerves.
"Same one as usual?"
Leo nodded, keeping his head down as he accepted his shirt and pants.
"Still don't remember what it was about?"
He nodded again.
"Wanna talk about it anyway?"
"There's not much to say Mikey," he sighed, tugging at the hem of his shirt until it sat properly over his shell. "I'll be fine. I always am, right?"
"Yeah... but you know, if you ever do..."
"You'll be the first in line Dr. Feelings," Leo teased, playfully knocking his knuckles against his baby brother plastron before gently pushing him back so he could stand and fasten his pants. "Now what did you do with my jacket?"
"What did you do with dad's holocron?"
"What makes you think I have it?"
"Because I went to steal it before I woke you up and it was gone."
"Gasp! My own brother, a thief! Where could I have gone so wrong!" Leo warbled, hands flying to his face in a poignant display of heartbreak and shock.
The snort Mikey gave in reply, coupled with an eye roll he did not even attempt to hide suggested Leo's performance had once again gone unappreciated.
"Come on Lee, we're wasting time! Cough up the holocron, or no jacket!"
"Ugh. My talents are clearly wasted here," Leo mumbled, petulantly drawing out the moment by fiddling with the cuffs of his sleeves.
"Fine, fine. Behold Mr. Grumpy shell."
Leo reached out, deft fingers brushing the joint between Mikey's neck and carapace, a place that never failed to make his sensitive brother squirm and giggle like youngling. By the time Mikey looked again, the holocron sat innocently in Leo's palm, it's serene blue-white glow softly lighting the shadows of their little room.
"How do you do that?!" Mikey gaped, begrudgingly pulling Leo's coat and mask from beneath his bed when Leo simply smirked in reply.
"That, dearest Angelo, oh wise jedi master, is for me to know and you to figure out."
"Show off," Mikey huffed, plucking the cube from Leo's palm. "Finished getting dressed and meet me outside. We have training to do!"
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All arguments about Jedi not being a family/being an repressive system are invalid. That’s a 14 year old Jedi kid in a tube top calling the venerable elder who’s helping her ‘gramps.’ 
Anakin being her Master isn’t what made her Like That™ because Master Sinube explicitly doesn’t know who she is and yet isn’t surprised by this behavior - doesn’t even react to it - so this is likely to be expected of Padawans. 
(Also he’s not deaf so he definitely heard her call him gramps but he just doesn’t care.) (Also the clothes are from before she became a Padawan so she clearly can’t be that much of an exception.) (Also old turtle gramps is delighted to tag along and have some fun for once! He’s ready to do mischief! It’s gonna be a teaching/bonding experience with this random kiddo and he wants to go kick some criminal’s butt! Also he and Jocasta don’t tattle on Ahsoka for having lost her lightsaber, they let her deal with it without involving Anakin because they respect her wishes!) (Anyway old Jedi have all the rights.)
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sparkplug02 · 8 months
Ezra upon realizing what Thrawn’s about to unleash on his galaxy: …imma go back to the space turtles. That was nice
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midnightcreator12 · 5 months
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.....Now that things in life have calmed down I can do some meme-age.
(also y'all can replace Horny with Flirty I don't...really do horny ship content. just fluffy sappy stuff, lol)
Edit: aw, shoot, I missed a bat XP thank you @antimattercontainment
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luminescentturtle · 8 months
lmao do you guys remember when star wars was good
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pocoslip · 1 month
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I don't know why People got Mad that Boba Fett takes his Helmet off but I Hope they don't mind Casey Jones 1987 showing his Face
(And I Hope NECA Toys never give Casey Jones 1987 Blue Eyes like Super7 because he should have Brown Ones)
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spaceman-kai · 1 year
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Same, TURGLE, same.
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greyias · 2 years
Prompts for Days: 41. “Have you lost your fucking mind?”
A semi-sequel to this fic. Based on my original very incorrect theory on what horrible creature might eat my beloved turtle son in the Rishi stronghold.
The sand was soft and fine under Theron’s feet, and the breathtaking blue waters of Rishi lapped at his toes as the waves fell in succession on the shore. He and his wife walked over the shore, their fingers laced together, the warm sun and summer breeze dancing in their hair. It was another beautiful, balmy day in this slice of paradise that Theron still couldn’t quite wrap his mind around the fact that it was theirs.
This was their first visit to their secret little hideaway on Rishi, purchased on an impulse during their honeymoon. The deep ding into their savings still smarted every time he logged into their account — but it was worth every credit, to see the wide, beaming smile on his wife’s face as they walked down the Defender’s boarding ramp to look out on their home away from home.
He’d had to arrange for a proper inspection, furniture delivery, and all the less than ideal aspects of home ownership before they’d had to return to “real life” on Odessen. As a result, they hadn’t had time on their honeymoon to explore the breadth of the property. Although he had managed to sneak in at least one “celebration” up on the balcony that overlooked the magnificent view that was now technically “theirs”. 
This second trip, though, was all about relaxing and enjoying themselves. They were taking it slowly, savoring the seclusion and paradise that was their little slice of heaven. They ambled along the shoreline towards the unexplored edge of their property, and the large sea turtle who’d been sunning itself on the rocky part of the shoreline noticed the two humans and lumbered in their direction.
But despite the moniker lovingly given to him by Grey, “Speedy” was having difficulty keeping up with their pace.
Her face lit up on seeing Speedy — really, half the reason they had bought this place was just so he could see that look on her face, again and again. Their pace was forced to slow as she gushed over the little guy, telling the turtle about how much she’d missed him. If Theron didn’t know any better, he’d almost think the creature actually understood her.
“That’s quite the smile you’ve got there, Theron Shan.” She squeezed his hand, the wind blowing the loose strands from her ponytail around her face. “What are you thinking about?”
“Just admiring the view,” he said, pulling her a little closer so she would realize he wasn’t talking about the beach, or that damn turtle.
Her cheeks flushed red, freckles on her nose crinkling as she tried to duck her head. “I’m—”
“The absolute best view here on Rishi? Mm, yes, I’d have to say so.”
“You’re just trying to get me back up on that balcony again.” The red flush deepened ever so slightly.
“Would that be so bad?”
“Later. When Speedy has gone back to his cave. I don’t want to mentally scar him.”
“He’s a turtle. I don’t think he cares.” He looked down at the reptile in question. “Isn’t that right, Shell-face?”
“Theron, it’s a turtle. He doesn’t speak Basic.”
“You’re the one concerned about his mental health!”
“He still has feelings!”
“So do you,” he leaned in close, voice low and husky, “and I’d like to explore them.”
“You’re incorrigible.” The crimson flush spread down the column of her neck, and turned her head with a flutter of her eyelashes.
“Is that a no?”
“It’s a ‘not yet’. I still want to see where that path leads.”
“Pretty sure it’s a dead end,” he replied, letting her hand slip back into its familiar place against his palm as they wound their way down the shady, rock-lined footpath at the edge of the beach.
A thin trickle of seawater made its way back into the perimeter of their property along the path. The trek was made more hazardously slick by the loose, damp sand that coated the terrain.
“It almost looks like a drainage ditch,” Grey mused idly. “Was that on the plans?”
“I left my datapad back in the apartment,” he reminded her. “You said no work.”
She huffed out a breath. “This is a vay-cay-tion.”
“And yet we somehow still spend it finding new adventures,” he shot back.
“You wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Well, that was true. With Grey around, Theron’s life had never been boring. A vacation was all about recharging and enjoying the finer things in life; spending time together and getting to know one another in a way that was impossible in the constant chaos that was their daily lives.
Although he should have known that nonstop adventures came with the territory of marrying a Jedi. He had just hoped for their vacation adventures to be more of the bedroom variety. 
They continued to carefully pick their way along the path, until it reached what looked like an old, rusty drainage pipe jutting out from the edge of a cliff, a large metal grate blocking the way.
“Looks like the end of the road,” he said.
“Hold on,” she said, pulling her hand out from his as she frowned, approaching the grate. “I think... There’s a note here?”
“A note?” Theron frowned. “On a sewer grate? Why would anyone bother to leave a note there?”
She shushed him, leaning forward to peer at a large sign that had been nailed in the center of the grate. Her hand brushed across the sign.
“It’s a notice of some sort.”
“What kind of notice?”
“Caution,” she read out loud, “do not open. It’s always hungry.”
“Hungry?” Theron frowned. “What is always hungry?”
“It’s...” she trailed off, a frown stealing across her features as she suddenly straightened, like someone had plucked a string on an instrument only she could hear. “It’s big.”
“It? What is ‘it’—?”
That’s when he heard the eponymous ‘it’ — the deep clack of large claws snapping, and the low thunder like rumble of large legs stomping from the darkness, as a giant cove crab lunged at the grate. The thing was massive, at least twice the size of the shaclaws that roamed Sky Ridge Island and Raider’s Cove. Its large, muscular legs seemed almost small compared to the menacing claws that could easily crush any creature unfortunate enough to cross its path.
Kind of like them.
Grey leapt back in one graceful movement, speed enhanced by the Force that flowed through her. The metal creaked and groaned as the beast flung itself, trying to grab at easy prey.
“Yeah, I would say that thing looks hungry,” he shouted, his hand instinctively going towards his hip where his blaster usually sat, but only brushed against the slick material of his swim trunks.
Right. Vacation. 
Meaning he’d actually, for once in his life, left his weapon back up at the apartment—they both had. Because this was meant to be a relaxing trip. 
The metal on the grate groaned as the crab flung itself at the metal separating it from its breakfast. It had clearly been installed a long, long time ago — and public works hadn’t exactly been a strong point on Rishi since the pirates had taken over. From the amount of rust on the grate, the sea air had been corroding the metal for some time.
“I don’t think that’s going to hold much longer,” he said, as the mass of claws and spikes kept throwing itself at the barrier.
Even as he said it, the metal on the grate gave another great groan, and the panel burst outwards towards them. In the split moment before it fell, Grey had leapt backwards, yanking Theron with her. They tumbled across the rocky path before both scrambling to their feet to face the now free and very hungry monstrosity.
The crab snorted, the thick, green carapace on its back shuddering as it chittered, then lunged towards them. With instincts borne from a lifetime of battle, they avoided the claws that snapped at them, just barely as they tried to maintain their footing on the slippery sand.
“We should probably run,” Theron said. “Seafood is not really my thing. And you’re a vegetarian.”
Humor was how Theron coped, even in, or especially if the timing was horrible. She shot him a glare even as she propelled him down the path with a shove of the Force.
“Go!” she shouted.
That was kind of the plan they both had in action, but as he turned around, he saw that she had stopped following, and instead had planted herself square in the crab's path.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“Distracting it,” she called over her shoulder. “Save Speedy!”
“Speedy?” Theron sputtered. “You want me to save the damn turtle?”
“He’s our friend,” she called, as she dodged a swipe of claws, “and I’m not letting the poor thing get eaten! There’s no way he’ll be able to outrun this thing!”
Theron frowned. She was right; he supposed. The turtle would have no chance of escaping the crab’s grasp. “But—”
Grey leapt into the air, the jump propelled to unnatural heights by the Force. The crab opened its claws, missing her by a hair’s breadth as she flipped mid-air. She arced over its head before landing gracefully on its shell.
“Have you lost your kriffing mind?” Theron shouted.
She was not making a suggestion. She was giving an order. He snorted an angry breath, but knew that there was no arguing with her when she switched into heroic Jedi mode. He charged back down the path, hoping to maybe find something he could turn into a makeshift weapon against the giant crab — only to see the shell of one, stubborn and clearly unwary sea turtle peek around the corner as it steadily made its way down the path after his human friends. 
“Oh, for the love of—!” Theron cursed as he ran towards the stupid reptile. “No, Speedy! Get back!”
The turtle just gave Theron a wide-eyed, almost confused look, as he wrapped his arms around the animal’s shell and attempted to heave it up into his arms—and nearly threw out his back at attempting to heft five hundred pounds of stubbornly immovable Testudine.  
“Speedy,” he growled, “you need to go on a diet!”
Theron abandoned his attempts to carry the animal out of harm’s way and instead tried to push the turtle back towards the beach. Speedy just blinked at the spy, and Theron could swear he looked offended. 
“Just go!” he yelled.
Speedy blinked at him once. Twice. And then, at turtle-like speed, took a step towards the beach. Then another. Theron looked back over his shoulder at the giant crab bearing down on the both of them.
Seeming to finally sense the danger, Speedy peered its head in the direction Theron was looking, took one look at the beast lumbering towards them—and retreated into his shell.
“That is not helpful!”
He was going to die.
Eaten by a giant man-eating crab as he tried and failed to protect a blasted sea turtle. It was, quite possibly, the most embarrassing way to go. His only comfort was that he would be too dead to hear anyone mock him about it.
Theron looked up from his failed attempts to move the stubborn turtle, and watched as the beast coming towards them suddenly veered away as if directed to by an unseen force—or rather, the Force. He spied his wife, still atop the crab, holding her hand out, as if directing the creature’s movements. 
It passed by man and turtle without a second look, heading down the path and towards the beach. Theron scrambled to his feet, leaving Speedy behind as he tried to keep pace.
Despite the crab’s best efforts to buck Grey off, she kept her balance. As the massive beast hit the wet sand, she braced her feet against the carapace and pushed off with all her strength, flipping high into the air as it crashed into the waves and kept on swimming.
She landed in the soft sand, panting, hand still held out as if still directing the beast with the Force.
Theron finally reached his wife and caught her in his arms before she fell to her knees. She flashed him a grateful smile, before turning a worried gaze at the green shell disappearing off into the horizon. “I hope that isn’t a mistake to send it that way.”
“Well, I hope it eats those stupid pirates,” Theron muttered petulantly.
“Theron Shan,” she admonished. “Don’t be mean.”
“Yeah, well,” he brushed her bangs out of her face as he looked her over for any signs of injury, “after dealing with a crab the size of a rancor, I’ve earned the right to be a little cross.”
“That was not exactly what I had expected to find,” she admitted.
“Are you hurt?” he asked.
“I’m all right,” she assured him, and then smiled so wide that her nose crinkled, “and so is Speedy.”
“Yeah, not for lack of trying.”
“You’re still my hero,” she said, as she rose to her feet and gave him a peck on the cheek.
“Enough of a hero to get you back out on that balcony?” He asked, pulling her closer.
“Hmm,” she considered, leaning into his embrace. “You were pretty brave.”
As if on cue, the turtle poked its head around the corner, looked at the couple, chirped, and then made its way over to his rescuer. Speedy nudged Grey’s hand with his head and then made a little huffing noise before he rubbed his shell against her hand.
Theron rolled his eyes, trying his best not to smile at the cooing noises she was making as she pet the turtle. 
“Next time, I’m leaving you with the crab.”
“Aw, he doesn’t mean that,” she assured Speedy. “He’s just grumpy.”
“I’m not grumpy,” Theron protested as he pulled his wife closer to his embrace. “Just ready to get back to our vacation.”
“I suppose that’s fair,” Grey agreed, as she closed her eyes and leaned into her husband’s embrace, and absently run her hand over Speedy’s shell.
Together, the three of them watched the sun as it continued its slow ascent into the sky, basking them in its warm glow. And for this moment, at least, all was calm and peaceful. Just the two of them, enjoying a tranquil tropical morning.
And a giant, cowardly turtle.
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alecthemovieguy · 1 year
40 years, 40 movies: My life through film
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On Feb. 16, I’m turning 40. In honor of this milestone birthday, I chose my favorite movie (and a runner-up) for each year of my existence. 
Some years were easy, as there was an obvious personal choice. Others, like 1994 or 1999 which are among the greatest years in film history, proved far more difficult. 
What I discovered was there’s literally hundreds of movies I love from the past 40 years but my favorites are the ones that made the most impact and I, unequivocally, adore. The results are deeply autobiographical, so join me on a four-part journey exploring the movies that shaped who I am.
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1983: “Return of the Jedi” 
It was perhaps inevitable that I would become a “Star Wars” fan. I was named after Obi-Wan actor Alec Guinness. As my parents only had a VHS copy of “Return of the Jedi,” it was my first introduction to “Star Wars.” Given the episodic, serialized nature of the movies, I was able to just drop into the next adventure and fall in love with R2-D2, C3PO, Luke, Han and Leia.  (Runner-up: “National Lampoon’s Vacation”)
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1984: “Ghostbusters” 
“Ghostbusters” remains one of the defining franchises for me. Movies, cartoons, comics, toys, clothes, it has been an obsession since I was a little boy. My baby teeth marks were on the box of the VHS tape my parents owned. My first day of kindergarten became less traumatic when I found two boys playing Ghostbusters and they invited me to join them. They already picked Peter (Bill Murray) and Ray (Dan Akyroyd), leaving me with the nerdy Egon (Harold Ramis). I was disappointed. Now I’m totally Team Egon. (Runner-up: “The Neverending Story”)
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1985: “Back to the Future” 
This is another seminal film from my childhood and typically my default answer for my favorite movie. The idea of time travel sparked my imagination as a child. I used to run around my backyard as a kid, humming Alan Silvestri’s theme, imagining I was traveling through time with Christopher Lloyd’s Doc Brown. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve watched the film, but the final act still fully engages me every time. (Runner-up: “The Breakfast Club”)
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1986: “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” 
Any child coming of age in the 1980s and 1990s was hugely affected by the teen films of John Hughes, who was able to perfectly capture the angst of growing up. “Ferris Bueller” was the ultimate kid fantasy: Skipping school for a day in the city with your friends. Better yet, Ferris manages to outsmart all the adults, including snooty waiters, parents and the principal. As a kid, Matthew Broderick’s Ferris felt like the embodiment of cool. As an adult, it is undeniable that the anxiety-ridden Cameron (Alan Ruck) is my avatar. (Runner-up: “Labyrinth”)
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1987: “Spaceballs” 
I had a major Mel Brooks phase in my adolescence. I even held a party dedicated to watching Brooks films. I vividly remember my friend Rebecca Howland telling me “The Producers” was good, but not as good as “2001” (the film it beat for Best Original Screenplay). Only four Brooks films have been released in my lifetime. Of those four, “Spaceballs” is the one I’ve revisited the most because its inspired lunacy is perfectly delivered by its cast, including Bill Pullman, John Candy, Rick Moranis and Brooks, himself, in dual roles. (Runner-up: “The Princess Bride”)
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1988: “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” 
This was a mind-blowing film for a kid. It was the first and only time Disney and Warner Bros. characters interacted together. It remains the definite seamless blend of live-action and animated characters. But the biggest mindfreak to my little brain was that Christopher Lloyd, my beloved Doc Brown from “Back to the Future,” was the evil Judge Doom. Years later, while studying film in college, I would write an essay exploring the film’s take on the film noir genre. (Runner-up: “Beetlejuice”)
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1989: “Say Anything” 
Anyone who knows me, knows that I’m a big Batman fan, so it probably seems insane that my No. 1 choice for 1989 isn’t Tim Burton’s “Batman.” Here’s the thing, I’m also a huge fan of actor John Cusack and writer/director Cameron Crowe. If you need any indication of how much I love this movie, “Say Anything” is tattooed on my right arm. “Say Anything” is the definitive 1980s teen romance with Lloyd Dobler being the ideal model of a boyfriend. (Runner-up: “Batman”)
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1990: “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” 
There was a time when the ninja turtles were my everything. I had a tape with a couple of episodes of the cartoon that featured a trailer for the live-action film. I loved the cartoon but this was different. It was dark and atmospheric like the comic books that inspired the cartoon and toys, and the Jim Henson-created turtles looked real. The film deepened my love. I had a cassette of the film’s theme song, “Turtle Rhapsody” that I danced to constantly in my room. (Runner-up: “Tremors”)
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1991: “Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey” 
I vacillated on what my  first choice and runner up would be for 1991. I nearly chose “Addams Family,” but I prefer its 1993 sequel “Addams Family Values.” Alas, a certain dinosaur movie claimed that year. Ultimately, I went with another sequel that actually improves upon its predecessor. Sequels almost always just repeat the formula of the original, but “Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey” largely throws out the time travel antics of “Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure” and goes on a bonkers adventure through heaven and hell featuring evil robots and an alien named Station. (Runner-up: “Addams Family”)
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1992: “Wayne’s World”
On the surface, Wayne and Garth (Mike Myers and Dana Carvey) are clones of the dim-witted headbangers Bill and Ted, but “Wayne’s World” has more of a satirical edge than the “Bill and Ted” movies, with Wayne providing fourth-wall breaking commentary throughout that mocks filmmaking cliches. I’m a big “Saturday Night Live” fan, and this was my gateway to the show. My friend, Caleb Ring, had a camera and we recreated scenes as “Caleb’s World” and “Alec’s World.” Maybe they still exist in a dusty box somewhere. (Runner-up: “Reservoir Dogs”)
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1993: “Jurassic Park”
At 10 years old, I remember a mixture of excitement and nervousness about seeing Steven Spielberg’s adaptation of Michael Crichton’s sci-fi novel about a dinosaur theme park gone awry. I wanted to see, but would it be too scary? I vividly remember sitting in a darkened theater watching the T-Rex attack. I was scared but also mesmerized by the groundbreaking dinosaur effects. It was also my introduction to Jeff Goldblum, and he has made my life better ever since.   (Runner-up: “Mrs. Doubtfire”)
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1994: “Clerks” 
“Clerks” wasn’t my first introduction to writer/director Kevin Smith (that was 1999’s “Dogma”), but working at both a convenience and video store, the plight of its New Jersey clerks spoke to me. I would even write my own script set in a video store that years later I would convert into a play that was performed in a New York theater festival. Last year, I was lucky enough to interview Smith and tell him that. (Runner-up: “Pulp Fiction”)
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1995: “A Goofy Movie” 
Goofy has always been my favorite Disney cartoon character. This movie is significant because it is the first movie review I ever wrote. It was an assignment for sixth-grade English. I received an A, which sent me down the path to where I am today. It still remains one of my favorite movies for its strong father-son story, offbeat humor and the excellent songs by the fictional popstar Powerline. (Runner-up: “Before Sunrise”)
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1996: “Scream”
Growing up, I wasn’t a horror kid. I was more likely to watch the Muppets take Manhattan than Jason. But by 1996, I was already a fan of Mel Brooks and Monty Python and had a growing understanding of parody. The idea of “Scream” being both a satire and an example of the slasher genre intrigued me. The humor made the scares more palatable and piqued my interest into further exploration of the horror genre. (Runner-up: “Jerry Maguire”)
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1997: “Grosse Pointe Blank” 
For years, John Cusack was my celebrity man crush because he was the perfect balance of vulnerability, sarcastic wit and nonchalant coolness. All of that is on display here as Martin Blank, a hitman who decides to go to his 10-year high school reunion. Also, I often discover music from movies, and this film’s killer soundtrack (pun intended) introduced me to a lot of great punk and New Wave music, including The Clash’s “Rudie Can’t Fail,” The Violent Femme’s “Blister in the Sun” and The English Beat’s “Mirror in the Bathroom.” (Runner-up: “Good Will Hunting”)
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1998: “The Truman Show”
Like many ’90s kids, I became obsessed with Jim Carrey’s style of comedy. I drove my family crazy shouting catch phrases like “allllll righty then” and “ssssssmokin’.” But ‘The Truman Show” was different. It was still funny, but in a more subtle, satirical way, and showed that Carrey had dramatic range. I was 15 when it came out, and it made me feel clever that I was able to pick up on the film’s commentary. (Runner-up: “The Wedding Singer”)
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1999: “Fight Club” 
My love of social critique and satire continued to grow with “Fight Club.” I clearly remember watching “Fight Club” in a theater and my jaw literally dropping upon getting to the big twist. Not many people saw “Fight Club” in theaters, so my friends didn’t believe me when I said it was great, especially since I couldn’t explain why without spoiling it. It’s a film that not only holds up to repeat viewing but benefits from it as there are Easter eggs hidden throughout. (Runner up: ”Dogma”)
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2000: “Almost Famous”
Around this time, I made a decision that I wanted to be a film critic, so Cameron Crowe’s autobiographical film about a teenage rock journalist in the 1970s hit me in all the right places. The protagonist is an awkward, geeky kid in love with and in awe of the rock world and that was me with movies. When I became a journalist, I only learned to love this movie more for everything it gets absolutely right. (Runner up: “High Fidelity”)
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2001: “Josie and the Pussycats”
There are absolutely better films that came out in 2001 but I continue to stand by this silly satire of the music industry and consumerism. I’ve been a defender of this film since it came out. I even had the poster up in my college dorm room. It did not make me cool but, in a just world it would have. The original songs are genuinely great, and the cast, especially Alan Cumming as a villainous record label flunky, is perfect. (Runner up “The Royal Tenenbaums”)
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2002: “Igby Goes Down”
Growing up in rural Maine, I didn’t have access to a lot of independent films, but that changed when I went to Keene State College to study film. Keene had two theaters that showed indie films: The Colonial Theatre and the on-campus Putnam Theatre. “Igby Goes Down” was one of the films I fell in love with while at KSC. It’s essentially a modern riff on “The Catcher in the Rye,” but with a more likable lead played by Kieran Culkin. There’s also an amazing supporting cast, including Susan Sarandon, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman, Claire Danes, Ryan Phillippe, Amanda Peet and Jared Harris. (Runner up: “About a Boy”)
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2003: “Shattered Glass” 
While at Keene State College, I was able to go to collegiate journalism conventions. At one of them, there was an early screening of “Shattered Glass,” which tells the story of Stephen Glass (Hayden Christensen), a journalist who fabricated dozens of articles while working at The New Republic. The film instilled in me a desire to be an ethical journalist with integrity. It also has one of my all-time favorite lines: “If I were to throw a party where all we did was play Monopoly, would you guys come?” It’s absolutely something I’d say. I just wish that it wasn’t said by Glass. (Runner-up: “Lost in Translation”)
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2004: “Shaun of the Dead” 
Edgar Wright has become one of my favorite directors for how perfectly constructed all his films are. His first film, a zombie movie set in England that he co-wrote with star Simon Pegg, is the ideal genre blend of horror, comedy, romantic comedy and drama. This is the first film in what became dubbed the Cornetto trilogy, a trio of genre-bending films directed by Wright and starring Pegg and Nick. While it is mostly played for laughs, the dramatic moments hit hard every single time. (Runner-up: “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”)
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2005: “Wallace and Gromit and the Curse of the Were-Rabbit” 
I was already a big fan of the stop-motion animation Wallace and Gromit shorts, so I was thrilled the English human and dog duo were making their feature film debut. I was in England getting my master’s in journalism at the University of Westminster when the film was in theaters. I went to visit my friend Natalie Toy in Hull to see it, and watching a film that is so thoroughly British in England is a memory I cherish. (Runner-up: “Batman Begins”)
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2006: “Stranger Than Fiction” 
This is a film that takes a high-concept — a man (Will Ferrell) suddenly finds his mundane life the subject of a voice-over narration only he can hear — and executes it with humor, heart and intelligence. A dialed back Ferrell gives one of his best performances, and he’s surrounded by a great cast, including Emma Thompson, Dustin Hoffman, Queen Latifah, Tony Hale and Maggie Gyllenhaal. The film features some of my favorite romantic moments, including Ferrell playing and singing “Whole Wide World” on guitar and giving “flours” to Gyllenhaal’s baker character. (Runner-up: “Little Miss Sunshine”)
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2007: “Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street” 
Tim Burton’s film adaptation of Stephen Sondheim’s musical about a vengeful barber (Johnny Depp) and his partnership with the baker Mrs. Lovett (Helena Bonheim Carter) was my first introduction to the material. While liberties were taken, Burton was the perfect person to transition it from the stage to screen. I immediately fell in love with it. I’ve since seen it on stage three times and had a Sweeney Todd movie marathon with my friend Brian McElhiney in which we uncovered other obscure versions of the story, including one from 1936. (Runner-up: “Juno”)
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2008: “The Dark Knight”
Christopher Nolan's second film in his Batman trilogy is the strongest and is not only one of the best superhero films ever made but a great film regardless of genre. Heath Ledger’s Joker is an iconic film performance for the ages. His performance is the glue that holds the film together, but the rest of the cast, including Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent, and the slick storytelling proved that a comic book movie could and should be taken seriously. (Runner-up “Iron Man”)
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2009: “Up”
Pixar has a history of making animated films that make adults cry, but with “Up” they weren’t messing around. The first 10 minutes, which shows the entire course of a relationship, has the power to crack even the most stone-faced viewer. The rest of the film is the charming adventure of a balloon salesman (Ed Asner) who attaches thousands of balloons to his house so he can fly to the mythical Paradise Falls. This film will always have a special place in my heart because it was the theme of my wedding. Adventure is out there everyday with my wife, Ashley.  (Runner-up ”Inglourious Basterds”)
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2010: “Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World” 
Director and co-writer Edgar Wright’s adaptation of Bryan Lee O’Malley’s six-part graphic novel — a pastiche of comic books, video games, anime, romantic comedies, rock musicals, sitcoms, kung-fu movies and even a dash of Bollywood — immediately spoke to me. I became obsessed. I read the books, played the games, bought the toys, listened to the soundtrack and even got a tattoo of Scott Pilgrim and Ramona Flowers. I connected with it in a way that put it alongside my childhood favorites. As I get older, it only becomes more emotionally resonant. (Runner-up: “TRON: Legacy”)
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2011: “Midnight in Paris” 
My relationship with Woody Allen films has become a complicated one. What he may or may not have done in his personal life colors his work, but can you separate the person from the art? I have to because so many of his earlier works helped shape me. This whimsical time travel comedy with Owen Wilson hobnobbing with literary and artistic idols in 1920s Paris is Allen’s last truly great film. It is a funny and thoughtful exploration of nostalgia. (Runner-up: “The Muppets”)
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2012: “The Avengers”
Marvel Studios experiment in creating a shared universe of superheroes paid off with Joss Whedon’s “Avengers,” which brought together Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Captain America (Chris Evans), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) for the first time. For better or worse, Marvel has continued to further expand their cinematic universe and experiment with serialized storytelling in film, but this first crossover event still holds up and is wildly entertaining. (Runner-up: “Looper”)
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2013: “The World’s End” 
This the final installment of co-writer/director Edgar Wright’s Cornetto trilogy, a series of genre homages starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. “The World’s End” lampoons alien invasion films but is also a surprisingly sincere exploration of alcoholism with Pegg’s Gary King trying to recreate the best day of his life: a pub crawl he did with his friends as a teen. This is Wright’s third film on my list. I adore his storytelling and visual style. Everything is carefully constructed and paid off. Plus, I regularly quote the “Let’s boo-boo” line from his film. (Runner-up: “Pacific Rim”)
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2014: “The Grand Budapest Hotel” 
Idiosyncratic filmmaker Wes Anderson has a style all his own, including eccentric characters, deadpan humor, absurdist flourishes and a mise-en-scene in which everything is framed symmetrically. “Grand Budapest Hotel,” which centers on the misadventures of a hotel lobby boy (Tony Revolori) and a concierge (Ralph Fiennes), is possibly the most distilled version of Anderson’s particular brand of filmmaking. Anderson embraces the ridiculous and finds the beauty in it. (Runner-up: “The Lego Movie”)
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2015: “Mad Max: Fury Road” 
Director George Miller returned to the “Mad Max” franchise 30 years after the previous installment, but this is not a shameless cash grab. This is pure action filmmaking of the highest order. “Fury Road” is a visceral, nearly non-stop chase. But this isn’t faceless or mindless action. The film has personality to spare, including a character playing a flame-throwing guitar. As there’s little dialogue, this is also an example of strong visual storytelling. (Runner-up: “Inside Out”)
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2016: “La La Land” 
After coming out of “La La Land,” I posted this on Facebook: “For anyone who has ever created something, done something artistic or has simply been passionate about something, ‘La La Land’ will speak to your soul.” After seeing writer/director Damien Chazelle’s exuberant, funny and ever-so-slightly heartbreaking musical about a jazz musician (Ryan Gosling) and an actress (Emma Stone) trying to find success and love in Los Angeles, I wanted to create. I began rewriting an old script that would eventually be performed in New York City in 2018. (Runner-up: “Yoga Hosers”)
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2017: “Thor: Ragnarok” 
This is my favorite film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe thanks to director Taika Waititi providing a much-needed tonal shift to the Thor (Chris Hemsworth) character. Waititi is a quirky filmmaker with an offbeat sense of humor that managed to shake things up at a time when the Marvel formula was starting to become a bit too familiar. “Ragnarok” remembers that comic book movies are supposed to be fun. It is colorful, funny and ridiculous, but also has strong character moments. Plus, Jeff Goldblum at his most Goldblumiest.(Runner-up “Baby Driver”)
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2018: “A Star is Born”
Co-writer/director/star Bradley Cooper’s “A Star is Born” is the fourth filmed version of the story of a fading star meeting and falling in love with an undiscovered talent (Lady Gaga), and using what pull he has left to make her a star. The first 30 minutes are pretty much perfect and the rest of the film builds on that promise. I’ve only seen the film once and I can still vividly visualize scenes and the emotions attached to them. (Runner-up “A Simple Favor”)
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2019: “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”
Writer/director Quentin Tarantino is one of my favorite filmmakers. I even taught a class on him for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. “Once Upon a Time,” Tarantino’s love letter to Hollywood in 1969, is basically a hang-out movie centered on a has-been TV actor (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his stuntman (Brad Pitt). In the background, Tarantino offers a revisionist history of the Manson family. It’s rich with location and character detail, and is both hilarious and unexpectedly poignant. (Runner-up: “Booksmart”)
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2020: “Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn”
Margot Robbie’s portrayal of Harley Quinn was the best thing in 2016’s “Suicide Squad,” but this film is what made Harley one of my favorite DC characters and led to a further exploration of the character. Robbie is joined by an assortment of strong female heroes, including Black Canary (Jurnee Smollett-Bell), The Huntress (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) and detective Renee Montoya (Rosie Perez) to face off against the sadistic Black Mask (Ewan McGregor). This is the first comic book film directed and written by women, and the strong female perspective makes it unique and vital. (Runner-up: “Freaky”)
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2021: “Ghostbusters: Afterlife” 
As previously mentioned, “Ghostbusters” has been a huge part of my life, so I was thrilled when this long-awaited second sequel was announced. (For the record, I do genuinely love the 2015 remake). While the original ghostbusters only make a cameo appearance, this is a loving tribute to the late Harold Ramis (who co-wrote the first two films and starred as Egon) that passes the torch to a group of kid ghostbusters led by the amazing Mckenna Grace. This is nostalgia done right. Plenty of laughs, action and, yes, tears. (Runner-up: “The Mitchells Vs. the Machines”)
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2022: “Everything Everywhere All at Once” 
This completely bonkers multiverse adventure is difficult to describe but is a fully engrossing mix of sci-fi, martial arts, comedy and family drama. It is a terrific showcase for Michelle Yeoh, Ke Huy Quan and Stephanie Hsu. Its sincerely sold themes of optimism, kindness and love gives it weight and heart. Quan was in “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” and “The Goonies” in the 1980s, but hadn’t acted in 30 years. He’s so good here, it makes me sad that we missed on decades of performances from him. (Runner-up: “Glass Onion”)
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papas-majadas · 1 year
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Recent additions.
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saggitary · 10 months
Do you ever see a piece of artwork or fan work or literary anything and love it so much that you start biting the air like a Labrador Retriever that see’s that their tennis ball is about to be thrown or is that just me
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graphicpolicy · 1 year
Star Wars, G.I. Joe, Battle Beasts and more Rare Action Figures Up For Bidding in New Hake’s Auction
Star Wars, G.I. Joe, Battle Beasts and more Rare Action Figures Up For Bidding in New Hake’s Auction #starwars #gijoe #ghostbusters #xmen #ironman #mego #tmnt #dicktracy
Toy fans of all ages, Hake’s is back at it, with a new auction of collectible toys (and comics, and games. and more) for us to drool over. This auction has dozens of Star Wars items, but also items from Marvel, G.I. Joe, Ghostbusters, Battle Beasts, Dick Tracy, Masters of the Universe, TMNT and more! Read on for highlights! STAR WARS (1978) – JAWA 12 BACK-A AFA 75 EX+/NM (VINYL CAPE) On anyone…
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will80sbyers · 30 days
Do you still have the list of movies that inspired ST4? I had a picture of it but I lost it and I haven't been able to find it since. Please and thank you in advance.
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Long post warning lol
2001: A Space Odyssey
47 Meters Down: Uncaged
12 Monkeys
28 Days Later
13th Warrior
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
Altered States
American Sniper
Analyze This
Assassins Creed
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Almost Famous
Batman Begins
Batman V. Superman
Basket Case
Battle at Big Rock
Beauty and the Beast
Behind Enemy Lines
Beverly Hills Cop
Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey
Billy Madison
Black Cauldron
Black Swan
Boondock Saints
Bram Stoker’s Dracula
Burn After Reading
Broken Arrow
Blade Runner
Con Air
Cast Away
Children of Men
Cabin in the Woods
Crimson Tide
Dukes of Hazzard
Don’t Breathe
Death to Smoochy
Dark Knight
Deep Blue Sea
Drop Dead Fred
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard 3
Don’s Plum
Dances with Wolves
Dumb and Dumber
Edward Scissorhands
Enter the Void
Ex Machina
Event Horizon
Emma (2020)
Forrest Gump
Fisher King
Full Metal Jacket
Ferris Bueller
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Good Fellas
Girl Interrupted
Godzilla: King of the Monsters
Get Out
Good Will Hunting
High Fidelity
Hellraiser 1
Hellraiser 2
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
High School Musical
Hurt Locker
Hunger Games
Hell or High Water
Home Alone
I am Legend
It’s a Wonderful Life
In Cold Blood
I am a Fugitive from Chain Gang
Inside Out
Island of Doctor Moreau
It Follows
Interview with a Vampire
Inner Space
Into the Spiderverse
Independence Day
Jupiter Ascending
John Carter of Mars
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
James Bond (All Movies)
Karate Kid
Knives Out
Little Miss Sunshine
Long Kiss Goodnight
Lost Boys
Leon: The Professional
Let the Right One In
Little Women (1994)
Mad Max: Fury Road
Men in Black
My Cousin Vinny
Mystic River
Minority Report
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Neverending Story
Never Been Kissed
No Country for Old Men
Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
North by Northwest
Open Water
Orange County
Oceans 8
Oceans 11
Oceans 12
One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Ordinary People
Paddington 2
Pulp Fiction
Pan’s Labyrinth
Pineapple Express
Peter Pan
Princess Bride
Paradise Lost
Primal Fear
Peter Jackson’s King Kong
Reservoir Dogs
Road Warrior
Rogue One
Reality Bites
Raider of the Lost Ark
Red Dragon
Sky High
Sword in the Stone
Step Up 2
Spy Kids
Saving Private Ryan
Shape of Water
Swept Away
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Silence of the Lambs
Source Code
Starship Troopers
Silver Bullet
The Visit
The Italian Job
The Mask of Zorro
True Lies
The Blair Witch Project
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
The Craft
The Guest
The Devil’s Advocate
The Graduate
The Prestige
The Rock
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The Fly
The Mummy
The Guardian
The Goofy Movie
The Peanut Butter Solution
Toy Story 4
The Ring
The Crazies
The Mist
The Revenant
The Perfect Storm
The Shining
Terminator 2
The Truman Show
Temple of Doom
The Cell
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Good Son
The Orphan
The Birdcage
The Green Mile
The Raid
The Cider House Rules
The Lighthouse
The Book of Henry
The A-Team
The Crow
The Terminal
Thor Ragnarok
The Descent
The Birds
Total Recall
The Natural
The Fifth Element
True Romance
Terminator: Dark Fate
The Hobbit Trilogy
Very Bad Things
Wayne’s World
What Women Want
War Dogs
Wedding Crashers
What’s Eating Gilbert Grape
Welcome to the Dollhouse
Welcome to Marwen
Wet Hot American Summer
What Lies Beneath
What Dreams May Come
War Games
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Weird Science
Wizard of Oz
Young Sherlock Holmes
You’ve Got Mail
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midnightcreator12 · 1 month
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Since so many others have gotten some form of ref sheet and she's going to be mentioned a lot more often (and appear soon-ish) I made a little ref sheet for Astra Ader the Zygarrian in her Jedi robes (alt outfits to come as the fic progresses)
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luminescentturtle · 8 months
actually still pissed abt ahsoka. my children what have they done to you.
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pocoslip · 10 months
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Its very sad to know that Boba Fett and Casey Jones were gonna have their own Solo Movies but got Cancelled either because they are not the Main Characters in their own franchise or Disney and Nickelodeon thought the Story is "Too Dark" or something...
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