#joel miller x black plus size reader
artemisthewh0re · 1 year
Can I request a Joel fic? Maybe Tommy makes a flirty comments towards the reader which leads to Joel becoming jealous ? & touchy with the reader? Can it also be a smut if possible I appreciate it !! Your fics are amazing
Warnings: Unwanted flirting, possessive bf (kinda), sleazy Tommy
A/N: I was going to add smut but as I kept writing I couldn't figure out where to put it so I'm sorry. This turned out way different from what you asked for so prepare to be disappointed 😭
A cool breeze grazes the back of your calves as you wait outside of Joel’s door. Your flowy yellow sundress was a new purchase for the spring season. Joel had made a passing comment about yellow being your color, so you thought wearing a yellow dress to meet his family would make a good first impression. The neckline of your dress dips ever so slightly, just barely showing your cleavage. You knew the dress was a little teasing, but it’s not too risque for meeting your boyfriend’s daughter. Cicadas hum around you as the sun sinks lower in the sky. You think about knocking on the door one more time, but it swings open before you can open the screen door. Joel stands in front of you in a casual shirt and his work jeans. 
“I feel a little overdressed,” you say shyly, looking over your outfit. Suddenly you wish you had gone with your first choice, a graphic tee and shorts. 
“No, you look beautiful sweetheart,” Joel assures. His eyes can’t help but scan your body, lingering on your chest for an extra moment, before he ushers you inside. 
It wasn’t the first time you’d been to his house, just the first time you had been there at night. The house looks homey and warm, laughter radiating from the kitchen. It was almost like another house compared to the quiet house you were used to visiting. You stand awkwardly in the hallway second guessing every decision you had made that day. Is my hair too frizzy? Is there lipstick on my teeth? Is my dress too showy? You’re dragged out of your thoughts by Joel’s calloused hands on your shoulders, gently guiding you to the kitchen. You round the corner to see a young girl and a man. You can tell that the girl is Sarah based on the photos you've seen, but you didn’t know the man. Joel quickly introduces you before they make their introductions.
“Hi, I’m Sarah,” Sarah says with a wave.
“And I’m Tommy, Joel’s younger brother,” Tommy says, shaking your hand. His hand holds yours for just a bit too long, but he lets go before it gets too awkward. “Joel, how’d you manage to get a girl this gorgeous?”
Joel ignores Tommy’s question. You sit down in a chair next to Sarah, leaving a chair next to you for Joel. Your boyfriend heads to the stove to prepare plates for everyone. Based on the smell, fried chicken is on the menu. You try to look over to the counter to get a better look, but Joel’s large frame obstructs the food from your view. 
“Don’t worry,” Sarah whispers, “I helped make it, so we won’t get salmonella.” 
“God knows you’re not helpful when it comes to eggs Sarah,” Joel responds from over his shoulder.
“It was one time!” You can’t help but laugh at Joel and Sarah’s dynamic.
“So what do you do for a livin’ darlin’?” Tommy asks. You turn to face him so you can answer his question, but see that he’s sitting in the seat you had saved for Joel. His brown eyes bore into yours with a strange intensity. 
“Oh um, I’m a teacher. I’ve been teaching third grade for about four years now,” you say, slightly scooting your chair away from him. 
Joel calls Sarah to the stove to help bring the plates over. The food looks amazing as the plate lands in front of you. Crispy fried chicken, mashed potatoes with potato skins mixed in and gravy drizzled on top, and some seasoned peas made you practically drool onto your plate. 
“Damn Joel, this looks amazing,” you say in awe of your boyfriend. You would have never guessed he was a talented chef. “Thank you too Sarah,” you say, remembering she helped. 
“You’re welcome,” Sarah smiles. 
Sarah sits down next to you, quickly chowing down on her food. Joel comes to the table with his plate, but notices Tommy has taken the spot next to you. You almost think about saying something but Joel just sits across from you without saying a word. There’s an awkward moment of silence as everyone takes bites of their which is broken by Sarah.
“Do you like Destiny’s Child?” she asked with her mouth stuffed with potatoes.
“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” Joel scolds. Sarah smiles at him, showing off all the food in her mouth. Tommy chuckles and Joel groans in response.
“Yeah I like Destiny’s Child. Do you have a favorite member?
“Obviously Beyonce!”
“Really? I like Kelly more.”
Sarah gasps and looks at Joel. “Dad, you have to break up with her. There’s no way we can get along now!” 
“If one of you is hittin’ the curb tonight, it’s gonna be you,” Joel says, pointing his fork at Sarah. You laugh along with Tommy at Joel’s teasing. All the nerves you had built up dissipate from your mind. 
“They’re always like this and it never gets less annoying,” Tommy whispers. He leans closer to you and puts a hand on the back of your chair as he continues. “So, how did you and my brother end up datin’ anyways? Big brute like him ain’t much of a talker…or a looker.”
“What was that Tommy?” Joel asks. 
“Nothin’, I was just makin’ conversation. How did you guys meet?”
You and Joel both look at each other momentarily. The truth is that you hooked up through a dating site, but admitting that in front of a person you barely knew and a kid would be beyond embarrassing. You two had never discussed a fake scenario, so you’re both stuck looking like fish with their mouths hanging open.   
“Uh…we…um,” Joel begins. His ears turn red as he remembers the real way you two met. 
“We met at a…,” you try to think.
“Gas station, we met at a gas station. The Texaco just up the street,” Joel vaguely gestures to the right with his fork. Texaco was the other way. You try your best to quickly think of a meet cute. 
“Yeah, I was short on change, so he bought my gas for me.”
“Is that so?” Tommy says, skeptically.
“Mhm,” Joel squeaks out. “We kept running into each other after that and eventually I asked her out.” 
Sarah eyes the both of you, her bullshit detector is no doubt going off, but she chooses not to say anything other than, “The perfect rom-com meeting.”
“Ha, yeah totally,” you say nervously. 
“Well Joel, I’m impressed. I didn’t think you could manage to get not one but two gorgeous women to date you,” Tommy laughs. His hand moves from the back of your chair to your shoulder. His thumb swipes over your shoulder and you want to recoil away, but sit still to not cause a scene.
Joel’s demeanor changes in a split second at the mention of Sarah’s mother and the site of Tommy caressing you. His once relaxed shoulders tense up and his eyes fill with anger.
"Tommy," Joel says, his eyes piercing into Tommy. "Get out!"
Sarah stops eating and watches her dad. The room is silent from a moment, no one daring to make a noise in fear of Joel snapping at them.
"What? I didn't even do anything!" Tommy breaks the silence.
"You heard me. Get. Out."
Tommy stands up from the table in exasperation, knocking over a glass in the process. He gives Joel a last glance before heading towards the door. The door slams and a stillness comes over the house. The only sound you can hear is blood rushing through your ears as your heart pounds in your chest. You barely notice Joel guiding you out of your seat and taking you outside. His hand wraps around yours, his thumb gently swiping over your skin. 
“I’m sorry about my brother. He’s never been like that before,” Joel mumbles, walking you back to your house. 
“It’s okay. This surprisingly isn’t the worst thing that’s happened when it comes to meeting my boyfriend’s families,” you laugh, trying to ease the tension. 
“I can’t imagine anythin’ worse than this.”
“A fire started and half the house burned down.”
“Yeah, it was a very eventful Thanksgiving to say the least.”
The street lights barely illuminate your house at the end of the cul-de-cac. It’s smaller than all the others and looks out of place with all the uniformed homes. You stop in front of it and turn to Joel.
“Maybe we could start over. You guys can come to my place this time and you can even bring Tommy if he promises to keep his hands to himself.”
“I’d like that, but I doubt Tommy’ll be comin’.”
All my writing ability left the building once I got to the end of this piece.
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279 notes · View notes
nobitchs-world · 17 days
Me someone says they like bfd fics
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130 notes · View notes
cardierreh15 · 9 months
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Post Human
A new series I’m working on since I’ve fallen in love with TLOU again. Except, August is alive with his baby brother, Mike 🩵
** I do not give anyone permission to repost or copy my work!!!
Warning 18+: Cursing , Crude/Dark Humor , Family Drama? , Mentions Of Death .
Pairing: August Walker x Roslyn (Black!Female OC)
Special Guests: Joel Miller(Father Figure) , Ellie Williams (Sister/Best Friend) , Mike Walker (August’s Little Brother)
Description: This is Only the beginning.
Word Count: 4.9K
TagList: @suckthatskittlebiiitch @drewharrisonwriter @headcannonxgalore @misshinson @kingliam2019 @imaslutforcuddles
The tiny snowflakes melted instantly once they kissed the warmth of her face. She was looking up at the stars, something she did every night. Wondering what was out there. Sure, in school they taught her about the planets, the sun, how vast space really could be. And unlike the others, who were freaked out about the eerie thought about being in this universe alone, she was intrigued and wonderous. 
‘Ros!’ A voice called out to her. 
A voice that made her eyes light up and her lips pull up into a shit eating grin. Roslyn carefully crawled over to the edge of the roof and peered down. 
There stood her sister and her best friend, Ellie Williams. 
She had her hands on her hips, with an unsurprised look on her face. 
‘You’re back! Took you long enough!’ she called out as she let out a breath in relief. Just glad that her partner was alright. Ellie was one of the best damn Herding Masters in Jackson. Taught by the best, their father figure, Joel Miller, the three of them were like a death squad. 
But if this life hasn’t taught them anything, it did teach them that tomorrow was never promised. The cordecyps were advancing and becoming more formidable with time. They thought they were careful enough already. Pretty soon they’d have to figure out how to fly!
‘Come down! I have to tell you about patrol!’ 
‘On my way!’ 
Once Roslyn made it down safely from the roof of the cabin she was bunking with Ellie, she walked over to her and the two young women embraced in a soul tying hug. Ellie broke the hug to look at her sister in a concerned glare, ‘You good? You never hold me that long.’
Letting out a gentle sigh, her breath disappearing in the cool air, ‘Nothing. I’m just happy to see that you’re OK Ellie. Ever since Maria split us up into separate patrol groups, I feel like no one has your back like I do.’ 
Ellie shoved her hands in her pockets and chuckled, ‘Yeah. You know,’ she turned to walk, which then led Roslyn to accompany her, ‘We do make a great team. They just can’t trust us when we’re out there like that. We like to fuck around and find out.’
The two girls laughed together as Roslyn zipped up her thick coat, ‘Well shit we get the work done don’t we?! Might put ourselves and others in danger but, we’re still kicking.’ 
‘Might as well have some fun before we die huh?’ Ellie snickered as they approached the pub. 
When they came back from patrols, they always took one another to the bar to relieve a little bit of stress and talk about the ugly sights they’ve seen. It’s become such a routine, anybody working the bar that day, always had their drinks ready for them before they even walked through the door. 
So it was a little bit of a surprise when nobody was at the bar when they walked inside. There were a few folks sitting in the booths. Enough to count on one hand really. Which itself wasn’t really shocking but who was going to serve them? 
‘Hey-yoooo!’ Roslyn called out as she pulled a stool out to sit upon, ‘Anybody there?’
‘Ding, Ding!’ 
An unfamiliar woman came from the back room pushing her hair out of her face with an aggravated sigh. She then placed her hands flat on the wooden counter; her crystal blue eyes looking at both of the girls. Her southern accent was thick as over processed molasses, ‘What can I do you for?’ 
Ellie’s eyebrows tugged into one and then looked over at Roslyn. 
Roslyn looked over at Ellie in a bit of concern before she spoke. ‘Where’s Seth?’
‘Oh.’ The lady chuckled out, pushing herself off of the counter and picked up two glasses, ‘That fool called out sick. Talkin’ bout some damn stomach bug. Should be back tomorrow..’ she walked over to the sink, ‘If he aint shit his guts out already.’
Roslyn covered her mouth with her hand and hid her face as Ellie sucked in her lips into a fine line to keep from laughing. 
‘Y’all ain’t ever tell me what ya’ wanted. Ion read minds.’ The woman spoke up and dried out the glasses with a kitchen cloth as she turned to face them once again.
‘I’ll take a Jack Daniel’s on the rocks.’ Ellie said.
Roslyn raised her brow and snapped her head over at her sister who just looked a little bit more stressed out than usual. It would probably be best for her to do the same, just in case there were to be some heavy news. 
‘I’ll have what she’s havin’.’ And the lady got right to it. 
As she made their drinks, Roslyn couldn’t help but wonder what was swimming around in that thick skull of hers. She sat there in silence as her sister fiddled with her thumbs and started to bite the inside of her lip. Something was really bothering her.
When the lady placed their glasses in front of them, Ellie didn’t bother to toast her drink but instead just began to knock it back like it was water.
‘Whoa- hey!’ Roslyn said as she grabbed her wrist with her free hand as she gripped her whiskey glass in the other hand.
‘What?’ Ellie asked as she looked over at Roslyn and then at the bar lady. ‘Just… shit.’ She added as she placed her now empty glass on the wooden countertop. 
Roslyn clenched her jaw together and narrowed her eyes before looking over at the lady, ‘Could we have some privacy please? Thanks.’
The lady gave them a simple nod, ‘Sure. From the looks of it, y’all definitely need it.’ 
Roslyn then turned in her seat to face Ellie head on. ‘What the fuck is going on?’
‘What?’ Ellie mumbled as she looked at the intricate detailing and patterns on the whiskey glass. 
‘What the– What do you mean “what?”?! We come here damn near every two days and I’ve never seen you take down a drink like that… let alone whiskey! What’s going on with you?’
Ellie sighed softly before pressing her lips together and looking ahead. ‘I uh-... We slipped today.’ She said before finishing up the rest of her drink. 
Ros raised a brow, turning her head to the side as if she needed to hear her better, ‘Meaningggg…’ she trailed off
‘Chad. We were uh… ambushed by some fucking sociopaths today. Didn’t know who they were but they didn’t operate like us. Those motherfuckers…’ she leaned in closer to Roslyn, ‘These em-effers were just as bad as Stalkers.’ She whispered. 
Yeah, now was a good time for Roslyn to start sipping on her whiskey. She knew that this was going to get a little uncomfortable.
Once she finished her long sip, she placed it on the coaster and sighed out, ‘Infected sociopaths… I swear this shit just gets better and better.’ She said in a mocking tone.
‘Aah don’t be a dick, Ros. These were completely fully- able human beings. But what I was saying before you had to butt in… they operated differently. Very stealthy. I didn’t even hear the fuckers get the jump on us! And the way they communicated… in whistles. Man, it was fucking weird.’ 
Roslyn took another sip of her drink and looked at her sister, ‘Well I mean… when mother Earth betrayed her inhabitants she thought it would be fun for these motherfuckers to be echolocators too… So maybe they’re doing something right.’
‘I beg the differ. Anyway, back on topic- Chad. Chad basically got shot in the face.’ She grumbled. 
Roslyn was in the middle of finishing off the rest of her whiskey when she choked on the warmth in her throat. But she was able to force down the rest of the liquid before coughing her way back to air. 
Ellie patted her back roughly as she looked around, ‘Hey, hey– look. He’s fine. They said is going to make a full recovery. Just glad their aim was off a little bit.’
Roslyn placed her hand on her chest as she focused on getting her breathing back in order. Her and Chad had gotten well acquainted since he’s been here. He was another person Maria sought to move from patrolling with Ros because he was a distraction. 
And a distraction he was! 
‘Fuck! See no, I-I need to go talk to Maria.’ She said as she stood up. 
‘For what? Ain’t like she gone let you talk her into going back on patrols with me.’ 
‘It’s not about that!’ She paused.
Ellie stared up at her with a bleak glare in her eyes and a soft smirk on her lips. 
‘Maybe it is. But, look – what happened to him is exactly why we can't do this splitting up shit. You could’ve died. Then what would I have to tell Joel?’
Ellie let out a gentle sigh as she began to play with her fingers once more. She was feeling a little bit discouraged and at fault for their friend’s injury. And being that they were the best of friends, Ros caught on to that immediately and began to nip that bud before it turned into a weed.
‘Aht, aht. No ma’am! Look, Ellie. I know what you think is right. Listening to Maria and all her bullshit calls and what not. But I can’t protect you from here. And vice versa. You remember when we went into town and crushed that nest?! Me, you, Joel and Tommy? We’re more than just a team. We’re family. I want my qual buddy back. Come on. Whaddya say?’ 
Ellie shook her head slowly with a knowing smirk on her face as she folded her arms across her chest. 
‘Weeeeell.’ Ros sang as she leaned in. 
‘Fine, fine! Fuck it. But if she asks who’s idea this was because you know she will ask, I’m going to say it was yours and you drug me there by my damn ponytail.’ 
The two girls laughed together before Ellie stood up and they walked out of the bar and back out into the night’s cold air once again.
They’d barely made it to Maria’s when panicked shouting filled the air. The girls immediately turned to the fence, their hands on their holsters just in case shit got sticky.
‘Aw shit.’
‘What now?’ 
Finishing one another’s sentences. They hung around one another way too much. 
Coming through the gate were two men. The smaller one had his arm draped over the larger one’s shoulder, his gray shirt soaked in fresh blood. His head drooped forward but his free hand was resting on his torso. That was a good sign. He was still alive. But not for much longer if he didn’t seek medical attention. 
‘Shit.’ Roslyn hissed at the gruesome sight. 
‘MEDIC! WHERE’S THE DAMN SURGEON!?’ Maria called out, quickly strutting her way towards the gate. 
‘Here she comes… wanna say something now?’ Ellie said with a smirk before she folded her arms across her chest. 
‘Ellie, your timing is shit. Clearly this kid is dying we–’
‘Maria! Ros and I would like to talk to you about something important.’ 
Maria cut between them in a hurry and the girls followed suit. ‘If it has anything to do with patrol, don't bother. My decision has been made.’ She then wrapped the young man’s free arm around her shoulder and the pair basically carried him to the stretcher that had been brought to them. 
Roslyn let out a sigh and looked over at her sister who had this look of “I told you so!” on her smug face.
‘W-what if I told you it’s not about patrol?’
‘Then.’ Maria sighed out heavily as they carefully laid the kid out on the stretcher, ‘I’d call you a liar.’ She stood up straight and gave Rachel the green light to wheel him off. The brother tried to follow but Maria stood in his place.
‘What are you doing?! I have to go with my brother!’ He tried to step around her but she stepped in his way again.
‘First of all.’ She raised her hand before him.
‘Uh-Oh.’ Ellie snickered.
Roslyn pressed her lips together and shook her head.
‘You are in my establishment. I think I deserve to know who the hell you are..’ She let out a gentle breath and continued on, ‘What are you and your brother's names?’
He let out a shuddered breath before continuing, ‘August. My brother’s name is Mike.’ 
‘Well… August. Your brother is in the best care. Meet me at the mess hall at 1900. There’s a lot to discuss. For now, go meet my husband Tommy by the pub. He’ll show you around.’
August gave her a gentle nod before he watched her walk over to the two girls that stood side by side. Then, he looked at her. 
And she looked at him.
He was tall, probably standing at 6ft even, his dark slightly messy hair complimented the brightness in his tired blue orbs. The bags that were beneath them were slightly dark, a telltale sign that he hadn’t been receiving a lot of sleep. He sported a thick bushy mustache that warmed his lips. They were pink, full of life. So at least he wasn’t dying from thirst. 
He was handsome to say the least.
‘As for you two.’ Maria’s voice brought Roslyn out of her thoughts, ‘Come with me.’ 
Roslyn and Ellie stepped apart for Maria to cut through and she walked in the direction of her house. 
The girls looked at one another and gave each other a gentle shrug. They couldn’t be in that much trouble. Not like it was when they were kids. These days they never snuck out, they kept their head’s low and always listened to their higher ups. So what was it that Maria wanted from them today?
The girls walked into Maria’s cabin after her and saw Joel sitting on the sofa. 
‘Joel!’ The girls called out in sync and rushed over to greet their father in a tight hug.
‘Girls! Well ain’t it good to see you!’ He then placed kisses atop their heads before he broke the hug to get a good look at them. 
‘Why didn’t you tell us you were back?! When did you get back?’ Ellie asked concerned.
‘I just got back a few hours ago. You weren’t here and Ros was nowhere to be found. On that roof again huh?’ 
‘Yup.’ Ellie smirked and elbowed her sister, ‘Right where I found her.’
Joel gave the girls a smile and nodded, ‘Right. That’s why I ain’t come botherin’ you.’
‘Ros!’ Maria called.
Roslyn looked back over her shoulder, ‘Yes?’
‘Come here. I got something for you.’ She gave her a gentle and reassuring smile before backing up into the room behind her.
She looked from Maria to Joel who in turn gave her a nod for her to proceed. She then walked in the room Maria walked in.
The young woman took a moment to take in her surroundings. The place was stacked in different kinds of fabrics and quilts. It made her smile to know that beneath that hard exterior, Maria genuinely cared about her people and would work day and night to make sure they were warm before anything else. ‘I didn’t know you taken upon sowing.’ 
Maria chuckled as she sat down on a wooden stool, looking through what had seem to be a stack of silk. ‘You never asked me either. Ain’t no need to tell if it ain’t brought up.’ 
‘Well, I’ll sleep better at night knowing that you’re actually a big ole softie.’ 
Maria pulled out a folded up piece of cloth, walked over to Roslyn and held it out.
Roslyn pulled her brows together, ‘What’s this?’
‘Open it up. You’ll see.’
She didn’t like Maria’s sneaky antics. But she was also a fan of surprises. So she quickly unfolded the thick pink silk and gasped softly. 
‘A bonnet?!’ 
The hem of the bonnet had her name sown in the color yellow. She ran her thumb over the threading and looked up at Maria. She was at a loss of words.
Maria laughed joyously, ‘Yes! You know about them?’ 
She smiled softly as she subconsciously ran her fingers through her pretty braids. ‘Yeah, Tasha told me about ‘em! She mentioned them lookin’ sumn like a mushroom top. No over exaggeration there.’
‘It does.’ Maria smiled, ‘But now you can preserve your braids a little longer if you have them covered and protected in your sleep.’
‘This is awesome!’ Roslyn grinned down at the engraving and let out a somber, unsure sigh, ‘Maria I can’t take this.’ She felt bad. Knowing the kind of hell she was bound to put her through in the next few moments.
‘Of course you can. It has your name on it. It’s yours.’ 
Maria gave the girl a stern motherly glare. The look of “You’re gonna take it, and you’re going to like it.”
‘Alright, mom.’ She chuckled and folded up the silky cloth and stored it in her back pocket. 
‘Good. So, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?’ She asked as she folded her arms and leaned against the sewing table. 
‘Well…m—‘ Roslyn was hesitant. She already knew what the answer was going to be but she had to ask anyway. She felt that maybe if she nagged enough, Maria would eventually cave in. 
‘I—‘ she let out another sigh, ‘Ellie and I wanted to inquire about being paired up with patrols again.’ 
Maria let out a tired groan and rubbed her face, ‘Oh God, Roslyn—‘ 
‘Aw, c’mon Maria! Look, Ellie told me about what happened with Chad today! That wouldn’t have ever happened if it was me and her! You know that!’ 
‘No! I don’t know that! Roslyn, I split the both of you up for a reason—‘ 
‘A reason I can’t understand! We protect each other no matter the cost.’ 
‘Let. It. Go, Roslyn. It’s not happening.’ 
The tension in the room grew thick enough to touch, and the quietness. It was unsettling. 
‘Fine.’ She barked, ‘Ain’t giving back this bonnet either.’ She added before spun around and walked out of the bedroom. 
She quickly stormed out of the house but not before Ellie could ask if she was alright. And by her silent answer, that told her everything she needed to know. 
Ellie turned to Joel, ‘She said no.’ 
Roslyn ran smack into the chest of Tommy who immediately caught her, ‘Whoa, whoa kiddo.’ He placed his hands on her shoulders to keep her from falling over. ‘Ya good?’ 
She looked up at her uncle with a gentle pout, ‘No. But I’ll be fine. I guess.’ 
Tommy let her go and landed a few firm pats on her shoulder, ‘Maria?’ 
‘You know it.’ 
‘Hmph. She ain’t soften the blow?’ 
‘Does she ever?’ 
‘Would she be my wife if she did?’ 
Roslyn smirked at the smartass remark, ‘Yeah. Sure know how to pick ‘em.’ She mocked.
Tommy chuckled before he had come to realization. The new guy, was standing behind him. ‘Oh. You meet August? He’s gone be the new guy roun’ here.’ 
‘Not exactly. I was standby when Maria ripped another hole in his ass.’ 
Tommy chuckled and nodded, ‘Sounds bout right. August! This is Roslyn Mitchell. She’s one of the top Herding Masters here and sumn like a niece to me.’ 
‘Somethinnnggg?’ She mocked, rolling her big brown eyes. 
‘Issss! Now, gone head and take him down to the pub. Heard Seth wasn’t here to shit out his mouth so, y’all should be good.’ He then placed a warm kiss on her head. Enough to combat the brisk air outside. Then he left them on the porch to be inside with the others. 
August stared at her for a long moment, taking in all the details that made her… her. 
Her eyes were brown as rust; making them the most intense and unique thing he’d ever seen. Her lips were full and donned a cute little beauty mark on her bottom lip. They looked so soft to the touch. Her skin was mahogany with a reddish undertone. She looked like an angel. 
Oh this girl could make an atheist believe!
But how could an Angel exist at a time like this?
The pair sat at the bar, a bar stool splitting them to give one another ample space and privacy. 
Roslyn was lost in her own thoughts; her face twisting and turning as if she were having an angry conversation with herself. 
‘Wanna talk about it?’ 
Once she realized he was speaking to her, she snapped her head over at him, ‘Why do you care?’ 
‘I don’t. Just trying to make conversation I guess. We haven’t spoken since Tommy introduced us. I thought it’d be cool to talk.’ 
‘Pssh,’ she smirked, ‘At least you’re honest.’ She swirled her drink around, watching the liquor coat the ball of ice then drip off. 
It grew silent between the both of them again. 
‘What happened?’ She asked before looking over at him.
‘Why do you care?’ He said with a bit of a smirk before looking over at her. 
Roslyn scoffed, ‘I don’t.’
‘Then why ask?’
She shrugged, ‘Maybe I’m nosey. Or perhaps I find it a little random and weird how you and your brother just pop up out of nowhere you know?’
‘Are you suggesting-’
Roslyn looked over at him with a blank face. 
He knew exactly what she meant. 
August stared back at her and licked his lips before he looked back down at his drink. 
‘My brother and I. We were a part of this militia up north.’
‘The Fireflies? Ain’t they all over the place now?’
‘What?! That sorry ass excuse of leadership? Course not. Besides they either sided with us or infected chow by now.’ He then took a sip of his drink.
‘You and I can both agree to that.’
‘Anyway, I was with WLF.’ He murmured. 
‘WLF? You mean-’ She looked over her shoulders to make sure no one was listening in on them. ‘Washington Liberation Front?! What the fuck–are you insane?! You’re lucky they didn’t shoot you in the face when you got here! What if you-’
‘Whoooa, look at you not caring!’ 
Her mouth remained slightly open at his comment. She could already tell he was going to be a pain in her ass.
‘Listen, we weren’t followed if that’s what you’re worried about.’
‘And how do you know that?!’
‘Because I do OK!? Just– shit went down and I wasn’t standing for it.’ He then knocked back the rest of his drink and gently slammed the glass on the coaster. 
Roslyn let out a heavy sigh as she placed her hand over her forehead, doing her best to gather her thoughts and ask the right questions. 
‘Alright. Tell me what happened? How’d your brother get hurt?’
‘I thought you didn’t care.’
‘OK don’t be a smartass. Just tell me what happened.’
‘Alright.’ He chuckled before raising his hands in surrender. 
‘We have this leader by the name of Isaac. Hardcore motherfucker. He’s been around longer than I have and experienced the world before it went to shit. You’d think since he witnessed the beauty of what this world was like before all his loved ones died, he’d be somewhat reserved and patient. No. Anyway.’ He sat up straight and turned to face Roslyn. 
‘There was a peace treaty with some occupants on the nearby Island. We called the folks there Scars. Anyway, somehow, the treaty was disrupted and now we’re at war again.’
‘Shit. What’s it like?’ 
‘What’s what like? War? I’ve heard stories about the world before. How we had Armies and the death and loss that came with fighting for the greater good. Though, what this feels like, It doesn’t feel like that.’ 
Roslyn pressed her lips together firmly, swallowing her spit. She too, had heard about the tales of the past world and how countries handled their beef. But something about the way he spoke, it didn’t sit entirely right with her.
‘Anyway, they’ve been sending us out on patrol groups to clear out any stragglers that may have crossed over our borders. Me, my brother and a few other guys came across this encampment. It had signs of being inhabited so we began to secure the area. Then, we were ambushed. We fought long and hard. We took out anything we saw move. I lost 3 of my men which only left me, my brother and Jon alive. Mike thought it would be a good idea to scope the place one more time.’ 
She watched him closely, his eyes; she wanted to see if they would blink or twitch but, nothing. Then, her eyes fell to his nose and lips. No twitch, not even a smirk. 
‘And then? They got the jump on ya brother or sumn?’ 
August chuckled and shook his head, ‘Nah. Anyway, shit you outta let me finish here. I’m not in my right mind, I will forget!’ 
‘Oh. My bad.’ 
‘So, my brother calls me over while Jon started up a fire to burn up the bodies… There was a young woman hiding in the bushes. She was pregnant.’
Roslyn’s heart twisted in her chest as she had a gut feeling of what he was bound to tell her. But she didn’t stop him, she had to know what kind of man he was so she could disassociate herself if she needed to. 
‘She had those same scars up her cheeks that everyone else had, so I knew she was with them and we probably killed her partner. But she had this look of… sorrow. She didn’t say a word but her eyes begged us to let her go. Then, Jon came up behind us and tried to shoot her. My brother stepped in her way and tried to talk him down but he refused. Instead, he pointed the gun at my brother’s head and he barely began counting before I put three in his chest and one in his skull.’ 
‘Fuuuck.’ Ros breathed out. ‘That— must’ve been hard.’ 
‘It wasn’t. My brother’s life is more important than any one of us that went downhill that day. So, we gave the girl all of the food from Jon’s sack, his sleeping bag. She needed it more than we did. We let her go. Might’ve been the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever done but oppose to that I know it was the right thing. She wasn’t a threat to us. She was just a kid herself! Anywho, weeks on passed. We got word that we were being followed by the Top Dogs of the militia.’ He scoffed and shook his head, ‘But they were always one step behind. Considering I was one of them but…’
‘That wasn’t all, was it?’ She asked; intrigued with the story. 
‘No. No, of course not.’ He sighed out. ‘Yesterday we were in the midst of some shit with the Scars and the WLF. My brother was shot. We had to fight tooth and nail to get out of there. We didn’t even know this place existed! I was up in the mountains and saw the lights. I knew it could’ve been a long shot but I had to take the chance. I promised my dad.’ 
Roslyn let out a deep breath and shook her head, ‘Sheesh. That’s…’ she just closed her eyes and tried to pick up a more suitable word for his situation. But nothing would come up. 
‘I know. I’ve had a long month.’ He smirked as he lifted up his empty glass towards the bartender for her to pour him up another glass. 
‘Shit yeah!’ She scoffed and raised a brow. 
Again. Silence. But, at least she was a bit more confident in him now. Comfortable too.
‘It was a noble thing you did back there. Sacrificing your life for that woman and your brother. The world needs more men like you.’
A small smile curled on his lips. 
‘That’s probably the nicest thing someone has ever said to me. Thanks.’
She did her best not to smile but his smile was so contagious! Roslyn was grinning like a fat kid in a bakery. 
‘Somehow I don’t believe that but, you’re welcome.’
The pair shared a gentle laugh before their attention was captured by the door creaking open and a pair of boots clicking upon the wooden floor. It was Tommy, Joel and Maria. 
Roslyn’s mood instantly shifted and she turned back towards her drink.
Maria smiled softly as she approached the two.
‘Hey. Hope I wasn’t interrupting.’
‘Nope.’ Ros let out a sigh and stood up from her stool, ‘I was actually just leaving.’ She wanted to keep it short.
‘Oh.’ Maria took note of her half empty glass of Scotch. ‘But you didn’t finish your drink.’ 
‘It was my second. Plus, I got a few things to handle.’ She looked over at August and gave him a gentle nod, ‘See ya round?’
August returned the nod with a soft smile, ‘Course.’ 
She turned around to meet Joel at the door. ‘Hey! I couldn’t help you look sumn-odd different!’
‘Really?’ Joel folded his arms as he raised a brow.
‘Yeah! You looking a bit more gray than usual.’
Joel chuckled and shook his head, ‘It’s the stress kid. Wait til you have two girls skippin’ roun’ here you’ll get it!’
‘Yeah yeah, sure! Ellie outside?’ She laughed, pulling on her black beanie.
‘Yup, she’s waitin’ on ya.’ 
‘Cool. See ya old man. Oh! And— go to Tasha’s. I’m sure she got sumn for that salt n pepper.’
Then, she stood on her tippy toes and gave his bearded scruff a kiss and went outside to join her sister.
‘I Will Kid! Be good, Roslyn.’
Very important Side Note: From The River To the Sea, Palestine will be free. I’d like to make it clear that in no shape or form does this page support Israel or Zionism. The creator of the game, Neil Druckmann is a Zionist and I would like to make it very clear that this page stands in solidarity with the people of Palestine 🇵🇸. Boycott the game, boycott the show! CLICK HERE to find links to support and donate to Palestine & please continue to Boycott! Palestine will be free.
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royaltysuite · 1 year
Voice-Over Content Taglist
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To all those who either requested to be added to this taglist or liked content on the fandom, you are now added to the Taglist for 'Voice-over Content'. This allows you to make priority requests and commissions for THIS FANDOM ONLY!!! Please, let me know if you would like to be added or removed from the list.
@eunkooked @ladyraveness @shady-the-simp @star-bowie @lolimmago @little-wlw-froggie
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spookykoolkat · 8 months
kinktober | pretty mama - j.m.
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kinktober day eleven - breeding
pairing: joel miller x plus size!reader
wc: 3.48k
summary: after the beginning years of telling your husband you weren't ready for a baby, your four year marriage anniversary came up in the fall and you were having a little bit of baby fever.
warnings: 18+ ONLY! NO MINORS ALLOWED!! teasing, fingering, slight car sex if you squint, pregnancy kink, breeding kink, creampie, u protected penetration (p in v), dirty talk, talks of being a mother, pet names, talks of getting you pregnant.
reblogs, likes and comments are always appreciated and loved! THANK U SO MUCH FOR 500 FOLLOWERS OMG!!! this ones for u guys!
⛧°。⋆༺♱༻⋆。°⛧ °。⋆༺♱༻⋆。°⛧°。⋆༺♱༻⋆。°⛧°。⋆༺♱༻⋆。°⛧
YOU DIDN'T REALIZE HOW MUCH joel craved to see you pregnant. something you found was a bit odd but after being married to joel for a few years, you realized it was more endearing than anything. 
it was like clockwork — every time you and joel had sex, he craved to fill you up. you always told him no, that you didn’t want him to cum inside of  you even though you yourself wondered of the outcome. 
not only did he have a small kink for wanting to watch his cum leak out of you, to think about you finding out you’re carrying a mini you and him in your womb – he ached for it. he imagined you walking around, swollen and round, achy feet and coming to him to make you feel better. to console you, to take care of you, to love you. 
but tonight, your four year marriage anniversary, you felt something different. something that you’d never felt before, something that you couldn’t even imagine wanting. 
joel couldn’t even wait before getting inside the house he fixed up for you, kissing you against the front door with his key jiggling in the doorknob. 
he took you to your favorite restaurant to celebrate, having a couple of glasses of wine and mindlessly laughing with each other, like a normal married couple. but you were feeling particularly needy. 
rubbing your heeled feet against his calf, rubbing up and resting your chin on your palm as his eyes grew dark. it was an exciting scene, and feeling your heel press into the thick of his thigh, he couldn’t wait to get you home any longer. 
you were dressed in a deep red dress that cinched at your waist and acted as a corset, flowing out down your hips. paired with your black pumps with the thick heel and your skin scented with your sweet perfume he loved - he couldn’t stop staring at you. 
“quit it,” he mumbled behind the wine glass, still letting you rub up to his crotch under the table. 
too dim to notice movement underneath, everyone too deep in conversation to acknowledge the couple next to them. 
“i’m not doing anything,” you said, using your fork to scrape against the plate. 
“i’m serious, honey.” 
and he was. because the minute the two of you left, he had your leg thrown over his thigh while he drove, his fingers curling up inside of your hole that leaked for him. 
“joel please,” you cried, gripping onto the seat as your pretty red dress sat above the thick of your thighs. 
“what is it, baby? what do ya need?” his condescending voice only made you clench harder around his fingers, feeling your cunt throb in response. 
“you! i need you, please,” he only curled his fingers at a relentless pace, the only thing being heard was the light sound of the radio and your cunt gushing around his fingers. 
“oh? you need me? ‘s that why you were actin’ all needy in there?” he smirked, coming to a red light and being able to watch himself finger your hole, watching you sink into the leather seat and prop yourself against the door. 
luckily for you, joel had just the perfect amount of tint to prevent anyone from really seeing how you get for him. even though he wouldn’t mind, he liked the thought of claiming you in every way. 
but now, joel opened the door finally and pushed you inside to aim for the bedroom. 
“what do you need from me, sweetheart?” he asked, fingers tugging at the buttons of his white dress shirt after shucking off his shoes and blazer. 
your fingers were tugging at your panties already, still walking backwards to the main hall of your home. as you watched him walk towards you while taking off his top, you shook your heels off to take off a few inches of your height and finally reach the bedroom that was lit by the fairy lights you hung up — ones that joel fought you on, but you won anyways. 
the back of your knees hit the bed when you felt a cool breeze from the autumn wind blow through the open window, and you sat on the mattress while leaning on your palms. 
he stood in front of you, shirtless and unbuckling his pants as he stared you down: 
“i think,” you sighed dramatically, “i think i need you to fill me up.” 
he wasted no time to strip off his clothes and yours, leaving both of you bare as he crawled on top of you and spread your legs with his calloused hands. you might say that his hands are your favorite thing about him, but it seemed like every part of him drove you mad without trying. 
“do ya know what you’re sayin’ right now, baby?” joel asked, humming into your neck as he kissed and licked over the skin. 
you stared at the ceiling, a smile on your face as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed your cheek into his. 
“mhm, i know. i need it, joel. need to know how it feels when you cum inside of me,” you said lowly into his ear, and you swore you heard him practically growl as his hand snaked between your bodies. 
“you want me t’ knock you up? you gonna let me put my babies right here,” he asked, pressing down on the fat of your lower tummy before inching his way to your mound. 
you just nodded, whining as you felt his hand start to spread your cunt. 
“joel, please, need you to breed me, please,” before you could cry for him again, his hand swiftly goes to grab you by your jaw and chin, squeezing the chub of your cheeks together so he can graze his nose against your ear. 
“say it again, tell me again,” he growled, and you bucked your hips up to try to rub your cunt against his bare cock, but he kept you down. 
“fuck, cum inside of me please, please knock me up,” 
you heard something animal like come from his throat, grabbing you harshly and pulling you up to lay back on a few pillows. he grabbed you by your thighs and pushed them up, exposing your sex to him so he could see every detail. 
he needed to admire you like this, the way your tummy bulges more than usual because of your knees near your chest, the way your thighs pushed the lips of your cunt together — covered in your slick. he loved watching you like this, seeing how you let him maneuver you however he wanted. 
still, with your legs pressed together against your chest as far as they could reach, joel sat on his knees and guided his tip between the thick lips of your cunt. he watched as your pussy covered him in your arousal, only watching as he slid between the lips, up your cunt and between your thighs. 
“such a  pretty baby, gonna let me pump you full? full of me?” he huffed as he fucked between your thighs, rubbing his shaft and balls over your cunt. 
your arms wrapped around the back of your thighs to hold yourself for him, and he smiled, kissing your calf and up your feet. moving his cock from rubbing between the fat of your thighs, he slowly let his member spread your cunt generously to rub over your hooded clit, down to prod at your tight hole. 
“yes, please, fill me baby,” you whined, feeling him start to sink into you, inducing you to stretch and mold around him. 
“mmm, fuck, always thinkin’ of fillin’ you up, always thinkin’ what you’d look like carryin’ my babies,” he grunted, taking over where you held your legs for him, spreading them wide and slotting between them. 
“fuck, joel please, please,” you were begging, aimlessly, but he only gave you more inches as he maneuvered his hips to slide further inside of your warmth. 
you could feel the way his cock made its way into your cervix, the way he pumped in and out of you slowly after finally bottoming out made you feel every curve, every vein, the way his head nudged the spot you couldn’t reach with your fingers. 
his mouth was everywhere, all over you as he pumped in and out of you kissing over your hot skin and the birth marks you had on your shoulders and neck. the dark freckles you hated, the stretch marks you thought you had too many of past the acceptable amount, the hair you tried to shave on your arms when you were a child — he worshiped all of you at every given moment. 
his arms snaked under your body, hooking over your shoulders to have leverage to keep his pace relentless. he held you close to his body, using every ounce of strength he had to make sure you didn’t have to lift a single limb to do any of the work. 
another thing about joel — he loved to just watch you take everything he had to give you. 
“that’s right baby, hold on to me, let me make you feel good, gonna make sure i put a baby in ya,” he whispered in your ear over the wet slaps that bounced off the walls, and you listened. 
you wrapped your thick legs around his waist, locking him in a hold with your calves as your arms wrapped around his, still holding you by your shoulders to keep you on his cock. your moans and whimpers would sound desperate, like you’d never be able to have him like this again, and you gripped at his forearms with your manicured nails. 
he loved when you were like this. desperately trying to get him closer, anymore closer to you than he already was, trying to grip onto him, to ground yourself with him. but it was never enough, you could never get enough of joel. no matter how many times he’s fucked you, or had you like this — you needed more. 
the thought of joel being a father to your kids never failed to make you swell with warmth, it never failed to make you fuzzy at the thought of joel claiming you in another sense. to make you a mother, the mother of his children, to have that tie forever and so everyone can know who you are made for — it sent a different type of pride in you. 
he wanted to get you pregnant, show the world that he had you to create and hold a life that you both had something to do with. to show everyone that he is the only one who could give you the world and more, to know that he’s practically locked you down in every way gave him a sense of security. 
the thought only sent your cunt to clench around the girth of his cock, something you’d never get used to be thoroughly enjoyed every time he gave himself to you. 
“fuck, fuck joel, fuck! so good, so so so good, wanna have your baby so bad,” you cried, and joel grunted at the thought as he situated himself on his knees. 
his hands were sunken into your plush tummy, hands gripping the fat of your body to hold up half of his weight and hold you down, as if you were going to slip away from him. he held you to the bed with his hands, pulling back and watching your legs unwrap around his waist to being held in the air, bent at the knee. without missing a beat, joel’s mouth hangs open a little at the sight and moved his hands from holding you by your waist, to grabbing your legs and holding you spread open by your thighs. 
this way, he could see every bit of you, the way your cunt sucked him in and made obscene sounds of squelching, how your tits looked pressed together, bouncing with fervor to each thrust. he imagined how they’d look when you were pregnant, how they’d fatten and round up as a response to your hormones and child-bearing body. 
“i know honey,” he cooed, licking his lips as he watches his cock disappear in and out of your cunt, “such a pretty pussy, ain’t lettin’ no on else have ya, you’re mine baby, all fuckin’ mine,” 
his southern accent came out more in his grunts and moans, losing concentration of anything else but you. 
he couldn’t imagine you getting any sexier, more desirable until he thought about you with his baby. after, especially. seeing you in a rocking chair with the baby in your arms, reading a story or cuddling them until they fell asleep. he remembered when he first met you. so outgoing, couldn’t get you to stay home, partying and doing all types of drugs. to be frank, he wasn’t approving of your way of life. 
he always worried about you, had to pick you up shitfaced at clubs, wanting to make sure you weren’t getting into any trouble. of course you did, there was a time joel had to bail you and tommy out of jail together because the two of you thought it was smart to get into a tussle at the bar with an obnoxious couple. joel never trusted tommy after that, mad at him for letting you do that, but you had to step in and tell him it was your decision. 
after that night, joel let you know how he felt. how your reckless ways weren’t fair for him, how he worried about you constantly, hoping you don’t end up drunk in a ditch somewhere. thinking about you now, asking him to make you a mother, only going out when joel went with you because you got tired of going out every night with your friends as you got older. now when you get drunk you aren’t crazy and sloppy, you were giggly or emotional. he admired your growth, and it even made him smile with pride realizing even though you changed some of your ways, you were still you at heart. 
he just knows you’re going to be the cool mom, the fun, exciting mom. he didn’t mind taking the burden of being the one to discipline and being not so fun to be around, it just made him flutter at the thought. knowing you went from crazy, wild and a party girl to wanting to be the mother of his kids made him warm. he had never loved anything as much as he loved you. 
“gonna be such a pretty mama, ain’t you? my perfect fuckin’ wife,” he growled, almost to himself as he stared down at you. 
no matter what, every time joel looked at you, you felt heat rush into your cheeks. this doesn’t change, not even when your bare underneath him. 
your eyes focus on his, watching his hair tousle and sweat form on his body. you couldn’t think, not even what to do with the rest of your limbs he wasn’t gripping onto, so you just hooked your arms under your calf, and held yourself open for him. 
“good fuckin’ girl, already knows what to do for me,” he smirked, watching you hold your folded position as far back as you can to open your cunt for him, just so he can see the hood of your clit between your lips and watch your hole flutter around his cock as you watched him. 
every time he soaked you in, you couldn’t help but clench. joel enjoyed watching you almost as much as you enjoyed watching him watch you. 
he smacked you on your ass a couple of times, stinging with every thrust he began to speed up with. your breath was being knocked out of you, no air in your lungs as he fucks into you to try to angle himself to hit your g-spot. it didn’t take much at all, especially not even he bent his knee to plant one foot on the bed and burying himself to a hilt. 
watching him like this, have so much desire and want for you enough to scrounge up any way to just be further pressed into you made the bundle of heat in your lower tummy nearly explode. 
“please, please, please cum in me, please, want your cum so bad, make me yours, wanna be good for you,” you rambled, breathy sentences coming out and not completely clear to you, but very clear to joel. 
he felt himself losing control watching you take his length, watching the ring of your arousal build on his cock. he couldn’t get used to how drenched you became at the sight of him, how slick you felt every time he slid between your folds. how his face and the scruff of his grown out beard would always be soaked coming up for air from your cunt — it was addicting. 
because he could be between your legs for hours, until you finally begged him to stop, to let up on your sore sex. 
“always so wet f’me, always ready to take my cock, always ready f’ me to plant my seed right,” he trailed, grabbing one of your hands from the backs of your thighs and using it to push onto your lower tummy that slightly hung over your mound, “here,” 
his hand rested on yours, and watched as your eyebrows furrowed into pleasure, your eyes fluttering and felt as if they were going cross eyed. vision blurred as you felt the undeniable pressure of your release threatening to spill over. you could feel him in your stomach, you could feel him everywhere. 
“such a pretty mess, ready for me to make her a mama, wantin’ t’ be mine forever, let me breed her pretty cunt whenever i want,” he whispered, and moved his hand down to your cunt to gather your juices that was covering his cock and spread it to your clit. 
he stuttered a moment, enjoying the way your hips tried to fuck back onto him, wanting to meet his thrusts with persistence. when you finally got into the rhythm, joel used his two fingers to rub firmly onto your clit. 
“gonna look so pretty filled with my cum, ain’t that right? cum for me, baby, make a mess on my cock pretty girl, let me feel you,” his words were too much for you, wanting to hold on for him, to cum together but it looked like you couldn’t help yourself. 
“gonna cum, gonna cum, joel, m’ c-cumming for you,” you moaned, followed by a heavy gasp caused by the jolts of your body after the knot in your tummy pulled apart and unraveled under him. 
he was the only one that could pull that reaction from you, the only one who got to see you shake under his hold, and god did he love it. he loved how you milked his cock until he felt his hips go sloppy, grabbing you harder than he knows, his mouth hanging open as he winced from the overstimulation of your cunt not letting go. 
he could do this over and over again, except this time, cumming inside of you was an entirely new situation. not only were you dripping down his shaft, but his last few thrusts into you and he came with a gravelly moan, one that made you throb around his cock. 
it was almost beautiful the way he made you feel warm, inside and out. the ropes of his hot release coated your walls entirely, and his hips slowly kept gliding in and out of you very softly. in his mind he was making sure you had a chance of carrying his baby, and even if not, he’d have the chance to do it over and over again until then. 
it’s all he could dream of really, filling you up with the purpose of making you a mother. 
“baby,” he breathes, letting your legs lay straight on the bed, his weight falling onto your body and he traps you. 
your bodies are sticky, covered in sweat and spit, your juices coating his entire groin and the bed. it was lovely, something that wasn’t at all sexual given how unflattering it is to be sweaty, disheveled and out of breath, but still you had a sense of lust and desire for him. love, is what you felt. and love was sensual, sexual, emotional, spiritual — it was everything. 
and as you laid there under joel while he gave small kisses over the skin exposed to him, playing with his hair and joel whispering to tell you how you are going to be the most amazing, beautiful mother there is — you couldn’t have imagined having a kid, being a mother, especially not to anyone else’s child. anyone but joel. 
@awilderi @nerdieforpedro @cyb3rluvvxx @joelmillers-girl @pedritoferg @bethanymccauley @subconsciouscollapse @teyamsgrl
i hope u enjoyed! thank u so much for the support and for reading!
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nerdieforpedro · 4 months
The Brave, the Bold, The Dirty - Fanfics that I adore
Volume 5
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All fanfics on this list are for readers age 18 and up, please respect the author's tags, warnings and notes as they're there so you know what's in them. Read at your own risk.
Room 1918 by @megamindsecretlair (Nomad Steve Rogers x Black female plus size reader)
Sweet Treat - Part Two by @mrsmando (Frankie 'Catfish' Morales x plus size female reader) Follow up to 'Sweet Treat - part one.'
La Petit Mort @boliv-jenta (Joel Miller x reader and Dave York x reader) Dark Fic
Misfire @qveerthe0ry (Dieter Bravo x GN reader)
Fluffer by @proxima-writes (Dieter Bravo x PA female writer)
Hey Good Lookin’ - part one and Hey Good Lookin’ - part two by @gwendibleywrites (Chubby shy Frankie Morales x plus size reader)
Lemonade Sparkles by @frenchiereading (Frankie Morales x female reader)
Watta Man - A Marcus Pike Story by @atinylittlepain (Marcus Pike x female reader)
O’ Christmas Tree by @covetyou (Dieter Bravo x GN reader)
Lingerie by @604to647 (Din Djarin - modern AU x female reader)
Once in a Blue Moon by @whatsnewalycat (Dieter Bravo x female reader)
Hold Harder by @sin-djarin (Tim Rockford x female reader)
Christmas Indulgence by @movievillainess721 (Jack Daniels x plus size female reader)
Cowboy Hat Joel x Reader (an ask) by @theywhowriteandknowthings (Joel Miller x female reader)
Oh, The Wildflowers by @adora-but-ginger (Joel Miller x GN reader)
A Nanny for Christmas by @absurdthirst (Dave York x plus size female reader)
Baker Wonderland by @integra1127grimmreaper (Javier Guterrez x plus size female reader)
Consummating the Riduurok @beskarandblasters (Din Djarin x female reader)
Consent by @fuckyeahdindjarin (Dieter Bravo x female reader)
White Christmas by @absurdthirst (Joel Miller x female reader)
Symphony by @maggiemayhemnj (Joel Miller x Jersey - OFC)
What the Heart Wants by @artemiseamoon (Pero Tovar x female reader)
Javier Peña & His Sweetheart (Chubby Peña) by @beefrobeefcal (Chubby Javier Peña x female reader)
Please check out everyone's listed fics and master lists! Don't forget to reblog and comment, writers love interactions. 🥰
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livyjh · 8 months
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Temptation ch.9
Co-written with @fhatbhabie
No outbreak!Dbf!Joel x Fem!Plus size!Reader
Series Masterlist
Rating: EXPLICIT 18+
Summary: After breaking things off with your toxic boyfriend, you move back home with your dad. His best friend and neighbor, Joel Miller, takes an interest in you. But you’re the one who has to convince him to make the first move.
A/N: sooooo the last chapter posted only has 4 notes… hopefully we’ve still got some of you reading this?? I will still post all chapters but we’re bummed that people have fallen off! Thank you to those that are still reading :)
Chapter warnings: mention of working, mentions of food/eating, sexy food play, smuuuut, breast play, oral sex, daddy kink, unprotected p in v (wrap it!), mention of cheating, mention of alcohol consumption, allusion to gambling (poker night with the boys), teasing, almost getting caught, smoking cigarettes, family drama!!!
Divider art by: @saradika
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Valentine's day.
You were sitting in your bed typing away at your computer trying to finish this project your boss had you on. You were at home alone, your dad out on a date with his girlfriend who he has yet to mention to you. His date was last minute, meaning you didn't really have time to plan anything with Joel, leaving you alone on Valentine's day.
You finished typing the last sentence and closed your laptop, sliding down on your bed groaning at the 5 hour project you had just finished. The front doorbell went off making you jump. You slipped on a pair of sweats and walked down to opened the door only to see Joel with a bouquet of roses in his hands.
“Joel...” you gasped.
“Happy Valentine's Day, darlin’.” He said, smiling and handing you the roses. You grabbed them and walked into the kitchen filling up a vase for the flowers.
“Sorry we couldn't do anything. Dad not being here kinda threw me off.” You said as you sat the roses in the middle of the dining room table.
“Get dressed.” he said handing you a bag from the store.
“What's this?”
“I said get dressed.” He smirked, making you roll your eyes and chuckle. You walked up to your room and pulled out a dress from the bag. It was a short, red sundress with a pair of black heels. You looked at the bottom of the bag and found a new black bralette and panty set. You quickly got dressed and threw your hair up in a bun and walked back down.
“How's the dress?” Joel asked as he wrapped his hands around your waist and pulled you close.
“Fits perfect baby. Thank you.” You smiled.
“C’mon we've got dinner plans.” He said as he grabbed your hand and walked out the door with you.
“Where are we going?” You ask curiously.
“New place in town, heard they got a pretty good chef.” He pulled out a black scarf and wrapped it over your eyes.
“Trust me darlin’, I got you.” He walked you through what felt like grass as your heels were sinking into the soil. He walked you up 2 steps and stopped. He took off the scarf revealing that you had walked to his back deck. Twinkling lights had been hung up along with floating lanterns scattered in the pool, absolutely taking your breath away.
“Joel…You did all this?”
“Well… Sarah helped. I called her and she just told me what to do.” He grabbed your hand and walked you to a small table that had a white table cloth over it with a bottle of wine on ice. He pulled out your chair and helped you sit down.
“Smells amazing...” you said, looking over at him smiling.
“When you uncover it you can't get mad.” he said nervously. You raised an eyebrow and uncovered the plate in front of you. A burger and fries from your favorite burger place. You couldn't help but smile.
“I'm not gonna look pretty eating this.” You said, making him chuckle. You picked up the burger and started eating.
“I was gonna cook-” he said as he bit into his burger. “I tried followin’ what the lady in the video was saying but it was like she was speaking a different language or somethin’ cause I couldn't figure out what she was saying.” He said, making you laugh.
“What happened to what you cooked?”
“Almost blew up my damn house. Had to throw away the pan I was cooking in.” He chuckled.
After you finished eating, you helped him clean up. You went to put the wine in the fridge when you saw a small tray of strawberries and a can of whipped cream making your mind think dirty things.
“What's for dessert?” You asked, pretending like you didn't see anything.
“Did you wear everything I packed you?” he asked. You gave him a nod and with that you were being pulled up and sat on the island. He walked over to the fridge and pulled out the strawberries and whipped cream.
“And what are your plans with those?” You smirk at him.
“Thought we could have some fun feeding each other… and,” he shakes the whipped cream. “Well I’m sure you can figure this one out.” He winks.
You nod and blush a little, knowing what he wants to do with you.
He opens the box of chocolate covered strawberries and pulls one out.
The tops with the leaves had been removed and the entire thing was covered in chocolate which you knew would make things a little messier.
He brings the treat to your lips and you look him in the eye, seductively taking a bite of it.
You smiled at him as you chewed and swallowed. He watched your lips wrap around the strawberry before taking another bite, your lips touching his fingers softly.
He made a sound in his throat, swallowing thickly. He fed you the last bite and you noticed he had chocolate on two of his fingers and his thumb. You swallow the last bite of strawberry before leaning forward and taking his middle fingertip into your mouth.
“Fuck…” Joel curses.
He moves to stand between your legs that are dangling off the kitchen island, gesturing to the box of strawberries.
“Your turn.” You smile after licking his fingers clean. You pick up a strawberry between your thumb and forefinger before bringing it up to his mouth.
He takes a bite and a little juice dribbles down his chin. You quickly lean forward and swirl your tongue over his chin and up to his lips before kissing him.
He kisses back hard, hands squeezing your inner thighs. He pulls back just enough to speak, “We should take that dress off… don’t wanna get it stained.”
“You’re right.” You laugh a little and he pushes his hands up under your dress, pushing it up and helping you shimmy it over your hips. He finally pulls it off of you and you move to feed him another bite of the sweet fruit in your hand.
He makes it a big bite, eating the rest of the strawberry. You grab the whipped cream and shake it, holding it above his mouth. He tilts his head back and drops his jaw, letting you squirt the whipped topping onto his tongue.
He swallows and licks his lips, hands now on your waist. He was tickling your sides without knowing it and you stifled a giggle.
“Keep your mouth open.” You smile and put whipped cream along his bottom lip. You then lean forward and lick across his lip before sucking it into your mouth and biting down softly.
He groans in his throat, hips pushing forward. You could feel him hard against your thigh through his pants as you kissed him again.
He’s almost panting now, hands moving from your waist, down over your hips, to your thighs to push them open further. He pulls you forward on the counter enough that he can press his clothed member against your pussy through your panties.
“Joel…” you whine.
“We aren’t done yet.” He grins and picks up another strawberry. He brings it up to your mouth and you take a bite, juice dripping down your chin and onto your chest. You chewed and Joel moved down to lick the juice off your cleavage, making you shiver.
He feeds you the rest of the strawberry before pushing you to lay back on the island. He moves to the side of it for better access to your whole body, putting a stripe of whipped cream above your belly button. He leans down and licks across the strip of skin covered in the sweet topping.
“Shit…” you moan and run your fingers through his hair.
He looks up at you as he kitten licks at your tummy, getting the stickiness off of it. He moves back around the island to get between your legs, putting little dollops of whipped cream from each of your knees up to the apex of your thighs, just centimeters away from the edge of your panties.
Joel looks at you with dark eyes and a devilish grin as he leans down and sucks the whipped cream from your left leg, closest to your knee. Then the right leg in the same spot. He switches sides, inching closer to your cunt each time until he finally presses his tongue flat against your slit through the fabric of your underwear.
“Please!” You cry out, thighs twitching.
He breathes in through his nose to smell your scent as he hooks a finger in each side of your panties and pulls them down and off your legs. He kneels down and kisses your clit, making chills go through you.
You tangle the fingers of both hands in his curly, graying hair, tugging lightly. His tongue slips into your entrance, nose pressed against your clit as he begins to eat you out.
Your back arches each time his nose nudges your bundle of nerves and his tongue pushes into you.
He sucks your clit into his mouth for a few seconds, letting it out with a small *pop*. “Taste even sweeter than those strawberries.” He laughs.
You smile, grip his hair and push his head closer so his face is in your pussy again, praising it, tasting it.
He swirls his tongue around your clit and you gasp. “Please- I need you, daddy.” You whisper.
“Wanna make you cum first-“
“No- I…” you take a deep breath. “I need your cock so fucking bad, Joel.”
He snickers and stands up, unbuckling his belt and undoing his pants. He pulls out his cock, hard and leaking precum.
You look down and smile and he grabs your legs, putting your ankles on his shoulders. With one hand, he takes himself and lines up with your entrance. The head of his cock is throbbing already and you know neither of you are going to last long.
He pushes into you, both of you groaning at the feeling. “Yeah… oh fuck, baby.” He tilts his head back and closes his eyes until he’s all the way inside you.
You clench around him and he gets the hint, starting to thrust in and out of you. He starts a little slow, but the more you whine the faster he goes.
“Fuck- fuck me, daddy!” You cry out, feeling your orgasm getting closer with every graze of your g-spot.
He growls and holds your hips firmly, pounding into you as fast as he could manage without dislocating something.
He reaches down and starts rubbing circles against your clit. “Want you to cum so hard on my cock, honey…”
“Yes-! Oh, fuck, I’m gonna cum.” You gasp and feel your legs start to shake, glad that Joel was holding them up on his shoulders.
“That’s it… cum for daddy… good girl.” He breathes the command and it’s enough to push you over the edge.
Your walls flutter around him and he lets out an obscene moan, releasing inside of you just a moment later.
His hips stutter as he cums, eyes locked with yours.
When you’re both getting too sensitive, he pulls out and watches his seed leak from your hole. He dips two fingers into it as you sit up.
He brings the digits to your lips and you open up, sucking his fingers clean once again tonight.
“Let’s go to bed, sweetheart.” Joel smiles and helps you hop down from the counter.
You leave a mess in the kitchen to clean in the morning, following Joel up to his room. You both finish undressing and crawl into bed. Joel holds you tight against his chest. “Love you, Y/n. Happy Valentine’s.”
You smile and kiss his jaw. “You too, baby. Love you.”
The next morning you woke up and rolled over to see Joel’s bare back. You placed a small kiss on his shoulder blade and slipped out of bed. You looked outside of his bedroom window to see your dad was pulling into the driveway.
“Shit…” you went down to the kitchen and slipped on your dress, grabbing your things. You felt your phone ring, the screen lighting up with your dad’s name.
“Hello?” You answered.
“Y/N, where are you??” He said, worried.
“I, umm, went out on a date with my boyfriend and I lost track of time and fell asleep at his house…”
“Y/N… gave me a damn heart attack, girl. I come home and your car is in the driveway and I find the front door unlocked and roses on the table-”
“I know, dad I’m sorry, I left in a rush and I thought I locked the door behind me.”
“Get home soon please. We need to talk.” With that he hung up. You leaned back on the counter of the kitchen trying really hard not to freak out. What did he wanna talk about? Did someone find you and Joel out in public and then proceed to tell your dad?
You pulled yourself out of your thoughts and wrote a quick note, placing it on the kitchen island. You walked out and walked over to your house.
“Dad?” You said walking in to find your dad sitting at the table, staring at the roses.
“Must be a rich guy… These roses go for a pretty penny…” he said as he took a sip of the amber liquid in the glass in front of him. It was only 8:30 in the morning and he was drinking. Something's gotta be going on.
“Dad, what’s wrong?”
He looked over at you and sighed. “I was seeing this woman… Didn’t wanna tell you anything ‘cause I didn’t wanna worry you… My business trip, I was with her in Hawaii, and last night I was at her house.”
“Okay… Then why do you look sad?”
“I went over to her house just to leave her roses for Valentine’s day last night and I found her in bed with another guy…”
“I didn’t wanna tell you, but… I fell hard for her. And we tell each other everything so..”
Well… almost everything.
“What about you? What did you do last night?”
“Oh, umm… He picked me up, got me this new dress, and the roses, then we went to his place and he made dinner.”
“What else did you do?” Your dad asked, making your face turn red.
“Dad, I don’t think you want details…” you muttered, making him laugh.
“No, sorry, you’re right. He good to you?”
“Yeah dad… he’s amazing…”
“Good. You’d tell me if he did anything to you right?”
“Dad… If I did, you’d become a felon.” You said, making him chuckle. He got up from the table and pulled you into a hug.
“I know... Just don’t wanna see you get hurt.”
“Thanks, dad.” You said, looking up at him.
“You’re my only kid. You’re all I’ve got.” He said, giving you a sad smile.
“Hey… how would you feel about maybe inviting your guy friends over tonight for poker? I know making them all lose makes you happy.” You said, making him laugh.
“That sounds great.”
“Okay, you go clean yourself up and I’ll get everything ready and invite everyone.” You smiled and walked up to your room. You quickly showered and got redressed. You grabbed your phone and purse and walked out the door and sped off. You grabbed your phone and called Joel.
“Hi baby.” You said, smiling.
“Hey darlin’, where’d ya go?”
“My dad got home earlier than I thought… Look, I need a favor. I need you to call all of dad’s friends and tell them to come over tonight.”
“Why whats going on?”
“Went over to his girlfriend’s house and found her fucking some other guy. When I went home he was sitting at the table already half a bottle of whiskey down at 8:30 in the morning. He needs to be around his guys… Please, baby?”
“Of course, darlin’... I’ll call everyone right now.”
“Sounds good, I’m going to the store right now and getting snacks and stuff.”
“Better not wear anythin’ too revealing.”
“Gotta give you something to look at, baby.” You said, giggling.
“Ohh... so you want me to fuck you on the table in front of everyone, huh?” He said, chuckling.
“Not exactly, but… it would be nice to brag about me to your friends. Might slip something in the pocket of your jeans when you get there.”
“You’re a filthy lil thing aren’t you?” He growls a little.
“Baby, you should know the answer to that by now.”
You were in the kitchen making sure everything was perfect when Joel walked in.
“Hi, baby.” You said and pecked his cheek.
“Nice dress...” he said, looking you up and down.
“Gotta give you something to look at.” You said, giving him a wink.
“Y/N, I told you it's not a big deal...” your dad said as he walked into the kitchen.
“Dad, shut up.” You said, making him and Joel chuckle.
The house started to fill up with all of your dad’s poker buddies. They all sat at the table as you started to hand everyone a drink.
“Daughter of yours is too good.” One of his friends, Luke, said.
“Yeah.. she's a peach.” Your dad said, giving you a smile. You smiled back and walked into the kitchen.
The game had started making all the men start chatting and laughing. You walked out of the kitchen with another round when you overheard one of the guys talking to Joel.
“Joel, when are we meeting this girl of yours?” He asked.
“Oh, uh... she's pretty busy.”
“Oh c’mon Joel. You always say that. What's the secret? What's really going on?” His friend egged on. “Charlie, do you know anythin’?” He said, looking over at your dad
“Only thing I know is that she's young.” Your dad said.
“How young?” The men asked in unison.
Joel grabbed his beer bottle and put it up to his lips, “She's 25...” he muttered before taking a sip.
“25??” They retorted.
“Little young don't you think, pal?” One of the guys asked.
“Age doesn't really bother us. She's amazing. Treats me thousands of times better than Sarah's mother ever fuckin’ did.” Joel said.
“Yeah she's louder than Sarah's mom too. I'll be asleep in the middle of the night and wake up thinking she's gettin’ killed over there.” Your dad said, making you and Joel blush.
“Oh?? Tell us more, Joel.” Luke said, smirking.
“You'd love to know, wouldn't you?” He said, making everyone nod their heads. “D’your wives not put out?” He asked, making everyone shake their head no, which made him laugh.
“Our wives also aren't 30 years younger than us.” One friend said, making everyone laugh.
“Out of respect for her all I'm gonna say is she is in fact the best I ever had.” Joel said smirking.
You finally walked out into the dining room, trying to avoid eye contact so it's not so obvious you heard everything they just said, and handed everyone a new drink. Everyone muttered a thank you to you as they were back focused on the cards in their hands.
“Losin’ any money, dad?” You ask.
“Not at all.” He smirked, making his friends laugh.
You walked over to Joel and set a fresh beer in front of him. He looked over the cards and glanced at everyone around the table. He slid his hand under your dress and ran his fingers over the lace that hugged your cheeks. You didn't wanna walk away. You missed his touch and the way he was touching you right now in front of all his friends just turned you on even more.
“Y/N better not be helpin’ Joel out.” Luke said, making Joel pull his hand away.
“Ain't no helpin’ his hand.” You said, making Joel scoff.
“Kinda hard to focus when I got a pretty girl next to me…” Joel said, a little shy.
“Why thank you, Joel, but I don't think my prettiness is why you suck.” You said, making everyone laugh.
“Pull up a chair and join us.” Your dad offered.
“As much as I'd love to, I don't want a house of blubbering men when I take all your money.” You teased and the men laughed. “But I'd love to watch.” You pulled up a chair and sat next to Joel. He slipped his hand up your dress again and felt lace hug the front of your thighs making him smirk. Lace boyshorts were his absolute favorite. He loved the way the lace hugged your big ass and when you turned around he melts when he sees the lace hugging your thick thighs.
Your dad laid down his cards on the table making everyone scoff and toss their cards down.
“Damnit…” Joel muttered.
“That girl of yours fuck the poker skill out of you Joel?” Your dad said, making everyone chuckle.
“Ha, ha, ha. Very fuckin’ funny.” He said, rolling his eyes. “Need a cigarette.”
“Might join you.” You said as you got up and walked out back with him. You lit a cigarette and placed it in between your lips.
“Ain't got my shit together tonight...” Joel sighed.
“Aww, baby, it's okay I'll make it up to you tonight, yeah? After all, I am the best you ever had.” You said, making him snort a laugh.
“You are… and ya fucked the poker skill out of me.” He said, giving you a wink.
The back door slid open making you and Joel look over to see Luke.
“Hey, Luke.” You said, smiling.
He lit a cigarette and blew out smoke. “Better be careful.”
“What?” You asked, confused.
“Your dad may be oblivious to it but you two make it more noticeable than a couple’a horny teenagers.” You felt your face go pale.
“Luke-” Joel starts.
“I'm not gonna say anythin’. But... when your dad finds out it's not gonna be good.” He put out his cigarette and walked back in, leaving you and Joel alone.
After everyone left, you cleaned up the kitchen and walked into the living room to find your dad on the couch.
“Hey sweetie?” He said.
“Yeah?” You look at him.
“Thank you. For everything tonight.”
“Dad… you know I had to cheer you up. It’s the nice thing to do.”
“I know.. Don't know where you got your kindness from, your mother was far from kind.” He said, making you giggle quietly. .
“Must be from you. You care a lot.” You smile.
“Got to.” He said, smiling. “Gonna go to bed… got work in the morning.”
“Okay dad. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
You waited for your dad to be sound asleep and then you walked over to Joel's. You found him sitting on the deck outside, laying on a pool chair.
“Hey, baby.” You said, making him sit up.
“Let's just tell him.” Joel blurted out.
“No, Joel, we can't…”
“Why not?” He asks, frustrated.
“Is it my age? Does that bother you?” He blurts out.
“No, it's the fact that you're his best friend and if he finds out he's going to fucking hurt you and I can't see you hurt, baby.”
He grabbed your hand and pulled you into his lap. “Saw what he did to the guy he found with your mother…”
“Thought my mom just left?”
“Nah.. he was gone for work, helpin’ me make my new signs, and when we got home he found her on the couch with his old best friend. Picked him up by the skin of his neck and damn near beat the brains out of him. Your mother called the police and had him locked in jail for the night…”
“Oh my god…Where was I?”
“At my house with Sarah and one of her older cousins. It was some sleepover. Thinkin’ you two were only 8 at the time.”
“Yeah… I rememeber my mom told me to walk myself over here and I never saw her again…”
“Next day she packed her stuff and went off with the guy she was with.”
“Fucking kidding me?? You're the one crying when you cheated on me??” Your dad yelled out.
“I'm not doing this anymore.” Your mother snapped.
“Just gonna leave Y/N???” He yelled out.
“I didn't want her! You were the one that insisted we get married when I found out I was pregnant! I didn't want ANY of this!!”
You felt tears fill your eyes as you remember the events from the day after that night.
“She didn't want me…” you sniffle.
“Darlin…” Joel rubs your back.
“I remember we had the window open and I heard the both of them yelling. I always thought it was just a dream…” you felt tears slip, making you look over at Joel. “I love you so much, Joel… If we tell my dad he's going to hurt you and I can't stand to see you get hurt...”
“I know, darlin’… we don't have to now but I think it's better we tell him before he finds out himself…”
“Yeah…” you agree.
“Go get some rest, hon… See you in the mornin’?” He asks.
“Always.” You gave him a kiss and walked back home.
The next morning you were making breakfast for your dad and Joel. Your dad was sitting at the table when the front doorbell went off.
“I got it, dad.” You said as you walked over and opened the door expecting Joel but you found someone you'd never thought you'd see ever again.
“Hi, sweetheart.” She said, smiling. You froze and just stared at her. She looked just like you. Same color hair, same color eyes and same facial features.
“Y/N who is it?” Your dad asked as he walked over. “What the fuck...”
Tag list: @evyiione @chyannealaniz @cesspitoflove @supersingle @dizzyforyou @jrosie25 @blackfemalenerd @bongsrconfusing @milly-louise @vampire7595
90 notes · View notes
justagalwhowrites · 30 days
Someone New: Part of For You - A Collection of Requests Benefitting Palestine
Joel is new to Jackson and his family is eager to play matchmaker.
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Event Terms: Commissioners could choose to donate between $15 and $50 via Ko-Fi for one fic of 1-2k words. Payment due after completion of the fic. Donation with a match by the author paid to PCRF upon completion. Commissioners had the option to choose to keep a fic private and all fics may not be shared here.
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female OC Ashley (NOT a reader insert)
Warnings: Smut :D Unprotected P in V sex. Daddy kink. Age gap (Joel is 56, Ashley is 40.) Light Dom!Joel and Sub!FOC. No use of Y/N. 18+ Only MINORS DNI
Length: 3.6k
For You Masterlist | Full Masterlist | AO3
A/N: Written as a request by the lovely @ashleyfilm! She requested "Jackson era Joel from the tv show, so Pedro, and me (Ashley, plus size, I’m 40, I have black hair and glasses, my eyes are blue green with some hazel, I have tattoos, I’m short. A little goth, wear all black where it’s possible in an apocalypse haha) in this scenario I have a cool exterior and I’m independent by nature, but when you get to know me I’m funny and loving, but keep to myself. Joel and I would both like each other but have no clue, while Tommy, Maria and Ellie would all know and roll their eyes at us, try and talk sense into us. Eventually we come together and I’d love some smut. Some daddy soft dom Joel, I’m sub, the only time I want to be told what to do is during sex. I like giving pussies a pronoun so like she likes it and her if you know what I mean. And some fluff would be nice too." Shared with permission. I hope you all enjoy!!
Tommy was starting to drive Joel insane. 
It had taken some adjustment, coming to Jackson. 
There was the adjustment of being back around other people at all, for starters. There was the adjustment to being a father again. There was the adjustment of being in a place he cared about, one where he wanted to contribute instead of forced to to keep FEDRA’s boot off his neck. 
It had been a lot to swallow and, not that anyone was asking, he thought he’d done a damn good job of it. Ellie was happy, going to school every day and making friends. He had his ways to play his part in the community. 
So what if he was doing it all on his own? It’s not like it’s a crime to keep to yourself, he wasn’t sure why Tommy kept trying to push him further than he wanted to go. 
He doubted it was because Ashley was asking him to.
Ashley, the woman Tommy kept damn near throwing him toward at every opportunity. Ashley, who was years too young for him to even be thinking about the way he did. Ashley, whose plush curves and bright eyes had caught his attention from the moment he met her, even as she kept her distance from Joel and, it seemed, just about everyone else in Jackson. 
It didn’t matter how much Joel would enjoy things being different, that the little time he’d spent with her had been some of his favorite since coming here. She wasn’t interested - couldn’t be interested - and he wasn’t about to force it. 
Tommy, it seemed, had other ideas. 
“I’m not sure why you won’t just see if she wants to go,” Tommy said one night as they sat in the mess hall for dinner. “What’s the harm?” 
“Don’t particularly feel like gettin’ shot down,” Joel replied, taking a bite of his mashed potatoes. “Got enough goin’ on without worrying about that, too.” 
“Worrying about what?” Maria asked, taking her spot next to Tommy. Joel resisted the urge to roll his eyes, knowing he was about to be outnumbered. 
“Joel won’t ask Ashley to the dance on Saturday,” Tommy smirked a little. “He’s convinced she’d say no…” 
“Who would say no to what?” Ellie joined them, too, sitting next to Joel. 
“Ashley to Joel and the dance, apparently,” Maria said, giving Ellie a knowing look. 
“Oh shit,” Ellie’s eyes went a little wide. “They’d be so cute together, Joel pretending to be a person who actually does something besides be grumpy…” 
“OK you tryin’ to get yourself grounded?” Joel asked, brows raised. Ellie rolled her eyes. “Because it sure seems like it. And I don’t need y’all match making for me. I am doin’ just fine without worrying about all of that. Leave it.” 
Ellie and Maria gave each other a knowing look that Joel was about to call them on when Tommy distracted him. 
“You’re going to the dance Saturday anyway, right?” He asked. “Just because you’re too chicken shit to bring a date doesn’t mean you should sit it out. It’s a big party, the whole town will be there, you should at least come by for a few drinks. You’ll miss out if you don’t.” 
“Yeah, I want to go!” Ellie said, turning to Joel and pouting a little. “You’re really going to make me go all by myself?” 
“I’ll go to the dance,” Joel sighed before looking between the others and gesturing between them with the fork. “S’long as you three are done meddling.” 
“We’ll behave,” Ellie smirked a little. “I promise.” 
Joel shouldn’t have believed them. He should have known better. 
But that didn’t make him any less surprised when he showed up to the dance Saturday evening and looked for Tommy and Maria, only to find them sitting with Ashley, her dark hair styled to pair with the black dress that seemed like it was made to highlight her every soft curve, curves that Joel had spent hours dreaming about exploring with his hands and mouth. 
He was going to strangle Tommy. 
“Joel!” His brother called, waving him over, as if Joel would have missed him. “Over here!” 
“C’mon old man,” Ellie teased. “Stop being such a fucking coward.” 
“We’re talking about your language later,” he muttered, letting Ellie lead him to the table, hoping that no one had put too much pressure on Ashley to put her in this position. 
“Well look who decided to join the party,” Tommy smirked. Joel ground his teeth. “Ashley, you know my brother Joel.” 
“I do,” she gave him a cool, tight smile and took a sip of her drink, looking back out toward the dance floor. 
“Hi,” Joel said before feeling like a bit of an idiot and pulling his eyes from her to turn back to his brother. “How are you Tommy, Maria?” 
“Oh, we’re good,” Maria smiled a little, looking more like Tommy than Joel thought was appropriate. He wondered if married couples started looking alike before too long. 
“Just peachy,” Tommy said as a new song started. “Oh would you look at that, I need to dance with my wife. Maria?” 
He offered her his hand and she smiled wider before taking it, giving Joel a meaningful look before being led onto the dance floor by her husband. 
“Oh, I think I see Dina,” Ellie said before clapping Joel on the back and leaving him there, alone with Ashley, before he had the chance to argue. 
Joel just stood there, awkwardly, trying not to stare at her, his hands shoved in the pockets of his jeans. 
“So,” he said eventually. “Um… that seat taken?” 
She looked at him, brows raised. 
“Just by your brother.” 
“Right,” he said, taking it anyway. She looked back toward the dance floor and Joel looked her over while he had the chance, how the darkness of her clothes seemed to suit her, the sharp intelligence behind her glasses, the beauty of the tattoos he could see on her exposed skin. He wondered what each of them meant, wondered what it would be like to take his time tracing over each one. 
“So,” she turned her attention back to Joel. “Liking Jackson so far? Been here… what, a few months now?” 
“Yeah,” Joel nodded. “S’good. Different than where I’ve been for a while but that’s a good thing. Ellie likes it, all that really matters.” 
She nodded slowly, taking another sip of her drink. 
“Seems like she’s a good kid,” she said. “Sure got a mouth on her, though.” 
“Yeah,” Joel laughed, leaning his elbows onto the table. “She’s somethin’ else. I tried telling her she needs to watch her language, this ain’t the QZ.” 
“That’s a hell of an adjustment,” she smiled a little and damn, Joel really liked to see her smile. More than he’d liked seeing a woman smile in… he wasn’t sure how long. “Trust me, I know.” 
“You spent some time in a QZ?” He asked, brows raised. 
She nodded, taking a final sip of her cocktail. 
“Portland,” she said. “I was there at the beginning. One night, I was sneaking liquor at industry night at my favorite club, the next it’s a war zone. Got used to it after a while, though. You were in Boston with Tommy, right?” 
“I was,” Joel nodded. “Took us a while to work our way there but found it eventually.” 
“And you both ended up all the way out here.” 
“Suppose so,” Joel said. He nodded to her empty glass. “Can I get you another?” 
“Yeah,” she smiled. “That’d be nice.” 
He went to the bar and got them both a drink before rejoining her at the table. 
Joel was surprised at how much he liked talking with her. For how much time he’d spent thinking about her and looking at her, he hadn’t spent much time actually talking with her. She wasn’t what he’d expected. 
Where he’d always known her to be a bit distant and cool, he was starting to realize that, as soon as he was past the caution she seemed to approach the world with, she was really very warm and loving, thoughtful and kind. They talked about music, about what they missed about before, the quirks of life in Jackson after living in a QZ. 
By the time Joel got her onto the dance floor, he was ready to get her home. And he was starting to think she wanted the same. 
“Can I walk you home?” Joel asked as the Tipsy Bison was almost empty and he wasn’t able to come up with any more excuses to stay. 
“You can,” she smiled. “But… I think I’d rather you walk me to yours.” 
He smiled back. 
“Think that can be arranged.” 
Joel draped his arm over her shoulders and the two of them walked slowly through the dark town, the streets quiet and the stars bright. 
“Well,” Joel said as they came to his front walk. “This is me. Still want to come in?” 
“Yeah,” Ashley nodded. “Yeah, I really do.” 
He smiled. 
He took her hand and led her to his door. 
But things shifted as they made it inside. Joel tilted her face up, finding the right angle, thumb brushing her lips, waiting for her to make a move. 
But she didn’t. Her breaths got quicker, her eyes searched his and, after a moment, he felt like he couldn’t wait anymore. 
“I’m gonna kiss you,” he said. “Because it’s all I’ve been thinkin’ about doing for a while.” 
She just nodded quickly and he kissed her, covering her mouth with his. 
It had been a while since Joel had kissed anyone, even longer since it was a first kiss. But Joel could tell this was different, something special. It was like an electric current ran over his skin, sparking at where your lips met and shooting out through the rest of him. There was a sharp, sudden pang of need deep inside him, the drive to be closer to her, as close as he could reach. More than that, he wanted to know that she was safe, cared for. That she had what she needed and what she wanted because he was giving it to her. 
“Joel,” she breathed as they separated, just enough for him to look in those blue green eyes of hers. “Will you take me to bed?” 
“Yeah baby,” he said, want seeping into his voice. “Yeah, I will.” 
He kissed her again, his hands sliding down from her face to her arms to her waist, moving her toward the stairs as he did. He only pulled away from her when they needed to go up to his room, not wanting to stop touching her for even a few moments, his skin almost aching as he watched the round shape of her ass in her black skirt going upstairs ahead of him. 
Joel pulled her back against him at the top of the stairs, the few seconds she was apart from him too much. Her arms stretched up and went around his neck and his hands roamed over her back and sides, luxuriating in just how soft she felt, how he could find places on her that seemed made for him to hold. He guided her to his room, kicking the door shut behind him. He slid his hands back up her body over her arms, his callused fingers slipping over her soft skin. 
“You gonna let me make you feel good, pretty girl?” He asked, voice dark and low. “Because I want to touch every damn inch of you.” 
“Please, Joel,” she whispered, her fingers tightening desperately on his curls at the nape of his neck. “Please, I want you, I need you, I…” 
“Shhh,” he hushed her. “Don’t worry about a thing. Just let Daddy take care of you.” 
He kissed her again and found the zipper on her dress, sliding it down, down, down, until he could slide the straps down her arms and let the fabric fall to the floor. 
“Fuck,” he breathed, his eyes ranging over Ashley’s body, tracing over her curves and tattoos. “You are the most beautiful damn thing I’ve ever seen.” 
He reached around and unhooked her bra, sliding the straps down her arms and dropping it to the floor before cupping her breasts, the fullness of her so soft below his touch that he couldn’t help but groan. 
“You gonna let me take care of you, baby girl?” He asked, voice husky. “You need me to take care of you, don’t you?” 
He wasn’t entirely sure why he said it but something inside him just knew, he could sense it in her. That she wanted someone to guide her, someone she could trust to take charge and give her what she needed.
He could tell by the way she nodded that he was right. 
Joel guided her down onto the bed before pulling his shirt and casting it aside. His eyes ranged over her body as he took his jeans and underwear off, too, his cock already thick and achingly hard. He worked himself, not able to stop himself as he drank her in, memorizing her. 
“Want you to touch yourself for me,” he said, stepping closer to the bed. “Spread those pretty legs, put your hand in your panties, show me how you like to touch yourself.” 
She took a hesitant, shaky breath and slid her hand down her body before slipping them below the fabric, stretching it tight over her pussy for a moment before her hand dipped lower. He could see the outline of her fingers clearly, watched with his mouth watering as they stroked her pussy lips before slipping inside. 
“There you go, baby girl,” he groaned, stroking his cock in time with her fingers. “You just keep on doin’ that for me.” 
He moved to the bed and she frowned as he reached out, looping his fingers around the waistband of her panties to start tugging them down. His eyes moved from her face, down her body to where her pussy lay just below the fabric. Her fingers were still. 
“I tell you to stop?” He asked. She groaned and he saw her fingers start to move again. “That’s my good girl. Want your pussy all nice and wet and full when I see her the first time.” 
He pulled her underwear down slowly, revealing her wet slit with two of her fingers buried deep inside herself as he did.
“Oh, there she is,” he breathed, casting her panties aside. “Fuck, such a pretty little pussy ain’t she?” 
Ashley just moaned, thrusting her fingers deeper. Joel licked his lips, desperate for a taste of her. 
“Spread her open for me, baby,” he said, spreading her legs wide and settling between them. “Lemme see.” 
Her hands trembled as she slid her fingers from her dripping entrance and delicately opened herself to him. 
“Fuck me,” Joel groaned, taking a thumb and brushing it over her tight little hole before trailing it up to her swollen nub. “Gonna take a lot before she can take me. Don’t worry baby, I’ll take care of you.” 
He pressed his mouth to her entrance, just a kiss at first, a taste of her musky sweetness. His thumb stayed against her clit, rubbing her in slow and gentle circles as he dipped is tongue inside of her. 
Joel started slow, easing her into it. His tongue worked deeper, his thumb harder. Eventually, he added a finger, then two, starting to stretch her open as her hips canted up against his face, her legs squirming, delicious moans and gasps pouring from her lips. He looped an arm around her thigh to hold her still, pulling her leg against the side of his head and leaving his nose to work her clit as his hand splayed wide on her plush thigh. 
“Fuck, I’m going to come,” her back was arched, fingers wound tight in his quilt. “I’m coming, I’m coming Daddy, I’m coming!” 
He smiled against her as he ate her through her orgasm, pressing his aching cock down into the bed as he felt her pussy flutter over his tongue. 
When her climax eased, he pulled himself from her tight, wet heat and rose to his knees, stroking his dripping length as she came back down to earth. He nudged her legs apart and down, leaving her fully exposed to him. He ran his fingers over her slit, gathering her wetness and bringing it to his cock as she looked at him, her eyes a little wide. 
“Is…” she swallowed, hard. “Is that going to fit inside me? I don’t know if that’s going to fit…” 
“It’ll fit, baby girl,” he said, working himself as he lined himself up with her entrance. “You can take it, so nice and wet for me. You just relax and let me inside you.” 
He pressed his cock against her tight center, moaning and just how hot and wet and fucking soft she felt. He watched, almost obsessed, as she opened to take him, the stretch almost obscene as he saw himself start to disappear into her body. 
“See baby?” He panted as he sank just the first few inches of him into her cunt. “You can take it, taking it so good for me. She stretches so fuckin’ pretty for me, so goddamn pretty.” 
Her hands flew to his biceps as he leaned over her, pressing himself deeper, her fingers scrambling over his muscle as he worked her open. Joel fought to think of anything but the fact that he was almost fully inside the woman he’d been longing for for weeks now. He couldn’t come too quick, he couldn’t let this end now. He had to take his time, had to feel her come around him. 
And then he was buried inside her to the root, the entirety of him in the entirety of her, her walls stretching to hold him. 
“There you go,” he praised her. He splayed his hand wide over her thick, soft lower stomach, pressing into her skin as his thumb slid down to her clit and started stroking it. “Did so good, taking me so well. You ever been this stretched baby?” 
“No daddy,” her nails dug into his arm. “Feels so good…” 
“Good girl,” he said, working her clit a little harder. She moaned and rocked her hips against him. “Aw, does someone need to be fucked? Someone need me to make her come?” 
“Yes,” she pleaded. “Please, please, please Daddy, please, I need to come, I need…” 
“I’ve got you baby,” he said, leaning over her and kissing her deeply, the taste of her mouth mixing with the taste of her pussy that lingered on his tongue. “Gonna make you come so hard for me.” 
He pulled back before thrusting forward, hard and fast and making her gasp, her hands flying from his arms to his back. But he stopped her, taking hold of her arms and pinning them over her head with one of his large hands. 
“You can use those when I tell you,” he said. “Right now, need you focused on taking,” he pulled back and thrust back in quickly. “This.” He did it again, fucking into her hard and fast. “Cock.” He did it one last time before grinding himself deep. “Tell me when you’re about to come.” 
He picked up his pace then, fucking into her deep and firm, grinding his hips down against her clit, feeling how her breasts moved against him as he forced her walls apart with each heavy stroke. 
Joel didn’t let up, too lost in her and just how damn good she felt to do anything else. He wasn’t even sure how long he’d been fucking her - just that it wasn’t long enough - when her breathy, desperate voice broke through the lust-driven haze of his mind. 
“I’m gonna come,” she keened, her pussy to tight around him that it almost hurt. “Gonna come, I’m gonna come Daddy, please…” 
He freed her hands then and she gasped, her fingers immediately finding the broad expanse of his back. Joel took her face in his hands and looked into those eyes of hers, unlike anything else he’d ever seen as he felt how her body took his. 
“Good girl,” he said, breathless and needy, too. “Come for me, come all over my cock, that’s it, so good for me…” 
The chorus of praise continued until she cried out, her whole body seizing as her channel gripped him so tight he was almost afraid it would force him out. But he held himself deep inside her, kissing her as she moaned into his mouth as she throbbed around him. His orgasm took hold, amazed for the half second he was aware enough to think that he’d been able to hold off this long, emptying himself deep inside of her. 
“Fuck,” she moaned, panting for breath as they both came down from their shared high. Joel had all but collapsed on top of her and he adjusted, pulling himself gently from her body and feeling their combined spend leaking from her as he did. He lay beside her and she turned to look at him. “That… I don’t think I’ve ever felt anything like that.” 
He smiled a little. 
“Me either.” 
She smiled back. 
“I think we’ll have to do that again sometime,” she said. 
“Only if you let me take you out first,” Joel said. “Don’t think I can get enough of you in bed. Think I’m gonna need as much as you’ll let me have outside it, too.” 
Ashley reached out and carded her fingers through his thick, shaggy curls. 
“I think we can make that work.” 
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pedroshotwifey · 9 months
Javier Peña Fic Recs
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Husband!Javi by @notjustjavierpena One shot series - Husband!Javier Peña x f!reader - you may have to go to creator's page to find the rest of the series <3
Hard at Work by @magpiepills Drabble - Javier Peña x afab!reader
You Call and I Come Running by @chronically-ghosted One shot - Javi x f!reader
Black Mail by @milla-frenchy One shot - Joel Miller x f!reader x Javier Pena
Angel Incarnate by @fettuccin-e One shot - Javi x f!reader
The pause by @talaok One shot - Javi x fem!reader
Have You Ever Seen the Rain by @psychedelic-ink One shot - Javi x plus size!reader
Unworthy by @morallyinept Giflet - Javi x f!reader
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lightvixxen · 2 years
Rules and requests
Requests are- open/closed- though feel free to send thoughts!
Call me Vix💕 I use they/them pronouns💕 I am 19!💕I AM AN 18+ BLOG MINORS DNI I SWEAR TO GOD, i block ageless + blank blogs
I try not to use y/n excessively so i tend to keep it within established relationships, but sometimes it just cant be helped.
There is a 95% chance works on this account will be dark, you are responsible for your own media consumption. All dark works are tagged appropriately
My AO3
Eddie Munson
Robin Buckley
Nancy Wheeler
Chrissy Cunningham
Steve Harrington
And possibly Jonathan <3
SHIPS: metalpizza, jargyle, ednancy, cheerscoops, steddie, hellcheer, buckingham, ronance, jancy, stonathan, pompompistol (chrissy x nancy) eddie x Jonathan
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
James Potter
Joel Miller
Tommy Miller
Ellie “miller” Williams (TLOU2 ONLY!!!!)
Aaron Hotchner
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Penelope Garcia
Emily Prentiss
Jennifer “JJ” Jareu
Tags you’ll see on my page are
Vixenspeaks- me rambling/opinions
Vixens mail time-asks/anons
Vixenwrites- drabbles or really anything fic related
Darkvixxen- clever huh? But this will be under any dark fics (dub/noncon, stepcest etc)
Dom Eddie supremacy- anything to do with dom Eddie
Taglist: CLOSED | taglist form
Taken anon emojis:🦋🪐
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artemisthewh0re · 1 year
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Pre-outbreak!Joel Miller x Chubby Black Reader
Warnings: interrupted sex, morning sex, oral (fem receiving), age gap (reader is mid-20s and Joel is 36), fluff, Joel is a gentle and giving man
A/N: Sorry it took so long to finish depression has been beating my ass. The fluff is dedicated to @rocketrhap3000
Sunlight shines through your sheer curtains, illuminating dust particles in the air. The morning sun was one of the only reasons you hated staying at Joel's. He refused to get curtains that actually kept light out. You had thick, black drapes that could block out sun even in the middle of the day in your apartment. Joel found your hatred for the sun hilarious much to your annoyance, affectionately calling you a hermit every time you whined about it.
Joel grunts as he turns over to face you. His dark eyes slowly open, a groggy smile on his face. 
"Mornin' sweetheart," his voice is husky with sleep. Joel pushes a few locs from your face to give you a kiss on the cheek. You only groan in response. "Stop whinin' you hermit," Joel laughs. You cuddle up closer to him, pressing your face against his bare chest. Joel's fingers rake through your hair while his other hand rubs your back. You almost fall back asleep, Joel's heart beat lulling you into a peaceful void. Instead you're reawakened by your boyfriend rubbing your arm and pushing you to get up.
"No it's too early to get up," you moan, pulling a pillow over your face. Joel nudges you more with his nose. 
"Come on, I'll make you breakfast."
"I'd rather die than eat your or Sarah's cooking," you joke. Your body starts to wake up more from Joel's annoying pushing. You remove the pillow from your face and smack Joel with it.
"Hey don't talk bad about my daughter! She's only poisoned you twice," he says in a sarcastic voice, dodging the pillow. "Get up."
 Joel peppers kisses anywhere he could find, your forehead, your arm, your chest. He gives a kiss to each stretch mark he finds on the way. Even though Joel tries his best to rouse you, you decide to stay in bed a little longer and enjoy the attention.
"What time is it?" You ask, your fingers lace through his brown hair. Your boyfriend looks over to the bedside clock to check the time.
"7:32," he replies before going back to his kisses. Two hours before Sarah gets up. Joel makes his way down to your stomach and thighs. Your stomach tenses and your breath a little as he rubs your love handles. Butterflies spread through your body when he finally gets to your pelvis. Joel's chest rumbles in a hum, his mouth sucking hickies into your legs. The vibrations send tingles to your core. It takes everything in you not to force his mouth on your still clothed pussy. Joel senses your frustration and takes extra time to graze your inner thigh with his thumb, inching closer to your warmth. 
"Don't be a tease," you sigh. A desperate aching permeates from deep within you. Your cunt clenches around phantom fingers, begging to be stimulated. His eyes meet yours when he tugs off your SpongeBob shorts. Your underwear is a testament to Joel's abilities to get you going. A damp patch sits between your legs, slowly growing with every second of teasing. 
"I guess you're finally awake," Joel mocks, pulling your underwear off. A calloused finger rubs through your folds. An almost pornographic moan escapes your mouth from the sudden attention. You clasp your mouth shut with a hand to not wake Sarah. Heat builds in your body, making beads of sweat start to form on your forehead as he slips two fingers inside you. Joel’s fingers work you like clay, molding your flesh with ease. Your thighs start to shake in pleasure when Joel adds a third finger inside you. Your own hands wander underneath your oversized night shirt to play with your hardened nipples.
“Jesus Christ, Joel! That feels so fucking good, don’t stop!” Joel’s tongue licks at your clit timidly. His darkened eyes meet yours as he lowers his mouth to your pussy. You’re practically hypnotized by their darkness, almost like they’re completely black instead of the dark brown you’re used to. Joel hums in response to your plea, his mouth now acting as an organic vibrator. 
Your eyes roll towards the ceiling as you try your best to silence every noise coming from your mouth. Labored breathing fills the room along with the sound of Joel’s fingers slamming into your wet pussy. Saliva drips down the side of your agape mouth as the coil that has been building in your belly tightens in preparation for your orgasm. Joel’s mouth sucks harshly on your clit, low moans escape his chest. Both of you are so wrapped up in the moment that the groggy footsteps of your step-daughter go unheard.
As your back arches in ecstasy a loud knock comes from your bedroom door.
“Dad? Are you up yet? I’m gonna make breakfast, what do you want?” The door knob turns and the door opens slightly before you can cover up. 
“No!” you and Joel yell in unison. Joel attempts to hide underneath the covers, but Sarah sees it all.
“Ew, oh my god!” Sarah shrieks before slamming the door, her footsteps speed down the stairs. Joel’s face turns ruby red in embarrassment and horror as he quickly removes the covers and runs after her. You lay in the bed too afraid to look Sarah in the eyes ever again. If I get up now I’ll be able to change my identity and run to Mexico. A muffled thud comes from down stairs.
“Uncle Tommy, you'll never guess what I just saw!” Sarah yells, her voice becomes subdued before she can finish talking. 
“Nothin’, she saw nothin’,” Joel quickly interrupts. You can only imagine Tommy’s confused face, it almost makes you laugh. More shuffling comes from the bottom floor and you decide to put your shorts back on and head down. The silence between Joel and Sarah is almost suffocating and you’re not the only one who feels it.
“What is wrong with them today?” Tommy asks with a mouth full of leftovers.
“I have no clue.”
Taglist: @hatterripper31 @aiyaaayei
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ladyxskywalker · 2 years
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July 2022 (part two)
fandoms featured on this list; moon knight, pedro pascal characters, the batman, the amazing spider man, bridgerton, oscar isaac, charlie hunnam, the originals / tvd, & misc./multi fandom 💫
thank you to the amazing fic writers for sharing some wonderful stories with all of us ! & to the kind readers for their support. 💙
please assume that all works & the blogs they belong to are 18+ only
mature adult content will be marked with a double asterisk **
be sure to check all warnings & tags before reading, feel free to skip if something isn't for you
& of course, enjoy responsibly
all the love xo A ☕
✨️ apologies for this month’s list being a little shorter than usual ! I had some things going on, so some of these are comfort reads, & repeats that I’ve read again, new things I’ve read, or various series that I’ve started. hope you enjoy ! & happy reading ! 🤗
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please send me things to read ! favorite fics or something you've written that you're proud of ! 💌
find more monthly fic recs over on my masterlist, Aug 2022 coming soon ! ✨
please let me know if you would like to be removed
✨ new authors & characters added for the first time !
✨ some authors are mentioned more than once throughout the list, check to see if your works are there !
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✨ Jake Lockley
Six Stops by @lcvenderblues (gn!reader)
Love in Bloom, & Sunday Kind of Love by @egcdeath
✨ Marc Spector
Happy Birthday by @writingforcurrentobsessions
✨ Steven Grant
Spirals And Skin by @clints-lucky-arrow (artist!steven) (tattooed!f!reader) **
Tilt, Shift, & Balance by @the-little-ewok (steven x f!reader, marc x f!reader) **
Who Wouldn’t Want That? & Darling, I Fancy You by @yespolkadotkitty (f!reader)
✨ Ezra (Prospect)
Clarity by @ezrasbirdie (dentist!ezra universe) (f!reader) **
Daze by @iamskyereads (slice of life) (domestic ezra universe) (prof!f!reader) (cw: children) **
In the Dark (series) by @frannyzooey (cw: age gap) (f!reader) **
Where the Foxglove Grows by @mandoblowmybackout (plus size, neurodivergent, f!reader)
✨ Jack (Agent Whiskey) Daniels
Tangled Up (series) by @writeforfandoms (dragon rancher au) (f!reader)
✨ Marcus Pike
Desperado by @writeforfandoms (f!reader)
Starting Over (series) by @wardenparker , & @absurdthirst (f!reader) (cw: pregnancy, divorce)
✨ Oberyn Martell
Yes, I do? by @toomanystoriessolittletime (modern au) (escort!oberyn) (f!reader)
✨ Pero Tovar
Full Moon Confessions by @artemiseamoon (f!reader)
Risk by @forever-rogue (f!reader) (cw: pregnancy mention) **
✨ The Thief (Casillero del Diablo)
The Painting by @forever-rogue (f!reader)
✨ Misc. Pedro Pascal Characters
Euclidean Geometry by @leslie-lyman (modern au) (poly!relationship) (f!reader) **
How Did You Love (series) by @writeforfandoms (f!reader)
✨ Alfred Pennyworth (The Batman)
Penny For Your Thoughts (series) by @eupheme (cw: age gap, daddy kink) (f!reader) **
✨ The Amazing Spider Man (Andrew Garfield)
Approach Shift (series) by @psithurista (f!reader) **
Beautiful Distraction by @flightlessangelwings (gn!reader) **
✨ Bridgerton (Benedict Bridgerton)
Truth Unseen by @make-me-imagine (gn!reader)
✨ Bud Cooper (Oscar Isaac, Suburbicon 2017)
A Softer Side by @leiakenobi (f!reader) **
✨ Clash of the Titans (Draco, Mads Mikkelsen)
Of Gods and Men (series) by @KrystalFlare on fanfiction.net (draco x goddess oc) **
✨ Cobra Kai (Johnny Lawrence)
Challenger by @SecretSecret on ao3 (f!reader) **
✨ Duke Leto Atreides (Oscar Isaac, Dune)
The Sun on Your Skin by @writefightandflightclub (gn!reader) (touch starved reader)
✨ Joel Miller (The Last of Us)
Safe With You by @flightlessangelwings (f!reader)
Under the Cherry Blossom Trees by @flightlessangelwings (fluff, angst) (gn!reader)
✨ John Watson (Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows)
The Doctor Is In by @cinewhore (black!f!reader) **
✨ The Originals / The Vampire Diaries
An Act That Brought You Joy (series) by @Merontheshore on ao3 (elena gilbert x klaus mikaelson, elena x elijah mikaelson, elena x kol mikaelson) **
The Artist (series) (a choose your own outcome story) by @brittishmenorbust on ao3 (f!reader)
Bienvenue (series) by @Merontheshore on ao3 (klaus mikaelson x ofc) (kol mikaelson x ofc) (elijah mikaelson & ofc) **
Endlessly Enough (series) by @brittishmenorbust on ao3 (damon salvatore x f!reader)
Labyrinth: A Bonnie Bennett x Klaus centric universe (series) by @artemiseamoon (bonnie bennett x klaus mikaleson) **
✨ Raymond Smith (Charlie Hunnam, The Gentlemen)
Right Hand Woman by @autumnleaves1991-blog (f!reader) **
✨ Rick Flag (DC, Joel Kinnaman)
Motivation by @loverhymeswith (f!reader)
✨ Roswell New Mexico (2019) (Alex Manes x Micheal Guerin)
here everyone knows (you’re the way to my heart) by @catchingpapermoons on ao3 (malex) **
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** be sure to check out part one for star wars, the mandalorian, kenobi, rogue one, & triple frontier fic recs 📖
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alwaysbethewest · 11 months
I’m just thinking out loud here but I saw that there’s been some back and forth about the preponderance of age gap fics recently (particularly for Joel Miller x reader). It’s interesting to me after this fandom has spent so much time over the years talking about inclusivity in reader fics and how to write blank slate reader characters, that this trait seems to be treated as falling under a different category. I rarely see an age tagged directly in the pairing the way that “plus sized!Reader” or “Black!Reader” typically would be, as a way of signaling that this reader is meant to represent a certain demographic rather than aiming to be universal (though of course that unlabeled “universal” character is still often actually coded as slim and white 🙃). Listing “21-year-old!Reader” or “younger!Reader” would make it easier for readers to see upfront and skip past these fics (or to seek them out—since every tag on a fic serves as warning to some and enticement to others). Instead, a lot of the time “age gap” is buried within a paragraph of other content notes, and I wonder if that is part of why some people are feeling frustrated about it, that they feel resentful about having to hunt through the warnings to see if the fic is inclusive for them. I guess I’m curious if writers who write young reader/age gap fics look at it like, anybody who is older now was once young so they should still be able to relate, and age is not a fixed trait the way some other things are. Or if they don’t see inclusivity as a goal for reader fics, so that kind of labeling doesn’t matter. Or…?
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spookykoolkat · 8 months
kinktober | the man in apartment 6a - j.m.
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kinktober day three - dumbification
pairing: older!joel miller x younger!plus size!reader
wc: 9.0k
summary: your older, grumpier yet handy neighbor can hear everything that goes on in the comfort of your pink four walled bedroom, simply because shitty apartment buildings made the walls so thin.
warnings: 18+ ONLY! minors are NEVER welcomed. pervy!joel, creepy!joel, older!joel, JOEL IS WARNING IN HIMSELF LOL, mentions of self loathing, uncomfortable sex (not with joel), marijuana use, alcohol use, fingering, oral (f receiving), manhandling, degradation (slight), creampie/breeding, pet names (sweet girl, sweetheart, pretty girl, baby, dumb, stupid, daddy), a little bit of ass eating (whoops), raw penetration (p in v) *wrap it up pls*, aftercare
reblogs, likes and comments are very very appreciated!
⛧°。⋆༺♱༻⋆。°⛧ °。⋆༺♱༻⋆。°⛧°。⋆༺♱༻⋆。°⛧°。⋆༺♱༻⋆。°⛧
IT WAS A FRIDAY NIGHT, work was tired, and you needed to take the edge off with a fat blunt and a full glass of wine. it was so quiet in the apartment complex you lived in that you might be the loudest one there, since three of your neighbors are older than 50. 
so after you poured your bottle of wine into a glass, you turned your led lights under your coffee table on and the bulbs that are in your two lamps beside your couch. it was such a colorful scenery, you loved smoking and drinking like this with music or a movie on in the background. making sure to not turn the volume up too loud, or else joel would come knocking on your door asking you to turn it down. 
joel was your neighbor in 6a and to you he always seemed like he had a thorn stuck in his ass cheek. he was a bitter old man who seemed like he hated fun, or maybe he just hated you. 
but you didn’t care much. nothing was going to stop you from being you, being bubbly and optimistic. it makes no sense to you to sit solemnly and think about every wrong turn you’ve ever made, and yet it seems that’s all joel does. 
he was always on edge, noticing the way he would flinch meeting you as the two of you locked your doors and headed off to work. you watched him from your window when he walked into the complex up the stairs, and noticed how he always had his jaw and fists clenched, head whipping in every direction before seemingly slipping inside his apartment and locking up. 
it made you curious as to what made him so tense, so frustrated and even paranoid. you wished you were someone he could go to, to release all of his ugly emotions and thoughts onto you. maybe you were being young and naive, having irrational sex daydreams as you gathered your paraphernalia to roll a blunt. It was delusional, yes you knew that, but you couldn’t help but fantasize about your neighbor.
but you wanted him in every way. you didn’t care he was twice your age, and you didn’t care that he was about as introverted and mean as they come. he’s a real asshole. to you, you felt you were allowed these fantasies given he’d never be the type of man that would want you. i mean, you were young enough to be his daughter, and you weren’t so sure that he even liked bigger women.
shaking your thoughts of him, you hummed along to whatever song that was on your halloween playlist playing loudly. soon after it’s rolled, you spark it up and take hits of it as you throw your body back on the couch.
you feel at ease as you listen to your playlist and smoke your blunt, enjoying peace for a day. your hair was still wet from the shower you took, and your blunt was barely starting to form a good cherry when three bangs hit your door over the music that startled you. 
you take a few more hits trying to get the most out of your blunt and ash it out quickly, yelling a choked out, i’m coming!!, over the music. you get up with your wine glass, walking barefoot to the door and opening it as your eyes meet a broad chest in a button up black and gray flannel, buttoned over a plain white t-shirt. 
“uh, hey. what’s up?” you say, setting your glass down on your door side table. 
“you told me your toilet wasn’t workin’? didya need me to take a look?” he asked as he unsubtly soaked in your attire. shit. you completely forgot your piece of shit toilet stopped flushing. 
you noticeably had no bra on, and your tank top was resting at the curve of your waist with one strap off of your shoulder, showing off your plush body and midriff. he could almost see the hardening of your nipples when you opened the door. 
“oh, right. i thought you meant you could do it like, monday.” you said, wishing to just relax tonight. he shook his head and looked back over your body, before meeting your eyes. 
“i’m busy monday. it’s now or never,” he bargained with a hard tone and you rolled your eyes.
“of course, right, sorry. come in.” you said and moved out of the way to step inside your girly apartment. you went to your coffee table to grab the remote and turn the volume down a little on your tv. 
“the restroom is-,” you start to say and go towards it until he cuts you off. 
“i know where it is. i’ll be done in a bit,” he said coldly and you pressed your lips into a thin line. he renovated these apartments dumbass. 
“alright.” you said and let him go to the back hall to find the restroom, and you released a breath. 
you felt like you looked messy, you just got out of the shower and had no bra on, and didn’t have panties on either. you were embarrassed. 
it was a free night for you and he had to barge in. of course. you decided to grab your wine and sit down on the couch, eyeing the blunt wishing you could be smoking it right now. instead you sip on your wine and scroll on your phone for maybe thirty minutes until he calls out for you. 
“coming!” you replied a little too cheery, and walked to the back rooms to see him on his hands and knees trying to reach under the toilet with his tools sprawled out on your pink bath rug. 
joel tried to hide the smile that grew when he heard your eager voice.
“yeah?” you asked and blushed at his image. he looked so sexy with his eyebrows furrowed, even sexier looking so manly in such a pink room. His dark colored clothes made an exciting difference in your bathroom. 
joel quickly scaled you over, from your bare feet with black toenails up to your week old shaven legs, up your wide thighs, to the fat of your tummy and the curves of your breasts. 
“you think i can have me a water bottle?” he asked, and you smiled, completely unaware he was thinking of bending you over the sink and making you watch yourself take all of him.
joel had a teensy crush on you the second he saw you at his doorstep. 
you mustered up the strength to knock on two doors to be greeted by two elderly ladies, and introduce yourself as their neighbors while giving them cookies you baked for them. 
you figured it was the best way to gain their trust and familiarity as you were going to be living here for a while. and while it worked on them, you weren’t so sure about your last neighbor. you were nervous. you hated socializing and to introduce yourself as the new person in the area, but the last door you knocked on was one that truly ruined your day. 
the door swung open ferociously to present a tall broad figure with tan skin, eyes tired and hair all ruffled. you could tell he just woke up, and you instantly regretted it. the force of the door opening made you feel a gust of wind, and chills. 
you were taught it was common courtesy to introduce yourself when you’re new somewhere, though it didn’t seem he was happy to see you at his doorstep all cheery and energized.
“uh, hi, i’m your neighbor in 6C, i just moved in and i just wanted to introduce myself,” you said and told him your name, with a small smile. he kind of just looked at you blankly, adjusting his eyes to your figure and face. 
“i, uh i made cookies for everyone so, i thought i’d bring them by cus i just like to bake and i thought maybe it’d be a peace offering... it’s okay if not i just wanted to be nice,” you rambled looking into his brown eyes as you held the plate covered in foil out with your hands. he looked between the plate, you and next to him to look at the clock on his doorway table.  
you were nervous, tapping your fingers on the plate and biting the inside of your cheek. he was so handsome. so manly. 
“you’re knockin at my door at eight thirty in the morning ona saturday to give me some cookies?” he asked, making sure what was happening was real. it was a little comical to him, only seeing shit like this in the movies. but to him, you were cute. he knew he didn’t carry southern hospitality and kindness like most, like you.
“you don’t have to take them. just tryna be nice,” you mumbled and pulled your arms back, your texan accent almost as thick as his. 
“Mmhmm, well i don’t need no cookies this mornin’,” he said surely. it kind of pissed you off honestly. 
“forget about it,” you said and turned your head down, moving to the door next to his and opening it right before mumbling, “asshole,” and slamming your door shut.
you were just so cute, so lively that he was drawn to you. it was odd because joel’s taste in women usually ranged, but he’d never been so drawn to a woman who seemed so eager to take on the world everyday. joel wasn’t used to seeing people so happy to leave the comfort of their homes to go into the city and interact with people, he wasn’t used to people making small talk as you fetch the mail at the same time. but that was you. 
he would just shake you off, mumble words to get you to stop being so cheerful and kind. he didn’t want you to waste your time on him, he didn’t deserve your kindness. you heard the small comments. 
“so damn pink,” 
“ya have to hum all the way down four flights of stairs?”
“you ever not dressed in glitter and ponies?” 
which he over exaggerated, you just liked pink. you would ignore the mean comments, and you would force yourself to remember that he is a man of cutting down trees and building houses with his bare hands. whatever you think is manly, he is. he wore nothing but dark colors, denim, work boots, and still had the iphone eight which seemed like it was forced on him. 
but this is the first time he spoke to you remotely nice, and asked you for anything. 
“yeah, uh do you want like, ice or just room temp?” you asked a bit embarrassed, wondering if that was a dumb question to ask. and a small, very small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth but it was so slight you almost gaslit yourself into seeing it. 
“don’t matter sweetheart, whatever ya wanna get me,” he said and went back to doing whatever it was he was doing. 
your tummy just fluttered at the small pet name as you pushed yourself off the door frame and moved to the kitchen.
never did you ever think you would hear a word like that come out of his mouth when referring to you.
you grabbed a water bottle and grabbed some ice chips with a scoop to pour it into a tall thermos. you took it straight to joel, and he faced you as you leaned down a bit to hand him the cup. from your stance, he could practically see down your shirt but only stole a small glance. 
you couldn’t notice, you were just excited to do something nice for him. 
“you need anything else?” you asked with your hands behind your back, your chest poking out a bit more and the light made it easy to see your nipples against the cloth. 
“nah, i got all i need, you can go relax.” he said and went back to work as you walked off. 
you wondered if there was a softness to his voice as you sat back down on the couch, turning your music up a little bit but not loud enough to get bitched at by joel. you figured he’d might be here for a bit given his outbursts of cursing because something wasn’t working with him, so you grabbed your blunt and lit it again. this was your apartment. 
joel was frustrated enough from the stupid toilet. a bolt kept untightening every time he tried to flush, and it pissed him off enough but kept him busy as he smelled the scent of strong weed filling his nose. he knew he smelled it when he walked in, but now he can smell the smoke and hear your muffled coughs every once and a while.
he was actually a bit surprised, for some reason you didn’t seem like the type to partake. he knows in his days he did, so he wasn’t judging you at all, it just didn’t seem like something a girl like you would do. you seemed so… behaved.
he ended up managing to find the bolt he was looking for because it fell somewhere and skidded across the restroom floor. 
joel didn’t mind working on things for the neighbors in his complex, he was really the only one that was able to fix almost everything in sight. he was never bothered by it either, in the back of his mind he wanted to feel like he was needed. like he could do some type of good for people even if he was closed off and cold. his hands were godsend, and in many ways. 
but he’d always see things maybe the resident wouldn’t want him to see, like a box of condoms or a sex toy. it didn’t bother him, he’d just ignore it.
but here he was, still and frozen as he finally found the bolt laying on a pair of red panties that were laid on your floor like you just had these on. and you did. 
you managed to get all of your clothes in the hamper except the pair of panties you had on, you actually thought maybe it was in the tangles of your clothes. but no. there they were, and he was on his way to losing his mind. he couldn’t move, he just stared at the red high cut panties that even had a black bow on the trim. 
he couldn’t stop himself. before he knew it, he grabbed your underwear and almost inspected them quickly before taking them, pushing the fabric into his nose and breathing in your musk, and folding them to put in his back pocket. he felt drunk on you already. he knew it was wrong, he knew he was probably a sick man. but he needed something from you, anything. 
the opportunity showed itself, he just took it. 
now, he still smelled you lingering on his nose, and imagined what your pussy looked like puffy and red for him. he wanted to fill you up completely and fuck you until you were sore and throbbing, he wanted to see those cute little glossy lips of yours kissing the tip of his cock and taking it in your throat like a fleshlight. 
you were just perfect. so much for him to grab, kiss, and mark. he wanted your eyes to watch him devour you whole, and he craved to watch you break for him.
he knew he was a creep. he didn’t care. joel never acted on his desires and his pervy ways, until now, when really he wanted to do it all. whenever you came out to the mailboxes the same time as he did, he wanted to get his phone and sneak pictures of you, under your skirts more specifically. 
he was thinking of if you’ve ever fucked yourself here in this very restroom he’s crouched in, thinking of the way your leg would lift to rest on some vantage point, fingering your hole until you fought to stand upright again. he imagined you walking in a little white towel back to your room, drying off and getting dressed in front of him. his cock was throbbing at the image, pairing it with the image of the red panties he stole. 
he couldn’t work like this, not thinking of all of the ways he wanted to make you whine, make you squirm, make you cum. 
he finally managed to fix the problem after 30 minutes and flushing once to test, smiling at his success. it was always satisfying seeing something broken be fixed, he was a problem solver, he loved the challenge. he cleaned up his area and picked up his tools, putting them in the bag and fixing himself before he washed his hands and wiped them down with a towel, leaving the restroom to see you puffing a small roach of your blunt. 
“y’know you shouldn’t be smokin in here,” he said and you jumped a bit, exhaling the last bit of smoke and ashing it out in your ashtray. you just looked at him with a small smile, but realizing this is your apartment. he can’t tell you what to do. 
“oh, well i mean, i thought… i mean it’s my apartment, so,” you said as you blushed, feeling like you’re in trouble now. 
“don’t worry yourself, darlin’. i ain’t gonna tell on you,” he suggested and you blushed, somehow even more. 
“would you want like, a drink? the least i can do,” you said as you grabbed a dos equis from your fridge and walked up to him, handing it to him. he was hesitant at first, really in deep thought about whether he should accept this or not. was it opening a door? he hoped so. 
“thanks,” he said and took it from you, not looking at the green bottle at all. he put his tools down on the small table you had in your kitchen and followed you to sit on the loveseat on the right side of the living room. 
“it’s joel by the way, no one calls me mr. miller,” he said as he took a swig. you nodded and responded ohh, moving to drink more of your wine. you ended up changing your music to a horror movie and kept your eyes trained on that instead of his eyes. you felt him watching you, every breath you took, every blink, every lip bite. 
“so who lived here before me?” you asked to break the silence, looking to him from the movie. his eyes were already on you, you just met them. you figured you’d make some sort of conversation if he was going to sit there and drink a beer. who drinks together silently? 
“nother’ older lady, she was a good neighbor,” he trailed and drank from his beer. you quirked your eyebrows, drinking from the wine glass and keeping it by your side. 
“am i not a good neighbor?” you asked sweetly, genuinely curious. he refrained himself from getting up from his seat and showing how good of a neighbor you really were to him. 
“you are, just a little loud from time to time.” he admitted, more so talking about your unsatisfying experiences with the men you bring him. 
“am i? i’m sorry, i’ll try to keep it down,” you said softly, almost embarrassed and you looked at your fingers tapping on the rim of the wine glass. 
“s’alright, it ain’t too distracting.” he lied. of course it was distracting. he was begging to know what you sounded like when you were really enjoying yourself, how you looked under him and on top of him. how he imagined you in his room instead. 
“still, i don’t wanna be that neighbor that’s annoying,” you said and looked back up at him to where he’s sitting. “i feel like you hate me.” you finished. 
he doesn't blame you. he doesn't make it easy for people to know him, or make a nice impression firsthand. he kind of feels bad for making you feel like that. but he was just not that friendly honestly, not that nice and not that comforting. at least he felt he was. he didn’t know how to be. 
“it’s nothin’ personal,” he said and drank from his bottle again, letting his eyes trail over your body. you felt it, hell you saw it, and you still squirmed. 
“i prefer to be by myself.” he said and you nodded, but he was still watching you. 
“i see. i understand now, sorry for imposing most of the time.” you say with an apologetic smile, and he kind of smiled. it shocked you really to see any emotion other than anger and discomfort displayed on his face.
“you don’t bother me, not one bit.” he said to reassure you, but he wanted you to know you did far more than “bothering” him. you just smiled, blushing a bit at his confession.
“so is it just you living here?” you asked and saw his face look a little pained, and again you regret opening your mouth. 
“uh, no actually. i have a sixteen year old i sort of adopted. just me and my daughter.” he said and you were a little shocked. how did you never manage to see her? or hear her?
“she goes on her own a lot, friends places, parties. i know she can handle herself so, she has my number if anything happens.” he answered your internal questions. 
“that’s really sweet. i wished my parents did that. i kind of had to move away from them’ after i graduated. m’ not really on speaking’ terms with any of my family.” you admitted a little sadly, even though he didn’t ask.  you seemed as though you could talk for hours if no one shut you up. 
“i’m sorry to hear that,darlin’,” he said and continued to drink his beer until he finished it. 
“it’s fine, i’m a lot happier now than i was before.” you said with a small smile, and drank from your wine glass. joel was glad you took the attention off of him and his daughter, not asking any questions about his situation. he appreciated it. 
he just nodded, finishing his beer as you finished your wine and suddenly you were nervous. again. it was just you and him, in this colorfully lit room. you looked at him as he got up, and walked to the kitchen to grab his tools. no no wait wait you can’t leave, not yet. 
“thank ya for the hospitality, i should go,” he said coldly and you almost scrambled to your feet to step in front of him. 
“um, wait uh,” you tried to think of an excuse. anything. something to keep him here a little longer. he looked down at you, how flustered you were, how you looked like you were trying to come up with an excuse. you really even didn’t think it through, you were just acting on the pulsing in your shorts.
but suddenly, you got a bit insecure. you didn’t know joel’s type, and you wondered what the outcome would be of throwing yourself at him. 
“yeah?” he asked and tilted his head, curious as to what you had to say. truth is, he didn’t wanna leave either. how could he wanna leave when you looked so desirable right now? he couldn’t even feel bad that he was practically 20 years older than you, he wanted to ruin you. 
“um, nothing, m’ sorry.” you said. you admitted defeat. there was nothing you could’ve said or done to make him stay, at least that's what you thought. 
“have a good night,” you said and he repeated it to you. you walked him out, shutting the door behind him. 
⛧°。⋆༺♱༻⋆。°⛧ °。⋆༺♱༻⋆。°⛧°。⋆༺♱༻⋆。°⛧°。⋆༺♱༻⋆。°⛧
joel was still awake after his shower. not by choice. he was laying in his bed, checking the time on his clock that flashes at 2:30am, and back at the wall that connects the two of you. were you seriously this unaware at how loud you were? 
he was thanking god that ellie wasn’t home, so she wouldn’t be hearing any of this either. but he was also wondering if you were even enjoying yourself in the first place. 
after joel left, you felt this aching feeling that you couldn’t satisfy yourself so you just called a friend over. one that you really don’t know, and you don’t care about, but one that wanted to have sex with you just as bad as you wanted to have sex with joel. 
one thing led to another and there you are once again, laying in bed as this guy poorly ate you out and uncomfortably fingered you. it just didn’t feel right, and at this point you were hoping he was done. your fake moans rang through the apartment again, wondering if you were over or under selling it. to the lanky guy between your legs, you were selling it just fine. 
you even tried thinking of joel being the one sliding into you as this guy did, but you doubted he'd be this painfully terrible at sex. it didn’t feel enjoyable, it just felt like blindly jabbing at your cervix. not even 10 minutes later, that man is out your door and you're back in bed, feeling miserable with yourself. 
you wanted for once to have a good sexual encounter, constantly feeling ugly and used. these men didn’t even care about you and didn’t care if you were satisfied, and you hated yourself for it. the physical intimacy you wanted seemed like it was something you wouldn’t be able to find. 
you craved a man’s touch even if you hated it or not, maybe blaming it on your daddy issues or just blaming the fact that you looked for the wrong things in the wrong thing. you wanted comfort and protection and looked for it in sex. 
you wanted joel. you wanted him since you moved in despite him being a dick. you wanted to know how it felt to be protected by him, to be held by him, to be wanted by him. and you wanted it so bad, you started crying. loudly, at that. 
in the moment, joel felt like he was imposing on your privacy. he felt bad listening to your muffled cries like this, and he wanted to do everything he could to help you. he knew so little about your family situation, but to him you had no family. he never saw you with friends, he only saw you with a new man every week. he wanted to comfort you, to show you that he and you were more alike than you thought.
he heard it stop for about twenty minutes all of the sudden, and then something bump into the wall he was staring at. then, it started again.  
you just laid there after your shower, now softly crying and sniffling as you heard a soft knocking on your front door. you got a little scared, so you wiped your tears fast and slipped on the shorts you had on to go open your door. it was dark in the main room, only a small orange lighting shining in front of your windows. you even noticed finally that it was actually pouring rain outside.
“who is it?” you said a little loudly, too nervous to peek through the hole. you fiddled with your polished black nails before the person answered. 
“it’s joel,” he said and you paused. 
“joel?” you asked. 
 you quickly unlocked your door to open it enough to peek your head out. 
“what are you doing here?” you asked, looking up at him. you scanned over his attire, now barefoot and in a simple black shirt and pajama pants. his head was whipping right and left, seeing if anyone else was in the hall to see him. 
now, he was the one that was nervous. what was he doing here? what did he think was going to happen? if he played it right, everything he ever wanted. 
“can i come in?” he asks, rubbing the back of his neck and you gulp, opening the door wider to allow his broad figure in your home. your eyes were trained down, refusing to let him look at you. 
“can i get you something? water?” you asked, still not facing him and turning a lamp on next to your couch and moving past him until he grabs your wrist firmly. you still, and you have no choice but to look at him with your bloodshot eyes. 
“i can hear, y’know,” he said, paying attention to your tear stained face as you slowly looked up to him. 
“hear? hear what?” you said unknowingly. 
“everything. i can hear the guys you bring home, i can hear you moanin’, i can hear you cryin’,” he said, pulling you closer to him. by now you were almost to his chest as he grabbed your other wrist and held you tight. 
“i-,” you began but you felt humiliated. you didn’t realize he could really hear everything, that he heard everything that transpired in your room tonight. 
“did he make you cry?” he asked grimly, his eyes dark and his stare serious.
he wasn’t squeezing hard enough to hurt you, your breath just caught in your throat because you were nervous. nervous to admit to anything. 
“no, he didn’t, he didn’t do anything to me,” you said and looked down at his hands gripping your flesh. 
“it doesn’t matter. i’m just really sorry, i didn’t know that’s what you meant earlier. i’m sorry it won’t happen again.” you apologized with tears in your eyes. the guy who you fucked wasn’t even worth all of this embarrassment that flooded you. 
“then why’re you cryin, sweet girl?” he asked, moving his hand to your chin so you can look up at him. 
“i, it’s nothing, i’m sorry for waking you up,” you said and blinked your tears away, your hands falling to your side when he released you. you just stood there though, his hand on your cheek while his thumb rubbed circles into your face. 
“it ain’t nothin. he wasn’t makin’ you feel good? made you feel bad?” his southern accent was thick in this tone, but for some reason you felt at ease. better now that he was here. 
“he made me feel bad,” you were too nervous to lie, he already heard you through the wall. 
“i know, baby, i know,” he said. you really couldn’t move, the words coming from his mouth were insane to you. you couldn’t fathom the fact that he was talking like this, to you. his hands slid to grip your hips, to feel the way they curve into your waist, resting at the small of your back so that now you’re pressed against his body. 
“i never hated ya,” he said, his face getting closer to yours to where you could feel his breath on your lips. while your breathing was faltered and shaky, his was calm and collected. he wasn’t nervous anymore, he was determined. 
“actually, i think i like you more than i’d like t’ admit,” he whispered, moving his lips to your ear and your neck. 
“what are you talkin’ about?” you breathed. your arms just went slack, you didn’t know what to do with them, if you should finally touch him and feel his hard chest, feel his body the way he feels yours, or if you just want to accept that this is a dream. 
you finally move your hands to his waist and grip tightly onto his shirt, almost like if you let go you’ll fall. 
“i know you feel the same, darlin’. i can hear you, remember? i can hear you callin’ for me, moanin’ for me when you touch yourself.” your breath shook slightly and he smiled against your neck, moving his hands up your back. 
and the only thing you can say, that your brain can think of, is to apologize. 
“none of that, don’t do that. tell me sweetheart, do ya want me to make you feel good?” he asked, and you pulled his body closer to yours. 
“do, um, do you want to do that?” you were so unsure of all this. did he truly like you? did he truly find you attractive? you never failed to question men’s sincerity, was this just for pleasure or was this emotional? 
“my sweet baby, if i ever say no to you like that, i’ve gone fuckin’ senile,” he groaned against your neck. 
“y’know how many times i've thought about being between these legs of yours?” there was nothing else that could’ve made you as wet as you were right now, you heard the roughness of his texas accent, the lust mixing with desire. he wanted nothing but you. 
“been wantin’ t’ ruin those little skirts you wear. jus’ wanna watch you fall apart on my cock,” your eyes widened and you felt a pool of arousal coat your cunt. you’d never been talked to like this, the crudeness of his words sliced whatever tension there was, and you gave in.
his lips moved down your neck and to your chest as you pant against him, your body pressed into a wall near the hallway that leads to your bedroom and restroom. he pressed against you enough so you could feel the hardening bulge on your thigh and he could feel the softness of your breasts pushed into him. while kissing your neck and shoulder, he moved your hand to feel his hardness while grunting a bit into your skin. 
“you feel what ya do to me? you see how i get for ya?” he asked, and you whimpered a bit feeling how large he really was through his pajama pants. he pulled away from you a bit and looked down at his hand on top of yours, your own hand voluntarily softly massaging his cock. 
“fuck, sweetheart, you know,” he cooed, smoothing your hair down and grabbing the nape of your neck to crane it back, “you know exactly what that pretty face does to me,” 
he tilted your head to look at him, to be close enough to his face to feel his breath on your face. 
“tell me you want me, honey,” he said sweetly, looking between your eyes and your lips. you just kept your eyes on his while he examined you. 
“i, i want you,” you said in a whisper and blushed. joel smiled to himself, another smile you’d never seen, and slid down against your body and grabbed the back of your thighs, urging you to jump and instinctively you did. 
only he made you forget you were three times the size of a skinny woman. 
“joel, wait i’m too heavy for this wait,” you said but he stayed put, didn’t move, didn’t talk. he just stared at you. 
“ain’t no such thing as too heavy, princess, i’ll still pick you up and fuck you stupid,” he assured, playfully tapping your ass as he carried you all the way to your room, laying you on your back. you swore he could feel the pulsing of your cunt against his abdomen. 
he brought you to your room, dark and quiet with the help of your small lamp illuminating your face as he laid you down on your back, falling with you. 
“gonna let me see you, baby? let me see all of this,” he said lowly, crawling to straddle you and put his hands on your tummy, groping and massaging. 
“i-,” you said, out of breath already and joel smirked. he was loving you like this. so dumb and innocent for him. 
“you’re jus’ the sweetest little thing, baby,” he said as his eyes roamed your body. “gotta use your words, baby, let me hear that pretty voice, tell me what you want,” he said again. 
“touch me, anywhere, p-please,” you whimpered out enough and he hummed in satisfaction. 
his fingers creeped up your stomach, leaving a burn with their trail and acted like he was going to help you out of it, but instead he bends down and grips the center of your tank top with two hands and careful to not hurt you, but fast and swift, he rips the weak cloth in half. 
“what, joel oh-” you said and joel’s fingers wrapped around your throat with no pressure, and held you in place as his eyes trailed over your body again, his other hand roughly moved the two halves of your tank to either side. 
“what did he do that you didn’t like, baby?” he asked you as he stayed on top, playing with your breasts by squeezing and pushing them together, only thinking impurely about you. 
you couldn’t think of anything as he felt you up as he pleased, his calloused hands rubbing your smooth skin, tugging and pinching your nipples to watch them harden and extend just for him. 
“he, ugh,” 
he laughs. “can’t even talk while i play with these pretty titties? goin’ dumb already baby?” 
“mmmph,” you couldn’t muster any words. it was a new feeling, feeling lightheaded and only drunk off of joel. 
“please, fuck me,” you whimpered, moving your hands to play with his waistband and try to tug at it. but he stopped you quickly, never letting you even grab a hold of the fabric when he grabs your wrists. 
“need you to tell me exactly what you want, can you do that?” he asked you and you whined, squirming with his hands still locking you in place. 
you looked up at him, his eyes only on yours and his cock straining against his pajama pants. “fingers,” 
it’s all you mustered and he accepted it, moving down a little to move his fingers down into your panties and spreading your legs with his. his fingers immediately felt heat when he spread your cunt and moved down to your hole, teasing and prodding in your arousal. 
“baby’s so wet for me, yeah? you ever thought about me, honey?” he asked you as he looked between you and where his fingers hid in your shorts, waiting for an answer. you were a whimpering mess, soft breaths and pants falling from your lips with every touch. 
“mhm,” you mustered, clenching your eyes shut when his middle finger circled your hole and pushed his palm against your clit, “always wanted you,” 
if you weren’t so dizzy, you probably would’ve scorned yourself for saying that. but he was amused, moving his scruffy cheek to glide against yours and leave kissing on your neck. 
“thought about you too, pretty girl. just so damn cute all the fuckin’ time, couldn’t stop thinkin’ about how you’d look taking my cock,” you whined at his words, trying to shut your legs to stop the pressure but he just shook his head and pried them apart. your hands were tight on his wrist, begging him to let up as he fucks you with two fingers and uses your slick to rub circles over your clit. 
“r-really?” you asked through choked moans, your body lifting up to watch him finger you. he chuckled softly, “yeah, sweetheart. can’t stop thinkin’ about ya,” 
he pauses before taking your shorts and panties off quickly, spreading your legs further and throwing them over his own spread thighs you went back to gripping at your sheets, your body responding to every touch as he spread your cunt even more and spit on it. 
“you want me to fuck this pretty hole, baby?” he asked, watching your slick cover his hand as he curled his fingers inside of you. you were a mess, incoherent, making sounds and guttural noises as he brought you closer to your edge. all you could do was nod erratically and try to close your legs. 
“i’m gonna need you to cum for me then, sweetheart. needa’ see this little cunt cum for me,” he growled, his other hand pulling his pajama pants down, easily taking them off. 
“i, i-,” you choked, your chest tight as you watched him abuse your pussy and watched as his eyes flashed quickly. he managed to lift your lower half up in the air by your ass cheeks, bringing your core to his mouth and pulling you closer to him so he could taste you. 
“daddy,” you moaned as he pulled away with a harsh breath. 
“‘s that right? that’s what you like, baby? want daddy to make you feel real good? go fuckin’ stupid on my cock?” he taunted, his words making your stomach flutter and your clit throb. 
you whimpered a small yes, but you couldn’t think. you’d say yes to anything he offered. you’d take anything he gave you. he didn’t even have to ask, you wanted him to give you anything he wanted. he went back to lapping at your cunt, slurping up any of your juices that ran down your crack, licking at your unused hole that puckered for him. 
it was a new feeling, something no one had done but the way he lapped at both holes made your orgasm build ten times faster, and soon you felt it creeping down your shoulders and sending a cold chill down to your toes. it was blinding, the noises you made were yelps and gasps as if the air had been knocked out of you. 
your entire body shook within his grasp and his mouth never let go of your overstimulated bud, sending more of your juices to leak out of you nonstop. joel wasted no time to lick you all up and manage to strip naked, watching your body go through aftershocks of your orgasm and smiling. 
“pretty girl, such a fuckin’ pretty girl,” he cooed, crawling between your legs again and grabbing you by your waist, flipping you onto tour tummy and chest as he helps you move to steady yourself on your knees. 
“you’d let me do whatever i want to ya, ain’t that right princess?” his voice was like velvet, making you feel warm all over as you pushed your ass into his groin. you whimpered as you felt his hardness against your cunt and you wiggled your hips, making joel laugh a little and slap your ass. 
“so eager too, huh?” all you could do was nod into the pillow, using your forearms to fold under it and hold your head up. the arch in your back was exaggerated, but you wanted him to be able to get the best leverage on you. 
he gripped your hips tight like you were going to leave him, and spread your asscheeks to see both holes shining for him. 
“tell me you want me, can you do that for me?” he asked condescendingly and you hummed, drunk off him grabbing your ass to pull your cheeks apart and watch as they jiggle. 
“i want you,” you muffled, your voice not sounding recognizable. it was hoarse, from moaning and crying and was about to get even more raspy. 
“good girl, you tell me if you want me to stop yeah?” 
“no! please,” you clung onto whatever he was giving you, “i want it, all of it, please,” you cried for him. 
he spits down on your asshole and watches it slip down to your cunt, and he positioned himself at your hole as he keeps your ass spread apart for him. 
“so fuckin’ messy, such a sweet cunt for me,” he moaned as he pushed the head of his cock inside, making you whimper at the small stretch. you didn’t think he could stretch you anymore, until he sunk deeper into your hole and made you start gasping for air. 
“what baby? is it too much? can’t take daddy’s cock?” he taunted behind you as your weak arms went from under the pillow to trying to push his thighs back. unfortunately with your strength, it was no use and only gave him incentive to pin both your arms behind your back, right where your back arched. 
you could feel your drool leaking onto the pillow as he slid slowly into you, not stopping until you felt his balls hit against your cunt. your legs were already trembling from his sheer size, making joel put one hand on the fat of your hip to steady you and one hand on your wrists. 
he started to pull out again, just to slide back in and repeat the movement as he slowly started to speed up the pace. you could hear faint groaning and the sound of your slick gathering on his cock, the wetness being the only noise that was distinct. 
it was pain and pleasure balled into one as he kept gliding in and out of you, feeling your walls tighten and release around him the faster he went. you felt each thrust make your body lurch forward, pushing your face into the pillow as he kept his relentlessness up. 
“oh, baby you feel so fuckin’ good, so good for me,” he groaned. he grabbed both your wrists with his hands and yanked your body up off the mattress so that your breasts are exposed for him. he takes advantage of the space between you and bed, and pulls you even further up to press you against his chest. 
“keep makin’ those pretty sounds for me, makes me wanna ruin this little pussy even more,” he grinned against your shoulder as he wrapped his arms around your waist, and you threw your arms back to grab onto his hair and head. you needed something to balance yourself now that you were standing on your knees, and being fucked into like you weighed absolutely nothing. 
“d-, fuck, i can’t,” you choked through a loud moan, one that made joel grunt as he fucked into you harder. he wasn’t doing small strokes, he was pulling out almost all the way and slamming back into you in a way that sent pain to your cervix, but pressure on your clit begging to be released. 
“can’t what princess? can’t think? i know baby, gettin’ fucked so good you can’t even talk,” he chuckled, moving his hand to grab at your breast and knead your flesh. his hands molded onto your body like they were made to fit you, but all your mind could focus on was the sound of his skin slapping against yours. 
joel knew you were going dumb already, not expecting answers from you as that would just be cruel. he wanted to make you feel good, and the way your spit covered your chin and your mouth fell open but hardly any noise was making its way out, he knew he was doing a damn good job. 
“hear that, baby? such a fuckin’ pretty mess, you like soakin’ my cock like that? so damn wet, so fuckin’ tight,” you couldn’t get enough of his words when he plucked at your nipple, teasing and pinching to get you closer and closer. 
“s-so big, m’ so full,” you cried and he smiled again, holding you closer than ever as he wallowed in your voice. 
“my baby’s full of me, full of my cock,” he repeated, never slowing down as he pulled out just to push all of him back into you at once. he was in love with how you felt, he even felt like he was losing his train of thought at you let out deep moans that made his cock jerk inside of you. 
“‘s okay baby, you look so cute all fucked out like this, can’t even fuckin’ breathe can ya?” he asked and you shook your head no, reminding yourself to unclench your chest so you could let in a good breath. he heard it, and rubbed up your chest to grip your throat, which elicited a harsh whimper. 
his other hand traveled down your body, past your larger stomach and reached down to your cunt. he used the slick between your lips after stuffing them in your mouth and started to rub circles over your nub, making you squirm and wiggle against his body. 
“uhn-uh, thought you liked takin’ my cock like a slut? take it, baby.” you couldn’t even move if you wanted to, wanting to fuck back on his cock and meet his thrusts. you were almost empty headed, words sounding like words but not being able to form them yourself. 
“there you go, take it all baby it’s yours,” he repeated as he watched you grab onto his arm that held you by the neck and let him ravage you like no other. he was the animal, and you were his prey. 
the feeling of his thick cock ramming you, splitting you open while he fingers worked your clit makes you throw your head back on his shoulder and shut your eyes strongly. it was blinding, the pleasure you felt that he inflicted, and you felt yourself clenching your entire body as your orgasm reached its peak. it’s all you focused on. his hands grabbing you everywhere, soaking you in as he pushed your thick body into his chest and managed to lay on his back. he let our body fall onto his and held you up like that, his hands spreading your legs as you tried to sit up on your hands. 
you couldn’t, of course, couldn’t even think about how he changed positions so quickly, or if you were too heavy for him. your body was limp as he held you open, his thrusts becoming harsher and faster as he fucked into you. 
“m gonna, j-joel, gonna cum, gonna cum, m’ gonna cum,” you chanted in a strained whine, one that sounded needy for him. one of his hands lets go of your leg and rests his palm on your forehead, pulling you back to his shoulder so he can kiss along your jaw and neck. 
“cum for me baby, such a dumb fuckin' slut, taking my cock like you were made f’ it,” he was so insulting, so degrading, but the feeling of losing your autonomy so he can fuck you like you deserved made it even sexier for you. you didn’t know your neighbor felt this way for you, that he’d been wanting to feel you and have you like this. it was exhilarating and when you finally let go, when the ringing in your ears started and every muscle in your body tightened just to go slack again, you realized how much you’d been missing. 
you’d never been fucked to the point of silence, nothing but quiet moans and strained breathing falling out of your lips because you couldn’t think, and as joel holds you by wrapping an arm around the thickness of your tummy and letting you close your legs to alleviate the intensity, he whispers nothing but dirty things in your ear. the shaking never stopped, even as joel started to reach his peak. 
“such a pretty girl,”
“love watchin’ you go dumb on my cock,” 
“gonna fill this cunt with my cum, ya want that sweetheart?”
“can’t even talk, such a dirty fuckin’ whore,”
you were mumbling, blabbering, making noises that couldn’t even be registered as noises as his hips slammed against your ass lazily. you feel it the minute he empties inside of you because he holds you even closer than before, stilling your moving hips and you feel the heat of the white ropes that cover your walls. it was so dirty, so messy, so filthy that you wouldn’t be surprised if you were embarrassed after this. you were still mindlessly groaning, humming as your orgasm buzzed through your body and the feeling of his cum trying to push its way out. 
you both lay there, breathless, sticky and with joel still buried inside of you.
“i have… i have to get off,” you breathed out, coming back to the sense of reality. the air in your room felt cold, pricking at your skin like needles. the sweat didn’t help either. 
“no ya don’t,” he said, only to hold you tighter. 
“joel, i’m like crushing you,” you tried to wiggle out of his grasp and he just gave a quick slap to your cunt, making you jolt and still. 
“don’t be ridiculous, ya need me to show you exactly how strong i am or are ya gonna take my word for it?” he warned and you swallowed, blinking at the ceiling before you turn your head to look at the side of his face before he turns his head to look at you. still, the back of your head rested on his shoulder and your legs were between his.
“i can’t even move, joel,” you said in a smile and he laughed, leaning in to kiss your forehead and over your face. 
“i’ll help ya with that.” 
joel proved once again that he was strong enough to pick you up, because he carried you bridal style to the restroom and got a bath ready for you, joining in to help clean you up and massage your muscles. you were dazed, so entirely fucked out that you let him do whatever he needed to do with you to get you into bed. and he didn’t seem to mind, because after taking care of you he got to snuggle in the same bed he made you drool in. 
he let you cuddle into him all you wanted, wrapping your arms and legs around him to bury your face in the shirt he put on. even though it was your bedsheets and your body wash he used, he still smelled like joel. and it was all you needed, ironically the man you longed for to make you feel good was the man who stayed in 6a.
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nerdieforpedro · 25 days
Weekend Update 05/12/2024
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I’m back! Two weeks in a row!
Very good Nerdie. We appreciate this. We’ve been keeping tabs and you’ve been busy this week.
I did dabble in a few things this week.
A new discord server started by myself and my friend fhatbhabie for Latinx/Black/POC Pedro stans. It’s one of those things where I shouldn't have been as surprised by the overwhelming support for it as I was. It’s actually been pretty awesome and I’ve had very thoughtful DMs. The name of the server is Unhinged Clubhouse.
I wrote my first mostly smut fic in a while with Dave York. Trule wasn’t expecting him of all Pedro characters but, the smut fairy does what she wants, when she wants and I just gotta roll with it. It was another entry for Jett’s Flora & Fauna Challenge. 
Going through my inbox - mostly caught up but still a few outstanding replied to be made. Sorry about that.
Lastly, working on WIPs and deciding in addition to working more on Weddings 101 with Dieter, which other series I’ve been working on did I want to pop out there? Frankie and Ezra’s series are finished and I think I might wrap up the on Din series in the next part or two. The other Din series I have to workshop a bit. I have ideas of who I want to pop up next from Star Wars, I just need to work it in. 
Also Weddings Dieter: Sesame Street, Reading Rainbow and cheese? How do we feel about this? I also could use some help in deciding between the following for my next series: Marcus Pike vs. hot dogs + therapy, me finally writing nice things for Javi P, Dieter + brick house + you and a baby, and Pero Tovar + Dragon for revenge? 
Lastly, does anyone have some prompts for nipples? It sounds weird, but consider, this is me. Also with @mysterious-moonstruck-musings influence, I have a weird bullet point list and made a horrible drawing. I just need to write something so it will leave my mind. I hope. 
Side note: Nerdie now has reblogs queued up to July 21st. The queue shall know no rest! 😎
Nerdie, like are you sure there’s no recreational use of anything? Like really sure?
Nah, these ideas are all from a sober mind. And I shudder to think what I would be like if I did, so I don’t partake. Mainly because I’m a scaredy cat and also my alcohol tolerance is low. Plus I like mixed drinks. 🤭
Now it’s time for everyone’s favorite part:
Fic recommendations! I read a lot this week!
1. Worth A Thousand Words by @intoanotherworld23 (Joel Miller x f reader)
2. Chapter 1 - Howdy Neighbor! by @inept-the-magnificent (Frankie Morales x Plus sized OFC)
3. A Rugged Kindness by @pedropascalsx (Pero Tovar x F reader)
4. Just the Lilac by @djarinmuse (Dieter Bravo x F reader/OC)
5. Torment Part 2 - Terror by @djarinmuse (Din Djarin x Fem OFC)
6. Torment Part 3 - Horror by @djarinmuse (Din Djarin x Fem OFC)
7. Torment Part 4 - Wounded by @djarinmuse (Din Djarin x Fem OFC)
8. Torment Part 5 - Victims by @djarinmuse (Din Djarin x Fem OFC)
9. Torment Part 6 - Trauma by @djarinmuse (Din Djarin x Fem OFC)
10. Torment Part 7 - Healing by @djarinmuse (Din Djarin x Fem OFC)
11. Fall Into You by @megamindsecretlair (Kevin Atwater x black fem/plus size reader)
12. For lifetimes of missing each other - chapter 1: Meat Cute by @tinytinymenace (Demon Pero Tovar x OFC)
13. For lifetimes of missing each other - chapter 2: One Bed by @tinytinymenace (Demon Pero Tovar x OFC)
14. For lifetimes of missing each other - chapter 3: Happily Ever After by @tinytinymenace (Demon Pero Tovar x OFC)
15. So Much Goddamn Talkin’ by @stargirlfics (Joel Miller x Black fem reader)
16. To the Flame chapter fourteen by @pedroshotwifey (Dark Javier Peña x fem reader) DDDE
17. Scattered Promises chapter 1 by @soft-persephone (Din Djarin x AFAB OFC)
18. Waffles and Cigarettes by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin (Javier Peña x fem reader)
This week I hope to have a new series up, maybe chapter six of Weddings 101 and my entry for the Dieter Bravo Brainrot Serve club challenge (it’s slightly over the word count - I’m going to see if it will still make sense on another edit). I dunno if all of those will happen, but at least one of them should. 
Stay safe and hydrated everyone!
Love Nerdie! 🥰 💜💜💜
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livyjh · 8 months
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Temptation ch.11
Co-written with @fhatbhabie
No outbreak!Dbf!Joel x Fem!Plus size!Reader
Series Masterlist
Rating: EXPLICIT 18+
Summary: After you break things off with your toxic boyfriend, you move back home with your dad. His best friend and neighbor, Joel Miller, takes an interest in you. But you’re the one who has to convince him to make the first move.
A/N: this is the second to last chapter!!!! Enjoy! 🩷
Chapter warnings: tattoo, smut!!, public play, mentions of being on a plane, almost getting caught, teasing, hot shower, staying in a hotel, riding rides, mention of eating, flirting, drinking alcohol, bar bathroom sex, exhibitionism, daddy kink, possessive!Joel, oral sex.
Divider art by: @saradika
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One year. 365 days of being with Joel. You've heard of couples not lasting that long because after a few months you get out of the “Honeymoon Phase” but with Joel you didn't have to worry about that. He always found some way to make you feel like you were the only girl in the world. Whether it was him sending you flowers to your office making every woman envy you or just simply going to the mountain outlook and spending time together. You did the same too. You made him feel loved and like he was the only man in the world. You always brought him a freshly made lunch to work and had dinner ready for when he got home after his long day. You spent a lot more time over at his house but you always told your dad you were going to your boyfriend’s. It wasn't a lie because you were, in fact, going to your boyfriend’s but he didn't need to know your boyfriend lived right next door.
About a month ago Joel started to feel insecure about his age. He told you that he was afraid you'd up and leave him for a younger guy. So one night you walked into his house all giggly and smiling, excited to show him what you did to make him feel better.
“What's that face for?” He asked.
“Got you a little… somethin.” You giggled.
“Jesus… what?” He said, laughing.
“Well I know lately you've been feeling a little... insecure, so I got you something.”
“Darlin’ you didn't have to…”
“You're right, but I wanted to.” You pulled him off the couch and pressed your ass on his crotch making him groan softly. “Lift up my skirt.” You said. He grabbed the hem of your skirt and bunched it up around your waist. He looked down and saw the fresh black ink spelling out his name in a small, pretty font.
“You got my name tattooed on your ass?” He said, laughing
“Yep.” You giggled. He turned you around and wrapped his hands around your waist.
“I love it.” He said, smiling. “Now when there's a handprint on your ass everyone will know who did it.” He smirked, making you laugh.
Fast forward to now, it was finally your one year anniversary. You and Joel were on a plane to California, him having surprised you with the gift of a trip.
You two were in first class, cuddled up with each other under a blanket when you felt Joel’s fingers drawing circles into your upper thigh, just below the hem of your shorts.
“Whatcha doing?” You whisper.
“Nothin’.” Joel smirks mischievously. He squeezes your thigh tightly then, making you hold back a yelp on the rather quiet plane.
He leans back and closes his eyes to look like he’s asleep just as his fingers move up to your waistband and dip beneath it. The touch on your low stomach made you tingle between the legs.
You also lean back and close your eyes, trying to enjoy this instead of worrying if anyone would notice. The blanket was big and fluffy, Joel’s movements were subtle, and both of you looked like you were asleep. Chances of getting caught were low… but not none, you realize as Joel’s middle finger slips down under your panties and taps your clit.
You start to moan but cover it up by clearing your throat. You spread your legs wider beneath the blanket and scoot down in the seat just enough to give Joel better access.
His middle finger moves down to your entrance to collect some of your wetness before coming back up to circle your bundle of nerves.
The flight attendant a couple rows up, at the front of the plane, comes on the overhead speaker. “Food and drinks will be served momentarily.”
Okay, now you might be starting to panic. The flight attendant was gonna come by and look directly at the two of you as she asks if you want drinks.
You lift your head from the headrest and open your eyes to look at Joel. He still looks fast asleep but his middle finger is rubbing fast on your clit and you’re already getting closer. You bring your arms up out of the blanket and lightly place them over your lap to mask any movement going on below.
The flight attendant is getting out the food and beverage cart and starts tending to the first row of people. You and Joel were in the third row.
You subtly grind down against Joel’s hand, hoping to get off before the attendant got to you and inevitably saw your flushed face and your boyfriend’s hand under the blanket in a peculiar spot.
“Joel.” You breathe, just a whisper.
“Hm?” He hums.
“Joel, wait, I-“ you whine just loud enough for him to hear.
The flight attendant steps to the second row with her cart to serve the passengers directly in front of you. You reach under the blanket with one hand and grip Joel’s wrist to ground yourself.
He pinches your clit and it sends you over the edge. You barely have time to enjoy your silent orgasm when the flight attendant rolls her cart further down the aisle and looks directly at you.
“Any drinks? A snack?” She smiles at you, totally oblivious.
You take a deep breath, feeling the aftershocks of your orgasm hitting you. “Uh- I- um…” you stumble over your words. “Water.” You finally spit out.
She pours you some water from a pitcher and hands it to you.
Your hand, not gripping Joel’s wrist, reaches up and takes it from her. You smile and hope that the employee will disappear.
“Anything for him?” She asks.
Joel presses a finger into you at the same time you take a breath to speak, turning it into a small gasp. You laugh nonchalantly to try and cover it, “Nope. He’s sleeping.” You say shyly.
“Okay.” The woman nods and turns to the people across the aisle from you.
You dig your nails into the back of Joel’s hand, hoping to hurt him just a little bit.
Joel continues slowly fingering you until the flight attendant is a few rows behind you. He opens his eyes, looks at you, pulls his hand out of your shorts and sticks his middle finger in his mouth.
He sucks it clean, grinning at you all the while.
“You’re an asshole.” You laugh quietly.
“You’re welcome.” Joel winks.
The rest of the flight is calm and easy, you and Joel both falling asleep for real until the pilot comes on the speaker to tell everyone to return to their seats for landing.
You and Joel go through the motions of getting off the plane, but you thankfully just brought carry-ons for the weekend and don’t need to go through baggage claim.
You walk out of the airport into the warm, California spring air. You take a deep breath and grab Joel’s hand. “So glad we’re here.”
“Me too.” He smiles down at you.
There are lines of taxis up and down the road, waiting for passengers to pick up. You both spot the same one that still had a light on to let you know it was free. You head for it and get in, the driver greeting you. “Afternoon, folks. Where ya headed?”
“That a Texan accent I hear?” Joel asks with a smile.
“Sure is.” The driver nodded. “Where you two from?”
“Texas.” You and Joel speak in unison.
“Well, howdy.” The driver smiles as he looks in the rear view mirror.
“Howdy.” You say back happily.
“We’re headed to the Hilton at universal city.” Joel tells the driver.
“Great.” He clicks the meter to start running as he carefully pulls out from the line of parked taxis and merges into the road.
“Universal city?” You ask Joel. He hadn’t told you anything about the trip except that you were going to LA for the weekend. “As in universal studios?”
“Yep.” Joel smiles at you.
“Fuck yes!” You grin. It was like Disneyland for adults and nerds. You wouldn’t exactly call yourself a nerd but you did enjoy several classic/iconic movies and tv shows.
“Knew you’d like that.” Joel smiled.
You nod and rest your head on his shoulder as the driver takes you to your hotel.
You two get there and check in, heading up to your room.
When you walk inside, it’s not quite like anything you’ve ever seen before.
The entire outside wall is thick glass, showing through it was a view of Hollywood. Fuck, you could even see the infamous Hollywood sign.
“Joel… you didn’t have to do all this.” You shake your head, smiling, almost in tears from how happy you were.
“Wanted to, baby.” Joel smiled and pulled you into a hug.
It was around 4pm, neither you or Joel were ready for dinner yet so you decided to kick off your shoes and plop onto the bed to relax a little. Stretch out after the flight.
Joel turned on the tv and flipped through channels till it landed on a home improvement show.
“Babe.” You laugh.
“What?” He raises his brows and looks at you.
“You might as well be at work if we watch this.” You chuckle, teasing.
“Nah, because if I were at work… couldn’t do this.” He puts the remote down on the side table and before you know it, he’s between your legs, looming over you, holding your wrists above your head.
You’re suddenly out of breath as you look at him, biting your bottom lip.
“Isn’t that right, sweetheart?” He grins.
You nod, feeling yourself get aroused yet again today. If the orgasm on the plane wasn’t enough, what Joel had in mind certainly would be.
To your surprise, he leans down and kisses you ever so gently. “Come on,” he whispers, “let’s go walk around town.”
“You’re a fucking tease, Joel Miller.” You sigh with a laugh.
He gets off the bed and stands up. “You’re welcome to tease back, honey. Just know I’ll have something to say about it when we’re in private.” He laughs darkly.
This sends a bolt of electricity straight to your groin, making you gasp softly. Joel doesn’t seem to hear it as he turns away and gets his shoes back on.
You had a fun idea. If Joel was open to teasing, you’d have to take advantage of that sometime.
7pm rolled around and you and Joel realized you were starving after walking up and down the streets of Hollywood, exploring shops and attractions.
You went back to the hotel and ordered room service after realizing most of the restaurants around here were either too fancy for how you were dressed, or the waiting list was two hours.
You both got wagyu burgers with fries and a milkshake. By the time you were done, you were both rubbing your bellies from how stuffed you were.
Joel kept dozing off and you decided that a shower sounded nice. You get up and go into the bathroom and turn on the water to heat it up.
You’re surprised when you hear the bathroom door open behind you, Joel slipping inside. “You gonna shower without me?” He asks, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
“You’re welcome to join me.” You laugh a little at the state of his curly hair. It’s sticking up in every different direction and he’s just so cute when he’s tired.
“Think I will, darlin’.” He smiles and steps closer to kiss you before you both get naked and get in the hot shower.
You sigh happily as the water runs over your scalp and down your back.
“Jesus, that’s hot.” Joel reaches his hand out to catch some of the water.
“Too hot?” You ask.
“A little.”
“Pussy.” You snort a laugh.
“What’d you say?” Joel chuckles.
“Called you a pussy.” You giggle and turn around to make the water a little cooler.
He lands a slap on your ass, happy when he sees it jiggle. You yelp in surprise at it, turning back around once you’ve adjusted the water temperature.
He grabs you by the waist and pulls you in for a deep kiss, making you moan softly against him. It felt nice to be with him like this. Intimate, soft, vulnerable.
You both wash up and then get out and dry off before climbing into the large hotel bed. Joel pulls you in against him so your back is against his chest. He takes a deep breath and you follow with the same.
“I love you.” Joel whispers against the back of your neck.
“I love you, too.”
You woke up the next morning feeling Joel's arms wrapped around you. You looked over and he had a grumpy look spread across his face meaning he was still sound asleep. You gently placed a kiss on his cheek and rolled out of bed making your way to the bathroom.
You slipped on a pair of leggings along with a cute top tossing your hair into a bun to avoid sweating like a whore in church. You walked out of the bathroom and saw Joel awake and getting dressed.
“Look at that. Didn't have to wake you.” You teased.
“Oh, whatever. I'm not a kid...” he pouted.
“Oh baby, of course not. You're my big, strong man.” You said, making him roll his eyes and chuckle.
You walked into the park hand in hand with Joel mesmerized by all the attractions. You started off by going on some rides which Joel was not a fan of. Every ride you got off of he avoided the picture booth by the exit but you couldn't resist to see the look on his face when the camera went off. It was close to 7pm when you realized you haven't ate anything all day.
“Hungry, baby?” you asked as you rubbed his tummy.
“Oo let's go there.” You grabbed his hand and walked into an old school diner. “Make you all nostalgic?”
“This was actually before my time, sweet girl.” He replied, making you laugh.
You ordered your food and sat down and ate. You went on and on about the other things you wanted to do in the park but Joel wasn't listening. He could see your mouth moving but your voice became muffled. He was amazed by the twinkle in your eyes making his heart warm to see you this happy. How beautiful you looked with your hair slowly coming out of the bun it was in, making strands of hair hug your cheeks. Absolutely beautiful.
“Joel!” You said, pulling him out of his thoughts.
“Sorry, what?” He asked, making you giggle.
“You not hear what I said, baby?”
“No sorry, honey... Got distracted.”
“By what?” You asked as you looked around the diner.
“You.” He said, making you blush.
“What about me?”
“About how beautiful you are. How amazing of a woman you are. Y’know. You.” He smiled, making your face turn bright red. “What were you saying darlin’? I'm listenin’.”
“I said I just wanna hit a few gift shops and we can get going before it gets dark. Oh and I wanna take a picture together.”
“Darlin’ you know I don’t like gettin’ my photo taken...”
“I know… but please, baby.” You pouted, making him chuckle.
“Fine.” He said, making you smile.
You walked out of the diner hitting up a few shops and grabbing things for yourself and of course Sarah. You were making your way over to the big Universal globe when you handed Joel your bags.
“Gotta pee, be right back.” You pecked his lips and walked off to the bathroom. He stood there for a solid 2 minutes when he saw someone walking up to him from the corner of his eye.
“Well well well… aren't you a tall glass of handsome water.” A man said to Joel. “I'm Caleb. What's your name, cowboy?” He asked, giving Joel a wink.
“Joel… that's hot.” Caleb said as he chewed on his bottom lip looking Joel up and down. “Here.” He handed Joel a small card with a phone number on it. “In case you ever wanna have some fun.” He winked and walked off, leaving Joel speechless.
You walked out of the bathroom and saw Joel frozen in the spot he was in with his cheeks bright pink.
“Joel? You okay?”
“Y- Yeah umm… I think that guy just hit on me…” he said, confused.
“Ahhh… I see.” You smiled. “You liked it, didn't you?” You asked, making Joel's eyes grow wide.
“N- No baby girl, I swear I didn't. I love you.” he said, making you giggle.
“Mmhmm...” you smirked as you walked away with him hot on your tail. You stopped in front of the globe and asked someone to take the picture for you. You wrapped your arm around his waist and placed your other hand on his tummy. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and held you close.
“I love you darlin...” he said, making you laugh.
“I love you too baby. I'm just teasing you.” You walked back to the woman and grabbed your phone thanking her. You scrolled through the pictures she took and smiled. There was one picture where you were looking at the camera and Joel was looking at you smiling from ear to ear seeing nothing but love spread across his face.
“This is my favorite...” you said, showing Joel.
“Mm... Mine too.” He smiled and with that you changed it to your lock screen wallpaper.
You walked out of the park holding hands with him. You looked down at your fingers laced with his and pouted.
“What's wrong honey?” he asked
“Wish we could do this back home… Hold hands and kiss out in public.”
“I know baby... once we tell your dad everything we can.” He placed a kiss on the top of your hand, making you smile. “What do you say we get dressed up and go out tonight?”
“That sounds amazing baby. Where?”
“We'll find a place.”
You and Joel get to a bar in downtown Hollywood after stopping by the hotel to get changed and dress up a bit.
Joel was in tight, black slacks with a silky, burgundy button down tucked into it, and some nice, black leather shoes. He’s never looked so dashing.
You were wearing an emerald green dress that hugged your curves and hit at about mid thigh. It had thin straps and a sweetheart neckline. You also wore some heels, a strapless bra, and your favorite (and Joel’s favorite) matching thong.
Joel keeps his hand on your lower back as you two walk into the bar and find a couple of open stools at the cocktail counter. You both sit and look at each other, smiling.
“Baby, you look so handsome…” you grin at him.
“And you are as pretty as a peach.” Joel hums.
You blush a little and the woman behind the counter comes over to take your order.
“Whiskey.” Joel smiles and nods at her.
“And for you?” The woman asks you.
“Vodka cran, please.” You smile.
Joel hands the woman his credit card. “Keep the tab open.”
“Got it. I’ll be right back.” She smiles and walks down to the register behind the counter, putting in your orders. She pours your drinks and hands them to you with cocktail napkins.
“Thanks.” You and Joel say at the same time before smiling at each other.
“What should we drink to, baby?” You look at your handsome boyfriend.
“One year of always being the hottest couple in the room, even if no one knows it.” He smirks.
You nod and clink your glasses together before taking sips of your drinks.
It’s not long before Joel is 3 whiskeys in and you’re on your 4th vodka cran. You’d been chatting for almost two hours when Joel placed his hand on your thigh, sending electricity up your spine.
He held it there while you kept talking about your trip to the park today and which attractions were your favorites.
His hand was so fucking warm, it almost felt like it was burning you. Maybe it was the alcohol. You didn’t know, but he slowly worked his hand upward to the hem of your dress. He’d dip his pinky underneath it every couple of minutes, just to tease. Then you remembered.
Joel welcomed you to tease him back.
You blink slowly, drunkenly, as you lean in to whisper in Joel’s ear. “Daddy, I’m all wet.”
He clenches his jaw and the thumb that was moving back and forth on your thigh is now still. He turns his face to yours, only a couple inches away as he hums a response. “Yeah, baby?”
“Mhm… wish you could taste it. Feel it.” You purr.
He growls quietly in his throat. You lean your head on his shoulder and turn your face into his neck so that the tip of your nose is brushing against it.
“Do you need me to take you back to the hotel?” He slurs.
“Not enough time… need you now.” You whine quietly.
He squeezes your thigh, hard, and then he’s getting up. He mumbles the word “bathroom” before walking away to the back of the bar.
You blush and down the rest of your drink before getting up on slightly shaky legs. You stabilize yourself before walking where you saw Joel go, into the men’s bathroom.
The door isn’t even fully closed when he gets his mouth on you. His beard scratches against your neck as he sucks a mark into the side of it. “Daddy… please just… take me. Fuck me so good.” You whimper.
Joel leads you into one of the three stalls, closing it and latching the door before shoving you against it. You whine softly as his hands grab your breasts, massaging them, groping them.
He leans down to capture your lips with his and press his crotch against you.
Fuck, so hard already.
“I know.” He replies. Wait, did you say that out loud? Whatever.
You sling your arms around the back of his neck as he reaches under your dress with one hand to push your panties aside and feel just how wet you’d gotten for him.
“Shit, darlin’… you’re soaked.” He groans.
“F- fuck me, please, baby.” You whine against his lips.
He plunges a finger into you and you gasp, thighs already shaking.
“You need it bad, sweet girl.” He tuts.
“So bad!” You say loudly.
Joel pulls his finger from you and brings it to your lips, smearing your slick over them before pushing his digit into your mouth. “Suck.” He demanded.
You start sucking his finger while his other hand reaches down to undo his pants. He pulls his finger out of your mouth and finishes unzipping his slacks before pulling his cock out.
It was heavy, leaking… fuck, you wanted to put your mouth on it but you didn’t want to get on your knees in a bar bathroom. Even in this nice bar.
“Need it inside.” You whimper.
“I know, honey. I’m gonna give it to ya.” He smiles.
He hiked up your dress around your waist, pulling one leg up around his hip before pushing into you.
“Fuuuuck!” You gasp.
“Shit, baby. All fuckin’ wet… so tight.” Joel moans deeply.
“Hhngh…” is all you can get out when he pulls back and pushes in again.
You’re holding on to his shoulders and he’s got one hand holding your leg up, his other hand around your back at waist level, keeping you close. It helped the angle that you had high heels on, Joel didn’t have to bend his knees too much to fuck you.
“Whose pussy is this?” He sighs with pleasure.
“Da- daddy-“ you huff.
You hear the bathroom door open and you suddenly sober up, just a little. But Joel doesn’t miss a beat.
He keeps fucking into you, making the stall door thud against the lock over and over.
You look at Joel, giving him a face of confusion.
“S’alright, baby. It’s okay if he hears.” He starts fucking into you especially hard before reaching down and pulling your other leg up, both now wrapped around him. He’s supporting you under your ass with his hands as he fucks you against the stall door, your pussy making obscene noises as he does so.
“Didn’t answer my question.” He growls.
“What?” You ask breathlessly.
“Whose pussy is this?” He repeats.
You hear the other man in the bathroom flush one of the urinals.
“Y- yours!” You nearly scream as you hear the sink start running.
You should be embarrassed. You should be telling Joel to stop. There’s a lot of things you should be doing, but his cock is too fucking good. You can’t stop now.
“All mine.” He groans over and over and you hear the other patron leave the bathroom.
“I’m gonna cum!” You yell.
“Alright, baby. Go ahead. Cum on daddy’s cock.” Joel orders.
He pumps into you a couple more times and then you’re losing it. “Oh! Yeah, Joel! Fuck!” You whine like a porn star as you cum hard, squeezing around him.
“F- fuck…” Joel stutters before he’s spilling his load inside you.
You both keep moving until you’re overstimulated and sensitive. Joel pulls out and carefully sets you down. He hands you a little toilet paper to clean yourself, and you do before tossing the soiled paper in the toilet.
Joel flushes it with his foot and turns back to you, kissing you hard. “Fuckin’ love this pussy. Love you.” He hums.
“Love you s- so much.” You breathe.
He adjusts your panties and pulls your dress back down to an appropriate length before you both step out of the stall.
“I’ll walk out, you wait ten seconds, then come find me.” Joel nods.
“Okay.” You smile, drunk and blissed out.
You look in the mirror and make sure you look somewhat presentable before peeking out of the bathroom to make sure the coast was clear.
You step out and see Joel in a spot close to where you’d been sitting before. You walk past a table of rowdy men, aging between 25 and 50 you imagine.
You sit down at the bar next to Joel when you hear a man at that table behind you.
“Some bitch was getting her brains fucked out in there.” He said.
Your head snaps to the side to look at Joel with wide eyes. He smiles at you. He heard it too, but he’s more proud than embarrassed.
“She sound hot?” One of the other men asked.
“Fuck yeah. Moaning like a whore, pussy sounded juicy, too. She had to be a thick girl.” You hear the first man chuckle.
You turn a deep shade of pink and rub the back of your neck, looking into the mirror behind the bar and catching Joel’s eyes there. He was smirking like the devil.
“You alright, darlin?” He asked, still smirking.
“Mhmm...” you took a sip of your drink, hoping it would help reduce the redness spread across your face.
“Makes me wish they were out in the sink. Woulda paid to see that.” The man added, making Joel chuckle evilly to only where you could hear. You finished the last bit of your drink and stood up, trying to regain the feeling in your legs.
“Baby I think I'm ready to go...” you slurred.
“Let’s go, sweet girl.” He waved the bartender over and closed out his tab. He wrapped his arm around your waist and made your way out of the bar and into a cab.
You stumbled into the hotel room, kicking off your heels and walking over to the bed.
You laid down on your back, legs dangling off the edge of the bed at the knees, closing your eyes. You hear some clothes shuffling and then Joel’s hands are on your thighs.
“Hi, baby.” You lift your head and open your eyes. “Oh-“ you giggle drunkenly, noticing his nakedness. He was already half hard, cock hanging heavy between his legs.
“Hi.” He smiles, fingertips tracing circles on the tops of your thighs. “Let’s take all this off.” He uses one hand to motion to your clothing.
You nod at him and then he’s on you. He shoves your dress up and pulls your panties down quickly. He laughs darkly. “Still all swollen from earlier.”
“Still wet and sensitive, too.” You breathe.
“Good.” Joel groans as he runs a finger through your folds to collect your slick.
You moan softly as you watch him bring the wet digit to his lips and suck on it. “Awfully tasty, darlin’… good thing I’m hungry.” He hums.
You bite your lip as he reaches down and pulls your panties off the rest of the way. He then uses both hands to pull off your dress, you sit up a little to help.
“Ah, easy access.” He laughs with a smirk when he notices your strapless bra is clasped in the front.He reaches down with one hand and undoes it with a twist.
The bra flies open, laying underneath your back as your full breasts burst out. “Could never get tired of those.” Joel bites his lip and looks you over.
You smile and blush a little when Joel moves down and grabs your hips, shoving you further up on the bed. You lay your head on the pillows and look down as he crawls up between your legs.
He kisses your lips for a long moment before he started trailing kisses down your neck and chest. He took a couple minutes to praise each breast with his mouth and fingers before he continued south.
He got down and threw your legs over his shoulders, beginning with little licks to your slit.
“Joel-“ you gasp.
He put his hands underneath your ass, squeezing as his mouth attached to your clit. The warmth of his mouth was almost overwhelming.
“Oh, daddy…” you whine, gripping the sheets.
He hums against you as he presses his tongue against your bundle of nerves as hard as he can. Your toes curl and your hips buck up. He grabs them quickly and pushes them back down into the bed.
He darts his tongue back and forth, pressing a hand over your belly to keep you from rutting up against him. His other hand travels up to your breast to pinch and pull your nipple.
“Fuck…” you moan and gasp when his tongue starts moving up and down, making you reach for his biceps.
Joel really knew how to please you. On top of all this, he starts to suck on your bud, making you dig your nails into his skin.
He growls against you and it does you in.
“Fuck!!” You shout, your hands flying up to grip the sheets next to your head as your cunt seizes against his tongue.
Your back arches and you feel liquid squirt from your pussy onto Joel’s chin. He groans against you, sending a shockwave up your spine.
“Don’t- don’t stop!” You cry out, hoping for a quick and even more intense second orgasm. And you knew Joel could get you there.
He pushes two fingers into you and starts sucking on your clit even harder now, you swore you could feel his teeth too. He starts thrusting his fingers in and out, rubbing against that special spot inside you.
“Yes!!!” You scream, thighs shaking around Joel’s head.
“Yes! Daddy! F- fuck-“ you cut yourself off with a moan as your second climax hit you. One hand gripped the sheets while the other pulled at Joel’s hair for grounding purposes.
He keeps his fingers moving, mouth active against your clit. As the waves kept hitting you, he gradually slowed down and eased the pressure on your sensitive bud.
“Fuck.” He whispered as he pulled back. “You never stop surprising me, baby girl.” He laughs.
“Give me like two minutes to recover and then I’ll surprise you again.” You wink at him.
“Is that right?” He chuckles.
“Mhm.” You nod, breathless.
He moves up next to you in the bed, pressing his aching cock against your hip.
You moan at the feeling of wetness on the head. He moans too, the slight friction enough to make him do so.
You reach down between your legs, wetting your fingers before wrapping them around his dick. He bucks into your hand, no hesitance.
You stay like this for a couple minutes, him rolling his hips forward as you stroke him. Before Joel is aware of what’s going on, his mind feeling fuzzy from arousal, you’re on top of him.
“Shit.” He breathes, reaching to hold your thighs.
You grab his cock and guide it to your entrance before sinking down onto it.
“Fuck, baby girl… always so tight for me.” He groans and grips your thick upper thighs.
You lift up a couple inches before slowly sinking back down onto his hardness. “You’re so fucking big.” You whine.
“And you can’t get enough.” He moves his hands up to your hips, holding them hard as you begin to bounce up and down.
You place your hands on his chest, supporting yourself as your body rolls against him. He’s gripping your hips to help you thrust when he bucks his own hips to slam into you.
“Joel-!” You gasp.
“This pretty pussy is all mine, isn’t it?” He growls.
“Yes!” You whimper, meeting his hips with your own as he fills you up, over and over again.
“Need my cum, don’t you, honey?”
You nod.
“Say it.” He demands.
“Need your cum, daddy… please.” Your hips stutter as you feel yourself getting closer.
He grabs one of your breasts as he keeps fucking up into you, cock twitching. “F- fuck, sweet girl… you always look so good split on my cock.”
You nod frantically. “Pl- please…”
“Whaddya need, sugar?”
“Touch… please touch my clit, daddy.”
He laughs darkly. “All ya had to do was ask.” He removes his hand from your breast, reaching down to rub circles into your clit with his thumb.
A few seconds later you were quivering. “I’m gonna-!!” And that was all you could get out before your orgasm hit you like a bullet train. “Yes!!! Joel!”
He grunts with each thrust as he fills you with his seed, the both of you shaking from how good you felt.
The aftershocks were incredible, your pussy fluttering around Joel’s cock for a minute after you both came.
He slowed down and you leaned in to kiss him, moaning into his mouth as he pulled out of you.
“Such a good girl.” He breathed against your lips.
You let out a moan of agreement and moved off of him to get under the covers together. He pulled you in and held you tight until you both fell asleep.
The next morning was only slightly stressful. The traffic to the airport was a nightmare, even for the experienced taxi driver who was taking you.
But, you made your flight on time, getting to the gate just ten minutes before you were supposed to board.
“Told you it was gonna be fine.” Joel nudges you with his elbow.
“Yeah okay, you were right.” You chuckle. You sit down in your assigned seats, you by the window and Joel in an aisle seat, not long after the plane took off...
“Thank you...” you said, looking over at Joel. “For everything this weekend.”
He smiled. “Would you say it was the best anniversary?” He asked, making you laugh.
“Don't wanna say that cause I feel like you're gonna try to top this one next year.”
“Tellin’ me we're still gonna be together next year?” He asked.
“Honey, you can't get rid of me that easy. And yes I'd like to think that we're still gonna be together a year from now… maybe even longer.”
“Sounds like a plan to me darlin...” he cupped your cheek and pulled you into a deep, wet kiss, making you melt into his touch. You nibbled his bottom lip lightly, making him chuckle.
“I love you...” you muttered as you brushed the tip of your nose against his.
“I love you too... more than you'll ever know.” He said, making you smile. The sound of the drink cart pulled your attention away from him. The flight attendant stopped right beside your row and smiled at you.
“Would you like anything to drink, beautiful?” He said.
“Water is fine, thank you.”
He poured a cup of water and handed it to you. He looked down at Joel and smirked.
“What about you, handsome?” He said, making Joel blush.
“W- Water is fine...”
“Coming right up, big boy.” He winked, making you giggle. He handed Joel a cup of water and leaned down. “If you need anything else...” he started as he rubbed Joel's bicep. “Don't hesitate to ask.” He winked at Joel and walked off, leaving Joel speechless and you in tears from laughing so much.
“Darlin, I promise I didn't do anythin’ for him to talk to me like that,..” he said.
“Baby, it's fine.” You laughed.
“I swear, darlin...” he said again, making you laugh more.
Tag list: @evyiione @chyannealaniz @cesspitoflove @supersingle @jrosie25 @blackfemalenerd @bongsrconfusing @milly-louise @farintonorth @brittmb115 @vampire7595
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