#johaerys answers
johaerys-writes · 6 months
Hi! Long time ago, huh! Okay who am I kidding, it's me…again…?
Anyway, this time the question is simpler! I swear! I just wanted to know if Pátroclo's glasses are of a specific shape. I don't remember the fic mentioning the shape and I only realized it when I had already drawn it round lol just me trying to make the biblically accurate Disaster Patroclus
Ah! Hello again!! And THANK YOU for asking about Patroclus' glasses, I know it’s such a small thing but I love talking about them whenever I have the chance lol!!!
Here's what they sort of look like:
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So you were really close with the round glasses design! Hope this helped 💙
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pikapeppa · 1 month
15 questions for 15 friends
Tagged by @elveny and @johaerys-writes -- thank you, my loves!
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? My mom. Apparently my dad really wanted to name me after my mom and she was like "ugh really fine" LOL. My dad is also named after his dad, who was named after his dad... REAL ORIGINAL. This is going to sound like a total humblebrag, but my mom and I are both published academic authors, so we have to use our middle initials to distinguish who published what 🙃
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Probably in therapy last Thursday LOL. Though I got a little prickly-eyed earlier this week watching the episode of ATLA where Zuko and Aang go on their lifechanging field trip to the Sun Warriors' secret village 😂❤
DO YOU HAVE KIDS? Nope! Childless by choice.
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED? I played T-ball when I was 5 or 6 (hated it, cried so much that my parents pulled me out LMAO) and I was on the volleyball team in Grade 6. I'm left-handed and I had a habit of serving into the wall, unfortunately, and the habit got worse when I was nervous. During one game, they took pity on me so much that they paused the game until I got the ball over the net. I was fucking humiliated and have never played a team sport since then. 🤣💀 Re: other physical activities, I like dancing! I've taken a ton of different kinds of dance classes including swing, salsa, bellydancing, and Bollywood dancing, and loved all of them!
DO YOU USE SARCASM? No. Me? Never. 🙃🤣 Forreal though yes. All the time.
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? Uh...! I don't know if there's any one specific thing? I usually take in an "overall impression" of appearance. Vague, but that's all I've got. If the question was "what's the first thing you notice in people you're attracted to", that might be a different story 🤣
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? I am going to copy Johaerys's answer and say it doesn't matter to me, as long as the story was good. But also, who says scary movies/horror media can't have happy endings?? 🤣Haunting of Hill House, anyone? (Bittersweet, maybe, but it counts as happy to me!)
ANY TALENTS? Would it be wretched if I said I feel like writing might be a talent? Whatever, I'm saying it. 🤣😅
WHERE WERE YOU BORN? In a hospital in the same city where I currently live! Which I will chose not to reveal openly! 🤣
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES? Writing! It takes up a solid 75-90% of my free time. Also gaming (which I might count into the writing time since it often becomes Research™ for the writing 🤣). I also enjoy baking and cooking, though I don't know that I'd count those as hobbies since they're necessary ADLs?
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? A cat named Meeko. She is my daemon. We can never be apart when I am home. Case in point, a photo taken in real-time while completing this quiz:
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FAVOURITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? Uhhh... what level of school are we talking here? In undergrad, I took an incredible linguistics/history course about writing systems, and that was probably my favourite class ever. I took a course during undergrad about different schools of psychotherapy that was pretty damned influential too.
DREAM JOB? I also loved Johaerys's answer here: "I don't think there's any sort of job anyone could do in this capitalist hellscape we're all currently living in that would be enjoyable enough to make up for, well... living in a capitalist hellscape." I'm lucky enough to work in the public healthcare system so I'm pretty safe from the worst of capitalism, I guess, though my job (speech-language pathologist) is one I chose more for practicality (certainty of employment) than because I was really passionate about it. If I could do something else and not have to worry about money, I would either want to be a fiction editor, or a sex therapist.
Tagging forward to @ranaspkillnarieth @iamcayc @heroofshield @fantasy-girl974 @hellas-himself @midnightacrobat @alyssalenko @vorchagirl @elinorbard @stuffforthestash @mwasaw @lordofthenerds97 @y0ureviltwin @ladyofthelake91 @perhapsrampancy @cha-mij and genuinely, anyone else who wants to share!!! Tag me so I can spy on your life! 🤣❤
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thefanficwriterscraft · 5 months
S2E17. 2023 Wrap Up (Or We Don't Need to Talk about MH370 Right Now)
Our last episode of the year is here!
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In this episode, Jo (@pebblysand) and Lani (@copper-dust) engage in a year-end roundup exercise, reflecting on their fanfiction writing, favourite reads, and their podcasting wins of 2023. They discuss their word counts for the year and talk about the lines or scenes they enjoyed writing. They highlight some great comments and reviews they’ve received, and answer a listener’s question about what surprised them in 2023. Lastly, they also chat about their podcast statistics and discuss plans for the upcoming year. 
We would like to extend our warmest thanks to you, our incredible listeners, for your unwavering support, messages, and downloads throughout the year. Your enthusiasm and engagement mean the world to us. Additionally, a special thank you goes out to our amazing guests who brought their unique perspectives and insights to the podcast in 2023: @celestemagnoliathewriter, @rosalui, @btelling, @johaerys-writes, @word-wytch, and @maycandrawtingz. Thank you!
This week, we mention: 
Books: Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling, Maurice by E.M. Forster, Spare by Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex 
Fics: castles by pebblysand, The Wilderness by @batmansymbol, A Happier Year (Near About) by @peopleshooterhat, Harry Learns the Hard Way by copper_dust, a louisville slugger to both headlights by pebblysand, Merry Men by copper_dust, Orchards by @whinlatter, Undefined by orbythesea, Sunset in Your Veins by baejax
Podcast: S2E2. Outgrowing Fandoms (or The Harry Episode), S2E3. Multimedia in Fanfiction [Part 2] with @rosalui (Or, Snackleholt Bingsley LARPs Warrior Cats on the Amazon Kindle)
Your recommendations for this week are:
The Rougarou by @evesaintyves
This Word Lies at the Bottom of a Lake by berhanes
Rewatching, rereading something you love 
You can find us online at:
The Fanfic Writer’s Craft: tumblr ; spotify ; ko-fi
Lani (@copper-dust): tumblr ; AO3
Jo (@pebblysand): tumblr ; AO3
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baejax-the-great · 6 months
[20 Question Fic Writer Tag]
tagged by @findusinaweek
How many works do you have on AO3? As of yesterday, 125.
What is your AO3 word count? 1,054,586 💀
What fandoms do you write for? Currently: Hades/Iliad and as of yesterday BG3. Historically Dragon Age and Mass Effect and I wrote a few Arcane one-shots. I believe I'll probably write Mass Effect fic again.
What are your top five fics by kudos? Sunset in Your Veins, Void, even if it's a lie, First Contact, and Relinquish (Hades/Iliad, Hades, Hades, Mass effect, Hades)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes! I think fanfic is most fun when it's a conversation between author and commenters, and I mean that from both sides of it.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Chintz or Lost
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? The Edge of Sadness has a pretty happy ending. All my Bethistair stuff does. It would be a crime not to give those two a happy ending.
Do you get hate on fics? Rarely.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes. I don't understand what "What kind" means. I have an annoying habit of trying to make sex scenes funny. Maybe that gives you the answer.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Answered this question recently, but I did a DA2 + Mass Effect fic set in the plot of Mamma Mia!
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge.
Have you ever had a fic translated? No, but someone once asked if they could translate a Bethistair fic into Russian. I said yes, but they never contacted me again.
Have you ever cowritten a fic before? Nope! And I don't think it's for me. I'm honestly too ADHD to work that well with other people.
What's your all-time favourite ship? A difficult question. If we go by number of words written about them, it's going to be Patrochilles. If we go by reading habits, it might be Solavellan or very possibly Shenko? For a while I think I was the biggest fan of Bethistair out there and it remains a love of mine, but I haven't read DA fic in ages now.
What's a WIP you'd like to finish but doubt you ever will? Overboard 💀💀💀 I still believe I will finish it, I do I do
What are your writing strengths? Dialogue. Character voices.
What are your writing weaknesses? Imagery. Complex plots.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I think if you want to write dirty talk, you should absolutely not be using google translate. And I think writing dialogue in fake languages and providing translations at the end of the chapter is inaccessible and frankly tedious. There are ways to say that the characters were speaking a different language and then giving or hiding the meaning depending on what you want the reader to know.
First fandom you wrote for? Dragon Age, specifically Inquisition.
Favourite fic you've ever written? Oof. A toughie. Probably All That Glitters. And I'll always be fond of The Edge of Sadness. And Void. And A Hawke's Breakfast. All of these were written with intense bursts of inspiration that was almost obsessive at times, and I found those experiences to be really rewarding.
Tagging forth @johaerys-writes @dandenbo @annalyia @genginger @rowanisawriter @nerdierholler
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elveny · 1 year
Meet the writer
tagged by @awordwasthebeginning - thank you 💖
Rules: Use this Picrew and make yourself and answer the questions below.
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Three fun facts about me:
As a teen, I always wanted to be a twin and now I have twins :D
I am an extremely fast reader - strangers on the train once asked me whether I was actually reading or just leafing through the book
I fulfill clichés of both being Taurus and Pig (stubborn, creative, lazy) but only engage with astrology for fun, not seriously ;)
Favourite season: spring 🌱🌼
How I spend my time: working, parenting, reading, gaming
Are you published? Not with my stories, just articles.
Introvert or extrovert? a weird mix of both? though it feels like I'm getting more introverted the older I get
Favourite meal? I couldn't tell you, it depends too much on my mood :D
Tagging @kunstpause @pikapeppa @johaerys-writes @curiousthimble @lynmars79 @sarsaparillia @pigeontheoneandonly @okami-zero @greyias @storyknitter @keldae @captainderyn and whoever wants to grab it - as always, no pressure ♥
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hazelek · 7 months
tag 9 people to get to know better
Tagged by @deslizada
3 ships: ARTMB (The Murderbot Diaries) rules my heart nowadays. Private Eyes (Malevolent) to a lesser extent. Still fond of sheith (VLD)
First ever ship: hard to answer this one. Was it Rhapsody and Ahmed from Symphony of Ages? Probably. Maybe it was numerous Vampire Chronicle ships. Maybe it was Moomin and Snufkin. Who can say.
Last song: been listening to Internet Yamero by Aiobahn feat. Kotoko on loop today
Last movie: I basically don't watch any movies 😭 genuinely don't remember
Currently reading: Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells, Astolat's Transformers fics, The Astronauts by Stanisław Lem
Currently watching: assorted Instagram shorts and FutureCanoe on YouTube, please don't judge 😔 this haze has no attention span to even watch 20 min anime episode nowadays
Currently consuming: sweets I got from my friend from Estonia
Currently craving: half a year of vacation and much creativity
No pressure tagging: @the-yearning-astronaut @spacecrows @rj-abacura @opalescent-potato @kruki @rebeccadumaurier @varethinsilico @johaerys-writes @gamebird
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pinkfadespirit · 11 months
Sunday Work In Progress
Thanks for the tag @aria-i-adagio! Here’s something from the second chapter of my new Handers fic, Strange Fear, in which Anders is trying to find a date to Aveline’s wedding in order to win a bet and so far it isn’t going well.
"Don't let it knock your confidence," Hawke insisted. When Anders didn't answer again, he added, "Or if you decide you'd rather leave it, that's fine too. You don't have to push yourself into this for the sake of a stupid bet."
Anders sighed. "It was pretty stupid, wasn't it?"
"You know you didn't have to agree to it…"
"I know."
"Then why?"
"I just didn't want to give Isabela the satisfaction of thinking she was right."
And now there was no doubt that same pride would be what kept him from backing out of it.
“Okay but… do you even want to do this? I mean, I haven’t seen you with someone the whole time I’ve known you. I always thought you weren’t interested in all that. Because of Justice.”
“It was never a lack of interest,” Anders said softly, without looking at him. Hawke hadn’t been sure if it was a good idea to bring that up but Anders didn't seem to be annoyed by it. “I just didn’t know if I could. With what I am… what if I lost control and hurt someone?” He stared down at the cat in his lap and his expression was sad. “But it’s been years. Maybe it’s about time I made a change.”
Perhaps it shouldn’t surprise him to hear that. Anders had been in a bad way after Karl died but it had been a long time since then. It could have been enough time to heal, Hawke supposed. It didn’t make him worry any less though.
“I’m not sure if that answers my question.”
Anders shrugged. “I’m not sure what the answer is.”
tagging: @anderstrevelyan @hollyand-writes @fandomn00blr @johaerys-writes @sweetmage @faedintoyou and anyone else who reads this and wants to share something they’ve been working on. No pressure if you’d rather not, of course!
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annalyia · 9 months
So @johaerys-writes tagged me in a WIP Wednesday (she also tagged me in one a few weeks ago and I went "yeah I should do that" and then forgot)! Please enjoy a snippet of a phone call from my thanzag fic
After a few rings, she answers. “Hello?” Meg’s voice instantly makes Thanatos feel better. Just knowing that he’s not going insane and that there is someone else here who might understand his situation is incredibly soothing.
“Hey, Meg.”
“What’s up, Thanatos? Didn’t you move into your dorm today?”
He nods, even though she can’t see him. “Yeah, I did. School started back for you, too, right?”
“Yeah, we had move-in last week and classes started a couple days ago. Can’t really say it’s been anything different or interesting than before. No one in the dorm is giving you shit for being twenty, right?”
He smiles, thinks it’s funny that Meg is still this protective of him. They both know he can take care of himself, but, after Zag left, they…grew closer, he supposes. Not in a romantic or physical way, but in that weird way that only people who have gone through the same odd or traumatic experience can. They were always good friends, but there was something about losing someone that important to both of them that changed things. “No, nothing like that yet.”
She laughs. “Good. I’d hate to have to miss class to drive all the way up there and beat the shit out of them. What’s up, then? It’s not like you to call without a reason.”
“There’s….something that I need to tell you.”
“Okay, that’s ominous.”
“It’s not…bad, exactly,” he says. “It’s just…really fucking weird. Like. Really weird.”
“Weird and unexpected? Or weird and you can manage?”
“Zagreus is my roommate.”
There’s no response. In fact, Meg is silent for so long that Thanatos begins to worry that the call might have dropped.
“I shit you not.”
“You were wrong,” she says.
“I do need to drive up there and beat the shit out of someone.”
“No, Meg, you really don’t.”
“Thanatos, do not tell me that you have already made up with him.”
“What? No! I haven’t, I promise.”
“Then why am I not kicking his ass into next year?”
Anyway, I'll throw a tag over to @weirddancer14 and @jadesabre301 if y'all feel so inclined :)
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mary-aries · 10 months
WIP Wednesday
It's not Wednesday anymore! But thank you to the lovely @johaerys-writes for tagging me! Here is a snippet of a work in progress for my Sky High AU Patrochilles series .
Patroclus never minded if Achilles was late back from missions. That’s the thing about loving a superhero, Achilles supposed – by the time Achilles rocked up home, Patroclus was just glad he made it home at all.
Achilles would apologise just the same, of course – he was sorry. SuperCorp wouldn’t let him have his phone on his person during missions (too much confidential information on one device) so Patroclus relied on updates from the assistants and techs to keep him in the loop. Just as often he heard about Achilles’s exploits via HeroApp (Get the news on your favourite superheroes anywhere, anytime!). It was shitty, and Achilles resolved he would demand better communication with Patroclus just as soon as he could, but he had been making a lot of demands lately, and would have to choose his moment carefully.
Achilles had been away for four days – a whole fucking day longer than he signed up for – and he missed Patroclus too much. Achilles Pelides had wanted Patroclus from the first. He wanted him, but having him hadn’t sated that – it heightened it, turned want to need. They were each two whole and complete people, but when they were apart, Achilles felt less himself. A person can take you into their heart, and that’s a wonderful thing, but then a part of you can walk away from you, and that is the pain of loving.
“Patroclus?” Achilles called into their apartment (a short term rental). They never stayed anywhere very long. Achilles was still fresh from Sky High making a name for himself. Super fast, strong, able to fly – you take that shit across the country, get your name out there. Achilles would be one of the greats, but that meant touring. Patroclus was not one of the greats, so he followed.
No response came, and Achilles collapsed on the couch.
Patroclus was easy on him about missions going overtime, but he worried. He tried to be cool about it, but it made Achilles smile that when he returned home, he often found Patroclus asleep on the sofa waiting up for him. He never minded when Achilles woke him up – he would start awake, only to take a deep breath and pull Achilles down into his arms.
Are you hurt? he would ask tiredly.
Not much, Achilles would reply. Achilles was tricky to wound – between his trifecta of gifts, Achilles was already shaping up to be the best of a generation. But he was not impervious, and Patroclus was always quick to find his nicks and bruises.
My work’s never done with you, Patroclus would tsk, half teasing, his fingers trailing Achilles’s battle wounds. I’m fucked from the hospital. Take me to bed and undress me and I’ll heal you.
Patroclus was a Tactile Healer, of sorts – he could heal injuries and illnesses through sustained skin to skin contact. The secret to that was that Patroclus was a Blood Healer – his healing powers came from his blood, and his healing was by far more efficiently done via blood transfusion, or – somewhat grossly – by ingestion or smearing on the affected area. Achilles never wanted that from Patroclus, though. Not ever again.
Achilles would take Patroclus to bed, undressing first himself, and then his love. Is healing all you wanna do just now? Achilles would ask.
The answer depended on the time, whether Patroclus had worked at the hospital (and whether it was as a Tactile Healer or Blood Healer), and how banged up Achilles was. Usually they did more than convalesce.
But this evening, Patroclus wasn’t waiting for him. Achilles frowned into the empty apartment. Patroclus’s phone wasn’t on the charger, so Patroclus was out. It was almost lunch time. Finally reunited with his phone after four days, he called Patroclus and went straight to voicemail.
“Hey, Pat,” Achilles said tiredly. “I’m back. Sorry for the lack of reliable ETA. If you’re getting lunch, grab me something. I don’t mind what – just get a lot of it. And wake me when you get in, alright. I’m fucking tired, but I wanna see your face. Okay?”
Achilles would kick himself, later. When he woke up at 5pm, no sign of Patroclus, he would see that Patroclus’s SuperCorp lanyard wasn’t in its resting place by the phonecharger. He would realise that Patroclus had never returned from his night shift at the hospital.
But Achilles slept through the day – five hours of peace before the storm.
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darlingpoppet · 10 months
✨ Get to know me ✨
I was tagged by @alibonbonn a while back (thank you so much!) sorry for the late response but I suppose this is a good way to reintroduce myself to my tumblr followers (hey y’all!)
Current Wallpaper: I don’t wanna take a screenshot of it since it’s someone else’s fanart but it’s this Hades Patrochilles piece by Zeyan. (are they on tumblr? Idk lemme know and I’ll reblog it!) my home screen is a much older eruri fanart whose artist I can’t even remember anymore :’) hopefully they’re out there thriving!
Three Ships: Patrochilles, Eruri, ummmm FrodoSam (idk I’ve been emotional about them again recently) also I feel like this shouldn’t be allowed to count since I haven’t played the game but I’ve been mega eyes emoji over FFXVI ever since I heard about Dion & Terence because I’m SO WEAK for any and all king & lionheart ships (these are all king & lionheart ships!!!!)
First ship: OH GOD it was probably 1x2, Heero Yuy x Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing aka the millennial baby’s first bl amirite folks? Wolfstar was also an early formative ship, from a book series whose name I can’t seem to remember now… hmm weird!
Fave color: mint green! I love wearing it and I love home aesthetics using it as an accent color
Last song: Mr. Kitty - After Dark
Last movie in theatres: ATSV babyyy!! I have half of that soundtrack stuck in my head 24/7 so any of those songs would also easily apply to the previous question
Last show: tv? I don’t know her (I’m pretty sure the last series I actually finished was OFMD but that was over a year ago and I still haven’t finished IWTV orz)
Currently reading: The Priory Of The Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon (the real answer is “the Iliad for the 84847384th time”. I also just finished reading Plato’s Symposium)
Current obsession: Everyone who knows me knows this by now but I’ve been deep in a Greek mythology rabbit role for about a year & a half now with no hope of escape. Particularly anything Iliad/Trojan War/Achilles/Patrochilles related. I’m sorry for the person I’m about to become when Dr. Emily Wilson’s Iliad translation is released this September 😔
Unrelated obsession: I love watching ASMR videos, especially ones with massages, hair brushing, or 1st person POV where they do your makeup or give you a spa treatment or whatever lol. Also wood soup asmr! I also recently got into keyboard asmr and bought myself some wireless keyboards for my birthday which make nice thocky/clacky noises 🤤
Currently working on: a lot of fic writing for zines, djs, and ao3, but my main WIP is Where The Dead Forget, a memory loss AU Patrochilles fic set in the Hades game universe, which also has a lot of my own retellings of the Achilles & Patroclus myths woven in. The updates have been slow in the last few months but I’m finally close to publishing a new chapter. We’re still in the early game so come join me! ✨
Tagging: @cosmicvoidance @cottonomz-again @johaerys-writes @lostcauses-noregrets @zorthania @erwinsalive, and anyone else who wants to do it! (sorry if you’ve already been tagged or did this I haven’t been around lol)
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johaerys-writes · 6 months
Hello! I hope you are having a nice evening. If you don't mind, a WIP Wednesday please?
Thank you!
Hi there! I do have a snippet from the next chapter of you're a walking disaster and yet- which is very close to being finished, and is also quite eventful lol. I won't spoil too much, but here's Pat making an ass of himself:
He pushes his way through the throng of people, ignoring Dei and Rhea who try to pull him with them to dance. His eyes are locked on his target: Antilochus, who is currently twirling one of Achilles' curls around his finger. 
"Hi," Patroclus shouts, his voice a touch too loud and forceful even with the deafening music blasting from the speakers. "We haven’t been introduced."
Antilochus blinks at him, baffled for a moment, before finally recognising him as one of Dei's friends. Patroclus holds out his hand; Antilochus hesitates for a moment before clasping it, but Patroclus doesn’t hesitate at all before gripping it in a firm —perhaps firmer than needed— handshake. 
"This is Patroclus," Achilles says, frowning a little in confusion. "My friend."
"Oh," Antilochus says, glancing between them, "I didn't know you had… a friend." 
"We live together," Patroclus shouts, the words coming to his mouth out of literally nowhere. Antilochus winces ever so slightly in relief when Patroclus lets him go.
"I never would have known," Antilochus tells Achilles with a smile that’s a touch too meaningful, and perhaps a little disgruntled. Achilles barely notices; he's too busy gaping at Patroclus. 
After Antilochus returns to his work, Achilles grabs Patroclus' hand and drags him away from the bar. Patroclus doesn’t know where they’re going; he just follows Achilles as he pulls him towards the toilets, then stops at a relatively quiet spot of the hallway. 
"What the hell was that?" he demands.
"What you just said to Antilochus. What was that all about?"
Patroclus just shrugs, trying to come up with a reasonable explanation and finding none. "I just introduced myself to him, since no one bothered to do it before. Is that so bad?"
"'We live together'?" Achilles echoes. "That's how you introduce yourself to people?"
"I mean, we do live together, right? Not like I lied."
Achilles' eyes narrow ever so slightly. His gaze is direct and unyielding, as if seeing right through him. "Pat," he says slowly. "Are you jealous?"
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✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
djasgkasd ahh im blushing
I wanna shoutout @johaerys-writes for leaving fucking BOOK REPORTS on my Sheith fics but I'll give a VC answer since ur a VC friend hahaha
This one is like the first time I ever got a BIG GIANT COMMENT on a fic and I was like ???????? SO MOVED? SO EMOTIONAL??? It made me cry? They noticed all the Easter Eggs I stitched in? The only person who noticed it was a reverse POV of another fic I'd already shared???????? Gosh like. !! I would go back to this comment and read it sometimes when I was feeling down about my writing and it motivated me so much.
This thread from VC FANDOM OLD cloudsinvenice on So Falls the World, she also left comments on the other chapters too and just like, what thoughtful thoughts!!!!! I love that she always understands that I want my comment section to be a comment section like I shared these ideas so that we could yell about it in the comments and get into the meta!!!!!!!!!!! And this fic in particular I think I was working out a lot of stuff about my abusive ex so like some of what she picked up on had been subliminal/accidental for me and I was just so happy and flattered to see !!!!!!!!
Also idk if it's obnoxious to mention two comments on the same fic but a more recent one on that fic was from @apoptoses and I'M JUST SO EMOTIONAL WHEN PEOPLE GET ME i'm sobbing
And this of course is the first Ao3 comment I ever received on my first fic I'd shared in YEARS and I was so nervous if anyone would like it or if anyone would get mad ;.; @megthegreat thank u for making me feel at home in this fandom it meant the world
Really I cannot stress enough how important it is to leave comments on the fics you read. There's a reason why writers love writing praise kink oops. But I've seen this happen when people complain that there's no fic to read but they're not leaving comments, encouraging the writers, making them feel like they are appreciated and welcome in fandom and like the time they spent writing wasn't wasted. I work really hard to balance my writing with internal validation and not leave it to others to validate me but at the same time, it really is hard to be motivated without the feedback sometimes. It's hard to know if I'm an okay writer. Like my most popular popular VC fic has like 6000 hits and 19 comments. I posted it 6+ years ago lol that's like, 3 comments a year. 🙃 It just feels bad like I always imagine people are noping out, not finishing, or don't like it enough to take a few seconds to comment. FEELS BAD MAN. Embarrassing tbh LOL.
I'm so grateful for comments and I hate crying about numbers because there's always gonna be someone whose hit/comment ratio is way worse and I don't want them to feel bad about it but . Man it's not motivating to keep writing and sharing when no one wants to talk to you.
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pikapeppa · 1 month
OC Name Meanings
Thank you so much for the tag @elveny! Your answers were so good and thoughtful that I feel like mine are going to be so dumb in comparison LMAO.
Rules: Search and post the meaning of your OC’s name (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! bonus if you can find something for their last name too.
All right [cracks knuckles] I'll start from the top.
Mass Effect (original trilogy): Commander Adriana Shepard. I named her after my husband because he introduced me to the game. NOT VERY ORIGINAL, but named with love? 🤣
Mass Effect Andromeda: Mara Ryder. I honestly cannot remember why I chose this name for her. Vibes, probably? I often just pick a name that "feels" right...
Dragon Age Inquisition: okay, I made up sooo many fucking Lavellans, and when I first started writing, most of them were just named after Game of Thrones characters. This includes Elia, Arya, and Lyanna.
(By now, you may have noticed that all my OCs have names ending in "a". I do like names ending in "a." I am consistent that way. 😂)
Athera Lavellan is the DA:I OC whose name is the most thought-out. I borrowed it from FenxShiral's Elvhen book of names, and it means 'part of a dream', which thematically tied into her romance with Abelas.
But then there's Tamaris, which is another name that I chose because of vibes (it "felt right"). I will admit that I know someone named Tamaris and I love the name, but I was also surprised to find that this is coincidentally a name from FenxShiral's name dictionary - a fact that I used in my fic of her and Felassan.
Dragon Age 2: Rynne Hawke. Her name was also chosen for vibes; 'Rynne' struck me as a kind of fun, playful name. I think in-world, she is named after a great-aunt. (It's been a while since I revisited her, I think this is the lore. 🤣)
Baldur's Gate 3: my main Tav is Eilaena Valderol, aka Brynn Bladetongue. THIS WAS THE NAME I THOUGHT ABOUT THE MOST. Her birth name, Eilaena, is a drow name broadly inspired by the goddess Eilistraee. Her last name is her mother's name, which I used a D&D name generator to come up with. Her criminal alias, Brynn , was borrowed from an adventurer she admired who was a regular at the theater-tavern where she grew up. 'Bladetongue' is a stagename-like surname that she came up with; in her words, it's masturbatory (flattering herself for her silver tongue), and she likes the alliteration. She's half-wood elf/half-drow, and she purposely gave herself a human-sounding alias to fuck with people LOL.
My other BG3 OC is Tavanah. I liked the idea of using the default "non-special" name of 'Tav', but making it special by having her romance, Rolan, be the only one who calls her by her full name.
Tagging forward: once again, to genuinely anyone who wants to play!!! But let's start with @seabirdsong @iamcayc @novarunestone @elinorbard @crackinglamb @johaerys-writes @alyssalenko @vorchagirl @hollyand-writes
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thefanficwriterscraft · 11 months
S2E12. Writing Style (Or, Homer is an FF.net Writer)
Happy Friday! Our new episode is here!
In this episode, Jo (@pebblysand) and Lani (@copper-dust) discuss the topic of building a writing style. They explore the question of whether fanfictions writers should strive to imitate established styles - like that of the author of the source work - or embrace their own unique style. They also touch on the relationship between their writing styles and their natural speaking voices, and Jo explains why she personally prefers a casual storytelling approach. They reflect on what they would like to change about their own styles and share their influences, including original fic writers and specific fanfiction authors. They also answer two listener questions: one about creating different styles for individual stories, and another about the balance between appreciating other people’s styles and finding one's own voice.
This week, we mention: 
Fandoms: Harry Potter, The Good Wife
Fics: castles by pebblysand, In Search of Mythical Kings by copper_dust, Check the Spindle by copper_dust, Merry Men by copper_dust, The Seam Between by copper_dust, Run by ToujoursPadfoot (the platform this was published on no longer exists, the link is from the wayback machine), ce ne sont que des cailloux by pebblysand, the fault in faulty manufacturing by pebblysand, Minuet by fluorescentgrey
Writers: orbythesea, lowriseflare (see livejournal for TGW fics), dirgewithoutmusic, fluorescentgrey
Books: His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman, It by Stephen King
Previous episodes: S1E1. What is Fanfiction (Or, Children with Unsupervised Internet Access in the Early 2000s), S2E2. Outgrowing Fandoms (Or, The Harry Episode) 
Your recommendations for this week are:
Kimbeen’s Maurice fics
Hated in the Nation (S3E6 of Black Mirror)
You can find us online at:
The Fanfic Writer’s Craft: tumblr ; spotify ; ko-fi
Lani (@copper-dust): tumblr ; AO3
Jo (@pebblysand): tumblr ; AO3
As said in the episode, this concludes the first half of our second season. We are now going on a break - but we promise this is a break, not the end - and we will be back in early September. For the summer, I (@pebblysand) will definitely be off but Lani may record a couple of guest episodes if she finds the time. 
I also wanted to let you know that in order to make this podcast more accessible, I am currently working on writing and uploading transcripts to AO3. I’m not sure when that will happen but we will keep this tumblr updated. 
Thank you all so much for all the support, feedback, questions, and downloads throughout this first half of the year. Thank you to all of our wonderful guests (@celestemagnoliathewriter, @rosalui, @btelling, @johaerys-writes, and @word-wytch) for their time. This podcast very much is a passion project, and our small but dedicated following is what keeps us running. 
I hope you all have a wonderful summer, and we’ll see you in September. 
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baejax-the-great · 1 year
I've been tagged by @ziskandra, @salesmain @redmapleleavesonwhitesnow @cataliinaa @queenoftherandomword for a bunch of different "get to know you" memes and I read them all but for some reason froze on being able to respond, so now I've mashed a bunch of them together to make a new monster one (okay I also deleted questions I didn't feel like answering).
Share your wallpaper:
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This is the wallpaper on my desktop, a bethistair piece I won in a give away from @pauvre-lola 💕
The last song you listened to: '39 by Queen
Currently Reading: The War that Killed Achilles by Caroline Alexander and Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb
Last Movie: Everything Everywhere All at Once with @johaerys-writes
Craving: Black sesame balls =( it's been eighty years...
What are you wearing right now: My last functional hoodie that is nonetheless completely falling apart
How tall are you: 5'9 and a bit. The bit is important. The bit lets me round up to 5'10 and not feel so sad about my height. My dad calls me shrimpy =(
Piercings: My ears, but it turns out I'm allergic to most metals
Tattoos: Nope
Glasses? Contacts?: Glasses with red frames, though my eyesight isn't all that bad.
Last drink: I am currently drinking an iced coffee
Last show: Uhhh... I've been watching Abbot Elementary while working out
Last thing you ate: Cinnamon granola
Favourite colour: Listen, all colors have their place. I just feel old enough to admit that I don't really have a favorite. I like jewel tones. I like colorful things. Blue, green, and purple make me happy, but so does yellow. You know? Like life is better with colors and I'm tired of pretending I care about one wavelength of light above all others.
Current obsession: Honestly I could do with a good obsession. My biggest time sink right now is probably Persona 5.
Unrelated Obsession: I suppose some might say my houseplants might qualify as an obsession. Having me on snapchat means getting daily updates on them.
Any pets:
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Do you have a crush on anyone: My heart is an empty, black abyss
Favourite fictional character: Okay if picking a favorite color was a bit much for me, you really think I'm gonna pick out of all the fictional people I know which one is my *favorite*?? You must be kidding yourself.  But you know what, since I'm playing Persona 5 right now, I just think everyone should be a little nicer to Ryuji.
The last place you traveled: I suppose that would be Madison, Wisconsin. But if we are talking about an actual vacation situation, I went to Hawaii in 2019. I am currently trying to convince myself to travel to Europe this autumn and that it won't be a waste because I'll have a migraine the entire time. I am losing this battle. I have had a migraine since the first week of February. (I did have a migraine in Hawaii while floating in the ocean and looking at a rainbow. Not sure I can recommend the experience, but it was kind of... yeah.)
Okay tagging forward (but feel free to ignore this, as I did for like... months): @juliafied @alibonbonn @gladiolus---amicitia @johaerys-writes @nerdierholler @vimlos @swaps55 @sugar-peanut-cat @sugarspunquill
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elveny · 8 months
Getting to know you
I got tagged by @lynmars79 - thank you!! ♥
Currently Reading: The Winter of the Witch by Katherine Arden - so good. SO. Good. Russian histo-fantasy, absolutely gorgeous books.
Last Song: I spent the whole of last evening listening to the audiobook of Persuasion, so I can't really remember 😅.
Currently Watching: The Wheel of Time and loving every second!
Current Fic: Honestly... I can't remember when I last read fanfic 😔 Sorry.
Next on my Watchlist: ... finishing Good Omens 2, I think. Oh, and Strange New Worlds.
Current Obsession: I wish I could properly answer that. Uhm. The closest thing to being obsessed with I currently have is finishing BG3 so that I can hopefully make a story out of it :)
Tagging: @stinalotte @curiousthimble @johaerys-writes @pikapeppa @defira85 @cecilyacat @okami-zero and all who want to grab it! ♥
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