#jojo part 3 x reader
lumibuns-blog · 2 years
Jotaro x reader based off of ⬇️ this video
Jotaro x fem! Reader
Pls enjoy<3
You were sitting your hotel room beside Jotaro, Polnareff was seated across from you two on the other bed. They were both smoking and you just sat there enjoy the company of both your boyfriend and Polnareff.
"I'm telling you she was just the prettiest girl I've ever seen!" Polnareff gushed about a girl he had seen earlier this morning whom the rest of you had to drag him away from
"Good grief" Jotaro replied "quit complaining" he said, taking a long draw from the cigarette between his lips
You giggled at their banter and compelled by Pols love talk you went in to kiss Jotaro on the lips but before you could he directed your face so your lips landed on his cheek. You pulled back, confused, until he point at the cig dangling fro his mouth. Your boyfriend didn't want to inhale it or worse, burn yourself, but you just replied with a dissatisfied "humph" and went back to listening to Polnareff.
"Aww come on Jotaro" Pol complained "your girlfriend wants a kiss the least you could do is comply, ya know if I had a girlfriend there's no way I would ever try to dodge one of her-"
Possibly just to shut Polnareff up and maybe to indulge some of your, and his own wants Jotaro did something you could never expect. While both of you were still sitting he dipped you down into his arms and used his tongue to push his cigarette back into his mouth before stealing you lips in a light, yet still passionate kiss. Your were at a loss for words, the slight taste of the cig still on his lips and the way he held you had your face a blushing mess when he pulled back a popped the cigarette back out and continued to nonchalantly smoke as if nothing had happened. While you sat there completely baffled by how smooth your boyfriend had just been.
"There, happy now?" He said, glaring at Polnareff while looking off to his side to shoot a small smirk at you
"Wha-what the hell was that?!?" Polnareff sputtered " Jotaro you going to HAVE to teach me how to do that" lost in his own thoughts he continued "man just think how many girls would swoon if I pulled that move, maybe I can use it on the beauty from this morning-"
"Definitely not." Jotaro said sternly continuing to glare at the French man
You giggled and relaxed enjoying to company of those two, while gently laying your head to rest on Jotaro's shoulder.
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agsbf · 1 month
Nada Melhor que Jogar Uno Antes da Trama Começar
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Stardust Crusaders X Isekai! Leitora
Aviso: Diferente do habitual, essa escrita se trata do 4° capitulo da versão antiga da minha fanfic incompleta "No more death" do Wattpad. Como estou reescrevendo-a, agora com um roteiro, fui ver quais coisas davam para reaproveitar das cenas originais e acabei gostando muito desse capitulo. Fora isso, menções a violência e uso de palavrões.
Sinopse: Após ser inserida no universo de JoJo pelo seu remorso por ter vivido uma vida medíocre, você com seu Stand Copycat, capaz de copiar habilidades, decidem ter como objetivo evitar as mortes dos personagens. Todavia, antes de toda a trama começar, que tal uma partida de uno?
A caminhada junto a Jotaro e o ruivo desmaiado prosseguiu normal, dentro do possível, é claro. Você aproveitou o momento para admirar a arquitetura japonesa enquanto andava. Em sua vida passada não teve a oportunidade de conhecer o exterior, então novos ares nessa são sempre bem vindos. Também havia o fato de estar animada para conhecer Holly e o resto do grupo, algo que contribuiu para uma expressão alegre durante todo o percurso. A garota estava animada para ver os stands frente-a-frente, por um breve instante desejando ser um prisioneiro para ter visto de camarote a batalha entre o Mago Vermelho e o Star Platinum, porém lembrar-se que a temperatura da cela esquentou muito, diminuiu a vontade imediatamente.
Enquanto a jovem se perdia em pensamentos aleatórios, o neto de Joseph estava estressado com o fato de perceber que sua vida estaria em constante perigo por causa de um vampiro que nem conhece, além de ter que aceitar que o velho maluco estava certo o tempo todo. Quando se encontrasse com esse tal de Dio o faria pagar por cada ferimento, entretanto por hora havia outras coisas para se preocupar, como o misterioso garoto que o atacou e a estranha colega com poderes de cura. Aparentemente você não apresentava um atentado a vida dele, porém preferia não ter alguém se envolvendo em seus negócios, ainda mais uma desconhecida que a personalidade não batia. Por causa disso, o japonês fez um comentário ácido:
-Você não tem nada melhor para fazer? -Questionou em voz áspera, demonstrando todo seu descontentamento por sua presença.
-Não. -A garota respondeu indiferente, claramente gostando de testar a paciência do protagonista -Sabe... suco de maracujá e chá diminuem o mau humor, deveria tentar algum dia, Kujo. -Adicionou com um sorriso de merda.
Ele optou por ignorá-la o resto do percurso.
Continuando o caminho por mais alguns minutos, finalmente chegou a entrada da casa de Holly. Você estava boquiaberta com o local mesmo só tendo uma breve visão da parte externa, tanto pela sua beleza (a natureza aliada com a arquitetura e o minimalismo lhe gerando uma sensação de conforto parecida com a de um sítio.), quanto por estar tendo uma sensação de imersão exclusiva.
O universitário viu sua expressão em choque, lhe perguntando se havia empacado no meio do caminho. A jovem se desculpou e continuou o seguindo a procura da mãe dele, encontrando-a após poucos minutos de busca.
A mulher de olhos azuis turquesa estava vestindo sua típica camisa rosa e branca de manga longa, seu cabelo loiro amarrado em um coque baixo. Ainda não consciente da presença dos estudantes, continuou com a atividade de dobrar roupas, falando consigo mesma com expressão solene sobre o quanto amava seu filho e teorizando o fato dele estar pensando nela, já que sentiu uma conexão em sua marca de nascença em formato de estrela.
Enquanto você continuou do lado de fora, o rapaz de cabelos pretos decidiu entrar no cômodo com o ruivo ensanguentado em seus ombros, exclamando o equívoco da mãe em relação a teoria. Desnecessário dizer que a presença súbita do filho aliada ao estudante desacordado gerou pânico e preocupação em Holly, que o perguntou o que aconteceu na escola, acompanhada do medo de imaginar que JoJo se tornou tão violento ao ponto de quase matar alguém. O fato do protagonista ignorar completamente as perguntas dela aumentaram sua angústia. Não querendo causar estresse na loira que já estava lidando com a maldição do Dio, considerou um bom momento para intervir, entrando no local com um rosto calmo enquanto repreendia levemente Jotaro pelo tratamento indiferente aos medos válidos da mãe.
Holly ficou duplamente em choque, não só por descobrir que Jotaro trouxe mais alguém para casa, mas por ser do gênero feminino, mais dúvidas se formando na cabeça.
Você aproveitou o momento estupefata dela para explicar calmamente toda a situação, deixando claro que Jojo agiu em legítima defesa, já que o ruivo era um usuário de stand inimigo que o atacou. Já prevendo as preocupações em relação a ferimentos tranquilizou a mulher, alegando que ele não possuía nem um pequeno arranhão, pois usou seus poderes para curá-lo.
-Você não sabe manter a boca fechada.- Comentou o rapaz antes de ir a procura de seu vô, com um Kakyoin nos ombros. A garota já sabia que o conteúdo da conversa entre Abdul, Jotaro e Joseph se resumiria a explicação de como funcionava a manipulação mental de uma vítima do esporo de carne através do carisma, inocentando Noriaki. Também haveria o fato do egípcio contar que havia conhecido Dio, tendo escapado por pouco.
Haver uma estranha nesse momento só deixaria a situação desconfortável para todos, talvez até impedindo alguns eventos de acontecerem, então optou por deixar Jojo continuar seu caminho sozinho, preferindo passar algum tempo com Holly.
A mulher estava animada com sua presença, comentando sobre como não sabia que seu filho estava fazendo amigos, te tratando como uma filha adotiva mesmo te conhecendo a menos de 5 minutos, fazendo todo tipo de pergunta envolvendo seu hobbies e te enchendo de elogios. A mesma te pedindo para esperar na sala enquanto preparava um lanche, escusado dizer que aceitou a comida, porém insistiu para cozinhar junto a ela e ajudar a lavar a louça. A loira parecia desacreditada com a horrível possibilidade de fazer uma visita ajudá-la com as tarefas domésticas, mas cedeu aos seus caprichos quando percebeu o quão inflexível você era em relação a isso, até admirando como um gesto gentil.
Devido há ter bastante gente, vocês se propuseram a fazer uma torta de espinafre com ricota para o almoço, sabendo que preparar comidas típicas japonesas fariam o Joseph ter um piti e reclamar de como não se comparava a culinária estadunidense por puro despeito.
Ambas aproveitaram o momento a sós para conversarem enquanto cozinhavam, a estudante cortando os alimentos e refogando o recheio, enquanto a mulher de olhos azuis turquesa preparava a massa. Grande parte da conversa foi focada em choques culturais ao se mudarem para o Japão e algumas dicas importantes do tipo "nunca faça isso" citadas pela mãe de Jotaro.
Após algumas horas cozinhando, o cheiro de comida recém assada pairava o ar, a torta estava finalmente pronta.
A loira lhe pediu para esperar uns minutos enquanto iria a procura dos rapazes, como você sabia que poderia estar acontecendo a extração do esporo de carne, decidiu acompanhar a mulher em direção a sala de chá, continuando a conversa da cozinha enquanto caminhavam.
Quase como uma deixa, quando chegaram próximo ao cômodo, Kakyoin estava sentado, razoavelmente consciente enquanto perguntava ao Kujo do porque o salvou arriscando a própria vida. O rapaz de cabelos pretos soltando um indiferente "Eu sei lá, nem eu me conheço direito." Que gerou diversas expressões no rosto das pessoas: no caso do ruivo, reflexão, já em S/n? nostalgia e em Holly, felicidade por saber que estava certa em esperar coisas boas do filho, apesar da personalidade fria.
A presença das mulheres finalmente foi notada, o universitário escondendo seu rosto com o chapéu enquanto pedia para a garota aproveitar que veio para cá e fazer algo útil, como usar seu stand para curar Noriaki. Também te apresentando para o grupo como "uma ser irritante que o curou durante a batalha e decidiu virar sua amiga.".
Você abstivera de fazer algum comentário a altura, decidindo que havia coisas mais importantes para se preocupar. A jovem se ajoelhou ao lado do estudante machucado, invocando Crazy Diamond para curá-lo enquanto perguntava ao JoJo o que tinha acontecido, recebendo um breve resumo que mostrava que não havia nenhuma mudança de roteiro.
Quando o trabalho na cabeça de Kakyoin estava resolvido, o Joestar e Abdul lhe fizeram várias perguntas de como funcionava seu stand. Você optou por usar a narrativa de Josuke, alegando que não conseguia se curar nem reviver pessoas mortas, além de ter um alcance curto. O egípcio foi facilmente o mais afetado, tanto por considerar seu poder extremamente útil, quanto pela estranha sensação de que não haveria nenhuma carta de tarô que se aplicasse complemente ao seu Stand.
Quando as coisas se acalmaram, o grupo se reuniu na sala de jantar para comer a torta, aproveitando a oportunidade para bater um papo informal, com algumas discussões triviais entre os membros da família, que gerou um sorriso no seu rosto e no do ruivo, que assistia divertido toda a cena. Após a refeição, como prometeu, ajudou a loira com a louça, o que não esperava era que Noriaki se juntasse a vocês, também lhe agradecendo por ter curado seus ferimentos referentes ao broto de carne e a batalha com Jotaro, você dispensou os agradecimentos com um sorriso gentil, dizendo que qualquer um faria isso.
O resto da tarde se resumiu a tentar fazer amizade com os personagens, algo que conseguiu facilmente pois a maioria era bastante social. Em sua humilde opinião, o ápice foi quando conseguiu reunir todos para algumas partidas de Uno, o ruivo explicando as regras para todos os jogadores que nunca participaram (vulgo Jotaro e Abdul), enquanto você embaralhava e distribuía as cartas (Com um certo usuário do Star Platinum a olhando profundamente para ter certeza que não estava trapaceando.).
Headcannons dessa jogatina:
• Mesmo nunca tendo jogado antes é extremamente bom nisso devido as suas habilidades no tarô.
• Pede desculpas sempre que joga uma carta +2 ou +4, ou até mesmo um "block" em qualquer membro.
• Expressão levemente enrijecida durante as primeiras rodadas, ainda meio incerto das regras do jogo, mas conforme o tempo vai passando se solta, periodicamente até fazendo piadas.
• Assiste com um pequeno sorriso no rosto as discussões durante o jogo, secretamente se divertindo muito.
• Se percebesse que Joseph não tem uma carta para jogar na cor ou número atual, "acidentalmente" jogaria um reverse, rindo de seu amigo surtando (Bônus se tiver que assisti-lo comprar várias cartas para ter uma jogável.)
• Venceria bastante partidas ou chegaria próximo, conseguindo converter quase qualquer baralho ruim em um no mínimo aceitável.
• Dupla mais provável? Joseph, mas não se oporia a jogar com nenhum dos participantes.
• Jogador decente, porém seu baralho é sempre extremamente ruim ou apelão. Não existe meio termo.
• Daria dicas de jogadas para Holly.
• Objetivo principal? Fazer o neto perder.
-Sabe... eu acho que todos contra o Jotaro seria um negócio justo.
• Tentou ver as cartas do Kujo, mas parou quando viu o Star Platinum se materializando ao perceber a trapaça.
• Se une a você para fazer Jotaro comprar várias cartas.
• Sentiria ofendido sempre que recebesse qualquer carta especial de um adversário, alegando que iria ter volta.
• Jogou uma carta +2 para o neto, porém o rapaz conseguiu revidar e a quantia de cartas para comprar acumuladas voltou para o mais velho, ganhando baralho suficiente para três pessoas jogarem.
• Jurava vingança para qualquer um que prejudicasse Holly.
-Não se preocupe, papai. É só um jogo. -A loira diria, tentando acalmá-lo.
-Não é só um jogo! É UM ATENTANDO CONTRA SUA HONRA! Como pôde jogar cartas contra minha menininha? -Ele apontava grosseiramente para a pessoa, fazendo um longo sermão de como iria fazê-la se arrepender disso.
• Se ganhasse alegaria que ninguém mais consegue fazer uma estratégia tão boa quanto a dele, mas se perdesse comentaria que o(a) ganhador(a) só teve sorte.
• Preferência de dupla? Sua filha. Próximas escolhas? Abdul ou você respectivamente.
• Se jogasse com Jotaro e o rapaz fizesse alguma jogada estúpida gritaria algo do tipo -COMO PÔDE FAZER ALGO TÃO BURRO?! -Mas se o contrário acontecesse e seu neto mostrasse algum descontentamento, faria um comentário dramático, dizendo o quanto a sociedade é cruel com os menores erros dos idosos.
• Esquece várias vezes de gritar uno.
• O melhor jogador de todos, tendo várias estratégias para a rodada e memorizando cada movimento dos outros para conseguir supor as cartas.
• Rosto sério na maioria do tempo, mas ocasionalmente vê uma cena engraçada e acaba rindo, antes de se desculpar e voltar com a expressão estóica, percebendo que saiu do personagem.
• Auxiliaria Holly a fazer boas jogadas.
• Blefes com frequência, também sugeriria cores que o beneficiava durante o momento do +4.
• Riria sempre que alguém ficasse bravo ao perder uma boa jogada ou ganhasse muitas cartas.
• Consegue virar um jogo facilmente, independente do quão ruins sejam as cartas.
• Se visse qualquer um com alguma dúvida, prestaria ajuda.
• Definitivamente é aquele que sugere mais regras, do tipo -Que tal no 9 quem colocar a mão por último no monte compra duas cartas? -Ou -O que acham da regra de no número 7 todos ficam calados?-
• Caso ele ganhe alegará sorte de principiante, caso perca falaria parabéns para o(a) ganhador(a) e surgiria outra partida.
• A dupla mais provável é você, tanto por já te considerar uma amiga, quanto pelo caos que traz, deixando tudo mais divertido. O ruivo nem se importaria se perdesse, achando o entretenimento gratuito recompensa o suficiente.
• NUNCA usaria qualquer especial contra o filho.
• Sorrindo mesmo comprando várias cartas.
• Alguém que definitivamente se desculparia se prejudicasse alguém, deixando claro que aquele bloqueio azul era a única carta que tinha.
• Sempre esquece de falar uno, mas ninguém a faz pagar a pena.
• Tenta fazer jogadas (com um sorriso nada discreto) que ajudem o Jotaro a vencer, fazendo um sinal de joinha ao mesmo olhar interrogativamente para ela.
• É uma péssima jogadora, então todo o grupo decide deixá-la vencer de vez em quando, até elogiando-a sobre como suas jogadas foram incríveis.
• Dupla com Jotaro (também conhecida como a única situação em que você e Joseph não tentariam prejudica-lo.), mas seu pai e a amiga do filho seriam os outros favoritos.
• Se as duas mulheres estivessem juntas e vencessem, Holly chamaria de poder feminino, convidando a garota para fazer dupla novamente na próxima rodada.
• Péssimo jogador no início, mas sua expressão indiferente durante todo o jogo dificultou que qualquer um soubesse de imediato se havia ou não pego um bom baralho.
• Tentaria ajudar a mãe com jogadas que a favoreciam, mas negaria até a morte se alguém o questionasse.
• Não usa a memória fotográfica do Star Platinum para memorizar as cartas dos adversários, preferindo um jogo limpo.
• Planejaria deixar os especiais para o final, escolhendo comprar do que gastá-los atoa.
• Quando está próximo do sabor da vitória, Joseph e S/n o fazem comprar cartas, onde solta seu típico -Mas que saco. -Acompanhado de -quantas cartas devo pegar?-.
• Após jogar poucas partidas obtém bastante experiência de jogo, até usando algumas estratégias de Kakyoin.
• As preferências de dupla seriam: sua recém amiga ou Noriaki, mas fazer dupla com sua mãe ou Abdul não seria o maior castigo.
• Raramente sorri, mas pode acontecer quando você está prestes a ganhar e coringa ao receber muitas cartas.
• Facilmente a mais animada em jogar, não pelo sentimento de vitória ou derrota, mas por ter a oportunidade de vivenciar esse momento com os personagens favoritos.
• Primeira a apoiar a ideia todos contra Jotaro.
• Age dramaticamente quando o mesmo a faz comprar qualquer quantia de carta.
-MAIS DOIS?!?! pensei que fôssemos amigos, Jojo. -A jovem exclamou, falsamente ofendida.
-Você se uniu ao meu avô para tentar me fazer comprar mais de 20 cartas. -Argumentou o estudante, claramente irritado pelo comentário.
• Pergunta brincando para Avdol qual a chance do próximo jogador ter uma carta completamente específica, além de blefar com o próprio baralho constantemente, falas do tipo:
-Qual a chance de eu ter uma carta completamente foda que me faça ganhar em três rodadas? -Ela perguntou com um sorriso no rosto.
-Nula. -O cartomante respondeu.
-Você está terrivelmente certo. Me vê uma carta porque eu não tenho nenhum 8, nem verde.
• Frequentemente pergunta para o pai de Holly se possui cartas +2 ou +4 para fazer o estudante de cabelo preto comprar.
• Tenta manipular Kakyoin para fazer uma jogada que te favoreça.
-Nossa! Que vontade de comer bolo de morango com calda de framboesa e cerejas no topo. -Você exclama em um tom descontraído.
-Está usando aquele truque barato de tentar me fazer pensar em coisas vermelhas e jogar uma carta dessa cor? -Ele ergueu uma sobrancelha, divertido com a tentativa.
-Se hipoteticamente minha resposta fosse sim, faria esse favor?
O Noriaki cedeu seu pedido por te considerar engraçada.
• Usa cartas especiais somente para ver as reações dos outros (com exceção Holly que jamais sonharia em prejudicar.) e coloca lenha na fogueira para qualquer conflito com frases como "eu não deixava." ou "ah! se fosse comigo..."
• Mais focada em se divertir sabendo que momentos como esse serão raros, porém vencer algumas rodadas seria um adicional bem vindo.
• Gostaria de fazer dupla com todos os personagens, no caso de:
Jotaro: estranhamente você não faria nenhuma provocação sobre a capacidade mequetrefe das jogadas dele, sabendo que o rapaz nunca teve contato com jogos no geral e é extremamente ruim até pegar o jeito. A jovem tentaria até ajudá-lo sugerindo uma jogada aqui e ali que beneficiasse. Caso os dois vencessem, comemoraria e ergueria a mão em um pedido de "toca aqui!", no qual ele te ignorou completamente, mas está secretamente feliz. Já se perdessem, falaria que foi um bom jogo (independente do quanto foram massacrados) e pediria outra rodada.
Abdul: o egípcio sugere uma estratégia baseada na probabilidade e é um companheiro de equipe bem atencioso, sempre pedindo sua opinião antes de jogar alguma carta querendo ter a certeza que não vai te prejudicar. Pode-se dizer que jogar com o rapaz de Bantu Knots é equivalente a nunca ter problemas de comunicação com o parceiro durante uma rodada.
Joseph: O plano é garantir que Holly vença, vocês dois ajeitando uns negócios aqui e ali para que isso aconteça. Se a loira não estivesse, o objetivo seria vencer e fazer o Jotaro comprar várias cartas. O modo que tentariam fazer isso seria bem espontâneo, sem grandes planos por trás.
Holly: A um pedido da loira, decidiu tentar vencer sem prejudicar JoJo. Assim como Avdol, a mulher sempre pedia sua opinião antes de fazer qualquer jogada, querendo ter a certeza que não te prejudicaria. Em caso de vitória ou derrota você faria questão de elogia-la por suas jogadas (independente da qualidade.).
Kakyoin: o ruivo estranhamente decidiu jogar da forma mais dinâmica possível com você, assim como no caso de Joseph, não possuiria nenhum plano extremamente elaborado, muito mais focado em aproveitar o momento. Ter passado grande parte da vida sem ninguém o compreendendo completamente, para então se sentir acolhido por um grupo, o faria abrir mão de vencer em troca da diversão (mas ganhar seria bom.).
Quando vocês finalmente se cansaram de jogar, já estava perto de anoitecer, Holly comentando sobre como era melhor você e o Kakyoin dormirem na casa dela por causa do horário. Ambos aceitaram a hospitalidade, algo que gerou palminhas alegres na loira, que pediu para seu pai pegar dois futons, iniciando uma discussão infantil entre a filha do porquê camas são infinitamente melhores. Em uma tentativa de fazer o Joestar se acostumar com as tradições japonesas, a Kujo também exigiu que fosse chamada de Seiko agora em diante, que gerou mais insatisfação. Você, o Noriaki e Abdul assistiram divertidos a interação.
Mais tarde, no jantar, decidiu que ainda não tinha constrangido seu maravilhoso amigo Jotaro o suficiente, aproveitando um momento de silêncio constrangedor para pedir que Joseph e Seiko contassem histórias de infância acerca do menino de cabelos pretos. Escusado dizer que escolheram as mais constrangedoras, fazendo o estudante esconder seu rosto com o chapéu durante todo o diálogo enquanto a garota e o ruivo riam abertamente, Abdul ergueu seus lábios em um micro sorriso.
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starry-snippets · 1 year
things their stands give you/do for you (jotaro, kakyoin, avdol, giorno, abbacchio)
star platinum is often giving you sea shells, rocks, fossils. you'll go on a walk with jotaro and star plat has gathered a handful of the prettiest conch shells and rocks washed onto the shore. jotaro is a bit embarrassed, but seeing you fascinated by the things star plat (aka jotaro) found interesting makes his cheeks hotter and his stoic disguise melting
hierophant green loves to give you emeralds he makes! the most perfect crystals he'll give to you, always ecstatic to see you enjoy them. he'll also give you beetles and fresh fruit whenever you and kakyoin are outside. yes I think kakyoin is a bug nerd
magicians red acts like a true bird. brings you the shiniest things in hopes to impress you. golden beads, broken chains, doesn't matter what it is you'll store it somewhere safe and watch his eyes light up and a happy caw leave his beak. avdol loves that you entertain his stand. red loves when you make things from the shiny scraps he finds, if you do so you'll make red thrilled and avdol utterly crimson with how precious you are
gold experience is always showing you bugs, magazine pages with animals on them, and different flora. he's curious about them and wants to share that with you. giorno likes seeing you interact positively with gold and will use his abilities to wow you. like turning the pages of the magazine into rose petals. gold also gives you bones. almost a surprising amount of times he's shown you bones
moody blues will play whatever song he's heard you listen to back for you. especially if your headphones aren't working but you need the distraction. moody blues shows they care through auditory experiences, and abbacchio worries you'll find him stalkerish when he sees moody blues playing your favorite songs, but your smile while singing along calms abbacchio's anxieties
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The stardust crusaders reactions to dating you (gender neutral)
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Also a nice hint that I also do oc/selfinsert ship content... hint hint
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bexalert · 7 months
Stardust crusaders having a crush on you
(Jotaro Kujo, Noriaki Kakyoin, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Mohammed Avdol)
Stardust Crusader stuff because I just finished part V and I miss them 😔
Also, I started this a WHILE ago, and it’s just been sitting in my drafts, so here you go.
I’ll also probably be making something for part V soon because I love them all. My accounts about to just become Jojo I’m so sorry 😭
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Jotaro Kujo:
• He’s such a sweetie (he will literally ignore you)
• He doesn’t know how to just care about people??? So he won’t say anything
• But he will be very protective of you
• Atleast he’s not insulting you 😭
• He’ll just be watching you at all times, making sure you’re ok.
• He gets flustered, and then gets more flustered since he’s flustered
• Not that most people would notice
• He just starts sweating a bit and looks away.
• but you know who’s NOT shy???
• Star Platinum will not hesitate to play with your hair, stand by you, stare at you
• Obviously Jotaro will try to control him, but sometimes it just subconsciously happens
• He gets frustrated because people (POLNAREFF COUGH COUGH) will tease him
• But he bluffs well enough so you can’t tell
• When he does ask you on a date (if he does)
• It’s short, and almost a demand 😭
• “Go out with me.”
• He moves his hat so that you can’t see his face
• But he’s lowkey shaking
• Bro could defeat dio, multiple other stand users, and stop time without breaking a sweat, but when it comes to you?
• He’s just very out of his element, give my boy a chance
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Noriaki Kakyoin:
• He’s just naturally so charming
• Especially if you’re around Jotaro and you’re a woman 😭
• He’ll comfort you if Jotaro makes any rude remarks
• “Pay him no mind.”
• He acts like you don’t affect him as much as you do
• But not to the point of being rude to you.
• He tries to impress you, but might not even realize he’s doing it
• Like he’ll do something cool and then immediately look to you to see if you saw him
• Might act just a smidge more charming
• Oh you need to walk through this door? He’ll open it for you. You’re having a seat? Here, let him pull your chair out for you. There’s a puddle? Oh, don’t get your shoes wet! He can carry you across- for your safety of course!
• He’s very polite, and respects you so much
• Always want to hear your input
• What do YOU think is the best route? Which hotel do YOU like?
• “What do you think, Y/N?”
• Just cares about you very much.
• He’ll be confident but humble when he asks you out
• “Y/N, I like you. Would you go on a date with me?”
• He’s shaking in his boots
• He just always has this content smile when he’s with you.
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Jean Pierre Polnareff:
• Oh brother we got ourselves a yapper 😭
• Everyone knows he likes you
• It is absolutely not a secret
• You just assume he’s joking, or think he doesn’t really mean it
• But he is DEAD serious
• Shameless simp- he doesn’t care who makes fun of him
• “Ah, Y/N, do you need help with that? I’ll help!”
• You didn’t need help, he just can’t stand to see you working
• “Mon amour, someone as beautiful as you shouldn’t have to do work like this. Hohoho! leave it to me!”
• He’s incredibly corny and will say the cringiest things at any time.
• “Ah! You’re eyes are as beautiful and shiny are Silver Chariots armor!”
• and you’re just like thanks???? I guess???
• He will ask you out constantly. Just got done fighting? He’ll ask you out to cuddle in his sleeping mat (and also proclaim his undying love) you’re hungry? Please! Let him take you out to eat (and proclaim his undying love) you said you’re tired? He’ll ask you if he can carry you (and of course proclaim his undying love)
• When you finally take it seriously enough to give him a chance, he is over the moon
• He’s telling everyone
• “they said yes! We’re dating!”
• He’s so head over heels and just adores you
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Mohammad Avdol:
• Dude he is SWEATING
• Like you won’t notice because he’s very calm and collected, but he’s freaking out
• It also doesn’t help that Magicians Red always comes out when you’re around, and he just keeps getting hotter.
• Like if you’re having a long conversation with Avdol, it will just progressively get more hot
• He tries desperately to keep Magicians Red under wraps, and for the most part he does
• But he gets so embarrassed when he cant
• He’s super respectful, like feels bad for even liking you
• He thinks he’s being gross for thinking of you like that especially if he doesn’t think you like him 😭
• He feels embarrassed outright asking to just have a conversation with you, so he always tries to cover it up with something else
• “Y/N, do you mind helping me read this?”
• HE COULD READ IT!!! He just wanted an excuse to talk to you ☹️
• Since he’s also the groups stand teacher, he’ll use his knowledge to his advantage
• Like you’ll made some off comment about “hmm wonder why that happened.” And he’s going into nerd mode
• 🤓☝️ “Actually when a stand user…”
• Like it was not necessary for him to go off like that, but the way you listen so intently makes his heart flutter.
• if you take his advice into account or say something reminded you of him, he is DEAD
• You actually thought about him, even just for one second, and that is wild to him
• He is also a simp, but no one would notice. Pouring your tea for you, helping set up your mat, bandaging your wounds, etc.
• You just think he’s being a good friend
• When he finally asks you out, he’s so flustered, but tries to keep calm.
• “Y/N, when this is all over I would like to take you on a date. Is that ok?”
• He’s just the sweetest nicest big ol’ teddy bear.
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bimbosandbubbles · 1 year
𝗬𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗝𝗼𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘀 𝗝𝗲𝗿𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝗳𝗳 𝘁𝗼 𝗖𝗵𝘂𝗯𝗯𝘆 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
𝗝𝗢𝗡𝗔𝗧𝗛𝗢𝗡- Is so incredibly guilty when he realizes you’ve made him so wanton and needy just by accidentally pressing your supple body against his contrasting hardness. He could instantly feel the his hard cock constrict through the fabric of his expensive slacks.
He has a apparent blush on his face as he slips off to his room and stares down at the product of you simply making contact with him. He feels disgusting for wanting so badly your cunt wrapping lovingly around his thick girth—he feels even more perverted when he thinks about grabbing your cute abundant tummy as you take him in so well. He wishes your pretty pussy was surrounding his cock instead of his muscled hands.
He spits down on his cock,dark blue eyes dilating in lust and pure love. He wonders how you’d speak to him. Would you be shocked by his pure lust for you? For your body? Would you call him a disgusting man for wanting to make you scream in nothing but bliss that makes your eye roll back? Would you shame him for wanting to grip your wonderfully wide hips as he slams into your soppy cunt? Would you turn him away when he craves to feel your soft tummy press against his abs as he looks into your face and fucks you lovingly?
He wants to hear your lips that he longs to kiss,say that you want him to make you his. That you want him in your cunt and only him. He’d treat you oh so good,make you cum until the only thing your sweet voice could say is Jonathan. He craves you so badly,so badly that every time he thrusts up into his hand he imagines your plentiful body jiggling with each hard thrust.
“(Reader)….” He calls out desperately. His thick brows knit together in desperation—desperation for your welcoming presence. He needs you so badly,he needs to grips every fiber of your moldable body. He needs to feel the softness that your skin could easily offer him.
Cum splatters upwards towards his face as he whines and grunts. He envisions clearly your chubby adorable cheeks covered in his cum as he kisses your beautiful features all around. His cock stirs up once more at the thought and he feeds more into his sweet fantasies of you. Oh he longs for you so guiltily…
𝗝𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗣𝗛- Is so lustful when he imagines all the sickly pleasurable things he could to your soft body. It all started when you’d simply saw something that scared you and latched onto him like your lifeline. That innocent touch you offered him opened a door to a different type of imagination. He could feel every inch of you pressed against him,your supple front fitted on him like a perfect puzzle,all the way to your thick thighs squished together so deliciously in fear.
He wished his muscular wrapped around you so he could feel you up secretly. He’d let his big hands wander down to your back—caressing the pinch able rolls that adorn it so gracefully and then he’d go down to his favorite spot on your body. He’d grip your ass so roughly so he could gather the pliable flesh into his hands,what a nice handful.
He pants sounding like an animal who’s drained for water but instead of water Joseph is completely drained of you. He needs to feel your body,he needs to see the goddess like beauty that you hide underneath your useless clothes. His hand wraps around his length more feverishly as he pictures what you could possibly look like nude and spread just for him.
He paints a pretty picture for himself,one where he pushes you up against a wall and rips off any clothes you have on. One where he could feel himself lost in the tight wetness your fat cunt could offer his cum filled cock. One where he slaps and spanks your dimpled ass as he fucks himself as deep as he can into your warmth. Then he’d let his calloused hand wander to your front and grip your belly in a handful that he won’t let go of until he fills you with ALL of his cum.
He bites his lower lip to the point he could taste the metallic taste of his own blood on his tongue. He tries to hold back his raspy groans for you but then he thinks about wether or not you’d like him holding back his sounds. Would his pretty girl like the way he sounds so desperate for her pretty pussy? Would you like when he groans into your ear that he loves the way you look so pretty taking his big cock? Would you get even wetter when he whines about how good you make him feel just by letting him see your naked body? Would your eyes roll back into your head when he folds you up and pushes your leg back to your ears as the tip of his bulb like head kisses your cervix? Would you get flustered when he stares in admiration the way your tummy rolls get more apparent in that position?
So so many questions for what he could do to ruin your pussy with pure pleasure. His hand moves faster around his shaft and he inches closer to his finish. But he can’t finish without thinking about the way he could restrict you. His green eyes close as he thinks about you all pretty and tied up for him. Red ropes digging into your pliant flesh,sinking into your beautiful skin on your thighs and tummy.
With those red ropes of restriction he’d torture your poor pussy for hours until his cock gets black and blue from all stimulation,til his jaw is completely sore,til his fingers can’t thrust up into you anymore. Anything that he could use to make you reach ecstasy would be worn out by the time he’s finished with you.
He groans loudly as white cum explodes all over his insanely toned stomach. His cock grows flaccid only to quickly grow hard again because Joseph pictured his seed painting your pretty tummy. He’s so lustful for you…..
𝗝𝗢𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗢-Is incredibly annoyed and pissed off when he realizes that he can’t ignore the rock hard erection in his briefs. He rolls his eyes and curses you out for doing what you’ve done to him. Stupid you just had to look at him with those tempting eyes. Stupid you just has to cutely puff out your chubby cheeks when he makes you frustrated with his aloofness. Stupid you just has to look so fuckable in that cute bikini you wore at the beach today.
His rough hand rubs himself through the material of the thin fabric. Thick brows clench in frustration,frustration to be relieved. He thinks about the pattern you chose all the way to the color of the bikini and why exactly you looked so fucking breathtaking in it? Your stomach hanging out of the bikini fabric and your gorgeously wide hips being the perfect thing to grab when he fucks his sperm into you. From his memory he ogles you like a hunter would his prey. He can’t wait to go in for the kill,can’t wait til he hears you whine so prettily for his cock to be inside you.
He can’t wait to grip you all over,to feel your soft body as a whole. Can’t wait to set you down in nice relaxing water and fuck you until your crying desperately that it’s too much. Can’t wait til you hear his deep voice coo and degrade you like the good whore you are. He can’t wait for his hard skin to contrast against your much softer one.
A part of him wants to know how you’d react to him like this. How would you react to him like this? Cock hard and balls full because of you. How would you react to him wanting you so bad? Would you give him that usual cute smile and say “Don’t worry ‘Taro,Imma help you.”? Would you pull down his briefs and jerk him off like he’s doing right now? Would you be shy and not know what to do? Would you let him touch you? Would you let his big hand go down and play with the band of your panties? Would you let him stuff two big fingers into your cunt while he himself gets off by doing that to you? Would you let him call you only HIS slut? Would you let him fuck you?
He groans from deep into his chest,the deep noise echoing in his room. He’d sound exactly like that in your ear if he ever got the wonderful chance of making that pretty pussy his and his only. The things he’d do to you,the things he’s imagining right now. You looking so fucking cute on your knees in front of him as he sits with his leg spread and his cock sprung free from his pants. He’d slap your beautiful face with his heavy cock and make you beg to put just the tip in your mouth. God,you’re so fucking cute to him.
He wants to see your face twist in pleasure and pain. He needs to see your puffed up clit just begging to get slapped by his heavy hand. He just needs all of you right now. He needs to feel you arch up against his chest when he’s giving his thick cock,he needs to feel you run away from his dick because he overstimulates you so easily. He needs to see your tubby little cheeks squished by his hands as he asks you what you want him to do to your supple body.
His mouth gapes open as he feels himself getting closer. He imagines you kissing him,eating up his hearty groans as he thrusts inside your fat pussy. He’d worship you yet hate you. He’d praise yet degrade you. All these complicated urges and feelings will be taken out on you anyway he wants to. He wants you spread out for him,glistening puffy pussy lips only on display for him while he tells you what he’s going to do to you. He’d caress you while doing so,soft tummy rubs being paired with calling you his filthy slut,kisses on your cellulite ridden inner thighs comes with harsh bites and telling you what a good pain whore you are for him, licks and fresh saliva on your drooling cunt will be done with forceful slaps and a bruising grip on your wide hips.
His eyes close in a moment of pure pleasure the second he feels cum free itself from his cock. He takes a deep breath and sighs,staring at his still hard cock,aching for more thoughts of you. Oh how you annoy him…
𝗝𝗢𝗦𝗨𝗞𝗘-Is so perverted when he instantly runs to his room and rummages under his bed to find his special picture of you . He couldn’t help it you made him so hard when your soft hand had brushed on his thigh and gently grabbed it. He finds himself going back to this photo when he wants to stare at you in awe or when he’s in the mood.
He greedily stares at the picture once he finds it and his cock gets even harder in his loosely fitted pants. His hand reaches down to his crotch and rubs it as he takes in the beautiful picture of you. There you were legs spread,clothing covering your mound that Josuke longs to worship,you had a happy expression adorning your chubby face, a face that he wishes to cum all over. But what really got Josuke going was your hand placement,one hand was rested on your tummy and the other was grazing your inner thigh. Josuke knows this is a innocent picture he took of you no less than two week ago,a picture you gave him permission to take. And he’s been jacking off it every night for the two weeks he’s had it but he can’t help it. Not when it allows him to imagine all the things he could do to you so easily.
He could see himself so clearly replacing your hands. If those were his hands instead of yours he’d let his hand on your tummy squish and play with the doughy skin as his hand on your inner thigh inches towards your cunt. He’d rub it through the fabric just like he’s doing to himself right now,he’d run his slender middle finger around the shape of your pussy,applying pressure to different spots every time he traces it through your clothes. He can just see you thrusting up and whining about how he’s being so mean for teasing you. He can just feel your stubby fingers claw desperately for more contact attention on his strong forearm.
And he knows he’d be so mean to you yet he’d do it in the sweetest way he possibly can. He’d tell you to take it like the good girl he knows you can be all while roughly slapping your clothed pussy. He’d decorate your skin with the sweetest butterfly kisses as he reaches into your underwear and pinches your engorged clit. He’d tell you that this is how he shows his affection. That he expresses his love for you by edging you for hours on the end,by licking away at your pretty tears on your chubby cheeks. By groping your plushness, by making you humiliate yourself in front of him. By making you stare at yourself in the mirror while he touches every single bump and curve you have.
He finally frees his cock from his pants,the rubbing sensation no longer being enough for him. He grips his shaft tightly as goes up and down,his breath hitching. Every time his hand moves all he can think about is you doing this for him. He knows HIS gorgeous girl would get him off. He knows that his gorgeous girl would make him feel good. He knows that his gorgeous girl would let him fuck her perfect pussy. He knows that you would make the prettiest sounds when he’s making you feel good.
He gets harder just thinking about how you’d say his name while you’re clenching on him. He can just hear you say his name with little tear drops teasing your lash line. He just thinks about how he knows you’d react to him talking dirty to you. You would be all flustered and shy when he calls you his gorgeous doll. You’d be flustered when he tells you that you’re his perfect cockwhore.
He groans and throws his head back. He’s so close,so fucking close. He can just see in his mind so vividly you with your legs spread and your fingers spreading open your pussy for him. He can hear asking so sweetly for him to just fuck you already. What a good girl you are for him. What a good girl you are for spreading your legs for him and letting him fuck you until he releases every single load he has inside your gummy walls.
His eyes flutter close as he quickly cums all over the polaroid of you. He looks down at the mess of your face and simply gets harder,you look so pretty with cum all over your face. He’s so perverted when he comes to you…
𝗚𝗜𝗢𝗥𝗡𝗢-Is conflicted when he finds himself with his hand down his pants,rubbing his aching cock. What’s worse is that he’s imagining you here with him,watching him with those innocent looking eyes. It feels so wrong to get off to you yet it feels so good at the same time.
He’s never seen anything like you. An angel,you are to him. He’s never known that someone could be so supple and so soft. He’s never known that his fingers could easily dip into like that and simply feel the cloudy texture. He craves to feel that cloudy like skin sink down when he grips your thick thighs as he feasts on your beautiful pussy. He wants—no,needs to see posing for him fully nude. He needs to stare for hours on end at each pose,taking mental photos with his eyes,making sure to forever remember your ultimate beauty in it’s rawest form.
And then once he’s done drinking in your appearance you’re gonna wish you could’ve seen yourself before he completely swallows you whole. Every inch of your body will be covered with love marks,hickeys,bites,bruises from his impulsive grip. And the look he’d give you all throughout this process, like he’s a rabid animal who can’t control himself. He’d let go of every single fiber of self control once he gets to lye in between your legs.
He’d whisper and groan sweet Italian nothings in your ear. Telling you what a beautiful angel you are,an angel sent down from heaven just for his beastly pleasure. He’d mold your pliable body with his fingers,reshaping your fat into bruised yet beautiful art. He wants so desperately for you to sit on his face and stay there until he’s a dying old man. He wants to suckle on your clit like It’s the sweetest honey a person could ever dream of having. He wants to finger your pussy until his fingers reform your walls into the shape of his extremities. He wants to grip your cellulite decorated ass as you whimper and moan onto his face.
He yearns to hear how badly you want his cock to be inside you. He yearns to hear how badly you desire him to make you feel oh so good. He yearns to hear you praise him and uplift him with your siren like moans. He yearns to hear you plead and beg for him to paint your walls white,for him to stuff you full of his sperm.
Giorno takes a strong inhale of air as his strokes grow more intense. His imagination of just worshiping your very existence bringing him closer to the edge. He’d kiss the very soles of your feet all the way to the crown of your head. He’d touch and caress you like the way the ocean’s tide does to the grainy sand. He’d have you nested in between his thighs,your bare back resting on his equally bare chest and his long slender fingers would be stuffing your fat cunt.
He wants you in the finest,laciest,prettiest laundry he could ever buy you. He needs to see the delicate material of the stockings sink into and mush into the plushness of your thighs. He needs to see your cute belly hang over the fragile fabric of the lacy panties. He needs to see you getting all dolled up for him when he’s ready to fuck you . He’d make you such a messy piece of art,from splattering white cum all over your textured skin,to the dark colored love marks scattered across your whole form.
He moans out,looking up at the ceiling as cum oozes from his pink tip. He looks down at the mess he made,thinking about wether or not he should go again. After all the countless thoughts he’s having about it has his spent cock still very hard.. Oh how you make him so conflicted..
Reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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Incorrect Quotes #77
Jotaro : I'm going to fight the next person who insults Y/n
Y/n : I hate myself
Jotaro : Alright, square up
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lady-of-endless · 21 days
I THUNKED A THOUGHT! Because of Jotaro's stoic and reserved nature he is most likely not into PDA, HOWEVER. What if he used his stand instead? It's not public, and non standusers can't see stands!
So with that information, may I request hcs for part 3 joot giving PDA to gn s/o through Star Plat?
Jotaro showing affection with the help of Star Platinum headcanons
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Author's Note: YES! I love it when some ideas I once had get requested, it feels like we're sharing the same neuron. Thank you so much for this. I love Joot and Star Plat, big cuties. I hope I got it right and you'll enjoy!
- Once you accept this type of affection, you'll discover that Star Platinum is a very clingy Stand to the ones Jotaro cares for. And Star Platinum, much like his owner, has no shame but the difference is that his Stand doesn't grasp the concept of PDA, he's just happy to be able to express his attachment to Jotaro and you.
- It starts with Star Platinum staring at you with big eyes whenever he's around you, almost scaring you as you turn around and see him like that. He is a simple warrior Stand who likes to stare at pretty things and people, don't mind him.
- From the beginning, we know that Star Platinum manifested to help Jotaro but he was rejected as a protector and pictured as an "evil spirit" instead. Seeing how Jotaro didn't accept his presence at first, Star started spoiling him by bringing everything Jotaro liked. Expect him to do that to you as well. Snacks, flowers, things he things you enjoy.
- Jotaro will scold Star Platinum for spoiling you like that but that's all. He doesn't tell him to stop though, realizing how this might be a good compensation for his lack of PDA. He can't help but sigh and let it happen.
- Star Platinum does whatever Jotaro wants and is a softie so once he gets the green light from Jotaro, get ready for affection. You won't notice it but before any move, Star asks Jotaro for permission. For example, if he wants to hold your hand, he points at your hand, looking back at Jotaro until he nods and gets the sign that it's alright to touch your hand.
- Whenever Jotaro feels his hands itching to touch you while you are in public, he'll just have to stare at you until Star Platinum understands what he has to do. He feels your warmth through his Stand's touch and he's pleased.
- Jotaro rolls his eyes at everything. He thinks that Star Platinum is going soft because of you. But guess what? Everyone knows that a Stand is an extension, a manifestation, of the soul and that only means that deep down in his soul, Jotaro craves giving you this kind of affection but doesn't allow himself to show it to you just yet.
- Star considers you a part of Jotaro since he notices how much he cares about you and how much he feels about you. So, whenever you're in danger, he's there, protecting you just like he protects Jotaro. Above all affection, you feel protection from him the most.
- Other stand users are going to be petrified when they see Jotaro's tall frame and intense look on his face next to you and a huge-looking purple Stand looming over you from behind while you're there just smiling, minding your business. You're going to have scary dog privileges with both of them.
- Star Platinum's favorite way of being around you is by having his large arms around your torso from behind. (a bit similar to the gif I attached)
- Jotaro notices that you enjoy this affection so he keeps it going in public until he's alone with you and it's his turn to be affectionate without the help of Star Platinum.
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surprisingmarch · 9 days
(𝐉𝐉𝐁𝐀) 𝐉𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨 𝐊𝐮𝐣𝐨 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 (𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐞𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐥) (𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐟𝐞𝐰 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐱𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 :) )
TW: Mentions of Anxiety and PTSD related symptoms.
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When you first approached him, he didn't pay you much mind. In fact, he seemed to ignore your existence entirely… mostly. You did get a reaction out of him whenever you asked him how he was or seemed concerned about his well being. He would just look down at you with that scowl of his, tip his hat, and look away. But you didn't let that scare you away, he never shooed you off or cussed you out, so in your mind that must mean he secretly enjoyed your pestering.
So you started to follow him around a bit, determined to become Mr. Grumpy pants' friend. You considered this phase two of your friendship plan, follow him around and see if he minded your presence before you try anything else that might piss him off… He didn't seem to mind, surprisingly enough. You'd walk with him down hallways and on campus and just chat about various topics.. Though, the conversations were always one sided.. other than an occasional almost radio silent hum from him, which you assumed was his version of a shy response to your chattering. You would often give him relationship advice during your rants to try to help him with his obvious awkwardness hidden behind that tough exterior. Such as "talking about his feelings more so people know how to help" and "trying to at least some what show interest in the people that he cares for". You think he was listening… maybe.
Whenever he seemed stressed and was tense, he seemed to loosen up and actually enjoy himself whenever you came to talk his ear off, once you even caught a smile tugging on the corner of his lips, so he must some what listen to you.
You'd often find him with his arms crossed and his fists clenching his jacket sleeves so tightly that his fingers started to turn white. His jaw would tighten to the point you thought he might just break his teeth and sweat would drip off his brow. He always has an extremely pale sickly look to him whenever he worries or stresses too much.. or really at all. You eventually put together that when he's stressed he doesn't seem to eat or drink anything all day, which explains the concerning pale look. You discovered this after you started to accompany him to lunch which just so happened to be during exams.
You always sit right next to him on a random secluded staircase into the building, he seems to like to eat away from anyone that could bother him. You were fixated on your food for a bit so it took you a moment to notice his sitting position and his expression. He was sitting with his lunch open in his lap and a bit of it in his hands as if he attempted to eat it but ended up over thinking it. His other arm was wrapped around his stomach as if it was hurting or was bothering him. His brows were furrowed and he almost looked like he was about to break down and cry, he just stared off into the distance with those poor scared puppy dog eyes.
"Jotaro?" You ask softly, his eyes widen as if he was snapped out of a trance and he glaces over at you, his baby blue eyes shining slightly from the tears he was holding back. You stare at him for a moment, the both of you look deeply into each others eyes and souls before you scoot over and sit right against him and wrap your arm around the back of his shoulders. You give him a firm rub on his shoulder blades and you feel him shudder a bit. "Hey, it's okay, okay? It's going to be okay, I promise. Shhh.. it's okay." You reassure quietly. He tips his hat over his face and sighs deeply, you continue to rub his back, quietly shushing him and muttering compliments to him every now an again.
Eventually, you hear him start to sob silently and put together that the first shudder you felt was actually just a stifled sob and not disgust from your touch like you assumed. "I'm so proud of you, Jotaro." You confess softly, and with that, he lifts both of his hands and places them over his face. His fingers raise his hat slightly as he barely starts to rub his face, almost as if he's attempting to snap himself out of it or calm himself down. "Shhh… It's okay, Jojo.." You whisper before you get up and stand in front of him, you lightly tug at his hands in an attempt to remove them, but they don't even budge. "Jojo.." You whisper softly once more as you start to rub the backs of his calloused hands, you hear a shaky exhale before his hands fall into yours, the weight of them surprised you. Jotaro refuses to look at you, instead looking at his lap. His beautiful black eyelashes are dampened and his eyes are a bit red and irritated from his silent crying. Wet tears are still streaming down his cheeks and dripping off his chin into his food. You place his hands carefully into his lap away from his food and reach up to cup his cheeks. He leans into your touch ever so slightly but still refuses to look at you. You carefully raise his chin in an attempt to get him to look at you. "Jotaro.." You softly call him, his eyes flutter up at you, he squints from the sunlight and blinks a few times. He reaches up and adjusts his hat firmly back onto his head before he lays his hands back into his lap exactly where you had placed them.
"If it means anything to you, I won't leave you, Jotaro. Whatever is upsetting you, we'll get through it together, as besties!" You exclaim happily, he stares at you in bewilderment for a moment or two before he looks back down at his lap and tips his hat down over his eyes, he shakes his head. "Yareyareda ze.." He mumbles under his breath, you peek under his hat and see a slight smile pulling at his lips. He lets go of his hat and pats the concert right next to him where you were sitting when you were holding him, you take the hint and waddle back over and plop down next to him. "Hurry up and eat before we have another class." He demands. "Okay, bestie." You say with a giant smug smile, you're mostly doing it to tease him. He glances down at you with that annoyed scowl of his before he looks away and sighs again. "Yareyareda ze.." He says in annoyance.
"Oh come on, if you really hated me you would have shooed me by now, now eat your food, your mother worked hard on that…" You pause and check out his food, he looks down at you and watches you examine his lunch, patiently waiting for your retort. "Sandwich with the crusts cut off." You finish, his flushes bright red, he tilts his hat to hide his face from you as he looks away. "Oh, come on mamas boy, it's not so bad. Many moms do that for their sons, don't be such a baby about it, be proud of it." You retort. Jotaro mumbles something under his breath that you can only assume was swears. "Hm? What was that? That better be kind words towards your hard working mother, now eat your food before you make your mama worry even more about you. And for the love of everything drink some damn water Jotaro, you need to hydrate to be able to think so you can pass your exams." You demand, Jotaro sits still for a moment before he sighs and looks down at his food. "Come on, ya big lug." You encourage as you pat on his back. "You got this, big boy. You can eat that sandwich, absolutely destroy it like a T-rex!" You tease. "Y/N!" Jotaro barks as he glares over at you, your eyes widen, you didn't even know he knew your name.
You smile widely at the fact he knows your name and has actually absorbed at least some of your rants. Jotaro examines you for a moment before he looks back down at his food and sighs. After a few more moments he finally takes a bite of his sandwich. "There ya go!" You exclaim happily. "Y/N, if you do not stop I will consider shoving you into a locker and leaving you there." Jotaro threatens with a huff. You snicker at him, hearing you laugh makes him smile a bit. "What? Too attached to actually use a real threat?" You tease half seriously. "Shut up… Yareyareda ze." He barks back before he takes a sip of his water.
Shortly after you cheered Jotaro up, he very shyly offered you a dorito, which looked extremely small in between his two fingers and almost made you laugh but you managed to choke it down. He just holds it and stares at the ground with a bright red flush across his cheeks and nose. His other hand is holding onto the brim of his hat, pulling it down into his eyes slightly. His shyness makes you so happy, it's so sweet. You knew he was just a giant baby, you knew it! He taps his fingers on the brim of his hat nervously upon noticing that you noticed his offer, you've put together that he messes with his hat when he's nervous, which you find absolutely adorable. You take it and smile sweetly at him, he glances over at you once he feels the chip leave his hand. "Thank you Jotaro." You thank him softly, he flushes deeper and looks away. "Yareyareda ze.." He mumbles.
Whenever you followed him around after that and talked to him he seemed to enjoy it ever so slightly more, he even became a bit more expressive. He started to nod occasionally and give a slightly louder hum.. It wasn't much but it was a start.
But after the lunch incident you started to slyly compliment him and praise him as to not overwhelm him with too much love and he really seemed to enjoy that. A smile would subconsciously take over his features and he'd have a slight pep in his step for the rest of the day, sometimes for several days. It made you so happy to make him happy, it took alot of work but you finally made it to phase three, breaking down his many walls.
You still wonder how on earth he made it in life without you there cheering him on. When he's stressed, he's not just stressed, he's in total breakdown mode every single time. He wasn't eating properly, he wasn't drinking water for god knows how long before you noticed and there's no telling what other destructive things he was doing that you didn't even know about. Poor baby has intense anxiety issues, you feel bad for him. But you can't blame him, the world's a mess and so is everyone in it, ya just gotta try your best and try to make as many people happy as you humanly can.
You often think back to that one time he just collapsed in on himself, he just finally broke down in front of you… worse than he already had.
He was particularly stressed that week and had being extremely picky and obstinate about not eating his food or drinking any water, you'd argue with him and encourage him to take care of himself if not for him, then the ones who care of him such as his mother, but when he'd try to eat a little he'd hold his stomach after almost as if it pained him to do so. So you usually only managed to get him to drink a little water, which you are thankful he did. One day he did manage to eat quite a bit of his lunch which you're almost 100% certain he did just because you were starting to really worry about him, but once you two re-entered the building, he rushed down the hallway to a nearby bathroom with a hand over his mouth and at that point you knew he was probably puking his guts out.
Against your better judgement, you entered the mens bathroom which was… surprisingly empty, and knocked on the only closed stall which creaked open when you did so, revealing a most pitiful looking Jotaro sitting in the white tile floor with his head hanging over the toilet. "Jotaro?" You ask softly, Jotaro reaches back behind him without even looking and slams the stall door shut and after that you hear him hurl once again. You sigh deeply, he needs you more than ever right now, so you're going to have to push some of his boundaries. You push open the stall as much as you can without hitting Jotaro and rub his back soothingly through the crack. "What the fuck are you doing in here, idiot?" He hisses as he pants sickly, he glares back at you and you watch as sick drips down his chin. "Jotaro, open the damn stall in let me in, you dumb fuck. I'm not going to leave you in here sick as a damn dog to throw up by yourself, I know this is because you're stressed, just let me help you." You demand, right after you finish your statement the stall door breaks off it's hinges and floats over to a nearby wall where it carefully props itself against it.
"Huh… that's a little strange.." You mumble, you glance back at Jotaro, he rolls his eyes at your comment and looks down at the ground as he breaths heavily, seemingly in thought. You quickly scoot next to him, you hear the bathroom entrance's lock click, you assume it was the unseen force that removed the stall door giving you and Jotaro some privacy.. you assume it's Jotaro doing it, but you're not entirely sure. Either way, you don't feel threatened by the thing or person so you choose to ignore it and focus on Jotaro. You rub his back and wipe the puke from his lips and chin with your thumb, his eyes dart up at you, glaring deep into your soul. "Oh come now Jotaro, don't you glare at me like that. We've been over this, I'll always be here for you, no matter how much you try to push me away, I'll always come back." You retort grumpily. Jotaro shakes his head slightly and sighs. "Yareyareda ze." He mumbles under his breath, he looks back over at the toilet and you hear a terrible grumble from his stomach. "Shhh… you're okay.." You whisper as you reach under his arms and rub his stomach, surprisingly enough, he lets you do so and even closes his eyes as you do it. "Hey, you're going to take a break from classes, okay?" You say as you start to reach for his pocket to steal his phone.
He shakes his head and hisses a response. "No I'm not." "Jotaro, you just finished the exams you were so worried about yesterday and the day is half way over, you're taking a sick day, you're sick. I'll handle it-" You stop mid sentence as you struggle to take the phone from his pocket which he is currently holding shut, eventually you manage to slither your hand past him and grab the phone and at that point he finally just lets you do what you want as he reaches up and grabs the toilet bowl and hurls into it once more. "See, there you go again." You say with a sigh as you flip open his shitty flip phone. "I'll handle the professors, they like me, I give them gifts and I get straight As." You assure as you call the main office and tell the secretary that Jotaro Kujo and yourself will be gone for a few days because Jotaro is sick, you admit that you'll be taking care of him as he's a close family friend and his folks are out of town. The secretary applauds your loyalty and promises that she'll handle the rest. And with that, you end the call and carefully put Jotaro's pitiful phone back into his pocket. "Why are you going to be absent, don't tell me you are actually planning on taking care of me." Jotaro interrogates, his voice is horse from his strained throat.
"You're darn tootin' I am! Now get up bud, I'm taking you home." You tug on one of his arms and he mumbles under his breath before he gets up with a groan and flushes the toilet with his foot. As you turn you're met with the invisible… person..? blocking your path and you run right into them. "Oh, excuse me." You say politely, the force moves out of the way so you can leave, you stop and stare at the stall door for a moment. "Are you gonna-" You're interrupted by Jotaro grabbing the collar of your shirt and pushing you along, the entrance door lock clicks as you approach it and the door swings open for you both and shuts behind you. Jotaro hangs onto your shirt collar as he pretty much pulls you out of the college and to his questionable vehicle. "I can-" "Shut up." Jotaro interrupts you before you can even offer to drive for him, he opens the passenger door for you and pretty much stuffs you inside the car then carefully shuts the door. He gets into the drivers seat and pulls out his keys from his other pocket. "Damn.. I could have stole them if I had realized they were on the opposite side from his phone.. Missed opportunity.." You think to yourself as he starts the car and squeals off into the street.
He was… relatively, compliant when you were taking care of him.. as much as Jotaro can be.
Eventually, he seemed kind of distant again and you figured he needed some space and you were annoying him so you started to give him some, but after just a few classes you found him standing outside your classroom waiting for you. He was leaning against the wall across from your class with one of his feet pressed against it and his arms crossed, he was looking down at the ground but heard the class door open and looked up to try and catch you.
You walk over to him and as you do so he stands up straight and practically towers over you, as usual. "Is something wrong?" He asks blatantly, giving you no time to even greet him. You immediately realize what he's referring to and quickly respond. "Oh! No- I mean yes! I was just giving you space because you seemed kind of distant lately…" He raises a brow at you, you gulp and quickly try to explain further, you didn't mean to hurt his feelings if you did. "Well, you see, I didn't want to get on your nerves or seem too clingy or anything like that, so I thought it would be best to give you some space… Plus, I just sort of started to follow you around and never really got the validation that you even enjoyed it other than my own assumptions.. and you know what they say about those. I didn't want to over stay my welcome so I distanced myself a bit to see if you were annoyed with me and if you would cool down." You admit blatantly, he flushes bright red and tilts his hat down over his eyes.
"You're fine. Now come on and don't that again, it's stupid… idiot." He demands lowly before he starts to walk down the crowded hallway, you quickly follow behind him with a giant smile on your face, at least he showed that he cared. You weave in and out between people to try and keep up the pace with Jotaro's wide strides. Once you finally catch up with him you try to catch a glimpse of his face, he's still slightly red but he has that usual stoic expression, as always. "Soo…" You begin, his eyes quickly dart down at you. "Does this mean we're besties?" You ask half teasingly. Suddenly, Jotaro grabs your hand and pulls you down an empty hallway connected to an exit, you look around in shock, then look at his hand still holding yours. "I.." You look up at him as he begins to explain himself. "I was distant because I was… considering… what you could be to me." He awkwardly confesses.
Well, it looks like your relationship advice worked, he is trying to explain himself more… it's a start. "And..?" You ask tenderly, you wait patently for him to respond as he looks to the side and processes before he looks back at you. He hides his face with the brim of his hat. You reach up and try to tip his hat up a bit to tease him. "Y/N, no." Jotaro barks, he jerks his head to the side and glares a mean side eye down at you. You giggle a bit, you see his shadowed baby blue eyes soften upon hearing your laughter. Jotaro responds as he adjusts the hat you almost tipped off his head. "I've concluded that you're a pain in my damn ass.. But you're my pain in the ass." Jotaro answers honestly, his annoyance with you stains the some what sweet confession. "Sooo…?" You press harder, wanting a real confession. Jotaro glares so evilly at you that you think he might just turn you to stone before he finally closes his eyes and sighs.
"You're a friend. Now come on, let's go eat." He admits finally, he quickly grabs your hand again and tugs you out the exit, he makes sure to hold the door open for you as you follow behind him. Jotaro hisses swears under his breath as he pulls you to the usual eating spot. He plops down on the cement stairs poutily and immediately starts to eat, you assume he's avoiding talking to you and further based on the fact he refuses to look your way and the faint blush dancing across his cheeks and nose. You walk over and sit next to him and carefully watch as he stuffs his face with food.. you start to question if he's stress eating. "Thank you for telling me… bestie." You thank him with a smile, Jotaro's eyes dart over at you for a moment before he looks down and smiles ever so slightly.
He makes a point to wait for you to come find him near his class from that point on instead of making you chase him down as he's walking to his eating spot.. You think he probably found it amusing for you to chase him around like that, annoying ass. You decided to get him back for all those times.. Of course, you had to space the plan out over a few weeks, but you got him back.
A few times you didn't show up and waited by your classroom instead to mess with him. It went well.. you think? The first time after a few minutes of waiting awkwardly in an empty hallway Jotaro did put together what you were doing and stomped over to your classroom. You could tell he was mad as all hell, he towered over you menacingly as he glared down at you. You were eating your food by your classroom door with your legs criss-cross apple sauce. "You didn't pick me up, you can't make me wait all day." You informed teasingly.
After your little comment he quite literally grabbed your food and packed it then threw you over his shoulder and carried you all the way to the usual spot. You couldn't help but laugh at him the whole way there.. it seems Jotaro doesn't like change. He just ploped you down on the grass by the staircase and handed you your food and practically ignored your presence the whole time like the pouty baby he is. Eventually, towards the end of the lunch break, he did say a few small things, but otherwise he still pouted even into the next day. You teased him relentlessly for it.. that probably didn't help.
The second time you did it he came to your classroom way faster, he came before everyone was even cleared from the hallways and once he approached you he just stood over you as you ate your food in the floor. He stood there for a few moments before he attempted to kick the food out of your hand, which obviously, he did manage to do with his fat ass foot and you hollered swears at him as he threw you over his shoulder again and picked up your lunch bag and took you all the way to the usual spot once more. ..At least he let you eat half of his lunch and he did bring extra lunch he bought for you the next day to make up for it… the little shit. He got you a good lunch too, gourmet… at least he isn't cheap when it comes to make up gifts.
The third time you did it he didn't show up after several minutes, so you decided to pack up your lunch and check out the usual lunch spot to see why. He was patently waiting for you there, eating on his chips. You noticed by now that every time you didn't show Jotaro only ate on the "side dishes", apparently he refuses to eat the main course without you there, which you think is sweet. "Y/n." Jotaro greeted you as you walked over to him, he didn't even glance up at you, he just knew you were there by spider senses you suppose. You threw your arms up in the air at him. "You're not playing the game right." You argued. "What game? Eat your lunch, Y/n." Jotaro said calmly as he started his main course. You have to admit.. he won that one.
The forth time you did it he showed up in record time, people weren't even cleared out of the hallways yet and you had just sat down. He came about three minutes after your classes ended and just immediately threw you over his shoulder. "What the hell!? How did you even know?" You questioned him. "You haven't done it in a while, it was getting suspicious." Jotaro responds blatantly. "Ah… shit." You mumble frustratedly.
At this point he expects you to be a "little shit" and thinks it's extremely suspicious if you're not trying to do something to piss him off. Honestly, if you don't try to he'll be mildly disappointed, he quite enjoys your little games.. despite how pissed off he gets in the heat of the moment, in the end he does have some fun.
Jotaro seems to always be around if you ever have any trouble, such as if you get approached by people you don't like or get bothered by literally anything, even if a dog wanders up and seems aggressive he is some how "in the area" and is there in an instant. You like to joke that he's your platonic soulmate… but you are considering that plausibility quite seriously at this point… and so is he. He refuses to explain why he's always there or how he got there, he just takes care of the problem and leaves. You're quite confident that he'd save you even if you were in another country.
He does like when you invite him over for "hang out days" and such, he really enjoys your company and honestly, he usually crashes with you. It's the few times he can actually sleep through the night without horrible nightmares or visions. He often tries to come over and will just randomly burst into your home and lay on the couch without saying a word. At first you thought he came to steal your food, that is, until you realized as soon as you'd sit on the couch he would lean against you and pass out, at that point you caught onto the fact he probably has PTSD from something and enjoys your company while sleeping. You assume you make him feel safe, which fills you with great pride.
You eventually asked him how the hell he was getting into your house and he just lifted up his car keys up and held up a single key… apparently he copied your key in case of emergency. You don't doubt that that's true… but he probably also did it to steal your food as well.
Now a days you two are best friends and just hang out all the damn time. Even professors have noticed your closeness and joke about you two being like siblings, which you both secretly love.
Of course, he has told you about his stand and thank god he did because it visits you often and scares the ever living shit out of you when it picks up items and touches you. God forbid Jotaro doesn't see you for a single day or else Star Platinum comes all the way over to where ever you are to check on you and give you a hug. It doesn't matter where you go, Star Platinum some how manages to always find you, it's honestly impressive.
He really exposes how much of a worry wart Jotaro is and just how much he cares for you, Star even makes sure you're eating properly by bringing you take out from... somewhere? He always manages to give you your favorite foods, you just don't know where he stole them from. You kind of feel bad if he stole them from someone but then again, finders keepers.
After a while of getting closer to Jotaro, you started to actually start to see Star Platinum for yourself, albeit a blurry version, but still him. A giant purple man with glistening starry hair in little to no clothing. He's a very hard person to miss, you're surprised you never seen him before but you suppose since you're not a stand user, it makes sense. When you informed Jotaro that you'd started to see Star he panicked but you suggested it's because you two are so close that your souls are merging... you meant it as a joke but it seems very plausible.. he calmed down after that and seemed to worry about you a little less for some reason.
You both tested to see if you are a stand user, you are not. The only explanation for you being able to see Star Platinum and slowly seeing him better and better over time is your closeness with Jotaro and the fact you could really be "soul merging" or platonic twin flames.. Neither of you mind this explanation and would like to believe it to be true.
You've found that Star Platinum is quite the little snuggle bug and attention seeker, he will often bring you gifts such as video games you've mentioned you wanted and just things in general that he thinks you'll enjoy and by god is he good at it. Both Star Platinum and Jotaro are amazing gift givers, you suppose it makes up for his sorely lacking communication skills.
Jotaro has taken alot of your advice and has started regularly practicing some of it. Such as journaling, dream journaling, writing you notes when something is bothering him so he can actually communicate his concerns and worries (usually about you), he's been more open with affection by just a smidge, but it's better than nothing. You've found that he really enjoys cuddles and you'll both often pass out on the couch together as you watch tv or play video games together.
There's one incident with the notes you'll never forget and you still hold it against him to embarrass him when he makes you mad.
One day you were both sitting on the couch late at night watching a sad drama movie. Suddenly Jotaro handed you a small orange sticky note folded over twice, you opened it and it read "Can we cuddle?" and you couldn't help but giggle a bit at the sweet request. You looked over at Jotaro and seen a very sour faced baby tipping his hat over his face with a bright red flush across his entire face and even his ears. "Yeah, we can cuddle." You responded with another small giggle. And with that, he leaned back against the couch's arm and opened up his arms for you to join him, you leaned back and laid into him, letting all of your worries fall from you. He felt so hot you joked that you were going to have to hose him down with ice cold water.. he did not like the thought of that, Jotaro hates cold water. If you were as hot as him you would too.
You've discovered that he is the best cuddler, he makes you feel safe and secure, he's nice and warm, and he never goes to sleep before you. At least… usually he doesn't. There's been a few times where he's been extremely exhausted and passed out upon laying in your arms.
Jotaro ended up convincing you to also study Marine Biology too. He's very excited to work with you forever, it's the one time he's physically shown excitement. He smiled so widely and looked at you like a bright eyed puppy. "Really..?" He said so sweetly, he was astonished that you agreed, he never expected you to cave. He was so damn happy about it.
After you both graduate he pulls some strings to ensure you both work at the same place in the same department, always, no matter what. You both gush over all the cute aquatic animals and how beautiful the scenery is all the time, you both do all your research and work in record time, mostly because you work together and have fun, and you never get bored because when one of you does the other finds something interesting to cheer the other up. It's the ideal work situation.
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zujime · 2 months
Hi, I'm new to your blog, but I really like your creativity, you're doing a great job. I have an idea and I hope you like it too. I imagine Jotaro during part 3 with fem s/o who usually has little contact with Jotaro and doesn't approve of his rude behavior, but during a late night conversation confesses to JoJo that he reminds her of her little sister. They are equally rude in public, they have equally stern faces, but inside them is hidden a big and kind heart open to from the family
─── jotaro k.
cw. fluffy stuff, fem reader, and some swearing
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jotaro, who you hardly stand next to throughout the journey—mostly to keep your mind on the task at hand but also because it’s already enough of a mood ruiner hearing him rudely telling someone off, the last thing you want is for any of that to be unintentionally directed towards you. so, steering clear seemed like the safest option as of now. though, his unreadable blue hues always seemed to glimmer beneath the brim of his hat whenever he’d catch yours as he took a drag of his cigarette.
jotaro, who gives even a baby a daunting glare for staring at you at all. unless the two of you have been torn away from one another, making civil conversations with anyone is nothing but a challenge as you’re escorted around with your own personal, six-foot-tall pole with an unmatched poker face.
jotaro, who despite his cold demeanor, thinks of you when he’s getting food. typically getting something big enough for the both of you, saying something along the lines of “figured we could split it” as he spots the giddy look on your face.
jotaro, who’s now in a hotel room the two of you are sharing for the night. the room remains silent for a while but it’s different from his typical, cold silence—it's faint, but warm. his frame and features soften when he’s under your tender gaze. it’s not until a few moments later that you realize, he reminds you of someone.
“hm..?” he hummed as studied your expression—a soft smile adorned your lips as you shook your head slightly, chuckling before opening your mouth to speak. “it’s just— you remind me of my little sister.” you catch the way the space between his brows crinkle faintly as he processes what you’ve just told him. “she acts like you in a way—-she’s almost just as much of an asshole, except… behind closed doors.”
jotaro, who smiles a little at your words. his heavy steps were now gentle against the wooden floor as he padded across the room to sit beside you on the bed. uttering a “so? want me to be nice to everyone i meet or something?” before moving to hold your face in one of his hands—cheek cupped gently in his grasp. “get some rest” he whispers, running a thumb across the expanse of your cheekbone.
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© zujime. all rights reserved. do not translate, copy, modify, repost or claim any of my works on any platform as yours.
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lumibuns-blog · 10 months
A part 2 of the Jotaro x reader fic I made bc I now finally have time lol
Link to part 1:
Ok now part 2!
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Jotaro wakes up with an unfamiliar weight on him, his eyes flutter open to see you peacefully sleeping on his chest, your hands grip into his green shirt he never took off from yesterday. Your nose is almost buried in his neck and as he watches your back rise and fall with your breathing, he can't stop the blush from creeping onto his face, which he exasperatedly covers with his hand
A sudden loud crash starts you awake and the door is loudly slid open, you hear a French accent yell
"AH the lovers are finally awake!"
Only now do you notice where you were laying, you scramble off of your friends chest hurriedly apologizing, unable to look at Jotaro in the face.
"Get the hell out..." Jotaro's cold voice warns trying his best not to yell.
"Ohhhhkayyy" the French man teases "but your mom made pancakes!!" he says leaving the door open behind him
You finally get up the courage to ask what happened last night and he explains it to you in a monotone voice.
"Thank you" you say quietly barley looking at him
"It was Kakyoin's idea" he lied, putting on his hat to hide his blush
You follow him out to the kitchen only to be smothered by his mother who was just so happy that you were there, that her son had another friend at school, she completely ignored the fact you slept in the same room.
You sat down at the table she invited you to in-between Jotaro and Kakyoin and were introduced to the three others, a friend Polnareff as well as a man by the name of Avdol and Jotaro's grandfather, Mr. Joestar.
"I wondered how long it would take for my grandson to take after me" Mr. Joestar commented with smirk.
Jotaro didn't reply but looked like he was about to kill everyone in that room.
You ate a quiet breakfast as the rest of the family seemed to drop the subject of you and Jotaro. Once you had finished you gathered your things thanking everyone profusely for you stay. Kakyoin suggested Jotaro walk you to the station and he obliged.
The walk was quiet until you looked up at him to say "It was your idea wasn't it?" With a smile
"Hm how did you know" he grumbled
"Well I did wake up in you room"
"Sorry if that was....uncomfortable"
"Actually I think that was the best I've slept in a while, I didn't wake up once" you said smiling softly.
"Oh good grief" he couldn't hide the blush on his face so he thanked god you didn't notice
You turned around and waved goodbye to him as you ran to catch your train
"Come by....again alright" he could barley get the words out but was comforted by your smile letting him know your heard him
Gahhh such a fun fic let me know if you want more of this au I have so many ideassss <3
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agsbf · 14 days
Death No More
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Arco do Isekai
Stardust Crusaders X leitora
Próximo capitulo
Avisos: Essa escrita se trata da demo de "No More Deaths" ainda NÃO É UM CAPÍTULO OFICIAL, logo muitas coisas podem ser mudadas. Fora isso, menção a morte e spoilers da parte 3 e 4.
Você abriu seus olhos lentamente, suas sobrancelhas franzindo em confusão enquanto movia sua íris em busca de qualquer coisa vagamente familiar. O acidente ainda estava gravado em sua mente, a certeza de que deveria acordar em um hospital, recepcionada pelo ambiente pacato com cheiro artificial e cama desconfortável, junto com os demais pacientes paliativos, todavia, o cenário ao seu redor não era nada disso, mas um quarto espaçoso pintado com sua cor favorita, diversos posters de artistas que adorava decoravam as paredes junto a fotos de momentos importantes seus, esteticamente era um cômodo belo, moldado quase que completamente a sua vontade. 
Seu coração acelerou, esse local dizia muita coisa sobre seus gostos, mas não era seu quarto. Ninguém em seu meio sabia tanto sobre sua pessoa, o que fez sua bile ficar presa na garganta, a exposição indesejada e a existência de um provável stalker que te sequestrou no hospital fazendo com que seus pelos se arrepiassem. 
Seus pés tocaram no chão, nem se preocupando em calçar alguma coisa para amortecer os passos, em sua mente o único pensamento existente sendo como fugir desse local. Seu fôlego esvaia conforme descia apressadamente as escadas que pareciam infinitas, o corredor em que elas estavam era extremamente escuro, fazendo com que irracionalmente ficasse aflita com a possibilidade de seu perseguidor sair das sombras, os sons de seus próprios passos gerando paranoia com o sentimento de poder haver algo atrás de você. Nem mesmo o clarão se aproximando, sinalizando a sala de estar, foi capaz de diminuir as batidas em seu coração ou acalmar sua mente, pois qualquer sensação de paz foi apagada ao ver seus livros e mangás favoritos na estante perto da TV, todos eles com os exatos rabiscos e amassados que deixou. A porta para sair desse pesadelo íntimo também estava à vista, a única coisa que lhe separava do mundo exterior. 
 -Não se atreva. -Você ouviu uma voz feminina dizer e se virou em direção a ela. Poderia citar vários estereótipos que esperava de seu sequestrador ao encontrá-lo, como um homem barbudo com idade para ser seu pai, um jovem com tendências sociais duvidosas, até mesmo uma garota que levou a ficção de “Yandere Simulator” longe demais. Agora, uma pequena gata rosa que pode se comunicar com humanos não era o que imaginava nem em seus sonhos mais loucos, talvez o acidente tenha afetado sua cabeça ao ponto de enlouquecer. 
-Que porra é essa? -A garota questionou, toda a situação parecendo algum tipo de piada bem planejada de um programa falido de comédia para idosos. 
O animal lambeu a perna, indiferente ao choque da humana, antes de afirmar categoricamente: 
-Você morreu, foi transmigrada para o universo de Jojo e sou seu stand. -A felina não era boa com interações sociais, evitando conversas sempre que possível, sua incapacitação no quesito comunicação decente fez com que não medisse suas palavras, a possibilidade de trazer sentimentos negativos ao abordar a situação com total transparência nem passou pela cabeça do animal, vendo apenas como a melhor forma de ser breve e acabar com as burocracias de explicar por que foi enviada para esse mundo, o fato da bichana estar mais preocupada em se higienizar também ajudou para a escolha indelicada de palavras. Somente quando notou que a humana caiu no chão, com os olhos marejados desprovidos de qualquer brilho enquanto sua boca soltava pequenos soluços, soube que talvez houvesse feito merda. 
Se olhassem por fora, afirmariam que a curta vida passada da garota foi aceitável; uma pessoa esforçada, emprego estável e um apartamento alugado com mobília decente em uma área de classe média na cidade. Apesar de não possuir carros de luxo, nem roupa de marca, a miséria e a fome não eram um problema em sua vida, não mais.  
Sua infância foi repleta de altos e baixos. Apesar de possuir um pai em sua certidão de nascimento, no quesito convivência ele foi quase que completamente ausente, exceto pelo parabéns ocasional que lhe desejava em seu aniversário. Sua principal figura parental foi sua mãe, mulher que tirava de seu próprio prato para lhe alimentar, cuja mesmo que esgotada pela privação do sono devido as horas insalubres que trabalhava, tirava algum tempo do dia para lhe dar a atenção necessária através de gestos simples, como participar da sua brincadeira de casinha ou te levando para comer em seu restaurante favorito.  
Sua vida escolar não foi a melhor, todavia havia outros em situação mais degradante. Assim como 43% dos jovens brasileiros possuiu experiência com bullying, porém não deixou isso lhe afetar tanto, todo o inferno acabou quando conseguiu bolsa de estudos em um colégio de uma área nobre. Seu grupo de amigos era escasso, entretanto verdadeiro, conseguindo manter a maioria mesmo quando o ensino médio acabou, embora a frequência de confraternizações tenha mudado já que seguiram caminhos diferentes.  
Embora ansiasse por um mundo melhor, possuindo ambições por carreiras com poder para gerar impactos significantes no mundo, como presidenta, juíza ou representante da ONU, não era ignorante a quantia de assassinatos a pessoas benevolentes que trilharam esse caminho vitoriosamente, por isso optou por uma profissão mais comum, trabalhando em um escritório insignificante de uma empresa tão irrelevante quanto, mas que lhe dava dinheiro para colocar comida na mesa e subir na vida.  
Em sua última memória lembrava-se que estava atrasada para uma reunião de negócios referente a um projeto importantíssimo em parceira com uma grande multinacional. Por uma falha de organização acabou se atrasando muito, tendo sido atropelada ao seguir a lógica “o motorista não é louco, ele está me vendo.” para chegar mais rápido. 
Acontece que sim, ele era louco e estava te vendo. 
Seu corpo foi prensado entre a carcaça do carro e um poste, a dor era imensurável assim como a quantidade de sangue que saiu, seu principal desejo era que seu corpo apenas sucumbisse logo para não ser obrigada a passar por longos momentos de agonia. Porém, a única coisa pior que sentir seus ossos serem esmagados em pequenos pedaços, foi a certeza que não viveu a vida que queria, preferindo se manter em sua zona de conforto. 
A pior angústia de uma pessoa sempre será o arrependimento, agora entendia por quê. 
O animal se esfregou em sua perna, uma tentativa de te confortar perante os pensamentos sombrios que teve, você a agradeceu em silêncio. Por mais que quisesse passar alguns dias em luto por si mesma, essa era a chance que precisava para consertar seus erros do passado, com olhos brilhantes pela perspectiva de ter suas esperanças renovadas, finalmente perguntou a felina: 
-Qual é meu poder? 
-O melhor de todos. 
A gata andou lentamente em direção a estante, seus passos eram delicados e sua expressão orgulhosa, mesmo sendo um animal de pequeno porte era como se fosse superior a todos. Ao chegar, suas patas se ergueram em um pulo suave para cima, sua queda com tamanha elegância, como se estivesse habituada a fazer isso e não houvesse chegado ao mundo há poucos minutos que nem você. Ela parou em frente a um livro que diferente de todos os outros não era familiar para você, sua capa era marrom, a rasura dourada de uma flor sendo o que mais chamou sua atenção, seguido pela escrita “Copycat” em uma bela letra cursiva. 
-É um death note? - A jovem ergueu suas sobrancelhas, claramente confusa em como um livro ajudaria a impedir alguma morte, talvez o vilão tivesse medo de estudar. 
-Não, Desamparo jamais deixaria Compadecida te ajudar tanto. Basta escrever o nome do usuário e do stand no caderno que copiarei suas habilidades e aparência até segunda ordem. 
Optando por ignorar os nomes estranhos que o gato citou, fez uma pergunta que estava presa em sua garganta. 
-Estamos em qual parte? 
-A do japonês de cabelo vermelho. 
A jovem deu um aceno compreensivo, sabendo que se referia a terceira. Ao pegar o livro, abriu logo na primeira página e viu que já possuía um nome. 
Nome do usuário: S/N L/N 
Nome do Stand: Lourandes 
A garota pegou uma caneta, Abdul morreria ao ser mandado para outra dimensão, Iggy e Kakyoin devido a machucados severos. Sem sombra de dúvidas já sabia qual stand impediria isso, então anotou: 
Nome do Usuário: Josuke Higashikata 
Nome do Stand: Crazy Diamond
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starry-snippets · 1 year
touch starved s/o (kakyoin, josuke, mista)
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☆ you tell him you're touch starved and he's like oh my gosh me too
☆ no but seriously. he's always felt left out and isolated, so knowing you feel that way too and connect through touch helps him feel understood
☆ is entirely okay with your needs too! they overlap a great deal but anything you differ on he'll attentively listen to and change, and please do the same for him
☆ enjoys being in your arms as much as he enjoys holding you. hugs are his absolute favorite along with patting your head. very in love with just being close to you
☆ would actually be a bit relieved to have a touch starved partner, as it'll make him less nervous about engaging in cuddling once he knows that it's for sure okay
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☆ another touch starved boy!
☆ he loves to hold you by the waist, rest his arms on your shoulder, hug you from the back - anything to be close with you
☆ still awkward and pink whenever he touches you though. it's what you both want but holding your hand and hugging you has him blushing and defensive if anyone teases him
☆ especially likes being the big spoon. when you're cuddling he'll tangle his legs around you like he's playing twister. just finds it fun
☆ does sometimes have phases where he's not feeling overly physical, so talking about boundaries on both sides is incredibly important
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☆ not touch starved but just loves to touch you! okay a little touch starved. more than a little
☆ love language is predominantly physical touch, so isn't the least bit bothered by you being touch starved
☆ he loves to hold your hand and rub circles on the back of your hand, especially if you're waiting for something. mista will kiss your face from your ears to your chin, loving how you'll giggle because it's a little silly
☆ no amount of touching is really too much for mista. despite his high tolerance and preference towards it he won't force anything on you!
☆ the fact you enjoy his company and his intimacy makes him really happy and assures him a great deal that you love him
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tonberry-yoda · 9 months
I hope it's alright if I send this too!
Can I request this prompt?
F!reader is falling asleep in Abba's lap. Abba holds her close and doesn't move from his spot from hours. When Mista and Narancia see this they tease Abba like "He's in love; A lovesick fool; Wow, was that a smile? I thought you don't smile! 🤔😏" etc. And Abba, like a tsundere he is tries to deny these statements and begins to blush. Bruno's just looking at him with that know-it-all look on his face.
Sorry if this was a stupid idea you can ignore it! I'm happy that I could participate in this event!
Stay hydrated!
Cuddlebug - Abbacchio
notes - HELLO?! DUDE THIS IS NOT A STUPID IDEA AT ALL THIS IS SO CUTE WTF?!??! I loved writing this and was super delighted to see this in my requests to do! Thanks so much and good job Abbacchio for getting into all star battle lol word count - 335
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"I'm tired." you told Abbacchio when you got home, throwing down your bag.
"Then go to bed." he joked.
He wasn't expecting you to take him seriously and curl up on his lap while he sat on the couch. But he didn't mind one bit. He pet the top of your head, even laying little kisses there. Luckily, no one was home, so he could be soft with you all he wanted.
Spoke too damn soon.
The door flew open and the rest of the gang walked in, loudly joking and laughing. Abbacchio wanted to quiet them down, but he knew it wouldn't work.
He panicked. He was worried that the others would make fun of him. You two never told the gang that you were together and he really didn't want to admit that now, as you were fast asleep.
And damn, you were really out because not once did you bat an eye when everyone walked in.
Abbacchio didn't want to wake you by moving so he froze.
And that's when the two idiots - Narancia and Mista - noticed him.
Narancia snorted under his breath and Mista laughed out loud. Abbacchio, still frozen, didn't know what to do.
"Awwwwww!!!" Mista said dramatically.
"Is Abbacchio cuddling y/n?" Narancia said in a baby voice, batting his eyelashes.
"Shut up." Abbacchio muttered, still not trying to wake you.
"You two are in looooovvvvveeeeee!!" Mista played.
"Seriously, shut up." Abbacchio mumbled.
"Look, Mista, he's blushing!" Narancia went on.
Abbacchio was getting annoyed and didn't even realize that subconsciously, he was rubbing your back, which brought a satisficed hum from you.
Mista and Narancia kept getting on him about, making fun of the two of you and Bruno smiled in the back, watching Abbacchio with sweet eyes.
When Abbacchio noticed Bruno's look, he blushed down and then looked down at you with a smile, not even caring that the two idiots were getting onto him. Because after all, you were very comfortable and Abbacchio liked seeing you smile.
jjba masterlist (2) (3) | pinned post | ko-fi
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated <3
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diomaster69 · 7 months
Jotaro Kujo (Part 3) x Reader
Dating Jotaro Kujo would include:
- Boy I don’t even know how the hell you got him to fall for you. You probably didn’t bother him like his fangirls and just talked to him like a normal human being. I feel that’s all he wants
- It might take him a while to actually start liking you, he’ll slowly start falling though as he realizes you’re a pretty cool and chill person
- Chillin with him while he smokes whether you join him or not
- If you don’t like the smell of smoke (like me and my lungs fr) then he won’t smoke in front of you, though that doesn’t mean he might have the scent of cigarettes on him
- We established he’s a tsundere, he loves you a lot just doesn’t know how to show it straight up, especially in the beginning
- If you ask him out he’d accept, probably acting like he doesn’t care and pulls his hat down to hide his face and smile
- If he asks you out he’d keep it very straightforward, short, and simple. It’s just “Let’s go on a date.” And you BETTER accept, do not break this big guy’s heart :(
- The first date would also be simple, maybe a small picnic in the park or going out for food
- I feel a lot of the dates wouldn’t include a ton of talking, and if there is talking then you’d be doing a good amount of it. Jotaro comes off as the type of guy who enjoys just being in your presence
- So basically his love language is quality time
- He’ll give you small gifts like seashells and jewelry or have Star Platinum get things for you if you wanted
- As your relationship progresses his gifts will get bigger. Such as giant ocean animal plushies
- More dates like going to an arcade so he can win you prizes effortlessly and impress you
- There will be aquarium dates, might be the place where you first kiss. Picture it, standing under a tunnel of fish swimming all around you and he pulls you in for a kiss
- Will beat people up for you, no questions asked
- You got a girl from school picking on you? Don’t worry, his fists are rated E for everyone. Equal rights equal fights
- Will not let his fan girls bother you, like they will never even get close to you (don’t ask how)
- Listening to music together whether it’s blasting in his room, on the car while you guys watch the stars, or sharing ear buds
- Even though he holds up his bad boy personality around everyone including his mom, he has his moments where he just melts with you
- Please hold his face once in a while, he’ll love it
- Very minimal PDA, closest you get is you and him wrapping your pinky fingers (if his giant hands let him)
- His mom would love you so much oh my god, sweetest woman alive
- She’d invite you to come over so often and loves that someone got Jotaro to settle down with
- Jotaro’s friends would be so surprised if they found out he was dating someone, Kakyoin wouldn’t be as surprised but Polnareff? Polnareff would be so lost as to how Jotaro got a girlfriend before him
- Forehead kisses, he has to bend down all the time to kiss yours
- Probably has back problems because of you
- Despite his fists being brutally scarred and coarse, he’s so gentle whenever he touches you in any way. I feel his hugs are the best and he’ll try to be careful when you hold hands
- Will carry you
- Let’s you wear his hats and clothes (but not for too long cause he wants them back)
- If you ever go on any transport, plane, boat, train, you name it, he will let you rest on him. Just don’t bring Joseph, it’ll give Jotaro PTSD
- Carefully caresses your face and admires every part of it, even plays with your hair
- If you can see Star Platinum he would love you so much, they say that Stands are a reflection of one’s soul. So basically Star will be very excited to be out and to see you
- Jotaro will smile with you a lot more than others
- He’s not the best at communication but once you get to know him it’s very easy to tell how he’s feeling
There’s probably more stuff but that’s all I got for this one. I am currently going through a JJBA brain rot please let me know if you have any requests!
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nicherayyy · 11 months
Reader: why didn’t you react when Polnareff cried?
Jotaro: I did, I rolled my eyes.
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