#junjie slugterra
ariaterramoon · 1 month
DTIYS Rewards - Chibi + 2nd Place
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Insta has terrible resolution so I decided to post the DTIYS rewards uwu And in the meantime, everyone else can enjoy them too!
I gotta say tho, I never expected to draw a chibi Dr. Blakk lol But I like how he turned out! And ofc a someone asked for Junjie uwu
Iris belongs to @/terra.revengers2.0 on Insta
Junjie under the cut!
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the-music-maniac · 5 months
I don't know how I got sucked into Slugterra lore considering I haven't watched this show since I was 13 but it's 4 am and ???????????????????????
What I wasn't prepared to learn - at the ripe age of 22, is that apparently JUNJIE IS CANONICALLY QUEER?????
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For some context, the only reason I learned this was cause I randomly stumbled onto some Slugterra shipping discourse on tiktok - long story do not ask - and it was like oh god you can't ship Eli with Junjie, Junjie is THIRTY FIVE - and number 1. I did not realize people shipped characters in Slugterra bc last time I was aware of this show I was 13 and stupider than most and 2. THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN HE'S 35????? HE DID NOT LOOK LIKE A 35 YEAR OLD, but if he is Dear Lord 3. and then I GOOGLED IT and y'all gave me a heart attack, I think Junjie is still 15, I'm SORRY but if you get mind controlled for 20 years at the age of 15, and then have no memories of those 20 years, and your body also didn't age during the 20 years you were mind controlled, functionally, you're probably a 15 year old that got yoinked 20 years into the future??? Poor kid. NONE OF THAT MATTERS, WHAT DO YOU MEAN JUNJIE IS QUEER THO
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brothers-in-hardships · 10 months
Pre!Series Junjie
Some headcanons for Junjie angst
Yang Meiling (Junjie's mother) gave her son to the Grand Temple to be raised and left to become a nun in the border caverns
Meiling did not name Junjie, Master Lian did
Junjie was the best Slug Fu student, practically a prodigy
Hamengku and Junjie were sworn brothers, practically inseparable
Hamengku tried to help Junjie find his mom (it didn't go well)
Junjie grew up on stories of his family
Junjie is not technically a member of the Yang Clan (it's complicated)
Junjie was the absolute last resort for the position of Eastern Champion
Junjie was only picked when all the other Yang Clan members died/went into hiding
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slugterran-fanatic · 6 months
I can't remember if I posted about this but what the fuck is up with Twist's dad??
Like, he only died because he chose to just leap off a cliff while his SON and stolen slugs were on the back of it. This could've easily been avoided? Twist could've still had a father?? He might've still held a grudge against the Shanes but at least he wouldn't have been an orphan!
I genuinely wanna know his father's thought process when it came to running away and decided "LETS JUMP OFF THIS CLIFF" not to mention, TWIST WAS OKAY WITH IT?????? He was ready to die for stolen slugs???? He blames Will Shane completely when his father also has a lot of blame for deciding to JUMP OFF A CLIFF
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alien-mil · 10 months
Eli being a really skilled slugslinger
Junjie being a really skilled slugslinger
Eli stuck to the roof. Junjie getting him down by pulling him.
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Junjie: Eli, are you a masochist?
Eli: Where… did you learn that word?
Junjie: Kord told me. He says you really love getting attacked.
Eli: Oh, really? We’ll see about that, then…
Junjie: Kay.
[Eli heads off to confront Kord]
Kord: Whoa-whoa, chill out, guys! Uhaaaa!!
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auduux · 3 months
I have something to confess
I have never shipped Eli with Trixie...I ship(ped) him with Junjie
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jackiewinters-doodles · 10 months
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Hey look I drew Jun
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darkcat14300 · 3 months
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Sería buena idea pasarlo a digital ? 🌌
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slugterra-twisted-ends · 10 months
Headcanoned Ages with some evidence
Eli: 16
Reason: Stated he's 15 at the start of the show. He turns 16 at the end of Into the Shadows
Trixie: 17
Reason: She's a teenager like Eli, I just like seeing her as older
Kord: 22/23
Reason: He's an adult, he works as a field tester for the beast forge. His clan wants him to go into the family business of mining, but he chose to be a hero (majority of young adults trying to figure their life out)
Pronto: 30
Reason: All the old people jokes the gang do at his expense. But he's not overly old, just at that cool uncle age (he could be older, but 30 works for me)
Junjie: 35 - 40
Reason: He keeps the same appearance as the day he was turned into the Dark Slinger. He looks to be an older teen or very young adult. It had been 20 years since he was taken over, so he's in his late 30s or very early 40s
Blakk: 52
Reason: He was a young adult when he attempted to train with the Unbeatable Master. It was stated the last time Shanai was seen was 30 years ago
Will: 52
Reason: Similar reason to Blakk
Twist: 17
Reason: He's the rival to Eli, keeping him around Eli's age makes it more fun
Tad: 13
Reason: It's canon he's 13
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akire-san-901 · 10 months
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Soy simp Tmr
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true-autistic-tales · 5 months
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looking at this guy and i can only hear bodies and animal i have become
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1ndigo712 · 22 days
slugterra arc rewrite (RoE onwards)
slugterra was an amazing show but i feel like there was a lot of missed potential, so I will be reordering and adding my own changes & notes to the story arcs after the episode 'Light as Day'. Disclaimer: The show doesn't belong to me nor am I affiliated with them. These are just my own ideations. Also, Slugterra Ascension is not considered as Canon in this post.
Return of the Elementals. In this version, it stays pretty much the same. Elie, Trixie, Kord, Pronto as well as the newly joined Junjie fight for the Elementals and fight the Goon doc and Dr Blakk, find Eli's dad, etc. They finish on saying that the five of them will find Will Shane together.
Slug Fu Showdown. While I don't have many problems with the original, I feel like they should've fleshed more into the details, so in my version, Eli will struggle and eventual grasp the context. He firsts succeeds with Burpy and then slowly extends it to the rest of his arsenal, and he can barely control the Elementals by the end.
Into the Darkness. Continuing from the previous arc, they plan to rescue Will Shane but is interrupted by the appearance of Tad and Pieper. Junjie immediately has slight distrust but also mild fascination to the pair because Pieper is an unknown species. Eli trusts Tad immediately(as he does), and Junjie has to pull him to the side and tell him to at least be a little on guard. Tad sees Junjie training early in the morning and asks what it is, Junjie tells him that it is slug fu and that it is too difficult for him at his level. Eli isn't happy and tries to teach Tad but he doesn't understand it enough himself to teach it. The rest of the plot follows the original movie, but his time the Shadow Clan are a little more cooperative purely because of Junjie's presence and status. It ends similarly, where peace is restored and Tad + Pieper end up in the deep caverns.
The Will of Shane my own title for the arc where they go find Will Shane. This goes into Will Shane's origins a bit including his training with the Unbeatable Master and him encountering his first main slug. Cut to the gang asking the Shadow Clan for help, who agree in courtesy of Will Shane and also Junjie because he is just Cool Like That. They end up going into the Deep Caverns to find more information and they encounter the Darkbane again, as well as Tad and Pieper, but they escape. They explore the unknown parts of Deep Caverns and eventually find Will Shane and rescue him. They have to fight the massive Darkbane army plus Tad and Pieper. With the Shadow Clan providing support by the Guardian gate, Will Shane and the Shadow Clan head convene. Eli and Junjie describe Pieper to them, and tell them how Pieper was able to reach velocity in the Deep Caverns. With their combined extensive slug knowledge, they figure out what kind of slug Pieper is (perhaps from one of the caverns that the Eastern Caverns portal also leads to; or universal slug). While preparing for battle, Kord and Red Hook make a wrist blaster for Eli with the help of Junjie. They battle it out with Eli and Junjie using Slug Fu to infiltrate the ranks and get to Tad, and the rest of them chipping away at the front lines with ye old slugslinging. They end up winning but Will Shane dies taking out Tad. Pieper is taken by Eli and Junjie but she is angry about it.
Eastern Caverns. After that, the gang decide to fulfill their promise and take Junjie home. Everything spans out in pretty much the same way except Eli is more experienced in Slug Fu at the start. They slowly build a relationship with Pieper and she slowly starts trusting them. Neither the Emperor nor the Daifu knows what Pieper is so it's all fun and games when they start using her in duels. Everything finishes in about the same way, and Pieper either stays with Junjie to protect the Easter Caverns (she can never fully trust who her first owner hated, and she's highly intrigued by Junjie's respect and bond with all slugs), or she joins Eli's arsenal. I prefer the former because it's more different than the usual trope of Eli getting his opponent's slugs, but you can decide for yourself.
And that is all! Feel free to add thoughts, personal headcanons and notes in the comments </3
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Will Shane's biggest secret comes looking for Eli.
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slugterran-fanatic · 7 months
Anyways expanding on my idea for lycanthropy in Slugterra
When I say Slugterra, I really mean the whole of the caverns, both Western, Eastern and the unknown caverns although my idea starts with a slug that originates in the Eastern Caverns
I could be more imaginative and give a name to the other caverns we don't know about but I like the thought of it coming from the Eastern Caverns just because we didn't get any unique slugs from that region
so anyways, the slug is known as Lycantherus (pronounce it how you like, I have no idea which version of this is correct because I've said it both ways). As stated above, it originated from the Eastern Caverns but has since migrated to other caverns due to the residual energy from the Elementals being together causing the portal to open sporadically (just an idea I had, why not make it a part of the slug's lore)
So the idea is that it looks rather similar to a Flatulorhinkus slug, just a different color scheme and significantly rarer, and often gets used with the idea of a smokescreen happening. However that is not the case at all, and much to everyone's alarm, it gives nothing more than nasty bite to those who can't dodge in time. At least on the surface :)
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ariaterramoon · 11 months
Slug Fu Headcanon- Chi
So I rewatched Slugterra: Eastern Caverns a few weekends ago and there's one thing that still bothered me the most:
The way that it is explained in the movie doesn't really... match up to the actual meaning of Chi???
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Rant and headcanon below. Lmk your thoughts.
* = footnote at end of post
Decided to add a quick lil drawing. It's just what happens internally with their Slug Energy.
Like, from my understanding, chi is the life force/energy that flows through all living things.
But in the movie, it is said that it's a set of moral code, so essentially the Slugslinger code (that apparently the 99 Caverns have but was never explored truly. I wanna know what the code is explicitly xD cuz I have an idea by how Eli carries himself lol)
But anyways, if chi is just a set of moral code like the Slugslinger code, wouldn't all Eastern slingers follow it? If chi is so essential to Slug Fu, then if everyone follows it, wouldn't anyone and everyone be able to practice Slug Fu? Become a Master even?
If that's the case, then if someone (who isn't a Master) wears a wrist blaster, it would be frowned upon but it wouldn't be such a big insult and Junjie wouldn't feel so strongly about it.
So, I present you this:
Chi - Reworked
Chi —in Slugterra— refers to one's own Slug Energy*.
Slug Fu works by being able to tap into one's own Slug Energy and their slug's energy at the same time. This in turn, creates a connection between slinger and slug, thus allowing the slinger to guide their slug with Slug Fu art forms.
Although fairly simple to understand, applying the concept is difficult, incredibly more so to master. It is why becoming a Slug Fu Master is such an incredible and respectable feat, why it is such a huge deal, and why there are not many...
So if a slinger uses a wrist blaster and isn't a Slug Fu Master, it is an insult to tradition and to the Masters themselves.
Dark Slug Fu works the same way. Only difference is learning to corrupt your own chi, twisting it into something evil and dark... This in turn, allows a slinger to access the dark energy of ghouls. Does take a toll on a slinger's body, the corruption often showing up on their body...
Then, they have to will their chi to become stronger in order to overpower the energy of ghouls in order to, not guide them, but to control them...
The double sight Eli unlocks with Burpy, the way it works is that slinger's energy and slug's must be perfectly synced, thus allowing the slinger to see through their slug's eyes.
A Slug Fu Master is able to guide more than one slug at the same time by splitting their energy into X pieces and connecting each one to the respective slug. This does drain the slinger though and eats at their stamina and endurance.
Mastering Slug Fu takes up a lot of focus and concentration as just being able to be aware of one's own Slug Energy is tricky already.
* per "It Comes By Night, it is implied Slugterrans have Slug Energy, if not, the High Plains monster shouldn't have been able to affect the people.
I reworked what Chi is in Slugterra. Chi is now the Slug Energy within all Slugterrans. Slug Fu works by connecting the slinger's chi to their slug's chi.
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