#just your standard domestic silliness to start though
victorluvsalice · 1 year
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We’ve hit Spring Friday in this Chill Valicer Save update, and you know what that means -- Love Day! :D And you know what that means?
It means I took 85 pictures of this particular playsession. Well, technically, I took even MORE than that, but these are the 85 that I wanted to share with you. Yes, we have progressed to the point of having NINE-PART updates sometimes. So, uh, in the interest of not wasting any time, let’s get right to it!
-->Started with Smiler, taking advantage of there being enough power to run some of their appliances properly for a change, plopping Elmer on the robot workbench and tuning the little bot up before setting it free in the greenhouse to take care of the gardening for Victor. I mean, Victor’s level 10 now, he doesn’t NEED to do it himself anymore except when it comes to planting new stuff. Always nice to have a little helper around the house!
-->While this was happening, I spotted Shadow looping through the poles on the obstacle course. NOW you do it. *facepalm* Silly dog.
-->With the greenhouse taken care of, Smiler kept doing chores -- namely, scrubbing the downstairs bathroom sink (seriously, look at how grody that is) and putting on a load of laundry (again, because the house could actually power the washer for a change). Clean house and clean clothes equal happy Sims, after all!
-->Alice ended up woken up by Kelly’s meows -- as we’d both learned that lecturing the cat for waking Sims up tends to go badly, Alice instead just threw on a warm sweater and played “laser mousie” with her kitty. Before taking a very brief Wolf Nap on the floor to keep her energy up and keep her “Must Hibernate” temperament satisfied. Being a werewolf is weird sometimes, is what I’m saying. :p
-->While that was going on, Victor woke up from hunger, and I decided to send him downstairs and see what Delicioso had on the menu. Turned out to be a salad, which, unusual for breakfast, but okay. He ate that, then went to leash up Shadow for a walk while Smiler recycled some trash and Alice, also hungry, grabbed some meat out of fridge to make steak tartare. I know her awesome knife skills in that last picture is because she’s Cooking 10, but I like to think her Vorpal Blade prowess has something to do with it too. XD
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underdark-dreams · 7 months
Started thinking about this silly idea & couldn't stop. 💕 Have some domestic fluff for Rolan, Dammon, & Zevlor!
Tiefling bachelors: in the kitchen
Dammon makes depression meals
They don't depress him…just Tav and all of his friends and anyone who sees him eating
He gets into a really deep flow when he's working in his forge. It can be half the day before he surfaces and realizes the sun is setting, and that his stomach's been growling for hours
He's never enjoyed cooking for the fun of it, and grabbing a couple things saves so much time
Dammon would be charmed if you invited yourself over to make dinner at his place
Smelling something delicious wafting out the windows of his kitchen makes him feel very at-home
No one's made a home cooked meal for him in years. He would find it really romantic
Surprisingly competent in the kitchen though it's not by choice
When Cal & Lia were still little and Rolan was supporting the three of them, he tried to provide structure & make their tiny rental in Elturel feel like home
Making sure there was something hot to eat at the end of the day was simple but comforting for them
It also forced him to choose healthier—on his own, Rolan would probably prefer a few glasses of wine over solid food
As soon as Cal was tall enough, he took over kitchen duty and has been the family chef ever since
Rolan could be convinced to make dinner with you, particularly if you bossed him around
He'd grumble and tease you about making an archmage be your sous chef. But internally he loves letting himself be whipped for you, even just in the kitchen
He's spent most of his life eating in mess halls or surviving on standard rations on the road
After hanging up his sword, he finally gets the opportunity to explore interests that he never had time for
Becomes an excellent self-taught baker
The patience of it, the kneading and rising and shaping of the dough—it's like a form of meditation for him
I imagine him retiring to a nice cottage somewhere with land where he grows an impressive vegetable garden
Bakes you a beautiful focaccia bread, carefully topped with herbs that are shaped and arranged to look like flowers
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anothermansjeans · 1 month
I just think it would be so sweet youtuber!reader and Spencer recording a skincare video, being silly with face masks and the whole thing (obviously normally he just washes his face with water before bed but the reader is in the process of changing that)
oh my god this was going one place and then i took it somewhere else LMAO but i love this sm! thanks for sending it in 🫶
cw: fluff, menace spencer at it again, soooooooo sweet it will give you a toothache
wc: 1k
youtuber!reader masterlist
“You ready, babe?”
Spencer looked down at the vanity adorned with various products, giving you a small nod before looking between you and the camera. Ever since watching Spencer just rinse his face off with water one morning about a week ago, you've been brewing up the idea of a skincare routine video to get him in the groove of taking his skin health seriously. For a man who loves to tell you what products (or lack of products) aren't helping your skin, he sure did little to make sure his routine was up to his standards.
“Okay! Hello, lovelies! Today I’m with Spencer,” you gestured over to him, “and we are going to be doing my nighttime skincare routine! Spence, would you mind sharing with the audience your skincare routine?”
He furrowed his brows and looked over to you, “a routine is a sequence of actions regularly followed, like a fixed program. I don't have procedures I go through so I wouldn't classify it as a routine.”
“Okay,” you tried to maintain your giggles, “then tell them what you usually do for your skin before you go to bed.”
“Well,” he began, looking back at the cameras and talking with his hands, “Sometimes, if I feel as though my pores had excreted more oil than normal and Y/N’s face wash is out, I'd use that, but more times than not, she's in bed before me so I’ll just use water.”
A pout formed on your face as you looked at the camera. “Terrible, I know.”
“Anyway,” you gently placed a hand on his arm, the action soothing him while simultaneously letting him know you meant no harm, “we’re going to fix that. Today, I’ll not only be showing you my routine, but also getting Spencer to do it with me!”
The video went on without a hitch. You started with a cleanser and then went into an exfoliator. Now, you had your container of clay mask sitting in front of the two of you. “Now we’re on the third step. This mask cleans pores, brightens skins, and detoxifies skin,” you look up from reading the jar to see a contemplative look on Spencer’s face. “You good, Spence?”
“Yes, yes, I just don't know how I would go about putting it on my face.”
With soft eyes, you gently opened the lid and scooped a small clump of the mask onto your finger. “I’ll put yours on for you, okay?”
He smiled and gave a nod before you swiped your finger down his cheek, spreading out what you had into a thin layer. “This feels nice,” he said, closing his eyes and letting out a soft hum.
“It’s supposed to.” The moment felt very domestic, and you couldn't wait for the time where you'd do this without the camera. The serenity of the moment was cut short though, when you went to scoop more of the mask onto your finger and the jar started to slip from your grasp. The shock of it almost falling sent one of your hands flying up, which caused whatever clay you had on your hand to fling onto Spencer’s unsuspecting face.
You registered the gasp he elicited when you stabilized the jar on the vanity, and when looking over at Spencer, you saw the splatter of clay painted across his face. “I am–” you started to laugh, but used your clean hand to cover your mouth, “I am so sorry, baby.”
“No, no, it’s okay.” His thin smile was giving mixed signals, but you assumed nothing of it when he changed to topic. “Could I take a look at the ingredients?”
Giving a quick nod, you didn't take notice of how quick he grabbed the mask and swooped his fingers in. Not a second later, you felt the cool substance flung across your face. All you did was blink at him– him, and his shit-eating grin– before folding your lips in and letting out a hum. “Spencer…”
His face slowly morphed into one of concern, “I don't know why I thought that was okay. Y/N, I’m sorry. We can clean this up and–” and a big splat sound echoed in the room and Spencer promptly shut his mouth when a lump of the mask landed on his forehead and began to drip down the bridge of his nose. Your laugh caused a fire to light in his eyes, and he once again grabbed the jar. “Oh, I see how it is.”
“You started a war, Spence.” When he aimed his fire, you stood up and ran over to your bed, grabbing a pillowcase. “You wouldn't target one of our very expensive pillowcases?”
“You're the one sacrificing it!” He flung the clay, and you used the pillow to block the blow. At the amount on the pillow, your eyes widened with humor, “That’s almost the entire jar!”
Laughing, Spencer stalked forward with another handful of the mask. “I’ll buy you more,” he said, cornering you before smearing his hand all down your face.
Your gasping giggles filled the room, and Spencer leaned his forehead down onto yours as you both calmed down. “This video has gone off track.”
“I’m sorry,” his voice was soft and gentle, a big contrast from the chaotic clay war from moments ago.
“Don't. I’m having more fun than anticipated.” Your arms made their way around his neck, gently carding your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck. Yeah, you still had the clay mask all over your hands, but you were over one-hundred percent sure the two of you would be taking a shower in less than five minutes.
“You didn't anticipate having fun with me while doing skincare?” His eyes held a playful glint.
Gently pulling his head down so that your lips grazed his, you whispered, “I always anticipate having fun with you, Dr. Reid.” And with that, he captured your lips with his, the face mask smearing all over your faces without a care in the world. The video was the last thing on your mind… you'll continue it at a later time.
youtuber!reader taglist: @im-a-ghost666 @lyd14k4y @happiestcat @hauntedtv13 @obi-wansgirl
let me know if you would like to be added or removed!
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buckets-and-trees · 30 days
I'm really late with this so feel free to ignore it 💙
8. What do they love most about the other? Why?
14. Do they enjoy PDA, or are they more private with affection?
22. Are they comfortable joking around with each other and being silly/playful?
27. How do they say “I love you” non-verbally?
For your cedar trees series 🥰
I WILL ABSOLUTELY NOT BE IGNORING THIS! (and I'm still totally eager to entertain more asks for the SHIP ASK GAME if anyone is interested)
OKAY, JAQUI! We know I adore these two, so I'm over the moon to gush more about them and their story...
8. What do they love most about the other? Why?
Steve loves your smile. He loves that you give it so freely to him and to others. It speaks to how genuine you are. Steve was also concerned that when he did finally marry, it would be much more formal in the relationship, kind of Taking On A Queen, someone to perform the queenly duties, etc. And though you smile easily, it's never a vapid smile or put on for show. It's a reminder of your spirit and that you don't hide or withhold it from others - because you seek to have genuine connections with those around you.
You love how grounded Steve is. He doesn't inflate anyone's importance or undervalue anyone around him, and you saw that from the first meeting. Steve wasn't the first potential royal match for you, but he was the first who didn't put on a show in the talks with you or your family. There was a lot of protocol and tradition and pageantry with the wedding, but as soon as you two were put into the carriage and off to your honeymoon, he was just Steve - a kid from Brooklyn, not the King of Brooklyn.
Those two things you saw in each other - your genuine nature and his grounded character - were able to flourish in that magical honeymoon period. That flourishsing made you both fall so easily into that early part of love though you were both a bit in denial about how serious and deep the affection was then and worried that it would be gone or one-sided when you got back to reality - as discussed in the very first chapter of the story.
14. Do they enjoy PDA, or are they more private with affection?
They love it, but they're measured with it. Hand holding, a hand on the cheek, arms around each other, non-heated kisses. More formally, your hand tucked into the crook of his arm when walking anywhere publicly - that's pretty standard, but not a perfunctory action. The two of you can't help it, and so you don't stifle it. But you're also aware of how people always have their eyes on you as their king and queen - so affection is shown, but not heat.
22. Are they comfortable joking around with each other and being silly/playful?
At first, no. You had siblings, and so some teasing and playfulness was pretty standard for you in your royal household. But Steve was an only child AND THEN became king and suddenly had so much duty and responsibility and places to be and a kingdom to take care of. Bucky had kept that side of him alive, but Steve was so unused to letting his guard down around anyone else that it took a while for him. He was fun, kind, interesting on the honeymoon, but not playful. It's a few weeks before that starts to come out. You married in the summer, but it was fall before the playfulness was really established. It was just uncovered in layers along with the rest of your relationship.
27. How do they say “I love you” non-verbally?
Steve often reaches for your hand. He wants the tie to you.
You become a fierce guard of Steve's health and well-being and reintroduce him to domesticity. You insist that he eats, sleeps, takes time away from royal business. You help him see that the candle can burn longer when it's not being burned from both ends, and you do it in a way that shows you're priority is his health and happiness. He takes care of the kingdom, but you take care of him.
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vivisols · 4 months
Hello!!! I’m here to ask lore questions >:3c
About the future stares back specifically!!
First off, are human’s the only animals that evolved so severely, or will we see some really funky dogs?? If not are there at least funky dog’s in the world?
Though I don’t just mean the dog’s, I’m just using them as a placeholder for animals in general. Like what other animals have went and crazy evolved vs which animals haven’t really changed that much (I assume animals like birds haven’t changed too much I’ll be honest, maybe more water birds evolved or something) and which animals went extinct? (Not a whole list obviously as there’s billions of different species, but maybe the ones that would shock us? I.E. “oh no dogs did actually go extinct”)
We’ve seen a lot of descriptions on buildings being all wrecked, but how much has nature truly reclaimed it? Does it still need some time? I ask this because I don’t remember seeing a lot of animals being described as nesting in the many buildings we visit- mostly just the fish when we’re underwater. But correct me if I’m wrong! My memory is hazy.
Will we get to see how Moon and Sun react to the various types of animals they may have only seen in picture books?
And if animals, domestic animals especially, have evolved- are they still domesticated? Do some human constructs use them for work? Or are they all mostly feral again? Dangerous even??
I think that’s about it for now, but if I have anymore questions I’ll come right back and drop another wall of text, lol! (If these text walls are okay with you at least, if not I’ll try to separate my questions in separate asks next time!)
Thank you for your time!
askdjhasjkd i heart answering lore questions so much!!! anon you are FEEDING me today hahahaha!!! anyways anyhow >:3c
we will indeed see some funky silly evolved animals! most species of animals stayed relatively the same besides becoming a bit more adjusted to a primarily water based diet! though their evolution was much more "standard" and gradual as opposed to humans who went absolutely WILD with the evolution xDDD
extinct animals.... extinct animals.... hmmmm! most of the extinct animals are ones that required specific temperature conditions to thrive, such as those that relied on drastic season changes! the rising temperatures and sea levels practically shot the potential for freezing cold winters out of the window xD some wild extinct animals off the top of my head are penguins and bears, all variants! though the latter is probably not a surprise considering thats actually canon as of security breach hahaha
id say nature has reclaimed about... 60% of it! fish took to living in the building ruins super quickly, but land animals are still getting there! cities are big and the ruins dont have a lot of food! mostly prey animals such as rabbits and birds live in the ruins right now, and even then those are in the more overgrown ruins or on the ruins close to forests!
we definitely WILL see sun and moon reacting to various species of animals! i have a LOT planned hehehe >:3c
most of the domesticated animals, particularly the ones that can live just fine without humans (such as some species of cats and dogs) have evolved back to a much more "natural" and "feral" state. specific breeds that might be familiar to us are hard to distinguish as they've kind of gone back to looking like their non-domesticated ancestors (i.e. wildcats and wolves) but they've not fully evolved back to the same things as they started out as!
there are only a few human settlements that still have somewhat domesticated animals, with the majority just having dogs for working and such! and even then, those dogs are more on a "we're only sticking around because you feed us" instead of true domestication xD a very very very small amount of settlements have horses! depends on the location! horses are basically the same, wild or otherwise hahaha
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s4kasaki · 2 years
Hey, Can i have domestic fluff with Izumi and leo?? Thank you and have a nice day!!
oooo two of the sillies in knights!! I love writing for Knight's.. did you guys know that? ( Just not Tsukasa, he hurts my brain..) I hope you enjoy it and thank you as well!! I hope you have a nice day too~ also I've returned for a while
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♡ — leo & izumi | domestic fluff
‣ tws/cws: none!!
‣ reader: genderneutral - they/them
‣ author's note: silly's.. lub them.. yes it's 1 am, yes Im exhausted.
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people always like to say that Izumi would be a bad boyfriend/husband. so! I’m gonna tell you now, he's really just the best boyfriend you could ever have.
We all know how Izumi can be a little hedgehog sometimes, always balling back in his shell when something makes him seem vulnerable and less capable of doing stuff by himself— but, when you push his confident border to the side.. by pushing just the correct buttons..! you will soon find out that he's fond of being physically loving just as much as he is with actions and words
our Izuhug is the cook of the house, and he rarely ever allows you in the kitchen— he says it's a “knights duty” and that the only duty the prince/princess should be having: is savoring being taken care of. no going against his say-so, cus it's no good. he just won't accept you working in the kitchen. though when you do get your hands to cook in the kitchen! he's teasing you about it!
“you really can't reach up there? hmph, how annoying…~ move out the way.”
but he will accept you being his little assistant just so he can get a reason to call you his "little assistant"
Speaking of which, you always sit with him in the kitchen and watch him make whatever he's making at the time and it makes him so very happy— because he truly enjoys your company even though he might not tell you that up-front sometimes! with one hand he’s stirring the food and with the other, he’s spinning you around and if you listen close enough you’ll be able to hear him quietly singing "Ironic Blue" to himself with a smile. all while the lyrics are directed to you~♡
this guy is great at everything, even cuddling. wait— did I mention cuddling? No? Then do it. Please, love him and give him affection. He especially loves it when you fall asleep in his arm, or with your head on his lap. You're just so pretty to him, he can not describe it in proper words. But, when your head is resting on his lap and he gets to see all the beauty that lies in that pretty little face of yours when you're not talking. yes, he finds you pretty when you're quiet— but he's gotten so used to you talking around him even when he's working, that it's quite hard for him to focus properly without you talking to him about absolutely anything.
He probably has a cleaning schedule and what not and you’re wrong if you think he isn’t gonna make you follow it
“Hey beautiful, wake up. We’re doing laundry and cleaning today. Yeah, it’s Sunday”
Honestly it’s mostly him cleaning and you "bothering" him because you’re not cleaning to his so veryyy high!! standards
“Hey, you can’t mix those products- just give it to me”
And you stand there and watch him while you dance. Izumi the housewife <3
He most definitely has a cleaning playlist on spotify that’s full of R&B and lovey dovey type of music
You probably catch him dancing with a mop at one point and he chases you around the house yelling your name in that silly tone he would when he calls “Yuu-Kunnnnn~”
When you do the laundry he's always making some silly remarks about your fashion taste, you have this bad of fashion? while dating the Izumi Sena? really??
This results in a laundry war and you two just start throwing clothes at each other even though he definitely isn't gonna want to pick all the clothes up again :giggle:
He always promises to cook your favorite dinner if you hurry up to finish all the tasks he’s laid out for the day, it's his special treat~
And after a veryyYY long day of cleaning and being silly… He likes to sit with you on the couch and cuddle while watching a movie~
He honestly enjoys the cleaning days because it means he gets to spend the day with you, fully aware that cleaning with you also comes with many surprises and giggles that he adores to hear slip from ur mouth
grocery shopping with him though …
He makes a very strict list and he says that you can only buy what’s on the list when you two leave so if you want something, you’re gonna have to make him add it to the list before you leave two otherwise he’s not buying it ┐(—_—)┌
If he wakes up before you for work he’ll make breakfast for you and leave a note aggressively telling you to eat and take care of yourself today or else there will be serious consequences… such as no kisses for an entire day
When he gets home from work and long day of singing and modeling, his first move after taking off his shoes is to immediately go find you
“Did you eat the food I made for you this morning? You better have (-_- )ノ!”
He shows that he cares about you in all of these ways. Like adding your favorite food to the shopping list even though you didn’t ask for him to, doing your laundry on rough days, making your lunch for work, etc
Domestic Izumi is just super cute and wholesome in his own way~
☆ — LEO
moving in with leo was an absolute rollercoaster of a ride. it felt like you were going through your childhood all over again and now you’re excited to come home from work than you have ever been before knowing you have an undyingly affectionate lil ginger waiting for you at home
Leo is a little disorganized— but you see him actually trying to get better at it, without you needing to tell him and it warms your heart
your favourite thing about sharing a home with him is that you get to wake up next to him. The first rays of sun of the morning come through the window and hit his face, enhancing how truly handsome and cute he is. you stir a bit and his hold instinctively tightens, refusing to let you go even when he’s dreaming. you leave soft, feather-light kisses on his face and soon he’s fluttering his eyes open, a lazy shit eating grin spreads across his face as he pulls you against his chest~
Leo's favourite thing about sharing a home with you is dancing in the living room (。•̀ᴗ-)✧! You’ve already had dinner and you’re reading a book when you see him connecting his mics to the speakers and singing. soon, he's singing one of your favourites and he’s putting out his hand for you to take. you smile and let him help you up and soon your swaying in the living room, eyes closed, soft smiles and hearts connected to each other
loves cuddling with you ALL. THE. TIME. it’s a problem. especially if Tsukasa is forcing him to go to practice and when you visit him at the gym he’d definitely go “my s/o! hey! cuddles!!” he’s like an excited puppy whenever his eyes set foot on you!
very much adores when you play with his hair while you’re both on the couch or the bed or just chilling, y'know? (≧▽≦) it's the softest when he just got out of the shower and it’s kinda damp but it’s down out of its usual ponytail and he looks so soft and cuddly… and handsome! and just absolutely ready for you to smother him with affection !!!
falls asleep on top of you. you once complained that this ginger is too heavy for you but did he listen? no. he loves pressing his head on top of your chest and hear your heartbeat. if he focuses too hard he’ll hear that it’s in sync with him and it gives him that random spark of composing ideas~!
when he holds your hands, he likes to swing them back and forth— he may be just a lil too energetic but it’s cute! He'll loves it even more if y'all are in a crowded place and you hold onto his hand, intertwined fingers and all, makes him feel like he had to protect you and works extra hard not to lose you in a sea of people he once did— he cried…
randomly kisses your nose because he loves to see your face all scrunched up from the ticklish feeling and he’d always lean back to laugh at how cute you are~
loves loves loves loves to swipe your hair away from your face (if you have long hair) if not, he likes to ruffle your hair like how he would to his younger buddies like Tsukasa or similar to how Izumi would do to a tiny fan of his!
every night is movie night no matter how tired the both of you are and it’s literally just a mess of limbs tangled together to the point that you don’t know whose leg is whose, and the movie is playing in the background as the two of you talk about how your day went while looking at each other adoringly and listening intently to what the other is saying
on the times where he comes home earlier than you, he’d spam you with a lot of chats, emoticons especially, calls, whatever. telling you how much he misses you already and how he hopes that you hurry home because if he doesn’t get all the cuddles and kisses he’ll die!
would ocassionally wrap his tiny arms around your middle from the back whenever you’re washing the dishes and places his chin on your shoulder. he loves to watch you do whatever and for him it’s already the most beautiful thing ever .
okay he loves you when you're awake and sleep but he does likes watching you sleep like— not in the crazy natsume “im gonna kill you” way, but in the way you look so peaceful and without a worry in the world and how you just look so natural and imperfectly perfect!
blasts loud music in the house whenever y'all are cleaning around the house, you both are doing more 80% dancing and 20% cleaning~ he’d find some hidden and old stuff from different parts of the house and he’d get distracted playing with it and tagging you along as well. in the end, the cleaning will have to be done another day <3
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lucy90712 · 3 years
domestic head cannons
George loves going to the grocery store with you for some reason no matter how much you need or what time he is he will want to come with you. Although going in the early hours of the morning for snacks is his favourite.
At 3am he will drag you out the house after you both ate the snacks you have in the house while having a movie marathon. Neither of you want to drive so you walk through the cold night to the nearest store which is only 5 minutes away but in the cold it feels so much longer. George would give you his hoodie if you were shivering even if he was kind of cold he would want you to be warm and plus it means that you will have to cuddle with him.
Running round the store finding all the snacks you both wanted as well as a few sensible things which you would have had to get tomorrow. It was so fun and you had never done anything like it before but George definitely has so he has so much fun dragging you round and making you do stupid things. He makes you kind of embarrass yourself but luckily there is very few people around to judge you but there was enough by your standards.
The walk back home was very slow because the two of you were laughing and making silly jokes tiredness clearly kicking in slightly but you would both stay up for a while longer. When you finally got home George pulled you on top of him to warm him up because he was cold and then eventually you fell asleep on him and he just watched you because you looked very peaceful and cute.
He likes to cook with you whenever he has the time because it is something that you both can do to spend some quality time together. After a long day of you both working meeting in the kitchen to cook something nice is a comfort activity for the both of you and standing there together gives you time to talk about your days and the things that happened to you that day.
The second you get home Clay is there to take all of your things for you and then get out all the things you needed to make the dinner you had planned. He is so helpful and loves being by your side after not seeing you all day especially when you haven't had a great day he can be there to give you hugs and kisses all over your face to make you feel better. After a good day where you felt like you achieved something he will be so glad you have enjoyed your day because he knows that your job can be a nightmare at times.
When you are waiting for things to cook he will stand against the counter with you pressed against his chest and hands around your waist just talking with each other. It's both of your favourite time of the day when you two get to spend time together without any interruptions and nothing else that really takes away from your conversation.
Clay loves having you right with him after missing you all day so just holding you close to him even if neither of you are talking just having you there is comforting to him, knowing your safe and in his arms is something that makes him feel better. He will hold you tight and play with your hair or fiddle with your fingers one to keep him occupied and two to feel close to you.
He loves to sit with you while you do homework or even help when he can but mostly he just likes being there with you while you work because he likes the way your face changes when you are concentrating. He can always tell when you won't be listening to him because your face changes to you biting the inside of your lip which he loves so much and sometimes he will say random things to you to see if you hear him or question the complete nonsense that he says.
Sometimes after he finishes a stream and sees that your still working he will pull you onto his lap and let you continue with whatever you were doing although you do always get distracted by him moving around and asking what you are doing. He will rest his head on your shoulder and watch you work until you are done or just give up for the night.
If you are really struggling with a piece of work he will try his best to help and if any of his friends are better at what you are studying he will talk to them and see if they can help you. Anything he can do to make your life easier he will do because he doesn't like to see you stressed. In the absolute worst case scenario and you are having a breakdown he will make you have a break and do something else.
Karl loves to bake with you in fact it's one of his favourite past times and you are good at it so whatever you make always turns out good no matter how much you mess around. You both do mess around quite a lot but that's the fun of it, who wouldn't want to draw shapes in the flour that's on the counter top or Karl's favourite is putting it on your nose to annoy you.
He will always find new recipes for you both to try which you do try to follow as best you can while also having fun. Sometimes you will make your favourite recipes which you have become pros at so you can have a little more fun with it trying new things as additions.
The worst part is having to clean the kitchen after you have made a mess but after you are finished you get to cuddle up on the sofa until the timer goes off indicating what you made was done. Karl isn’t trusted to get the things out the oven because one time he caught the baking Trey with his arm and burnt himself meaning he dropped everything you guys had spent ages making so now it’s your job.
After you have been baking the house always smells really nice but the best part is eating what you made and trying out either something new or a new combination which somehow always turns out good and end with you both eating pretty much the whole thing.  
Wilbur loves cleaning with you he finds it therapeutic and it's a great time to take a break from work and help you out. The both of you love to listen to music as you clean and occasionally you will take breaks and dance together which are some of your favourite times together because it's never planned you just both kind of start syncing together.
You could be dusting a shelf and Wilbur will come over and put his arms round your waist and start swaying to the music with you. Doing that doesn't make the house clean but you both enjoy it more than cleaning so you let him dance with you and sometimes sing the song that is playing in your ear very softly. He will occasionally kiss the top of your head which rests against his chest or shoulder.
It's these moments together that make Wilbur really appreciate you so much they make him realise that without you he has no idea where he would be and he hopes you feel the same even though he knows you do. You love these moments because any time with Wilbur is a good time in your mind.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Demon Brothers as Roommates
So, the MC has left the Devildom and, of course, everybody is quite sad… But this time around, they have a little trick up their sleeve. With just a bit of magic (and training thanks to Solomon) the MC can now summon one of their favorite demon boys up to the human world with them! There's just, uh, one problem though… After being summoned to their side, their beloved demon now refuses to leave it.
Alright MC, enjoy your new demonic roommate!!
Apparently Lucifer is on sabbatical… And yes, he does appreciate that irony in that.
Lucifer actually has a surprising amount of human world money stashed away in alias accounts (because this man renting a cheap motel on business trips? Let's be real) so he uses that wealth to get them a place befitting his standards… which are high.
Spacious apartments in nice areas that would make even the upper middle-class shit their pants? Congrats, MC, that's where you're staying now!
Even with all that money, though, Lucifer CANNOT sit idle for a second. The guy is used to working all his life and just sitting around would drive him insane!
Expect him to still be running some Devildom affairs long-distance style while doing something else on the side, probably stock market stuff tbh.
Is going to want to pay for and provide everything himself but will respect the MC if they still want to work and split the bills (not to a ridiculous degree, though, like half-and-half because that would mean getting three jobs at least).
A lot of trips and vacations too, especially if the MC likes to travel. It’s a good excuse to relax while also technically doing something so he doesn’t lose his mind doing nothing in particular.
He is going to be that strict roommate who expects you not to be a slob and isn't afraid to say so. Regularly scheduled cleaning/organization days are mandatory because hygiene is important. Take some pride in yourself and wash up, MC. That kind of thing.
Also going to have short-fuse for… antics. If you want to prank him, do so at your own risk because he may prank back (and that’s not nearly as fun as it sounds, trust me.)
Yeah so, living with Mammon is like the inverse of Lucifer. Prepare to be poooor.
Man has no human money, are you kidding me? Even if he did, he wouldn’t keep it for very long. Couples budgeting is a MUST if you’re looking to survive.
The apartment is going to be whatever the MC can more or less afford on their own with Mammon shoved in somewhere like a cheap lamp… Don’t expect a lot of room.
However, Mammon is great at the hustle. Man can work multiple jobs and actually be pretty dang good at them. For the most part, anyway. He may occasionally trip up and get himself fired, but he bounces back quick.
If the MC isn’t so moral he can also uh… “find” some extra money lying around too. Just be careful when playing with fire, right?
Even if they’re poor as shit, Mammon is still a blast to be around. The guy knows how to have fun on and off of a budget. Lots of “window shopping” (getting kicked out of stores for goofing off), nightclubs, amusement parks, and cheap fun. They’ll never be without a story to tell or a smile on their face!
He IS pretty slobbish though. He’s not going to remember to clean up after himself unless told, but he’s also not going to be bothered if they don’t do the same thing. A weekly cleaning day is going to be ideal unless they don’t mind living in a pigsty...
Prank waaaaars!! The kind of guy to get them both water guns and have a war in the middle of the apartment complex. Good luck getting any rest with Mammon around.
Whelp, your room is now his room, quite literally MC. You had to pick the shut-in…
The guy isn’t exactly poor but what human money he does have is all wrapped up in his many interests… Merch interests specifically. 
Thankfully, he won’t take up too much space. Put him in a room with a desk, bed (or bathtub), TV, and computer and he’s good to go! 
He’s not going to be a complete bum, thankfully. There’s no way that they can get him to leave the apartment, but he can run small online stores (usually anime themed) or become a streamer. Probably enough to help pay the bills, but not much more.
If they don’t mind having a literally permanent housemate, then being with Levi has its own kind fun. Lots of anime marathons, movie nights, and game nights. Really, it’s just like how he was in the House, but now transported to the human world.
Is probably going to want a pet goldfish, snake ,or lizard so prepare to house Henry 3.0.
When he does leave the apartment, it’s to take the MC to conventions, concerts, or anime stores. He always manages to get just enough money for these trips, but never says where the money comes from… Best not to ask. Could be black market for they know...
… He’s a shut-in. He’s a shut-in roommate. Hygiene isn’t exactly his main concern. If they ask him to, he’ll make sure to clean up after himself, but he may need a reminder.
Can have a fun side, but just don’t mess with his stuff too much. He doesn’t need a Mammon 2.0 around too...
He's either hatching a plan for world domination or adopting 10 cats… One or the other.
About as poor as Mammon at first, but threat not. He won’t be for very long. Satan is intelligent beyond his years (or equivalent his years maybe?) so he’ll probably net himself several degrees within a couple semesters like a certified prodigy.
At that point, there really isn’t much to worry about (aside from student loans, join our pain Satan) but he can sell himself just fine and probably get some high paying job like a lawyer or doctor or whatever… I’m not jealous…
They’ll start out in a pretty modest place, but there will be upgrades fairly quickly when he starts racking it in so Satan’s a fairly decent choice as a roommate.
He does still have that nasty habit of breaking things when he’s pissed off, but that can be subverted by getting a pet! Just hold up whatever cat you own when he’s about to rampage then declare that he’s scaring/upsetting them and he’ll stop in his tracks. Works every time!
Probably going to be the most domestic out of the brothers. He enjoys cooking (and ain’t half bad at it either), shopping is a practical necessity, he’ll take care your pets like they were his own flesh and blood, etc.
There will even to be points where he’s in bed reading in the middle of the night with tea and reading glasses like some kind of grandma so take that image for what you will.
Satan is the prankster of the household, but he does his pranks more as a way to give grief to his enemies rather than for funsies. Be warned, if you poke this bear he will retaliate for sweet, sweet revenge and he has centuries worth of pranks behind him. Good luck.
It's a new party every night, sweetie, get used to it!
Asmo is the only other brother who has some amount of money to offer from his own trips to the human world, but it's just a modest amount.
Is totally willing to work to help pay for a nice place. He wants a building nice enough to host parties!
Would go back to modeling and maybe dip his toe into acting from time to time… He gets a lot of gigs (this IS the Avatar of Lust after all) so they won't be strapped for cash. Which is good, because Asmo is a very "business by day, but party every night" kind of person. 
Do know that his shopping is NOT going to slow down either. Keep an eye on the budget.
He’s also going to make friends wherever he goes so he’s going to want for them all to hang out at least somewhat regularly.
That being said, he can tone it down some if the MC so desires, just know that they can’t keep him cooped up in the apartment for too long or he’ll start getting antsy. You can’t keep this stallion locked up, MC, he needs to run free!!
Being with Asmo is going to be like having a free pass to whatever gathering the MC wants to go to, at least. He could even get them into red carpet events with just his sheer charisma, charm, and er-… “charms.” Who doesn’t want to meet their favorite actress or singer, eh?
But oh, sweetie, please don’t prank him! Life is too short to waste on silly games (he also just genuinely just doesn’t enjoy being messed with so best not do it).
Brave choice, MC, but quick question. How in the world are you going to pay your food bills???
Beel is a real sweetheart through and through but his stomach is NOT. That thing will eat them out of house and home! (Maybe even literally!!) Both of them are going to have to work and probably some pretty looong hours (cause he’s got no money either).
Honestly, Beel would be best as a personal trainer in the human world. He’s a pretty decent combination of tough but genuinely kind and motivating. (The fact that he’s pretty easy on the eyes would help out a lot too).
But the MC won’t have to worry about Beel sneaking off with someone just looking for some “quality time.” He’d take his job seriously, though he’s not particularly versed in what the human body can’t handle so only the really dedicated (or masochistic) would stick with him anyway.
“Good work last week, April! You did so well that we’re going to go from 500 pushups to a thousand! … I can see you’re worried, but I believe in you.”
But hey, he can deadlift well over 2,000 pounds without breaking a sweat so who has the balls to argue with him, anyway?
Trying out every restaurant in town would be a must. He’d even plan out vacations for them with the sole purpose of travelling the globe and tasting the different flavors. Food trips!!
He's neat enough since he used to tidy up a lot for Belphie so no need to worry about him picking up after himself (except for the occasional pile of wrappers. Toss those out unless you want ants)
I mean, you can prank Beel if you want. He'll be pretty good-natured about it as long as it stays harmless. Just don't ruin any of his food, got it?
So… Belphie makes for some excellent décor! Really he is great at laying around and looking fantastic just… he’s not that great at much else...
Realistically, choosing Belphie as a roommate is kind like having a high maintenance pet. He’s good for love and cuddles, but he’s not going to be helping with the bills or anything unless they whine incessantly about it.
If the MC can make enough for the both of them, then it should be fine. They won’t get upset and he won’t be crabby but if not… Oh boy.
Regular job Belphie is a needy Belphie. He’ll come back from whatever job he’s working, likely a night shift, and demand attention or cuddles right then and there. He needs to recharge those batteries, after all...
If he isn’t working then he's at his happiest. He can even pull off being a “househusband” of sorts. He’s not going to go above and beyond the call of duty, but he can keep the place clean, get a basic meal on the table (provided someone teaches him some human recipes), and get groceries if he needs to… You know, basic domestic shit.
They’re going to have to come to terms with the fact that, at some level, Belphie just doesn’t believe in “common curtesy” or “human decency.” If some neighbors are being too noisy for his liking, he will troll them to oblivion and beyond. He may even get sued for it if he takes it too far, so the MC will have to keep an eye on him…
He’s the House’s #2 prankster, but unlike Satan he doesn’t need any malice to be a little shit. The MC will be pranked and it will be at the most unexpected times. Be warned...
Check out my Masterlist for more!
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astroyongie · 2 years
Hi! If you have the time could you maybe do an A-Z with Chenle? SFW or NSFW you decide what you are most comfortable with I would be super happy with either! :)
Note: I will do it SFW since it would be the first one in the page <3 And Lele, is still baby in my mind
Chenle A To Z Analysis : SFW
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A = Affection
Chenle isn't the most affectionated person ever and that because his way to show affection would be through teasing and playful fights. Sometimes he might say a gentle word
B = Best friend
As as best friend Chenle, would be such a confident and a good secret keeper. He listens and he tries his best to help out. Loves to go on adventurous and play games and mostly to just spend time with you
C = Cuddles
Not a cuddler he really only does it if you beg him for like 10 minutes straight
D = Domestic
He would like to settle down one day even if he knows that it won't happen like he has imagined it. He would suck at cleaning tho, don't expect him to be a cleaning freak
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If he had to break up with his partner, Chenle would do it through social media or text or a call because he would be unable to di it directly. It's maybe cowardly, but it would be the easiness option
F = Fiance(e)
Committing is something that scares him, because he knows there's standards on his family and he really wonders if he will ever be happy with that
G = Gentle
Chenle is a Huricane, is love comes with hate. To love, he needs also to be a little dick sometimes, but that's his way to show love.
H = Hugs
As indicated, Chenle doesn't like to hug much but there will be times where he will come up behind you and hug you just for the pleasure of it
I = I love you
He probably says it first without even noticing it and then he would totally deny it
J = Jealousy
He can get extremely jealous over the smallest things and when he does , he gets pretty upset and usually gives you the cold shoulder for days before he will actually sit down and listen to you
K = Kisses
His kisses are gentle and wet, and he loves to kiss you while his hands are on your waist. He also love when you give him navel and nose kisses
L = Little ones
Children makes him panic even though he is curious and low-key enjoys to be around them
M = Morning
If possible, Chenle would like to spend the morning in bed with you, while watching a movie or playing some silly games
N = Night
He will snore and take all the blanket away from your body but hey he would also let you cuddle with him during all night
O = Open
He isn't a very open person and he would need several months of relationship and trust before he starts to reveal his feelings and emotions and even his past and problems to you.
P = Patience 
He is easily angered by stupid things where serious things usually don't get him too soon.
Q = Quizzes
Honestly he isn't the best at remembering the things you have asked for your birthday or the dates that are important. Chenle tend to forget details easily even if he remembers the top topic of the discussion
R = Remember His favorite moments with you are the ones where you two are alone, here you are laughing and probably playing Mario Kart and he lets you win just so he can see your smile over your face.
S = Security
Very protective and jealous, Chenle would always make sure you are safe and sound, and happy with the situation. he usually protects you by glaring to the other person while keeping his hand on your waist
T = Try
He keeps his efforts minimalist, simply because he sucks at it so it makes him frustrated and thus so he doesn't get angry, does minimalist things.
U = Ugly
He has this bad habit to get into bed with dirty socks and then touch your legs with it
V = Vanity
Since he is an idol of course looks are important but when he is with you he won't even bother, he basically is always barefaced without his hair brushed
W = Whole
He would feel incomplete after 2 weeks without you but he would never admit it
X = Xtra
Chenle would be a loyal boyfriend, who would never cheat on you and would have a very serous deep commitment with you
Y = Yuck
He wouldn't like when his partner nags him about how much time he spends on his phone or working, on when they complain about his parents, family and culture
Z = Zzz
He sleeps with all the duvet on his body and one foot out of the bed
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got-svt · 3 years
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order up !  large americano at 75% sweetness, a slice of strawberry shortcake, and a slice of cherry pie with mingyu for anon <3 order notes :  mingyu x reader, angst, fluff, a first date, brief mentions of other members, cameo from eunwoo bec i watched true beauty and was in need of another 97 liner, and a very nervous mingyu, he just wants everything to go well smh look, something’s written on your cup... hi ! for transparency’s sake this is an edited version of something that i posted a while back that i deleted. so if you are the anon who requested this but couldn’t find it, here it is now ! 
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summary : all mingyu wanted was to go on one nice date with you, was that too much to ask? well, according to the universe, it was.
word count : ~2.8k
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The first sign was he woke up a little too late, technically it wasn’t even a sign, considering that it was entirely his fault anyway. Mingyu had spent all of the previous night preparing for your date with him — making little sandwiches, cutting up some fruit, baking cookies to be put in little plastic containers. After hearing that you hadn’t been to the park in quite a while, never really having a reason to go, he decided that a picnic wasn’t too bad of an idea for a first date. 
Mingyu had wanted to ask you out for the longest time, being friends with him ever since both of you knew how to talk. It was easy, your friendship with him. Neither of you ever felt like you had to put up some sort of front, or have walls up incredibly high. He asked you out in the most casual of ways too, like it wasn’t that big of a deal. You couldn’t tell but on the inside, he was freaking out — that came with not knowing how you’d react and the possibility of rejection.
“Are you free tomorrow?” Mingyu asked, unable to meet your eyes.
You nodded, slightly confused at his inability to match your gaze.
“Okay, I was thinking we can go to the park tomorrow since you told me you haven’t been there in a while. Maybe we could go on a picnic?” He spoke as if he didn’t start preparing for this days ago, looking up fun things to do while on a picnic or a park — picking wildflowers together was high up on the list of things he wanted to do with you.
“Oh, sure! I’ll text Wonwoo and the others to see if they want to join us—”
“No!” Mingyu exclaimed, a little too loud and a little too quickly, a hand in front of you like he was about to physically stop you from doing something. “I was thinking that it could be just the two of us, you know?”
He hoped you would pick up on it, the implication from the nervous tone in his voice, how when he finally gazed up at you with softness in his yes. He was asking you out, on a date. Mingyu wished that you could tell. Unfortunately for him, you didn’t.
You shrugged your shoulders before giving him a smile, “Sure! We’ll meet there at around 10?”
And he couldn’t tell that you didn’t pick up on it either.
Mingyu woke up groggy that morning, his phone on the bedside table, calling out to him with the sound of a text notification. 
[Y/N]: where are you? I’m already here >:(
His eyes widened, falling off his bed in shock once he realized it was already five minutes past 10 am. Mingyu took a shower, put on his clothes, grabbed everything he needed, and sped past the door in twenty minutes. This was not how he planned it out in his head. Mingyu was supposed to surprise you at your place, a bouquet of your favorite flowers in hand. No matter, he still had the rest of the day to sweep you off your feet and ask you to be his.
The sun shone brightly that morning, but it was neither hot nor humid. It was actually the perfect to be outside, with multiple white clouds littering the pale blue sky, a soft breeze blowing through the blades of grass, children running around playing tag — their laughter filling the air. Mingyu smiled, determined that today was going to be perfect
His eyes scanned around the are for any sight of your familiar figure, eyes lighting up when he finally spots you. Mingyu makes his way over, the nervousness that slowly started to creep up on him becoming amplified once he realizes that you were talking to someone else. 
The first thing he noticed was how big your smile was as you talked to this person, stretching across your face and crinkling your eyes. Did you ever smile this much around him? You stood a few feet away from the man, but you were very clearly comfortable around him — lightly pushing his shoulder as you laughed, peering up at him through your eye lashes. You finally notice him walking to you, waving your hand and beckoning him to move quicker.
“Hey Gyu!” You grinned, greeting him like you always did, a quick one armed side-hug.
“Hi, Yn.” Mingyu attempted a smile, but it felt a little restrained, gesturing to the person you were just talking to, “Who’s this?”
“Oh! This is Eunwoo, we dated a while ago but it never really worked out.” You shrugged, waving it off like it wasn’t that big of a deal. “You were taking so long and I happened to run into him so we were just catching up a bit.”
“I see..” He trailed off, holding a hand out for Eunwoo to shake. He had known you for years now, and yet he had never heard you mention an Eunwoo to him before. “Nice to meet you, man.”
“Likewise.” Eunwoo replied, shaking Mingyu’s hand before turning to face you. “I won’t keep you too long. My number’s still the same, we should meet up for coffee sometime.”
Mingyu couldn’t help but furrow his brows at the sight of you enthusiastically accepting Eunwoo’s invitation. The little tug on his heartstrings was hard to ignore as he watched you give a quick hug goodbye to your ex-boyfriend — a very attractive ex-boyfriend for that matter. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go, why did he have to wake up so late? If he had been there on time, you wouldn’t have been able to catch up with him for as long as you did. If he had stuck to his original plan of picking you up, you probably wouldn’t have seen him at all. 
Kim Mingyu wasn’t the jealous type, but in that moment, he couldn’t help but feel exactly that. Especially when he had been pining after for you for so long now, he didn’t want it to come crashing down just because of one person. 
“You’re pouting.” You commented, quickly noticing how uncharacteristically quiet he had become. The two of you walked side by side, hands ever so slightly brushing against one another. You hoped that the warm weather would be enough of an excuse for the red flush that made its way to your cheeks.
Mingyu shook his head, he didn’t mean to have you worrying for him. “Don’t worry about it.”
His reply made you even more skeptical, should there be something you’re meant to be worrying about? But you decided to drop the question, maybe it truly wasn’t that big of a deal.
You and Mingyu found a spot in a less crowded area of the park, you no longer the heard the sound of children screaming or their exhausted parents calling out over them. Instead the melodious sounds of birds tweeting up at the sky filled your ears, a delicate wind blew between the two of you, and the sun’s glare becoming much softer as it finally became covered by the clouds. 
He takes out a blue picnic blanket and lays it flat on the ground, smoothing out imaginary creases in the process. You hold a hand out to him, wordlessly letting him know that you’d like to set the picnic up with him. Mingyu hands you the picnic basket, and you spent the next couple of minutes in silence as you tried to make everything look almost picture perfect. The silence was far from uncomfortable, manifested by the small smiles and the growing blushes on both of your faces. There was something rather domestic about the activity, handing him different containers of food, deciding together where everything should be placed.
“Did you make these yourself?” You asked once both of you finally settled down, gesturing to the wide array of food that lay in front of you. 
Mingyu smiled, a hand on the back of his neck as he suddenly became ever so slightly bashful, “Yeah. I hope you like it.”
You take a bite of one of the chocolate chip cookies, something in you decided to tease him a little, making a face of slight disgust as you swallowed. His heart sank, a look of disappointment clearly covering his face. He spent all night making those, weren’t they up to your standard?
Panic washes over you as you saw a frown overtake his once smiling face, “I’m kidding! They’re good.”
Mingyu lets out a breath, the disappointment slowly disappearing as the two of you settled into an easy conversation, though that was never really difficult for the two of you. You and him have been friends for about a few years now, but he didn’t really know when exactly he started to see you as something more. He just knew that he did. This much was clear to him when he catches himself staring at you for a little too long, definitely longer than what would be considered normal. There was just something about you that enchanted him, whether it was you laughing over some silly joke he made, frowning as you become disappointed in the latest episode of a show you were watching, face illuminated by the light of a tv screen. You could be reading him your grocery list and he’d still think it was the most interesting thing in the world. 
The extent of his feelings terrified him the first time he realized they were there in the first place. Mingyu wasn’t meant to feel that way for you, one of his closest friends. But he did, and the thought of you possibly not feeling the same way terrified him even more. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You asked, head tilted to the side, “Do I have something on my face?”
Mingyu shook his head quickly, he didn’t mean to stare again.
You felt a sharp sting on your ankle, wincing as you immediately yelped from the pain, “Ouch!”
“What’s wrong?” Mingyu asked, eyes alight with concern. 
You shook your head in response, thinking it was just a lone ant deciding to inconvenience you. That thought was quickly dismissed when you felt another equally sharp sting near that same area. 
“Oh no…” You trailed off, looking a few meters to the side of your picnic blanket,  “Mingyu…”
“Oh!” He exclaimed, following your gaze to the trail of ants that were quickly making their way to the two of you. Great, was nature against him too?
The both of you immediately got up, covering containers, placing them in the basket, and folding up the picnic blanket before the rest of the ants could step their tiny little feet onto the blanket and into the food. As you walked to find a new spot to continue the rest of your date, Mingyu couldn’t help but feel a little bit discouraged. Three things had gone wrong in the span of a few hours, was this just the universe warning him that the two of you will never work out? Maybe telling him to back off early before he gets his heart broken. 
In the distance, a low rumble breaks through what would’ve been the perfect day out, followed by a sharp crackle piercing through the air. The sky once a brilliant blue was suddenly covered in heavy, stormy clouds. The park that once basked in the sun’s golden glow became shrouded in gray, people seemed to know what was about to happen as they hurriedly packed their things and go home.
It started out a small droplets, like little kisses on your skin that almost felt like nothing. They were small, and they fell ever so slowly. For a brief moment, Mingyu thought that this was going to be over quick. Then suddenly, the sky weeped, loud and heavy as it drenched the entirety of the park in rain. 
Okay, nature was definitely against him now. 
Mingyu stopped walking, was there even a point to moving forward? Everything was ruined. The food should be inedible at this point, you and him were soaked and freezing, and it’s not like you could have a picnic on muddy park soil. At this point, the universe had sent him so many signs, he’d feel like a fool if he didn’t listen now. But still, he wished things had happened the way it did in his head. He let out a frustrated groan, tears nearly pricking the corners of his eyes.
“Are you okay?” You asked, a gentle hand on his shoulder. Mingyu was very clearly distressed, but you failed to see why. It’s nature, it’s not something you or him could control. Things like this happen and you should be spending your energy trying to find a place to shelter yourselves from the rain. You grab onto his arm, trying to pull him away, “Come on, let’s find a place that can cover us.”
“No! I’m not okay, Yn…” He trailed off, agitation seeping into each and every one of his words. He shrugs off his arm, much to your surprise. Usually, he’d let you cling onto him for as long as you liked. “I just wanted today to be perfect.”
You furrowed your brows, slightly confused at his irritation, “Why does it matter if today is perfect or not?”
Mingyu sighed, he was getting cold now. He wanted nothing more to be wrapped up in a blanket and have you in his arms. But he knew the chances of the happening now are essentially slim to none. The day was already ruined, and there’s nothing he could do to even remotely salvage it. “I just…”
You gestured for him to continue, waiting patiently as he tried to find the words to say.
“I wanted to give you the perfect date…” He spoke, looking down at his feet.
“Wait, this was a date?” You didn’t mean to sound surprised, you just genuinely were. Voice raising octaves and eyebrows shot up, talking too quickly to catch most of the words, “Like a date-date? I thought we were just hanging out! All you asked me yesterday was whether or not I was free!”
Mingyu’s shoulder’s slumped. He didn’t have to ask you to repeat himself, he heard you clearly despite how hard the rain currently came down, the beating of his own heart deafening him. In a way, he was thankful for the rain; at least you wouldn’t be able to tell if a few tears escaped his eyes. “I’m sorry, I just thought…yeah, no. I should have expected this.”
Guilt immediately flooded your senses, he must’ve read your shock as a rejection of his feelings. You didn’t mean to sound so startled at him thinking the entire day as a date, you just couldn’t believe the possibility that he felt the same way you did for him. “Mingyu.”
You were sure if he had heard you, his gaze still on the ground. You called out to him again, this time your voice much louder and sterner, hoping that it would get his attention. “Gyu.”
“What is it, Yn?” He looked up to find you making your way towards him, a small pout forming on your lips. Mingyu sighed, “You don’t have to do this. I’ll be fine.” 
“I like you.” You spoke, just as you were about a few feet away from him, looking into his eyes to make sure he knew that you meant it — that you were being completely serious.
His world stopped. Suddenly, it seemed like the earlier events of the day never happened. He never woke up late, you hadn’t gotten the chance to catch-up with your ex-boyfriend, ants never tried to show up uninvited to your picnic, rain never poured down on the two of you. All these things he thought were signs from the universe, never occurred. There was only you and him, and you liked him back. 
“Oooooh you wanna kiss me so bad.” You teased, attempting to snap him out of his trance.
Mingyu didn’t mean to stare at you again, speechless. He just couldn’t believe that this was real just yet. But your words, how you looked at him with a smile — expectant, like you were challenging him to do something, to make a move — finally made him realize just how real this was. “And what if I do?”
You blinked back, not expecting that bold of a response. Still, you took a single step forward, further closing the already small distance between the two of you. “I’d let you.”
Without another word, he moves a hand to your chin, gently tilting your face up so his lips could meet yours in a kiss.
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languor-em · 2 years
Ingo/Theo thoughts???? Ingo/Theo thoughts??? Share with your bestie boy please and thankyou I read bullying and I am here to hear about it.
Okay okay I'm gonna put this under the cut in case people don't wanna see my self shippy screaming and because this is gonna be long as HELL but!!! Theo and Ingo!!! My absolute beloveds at the moment!!! Sorry Grimora my love I'll think about you again soon sgakaha
Okay okay so I'll start off with the non-arceus flavored thoughts because those are less angsty and like,,, a bit less complicated by story standards??
But in this timeline, Theo was born and raised in Galar, and has spent most of their life there. They ran a ghost-type Pokemon sanctuary for a long time that sort of doubled as like,,, a cat cafe equivalent, trying to help lessen the stigma surrounding the type and find their charges perfect partners!! Her partner is a Gengar named spooky who's been with Theo since they were both itty bitty- shout out to Theo's grandad for letting her keep the Ghastly that decided to follow her home.
Now I won't lie, my knowledge of Pokemon B&W is still very limited but!!! I know the very basics (I'm playing through B&W 2 with my bro rn and I'm on a desperate search for the first one) and enough to say with confidence that Theo just,,, gets their ass thoroughly beat. They really expect the train twins to make vicious fun of them for losing but they,,, don't. Emmet smiles and tells her to work hard to improve and challenge them again and Ingo- Ingo says something very sweet about the bond between Theo and her Pokemon being strong, but she needs to trust in their strength a little more. It sticks with her- and she finds herself coming back again and again until a friendship forms between the three of them.
Flash forward a good few years, and Theo decides that they want to travel. Specifically, they want to travel to Unova. They leave their sanctuary in the care of some of their most trusted friends/employees and head on their way!!! A lot of their time is spent just like,, wandering around and doing the stereotypical touristy shit but!! Eventually Theo decides fuck it, they want to try this whole battling thing, and start pushing themselves towards that goal. That's how they meet Ingo and Emmet on the battle subway!!
And now's the time that I stop rambling about backstory and get into the DYNAMIC!!! BECAUSE!!!! AAAHH!!! Emmet and Theo are BESTIES. They are neurodivergent and silly and they LOVE bullying Ingo. Much of their free time is spent harassing Ingo and like,, teasing him about silly little things. Emmet shares stories about what Ingo was like as a kid and Theo gently teases Ingo about how awkward he can be in a romantic setting. Ingo and Theo's relationship is just,, it's very relaxed. It's very much the sort of situation where close friends become romantic partners and like,, while it's awkward at first, not much changes? Sure, the first two weeks or so of their relationship was tentative and fragile- consisting mostly of the two dancing around eachother but?? After a nice talk where the two of them establish what they want, things settle into a very domestic setting. They're still best friends at the end of the day, it's just that they now hold hands and Theo gets to kiss him before he goes to work and when he comes home. I don't think Ingo is very big on giving physical affection, he strikes me as more of an acts of service and words of affirmation kind of guy. But he doesn't mind Theo expressing themself through touch- they have a lot of trouble with words. That's something that really gets me in the heart about this relationship- Ingo has trouble expressing himself physically and makes up for it with words, and Theo has a lot of trouble with words and express more though touch. They complement each other really well, and I feel like a lot of their relationship is supporting eachother in their downfalls and building one another up. Also a lot of info dumping. Autism and ADHD solidarity right there. Also Theo cooks for both Ingo and Emmet a lot- they pack their lunches. Can you tell one of my love languages is food? Also also Theo occasionally visits them at work, but she knows they're busy a lot of the time so she doesn't stay super long.
Also I'm trying not to think about how gutted Theo would be when Ingo disappears and how she and Emmet will have to lean on one another and grieve and-
Anyway!!! This is already so long and I'M SORRY but now we're on to the Arceus timeline. Also spoilers but like,, you know. Because is it a different timeline completely? Yes. Yes it is. Don't look at me like that- I just really like overthinking things and-
Anyway- Theo gets isekai'd into ancient Hisui and cannot remember a single thing. In this au they're still from Galar and had their ghost sanctuary, but they never gave in to their desire to visit Unova. And somehow, I'm not really sure why, Arceus decides that there's noone better to do its bidding than the constantly stressed and anxious trainer from rural Galar. It doesn't even have the decency to send Spooky with them- which is stupid, because that's Theo's emotional support Gengar and Theo's Spooky's emotional support human. That's a whole bout of amnesia angst in and of itself, one that I'll maybe talk about in a different post suajdaj
Anyway, Theo joins up with the Galaxy team because like?? What other option is there?? And the plot proceeds as normal. Theo meets Ingo in all his New York subway amnesiac glory, Irida tells her that Ingo also just,, popped up from nowhere with no memories and that she hopes maybe traveling together will help jog something in their fucked up little brains.
So they travel together to Lord Electrode, they bond, Theo battles Ingo and barely wins (he was even going easy on her), Theo meets and is promptly also adopted by Sneasler (because Sneasler absolutely looked at Ingo and Theo and decided that they were just real fucked up Sneasels), Theo saves Electrode and is HORRIBLY burned (THE THINGS FIRING ELECTRICITY AT HER!!!!)- and Ingo and Adaman have to basically carry her back to Jubilife. Ingo stays in Jubilife while Theo heals, occasionally popping in and keeping her company and just,,, they bond a lot!!
After Theo heals and is ready to get back to work, Ingo just sort of,,, comes with them? They travel together and become a team and just,, they get really close. They try to help eachother remember as much as they can, and they comfort eachother when that strange, gnawing homesickness grows to be too much. Theo holds Ingo as tight as they can when he breaks down and starts rambling about a man who looked like him, who always smiled and liked winning more than anything else. And Ingo's there to sit quietly next to Theo and let them cry into his chest when they feel their heart shatter when they see a Gengar for the first time in the wild and start sobbing about a childhood friend. They're there for eachother, no matter how much they hurt. And although it's unspoken, they love eachother. And they would do anything for eachother. And they are there to be eachother's rock when the world just feels like too much.
On a much lighter note, there's still so much info dumping. But now with the added flavor of 'wait how do I know this much about that??' Like,, Ingo's out here asking 'what the fuck even IS a train??' and Theo's like 'How do I know so much about Yamask?? What even is a Yamask??? whATS A GALAR??' And then they bond ÚwÙ
Basically, in every au they're in they just,, are very neurodivergent together. It's a very sweet and laid back relationship, and they make it work really well. Emmet, Ingo, and Theo are a dynamic Trio and bullying Ingo can actually be so personal. I think it's very much the sort of relationship where people are surprised when they find out Theo and Ingo are an item because like,,, they're so casual??
Like,, Ingo offhandedly says like, "Sorry, I'm going home. Come back tomorrow. My wife is making our anniversary dinner, and I can't be late."
And the challenger is just like, "yOUR WIFE??? YOU'RE MARRIED??"
And Ingo just,,, deadpan goes, "Yes? Did you not see my ring?" Forgetting that he's wearing gloves and just shakahsia
I need to stop, I'm going insane. Thank you so much Emile bestie you should NOT have encouraged me ahajjsnaan
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lillotte17 · 3 years
Bird Nest
Continuation of my post-canon drabble things!! Who is ready for some Emotional Whiplash?!
Domesticity is not something that Zhou Zishu has much experience with.
Even before becoming the Four Seasons’ Manor Lord and the Leader of the Window of Heaven, his family had always kept servants. He has never been like Jing BeiYuan, who seems to like nothing more than luxuriating amidst finery, but he has never had to concern himself with the everyday tasks of cooking and cleaning and doing laundry, either. He knows how to look after himself well enough, when he has to, but his standards of ‘well enough’ are not especially high. He was always content to make do with the things on hand, and wait for his fortunes to shift towards something better. Or to simply drown himself in wine until the state of his surroundings and his body no longer mattered.
It has never bothered him before, but in these last few days spent in the cold dusty ruin of the World’s Armory with Lao Wen, he is beginning to notice the gaping holes of his inadequacies.
He does not know how to take care of someone.
He knows how to protect someone, how to fight off enemies and hide from pursuit and outmaneuver any opposition. He knows how to treat a simple wound or a fever when someone is suffering. He knows how to care about someone, but after words of affirmation and patience and physical intimacy, he is at something of a loss.
When they had been staying at the Four Seasons Manor with Chengling, he could wave off the fact that he was not doing most of the mundane work of keeping them all fed and healthy because he had a disciple to train and poison burning through his veins, and later, an injured shoulder to contend with. He had focused more on their defenses, and taking stock of their food and medical stores. Making sure that the secrets of the Manor had remained hidden and safe, so that Chengling could inherit them once he was ready.
But now the Manor is gone, and there is only the mountain and the armory and Lao Wen, and Zhou Zishu…is not entirely sure what to do with himself.
The first three or four days had been lost to fear and grief, clinging to Wen Kexing’s limp body and pouring as much of his internal force into him as he could before slumping over in exhaustion. Once he had come back to him from the brink of death, the two days following had been surrendered to hands and mouths and ravenous devotions. They had spent most of their time in various stages of undress, lounging about on the random assortments of tattered mats and blankets they had made into their bed, neither one willing to venture far from the other’s line of sight.
The fifth or sixth day finally had Lao Wen declaring that he felt grimy past the point of endurance, and sent him puttering about the maze of bookshelves and farming equipment in search of the tools to shape the armory into a livable space. Rong Xuan and his friends had come here to train, so there were still some useful things here and there. A few chipped bowls and a dusty teapot. A moldering wash basin that is not yet beyond salvation and a small stew pot with a rusting handle. He had swept and bustled and rearranged things in nearly a frenzy, and Zhou Zishu had not done much more than keep him company and carry and few things when he was bidden.
It had taken the better part of the day, but now they have a dining area, a cozy nook in a well-lit corner for reading and writing, and even a few battered screens set up for privacy while bathing or changing clothes, if they feel so inclined. It nearly feels like a home, even if everything they have is in some state of disrepair. They heat enough water to wash themselves, tend to their outer robes as best they can, and sit down to their first meal of ice and snow in nothing but blankets. It is not especially filling, but then again, their bodies do not seem to feel hunger as they did before, either.
Wen Kexing seems buoyant with his successes, his damp snowy hair glistening in the soft light of their little table lamp.
“How long do you suppose it will take the others to come dig us out?” he asks.
“It is hard to say just how bad the avalanche was from in here,” Zishu hums thoughtfully, “Even if they find the markers you left and follow you here, I am afraid it will take a few weeks at the very least. Transporting large amounts of men and equipment through the mountains is slow going even in good weather.”
He smirks at him.
“Why? Are you sick of me already?”
“Impossible,” Wen Kexing laughs with a dismissive wave of his hand, grinning from ear to ear. “It was more of a practical concern. If we are trapped in here for months, we might survive it well enough, but there is no telling what state we will be in without access to any sort of grooming tools. The old monster did not exactly tell me what to expect if the technique succeeded. Will our hair keep growing? What about our fingernails? Are we going to look like horrible mountain beasts by the time they finally come for us? Your poor dumb disciple will start crying in fear again.”
“Chengling will cry when he sees us no matter what we look like,” Zhou Zishu sighs, exasperated yet fond. “But I would assume that since our bodies are no longer using food to fuel themselves in the typical sense, that our metabolisms have slowed, or possibly even stopped. Even if our hair and nails keep growing, it will likely be some time before we become terrifying.”
“Hm,” Lao Wen nods in acceptance, “What will we do about keeping clean, though? Luckily, we do not have to concern ourselves too much with dirty dishes, but what about our clothes? What about ourselves? Water can only do so much on its own.”
“I did not expect you to be this squeamish about a little dirt,” Zishu chuckles.
“Ah Xu,” Wen Kexing says flatly, “It is hardly going to be ‘a little dirt’ after several weeks. You should know by now that to touch and be touched by you is one of my life’s dearest delights, but if you truly intend to forego soap and cleanliness for an entire month or more, I am not sharing a bed with you. For sleeping, or anything else.”
Zhou Zishu arches a brow at him in disbelief.
“Would you care to know how long it had been since I had a bath when we first met?”
“Just because I could tell you were beautiful beneath all of that filth does not mean I was willing to bed you before you got a chance to wash yourself,” Lao Wen huffs, “I do have standards.”
Zishu makes a noncommittal noise in the back of his throat, but his expression is still doubtful.
“Ah well,” Wen Kexing sighs, deciding to sidestep the obvious but unspoken opinion about what his standards are, or lack thereof, “There must be something in here we can use. Maybe there are stores of rice in with the grain and farming supplies. I doubt it would be safe to eat, but if we cook it, the water leftover might still be good for washing… And Rong Xuan was married. Perhaps his wife left something behind.”
“Perhaps you mother did.”
Lao Wen tenses in reflexive discomfort, as he still does at any mention of his past, but then the moment passes and he smiles.
“I doubt my parents would have come here very often,” he tells him softly. “They supported the idea of the armory, but neither of them were that invested in becoming martial masters themselves. They wanted to heal people. But…it would be nice, if we found something of them here. If they left something behind that we could use to make a life together.”
“You are good at this,” Zhou Zishu compliments him sincerely, gesturing to the living space they have already arranged, “I never would have thought this place could feel even half this hospitable. You did a good job with our manor too, before it was destroyed. Chengling barely knows how to boil water, so I know you must have helped him with more than you claimed. The Valley Master is truly a man of many hidden talents.”
“I was only the leader of the ghosts for eight years,” Wen Kexing reminds him, bitterness seeping into his smile, “Even if the old chief favored me for my ruthlessness, I was still more of a servant or a slave than a ward. If I am good at building a life from ruins now, it is because I was never given an option to do otherwise.”
“Lao Wen, I-”
He holds up a hand to halt his apology.
“You do not have to be sorry,” he says, “Not for what happened, and not for making me talk about it either. We have eternity to share together, so I imagine all of our old wounds will eventually be dragged out into the sunlight at some point. It is not the easiest thing to discuss, but…I want to tell you. I want to tell you everything.”
Zhou Zishu puts his hand over his on the tabletop, squeezing his fingers in reassurance.
“There is no rush,” he reminds him, “As you said; we have time. I will be here, and I will listen when you are ready.”
He chuckles softly.
“Of course, those things are easier to talk about while enjoying a jar of wine together, like we used to,” Zishu sighs wistfully, “Of all the things we are going to give up for this life, that might be the most difficult for me to part with.”
“But Ah Xu, we brought the sweetest wine with us!” Wen Kexing grins, leaning towards him over the table.
“…You mean in your flask?” Zhou Zishu blinks at him frowningly, “We cannot drink it anymore, even if you brought some.”
“I have been drinking this wine every day,” Lao Wen insists, eyes curving upwards as his smile deepens, mischievous and extremely self-satisfied. “This is a taste I would not sacrifice for anything.”
Zishu’s brows furrow in consternation, sensing a ruse, but not certain what the endgame could be yet.
“…Do you not want to know where the wine is?” Wen Kexing asks sweetly.
“If I ask, will it end this silly game any faster?”
“Hm, perhaps. That is entirely up to you.”
“…Where is it?” Zhou Zishu huffs out with a grumble, looking terribly put-upon.
“Here!” Lao Wen exclaims happily, placing one long finger directly against Zishu’s lips.
Zhou Zishu catches his hand on instinct, fighting a losing battle with the urge to roll his eyes.
“You are utterly preposterous.” He informs him evenly.
“I am also hopelessly charming and completely inescapable,” Wen Kexing agrees without the slightest hint of shame. He moves his finger to lightly trace one corner of Zhou Zishu’s mouth. “You, on the other hand, are both delicious and intoxicating. If were not trapped inside, I would whisk you out beneath the moonlight and drink you in until both of us were dizzy with sensation.”
“Do these types of brazen declarations actually work on people?” Zishu wonders.
“They worked on you,” Wen Kexing points out with a shrug, still smiling like a fool.
Zhou Zishu lets out long-suffering sigh, seemingly defeated, but he meets Lao Wen’s gaze without hesitation. A few heartbeats pass, and he turns his head slightly, just enough to brush the barest whisper of a kiss across the tip of the finger still hovering near his cheek. He smiles at the surprised silence that follows, pulling the hand in his grip closer to him, deciding to press a kiss into its palm as well.
Wen Kexing’s eyes on him are molten.
Zhou Zishu laughs.
“Well, I think we both know what works on you.”
“Ah Xu,” Wen Kexing exhales his name with a stuttering breath, a thread of supplication weaving through his voice.
Zishu’s expression softens exponentially.
Zhou Zishu wakes up the next morning with a mild soreness that is becoming typical. His freshly rinsed clothes from the day before are folded neatly near the bed, along with their battered little washbasin and a damp handkerchief so he can wipe himself down before dressing. Wen Kexing is sitting at the narrow table in their reading nook, the sun sifting in through the high windows painting him with sweeps of warm golden light. His hair is still unbound, softening the angles of his face as he pours over the open book in front of him. A comb is loosely clasped within his left hand, seemingly forgotten.
Zishu takes the time to admire the scene in silence. He thinks again about what it means to take care of someone. To make a life from the ground up with nothing but your bare hands and your sincerity. To build a home within the walls of someone else’s heart.
He is still not certain he knows how to go about it, but no one said that the first step had to be the largest one.
It takes him a few minutes to quietly sweep away the traces of sweat and other things from the night before and pull his robe on. He is certain that Wen Kexing must have noticed, but he seems to be engrossed with his reading. Without waiting for acknowledgment or invitation, he pads across the room to pluck the wooden comb from Lao Wen’s elegant fingers.
“You won’t be able to read properly with your hair falling in your eyes like that.” He says it more brusquely than he meant to. His mouth twitches downward briefly in discontentment. That was not how he wanted to begin this.
For his own part, Wen Kexing simply turns his head slightly to blink up at him, a mix of warmth and mild surprise on his face.
“Are you offering to help me look pretty, Ah Xu?”
“You hardly need my help with that.”
Lao Wen shifts in his seat a little, as though he is so pleased with the compliment that he cannot quite hold it in.
“By all means,” he tells him, trying and failing to hold back a wide curling smile, “If you want to touch me anywhere, I would be that last person to stop you.”
Zhou Zihsu laughs.
“This I already know,” he says, leaning over to poke at one of the round mouth-shaped bruises along the side of Lao Wen’s throat.
Wen Kexing hisses and pulls a face as Zishu moves to sit behind him.
“And here I thought you were going to be tender with me,” he quips lightly.
Zhou Zishu stills for a moment, a portion of Lao Wen’s silvery hair already gathered in his left hand. He fiddles with the comb and stares and the shoulders of the man in front of him. His expression slides back towards uncertainty.
“I am.” He says finally. Wen Kexing reaches back and pats his knee. He can tell that he is smiling by the tilt of his head, and somehow it seems to ease the tension back out of his shoulders.
Without another word between them, he beings carefully running the comb through Lao Wen’s hair. He does his best to be gentle, but there are a few places with some especially stubborn tangles. Wen Kexing makes a low pained sound as he tries to pull the teeth of the comb through them, and Zhou Zishu pauses once again.
“Have you ever combed someone else’s hair before?” Wen Kexing wonders.
“…No,” Zhou Zishu confesses.
“Not even your shidi’s?” Wen Kexing presses, sounding surprised, “Didn’t you raise him once our master passed? Qin Jiuxiao was still too young to look after himself at the time, was he not?”
“We had servants at the Four Seasons Manor,” Zishu reminds him, “I was the new leader of a struggling sect. I was not going to spend time doing something that could easily be allocated to a maid. I helped him with his studies and I trained him in martial arts. He came to me with his troubles, but the more mundane chores of childrearing were handled by other people. I had too many other things to look after to go out of my way to make sure he was groomed every morning.”
“It was not a condemnation,” Wen Kexing says softly.
“I know.” He sighs.
“Do you wish you could have done more for him, now?”
“I…don’t know,” Zhou Zishu admits, “I don’t know if there was any more I could have done for him even if I wanted to. I was only sixteen when I became responsible for him. I barely knew how to run our sect, let alone how to be someone’s father figure. As his older brother, it was my job to keep him out of trouble, so that is what I tried to do. He had a good heart. A pure heart -like Chengling- and he was just as silly. I tried to make sure he never got his hands dirty the way I had to. We used to dream of the day the Window of Heaven would no longer be needed, and we would wander the jianghu together. Maybe, if that had happened, we might have had the chance for more moments like this.”
His hand trembles slightly and he tugs the comb harder than intended.
“Ai,” Wen Kexing winces, “Start closer to the bottom. It will be easier to get rid of the knots higher up once the ends are free of tangles.”
“Mn,” he acknowledges. “Sorry.”
He glances down at the comb in his hand. A crisp bouquet of carved wooden flowers in a dark cherry lacquer. Almost violet. He runs his thumb over it thoughtfully.
“Did you find this in the armory?” he asks, “It’s a woman’s comb, isn’t it?”
“Ah, no, I brought it with me,” Lao Wen says. His tone is casual, but almost abnormally so. Zishu squints down at the comb again to see if there is anything peculiar about it. But it just looks like a comb.
“Did it belong to your mother?” Zhou Zishu hazards a guess. “I thought the only thing you managed to take with you when the ghosts came was the hairpin.”
“…It belongs to Ah Xiang.”
“When she was little, I would help her get dressed and do her hair up in the ugliest little buns you ever saw,” Wen Kexing continues in something of a daze, “I am sure I pulled her hair so many times, but she never complained. She was too scared I would throw her out. When she got a bit older, she would scold me when her braids were sloppy, but she wouldn’t let any of the girls from the department of the unfaithful do them, either. She only wanted me, and to this day I don’t know why.”
By this time Zhou Zishu has managed to tie back a portion of Lao Wen’s hair so it is no longer falling in his eyes. He thinks about attempting the usual little twist he wears it in, but it is already a bit crooked as it is and he suspects that would be beyond his abilities. He smooths the hair back from his forehead one last time, gently pulling a few strands loose at the sides to frame his face the way he likes it.
“She loved you.” He tells him quietly.
“I loved her, too.”
“I know.” He squeezes his shoulder.
“I found the comb in with my things when I woke up after…after…” Wen Kexing’s breathing becomes erratic, and Zhou Zishu wraps him up in his arms, pulling him back against his chest. Kexing refuses to meet his eyes, but he eventually seems to calm himself, reaching up and holding onto Zishu’s wrists for dear life. “I don’t know if there was some sort of mix up in the rush to leave Ghost Valley, or if Ah Xiang left it for me on purpose. Maybe she thought it would give her an excuse to come back, if she wanted. Maybe she just wanted me to remember all those early mornings when I used to do her hair for her. Or maybe… Maybe she thought I would forget her if she didn’t leave something behind.”
“She knew that she was going to miss you,” Zhou Zishu says, pressing a kiss into the crown of his head, “She wanted to make sure that you would miss her, too.”
A child takes after their parent, after all.
“I…was not as nice to her as I could have been,” Wen Kexing says thickly, “At first, it was because it was too dangerous. If the other ghosts knew she was precious to me, they would go after her as soon as it looked like I might be any sort of threat to them. I had to keep her at a distance to keep her safe. But later… Later on, I think I just forgot how to be kind to someone. And so, I was always making her worried that I would throw her away…”
“She knew,” Zhou Zishu soothes, “She knew your intentions. Who else could know you better?”
“You know me better,” Lao Wen sighs. “She was a bit too silly to understand me completely. Her heart was better than mine. She deserved better than me.”
“You raised her well.”
“Not well enough.”
They sit together in silence for a while, each lost in the memories of the children they could not save. There is grief, but there is understanding, too. The wordless empathy of touch. Zhou Zishu holds Wen Kexing in his arms and sees the ways their hurts fit together in perfect likeness. How just to know someone who knows him, someone with whom he freely shares his words and his space and his time without resentment or restraint, has allowed them both to become more of the people they had always wanted to be. And that…is a kind of caring, too.
Perhaps the most important kind.
The rest will come later.
“Lao Wen, I am afraid if you don’t get up, your hair will need combing again,” Zhou Zishu says after a long time has passed. He makes no move to relinquish his embrace, however.
“I’m not getting up,” Wen Kexing says stubbornly, “You can just comb my hair again for me later.”
“Oh?” Zhou Zishu laughs softly, “I thought I wasn’t very good at it.”
“You are not,” Lao Wen tells him bluntly, “But I’m spoiled now. You have to brush my hair for me every day.”
Zhou Zishu smiles, and holds him that much tighter.
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anidealiveson · 4 years
Thanksvember Master Post
Day 1 - Like Coming Home - It has a super rare “wholesome plot twist”! Without spoiling anything too huge, I really like that @julesherondalex took the time to talk about how important it is to take care of yourself first. You can’t love someone else properly, the way they deserve, if you don’t have that same love for yourself. I wasn’t expecting the heartbreaking scene, but the beautiful way in which that topic was was approached neither took away from the story or the joy.
Day 2 - Must Love Dogs - An incredibly fluffy (literally) fic that I loved reading. @rosehallshadowsinger did a really great job weaving Azriel and Elain’s canon personalities into this adorable AU scenario. It is obvious @rosehallshadowsinger took care to create believable personalities for two characters that didn’t get POVs in the books.
Day 3 - Striking Matches -  I have to say that I wasn’t at all attracted to an AU fic about firefighters. I was also not a big Rowaelin fan before that, but I was work procrastinating so I gave it a try. Wellll, 30 parts later, I found myself delighted at the writing and sad it was over. I couldn’t believe how well @shyvioletcat cat was able to entirely re-characterize these two into such a different setting, yet still retaining what made them popular in the books. Aelin was perfect in her role as a snarky schoolteacher irritating the stoic firefighter Rowan. And the descriptions of the kids lining up at the firehouse demonstration and Jake’s adorable prodding was icing on the cake.
Day 4 - Close Quarters -  I really loved the way @lady-therion wrote Nesta in this modern AU. I particularly like how she equates Nesta’s sometimes standoffish attitude as a very relatable personality trait. She has trouble reading people and gauging situations. It’s well written and the dialogue is unique for a plot that is common in ff!
Day 5 - Like A Lonely House - It’s got a colossal I love Lucy level misunderstanding mixed in with a lot of tension and angst. This Nesta that is full of sacrifice and duty and fire is how I imagine the Nesta who feels that she has a stake in the Fae world would be like. @featherymalignancy wove such a captivating new world in Macar, that it felt a lot like being introduced to the 8th court in the ACOTAR world.
Day 6 - Death Dance - There are several takes out there that touch on Nesta in the Ilyrian camps, but I love how @thewayshedreamed interpreted Nesta’s skills on the battlefield as a calculated dance. Nesta has always been a raging storm, but I love how @thewayshedreamed took care to show us a Nesta that channeled that storm into discipline. If SJM never intended to release a Nessian focused book, I would have considered this a satisfying end to their story.
Day 7 - One Night Standards - I love the way @sassyhobbits writes Aelin with her typical extremely sassy exterior, but also made sure to saddle her with a vulnerable side that runs deep. I normally don’t care for slow burns, but I like the pace of her relationship with Rowan here, and that they had to work hard at it. I also like the plot lines that involved their PR stunts and how the public grew to love them as well.
Day 8 - Goose Chasing - Its the most absurd plot of any fanfic I’ve read! The title is not figurative. Its really does involve chasing a goose. @rhysismydaddy did a fantastic job encapsulating the spirit of silly Cassian and grumpy Nesta in a situation they’d likely never find themselves in, yet making it entirely believable. 
Day 9 - Manon Chooses The Worst Babysitter Possible - It’s such a casual and fluffy and hilarious read. It was fun to read about a softer and more delicate Manon. Through this absurd mistake, @sarah-bae-maas did an excellent job really humanizing Manon and postulating a fun in-world domestic scenario. 
Day 10 - My Hunger Knows No Bounds -  @perseusannabeth manages to take a simple concept and weave a sweet narrative. I particularly love how @perseusannabeth incorporated her personal details into it and took the time to share her lovely culture with us.
Day 11 - Knowing me, Knowing you - We never got to actually see Aelin rule Terrasen (well we got a tinyyy bit) in the books. Though this was modern day, @nalgenewhore tells a fun story of what that could have been like.
Day 12 -  Forever (is a long time) - @noodlecatposts takes Elide and Lorcan’s completely polar opposite personalities and spins an interesting (and frankly quite adorable) story. All the rules crack me up. My favorite Lorcan is the one that reminds me of Luke Danes from Gilmore Girls. Currently, he is in the middle of grumpily fixing up her flooded room, so I am sure that my favorite parts are yet to come.
Day 13 - Go Your Own Way - I appreciate @tomtenadia for putting to words a scene that I desperately wanted in ACOWAR or even ACOFAS. A lovely parallel to an equally lovely Fleetwood mac song.
Day 14 - In Which She Makes A Friend - It is no surprise that the fandom wants Nesta to find her place in the Illyrian mountains and even bring about some social change with the female warriors. But the way @bookstantrash got there was such a wonderful and endearing journey. Big fan of the callbacks to how Kaelin was treated and the similarities to a certain Illyrian warrior was when he was younger. We got to see a sweet Nesta, who I’d like to think was attempting to make up for some of her regrets through taking care of Kaelin.
Day 15 - The Ranch - As a huge fan of Sweet Home Alabama, its should be no surprise that I loved this fic by @tacmc . I enjoyed the slow change that we saw in a stubborn Nesta as she opened up to this new way of life and reconnected with her sisters and found a home with Cassian.
Day 16 - Felons - Such a unique interpretation of Nesta and Cassian. I really like the self-sacrificing Nesta angle and @rhysismydaddy did a great job weaving intrigue into the unraveling of what we knew to be a her innocence. I never read The Witness, but this really made me want to.
Day 17 - Of Books and Timber - Cassian offers to build a shelf for Nesta. The way @duskandstarlight goes through the entire range of emotions through Nesta is brilliant. She starts out with cold indifference, but by the end, we get from her a sweet and tender gesture of gratitude. Showing that meeting each other halfway with small gestures is all they ever needed.
Day 18 - You Should Sleep In My Bed More Often - I absolutely loved this quick exchange between Nesta and Cassian after she accidentally injures him. I can’t believe how much I laughed out loud when Cassian said “I need you to protect me closer”. @charincharge​ perfectly captured the teasing childish essence of Cassian and Nesta’s hilarious victim-blaming was so on the nose that I might have thought this was taken right out of ACOSAF.
Day 19 - The Right Swipe - I really enjoyed this take on the inner circle mixed with the super modern online dating plot. I especially love that @redisriding created genuinely realistic characters (body issues, social anxiety etc). Great read!
Day 20 - Goldfish Prompt - What a fun read. I love how frantic and much personality Feyre had here. I love how dedicated to her fish she was, and how that made her super endearing. Cute read from @azrielsiphons
Day 21 - The One With The Snowstorm -  What I really like is that Cassian actually says that he is sorry for his part in Nesta’s exile. I am not bitter about it, but it was an interesting turn. They need to meet halfway here and I rarely see it so well written as @joysbell has done here!
Day 22 - Prompt - A lovely and cute and sweet prompt written by @crowsvalentine​! I love the ramp up of suspense just to get to the hilarious payoff. Its adorable and worth the quick read.
Day 23 - Fix It -  is one by @thewayshedreamed​ that I love in its simplicity. It’s a small little argument Cassian and Nesta get into, but its still compelling. It’s sweet and super endearing the way the two of them are written and the subtle way they work through it. Great read!
Day 24 - I Do Bad Things To You - The mob angle may have been done before, but I don’t think with as much care and regard that @tswaney17​ has been giving it. I how the canon personalities of the characters translate so well into this modern AU. Its very obvious that @tswaney17​ has done her research. I especially love all the details around Elain as a surgeon. The story is compelling and well written and every chapter has me wanting more.
Day 25 - Love Her Like She should Be Loved - This is an excellent fic that I really loved. @julemmaes did such a great job translating some of the canon tension from ACOFAS into a modern world. It’s ripe with emotion, drama and quite a bit of heart. I love how earnestly Cassian comes to Nesta’s defense even in the face of going against his entire family. I like the reference to some very real psychological struggles. I think a lot of people can relate to it.
Day 26 - Literally In Love - I really enjoy the subtle mystery that follows this entire journey. I enjoy that @julesherondalex keeps us guessing, while simultaneously weaving a sweet and tender story about two shy teachers and just a slew of mishaps worthy of a Shakespearian drama.
Day 27 - The Shadow Bond - I love Azriel, and this is such a wonderful fic by @radientwings​ focusing on how his shadows might work. His shadows are the one thing that I am most curious about him in the series, so it was lovely to read such a well written interpretation of them.
Day 28 - Exes and Oh’s - Just a shout out to @highqueenofelfhame​ for this lovely story about rekindling past love. I like that even though the plot was uncomplicated, the emotions were not. I love that Aelin didn’t have a perfect reason for what she did, but sometimes that is just how things are. This is a story about taking a second chance, whether it’s deserved or not.
Day 29 - Fever - I really love this fic called Fever. I enjoyed how @lady-therion​ portrayed Nesta. She hit the entire gammut of characteristics (snarky, worried, vulnerable, caring, short-tempered, flirty, you name it!) but it really worked here. I found this nurse Nesta to be endearing and relatable and the dynamic between her and Cassian was very sweet. Just go read the damned thing.
Day 30 - Baby Steps - I really really love this fic. @runesandfaes did such a great job in just so few words to show a really sweet moment between Chaol, Yrene and their daughter learning to walk. I love the parallel back to when Chaol was learning to walk and the cameo of the golden couch. So sweet.
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Lost and Found (Fourteen)
“JARVIS?” Pepper poured herself a cup of coffee and glanced down the hall towards Tony’s bedroom, then towards the stairs leading to the lab. “Is Tony awake yet?” 
“No, Ms. Potts. Both he and James are still in the master bedroom.” 
Pepper paused with the cup part way to her mouth, eyes widening in surprise. “Oh...my. Spent the night together?” 
“Yes, Ms. Potts.” 
“Oh my.” she said again, and sipped thoughtfully at the coffee. Never once in all her years of escorting Tony’s guests out of the house had there been any indication Tony stayed in bed longer than the required amount of time necessary to complete their… moment. Never once had she seen Tony leave his room with someone at his side, nor had she ever gotten to the kitchen at six am without having to make a second pot of coffee because Tony had already blown through one. 
But this morning… 
“Like, together together?” she asked again, and JARVIS answered, “Yes ma’am. Should I wake them?” 
“No, let Tony sleep. God knows he needs the rest.” Pepper took another sip and smirked to herself. “And if he didn’t before now, I’m sure he does after a night with James.” 
“How very inappropriate of you, Ms. Potts.” 
Pepper laughed up at the AI, then topped off her cup and grabbed her purse to hurry out the door. She had business meetings today, and tabloids to scroll through to check for any possible damage control because even with the marked absence of the birthday boy at the party, things had escalated quickly towards shenanigans. Somehow the house was still in one piece, but she needed to call the cleaners and the pool maintenance guy and keep dealing with the fall out of Monaco and since Tony was…. otherwise occupied, Pepper would have to do it herself. 
Same story, different day. 
“Good morning, Ms. Potts.” Natalie stepped from the waiting town car with one of those enigmatic smiles, green eyes cutting over Pepper’s figure and lingering at her legs. “Busy day today?” 
“Always.” Pepper slowed her walk maybe just a bit simply because it was nice to have someone notice just how good she looked in this particular outfit. “Let’s get to it, shall we?” 
Tony woke up as the town car pulled from the drive, yawned and stretched and curled right back into warm arms and a solid heartbeat in his ear. A deep voice rumbled, “G’mornin’ sweet thing.” and Tony smiled sleepily and snuggled a little bit closer to heat and heavy muscles and oh hello look who is feeling perky, this was nice. 
Pre-Afghanistan, Tony hadn’t believed in sleepovers. If whoever he started the evening with wanted to finish the night in his room, Tony usually slept down in the lab. Occasionally he’d take a car out for a midnight drive, once or twice he’d crawled into bed next to a very grumpy Pepper and stolen her pillows for his own. Spending the night with someone led to awkward morning after conversations, expectations of breakfast and planning for a second date Tony never had any intention of keeping, so it was better to skip the whole mess. 
But this morning…
“Happy day after birthday to me.” Tony mumbled into James’s t-shirt, bunching up the material in his fingers and inhaling the remnants of last nights cologne. “Did you carry me to bed again?” 
“Nah, you walked.” James hid a yawn in Tony’s hair and inched closer, winding their legs together and humming in contentment when Tony did the same. “Don’t remember? We about ended up in the ocean when you went all weak kneed on me.” 
“I had three bottles of wine.” Tony flattened his palms to James’s abdomen and thrilled clear to his core when the muscles flexed in response. Jesus his soldier was-- the soldier was-- no, his soldier was gorgeous. “I’m lucky I remembered how to stand, much less how to walk. Did um... did I ask you to stay?” 
“I didn’t want to leave you.” James’s arm tightened briefly at Tony’s waist, his voice dipping uncertainly. “S’that okay?” 
For a split second, Tony thought he’d make a quip, a joke, bring an end to the moment with a laugh because this was brand new territory for him and he was brave in a lot of things but none of those things included relationships. 
But then he thought about last night, about the honesty in James’s eyes and the quiet moments of shared vulnerability and how good it had felt to hold someone and be held in return, and god Tony was so tired of over thinking and double checking and doubting--
“It’s great. I’m glad you stayed.” he finally answered, truthful and maybe a little shaky and James gathered him up closer under the blankets and sighed in relief. 
“We didn’t do nothin’ sugar.” the soldier told him quietly. “You were too tipsy and I just wanted to hold you.” 
“I know.” Truthful again, but this time with an accompanying smirk. “I’d never be too tipsy to not remember why my butt is sore the next morning.” 
James chuckled and gave the aforementioned butt a quick swat so Tony would jump, then settled back in for another few minutes of just holding each other. 
This was nice. Warm and safe and for the first time in a long time, Tony didn’t feel like he needed to run the hell away from anything resembling domestic. He didn’t even feel like this was moving fast between them, going from hello to waking up in bed together in a month--ish…. Had it been a month? Tony was having a hard time keeping track of the days anymore, everything dialing down to each step forward with James and the numbers on his toxicity monitor. It might have been more than a month, it might have just been a few weeks but either way things were good. 
James changed a little more every day until he hardly resembled the cold, stilted man Tony found in the diner. The Brooklyn in his speech, the light in his eyes when he smiled, the sweet thing--
--oh yeah, Tony was smitten and it had only taken forty something years and the quick descent into dying to force him out of the closet and into taking a chance. 
Better late than never.
“Wha’d’ya want for breakfast?” James’s voice was still sleep blurred and rough and gorgeous, the solid steel of his left hand low at Tony’s waist and drifting idly over the curve of his ass. “Still sorta your birthday, right? I’ll buy ya breakfast.” 
“Then you’ll buy me donuts.” Tony promptly responded and James’s frame shook with laughter. 
God this was easy, so easy to laugh together and touch each other and stay wrapped up in bed like they’d been doing it for years instead of discovering it for the first time. 
“Where’s your favorite place to get donuts, sugar?” James wanted to know, nuzzled at Tony’s temple and dotted a kiss to Tony’s cheek. Tender. “You gotta call the driver and get directions and pay for gas over there but I got some pocket money to take care of the rest.” 
“Oh, is that all I have to do?” Tony chuckled and turned into a kiss that had no business being quite so sweet or quite so good when they both tasted like last night’s snacks and too much wine. “Well if you’re buying, then there’s a place along the beach that makes the best glazed and sprinkled donuts you’ve ever had.” 
“Dunno if I’ve ever had donuts.” James closed his eyes and shivered when Tony’s hands slid under his shirt and met bare skin, rucked the material up until he could get to the solid plate beneath James’s torso and the scars that melded into steel. “But you keep touchin’ me like that and I’ll let ya feed me anything you want.” 
“Were you always this easy?” Tony teased lightly. “Or is that a recent development?” 
“Dunno.” James said again and captured Tony’s mouth in another sweet kiss. “Don’t think it matters, Tony. There’s a whole lot I don’t know about myself but I know about you, so that’s alright for now.” 
“Christ.” Tony swallowed, leaned away enough to meet James’s eyes. “You mean that?” 
Are you as crazy about me as I am about you?
“Oh, sure thing.” James pressed at Tony’s waist, then slid from beneath the blankets and headed to the bathroom, pausing at the door to wink and finish, “Sweet thing.” 
Tony fell back onto the pillows with an arm over his eyes and a smile on his face. It was silly to be acting like this at his age, sillier still to be acting like this when there was a million other things to think about beyond whether or not he could share a shower with James, and then whether or not he’d ever shared a shower with anyone even for some shower nookie, and then whether or not James thought they were moving too fast or if they were actually moving at a geriatric pace but since Tony didn’t have a previous relationship standard to go by he had no actual clue. 
So many things to be thinking about, but all Tony could do was lay there and smile.
“All my clothes are in my room.” James was a sight to behold with bed-head and boxers slung low on his hips, shirt hiked up a little as he rubbed at his stomach. Wow. “So I’ll shower there and then we can get donuts?” 
“Sounds good.” Tony sat up in the bed expectantly and James grinned, bending down to give him another kiss. “See you in a bit.” 
Tony was smiling again when James left the room, smiled all the way through a shower and couldn’t find it in himself to care that he looked damn goofy still smiling as he trimmed along his goatee and mustache. 
James held his hand in the town car and even though Happy rolled and rolled and rolled his eyes in the rear view mirror, Tony kept right on smiling over to the donut shop and in and out of line with his box of goodies. 
“Yeah.” Happy said into the phone with Pepper. “Yeah, he’s grinning like a goofy gooberson. Looks like he’s got a coat hangar stuck in his mouth with it stretched like that.” 
“I’m sure it was something other than a coat hangar that has his mouth stretched, Happy.” Pepper informed him, and from outside the donut shop, James and Tony looked up in confusion when Happy started swearing and honking at the horn in frustration and maybe a little horror. 
“What was that all about?” James took a bite of a jelly filled donut and moaned in surprise when it burst tart and delicious. “Aw hell, this is my new favorite thing ever.” 
“Wait till you try the glazed ones.” Tony countered. “And I don’t know what’s up with Happy lately. I think spending all that time with Natalie and Pep is starting to get to him. Driving women around is a lot different than driving me around. Probably less fun too.” 
He looked up over James’s shoulder, then nudged him and motioned towards the giant donut on the roof. “You know what I’ve always wanted to do?” 
James looked where Tony was pointing, back at the car where Happy was waiting, then crammed the rest of the donut in his mouth and bent down to clasp his hands together so Tony could step in. “C’mon, I’ll give you a boost. Let’s hurry before Happy gets impatient again.” 
“Happy birthday to me.” Tony clapped his hands in excitement. “Can you hold me?” 
“You don’t weigh nothin’, Tony.” James assured him. “One, two--” 
--Damn it, hold still! Keep wigglin’ like this and we’ll get caught!--
--Hold me steady then! You can’t make fun’a me for bein’ tiny then not be able to hold me!--
--Jus’ shaddup an’ get the cookies, punk.--
“--three.” James boosted Tony up no problem, but it was a blink or two before he got himself sorted enough to climb up the rough walls and join Tony in the hilariously over sized donut. 
Had that been a memory? A flash from his childhood? Who was the blond and why were they stealing cookies?
“You good?” James pushed away the snap shot and the almost immediate accompanying headache, and settled in next to Tony on the roof. “Tall enough to finally see everything?” 
He’d said that before, a hundred times before, always teasing and always after hoisting someone up on his shoulders or up a ladder or up to mess with the lights just before a church service, right? 
“Thank you for this.” Tony picked another treat from the box and munched into it happily, reclined against the inside of the giant donut with legs splayed on either side. “For the donuts and for the boost up here and for last night. This is the best birthday I’ve ever had.” 
--Thanks, Buck. This is the best birthday I’ve ever had, specially since Ma passed--
James shook his head-- who the hell was Buck-- then shook it again to force the words away. He didn’t want to be slipping, not today, not now with Tony. 
“Good.” he managed, but it was harder than he meant, sharper edged and cold and James grimaced when Tony’s dark eyes flickered uncertainly. 
“I mean um--” James cursed mentally, then forced himself to soften, to be tender, to lean in and wipe the powdered sugar from Tony’s lips and follow it with a gentle kiss. “I’m real glad to hear that, Tony. This is the best birthday I’ve ever had, too.” 
“You don’t know your birthday.” Tony hazarded a guess and James shook his head, no. 
“We can just share this one, then.” Tony decided and didn't say anything about the way James had gone stiff, didn’t say anything about how cute the soldier was with jelly on his cheek, didn’t say anything about how this was his last birthday so it didn’t matter, James could have the day every year after this one. 
“We’ll share this one.” he said again. 
James ignored the push of a headache and pressed at Tony’s palm one more time before reaching for another donut. 
He didn’t want to be slipping today.
After dancing, after Monaco, after the birthday party, Tony and James’s way of orbiting each other tightened into a routine that kept them at each other’s side near constantly. 
James made breakfast most mornings, meeting Tony in the kitchen for eggs and oatmeal because he knew he could make those things. The soldier never failed to exclaim over just how many eggs came in a container because he was sure they were way too expensive to have on hand, and it took Tony almost hacking up a lung to convince James to add more than the measliest pinch of brown sugar to the oatmeal. 
“It’s not supposed to be gruel, James.” Tony gulped down milk in exasperation, and James defended, “Sugar and cream is expensive, Tony!” 
“Is it, though?” Tony met the soldier’s eyes in a dead eyed stare as he poured at least a cup of brown sugar on top of the oats, added the rest of the nutmeg container, and then a healthy dose of milk. “Is it really?” 
There were afternoons down at the beach since Tony decided sand and water was better than staring at computer screens all day and to be honest, with James around he didn’t feel that need to work work work all the time. His mind slowed to as close to calm as it had ever been with the big brunettes steady presence at his side, so why spend the day cooped up inside?
Beach meant music and James hissed and booed at the Beach Boys, turned off Pink Floyd but settled down long enough to listen to the Rolling Stones. They ate lunch and kissed in the sunshine to the tune of seventies rock, napped a little to the best parts of Paul McCartney and let their hands wander when the tide came up and lapped at their feet as Aerosmith wailed about ‘not wanting to miss a thing’. 
Board meetings were scheduled and missed as Tony started ignoring calls in favor of movie marathons, a press interview blown off when James read about the redwoods and Tony realized he’d lived in California for years and never once took Highway One up the coast to see the forest. 
“A damn shame.” he decided, and they left Malibu that same afternoon. 
The Saleen S7 took the meandering curves and straightaways at several notches over a hundred miles per hour, with Tony easing the car faster just because it felt like flying, and James torn between worrying about a potential accident and urging Tony on because it felt like flying. 
The trees were ancient and ethereal, reaching towards the cloudy sky and disappearing before James could see their tops and the soldier stood in awe of the beauty. Tony spread his arms wide to turn in circles among the massive, gnarled roots, stepping through the filtered patches of sunlight and nearly disappearing in the heavy fog that dripped from the branches and hell, the soldier was in awe of that beauty too. 
James pulled his phone out his pocket and used it for just about the first time ever-- fumbling with the camera settings until he got the right angle to capture Tony mid spin, mid smile, and absolutely gorgeous.
“Take a picture with me.” Tony cajoled, and then, “That might be the first time I’ve ever said those words. Congratulations, you’re the first person I’ve ever actually wanted to take a picture with.” 
“You got all sorts of picture with the Colonel.” James countered and Tony said right back, “Those were all involuntary.” 
“The hell they were.” James swept his fingers through his hair to get it off his face and smiled into the camera alongside Tony. “Never seen anyone look half as happy as you do in those pictures with your Honeybear.” 
“Hm.” Tony huffed a laugh and showed James their selfie. “I don’t know, I look pretty happy here.” 
“You happy here, sugar?” 
“You tell me, a picture’s worth a thousand words, right?” 
Traveling came with new experiences in the form of offering to teach James to drive-- “I think th’fuck not, babydoll.” and stopping for piles of tourist things as James finally gave in to some long buried curiosity and wanted to everywhere and see everything and taste…. Well, almost everything. 
“It’s salmon.” Tony held up his fork to James’s mouth as they sat in a swanky restaurant along the river. “Fish. It’s delicious. Try it.” 
“I know what it is and I ain’t eating it.” James denied stubbornly. “Didn’t like it from the docks back then and I sure doubt I like it now.”
“From the docks back when?” Tony stopped mid bite, eyebrows raised. “Which docks?”
“ I don’t…” James’s eyes dimmed, mouth pulling down in a frown. “I don’t— know. Dunno why I said that. Didn’t mean to, it just sorta slipped out.” 
“No, that’s good.” Tony finished his mouthful and reached for the wine. “That’s good if pieces of your memory are coming back unprompted. Between that Brooklyn talk I like so much and you remembering getting fish directly from the docks instead of at a store, that helps. It does. I can use it to figure out who you are.” 
James sighed and motioned for the fork to try the fish and look at that, he disliked the taste just as much as he had when they used to get it cheap from the docks at the end of the day when it was starting to go bad and had to cut off the gross parts and cook the rest mostly charred cos the stove didn’t work quite right in the apartment and—
“You look like you’re getting a headache.” Tony dug for a couple of the migraine pills he always kept around and James obediently swallowed them back without telling Tony the medication never did anything.
The medication never did anything just like the wine never did anything and no matter how good it felt to have Tony in his arms the once, twice, three times since the birthday party that they’d shared a bed, sleep never did anything for James either. 
Tony made him feel human, but in a million ways James didn’t understand, somehow Tony made him aware of all the ways he wasn’t human and that was a nagging fact not even their recent run of fun could overshadow. 
The fun included mini-golfing with a truly outrageous Happy, the driver proving more to be a player of opportunity than a player of skill. He shamelessly guilt tripped Tony for half an hour about never coming to play with him anymore, then handed the brunette a distracting cheeseburger so Tony was too busy eating to worry about how many times it took Happy to sink a putt. 
“Are you letting him win?” James asked and Tony shrugged, “It’s not about winning. It’s about having a good time with one of my favorite people and eating cheeseburgers. Who cares about the score?”
“He does.” James pointed at where Happy was running in circles and finger gunning at his legitimately accomplished hole in one. “He cares.” 
“Yeah.” Tony laughed and rubbed at his chest, throat tightening as he mentally checked another last time off his bucket list. “Yeah, he sure does.” 
“It hurts you, right?” James asked one night in the lab as Tony painstakingly fit individual pieces of steel together to assemble a new arm for him. “The reactor? The black lines around it?” 
“Probably about as much as that heavy plate you’ve got protecting your heart and all the hardware melded into your shoulder.” Tony’s eyes were comically big behind magnifying goggles as he worked. “The black lines are just a side effect of the trauma. Doesn’t hurt any more than the rest of it does.”
“You sure?” James pushed at the heavy piece beneath his skin, frowning over the weight and then the mangled parts where it came out from his collarbone and shoulder and ended in the solid stump where the prostheses disconnected. “Cos it looks like it hurts a lot.” 
Tony’s hands shook a little around the next piece thinking about just how badly he hurt all the damn time, but he still smiled and lied to assured his soldier, “It doesn’t hurt very much. Not sure if it’s damaged nerves or I’m used to it after the last six months. Don’t worry about it.” 
James smiled and dropped the subject, but he worried anyway. He worried when Tony grabbed that little monitor and pricked his finger first thing in the morning, worried when he ripped Tony’s shirt off and saw the black lines getting thicker, worried when sometimes they finished together and Tony trembled and trembled and trembled in his arms like he couldn’t quite catch his breath. 
James worried, and he knew Pepper worried because when she pulled Tony into the lab or even into her bedroom for a talk that inevitably ended with shouting about shirked responsibilities and unnecessary stress and hair going gray, the indomitable woman always left with tears shimmering in her green eyes and Tony retreated to his room to be alone, the door locked and windows shuttered.
“You should just move into my room.” Tony said one night hours after Pepper left and James found him eating ice cream in the kitchen, spoon in one hand and carton in the other. He smacked James’s hand away when the big brunette tried to eat some too, smacked it away a second time, but finally relented under a kiss that was clearly worried as James gathered him in close and sealed their mouths together with a long kiss.
“Fine, have a bite.” he handed over the spoon and folded his arms, cleared his throat and repeated, “James. You should just move into my room. Please move into my room.” 
James met his eyes over a big bite of ice cream and Tony plinked at his arc reactor a few times. “I um-- I’m in my forties and I’ve never had anyone I could call a partner, anything I could call a relationship beyond what I have with Pepper and Rhodey and Happy and they’re-- they’re--” 
He swallowed again. “I love them. But I’ve never had anyone but them and I’m lonely and a lot of that is my fault and the way I’ve lived my life but that’s-- I’m trying to change that. And I think a first step would be having my live in boyfriend be an actual live in boyfriend and live in my room.” 
James was quiet and Tony worried at the inside of his cheek nervously. “Unless that’s not what you want. Or if it’s moving too fast. Shit, James I don’t know how to do this. I can fix your arm and I clearly have no problem getting in bed with you, though the getting out of bed and walking the next morning is sometimes iffy--” James snorted a laugh. “-- and if we’re going to be honest and probably weirdly vulnerable, I’m just going to tell you that the nights you don’t stay with me sort of suck.” 
James nodded slowly and Tony spread his hands in a shrug. “Where are you at with all this? Moving us too fast? Not fast enough? Sort of dumb to suggest it when we’re both grown men and not broke college kids trying to save money on rent? We’re good togther, aren’t we? You haven’t had a panic attack in ages and whenever I start getting close, you always manage to calm me down. We laugh together and get along both in and out of bed and I don’t--” 
Another one of those shrugs and the sort of motion that spoke of anxious and vulnerability. “Brooklyn, I don’t want to be away from you anymore. Not anymore than I have to be. Move in with me. Or-- or at least tell me what you’re thinking.” 
The ice cream went back in the freezer, the spoon in the sink and James said softly, “This is what I’m thinking, Tony.” 
Both hands swept into Tony’s hair, tangling in the curls and tilting his head back for a long kiss that tasted of cool cream and Rocky Road. “I sure do like it when you call me Brooklyn.” the soldier murmured, pinning Tony to the counter and freeing his left arm to wrap tight around Tony’s waist, the individual plates click click click re-aligning and recalibrating with each minute movement. “And I can’t think of nothin’ better than spending every night with you, yeah?” 
“Yeah.” Tony nodded into another kiss and then another, went up on the counter when James palmed over his rear and hefted him easily, opened his legs and moaned when James pressed in hot between his thighs. “Yes. Please.” 
Tony loved to be carried, he used to beg Rhodey to give him piggy back rides or to swoop him dramatically up bridal style when he got tired of hiking or shopping or walking the halls of MIT. 
He loved to be carried, but being carried like this-- held so easily aloft with his legs around James’s waist and his arms around the soldier’s neck as James hurried up the hall to Tony’s room and the waiting bed-- this was amazing.
Tony loved to be carried, loved to be cared for, loved to be loved....
…. “Sugar, what’s going on?” Two am and James woke up to an empty bed, frowned at the cool sheets, then followed the light to the bathroom where Tony was bent over the sink. One hand was on his chest, the other still spotting blood from a puncture at the tip of his finger, the little device Tony used to monitor-- something. something-- there on the side of the sink. “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” Tony lied and he was too worn out to even try and hide it. “Don’t worry about it. This is just um-- just uh--” he closed his eyes and gripped the sink and tried to control the waver in his voice. “James, this is just uh--” 
Something awful lodged in James’s throat, in his heart, in his soul when Tony lied to him. 
No no sugar, don’t lie to me. 
“It’s um--” Tony’s hand went to his chest again, black lines straining out from behind his fingers and the reactor casing. “It’s just--” 
“It’s okay.” James came up behind Tony in the mirror and hugged him up close, spread his left hand over Tony’s to cover the marks and the reactor and all the pain. “Sugar, it’s okay. Just come back to bed. Come back to bed with me.” 
Tony didn’t put up a fuss when James dragged him up to bed, bit back a helpless, needy groan when James rolled him against the pillows and kissed him soundly, when the soldier turned him onto his side and budged up behind him. 
“James, please--” Tony gasped when his body stretched over again, shivery and tender but needing needing needing to forget and to remember and to still be alive for just a little longer. “Please.” 
“I’ve got you.” James hid misery in Tony’s shoulder, mouthed silent apologies along the curve of Tony’s throat and jawline. He didn’t know why he was sorry or what he could be sorry for, but he was sorry Tony was hurt, sorry Tony was lying sorry sorry sorry that he couldn’t do anything fix it. 
“Don’t let go of me.” Tony whispered when James tried to touch him, to stroke him back to full hardness and towards release. “No Brooklyn, don’t let go. Just hold me.” 
“I’m not going to let you go.” James kept his hand over the arc reactor, over Tony’s heart, protective and careful and always always tender. “C’mon babydoll, c’mon…” 
Tony’s grip never loosened so they fell asleep right there, James still buried deep in Tony’s core, skin sticky from sweat and spend, hands clasped together, tears drying on Tony’s face. 
Don’t let me go. 
In the bathroom, the blood toxicity monitor blinked on at sixty-one percent, then blinked off and went dark. 
Don’t let me go. 
Eggs were rationed during WW2 so Stucky getting any would have been rare which is why James is shocked by them. It’s a memory he doesn’t realize he remembers. 
Also, I didn’t expect to get so sad writing this chapter, totally played myself. 
@ships-galore @ceealaina @izziebladez @cwar1864 @hausoffro @tonystarkisanangel @multishippinglife @girlnic @iam93percentstardust @paranormalmoonlight5 @igotloki @moosette05 @wayward-student-philosopher @kaz-brekkers-gloves @atomicfandombomb @1fuckingshitup69 @agentlokii @livewire28 @tulipsnbigcats @kimstark @alex-stark-rogers @bibbarnes @heeeyitskay @goindownshipping @justaniche @actual-demon-belial
@quietgayguy @bluedreamdino @akimi-youngblood @blackstar1602 @dixiehellcat @travellover1245 @capnstarkey @the-awkward-teenaged-one @thanossucks @peteryoulittleshit @tony-and-steeeb @striving-artist @roe-sesandthorns @coolsidedpillow @i-am-worth-it-25 @firelightmystic @maligatorthealigator @simsccsol @a-tardis-in-221b @happyendingrequired @everygoodoneistaken11 @pootie-and-the-snoots @megahuffledor @xkissmeimirishx @crystalskrull @hazelbeatsturtle @wecollectnightmares @endrega23 @saganarojanaolt @the-crazy-house @ravynfyre @yomama-umbridge @lovely--tony @gayspacesprinkles @elliotkaingrey @warmachinesocks @glitternotgold73 
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aradias-crypt · 5 years
BH with a hero s/o headcanons
He would try killing you at first
Surely this one was obvious, no one is disillusioned enough to believe the source of all evil in the world would not attempt to off all heroes he sees.
And as a hero, it would be your ultimate goal to free the people from the dangers of villains, especially Black Hat. While you normally patrol your designated city, there has been the occasional meeting with Black Hat himself (usually when he is out collecting debts or working with contemporaries).
“If it isn’t my favorite little nuisance,” Black Hat grins, waving away his subordinates. He didn't need them for this. “Did my last attack teach you nothing? I may enjoy this little game of ours but I will not hold back any one.”
You land on the ground softly, “Should I take that as a compliment?”
“Of course, it is an honor for any human scum to be acknowledged by me.” He steps to the side, blocking your path as his soldiers enter the building behind him.
“What are you up to?”
“I would go on about my magnificent plans but that would be quite silly of me, don’t you think?”
“It would make my life so much easier.” Crystals grow from your arms, forming a shield and sword.
He smirks, shadows spilling from his body.
“But I enjoy w̴̘̲̻͈̌̀́͗͑̂̇͝at̸̢̟͓̗͓̥͈̮̼̃̄̔̄̊c̷͔̪̺̘͓̪͙͈̅͐̀̀͛͗̋̓̊̎͠h̸̡̟̞̖͍̲͊̋̀in̵͈͖͇̜̱̮̑̋̍͂͂̚g̷̮͐ ̵̧̧̧͈͍̜̫̜̬̫̮̮̔͝ỹ̵͕̗̤̍̍̊ő̷̡͕̻͙̤̤̮̣̉̂̂̂́͜ͅù̸̠̟̜̳̩̠̫̗̼̩͇̐͌͒̈́̊̍͆̑͊̚̕͜ ̵̼̲̗͓̖̒́s̵̨̢̼̟̼̬̳͇͍̩̙̓̅͒̏͌̓͂͆͜ư̷̪̞̟͖̓̒̂͂͊̓̔̇̀͜f̷̡̺̦̭̺̩͎̤̯̣̝̫̄͐̋f̶̛̫̗̺̟͖̓̉̀̋̓͆̕e̶̛̺̻̫̫̩̱̺͕͎̲͍̺͋̌͗̎̑̊͊́̃r̸̰͓̳̹͈̹̖͌̒̋̑͒͘~̵͎̯̳̓̆!̴̦̹͔̖̞̠̱̘̪̿̓͝”
He would protect you from other villains
It isn’t because he *shudders* likes you, but because you are the only hero who can amuse him. If another villain were to kill you, not only would you shame him for dying at such a lower villains hands and not his own, but because he would be bored.
You brace yourself for impact, forming a thick shell of diamond around you as the villain on the outside blasts you with gamma rays. You herded the civilians in the area far away, propping up lead walls to try and shield them from the radiation, but it left you with little energy and proper material to protect yourself.
‘They’re safe,’ you think to yourself, ‘That’s what matters.’
Slowly, you begin to feel nauseating waves pierce through your barrier.
You squeeze your eyes shut, not wanting to the the damage that will soon be done to your body.
‘This is it.’
“I’m starting to believe you truly have a death wish little hero.” A gravelly voice rasps from outside.
You look up, eyes wide as the light shining through disappears for a moment.
The villain screams, their attack ending abruptly.
You wait in silence.
The light slowly shines through again, but a shadow approaches from the outside. The outline of a hand reaches out and raps on your barrier.
“You can come out now,” Black Hat chuckles, his voice full of arrogance, “I took care of that pathetic trash. You’ve nothing to fear out here but me.”
Slowly, you would stop fighting
Eventually, you would get used to each other, no longer fighting like before. Meeting in public, you’d bicker more than swap fists. It would come to the point where other heroes would fight with his lackeys while you two debate whether the import taxes and tariffs war is good for anyone. Though Black Hat is rather relaxed seeing as how he isn’t “required” to pay them.
“I don’t understand how you can be so calm about this,” you blow on your cup of hot chocolate as you walk beside the ageless being, “you’re a businessman, this would cut your profits if people don’t pay for your goods right?”
He places a hand on his chest, “A being like me is exempt from such mortal affairs little one; I don’t need to hand over my money to anyone.” He hisses at the children gawking at him, his eye flashing red.
You shake your head, sipping your drink slowly. “You know, I forget you’re like this sometimes.”
“Powerful, awe inspiring, nightmare inducing?” He grins.
You wouldn’t officially end your rival status
Black Hat is the paragon of evil and the standard all villains should strive towards almost being, it would not look good for him to be so... civil with a hero. The same thing goes for you, you may be used to him and a bit.. fond of him, but you couldn’t leave the League of Heroes! You were one of their top heroes! And you still were drawn to justice, no matter how much you enjoyed Black Hats satirical humor and general company, you didn’t believe villains were right.
This was something you two could agree on. Neither of you could afford to ruin your public appearance.
A secret relationship
Not that either of you ever made it “official” or anything, but you both agree to keeping your public and private lives separate. On the outside, you both would resume your fights and do your own things, but away from the public you could act however you wanted. This leads t the more domestic side of your “courting”.
Visiting your home
After a faux battle leaving you with a stinging gash, you decide to finally show bring your.. partner? Friend? Beau?? to your home.
“Its smaller than I expected.” Black Hat surveys the room around him, lifting up a bottle of mineral water from your table, “Do they not pay their heroes enough?”
You snatch the bottle from him, and swap it for a bottle of disinfectant, “They aren’t cheap like you. I just prefer something cozier.” You stick your tongue at him before drinking. The water soothes the building fever in your body and eases some of the aches and soreness you received from getting smacked around by him.
He clicks his tongue in distaste, “I could heal you ten times faster than mortal medicine.”
“You don’t seem like the healer type. And definitely not for free.” You walk to your bathroom and pull out your medical kit, taking out a roll of gauze, needle and wire. Turning around, you bump into Black Hat who steals the needle from your hand.
“You won’t be needing any of that,” he snaps his fingers, causing the items in your arms to disappear. “Except this.” He holds the needle in his mouth like a toothpick,”I will heal you in exchange for dinner. A good bargain considering the wasted use of my talent.”
You smile, “I’ll cook, as long as the hole in my arm doesn’t grow teeth due to your healing.”
He smirks and stalks down the hall to the kitchen, “That’s not a bad idea, I quite like it.”
You follow after him, “Do it and the first thing it eats is that car of yours.”
“I have plenty to spare.”
Visiting the manor
It doesn’t take much to convince Black Hat into taking you to the manor. Ever the show off, Black Hat makes sure the house is in its top condition before bringing you along with him. Seeing how Hat Island is stock full of villains and is home of Black Hat himself, no hero has ever gotten close to the island and come out unscathed. Until you.
This means you are wholly unprepared for the sight awaiting you.
“This sums you up pretty well.” You stifle a laugh. Before you is the home of evil incarnate. The lair of the monster children are told of at night. The domain of something so evil, he could destroy the planet and dust himself off as if nothing ever happened.
That entity’s home. Is a hat.
He sweeps you inside,”Of course, everything I own must have my stamp of approval.”
“Is the airplane also your stamp of approval?”
He grumbles,”Ignore that.”
- - -
“Your home feels a bit more like a museum and you the curator, but I admit it is very interesting.” You sit at his desk, admiring the artifacts lining the walls. You were especially interested in a piece of what seemed to be a spear.
Noticing your gaze Black Hat chuckles, “I take pieces of history, much of what you see now is because of me.”
“Including the plague?”
A sigh, “Good times.”
The rest of your time is full of questions and his retelling of history (though you take the stories of heroes with a grain of salt).
Final piece to the puzzle
There is no sound of wedding bells- and you highly doubt you could convince him to enter a Church or going to the government for that- so the two of you never truly get “married”. But along the way of your partnership, you both begin to realize that you are very, very fragile. So Black Hat creates a solution. No need to thank him~.
You lift a brow at the small box Black Hat has slid across his desk to you. Picking it up, you pause before opening it.
“Is this another shrunken head because I still haven’t gotten over the last one you gave me.”
He doesn’t look up from his newspaper, “Open it.”
“If something springs out I’m not making dinner.” You open the box.
A signet ring lay inside with the black hat symbol on the top.
“I..assume there is a reason behind this?” You take the ring out, twirling it between your fingers.
He folds his paper and approaches you. You look at him quizzically as he grasps your hand and holds the ring up for you to see.
“This, my little mortal, will keep you from harm.”
He slips the band onto your finger and pats your head, “I cant have you dying on me just yet.”
You lean forward on your palm, “With you here, what could hurt me?”
He leans in with a wicked, vulgar grin and eyes ablaze with want.
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c-atm · 4 years
Halloween tradition
Welcome, hunters! Defenders! Protectors! Human and not! Singled and partnered! Welcome to the Halloween Hunter Horde!" The master of ceremonies, a large, snow skinned person dressed in a ringmaster attire, yelled from their balcony perch to the crowd below, getting cheers and lift of wine glasses in their honor.
As was the tradition of the 'Hunters Horde.'
An annual party for hunters by the 'powers that be,' as the hunters recognized them. Truthfully, they were those who provided hunters help and assistance through various means.
Shops to exchange gems for standard currency, buy gear and accessories, and even buy domestic items. They provided information on hunts, places for hunters to exchange information, and settled disputes, and every year they did this.
Demon hunting is a lucrative business.
For the 'powers that be.'
Dressed in a purple-and-red, tattered coat with a frilly shirt, pink vest, pair of black pants, leather boots with metal soles and toes, a pair of gloves, a diamond necklace; Steven sighed as he looked at the drink in his hand, a cranberry wine, very sweet and tangy, the velvet red color was pleasing to the eye, but it wasn't his taste. Symbolic of his feelings towards this event.
There are a million things he wished he could be doing right now. All involving his firey mistress right now. Hunting with her, trick-or-treating with her, which was fun last year, dressed as Mirai Kuriyama and him, Akihito Kanbara from beyond the boundary.
"Simply adorable, she was." He mused, thinking of how excited she was to do something so child-like. How her face glowed with pride every time they were stopped for a picture or got a statement on how cute their couple cosplay was. The times when she acted in character, reciting the characters' infamous 'unpleasant' line as she adjusted her red frame glasses. She was entirely in character that year...a little to perfect.
"Still cannot believe she learned a bit of enchanting magic to create a blood blade," He muttered with a loving smile, "though she's also done one who learned demon transformation magic, so in retrospect maybe it's not insane." He shook his head; he was talking to himself, literally as violet was out on the floor, either watching and dancing with Ames or about to cause havoc with Ames. Either would be fine at this moment.
"Where is she?" He wondered as he looked around the room of their peers, hoping to see if his lady was still present, as she arrived before him from her day job or if she completely bailed and went home, leaving him alone in this...Networking event.
"No...she's still here. Just hard to tell with these senses diluting glyphs in place." Steven whispered, but he still felt her presence in the manor, scattered but there. 'Concerning in a way. Though, doubt anyone here would do anything that might put them in opposition with the 'powers that be.'' Steven thought to himself.
Still, he was expecting more... chaotic entertainment with a name like a hunter's hoard, so far everyone was tamed-chatting, dancing...info gathering.
"Well, if it isn't the flames witch's devil." A female voice said from the left of him.
He turned his head to see a demon hunter that they've come across a few times. Snow blonde hair, dark skin, voluptuous form dressed as a sexy witch, a small split skirt, tight corset top, purple silk cape, and black witches hat.
"Sarah did your 'nun' drag you here as well," Steven smirked as the witch nodded with a sigh.
"Yup, my sweet demoness thought it would be fun, plus networking is my forte, supposedly." She rolled her eyes while crossing her arms.
"Aren't you the top manager in an electronic insurance firm?"
"Aren't you a bisexual in a seemingly heterosexual relationship."
"Well, damn, who shit in your wine." Steven yielded with his hands up.
"No, I'm sorry." She sighed, "Just being here and not being able to feel Alicia's presence....Being so close to... ' Them.'
Steven nodded. He got it; the 'powers that be' are strangely intimidating, especially since no one knows precisely who they are...That, coupled with the sense dampening spell, would put any right partner on edge.
"Did you come with Alicia?"
"Strange question." Sarah arched her eyebrow, " but yeah...Of course."
"Hmmph. Well, at least you saw your partner."
Sarah's eyes widened at that before she smirked. "You didn't see trailblazer , huh..or what she was wearing."
"You have?" Steven took a sip of wine.
"Oh yeah." She tittered, "Actually, her and Alicia were sticking close to each other, talking with some other hunters."
Steven released a breath he didn't know he was holding. He was more relaxed now that he knew she was at least with a trusted ally. A demoness, yes, but Alicia's a fan of his firey lady and has been one since the azurite case; Where she saved the duo and a few others from a very oppressive spell. She's even the one that dubbed her 'trailblazer' for her aptitude with fire magic and her fierce attitude.
"So... How does my lady look?" His curiosity and enthusiasm in his voice.
"I can not say when you sound so ecstatic. It's like spoiling the climax of a movie."
"Fine, fine. I'll let myself be surprised. Can you at least tell me where you last saw her?"
Sarah was about to point left when it all happened. A body sailed across the sky, above the crowd, landing right between the two hunters.
Looking down, they saw the body was that a man with tan skin, a deep brown comb-over, and a broken, singed nose and cheek, dressed as speed racer; he groaned before losing consciousness.
"Where is that grabby little snake!"
A voice yelled within the crowd, a familiar voice.
A fiery voice.
Steven smiled as he watched the crowd all but part to give room to his blazing contractee as she marched her way through towards her victim and assailant, and his jaw dropped when he saw her.
She was dressed in a steampunk styled costume her consists of a purple and red-trimmed leotard with matching hot pants, a deep blue pleated skirt, black thigh-high socks, white boots, a pair of red mid-finger gloves, a headband, a pink diamond barrette, and ribbon around a lock of her hair. The costume, while not revealing, showed all her curves and brought both her charm and charisma to the surface.
"My Connie." He expressed in a daze getting her attention.
"Steven?" Her eyes expanded as she saw her partner, instantly forgetting the handsy little perv, in favor of her beloved demon embrace. Laughing as his hands found themselves at the curve of her back and her palms found his shoulder blades as she kisses his gem under his shirt. Getting a small shiver of appreciation.
She climbed out his arms, reluctantly to take a look at her partner in his outfit." So it's a costume party, and you came as a demon?" She teased, "a little on the nose there, don't you think."
"Ah, but you see, I'm now a love demon, all for you," he whispered, pulling her back into his hold.
"You gotta show me your credentials, later then."
She giggled, feeling his gentle lips on her shoulder. "So, you didn't say anything about my alchemist costume." She mumbled into his ear.
"Do I have to say how bewitching and tempting you are?" He teasingly admitted as he kissed her blushing cheeks.
"You just did, silly " She sighed, holding him close. She turned to Sarah and pointed toward the crowd, "Alicia's near the punch."
Sarah gave the two a grin before disappearing into the sea of people, leaving the two of them alone.
"So, having fun?" Steven asked, against her collar.
"Yea, it's been a blast." She started sarcastically, "talking shop, exchanging war stories and info about demons sighting called 'slashers'..." She sighed, "all while having people gawk at me with lewd eyes." She huffed.
"Well, you can't blame them. You make such an alluring alchemist." He moved his lips to her ear, "you'd have willing volunteers to experiment all across the land." His teasing cold breath tickled her ear, causing her to giggle.
"Oh! no doubt," she carried on their play, nuzzling close. "Unfortunately, I have such a terrifying territorial terror as my partner. You'd chase them all away." She clicked her tongue in faux reprimand, kissing his temple. "Scientific succession stopped by my stingy Steven."
"I was yours first. Science can suck it."
"You're mine now."
"I'll be yours forever."
The earnest way he said it made her heart thumped and urged her to give him a tender kiss, humming throughout.
"Can we go somewhere more...Secluded, like.." She nodded her head towards the western wall, where there was a large enough balcony behind two glass doors, and no one was on it. Connie only giggled as Steven scooped her up and moved like a wisp of smoke towards their destination; unseen, and unnoticed by all.
They reappeared on the terrace almost immediately, Steven walking out of the smoke with Connie, still mid-laugh. He sat her down on her feet before watching her walk to the edge and sitting on top of it, facing him. "You'd catch me if I fall, right?"
"Of course, my lady. I am your partner." He smirked devilishly as he glided up to her, resting his hands beside her hips and his torso between her knees. Looking up at her somewhat mischievous face shining in the moonlight. "Are you planning a daring escape?" He teased.
"Actually, I might have...Sort of...Put one into action, already?" She confessed sheepishly.
"Huh?" Steven looked dumbfounded at his love. " What do you mean?"
"You'll find out."
"Does...does it have anything to do with that fool you laid out." He asked.
"Oh, gosh, no!" She exclaimed. "I put this into action, way before he grabbed my and Alicia's butt." She clarified, almost nonchalantly. She pulled him into a hold, feeling the rage from her best friend and partner, "No, we already handled it." She confirmed.
"But he..." Steven began only to be silenced by a small glare.
"It was nothing, my dapper demon. I promise. He touched and was punished for it..." she grimaced" Licia, just about ended his bloodline, if you catch my drift." She said, flexing her fingers as if she was holding something.
"Ooh." Steven breathed out, shaking his head." Still, wished that didn't occur."
"Yeah, cause only you can be perverse with me." She teased.
"Now, is it really perverse when it's with your lover, I prefer, intimate." He spoke in that devilishly dapper tongue that used to (and still at times) make her a blushing mess.
Connie, red face and eyes glowing by another emotional heat, chuckled. "Intimate, huh?" She pulled him closer.
"Yup." he rested his head on hers. "My actions are based on my love for you, my flame ."
"I never doubted that, my gem .." She chuckled. "Speaking of intimate...How long are you gonna keep your lady waiting?"
Steven didn't need anymore coaxing as they shared a deep kiss. Her hand holding his cheek, as he held her seat, her hot tongue twist, caress, and danced with his cooler one, creating a moment of warming love between the two. However, anyone else would see a small purple heart of flame around them.
Then a crash resounded from the inside along with the yells and laughter of Violet and Ames, causing general chaos.
"That's -chu- your -chu- plan?" He smirked through their kiss.
"Um -chu- hm !" She nodded, "let's go get us some candy -chu- get us a demon -chu- get a little hurt, -chu- and then spend the night dressing each other wounds, love demon. "
"Now, That's a plan fit for an alchemist." Steven said, deepening the kiss. " -CHU!- I missed you."
"I missed you too...Nothing like being able to sense you." She sighed as the kiss gain more depth.
" Let's not waste their hard work."
Steven smirked as he lifted his lady from the railing holding her in his arms, resuming their kiss as they sank into the sweet shadows that filled their flaming heart.
Off to spend their Halloween, their way.
For @meku95 Halloween contest
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