#justice league Snyder cut
jasonsutekh · 1 month
Justice League (2017) and Snyder Cut (2021)
Batman attempts to construct a team of heroes to stop a villain called Steppenwolf from collecting powerful boxes which, when combined, can destroy the world.
Each character got a little development, much more so in the Snyder cut, though it didn’t help that the theatrical version predated most of the solo movies so the background was vague at the time. The dialogue was interesting at times and it was good to see some conflict in the team even if it wasn’t major. Flash was rather a funny character and easily one of the most likable so hopefully he’ll get some more screen time or a solo film.
The narrative was pretty basic with an archetypal villain without much history apart from doing obvious villain things. The content was mostly action which is to be expected when going straight into a cross-over film this early in a branch of the franchise, especially since there are so many other branches that it’s not clear which ones are linked to this one. Overall the pacing wasn’t really up to Marvel standards which took things slower in completing their team.
The film leaves itself open to sequels which is good because some of the main characters need some development in their own films, including any villains that might be introduced. The longer version leaves it open for sequels that look to be much more interesting than what has happened so far and they’re already recasting so it probably won’t come to pass. There needs to be more detail put into the motivations of some characters besides them just wanting to do god things and spin-off films could give them that chance.
The style was expectedly dark and broody which is good in some respects but actually makes it difficult to see what’s going on at times because it’s literally too dark, Snyder cut cleans that up a bit. The aesthetics are typical and hopefully they’ll mix it up in future films otherwise it’s going to look like a franchise remaking the same film with few individual qualities. There was also too much CGI which varied in its quality, the inconsistencies making it all the more obvious how much is being used.
5/10 -Can’t find a better example of average-
-The spatial tunnels are referred to as “Boom Tubes”, named after the noise they make when establishing.
-This is said to be the 5th film in the DC extended universe (DCEU), being preceded by Man of Steel (2013), BvS: Dawn of Justice (2016), Suicide Squad (2016), and Wonder Woman (2017).
-Batman’s back story is based on the murder of his parents but he’s the only one of the six heroes whose parents aren’t referenced in the film.
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viking-raider · 6 months
For Real Life Though!
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mondonguita · 2 years
I've just watched the Snyder Cut of The Justice League.
Loved it.
Way better than the theater one. You see more of the main characters interactions as a group, better dialogues, better dynamics as a team and superior action.
I like Steppenwolf design and he has a better presence as the titular villain. Also we get a better explanation and set up for Darkseid's menace. His design was perfect to.
Great action, the ancient first battle epic. We also see more of the amazonias battle against Steppenwolf.
And i don't know how to explain this but to say that there's meaning and logic for what the character do the things they do.
This cut did them all justice as characters. Apart from the trio Cyborg has more screentime, we see him having a clear character arc that pay off, so does the Flash who also has a different introduction and "one hell of a moment". And we get to see J'onn (!)
Snyder isn't a perfect director but he had a story to tell and did a great job telling it.
I'm happy I watched this film, fully recommend it. It's long but you'll have a great time. You really won't notice it.
Only thing is expecting for what will happen from now on. By now this is just something of what could have been. Oh, well.
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acciohunks · 2 years
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Too cool!
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mechag11-art · 3 years
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Sketchtober Day 20 - Steppenwolf
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moonlessnight14 · 3 years
30 minutes into the Snyder cut, and I've never seen a director with such a hard on for slow-mo
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jandrdawson · 3 years
This scene....
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kizunatallis · 3 years
Darkseid in Zack Snyder's Justice League: (appears)
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faramir-stan · 3 years
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its-all-ineffable · 3 years
Guys, I have to tell you - I watched Justice League and Wonder Woman for the first time this week!😁
I'm not a big DC fan, though I liked Suicide Squad & Birds Of Prey, and am enormously looking forward to The Suicide Squad, but I'm not interested in the other DC movies. Well, I wasn't. But I was bored, so I stuck Justice League on, and then Wonder Woman. And then I watched the Snyder cut of Justice League. And Wonder Woman was a great film!
Justice League, less so...the Snyder cut was better. But omg, the found family vibes I got from the Justice League films?! PHENOMONAL!
So, if anybody knows any good found family fics relating to the Justice League films, please send 'em my way! I need them!
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mondonguita · 2 years
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andnowanowl · 3 years
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It would be funny if they did this, but I doubt they will and I'm just joking, anyway. Amber Heard and Johnny Depp seem to have brought out the absolute worst in each other.
Zach Snyder replaced Chris D'Elia in the Army of the Dead with comedian Tig Notaro when sexual harassment allegations began against D'Elia. So Snyder had D'Elia digitally removed and put Tig Notaro in his place.
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kitzatara · 3 years
I don’t think i can forgive the justice league live action movie (either cut) for establishing superman as far stronger than diana. Because she’s supposed to be very close to being his equal. How the hell are we going to have BvS and then instantly turn around and have clark headbutt Diana into the ground.
Like don’t get me wrong i can accept him being stronger, but Diana is the better fighter, and literally magic??? One of supes biggest vulnerabilities? Like if Shazam can get the buff then so does Diana considering she’s literally a demigoddess. He should not be able to wipe the floor with her, and especially not the entire league seeing as batman alone was giving him trouble.
The point of the league is showing no one person could do the job, so to show them being functionally useless until or unless superman is there just... isn’t good.
Plus now (SPOILERS FOR JUSTICE SOCIETY: WORLD WAR II) it’s set up a dangerous precedent for nerfing Diana. Aquaman was proving too much for her. Aquaman. Like no he’s absolutely not stronger than her. Again they can be equals but that just reinforces supes shouldn’t have been able to take BOTH of them. DC i will not tolerate you making Diana lose to supes so easily or struggle against arthur that much. It shouldn’t be that wide of a margin. There should always be doubt that Diana will lose, she is a big enough threat to either of them.
(Especially since the fight wasn’t underwater, like there’s no way mate. We’ve known this since JLU and literally what is the obsession with not having her fly?)
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gotham-trash · 3 years
Look how they massacred my boy
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This are supposed to be the same people? They really just said we'll give you a sort of hood and call it a day?😂 Is it even a hood?
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