#jyugo x reader
kazelvr · 7 months
₊˚ෆˎˊ˗ everyone adores you, at least i do.
synopsis. cell 13 relationship hcs (separately).
content contains. gender neutral reader! building 5 arc mentioned. multiple hajime mentions (jumpscare) not proofread!
mei’s note. wrote this for all the nanbaka enjoyers, i also need nanbaka mutuals 2bhonest :,).
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jyugo (ジューゴ)
jyugo is definitely something when it comes to relationships! he’s been behind bars his whole life, how is he supposed to know how to show his affection?
so, he gets advice! almost everyday he can be found next to uno, seeking relationship advice tips on how to show his love for you. although the advice he receives isn’t the most useful, he still makes an effort. however, there was one instance where he turned to hajime for advice, and lets just say it didn’t turn out so well.
jyugo is your #1 protector, always looking out for you just in case anything happens to you. in the building five arc, he keeps a watchful eye on you, never letting you stray too far from his side. his grip on you is firm, seeking solace in your presence.
cell thirteen freaks the FUCK out when they hear about jyugo having a partner. literally, how could someone like him possibly pull someone as cute as you?
like i said earlier, jyugo struggles to express his love for you. his attempts are often clumsy and timid, leaving him embarrassed even at the mere utterance of “i love you” coming from his lips. but, don’t get the wrong idea about his lack of affection. he adores you deeply, please be patient with him!
he loves to show off his jail breaking skills to you, only to be caught by hajime 10 minutes later. and then you have to witness your poor boyfriend get yelled at for trying to escape. at least you’re there to comfort him and praise his skills, which makes this all worth it in the end.
he never. stops. talking. about. you. never. it’s painfully obvious he’s head over heels for you. even before you two started dating, he was talking about you as if he was your biggest fan. which, he is. but he doesn’t want you to know that.
if you’re a criminal and you belong in a different cell/building, trust me, jyugo would be sneaking out of his cell all the time to visit you. it gets so bad that you have to tell him to stop, or else hajime would literally kill him with his fists.
if you are in the same cell as him, jyugo likes to play with your hair while you’re sleeping. the sensation of his fingertips running through the strands relaxes him, especially when it’s late at night when he’s stuck in his cell. he could escape if he wanted to, but now he doesn’t because he wants to spend time with you. it’s also a way of showing his affection for you without getting embarrassed because he knows you’re sleeping. if you wake up and catch him, he’ll pretend that nothing ever happened.
jyugo’s heart nearly stopped when you first told him that you loved him. he knew it, of course, but hearing the words coming out of your mouth was too much for him to bear. tears sprang instantly to his eyes, and he buries his face in your shoulder, sobbing. his mind swirled with words of love he’d never heard before, words so soft and tender he couldn’t believe anything could make him feel this good. please, let him have his moment.
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uno (ウノ)
you bully him for being a brit (jay kay. maybe)
loves to play cards with you! even if you don’t know how to play, he’ll teach you anyway. he even lets you win just to see the smile on your face.
uno is always with you, always holding your hand. he likes the feeling of your touch, and he will never let go—no matter what how much you tell him to.
uno let’s you do his hair, and he does yours as well. he’s all about hair care and skin care, so no doubt he’ll remind you to take care of your skin and your hair. and then, you both end up glowing together.
he likes to flirt, and if you’re someone who gets easily embarrassed, uno will be flirting with you all the time just to see your reaction. he plays with your heart strings, he plays with your head; it’s like a game to him. he’s charming in his own cocky way. it’s a part of who he is and what he does best.
but, if you flirt back with him, he’ll melt and whine. he’s the one who’s supposed to do the flirting!
uno is the epitome of a doting cuddlebug. he is constantly attached to you, whether day or night, no matter who sees. he is so head-over-heels for you, that even hajime has to physically tug or otherwise force him away from your side..
when talking to others, uno frequently brags about you in the most adorable way possible. he flexes by casually pointing at you and asserting you’re his partner, often saying things like, “that’s my partner, [name]! so lucky, right?” to everyone else in earshot. in essence, his pride runs deep, and he’s not afraid to show it.
when rejected or ignored by you, unl tends to become highly sulky and dramatic. like a child throwing a tantrum, he’ll sulk and pout, spreading misery to everyone else near him just because he was in a bad mood. he’ll go so far as to ignore you unless you apologize, although his bad mood rarely lasts for too long. no more than an hour later, you’ll find uno clinging to your side once more, as if none of it ever happened.
uno’s self-proclaimed as a ‘pretty boy’ is a fact. nonetheless, he’ll still be a blushing, embarrassed mess whenever you acknowledge it, especially if you tease him about it. he’ll nervously scratch the back of his neck, his cheeks a bright shade of red, trying to come up with a reply that doesn’t make him sound like a giddy schoolgirl — but failing miserably.
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nico (ニコ)
nico is always recommending manga to you, based on what you’ll like— and he’s usually spot on due to his vast experience. if you’re an anime lover as well, he would be more than happy to chat with you about it, and will probably end up introducing you to his favorite series.
nico is utterly relentless when it comes to showering you with affection, always sparing no opportunity to tell you how much he cares. everyone else in cell thirteen has seen it all before— the constant showering with kisses and hugs, the endless compliments and praise, the clear unashamed adulation.
but to nico, it doesn’t matter if others see it or not, because he wants you to know how much he loves you, and he wants to make it known to you, right here, right now, however he can. it’s quite sweet, really.
playing video games with him is special to nico, especially since it’s you he’s playing with. he considers you to be his favorite person ever, and wants to do everything with you, which includes playing video games. however, nico can get a bit competitive at times. but, don’t worry. if you end up losing a round, he’ll feel bad and let you win all the other rounds after that, just to lift your spirits and make you feel better.
if you’re not one for talking, nico would be more than happy to fill the silence by yapping your ear off about anything that comes to his mind. and you would sit there, listening patiently each time, never judging him for wanting to share his thoughts and interests with you. having someone who is always willing to hear him out really, really means a lot to nico!
nico seems to have a sixth sense for whenever you’re feeling down, ashes constantly checking up on you. whether you’re feeling sad, stressed, or just plain tired, nico will do whatever it takes to cheer you up. he would take you to nanba’s arcade, put on a comedy anime for both of you to watch, or even simply cuddle with you the whole day if that’s what you want. despite his childish demeanor, nico is understanding and sympathetic, always willing to listen to you vent about your problems, while gently holding you close and doing his utmost to comfort you and make you feel better.
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rock (ロック)
food dates food dates food dates! although, nanba prison is probably not the most ideal setting for a food date — but your boyfriend still manages to make it work somehow. he’ll beg shiro for the most delicious meal he can offer, and in a heartbeat, you’ll be presented with a ten-tier cake.
rock loves having you on his back while he does push-ups, that’s it. no specific reason.
if anyone even so much breathes a word of disrespect in your direction, rock would go ballistic. without a moment’s hesitation and without any words exchanged, rock would proceed to throw hands, until the person who dared disrespect his beloved had a broken nose and a busted jaw.
while rock may appear brash and impulsive on the outside, he’s nothing more than a big sweethart who would do anything and everything for you. hell, he’ll even go so far as to share his meal with you. he’s got a very obvious soft slot for you, but he’s rather not say that out loud.
another cuddlebug! sure, his loud snoring may keep you up at night, but he’s your boyfriend, and it doesn’t really bother you, after all. the security that comes from rock’s big, muscular arms wrapping around you tightly is worth it. his cuddles are like a warm blanket, making you feel safe. sometimes, they can be so tight you can barely move— no complaints there from you, though. the warmth and comfort rock brings us more than worth it.
rock always asks you to watch him fight, regardless of whether he wins or loses. he doesn’t even mind if he does lose, as long as you’re there to cheer him on and offer him words of praise afterwards. that’s one thing that makes it worthwhile, seeing that big, dumb-happy grin show up on his face after getting congratulated by you for giving it his all.
rock often finds himself comparing hand sizes with you most of the time, knowing full well that yours would be smaller than his, but he still does it anyway. maybe it’s the intimacy and close contact of putting your hands against each other, and the feeling of your soft, slender fingers running up and down his rough, calloused palm. for rock, it’s an almost comforting sensation and he often asks you if you’re willing to do it again.
many others including cell thirteen have noticed the way how rock is especially more gentle with you. how his voice mellows to a calming, relaxed state as soon as he starts talking to you, and how his gaze becomes more relaxed and gentle. it’s as if a switch has been flipped once he locks eyes with you.
the guy is just sososo in love w/you :,)
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short-black-diamond · 11 months
I finished reading your fic to my request and it was really fun!! Although what I had in mind was different, it was still fun! I really like how it really matches the vibe :DD
But I'm here to explain the nanbaka reverse au: so basically there's like this one picture I found of cell 13 wearing different guards' outfit so I went like "Oh my god what if the guards and prisoners had a reverse role" like it would be so cool
That's my whole thought process :]
- 🍰nom
Naaaw, now I wanna see that pic too... Anyways, my precious 🍰nom, I'll start with headcannons and then I will just recreate one of the scenes if that's alright with you, okay?
Warnings: Nanbaka on crack, hopefully funny scenes, swearing
Don't let your guard down!
To be honest, Hajime didn't even deserve to be here
He was just minding his business when all of a sudden, some drunk guy came to him and punched him
And that's how he somehow ended up here, in Nanba
Nanba as itself was nice, but the inmates as well as the guards there were a bit stupid
For example there was one building, where apparently two "handsome" guards, aka Trois and Honey, went to events for who was the most pretty person, along with their "handsome" inmate, Kiji Mitsuba
why were there even events for handsome prisoners and guards??
Or when he saw a blue haired woman who glared at him?
Hajime always shuddered when he thought about her glare.
Then there was his old friend, Mitsuru Hitokoe who was way too loud, and even though Hajime held him somwhat dear to him, he was glad he didn't have to share a cell with him.
but when looking at his own guards?
No thanks
Hajime didn't like this. One. Bit.
Why couldn't he just chill in his own cell? He could've been more productive. He'd even share a cell with the monkey inmate, Samon Gokuu. At least he could fight against him...
But here? In cell 13?
Nah, everything was shit.
He had to share his precious cell with the crybaby Seitaro Tanabata, who got bullied by the four guards who were supervising this building. The other cellmate was Yamato Godai, who was eerily fond of training his body and tormented his it with a sunshine face.
Yeah, Hajime didn't get why or how these two guys could end up doing a crime that they'd end up here in Nanba, but oh well.
"Hajime~!", Uno's voice echoed, and Hajime 'Tsk!'ed only at the approaching footsteps of the young guard. "Did ya miss us~?"
"Hell no. Now leave me alone.", he only grumbled, facing the door with his back.
Uno only chuckled before he started speaking again. "A special inmate would like to speak to youuuuu!"
Hajime only had a vague idea of who it might be.
Samon? Maybe. Or that dog like guy...what was his name?
Yakuza...yokai...Ah! Yozakura Kenshirou!
"Who is it?", he only asked impatiently before he got dragged out. Uno was humming happily ahead while Hajime was thinking of a way to escape or at least go back to his cell, but Uno's grip was terrifyingly strong.
"Say...where's the rest of you? You know, Jyugo, Nico and Rock?"
"They are speaking to her. That's why I'm dragging you there as well, you know? To be honest, it should've been one of the others to take you there. She was so pretty!"
All Hajime heard was Uno's annoyingly high pitched voice as the guard described the girl to him. Hajime had a feeling that he knew that girl all too well.
When they finally arrived the cell, tick marks appeared on Hajime's temple and neck.
"What the hell are you doing here?!", the inmate yelled, but got hit by Rock.
"Hello Hajime!", the person on the other end of the visiting room greeted.
The guards looked back and forth between the blonde and the bald one.
"So what gives? You said you didn't have a girlfriend Haji-"
"Don't change the subject!", the inmate yelled.
"That's his girl? Ah, there's no way.", Rock said.
"Out of his league.", Uno stated.
"You catch her at a low point?", Nico asked.
"You freaking punks-", Hajime started, but got interrupted by the blonde.
"Big brother, who are all these boys?", the relative asked, and the guards repeated the words "big brother" in an asking manner.
"Oh so are these your friends?"
"Like hell they are!"
The blonde haired person then looked at the guards with a smile. "Everyone, please take care of my brother."
and they answered with blushing faces. "Sure~!"
However, Jyugo had a question. "What's the deal Hajime? You never told us you had a sister."
Undo chimed in, again with his high pitched voice. "It's also kinda rude that you haven't untroduced us yet!"
"Her dress is adorable!", Nico complimented the blonde.
"Almost as cute as her.", Rock said while averting his eyes.
"He's my brother.", Hajime only said.
"This is my little bro-ther.", Hajime pronounced.
His brother smiled. "Hitoshi Sugoroku."
And then the guards lost it. They all screamed and Uno asked Jyugo something weird. "You said you liked boys too, right, Jyugo?!"
And he just nodded. "Yep, I did."
Hajime just couldn't with these idiot guards.
Hello again! I hope this was okay, I didn't really know what else to write, so this is it for now! Tbh it was kinda short in my opinion...
Please write in the comments how you found it, and yeah!
Read you in the next post!
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ranhaitanisgf · 7 months
Can I request "childjood friends to lovers + dancing in the rain" fluff scenario with Jyugo?
For example: here they are going to the roof together and suddenly it starts to rain. (Y/n) invites him to dance together and after that they confess their feelings to each other.
And maybe during the dance they will remember common moments from the past and confess? If it's too tricky, you don't have to add it.
Also congrats on 2k! You deserve it
— jyugo // childhood friends to lovers // dancing in the rain
[𖤐] hello anon!! thank you for requesting for nanbaka I APPRECIATE U!! also i loved this omgggg. it's not ENTIRELY fluff but trust its stillf fluffy okay. i just added in a smidgeon of jyugos self doubr cause thats how he be. anywho. enjoy my lovelies !! xoxo
wc: 1.1k+
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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“oh…” opening the door to the balcony revealed the heavy rain that was falling, the droplets hitting hard as they created a downpour. “well i guess we’ll just go back then.” jyugo started to close the door to head back downstairs, but you stopped him, keeping the door open. 
“why don’t we just go anyways?” 
“you heard me! let’s just go anyways!” you giggled. it wasn’t something that was out of the ordinary for you; ever since the two of you were kids, you would want to do things that baffled him. and of course, this was no different. 
“i guess we can, but you could get sick, (y/n)...”
“life is meant for living, jyugo! c’mon, let’s go!” before he could protest, you had already grabbed his hand and dragged him out into the rain. he let out a yelp at the cold rain, the heavy downpour almost immediately soaking his clothing, as well as yours. as he stood there, already shivering, you started twirling around and…dancing? there wasn’t even any music, so what were you dancing to? 
“hey, dance with me?” 
“what? there isn’t even any music??” 
“okay, and? i’m not seeing your point. don’t you just wanna dance with me?” you asked him, a bit of a frown playing along your lips as you held your hand out to him. even though he knew the frown was just for you to get him to dance out of guilt, he still couldn’t help but feel the twinge of sadness in him at seeing the sad expression on you. 
“...fine.” as soon as he hesitantly grabbed your hand, you pulled him with you, making him almost stumble over his feet in surprise. 
there was no rhyme or rhythm to your dancing, and even though he was rather clumsy with accompanying you, you didn’t seem to mind at all. 
as he watched you, he noticed a lot of things. 
your hair was plastered all over your face, the wet strands sticking onto your skin in all different kinds of patterns. the droplets of water that were falling on you slowly slid down your cheeks and down onto your neck, soaking into your clothing. your lips were upturned into a joyous smile that made his heart feel all warm and fuzzy. 
the cold stone floor of the cell had long since made his legs numb. counting all of the different bricks in the wall had grown boring once he reached 1,000, so he had just been staring at the wall ever since. it was times like these that ate away at his mind. 
“jyugo? are you awake?” looking to the side, he saw you in the cell to his left, sitting right next to the bars. 
“i thought you were sleeping.” 
“i was, but i had a bad dream. will you keep me company over here?” you asked, a slight quiver to your voice. it was obvious you didn’t want him to think you were weak, but you couldn’t help the fact that you had been spooked. 
“...sure.” scooting over to the partition, jyugo leaned his back against the bars, his head slightly turning to face you. as he got a closer look, he noticed that your eyes were a bit bloodshot and that you had some slight under eye bags. it seemed like you hadn’t been getting a good sleep lately. 
suddenly feeling a warmth in his hand, he looked down to see that you had clasped onto his hand with yours. the warmth from your hand seemed to travel throughout his whole body, making his once cold body warm. 
“goodnight, jyugo.” he kinda liked the way you said his name. 
“yeah, ‘night…” 
“do you know how to waltz?” 
“uh, no…” 
“haha, it’s fine; i don’t know either. i always kinda wanted to learn though, you know?” you suddenly got a whole lot closer to him, making him want to take a step back. he doesn’t though; he just swallows a bit and tries to act calm. 
“why do you wanna learn?” 
“‘cause i think it would be nice if we could dance to a waltz one day…i don’t know, it just sounds very lovely.” you sighed, a small smile on your lips. “can i slow dance with you?” 
“what- uh- i mean…i don’t know how to…” the question took jyugo by surprise; is that what you were intending to do? 
“it’s okay silly, you just sway back and forth!” you took his moment of silence as a ‘yes’, wrapping your arms around his neck and leaning in close to him. 
jyugo froze, unsure of what to do and where to place his hands. all he knew was that you were close, so close, and it was messing him up a bit. what was he supposed to do again? 
shakily, he put his hands near your hips, his fingers hovering over your figure and just barely touching you. although he was still very stiff, he started to move the same way you were. even though the two of you were getting soaked by the rain, the warmth of your body against his was making his whole body warm. he hoped you couldn’t hear the way his heart was beating right now. 
“uh, y-yeah?” 
“i like you.” for a second time, jyugo froze up, his limbs going stiff at your words. “i really like you. i’ve been so scared to ruin our friendship, but i felt like if i didn’t tell you now i never would, and i had to tell you or else i would explode from just wanting to tell you. i don’t know.” you buried your face further into his chest, taking his silence as a not good sign. “i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have said anything. this was a mistake, so please just forget it happened.” 
it was only when you started to think it was a mistake that jyugo finally unfroze. 
“wait, no, i’m sorry. i was just…i just…i didn’t know what to say. it…it’s not a mistake. you’re too good for me though; if you stay with me, there won’t be good things for you.” at his words, you suddenly looked up angrily, seeing the pained look on his face as he looked away. 
“jyugo, can you shut up about that and just tell me if you like me back? i want to be by your side forever, even if that means that there will be bad things.” 
“but, (y/n)-”
“do you like me too?” 
“...yes.” in an instant, the smile that always made his heart skip a beat was back on your face. 
“see, it wasn’t that hard!” you leaned up, pressing your lips against his cheek, wet from the rain. “just let me be by your side. that’s all i ask.” 
jyugo’s heart almost exploded.
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thenanbakacorner · 1 year
Hi! I read the s/o that can wield weapons with the building 5 boys and I really loved it! Can I request the building 13 boys with the same ask?
Love you writing btw
Aw thank you! >u> Absolutely, here ye go! Sorry they're really short,, >3<;;
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🔓 Jyugo 🔓
He's extremely impressed by how many weapons they can weild, let alone how well
Despite them being very well able to defend themselves, Jyug is still a bit protective of them and will glare at anyone who so little as look at them wrong
He can't help but worry about his lover, no matter how good a fighter they may be!
He admires and looks up to his S/O though, and trusts them with his life
Maybe he can do some training with them to get better at fighting..
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🎲 Uno 🎲
Uno is amazed by their abilities and is always in awe whenever they show him a new skill
He asked to touch one of their weapons out of curiosity the first time he met them
Can’t help but stare every time they train; he finds their movements to be so fluid and entrancing
Brings up the idea of using their skills to enhance their jail breaking experiences
Totally brags about having such a strong and skilled lover
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🍩 Rock 🍩
Rock is impressed by their skills and is glad to have another tough person around that he can spar with
Though he often gets his ass kicked by them, he has lots of fun testing their and his limits
Watches from afar as they train and fight others, finding watching them to be very entertaining, and it helps him learn new skills himself
Eventually asks if they can actually teach him to use a few of their weapons, rather than fighting them with his fists
He never quite can do it like they do, but there’s no problem with experimentation and trying new things
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💊 Nico 💊
Nico, in true Nico fashion, is absolutely amazed by their weapon-wielding skills, and hounds them with questions at first
Asks if they can teach him how to use weapons like they do, or more so begging them
Any time they fight or practice, you bet he’ll be on the sidelines, mentally noting all of their movements to learn to do it himself
Very supportive and pretty much his S/O’s biggest fan
Constantly asking them to spar and teach him so he can be as good as them one day
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theanimewriter · 2 years
The known power of love
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pairing: gn!reader x Jyugo
genre: Fluff
Warning: none!
Summary: Jyugo being in love with you.Plus,helping him realize he’s in love.
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He would not realize he’s in love with you to begin with.Jyugo is highly bad at knowing what he wants,he always needs someone to tell him how he feel or help him out.So when he starts to feel different around you,Jyugo would think it’s that way because he’s you’re best friend or something.
At first,Jyugo was providing you with loyalty, supporting their goals, being able to reliably handle things.He didn’t know why he did this,he just felt it was right and normal things to do for you.
Jyugo, will become ever open to you,especially after the incident where everyone found out he is a “monster.”Yes,he not good with feelings nor knowing what he wants,but he just feels like it’s a good thing and it makes him feel all good inside-happy almost.(He can’t understand why his face feels hot when he’s near you.)
Jyugo,will always have your back and you’ll never feel more loved if he is on your side.Jyugo starts to have a feeling to be by you all the time,just being in your company makes him all giddy.
Jyugo, will ask you a lot of questions,almost like a child asking their parents question about everything and anything.Listen,he not really smart and he loves that you hold so much knowledge (at least what he thinks someone who smarter than he is.)
Jyugo really cares about the time he spends with you.He never felt like this with anyone before and finds it hurting his chest, but in a loving way; like sitting by a fire after being outside in the cold.
He becomes very interested in your hobbies and passion’s.He started to watch you (not in a creep way) doing the things that you like.Jyugo even wanted to join you-yes,he is bad at doing everything,but he still try’s and loves doing the things you love with you.
He not stalking you,Jyugo just drawn to you like a magnet and want to be around you because you light up his world.He started to break out of his jail cell just to see you more often.This may be weird at first,but you’ll slowly get used to it.
Now,keep in mind,Jyugo would take a long time to realize his feelings.When I say “realize his feelings” it means that you or Uno has told Jyugo of his own feelings;which at first,he didn’t want to believe,but later he came to accept and realize (after being told over and over again) that he has feeling for you.
Jyugo started to get shy with you.If you were to flirt with him,he would have die out of embarrassment.He’s not use to feeling such a way and with you doing this to him makes it all the more confusing.He doesn’t hate it,but it does embarrass him though.
Jyugo may not be the best (or even good) at a lot of things,but the one thing he is good at is escaping.He always try’s to show that off to you.It’s not that impressive after awhile,but it’s a way to avoid of him being trash at everything else.
This does lead to Uno being a jerk to Jyugo.Uni would talk about all the things that Jyugo can’t do,especially how he acts and look.which brings Jyugo sulking in the conner thinking that you would think he’s a good for nothing now.All you have to do is reassures him that he is more than worthy and talented in many things.(Jyugo never felt more loved more in his attire life.If this is what love feels like,than Jyugo would want to love you forever.)
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 2 months
Hi! Is it okay to request nanbaka?
Could you do where Reader, is an Inmate and has an animal companion, (A/n) the Gorilla? (A/n)- Animal's name
Romantic: Hajime Sugoroku Platonic: Guards and Inmates from building 5 (your choice, if you want to add)
Reader and (A/n) have been inseparable since they were little and in childhood. their dynamic/relationship is kinda like Disney Aladdin and Abu or Tarzan/Mowgli
(A/n) has a similar personality (and probably abilities) as the Supervisor (Hajime). And known for being caring and protective yet somewhat Child-like and can be aggressive to men, who are 'interested' in Reader. (also you can add this, if you want; (A/n) can kill or make 'accidents' that even S/o and others didn't/don't know how happens)
Reader and (A/n) origin: (you can change this if you want and it is kinda of based on this, https://youtu.be/vP5gkfLcdKE?si=Co3wmMWLvUqosQag )
Reader and (A/n) were orphans and adopted by their Master, who's a boss of the circus or other. They had a very close bond, as they helped and trusted each other while living under their greedy master.
As they got older and became young adults, they became a bit of a celebrity and their Master became aggressive and blinded by greed.
Reader is motherly and somewhat innocent/naive, even enduring the pain/abuse, and (A/n) becomes more defensive, aware, and caring for S/o.
In the middle of their performance and in front of the audience, something happens, that causes the accident of Reader, that's near death. The Master doesn't care Reader, he asks for applause which the audience does, while (A/n) watches everything, then he snaps and plots revenge
The next day for the performance, as the audience is waiting, the performance starts but shows the Master in the cage, (A/n) appears, and he 'performs' with/ the Master
(A/n) returns to Reader, who somehow survives. Then the Police and others came for (A/n), but (A/n) And Reader didn't want to be separated so they arrested them both, despite Reader's innocence at the death of her Master, she wanted to be with her only friend, (A/n), as (A/n) vows to protects and sticks with her throughout her life, even in prison
The Present Reader survives, and still has the same personality but becomes slow, klutzy, and a less active but tries to. (A/n) as her sort of support companion
(Thank you! and I'm sorry if this is complicated, but it's okay to reject this request)
-You were one of the guards of Building 13 of Nanba Prison, you were regarded as the ‘favorite’ of the prisoners, mainly because you were so motherly and doting on them, treating them like human beings, and not as lowly prisoners.
-Hajime couldn’t stand it when Cell 13 would escape, as he would chase them all over the building, along with Yamato who would laugh the whole time, if you were out and about, you led them back to their cell like ducklings! You just had to hold their hands and lead them back and they wouldn’t fight you at all!
-When Hajime wasn’t in the mood, mainly if his stomach was acting up, he would just send you and your partner out to round them up.
-Now, while Cell 13 and the other prisoners all adored you, they were all afraid of Lala, a massive gorilla, one that was easily four times the size of normal gorillas, who was your best friend, as you had been friends since you were both kids.
-You both grew up in the circus, working under a cruel circus master who wouldn’t hesitate to beat you, since he couldn’t to Lala, who grew up very quickly, and was deemed a threat, so when Lala would act up, you would be the one beaten, to keep Lala in line.
-It wasn’t until a terrible accident, one that almost cost you your life, that Lala finally fought back. The master was furious, as in his eyes, you ruined the show, not caring that you were clinging to life, so when he tried to beat you, Lala fought back, killing him.
-When authorities arrived, they were going to kill Lala, thinking she was dangerous, but when they saw you in her arms, barely clinging to life, they calmed and managed to calm her enough to get you treatment and you were both rescued.
-You and Lala were always together, you were partners, both of you were guards, and while you were the gentle sweet one, Lala wouldn’t hesitate if she thought you were threatened. There had been quite a few ‘accidents’ not only with prisoners but with guards as well, who were either rude or mean to you.
-As you were smiling at others, looking like warm sunshine, there was a figure cloaked in darkness, red eyes gleaming from the shadows behind you, a silent warning looming.
-Hajime liked Lala, as he saw her as a hard worker, easily able to wrangle rowdy prisoners, and Hajime liked your work ethic, as you were usually in the office, doing all the paperwork for the building, as you were very efficient.
-You were in charge of taking Nico and the rest of his cell mates to Nico’s checkups, as long as they behaved, but they always did for you, that’s why Hajime gave that job to you.
-Nico is the only one that Lala deemed okay, allowing him to hold your hand, as she saw him as a child, but if one of the others tried to take your hand, she was making sure they felt her icy glare, warning them.
-Lala would never do anything if they did nothing to you, like if they just held your hand, she was fine, but if someone were to grab you, not these four who knew better, they were asking for a shattered arm.
-The appointments and the journeys would always be uneventful, as many who would see a seven-foot-tall gorilla with an attitude problem with everyone but you was a pretty good deterrent.
-Hajime would never say it out loud, but he was impressed with your acrobatic skills, things you kept from the circus, despite being unable to do too much at once, at least without Lala’s help.
-There had been a breakout, not Cell 13 who were curious about what was going on, but it happened while you were with them at one of Nico’s appointments.
-You told them to stay with the doctors as you ran out with Lala, but they were quick to follow as Hajime shouted your name, pointing you towards those who broke out.
-You grabbed a rope from a nearby construction project near the clinic and you ran for the bridge to swing as you shouted, “Lala!” she just grunted and grabbed the end of the rope and you ran for the backside of the bridge, propelling you the opposite way as you swung, easily letting go and sailing through the sky.
-Cell 13 were in awe, all of them with bright sparkly eyes as they cheered and you landed in front of the escapees who had seen Hajime, running from him.
-One of them smirked, “Get out of the way babe, or we’ll take you hostage!” He ran at you, seeing you weren’t moving before a wall of fur dropped down between him and you, as Lala had charged once you let the rope go.
-She growled darkly, showing off her fangs as the escapees all screamed, hugging each other before Hajime arrived, whacking each of them on the head as he gave you a nod, “Good job Y/N, and Lala you as well!”
-You beamed, feeling happy for the praise as you admired Hajime, not so much in the romantic way, but he was someone you looked up to. You knew that Warden Momoko liked Hajime, which you thought was cute, and that’s why she paid you a little extra of her own personal money for pictures of Hajime during a normal day, minus the escapes of course.
-You hugged Lala, praising her after she turned and she huffed through her nose, looking proud as she adjusted her hat and patted your head, praising you before you hung from her back, arms around her neck as she swung to get back up to Cell 13 who immediately swarmed you with questions, looking elated at your skills.
-You couldn’t help but giggle, thinking they were cute, while Lala huffed softly again, allowing it, as they weren’t asking rude questions, as you led them back to their cell, telling them about the circus you and Lala grew up in together, happy that everything ended peacefully.
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tev-rainbow · 1 year
Please please pleaseeee! If ANYONE has a good Uno fic to recommend me send it to me because I am starving for this man (TvT)
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(Look at how sexy this man is dear lord)
Please... Please I want more fics about my British boy...And smut because I am a degenerate-
If anyone has fics or wants to write one, you are the most welcomed! ���😭😭
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pfpanimes · 1 year
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⌕ nanbaka - uno.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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snxffer-tv · 10 months
Could I request Kiji (nanbaka) x male guard reader that always wears a clown mask (like the image without the red nose, instead it's just a normal nose) like no one's seen him without it.
https://pin.it/6LTfYpj (the clown mask, but without the red nose)
But without it on he's gorgeous?
For his personality I'm thinking he barely speaks but when he does he speaks in riddle's, oh and he laughs and giggles at lot, he sometimes just starts randomly laughing or giggling, btw he can be mean (he's barely ever actually nice, and he's not shy btw
Oh you can do this as a face reveal almost? (It wasn't him who chose to do it, it was an accident)
Handsome Clown
Kiji x m!reader
Characters: Kiji, Y/N, Ahato, Trois, Aki, Nico, Uno, Hajime and Jyugo
Genre: Fluff
A/N: Sorry I didn‘t do the riddle speaking since I have no idea on how to implant it, at the end Y/N is out of character, again I am sorry. Hopefully you like it. I had my fun in writing it. Also didn‘t do any beta reading
‘‘If someone would to describe Building 3, they would say it‘s interesting. I mean there is one Guard who is everyones stylist in building 3, some dude who has an interesting way to dress up and than there is the most mysterious one of all these… A guy who wears a clown mask all the time, who almost never speaks and if he speaks,he speaks in riddles and everyone is left confused. He also randomly starts giggling or laughing.
No one really knows what his face looks like. Uno actually once tried to pry the mask off his face but it was like glued into his face. Many started rumoring that the reason he is wearing that mask, is because he is ugly under that mask. Y/N, the guard we are talking about, never denied nor confirmed these rumors and he never plans to until…
It was a nice morning for once in the Nanba Prison. ‘‘ So Y/N, it is very hot outside and you wear that mask… Isn‘t it hot under it?‘‘ asked one of the prisoners of Building 3, to be exact Trois. In the past he made clear that he had quite the interest in Y/N. Like expected there came no answer from Y/N. Why should he answer? It is none of Trois‘s Buisness. It was quite for while until Y/N started giggling. Like always it is random when he does. Ahato came into the picture : ‘‘ What‘s got you all so giggling?‘‘ Ahato asked and looked at Trois. He just shrugged. ‘‘Okaaayyy, anyways Y/N, Kiji wants to see you in his office‘‘ Y/N stopped giggling and just walked away without sparing a glance at the people who talked to him
‘‘So, why don‘t you take your mask of? I mean it is highly unprofessional for a Guard to wear a mask.‘‘ That was Kiji‘s first sentance as soon as Y/N closed the office doors. Kiji was joking. He just wants to see the face of the person who is infront of him. ‘‘Where is it you buisness on what I wear? Just look at yourself‘‘ Y/N said. Kiji should be offened at what he said but his voice was just so attractive. After just standing there Y/N just decided to leave. Little did he know that was going to be one of his biggest mistake.
Sometimes time is going at speed. Some days where time is going so slow that one hour feels like five hours and on other days times goes so fast that one hour was actually five hours. Today was one of the days where time is going fast. In just a blink it went from 8am to 12pm and with that also lunch time has started. So normally Y/N would go to the cafeteria, get his desired a food and leave to go to a private area to eat it food in peace. After he would be done Honey, Haru, Aki and Trois would sit at the table and would eat their food. Maybe if they are lucky Kiji and Ahato would also come.
Now before we start with the accident, I lied. One person has almost seen the face of the Handsome Clown (Y/N). It was none other than Kiji himself. As a human need, you need to shower. Usually Y/N Showers always alone, he waits until Ahato and Kiji are done so he can go. Well there was this one time were he was showering and Kiji just walked in and took the stall next to Y/N. Let me tell you, Y/N made it clear at the beginning the when he showers that he wants to be alone. Well Kiji forgot it apparently and just took the stall next to Y/N. ‘‘Kiji… what did I tell you guys at the beginning‘‘ Y/N said in a calm and scary voice. Kiji looked to the side and just the outline of Y/N face. He didn‘t saw the face of Y/N really.
(something similar like this, just behind a shower curtain and you behind it)
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Anyways after that you can say Kiji was lovestruck. He fell inlove with Y/N. You would think due Y/N Character that he would reject Kiji but no… Let‘s just say Y/N had always that deep down desire for Kiji. Y/N wants to keep up his facade that he built, he didn‘t want to end up like some other guards. He lived his whole life like that. Mean Face Guy. Kiji just somehow broke it. Don‘t worry he keeps up the facade during work but behind the private walls he let‘s the wall down, ONLY for Kiji Eyes. I mean of course only his voice tone. Kiji hasen‘t seen Y/N Face yet, simply because Y/N doesn‘t want to. You would think because of insecurity but nahh, he just too lazy to take off the mask, he only takes off the mask when he showers. He even sleeps with the mask on his face. Kiji thinks it‘s weird. The thing is, Kiji tried to take off the mask from Y/N‘s face when he was sleeping. Turns out Y/N has an inner sensor when someone‘s hand is near his face. He just grabbed Kiji‘s hand, before it touches his mask and just plain up coldy said ‘No.‘ After that Kiji never tried again.
Let‘s go to the said accident. Y/N grabbed his plate of food from the counter and walked to ‘his‘ section. He didn‘t get far. Uno from building 13 ran straight into Y/N and knocked both of them down. Somehow during this the mask slipped from Y/N face and EVERYONE saw his face. Some had fangirling moment, some passed out and some of them looked scared. Y/N didn‘t look pleased. Uno laid still on the ground meanwhile Y/N slowly stood up. He just looked at Uno, with an blank face. Yes it was a very classy way that his face was revealed. Y/N thought that someone steals his mask while he was showering and because of that he was forced to walk around without his mask to search for the thief. He thought that‘s how his face was being shown to everyone. He didn‘t expect it to be in a classy way. ‘‘Now, what were you thinking number 11?‘‘ Y/N asked. Uno was shocked and didn‘t bring out a peep. He just stared silently at Y/N with pure shock. Y/N took Uno by his collar and brought him really close to his face. ‘‘I asked you a question‘‘ Y/N said slow. His question was answered pretty fast? Why because an angry looking Hajime Sugoroku stromed into the cafeteria. Hajime‘s anger got even worse when he saw the scene infront him. ‘‘UNO WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!‘‘ Hajime asked, he wasn‘t very pleased. Uno started to stutter but no real answer came out. Y/N let go of Uno and he fell down with a very loud thud. Y/N just grabbed his mask, put it on his face and just walked away.
He left everyone by surprise. No one dared to say anything.
AND that is how everyone got to see Y/N face‘‘ Nico explained to Jyugo. ‘‘I AM ONE DAY SICK AND I MISS EVERYTHING SPECIAL. WHY? Also Guard Kiji and Y/N are dating?‘‘ Nico just nodded
Somewhere in Nanba Prison:
‘‘My handsome clown, I love you sooo much‘‘ Kiji said with a lovestruck face. Y/N was just laying on his chest and smiled to himself and just cuddled himself as close as possible to Kiji, he said, more like mumbled an ‘I love you too‘.
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short-black-diamond · 11 months
NANBAKA - Masterlist - 08.07.2023
Don't let your guard down!
request more stuff!!!
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banzaitaka · 2 years
wOah,,, could i request for uno and hajime (separate-) with a male s/o that's like jotaro from jjba?
This. I like this.
I got a bit carried away in Hajime's part, so the parts are each in a different writing style
Nanbaka Masterlist
I hope this is what you wanted & you enjoy reading!
Tips are very appreciated!
Hajime Sugoroku x male! reader
Uno x male! reader
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Two peas in a pod
They both knew what they have gotten themselves into when they decided to get married, a choice neither of them seriously regretted to this day. Though, the two would say it jokingly in their rare moments of playfulness. They were too much of a perfect match, both strongwilled hard workers with not much of a need for physical affection, if any at all.
(Y/N) had incredible strength, both mentally and physically. He could not be persuded to do anything, could not be distracted, and could not be escaped from. Those points made him qualified for the work of a prison guard, Nanba prison being no exception, even with the escape artists and supposed dangerous inmates being kept there.
The inmates of building 13 didn't appreciate this fact as much as Hajime did.
Hajime and (Y/N) could go hours or days without interacting or seeing each other without feeling guilty for not paying attention to the other, or upset over the lack of attention. Being a prison guard includes long and exhausting working hours, and even though they were working in the same building, even had their office desk in the same room, they couldn't just act like a couple. Work wouldn't allow it.
It felt like the most scandalous thing when Hajime leaned in to kiss his husband's temple during one of their breaks. They were lucky they were the only ones in the room or they wouldn't have heard the end of it from the other supervisors. Physical affection certainly was rare between the couple, but not completely absent. And seeing the two stoic giants display an uncommon occurance like that would've shattered their image as building 13's gorillas, until they present the reason why they got called that in the first place.
He overheard Seitarou and (Y/N) talking in the office, an opportunity he simply couldn't walk past. Not only because he was bored out of his mind, but also because he rarely heard (Y/N) talk in a calm voice at all.
And god forbid anyone from cell 13 to even hear about their marriage...
But we all know how sneaky Jyugo can be when he's bored and wandering around the building.
"Oh, right! Yours and the supervisor's wedding anniversary is coming up, right?"
Hell broke loose, and so did two certain people's tempers.
If cell 13 didn't know not to mess with (Y/N) before, they certainly do now. It was like he was an exact copy of Hajime, just with a fewer words maybe. That, however did not stop any of them to continue with their antics. Their shadows will make them look like Mickey Mouse because of the bumps on either side of their heads.
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Human shield
Another lighthearted escape attempt ended with Hajime giving the crew one last chance to turn back and return to their cell. Cell 13, minus (Y/N), might've lost one too many braincells from the past ass whoopings, looking at their smug looks as they just kept on walking further away from the prison. What made them think they wouldn't get beaten up this time?
Hajime and (Y/N) both really wanted to know the answer to that question. The (Y/HC)-haired kept being dragged along by his cellmates, his boyfriend, Uno in particular. Uno knew (Y/N) had no desire to escape prison and would rather just wait out his sentence, but they never planned to really escape anyways. It was all for sport, for fun.
And honestly, they all thought it would be less painful with (Y/N) around because of his strength. To their dismay, he didn't even keep walking once Hajime gave them that one last chance, he didn't want to get punished unnecessarily after all.
He just watched his friends and boyfriend walk straight into their doom. Their smiles quickly faded from their faces as soon as Hajime began his work with them.
"Good grief..."
"Don't think I will let you run, inmate #11!"
Within the blink of an eye, Uno was back at his boyfriend's side, teary eyed, "Don't let him ruin my handsome face!"
(Y/N) just stood still and watched Nico faint next to Rock who was already laying on the ground.
The blue-eyed didn't see the lack of response as a good sign, "Come on! You can't let him hurt your boyfriend!"
A glance from the taller one made him flinch in horror, "You won't let him hurt me, right??"
Uno quickly hid behind his boyfriend, clutching on his top, shouting at the top of his lungs, "PLEASE, BABE, I PROMISE TO STOP SLAPPING YOUR ASS WHEN PEOPLE ARE AROUND, PLEEEAAAASEEEEEE!!! PROTECT MEEEEEE!!"
Now, that was actually a pretty good offer...
But (Y/N) knew better than to face Hajime head on, he was strong, sure, but the prison guard was still on a higher level. So he just turned around and threw Uno over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. The male let out a startled yelp, "Wha- What are you doing?? AH- YOU'RE NOT GOING TO USE ME AS A WEAPON, ARE YOU??!!"
"Shut up, you're too loud."
A rather painful human shield, Uno had to say, but it worked out in his favor everytime.
"Inmate #(...), what are you planning?", Hajime halted a few meters away from the couple, glaring him down.
(Y/N) just scoffed, "Getting this dumbass back to his cell. I don't need him to loose more of his braincells from your beatings. I don't wanna know what kind of dumb shit he will do then."
Uno, however, always ended up pouting and whining because of the half-hearted insults from his supposed lover, hmph!
(Y/N)'s soft spot for the male helps him forgive him fairely quickly every time, though.
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thenanbakacorner · 2 years
Sooo is it possible to request, Jyugo, Uno, Gokuu and Tanabata with a really sarcastic s/o?
Of course 0v0 The S/O is an inmate or guard depending on which character they’re dating! Hope you like!
(There’s two Gokuus-- Samon and Enki-- so if you were asking for Enki rather than Samon; I’m sorry! ^_^;)
* * *
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🔓 Jyugo 🔓
Jyugo isn’t quite sure how he managed to win his S/O over-- not that he’s complaining of course
One day he managed to admit to them that he had feelings for them, and for reasons he isn’t quite certain of, they were revealed to like him back
He’s just happy to have someone to love that loves him back
He can be very dense at times, so he’s not very good at picking up on his S/O’s sarcasm
His S/O might tease him about this, and also just the fact that he’s not good at anything other than breaking out of jail, much to his irritation
They’re lucky he loves them so much
Sometimes people don’t take kindly to his S/O’s sarcasm and get snappy with them, but Jyugo takes none of that BS and will gladly stand up for them
Other times when others might try and flirt with his S/O, he gets a bit irritated and subtly tries to drag them away somewhere else. “Subtly.”
He may not understand his S/O at times due to how sarcastic they can be, but he loves them dearly and would do anything for them
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🎲 Uno 🎲
Whether his S/O fell for him first or he was the one to bring up the prospect of dating him, Uno is a charming and caring lover who does his utmost best to keep his S/O happy
He’s good at reading people, so he easily pick up on when his S/O is being sarcastic about anything
He’ll take up on being sarcastic right back at them just for the fun of it
He’s very protective of his S/O and does not take kindly to other inmates getting a bit too friendly with them for his liking, or just getting rude with them
Lots of playful banter, he loves to tease his S/O and see their cute reactions
Often sets up little dates for them, usually taking place in his recreation room or the arcade
Adore showering his S/O in affection, and doesn’t care about smothering them in love in front of others
So yes, there’s lots of PDA
Maybe he’ll even haul them over his shoulder out of nowehere just for the reaction and to prove his claim on them to others
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🐒 Samon 🐒
Samon and his S/O first met and started dating outside of work, but eventually, his S/O started working at Nanba as well
He prefers that they keep the sarcasm to a minimum on the job, but he can’t exactly fault it
He loves them and their little sarcastic remarks anyways
Due to being busy with work, and depending on how different their work zones are, he doesn’t get to spend much time with his S/O outside of breaks or off of work
But when they do get time together on the job he always works in a kiss and affectionate comment
One time Inori tries to flirt with Samon’s S/O, although he gets threatened to be shot into the ceiling when Samon catches him.
His S/O is his own, and he’ll make sure that lazy boar or anyone else who dares hit on his beloved knows it!
Can and will beat up anyone His who hurts them in any way
Once work is over, he and his S/O can relax together and enjoy each other’s calm and contented company after a long stressful day
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⭐️ Seitarou ⭐️
Seitarou met his S/O at work, and they ended up starting to date after a few months of knowing each other
Not very good at picking up on his S/O’s sarcasm, so they need to be blunt about things after the sarcasm is made if he doesn’t notice
His S/O especially has to be careful about any sarcasm that would be hinted as insulting or anything of the like as Seitarou might take it the wrong way and get upset! The poor baby
He’s doing his best to get better at picking up on his S/O’s sarcasm though, just give him time to learn
He’s a very affectionate lover, even during work hours, and always seeks out his S/O as soon as he gets a break for some much needed loving
Especially if a certain foursome had been rude to him and he needs comfort
Seriously, protect this baby boy at all costs, he deserves the world
Always exchanges a kiss and loving words any time he and his S/O pass eachother
Once work ends, a nice relaxing cuddle session is always the first thing to happen once he and his S/O reach the confines of their shared bed at home
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ljdoublecc · 8 months
“Wanna kiss?”
Seitarou X Reader
Nickname- (N/N)
Seitarou was just humming along the corridors of building 13 with a small stack of papers alphabetized in his arms. Today was the first day in a very long time that he has gotten a break from being bullied by the inmates of building 13 and it was all thanks to one guard, (Y/N).  
“I hope they're not busy later,” Seitarou smiled in thought, “I want to thank them for all they've done.”
He thought dreamily about the new guard that was ever so handed to him by the warden. The new guard was an angel in a Nanba uniform to him. He has it so bad for them that he once drooled in front of them but they had just assumed it was over the delicious looking bento they had in their hands. He flushed thinking about that memory and Mitsuru's narration about his sad attempts at flirting.
He sighed with a dejected look as he continued his way to the main office in his sector. When he arrived at the main office and was reaching for the door he paused. He stared at the door for a moment to confirm what he had just heard. And there it was again, a muffled conversation. He was perplexed by this, no one was supposed to be in the office but him and (Y/N). He continued to stare until a disrespectful idea popped into his head.
He knew he shouldn't but he couldn't help it, he was curious, so he pressed his ear against the door. While the conversation wasn't crystal clear he could still make out who was talking. He stayed there and listened.
“No, you can't,“ He heard their voice say demandingly.
“Come on, (N/N)! Please,” Rock whined.
“No,” they said firmly, “Hajime told me I wasn’t allowed to give you guys anymore.”
“Awe but (N/N)-chan,” Nico fussed, “We want kisses! Please, can we have some!”
Seitarou nearly choked on air when he heard that. 
“Yeah,” he heard Uno's smug voice interject, “You ALWAYS give the best kisses.”
He heard Jyugo hum in agreement.
Seitarou's heart was beating a mile a minute as he awaited their answer. He clenched his papers tighter hoping you wouldn't give in to them when his heart shattered.
“Fine,” they sighed, “You can all have a kiss but just one.”
While the four inmates cheered inside the office, Seitarou clenched the documents in his arms more aggressively than before. He felt this surge of new found energy and courage to burst the door open.
The slamming of the office door caused the four inmates to jump thinking it was Hajime but physically relaxed when they turned and saw that it was just Seitarou. They all smiled at him from the couch facing away from the door.
“Ah, it's just you Seitarou,” Rock sighed.
“Yeah, thank goodness,” Nico chirped.
Seitarou was not smiling instead it was a frown and tear-welled eyes. The inmates all looked at each other as if silently asking themselves what was wrong with him. 
“Hey, you okay, Seitarou?”  Jyugo spoke up when nobody else would.
He continued to wear the same expression and refused to answer the question in fear of his voice cracking. The inmates started to feel uncomfortable while (Y/N), who was silent the whole time, decided to say the first thing that came to mind.
“Wanna kiss?” They asked.
“What?!” Seitarou stuttered in shock.
“Yeah, do you want one?” They asked once again.
Seitarou didn't know how to respond but he knew that he couldn't let this opportunity slip through his fingers. So with that thought in mind, he swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded his head hesitantly. 
He watched as they got up and started walking towards him. He froze with a huge blush that covered the tips of his ears as they came nearer. His heart hammered away in his chest as they stopped directly in front of him. They were so close, he can practically smell their shampoo. Seitarou had to close his eyes to keep himself from fainting.
“Okay, here it...is?” They questioned as they saw him on the, now, messy floor with a red face.
The five of you stared at the unconscious guard before Uno started laughing at the poor blue-haired male with the others soon joining. The conscious guard rolled their eyes as they picked up the male with ease and carried him to the bed in the monitoring room for more comfort.
When they came back the inmate’s laughter had died down a bit.
“How can someone faint being offered a kiss?” Jyugo asked in confusion.
“I don't know but it looks like pretty boy found a way to,” Uno teased.
(Y/N) shook their head at the inmate with a soft smile. 
“Alright, you boys have had your share, now back to your cell you go,” they ordered with a soft smile.
The inmates whined as Nico walked up to you with a bright grin.
“Please, (N/N)-chan, can I have another kiss?” Nico gave the puppy dog eyes.
“Hm, fine,” they gave in reaching into their backpack to retrieve a bag.
They pulled out the bag and Nico cupped out his hand expectantly. The guard shook their head once more with a grin and placed a tear-shaped chocolate into their hands.
Once Nico had gotten it he unwrapped the chocolatey goodness and popped it into his mouth, savoring the flavor. His friends started to whine again over not receiving another kiss so (Y/N) just gave them all another piece and escorted them back to their cell.
Poor Seitarou! He was so fixated on his desire to win the affection of his angel that he completely forgot that there was a candy named after the loving gesture.  
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 8 months
Other Anime Masterlist
Slime x Fairy Tail HCs
Mikey x Fem Tanjiro Reader
Rimuru x Mitsuri Reader
Rimuru x Mitsuri Reader Part 2
Rimuru x Mitsuri Reader Part 3
Rimuru x Mitsuri Reader- Magic Fingers
Rimuru x Mitsuri Reader- Dinner Madness
Rimuru x Mitsuri Reader- Our Daughter
Rimuru x Mitsuri Reader- Embarrassment
Rimuru x Mitsuri Reader- Wedding
Rimuru x Mitsuri Reader- True Dragon Rimuru
Rimuru x Mitsuri Reader- I Wonder what I Taste Like?
Rimuru x Mitsuri Reader- Nightmares
Rimuru x Mitsuri Reader- Easter Bunnies
Gray Fullbuster x Male Twin Reader
Two Face x Kanao Daughter reader
Fem Sanji reader x Raditz
Fem Sanji reader x Raditz Part 2
Fem Sanji reader x Raditz Part 3- Soba Mask
Rimuru and Demon Slayers
Rimuru and Dragon Slayers
Fem Rengoku reader x Zoro
MHA Class 1A x Nobara Kugisaki Reader
Wendy Marvell in Tempest!
Wendy Marvel and her Big Brother Rimuru
Double the Trouble! (Demon Slayer twins x twins)
Fem Tanjiro Reader x Broly
Tokito Twins x Wendy Marvell
Jack and Noah in Fairy Tail
Hashira around the Holidays
Tokito Twins x Wendy- Jealousy
Tokito Twins x Wendy- Winter Day
Tokito Twins x Wendy- Early Morning Kisses
Tokito Twins x Wendy- Sharp Hearing
Wendy Meets the Kamado Siblings
Wendy Meets Inosuke and Zenitsu
Tokito Twins x Wendy- Unusual Meal
Wendy Meets Tengen's Wives
Tokito Twins x Wendy- Adult Relationship
Tokito Twins x Wendy- Sour
Tokito Twins x Wendy- Trick
Tokito Twins x Wendy- Most Formidable Opponent
Tokito Twins x Wendy- April Fools
Tokito Twins x Wendy- Rabbit Hijinks
Tokito Twins x Wendy- Backyard Movies
Muichiro x Wendy- Painful Comfort
Yuichiro x Wendy- Cherry Blossom Kisses
Rimuru x Fem Tanjiro Reader- Quiet Bliss
Gojo x Reader x Geto
Shigaraki x Carrie Reader
Kanae Reader x Nanbaka
Decidueye Love
Maki Reader x Class 1-A
Erza x Kanao Reader
Nanbaka x Reader- Jyugo's Twin
Nanbaka x Reader- Childhood Friend
Nanbaka x Reader- Building 5 Childhood Friend
Nanbaka x Reader- Building 3 Childhood Friend
Platinum Clan (Pokemon)
Past Gojo x Yoriichi Reader
Past Gojo x Yoriichi Reader Part 2
Fairy Tail meets the Demon Slayer Corps
Wendy x Tanjiro
Eri Reader x Delicious in Dungeon
Eri Reader x Hazbin Hotel
Nanbaka- Hajime's Twin
Shosuke Komi x Kianna Reader
TFA x Mitsuri Reader
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ticklish-n-stuff · 1 year
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gaybitchfx · 1 year
Hello,I was wondering if you could do A Jyugo x AFAB reader
smut fanfic? No pressure ofc!
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Maybe ask @absolutelynotromealone it’s my friends afab blog and they don’t take anon nsfw btw
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