#keep Jenora
aro-attorneys · 8 months
* starts new bg3 save *
* does the exact same stuff again *
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writing-fanics · 1 year
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Knives Million x Fem!Reader [Plant!Wife]
one step of the way there
[part ii]
[warning: knives actually being nice?! : implied smut: fluff: hints of angst : slight smut]
[a/n: this is my first time writing a fic dedicated to knives and knives alone]
Nai sat up in bed and turned towards the sleeping person beside him. Her bare back facing him he reached towards the covers. and slowly pulled them up to keep her covered. he then leaned over and placed a gently kiss on her shoulder. a smile grew across her cheek as she slept.
being a plant; he didn’t need sleep neither did his wife. but she was insistent on getting a bed for sleeping and as well other things. which he obliged getting on. y/n being the one to use it for its intended purpose of sleeping the most. but Nai, he used it for more physical activities that involved him and his wife. her beneath him and her clothes on the floor.
she shifted in her sleep and turned towards her husband. who’s back was facing her as he sat on the edge of the bed. her eyes fluttered open and she let out a yawn. She crawled towards her husband and wrapped her arms; around his backside.
“morning love,”she whispered softly, planting a kiss on his cheek.he smiled softly feeling his lovers arm around him.
“what’s weighing on your mind?“ she asked, fully knowing well that it’s about his younger twin brother, Vash. if it’s one thing about her husband that she’s scared of, is how far he’d go to prove his point that humans a despicable creatures. they’ve seen the carnage he’s caused especially at Jenora Rock.
she’s never told him and honestly is terrified too. she loves him more than anything. truly. but is scared of what he might do to her if she revealed to him that she cared for humans. she didn’t have the same morals as Vash, and didn’t walk the line of a pacifist.
“Vash huh?” She asked, while walking over towards the closet to grab a shirt to cover her naked body. she than sat down beside her husband.
“He just doesn’t understand.” He says, and she frowns leaning her head against her husband’s shoulder.
“He’s set in his own beliefs and you’re set in your own.” She says, intertwining her fingers with his. “He acts like he isn’t at fault too for what happened.” He said, and she looked at him listening.
She sighs, off the bed and listening to her husband rant. As she picked up her clothes from the ground. and placed them into a pile on the ground for cleaning later. he wanted to create a world with only plant like him Vash as well his wife. a world full of them. and not humans.
well, they were one step of the way there. Nai’s wife sniffed the shirt she was wear and immediately took it off; cause it smelled. Revealing her belly that was growing.
Nai smiled, seeing his pregnant with search through her closet for clothes. Watching as she put on a shirt and pants. She smiled, leaning down to kiss her husband.
just as she looked herself in the mirror, staring at herself and her growing belly. the life that her and knives created. was growing insider her. a child made by two plant parents.
Nai wrapped his arms around her waist and planted a kiss on her neck. “I love you, Nai.” She said, looking up at him.
“I love you too.” He said, looking down at her and kissing her on the lips. His hand on her stomach.
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tomatoswup · 11 months
i had this silly idea i told my friend about what if the Trigun Stampede gang run in to a runaway teen reader and then the reader’s part of the gang. The reader’s in their rebellious phase of course and kinda argues with Wolfwood a lot. Can you write headcanons for this please? (°▽°)
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A/N: i’M SO SORRY FOR THE LATE RESPONSE IT WAS A REALLY HECTIC MONTH😭😭😭😭 honestly, this was really fun to write heheheh,,, i can kinda see reader being a pain in the ass but with good intentions….maybe… But god i can imagine how crazy the stampede crew would be if they had a teen,,, i love it😌☝️☝️☝️ Hope you enjoy!!!(*´∇`*)
warnings/tags: none!
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Well aren't you a little anomaly in the bad deserts!
When you first encounter the gang, it wasn't a very...proud encounter.
To be exact, trying to steal Vash's gun in the middle of a busy bar was a very brave choice knowing that the Humanoid Typhoon was trying to eat spaghetti, and in the flesh!
Bold dare I say but, besides that, you were getting hunted by a group of thugs that had been going through town and uh, you sure did cause a bit of trouble.
And by trouble I mean you stole their car keys and went out for a joy ride.
Yup, crashed that shit rightttt into a boulder.
And of course Vash, who's a bit too kind for his own good at times, wanted to help someone so young to Wolfwood's disbelief. Meryl and Roberto? They've witnessed what he did for Jenora Rock so they kinda expected it.
After that first meeting, you naturally stuck to the wacky group and often times when needed, you tried to help them in exchange for saving your life.
Of course with payment :D It's a hard world for a runaway teen out here!
Don't worry you don't make them pay...sometimes...
Young and free they say hahaha!!...Yeah you had literally no more bullet to spare so time to get workin~
You often had Wolfwood reminisce his times back at the orphanage. He's lived there for so long and he's dealt with kids of many ages, but goddamn did you give this man a mf headache.
Sorry, correction, a migraine.
I damn right knowww he goes through twice the number of cigarette packs when you're around.
"Alright kid, no more grabbing shit or starting fights. Zip your mouth if you're gonna be tagging along-"
"Do you really think I'm gonna listen to a priest?"
"Same thing"
"No it's not!"
You glanced at Meryl for more input.
"...Okay I can see where they're coming from-"
You got Wolfwood this close to Homer Simpson choking you out.
Sometimes Vash can't help but watch the both of you headbutt eachother.
He's the type of person to try and stop the fight and maintain the peace but bestie, when you're against a rebelling teenager anything is possible.
He understands tho bc he's also gone through his little phase, that's how he got his little earring :D
But asides from that, when he tries to stop ya'll you guys just ignore him lmAOOO
They say teens are rebellious while trying to find others who they can relate to or have a connection with and well, although you didn't really have a permanent home anymore like you use to, you slowly found yourself getting fond of this little wacky group.
And at some point while you guys got closer, Wolfwood tended to look after you a little more.
Was it because of his past? Or were you just a kid who needed the right guidance forward?
Either way, he tries his best to give you good advice,,, advice to keep you alive.
A practical guardian you could say,, Or kinda like an uncle?
And you know what, you don't mind it.
"Did your sticky little hands grab another fucking wallet? Seriously?"
'No I did not!" You narrowed your eyes at him "It's a map get it right. I also only steal from the rick-looking men Wolfwood cmon now-"
You ended up getting a bonk on the head from him, which led you to looking at Roberto, who downed another drink.
"What are you looking at me for?"
He really doesn't care lMAAOOO Most unphased man alive.
As long as no one dies!
And maybe after all of this time, even after those two years after what happened to July you guys will reunite again :)
You still a lil' shit tho
"does anyone have gum?"
"I haven't seen you in two years and you're asking me this?"
"...It was just a question..."
-Meryl gets tired one night driving?
-"I'll drive for you!"
-Everyone regrets letting you touch that wheel.
-That poor car looks like if you were shaking a bag of skittles when you drive full speed over those sandy hills.
-You got Meryl thanking to god she put her seatbelt on
-Vash holding onto the back of the driver's seat for his life,, I think his nails left cuts in the seat itself jeez!
-Roberto's holding a hand out against your chest so you don't FLY out of your seat when you guys go airborne.
-And Wolfwood honestly wished the sandworms from earlier had eaten him.
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Tristamp Knives and Dr. Conrad drive me insane, because what are they like? What’s the nature of the dynamic that’s clearly there? Unlike other trigun iterations they seem a lot closer to each other in tristamp, Dr. Conrad clearly cares for Knives (and by extension Vash) and the way he acts with Knives is just *honk honk* Yes, it could be the guilt and fear for his life, but the one thing we do learn about Dr. Conrad is that he’s trying to atone for what happened with Tesla, and he almost jumps on the chance when Knives confronts him. Which again. could be the fear for his life, but it somehow doesn’t feel like that.  And the work Conrad does for Knives, he’s not lost in the sauce like Legato but he’s very deeply invested and believes in what he’s doing, or at least his older self does. It would be interesting to see just much those two affected and changed each other over the years, because the Knives and Conrad during the events of Stampede are not the Knives and Conrad we see in flashbacks. Past Knives and Conrad are more emotive, more impulsive, and to a point, both not really sure what they’re doing, at least until the events of that one fated Last Run in July.  And the thing about Conrad is that he cares. We see it in the picture he has with Tesla, his arm around her shoulders, the way he calls Knives “my boy,” the way he’s overjoyed to see him alive, the way he protects Knives when he’s witnessing the Last Run, first trying to keep him from seeing it all, and then from the guards that come, the way when we first see him in tristamp he’s holding Elendria’s hand, the way he objects to Legato’s ragdolling of Wolfwood, those are the most apparent examples, although there’s more.    And then there’s his interactions with Knives. He immediately catapults to Knives’ side when Knives finds him in July, and afterwards he presumably puts his resources at Knives’ disposable, since Conrad was loaded in July, and because later we see that his penthouse has been converted to the EoM headquarters.   It’s not apparent as much with past Knives and Conrad, (although the most salient point is when Conrad runs up to Knives when first seeing him) but there’s a camaraderie there that’s apparent in present day stampede, when Dr. Conrad shows up to Jenora rock and Knives tells him “Oh, you finally decided to show, Doctor,” it comes off almost as teasing. Later, we see Knives sitting around very informally to talk to Conrad, and then there’s the way he always calls Conrad Doctor, and how Conrad always addresses him as Knives in turn, even though Knives is Lord Knives to everyone else. There’s something there, some measure of trust and equality between them, and again, Conrad cares, and cares rather deeply for Knives. It could be that Knives fosters that care unconsciously, reciprocates or responds to it in someway. After all, Dr. Conrad was there for some of the most traumatic or defining experiences of Knives’ life sans Tesla, the Last Run, Vash’s arm, Vash’s rejection of him, he was the only one Knives was close to for years after, until the EoM was formed. They did have one hundred and fifty years together, after all. You don’t survive that long a time without having an understanding with each other. There’s so much that’s interesting in their relationship, at least what we see of it onscreen, and it’s even more interesting to consider just what they were to each other.  
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pixieroserobin · 1 year
[Vashmeryl] Vampire Meryl Stryfe [TriStamp]
Meryl was young by vampire standards, she’d been human on the ships, but one of the last to be drawn from her cryosleep, and she hadn’t been awake long enough to realize what was happening when she’d been bitten some 150 years ago. 
Her memories before the bite were… hazy. She kind of remembered earth, and signing the paperwork for being part of Project SEEDS, and the overwhelming levels of optimizing she’d not actually felt. She just needed to leave, to go somewhere, do something, be part of something bigger than she was. So it had made perfect sense at the time. 
As she hid in the wreckage of ships and then shadows of newly built buildings, she regretted it. It had been childish and look where it had gotten her?
On the hostile planet everyone was just calling No Man’s Land, with a thirst for something the Plants couldn’t provide. Jumping from one place to another, aware that she never aged, that years passed and the only color in her face was often the red of her lips. 
There were not many vampires, her maker and only two others had been on the ship. Meryl had run into a handful of others in all the  time she’d been on No Man’s Land. It was  still significantly more than she’d seen on Earth. 
“You don’t want to out number the food supply.” Someone had joked once, but she hadn’t found it funny. 
She had run into other non-human’s though. Werewolves mostly, not that they were too open about their existence. The desert was just as cruel and uncaring about them as it was her. 
Roberto stank of liquor and wolf. Tired old wolf, even though he was much younger than she was. 
He made her drive because he wanted to drink. She did it because it gave her something to do with her hands. The special tinting on the car enough to protect her from the rays of the sun. 
And then they met Vash, and her skin burned and ached where the sun touched as she followed him in the desert. He wasn’t like the humans, his heart beat ever so slightly off, his scent more chemical than natural. His touch was warm. 
She bit him. 
She didn’t want to, did her best to avoid feeding on people, but  he let her. 
She was just so hungry, hadn’t eaten in over a week, and it gnawed at her. She had done her best to ignore it, but everthing that happened in Jenora had fucked up her supply in the truck and they couldn’t exactly stop so she could pick off an unexpecting townsfolk in the middle of nowhere. Roberto had told her at the start to keep her fangs to herself- she didn’t want the bitter taste of liquor from him anyway. 
But Vash had seen her hunger brewing. Watched the way her eyes lost their blue and bled red. Watched her press her lips tight to hide her fangs, putting pressure on them as if it would eliminate her thirst. 
“It’s okay.” He told her, pulled her in and cradled her as she tried to pull away. He didn’t give her his neck like she’d heard of people doing. She was glad. He wrapped his prosthetic around her middle and left her in his lap, pulled his sleeve back with his teeth and pressed his arm to her mouth. 
And she bit down. 
Vash tasted like heat, like overly processed sugar and chemicals and his blood burned down her throat. 
It was weird to think it was good, but there was something about it that had her digging her fangs in and sucking hard. Vash winced, but he didn’t try to pull away when her hands calm up to grasp his arm.
Meryl never took a lot, always just enough to make it a while, just a little from multiple people, but it was hard to let go of Vash. He said her name, soft and quiet against the top of her head, and her hands shook when she withdrew. 
He bled red like humans, it was smeared across her lips. But he tasted entirely other. The energy coursing through her was like nothing she’d ever experienced, not here or on earth. 
His face was pale when she twisted in his lap to see him directly, yet he smiled at her. A real smile, a genuine one, not the false little things he gave to everyone else, and it twisted something inside her, made her ache. 
“Better?” He asked, like it was so simple. As if he’d offered her his canteen after they’d been out in the heat. Not like he’d wrestled her into his lap and let her gnaw on his arm. 
The loose sleeve of his coat hid the damage, but he didn’t move to do anything about it. About the wound still exposed, the long sleeve of his turtleneck pulled up, exposing pale skin that would now had the imprints of her fangs to the mess of scars and metal already there. 
Tears pricked at her eyes, and Vash’s smile fell away. His arms waved around her, like he was afraid to touch her. 
“You’re so dumb.” She told him, cheeks wet, the words mangled on her lips as her breath hitched. Vash’s mouth opened to say something, and she flung her arms around his too broad shoulders and buried her face against his chest. Hid herself against his heat and the smell of ozone and sand. 
After a long moment of stillness, his arms rested lightly at her back, the point of his chin at the crown of her head. “Yeah.” 
“Thank you.” She murmured eventually, already telling herself she wouldn’t let herself get so hungry again. She wouldn’t feed on him, he wouldn’t get the chance to offer. She’d be sure of it. He was too self sacrificing for that. 
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I love how they keep hinting that Vash isn’t quite normal in the biology department.
He looks human, sure, but his sharpshooting skills go beyond what a normal person would be able to achieve. Being able to see EG Mine and shoot to get him to move from his perch on Jenora Rock was pretty incredible.
And now, in Episode 4, they hinted even more at his biology being at the very least enhanced beyond a normal human’s.
He was probably the first of them -- if not the only one of the group -- to notice that the kid was stuck in the locker of that abandoned diner. He probably heard Zazie shuffling around inside before the others even realized what that noise was.
And then there’s the sound Zazie made when controlling the Worms -- that high-pitched frequency that Vash’s ears picked up. Roberto said they were connected because they have an over-abundance of electrons in their neural network, or something like that. Zazie must have something similar going on with his biology if he’s able to control them -- either enhancements with lost tech, or something else is going on with the kid.
Zazie commented on Vash being able to hear that high-pitched, mosquito-like frequency specifically to continue to clue in the audience that there’s more to Vash than meets the eye.
Of course, Knives’ comments also continue to hang over that conversation as well, but he’s pulled back for now. We likely won’t see him in the near future, but...well, we’ll have to wait and see what he’s got in mind.
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barrenmockingbird · 11 months
ao3 is down which means i've gone feral so k/v snippet under the cut, don't expect greatness this is very unfinished
cw: dubcon (i promise vash wants it but also heat fuckery and Emotions), intersex plant anatomy, plantcest ment (duh, but nothing explicit), uuuuuh mentions of blood but nothing graphic
Nai is there, in his dreams. He’s always there, really, but his blooms make it harder to forget how much he misses his brother. The last time they’d been anywhere near each other before Jenora Rock was during a bloom, maybe sixty years ago now, and it was catastrophic. The town Vash had hidden himself in was nearly leveled as Nai fought to get to him, and he barely remembers gathering his things and running through the haze of the desert. He dreams of that night vividly, of the smell of his brother’s responding bloom haunting him in the hundred or so years that have passed since then.
Vash’s chest aches as his eyes shoot open, disoriented for a moment in the moonlight before he remembers where he is. The ache between his legs has intensified and he hesitantly traces his hand down his body, shivering as the breeze cools the sweat on his skin.
‘So sensitive.’ Nai’s voice taunts from his dreams, and he stifles a whimper despite the lack of anyone around to hear him. Vash pushes himself to sit up, fumbling for his water as the breeze makes his makeshift curtain rustle. He looks down at himself, eyebrows shooting up to his hairline when he sees just how much slick he’s stained his blanket and the mattress beneath it with. His brow furrows as he drags his fingers through the little puddle it’s made, frowning.
Vash doesn’t usually slick like this when he's alone, some part of him understanding that there is no mate for him to ease the way for, that Nai isn’t there.
Something catches his attention as the breeze picks up and he sniffs at the air, and his eyes go wide. There’s a particular scent in the air, ever familiar despite how long it’s been since he last encountered it, and his body responds in kind when he realizes what - or rather who - is coming. More slick gushes from his cunt, pheromones flaring wildly as his biology calls for his mate.
Vash panics.
He isn’t so far gone that he’s entirely helpless, but as he dresses the oversensitivity ramps up and makes him whine. He slaps a hand to his mouth to stifle it, and he haphazardly looks around for something to cover up the smell of his bloom. But, just like when he’d gotten there, the room is almost barren, and he curses himself for not settling closer to the center of town. The smell of blood and rot had been thicker there and would have been able to conceal his scent, and he curses again, louder as he struggles to pull his boots on and tie the laces with shaking hands.
Vash knocks over his canteen in his haste to pack his things away and bites back a frustrated cry as he picks it up, double checking how much water is still inside before he tucks it safely into his pack. The wind blows again and the smell of Nai’s bloom thickens around him. It makes him light-headed in a way his own bloom doesn’t anymore, knees weak and cunt clenching around nothing. He wants viscerally, wants to fall into Nai’s arms and just let him take care of this, let him taste and fuck into his battered body. Vash shakes the feeling off as much as he can, trying to ignore the instinctual urge to stay right where he is, to let his mate come to him and soothe the ache between his legs and in his belly. He has to struggle to keep control of himself and not give in to his biology. He clings to the reminder that his friends are still somewhere in this town, hopefully asleep and unaware of what danger they’re in.
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needlenxggin · 1 year
It had been almost two months since 'the humanoid typhoon had blown through Oasis and stole their plant' as the news stations were putting it but in reality he'd just tried to make sure a fellow independent was safe before one thing led to another and he was fleeing the lab with her in his arms. Honestly, he had the worst luck sometimes.
Although, meeting Amai had made his journey a lot less lonely which is something that had been an issue for him for years. He'd grown tired of being alone on this journey but every time people got close to him they were hurt so he'd just distanced himself from them. Amai was different. She was an independent just like him. Sure, she wasn't much of a fighter but she could keep up with him at least.
In the last couple of months he'd taught her this and that and how things worked in more depth so she wasn't as clueless as when she first came out of her tank and the two had grown a lot closer as well. Some people were even starting to mutter rumours about how Vash the Stampede apparently had an accomplice now.
The pair of independents had continued to make their way east, mostly ignoring the rumours swirling around them, and had decided to briefly stop in a small little dusty town not all that far from Jenora Rock. The Inn they'd picked wasn't the most glamourous but it would do.
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"Ugh, I thought we'd never make it to the next town..." He made a mental note to teach her how to ride a Tomas so journeys were a little faster in the future. "Maybe we should stay here for a day or two... what do you think?" He asked looking down at Amai.
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muffin-artz3 · 1 year
Newbies' Trigun Stampede/98/Maximum Analysis
To start off I was introduced to Trigun by fanart on Pinterest while looking for art inspiration. So thank you to all the fandom artists!! I'm not really into anime too much, so this has been the first anime thats had my attention in a long while.
I began this series by watching up to episode 3 of Stampede and then decided "I can't wait, I must consume".
Immediately watched the high trip that is Tri98 and then came the heart crushing Maximum. Also have to thank @genkooii for the link to the proper translation to Maximum. Here is the link to that post if anyone wants to read as well.
I'm really happy with the way I followed the series and love it so much. Each version having its own charm and still keeping Vash's core at heart. But there are differences and somethings i find that were done better than others. I'll give my feelings for each first and then compare them.
Begining with the first 3 episodes of Stampede The animation was new and interesting. I didn't know about the hate for CGI until later on. I agree that it does look different, but I quite like the potential it has. Its beautiful in its own right. For story, I have to admit even as a newbie, the pacing was rough for me. I realized this after Vash saved Jenora (again) barely had time to breathe and then EG Mine shows up. (I learned later that I stopped just before things ramped up even more) I like tragedy, but subtlety goes a long way. Will come back to Stampede again further down.
Next is the OG Trigun 98 anime. I didn't realize how much I missed the 90s anime aesthetic?? There's just something about it. Even though it is dated in appearance, there are some great frames and angles this anime had that just makes it so intense!! This version did have fillers, but I felt like they weren't out of place. I have to admit here that I have a bias for this version. I grew up as a Fallout New Vegas fan, and this just gives me the same vibes. The questioning of morality with no real defined answer? How people struggled to survive and how fucking wacky they were!??? All while the protag is basically a wandering gunslinger/cowboy. Loved it. Gotta have those spurs that jingle jangle jingle, while having an existential crisis.
And here we are at Maximum.. man, words can't even describe how Stamp and Tri98 didn't prepare me for this at all. It's like that hair-clutching-hysterical-crying that settles into soft calm laugher and happy tears. It was really painful, those tough and tender pages i read... I loved it. This version does have a combination of both the above. And Stamp is more based on this version. But the pacing, while quick, had the subtlety I craved. The action was cool and interesting, but i now understand why it was said as "hard to follow". It can get a bit confusing. Overall, I ate this manga up when I definitely should have been studying, haha!
I actually went back to Tri98 after Max and definitely felt the differences between them. It was a bit surreal. Had to separate the two in my mind, but I still love them both.
Return of the Stamp! Now having finished all prior media, I looked at Stampede with new eyes. I'm glad I waited because I binge watched the episodes. I definitely understand why older fans were concerned, but this was my original, and I am going to stick by Stamp's side for as long as I can. Hmm how to describe how I feel now that season 1 has ended... this Trigun is in neutral for me right now. Though the animation is enough to make me go bonkers over the expressions and lighting, it's not enough for me to say it's outrageously good storytelling wise. But it does convey emotions well when it wants too. And they are definitely setting the stage up for Vash and more trimax story. I'm eager to see the results. I enjoy it overall. Season 2 will truly decide for me.
Okay here is the comparison part and will likely contain SPOILERS
Stamp- as I mentioned much too quick but hopefully since this prequel season is over they will have more time to space out the story a bit
98- quite like this pacing. Has world building and mystery towards Vash for the first half. Makes it intriguing. The later half does go by quicker. Plants are hardly mentioned or explained.
Max- always in motion. Only in the first OG(prequel?) Trigun manga is there filler, which is what Tri98 is based more off of. But also this filler still had meaning and made you think.
Character relastionships/Interactions
Stamp- very little, Meryl is basically the only one who develops with Roberto and a tiny bit with Vash at the very end of the season.
I feel like something was lost between Wolfwood and Vash in this version. Woodwold being cold and Vash saying he looks kind, if you haven't seen the other media it's nice. Technically, there's nothing wrong with it. But i now see this is one of the tropes older fans complain about. It lacks the depth the 98 anime, and Trimax WW and Vash had. It gets straight to the point but loses a sort of dynamic. This anime didn't have the luxury of time I suppose. I don't hate wolfwood here. How could I? When he made such a soft expression at Livio. He still has that need to protect and thats what really matters.
98- another reason I like Tri98 is because they actually had the characters interact more. Meryl and Milly came to see Vash more and more and understand, he isn't at all what they or others thought he was. They had more time to be inspired by him. Meryl is definitely more aggressive and very direct. I don't hate this version. It's a straight man to Vashes over exaggerated goofiness. For the anime it works but I hate that for how abservent she is, that she really couldn't see Vash as the stampede?? Kind dumb but it's a wacky show, had to have a sillier vibe.
WW I like how they are actually friendly to each other at first. When the person who made you smile/soften up, has a harshly contrasting moral view to your own, it creates a certain sort of tension. Loved Vashs and WW friendship here. His death was kinda sadder since he died feeling like he didnt acomplish much. Vash's moment of breaking down while eating donuts was heart-wrenching . Also Vash using the Punisher vs Knives, such a good scene!!!
I actually really like Milly and Wolfwood together. It's cute. Millys more capable then I thought. Love her.
Max- Meryl and Milly have much less time with Vash. I do like how they are inspired by him still, but they only come around every so often to say a baller couple of lines than they dip. Don't get me wrong, I understand why, and I love how they are the representation of the good in humans, but they no longer feel as close. Which is saying something because 98 Vash was still a really distant dude. It just feels like the gap between them and Vash is more apparent. But they also had a really big issue at hand, so understandable. When Vash is called out for not letting them help more, he acknowledges that he can't afford to think about it at the moment. These characters were still great on their own.
WW- by far the only real human relationship Vash has ever had. And I don't mean in the romantic sense, but a sense of actually getting to know someone on a personal level despite their tense differences. Learning, inspiring each other while opposing each other. To have faith in someone. Vash is either on a pedestal or on trial when around most humans and I like that WW brings him down to his level. In the worst and best ways, he makes Vash truly human. I thought his death in the anime was painful but this was so much worse.
Livio and Vash bounding over their lost of WW will always get to me. The spaghetti scene. T_T Glad that Vash has another companion that could help in the physical fighting to come. Livio vs Elendria was a great!!. Liked how Livio was a combination of WW and Vash. A surprise break out character for me.
Does it make you think?
Stamp- Kinda spoon feed the tropes to you. I don't expect this to happen in the 2nd season. You could feel the subtle messages in the last few episodes of the season. I feel like they are done being overly flashy, time for the thick sauce of you-gotta-think-about-this-now.
98- despite it being so much like an abridge series, the episodes do make you think. Thats whats so good about it. The unsuspecting "here is haha funny man, now think about the uselessness of being good in this world". Love the episode with the rich girl and her criminal dad. Shows her position like most humas on Gunsmoke/no man's land. Moral grey kinda thing? That the world they live in isn't simply black and white.
Max- better dust off the old noggin and soak it in your tears.
Stamp close second might surpass Maxs trauma in time. Who knows.
98- Someone mentioned that this Vash isn't suicidal. That is how low the bar is to make him the happiest of all the Vashes. Technically, he also got the best ending, for now, at least.
Stamp- oh no.. hes hot...and they definitely made him more intimidating than 98. Coming back to episode 4 was a thrill ride, but this version of Knives is very yandere. He does care for Vash but very manipulative and narcissistic. Gaslighting galore. I kinda understand it because of the manga now, but the whole pregnant plants and all that really puts this Knives on the less redeemable scale. His piano theme is amazing tho!!
98- barely there, the ending fight was cool, and I enjoyed it a lot. I did still like him in this version, but it had a lukewarm water kinda feel. The lesser of all the knives.
Max- the great thing about Maximum is that it shows so much depth to the story that i knew before, and to Knives. How sad and alone he really his. How his intentions are really just to save his kind from a threat that broke his mind with their cruelty. I don't disagree with him, actually. What he saw l, what humans do, does go toe to toe with Vash's optimistic. Knives is so human compared to Vash in my opinion. It's kinda odd and so poetic. Also when the plant hivemind was ripped away from him, I felt sad. He was alone again. Still wrong for him to obsorb his siblings tho...
VASH the man the myth the lengend
Stamp - Hmm, this has Trimax Vash attitude, but more on the meek side. My first impression was that he was a cute and kinda like a kicked puppy. I want to pat his head. In this version I wasn't thrown off by him being an all loving protagonist he just had the vibe off the start. Watching him in the later episodes did make me tear up. He's so soft and does have that tenderness that all Vashs' have. A cinnamon roll, too pure to good for this world.
98- he uses his smile as a sheild and plays it off better than the other Vashes, but his pain is still there. He is also pathetic, in a loving way lol. Before getting to know his story, i thought he was crazy. I was like every other character that he met. I didn't understand his struggle. I just saw the crazy man who made things difficult by choosing to avoid killing. Him getting serious and holding fast to his beliefs amazed and stunned me. Had me step back and see his point of view. Highly respect his willpower. However I don't entirely agree with him. Which many have pointed out thats the point of Vash. He is also much more confident and sly than Stamp Vash. Which is weird because it makes him seem more experienced and I think Stamp is older? He manages to use his pervy and over the top silliness to disarm people and get the advantage in most situations. He's smarter than he looks. I enjoyed the ending for this Vash, because it touches on his moral code after having to kill Legato. Him finally looking forward to the future without Rem being the main focus to his life and decisions. There wasn't enough time in Trimax and I would have liked some pages on it. But he was a bit busy saving the planet... He may be louder than the other Vash's but he still strives for a world that is made of ----- LOVE AND PEACE!!
Maximum- this Vash is like an older dad of the other two. He is worn down and you can feel it but he will NOT stop fighting. He is a tad more direct than the other Vashes and I was surprised that he has a tiny mean streak when he's irritated. I like this. He isn't always hiding behind that painted smile. He definitely gives off more of that Angel theme the manga has. An older creature that is indeed different from humans but wants to care and look out for them, but people are so scared of him. Poor dude. Every Vash holds the same core elements, the tenderness, the wit, and the determination. But this Vash really nails it down that he is the OG. And man, some of the lines for Maximum were just chefs' kiss. Had me just staring at the pages pondering. But he is so broken and mostly picks up the pieces alone. I am bitter that he never got any comfort or closure at the end. I am grateful it was a hopeful ending but HE LOST SO MUCH!!
All of them need a hug and therapy
Personal Ranking
I can't choose between Trimax and Tri 98...................................... Fine. Okay, it's Max for the plot, but you'll have to pry 98 Vash from my cold death hands!!!
3rd -Stampede - I really love the look, music, and some of the emotional points, just not enough storytelling for me to appreciate it more. I also feel like it's a bit too early to judge. So much can happen in the 2nd season.
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baby-goat-noises · 1 year
Something I noticed on my multiple watches of Trigun Stampede, (I dont have a problem you have a problem) is how often everyone throws around calling Vash/Wolfwood/Knives ect. A monster, and like, Knives I get it, he's literally trying to exterminate the remaining human race on No Mans Land, but Vash and Wolfwood arguably pose the last threat to humanity. But they get called monster the most? To me it feels like Stampede is really trying to drive home an "us or them" narrative for humans, there is a very intense fear of the unfamiliar, anything different gets pegged in a "dangerous" category (going back and editing this now that I think about it, that makes so much sense, everything we are unfamiliar with or is new we treat with some sort of disdain, all new trends, new technology, or even new ways of thinking about things is pegged as dangerous and a threat to the standard before eventually being accepted 3-10years later). That's kind of why I enjoy the way studio orange went about portraying Meryl, she doesn't shy away from the knowledge Vash is different, yes she's still cautious, it would be even more strange of her if she wasnt considering the environment she's grown up in, but she's never called Vash a monster, infact, in the very first episode she says "People aren't such caricatures, he's a man not a monster" despite Vash later on being proven to be very much not human, he still isn't a monster in her eyes.
Also on the topic of episode 1 and the final episode, I'm surprised that the July officer hunting Vash down still has his job and doesn't get called a monster, DESPITE literally almost destroying the town himself, the man literally sets off a cluster bomb over the town and him and his crew get sent home running. Vash saves the town 4 separate times and his brother comes over to fuck shit up and VASH gets shamed and shunned from town. Because KNIVES was different, because Knives was the worst threat that could happen to Jenoras Rock, Vash is the one that suffers the consequences. Plants have been stolen all over No Mans Land, everyone is complaining about plants being targeted or taken, knives would have come for those plants eventually regardless of if Vash was there or not. Despite Vash repairing the plant previously, despite saving the town from the cluster bomb, despite him saving the plant(and town) from the Nebraska family, and despite tracking down EG the Mime and stopping him from killing more people, Vash is the sole reason they were targeted in Rosa's eyes, everything that happened was Vash's fault.
I'm not ignorant that an argument could be made that if Vash wasn't there the Nebraska family wouldn't have targeted the town, but that's also fairly thin, let's say he wasn't there, they had just broken out of jail, had no money to their name, and were looking for a quick buck. Shortly after they had given up the chase on Vash their next thought was the plant, if Vash wasnt there to begin with it's pretty likely they would have targeted the plant first, AND gotten away with it! EG the Mime would probably have not shown up as he was sent there to deal with Vash by Knives but his other priority was to bring the plant to Knives too. And finally Knives, I'm fairly certain he only showed up himself for Vash, I think after they had been doing this song and dance for so long, he knew how the people in the area were going to view Vash, how quickly their tune would change from "our hero" or "monster". Personally I think Knives does it to prove some sort of fucked up "all humans are the same" ideal Vash refuses to acknowledge.
Sorry this was allot more rambly than I intended, I just have so many thoughts and the more I keep them inside the more psychic damage I take, I just enjoy talking about it so much and I'm already annoying my very limited friends with it 😭 forgive me
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catspewer · 6 months
So, here's an uncanny Vash fanfic!
Summary: Meryl and Roberto are sent off to find out what's been scaring the townsfolk of Jenora Rock and to keep an eye on it. What they didn't expect was for it to come to them first.
relationships: Vash the Stampede & Meryl Stryfe, Vash the Stampede & Roberto, Meryl Stryfe & Vash the Stampede & Roberto
tags: uncanny valley, uncanny vash, cryptid vash, other additional tags to be added
Status: incomplete, gen, teen and up audiences
warnings: no archive warnings apply
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Oh I know it probably will be but at least Vash won't have to see it this time. Wonder what Roberto and Meryl think of it tho since last they'd see Vash is him freaking out and telling him to run and then he jsut lay disappears
They’re heavily concerned about him, but they’re reporters, they can’t do anything about it. They leave the town, as they don’t want to stick around for trouble. Roberto tells the townspeople to clear out because he senses troubles brewing, but they stay put because they need to keep their plant safe. Meryl was about to tell them too to leave, but Roberto stops her, and tells her that it would be pointless to convince the townspeople otherwise. They take their leave, and head back for the office. When they got back, they heard about what happened to Jenora Rock, they were horrified. Meryl was more shocked that Roberto thought. Roberto talks to Meryl about what Vash had said about his brother, and that given what had happened to the town, they should write about it. All the events that took place when they were there, and what the townspeople witnessed. He tells here that it would serve as a warning to others as to what is coming. They knew it had to be Knives, the one that Vash was talking about. It just had to be.
To be honest, Roberto was scared of what’s to come. But he didn’t want to tell Meryl that. So he kept silent, and let her think that things were going to be fine.
Both of them knew that that was a lie.
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