#know was happening until AFTER i agreed to work today
knightyoomyoui · 1 day
The 1% Of Chances | TWICE Jeongyeon x Male Reader Fanfic: CHAPTER 10
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NOTE: We're down to two chapters before this book officially closes! We are now crossing into the storm where no rainbows can be seen, which means I'm giving an early warning already that this is going to be full on angst... until the end(?) A quick additional note from yours truly, this features some medical information and I want to say that I'm not entirely sure if these are accurate, but I swear that I did some research as much as I can have then I tried to intepret then all from my own understanding. Basically, I just wanted to include this for the sake of the story, as I believe it would be important when the twists arrives (yes there will be) on the last remaining chapters. Enjoy!
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YN and Jeongyeon are making their way through a certain room after a call informed them that they would be met by someone urgently. They followed as they couldn’t even reject it anyway, and it puts them today in the JYPE building, where they just unloaded from the elevator to reach the 4th floor.
Jeongyeon is holding your hand, and when you two stopped in front of the door, she glanced at you and softly smiled, to which you reacted the same, adding it with an assuring nod.
Jeongyeon knocked on the door, and they heard the person inside shout, “Come in.” Twisting the doorknob, the door opened, and they got exposed to JYP, who was just writing a song while playing a guitar on his couch.
“Hi, pd-nim”
“Good morning, have you two already eaten breakfast?”, JYP smiled and looked at them while he’s plucking some strings on his guitar.
“We did.”
“Good. Well, I haven’t but that can wait for later.” He placed the guitar on the empty space next to him. “I wanna talk about something first and promise this won’t last that long.”
“We supposed so too, that’s the reason why you called us in.” Jeongyeon said.
“Yeah, I just want to check on you two.” JYP replied, then his eye turned next at you. “Especially you, YN. I’ve heard that you’ve been having some another episodes of head ache again these days.”
“Y-yes, I am sir.”
“And what is it, did it got more frequent than before?”
“I’ve noticed sir.”
“Did you have some history of you know… head injury or something that triggers your pain? Because if it’s not I still believe there’s something wrong right now on your head.” JYP seriously mentioned. He caught their perturbed reactions. “Now I don’t want to scare you both, but… things happen for a reason innit?”
“I agree.”
“Have you seen a doctor already?”
“We’re just planning so far, sir.”
“Good, you don’t need to. I’ve partnered with some doctors that are part of our medical team regarding on our idols and staffs health, I’ll assign one to check on you YN and the payment is all mine.”
“I-it’s free?” YN surprisingly asked.
“Yeah. You don’t need to worry about it.”
Jeongyeon looks at him and smiles. “Well you’re in oppa’s company. In here, we treat everybody here well, and we care for each other like a one big family. That’s JYP Nation for you.”
“Oh you’re fluttering me too much Jeongyeon.” JYP sheepishly laughed. “But you heard her right, that’s what we do here.” 
“T-thank you, sir. I appreciate the help so much.” You bowed in respect for your boss.
JYP shook his head and smiled. “No problem. But, I think you know what this means in return don’t you, YN?”
You didn’t respond and instead waited to continue his words. JYP took that as a cue.
“Since you’re going for a medical treatment, whatever the result will be based whether I will put you in hiatus or not. If it does, it means that you will stop managing Jeongyeon for a while and she will be handed for a while to one of your other managers. Is that clear?”
Jeongyeon massaged your shoulder and peeks at you with a comforting smile. “Don’t worry, oppa. You’re much more important for me. Take a rest for a while, okay?”
“Are you sure, Jeong?”
Jeongyeon hummed. “I wouldn’t be going to focus on working properly if I know something’s bad is happening to you. This kind of calms me a bit because you’re now getting a help, and all you have to do is to take it for now because you need it. Just please, you’ll be alright after okay?”
“I’ll do my best… for you.” 
You kissed Jeongyeon on the lips and smiled at her. JYP was happy to witness the two’s blooming tough love for each other in front of his own eyes, making him more of a proud father-figure to Jeongyeon. He slowly cleared his throat to gain their attention without any means of disrespect.
“Sorry to interrupt you both, but we made ourselves clear now right?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Okay. Tomorrow expect that you’ll be having a check up with one of our professional doctors in the company. I’ll just call Nayeon to pass the signal to you.”
“Noted sir.”
“And Jeongyeon…”
“Yes, oppa?” She responded.
“I’ll allow you to supervise for YN for a week since your promotions just ended for Between 1&2, am I right?“
“It did, yes.”
“Good. Then you’re okay to do that.” Jeongyeon was satisfied. “Alright, both of you are dismissed. Enjoy the day.”
The two stood from their seats and bowed in gratitude for the kind leader of this industry. They exited the room and made their way back to the lobby as you shared your compliments to JYP for being a kind boss and again received the overflowing care and support of your loving girlfriend.
All set to go and courageously prepared, you brought Jeongyeon again with you and drove through the hospital where the doctor is stationed. After parking your car outside, Jeongyeon took the initiative to ask at the assistance booth for the name of the doctor.
Fortunately, the nurse gave the directions to both of you, and she was given thanks.
Following the paths, both landed themselves correctly at the exact destination. A door that says “The doctor is in” and the name of the doctor are plastered to be seen by his attendees. Jeongyeon knocked twice and opened it, and there they were seen by the doctor, who was just arranging his medicines on the kit.
Following the paths, both landed yourselves correctly at the exact destination. A door that says “The doctor is in” and the name of the doctor are plastered to be seen by his attendees. Jeongyeon knocked twice and opened it, and there they were seen by the doctor who is just arranging his medicines on the kit.
“How may I help you two? Was there an appointment that you two made with me?” The doctor asked politely.
“Uhm hello and yes, doc. Mr. Park Jinyoung was asked for us to meet you. He said that you are free to be visited.” Jeongyeon did the greetings.
“Oh… Jinyoung did. You must be his idol and your boyfriend I presume.”
“Yes, doc.”
“Who is the patient here?”
“Me, sir.” You raised your hand.”
“Okay, give me a second. Please, make yourselves comfortable on the seats there.” The doctor offered. You and Jeongyeon took it and just watched the doctor prepare some papers, equipments he will use for consultation. He also viewed at his phone to evaluate something.
“Ahh, so you are YN LN and Yoo Jeongyeon?”
“Yes we are, doc.”
“Okay, let’s start.” The doctor sat on his swivel chair. “Jinyoung notified me that you Mr. LN has been dealing with some head aches.”
“Yes, doc.”
“Rate the pain for me.”
“Absolutely 10 doc.”
“10? As in severe?”
“It’s like, my jaws are numbing and I couldn’t move my face. My brain feels like it’s being tugged and then squeezed roughly.” 
“And it how much does it occur?”
“Before it was seldom but from the past few days, it has been attacking often doc. Like, it doesn’t follow any time anymore to irritate.”
“I could confirm that, doc.” Jeongyeon continued. “He’s also my manager and we are together most of the time. I’ve been a witness from how he deals with his pain and when does it happen. It’s… indeed unpredictable.”
“And I suppose you couldn’t do anything about it to help it stop?”
“Y-yes, doc.” Jeongyeon nervously said. “Hearing him groan and cry in pain while his face twitches and holding his head tightly, I couldn’t stand it. As much as I want to try remove it I don’t even know what to do too. I even tried making him drink painkiller but it was only for a moment.”
“That’s okay, Ms. Yoo. Painkillers are designed to ease the pain but to use it only if its necessary, and you did nothing wrong.” The doctor calms down the worrying woman. “Okay, now back to you Mr. LN. Did you have any history regarding about hurting your head before? Injuries, perhaps?”
“N-none, sir.”
“What about stress? Are your daily routine balanced? Do you rest at a given time?”
“Well, I mean I’m a manager of an idol. If she’s awake and active, I must be too so yeah it’s stressful but… it doesn’t affect my head that much. My body is rather exhausted but I don’t let it get in my head because I have to be focused on managing my idol.” 
“Point taken.” The doctor nodded. “Okay, for now I’ll assume that you have a severe case of migraine going on, and we don’t underestimate its temporary nature because it still could get worse, and we’re talking about the head here. A critical part of our body. That’s where our brain is being kept, one of the reasons why our body acts the way it does. That’s why I would like to line you up for continous check-up for us to further determine the problem on your head. Maybe there’s actually something worse than we imagine.”
“Do what you must do, doctor. As long as it would help me relieved from this head ache.”
“Good to know you’re willing for it.” The doctor nodded. “I won’t do the scanning on your head today but let’s arrange the schedule on Tuesday. Sounds good?”
“Yes doc.”
“Alright, well please sign these papers up to confirm that you two have made your meeting with me today and for further examination that we will conduct regarding on your illness.”
The doctor handed out the sheets of paper, and you filled up all the information and signed it along with Jeongyeon. You passed it back to the doctor and thanked him again for his service. 
A few days later, you returned just like the doctor tasked you, and you were placed in a CT scan that uses X-rays to picture if there’s any anomaly present in your skull, brain, and even sinuses that were not able to be located, which can assist in helping to know the right treatment could be given to you.
After an hour of evaluating the result of the CT scan, the doctor reentered the office holding the scanned image of your head, and you noticed that he faced you and Jeongyeon with a slight uneasiness in his face.
“Doc, what’s the result?”
He looked again at the picture and positioned into thinking. “This is strange…”
“Why, what is it?”
“You said that you have a pain that highly severe and we came up with a possibility that its migraine… yet your brain is telling in the image here that you don’t have any signs of functional changes in the structure.”
“Then what does that mean doc?” Jeongyeon curiously asked.
“It means that you’re perfectly normal. Your head status is fine. As if, you’re not experiencing this severe head ache you’ve been having.”
The doctor leaned closer to present the image clearer to you two. “Look at these, we have certain parts in the brain that is easily affected when a person has a severe case of migraine, the reason is because it disrupts the function of the blood veseels around our brain.
Some of the these parts include the posterior pons, where our trigominovascular system gets hypersensitive because our pons has an abnormality and could cause weakened connections through some sort of our brain which contributes to the pain we feel in having a migraine. Yours doesn’t have any sign of that.
Most of our blood vessels in our brain can be found too in some perivascular spaces present around here, for people with migraine it enlarges but yours has a normal gap.
Last I could give to you would be our hypothalamus here, it goes overactive due to the effects of the pain attacks our migraine releases and since this part is heavily responsible from how we sleep our any status quo that we have, it showcases a condition of that. Yours is functioning well.
In conclusion, I’m currently puzzled right now on how you are getting this kind of headache when your brain is… healthy.”
You and Jeongyeon remained silent for a moment to sink in every aspect of information that was shared by the doctor to further claim that there’s no problem in your head despite hurting like a bitch. 
Jeongyeon saw your perplexed state and she doesn’t know how to feel, but she was convinced that you were indeed having it when it happened right in front of her. “D-doc, are you trying to tell us that m-my boyfriend might be… lying?”
“I… haven’t said anything about him lying but… the CT scans don’t lie.” The doctor shrugged and shook his head.
“M-maybe we could check it again, maybe it wasn’t visible-”
“Miss Yoo, too much exposure to x-ray can cause more problems to your boyfriend here. We may not have that much limit on how a patient can undergo CT scans, but it’s not right to take both exams in a very short period of time. We only do x-rays mostly in just one take.”
“O-or maybe you have mistaken on the result, i-it’s not actually his…” Jeongyeon paused when she felt his arm being held by you. All of you know that it was ridiculous because the name is indicated that it belongs to you plus the result must not get mixed up since it was only you who is assigned on the exam.
“Stop, Jeongyeon.” You muttered to her. Jeongyeon gulped and slowly nodded at you as she holds your hand.
“S-sorry… sorry if I have doubted you doc.”
“It’s fine. It’s a normal reaction for patients here who gets nervous or scared.” The doctor said. “But I promise, I’ve been a longtime partner with Mr. Park and I never once failed my tests. I’ve also treated many employees of his through my career. Yours is not different.”
“Then what’s the next step, doc? What now, if it wasn’t migraine then what- ah…”
Jeongyeon and the doctor saw you immediately lower your head and clench your face. Your grip went tighter around Jeongyeon’s grasp in sync with how your head throbs. “Shit… agh…”
“Mr. LN can you tell us how you’re feeling?”
“AAAAGGGHHHH!!!” You let go of Jeongyeon to hold both of your head furiously.
“Doc, he’s having another episode again!” Jeongyeon yelled at him.
“Wait here, I’m calling a nurse to assist him.” The doctor sprung up and went out of the room to call for some assistance. You were now curled like a ball on the floor and keep screaming in pain. Jeongyeon’s heart broke as she saw you cry for the first time, realizing that the pain must hurt way worse now than previously.
Jeongyeon didn’t know what to do, as she just tried to calm you down by placing you in her embrace while she started to get teary-eyed at your poor state. The nurses arrived on time, and the doctor gave the command to put you in one of the vacant rooms.
Minutes later, you woke up to find Jeongyeon talking to somebody on the phone while walking back and forth around the room. As she dropped the phone. She saw you awake and quickly went by your side. “YN, are you okay? ”
“I feel dizzy.” You said. It was the truth, it looks like the ceiling is spinning and Jeongyeon’s face is distorted in your vision, but her voice is enough to calm you and confirm that she’s still here, staying by your side.
“What happened?”
“You had another migraine attack, but it looks bad. You were crying while you wince in pain, so the doctor decided to bring you here. You’re currently confined now, YN.” Jeongyeon shared. “He said he will do more tests on you to figure out what’s really causing your head to hurt because… it wasn’t looking any good.”
“I-I’m sorry if you have to see me like that again…” You said weakly. You heard the crack in her voice and felt something drop on your hand before she gives it some squeezes. 
“Don’t cry, please.”
“How could I not? I’m scared… I’m scared for you, YN.” Jeongyeon said as she lifts your hand and cuddled it on her face. “I don’t know what’s exactly happening to you, and my mind is just running thoughts in my head that doesn’t help me at all in our situation, but I still couldn’t avoid to think about it. What if these gets worse and then… oh God, y-you’re suddenly gone?”
“Don’t think like that, Jeong.” You still couldn’t see her properly, so you began to caress her face and imagine her beauty that was never a time you have enough of seeing on her. “We both know we don’t want to happen, but… if the time won’t let us have it… a part of me believes that our fate still leads for us to be together again. 
I’ll find you, and I know you’ll meet me too. Promise that.”
“With all my heart, YN.” Jeongyeon showed a bitter sweet smile and kissed your hand. She leans closer and kissed you also on the lips. “Don’t force yourself, you can rest for now. I’ve called the girls and our managers and some of them are coming to see you.”
“Okay.” Jeongyeon patted your chest and you took one last glimpse of her blurry figure before you closed your eyes and went to sleep in recovery.
Few hours later, after your body has had enough energy to send you back awake, your head still throbs but only for a little. Your vision has gone clearer but you waited for it to become stable as you blinked rapidly to endure the bright light coming from the ceiling.
As you did, you roamed your sight around the room with your newly woke up expression.
Then you observed, you were not alone in the room as someone is sitting on the spare chair in front of you.
And Jeongyeon is nowhere to be found anymore.
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22 notes · View notes
thai-with-booty · 10 hours
What was your favourite sex encounter while you were on the job and working? (At a normal job, not a sex place)
To be honest, mostly with work like in a hotel I have been professional, and there isnt really the chance to do anything or act upon anything if on reception. and places like the massage, i mean sex or sex acts were not really unsurprising.
I think it was when i worked a bit as a maid. It was just after Covid, in fact international tourism hadnt really kicked off but some could arrive and had to quarentine for a few days and so I got a job cleaning villas. They were big villas that often a family or could of families would rent, and had muliple bedrooms and a pool. Though you would get all different kinds of people staying there.
I wrote a long time ago, probably when it happened that I was actually working with another girl, cos there was a group of guys who had had a party the night before and we were in cleaning, I think they probably got charged extra but that wasnt really my concern. Usually i would come in to clean alone but now there was another woman, bit older. So we were cleaning for hours, they were around but mostly ignored us and were laid out by the pool hungover. It was only when I was cleaning one of the bedrooms when one of the guys came in, I asked politely if he needed to use the room, it was more a curtasy, like if he needed to change etc. He said no, and then sort of stood there, I turned again and noticed he was looking at me, not like horny or anything, but more like he wanted to say something. So i asked is everything ok. He said like ok im just going to come out with it, you see my friends over by the pool, I glanced over and could see them looking in the direction of the room through the big glass doors, though they probably couldnt see much from the sunlight outside. He said they had a bet if he could have sex with me, I was genuinely surprised and was like what. He said they had all chipped in and he would get $1000 if he managed it, and he would give me half. I started the whole im not a prostitute thing, and he was like its not that its just a tip for helping me out. It more money than the maid job pays in a month and I had earned very little during covid and with a sick relative was in debt, something that has lingered until even today. So I agreed, it wasnt a quick or straightforward as that but I was like right here right now? and he was like yes. I said one moment and went to see the other girl asking if she would take a break, she seemed to know something was going on, not sure if she had seen the guy enter the room. It was a bit awkward and I dont know how she felt about it but she left, I could hear a noise from out by the pool when she did. I went back into the room and he had pulled the curtain closed so it was dim, but had his swim shorts off and was standing naked hard already. I pulled my shorts and underwear down and went to bed over the bed, he rolled on a condom and started rubbing his cock against my pussy lips until they came alive and moistened so his cock slid in. He fucked me in that position for about 10-15 minutes before he came. He thanked me and took his full condom and my underwear with him as a trophy. I could hear cheers and no way etc. I had enjoyed it, it was spontaneous and just good sex, and I made $500 from it. Though when I was fired, that fuck was used against me so I dont think the other maid had been that impressed with it all
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gamerstar111 · 3 days
Downward Spirals
Komaegi | Words: 1,758 | Hurt/Comfort
What time even was it? Hell if Makoto knew.
All he knew was that he’d been lying in his bed for far too long, unable to sleep.
His head was loud, so loud.
He hated his anxiety. He hated how out of control it got during Nagito’s self-destructive spirals. Of course, he saw the improvement. He saw his improvement more than anyone did. He saw it in the way he talked himself down less and less, in the way he tried to be more conscious of situations that would put him in danger. He would do well for months—going to therapy, working on the way he talked about himself—and Naegi’s anxiety would fade away.
And then, one day, one sentence, one phrase would send it all crashing down.
posting some of my fav ao3 fics here... i love these two sm i actually think about them (especially in non-despair au’s like this) SOMUCH
What time even was it? Hell if Makoto knew. 
All he knew was that he’d been lying in his bed for far too long, unable to sleep.
His head was loud, so loud.
He hated his anxiety. He hated how out of control it got during Nagito’s self-destructive spirals. Of course, he saw the improvement. He saw his improvement more than anyone did. He saw it in the way he talked himself down less and less, in the way he tried to be more conscious of situations that would put him in danger. He would do well for months—going to therapy, working on the way he talked about himself—and Naegi’s anxiety would fade away.
And then, one sentence, one day, one phrase would send it all crashing down.
Sitting in his bed, he heard the conversation he had with him earlier play in his head on loop.
“That would be so dangerous...”
“I’m well aware, however, I have confidence that my luck would carry me through.”
“Nagito, but what if it didn’t?”
“Well, then that would be the universe deciding that it’s meant to happen, no? It would be an honor to go in such a situation, where I would have the chance to become a stepping stone for an even brighter hope to shine.”
“You’re still thinking like that?”
“I have always had faith in the mysterious nature of the universe, and of hope. If it meant that I could inspire such hope to blossom, I would gladly lay down my life.”
That stupid sentence wouldn’t leave him alone. How could it? He knew of Nagito’s history with suicidal ideation, and even genuine attempts, during his episodes of mania or depression.
It terrified him to even know that he still thought the same way, even after showing so much improvement.
“Don’t say that.”
“Sorry, sorry. You’re right. Why don’t we change the subject?”
He agreed at the time. But the pit in his stomach never left. It only grew the longer the sentence looped in his head, like a broken record that he couldn’t stop.
“I would gladly lay down my life.”
Before he could even think of stopping it, tears were beginning to form in his eyes. His bottom lip quivered, and he raised his hands to cover his face as a quiet sob escaped him.
He knew he was spiraling, but there was nothing he could do about it. He felt trapped in his own mind. 
What if you were just being optimistic? What if he never really made any progress? 
No, don’t doubt him like that. He’s been working so hard.
But he wasn’t even in an episode today. He said that entirely sound of mind.
What if he’s still suicidal?
What if he has a plan?
There are countless different things he has access to.
Don’t doubt him like that. That’s not fair. He’s trying.
But what if he relapses?
What if he’s already dead?
Before long, he was sobbing—unable to escape the hold his anxiety had on his thoughts. They became more and more extreme, until he was convincing himself that maybe, just maybe, his anxiety was right.
What if he really was planning something? What if that was his silent cry for help—what if he missed it by dismissing it as his anxiety making him question things too much?
When he couldn’t handle it anymore, he finally gave in. He reached for his phone with trembling fingers, his free arm gripping his shirt now damp with the tears streaming down his face.
He barely spared a glance at the time. He searched through his contacts for Nagito, until he found it; clumsily pressing the call button as he awaited a response. He would pick up, and it would all be okay.
One, two, three, four, voicemail.
The spiral he was trapped in rapidly began to evolve into a panic attack. He felt his breathing grow unsteady, and his vision swam.
He called again.
One, two, three, four, voicemail.
Was he right? Should he really have taken his nerves more seriously? Maybe it never was anxiety, maybe it was his intuition. 
One, two, three, four…
He felt like falling apart with how much relief he felt. 
“Nagito,” He sobbed, gasping for air between his cries. Concern immediately laced the tone of the voice sounding through the phone. 
“My hope, what’s wrong? Are you okay? I apologize for not picking up sooner, I was asleep. Where are—”
“I thought you were dead,” 
After that sentence left his mouth, all of his anxieties tumbled out in an unstoppable wave of words.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I got so scared. I can’t stop thinking about what you said earlier. About— about how— how you would die if it meant— if—” He was cut off by another sob, burying his face against his knees pulled up against his chest. “I was so scared. I was trying to let it go, I was. I just— I—”
“Makoto, my love. Are you breathing?”
“I don’t know. I’m trying— I can’t. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. Do you want me to come over?”
“Please don’t hang up.”
“I’m right here, Makoto. I’ll stay on the phone. Can you try and focus on breathing for me?”
The faint sound of shifting sounded from the phone, followed by the clattering of keys being pocketed. 
“I can’t. I’m so sorry. It’s so stupid.”
“Darling, please. You don’t have to apologize. I’m almost there. Is your door unlocked?”
Makoto could hardly remember if he locked his door. In his anxious state, he wouldn’t be surprised if he forgot. He was just relieved that Nagito was okay.
“I don’t know. I’m sorry.” 
As much as he wanted to stop apologizing like Nagito was so gently begging him to, he just couldn’t. His anxiety was the reason he was acting so irrational in the first place; yet it never failed to remind him that he was being irrational, that his thoughts were unreasonable and unfair to project onto others.
Before he got a response over the phone, he heard the faint click of his doorknob being turned. Light from the hallway filtered in, and a familiar face poked in from behind the door.
Never had he been so, so relieved to see someone. 
Before he could even comprehend that Nagito was here, he was making his way toward him; pulling him into a tight embrace the moment he was close enough.
His arms moved around him immediately, clinging to him like he would disappear if he let go. 
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry.”
Nagito shifted to sit on the bed with him, pulling him into his lap and running his fingers through his hair. 
“It’s okay. I’m okay. I promise.” There was a pause, before he spoke again. “Focus on my touch. Can you feel my hand in your hair?”
A quiet nod, and he continued.
“Can you feel my shirt? My chest moving with how I’m breathing?”
Another nod, and he pulled Makoto closer. 
“Focus on my breathing. Try and follow it, okay? Listen to my heartbeat. I’m safe, Makoto.”
Whilst he didn’t respond, Makoto’s sobbing began to fade into quiet sniffles the longer Nagito held him, playing with his messy curls and holding him against his chest. The sound of his heart beating calmed him, a physical reminder that Nagito was really here. He was okay, just like he said he was. 
Eventually, the rise and fall of Makoto’s chest matched Nagito’s, and his tears finally ceased. A silence fell over them, simply holding each other and grounding him in the warmth of Nagito’s embrace. 
Voice hoarse from his sobbing, he finally spoke.
“I know you told me not to apologize, but I really am sorry.”
Nagito frowned.
“And I still mean it when I say you don’t have to apologize. In fact, I should apologize. You’ve told me how much you dislike self-destructive talk like that a few times now.”
Makoto shook his head, playing with the bottom of Nagito’s shirt mindlessly as he spoke.
“I know… but you didn’t give me a reason to panic that badly. I really do trust you. I promise.”
As if a puzzle piece clicked into place, Nagito’s eyebrows momentarily raised in surprise, before he laughed gently.
“Is that what you’re worried about, my love? Me feeling like you don’t trust me?” 
Nagito’s hand moved to cup Makoto’s face and make him face him.
“My hope, you believe in me more than anyone else. I hold that fact very dear to my heart. Just because you worry about me, especially after such a concerning conversation, does not mean I am going to start thinking you don’t trust me to keep myself safe. I’d be concerned if you said the same things I do, looking back on it. I suppose old habits just die hard.”
He pressed a gentle kiss to Makoto’s head, wiping away some of the tears remaining on his face with his thumb as he met his eyes.
“Just as I struggle with my mental health at times, I know you do as well. Your anxiety certainly isn’t kind to you in the slightest.”
Makoto gave a bitter laugh, burying his face against his shirt. “It sure isn’t.”
Nagito sighed, leaning back against the wall and holding Makoto against his chest again.
“We’re both working on improving. I’m not upset that you got scared. Of course, I’m not happy with the fact I worried you so much, but the concern you show for me makes me feel appreciated. Does that make sense?”
A slightly delayed nod from Makoto, and Nagito glanced down at him with a curious expression. It was then he noticed how his hold on his shirt had loosened, and his eyes were beginning to droop. 
“You’re tired, my love. Get some rest. I’ll stay with you, okay?”
There was another pause, before Makoto spoke again.
“I love you, Nagito. You know that, right?”
A warm smile spread across Nagito’s face, and he kissed his head once more as he held him close.
“I know that better than anything. I love you too, my hope.”
With that, he leaned his head back against the wall he sat against, gently playing with the curls of Makoto’s hair until his quiet snores began to sound.
It wasn’t long before he too began to grow drowsy again; his sudden awakening catching up to him. He fell asleep quickly, arms never falling from around Makoto—holding him close, keeping him safe.
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brainfullofbees · 5 months
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fragmentedblade · 3 months
Not to be a jingfu on main, but it's so cute that Jing Yuan thought of Fu Xuan with those jelly beans
#me: the Xianzhou characters are all just coworkers#also me whenever anyone is shown to be fond and have intimate knowledge of some other character: awwww#Like Fu Xuan and Jing Yuan playing starchess and teasing each other or making a reference to things they like#or Jing Yuan talking about young Yukong#Quingque apparently disliking Fu Xuan but obviously that not being the case‚ knowing what she likes and how she thinks#Fu Xuan hiding that she has a sweet tooth but Jing Yuan and Quingque knowing it and teasing her for it#I don't know. There are a lot of instances of these small intimate details in the middle of what looks like a coworker relationship#Good coworkers‚ but coworkers nonetheless#And ironically it moves me so much? Even more so than Belobog. I've been told several times that Belobog seemed more tight. And I agree#In Belobog people were friends or family or companions but linked by something closer than mere coworkers with Wildfire#Even Sampo in the Underworld was strangely 'theirs'. He had the magenta colour of Wildfire and he was trusted to some extent#The Luofu characters don't have that. And yet the fragments of intimacy scattered through their interactions move me a lot#These are people who have known each other for centuries. Jing Yuan knows of Yukong's youth‚ its joy and grief#He knows Fu Xuan has a sweet tooth and teases her about her height. Quingque does too#Fu Xuan chastises both of them for being lazy but she knows they're smart and good at their job. She plays starchess with Jing Yuan#Quingque mocks Fu Xuan for being a workaholic but is very aware of the weight she carries both in her position and ideas about destiny#I won't mention Yanqing and Bailu because there is obviously more than a coworker bound when it comes to them#But yes I love the moments of intimate knowledge scattered through the Xianzhou‚ so telling of the fact that these people have known#each other for longer than several human lifetimes‚ and that perhaps they don't necessarily regard each other as more than their coworker#But perhaps that's enough in order for them to care. Perhaps in a lifetime over one thousand years the intimacy gained with a coworker#through several centuries is something beyond what we could understand in our decades lifespan#But also‚ perhaps‚ I don't know. Also‚ perhaps‚ the do care beyond coworkers in that strange line between work and friendship#Perhaps it's strange for Xianzhou natives to tell apart that kind of relationship after so much intimacy and knowledge through the years#And perhaps‚ once again‚ as it often happens for them‚ they think they'll always have enough time to tell; until they run out of it#They play chess together. Quingque can lose time because Fu Xuan can't stay mad if she brings her sweets. Are they just coworkers?#We play chess. I know what tea and sweets you like best. I brought them today since you would indulge me and play starchess with me#Thanks for playing with me‚ I'm running out of book puzzles. You keep divining my moves but I'll invent a fake story to distract you#Are we coworkers or something more like friends? Where is the line after so many years?#I talk too much but I love this charged nothingness haha I find it ironically so true to how many relationships in real life develop#And I find it so moving‚ that representation of this endearing smallness of everyday life. Of these small things is life made
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robertsbarbie · 8 months
i do really wanna study the phenomenon of people going to multiple shows of an artist and getting multiple meet and greets with an artist and feeling very entitled to said artist to the point they genuinely believe they’re friends with the artist and i know it goes along with parasocial relationships but like oh my god
#the band camino genuinely has some of the nicest fans#how fucking ever there were these two girls that like super pissed me off today#and they were like first in line first in line which whatever if no consequence#me and my friend went up trying to figure out the vip line situation#weren’t helpful super mean said it was all one line but they didn’t know they were just GA (a lie btw)#and me and friend were standing there (not even in line) just trying to figure it out#and we’re talking to other people trying to figure it out no one could agree#eventually a sweet girl came and i think we figured it out with her she was so helpful and nice#(bevause i think it did seem like we were cutting the line because people were lining ip behind us#as we tried to figure it out but we were like no no we’re just trying to understand)#and then one of the meaner girls from earlier was like ‘i’m sure they’ll check where you’re standing#and the nice girl said ‘i will make sure they come around the building)#like super nice genuinely and it was great#but no one did come get us until like the VERY end and we were rushing to check in even though we were there and hour and a half early#but then the way it worked out we formed a new like after touring the stage and me and my friend happened to be up front#the two mean girls from earlier fully cut (went under a bar instead of walking with the vip coordinator) which again whatevee i don’t care#during this vaguely heard they’ve been to 36 shows (which like respect but you got vip at all of them? how lmao and love the boys but theyre#very consistent you’ve seen it once you’ve seen it respectfully and then after the meet and greet i was behind them by the stage and i think#they were talking about me and my friend since we got to go relatively early to meet them#but again literally the last people in the meet and greet entering line lmao but i was visibly shaking from anxiety and like it wasn’t worth#it in the moment then they got barricade and were SHOUTING the boys names and holding up signs for songs THAT HAD ALRWADY BEEN PLAYED AT#SHOW THEY WENT TO (i know because the girl literally said so) and singing very sexually to the boys trying to get their attention#and just were so unpleasant and felt above everyone else#and it’s like! y’all aren’t friends with them! theyre never gonna fuck you! they recognize you because you go to a lot of shows and worm#your way to the barricade because you know the ins and outs of the vip process#but if y’all were really friends you would not have to pay HUNDREDS of dollars to see them and talk to them#i have friends who work in the music industry i have friends that are artists i have made friends with artists AT shows#you’ll be put on the guest list or brought backstage through a back door or they will go out of their way to the audience to talk to you and#you will hang out outside of shows when you’re able to#if you are regularly paying an exorbitant amount of money for five seconds? you’re not friends lmao
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noisilyscreechingsong · 2 months
“The what?”
Danny and Duke had been having a pretty okay day. Duke got a ridiculous packet to complete from his professor, and Danny tripped down the stairs in the library, causing a ruckus that got everyone’s attention.
So yea, everything was going well until they decided to push their luck and go to a new coffee shop a bit further away. It wasn’t the coffee shop itself, but the goons that came out of nowhere to kidnap Tim Drake-Wayne who was getting an order to go, which turned into a gang fight in the middle of the street.
Danny and Duke, along with Tim, ended up sheltered behind a car and missed the opportunity to bunker down inside the shop.
“Well, this isn’t what I planned today,” Tim comments.
“Same,” Danny agrees.
“Maybe we can wait it out?” Duke suggests.
The other two give a look that says that it was not going to happen.
“Rock, Paper, Scissors for peeking,” Danny says, already holding out his fist.
They look at Duke.
Peer Pressure works and he groans with clear discomfort at the situation.
Duke loses. A bullet whizzes past his head.
“Nope! Nope. Not doing that again.”
Tim rolls his eyes at the dramatics, but with Danny still there he bit his tongue.
“What’d you see?”
Duke looks at Tim like he’s crazy.
“Lots of people with guns,” he answers hysterically.
“Need a hand?”
Red Hood had swung down from the nearest rooftop, hand gun in both hands. He pops off three shots before having to duck behind the car with them.
“Hood, what are you doing here? This isn’t Crime Alley,” Tim asks like they bumped into each other at the supermarket.
Hood shrugs, “Close enough.”
“Oh sweet, can I borrow that?” Danny randomly asks.
Before anyone can question what he was talking about he was already reaching out to take the handgun off of Hood’s thigh.
Danny turns to look over the car’s hood and pulls the trigger. Nothing happens.
The others pull him back quickly. He winces at the hard fall to his tailbone.
“Holy crap! Danny!”
“Dude, are you trying to get yourself killed?”
“What is wrong with you?”
“Hey!” Danny interrupts their freak out. “It’s not my fault his gun is broke.”
“The safety is still on, idiot,” Hood tilts his head.
“The what?” Danny asks in genuine confusion.
The three brothers all pause and look at him.
“The safety? On the gun? So there isn’t a misfire?” Tim explains. He was stuck between shocked and judgmental.
“This is why people who don’t know how to shoot shouldn’t touch guns,” Hood says in frustration while reaching to take it away.
Danny pulls it back out of reach.
“I know how to shoot, thanks. My parent’s weapons just don’t have safety things. I’m not used to it,” he grumbles.
“What do you-“
But Danny was already finding the safety and flicking it off before trying again. This time he hits two goons, one in the shoulder and another in the leg.
The batboys glance at each other.
“So,” Hood tries to be casual, “what do your parents do?”
“They’re scientists,” Danny answers, mainly focused on shooting another person dressed in a mask, “but they make their own weapons.”
“Are they by any chance mad scientists? Or borderline rogues?” Duke asks as half a joke.
“Of course not,” Danny answers. Then he pauses to actually think about it. “I don’t think so.”
“Cool. That’s fine.”
After that Danny had a few more ‘meet and greet’s with the local vigilantes and saw some lingering shadows around their apartment. They had the weirdest questions about his family.
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ellemj · 6 months
Making Sure: 12 Days of Smut #3 - Sex Pollen
Bucky Barnes x Reader One-Shot
Summary: Bucky is exposed to a sex pollen while the two of you are snowed in, stuck in a cabin in the Swiss Alps after finishing up a mission. Oh, and of course, you happen to be his ex-girlfriend.
Warnings: profanity, dubcon (sex pollen), possessive!Bucky, breeding kink, unprotected sex, mutual pining of sorts, some use of y/n, MINORS DNI, 18+!!!
Feel free to comment and let me know if this requires any other warnings.
Word Count: 4k
A/N: My laptop decided it didn't want to turn on today, and then when it finally turned on it didn't want to run any apps so 12 Days of Smut almost became 11 Days of Smut. But anyway, let me know if you guys like this one! For once, it doesn't involve anyone hating anyone or an obscene amount of unbearable tension (which I severely miss).
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            It’s not all that hard to work with your ex, not when you ended on decent terms. Well, as decent as they could have been. When Bucky broke up with you three months ago, it wasn’t completely out of the blue. You hadn’t been having any problems, you never had any fights, but you knew he was never as into the relationship as you were. He had said from the very beginning that he didn’t think he ever wanted a lifelong commitment. The majority of his life had been spent without having true freedom to make his own decisions. It’s safe to say the man only had about six years of making decisions for himself, between turning eighteen and joining the army. Then the army had a say in everything he did until he was taken by HYDRA. HYDRA controlled him for so long, and honestly, they still have some form of control over him if you consider his nightmares and insomnia issues. So, when things started to feel a little too serious between you two, when Bucky started to realize that he actually loved you, that’s when he called it off.
            You’d both agreed to keep the relationship between yourselves, remaining professional at work and around the others. Even Sam had never figured it out. Bucky was so good at keeping it hidden, staying completely stoic unless he was positive you were both alone. When things ended between you two, he became stoic all the time. There have been a few times where you’ve felt a bit angry with how easily he can just shut himself off and pretend like you never had anything between you. You think you might’ve been in love with him. How can you be stoic around him when you loved him? You can’t be. So, instead of being stoic, you’re just a little more quiet than usual. You get your job done, you speak to him as professionally as you can, and then you get away from him.
            Unfortunately though, there’s no getting away from him tonight. Technically, your mission is already over. You broke into HYDRA’s only remaining functional lab, you stole at least one sample of each of the various compounds that they were working on, and then you got the hell out of there. You made it all the way back to the safehouse, a small rustic cabin a little ways up in the Swiss Alps. It had been snowing for the last twenty-four hours that you’d been here, but the winter weather came to a head to today on your drive back from the break-in. By the time you got all of the samples safely inside the cabin, there was no way either of you could make the drive back down the mountain to reach the quinjet. You’re stuck here for the night.
            “I want them kept at a pretty low temperature overnight, well below thirty degrees.” Bruce has been watching you over a video call as you’ve been cataloging the samples and packing them safely into a padded case. “It’d probably be best to leave them all in the trunk of the car, since it’s so cold out there.” Bucky’s sitting in the living area while you’re working at the kitchen table, but he’s still listening in. He’s listened for the last half hour as you labeled the samples and hummed a little Christmas tune to yourself. Truthfully, he almost forgot that Christmas is in a few days until he heard you humming that song that you love so much. What was it? He can never remember the name, but he recognizes it from last Christmas. You sang it often and he was lucky enough to still be yours then, to still get the privilege of listening to you flit around the tower so festively, infecting everyone around with your cheerful spirit.
            “They all fit in the case except for one, but it should be fine. I’ll just stick it in the trunk next to the case and slip it into my bag tomorrow before we drive out.” You say, holding up the thin glass flask containing a very watery, clear liquid. It looks the least terrifying, out of all of the chemicals you retrieved from the lab today.
            “Good work today, we’ll see you guys back here tomorrow, if the weather permits.” Bruce gives a little wave before ending the video call. Just as you’re closing the heavy black case of samples, Bucky rises from his seat on the couch and joins you in the kitchen.
            “I’ll take them out.” He offers, staying a few feet away from you but at least making eye contact with you. He doesn’t seem to look at you very often since you broke up, but you can’t complain about it. It makes it a little easier to get over him when you’re not drowning in his blue eyes. You give him a curt nod before sliding the case across the table and then setting the sealed flask of clear liquid on top of it.
            “Try not to jostle them around too much, carry it with two hands.”
            “Got it, two hands.” Bucky repeats. You watch as he lifts the case, leaving the glass flask resting on the lid. You think about carrying the lone chemical out there in your own hands, worrying that Bucky might tip the case a little too far and let the flask fall to the ground outside, but you brush off the worry. He’s never been clumsy, and he sure as hell hasn’t ever been careless. It’ll be fine. It’s just a short walk from the front door to the back of the car.
            In retrospect, you should’ve listened to your instincts.
            When Bucky rushes in the front door only a minute after he’s stepped outside with the chemicals, a sickening feeling settles deep in your stomach. You quickly turn to the source of commotion as he slams the door shut behind him and starts nearly jogging across the cabin, heading straight for the bathroom at the end of the hall.
            “Bucky? What happened?” You call out, your feet carrying you down the hall after him. Bucky strips off his coat, dropping it on the floor in the hall before throwing the bathroom door open and ripping off his shirt. He doesn’t even close the bathroom door. You step over his coat and come to a stop in the doorway as he leans down and turns on the shower.
            “Stay back.” He warns, giving you a sideways glance that makes your stomach flip. “I slipped on a patch of ice and the little glass thing on top of the case fell and shattered. Whatever was in it evaporated quick, but I inhaled a lot of it. I don’t know if I got any on me.”
            Shit. This is not good. Bucky starts unbuckling his belt, but stops himself after he gets it undone, finally turning and looking you straight in the eye. Right. You’re not together anymore.
            “Only rinse, don’t use soap. We don’t know what the chemical was or what might interact with it.” You say, forcing your voice to sound calmer than you feel. Bucky nods, and then shuts the door between the two of you. Shit. You knew you should’ve carried that damn flask yourself.
            Half an hour later, after Bucky’s finished showering and is resting on the couch per yours and Bruce’s orders, he begins to feel something. He wanted to go to bed, just sleep it off and see how he felt in the morning, but you and Bruce insisted that he stay in the living room and awake so you could monitor him for any weird signs or symptoms. You miss the first few symptoms that Bucky begins to feel. First, his heart rate began picking up. It was so miniscule at first that even he didn’t notice it, but it increased more and more until he could hear his heartbeat pounding in his ears. Then, even in the chilly little cabin with a near-blizzard raging outside, Bucky began to feel hot. Hot to the point of wanting to take off everything he was wearing and go lay in the snow. Now he sits on the couch, breathing a little quicker than he was earlier, with beads of sweat forming on the back of his neck. It’s his increased respiratory rate that you notice first. Then, as you begin looking him over from your far away seat at the kitchen table, you see the way his cheeks are flushed and the way his dark gray t-shirt is beginning to stick to the sweat coming off of his back. Shit. Whatever it was that he was exposed to, it sure as hell wasn’t nothing.
            You’re just about to ask Bucky what he’s feeling when he abruptly stands from the couch and looks right at you, his gaze wild and pupils blown.
            “Bucky—” You start, but he cuts you off in an instant.
            “I don’t know what was in that flask, but I’ll be fine. I’m not going to sit out here all night.” Bucky’s trying to play it off. He has no fucking idea if he’ll actually be fine, but the newest physiological response his body is having to the chemical isn’t one he wants you to become aware of. He’s aroused. His cock is harder than it’s ever been, and he’d rather sleep outside on the icy road and get run over by Santa’s fucking sleigh then stay this close to you. He worries he won’t be able to control himself if he has to look at you one more time tonight, if he even hears another breath leave your lips, he’ll be done for.  
            “Bucky, tell me what you’re feeling.” You say softly, pushing your chair away from the table and standing, but not daring to move any closer to where he stands in the living room. He scrunches his eyes closed and presses his vibranium hand to the back of his neck in an attempt to cool the skin there.
            “Y/n, I’m going to bed.” He sounds so frustrated. It’s a tone of voice you actually recognize. This is how he used to sound when you’d tease him at the worst times, when you were somewhere that restricted him from being able to touch you, to fuck you.
            “Is it what I think it is?” You ask, your voice impossibly quieter than before. Bucky’s eyes snap open now and he studies you. Looking at you makes his dick throb and his balls feel so fucking full and heavy. He closes his eyes again as quickly as he opened them and then, you’re sure. It was a fucking sex pollen.
            You don’t dare make a move to stop Bucky when he hurries down the hall and locks himself in his bedroom. You stand frozen in the kitchen for the next two minutes, trying to figure out what the hell you should be doing in a situation like this. You end up doing what you do best: researching. You sit yourself right back down at the table and open your laptop, quickly accessing the online archive of SHIELD research files. You type in every word you can possibly think of to find what you need. Luckily, the first article that pops up is exactly what you needed.
            You skim through it at lightning speed, your eyes picking up on the important details. Heightened senses, increases sexual drive ten-fold, may result in permanent disability or death if state of intense arousal is not rectified. Shit, this is bad. You’re wondering how the hell one is supposed to rectify the intense arousal when your eyes land on the most key piece of information in the entire article. Human trials have revealed that allowed the specimen to engage in sexual intercourse is the only successful way to return to a normotensive physiological state.
            You have to fuck. You have to convince him to have sex with you. You have to convince the man who broke up with you three months ago to have sex with you. You’ve suddenly decided that you fucking hate your job.
            However, you’re not going to sit around while Bucky becomes permanently disabled or lets himself die of exposure to a damn HYDRA sex pollen. So, you slam your laptop shut and march right down the hall. You tap your knuckles against his bedroom door three times, until you hear the bed creak slightly, so you at least know he’s alive. He doesn’t make a single move to answer the door. He’s sitting on the side of the bed, his hands gripping the edge of the mattress so hard that it’ll probably never spring back into shape. His sense of hearing is heightened so much that he can hear every breath you take. He thinks he can even hear the sound of your eyelashes fluttering as you blink.
            “Bucky, I did some research.” God, just the sound of your voice might be enough to make him cum in his sweats. Bucky bites his bottom lip and looks down at where his erection is fighting to escape the confines of his sweats. “If this is a sex pollen, which I think we both know it is, it can kill you. The only way to fix this is to…” Your voice trails off, but you don’t have to finish your sentence for Bucky to know what the solution is here. But he won’t ask that of you. He refuses to ask you to sleep with him. He knows he broke your heart three months ago, and he’d be the world’s biggest asshole if he used you for relief now. So, he stays silent. “We could…”
            You can’t seem to finish any of your sentences. Why is it so hard for you to say we could fuck. Oh, right. Because you’ve missed the way he fucks for months. Because you know that if he wasn’t under the influence of this chemical right now, he sure as hell wouldn’t be turned on around you. You’d happily have sex with him right now, but he’d only be doing it because he has to do it to survive.
            “I know I’m probably the last person that you’d want to be offering this, but I’m offering. I don’t want you to sit in there and die.” You say softly, your voice cracking a little bit on the final word. The last person he’d want to be offering this? Fuck, you have no idea how he really feels, do you? Bucky screws his eyes shut and fights back the urge to throw the door open and tell you how much he fucking loves you, how much he’s missed you. It’s why he broke up with you in the first place. What if something happened one day that turned him right back into the Winter Soldier? What if he ended up on ice again and by the time he came out of cryo, you were dead and gone? He had to break up with you, because he felt like his future was always too unclear to promise it to someone.
            “I’m here, Bucky, if you need me.” You whisper, with your forehead pressed against the cool wood of the door. He can tell that you’re hurting for him. It’s why, against his rational mind, he finds himself crossing the room and tugging the door open. When he sees you standing there in the light of the hallway, he can hear that little Christmas tune that you love so much playing in his head. Fuck it.
            You’ve barely had a second to realize that Bucky’s just opened the door for you before you feel his hand fist in your hair and he yanks you forward against his chest. His mouth captures yours in a heated kiss. Bucky sucks your bottom lip between his and wastes no time in using his hold on your hair to tilt your head to the side and slide his tongue into your mouth. You act on muscle memory, kissing him the same way you used to every single day. You let his tongue dance around your mouth, but when he begins to pull back you suck on it lightly, earning a groan from him. He tastes just like you remember, and suddenly you want him so badly that for all you know you could have some sex pollen coursing through your veins.
            “The last person I’d want to be offering this?” Bucky rasps against your lips, briefly looking into your eyes as he repeats your words in question. “You’re the only person I’d want to be offering this.” He pulls on your hair again, tilting your head further to the side and sucking on the skin right below your ear. Your eyes close as you try to calm your racing heart, reminding yourself that as perfect as this might feel right now, it won’t last.
            It takes mere seconds for Bucky to pull you into his room and practically throw you onto his bed. When he crawls over you a second later, it’s like he’s suddenly realized you both still have your clothes on. He stands back up beside the bed and strips quickly, exposing every bit of his fucking heavenly body to you. You don’t even try to choke back the whimper that leaves your lips. Bucky freezes when he hears it. He’s heard it before. He’s heard it in his dreams, ever since you broke up. It’s sort of funny. He never had dreams before, only nightmares. Until he broke up with you, and then he started having dreams about you every night. They’ve replaced nearly every nightmare. Instead of HYDRA being the reason he’s up at night, it’s all you.
            You start shimmying out of your pants right there on the bed as you look at Bucky, too impatient to stand up and take everything off like he did. He strokes his cock slowly in one hand, but every time his palm glides over the tip he makes a face like he’s in pain. You know from your brief research that touching himself won’t give him an ounce of relief, it’ll only make things worse. So, once you have your pants off, you reach up and grab his wrist, stopping his stroking, and pulling him closer to the bed. He gets the hint and positions himself on top of you again, spreading your legs apart with his knee before settling between them.
            “I’ve missed you.” Bucky coos against the side of your neck, right as you feel the head of his cock brushing against your clit through your already soaked panties. He didn’t mean to say it. He doesn’t want to make the break up any harder for you, but fuck. He’s missed having you under him like this, though in the past you never kept your panties and shirt on when you were under him.
            “I’ve been right here.” You respond quietly, letting your hands coast down his sides until you feel the way his back muscles are rigid underneath your palms. He’s restraining himself. “Bucky, you don’t have to hold back.” He sighs deeply and grinds his cock against you, hard. It draws a moan from your lips that’s so needy, Bucky can’t wait any longer. He knows he’s only waited a minute at this point, but he just can’t anymore. He reaches down between the two of you and snags a finger in your panties, deftly pulling them to the side and guiding his cock straight into you without warning. The cry that escapes you isn’t one of pain or surprise, it’s one of pure lust. It might’ve been three months since the last time you had sex, but your body accepts his cock like it never left. There’s no pain, there’s only pleasure as he starts fucking into you slowly. He builds the pace up in mere seconds, speeding up more and more until he’s fucking you so hard and fast that the headboard is snapping against the wall and scratching the paint.
            “God, you’re still so fucking tight for me.” He groans, burying himself balls deep inside you. He stays still for a moment, letting your pussy grip his cock like a vice.
            “It’s still yours.” You whisper the words against his jawline. When his eyes snap open and stare straight into yours, you know you probably shouldn’t have said it. His pupils are already overly dilated, but they expand a little more as possessiveness flares in his chest. He always loved when you let him know who your pussy belonged to. He fucking loved it.
            Wait. The realization hits you both at the same time. He isn’t wearing a condom. As he looks into your eyes, his face falls and your eyes widen. He never once fucked you without a condom on. It was part of his whole no-long-term-commitment thing. He didn’t want to risk an unintentional pregnancy, so he never let himself fuck you raw. When he starts to pull out, you’re quick to wrap your legs around him and lock him in place.
            “Don’t.” You plead. You want this. You’ve always wanted this. Bucky bites his bottom lip and closes his eyes, trying to find a single rational thought in his mind. He knows he shouldn’t do this, he knows he should pull out and find a fucking condom. But will he?
             The answer is no. He uses what little space you give him between your legs to start thrusting into you again, slower this time, but still every bit as deep as before.
            “If you don’t let me pull out…” He starts, but you pull his face down to yours and silence him with a kiss. After a few seconds, he picks up his pace and begins fucking you relentlessly once again, further ruining the paintjob on the bedroom wall behind the headboard.
            “I always wanted you to fuck me like this.” You sigh against his lips. You feel Bucky’s entire body tense up as he nears his release, your words egging him on.
            “Oh, baby, I always wanted to fuck you like this.” He admits, snapping his hips into yours and getting you that much closer to the edge. As your orgasm threatens to tear through you, something weighs heavy on Bucky’s mind. He wants to cum inside you. He loves you but he’s always told himself he can’t have you, because his future is so unclear, he can’t make promises to you and possibly break them. But…he’s a good guy. If he were to knock you up, he’d do the right thing. The traditional thing. He’d marry you and take such good care of you, of the little family you’d have together. Maybe that’s what he should do. He thinks that maybe if he gets you pregnant right now, it would force him to give you his future, no matter how much it scares him. He’d be so much more concerned with doing the right thing in the present, rather than worrying about what might happen in the future. “Let me cum inside you.”
            “You can, Bucky. You can cum inside me.” You moan out, locking your ankles together behind him and pulling him harder against you. He groans and presses another kiss to your lips, but a gentler one this time.
            “You’ll have a baby for me.” He doesn’t even phrase it as a question, no, he’s telling you what you’ll do. “You’ll let me get you pregnant, and then you’ll be mine.”
            “Fuck…” The curse falls from your lips as bliss surges through you. You can’t even find the words to say what you want to say, which is fuck yes. So, you lay there submissively, with your legs wrapped around him as he fucks every drop of cum that he has into you. Then, you catch your breath while he pulls his cock out of you and slides your panties back over your sore cunt. You even let him pile the pillows beneath your hips and legs, elevating your pelvis to make sure his cum won’t drip back out of you.
            Fuck. He really wants to make sure you’re pregnant after this.
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@gyokujyn @mrsjoequinn @thealloveru2 @nixxaswrld @ordelixx @sweettae02 @frombkjar @hellfirebabe @edelweissbarnes @sunnyhummingbee @jenniferpendragon @siciliano13 @crist1216  @twlkdead
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miserycanary · 3 months
♡⃛ ‘My Hell For Your Love’ alternative ending
pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley & fem!reader
synopsis: is it done? hopeless love? How Ghost is after the break-up
tags: :3.. 
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Ghost swears he’s going crazy. In his eyes, the walls are dimmer and everything seems… out of place. He seems out of place. Not when you’re not there with him. “Fuck,” he grumbles, tilting his head back on the headboard of the bed you used to share with him. He knows it’s disgusting but he hasn’t had the courage to change the bedsheets since that day, too scared he’d forget how you smell. Ever since you came over for the last time to take your things, he lost everything in the apartment that reminds him of you�� that reminds you guys happened. 
It seems like he’s in a worse state than he thought when even Price came up to him, asking him to hang after work shifts. Ghost knew that he was not in the best state and everyone in the base was muttering about it. Seeing as he had nothing more to lose (you were all he had), he agreed. 
The bar was filled with cigar smoke and the smell of cheap liquor. It was bustling with bodies grinding on each other everywhere. He had let himself go but his build still managed to attract stares, often getting hit on by ladies looking for someone to fix their daddy issues. And each time he turns them down until he sees a familiar figure. Like a dog, he chases someone who seems to be you but only to feel a pang of disappointment. 
The night seems to pass quickly. He’s suddenly in bed with the girl who looks like you. He knows it’s wrong to play with her, but he needs you— one way or another. It just ended up with him more frustrated. She wasn’t like you. The way she felt, her look, and her voice. Everything was so different. 
He didn’t even stay the night, unable to process the fact he laid with someone who wasn’t you. Placing some bills on the bedside table, Ghost takes one more look at her sleeping figure that paints a scowl on his face. Even the way she sleeps wasn’t like you at all. The walk back home was exhausting, with a cigar between his lips and a burden in his heart. 
His steps halted when he found himself in the familiar street of your unit. “I’m really going nuts,” he chuckled to himself, peering up to look at your unit that always had its windows open. He was about to risk it all when he heard your laughter and a voice. The sight before him made him lose it. You had a guy over. Someone who doesn’t even look like him! Ghost snaps back when he realizes he let go of his cigar. Looking down at the still burning light, he contemplated. Was it done? Were you gone from him forever? No, right? It’s a one-night stand, convinces himself.
It wasn’t a one-night stand, he realizes. Holding the wedding invitation in his hand 2 years after that. The words printed on the dedication had his stomach churning. 
‘To my old friend, Simon,
I invite you to my wedding. Thank you for being with me for many years. You have helped me become who I am today, so I would love if you’ll be there. We promised we’d be with each other during our happiest moment, right? 
All love,
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꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱: the last and final part. Go read the alternative ending! Sorry if it’s rushed!!
dividers by @cafekitsune
Please reblog!! Ask is open!
⟢ taglist is open! Comment if you want to be tagged in the next posts.
check out my other works in the masterlist: ୭!
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toruro · 7 months
— ✧ back to december
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a part of flower me with love ... an hhu unit x flowers collection !
genre: smut (18+ / mdni), fluff, angst (resolved!), best friends to strangers to lovers
description: it's been four months and twenty-two days since you've last talked to mingyu, however your mother still thinks you two are friends. you don't have the heart to tell her what really happened, and now you think it's time for you to move on. (un?)fortunately for you though, mingyu seems to have other plans.
inspired by back to december by taylor swift!
tags: miscommunication, unrequited love (not fr though), big dick mingyu, sex in a car >_<, riding, fingering, pet names (angel, pretty), creampie :3
w/c: 4.3k
a/n: happy birthday @gyuswhore!!! this fic is for em but if not em and ur reading it i hope u enjoy too. this is like 2/3 plot and 1/3 smut if anyone cares
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Normality is bliss.
That’s what you used to tell yourself. That’s what you used to believe.
Normality was bright mornings, crisp air, slow walking down the main street, inhaling the ambrosial scent of freshly roasted coffee beans, and slipping under the fairy lights that hang over the door. It was the warm sound of the overhead bell ringing, permeating laughter in the cafe from all customers, and daisies in a pot by the entrance.
Normality was Mingyu. His bright laugh as you approach the counter, sweet voice as he playfully asks you what drink you’d like, to which you roll your eyes and respond with, “You already know, don’t you?” It was the chuckle he would let out, the wink he flashed at you, murmuring the words, “It’s on the house” (because with Mingyu, it was always on the house), the thanks you give him before stepping back.
Normality was the latte he handed you, rough yet ginger fingers brushing over your palm as he warned you, “Careful, it’s hot,” and the giggle you let out when you stepped back and asked how his morning was going. It was Mingyu telling you nothing special happened yet. It was Mingyu suggesting that you two hang out at the field after he’s done with work. It was you grinning and agreeing in an instant, but only under the condition that he picks you up after your class.
Normality was bliss until four months and twenty-two days ago.
Now, normality hurts like a bitch.
Your mother glances at you from the corner of her vision as you rummage through the fridge. “What’re you looking for?”
“Some bread,” you murmur. “Was really craving a tomato sandwich … Damn, we’re seriously out of white bread?” you ask, giving up with a sigh as you close the door and face her.
She shrugs. “If it’s not in the fridge then I guess so. We’re low on produce too actually … I’d be surprised if you find tomatoes in there too,” she says. You purse your lip, shuffling through the different rows of cabinets to find something to throw together to take for lunch as your mother continues to speak. “You think you could stop by the grocery store after class today and pick up some stuff?”
“Yeah sure,” you reply casually.
“Ah, I wish Mingyu still stopped by with the groceries,” your mother says, and the sudden mention of his name has you halting your movements as you reach for a croissant, before you inhale deeply and go back to doing your own thing.
“Yeah,” you say quietly, clearing your throat after the word comes out horsley.
“You know why he stopped doing that?”
You try not to think about how you still haven’t told your mother that you and Mingyu don’t talk anymore.
“Uhh, I guess uni’s been getting to be a lot of work,” you tell her. “We’re both taking way harder classes so, uh, I guess he doesn’t have the time.”
“Hmm, yeah makes sense. You’re always swamped up in that room of yours ‘cause of work too … haven’t seen you two hang out in a while actually.”
You chew on your lip, staring down at your little bag for lunch and the croissant that sits inside. You wonder if you’ll even have the appetite to eat anything today after this conversation.
“We’re just busy. It’s harder to talk now.” It’s not entirely a lie. Grabbing the bag and picking up your backpack, you turn to face your mother who’s scrolling on her phone. “I’m gonna go now. My first class is starting soon.”
Now, normality is huffing as you get into your car, wishing you had a coffee next to you, but being too full of cowardice to head over to the cafe.
(“Go to a different cafe!” is what common sense would tell you, but common sense doesn’t listen to a love that has been betrayed. No other latte tastes the same, but you know that’s only because no other latte has been made by Mingyu.)
You pick up groceries on the way home.
Now, normality is staring at the daisies that are on display as you walk through the front doors of the store and reminiscing. It’s wondering what once was, and what could have been, if you decided to keep your silly feelings to yourself.
Normality is regretting. Regretting ever opening your mouth and telling Mingyu four months and twenty-two days ago that you loved him, and that you had loved him for not one, not two, not five, but ten damn years, because that was when you two met, and you always loved Kim Mingyu, but you should have known that not once did he love you back. Not how you would’ve wanted anyways.
Normality is wondering. Wondering if Mingyu would still be dropping off groceries if you hadn’t told him that you loved him, if he hadn’t told you he didn’t know what to tell you. Wondering if he thinks of you now. Wondering if he has any regrets. Wondering if he’s okay, but you lost the chance to know the answer to that question four months and twenty-two days ago. Wondering if—
Tomatoes. You need to buy the tomatoes, and the bread, some green beans, spinach, bell pepper, and more cheese, milk, maybe some butter, and—what was it that your mother told you to get? Oh, some strawberries.
You need to get all of these things, but there were no daisies on the list, so how did a bouquet full of them end up in your cart? You tell yourself you picked them up because they’re on sale, but you know the real reason is because you miss Mingyu.
Directing your attention back to the list you were sent on your phone, you hum lowly to yourself as you push your cart through the aisles. Checking items off your notes app, you exist with just yourself, your tomatoes, and fresh daisies as you try and finish these groceries before it gets too late into the evening.
Staring at your screen, you almost don’t notice that the dairy aisle isn’t empty until you bump into someone. “Sorry,” you mutter quickly, “I—” The words get caught in your throat when you see just exactly who you’ve hit.
Averting your gaze quickly, you wonder if Mingyu will respond, but you choose to scurry away quickly instead, because as cowardly as it sounds, you’re not sure if you’re ready to hear his voice again.
You’re not sure why your heart beats so fast when you escape into another aisle. Maybe it’s because you couldn’t read the look on his face for the brief second that your eyes met.
(Ten years of being best friends and you somehow don’t know what he’s thinking. Can four months and twenty-two days really change a person that much? Or did you never know Kim Mingyu in the first place?)
When you get home, your mother asks you where you got the daisies from. You tell her Mingyu gave them to you, because you want to convince her that you two are still best friends, and maybe—just maybe—you’re trying to convince yourself of it too.
You decide to buy a latte five days later. Mingyu never worked the evening shifts, so you’re confident you’ll get one of the other’s as the barista if you walk in past 6pm. Seokmin’s always nice. He doesn’t make the latte’s as sweet as you like—more specifically, as sweet as Mingyu made them—but he’s kind and always cheery.
When you walk in today, the pot by the door is empty. There are no more daisies, and you wonder if this is what has become of normality.
Your eyes glaze over the familiar setting, breathing in the sweet, rusty smell of coffee, and you smile watching all the cafe-goers laugh along with each other in their seats. All is going well, and you’re telling yourself that maybe this new normal isn’t too bad. That you’ve lived with it for four months and twenty-seven days, and so you can live with it longer and—
Your heart plummets when you see who's working the register today.
Maybe you really never knew Kim Mingyu, because you swore he hated the evening shifts, but here he is with a neatly tied apron, smiling while he talks to some girl across the counter. And his toothy grin is so bright and you aren’t sure if you’re seeing things correctly because everything sound has turned to a white rush in your ears and your vision blurs because you are once again awarded the painful reminder that you are in love with Kim Mingyu.
You thought your heart broke right in two back in December, but you hear it crack in this moment and realize that this was the final blow.
There are tears in your eyes, and you don’t know how long you stand there, until you hear your name. Seokmin is calling for you, and when you look up there’s no girl at the counter and it’s just Mingyu and Seokmin staring at you.
And you wonder briefly if you should be glad that Mingyu looks concerned but you don’t have time to dwell on the fact because Seokmin calls for you again—“Hey, are you okay? You—you’re crying”—and fuck, you’ve just humiliated yourself, so with fat tears hitting the dark wood ground you turn on your heel and rush out the door.
You keep thinking and wondering and regretting and you hate it all because regret has become normality, but regret is not a bliss.
You walk down the street, and you keep walking and walking and walking until you realize you forgot where you parked the car but none of that matters because all you’re thinking about is Mingyu’s smile, and how he doesn’t smile at you anymore. And so you walk faster and cry a bit harder until you’re so far down the street you don’t even know where you are anymore but it doesn’t matter because you don’t know who you’ve become.
And there’s footsteps thudding behind you—are you going to get kidnapped now? Fuck, you’ve already had the most horrendous sequence of events that could possibly happen to you in the span of five minutes, and now it’s going to get worse? If this goddamn kidnapper could just target you any other day, then maybe you wouldn’t whip around with tearful eyes, shouting into the dark: “Please don’t kidnap me! I’ll go with you any other day but—Mingyu!?”
His tall figure is hunched over, hands over his thighs as he heaves for breath, craning his neck to look up at you. “Kidnap you? Why in the world would I kidnap you?” he asks through harsh breaths. “Fuck, you walk so fast,” he groans, finally standing up as you furiously wipe your tears away in an attempt to actually make sense of this situation.
“I—” You want to reply, but then it hits you that this is the first time Mingyu has spoken to you in four months and twenty-seven days, and the thought is dizzying. “I don’t know,” you tell him, because you really don’t know. You don’t know a damn thing.
Mingyu looks at you with a look that you, once again, can’t seem to read. “Sorry, I—I wanted to see if you were okay.”
“I’m fine,” you tell him, and anyone would be able to see through the lie but you’re hoping that Mingyu doesn’t pry any further. He doesn’t move, nor does he say anything. “You can, uh, go back now,” you add, rubbing the back of your neck as you stare at the ground. “I’m okay.”
“You—you were crying.”
Opening your mouth to protest, you realize you can’t refute him now. Not when it was so painfully obvious. You choose silence instead, hoping that your apprehension will be enough to drive him away, although it only seems to egg Mingyu on.
You don’t expect the words he blurts out after a few moments of thickness.
“You don’t know how much I wish I could go back to December and change things.”
“Please don’t lie to me Mingyu,” you tell him, and he can just hear from the way you say his name that you are desperately pleading with him. When you finally look up at him with glossy eyes, he wonders how in the world he let things get this far.
“I’m not lying, I—I wouldn’t lie about this.”
“What do you mean by this, Mingyu? What is this?” You cover your face and begin to sob, but not without gasping out words between heavy breaths. “Please don’t do this to me, not again.”
And when you uncover your face and look at him again, he’s got some bewildered look on his face, and you can’t tell what he’s going to say next.
“The girl,” Mingyu starts to say. “That’s my cousin. She was visiting me at work and—”
“It’s not about the girl, Mingyu!” And that’s a bit of a lie because some part of it is about the girl but it’s mainly about you and it’s mainly about Mingyu—mainly about the two of you.
He pinches the bridge of his nose and speaks. “Sorry, I—you’re right.”
Silence once more, before you calm your breaths and shake your head. “You should head back, Mingyu.”
“No I—wait, I just—I’m not lying. I regret everything I did in December.”
“No, please listen to me. I regret not telling you how I actually felt, but I was so confused,” he tells you, repeating your name. “I was confused and fucking terrified because if things didn’t work out for some reason, then I would’ve lost my best friend but—but I was fucking stupid and lost you anyways. And you know, I wanted to reach out. I wanted to talk to you so bad but then like last week, when I saw you in the grocery store, and—daisies.”
“Daisies?” You furrow your brows.
“Daisies. You had a bouquet of them in your cart,” Mingyu tells you, taking a step forward. “And I know how much you love daisies. Your favorite flowers in the world. I saw them in your cart and thought to myself, fuck, I missed my chance, because I thought you had them for someone else and—”
“They weren’t,” you blurt out. “I-I even told my mom you got me them,” you add bashfully, “because she doesn’t know we stopped … yeah.”
There’s a silence that sits between you two, but you’re starting to realize that silence has become normality and you are no longer content with that.
“Mingyu, do you love me?”
He doesn’t hesitate to respond. “More than you love daisies.”
You laugh through your drying tears. You laugh so hard it makes you cry no longer because of pain but because of happiness, and you shake your head and throw your arms around him. “Kim Mingyu, that is a bold statement.”
“What can I say?” he grins. “I’m a bold man.”
“Where was that bold man for the past four months and twenty-seven days?” you snort.
Mingyu raises a brow. “You’ve been counting?” For a moment your expression falls but then he shakes his head and smiles. “Don’t worry—I’ve been too.”
You two are quick to head back, Mingyu begging Seokmin to hold the first alone for the weekend before taking the wheel of your car and driving you both to your favorite field of daisies.
“Are we going to have sex for the first time in your car?” Mingyu asks with a chuckle, climbing into the backseat from one end while you pile in from the other.
Giggling, you meet his lips for a kiss as soon as the door shuts behind him, arms winding around his thick neck to bring him close. “The way you said that insinuates there we’ll be having more sex after this,” you tell him with a smile before diving back into another tongue twisting kiss.
“Hell yeah,” Mingyu groans against your tongue as you adjust to situate yourself over his lap, hips pressing dangerously close to his. “Gonna fuck you every day if I can. If you can handle that,” he adds.
You roll your eyes, pulling back to help yourself out of the cardigan and shirt you’re wearing. “What makes you think I can’t handle it?”
He only flashes you a toothy grin and quickly glances down at his groin area before winking at you. “You’ll see.”
“Kim Mingyu, you are a little shit,” you conclude despite the way your tummy churns at his insinuation, throwing off your shirt as Mingyu helps you out of a bra.
“I’m not little, that’s for sure … fuck, you’ve got the prettiest tits in the world,” he murmurs, wrapping his arms around your torso to pull you closer so he can plant his lips on the soft flesh. His mouth is warm, tongue tracing constellations over our skin before enclosing one of your nipples with his lips.
Slowly, his tongue traces circles around the stiffened nipple, teeth grazing over it ever so gently before biting down with slight force. “Ah!” you moan out, head thrown back as your hands travel up his neck and into his hair, fisting the thick, dark locks. “‘m sensitive, ‘gyu,” you tell him, shaky-breathed as he pulls his mouth off your tits with a slip popping sound.
“Sorry,” he says with a lazy smile. “Your tits are so nice,” Mingyu murmurs, bringing a hand up to squeeze over your other breast, tweaking the nipple in one hand as your hands begin to play with the hem of his tight fit shirt. “Fuck, can’t believe we didn’t fuck earlier. You know how much time we could’ve saved?” he says, pulling away just for a moment to peel the shirt off his body, revealing his firm, thick torso.
“I wonder whose fault that is?” You roll your eyes.
Mingyu frowns in response. “Don’t remind me … angel, take off your pants. Wanna finger you.”
He doesn’t have to tell you twice, because in an instant your hands are at the waistband of your pants as heat rises to your cheeks upon hearing his words. Just the thought of Mingyu’s thick, longer fingers inside your aching cunt is enough for it to pulse around nothing as you throw your pants to the side and shove your panties to reveal your core.
“Atta girl,”  he murmurs under his breath as you readjust yourself over his lap so that he can have better access between your legs. Slowly, he brings one hand up to your exposed cunt, bringing his middle finger to circle around your gaping hole. “Shit, you’re so wet, angel … so wet for me.”
“Just for you ‘gyu, just for you” you gasp out when he sinks one finger in, rough pads rubbing against your warm, gummy walls.
Now Mingyu occasionally entertains the outrageous idea that he’s well composed, but he’d be a fool to deny that, even though he can turn you to mush in the palm of his hand, you also have him wrapped around your little finger.
You only have to beg him once or twice for a second finger before he’s giving in, wanting nothing more than to spoil you until you can’t even remember what you were asking for in the first place. And naturally, when you finally tell him that you’re ready for more—ready for his cock—he can’t help but grin and comply.
“You think you’re ready?” he asks, slipping his fingers out and shoving them into your mouth so you can taste yourself.
“You think I’m not?” you mumble around his fingers. You pout a little and Mingyu chuckles, leaning in to give you a wet and sloppy kiss before lifting his hips a little.
“You’ll see angel … help me take this all off,” he tells you, and you’re quick to grab at his waistband and yank his pants and boxers down at the same time.
“What are you talking ab—oh.” The words dry on your tongue when you see his cock spring out, from underneath his boxers, the thickness slapping against Mingyu’s abdomen.
It’s fat and long and veiny in all the right places, heavy balls resting at the base of it, the reddish-pink tip smeared all over with his shiny, translucent white precum.
“Yeah,” Mingyu says with yet another chuckle, watching your face as you gaze down at his cock in awe.
“I-is it gonna fit?” you ask incredulously, eyes glancing back and forth between the smirk on Mingyu’s lips and the long length of his cock. Mingyu just shrugs and smooths his hands over your hips, your stomach, and then your neck, pulling you into a deep kiss.
Your stomach flutters, cunt growing more and more needy and wet as the seconds tick by, and the way Mingyu’s tongue flicks against yours only heightens the feeling. When he pulls away, he settles his hands over your waist and directs you right over his cock, and something in you swells with pure arousal with the next words he says.
“Don’t worry angel, I’ll make it fit. You trust me?”
“Yeah,” you breath out, steadying your position as Mingyu uses one hand to guide his heavy length so that the tip points upwards and presses right against you.
“Fuck yeah,” he hisses, and you moan as you feel him sliding against your folds in a slippery, sticky mess. “old onto me, yeah angel? If you want to stop just—”
“Say the word,” you finish for him, placing your hands on Mingyu’s bare shoulders as an attempt to steady yourself, breath hitching as his length pushes into your entrance. “Oh shit, ‘gyu!" you cry out as you begin to sink down on him.
Tears pricking at the corners of your eyes—you can’t even fathom how, even after all his prep, Mingyu still feels like he’s nearly splitting you in half.
“Fuck, pretty—you’re so fucking tight,” Mingyu grunts, helping you nearly impale yourself on his cock. “Fucking fitting inside you so well,” he praises as he bottoms out inside of you, letting your forehead fall to his shoulder as you take deep breath.
Mingyu knows he’s big—knows it’s hard to fit him inside of you—and he’s feels so fucking lucky that he has you—so willing to take all that he’s giving—sucking him in and whining for more. He waits a few moments, only listening to the way your heavy breaths start to grow lighter, until you’re whimpering a soft, “‘gyu.”
He wastes no time in jerking his hips upward, shifting inside of you and battering the inside of your soft walls. You bite down on his shoulder as you push your hips down to meet his thrusts, choking back soft sobs as you feel his cock kiss your cervix with each movement.
“Holy shit,” Mingyu grunts as you begin to bounce on his lap, his length slipping out of you halfway before being plunged right back in with a sopping mess growing on his thighs.
You whine loudly at the overwhelming pleasure that takes over your body, lifting your head up so you could look at Mingyu with your mouth agape and hair stuck all over your burning face, a sheer layer of sweat starting to envelope both your bodies.
Soon, both of your movements begin to grow erratic and sloppy, hips jamming into each other so hard you’d be surprised if you even have the ability to walk tomorrow. You now know why Mingyu was concerned about fucking every day.
“You g’na cum soon pretty? Cum all over my cock? I can feel it angel, can feel your pretty cunt squeezing me.”
“Fuck, Mingyu,” you manage to gasp out, “Yeah, ’m gonna cum—feels so good, so full, so—fuck!”
Mingyu’s cock pulses inside of you and that’s when every detail seems to be heightened to a thousand—as your orgasm racks through you, you seem to feel every curve, every vein, dragging in and out of you to such detail that it has your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you scream out his name.
Mingyu watches you fall apart, surrendering to bliss, and the way your hips are sporadically swiveling over his, your pussy’s wetness coating and creaming his cock has him going into a frenzy. Frantically, he begins to snap his hips faster up into you, your soft moans of overstimulation pushing him to his end faster than he can ever imagine. Watching the way he slides in and out of you is enough to have him cumming, shooting his hot, sticky load inside your warm cunt.
Riding out the last of his orgasm with soft rolls of his hips, Mingyu sighs contently at the feeling of you milking him dry, the both of you looking down at the wet, dirty mess you’ve made where the two of you connect, his cock still throbbing inside of you.
Both of you finally look up at the same time, grinning at each other, and you flop forward resting your head on his chest as he slowly combs his fingers through your hair, other hand running up and down your back.
“Why’d you start working the evening shifts?” you ask Mingyu after your breath has finally leveled. “I thought you hated those.”
“I did, but you stopped coming in the mornings, and I figured it was because of me. I hoped that maybe you would start coming in the evenings so I asked my boss to change my regular shifts just in case.”
“Oh wow, you really do love me.”
“I already told you I do! Even more than you love daisies, remember?”
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noroi1000 · 8 months
can I have satosugu with fem!reader one shot?
both of them got into a heated argument with her because she’s very clingy, and they’re in a silent treatment for days
until they realize how insecure she got and they try to make it up
if you could, make it a hurt/comfort thing :))
Too Clingy
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Summary: Your boys were pissed. Enough of your touch. You didn't want them to be mad at you all the time. You didn't want this. And if they don't want your touch, you won't give them what they don't want.
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A/N: I did it to make it at least a little sad... I don't know if I succeeded, but I think it turned out to be quite good angst.
Words: 3k
Warnings: Angst
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You agreed to let your boys make dinner today. But that was the day you felt like touching a lot.
You wanted their touches, kisses and hugs.
You loved it when they were close.
But they probably weren't in the mood that day... What happened hurt your heart...
Why did you have to agree that they would make dinner themselves that day? Why on this particular day did you want to be touched so much and they didn't?
They were definitely pissed after work. Their work as a sorcerer is tiring and often irritating. But you didn't expect their rejection...
As you walked over to Suguru who was cutting something in his purple apron, you wrapped your arms around his waist, pressing your cheek into his back to feel his warmth.
He raised his hands when you grabbed him. And he spoke.
"(y/n), I'm cutting with a knife." He told you to understand that because of you he could hurt himself.
"Oh, sorry." you said, pulling away slightly and keeping your hands on his hips, cuddling into his side.
He sighed and his eyebrows furrowed slightly as he looked at all the produce he still had to cut.
Watching his slow movements, he doesn't say anything, just feeling his warmth. You reached for his rolled-up sleeve at the elbow and tried to fix it.
But when he pulled his hand lightly, he stopped his hands above the cutting board.
"(y/n)..." he sighed once again, looking at your fingers without smiling. "Not now..."
"Sorry, I just wanted to fix your sleeve." you spoke before you moved away from him, rolling his sleeve properly to keep it from falling any lower.
He started cutting again, speeding up his movements.
You slowly hugged him, making him sway slightly and stop his hands with a loud sigh.
He moved away from your hands, moving away from his warmth and body.
He started doing his job again until you rubbed the back of his neck lightly, picking up the stray hairs that had fallen out of his bun.
He placed the knife on the board loudly, making you startled.
"(y/n)! Please, not now." Realizing that he had said your name louder than he intended, he spoke the next words with a slightly lowered tone of voice.. But still firm. "Not now... I still have a lot to chop. Let me do it. Don't disturb me, please."
... You disturb him...?
Memories of moments when you cook together appeared in your mind, and either you blame them or they blame you. Even while cooking.
You're disturbing him. It's understandable that he can't do anything quickly because you're interrupting him.
You looked at him for a moment before lowering your eyes to the cabinet next to you, smiling slightly.
"...fine... Sorry..." you muttered softly before walking away. And a moment later you heard cutting sounds again.
You saw Satoru sitting in a chair, reading the recipe for the sauce he was preparing. Or rather, he looked at the additives that he still needs to add to the pot. You walked up to him and tentatively placed a hand on his shoulder, waiting for his reaction.
They must have been irritated after the meeting with their superiors. But they agreed to cook dinner...
"Baby, After cooking the sauce, do you still need to put it in the oven? What's wrong with this recipe?" he laughed. And that showed that he accepted you touching him.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you placed your chin on his head as you stood behind him.
"(y/n), I have to-." he paused, looking at Suguru who was almost finished.
In a moment he had to get up and you were almost lying on his back. It wasn't an ideal position for him to cook.
And also, the fact that you're snapping at him at the wrong time irritates him a bit. He has to keep time. And when you're on his back, he won't be able to get up.
"(y/n), move away. I have to get up." He said seriously and quickly pushed the chair back.
Out of curiosity, you walked over to the pot and watched as his fingers grabbed the spoon and he began to stir.
As he stirred calmly, you placed your hand on his elbow with a smile.
"Smells good."
Your enthusiastic words were ignored as he pulled his hand from yours and moved away.
You automatically moved closer because he wasn't moving and was standing in the same place, stirring and slightly cooling the sauce.
And when you touched him again, he spoke.
"(y/n), out of the way." He said firmly, lightly pushing your hands away with his elbow and walking past you to the sink.
You're disturbing. Out of the way. Are you irritating them today? Does the fact that you want to touch piss them off?
You turned around, watching them continue doing their thing.
"(y/n), we are busy. You do not see? You can't just come up to us and touch us when we're doing something that could hurt us!" he said as he poured the hot sauce into another pot.
You're pissing them off, aren't you?
"Satoru is right. Do not do this. We're trying to make dinner as soon as possible, but you're in the way. Do something else, but don't get in our way for now. Understand." Suguru added.
The fact that they told you that you were bothering them hurt you.
Well, they have been often irritated for some time now. Especially in moments when you want touch from them.
They don't like it anymore, do they?
They have always loved touch. But that has changed now, hasn't it?
"...I don't want to disturb you... I thought a light touch would do nothing-."
"Did you know that in the kitchen, a slight slip can cause injury?"
They interrupted you.
"Stop hugging us all the time. Now we are often busy and it distracts us..."
You looked at the floor with a sad expression on your face.
Are they scolding you for wanting love?
"Sorry..." you said lightly and walking far behind them, you left the kitchen, still hearing their words.
"What happened to her? She's too Clingy now, isn't she?"
"She just doesn't understand that we can't always hug her."
You closed the bathroom door, gritting your teeth.
You looked at yourself in the mirror from a distance.
What did you do wrong that they don't want you around?
Maybe they don't want touch from you? Maybe you wanted too much?
Or maybe something is going wrong between you?
They were never mad at you. Until now, when they made it clear they didn't want you there.
Or maybe they are having a bad day and are oversensitive?
Maybe if you cuddle with them at night, everything will be fine?
An hour later, as you sat in the chair with your phone, Suguru said dinner was ready.
You had your seats at the table.
You always sat on one side of the table with Satoru. And Suguru was sitting on the other side, across from you.
Today was different.
You sat down in Suguru's seat and pushed the prepared plate slightly to the side so you weren't sitting straight across from them.
Even though they might have been confused by the sudden change of seats and you moving away a bit, they sat down next to each other and started eating.
You felt cold on both sides of your arms because no one was sitting next to you.
But everyone needs some space, right?
Even though they may want a break from touch now, they may want to be close to you again later, right?
You didn't hear them speak to you for two hours.
You thought they wanted space for a little while.
But they were sitting on the couch together. So close to each other and they were talking.
Satoru lazily laid on top of Suguru, looking at the TV.
Normally you would go up there and say that Satoru looks and acts like a cat. But you didn't do that this time.
They didn't want a moment of rest from touch.
They just didn't want your touch.
They were so close together. But you pissed them off... Because 'you were too clingy...'
They don't want your touch anymore, do they?
They don't need your touch when they have their touch to themselves...
You left the house without saying a word, with the excuse that you were going shopping because something was gone.
But they didn't ask you where you were going...
If they don't care what you've been doing for three hours, maybe you need to accept that they no longer accept you?
You love them and you know they love you.
But if they want it, you will give them the space they want. And a break from the relationship you had.
You didn't hear from any of them even when you returned at night.
Feeling depressed as your heart ached, you went to a friend's house only to come home late.
And they, even if they were worried and wanted to call you. They decided to leave your break and space instead of reducing it and reconcile.
You hoped that you would see that there was room for you between them in the bed, you saw how soundly they slept together. Their long legs spread on the bed as they slept. Gojo's head on Geto's hand. And their sides touching.
Even if you wanted to lie down, you have nowhere to go. Because they are lying all over the bed with their arms and legs stretched out to the sides.
Why is the truth that they don't want a break from touching, they just push you away...?
With the flashlight on your phone on, you grabbed your pajamas and changed in the bathroom.
You took the blanket from the cabinet and lay down on the couch on the pillow. As you fell asleep, you didn't want to think about how your heart hurt after the whole day.
You've been sleeping on the couch for two days, even though they leave space for you in the bed. Even when they wait for you in the bedroom in the evenings, you don't come.
In the morning you greet them with words, not with a kiss.
Since those days, they haven't felt your lips or your hands.
You haven't touched them once. You stayed out of their way so as not to disturb them. Not like in the kitchen.
When they told you they wanted to watch a movie in the evening and eat snacks, you watched as they sat on the couch with bowls of food.
Your pillows that they had prepared for you were waiting for you.
They were watching a movie you liked. They ate the snacks you loved.
But their words were still in your memory.
"Out of the way"
"Do something else"
"Don't get in our way"
"Stop hugging us."
"It distracts us"
„She's too Clingy now, right?"
"She just doesn't understand that we can't always hug her."
You were sitting in an armchair nearby with a package of jelly beans that you found in the cabinet and watching a movie from there.
But you saw out of the corner of your eye how their eyes were searching for you.
But they did nothing.
Because according to them, you want space after what happened.
They came to you in the morning, waking you up while you were sleeping on the couch.
"(y/n), I'm sorry we make you sad. We didn't mean to offend you..." Satoru muttered, crouching down next to your pillow.
"Yes. It... We got carried away. We're sorry." Suguru added.
You gave them a small smile.
"That's nothing. Nothing happened."
"Why don't you want to sleep with us?"
"There was often no space for me. And I couldn't sleep either. So I didn't want to disturb you."
Satoru's hand reached for yours, but you pulled away slightly.
Suguru went to kiss your forehead, but you stood up and started folding your blanket.
You've learned one thing... You need to stop touching them so much. Because they don't like it. And the sooner you start giving them less touches, the sooner you will get used to what it will look like between you now.
As they left for work, instead of hugging and kissing them goodbye like you always did, you smiled at them and said, "see you later."
Even if they expected something more.
You told yourself you wouldn't irritate them anymore. That's why you went into 'rehab' from hugging them. Instead, you hugged a stuffed animal.
You slept in bed with them, but knowing that for some time now they preferred their touch to yours, you lay on the edge of the bed and fell asleep. Even though one of Suguru's arms was waiting for you, you didn't use it as a pillow. You chose a normal down pillow.
You woke up next to them, looking at their bodies close together.
Sometimes their hands were on your waist or they were pressed against your back.
You're happy when they do it because they want it.
But you will never hug them again when only you want it...
And since then, your kisses and touches have been so tentative.
They felt as if you were at the beginning of a relationship. Where you didn't know yet how far you could go.
Each time you made small movements to make them understand that you wanted a kiss or a hug. And when they took your hint and moved closer to you, you did too.
But their beloved girl who always gave them touch and wanted it from them disappeared.
You still want their touch. But you won't force them to do it.
If these short gestures are enough for them, you must also be satisfied with something like this.
At every moment you were unsure of how far you could go. You stopped initiating all intercourse. You left a place on the other side of the table for you. You didn't just undress in front of them. You weren't open with your body or gestures. When they wanted you, you were there. But you weren't there when they didn't show they wanted to. Your kisses were always the smaller ones. Even though it was nice, you let them do what they wanted. You didn't know what to do during sex, even though it wasn't your first time with them. You grabbed the sheets and pillows. You didn't touch them unless they positioned you that way.
Your life with them... You reduced how much touch you gave them to a place where you focused on how much they wanted from you and when. You ignored how much you wanted and needed.
You didn't bathe with them, you didn't do all the things you always did.
Your body always tried to be less visible to them so they wouldn't think you were constantly everywhere.
You focus on making sure they get your touch the way they want. Without exaggeration. Without constant closeness.
And they saw your change and were worried.
Because they made you very insecure in your relationship.
Like you're learning the limits you can have.
You didn't do what you wanted. You waited for them to show you what to do and how to do it.
Too much closeness is bad. Not enough closeness either.
There was closeness between you. But there was uncertainty about the boundaries.
"Where is (y/n)?" Geto asked, looking at the white-haired man who was playing on the console.
"In the bedroom, she went to change." he said, and the dark-haired man moved to the door only to realize that you had closed the door.
This is a surprise to him. Because you never closed the door.
But you had a reason.
If they don't want to see you naked, you won't show yourself to them. If they want you will do it.
At that moment they were doing something else. So you could change your clothes quietly and not distract them behind closed doors.
"(y/n)." he called and you hurried to quickly open the door and let him in while you only had to put on your socks.
"Sorry. I just wanted to change." You smiled slightly at him.
"We can talk?"
"What is that?"
Normally you would have moved closer and waited for his words against his chest.
But now you stayed where you were, playing with your hair, not knowing what exactly to do.
It was a sign. You were even unsure of what position you were supposed to be in when talking to him. How close you can be. Where are you supposed to be?
"It's because of us, right?"
"The fact that you behave like this. It's because of what we said." he said and sat next to you on the bed. His hand moved slightly closer to yours, and your fingers trembled as if you didn't know how your muscles were supposed to move.
And you moved your fingers away slightly after a while, not wanting to accidentally touch him.
"... That's what I'm talking about... Normal you would grab my hand if I moved closer. You wouldn't avoid my touch normally. I know we hurt you, I'm sorry. But we don't want you to be like that."
Satoru appeared in front of you and crouched on the floor.
"Och no no no!" you said quickly with a small smile. "It's all fine! I don't want to annoy you anymore by requiring you to touch me often. It's already fine. You don't have to worry."
"You're not avoiding us, are you?" Satoru rested his chin on your lap, waiting for your hand to rest on his head.
But your hand only trembled as you instinctively wanted to pet him. But you held back because you didn't know if that was what he wanted exactly right now.
"Of course I'm not avoiding you!"
"So why don't you want to be close? Don't you want to touch us? Don't do anything until we do?"
Suguru's voice echoed in your ears.
You thought that if you did this they would be happy. That they will be happy to be free from your intrusive touch.
Was it different?
"You're hiding from us. You don't show up for us. You don't come closer until we come closer. You're running away from being close to us." Satoru said.
"You slept on the couch and now you sleep on the edge in bed. You don't take your clothes off in front of us."
They spoke alternately.
"You act like a doll in bed when we have sex. You position yourself the way we want. You don't do anything other than what we want."
"You don't want us to see you while you're changing. You don't bathe with us unless we tell you to join us."
"You don't act like yourself. This is not the girl we fell in love with."
Tears appeared at the back of your eyes as you felt it.
"...I just don't want to irritate you anymore..." you burst out with emotion. "I don't want you to be mad at me when I'm too close to you... I don't want that!"
"I know this irritated you from the beginning. I know it pissed you off. I know I was too clingy. I know I was disturbing you. I know I was getting in your way. I know that... that too often I wanted from you what you don't want to give me so often... I needed too much. Now I know it. But you don't have to worry anymore. I'm starting to get used to it."
"You don't have to get used to anything. You have to be the same as you were." Suguru interrupted you by suddenly kissing your lips. "See? We want it just like you want it! Don't think about something like that! It only happened once!"
"We only had a bad day once. And one day like that doesn't mean you have to completely change... I know we were mean to you that day..."
"It's not your fault..."
"It's not YOUR fault, (y/n). But ours." they said at the same time.
Suddenly you were pinned to the bed by Geto's hands.
"We can't live with not-our girlfriend. We want our (y/n) who we've had for years."
"Man... I won't last long without cuddling you..." Satoru groaned, laying down next to you to pull you into a tight hug.
You never bothered them, did you?
You can be as close to them as you wanted, right?
You may be too clingy because they like it when you are so close to them.
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discordantwritings · 1 month
Creative Cures (Mihawk x Reader)
Warnings: NSFW 18+ MDNI, gn afab! Reader, sex pollen trope (but it’s a devil fruit power), the inherent dubcon of sex pollen but the con is as con as it can get under the circumstances, intercrural sex, PiV sex, creampie, mild cumplay, semi public sex
WC: 3.3k
Summary: As a relatively high ranking Marine doctor you were in charge of Dracule Mihawk’s post mission check ups. Normally you don’t have to do anything- until he shows up sick.
The only solution both you and him can agree on is a little… unconventional
Notes: I (lovingly) blame @fanaticsnail for this. All of her lovely sex pollen fics pushed me over the edge to write this one so go check hers out. Go.
Tagging: @keiva1000
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Most Marines didn’t like it when Mihawk had to come check in and give his after mission report in person. But you barely considered yourself a Marine anyways, always thinking of yourself as a doctor first before anything. A doctor who just so happened to be in charge of doing all of Mihawk’s post mission check ups.
Of course it took him a while to actually agree to do any sort of post mission work, but despite his generally sour attitude inside the Marines base he was never mean to you. Dismissive? Sure. Non-compliant with any medical advice you’d give? Yes. But that’s what you dealt with on a day to day basis. He was one of the few people you could have intelligent conversation with- he would listen to you and you would cherish the snippets of traveling stories you would get out of him.
Your check ups were never more than a handful of minutes, you had never seen him get more than a scratch, but he always let you run down your required checklist. Despite this you always cleared out half your day, just in case. So today, a day he was set to check in at your base, you sat patiently in your office until he was done talking with your superiors.
And waited.
And waited some more.
Until, finally, there was a frantic knock on your door before a frazzled looking cadet burst in. You immediately stand up and get serious- mass injuries were unfortunately commonplace for you to deal with and he had the scared look of someone who just saw a ship roll in half destroyed.
“How bad.”
“It’s Mihawk.”
That caught you entirely off guard and your stomach drops. “How bad?”
“We don’t know. He was giving his report and then he looked flushed and that’s when he ran out. Apparently he’s locked himself in some spare office and won’t come out.” He explains and you slowly get more and more concerned.
You quickly grab your bag and sling in over your shoulder, practically pushing the cadet out the door with you as you order him to show you where Mihawk is. It’s a quick jog down hallways and stairs but eventually you get to a door with two cadets on either side. One of your captains is leaning on the wall across from the door looking exasperated.
“The only thing he’s telling us is to leave him alone.” The captain explains, gesturing to the door.
You sigh and walk up to the door, rapping on it with your knuckles. “Mihawk, you’ve got everyone worried out here.”
A few seconds pass before you hear Mihawk’s voice, muffled from behind the steel door. “Doctor?”
“Everyone said you looked sick.” You explain.
There’s a long pause and you’re about to speak again before you hear his voice. “You all need to get out of here.”
You see the captain throw up his hands in your peripheral and you fight the urge to roll your eyes. Turning your attention back to your fellow Marines you gesture down the hallway.
“Give me a few minutes alone with him.” You don’t need to tell them twice, and they eagerly take the relief.
You wait a few beats for them to clear out and then turn your attention back to the door. “Alright, it’s just us.”
“I thought I made it clear that all of you needed to leave me alone.” You can tell he’s close to the door, which you take as somewhat of a good sign.
“Look, if it’s something contagious I just need to know. If it’s something embarrassing I’m a doctor and I take confidentiality incredibly seriously.” There’s silence and you lean on the door. “Just let me help you.”
You hear him moving behind the door and then the heavy sound of the lock turning. You give him a few seconds before you enter, closing the door after yourself immediately.
All the lights are off, only the small amount of light through the high circular windows illuminating the space. It takes you a second to locate Mihawk but eventually you find him, shoulders hunched as he leans on an abandoned desk. It’s jarring to see his normally perfect posture gone and even in the low light you can see the intense flush over his face and exposed chest. You don’t need a thermometer to see that his temperature is dangerously high.
“What happened?” You don’t approach him, hoping the space gives him some comfort.
“It was-“ He breaks off as he pinches the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath before continuing. “Some Devil Fruit user. Don’t know what the power was but I inhaled some smoke and then-“
He trails off and you know you’re probably in a bit over your head. Devil Fruit powers could be quite literally anything. You shove all that down though and hope your nervousness doesn’t show. “What are your symptoms?”
Mihawk shakes his head. “This was a mistake I shouldn’t have let you in you need to-“
“Mihawk I need you to tell me.” You’re unsure where this confidence is coming from, there’s not a world in which you would ever be in a position to tell a warlord what to do. But to your surprise, it works.
“I’ll kill you if you tell anyone.” He practically growls.
“You have my word.”
“Fine.” You see him shift and it looks like he’s uncomfortable in his own skin. “I have a fever, I am experiencing some mental fog, and my senses seem to be heightened.”
It’s your years as a doctor that let you immediately know he’s holding something back. “And?”
His gaze darts up and he glares at you making your blood run ice cold. If looks could kill you would be a pile of viscera on the floor. Despite this, he does give you and answer.
“I am in an… unnatural state of arousal.”
That would certainly explain a few things.
You let your doctor brain take over as you set your bag on the ground, opening it and looking through what you have. Medication wouldn’t help since the cause was a Devil Fruit power but…
“Okay. I have a few ideas.” You reach into your bag and pull out an ice pack, throwing it over to Mihawk who easily catches it and presses it to his forehead. “The first is what you are doing, which is isolate until the effect stops. I’m not sure this is the best idea since you seem to be incredibly uncomfortable.”
“What else.”
“I could sedate you and hopefully have it flushed out of your system by the time you wake up.” You offer, showing him the vial of clear liquid.
“Absolutely not. I refuse to be further incapacitated around you Marines.” He spits out the last word and you would be offended if you actually considered yourself a Marine.
“Alright. Those are my… sensible ideas.”
“Which implies there are insensible ones. Spit it out.”
You can’t blame him for being short but it didn’t make your next concepts any easier to say. “I could find you someone to… ride it out with.”
That idea hangs in the air and you watch Mihawk screw his eyes shut, clearly struggling. “I don’t- it’s insufferable enough to be vulnerable on a Marine base but you want to bring in some stranger-“
“You’re right, I’m sorry.”
A thought pops into your head as you scramble for more ideas as Mihawk’s composure slowly keeps slipping. It’s a stupid thought, one a doctor like you shouldn’t have even had. But in the moment, pressed for ideas, it tumbles out of your mouth before you can even think properly about it.
“I would help you.”
You realize what you’ve said a moment too late and wish that somehow the floor would swallow you whole. It’s not like you don’t want to- it’s clear that your stupid monkey brain has always held on an attraction to the incredibly handsome warlord- but offering yourself up like this?
Beyond wildly inappropriate.
“Don’t say things like that.” Mihawk says as he backs up a few steps and shame hits you like a brick wall.
“I’m so sorry- it was- you shouldn’t be with anyone when you’re compromised like this I’ll just-“ You fumble over your words and quickly turn to unlock the door and get out of there.
Before your hand can even reach the handle an arm comes out from behind you and slams on the door. Suddenly you feel the intense heat of Mihawk’s body behind you, heavy breath fanning over the back of your neck. He doesn’t press into your body but instead hovers and your mind can’t quite keep up with the sudden change in events.
“Don’t say things like that if you don’t mean it.” His voice is low and dripping with lust.
Your gaze is locked forward as you try to control your breathing. “I meant it.”
“Last chance.”
The professional part of your brain gets smashed to smithereens as he presses his body against yours. “If you’re sure you want this then-“
The air is knocked out of your lungs as he steps forward, pushing you harshly into the door. One hand knots in your hair while the other snakes around your waist and pulls you in impossibly closer. The grip on your hair forces your head to the side, giving Mihawk the space to attack your neck, teeth digging into your skin immediately. As he does so he grinds his hips up and you can feel just how painfully hard he is against your ass.
The hand on your waist pulls at your uniform pants and you quickly get the idea, using your free hands to shove them down. You’re only able to get them just over your ass with how your legs are pressed apart by Mihawk’s but that seems to be enough for him. His hands leave you for a second and you hear the clatter of his belt before both hands tightly grip your hips.
You feel his cock slide between your folds, not entering you but instead sliding between your lips. His shaft is almost scorching hot as it slides against your clit, slick dripping from you and easing his shallow and fast thrusts.
“I just- fuck I just have to take the edge of your so-“ The grip on your hips is bruising as he holds you still to use you.
“It’s alright just-“ You can practically feel every vein against your sensitive clit and you bring one of your hands up and back to dig into his hair.
The scratch of your nails in his scalp is all Mihawk needs to tip over the edge, grunting as he spills onto the door and your thighs. You feel his heavy breath on your neck as he collects himself but the hardness against you doesn’t fade. You hear frustration in a low growl against your back but despite this he places kisses over the deep bite marks he created on your neck.
Slowly Mihawk pries his body away from yours and you take the opportunity to quickly toe off your shoes and slip your pants all the way off. When you turn around you see Mihawk watching you from a large chair, slowly pumping his cock, soaking from you slick.
“Get the rest of that god awful uniform off doctor.” You quickly discard your jacket and pull your shirt over your head, earning an appreciative hum from Mihawk. “What a pity you have to hide all that.”
You flush under his compliment and piercing gold gaze. With his free hand he beckons you over and you obey without hesitation. The second you’re close enough he pulls you into his lap, your thighs pushed apart by his spread ones. Your hands grab his shoulders to stabilize yourself as his hands find your hips once more.
“Normally I would work you open darling but-“ He nuzzles into your neck, breathing in your scent. “You can take it, can’t you?”
He doesn’t wait for a reply before one incredibly strong hand pushes you down while the other lines himself up with your entrance. You don’t fight him as his tip presses into you, stretching you out. You curse as he pushes into you a bit faster than you can adjust, but probably significantly slower than he wants to fuck into you. The sting feels good mixed with the way Mihawk curses and praises you under his breath, words barely understandable as his fingers bruise your waist.
“Just like that- so fucking tight-“ He mouths at your collarbone as you sink down and your head falls back as he splits you open.
Soon enough your hips meet his and you moan and dig your nails into Mihawk’s shoulders. He can’t help but shallowly thrust up into you, hot breath fanning over your skin as his instincts seem to overwhelm him. Once you feel ready you work to move your hips in time with his, pulling yourself up and down further on his length.
“That’s it- you’ve been waiting for an excuse to fuck yourself on my cock huh? Proper little doctor- I’ve seen how you- fuck- how you look at me.” You flush with embarrassment and look down to see his golden eyes blown out by darkness.
Maybe you should have some shame, knowing you were seen through so easily, but when he looks up at you like that you can’t think of anything else. You quickly press your lips to his and he seems caught off guard for a second- only to quickly overtake the kiss. One strong hand grips the back of your neck and holds you in place as his tongue slips between your lips. You stay like this until your lungs scream at you and you push yourself back and gasp for air.
You’re about to lean in for another kiss when you notice Mihawk’s gaze quickly dart to the door. You’re confused for a second but soon a loud knocking bounces off the steel door.
“Doctor- status report?” One of the cadets yells through the door and you swear under your breath.
You stop your movements, hoping to catch your breath and sound somewhat put together but Mihawk has other ideas. The second you falter he grabs your hips and starts moving you up and down effortlessly and when you glare at him he only grins up at you.
Seems he still has the mental capacity to be an ass.
“We are-“ You bite down hard on the inside of your cheek to stop a moan after a skillfully directed thrust. “We are quarantining until some of my tests are- are done processing.”
There’s a pause before the cadet responds. “Okay… are you alright? You’re not sick are you?”
When one of Mihawk’s hands leave your hips you know something is up and you’re able to bite down on your hand in time to stifle the moan that leaves your body when his skilled fingers find your clit. You’re so close to an orgasm but you fight it back just long enough to get this stupid cadet out of here.
“Quarantine this hallway until my further say- that’s an order!” You yell out and you hope and pray the cadet doesn’t hear the pleasure in your voice.
“Y-Yes!” The voice shouts back and you hope he’s running down the hall because you can’t take this anymore.
“What would your fellow Marines think?” Mihawk’s voice, cruel and playful, rings in your ears. “They’re precious doctor getting fucked stupid by a pirate- fuck you like that don’t you?”
You can only nod, overwhelmed by hick cock and fingers skillfully taking you apart.
“You’re squeezing me so tight- just- need you to cum all over my cock- you can do that can’t you? Cum for me-“ There’s a hint of desperation in his voice and his command breaks any last tethers you were using to hold off your orgasm snap.
Mihawk swears loudly as your walls convulse around him and it’s only seconds later he’s holding your hips down hard against his and spilling inside you. You lay your forehead on Mihawk’s shoulder as you ride out the waves of your orgasm. Even after you catch your breath he’s still hard inside you and you know you’re not done yet.
“I just want to see- hold on.” Is the only warning you get before Mihawk is standing up.
Your legs instinctively wrap around his hips but his strong hands on your ass are more than enough to keep you up. He moves a few feet to the desk, setting you down on it and tapping your thigh once you’re settled. You get the idea and unlatch your legs, letting him slip out and away from you.
“Let me see.” Mihawk says as he pushes your knees apart, eyes transfixed between them. “Fuck.”
He watches as his cum leaks out of you, his fingers quickly scooping it up and shoving it back inside of you. In any other headspace you might think that was disgusting but the way he watches you and is claiming you makes it incredibly arousing. Once he’s satisfied he brings his fingers up to your mouth and you automatically take them between your lips, tasting the mix of your fluids.
“I’m- fuck- you’re perfect.” He seems reluctant to take his fingers from your mouth but the second both his hands are free he’s easily flipping you around and pushing your chest into the desk.
There’s no warning before he’s plunging into you again, your hips roughly meeting the edge of the wooden desk. You don’t really feel the pain amongst the pleasure, oversensitive from your previous orgasm. You feel open mouth kisses pepper your spine as he thrusts into you from behind. While one of his hands stays on your hips- your skin practically indented in the shape of his fingers there now- one reaches down to your thigh, giving it a squeeze before he pushes your leg upwards. The new angle is heavenly as you just let yourself be used- sliding forwards and backwards on the desk with each powerful thrust.
“Need you to- fuck darling I just need you to cum on me again- please I need to feel it-“ Mihawk sounds so desperate, a whine to his voice that he no longer can hide. “Just a little bit more for me-“
Your body seems to crave following his commands and another orgasm is ripped from your sensitive body. Only a few moments later you feel him cum inside you again, and you’re confident at this point he’s dripping out of you onto the floor.
“So good for me- taking all my cum-“ He’s breathless as he pulls out of you again and you don’t need to turn around to know he’s staring at your fucked out hole.
When he actually give you space for a minute you turn your head, still using the table to support your weight. “You feel better?”
“Hm…” His hand skates up your back, soothing you. “Feeling just sated enough to get you back to the room I’m staying in.”
The prospect of going more rounds was overwhelming but you can’t deny that you wanted it more than anything. One problem.
“If anyone sees me I think they’ll figure out some of what happened.” From your messed up hair, the bruises forming on your neck, and the fact that there’s no way you’ll be able to walk normally- yeah it’ll be obvious you were just fucked within an inch of your life.
“Oh doctor.” He pulls you up off the desk and places a surprisingly tender kiss on your forehead. “If anyone else sees you like this I’ll kill them.”
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clockwayswrites · 5 months
Not So Imaginary
Parts 1-3 Parts 4-6Parts 7-8 WC: 1177
“I brought you some more books to read,” Jason said as he entered the room.
After Danny had shown that they were clearly a person (a kid at that) and answered a few questions, they had been moved to an actual room on the Watchtower. Jason was pretty sure part of it was how he refused to leave the cell until Danny was moved, but he didn’t really care as long as it got his friend safe.
Danny looked up with a grin. They were pretty solid today, sitting cross-leg on the bed with feet and everything.
“You’re back,” the artificial voice spoke out from the tablet like device in Danny’s hands. It was a version of something called a SGD, Bruce had said, and was used by people who had trouble with verbal sounds. They didn’t know if Danny would always need it or if they’re vocal cords would come back as they continued to solidify.
“I am. B said I could stay a whole three hours today too as long as I ate a snack while I was here,” Jason said, holding up one of the bags he had.
Three hours still wasn’t a lot, but it was better than the one it had been the rest of the week. It took a lot of begging, but B finally agreed that Jason was well enough for a test to see how it went. Danny was still draining life force from Jason, and only Jason, which made certain Leaguers nervous about letting the two of them close. Jason had done everything he could to let it happen: he’d begged and argued, he’d eating everything Alfie wanted him to, he rested whenever Bruce wanted him too which was all the time, and he even agreed to stay benched for as long as it took.
That last one had really helped convince Bruce and Dick that Jason wouldn’t back down from helping his friend.
“Good. I am happy. What do you have?”
“You liked the Hardy Boys, right? I have a few more of those and I found you some science mags you might like,” Jason said as he flopped onto the bed next to Danny. He could feel the odd tingle travel up his arm as he leaned into Danny.
“Thank you,” Danny said with a wide smile. The tone of the electronic voice didn’t match the brightness of that smile, but it was alright. Jason could also feel how happy Danny was.
“You’re doing okay?”
“Yes.” There was a long pause as Danny found the right words. They were pretty quick already with preset phrases, but odder things still took longer than regular talking would. “WW took me to observation deck. We watched stars. She told me stories of stars from her home.”
“Yeah?” Jason asked, trying to keep his voice from hitching around the word. He couldn’t bug Danny with that yet. “You like her? Wonder Woman?”
“Yes.” The reply was quick, but Danny was watching Jason with furrowed brows. They pushed a sense of question through their bond.
“I’m fine. Just thinking through some shit,” Jason said with a wave of his hand. “But Wonder Woman is really cool. She’s my favorite too.”
Danny set the tablet aside so that they could run their fingers through Jason’s hair. It felt odd, what with not all of the fingers always being all of the way solid, but a good sort of odd. It seems Jason couldn’t just Danny’s concern aside.
“I’ll tell you tomorrow, okay?”
Danny let out what for anyone else would have been a sigh and gave a little nod. They shorted through the bag of books Jason had brought and found a Hardy Boy’s to hand over to Jason.
“What me to read to you?” Jason waited for the nod. Apparently it was really important to let Danny choose things right then, or so the adults said. “Okay, move over a bit, yeah? You’re hogging all the bed.”
Danny placed their hand to their chest, face screwing up in an affronted expression. It didn’t work though when Jason could feel the amusement through their bond.
“Yeah yeah, I’m a brute, now shove over,” Jason said with a laugh. He worked his way up until he was lounging against the head of the bed.
Danny didn’t move.
“You’re a brat,” Jason accused.
Danny gave a silent laugh, humor bumbling up in their bond, before they flopped over right onto Jason’s chest. Jason let a huff of a sigh, but ran his fingers through Danny’s hair like he knew they liked before he opened the book to start read about another adventure of the Hardy Boys.
It was easier to feel the drain like this, when they were so close to each other and touching. Jason had tried to avoid spelling that out too much to Bruce. He got that his dad was just worried, but he was afraid if B knew he’d tried to keep Danny away.
As it was Bruce was trying to send Danny away.
Jason brushed the thought aside, focusing on doing his best to give the characters good voices for Danny. At least it was a distraction from all the rest of Jason’s thoughts. Two chapters later the stopped to ask, “Want a break or do you want another chapter?”
Danny rolled over and off Jason’s chest to flop onto the pillow next to him and Jason froze. His shock must have been clear because Danny scrambled up off the bed until they were floating above Jason.
“No! It’s a good thing. Just… you’re getting some of your color back,” Jason explained. He should really stop staring. He should take Danny to a mirror to see or something, but it was just that… Danny was beautiful right then. He found himself reaching up to brush his finger tips of the bright freckles that were scattered across Danny’s cheeks and nose like a galaxy of stars.
Bright teal eyes blinked back at him.
Jason cleared his throat. “Right, sorry, let’s go let you look.”
Danny floated to the side, landing on their feet as Jason stood, and followed behind behind to the small attached bathroom. Jason guided Danny in front of the mirror. White was spreading into their hair now.
For a moment Jason was worried that Danny was frozen in shock, then the other leaned in close to the mirror, touching the surface before bringing their hand up to their own face. Suddenly Danny was moving, spinning weightlessly around Jason as they gave a soundless whoop.
“I know,” Jason said with a grin of his own. “Look at you! You’re really coming together now! I knew you could do it. I knew that you could come back.”
Slowly, Danny drifted back down so that the tips of their toes brushed against the floor. They rested their forehead against Jason’s.
He didn’t need words to understand what Danny was trying to say.
“Don’t have to thank me, stardust. I’ll always come for you just like you’ll always come for me.”
--- AN: Oh ho, is Jason starting to realize he has a crush? And what isn't he telling Danny? Hopefully this part is good, the weather is giving me such a migraine/making me super dizzy so my eyes are crossing some! (Yes, I'm resting, on the couch with a cat!)
I really should have made an update post for this... this supposed ficlet just keeps going! 7K now! Aaaah well. Anywho, stay delightful, darlings!
947 notes · View notes
kingkatsuki · 5 days
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— miscommunication
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Based on this silly little post I made here. With inspiration from @/oooohno💕 basically Sakura can’t fathom anyone could ever like him like that.
Pairing: Sakura Haruka x f!reader.
Warnings: none, a little angsty, Sakura is bad at feelings.
Word Count: 2.9k.
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You always feared getting your heart broken someday, you just hadn’t imagined it would happen like this. Sakura had always been kind to you, ever since you’d been introduced to him through Tsubakino. It was one of the many reasons why you found yourself falling for him. It had been impossible not to, and you’d spent the majority of the time working up the courage to finally ask him out. Convinced by the fact that Tsubaki had guaranteed he would say yes.
“He’d be a fool not to like you,” He said, glancing at you through his reflection in the small compact he carried with him. Giving you a reassuring wink as he applied a fresh layer of engine red lipstick, “You won’t know unless you try.”
But maybe you were the biggest fool of all because you definitely hadn’t expected Sakura Haruka to leave you standing alone in the middle of the park wearing a pretty sundress. An excruciating pain ruminated beneath your ribcage as you tried to fight back the ache of rejection.
The first step had been the most difficult— working up the courage to ask for his number. It seemed awkward to ask for it straight up, but you also didn’t want to just get it off Tsubaki in case it crossed any unspoken boundaries. So you decided it might be easier to give him yours, writing it down onto a napkin from Kotoha’s restaurant one morning while you waited for her to pour your coffee. Before slowly sliding it across the bar to Sakura, who was shovelling omelette rice into his mouth. His pink cheeks bulged with food as he skimmed the note, looking up at you with a frown.
“If you don’t want to, it’s okay.” You smiled softly as you thanked Kotoha for the coffee, walking out through the door into the warm morning sun.
If he didn’t want to what? Sakura thought to himself as he scanned your number on the white napkin. Why did you give him your cell phone number? Sakura pondered the reasons as he continued to shovel the warm egg omelette rice into his mouth. You could want to hang out as friends, but you’d never showed any indication of wanting to do so prior. Or perhaps you were looking for protection, although that didn’t make sense when you were so close to Tsubaki who was a force to be reckoned with alone.
You didn’t need protection— so what if you’d given him your number so you could fight? It made the most sense to Sakura. It had to be why you stared at him each morning when you came in for your coffee, almost as if you were sizing him up with expectation, and today was the day you’d decided to extend the invitation. He waited until he’d finished his plate before fishing his cell phone out of his pocket to send you a text message.
Even after Kiryu had added Sakura to a Furin group chat all those years ago, Sakura was never the best at texting. He tests the words against the screen as he debates how to properly respond. Backspacing until he finally settles on a simple, yet concise answer and he hits send.
Sakura[9.49AM]: I want to.
He wasn’t entirely sure what he was agreeing to, but it had to be some sort of fight. He’d never trained with you before, so it couldn’t be that. And if you were friends with Tsubaki-chan, perhaps you enjoyed fighting too.
You[9.53AM]: hi! I’m glad you texted, I wasn’t sure if you actually wanted to go or not but I’m glad you do!!! Honestly, it’s made my day :)
Sakura reread the text twice, just to make sure he understood what you meant. I wasn’t sure if you wanted to go— so you were looking for a fight.
Sakura[9.55AM]: When?
He texts back, glancing at the screen as he notices the three little dots appear at the bottom to signal you are typing back.
You[9.57AM]: Meet me in the park by the swings at 7pm :)
Sakura read the text three times with a frown— 7pm. So you really did want to fight him? That would surely be the only reason you wanted to meet so late.
It felt like a shame to fight you, especially when your face is so pretty. Sakura feels his cheeks flush at the thought as he pictures that same sweet smile you give him each day when he sees you enter the restaurant to order your usual coffee to go, while he tries to hide his face in his omelette rice.
But you’re best friends with Tsubaki-chan so you must be strong, and maybe that’s the reason why you’ve chosen to fight him. And he’s never one to back down, and you’ve set the stage now so he has no choice but to agree. Sending back a single word as his fingers glide across his phone screen.
Sakura[10.00AM]: Yes.
Sakura isn’t sure how he’s supposed to prepare for this, or if he even needs to. He’s never seen you fight before, although he’s certainly seen you mad. Your soft hands balled into tight fists as you warned off a guy for getting a little too close, so close in fact that even Sakura was decidedly about to jump in— until you managed to get him to back off and leave.
Okay, maybe you were strong—
He doesn’t know anything about your fighting technique, or the way you hold yourself. Wondering whether you have a similar style to Tsubaki, and that’s why you’re so close? But he’s friends with Suo and Nirei and they don’t fight like him, so maybe that doesn’t make sense, he frowns. He’s known you for a while, and this is the first time you’ve shown any indication you want to fight, so now he’s started to overthink everything. Contemplating how he’ll be able to get the upper hand— or what spoils will be offered to the victor?
He makes sure he’s early, arriving at the park ten minutes before your scheduled fight with his hands bundled into fists inside his jacket pockets. But he’s surprised to see you already there and waiting, his roaring heartbeat catches in his throat at the sight of you as he almost forgets to breathe—
You’re sitting there waiting wearing the prettiest dress Sakura thinks he’s ever seen. A flowy sundress that hugs your curves in all the right places, embarrassed when his eyes are instantly drawn to the cleavage that spills out of the top. Your bare skin has a dull throb pounding at the back of his head as though he’d just been sucker punched as he wonders whether he’s still standing or how you’re this strong.
The moment he first saw you, he remembers a word that Suo had taught him to describe things like this— and he reckons that’s exactly what you are. Ethereal.
His cheeks burn a fiery red as he risks a glance further down, the soft material of the dress stops just above your knee as he follows the path of your legs to see your feet encased in pretty wedge sandals that strap around your ankles. There was no way you’d come to fight like this— in fact, he couldn’t fight you like this, could he?
“Hey.” You notice him staring as you stand up to walk towards him, and Sakura is certain that he won’t be able to land a single hit when the scent of your perfume surrounds him.
“W-what are you wearing?!” He shouts, despite the fact you’ve come to stand in front of him and it takes you aback.
The same insecurities begin to shroud you as they did when you were preparing to meet him. Standing in front of your full-length mirror as you tried on various outfits until you came to settle on this one, almost deciding against it at the last minute before you checked the time and noticed if you didn’t leave you might be late.
“Oh— you don’t like it, do you?” You fiddled with the strings at the front of the dress that were tied into a pretty, thin bow. Sakura’s eyes couldn’t look away as they followed the movement, noticing your pretty painted nails before he found himself staring at the hint of skin that peeked out of the top of the dress, “I knew I should’ve worn the other dress, it’s not quite as light as this one. God, I feel stupid.”
One of the thin straps was dangerously close to falling down your shoulder, and now Sakura wasn’t even sure he’d be able to land a single punch. This had to be some kind of distraction technique.
“You can’t fight in that!” Sakura raises his arm in an accusatory point, trying to stop himself from shaking and showing any signs of fear as he tries desperately to tame the fierce blush that streaked across the apples of his cheeks.
“I can’t fight in this?” Sakura despised how adorable you looked when you cocked your head to the side with your words, his heart banging like a marching band as he thought about his initial statement— maybe he was foolish for thinking you couldn’t fight in this.
When he’d watched Tsubaki fight, he’d always notice men that would get distracted from his short skirts and heeled boots— was this what you were trying to do to him now? Was this your plan all along?
“It’s—” He tries to get the words out, but it’s difficult when you look so cute, “It’s not— it isn’t—”
“It isn’t what?” You take a small step closer and the sudden movement had his fight or flight instinct kicking in as Sakura turned to run. Escaping in a hasty sprint as he left you standing alone in the park, the sun slowly falling over the horizon.
You try to ignore the ache in your chest when Sakura turns to run, wondering why he’d even bother to show up at all when he was going to reject you anyway. But then you suppose that’s one of the reasons why you even like him in the first place— he’s way too thoughtful and considerate of others. That’s probably why he didn’t want to reject you over text, and he’d come to tell you face to face.
Trying to stop the tears from falling as pearlescent droplets collect in your thick lashes to blur your vision, blinking them back you pull out your phone to rest Tsubaki. The first text sitting at the top of your phone is still your message chain with Sakura as you reread the “Yes” he’d sent you hours earlier. You were so stupid.
It’s the first fight Sakura has ever run from in his twenty-two years, and he hates himself for it. Hates that you managed to win on pure tactics alone as he makes his way back to the restaurant to find his friends.
His chest is heaving when he finally makes it through the door, knocking the wood so hard it almost flies off its hinges as wild eyes search for his friends. Thankful they seem to be the only people inside as he makes a beeline for them, his two-toned hair now windswept and pushed back from his forehead as it sticks up in all directions.
“You’re back quick?” Kiryu notes, his thumb pauses on his screen to take note of Sakura’s dishevelled appearance.
“Did she stand you up?” Nirei asks, concerned.
“No.” Sakura deadpans, still standing by the table despite there being a free seat in front of him as he leans his weight on the balls of his feet.
“You stood her up?” Kiryu locks his phone and places it down on the table as he raises a questioning brow, “That’s really not how to treat a girl, Sakura. I thought you—”
“I went there!” Sakura shouts, louder than necessary inside the small cafe as his hands ball into fists on either side of him.
“What happened?” Suo asks calmly, trying to diffuse the situation, but there’s a curious lilt to his tone.
“S-she was there.” Sakura tries to work out how to explain what happened, as his nose scrunches pensively.
“Okay? So that’s good, right?” Nirei smiles.
“She was wearing a dress!” Sakura is loud, immediately regretting his volume as the heat rising inside his body starts to become uncomfortable. Slouching down to sit beside Suo as he mumbles, “You can’t fight in a dress—”
“Girls can fight in anything,” Kiryu smiles, as Sakura looks across the table at him. So you did want to fight? “But I don’t think that’s what she had in mind.”
Oh. So if you didn’t want to fight him, then what else did you want?
“Well, where is she now?” Suo questioned, and Sakura answered for him with a sheepish look paired with a deep pink blush all the way down to his shoulders, “You left her in the park?”
“Wait— on her own?” Nirei continued, “Why would you do that?”
And somehow it sounded worse when his best friend put it like that. Sakura hadn’t left you alone, or at least he hadn’t meant to. You were there alone before he’d even got there, almost like he’d just stopped in passing. You were fine—
“She was wearing a dress!” Sakura repeated with an angry rasp to his tone.
“Sakura, you messed up.” Kiryu starts laughing playfully, shaking his head, “You’re gonna have her and Tsubaki-chan mad at you now. I can’t believe you did that to her— the poor girl.“
“What?!” Sakura baulks, “But she’s the one that text me!”
Sakura never wanted to fight you, why would he? You were far too pretty— too delicate to be subjected to that. He didn’t want to think about you fighting anyone, the thought alone had that same strange feeling bubbling in his tummy as he pictured you coming out of the fight hurt. That same seated desire inside him burning red hot at the thought— Sakura is certain he’d fight to the death to protect every single inch of you, to stop any harm from coming to you.
“What do you think it means when a girl gives you her number?” Sakura sat back beside Suo as he pondered the question.
The only phone number he had stored in his phone outside Bofurin friends and Togame from Shishitoren was Kotoha, and that was because she’d grabbed his phone the same day he’d given it to Kiryu. But Sakura didn’t mind so much because she always brought him food. But he didn’t think that’s why you’d given your number to him, was it?
“Iunno.” He mumbled gruffly, his lips curling into a pout, “That she wants to fight.”
Tsubaki-chan had texted him to spar all the time, it wouldn’t be weird to think you’d do the same.
Kiryu shot Suo a look as he gave his friend a soft smile, before trying a different approach. It was clear after knowing him for so many years, that Sakura was inexperienced in things outside the reemits of fighting.
“Have you never found a girl pretty before, Sakura-kun?” Suo asks,
“Shaddup!” Sakura snaps swiftly, already feeling a dangerous heat rise inside him— but it’s at that same moment where he really ponders the question.
Kotoha is pretty, he supposes. Thinking back to the first time he met her when she offered him a warm plate of food with a kind smile, remembering the heat that plumed inside him that followed her kindness as Sakura found himself coming back to her.
Sakura is certain he thinks Tsubaki is pretty too, although none of them seem to compare to how he feels about you. The incessant pounding of his heart against his rib cage at the mere thought of you, your saccharine perfume makes him feel dizzy and yet he hates when you’re not around so he has to remember the way it smells. The sound of your laughter causes more than just a subtle warmth inside him like Kotoha, it's more like a blazing inferno that courses through his veins like molten lava that’s impossible to extinguish. And the way you manage to fluster him without even being there— he’s constantly thinking about your face before he falls into a dreamless sleep, and waking up to wonder what you’re doing right now.
Tsubaki would probably think he’s foolish for thinking you couldn’t fight in a pretty sundress with sandals when he fights in a skirt and heels all the time. Maybe it would give you some kind of advantage, a way to get the upper hand. The sandals wedge gave you a slight height advantage sure, but would that be enough to beat him?
“Are you listening, Sakura?”
“Yeah.” He pushes his chair out with a harsh screech against the hardwood floor as he moves to leave, frantic in his search for you as he hopes you’re still standing where he left you.
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coldfanbou · 5 months
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We continue on with the Mommy series, for which I have yet to decide a name. What was going to be a simple lunch date got interrupted by a load of guests.
Length 3.4K
Mina x Momo x m reader
Previous Part
Next Part
You wake up in bed, stretching your body after a good night's sleep. Today was Saturday, meaning that you could spend the day relaxing. You turn onto your side and grab your phone from the nightstand. You see a few message notifications from Jihyo as well as Dahyun. Dahyun’s message read, “Thank you for last night. It was great; I’d love it if you could pick me up every day, and I’m sorry for taking up so much of your time. I’d like to make it up for you sometime.” You smile at her message, writing back that you don’t mind using your time with her and when you’ll pick her up. 
Looking at Jihyo’s message, it was more of an invitation. “Hey, I’m free today if you want to hang out. Maybe do something naughty? Text me back if you’re interested.” A winking face to end the message tells you everything you need to know. You sit up in bed and consider your options. While you wanted to see Jihyo, you also wanted to rest after a week's work. You decide to answer later. You leave bed and cook breakfast before deciding to head out.
Pulling out your phone as you walk around the block, you text Jihyo back. “What did you have in mind?” 
“Oh, you’re interested?” Jihyo responded; you could imagine the smirk on Jihyo’s face as she typed that message. “Consider it a business date; we’ll go out and have lunch together. It’ll be nice to just talk to each other. Or would you rather take me back to your place to treat me to something better? Maybe something long and hard?”
You chuckle and shake your head at her text before agreeing to meet her. You had nothing else to do, so it would help fill the time. Jihyo tells you where to meet and sends you a picture. It was one of her tits. Jihyo had her arm under them, pushing them up and making them seem bigger. You quickly get back to the home screen and continue your walk. Once you return home, you prepare for your date and relax until it’s time.
Jeongyeon, around this time, was out shopping. Her mind was filled with thoughts, the revelation of Dahyun and Jihyo spending time with you getting on her nerves. She pushes her baby along in her stroller, looking down at her child’s sleeping form. She gives them a soft smile. Jeongyeon runs her hand along her baby’s chubby cheeks. Her smile turns to a frown as she’s reminded of her husband. “Maybe I should di…” Jeongyeon stops herself from completing that sentence. She shakes her head and continues going around the stores, eventually bumping into you as you head to your date. “It’s you.” She says softly, her hands rising to her chest as she gives you a bright smile. 
“It’s nice to see you, Jeongyeon. What are you doing around here?” You ask.
“I was just out shopping with Jieun.” She says, pointing to her sleeping baby. You take a look at Jieun and smile. 
“She’s cute. Looks a lot like you.”
“Thanks. What are you doing around here?”
“Oh, Jihyo invited me to lunch.” You tell her, just as you hear someone call your name. You both turn your head toward the voice, seeing Jihyo walking over. Jihyo and Jeongyeon make eye contact.
“Jeongyeon! It’s been a while.” Jihyo says as she hugs her friend. “I didn’t expect you to be here. How are you?”
“I’m doing fine. I was just taking Jieun out for a walk and happened to bump into him. I hear that you’re eating together.” Jeongyeon replies. There’s a slight pause as Jihyo thinks about what to say.
“Yes, we ran into each other a little while ago. You didn’t tell me he moved into the city; were you trying to keep him for yourself?”
Jeongyeon is taken aback by the question. She knew Jihyo knew that the question was meant to get information out of her. “I-I”
“I got transferred over here and happened to work next to her. I didn’t know you lived here, too.” You interrupted solely because you didn’t want to be left out of the conversation. 
“Between us, when was the last time you two had sex?” Jihyo says, a mischievous smile on her face.
“It wasn’t that long ago, a few days ago with Sana. Right, Jeongyeon?” Jihyo looks surprised by your answer.
“With Sana? She knows about how naughty you’ve been?” Jeongyeon looks a little more uncomfortable.
“Yeah, it was a threesome. She just ran into us when we went out for ice cream.” Jeongyeon grows quieter. She feels defeated giving away all the information, knowing the last time she was together with you was a threesome; she feels lesser. Jeongyeon figured that Jihyo had you for herself not too long ago. 
“Hey! Is that really you two?” The conversation is again broken as you see Sana running toward your group. It wasn’t just her; in tow were two other women. Jeongyeon and Jihyo look a little less than pleased. In Jeongyeon's mind, the last thing she needed was for Sana to see her with you, especially after everything she had just said. For Jihyo, it meant more competition as she saw the two women with her, Momo and Mina. “It really is you two. We almost have the whole group together again. We’re just missing Nayeon.” Sana sees the three of you together and pauses for a moment. “Did I walk in on something?” she says, trying to hide that she doesn’t like Jeongyeon being with you.
Jihyo takes the time to explain things to you. “Ah, I don’t think you’ve met them. This is Momo, and that’s Mina.” She says, motioning to each woman. “All of us and Nayeon went to college together. I haven’t seen these three in a long time. I usually only see Jeongyeon and Nayeon. Nayeon hasn’t popped up in a while, though.” You give her a nod of understanding before bowing at Momo and Mina.
“Ooh, you’re pretty handsome. Are you single?” Momo immediately asks, leaning in to show you her cleavage. Mina smacks Momo’s shoulder out of embarrassment. “What was that for!? You think he’s cute too, don’t you?” Mina’s face turned red, and she looked away. “Anyway, what are we doing? How about we eat? It’s been a while since we’ve talked.” 
“Oh, well, he and I were about to have lunch toge-” Jihyo’s cut off.
“Perfect, we’ll join you,” Momo responds, forcing herself into the date along with the others. Momo walks between you two, hooking your arms and dragging you along to a restaurant. With the entire group in tow, you’re introduced well to Momo and Mina. Momo was much more outgoing and outspoken, while Mina was the exact opposite. You watched the group talk mostly, listening in on what they did in their time at college. Jeongyeon and Jihyo sit on either side of you. Jeongyeon snakes her hand onto yours, getting you to hold her hand as she bounces her baby on her lap. You glance at her; she smiles at you for a brief second. You felt a hand on your lap and looked over at Jihyo. She has a sly smirk and types a message with her free hand. “This isn’t what I had in mind.” You see in a text from her. The lunch goes along with the ladies drinking. If you learned anything, it was that Jihyo had a high tolerance for alcohol. Jeongyeon was the first to leave, needed to get home. Sana was the next one, having had more than enough to drink. That left Jihyo, Momo, and Mina. While Jihyo and Momo had a lot to drink, Mina kept herself relatively sober. She was tipsy but not drunk. 
“I should take you all home. You’re in no condition to leave on your own.” You tell them. You help Jihyo up first, then Momo and Mina. Momo and Jihyo lean against your body as you pay their portions of the bill. Mina holds onto the back of your shirt and waddles along with you, struggling to keep up. You stumble your way to your car, Momo, and Jihyo’s weight making it hard to walk straight. Jihyo gives you directions to her home; her head sways as it seems to you she had too much to drink. She was falling asleep. After dropping her off, Momo and Mina tell you where they live. “So you two live together?”
“Yes, we thought it would be better to live together,” Mina replies as she looks out the window. “Thank you for driving us home.” 
“Oh, it’s no problem. I’d be worried if something happened on your way home.” 
“Right, we get that.” You get to their home, parking in front.
“Thank you for driving us,” Momo says in slurred speech. She pokes her head between the front seats and kisses you suddenly. “I knew you would taste good.”
Mina pulls Momo back, “Momo, what are you doing?”
“You know you want to have a taste of him, too,” Momo says before planting her lips on Mina. “What if we fucked him?” Momo says as she moves her hand between Mina’s legs. “Does that sound good to you?” She says, her question directed at you. The action in the backseats turns you on; you nod your head. “See, he’s interested. He wants to see the real you.” Momo says as she kisses Mina again. You can hear Mina’s whines now, and they’re making you hard. You step out of the car and help them out.
Momo grabs at your pants, leading you to her home. Mina closes the door as Momo takes you to the bedroom. Momo strips off your clothes as you do the same to her. Her bountiful bust was revealed to you as you slipped the dress she was wearing off her shoulders. Momo wore no bra, instead having pasties on her nipples, and she wore a pair of black panties. She throws her underwear away quickly and pushes you back onto the bed. Momo grins as she sees your hard cock. She grabs the tip and runs her tongue along the underside; it sends shivers down your spine. She flicks the head with her tongue before taking it into her warm mouth. She drools over it; her saliva runs down your shaft as she strokes it, spreading her saliva around. Her tongue swirls around the tip of your cock. Mina walks in to see Momo already getting to work. She slips off her dress, letting it fall to the floor, and gets beside Momo. You feel Mina’s lips on your balls, her small tongue moving around them.
Momo’s lips disappear from your cock as she crawls up to you. “I want you to see just who Mina is.” She whispers into your ear. Mina, seeing that your cock was now free, rubbed it against her face, covering herself in Momo’s spit. Momo runs her fingertip along your nipple as she watches. “See, Mina’s a real slut. Just one little taste, and you can have her wrapped around your finger.” You look down to see Mina’s face against your crotch, your cock in the back of her throat. Her tongue is lapping at your balls. She pulls back slowly and begins to bob her head. Mina’s small mouth was stretched to its limits; you could feel how tight they were pulled over your cock. “It’ll get much better once you see how she rides you. I’ll get my turn after.” Momo says as she gets onto her knees and moves by your head. “I might as well get something while I wait.” She says before planting herself on your face. Momo grinds against your face, thinking you wouldn't put in any work. When your tongue slips inside her, she jumps a little. You grab onto Momo’s waist and pull her back down. “Shit.” Momo moans as she places her hands on your chest to hold herself up. Your tongue pushes past her lips, rubbing against her walls as you try to find her G-spot. Momo’s thick thighs squeeze your head as she struggles to control her body. Her moans fill the room as she rocks back and forth on your face.
Mina continues to bob her head, her tongue running across the tip as she licks up your precum. She strokes your cock quickly, hoping to make you cum quickly. You were close to cumming a few moments later your cock began to throb. Mina reacted quickly, rubbing her face against your crotch as she deepthroated you. You buck your hips, hitting the back of her throat as you cum. Mina’s mouth filled with cum, more than she ever had, forcing her to back up and get a facial. Mina coughs as your cum rains down on her. Mina’s face is completely ruined, with saliva dripping down her chin and cum covering most of her face. Mina mounts you, placing your cock between her folds as she grabs Momo by her hair and pulls her into a kiss. Momo scoops your cum out of Mina’s mouth as they kiss. Momo moans into it; she tries to hold her climax but can’t. She breaks away, moaning loudly as your tongue finds her G-spot. Momo’s legs squeeze down on you, and she grits her teeth, whining.
Momo falls off to the side, her chest heaving as she recovers. She gets to watch Mina go crazy. Mina grabs your cock and points it at her cunt before dropping herself on it. She hums, feeling your cock splits her in two. “Oh god.” She cries as she begins bouncing on your cock without a second thought. “Shit, you’re so big.” She moans as she holds your thighs in order to help herself bounce. You grab Mina’s waist and slam her down on your cock, matching her energy. You buck your hips, going deeper into her pussy. Mina bites her lip and gives you a sly look. “I love a man who can fuck me like a whore.” She says, biting her lip. Holding Mina’s waist, you turn her onto her back. You grab her legs and put them over her head. Mina gives you a gummy smile before moans come flowing out of her as you pound her into the mattress. Momo snakes her way into the fold, attaching herself to Mina’s small tits and using her tongue on them. 
Mina threw her head back, her senses becoming overwhelmed by the pleasure. “Deeper, deeper!” She cries out. You impale her with every thrust, giving Mina every inch of your cock. Momo has fun playing with Mina’s nipple, going as far as giving them small bites to make her squeal. Mina whimpers as she nears her orgasm, “I’m going to cum.” She moans, her walls clamping down around your cock. You speed up your thrusts, filling the room with the sounds of your bodies clapping against each other. Mina’s eyes roll into the back of her head as she cums, You let go of her legs, and she immediately wraps them around you. “Cum inside me.” She repeats over and over again. Your throbbing cock has Mina pushing you in deeper. “Cum inside my slutty pussy.” Mina shouts. You bury your cock, giving in to her demands as your cum floods her pussy.
You pull out once you’re finished and lay down on the open space of the bed. Your cock is soft as you try to recover, only to feel Momo rub your cock with her tits. “You’re lucky Mina was tipsy; alcohol tends to take away her energy. She’d be all over you normally.” Momo traps your cock between her large mounds, pumping your shaft with them. “I like to call that version of Mina, Sharon. It’s her English name. Now it’s just you and me.” 
“Yeah, I guess so. She’s a real wild one.” You groan. Momo’s tits were soft; they cushioned your cock, it nearly felt like a fleshlight. You start getting hard, the tip poking through Momo’s tits. Momo wraps her lips around it, sucking on it as she individually moves her tits around your shaft. “Damn, you’re good.”
“Of course I am. You should hear all the stories about our little friend group.” Momo says, alluding to their time in college. Momo releases a light moan as she pops your cock out of her mouth. “You’re cum tastes good, but I don’t want to waste it on this mouth. I want it here.” Momo straddles you and spreads her lips, her pink pussy on full display. She keeps her lips spread as she presses the tip of your cock against her. “Mina was right. You are big. I hope you don’t break me.” She says, teasing you. Momo’s pussy swallows the head as she sinks down. Momo has a smile on her face as you begin to fill her cunt. “Fuck, I feel so full.” Momo groans as she finishes taking you inside. You reach up and pull on one of her nipples, making her moan. “You would like these; Jihyo was all over you during lunch.” Momo grinds against your cock as she adjusts to your size. You squeeze and grab at her soft tits in the meantime. 
When Momo begins to move, you move your hands down to her hips, helping her bounce on your cock. Momo leans down, kissing you as she pushes your cock into her. You feel her hard nipples run across your chest as she moves. You glance at her cleavage, enjoying the way her tits swayed. You kissed Momo again, her soft lips melting into yours as she got closer to cumming. Your hands wander her body, moving from her toned back to her ass. You run your hands across her cheeks before giving them a light slap. Momo coos and tells you to do it again. You put more strength into your strike, making it sting for Momo. Her walls begin to tighten around your cock; you feel her squeeze down on the tip of your cock.
“You’re getting tighter.” You grunt as Momo comes back down on your cock.
“Let’s cum together.” Momo moans. You agree and spank Momo one more time before grabbing her waist and using her like a toy. Momo hums as she takes every inch inside her. “I want you to cum inside. It wouldn’t be fair if Mina got a creampie and I didn’t.”  You chuckle at her words and promise to give her a big one. Momo pulls away from you, sitting up as she nears her climax. She grabs at her tits, squeezing them as she revels in her coming orgasm. You continue to drive your cock deep into Momo, impaling her on it as you blow your load inside her. Momo has a wide grin on her face as she feels your warm cum pour into her cunt. She grinds against your cock, getting every drop she can before getting off and laying beside Mina. 
You say your goodbyes and get dressed to rest in your own home when Momo stops you, calling you over to her. “Here’s my number, handsome. Call me so we can have some fun again. I might as well give you Mina’s number, too. She’ll be cock hungry for a little while, so she might call you up.” You chuckle, wishing her a good night and heading home. 
On your way home, you get a call from Jihyo and answer it. “Hey, sorry today didn’t go the way we planned it. I didn’t think everyone would be there.”
“Neither did I. Things just turned out that way.” 
“Give me your address; I’ll just visit you if I have to.” You laugh in response, “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up.”
“We can have a chat later. I’m driving home, so I gotta focus on driving.”
“Yeah, good night.”
“Good night, Jihyo.”  As soon as you hang up the phone, you get another call, this one from Jeongyeon. “Hello, Jeongyeon?”
“Hi, are you free tomorrow?”
“I should be. Why do you ask?” 
“I want to spend the day with you. I don’t want to just go to you for sex…can we talk tomorrow? I don’t feel comfortable doing it over the phone.”
“That’s fine, Jeongyeon. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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Insecure ~Bruce Wayne Imagine~
Summary: During a charity event, you see Bruce talk to Selina Kyle which makes you feel insecure.
Author’s Note: I had to leave work early today which I'm upset about.
BatFamily Masterlist
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: feeling insecure, mentions of infidelity
Do not repost this anywhere!
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All the galas and charity events were the same but you knew you had to make an appearance every once in a while to help maintain Bruce’s identity a secret. And it helps when you bring one or a few of your children along to also maintain the identity a secret.
“I’m gonna go get us a couple drinks,” Bruce tells you.
“Don’t take too long,” you tell him.
“Trust me. I won’t. I rather be with you instead of talking about business with other people,” Bruce said before giving you a quick kiss.
You engaged in some small talk with others until you noticed something across the room.
Your smile had turned into a frown as you watched Selina flirt with your husband. But it wasn’t her that you were upset about. It was the fact your husband didn’t do anything to stop it. He stood there as he let her take the champagne glass from his hand that was meant to be yours, and drink it.
“You okay mom?” Cassandra asked you. You looked at her with a small smile.
“Yes. Just tired. I think I’m gonna go home early,” you tell her.
“Are you sure?” Cassandra asked. Her eyes looked over to see Selina with Bruce. “Mom, you know he loves you more than anything and anyone.”
“I know. But after what happened before, it’s just a little triggering,” you explain before walking towards the exit.
“Stay with Bruce. I’m gonna go,” you tell her. Cassandra quickly pushed through the crowd to get to Bruce.
“Bruce! Mom is leaving,” Cassandra quickly told Bruce as she got close enough to him. Bruce stopped his conversation with Selina and looked at Cassandra with a confused look.
“Where is she?” Bruce asked quickly as he looked around for you.
“Outside,” Cassandra told him. Bruce rushed out quickly to find you.
He stopped as he watched you get into the car before it drove off.
Bruce and Cassandra quickly went home the moment you left. Bruce found you lying in bed in your dress, sobbing from what you saw.
“Y/n? What happened?” Bruce asked as he walked over towards you. He sat on the bed and placed a hand on your shoulder.
“It’s nothing. Why are you home early?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” Bruce said. You sat up from the bed and wiped some of your tears away. Bruce pulled you onto his lap so he could hold you.
“Bruce, I want you to be honest with me,” you tell him.
“Of course.”
“Do you still love Selina?” You asked him.
“No. How could you say that?” Bruce asked you without any hesitation.
“I saw you two tonight,” you explained to him. Bruce’s face softened.
“Oh. I apologize if I made it look like I was still into her. The truth is, I don’t love her. Not anymore. I have you in my life and I never want to lose you,” Bruce said as he gave you a kiss.
“Bruce, I’m sorry if this makes me look insecure-“
“No. It doesn’t. It is my fault that you even feel insecure. Your my wife and I should be treating you the proper way I should be treating you,” Bruce tells you before kissing you once again. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Bruce.”
“Why don’t you and I renew our vows together? I think it’s a little overdue don’t you think?” Bruce asked you.
“I’d like that,” you smile and nodded.
“Looking good, Bruce,” Dick told him as he patted his back.
“How’s your mom doing?” Bruce asked him.
“She looks great too. The girls are helping her finish getting ready,” Dick tells him.
“Ready whenever you guys are,” Jason told the two as he and Tim walked in.
“The guests are all seated,” Tim mentioned.
“Is your mother ready?” Bruce asked.
“She’s ready!” Cassandra told him as she walked inside.
“Okay. Let’s do this,” Bruce tells the kids.
Bruce waited under the gazebo where you both agreed to meet before you both headed in to renew your vows. He felt a tap on his shoulder making him turn to look over at you.
“You’re as beautiful as the day I met you,” Bruce tells you in awe.
You stood in a gorgeous midi, lace, white dress with white matching heels. Bruce wrapped his arms around your waist. He leaned down a little but you stopped him before he could kiss you.
“The girls worked hard on this makeup. They’re gonna be upset with you ruining it,” you tell him.
“Okay fine.”
“Mom! Bruce! Let’s get a couple pictures of you two and then let’s go in!” Tim says.
After the pictures you both headed over to the dining hall where everyone who was close to the two of you were seated at the tables.
Bruce took a microphone and grabbed everyone’s attention.
“I’d like to first thank everyone for being here with us. Y/n and I really appreciate everyone here and we’re glad you are all able to make it to our vow renewal ceremony. I want to say that this woman here, is one of the strongest women I have ever met. She has dealt with me for so long and I am truly grateful for her love and support. I don’t deserve a woman like her and I’m so thankful and blessed to have her in my life. And I hope to have her for as long as we both shall live,” Bruce says. You smile up at him as he leaned down to give you a quick kiss.
“So I want to say, Y/n Wayne, I vow to continue to love you until time disappears. I vow to be truthful to you and to be honest with you no matter what. Even if the kids beg me to hide their shenanigans from you,” you laughed a little at that. The kids laughed as well before hiding their faces from their embarrassment. “And I vow to always be on your side. No matter what. I will forever chose you.”
Your eyes teared a little as you stood up to kissed Bruce.
“And I vow to continue to love you forever. I vow to continue to be there for you and never give up on you, the kids, or us. And lastly, I vow to continue to be the best wife you can have,” you tell him.
Bruce smiled at you and kissed you once more.
The party was similar to your reception. Everyone danced and partied but now that you had kids (with two who were of drinking age) the party was more memorable.
“We’ll take care of everyone. You two go sneak off to your honeymoon redo,” Diana tells you two as she and Clark walked you and Bruce out.
Bruce had talked to the Justice League and his family about taking you out to Europe for some alone time together after the party. Now that it had began to die down, it was a perfect time for you two to go.
“Are you sure?” You asked.
“We have Alfred here as well for anything. You two enjoy yourselves,” Diana tells you.
“We’ll see you two back soon,” you say before giving them a hug each.
“Have fun!” Clark smiled as Bruce carried you to the car.
“You ready for some alone time, Mrs. Wayne?” Bruce asked you as you two got into the car.
“You bet I am Mr. Wayne,” you giggled before pulling Bruce into a kiss
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