#landing craft
humanoidhistory · 15 days
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Soviet hovercraft on the Baltic Sea coast near Peenemünde, East Germany, 1971.
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This railroad tunnel is 6 miles long and it cuts under the Continental Divide west of Denver Colorado.  During World War II it was an important factor impacting the war in the pacific.  Tens of thousands of US soldiers and their material needed to land across contested beaches and that required landing craft.  So many landing craft were needed (nearly 100,000 worldwide) that extraordinary actions were called for.  One of the strategies employed was to prefabricate landing craft sections in Denver, Colorado to be shipped by the trainload to Mare Island Naval shipyard for assembly.  This tunnel limited the size of the sections that could be shipped, but in the end, it made little difference.  Mare Island built so many tank landing craft (LCTs) in the building ways that, if they were laid end to end, they would stretch for 6 miles.    Sadly, these LCTs would be the last piece of sovereign US territory that many service personnel would set foot on before being killed in action.
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usarmytrooper · 1 year
Today is the 79th Anniversary of Operation Overlord
On June 6, 1944, nearly 160,000 British, Canadian, and American troops crossed the English Channel to attack Hitler’s Fortress Europe at Normandy. It was the largest amphibious operation in history.
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Above: Map depicting the D-Day landings by Allied forces.
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Above: The text of the Order of the Day for 6 June 1944 issued by Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) and General Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Prior to the assault, the United States’ 82d and 101st Airborne Divisions were assigned objectives on the Cotentin Peninsula west of Utah Beach, while the British 6th Airborne Division was assigned to capture the bridges over the Caen Canal. The Airborne operations were intended to impede the German response to the beachhead. Supreme Allied Commander (European Theater of Operations) had been told that casualties among the Airborne units could be as high as 80%. They jumped into Europe anyway.
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Supreme Allied Commander General Dwight D. Eisenhower speaks to men of the 101st Airborne prior to their boarding lanes that would take them to jump into Normandy. Eisenhower stayed at the airstrip until all of the planes had taken off safely before returning to his headquarters. Happily, casualties among the paratroopers were much lower than predicted. Of approximately 13,100 paratroopers who jumped into battle, approximately 2,500 (19%) were killed, wounded, or missing by the end of D-Day.
Approximately 3,000 landing craft and 2,500 ships were used during the invasion. Preliminary naval bombardment of German positions commenced at 05:45 and continued until 06:25 from five battleships, twenty cruisers, sixty-five destroyers, and two monitors. Infantry began arriving on the beaches at around 06:30.
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Above: (Top) The Battleship HMS Rodney fires on German positions at Caen, (Lower Left) Battleship USS Arkansas engages the enemy at Omaha Beach, (Lower Middle) Battleship USS Nevada fires her ten 14-inch guns in support of the Invasion, (Lower Right) Battleship USS Texas underway en route to England to participate in the Invasion.
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Above: US Troops begin to establish a beachhead, signaling the beginning of the end of the Nazi occupation of Europe.
On D-Day, some 132,000 men were transported to the beaches by sea, and a further 24,000 entered France by air. The battlefield conditions were brutal and the Allied hold on the beaches was tenuous, particularly at Omaha Beach, the sector most heavily defended by German troops. But they held on. By July 25, 1944, the Allies had landed approximately 1.5 million troops in France and were ready to implement Operation Cobra, the Allied break out from Normandy. By the end of August, approximately 2,050,000 Allied troops had landed in France and resistance by Hitler’s Wehrmacht was crumbling.
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Above: US Troops exit a landing craft to attempt to establish a beachhead at Omaha Beach.
The Allies suffered approximately 226,000 casualties during the period from D-Day to the end of August: the American armies suffered 124,394 casualties, of whom 20,668 were killed, and 10,128 were missing. Casualties within the Canadian and British Armies are placed at 83,045: 15,995 killed, 57,996 wounded, and 9,054 missing.
During the same period, Allied air forces flew over 80,000 sorties in support of Operation Overlord, suffering approximately 17,000 additional casualties and the loss of over 4,000 aircraft.
They truly were the Greatest Generation. After what they did for all of us, it is only fitting that we pause for a moment to remember and reflect on the sacrifices they made at the altar of freedom.
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lonestarbattleship · 2 years
Do you have pictures of the USS wahkiakum county LST 1162?
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It seems she briefly served as a helicopter carrier.
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NHHC: USN 1115958
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artapir · 2 years
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Amphibious landing ships with massive myoelectric hydrostat mobility tentacles.
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carbone14 · 2 years
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Barge de débarquement Siebel ferry de l'unité navale Einsatzstab Fähre Ost (EFO) détachée à la Luftwaffe pour des opérations de soutien au siège de Léningrad à partir du lac Ladoga – Finlande – 13 août 1942
Photographe : Carl Rosenqvist
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"INVASION TROOPS REHEARSE UNDER BARRAGE BALLOON "UMBRELLA"," Toronto Star. March 17, 1943. Page 3. ---- REHEARSING INVASION a barrage balloon attached. to a jeep is moved down a Florida beach during exercises at an amphibious training centre.
BARRAGE BALLOONS attached to their landing craft protect these troops practising landing operations along the Florida beach. The balloons can be raised high enough to keep enemy planes from attacking.
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qupritsuvwix · 2 years
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retrogamingblog2 · 5 months
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Pastel Crochet Kirby Plushies made by CloudlyCrochet
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Wanted to make as many Fluttershy Pride Spins as I could think of so I did!! Here they are!!
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dr3amofagame · 5 months
l'manburg is colonialism is out lmanburg is stantwt is in
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yo-yo-yoshiko · 7 months
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Oh, for a skeleton key…
Plus a digital mockup to simulate a red ink pass that i discovered could not be achieved well enough with the materials available to me, and the original pencils.
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dompap · 2 months
This one’s for you @pookie-pie-12
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I don’t have any cardboard Cairngorm sword (yet) but I did make Phos’s moon sword
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Here’s a pencil for size reference
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It’s made out of cardboard, painters tape, acrylic paint, Kitchen towel and a bit of aluminum foil, where the kitchen towel wasn’t stuedy enough. I also added sticks inside of it in order to make it more stable. The craziest thing is, that I didn’t even use close to an entire roll of painters tape.
Process pictures under cut
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I sadly don’t have that many process pictures.
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 2 months
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《Part 1》 週一出任務,老友- Vivian 要求我陪她去洽談一塊土地,我負責幫她拍照記錄;然後我們順便去山上健走,因爲山上停電,許多她喜愛的餐廳都沒營業,所以就在路邊的燒烤小舖簡單的享用部落原住民料理。Not bad. yum 😋
👇 My old friend - Vivian (She's younger than me and she's beautiful.)
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shesmore-shoebill · 6 days
oh im so glad courtney came in to explicitly say "this is an AWFUL game to try to learn controls from" because its true. and to hug amanda. and provide fnaf insights.
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zuccninis · 4 months
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Kirby Car and even smaller Kirby car (2022)
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