#lazy writing
Sometimes fictional romance is fun!
Sometimes you see every single relevant character get paired off into a perfect relationship just because, and you get pissed off.
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kheni-universe · 1 month
Loud thuds of your boots as yOu walk down the hallway of the school, heading down to the principal's office.
Opening the large door with a loud squeak. The white haired man and a boy with pink-ish hair comes into view along with the cursed puppets made by the Older man sitting in front of them.
"You're late L/N. " Yaga stated as he patted the cursed puppets head.
"Had to deal with some bastards along the way." You replied as you glanced at the younger boy who is staring right at you.
"It's rude to stare, you know" you glared back.
"Oh I'm sorry-" he stopped, a strong aura changed the atmosphere as a mouth and eyes appeared on his face.
Your face quirking into a frown and your guard rising up along with the two men.
"Oi Yuuji... " the snow haired man muttered beside you.
Slapping his hand on his face, an attempt to make the curse's face dissapear on his.
"Oi, whats wrong with you" he stated on the face on his.
The 3 men casted their glances at the woman who seems shock as well.
"You seem to know me, Ryomen Sukuna" you stated a smirk forming on you face.
"You... Are oddly familiar... " he stated, his voice rough.
You glanced at Gojo, he nodded in response.
With a snap of his finger, Yuuji fainted, Gojo catching him on his arms.
"What the hell was that about?" Yaga asked irritation and anger lingered in his voice.
You stayed quiet, lots of questions clooding your mind "What the hell does he mean by familiar? "
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azuree1733 · 7 months
Dc all I’m asking is to have Jason not forgive Bruce immediately (or at all)
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bethanydelleman · 7 months
Which of these Lazy Writing Fails do you dislike the most?
Evil for Evil's Sake: Villains are evil... that's it.
Bitches be crazy: Female antagonist does whatever will cause the most damage/drama, but has no discernible motivation
Dropped Chekhov's Gun: heavy foreshadowing that leads nowhere, character introduced who seems important but never reappears
Ride or Die? WHY?: couple in love or friendship are way too committed given the amount of time they've spent together or plausible emotional connection
I Forgot I Could Do That: Magic character forgets they can magic, wealthy character forgets they can just buy stuff, lawyer forgets they can law, etc.
I Can Do Everything: Character has random, plot relevant skills that they have no business having. People can have hobbies, but you need to set that up! If the barber can play violin expertly and pick locks I need some backstory.
TWIST That Ruins Everything: Wow! That was so shocking... since it wasn't foreshadowed at all and even reading/watching back there are absolutely no clues.
Third Act Introduction: we ran out of main plot ideas and need to kill time, so here's a new character/sideplot to distract you from how lost we all are; they are in no way related to the main story.
Deus Ex Machina: There is no way for the protagonists to win... so "God' steps in (this can be done well, but often isn't)
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friendly-stardust · 1 month
If you had the chance to change something about the dance of the dragons (TV show or book), what would it be? For example, how a character dies, which team a house is on,or an entire character personally. How would you change it to make the story better, in your opinion?♥️🖤💙💚
Thanks for the ask anon and sorry that it took me this long to reply. This is a tricky one and this can be long.
House of the Dragon is a complete mess and a mediocrity of a show on every level, except for the acting. The writing is at an abysmal level, and I am convinced that it only got the interest and the rating it got thanks to the fact that it is under GoT's umbrella. And the fact that the showrunners/writers decided to be ungrateful and to insult the very show thanks to which their shitty fanfiction is even relevant, tells me everything I need to know about the arrogance and the ignorance existing behind this travesty of a show. The showrunners/writers seem to have completely misunderstood the themes of The Dance dealing mainly with class stratification, the corruptible nature of power, the consequences of blind ambition, and the pitfalls of unchecked privilege, reducing it all to a dumbed-down and pandering fanfiction in which tokenism, outdated and bigoted caricatures, and banal depiction of sexual assault are used casually as tropes, while pretending to write a 'feminist' or a 'progressive’ show. So, for House of the Dragon, EVERYTHING is to be changed.
Rhaenyra should have never been written as the main protagonist: From Episode one, we already have a failure in our hand with the writing as the showrunners decided to solely use Rhaenyra as our main protagonist in a show that is supposed to depict a severe and ineluctable succession crisis at the top of the Kingdom, resulting in the splintering and in the factionalism of the ruling family. Because, at the heart of this story, this IS the main thematic of the Dance - the civil war that will be tearing the ruling family at the head of the Realm apart and, consequently, the Realm itself apart (except for Dorne which was not yet part of the Seven Kingdom). We should have had different POVs to illustrate the deep divide that have been festering within the Targaryen clan itself and POVs from some of the closest families around them helping them rule. So, if it was me writing this, the POVs would have been: • Alicent - for the Hightowers POV, to see things through her lends and because of the important role she will have as a Queen in the future and as the head of one of the factions. • Rhaenyra - She will be the heir, one of the main claimants to the throne, and the head of the other main faction. • Daemon - self-explanatory. Playing his own partition/having his own ambition and need to be in power. • Corlys - to have a POV for the Velaryons and to highlight their side of the story and their narrative as a clan close to power. I would have made the Velaryons more politically savvy and Corlys primarily working with the sole perspective of preserving and consolidating the Velaryons' place of power/closeness to the Throne. As a whole, the Velaryons and Corlys' allegiance will clearly and only be for the Velaryon's name and clan. I would also use that POV to illustrate the Velaryons tinge of resentment towards Viserys and towards the dismissive way House Targaryen have treated them since Aemon's death. • Criston - POV of a lower-class man of Dornish descent getting into the heart of power and having to navigates its difficulties with his set of believes and morals, and how being in the middle of all this impacts his decisions and his ambition for the ascension of House Cole to a more prominent social status.
Using Season 1 as a set-up Season and not rush with catastrophic and mismanaged times skips: Season one should have really been a set-up season, taking the time to really put the foundations into place, while having enough belief in the story to give it the time needed to develop naturally. I believe that it is important to pose the base that the fracture in the clan Targaryen and with the Velaryons have been created since Aemon Targaryen's death which, according to me, is truly the start of this whole succession crisis. The Dance is just the poorly managed resultant of the whole process, seeping through several generations of resentment and hatred for one another. This will also completely negate all the stupid arguments I have seen online of 'if Viserys had married Laena, all this will not have happened'. This is because the show writers have failed the only-show fans who have no clues that the Velaryons have already threatened war during the whole Rhaenys vs Viserys ordeal. It would also emphasise the reason why it was important for Viserys to not shun the Velaryons and to keep a close alliance with them and would explain the reason why Vaemond became that adamant and not too keen on letting Rhaenyra's bastard usurp their ancestral throne. If only the Velaryons were taken seriously by the writers and not solely used as tokens and brownie points to prop-up Saint Rhaenyra?
Being aware of tokenism, bigotry and of anachronistic representations: This show seems to have been written by people who appear completely oblivious to how careful they should have been with how to manage negative stereotypes.
Avoiding Tokenism: From a standpoint of a Black woman like myself, the way the Velaryons were written was quite insulting. The showrunners/writers seem completely oblivious to how bad it looked to have the only House cast as Black being completely subservient, usurped and abused by their white-coded Targaryen counterparts, with no protest from most of them. The only one of them who protested – Vaemond - was villainised by the narrative and was made to say a misogynistic slur to justify his murder in open court. Murder which has no further consequence in the narrative. These showrunners/writers seem to not understand the racial implications that this casting choice creates in this world and seem completely ignorant to how to organically integrate that change into the narration and how to prevent stereotyping those race-swapped characters, so to not reduce the Velaryons to mere tokens. As a result, the writing made the Velaryons act like complete idiots devoid of any sense of pragmatism, strategic mindset, or political intellect, in a world that literally demands those characteristics of the people playing the game of throne. And the way Rhaenyra’s relationship to them was written also reeks of racist undertones. Overall, the way the Velaryons were written just demonstrates the ignorance and the shallowness we have behind this show and highlights the fact that the race-swapping was only made for aesthetic purposes and for some veneer of visual racial diversity.
And the best example to illustrate that vile treatments of the Velaryons is the way Laena and her daughters were written - not that Laenor or Corlys or Vaemond were spared either - but the treatment inflicted onto those female characters, now made WoC, represent better the showrunners/writer’s deep misogynoir, to which I am sure, they are completely oblivious. Laena's role and arc in the source material was completely butchered and diminished, by rewriting and reducing a feminine, beloved and desired (in her marriage to Daemon) woman - seduced and brazenly wanted by Daemon as his wife in F&B - into some teenager seducing the grown man Daemon, all while he only had eyes for the White girl Rhaenyra, actively feeding into the stereotypes about girls of colour growing up faster, having to be needy and desperate for men attention, and having to seek out male attention to be noticed. I mean, as if Laena was not beautiful enough for a man to notice her without her having to throw herself at him? But it doesn't stop there. They managed to erase her relationship with Rhaenyra, reducing it all to some repulsive scenario of pitting two women against each other for a man, the complete opposite of what happened in the source material, in addition of making Laena the ‘other woman’, the lesser desired one, and the unwanted wife, in her relationship with Daemon. And let not forget the trauma-porn inflicted on her WoC body in that violent and traumatic death, which is a complete bastardisation of an invented only-show concept of “a woman dying a dragon rider death” - whatever that means. Apparently, once Laena became mixed-race in the show, she became some thirsty, miserable, completely isolated woman, willing to go along with only being good enough as a second choice to her white husband, and dies violently by suicide instead of the beloved and cherished woman full of strength and humanity we have in her white woman depiction from F&B. The same abhorrent treatment was inflicted onto Baela and Rhaena, both written as some wallpapers and empty headed mute dolls with no layered personalities and no real wants of their owns, just willing to go along with anything, even to their own detriment (this includes Rhaenyra’s bastards sons taking precedent over them for Driftmark), as long as it favors and bolsters the causes and the ambition of Rhaenyra - the woman their father married just few weeks after their mother's funeral.
Avoiding Bigoted depictions:
a) Some of the tokenism arguments can also be applied to the showrunners/writers’ decision to depict Ser Criston Cole as a brown man of Dornish descent, which already comes with its own in-world racial undertones, while being very hell-bent on portraying his character as an emotional, thuggish, and resentment-driven character, who got his positions as hand-me-downs from two white women, instead of the intelligent, calculated man, always in control of his emotions, and above all, driven by ambition, and who got to the highest position of knighthood in Westeros by the merits of his own competence, as he was described as in his White-coded version in F&B. This illustrates once more the showrunners/writers’ incapability of understanding the tokenistic nature of their racial representation. Also, maybe unaware, and oblivious to their own bigotry on display in what they were implying here, the showrunners/writers went with the problematic trope of the savage, misogynist, and violent brown man for this character. And the fact that they decided to deliberately frame this brown man as some misogynist and vindictive man, unreasonable and unjustified in his anger towards his sexual predator when he is the victim of sexual assault in that “Rhaenyra’s sexual empowerment” episode, just disgusts me. As if his feelings and the shame he felt from the whole ordeal the next day, as a person, was to be dismissed or worst, mocked. The optics of the showrunners narratively dismissing his trauma while they have decided to change his race in the show, just highlights once more the racist undertone we have in the writing of some of the characters in this show. It also illustrates how out of touch the people behind this show are when it comes to representing power and racial dynamisms in a sensible way.
b) Larys Strong is the first disabled character we see on screen with his clubfoot and someone in the writing room though that it was a great idea to then transform him into some deviant sexual predator who gets off by fetishizing FEET. You cannot make this up! The showrunners/writers also butchered his character by making him the confirmed and sole murderer of his father and brother, when in the books, 3 other characters, Corlys, Viserys and Daemon, were also plausible culprits for that crime - but they are all Team Black so better whitewash them all and put it all on the disabled and only Team Green character that was also under suspicions for this murder. And all to see Alicent’s feet, ladies, and gentlemen! Instead of the enigmatic, calculated, and ambitious character we have depicted in F&B, the showrunners/writers made Larys Strong into some outdated caricature and despicable representation of a disabled character, embodiment of all of the devious and negative traits, by equating being disabled with being devious in morality and mentally. It is just a vile way to represent disabled characters, quite akin to the way they were viewed in medieval times as bearer of bad intentions/evilness, which also confirms the ableism and the hollow activism we have behind the scenes of this show.
Avoiding anachronistic representations:
a) Equating Alicent to a 'Woman for Trump' - a misogynist and reductive slur used within a very 21st century USA political discourse - while portraying a woman supposed to be within a setting mirroring medieval Europe, just shows the lack of culture, and of historical knowledge we have in this writers’ room.
b) Anachronistic girl boss characterisation: Rhaenys is written as a vessel to peddle nonsensical 21st century notions of White feminism, a hollow wannabe and anachronistic girl boss, spouting anachronistic speeches, while the show completely removed any agencies from most female characters, and took strong female characters from the original story and turned them into some victims of situations, none of their own doing of course, who constantly cry and are afraid of making any decisions, all while most of their negative traits are given to the male characters, absolute monsters and responsible for all woes that afflict the female characters. Also, Rhaenyra is whitewashed into some girl boss and some absurd notion of a ‘modern politician’ - modern in which historical period, no one knows – who spouts drivels like ‘when I am queen, I will make a new order’, to brazenly pander to Daenerys’ fanbase, when both women are nothing alike, except for the fact that both are Targaryen women.
4. Follow the source material and not thematically rewrite the Dance:
No Aegon I prophecy or dream. Maintain the Targaryens as the ruthless colonialists they are instead of trying to justify their reason to brutally colonise a whole continent. As a person from the African continent, this is not the kind of rhetoric I would like to see peddle, justifying colonisation in the name of some superior purpose.
No white stag apparition coming to anoint our Saint Disneyesque Girlboss Rhaenyra to rule. This is insulting to the intellect of people who want to see complex storytelling.
Completely rewrite the dreadful Episode 9 and make it as close as possible to the book’s depiction of the Green Council.
No Girlboss moment for Rhaenys, murdering hundreds of peasants and ruining Aegon’s coronation.
Erasing that bullshit about Alicent confusing Viserys last words and make the Green reason to crown Aegon and Helaena based on tradition and precedents, as in F&B, and not based on some feeble concept such as the King’s word. We are not in an Absolute Monarchy here, but the uncultured idiots we have behind this show don’t even know the difference.
Not erasing fat women representation with Rhaenyra and Helaena when you claim to be such ‘feminist’ and ‘inclusive’ show. Where is the inclusion of different female body shapes? Or are they not worthy of representation? Instead, we have one of your showrunners (the incompetent Sara Hess) using fatphobic language to make it seem like it is weird for a woman’s body to evolve after several pregnancies.
Showing women on the Green side (Alicent or Helaena) going through their pregnancies and giving birth.
Not erasing Helaena in her own coronation.
Not infantilising Helaena and making her a side character in some other characters story (Aegon, Jace).
Showing the Green kids with their dragons in Season 1. As it was portrayed in HotD, most casual viewers don’t realise that in real Targaryen fashion, those kids should have their dragons around them in most official displays (side eyeing the whole dragon pit debacle here).
Where is Sunfyre and a clear view of Dreamfyre?
Making Vhagar roar when Aemond eye was slashed.
Making one of the adult correct Baela’s and Rhaena’s wrong assumption that Aemond stole Vhagar. Why did the incompetent showrunners/writers even insinuate that foolishness in the first place without having one of the adults rectify the Dragon lore? We all know that it was to paint Aemond as the villain in this situation.
Making it more evident that Rhaenyra meant torture when she said, ‘sharply questioned’.
Why was Daeron and Maelor absent?
Not making the Dragon/owner bond murkier with that shitty and useless singing session from Daemon in Episode 10, when it is canon that one rider cannot have 2 dragons at the same time to ride. Surely Daemon, as verse into Valyrian lore as they proclaim him to be, should be aware of that. This is just confusing the casual viewers.
Using Mushroom's accounts for both the Greens and the Blacks – if I am using them at all.
Not erasing Mysaria’s miscarriage as it is part of her characterisation.
Not claiming to wanting to make a 50/50 adaptation when BTS the showrunner Ryan Condal is using gobbledygook such as ‘they made Aegon usurps his sister Rhaenyra’s throne’, when, by all Westerosi tradition and precedents, Aegon could not usurp what is already lawfully his as the first-born son of the King.
For the book version of the Dance, I don’t have much to change to be honest:
I would have significantly toned down the Daemon’s fest.
I would have made the Velaryon more neutral or playing both sides, with a strategic splitting of the House to support both sides.
I would have made some of the Houses change team, like for example, making the Royces in the Vale side with the Greens, splitting the allegiances in the Vale, to better illustrate how profoundly divided the whole Realm becomes with the war of succession.
The Redwynes (which I would have made the maternal side of Alicent) and most of the Reach would have sided with the Greens.
I would have betrothed Daeron to one of the other powerful Houses in the Reach.
No Wolf Hour.
No army pulled out of nowhere in the Riverlands after Aemond reduces them to crisp. Instead, some part of the Vale army would make the bulk of it.
Finally, no Jaehaera death. That was just petty and quite stupid writing from GRRM with no logical justification as to why she needed to die. No need for the “most sexy 6 years old” to ever exist in the story.
Jaehaera and Aegon III will have their children, who mostly have no real impact on the Targaryen line anyways, apart from Daena the Defiant who gave birth to House Blackfyre.
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ashersanity · 6 months
this idea just came into my head. don’t ask me.
because vrel said kylar would be into reading yaoi and a fujoshi, I can’t get it out of my fucking mind. they’re so pathetic. what a loser.
now, just imagine, f!kylar as a fujoshi, drawing a bunch of nasty stuff in her sketchbook, namely about m!pc, his poor ass getting destroyed by a bunch of fat cocks, buff men from those weird, obscure animes that she watches.
one day, the loner sees you getting slammed up against a locker by whitney, wincing in pain from the impact. stopping in her tracks at the sight, eyes catching a glimpse of her frame, just to see her scurry away down the hallway, unreadable expression beneath her dark fringe. + stress | + + lust
thinking she’s mad at you now because she’s gone all quiet on you, frantically scribbling in her sketchbook like no tomorrow and curiosity gets the best of you, having to at least know what she’s drawing. immediately regretting it as you steal a quick peek, only to find a drawing of you, bent over a desk, mouth open, eyes rolled back, flush on your face that’s weirdly accurat— how the fuck did she even know you had a mole there—?? + + stress
mortification building up, noticing how there’s someone standing there behind you- no, FUCKING YOU? AND ITS YOUR FUCKING BULLY, WHITNEY HIMSELF, GIVING YOU THE MEANEST BACKSHOTS KNOWN TO MANKIND.
the realization slowly sinking in, kylar wasn’t jealous, no. she was getting ideas. about you and whitney .. your own motherfucking bully.
+ + + trauma
what the fuck.
bonus points if pc is straight.
this can also work with m!kylar shipping f!pc and f!whitney, screaming “YURRIIIIIIII!!!”. they look like they’d be into that weird bully x victim trope
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aromanticduck · 6 months
Someone tell alloromantic screenwriters that prolonged eye contact accompanied by romantic music is not a substitute for actual onscreen relationship development.
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half-fallen · 6 months
So they expect me to believe that the man who lived through months of abuse, took a bullet that shattered his leg and thenwent through a conscious amputation with no painkillers or antibiotics whatsoever considering all the blood loss and the goddamn trauma DIED OF A BULLET WOUND IN HIS LEFT SIDE???? YEAH? IS THAT RIGHT?
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hislittleraincloud · 8 months
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Fandom fic thoughts no one asked for:
I am highly, highly against Wednesday having any dialogue in which she speaks like her parents to her loved ones, i.e. all of that "Mon cher!" garbage towards Enid. It's cringey:
1. It's traditionally romantic and excessively cheesy, and [Ortega's] Wednesday is not. She just isn't, and y'all should know better. ETA: In regards to love, her parents are like Pepe Le Pew and a willing/enamored skunk (I forget if Pepe ever found his equal, but I do remember the girl cat got 🧠 'ed into behaving like Pepe usually does, which gave him a taste of his own psycho stalker medicine...ah, we had some fkd up cartoons back in the day). Wednesday would be like Michigan J. Frog...animated with only one person, in private...and that's still not a guarantee that she would ever want to emulate her mother, with whom we know that there are severe issues between them. Ridiculous, exaggerated displays of affection define Gomez and Morticia. To have Wednesday behave like that would be sacrificing the one thing that keeps her from turning into a total clone of them.
She can end up wanting to have love and a partner, and even a family, but that does not change the public mask [of a narcissist], and the notion that she would be perceived exactly like her mother upsets her. Direct reasons aren't given by the show, but by how they interact, we can see that Wednesday believes that 'everything is a competition'...but it's not [Morticia's] accomplishments that she rattles off that are the problem; it's somewhere, Wednesday picked up some terrible, terrible "I'm not good enough, I will never be as good as she is" blows to her psyche. From Wednesday's POV, she believes her mother is a narcissist (her self-awareness of her own narcissism is for its own post); only a narcissist would purposefully break someone else's chances of either being equal to or surpassing their greatness, and they get envious (and ego hurt) when it happens.
(...God, now I wanna program Ortega's voice to sing the fkn frog's song 🤣💀)
2. She doesn't want to be like her parents, and that would just...make her be more like her parents. This is the most major personal growth theme in the whole of the show, and it can't be ignored, otherwise it just turns Ortega's Wednesday into a generic iteration of a 'Wednesday character'. If it were one drabble or fic, alright, that's AU, but I see it in nine out of ten Wenclair 'drabbles' (if you can call straight-on dialogue shorts drabbles...we did not, back in the day) that clog up my fyp.
3. Her parents are extremely cultured and speak those love languages/romance languages as a whole together, to each other. Enid is not that kind of cultured at all (she can't spell, has bad grammar, and is just not interested in the same things Wednesday is). Enid would think it was cute, too, and Wednesday doesn't do cute, either (ever! EVER.**).
4. Again, Wednesday doesn't want to be like her parents, and it would be unfunnily mortifying to her to speak like that in public and in front of other people, even if she were fucking Enid. In private? See #1 and 2.
5. In Afterburn: It pained me to have her let slip the Spanish to Donovan on her birthday, but I did it because it was an unintentional slip, it was in private, and it wasn't a pet name, it was a command. She is very much like her mother in bed, but she also knows that Donovan isn't as cultured as her parents, and thus, she will refrain from that "mon cher/mon amour/whatever non-English pet names" crap.
6. There are so many other things Wednesday could call Enid (or Tyler, or Xavier, or whoever the Hell's she's paired with) without becoming a clone of her mother. Resorting to Gomez and Morticia's horribly cloying phrases is not charming, it's laziness. *channeling my inner Bianca here*
7. Now this goes back to #2 and #4, but on that note: There are obvious issues between Wednesday and her mother, and sounding like her disturbs the Hell out of her (or behaving like her, which is why Wednesday's eyes just about shit themselves in different directions when Fester said that her "death stare of disapproval reminded him of her mother").
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It's almost like she has a glass eye.👀 It's there bc the AI picked it up hard I guess & it affected my outputs.
There is no way in Hell, no matter how juicy-tasty Enid's furry twat is, that Wednesday would suddenly decide that she should mimic Morticia.
I know all of this is gonna piss off a whole lot of people, but I don't care. It's not Wednesdaying right to have her call anyone by the same pet names her parents use, no matter how fluffy the relationship is. She just doesn't do relationships the same way her parents do. It's far more OOC to do that than even my pairing her up with Donovan is (which needs its own reasoning, probably in a different rant).
Rant over, and y'all can keep goin', but that's not gonna make the dialogue sound any less terrible and embarrassing.
**Afterburn Wednesday does do 'cute' with Donovan in private, but it's because of the fundamental differences from N/Canon attached to her core personality, i.e. she's hypersexual and has some regression issues here and there. Even still, she has a very hard time calling him any pet names because once again for those in the back: She does not want to be like her parents or associate her love with her parents' love, even as she recognizes that she is a lot like her mother. 🤷🏽‍♂️
(Also, I just read an incorrect assumption. Morgues have blood samples. They don't keep whole ass blood bags like blood banks/hospitals do. Get that right before you write me some Yoko & Wednesday.)
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omglisalithium · 29 days
Yet ANOTHER episode where the writers had time to put in an emotional conversation about how they lost Omega again and THEY. JUST. DIDN'T. PUT. IT!
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haruniki · 1 year
Valentine Day
CSM Edition (ft. Power, Kobeni, Asa, Makima, Himeno)
a/n: helllooo!! I apologize for my small hiatus, need a bit of mental break. I was having a bit of mental stress but I’m doing good enough to write now so I hope you enjoy!
CW: none, except for the inclusion of Makima and Himeno (i think they need to have the cw??)
Totally forgot about this holiday
If you mention the holiday, Power will state that she’s above this silly holiday and that someone as great as herself doesn’t need to worry about such a meaningless holiday
Though her tune will change as you mention that you’ll just have to give her gifts to Denji
“Well, I suppose your offerings to the great Power could be accepted. As I am the only one great enough to receive such wonderful gifts.”
She grateful takes the gift and gloats to Denji about the wonderful offerings of your undying love.
Aki reminds her that she needs to give you something that way it’s not one sided. She of course makes a plan, a plan even better than her nobel prize plan
Power plans a dinner that she totally didn’t make Aki make and plans to have you sleepover so she can present you the best present in the world, herself. A gift that keeps on giving.
“I hope the tasty morsel that I most definitely made has been to your liking. I have also prepared a wonderful pillow fort so that you can lay in my arms, as well as hold Meowy.”
Planned months in advance
Every detail and every possible outcome, Koebni has planned. She wants to make this impressive, wants every moment to be wonderful. 
Tells you to get ready and that’ll she’ll pick up, she didn’t buy a new car for nothing.
Gets ready like 3 hours before the time she’s suppose to pick you up
Changes outfits way too much before settling one the first outfit she picked. And not to mention that she’s pretty sure her hair has been fried for overheating it from the curling and straighting iron, decisions were so hard to make sometimes
Kobeni first plan was to take you for dinner at a nice restaurant. Let’s you order whatever you want and makes small conversation. Next on her agenda is to go to the beach.
She’s always wanted to go walk by the water at night with someone. Walking hand in hand with you, listening to the waves, and maybe even making jokes.
Kobeni does have additionally stuff for you, and that of course is gifts!
Almost all the gifts she hands you are made by hand. From the card she gifted you to the choclates and paper flowers.
The last gift your given is a photo collage of different photos that you both have taken together through the months that you’ve been together
“uhhh.. I thought you would like this.. The photo collage of course. Uhhh...I really hope this day is great or well has gone great . I.... uhh.. really enjoyed today.”
Doesn’t really have anything plan
Asa doesn’t want to mess anything up, especially considering how unlucky she is
Though if you ask about it, she’ll offer to take you to get ice cream or maybe to a movie
She doesn’t really mind if you didn’t get her anything, she mostly enjoys your company.
If you decide you want to go somewhere with her, she’ll definitely get dressed up for it. 
Walks hand and hand with you, laughing lightly at the way you excited walk to a local ice cream shop
Geuinely enjoys being around you and is so happy that you also enjoy being around her.
“I know that it’s not really special, but I really like being around you. And I really hope that you also enjoy being around myself too.”
Doesn’t forget at all, like also had this planned beforehand
Asked you months ago what your ideal date was, what foods you’d like, drinks, desserts, and gifts.
Surprises you with a table set for two and a lovely dinner made by Makima herself.
Makima dressed in her best attire, with a lovely smell of some french perfume that she wears often on dates and when she knows you’ll be present
Pulls out your chair for you and pours you a glass of wine all while complimenting you.
Sits next to you so she can hold your hand, leaving small kisses against your skin every so often as you talk
After the meal she leads you to a room fully decorated with lights and sweet treats in the shape of hearts. Rose petals also litter the room and light music plays throughout the room.
“I thought I would take a different approach to celebrate this holiday. Get a little closer to each other, I would hate to lose your faith in me after all of our previous rendezvous being so glamorous.”
Forgets about it but totally manages to play it off
Gets you a big bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates that she may or may not have stolen a few out of when you weren’t looking
Is excited to finally be able to celebrate this day with
Himeno is slightly more touchy and is excited when she manages to get you to sneak off for a few moments alone if you two have to work the day of
Flirts with you throughout the day
As a treat she buys you whatever you want. Shoes, clothes, meals, cute plushies, whatever you want you can have. 
Also, she doesn’t go drinking or drink anything at home. Himeno wants to be able to remember the day without blackouts.
“Hey, I know I’m not like the best girlfriend in the world, but I hope these gifts ain’t too bad? I thought flowers would be a nice touch, but I understand if you have to throw’em out because allergies.”
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ashleebooksblog · 6 days
Shouldn't Freya and Hope be called Hagen witches?
I know Dahlia's last name wasn't officially confirmed to be Hagen (at least, I don't think. Correct me if I'm wrong) and it was a last name created by fans, but in so many TO edits, Dahlia is almost always referred to as 'Dahlia Mikaelson' and Freya and Hope as 'Mikaelson witches.'
The witch gene came from Esther's side of the family, not Mikael's. He was a regular human and did not have any ties to the supernatural prior to becoming an original vampire.
I think the TO writers were extremely lazy and careless with not giving Dahlia an actual last name.
Freya and Hope are technically not Mikaelson witches. They are Hagen witches. I know this may seem unimportant to most of you, but it bothered me so much while rewatching TO, so I had to make a post about it.
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kheni-universe · 4 months
Finding Ways Chapter 7: Tokyo Streets
Warning: Not Proofread
Walking through the streets of Tokyo, Japan, her boots echoing in the dark night, a column of smoke leaves her mouth as she sighs.
"A-ah, Gojo-sama, I think it would be best if you go home," Ijichi mutters lowly.
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The woman stops in her tracks, glancing at him from the corner of her eye in confusion.
"W-well, what I meant was that we have been patrolling the whole city since this morning, and I think it would be best if you call it a night," he states, nervousness lingering in his voice.
"If you're tired Ijichi, you can go," she mutters, shoving her hand inside her uniform's pockets as she continues to walk.
"B-but—?! Wait for me, Gojo-san!" he calls out to the raven-haired woman.
They continue walking down the streets of Tokyo under the moonlight.
Sliding the doors open, revealing the older man sitting behind his desk, peacefully scanning some undone files and papers. The smell of coffee lingers in the room as she walks in, and the sunlight coming in from the window reveals the dust floating around.
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She sits on the chair right in front of his desk, crossing her arms on her chest.
"I heard you patrolled the city twenty-four hours last night; that explains the bags under your eyes, Y/N," he mutters.
"If you called me in to judge me, then I should leave," she uncrosses her arms as she stands up.
"They spotted him last night," the older man mutters.
Stopping in her tracks, she sits back down. "Where? and When?" she asks, crossing her arms again, eyebrows pinching together, as her lips form into a frown.
"At Shibuya Train station, midnight," he says, slouching back in his chair, crossing his arms on his chest, letting out a deep sigh.
"Hiroji..." she mumbles.
The woman looks up at the man, snapping out from her thoughts.
"You need to keep in mind that you and Satoru, *your* husband, are the target. That is why both of you should always be alert and on guard. You need to compose yourself, Y/N."
"What the hell are you—?!" She retorts, anger and confusion written on her face.
"Go home and get some rest; I'll assign Nanami to take your position for now," he orders.
"Tsk!" She walks outside, slamming the door shut behind her.
"What the hell is he implying?" she mutters under her breath. Her thoughts are interrupted by a familiar phone ring. Reaching behind her back pocket, she answers her phone.
"Y/n speaking."
"Let's talk tonight after work," a familiar voice echoes from the other line.
"Satoru," she mutters, already knowing something happened.
"Let's discuss this at home, love you." Beep
Bringing the phone down to her side, she sighs, leaning back against the wooden wall behind her. "Just what the hell is happening?"
If stares could burn, the stone pavement of the streets would have already burned by how the raven woman is staring right back at the floor as she walks. Not even the chaotic sound coming from the traffic-jammed cars nor the noisy students coming out from the school she passed could distract the woman from her messy thoughts. Not even noticing a person coming out from the shadows of some dark alley.
The person mumbles an apology before crouching down to pick up the scattered books on the street. The raven-haired woman then and only then snaps back to reality as she crouches down, helping the unknown guy pick up the books.
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fulcrumwrites · 28 days
He wakes up slowly, eyes gummy and blurry. When he does manage to pry them apart, he’s greeted by a harsh light. He squeezes them shut and groans as his retinas burn. He notes the loud beeps that woke him in the first place, steady and rhythmic like heartbeat.
He’s already on the table. Leather restraints dig into his wrists and ankles. A strap on his forehead keeps his head still. The Doctor must have drugged him with the good stuff for him to be out all night and to stay out until he was already moved.
He shifts beneath the restraints, trying to get some feeling back. He swallows a mouthful of saliva and tastes blood. The coppery taste wakes him up fast. What happened while he was out?
A dreaded face pops into view, and he jerks in surprise.
“Oh, you’re awake,” the Doctor remarks mildly behind a surgical mask.
“What?” he croaks. His mouth barely moves, sounding more like, “Whaaa?”
“Not to worry. I’m almost done.”
Without warning, the Doctor’s fingers dive into his mouth, extracting a cry of alarm. He arches his back against the metal table, trying to pull away with no avail.
A sharp edge scrapes the inside of his cheek. The Doctor pays the blood no mind as he continues to weave what felt like wire around tiny pieces glued to his teeth. He hardly cared about the pain once he gives into panic as his jaw begins to crank closed.
What are you doing?! he wants to scream, only it came out as a series of noises.
A few yanks on the wire and his teeth clicks together. The Doctor hums in satisfaction as he secures his work and clips the wire. As he steps away, the young man tries to open his mouth. His lower jaw aches against the strain. It budges ever so slightly, but it’s as far as he could get before the Doctor returns.
He has what looks like a tube of toothpaste. It smells strongly of chemicals as he squeezes it onto his teeth and rubs it in. The substance dries in moments, gluing his teeth together and leaving a glossy film over the wire work.
“There now,” the Doctor leans back to admire his work, “you’ll be quiet while I work, and you won’t hurt yourself or me.”
The Doctor picks up a scalpel and cuts into flesh. The only sounds in the laboratory are the quickening heart monitor and muffled screams.
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Their First Christmas With You: Albert Wesker
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It caught Umbrella by surprise when Wesker told them he wasn’t going to be working over the holidays. They didn’t really know how to handle their best operative suddenly disappearing with only a phone call explaining that he was only to be contacted in an emergency. 
And that emergency was only applicable if his work had been stolen or destroyed; Umbrella was under nuclear attack or an outbreak was going global. The rest they can deal with on their own.
You were just as surprised, but considerably more excited, about Wesker staying home over the holiday. 
And you spent as much time as possible with him. It had been a long time since the two of you got to sleep in during the mornings together. Or stay up late talking without his phone going off and him having to leave on business. 
It was nice spending everyday not worried that your moments weren’t going to be interrupted because someone in a lab dropped a viral sample.
Wesker has had your present planned for months. And worked on it throughout that time. 
Umbrella has never allowed him to contact you on missions without their supervision. Usually monitored over secure lines with specialists listening in to make sure he didn’t give any information that was classified.  
And sometimes, it would be months before you get even a hint of whether he was alive or dead. 
So, Albert designed a small device that, no matter the distance or lack of signal, would alert you with a gentle vibration when touched, if Wesker was still alive. He had a paired device that would give a small vibration in response anytime you touched your present. They were both in the shape of a bracelet. A neat, simple design that Wesker could hide under the sleeve of his coat. Made from leather and metal that when, or if ever seen, would be passed as a watch band. 
Your gift to him was not nearly as high tech or fancy. But you got him a little chain and pendant with a picture of you hidden inside. You did try to get something complex, where the pendant had a small trick mechanism you had to solve before it clicked open. Which Wesker solved mere seconds after opening the gift. 
Albert complained all the time that he missed seeing you, so you gave him something to take with him. 
His silence at first worried you. The thoughts of him not liking your gift swelled in your chest. Maybe it was too sappy? Were you being too forward in your relationship? 
But Wesker shattered those thoughts by kissing you. His hands held the sides of your face as your lips crashed together. It was such a loving, tender kiss that your mind melted into a puddle of giddiness. Leaving you smiling as Wesker pulled away to gaze down at the pendant in his hand. Bright red eyes shining as he wrapped the chain around his wrist. The same one his bracelet was clasped around. 
“So everytime you check in on me, I can see your face.” He said softly.
To Wesker, it was perfect. He had never been given a gift that made his chest tighten like yours did. And after those holidays, he found his work to be a little more bearable when it took him away from you. 
Now able to see your face and feel your touch every morning and night.
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ele-sme · 11 months
Today i have no inspiration for nocorro or Spider in general, but eh let's do something. Lazy Nocorro.
Neteyam entered his boyfriend room, locking up behind him. Spider was laying on his bed, reading a book.
"What are you reading?" Neteyam asked making Spider look up, his eyes getting something in when he noticed his boyfriend.
"I didn't ear you come in" Spider said getting up and coming to the other giving him a kiss on the hand.
"If you do it, do it right" the other said lowering himself to the other, who gave him a kiss on the lips.
After they stopped kissing they putted their foreheads on each forehead, looking eye to eye.
"I was waiting for you" Spider said
"Before you asked what i was doing, i was waiting for you" Spider said giving the other another quick kiss on the lips.
"What do you wanna do today?" Neteyam asked.
"I'm a eighteen year old boy, with a lock door and his boyfriend here. What do you think I wanna do?" Spider said making Neteyam blush, only immaginating at what the other was wanted.
"We can't you know that" the blue one scolded.
"I know i know, Eywa won't approve that" Spider said annoyed.
"Beside that I'm too big for you" Neteyam said, now Spider was blushing.
They sitted on the bed, well Spider sitted Neteyam sitted on the ground but he was next to Spider.
"Pff nothing is too big for me" the other said proud, "how big could it possible be?"
"It's twentynine centimeters on his full potential" Neteyam responded, poor Spider choked on his saliva.
"Usally it stop grown at the reach of the twenty-fifth season"
"The max is forty five if I'm not wrong" Neteyam continued, ready to laugh, cause Spider reaction was so funny to him
"FORTY-FIVE? Nah man we will watch a movie now, don't even try to get close to me, don't you dare" Spider said quickly turning on the TV in his room
Neteyam losted it at the irony of the situation.
"Forty five es loco" Spider murmured to himself.
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