#left high and dry fr
Feeling downright teased by the Ares fight promo ONLY TO HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER WEEK! Ricky, when I catch you Ricky. Ricky, when I catch you Ricky. Would say I’m downright peeved.
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yelshin · 1 year
Tw: 3.3 SCARAMOUCHE LORE SPOILERS, used pronouns in 3rd POV: they/them/you, cursing , another day another ginger slander/J DONT ATTACK ME PLS一
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"ma'am are you sure you want a room this large-" "Did i stutter?" You send a threatening glare to the man while he nervously gulp "I-it cost 5,4000 (i def did not guess frfr) along with the items" You look over ur bank acc; feeling hesitant but still its for you best kitten right?
"fine, I'll take it." Just like that they start working on Kuni's new room which is pretty large for his size.. buy its okay atleast he got WAY TOO MUCH space to explore
"[Name] can you be fr right now?" Yoimiya sweatdrop while you're at the couch being proud parent that Kuni learned how to stand in 3 second "Yes Yoimiya I am being for real" you smiled before showering Kuni with your affection
"A LARGE ROOM JUST FOR A 3 SECOND STAND?? sigh this cat is very special yeah?" She also sat down beside you before noticing the amount of changes in your house
Before your house dont have toys around, a bowl at the floor, a sack of cat foods etc. 'thats a different breed there..'
Yoimiya looks over you who was busy pampering your kitten before asking the same question again "Are you sure you wanna pay that high just for...yk Kuni"
"He deserve everything in the world. If he got hurt i wont hesitate to hunt them^^"
"oh my fucking god."
"Kuni! Where are you, its time for bath!" You called out playing as if you dont see him at the very corner of your house; sulking
"there you are!" You pick him up before heading towards the bathroom and give him the most relaxing bath that no kitten could ever have(/j). Making a bubble bath you scoop some before putting it to his forehead as a hat... (ITS CUTE. FIGHT IF DISAGREE 👿)
You giggled before taking a picture of him having a bubble hat and grumpy looks and finish his bath and drying him up.
"Can i PLEASE bring him? I'll make sure he won't hurt anyone" You plead at your(girlfriends) friends to let them bring your kitten to your hangout "Cmon [Name]! We only hangout for like 3 times a week and we rarely spend time with each other!" Hu tao frowned but even you guys hangout yesterday it felt like a month to them
You frowned before looking at Kuni who's sleeping peacefully at his cat tree wiping small tears in the corner of your eyes "but look at him! He look so lonely if i left him alone yk.."
"Why not hire someone to babysit him?" You grinned at Ayaka's idea before contacting someone to take care of your little (demon) angel Kuni while you we're gone
"WHY ME?! OUT OF ALL PEOPLE WHY." Childe sobbed at the fact his life is gonna be in danger for the next 20 hrs of his life "Don't worry this is your chance to befriend with him! Im sure he wouldn't hurt you unlike last time^^" and just like that you left with your girlfriends while Childe look at Kuni who's now awake and preparing his evil plans to make Childe living in hell.
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Childe was chilling at the living room watching some movies on the TV until he heard a glass getting shattered on the floor. He look at the counter to see Kuni glaring at him before signaling him to put food at his container. Childe only rolls his eyes as he continues watching..which made your cat wanna scratch him again
"why should i give you food when you scratch me last time 😒"
It didn't take that long for Kuni to jump high and landed on Childe's stomach and Childe felt like his organs are getting destroyed.
"YOU LITTLE一" Kuni showed him his sharp nails meaning if Childe continue his words he wont hesitate to scratch him; damaging his face.
Childe gulp before going to the kitchen and put some cat food at Kuni's container "I wanna go home..." The ginger walked to the door and tried to open it but...
It was locked.
Childe felt the whole world is against him. He wanna get out of the house and leave Kuni alone! "What did i do to deserve this.."
"You not giving me food."
Childe flinch at the voice and look around to see a small person; with indigo hair and eyes. Childe was completely confused.
First Kuni is a little demon cat(for him) AND NOW HE'S HUMAN??
"the demon under your bed." Kuni answered grinning at the poor ginger "I KNEW IT! YOU LITTLE DEMON MAKING MY LIFE GO HELL!"
Kuni rolled his eyes and walk to the kitchen grabbing some sweets at the shelf ignoring Childe's presence. Childe grab his phone and instantly contacting you to tell that your kitten is officially now a human!
You felt your phone ring so you picked it up
"hello childe?"
"Can you PLEASE speak slower?"
and after that the call ended, you just shrugged before continuing to eat your food
It took 30 mins to Childe to calm down before talking to Kuni who introduced himself as Scaramouche. "So like you can be a cat around [Name]...?" "Dumbhead i can turn into cat whenever i want, but for now ill stay hidden because I don't wanna be ended up on the streets again" Scaramouche frowned while Childe look at him with pure confusion
"You're lucky [Name] loves you so much that they bought you your OWN room" he sigh for the 69th time while Scaramouche sat back "i told you they're secretly Kylie Jenner"
"if your previous owners are kylie jenner then why did you ended up on a box?💀"
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Taglist: @thetwinkims @sunsethw4 @etherisy @kunikuzushicandegrademefr @Heiijoxz @eliciana @naritecs @kkazuyass @itztaki @makilovescofi
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skaruresonic · 2 months
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Yes, because when he told Blaze not to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders in Rush, he was speaking from firsthand experience of guarding the Chaos Emeralds under the threat of apocalypse. He didn't step out of his own shoes for two seconds and think to himself, "But it seems like she's had a rough past" …wait
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IDW!Sonic would be more like
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"He's just like me fr fr" strikes again. Once more we have Games!Sonic heavily implied to be unrealistic, as if A.) he has no emotions, and B.) the only way he can empathize with others is by making things really about himself.
"Nobody can be endlessly positive" - okay, but Games!Sonic... isn't.
He has doubts. He gets tired. He makes mistakes. He feels sadness and guilt. He has a temper, gets frustrated, gets irritated (sometimes with his friends, even!). He's not some perfect smiling Pollyanna who's never suffered a single doubt in his life just because he prefers not to dwell on the negative. It's just that his will is so strong that he knows setbacks are temporary and he keeps pushing on regardless.
However, he's also not the type to wear his every emotion on his sleeve a la Amy and Eggman, and expecting him to is putting an unfair onus on him to be something he's not. Somehow his positivity, which is supposed to be inspirational and not strictly relatable, translates into "he has no Realistic Emotions(tm)." And it irks me to no end because once again, you are denying merit and dimension to Games!Sonic's character.
Not to mention, where would he have gotten this experience? The metal virus? Sonic pretty much had to run himself ragged just for a chance of survival. He didn't have a choice. It's not like he forfeited sleep because he wanted to.
All those times he should have taken responsibility… He didn't. Sonic can't assume too much responsibility if he shirks the ones he already has.
Also, listen. As someone who is currently experiencing vertigo and burnout at a degree that makes it difficult to be functional (can't really do much if the only state you can tolerate is lying down): if Sonic gave me this advice, in those words, I would be discouraged. He's emphasizing how ~useless~ the burned-out person would be to others instead of emphasizing that health is in and of itself important.
Jewel is already hard on herself---why add to her guilt by saying "relax or else you won't be able to serve others?" I mean, I already feel guilty that my brain and body basically shortcircuited from stress. thanks, Sonic
Furthermore, how come he didn't whip out this pep talk for Amy when she was overworking herself?
Oh, yeah, right. In issue 12, the Chaotix swung by demanding pay and he pretty much left her high and dry with a snarky look on his face.
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I'm not just being A Hater(tm) like usual, either; the book makes frequent mention of how exhausted, busy, and stressed Amy is. The following examples all come from different arcs.
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Absolutely no-one asked for this, but me and @ewanmitchellcrumbs​ have very strong feelings on what different EM characters would have as their fish and chips orders. 
pov: me writing this fr
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this is a full stupid ass shit post, it’s not serious guys, and unless I post something about it it won’t leave my brain
So without further ado, EM FISH AND CHIPS
First in the ring, the man who STARTED IT ALL, THIS LITTLE SHIT
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Salad Days - Will What’s-His-Face
It’s canon that Will gets chips and a fanta, that’s it. 0 nutritional value. Also 10/10 on choice of chippy, it’s actually a really good chippy
pov: aemond avoiding the grease
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Aemond is not particular to a chippy dinner, insisting he doesn’t want anything bc it’s ‘too greasy’ (pussy). Aegon absolutely tears him apart for it. Just buys a San Pellegrino cos he thinks it’s fancy - absolutely fuming  cos Aegon shakes it up on the way home and it fizzes everywhere when he opens it
If Aegon hasn’t been drinking, bog standard boring ass fish and chips with half of a bottle of ketchup slathered over his chips so nobody else nicks them. Won’t go near mushy peas, thinks they’re gross af. If he’s drunk, a doner kebab, but the local chippy doesn’t sell them so he gets Alicent to drive 15mins up the road to the one that does. A diva through and through.
Helaena doesn’t eat fish, so opts for just chips and is the only patron who actually buys the picked onions. Has mushy peas and curry sauce and mixes it together with her chips, mostly does it to annoy Aegon tho.
Daeron is waiting at home, but everyone forgot to get him something so ends up with the crap, lukewarm chips left behind.
Alicent is a scampi girlie all the way, with a diet coke
Otto is put off by the food hygiene rating at the local chippy, so takes his own fish to get battered like a weirdo. Decimates his chips with a litre of vinegar.
Daemon never gets to eat a chippy dinner, so he gets a pie as a side dish, despite Rhaenyra claiming it’s not a side dish. But Daemon stands by that it most definitely is. It’s a gash steak and kidney pie and refuses to use any cutlery for any of it.
Rhaenyra is also a scampi girlie, but unlike Alicent, has G&T out of a can.
World on Fire - Tom Bennett
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Strong feelings but, Tom is a Northerner yeah. So he is a full gravy bitch. Loves that shit. Would bathe in it if he could. Has dry ass fish, unseasoned chips cos he’s boring af.
TLK - Osferth
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*sigh* Osferth. Angel. Baby boy.
Osferth orders a battered sausage, but gets given a battered Mars Bar by mistake. He doesn’t like confrontation so he pretends like that’s what he ordered anyway, but he’s secretly devastated and tries not to gag when he eats it.
Uhtred can have the kebab that gives him food poisoning, shitting for days, idec, if face annoys me
High Life - Ettore
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Ok this guy is weird. SO he’s gotta have a weird choice.
Ettore has the saveloy because he enjoys the innuendo. Stares at it on his plate for an uncomfortably long time, making sinister eye contract with everyone while he eats it.
Trigger Point - Billy Washington
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Ooft. THIS sad boy.
Billy gets a chicken and mushroom pie. Yes from a FISH AND CHIPS SHOP. But the Food Safety rating of his local is like a 3, so the pie has been sat under the heatlamps for HOURS, so it’s all grey, sad and soggy. But he eats it anyway.
To tie it off, I imagine Ewan Mitchell as 100% a battered sausage guy. He has gravy (cos midlands boi, we love). Won’t touch mushy peas with a barge pole and perhaps partial to a chip cob. Carbs on carbs, we stan.
Thanks for reading this absolute trash.
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stainedglassandpigs · 1 month
I don’t know if I’ll continue this story much bc I don’t have tons of confidence in it but it was fun to do something with Clark since I kept seeing a bunch of edits with him and I rmbered how much I liked the lil farm boy.
Also I don’t know how I feel about using emojis in writing lowkey don’t like it but yk gotta try it out at least once or twice to see fr ( jury is leaning toward don’t like)
It appears to be somewhere in the country. Lush green trees and a sea of grassy plains for miles. I don’t remember when I began walking or why I was.
As I was now pushing through a corn maze it began to be clear I was looking for something. I became more and more frustrated that I wasn’t finding whatever it was I broke out in a run, I had to find it now time was running out. Hope was beginning to lose me when I stumbled outta the ocean of corn stalks. Getting up and dusting myself off I could see in the distance there was a house and barn. Just as I began to walk to the far off house something zoomed out of the corn and crashed into the barn.
I bolted up, my alarm going off.
Turning it off I reach for my phone checking the time.
Shit shit shit.
It was 8:30, that was my alarm that told me I was supposed to be out the house by now.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Mom hated when I was late, the office lady was always so unusually mean for someone who worked with people all day.
Rushing outta bed I began a speed run of my usually morning activities.
A normal person might forgo finding a playlist to listen to when they were already in a rush, but I figured the morning was already fucked at least I could still listen to my favorite songs while I panicked.
By the 2 song I have changed and was beginning to brush my teeth. Song 3 began and so did my morning skin care.
Rush or not there were things I was not willing to compromise on when getting ready.
My grand final now is deciding what to do with my hair.
It was wash day yesterday so the hair was looking a bit wet. I didn’t prefer it this way but at least it was cute.
I opt for down since it would help the curls dry faster
Making sure all the hairs were in place and my part was clean I called it. And all it took was 4 songs to get ready, not too bad.
Before I headed for the kitchen to pack my lunch I made sure my back pack was ready for the day.
Well I made sure my headphones were in there and I barely spared a glance at what was actually in the bag.
The kitchen was a bit more tricky of a situation. If I were lucky no one would be in there to question why I hadn't left yet, especially not mom.
Being as quiet and quick as I could, packing my lunch and dashing off immediately, grabbing my keys from the bowel and sneaking off.
Gettign in the car I threw my stuff in the passenger seat and checked my phone for the time and any important notifications.
The time read as 9, first period began at 8:50. I was officially counted absent when I was deciding on water or tea as my drink of choice for the day I thought.
Being absent wasn’t good but math class was soooo boring, I was thankful it was my senior year because there was no way I could fight another year doing high school math.
I answered a few of my messages most of them being from my best friend Jade on different platforms.
She had sent me at least 30 tik toks, 5 instagram memes and 9 messages about random stuff.
Replying to the message and telling her about how I woke up late she laughed about it and pointed out how I hated math anyways and I should just pick up a nice sweet treat cause I was already late.
I would have picked up something for her too but she already graduated last year and was off to Metropolis University getting her degree in computer engineering.
Next you I would be doing the same for anthropology so I didn’t let the distance bother me bc soon we would be seeing each other everyday annoying the living shit out one another. I smile at that.
So instead I just sent her some money to get something nice for breakfast, picked a song from my ongoing playlist and began heading to my local smallville coffee shop.
Getting a large motcha and danish i sorrowfully started heading for school.
Pulling in the student parking lot I happened across another late student. When I saw them I honked my horn lightly and waved for them to come over.
“doesn’t your mom hate when you're late y/n (nick name)?”
“Doesn’t your coach hate when your late Jacob?” I copied the tone of the football player while I open the car door.
“Touché, why you late tho ?” Jacob said, grabbing my drink out of my hand, I made him hold the rest of my stuff as we walked in the building cause his greedy ass was gulping down my drink like I had gotten it specifically for him.
“slept in by accident, stayed up trying to read the last of Macbeth cause I kept putting it off, what had you late?” Gesturing for my drink back I open the doors for us but he just grabs the door and waits until I walk in.
“Went to the lake with a few of the boys”
“How late could it have been that it had you sleeping in '' we were halfway to the attendance desk now.
“3 in the morning 🤥”
“Yall have terrible time management skills, I just want you to know that”
“At least I finished the class reading on time” he said with a grin.
“Name one thing that happened in the second act, quickly” I said side eyeing him
“Macbeth , he, he ummm”
“times out” now I’m the one grinning
“If you know everything then name something miss know it all”
“Lady Macduff and her sons gets killed cause Macbeth went crazy, boom and under 10 seconds'' he rolled his eyes at me dramatically causing me to laugh.
There were a few ppl in front of us in the late line so we continued talking about random things until we both got our late notes.
“Your going to art now right, lemme walk you my next period we get a longer passing period then yall”
“You work in the library during this period right ? What do you even do in there? "The art class wasn’t that far off from the office so I wasn’t in a rush either.
“Mostly just put the books away n once we’re done with that it’s basically a free period”
The conversation continued on random classes and such till we came to my class and Jacob handed me back my stuff. We said our goodbyes and I entered the art room, it looked like I was one of the first ppl there other than Mrs.Ruth the teacher.
A lovely woman, very bright and passionate about her craft.
Taking my seat I chat with her and as more students fill and get situated.
Mrs.Ruth said we were waiting on something b4 we started our assignment today, I didn’t think much of it and continued yapping about with my classmates and friends.
Another one of my best friends came to class, taking her seat behind my table. We started talking about what could be holding up the class today.
“Wonder what the hold up is. Maybe we’re getting a Halloween party, what do you think Rose ?” I say trying to think of what it could be
“Mmm prolly not we’re so busy with our projects, maybe something about another art comp”
Our conversation naturally fizzes out as we both start getting our normal art stuff out for the class.
It was maybe the length of a weekend song (famously long asl) when the door opened.
We were in October now so never would I have thought she meant a new student.
Another thing that shocked me was who it was.
I immediately turn my head to look at Rose and she’s already looking at me, giving me a knowing smile.
You know how when a new person comes and you always hope they’re cute to give you something to look at, that was him but this was even more exciting because of who it was.
Because he wasn’t new new, I had just never had any classes with him up until now. But trust me and my girls were more than well acquainted with who he was.
Because my brother was a football player I got to know tons of the players and even became good friends with some of them.
So I would see him all the time, but we would only really talk in passing. The thing was though me and the girls had this one going minor local celebrity crush on him and we would talk about him all the time, not only was he such a gentleman (plus) he was also unearthly pretty (big plus)
Cause who doesn’t love a good pretty man. Like how could we not talk about him, with all due respect and regard for his personhood ofc…
And here he stood now in our class.
Just from Roses face alone I knew the girls were gonna love this, lunch was going to be so exciting today ‼️.
I didn’t want to keep staring the boy down so I tore my eyes off him for Miss Ruth who was explaining what was going on.
“Okay class as you can see we have a new class mate today, Clark Kent” she said motioning him over to her.
“Clark was in art four, but me and his old art teacher talked and thought it would be best for him to join us in ap art, please class if he needs any help adjusting give him a hand and be nice.” She says giving the class a once over, our class wasn’t bad but we could definitely be asswholes, and it was clear she was trying to get us to be nice on his first day.
She turned to him now and explained a few things before telling him to pick a seat anywhere.
As he looked around the class he spotted me and seen where I was sitting, heading over he waved. At first I rationalized it, ofc he would sit with me I was probably the only person he knew in the class fr. But I doubted he even remembered my name fr.
Well I was wrong, but I was happy about that.
“I didn’t know you were in this class! Is it okay if I sit with you ?” He said so politely,
lord this was going to be a long year if I had to sit next to someone so beautiful.
I know Rose was finding this all very entertaining right now for sure.
I had to remind myself he asked me a question cause I was staring yet again. Up close I could see that his blue eyes had specs of green but I digress.
“Ofc Clark” I smile trying not to look too much like I indeed did have a massive crush on him.
He settles in and all I can think bout is how close we are sitting to each other.
I mean he was a football player so ofc he was huge, but Clark was pretty big even for a football player. He was touching above 6 feet at this point. Even though he was huge he still remained a respectable distance and didn’t manspread trying not to take up any space.
How nice, then again that was the bare minimum and I reminded myself to pay attention, I probably wasn’t even his type anyways.
“Today we will be starting a new unit, so pair up because you’re gonna need a partner.” Miss Ruth said as she gathered the lesson plans and her notes on it.
I look over at Clark and he’s already looking at me with a small smile with his eyebrows raised a little. How he didn’t have a gf right now was a marvel I thought.
“Partners ?” He said, returning his small smile in tandem.
“Partners” I whispered back enthusiastically.
I take my phone out and send Rose a quick text saying we also are gonna be partners.
She just sends back a reaction meme of someone smiling.
Putting my phone away again I look at Clark again x
It was almost like the sun was in love with him I thought.
the way it shown on him, living art, I wasn’t much of a romantic but I wasn’t blind to the way he was making me feel.
But I ignored it, talking about attractive people and being delusional over them was one thing but actually putting myself out there was a whole other thing. Most days I was just content with being friends with people I had crushes on and that was exactly what I was gonna do with Clark.
Just friends.
To get myself to stop thinking about him I remember that I still had my cheese danish from the coffee shop. As I get it out I tear it in half and tap Clark. I don’t say anything, I just hand it to him with a napkin. When he realizes what I’m doing he mouths a thank you with a giant smile.
He must like sweet just as much as i did.
Miss Ruth finished explaining what the class would be doing for our next project.
We were tasked with creating a sort of art year book with our partners. We would be capturing moments and artwork and putting together two books. And the books had to be huge at least 2 feet in hight.
She handed out the rubric, and showed some videos and examples, but for the most part the rest of the class period was left to us to brainstorm and get a feel of the project and get the ball rolling.
Which meant I would be talking with Clark more.
I was being to hope that he was secretly a dick and he would kill my crush with his actions.
Turning my whole body to face Clark now, the art room was big so the tables were too, meaning there was a lotta space in between us technically,
but it felt like I was breathing down his neck.
He turned too, but once again I could tell he was making sure to give me my space
how kind,
a symphony of screaming began playing in my head as I thought about how stupid I must look to him.
Pushing it down instead I began thinking of our project, that I could do with ease. Art was my thing and not even an unearthly sweet and cute guy was going to change that.
“So far honestly it don’t look to daunting, which is nice, it’s more a time and dedication thing. Very tedious but I’m excited lowkey. I always loved the idea of making my own yearbook” digging through my backpack I bring out my class sketchbook and flip to a free page. Grabbing a random pen from onna the pockets on the side of my backpack I write “ Clark and y/ns year book project”
“So whatcha thinking ? Any ideas of things you really wanna have in here ?” I know sometimes I tend to talk a lot and I didn’t want him to feel like his thoughts weren’t important.
“I’m actually in photography and journalism class, so I think maybe we can use some of my skills from there too”
“Dude that’s so cool Clark !Do you write for the school paper ?!” Ofc he’s arty, the screaming in my head pitched up an octave.
“Sadly no, football takes up a lotta my time but they do let me help, I’m best friends with the editor, Chloe. And if I have the spare times sometimes every blue moon she’ll let me run a story. I do take some of the photos tho, cause “I’m in the field and get a closer perspective,” Chloe says.”
“We’ll definitely find a way to incorporate that, I don’t have any fancy cameras like the ones the school does but I am an instant and digital camera collector. So you can use mine if you’d want to as well” This was good, I always loved photography but a lot about it confused me and here Clark comes filling in that blank.
“May I?” Clark gestures to the pen, as I hand it to him for a moment his hands cover mine and I can feel my face going red so I get up abruptly which startled him a bit.
“I just remembered you don’t have any of the standard Ap supplies, lemme go ask Miss Ruth for you. You can just write your ideas and stuff down while I go get it. You can also look through my sketch book I don’t mind” I was ready to speed away from him when I heard Clark call my name. I turn n look and he has a very sincere look on his face.
“I just wanted to say thank you y/n, you’ve been really nice to me when you could have picked someone else to be your partner. Thank you”
He smiled but it looked a little sad, like he was thinking of something else.
“What are friends for” I say half smiling, I wondered what could have given him that far away look.
Going off I got all the stuff he needed for the class and came back to my set, it took only about 5 minutes, about as long as a rock song I thought.
Handing it to him I explain what everything is and get a permanent marker so he can label his name on everything .
For the next 40 minutes we sat there drafting up ideas and thoughts.
The conversation came easily and when Mrs Ruth reminded us as she always does that we were at the half way mark of the class, we began really planning out what we wanted to do.
First we looked at the due date which was in 3 months in January after Christmas break.
Each book needs to have at least 16 pages not counting back and front. With that we calculated how many pages a week needed to be done and began planning the little things.
By the time we got done most of the planning the period was soon to be over.
Getting up to stretch I started thinking bout lunch.
I wonder who Clark ate lunch with, the football boys? He’s own friends ? By himself?
“Clark which lunch do you have ?”
“B lunch why?” He says while he packs his things up.
“Just curious. Oh hey actually can I borrow your phone real quick” I say as I too begin putting my stuff away.
He hands my his phone unlocked, interesting that he didn’t ask why I needed it I thought.
“Since where most likely gonna have to work outside of school we should have each others phone numbers and stuff. And honestly all the years I’ve known you it’s crazy I don’t have it yet”
“Not really on my phone too much, being on the farm all day the WiFi’s awful so I’ve never really used it much. I always forget I have it” he was now standing in front of me and I had to look up a bit to see into his eyes.
If I was a little less stubborn one might call it butterflies but I just gonna chalk it up to me being hungry.
“Hey smile for me for a sec Clark” and ofc the sweet boy that he was he did.
I took a pic showing it to him then made it his icon on my phone and texted him a pic I took this morning of the clouds saying it’s y/n.
“Okay you have my number now, I’ll text you later bout some ideas I have for our year books”
“Wait you didn’t put an icon in my phone” he said pointing to the blank one on his phone.
“Didn’t think you would want one” I say with a small shrug.
“Well I do, smile y/n please” I put my stuff down and smile making a heart with my hands.
He begins smiling ever so slightly as he makes it the new icon. Now I think the photo must look crazy cause what was he smiling for
“I demand tew see the awful photo you just took” I say moving to be right next to him.
He tries to hide it from me but I just grab his hand and take the phone with my other, we’re both laughing now.
When I finally see the photo it just looks like a normal photo of me smiling and I wonder if he was just doing that to trick me.
Giving the phone back I noticed he had a red case.
I begin to think about the little details that he has all about him.
It was barely visible but I could see the glint of a small chain around his neck, it was silver but that's all I could tell about it.
That was the only other jewelry he had other than a Rolex that was also covered by the flannel he was wearing, the Rolex was silver too. It looked at least 20 years old.
A family heirloom I thought. He wore weathered jeans with well loved sports Nikes. His style, although simple, appeared very thought about.
Checking my phone I see we only have 5 minutes left of class, I kinda got sad because now I won’t be able to talk with Clark anymore.
But then again art ending means I can go eat lunch and talk to my friends about all these new developments
I looked over at Clark, he was right about not being on his phone, as the class waited for the bell to ring he was doodling in his sketchbook what looked like a man holding a camera.
Being the D1 yapper that I was, I think of a random question to ask him.
“What type of music do you listen to, Clark ?”
He looks up at me closing the sketchbook and thinks for a moment.
“A lot of people are kind of surprised to hear this but I do enjoy a lot of rnb actually”
“I can def see why” you laff a bit at the idea of him on Stan Twitter arguing about album sales and whose a better performer
“Who’s onna your fav artist?”
“Steve lacy is a favorite of mine I really like his song mercury”
“He’s a good artist, his song infrumai was good and ofc dark red”
“Dark red’s a classic. I also listen to a lot of rock, like Jimi Hendrix, radio head, and Rick James”
“Where do you listen to music on, I wanna follow you”
“Spotify mostly” Clark fidgets with his phone then hands me the device with his Spotify pulled up.
It was becoming very clear he wasn’t a phone guy at all, he even looked a bit confused when I said I would follow him on Spotify. I followed him on my phone then accepted his request on his phone.
He didn’t have any other followers than me, I noted.
Just when I was bout to say something else the bell rang so I handed his phone back.
Looking around for Rose I couldn’t find her, she must’ve darted off to hear her lunch. She always had something to warm up.
“What’s your next class? Maybe I can walk you?”
“Photography near the cafe, what’s yours?”
“This is my lunch period, so I can definitely walk you”
We began walking out of the class and I said my goodbye to Miss Ruth.
“Good thing where I eat lunch is on the way, so I can ask you more random ass questions. did your schedule change much for the switch to ap?” Walking and talking to him like we were good friends was nice.
I looked at him as we walked,
I wondered if he knew how polarizing he was. Could he feel it like I could ?
The conversation continued on his schedule change, until we reached the table where I sat.
Ofc the only person there at the moment was Rose trying to conceal a sly smile.
She immediately looks between me and Clark walking up to the table raising an eyebrow at how close we were.
Our eyes alone were having a very excited conversation about the presence of Clark Kent while he was none the wiser.
Where we had lunch was in a nook of the school with some tables and a decent window that looked out onto thin woods that basically surrounded the school.
The two tables that were in the corner had long since been riddled with stickers and ppls graffiti, the table had treated me well since my freshman year when our little group began sitting there.
There wasn’t much in the little area other than the two tables and its accompanying chairs.
The school had a lot of areas like that, little nooks for ppl to sit and get work done. But the main cafe wasn’t far from where we sat, maybe a classrooms distance separated my little area from the rest of the cafeteria and I could definitely still hear everything going on in the lunchroom.
The doors that connect the two areas always open and ppl constantly drifting in and out. By no means was it a still space.
Setting my backpack down, I introduce the two.
“Rose this is Clark, I'm sure you heard Miss Ruth introducing him to the class” Rose just silently smiled at me, going her best to act like she didn’t already know basically everything about him.
I could literally see all the questions she had formed ready to burst out.
“Clark, this is Rose onna my best friends. She sat behind use in art”
“Hi rose, nice to meet you” Clark gave her a little smile and wave. Rose returned it.
“Well this has been fun, Rose I’ll be right back I’m gonna walk Clark to class it’s only down the hall.”
“Kk I’m gonna go grab my pizza from the microwave” I was right about her needing to warm something up, and we all parted ways.
As we walked a few people said hi to Clark, dapping him up in passing and they exchanged friendly remarks. It was endearing to see him interacting with other people.
As we walked to his next period I kept asking questions about the class.
“What are y’all working on right now?”I said fidgeting about with my hands trying to make the normal amount of eye count without staring too much or looking away for too long.
“Right now we’re taking pictures of interesting things around the school and putting it in a newspaper model. It’s pretty fun, the teacher wants us to make our model first though. So he’s giving us all of today to get that done.”
“That’s perfect for you too cause your whole journaling thing, I def would like to see your assignment when you're done it sounds fun.”
“I can show it to you maybe this weekend? We gotta work on our assignment too…” he said slowing down
“This is my class right here.” He gestured to the sign about the classroom that said Journalism and photography class.
The door was open so I could see a glimpse inside. It looked like a standard computer room, there was a big cabinet at the back end of the classroom. I imagined that’s where they must keep all the cameras.
“Wait, I forgot we had to work during the weekends, lawd, would you prefer my house or yours ?”
“Mine is fine, the barn has a nice area to work and you can see the farm”
“Great, we can text more bout the details later” We were now both standing next to the door as students passed by
“ ight been fun but my stomach is beginning to kick” I say playfully, I was just about to walk off when Clark began speaking again.
“Thank you y/n” I was looking into his eyes now.
“For?” All I did was walk him to class, what could he be thanking me for.
“I know we didn’t know each other that well but even so you made sure to help me. You even walked me to my class. I just want you to know I appreciate it a lot. "It took everything in me to keep eye contact with him as he said nice things about me but I knew this was onna those moment where I had to.
In the back of my head I wondered if he was just being nice or someone had made him feel like he was a burden.
Being from the south I was very familiar with southern charm but the way Clark acted was so much more emotional, southerners were nice sure but it really felt like he truly cared .
Not that I didn’t like it but it took me by surprise a bit.
“You make me sound so nice, Clark. And besides I couldn’t just let you struggle by yourself.” A quick moment passes where it’s just him and I looking at each other.
Feeling awkward I quickly fill in the break in conversation.
“Ight, I’ve held you up enough. Get to class young man” I say lightly
Laffing a bit he says his goodbyes and headed into class.
I watched just for a moment until he fully entered the classroom before I made my way back to my lunch spot.
Lawdddd these girlies were gonna love hearing about this. I could already feel the fan girl giggling we all would let out about these little details.
Walking over to the table I began replaying everything in my head.
I was secure in who I was, but Clark seems on a whole other level. I also knew Pete so I heard bout Clark’s massive crush on Lana all the time. And she was everything.
Kind, smart, opinionated, beautiful, and hilarious. I even lowkey had a crush on Lana to hell. She was onna the first friends I made when I moved to Smallville. Whitney may have been her boyfriend but just by the way they looked at each other I could tell deep down Lana liked Clark too.
It’s crazy how a moment of overthinking and something that you were excited for turns sour.
I try to justify my bad thoughts, ofc Clark wouldn’t like me. I mean do I even like Clark ? He’s not even all that.
Clark didn’t do anything.
Lana didn’t do anything.
I didn’t do anything.
Being mean to myself and attacking them only made me feel awful.
A quick fix from being an asswhole to ppl who didn’t do anything wasn’t gonna get me far or make me feel better.
All these thoughts just cause I had a small,
Small crush on someone lord save me.
I can stop this, Clark is nice, and being his friend would make me happier than anything else.
Just friends, no crush.
That’s enough.
The walk back only took about 3 minutes I thought. Taking a deep inhale in and out,
I am calm and I will not let a crush drive me crazy not again.
Turning the corner I could see Rose was seated talking with our friend Devan.
Walking up I didn’t even get a word in before Devan started asking questions, I respected her speed.
“Did he smell nice? How do you feel? Class together?!!! You walked him to class ???? Rose told me you got his freaking number ??? Like helloooo.!! Y/n cmon don’t hold out” devan said practically buzzing.
It was like talking to the girls no matter how unserious we were being always made me feel better.
“He smelt amazing, think woody with notes of vanilla, I feel pretty normal actually, he switched from his old class into mine. So we’ll be having class together for the rest of the year. He walked me to the lunch table, then I walked him to class. He was just being friendly guys trust” sitting down I let out a little sign at the last part, of course for no reason in particular.
“Friendly” Rose said looking at Devan
“Friendly” Devan said looking at Rose.
“Friendly” they now both said looking at me.
I was beginning to hate that word.
“We’re gonna work on the yearbook project together. Also have y’all finished applying to the colleges you want. I’m almost done, just gotta write my essay. I wanna have it all done as soon as possible, with all respect due I’m not tryna stay in Smallville any longer then I have too”
“Pause rewind, I wanted us to be partners for that. I know you said you’d still work with me but I don’t want you to be doing all the y/n (nick name). Immediately no longer team Clark, he needa back up a bit stealing my wife” Rose said while picking all the pepperonis off her pizza for Devan.
“We can still work together trust, it’s just I don’t wanna leave him out in the cold. He just got in there and doesn’t really know anyone in class. Besides, it's not like the project needs to be done in a day, I can multitask beloved.” To keep the narcissism at a low level, I try not to think about it all the time, but to say I was more than okay at art was putting it nicely.
Art was my shit, my sauce, my thing.
So it wasn’t like doing both projects would be the end of the world for me, and I was not bout to leave my friend hanging just cause Clark was there now.
Opening my lunch box I almost shed a tear at what was packed. My Ma had recently given me the recipe to her famous rice and beans, and I had finally braved up to trying it out myself. It was ofc not as good as hers, Gordon Ramsey couldn’t make better rice and beans than my ma. Nonetheless it was close, and compared to the mid oatmeal’s I had been packing for lunch this was Michelin Star in my eyes.
I went silent for a moment there just absolutely fucking it up. I was so entranced by my food that I started doing a little jig. Small things like this made thinking about your not-crush seem so stupid.
Like who cares about Clark Kent there’s Rice and Beans in this world ‼️
The girls and I continued on about the upcoming school project as I reserved myself to my food, giving small comments here and there. I was a quick eater so it wasn’t long before I rejoined the conversation as a full member.
“Hey did yall read the new article from the torch? Apparently there’s been a string of students falling into comas after they started seeing these weird creatures. Chloe’s writing is riveting per usual. This time though she mentioned it in connection with that particle explosion in Central City. She thinks there’s a connection between our so called “special space rocks'' and all those weird things happening in the city.” Devon was mid-bite of what looked to be a pretty good looking sandwich when she began talking bout our local school newspaper, The Torch.
“Oh I was reading bout that, well I was reading bout the streak and they mention the particle accelerator explosion, the writer thought there might be a connection between the two.” Rose said, checking her phone.
“We have 10 more minutes of lunch, I’m dreading math. I heard Miss Anhook was giving out quizzes today”
“Ohhhh don’t say that, I alr hate thinking about the class when I’m actually in there. I don't wanna ruin my lunch with such thoughts” I said rubbing the sides of my temples, math was truly made by some evil spirit.
Eating more of my rice and beans the conversation digressed back to The Torch.
“What do you think has all these students in a coma ?” I asked separating the rest of my food into 4 perfect bites.
“I heard that all the first few got sick after going to the last football game, and ppl think it spread from there” Devan remarked
“Y/n didn’t you go to the last game ? Did you see anything weird ?” Rose said curiously.
She was right but I couldn't recall anything being abnormal about that night. I was just about to tell her I didn’t see anything when I remembered leaving the game, usually I would park pretty close to the football field but Jade and I got there later cause we couldn’t find our Digital cameras and we really wanted to get cute pictures that night since we finally got to see each other in person after so long because she was now in Metropolis. By the time we got there the parking lot was beyond full so we opted for parking a little walk out.
When the game ended and we were walking back to the car Jade had pointed out a small group of ppl doing something strange, but it was so dark and neither of us could make out anything for real so we just continued on back to the car.
Jade swore she saw a green light coming from the group when we talked about the game over at the local burger place everyone went to after games.
But we both abandoned the conversation after more and more of our friends packed in and everyone began talking to each other about plans for after the food.
I recap the night to the girls “ definitely weird but I don’t know if I would say it’s connected to the sleeping students”
The conversation continues but with no real evidence or sources we naturally move onto something else and before long the lunch’s bells rang it was time for the next period.
The rest of the day goes by pretty uneventful until last period when a student was found near the football field passed out like the others. Keeping us in a hold so no one was in the halls while the student was driven to the hospital
This would be the 6th student affected and all of them somehow connected to the football team.
Maybe I could ask Clark about it… it would give me an excuse to text him…
Taking out my phone and going to messages and finding his contact. Ig in all the commotion of the day I didn’t notice that he had actually texted.
It was a photo of the assignment he was doing in photography. Under the photo Clark left a little message.
“The newspaper template I made, not as cool as I woulda hope but I figured you would like to see it 🙂”
Even his emojis were cute.
This was so frustrating.
Liking both messages I thought about what I should say.
After a few moments of coming up with nothing I take a screenshot of the message and send it to Jade.
“What should I say ?”
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elvenbeard · 1 year
Cyberpunk 2077 Fanfic Summary: V is lucky to be alive still after a heist gone right but many other things gone wrong lately. Maybe it's not too late yet to pick up the pieces, but even with fewer and fewer options to go forward, his path seems unclear. (Post-Sun-Ending, Chapter 3/?, 4477 words, Kerry Eurodyne/V, no warnings except for angst and a hospital setting >.>)
>> Previous Chapter >> First Chapter
The next thing V remembered was his biomonitor going off, beeping on high alert, the emergency protocol reciting its little speech.
“Vincent, it appears you have been in a car accident,” it said, “Remain calm, Trauma Team are on their way. Estimated arrival time: 90 seconds. Try not to move.”
He could barely breathe, let alone move. In his initial shock he didn’t even feel the pain as much, but he was squeezed in between his seat and steering wheel. The windshield was cracked, casting a kaleidoscope of red and blue and golden light across his face, blurry shapes running around outside. People were screaming and there was one hell of a commotion, more gunshots fired, police barking orders, but long before he could fully grasp what was happening, V’s consciousness faded again.
“Vincent?” a gentle voice brought him back from the darkness – how much time had passed?
“Stay calm, we’re getting you out of here.”
The man wore full Trauma Team combat gear. Before V had even come to his senses, they’d already forced the warped door open, put a neck brace on him, and maneuvered him out of the car. He didn’t remember how exactly, only that one moment he was still trapped in there, the next he lay on a stretcher, surrounded by medics, Megabuidling H10 towering above them. Police sirens were blaring, and the deep droning of the Trauma Team AV not far left of him made his head hurt even more.
“Client is conscious but disoriented,” one of the medics said, another listed V’s vitals and the drugs she was about to administer. At least four people were all over him cutting open his clothes, poking him with needles, shining lights into his eyes, and strapping him to the stretcher in preparation for transport.
“Vincent, do you know what year it is?”
“It’s just V,” he barely managed to croak, his throat dry and tight.
“Just call me V,” he repeated, “And it’s 2077. The fourth of September.”
“Very good,” the medic said, “Do you remember what happened? Where were you going?”
“Was on my way home,” he said as a strangely warm, numbing sensation washed over him, the painkillers probably, “Tygers crashed into me… right in front of my front door…”
The stretcher was lifted from the ground as soon as they’d fixed him to it. Due to the brace, he couldn’t really look around, but quickly the view of his old apartment complex was replaced by the interior of the Trauma Team AV. He’d wondered if he’d ever see the inside of one again, and he was actually very thankful now that Kerry had coerced him into purchasing a membership not that long ago.
“Kerry…” V murmured, but he barely recognized his own voice. Whatever they’d given him, it was the good stuff.
“Is he your emergency contact?” was the last thing V remembered one of the medics asking before he drifted off to sleep.
He wasn’t sure if what followed was a dream or not, flashing images of people he didn’t know talking to him, bright lights, strange noises, a sense of urgency and worry and confusion. Then just soothing darkness for a long, long time. There were worse ways to die than just fading out like this… he knew from firsthand experience. There was no fear in just falling asleep and never waking up again, no pain, no hatred and betrayal, no sorrow and regrets. There was no glory either… but by the time it came to it, V realized, that wouldn’t be his concern anymore anyway.
A familiar but unexpected noise slowly pulled V out of his deep, almost dreamless sleep. For a moment he wondered if any of this had even happened – from meeting Mr. B to infiltrating the Crystal Palace, to ending up in front of a red stoplight with the worst possible timing. But when he opened his eyes to bleak white hospital walls, reality hit him even harder. He was still here, still breathing, his heart still beating. He could still barely move his head either, but even without doing so, the warm calming presence squeezed onto the left half of the bed beside him was undeniable. He realized it was Kerry’s gentle snoring that had woken him up, that usually helped him fall asleep.
One of the perks of them both being kind of short and slim, they comfortably fit into a bed made for one person only. As far as he could see, Kerry still wore his dark grey jeans and V’s old smiley-face t-shirt – he usually did when V was gone for a couple of days at a time. His leatherjacket was draped over an armchair nearby and guessing by the soft warm light falling in through half-closed blinds, it probably was the morning after. At least V hoped so, and he hadn’t lost more than half a day unconscious in a hospital bed.
Wanting nothing more than to run his fingers through Kerry’s tousled hair, pull him closer, just hold him, in disbelief still that he was really here and not a drug-induced figment of his imagination, V tried to lift his left arm. But he couldn’t. Despite the painkillers, every little movement hurt, his limbs felt like they were made from concrete. Weakly he laughed to himself when the ironic thought “feel like I was run over by a car” crossed his mind.
Kerry’s eyes fluttered open at V’s croaky laughter breaking the relative silence of the room. The quiet whirring of the medical monitors and machines was barely louder than white noise. He shuffled and looked up at V with great worry at first, but it slowly turned into a relieved smile.
“Hey,” he said, voice still heavy with sleep, scooching even closer so that they were more at eye level. He reached up to gently caress V’s face with the back of his hand, shaking his head just slightly.
“Almost gave me at least three heart attacks yesterday,” he said quietly, his expression growing more somber again.
“Didn’t mean to,” V apologized, his own voice still sounding strange and distant to him. But he truly meant what he said. He hated to see Kerry worry about him, especially over something so stupid.
“I know,” Kerry said, resting his head into the crook of V’s neck, his arm across V’s chest now, holding him close but making sure to not press onto his hurting ribs too forceful, “Fuck… I’m just so glad I didn’t lose you. Dunno know what I’d’ve done.”
V shivered. Clenching his jaw and biting back the pain he reached up to put his right hand on Kerry’s arm draped across his chest, fingers gently massaging and trailing along his tattoo. It had always reminded V of armor in a way, protecting him against a world that had been anything but kind to him for so long. The last thing V wanted was to also make the list of people Kerry had been hurt by.
“I don’t really know anymore what’s going on with me lately,” V blurted out, but that was all he really managed before his throat closed up again, the words he’d seen so clearly in his mind slipping and fading away. Kerry didn’t move away one bit, and V couldn’t see his face, but there was audible concern in his voice.
“You’ve been… weird, yeah,” he said after a couple of seconds, “Preoccupied. Thought it was the stress of… y’know, everything. The bad news from the docs, that big gig, managing the Afterlife, all that?”
“I mean, yeah…” V shrugged. It was true, all that had been stressing him out, on top of it the secrecy, working for Mr. B of all people… But he’d done worse things for Arasaka, been under similar stress then and afterwards, and he’d never felt so out of it at any point in time before.
“But… it’s more than that,” he said slowly, “On some days it’s like I barely recognize myself in the mirror anymore.”
A long pause, just filled with the quiet buzz of the machines, distant voices on the hallway, and the faint roar of an AV’s engine flying by outside.
“Think this is… like, the aftermath of the Relic? Gettin’ worse?” Kerry asked, and it hurt V how frail his voice sounded.
“I mean, could be,” V said, and the thought had certainly crossed his mind, “Like… It was like this before, worse even. A few times I actually saw Johnny in the mirror for a second, not myself. And it was still bad for a few weeks after Mikoshi. But I actually thought it was getting better… For a while at least, Vik doing what he could.”
“Seemed like you were more at ease with it all, yeah,” Kerry mused quietly.
V didn’t even want to think it but… maybe Alt was really right this time. Maybe there was no way out of this. He’d been living on borrowed time ever since he woke up in that landfill. Any semblance of things improving could have been just wishful thinking, all the brain experts poking and prodding him with great interest and enthusiasm creating a false sense of hope that he clung to like a drowning person to a lifebelt.
But Viktor had been underestimating how much time he’d have left, and Alt had been wrong with her first assessment of the situation, too. Even the great fucking Hellmann was surprised at V being the living proof of something he’d deemed impossible. So many smart people, time and time again wrong with their assumptions and estimations as soon as the Relic was on the table. V just didn’t want to believe there was no way out. He wanted to live. Being held close by Kerry like this now more than anything reassured him in this wish. They deserved more time than what had been offered…
But maybe a “happily ever after” just wasn’t written in the stars for V. Hell, did happy endings even exist? V’s last hope was whatever Mr. B and his associates were up to, the people even Johnny Silverhand had warned him to not fuck with. V had seen them literally delete and overwrite other people’s memories, whole personalities, to achieve… what exactly? Turn them into puppets for their own goals, whatever they were? Or just as an experiment to see how far they could take it? Would he end up being something like that for them, too, or would they actually be able and willing to help? Even if he was only a good investment to them, to V it could make a huge difference… Or should he test his luck one more time and not put his fate and trust in their hands, and just… hope for the best and that all of this would somehow resolve itself on his own?
None of his options were appealing, and none seemed any more promising than the other…
“You said you needed to tell me somethin’,” Kerry said after a while, and V was thankful for being pulled out of his dark thoughts, “On voicemail, yesterday. ‘Not over-the-holo stuff’?”
He sighed. All roads seemed to lead to Mr. B, somehow. But before he could say anything, there was a brief knock on the door and a young medtech walked in.
“Ah, you’re up. That’s good!” she said with a bright smile, pressing a few buttons on the control panel by the doorway, and the blinds in front of the large windows slowly opened fully. Kerry reluctantly sat up, stretching briefly and ran his hand through his hair in an attempt to somewhat get it back into its usual shape.
“It would have been no issue to get a guest bed in here, Mr. Eurodyne,” the medtech smiled.
“Nah, all good,” he shook his head and waved his left hand, with his right briefly squeezing V’s arm before getting up and making room for the tech to do her thing. V had never liked doctors much, neither hospitals, or anything that fit that overall category.
“Don’t worry, I’m just going to have a quick look at your biomon readings and superficial injuries, then I’m outta your face again,” the tech said, “I’m not sure if you remember by the way… We spoke briefly yesterday, but you were a little out of it.”
“Um, no, I don’t, actually,” V confirmed.
“No problem! I’m Jayda,” she said, “Dr. Fuentes is your attending physician, she’ll come in shortly with a few more questions.”
“She’s alright, talked to her yesterday,” Kerry chimed in as he put on his shoes over by the armchair.
“Okay,” V just nodded as Jayda tapped around on her datapad.
“Your cyberdeck and a few of your neural implants got a little bit shaken up from the accident yesterday. Your personal link broke, too, but nothing our techies couldn’t fix. I’m just checking if everything’s in order. Got any visual glitches, something feeling off? How bad is your pain on a scale of zero to ten, and where is it worst?”
She continued with her questions. V answered everything to his best ability but was relieved when she finally left the room again with the promise of breakfast being brought in soon. Kerry had meanwhile settled down on the armchair, leaning forward with his elbows propped up on this thighs and hands loosely folded. His right leg was bouncing slightly, and he looked at V with a light frown.
“So, I guess if the doctor gives her okay you can take me home with ya today,” V said, trying to smile.
“Hm-hm,” Kerry hummed, “And ya better believe I’m gonna make sure you finally rest your ass a bit.”
V chuckled, but instantly regretted it when the pain in his ribs reminded him just how right Kerry was about his demand.
“I actually told Rogue already I’d economize a bit. Not come in for a week or so,” he remembered, “Couldn’t have planned it better, I guess...”
Kerry’s face lit up.
“So… I’ll have you all to myself, until you’re better?”
“Until I’m better,” V said, “And beyond, I hope. What’s the point of workin’ my ass off trying to save my life and then not living it with the people that matter.”
Kerry smiled, but then hesitated, tilting his head.
“Wait so… your super-secret gig… It was actually, literally…”
His expression and voice were a mix of all sorts of emotions, confusion, curiosity, concern… but also a sliver of hope. V almost regretted having said what he did now because he didn’t want to raise any hope where there might be none.
“I… don’t know for sure yet. It’s what I wanted to talk to you about,” he explained, and Kerry slightly slumped back after perking up in careful excitement first.
“But not here,” V decided, half expecting a nurse to come in any moment, “As soon as we’re home.”
“Alright,” Kerry nodded, a little more soberly, but still smiling at him.
Hospital breakfast was, well, hospital breakfast. Not the worst, but also not particularly good.
“With how much you fork out for that Platinum policy you’d expect them to serve ya a full 5-star menu here,” Kerry muttered before he took a sip of V’s coffee, then made a face and put the cup back down, “I’m gonna go for a smoke, and maybe grab some proper coffee from around the corner. Want me to bring you anything? I’ll be quick.”
“I don’t think I have any clothes actually…” V noted as he looked around, and he was dressed in only a hospital shirt. His right hand shot up to his chest, his neck, searching for his necklace, but it wasn’t where it was supposed to be. His pulse sped up, but thankfully, Kerry didn’t seem to notice.
“I’ll take ya home naked, too,” he teased instead and kissed V on the cheek as he got up from his chair, “Wouldn’t be the first time.”
V chuckled, and ran his fingers through Kerry’s beard, tracing his jawline, trailing down his neck, along his cyberware to his collarbone… he really had to get his act together before he’d pull Kerry down into bed with him again.
“I’ll hurry,” Kerry said quietly, and V couldn’t help but notice the desire in his voice, reflected in reluctant movements, not quite willing to pull away and actually leave him now... So much so, that by the time he’d finally made it to the door, he almost collided with Dr. Fuentes coming in.
“Oh, apologies,” she smiled and stepped to the side to let Kerry pass.
“I’ll be right back!” he called over his shoulder before heading out. The doctor then walked over to V’s bed, and his uneasiness rose again.
“I’m Dr. Fuentes,” she introduced herself, “Very glad to see you up and well, all things considered.”
She held a datapad and linked it up to the monitors beside V’s bed, quickly checking the readings the same way Jayda had done earlier. V couldn’t really guess her age, she looked quite young for a doctor, but the way she moved and spoke made him guess that she was much older than she appeared. Maybe not quite Kerry’s age but seasoned for sure. There was no hint of grey in her dark curls tied back into a ponytail, and she studied the monitors with keen eyes. In the strangest way she reminded him of Takemura, but he wasn’t even sure why that was his first connotation. There was little they had in common, appearance-wise. It was more the energy she gave off, calm and professional outwardly, but something else slumbering beneath the surface.
Dr. Fuentes looked up from her datapad, smiled at V, and then she pulled up a chair and sat down to be more at eye level with him.
“Everything’s looking good, we got your toxicology report as well now, and there is nothing out of the ordinary either,” she said, “Although your liver values aren’t as good as they should be for someone your age. Do you drink regularly?”
“No, I don’t drink. Don’t react well to alcohol,” he said truthfully.
“Hm. Any drugs, strong medications? Some painkillers have a harsh impact on the liver.”
V hesitated, and Dr. Fuentes continued to gently smile, but it somehow made him even more suspicious of her.
“I’m not asking to condemn, just to make sure I have all the information I need to be able to help you,” she said calmly.
V almost wanted to say “I sincerely doubt you’ll be able to help me” but he bit his tongue.
“Can you tell me a little bit more about your condition?” she then asked, catching V off guard, “We did a brain scan yesterday, but what we found did not align with what we expected.”
She turned around her datapad, showing him the results. V looked at the familiar images intensely, trying to make out any differences to the last one that Dr. Williams had done, the head of that team of specialists Kerry had assembled. He didn’t notice any glaring differences, but overall, it still didn’t look good. He didn’t know where he’d even start explaining, or if he even wanted her to know anything about this. All it would lead to was a mountain of uncomfortable questions.
“Mr. Eurodyne said you have consulted with specialists about this already,” Fuentes said, “Neurology is my area of expertise as well. We obviously only have this snapshot of something that seems to have been going on for a while, but to me, it looks like a degenerative disorder of some sort? Resulting from an old injury, Mr. Eurodyne said?”
“That’s partially correct,” V said quietly, “It’s a long, complicated story, and I don’t want to go into details, frankly. Brings up a lot of bad memories.”
He had hoped that that would discourage her enough to let it go.
“I see,” Fuentes said, taking the datapad back, “Do you have any older scans, from when the injury was still fresh, or the time in-between then and now? We don’t have to discuss details or specifics, but if I could get an idea of how this started and progressed, maybe…”
“Let me stop you right here,” V said, much harsher than he’d planned to, but he couldn’t take it back now, “I… appreciate the concern. And what you’ve done for me already. But I’d like to leave it at that and just go home.”
Fuentes looked at him intensely, and yes, this was exactly what reminded him of Takemura about her. There was a fire in her intelligent, foxlike eyes, a sliver of obsession, and determination.
“If that is what you wish I won’t be standing in your way,” she said calmly, but he noted a certain almost challenging undertone, “I’ll prescribe you more painkillers, but everything else should resolve itself on its own. We can remove the cast on your wrist in a week, and at the very least until then, given your condition, I urge you to take it slow and rest.”
She slowly got up from the chair, tapping around on her datapad. It seemed like she was about to turn to leave, but then she hesitated and turned around once more. She wouldn’t just let it go, V hadn’t expected otherwise.
“Promise me to give it another thought,” Fuentes said, “I have been working with patients suffering from MS for years now, and we are working on treatments that are, admittedly, aggressive, but also showing extremely promising results.”
V hummed.
“You’re not by any chance affiliated with BioDyne?” he asked, “I’ve seen their ads. The 700,000-eddies-a-month therapy.”
Fuentes dropped her professional façade for just a second, a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment if V had ever seen one. Then she smiled again, regaining her composure.
“I don’t work for BioDyne, no,” she said, “Only for my patients.”
“Either way though,” V said, “I don’t have MS. Actually, I’m pretty damn sure that I’m the only person on the fucking planet who has exactly what I have.”
“Even if that’s the case,” Fuentes said, “The same treatments can sometimes help ease different conditions. Or be repurposed with some adjustments.”
She looked him over intensely once more, then her eyes lit up pale blue as she sent him her contact info, the sight giving V goosebumps for a moment.
“Give it another thought,” she said, “You’re still so young, have your whole life ahead of you. And you seem to have at least one person at your side that cares a lot for your wellbeing. Talk it over with him, and give me a call when you’re ready. Jayda will be back shortly with your discharge papers and personal belongings.”
With that she turned around and left the room. V sighed and slumped back against his pillow, coffee and breakfast leftovers on his tray long cold by now. He was tired of thinking about the rest of his life, being told that he had “so much to live for”. Not that the people saying that were wrong. He had Kerry, Nibbles, a job he was really fucking good at, that allowed him freedoms and possibilities he wouldn’t have dared to dream of ten years ago. He had made a lot of good friends over the course of the last months, since all of this had started. Real friends that actually cared about him, that didn’t just see him as a pawn in their games. Up until then it had only been Jackie who liked him genuinely as a person, not just as an asset, and after he’d lost him, V had been more than ready to just die. At that time everything he’d still cared about had died with Jackie.
But he was no longer ready to die. Regardless, being told over and over again how much he had to lose made the stress to find a way to survive almost unbearable. As if he didn’t know he was too young to die, too genuinely happy for the first time in his life to let it all fade away together with his mind and body. To have Kerry take care of him as soon as he couldn’t do it himself anymore, to watch part of him die along with himself as things proceeded to get worse.
V closed his eyes and started counting the seconds until he’d finally get out of this hospital, breathe some real air again, and clear his head.
Kerry came back before Jayda did, with some clothes for V, “real” coffee, and donuts. Then Jayda appeared with the discharge documents on her datapad that V signed promptly, as well as a plastic bag with his cut-up clothes and other belongings. She unhooked him from all the machines, and as soon as she was out the door he opened the bag, almost frantically looking through it for his bullet amulet. He found it wrapped up in the remains of his shirt, took it out with a sigh of relief and put it back on.
“I think I’d gone nuts if I’d lost that somewhere,” he said shaking his head, still holding the cold metal pendant in his right hand, the bullet that took his old and in in a way gave him his new life sharp and rough against his palm.
“I almost hoped they’d lost it, 'cause you'd never leave the house without your lucky charm,” Kerry teased, sitting at the edge of his bed again. He was still in his same clothes, hair still unkempt. He must’ve really just breezed home and past the nearest Caliente’s to be back as quickly as he was. V gently kicked Kerry’s ass, but he probably hurt himself more with his abrupt movement than the other way around.
“Serves ya right,” Kerry laughed as V groaned in pain and got up, “Need some help gettin’ dressed?”
“If you’re as good as dressing me as you’re with undressing me, I won’t say no,” V joked, flinching and hissing as he tried to get out of bed, body sore all over. Before his feet even touched the ground Kerry was at his side, holding his hand and helping him up. He smiled at V still, but like so often lately, his smile only covered up his pain and sadness about everything, wasn’t as genuine as it used to be. He knew there was no point in dwelling in the past, but in moments like this he wished he could turn back time. He’d lost count of how often he’d wondered if things were different now – and in how far – if he'd given in and taken Hanako’s offer instead of bringing the fight to Arasaka. He hoped that, at the latest three months from now, he wouldn’t wonder the same thing about Dr. Fuentes’ offer eventually.
>> Next Chapter
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wulfhalls · 5 months
i hate when shows get cancelled but that show was like.... okay girl give us nothing!!! like i truly could not handle their annoying asses
I really liked the energy in s1 like the whole vibe was fun but s2 left me high and dry. where was the humour. where was the fun we used to have fun up on here!!! also edstede were getting on my nerves they were giving minus chemistry fr. again it was fine in s1 cause they weren't the sole focus but by s2 I was white knuckling my way thru their MANYMANY scenes. I liked the show in s1 when it felt like a workplace comedy and not in s2 when it felt like..... well neither
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bbiemochi · 2 years
Can I request Mika with a gn reader ? A fluff about pets maybe ? Chronic pain flare acting up and somehow playing the Valkyrie song on the game helped to distract me from it
𝚏𝚞𝚣𝚣𝚢 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 | mika kagehira x reader
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[an]: hello, lovely! tysm for requesting! <33 yes, i love mika sm omg ToT he’s literally the most precious thing ever he’s 🫶🫶 would die for him fr. hope u enjoy!
summary: if there was one thing you’d sacrifice your entire being for to go well, is your relationship with mika and…taking your cat a nice and behaved shower
pairing: mika kagehira x g/n!reader!
genre: (too much) fluff!
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the sounds of footsteps running through the hallways of your house was loud, watching every step you run on in order not to slip on your home’s tiled floor. turning to the right— you finally managed to catch up with a certain four legged runner that was soaked with warm water. your cat struggled, but you managed to hold grip on her and warm the kitty down with a towel.
today was like any other day. some labeled as cat owners’ awakening nightmare, is the day where it was time to give you pet cat a shower. coco hated water, any water that touched her feet, she despised it. you had been doing this to her ever since she was a little kitten. you had found her nearby a road, and since her mother seemed to not have returned, you were taken in for her care. you loved your pet cat very much but…this was one of the things you didn’t liked doing. giving her a shower. if it was time for her bath she’d start running faster than an ostrich around your house.
walking back inside the bathroom where your boyfriend was waiting, you closed the door behind you and gently placed coco down back in the warm water, avoiding her scratches near your face. she was feisty in moods like this, it was an easy predicament after all. “glad you actually caught her. lil’ kitty probably left soap around yer place,” he says, and you sighed, putting back your gloves on while mika did the same. “i can’t believe i have to give her a bath once in 4 weeks. this is a nightmare…” you spoke, before huffing out a breath of exhaustion. today, mika decided to give you a hand in giving your cat a bath, which was almost like a sign from the angels. you were glad he was with you right now when your parents were both away. the two of you started dating months ago, and things were going smoothly and a lot well. shu had a lot of said; “pros and cons” about his idol partner but you ignored him, the valkyrie leader was speaking too much. you often couldn’t believed why mika looked so up to his partner.
coco continued to hiss at the water, jumping around in the bath tub that you and mika prepared while your boyfriend held her as gently as he could. the water splashed towards the both of you, and mika struggled holding her down. “yeah, maybe we should worry ‘bout that later, y/n, yer cat startin’ to act up again!” mika exclaims, almost in a panic when coco started to meow very loudly. sighing, you grabbed the scrub and soap and continued to give your cat a bath, also holding her down not too down on the tub. 10 minutes inside of the bathroom, you can sense coco shivering and giving you those pitiful eyes of hers. mika was doing his best to calm the cat down, and it eventually worked somehow. unlike earlier, she was going feral.
the battle was finally over, and the shower mission was complete. you dried coco up with her special towel and with a beam on your faces, you and your boyfriend exchanged high fives. at last, it was done. while you dried your cat in the living room, mika helped by cleaning the bathroom and wiping off the soap around the house that coco left when she escaped the tub earlier on your first attempt. the cat seemed to now be relaxed by the way you were rubbing her head while drying her with the towel, now that she was back to herself, you too relaxed and leaned on the couch with a sigh.
it didn’t take too long until mika returned after cleaning the area. he spots you just relaxing on the floor, cat on your lap being dried up as you move your head up to face the ceiling, back leaning against the couch from behind. silently, the male sat down on the sofa—weight shifting down over your back. you can feel his hands lay on both your shoulders, his legs now swinging on either sides of your arms and you feel his face watch overs yours even when your eyelids were shut tight. when you opened them up, you see it. those beautiful mismatched colored eyes, with a daffodil yellow and dark green pupils just staring deep at yours. he was lovely.
“you seemed to be relaxed, mind if i join?” he questions, then you couldn’t help but crack a small soft smile over your face. his hands were smooth, you can feel a warm radiance stick to the tips of his fingers over your shoulders to your cheeks. mika smiles back. “no need to ask me, idiot. i’m not relaxed that much yet…after all the work we did just to take coco a shower. but hey, after this wanna—
“—watch a movie…?”
silence took over. you can hear coco yawn from your lap. the silhouette that reflected over to the ceiling changed from a soft gray to an orange shadow that felt like the afternoon sun was close to setting down. clock ticks was all you heard. the sound of coco’s paws scratching her ears. in the meantime, your boyfriend laughs of how the tangerine colored outline cast back towards your e/c pupils with a dim blush scattered down. unlike his, mika loves your eye color. “wanna go with both?” he proposed, and you immediately stood back up straight, making mika wince from your sudden action.
another yawn escaped coco’s lips. you looked at your lover with now a visible blush on your face. “let’s just go with your suggestion,” you implied, and mika too couldn’t help but blush. yet he beamed towards you after.
after coco was officially dried up, you and mika were both quick to head back up to your room to cuddle. it was a pretty cold afternoon, it was expected since it was like 5pm. mika didn’t mind spending the night in your place, there was no practice tomorrow anyways so he’ll just inform to shu that he won’t be there for the day. somehow, coco managed to follow you both inside of your room, and the cat immediately lied down on her bed that was seated next to yours.
the moment you sat down on the cushions to catch a breath, the thing you knew next was mika dragging you down with his warmth on the bed, pillows fluffing over as you let out a yelp. your boyfriend giggled, and you hid your red face in his arms. well that was fast, though you didn’t mind. the afternoon was almost turning into the great evening, however it was the best feeling out there. just cuddled along with the person you love the most in this world, his arms wrapped around yours, it almost felt like he was too scared to let you go. you knew…you knew much about his past. it didn’t mean that you dated him because you pitied mika, it was because he was the most unique one you knew with honest flaws. he was like you, earning a dislike towards the stare of others.
the orange skies started to disappear along with the clouds, steadily. as you sink your head deeper in his warmth, mika sighs, and you felt him smile over your head. “this feels nice…” he spoke, and you nodded. “we should do this all the time, ya know? i could almost do it anywhere with ya,” he added, and you blushed even harder. his words weren’t intentional to make you feel fuzzy, but in some reasons they always seemed like it was targeted to you for real. brushing your hair while you slowly drifted to sleep, mika looks down over your face and smiles. you looked back, and there was an instant electric connecting flying over.
mika stick his forehead to yours, and closes his eyes, feeling satisfied. “you’re lovely,” he says, and your eyes sparkled. “the loveliest one i know. you’re so lovely…i love you. s’much…” he adds, and that’s where the cherry bomb splashed over. pulling your hands up towards his cheeks, mika opens his eyes in surprise, and with mid-wide eyes, your gorgeous smile reflected in his mismatched colored irises. “i love you, too,” is what he heard erupt from your mouth. such a sweet reply, he hopes to hear that from you all the time. a wish.
the two of you closed your eyes, ready to lean for a kiss. although, before any of that happened, coco suddenly jumped between the both of you, interrupting the intimate moment of the day. you and mika were startled, and coco just spun around three times before lying down on the bed—acting like nothing happened. you scolded your pet, face burning while mika scratched the nape of his neck, nervously. “coco! what was that for..!?” you yelled, obviously irritated and sheepish. mika chuckles, “looks like yer cat got a lil’ jealous.”
“geez…! coco you ruined a moment..!” you simply add next, but coco only licked her paws in reply. you groaned in irritation. “hey, is alright. i’m sure she didn’t mean it. i think. well coco is a cat after all she prolly only did it since she sensed ya?” mika says, questionably. now it was your turn to sigh heavily, “coco never liked my bed. she always either slept down next to mine of to the window still. it’s her first time doing this.”
“if she wants to join us that ya wouldn’t mind, right?” mika asks, and you smiled. what calmed you down more was when he planted a small kiss over your forehead instead. that seemed to do the trick, he thinks. dinner never happened anymore, since when you both drifted off to bed, it was final.
being in his arms was heaven after all. even if coco was between you two the whole time.
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a/n: this was too much istg i’m gonna evaporate
requests: opened
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swarmishstrangers · 11 months
YOUR ART IS SO SOSOSOSOOS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANYways here are some Headcanons i have for mspar.
• if they ascended to a ultimate self or something similar i think they’d be able to infinitely retry any situation, and then combine with their doomed selves at will (emphasis on at will)
•big baker. likes those “2 ingredient” recipes they see on youtube. ends up just baking chocolate chip cookies because somehow they manage to mess up the two ingredient recipes (me fr) and loves sharing them with their friends.
•has anxiety, and worsens when they’re separated from their friends (spirals & all that. I imagine them hiding under blankets when they’re left alone & hear a noise.)
1. Ooo it already seems to track with how the resetting works for them seemingly in bad endings.
2. YOU. ME. SAME HC. Ugh ewygh have you ever had 2 ingredient brownies? I imagine they've tried to make it, and i guess if you're in a pinch and really craving something sweet and chocolatey, I guess they can do as a recipe?? Dry as hell though, I like to think they made a dozen of them and couldn't take eating more than 2 (and ate through the rest of it with the assistance of icecream cause they ain't wasteful.)
I also like to think of them as being more into baking cause I think it's funny if it were to mirror Mallek and him being more into cooking. Him being able to cook and add shit in that he think would make something taste good with no precision or measuring while Mspar really enjoys the patience, time, and precision that comes with baking (that could just be my mspar/mallek brain tho who knows hdjdajaj)
3. Yeahh. Poor litol Mspar.. I imagine as much as they love being social and being around friends, but they'll want to have time at points to recoup and rest. But even then, that's mostly due to being out and about constantly physically. Mentally, when they do take a night or two for themselves, they still like to text and call. They like to be around friends. Alternia isn't an easy place, they love it for the friends they have now but a lot of the violence and the feeling in the back of their mind of them never feeling safe outside is something that can take its toll on them for the worst. Which is something even shown in friendsim in Konyll's route.
ALSO AGAIN SAME HC. I really like to think when they're upset, when they're feeling unsafe, when they're just so anxious, lonely. They crawl underneath the covers of their blanket pile and bundle themselves up tightly. It's the thing that can at least give them some small amount of comfort when a friend isn't there to provide them that.
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Uuuhgsgshs dumping random info/headcannons abt FNAF characters while I work on their designs pt 1: William Afton
Basic info:
Name- William Vincent Afton (I do this fun thing where the characters fan-made names are their middle name)
Birth: February 21, 1948
Height: 5’11
I’m not going to go in depth in his life, maybe another day, but basically
He lived in Manchester, England as an only child. His father, Thomas, was neglectful and emotionally abusive while his mother, Maria, was much kinder. His mother ends up dying when his 14 from pneumonia, causing him and his father to basically not interact unless necessary. In 1966 he left England to live in Utah and got easily got into Dixie Technical College (I think it might’ve been changed to Utah Tech in like… 2022 but I’m not sure) due to his intelligence. He meets Henry in college, they make Fredbear’s Family Diner in 1972. William marries Clare in 1968 due to getting her pregnant at a college party (they both despise each other). Micheal’s born in 1969, Evan’s born in 1976, and Elizabeth’s born in 1979. They end up getting divorced in 1978. Clare runs off to some state to try and actually enjoy her life, leaving William as a single father to three kids.
Random shit abt his personality:
He learned to be charming at a young age to gain attention and respect from teachers and adults. He can be extremely impulsive. He ends up becoming a bit childish in his adult life due to not really ever being able to be a kid, but mostly tries to just play it into his fun and over the top entertainer role. Despite usually being outgoing and talkative, he isn’t the biggest fan of having to interact with people, entertaining them is fun but actually talking to them is just draining. He can be extremely high energy at times, when he’s not sleep deprived, of course. Obsessive, paranoid, jealous easily, normal William Afton stuff
Just, generally random shit:
he’s autistic (just like me fr fr). I like to think he’s weirdly flexible and fast, mostly because I want him to be Henry’s opposite; while Henry is big, strong, gruff, and scary in the “wow he could beat me up easily” way, William is lean, quick, nimble, and scary in a “wow he could easily sneak up on me and stab me” way. He has a chewing habit, he’ll chew on just about anything he’s holding, which is the biggest reason he and Henry have separate tools. This also leads to his lip biting habit; his lips aren’t dry, just scabbed. Henry was the first person to like… actually give him love, that wasn’t just “aw cute charming child”. William was (and is) extremely gay for Henry, and it took him a couple minutes for him to come to terms with that once he actually realized it. Definitely not cis, probably on the genderqueer spectrum, but he has no idea until like… Vanny tells him about trans people and he’s like “holy shit”. Obsessed with rabbits, probably could name every breed, and information of each one.
Auauusgsh that’s it
if u wanna ask shit or something abt him/anything u can, I’m bored rn
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hana-no-seiiki · 10 months
it’s like midnight for me so i’m gonna ramble about me finding out i was bi + hope ur orientation goes well yunnie!
ok so! my high school used to have swimming carnivals, like for competitive swimming within a school setting. anyways so i came second in the 100m freestyle 💔💔 but after that me and the other guys i was racing with obvs went to dry ourself off to go meet our friends on the bleachers.
anyways so one of the guys was my friend, and one second we’re changing, and the next he’s complaining abt his gf cus she refused to have sex w him (which is fair we were only 15 then + hard to access birth control)
anyways yeah so then the other guys left and i saw my friend was fr upset over his gf refusing to have sex so but i took his side, and we just talked about how she sucked for a while and then i joked that ‘hey if she won’t do it i will.’
yeah so long story short i sucked him off in the changing rooms and realised after i didn’t actually hate it??? but i also didn’t not enjoy being w girls. but i also wasn’t insanely sexual like most of my friends. settled on bi (prefer girls) + ace
obvs looking back it was toxic as fuck cus first off he’s in a relationship, secondly his gf was allowed to have boundaries, but we were both just fucking around?? idk i won’t defend myself i was shit in hs lol but we’re actually still good friends !!
that’s all it was kinda underwhelming if i’m being honest LOL ☠️☠️ still v much closeted tho, and so the most time i spend w a guy is in the disabled bathrooms if ykwim 💯💯
anyways that’s all. love u yun hope ur having fun at orientation baby xxxx
head empty no thoughts. i wanted to play hsr when i got back just to regenerate my braincells but the internet said no to my ipad for some goddamn reason.
MY FEET ARE ON FIRE. IM NEVER WEARING HEELS TO UNI AGAIN. IT WAS FINE ONE MOMENT BUT THEN AFTER I ATE LUNCH MY FOOTSIES JUST WENT “NO BITCH SIT DOWN.” fucken campus tour was today too so i had to walk around sweating my ass off from the heat while my toes were in hell.
Also u swim? competitively? Wow my hubby is becoming more and more delicious by the day. The depth of flavor? 😙👌🏻💋
I love how you guys just went through with it. But yeah your friend was kinda pee pee poo poo for that. The question is, did he enjoy it though?
…and did he pass out-
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dcybrck · 1 year
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✧ ˚  ·    .   the  continent  welcomes  cadogan yilmaz  of  the mountains,  the  second in command of the winter court.   when  the  high fae  is  glamoured,  he   bear(s)  a  resemblance  to  deniz  can  aktaş.   the  31  /  577  year  old  cis male  is  reputed  to  be  boisterous  and  courageous,  but  a  decade  of  war  has  left  them  altruistic  and  intense.   if  created  by  the  cauldron,  they  would  be  made  in  the  likeness  of  sisyphus conquering the hill under blistering sun; thunderous laughter echoing through halls ; wolfish grin that feels like home.    whispers  throughout  prythian  claim  that  their  allegiance  lies  with  the winter court   where  they  conspire  to  rebuild the winter court and strengthen intercourt bonds again .
full  name.  cadogan yilmaz. age.  thirty one.  / five hundred and seventy seven years old. hometown.  born in the deep mountainous woods of the winter court. current  location.  under  the  mountain . status.  unmated. orientation.  bisexual, heterocurious. biromantic. siblings.  an older sister and a younger sister *wcs. languages  spoken.  the  common  tongue . allegiance.  the winter court. 
hair  color.  brown . eye  color.  dark brown height. 6'4 | 193 cm . scars.  a small scar above his heart. style.   dark colors that are closely tailored to fit his body. tight and sexy. accents of deep blues and greys within the materials. pearl cuff links. occasionally a new style that their new seamstress wishes to try out. 
alignment.  chaotic good . strengths.  altruistic. progressive. devoted. weaknesses.  self sacrificing. empathetic to a fault. at times insecure / guilty of feeling undeserving. aesthetic. sisyphus conquering the hill under blistering sun, breaking the chains to rise anew, wolfish grin that screams predator and home alike, thunderous laughter echoing in halls.  song  inspiration.  water under the bridge ( adele ), problems ( mother mother ), the fruits ( paris paloma ), second child, oh restless child ( the oh hellos ). 
BIOGRAPHY ( tw mention of parental neglect, child abuse, death, violence ) 
cadogan is born with the first fall of snow, hollering loud enough to make the windows rattle. or at least that's the story that his father would tell him when he was still small enough to rest on his lap, a curious boy who would stretch to tug on his father's beard when the fae fell asleep mid story. the days felt short, spent constantly tugging his sisters around in their wooden sleigh as punishment for pelting them with snowballs each morning, and the nights were often his favorite. tucked into his father's side as he told them stories, till his chalice ran dry once more and the kids were asleep. 
this peaceful existence was brief for when cadogan was on the cusp of boyhood the letter requesting his father's presence by their high lord's side arrived. and their entire family left everything behind faster than cadogan could even blink, ushered into a large estate that spoke of the opulence of a high lord's advisor. days began passing where cadogan never even saw his own father, barely his sisters, as he was bombarded with tutors and lessons of how to act appropriately as the lord's only son. their home began to grow cold, as if a window had been left cracked, with each passing year. father twisted into a beast that no longer resembled the man who once held him after a nightmare, instead a cruel enforcer who did not hesitate to leave the imprint of his ring on cadogan's cheek when he dared to talk back to his father. 
sanctuary comes with the friendship that blooms with the kin of the high lord who corrupted his father, as if they were two lost spirits finding each other once more. and it is all too easy for cadogan to shift into the role of protector, to not hesitate to beat the ones that dare to test the all to gentle soul that he called brother. the honor of being the heir's friend is the only thing that spares cadogan from his own father's wrath once word travels down of the fights his son has won throughout court.
cadogan grows into a man with whispers that follow him - ruthless, cruel, depraved bastard . he pays them no mind, for the few people who matter to him know the truth. that he waits to watch the sunset every evening, hums under his breath the songs that his mother use to sing to her children, and never hesitates to wish on omens of good luck and fortune. that cadogan fights to remain soft behind closed doors, despite the tyranny and cruelty that war brings. when the choice comes to choose between the shell of his father or the family he'd been entrusted with, their court and their people, cadogan does not hesitate to accept. stands beside his new high lord as he lays waste to the cruel reign that came before them, gaze steady as the monster who'd haunted the halls of his home passed. 
summary: cadogan is a high fae who was the son of the former high lord's advisor, now currently the second in command of the winter court ( as of the war ending ). he's the equivalent of a big mean bear basically to everyone that is not directly in the wc inner circle, or a select few others, but in reality cadogan is soft as hell. he's got a huge heart with an awful kind streak, but has taken on this sort of protector shield image to help support adrius and their court. knows their high lord too is gentle at times, so he steps in to protect him. protect their court from wrong doers. he's got a soft spot for mortals & a deep rivalry with adrius' cat. 
WANTED CONNECTIONS ( bare bones, sun head empty now ) 
a tragic ex lover, flings, friends, enemies - all and anything. this is so informal right now because i still feel less than 100%.
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maxverstepponme · 8 months
I'm sorry but Alexandra has blocked accounts that posted her childhood pictures. She did it after the Monaco gp and she did it recently. People are going out of their way to make her look bad. Alexa is stronger than me fr, the minute they leaked her fathers identity and her mother's and called her mother a gold digger I would have left Charles high and dry .
Tbh I wouldn’t endure all that for Charles. Max maybe, but Charles? 💀
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bitciziad · 10 months
i dont really like posting unless i have some art to share cuz idk what to do (like wdym i can just ramble?? really?? fr?? love idk what to say help me im unironically awkward as hell) tbh ive just been getting very very stoned and chilling with my dogs for the past few weeks or so n handling other life stuff (a hassle tbh i just wanna see my moots n binge scroll tumblr) but im alive i would never leave u high and dry babes dont worry ☝️
in my lane, unbothered, vibing, eating shredded cheese, makinf a sandwich, workin, popped a blood vessel in my hand, all’s good im thriving, im so ready to eat thus sandwich (the dogs are being vultures)
moving on tho heres like one thing real quick from the other night bc i was thinking about forced tongue piercings and idk if i wanna be the one piercing or the one getting pierced (the duality of man idc it’s a win win situation either way) so i decided id just make a sketch of kylar instead so i could go back to it when i wasnt high off my ass but i genuinely don’t even remember where i was going with it cuz the guidelines are confusing the fuck out of me looking back and i left zero notes for myself LMFAOOO never doing that again (it will happen again) but id like to redraw the same idea in a different pose probably
anyway im not dead i just got art block n whatnot and dont know what to post for y’all if not art (i got a few wips tho) but nevertheless time to catch up on some posts i hope you’ve all been good ♡ my silly phone ppl hows your week been i missed u
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miniimapp · 2 years
can u do an Aaron t x Chinpui crackfic? TYYY
Gen. ;; Fluff + Crack - Imagine/Scenario
Warnings ;; Complete and utter tomfoolery and confusion lmao + Cursing/swearing also
Proofread + edited ;; Nah, I'm tired af lol
Word count ;; 919 words (5100 characters)
Auth. Note ;; THE AMOUNT OF RESEARCH I HAD TO DO BECAUSE I DIDN'T KNOW WTF CHINPUI WAS IS ABSURD. So sorry if anything is slightly off because of this lmao ANYTHING TO APPEAL TO THE NICHE SIDES OF THE 4*TOWN FANDOM !! ANYTHING !! (i have no idea what i've created lmao help-)
this is a bit short, please forgive me haha !! all interactions are platonically coded as this is a first meeting - i found it p hard to write a magical space mouse but here we go, enjoy !! <3
T's chest heaved as the backing for U Know Whats Up faded out, heat crawled all over his skin as he held his final pose alongside the rest of his friends. It had been a long day full of rehearsals in preparation for their upcoming concerts but despite the fatigue settling in his bones T's face was split by a huge smile. Nothing would ever feel as freeing as singing alongside his friends - his brothers.
As their manager called for a break, sending praise to everyone that they could, 4*TOWN were handed some cooled water bottles. The cooling trickle of water felt like heaven in T's throat, which had a tendency to feel dry after he hit some of his lowest notes.
As an incredible, amazing plan entered T's mind he felt his grin slip into a mischievous smirk. T noticed Robaire's face pale as he took a couple steps back, and then a dozen more to be safe, and elbowed Jesse and Tae Young. Fortunately, they'd forgotten to warn another poor member, one who was looking eerily like T's next victim.
Holding back premature cackles, T snuck behind Z as he wiped his face with his shirt. Poor guy didn't even know it was coming. In one fluid motion T uncaps his bottle and dumps it all out on Z's head. T dissolved into bouts of snorts and cackles as Z remained stock still. That should've been a warning but what's the fun in that.
As T rolled on the floor laughing he failed to notice Z beginning to move again, flicking water off of his face.
"T, dude, you might wanna-"
"Oh my god, can we not have one normal practice-"
"Anyone got a casket laying around-"
T wheezed, holding his stomach as it started to cramp, barely listening to the world around him. At least he wasn't until heard the countdown and a chill was sent down his spine.
Oh shit, he'd fucked up now. T scrambled to his feet, glancing at the pitying and smug faces surrounding him.
No time for dawdling !! This is life or death !! T sprints past some technicians, yelling apologies as he went. He rushed down the stage steps and through the stadium
Though it was barely audible, the final number within the countdown rang the loudest, seemingly echoing as T ran. Turns out genius ideas have not-so genius consequences.
Not stopping until he found some empty alley a couple streets over from the stadium, T finally let himself collapse against the wall, even more out of breath than he'd been at the end of the last rehearsal.
"Fucking...ahhhh...holy shit...."
T takes sharp breaths as he spews curses into the air, clutching his side that decided to give him a stitch
"God, why won't this ease up for a second !!"
"Chinpui !!"
What- what the fuck ??
A high pitched shout cam from his left as the pain in his side disappeared. T turned to look at the source and found nothing...
"Down here !!"
T frowned but looked down all the same...
T tripped backwards in a scramble to move away from the giant....thing ?? Mouse ?? Monkey ?? Monkey-mouse ?? WHY IS ITS HEAD SO BIG !? Mouse, right ?? Looking like Mickey's purple cousin Michael fr-
"Haha !! Are you okay ??"
"NO !!"
The big-headed mouse thing just hums and FLOATS OVER HIM-
"I-" T sighs and flops into the ground, tired after his very dramatic day
After a minute or two of lying on the gross alley floor T stands up dusting himself off and grimacing at the feel of the muck on his clothes.
"Great, as if I didn't already feel gross enough." T begins to aggressively brush his clothes, "Get off of me !!"
"Chinpui !!"
T freezes as he feels air pulling at him, like he's being sucked up by a fucking vacuum
"What the shit-"
Once the suction finally stops, T falls forward, bracing himself against the wall before he turns to the apparently magical purple mouse
"What kind of magic genie are you ??"
"That wasn't magic-"
"I think the fuck it was !!"
"-it was scientific method ??"
"As if you pulling a blackhole out of nowhere is any kind of logical or scientific ?? Yeah, okay..."
"It is !!"
"Mhm, sure it is, little mouse dude. Whatever you say, buddy."
"I can access scientific technology by using a key word !!"
"The fact you don't have a name for this "scientific technology" speaks volumes...but anyway, moving on, do you have a name or is it just freaky floating mouse ??"
"I'm Chinpui !! And you're Aaron T, known as T to close friends and family !!"
T frowns and points as finger at the floating alien accusingly, "You a spy drone or something ??"
"Nope !!" Chinpui (if that's even its real name !!) giggles and flies closer to T's face
T hums in thought, questioning all of his life choices in those few seconds, before he felt a stroke of genius enter his mind, and he plasters an innocent smile on his face "Say, Chinpui, my dear pal, my good friend, mi amigo, you ever tried a few practical jokes with your...scientific method ??"
Chinpui does a few log rolls in the air as it thinks, "Not that I can remember !!"
T's smile turns into a mischievous grin, "How about we test that out then, turn our hypothesis into a working theory, yeah ??"
Chinpui giggles and somersaults above T's head, forcing him to look straight up, "Sure thing !!"
"Glad to have you in on the fun, partner !!"
I think I panicked and blacked out writing this, please don't ask-
Here we go, I hope you enjoyed !! <3
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orthodoxydaily · 2 years
Saints&Reading: Sat., July 17, 2022
July 17_July 3
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Saint Basil, Bishop of Ryazan and Murom: His memory is celebrated by the Church on June 10 and July 3 (the day of his death in 1295). On June 10, 1609 the holy relics of Bishop Basil at Ryazan were uncovered and transferred to the Dormition cathedral church.
Saint Basil I, Wonderworker of Ryazan, is mentioned in the Lavrentian Chronicles. In the ancient list of Ryazan hierarchs, he is mentioned as the fourth. (Basil II was consecrated as bishop in 1356 by Saint Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow,). An older tradition connects with Saint Basil the transfer to Ryazan of the wonderworking Murom Icon of the Mother of God (April 12). Saint Basil was at first bishop of Murom. But by the slander of the spirit of evil, the citizens rose up against him, unjustly accusing him of transgressions unbecoming an archpastor. Then the saint, after prolonged prayer, left for the River Oka, and spreading out on the water his bishop’s mantiya he stood upon it, holding in his hands the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Murom. A strong wind carried him against the current and after several hours he reached Ryazan, where he was received with reverence by the prince and people of Ryazan.
Even during his lifetime Saint Basil was regarded a righteous and pious man. Long before his relics were uncovered at the beginning of the seventeenth century, the Ryazan people cherished his memory and called him “their constant intercessor, helper in sorrows and travail.” To him most often they turned before setting out on journeys: seeking his help against problems on dry land, and to protect them from drowning in the water.
In about the year 1540 the monk Erazm Ermolaev wrote “An Account of Basil, Bishop of Ryazan and Murom”.
Source: orthodox Church in America
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     Saint George the God-bearer and Recluse labored in the Black Mountains near Antioch during a time when the churches and monasteries there flourished. Orthodox Christians from many parts of the world came to settle there, and as a result, tensions often arose between monks of different nationalities. In order to remain detached from the conflicts, Fr. George found refuge in an impregnable cleft of a very high mountain. For this reason he is also called St. George the Recluse.      Nevertheless, the monks of the Black Mountains were well aware of the pious life led by George the Recluse. Venerable George of the Holy Mountain journeyed to the Black Mountains in search of a spiritual guide and, after praying in each and every monastery, finally asked St. George the Recluse, “a man innocent as a dove,” to fill this role.      George the Recluse received the young ascetic and found a home for him in the monastery. His disciple remained with him for three years, leading the strictest ascetic life, until finally George the Recluse clothed him with the schema and “perfected him in the monastic life.”
     Then, after sending him on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, he blessed George to resettle at the Iveron Monastery on Mt. Athos and to continue the holy work of St. Ekvtime of Mt. Athos.      George returned to the Holy Mountain but, instead of translating books as his spiritual father had advised him, he performed other obediences for seven years. When St. George the Recluse heard this, he sent his disciple Theodore to Mt. Athos to rebuke him and remind him that he was sent there to translate theological texts from the Greek to the Georgian language. This time George of the Holy Mountain humbly obeyed the will of his teacher.      When he was not with George of the Holy Mountain, St. George the Recluse confined himself to strict solitude and, like his spiritual son, dedicated much of his time to literary pursuits. He was closely acquainted with the writers of Iveron and other Georgian monasteries, and he encouraged his spiritual son to continue his labor of translating Orthodox theological literature.      St. George the Recluse copied Davit Mtbevari’s translations of the Life of Martha (the mother of Simeon of the Wonderful Mountain) and the Life of St. Barlaam (of the Syro-Caucasus). When George heard that no copies of these Lives existed on Mt. Athos, he transcribed the texts and sent them to the Athonites.      St. George the God-bearer and Recluse reposed in 1068, after the death of his venerable disciple St. George of the Holy Mountain.
 ource: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood.© 2006
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MATTHEW 9:9-13
9As Jesus passed on from there, He saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office. And He said to him, "Follow Me." So he arose and followed Him.10 Now it happened, as Jesus sat at the table in the house, that behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and sat down with Him and His disciples.11And when the Pharisees saw it, they said to His disciples, "Why does your Teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?"12When Jesus heard that, He said to them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.13 But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy and not sacrifice.' For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.
ROMANS 8:14-21
14For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.15 For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father." 16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs-heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together. 18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 19 For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; 21 because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
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