#lena Luthor
damienns · 2 days
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SUPERCORP in EVERY EPISODE 3x23 Battles Lost and Won
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atomicrhys · 2 days
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If I know what love is, it is because of you
My favourite Supercorp piece (to date). I totally wanted to share it all over again. Those two, forever and always.
illustration by me
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thecasualqueer · 3 days
Paris - Chapter 1
When James had showed up at her office with a gift Lena had felt awful. Not only had she not even thought to get him anything for Valentine’s Day but she hadn’t really been thinking about him at all recently. Even in her subconscious she was not thinking of him. She had been having… dreams… about a certain friend of hers… dreams that she had been thinking about a lot lately… dreams that she had been trying to forget.
So, when he had given her a picture of herself asleep (probably having the aforementioned dreams) she had panicked. She had panicked so much that she had suggested a weekend together in Paris, thinking it would bring them closer together and remind her of her feelings for him, but as they sat there in the car on the way to the airport the only thing she felt was intensely claustrophobic. She could feel his presence there, and not in a good way. She felt every breath he took from the other side of the car prickled at her skin. His smell, some musky perfume with a hint of sandalwood, not a bad smell but mixed with the heat radiating from his body it made her almost gag. She could feel his eyes on her too, she tried to tell herself they were the caring eyes of someone who loved her but she felt more like an animal who was being stared down by their predator.
Feeling this tension, she attempts to fill the silence “The government wants to buy my research…”
“I hope you said no” James interrupts her with a look of contempt in his eye. Lena would be lying if she said she wasn't trying to start an argument when she brought this up. Still, something about that look just set her off in a way she wasn't expecting.
“Why should I?” she questions.
“Seriously? Do I really need to explain that to you? Because they’ll militarise Lena” as James says this Lena starts to realise what part of her had always known, that James would never truly be able to see past her last name. “Just to be clear, I will never support you selling your research to the government.” James adds now looking at her in the same way he did when they first met, as if all she was to him, all she would ever be, was a Luthor.
After all the time she had spent trying to love him. Trying to see past the lack of chemistry, the way his touch made her skin crawl, how she secretly dreaded their meetings. This was the final nail in the coffin. She couldn't keep pretending to love someone who thought so little of her.
“Frank, stop the car” Lena says “I think you should leave” she adds not even bothering to look in James’s direction instead looking out the window at the steady stream of cars flowing seamlessly down the busy road.
"Seriously? We're not even going to discuss this?" James says in the same mildly patronising tone he has been using for most of the conversation.
"There's nothing to discuss, I just... I can't do this anymore." Lena says honestly "I can't keep trying so hard to make this work whilst you look at me like I'm a villain."
"I didn't realise being with me was so difficult for you" the emotion in his voice takes Lena by surprise. After all the petty fights and distance between them there had been recently, she had thought they would be on the same page but apparently not.
She feels awful for hurting him but knows there is nothing she can do about it now. Staying with him any longer would only hurt the both of them even more.
Read the rest on AO3
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thatonebirdwrites · 3 days
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I finally made it with the unhinged Lena photo. Enjoy! The Kara one is here.
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rainbowrelyea · 8 hours
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I was lucky enough to get paired with the incredibly talented @missluthorwillseeyounow for @supergirlmayhem - though to be honest it was both a blessing and a curse... because the story is so good, I had an impossible time choosing which idea to use for my art! 😄
I just recently learned how to make gifs and am enjoying it quite a bit, so I decided to try something a little different for this art piece.
(Though I do have a few key scenes in my head that I would still love to draw and will absolutely be coming back to those at some point, hopefully soon)
I know @missluthorwillseeyounow worked very hard on this incredible Matrix AU, so please go check it out. I hope you will all enjoy it as much as I did!
Special thanks to the Mayhem team for putting this lovely event together, and to @msdanvers for helping me get started on my gif making journey 💗
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forget-there-cost · 2 days
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rustingcat · 2 days
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They seemingly moved closer to each other throughout the night so their legs were touching, and their heads were closer together. It was not the first time they gravitated towards each other throughout the night – it did happen on occasions – but it felt more intimate than usual, as if they were just a touch away from cuddling.
New chapter for the art of the game!
Things are getting complicated...
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thealieninhiding · 2 days
El Mayarah Means Love
Kara and Lena look at each other adoringly, a symbol of their love now adorning Kara's supersuit
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Available Redbubble support me on Ko-Fi
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gazinatmcgrath · 3 days
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Happy Pride to Katie McGrath, looking like a Renaissance painting, and just a hint of a nip slip. Just a sliver but it's all I need.
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rachelsfav-queer · 19 hours
Alex: And how… did Lena break her fingers?
Kara: She um… jammed them in the car door by accident… yeah.
Nia: Translation: It was a hell of an orgasm!
Kara: *squeaks and flys off, blushing harshly*
The rest of the SuperFriends burst out laughing while Alex runs off to throw up.
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rainbowrelyea · 16 hours
So I did a thing and I put my Supercorptober 2023 ficlets up on AO3. Huzzah! Look at me with 5 whole works on my dashboard now 😄
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luthordamnvers · 2 days
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 “You are my favorite person and that’s not ever going to change.” 
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deogreys · 3 days
Am I the only one that thinks Nia and kara would have gone to the eras tour together whilst Brainy and lena bonded over all their unhealthy coping mechanisms?
Just tell me you can't picture them belting out all the lyrics at the top of their lungs while waving their arms in the air.
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waytooinvested · 3 days
Forgotten, Not Forgiven - Chapter 15
This and previous chapters are also on AO3
Once they were outside Kara steered them confidently to a cosy little cafe a few blocks away, and insisted on going up to order while Lena sat down on one of the saggy sofas tucked into a back corner. It wasn’t somewhere she would normally have gone into, or even really noticed to pass it on the street. It was a little down at heel, the couch wearing threadbare in patches and some of the paint peeling around the windows, but they had a huge bookshelf filled with an assortment of tatty paperbacks and board games, the whole place smelled welcomingly of fresh coffee and newly baked cakes, and Lena found herself relaxing back into the cushions much more readily than she would have somewhere more upmarket.
In here it didn’t seem to matter that she was still wearing her harness-rumpled theatre t-shirt and sports leggings, or that her hair was a little bit sweaty. It felt like somewhere you could just flop down onto the shabby furniture and be yourself.
It was kind of perfect.
A couple of minutes later Kara was back, a massive mug topped with mounds of fluffy cream and studded all over with mini marshmallows in either hand.
‘What is that?’
‘It’s the deluxe chocolate special, and it’s medicinal, so no complaints.’
Kara plonked one of the mugs down in front of Lena, then took her seat beside her on the squashy couch, knee crooked up onto the cushion so that she was half turned towards her.
‘So… do you want to talk about what happened up there?’
Kara’s expression was all gentle compassion, but Lena found herself unable to meet it. She looked down at her drink instead, nudging the marshmallows around with the edge of her spoon so that all the pink were on one side, all the white on the other, just so she would have an excuse not to look up and meet Kara’s eyes.
‘You don’t have to if you’d rather not tell me. We can talk about something else.’
‘No, no it’s not that. Honestly I’m just so embarrassed. I can’t believe I reacted like that when I knew perfectly well I wasn’t in any danger – it was completely irrational.’
Kara was quiet for a moment, scooping cream from her own hot cocoa while she considered Lena’s words.
‘Did you know that I’m claustrophobic?’
‘I- no. I didn’t.’
‘It’s not something I really tell people if I can help it, but yeah, I am. More so when I was younger. I used to have panic attacks all the time when I first moved in with the Danvers’. It got better over time, but I still feel it sometimes, in elevators, or small places I know I can’t easily get out of. It’s not rational, but my body doesn’t care, and it feels impossible to just logic my way out of it while it’s happening.’
Lena thought of all the times they had shared an elevator. Kara had always seemed perfectly composed, and she wondered what signs she might have missed that she should have been looking after her friend in those moments, rather than casually flirting with her. She wished she had known before so that she could have been more supportive, but she also understood this being something that could feel intensely private, and was touched that Kara was willing to open up to her about it now. It made her want to offer the same in return.
She put her mug back down on the table and turned to give Kara and the conversation her full attention.
‘Do you mind me asking- do you know why it happens? Did something trigger it for you, or has it always been that way?’
‘Not always. It started after an accident I was in as a kid – I was in a car that went off the road and ended up in a ravine. Somehow I wasn’t hurt at all by the fall, but the doors were crushed in pretty badly, and I was trapped in there for- I don’t even know. It felt like years to me then, but I know it can’t have been all that long really – a couple of days maybe. Not long enough for dehydration to become a major danger anyway. I was definitely there for at least one night though, because I remember it being so so dark, and being sure that there were Things right outside trying to come in and hurt me. I was so afraid and so sure no one was ever coming to rescue me. It was not long after my parents died, though I don’t know where I was going or who was driving me, because I can’t remember anyone else being in the car with me or how they got out when I didn’t... I think I’ve blocked a lot of the details out honestly. I just remember how scared I was, and how trapped I felt, and sometimes that all comes flooding back out when I least expect it.’
‘Oh my god, Kara, that’s horrific. I didn’t know…’
But of course, she had known.
Lena had done her research on National City’s resident Kryptonian years ago, and unlike her true identity, the story of how she had come to Earth was hardly a well kept secret. She knew that Supergirl’s pod had gone off route and ended up stuck in the phantom zone for years with the thirteen year old Kryptonian sealed inside it, entirely alone with the knowledge that her whole planet was dead and there was no one left to come and save her. She had just never fully made the connection that that had also happened to Kara – her Kara. Potstickers and trivia Kara. Sunshine smiles and long hugs and ‘I will always protect you’ Kara. She couldn’t bear to imagine her young and afraid, alone in the dark and unable to move from the small space she was trapped in. The story had always been awful, but when it was Kara’s, it was unimaginable.
‘I’m so, so sorry you went through that... And I also cannot believe that you told me a couple of months ago that you “didn’t really have any trauma”.’
Kara exhaled a soft laugh, in spite of the serious subject matter.
‘When you put it like that it does sound kind of ridiculous to claim. I guess I just try not to think about that time in my life too much. I was fostered not long after that, and they were brilliant with me. I got this new wonderful, loving family and a big sister who looked out for me even when we fought, and I was so lucky compared to so many other kids, especially ones who lose their parents at that age. It’s not easy finding a new family as a teenager, and I could so easily have ended up lost in the system, but I didn’t. I think part of me always feels like I can’t complain about any of the bad stuff because I know how good I had it in so many ways.’
‘Well I definitely think that you have every right to complain because I can’t even imagine how awful that must have been for you on top of losing your parents so young… But I also know what you mean. With the Luthors I grew up with immense privilege. I was raised in a mansion, got the best education money could buy, and physically I wanted for nothing. I thrived in a lot of ways, and now I’m a billionaire in my own right, so I never really felt the right to claim a tragic backstory. But… you know my birth mother died when I was four?’
‘Yes. She drowned, right?’
‘She did. I was there.’
‘When it happened. I was with her. It’s one of my earliest memories.’
Lena closed her eyes briefly while she gathered the courage to tell the next part. It was one of her darkest truths and she almost couldn’t bear to let the words out into the light of day, but Kara had shared her own painful past, and Lena wanted to reciprocate in kind no matter how much it might hurt. She opened her eyes, took a deep breath, and continued.
‘I saw her out in the water and I knew that something was wrong, but... I just watched. Silent. I could have screamed or run for help, I could have gone in and tried to rescue her myself, but I didn’t do any of it. I just stood there on the bank and watched my mother die, and ever since I have been trying to come to terms with what I did… I still see it in my dreams. Her swallowing water, struggling to breath, and me watching and doing nothing. What kind of child would do nothing while her mother drowned before her eyes?’
Lena’s eyes had flooded with unwelcome tears, and Kara pressed a wodge of paper napkins into her hand, holding onto her a few moments longer than strictly necessary.
‘That must have been so horrendous for you to witness, and I am so sorry that you went through that. But Lena, you were four. You were so, so little, you couldn’t have known what was going to happen.’
‘She was dying. How could I not have known?’
‘Because you were a baby. At four you barely grasp the concept of death as a thing, let alone that it could ever happen to your parent. Parents are invincible, permanent things to four year olds, there was no way you could have understood. I was thirteen when I lost my family, and I still felt like one day they’d turn up and tell me it had all been some huge mistake after all. What happened to you and your mother was an awful, horrible tragedy, but it wasn’t your fault, and the last thing your mom would have wanted was for you to spend the rest of your life blaming yourself for it.’
If she was being objective about it, Lena knew that Kara probably had a point. Developmental psychology might not be her field, but she knew enough about the maturation schedule of the human brain to understand that at age four she couldn’t have been at a stage where she could fully comprehend what had happened to her mother, let alone have the capability to form a rational plan to rescue her in the few minutes it had taken for her to die.
But Lena’s guilt over her mother’s death and the years she had borne the burden of her own inaction were too big and complicated a thing to simply set down, or even acknowledge aloud that maybe they hadn’t been entirely justified. So instead she confessed a related but less intimate truth – one that was the most she could manage to offer up in this moment.
‘I’ve been deathly afraid of drowning since then. Of course, with the Luthors fear was something you overcame as quickly and quietly as possible lest it be used against you later, so I was enrolled in private swimming lessons when I was five, and even ended up swimming competitively for a brief period before I was allowed to quit to focus on fencing... but I still hate deep water.’
‘So… is the fear of heights more a fear of depths? Because it reminds you of deep water?’
‘I think that’s where it started. I have this vivid memory of a family trip somewhere in the Luthor jet – I’m not sure where, but it can’t have been long after they took me in. Lex had made me this model airplane with a fully functioning propulsion system so he could teach me how a plane stays in the air, and I was excited to be flying for – not the first time, but the first time without being a newly orphaned child on her way to live with strangers. And I really did enjoy it at first. Lex was in his best big brother mode and didn’t even seem to mind when I accidentally broke his plane, he just distracted me by pointing out the view from the window. He talked about it like it was our own private play set that we could reach out and touch if we wanted, and I thought flying was going to be my new favourite thing. Only then the land ran out and there was nothing but blue water as far as I could see, and I started to worry that our plane might fall out of the air the way the model had, and if it did we would all end up down there in the water and I wouldn’t be able to swim back to shore, and I would drown just like my mother. Of course I knew exactly what that looked and sounded like by then, so I could imagine it only too vividly... I always hated flying after that, for all I’ve done so much of it. It isn’t just that though. As an adult I have had some… bad experiences with heights. I would have died several times over if Supergirl hadn’t been there to catch me.’
Lena paused, her eyes meeting Kara’s. She wanted to say thank you for all the times she had saved her without her realising who it was, and for making her feel so much safer flying than she ever had before, despite what seemed like near constant assassination attempts. But she couldn’t, so instead she settled for:
‘But not this time. This time you saved me.’
‘I wouldn’t go that far. You’d have got down fine by yourself eventually, I just helped a little.’
‘You did more than help a little. Seriously, Kara. Thank you. You’re my hero.’
Kara gave her the softest, sweetest smile then, and the moment between them felt so intensely pure and open that Lena found she had to break it or she would do something stupid.
Like cry.
Or lean over and kiss Kara.
She looked back down at her hot cocoa instead, its cream now dripping down the sides of the mug, and took a messy sip, trying to bury her swelling emotion in chocolatey escapism. She stayed like that for several slow, sugary swallows, until melted marshmallow was adhering to her lips and she felt she had regained enough composure to meet Kara’s eyes again without doing something she shouldn’t. She tried for lightness instead, as if they hadn’t just had the most intense, honest exchange of her recent past in the corner of a chintzy little coffee house.
‘So. I think it’s safe to say that I shouldn’t come with you next time you do this.’
Kara must have realised that Lena needed to be done with the deep conversation, and switched gears without missing a beat to match the joking tone of her comment.
‘Darn, really? I was going to suggest we try base jumping next week.’
Lena gave a theatrical shudder.
‘You know what? That sounds like it would be a great sister bonding opportunity. You should get Alex to go with you.’
‘Oh, that is a FANTASTIC idea.’
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sillyfroggremlin · 8 months
watching/rewatching a show when you already have an established favorite character is great because every time they come on screen it's like
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