#lex isn't done yet
natalievoncatte · 8 months
cw: violence
Lena checked her watch. She only had a few minutes to pull this off, and had to time it perfectly. Lex was across town meeting with an investment consortium from Japan.
She knew what he was planning. She just lacked the proof she needed. Once she had it, she would go to the media through her best friend and confidant, Kara Danvers. She had eyes on Lex right now as he met, in secret, with a Kasnian agent, the same one who'd help him orchestrate the theft of a prototype Lexosuit; that had been one of the first times that Superman had shut down one of Lex's schemes, and earned his undying hatred.
Lena needed the final piece of the puzzle before she involved Kara and pulled her into the danger of her private little war with her brother. This was so far beyond anything Lex had attempted that Lena knew now was the time, she had to stop him now, today. The line had to be drawn here, and no further.
The secure lab was deep in the bowels of the Lexcorp Tower in Metropolis; Lena made the excuse of a meeting with some of the research team working on battery enhancements for the upcoming line of Lexmobiles. (Lena had spent hours genuinely trying to talk Lex out of that god-awful name, and actually call them something marketable, but his towering ego was as immovable as it was monumental)
Lena's heart was racing as she stepped out of the elevator, carrying her briefcase under one arm. She strode down the hall like she owned the place (she did, actually- or half of it, anyway) and made sure anyone watching on the security feeds would pay her no mind. She'd worked here for years; even though she'd moved to National City to lead her own division, away from Lex, Superman, and all the drama, she was not an uncommon sight in this place.
Maybe here.
Lena stopped at the door, a heavy steel slab six feet wide and eight feet tall. Breath catching, she slipped her hand in her pocket and slid her finger through the ring she carried there. When she pulled her hand out, an image inducer created a perfect replica of Lex's hand around her own, projecting the unique contours and ridges of his palm and fingertips while simulating his pulse and unique vitals.
It was either going to work or it wasn't. She pressed the false hand to the sensors and waited. It beeped twice and turned a healthy blue.
The door let out a rush of cool air as it slid silently aside, its motion mirrored by an inner door of the same dimensions sliding in the opposite direction. Lena stepped through and removed the ring; the doors slid ominously closed behind her, latching with a heavy thunk as wrist-thick steel bolts slid home, anchoring them in place.
She knew that not only was the entire room lined with lead, but the lights could instantly switch to a red wavelength and the long sliding panels on the wall would open to reveal K-Radiator emitters. This room was designed to be a death trap for Kryptonians, should one be foolish enough to enter. That was why Lena had to do this alone.
Supergirl would rush in where angels feared to tread, and given the chance, she'd barge through those doors and end up helpless on the floor, at Lex's mercy to murder without witnesses. Or worse.
The lab was smaller than she expected, and Spartan. Despite her brother's notorious, arrogant grandiosity, he could be relentlessly practical when needed, and at heart was utterly ruthless. Lab benches lined the walls, and the computer was no different, visually, from any other workstation, though it was connected to a vast private database and would have very difficult encryption and security protocols that no one in the world could crack.
No one but her.
The far end of the room was dominated by a peculiar machine, resembling an incubation chamber of some kind, roughly human-sized and surrounded by thick steel cables and tubes, with several dozen monitors rigged up all around it, displaying all sorts of information.
Including biorhythmic data and vital signs.
Lena ran a hand over the steel of the external pod. It was warm.
Her throat tightened. This might be worse than she thought.
Turning to the terminal, Lena sat down on the stool and took from her bag a small portable drive and connection cable, setting them on the desktop in front of her. Lex had one of those drinking birds dunking placidly away at a glass of water on the desk, another bit of his peculiar humor. She'd once loved that about him, before his joking took on a mirthless, cruel streak.
Letting out a slow breath, Lena wiggled the mouse and woke the computer. It demanded a password, pass phrase, and passkey. The two she had, the latter was what the drive was for.
She typed BUCEPHALUS in the password field, then THY FEARFUL SYMMETRY in the pass phrase field, then clicked the cursor into the last box and plugged in the drive, and waited.
The program loaded automatically. If she made an attempt to brute-force the passcode, it would set off the alarms and possibly even trigger a deadly trap in this room. Lena had to crack it without cracking it; it took her months to create this algorithm, with the secret and begrudging help of Querl Dox at the DEO. He'd been concerned about it falling into the wrong hands; he was right to fear that, as it could crack virtually any system in seconds.
It did exactly that, filling in the require passcode. Lena clicked the LOGON button and let out a soft cry of relief as the screen lit up with Lex's desktop.
He had a series of folders waiting, just sitting there ready to be opened. The folders had names like LEXOSUIT, PARTICLE EMITTER, BINARY FUSION GENERATOR, SPATIAL DISTORTION CANNON, POINT-TO-POINT TRANSMATTER... and PROJECT GALATEA.
Lena opened that folder, and found a series of video files. She opened the first one, dated over a year ago.
Lex' face appeared, the man himself seated in this very lab.
"Mother stole Supergirl's DNA and used it to breach the Fortress of Solitude. She walked those hallowed halls, and didn't invite me! Not only that, she took only one device, when Superman's precious armory was right there for the taking! Is everyone a fool? Am I doomed to be surrounded by incompetents?"
He took a deep breath.
"It doesn't matter. There's enough of what she took left to comprise a viable sample... all I need is time, and I had that in abundance now that I've taken care of that nosy Gotham prosecutor that was working with Superman. He's too busy robbing banks to bother with me, and with the Metropolis police and GCPD in my pocket, Superman and that flying rat of his have nowhere to turn."
Flying rat? What the hell was he talking about?
Lena skipped a few files ahead.
"We'll call her Project Galatea. My initial plan -to create a limited-use drug that would produce Kryptonian superpowers- has been a failure. Nor was I able to successfully create a viable clone."
Lena's stomach sank. Clone? Clone? Had Lex tried to clone Supergirl? Was that was this equipment was for?
"Then it hit me- I could complete the project another way, by filling in the gaps in her DNA, but that still didn't solve all the problems. There was a missing component- I still don't know how Kryptonians actually absorb and process sunlight, for one. Still, that seems to be solving itself. Galatea's cells are absorbing the artificial solar energy that I'm pumping into her maturation chamber at a geometric rate. She might be even more powerful than her mother by the time she matures."
Lena jerked to her feet, a chill running through her body. Mother? Wait, did he mean-
Oh. Oh God.
Lena let the video drone on in the background as she moved back to the chamber. It was encased in steel plating, but it was designed to open. Lena found a pair of goggles on a work table near the control panel and put them on before flipping a switch.
The panels rotated, exposing a human form lying at an angle at rest on a padded platform. A respirator, like a flight mask, was strapped to her face, and she was submerged in thick, bubbling liquid. The chamber would have been too brilliant to look at, if Lena hadn't put on the goggles. It was flooded with brilliant solar radiation.
She'd put the inhabitant between ten and twelve years old, with golden skin and dark hair. Lena blinked a few times; it was like looking at an old picture of herself, actually.
For a brief moment, she just stared.
Then it hit her, and she almost vomited as she shoved the switch and closed the doors over the maturation chamber, stumbling back as she retched.
What did he do?
What did he do?
"I see you've met your niece."
Lena whirled, and found Lex staring her down, standing in front of the lab doors with his hands clasped behind his back, a satisfied smirk on his face.
"How... what... what the fuck did you do, Lex?"
"I think you've already pieced it together."
"Why?" said Lex. "I'll tell you why. Security. The security of a free state, sister. I did it because it had to done."
"This is... this is obscene," said Lena. "This is a violation, Lex. I'm not going to let you get away with it."
He laughed. "Get away with it? What do you mean, get away with it? What are you going to do, sue me for custody?"
"You... this is monstrous, Lex."
"We live in a world of monsters, dear sister," said Lex, stepping closer. "Gods and monsters, and who are we? Men, just men. There's whole universe out there, a multiverse, full of these creatures, and the human race is defenseless against them, and worse, they're being welcomed. They're eating of those Kryptonians' palms, you included, and now there are more of them. The green freak claiming to be a Martian. The so-called Amazon. There's seven or eight of them running around. Eventually it'll be twenty, then thirty, then more. They'll run roughshod over our institutions."
"You're out of your mind," said Lena.
"Am I?" said Lex. "Superman and Supergirl claim they fight for truth, justice, and the American way, right? What if their definition of justice doesn't match ours? What if they decide the American way isn't good enough? What if they decide they need to do more than pull kittens out of trees? Then what? Tell me, Lena, what happens if Superman decides to fly down tomorrow and tear the roof off the White House?"
"He wouldn't do that," said Lena. "I've met him, and I know Supergirl. She's saved my life a dozen times, and I suspect you know exactly what I'm talking about."
Lex shook his head. "Mother's extremism has always been a burden. I've done my best to protect you from her, Lena, and I've been honest about it. That's more than you can say for Supergirl."
"You kept this from me," said Lena.
"Until I was ready. I had to be sure that she was viable before I bring her out of the chamber and introduce you. She's going to be part of the family. Our long lost cousin, who we'll raise as a daughter, knowing that the Earth is truly safe now. That we'll have one of them on our side."
"This... this is Supergirl's child."
"That won't be a problem," said Lex. "It's time for you to grow up and let go of these fantasies, Lena. Supergirl doesn't have any interest in you. You're nothing to her, at best a beloved pet."
"I believe in her. We've worked together."
"I said the same thing about Superman. You know how close we were."
"It's not like that."
Lex's smirk turned cruel. "Isn't it? You've always had a type."
'Fuck you," Lena spat.
He chuckled softly and shook his head. "You're not listening. I guess I have to prove it to you. Computer! Show her."
The droning video log of Lex discussing the problems of merging Kryptonian and human DNA stopped, and another one popped up, taking the entire screen. Lena almost didn't look, but her head turned inexorably and she watched.
Lena watched Kara Danvers walking down a corridor. She stumbled, as something hit her back, twice. Whatever it was tore holes in her cardigan, and she turned around, standing tall. Taller than usual. She didn't move this time; it was as if little puffs of wind were blowing holes in her clothes.
Except they weren't puffs of wind. They were bullets; Lena could see the muzzle flashes, off camera.
"What... how..."
Kara yanked her glasses off and shook her hair free, ripping the cardigan open, popping the buttons, baring the sweeping crest on the chest of her her blue uniform.
"No," Lena whispered.
"I sent the men who shot her in this recording," said Lex. "Don't worry, I already knew; Mother told me. The alien confessed it to her, before begging her not to tell you. I wonder why."
The video ended.
"This is a trick. She wouldn't... she isn't... she's my best friend."
"No, she's your master and you're an obedient dog, heeling where she tells you, and if you aren't... do you know what happened to the assassins I sent to kill Kara Danvers?"
Lena swallowed. "Shut up, Lex. Stop talking."
He smiled, teeth bared in a wolfish grin. "The martian mind-wiped them. He uses his psychic powers to erase the memories of anyone who compromises her identity."
"Stop," said Lena.
"Ever have any... episodes?" said Lex. "Any of those days, where you were so busy your memory gets a little foggy? Ever find yourself back in your apartment without quite knowing how you got there? Are you sure your own memories haven't been tampered with, Lena?"
"Shut up!" she screamed.
"You've been manipulated, tricked, deceived. She doesn't love you, she never will, and you have nowhere to turn. Help me, Lena. Join me, and we can be a proper family again. We can put things right, and lead a free world to-"
Lena reached into her pocket and pulled out a nickel plated Smith and Wesson Ladysmith revolver with faux-ivory grips bearing Lena's initials. Lex gave it to her on her twenty-first birthday, and went with her to the range the next week to teach her to use it.
"Oh," said Lex.
Lena shot him. The blast was ear-splitting in the confined space, leaving a painful ringing in its wake. Lex crumpled, toppling onto his side as if his strings had been cut. Rolling onto his back, he stemmed the gushing of his lifeblood from the wound just below his ribs and looked at her.
"Didn't think you had it in you," he rasped. "Should have known you'd be the one. You can only count on blood."
Tears stung her eyes, blurred her vision. Lena held out the weapon, her grip trembling as she aimed at his head.
"You'll never stop," she choked out. "You'll kill her. She'll never be safe as long as you're alive."
Lex grinned, the corners of his mouth wet with blood. "Do it."
Lena's finger flexed, but the trigger felt frozen in place. As it shifted slightly, a flood of memories slammed through her- shooting lessons and chess games, strange idle fancies and muted conversations, long rides in the back of sedans. Lena's graduation, Lionel's funeral, Lillian's abuses, Lex standing between their father and Lena with a bruise on his jaw, warning the old man not to lay another hand on her.
A sob tore from her throat. She couldn't do it. She couldn't.
Lex laughed flecks of blood onto the floor.
"Go on, then. I don't need you. I have my own Kryptonian, and she's going to be daddy's little girl."
It was as if the rain suddenly stopped, the sun cracking open the clouds. The gun was terribly loud again, and Lena turned away before she saw the shot connect, looking away from the blood fanning out across the floor as Lex went silent and still.
Shoving the still-hot gun back into her pocket, Lena ran.
Thought I'd share a little bit more from the in-progress Curse of Strahd AU/Crossover!
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 months
Alt Assistant Pt 7 (finale)
Kara reflexively keeps her distance from Lena, for all of two days, until she realizes that while respecting Lena's boundaries is important, she does not have to respect any boundary set by Lex.
She comes to this conclusion late Sunday night, and makes a point to be in the office early to make her point. She's lucky Lena's already there, plugging miserably away at a spreadsheet R&D had sent to her the Friday before. Kara plunks down her boss's coffee of the desk, nearly sloshing it, and scowls when Lena turns her gaze up at her.
"You don't have to do everything your brother tells you," she says, far more scathingly than she intends. It backfires when Lena interprets her tone as petulance.
"I hardly think two days without sex warrants a tantrum Miss Danvers," she responds coolly. Her gaze returns to her computer. "Nor do our trysts qualify you to pass judgement on my relationship with my brother."
"I know you better than you think," Kara snaps. "And living under Lex's thumb isn't a good look on you."
At that, Lena's gaze snaps back up with razor sharp precision, skewering Kara to the spot. Her jaw tightens. "My respect for my brother--"
"Isn't respect!" Kara bites back. She knows she skirts the limits of Lena's goodwill, but she can't help the anger and resentment that bubbles up. "It's control, and you know it."
At that, Lena's scowl deepens, but her focus skitters away, proving the veracity of Kara's accusation.
"You are your own person," Kara pushes. "And you're capable of making your own decisions."
Lena's moment of concession evaporates with a scowl. "Get out."
It's enough to make Kara see red, but she manages to keep her temper in check.
"Fine," she clips out. She turns on her heel and marches towards the door, only to pause with her fingers wrapped in a fist around the handle. "And maybe you should think why Lex has such a problem with you being fucking happy for once."
With that, she yanks the door open and all but slams it shut behind her when she leaves.
Prepping a charity gala isn't easy-- or fun-- when they can hardly stand to be in the same room together without snapping. It involves a lot of "fines"s and "just get it done"s and "yes, miss luthor"s, but it eventually culminates in a lavish, extravagant affair that the guests seem to enjoy.
Kara hovers in her floor length gown that snugs in all the right places, yet leaves her arms bare to give her room to actually work during set up, and now cools her down as she takes a moment to breathe.
She knows Lena is here, by way of a curt text received an hour ago, but has yet to actually see her in the throng of well-dressed patrons. She does see Lex though, who somehow manages to look smug even as he glowers at her. It's nearly halfway through the night when Kara finally catches a glimpse of her boss.
Her mouth promptly goes dry.
Lena's dressed in a black chiffon dress that hugs her hips. When she turns, Kara sees the thin straps that leave the ivory skin of her back largely bare-- and the long silver chain that dangles against Lena's spine.
The vision is so distracting that it takes Kara a long moment to notice that Lena had turned towards a tug on her wrist, and that it was Lex who now gripped it tightly.
Kara watches their heated exchange of hissed words until Lena finally wrenches her wrist free of her brother's grasp. Lex's features darken as he issues what can only be a final warning before taking his leave. Lena watches him go for a long moment before finally turning.
Their eyes lock.
In that moment, Lena is laid bare-- Kara can see the shock of their unexpected connection (Lena has been avoiding her), and registers the brief up-and-down of Lena's gaze as she's scanned by wide green eyes. Then, Kara sees that dreaded word again: don't.
Only this time it's not directed at Kara, but rather inward, a silent scold towards Lena herself, combating the flush of desire written clear across Lena's cheeks. But then, almost as soon as it appears, it's eclipsed by a sudden hardening of Lena's gaze, now resolute as Lena comes to a conclusion known only to her.
Kara stares as Lena marches towards her, determined and unflinching. She barely has the time to grin before her arms are full of Lena, and warm hands sandwich her face fiercely as she's kissed long and deep.
When Lena comes up for air, breathless words come tumbling out.
"You're fired," she says. Their foreheads rest together, and Lena's hands have yet to move from where her thumbs rub gently against Kara's cheeks.
Now, Kara does grin.
"About time," she growls, and pulls Lena into another searing kiss. Kara senses the eyes on them, but doesn't bother to look to see if Lex's is among them.
Screw them, Kara thinks, savoring the taste of Lena's lips and the glide of their tongues together.
Screw them all.
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halfagone · 5 months
Kryptonians and Ectoplasm
I have... SuperPham thoughts. I mentioned this on Discord the other day, and it went somewhere along the lines of this:
In an AU where Danny is biologically Lois and Clark's son, that means the radiation of the portal turning on, killing him, and bringing him back to life is likely a concentrated version of how Clark came back to life due to exposure to enough ultraviolet rays or ion radiation. He essentially has the ability to photosynthesize like a flower, and in this essay I will-
And well, that's all I had at the time. So here's the essay:
The Ghost Zone could very easily be translated to the Phantom Zone in the crossover. However, in many main forms of DC media, Kryptonians such as Dru-Zod and his allies were sent to the Phantom Zone as a punishment for their crimes, effectively cutting them off from their powers. Which means it's likely not ectoplasm that's substituting for the ultraviolet rays of a yellow star, but the process of opening the portal.
Even if looking beyond a half-Kryptonian Danny AU, there can be a lot of applications to this. And taking a look at Superman lore gives some clues to how we can further integrate this into DPxDC.
FULL DISCLOSURE: I am not a scientist, be it physicist or biologist. This brain child was born from pure imagination and unlimited access to scientific articles.
For those that might be less familiar with this timeline, the period in which Superman dies and is seen replaced by four other Superman (one of which is Superboy, or Kon-El, the clone to Kal-El and Lex Luthor) is known as "Reign of the Supermen" and consists of a number of comics.
I won't get into the specifics of all these Supermen, but Clark comes back to life after roughly six months. [Taken from the DCAMU movie "Reign of the Supermen", in which the prologue reveals that the battle to the death between Superman and Doomsday was 6 months ago.]
So it took roughly 6 months for Clark to fully recover. Yet for Danny it took, probably, 5 seconds for the whole thing to be said and done. Which could possibly explain why he's so powerful, beyond the mixture of ectoplasm in his system for this AU.
On the other, other hand, there are many headcanons surrounding how ectoplasm functions on a more scientific standpoint. One of my personal headcanons is that ectoplasm feeds on the electromagnetic waves that humans emit through emotions. The stronger the emotion, the more ectoplasm pools together. Hence, when a person dies, all that ectoplasm pooling together and imprinting on said ectoplasm creates a ghost. [This headcanon is first discussed in chapter 28 of LL's Ascent.]
But we've already established that Kryptonians can be revived through ion radiation. So what is ion radiation? In simple terms, ion radiation is "a type of energy released by atoms that travels in the form of electromagnetic waves (gamma or X-rays) or particles (neutrons, beta or alpha)." But... didn't we just say that ectoplasm likely isn't the reason Superman came back to life? Especially since the Phantom Zone hampers Kryptonians' powers?
That is very true, and if you think about it, this would mean ectoplasm and Kryptonian biology exhibit a lot of the same characteristics. What would be the difference then? Ectoplasm retains the electromagnetic waves, hence how it maintains ghosts' personalities and memories.
However, hampering with these electromagnetic waves could explain why ghosts lose themselves over time, and might give headway to how anti-ecto weapons harm ghosts. But that is a topic that requires more research, and will have to be left for another day.
So ectoplasm retains electromagnetic waves, what about Kryptonians? They can't do the same. Once they are cut off from sunlight, or any form of ultraviolet rays, their powers go with it. Common headcanons for ghosts determine that they can go for some time without continually feeding on ectoplasm, although they gradually grow weaker the longer they go without a source.
But ectoplasm does not emit electromagnetic waves of their own. Perhaps ghosts could filter their ectoplasm and make this possible, maybe that's how they give people the creeps when they intrude on their territory. But otherwise, plain old ectoplasm won't do this. But do you know who does emit electromagnetic waves, according to this logic?
Kryptonians do.
Their emotions emit these waves, and when traveling to the Phantom/Ghost Zone, that would mean all the ectoplasm around them would feed on their emotions. Unfortunately, there is no source of sunlight in the Ghost Zone, which means not only are they cut off from a main source of nutrition, they are constantly being leeched off on from ectoplasm.
This could mean that going to the Ghost Zone, for a Kryptonian, might just be a death sentence. Which makes Dru-Zod's exile to the Phantom/Ghost Zone that much more grim and cruel. We know from the Flashpoint Paradox timeline that Kryptonians will slowly wither away and quite possibly die without any source of ultraviolet rays.
So what would this mean for a half-Kryptonian Danny AU? Well for one, it would explain why Danny is so powerful. His dual nature as half-Kryptonian and a halfa means that all the weaknesses he has from his Kryptonian biology is canceled out by his nature as a halfa, and vice versa.
This wouldn't entirely strip Danny of weaknesses. In some ways it could even compound his weaknesses depending on what's used against him.
Yet it's still something very interesting and tasty to think about. And provides a lot of possibilities for future plot points or alternate universes.
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theglidingbat · 1 year
Ok but Krypton!lives au but clark isn't some jerk alien prince, he is a brat no doubt but he's also just so oblivious to everything. Have some of my headcanons for this:
•I imagine it starting with kal el dropping down on Kansas farm [grown up and shit] being found by the Kents as they patch him up and take him down on the guest room, he wakes up freaks out a bit speaking in kryptonian and just floating around the house being overly careful of everything, ma and pa kent are confused and so is Kal, he tries to communicate with them and they finally find a common ground and after a month clark finally learns the human language.
•zod has managed to exile kal from his home planet, suffice to say kal el is currently heartbroken and looking for help
•Kal just saw some random pair of glasses and thought they were so cool so now he just wears them whenever he's in casual clothes but is in no way trying to hide his identity, people are just that dumb.
•Does not get social cues at all and will unwillingly say the wrong thing at the wrong time, he's just a happy little guy who wants to explore this strange planet and then go home
•he particularly likes rock music despite his personality, he finds hardcore metal music soothing
•he once tried to eat Batman's ears, in his defence they looked edible to him,
•Diana loves to fill in kal with false information about the human race, kal is not stupid enough to belive them but follows them anyways just because he thinks it would be funny
•Bruce has a very subtle crush on him and kal notices this immediately, he's confused as to why Bruce pretends to hate him
•The whole league [escpically bruce] is overprotective of him, lex Luthor doesn't stand a fucking chance
•Kal el has no filter and will call you out with a bright innocent smile and float away moving on with his day
•Kal lives in the watchtower only visiting earth for league business, he rarely works alone
•he floats near the Zeta tubes almost everyday hoping to see bruce and when he's not there he's disappointed
• he refuses to walk, he thinks he's done enough walking for a life time and bruce has to tug on kal's cape to make sure he isn't floating above his seat
•he is way more capable of communicating his emotions in kryptonian then in English, he will switch to kryptonian when he's ranting or angry
•Diana and Barry are the ones who suggest he make a civilian identity, and thus is born reporter clark kent.
•He still visits the Kents here and then bringing them souvenirs from space
•Does not understand when someone is flirting with him but will bring bruce random animals he finds in the wild as gifts because "I heard from Jason you like adopting tiny lonely beings"
•he's still pretty good at hiding his identity somehow and at this point as learned all social cues and slang thanks to lois
•yet he still decides to fuck with the league, he gives batman forehead kisses, he once called green lantern a thot ["does that not mean thoughtful?"] And will very knowingly insult anyone who even looks at his loved ones the wrong way
•while bruce is more open of his protectiveness [and possessiveness] of clark, Clark himself is more subtle and quiet about it, but not forgetting he's still technically a spoiled prince of Krypton cannot share. He snatches bruce and gets pouty whenever bruce is talking or flirting with anybody else
•it takes them five years to get together but it finally happenes and they start dating
•the kryptonians finally find clark and force him to go with them but clark now refuses even if his exile is over.
•unfortunately he really can't leave his planet behind and has to leave [he and bruce have a long sad conversation and clark breaks down]
•A month later bruce is handling another team meeting when Clark finally comes back
•he offically leaves Krypton to his older cousin Kara and moves in with bruce
•his favourite movies are the James bond movies
•The batfam all adore him
•Basically I want a Au of sweet innocent clark that's oblivious to innuendos and shit while bruce suffers in silence and the evolves into clark being a little shit who pretends he doesn't know what he's doing when pulls bruce close and whispers in his ear about smth knowing damm well he's doing things to Bruce.
Diana: Batman if your done fighting with your boyfriend, we need to leave
Batman: wha- kal is NOT my boyfriend!
Kal: (has only be in earth for a year) I'm not?
Batman: I-
Kal: Am I not your friend?
Batman: no kal I never said-
Kal: am I not a boy?
*jla snickering in the back*
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Kaiju Week in Review (December 17-23, 2023)
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Episode 7 of Monarch: Legacy of Monsters laid down significant Monsterverse lore, showing the moment Monarch finally revealed itself to the public (under hilarious circumstances) and how the organization's partnership with Apex Cybernetics began. I did not find May's long-awaited backstory super compelling, to be honest, I think because the proto-Apex company was so thinly sketched. And that Frost-Vark better not be dead. :(
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An incredible three Godzilla comics released last week: DC/Legendary's Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #3 and IDW's Godzilla: War for Humanity #3 and Godzilla Rivals: Jet Jaguar vs. Megalon. The crossover lit a certain section of the Internet on fire with the revelation that Godzilla did, in fact, kill Superman the previous issue. Writer Brian Buccellato chalked it up to Godzilla's atomic breath having "a radioactive signature similar to [K]ryptonite," which as handwaves go is pretty good. Behemoth and Scylla had moments to shine as well, and the issue ended with Lex Luthor discovering a Mechagodzilla eye. Glad Godzilla won't be the only Toho character in the comic; that would've been a bit lame.
Godzilla: War for Humanity remaining a thrilling read, and the Super MOGUERA debuting in this issue is not to be missed. Jet Jaguar vs. Megalon starts with a content warning for depiction and discussion of attempted suicide, which certainly surprised me. It's another strong issue, neither callous nor didactic, and told so efficiently there's plenty of room for the titular bout (which sometimes has felt like an afterthought in Rivals stories). Also, Jet Jaguar talks—something Toho forbade in a comic earlier this year, for whatever reason. Anyway, he's exactly the 'bot you would expect him to be. Hope IDW can keep him chattering in the future.
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You've probably seen my flurry of posts already, but it bears repeating: The Boulet Brothers' Dragula, a drag reality competition found on Shudder, aired a kaiju episode. Reality TV isn't my bag, but I thoroughly enjoyed the competitors' kaiju-inspired costumes and performances. I also kept ping-ponging between awe that Americans are just expected to know what a kaiju is now and yelling at the hosts for, say, not naming any kaiju outside of Toho's Big Five.
Hot on the heels of the black-and-white re-release of Shin Godzilla comes Godzilla Minus One/Minus Color, which has to be the best title one of these things has gotten. As with Shin, this is no mere filter; each shot in the film was regraded, with director Takashi Yamazaki striving for "a style that looked like it was taken by masters of monochrome photography." It opens in Japan on January 12; no word yet on whether it will play in any other country.
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Godzilla will follow in the steps of pop culture fixtures like The Lord of the Rings and Star Wars with Godzilla: The Official Cookbook by Kayce Baker, due from Titan Books on September 10. (You can tell it's official because he's actually on the cover.) 60 recipes lie within. It's a given that I'm going to buy something Godzilla-related that's this silly; I just have to pick up another cookbook first so it won't be the first one I ever own.
I was surprised to realize that McDonald's has never done anything Godzilla-related; far less prolific fast-food chains have worked with the monster, from White Castle to Carl's Jr. The first salvo in the campaign was pretty underwhelming—BE@ABRICK figures that can only be won via lottery, with an entirely plain Godzilla. That replica MogeGoji suit looked great in the ad, at least. Tokusatsu is being kept alive in the Godzilla franchise through some truly odd means. The follow-up ad/promo was a lot better, but that's a matter for next week's post.
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This is at least kaiju-adjacent—James Wan's long-gestating The Call of Cthulhu movie seems to finally be going somewhere, as revealed in roundabout fashion by a Deadline article. I thought the 2005 silent version was just fine, but presumably this will be produced by his company Atomic Monster, which is long overdue for an actual giant monster movie.
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glorified-red · 1 year
As someone fortunate enough to attend DC's panel at MegaCon today with some of the biggest names in comics (Geoff Johns [Justice Society of America], Joshua Williamson [Superman], Simone DiMeo [DC vs Vampires], Mitch Gerads [Batman: The Brave and the Bold] and Phillip Kennedy Johnson [Action Comics]) here's all the information I managed to write down on what they discussed regarding the future of DC:
All quotes are NOT direct quotes, they are paraphrased. I may be a fast typer but not that good. Spoilers Ahead! Obviously.
Kicking off with the Flash Family, the upcoming releases will explore what Barry and Iris do when they "disappear" every week for date night. No one knows what they could possibly be up to! Turns out, they love to visit the future together, how they get there will be the true story. They also mentioned digging deeper into how being trapped in the speed force impacted ____. (I dont follow Flash so I don't know who they were referring to)
Next is the Superfam (and Arrowfam breifly):
Johnson spoke on Action Comics and said he wanted to evolve the Superfamily as much as the Batfamily has been. Recent comics have been able to take each member of the Batfam and develop them as solo characters to then let them interact with the others as a family. Johnson wants the same for the Superfam. He hates how the family has been boiled down to "looks" (i.e. Kon is just the one with the jacket, the twins are the lookalikes, etc) instead of them as defined characters. Within Action Comics and hopefully more, he hopes to delve into their entire family dynamic just as much as DC has done with the Bats.
Action Comics has been introducing the idea of Aliens coming to earth and certain protests spawning from it, wanting the earth to remain isolated and independent in the galaxy. They breifly teased the idea that this could be emotionally taxing on the Supers---especially Jon and Clark as the more active heroes atm---since they themselves are technically "Aliens". They also said that this new enemy set up will be very impactful for the future of the DCU.
Williamson Chimed in quite a bit to discuss the psychology behind Lex Luther and Clark Kent. "Lex isn't stupid. He's one of the smartest people in the DCU. When he looks at Clark, sometimes he recognizes that the world does need a Superman, but a good one. Lex may just have ulterior motives---i mean, he's lex, he always has ulterior motives---to force Clark to be a better Superman. And when Clark looks at people, all he sees Is the good in them. He sees their potential for growth. But when he looks at Lex, all he feels is disappointment. He feels disappointed in Lex sure, but he feels even more disappointed in himself for failing Lex."
"I love the backstory that Lex is from Smallville. When Clark leaves Smallville, there's what, ten years? Before he makes his way to Metropolis. And when he gets there, Lex is already there. What was he doing during that time? Metropolis had its fair share of villains but he destroyed them so that he could be Lex Luthor, the true villain of the city."
They then mentioned briefly about wanting to do the same thing for the Arrow Family as they did with the Bats and strive to do with the Supers. An upcoming series will explore Oliver getting "lost" and the family coming together to find him. Very exciting.
They showed plenty of beautiful artwork that has not been released yet! Sorry for the grainy photos, I tried as best as I could with my Motorola ok :P
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This is for my fellow writers out there!! When asked about this image, Williamson and Johnson said that Clark "wishes people could hear what he does. He hears all of humanity in a connected thum, it's one heartbeat, not billions overlapping. All of our hearts beat together as one. When searching for specific people, he has to focus in through that single heartbeat."
Green Lantern was next! They announced a new run titled War Jounrals which follows US Marine John Stewart. They took heavy inspiration from 80s action movies such as Alien vs Predator when crafting this series. With DC's emphasis on mental health awareness and representation, I really hope they dive into the PTSD that comes from war. Not much was mentioned about this series to confirm or deny this.
Stargirl continuation: When asked about the writing/inspiration behind the future of her comics, they said they "wanted to dig into what being a side kick means---used to mean, anyway---and bring that back. Side Kicks are supposed to be a hero starting within the community, starting small, but always taking the time to save a kid and instil hope in that kid. That small difference makes a side kick. They start with so much hope only to be forgotten about, we want to bring back the old bright tone that was in Young Justice."
The Justice Society of America will follow the Huntress. She brings villains onto her team to offer them a chance to reform and walk a better path, a good path. She wants to be the same way her father, Bruce Wayne, was with her mother, Selina Kyle. The Huntress will link into the rest of the current DCU as she will get trapped in a timeline? Do I know what this means? Absolutely not. But apparently its gonna be important so
And finally! The Batfamily!!!
The first major announcement was the relaunch of Batman: the Brave and the Bold. Upon looking back at the original source material, they decided to extend the 9 page issue to a 96 page story line. They really wanted to deep dive into the series since they thought it had more to tell than what it did originally.
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Since this is year one Batman, this will be the story of how Batman first encountered the Joker himself. They didn't share much on the contents but said it would stay true to the original, so this is not a retcon, it's just a more intesive retelling.
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The artist for this series admited that he actually forgot year one Batman wouldn't have such a modern suit. After realizing this only after completing the series, he had to go back and redraw every panel with Batman in it. He very proudly said "shit!"
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And of course, the HUGE announcement taking the internet by storm:
Batman and Robin
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This series will follow after the events of Lazarus Planet and the Lazarus Tournament Damian went through. It will follow Bruce and Damian Wayne as they "come together not just as heros this time, but as father and son." This series is going to be a pretty heavy one since it will dive into how they come together "without Alfred as the buffer as the mentor figure for them both." Not only will Bruce continue on his current character arc of viewing each of the Robins as his sons and truly supporting them, but Damian will be front and center to cope with Alfred's death.
Williamson spoke on this heavily as he was supposed to leave Batman and Robin, but he actually went to DC and said "I'm not done with Damian, there's still more story to tell. He's not going anywhere." But he also mentioned a key point for Damian's growth: "He was trained by Talia and of course by Bruce, but he was also trained by Alfred so you'll see how that shapes Damian interacting with Bruce going forward, especially as they grow as Father and Son."
They said this will tie into the next big series in the DCU which follows Damian having "nightmares and demons". That was all that was mentioned about that.
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The Gotham City Zoo will be a huge set piece for the series and I truly hope we see more canon content of Damian's love for animals in this run.
The focus of Damian is him growing into himself and become more emotionally aware of himself and those around him. With Alfred's impression on him, there will be key moments of Damian interacting with Bruce as Bruce goes through tough times.
Additinally, Williamson adores Damian being a fan of manga. Since it's shown Damian has been reading a romance one, there's some hope for emotional connection with others not in a romantic way, but moreso in the ability to be vulnerable with people in a way he has only been able to read about. It's implied he could be reading this manga as a yearning for connection to others on a deeper level, especially as someone who grew up to ignore his emotions. So this will follow Damian as he tries to let himself be more connected to his loved ones the way Alfred was teaching him to. Plus, his love for manga will not be going anywhere, it's "staying strong."
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Damian will get his own car! Williamson wanted to give him a car that matched him since hes "a little rough around the edges." It will be a fun addition while the duo grow as family since Bruce will have to be okay with Damian driving. "Its gonna be Bruce saying he's gonna drive and then you turn the page and Damian is saying 'he's got something' and Bruce has to get used to letting his son drive him."
Very much Bruce growing out of strictness to be more soft with his sons as we've seen in the more recent comics.
And ofc, Simone Di Meo will be the artist for this series!! As well as the cover artist for The Brave & The Bold!
I am super excited for how DC is starting to write the Batfamily and even the Superfamily. They're starting to tackle a lot of mental health issues and the trauma old comics have left the characters with. It's not perfect by any means, especially with Batman v. Robin being more than a little rough, it had it's moments.
My main concern is how they'll be treating Tim going forward. With TDR getting shortened and Damian returning as Robin, I really really hope they don't just forget Tim exists. My hope is that with Tim's new title, there will be room for another solo series under that title in the way Nightwing and Spoiler has been done.
The last thing I want is for Tim to go through all this work finding where he belongs and how he views himself just to join/lead another team. He's defining himself aside from the Robin legacy to define who he is under his new title. I think he needs time as a solo hero before rejoining a group for an extensive time period. I don't want them to erase all his personal growth just because they don't want to give him another solo series. I'll be more than a little upset at the lost potiential.
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lowkeyerror · 2 years
Notice Me
Maddy Perez x Reader
Word count: 3.4k
Warnings: Smut [thigh riding, spanking, fingering, face sitting, etc.]
Summary: Maddy Perez was everything that anyone wanted. You'd stare at her every morning when she walked the halls, just like everyone else. Maddy can feel something extra in your gaze, and she is determined to explore it.
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Maddy Perez was a prize; one of the metaphorical kinds. The kind you couldn't win or buy, it sort of just fell into your lap.
You hadn't understood why Nate Jacobs paraded her around like she was his favorite accessory. The one he couldn't part with. I mean, she did raise his stock amongst the other girls at high school.
They wanted him because Maddy had him. They wouldn't say that, though, they'd lie and say he's just so fucking hot.
Even the thought of shit like that made you want to barf.
You hated how they walked down the hall hand in hand. It was almost as if it was in slow motion. Her in all of her glory and him leeching off of her.
She was a prize, and you desperately wanted her to fall into your lap.
Your eyes were glued on them, like everyone else's in the hallway. Just like the other days, you drank in her appearance; from the bottom to the top.
You always lingered a little on her lips. They were always coated in that gloss, that drove you so close to crazy.
Today was a little different, because when you finally made it to her eyes, she was already looking at you. You didn’t look away, and for a moment it felt like you couldn't breathe.
" Hello? Y/n?"
You tore your eyes from Maddy to look at Lexi, who had been waving her hand in your face. You shut your locker and gave the girl your full attention.
" What is it, Lex?"
" I wanted to know if you want to come over after school. Cassie is inviting her friends and I want to have someone to talk to."
Your eyes darted up in time to get one last look at Maddy before she disappeared with her boyfriend.
" She'll be there."
You blushed a little, scratching the back of your neck," Sorry Lex."
" It's fine, you've always been obsessed with her. It's nothing new."
" Shut up."
" Obsessed with who?" Lexi's sister interrupted the conversation.
You shook your head," No one, I'm going to class. I'll be there, Lex."
The rest of the school day isn't usually relevant. However, today there has been a little change. You can feel someone watching you in certain classes.
Not every class, but enough to make you feel weird about it. When you go to fifth period the feeling is there again, you finally glance back at who has been staring at you all day.
You turn back to the front of the class classroom just as fast as you had peered back. Maddy Perez had her eyes on you like a hawk, and you had no idea why.
Knowing that it was her made you sweat a little bit more. You wanted to look again to make sure you weren't seeing things. So you turned around again, this time properly meeting her eyes.
You weren't sure what the next move was, but then she smiled at you. It was a small smile, but yet it was so captivating.
" Notes are in front of you, Ms.Y/ln not back there with Ms. Perez."
You rolled your eyes at the teacher's attempt at public humiliation, muttering a not so quiet 'fuck you' under your breath.
"What did you just say, Ms.Y/ln?"
You were about to respond, but then the bell rang and the rest of class packed up their belongings. You smirked at the teacher, doing the same before heading to the next class.
" You're Lexi's friend."
Maddy had fallen in step with you on the way to class. She had done it so naturally, for a second you felt like it was normal.
" And you’re Maddy Perez."
She gives you a once over," What's your name, mami? Or should I just call you Ms.Y/ln."
You chuckle," Y/n is good."
She drags her hand up your arm before turning around," I'll see you later then, Y/n."
She walks away, and you can't help, but to watch her. What the fuck was going on? Maddy Perez had a sudden interest in you, and you had no idea why.
After your last class, you met up with Lexi. You filled her in on what happened between you and Maddy.
" That's weird considering like Nate and everything."
You shrug," Everyone knows they're on and off."
Lexi sighs," You're setting yourself up for heartbreak."
You know she's right," Help me pick up the pieces afterwards?"
She punches you in the arm," Let's go."
You follow the girl to Cassie's car. Maddy, Cassie, and Kat are standing around. The ride to the Howard's was filled with gossip you knew little about.
You didn't keep up with what was going on around the school most of the time. You liked knowing as little as possible, it made the day more bearable.
When you arrived at the house, the group split. You stayed in the living room with Lexi while the others went upstairs.
" Still working on your secret play," you tease Lexi.
She crosses her arms over her chest," It's not a secret, everyone knows about it."
" They don't know what's in it. Hell, I don't even know what's in it."
You see Lexi stiffen just a bit," Do you trust me?"
Her change in demeanor worries you enough for you to grab her hand," With my life, Lex."
She blushes, which isn't unnatural for her," Then I promise that it will all make sense opening night."
" Your play will probably be the best thing to happen in East Highland history. I can just feel it," you squeeze her hand, and she rests her head on your shoulder.
" I hope it is."
Lexi was your rock in many ways. She kept you grounded. She was also one of the only people you felt entirely comfortable around. You never had to hide anything from her. She'd been there for you through all of your highs and lows, and for that you'd always be grateful.
There was a time when you thought that the two of you could be more than friends. You tested the waters, but nothing stayed afloat. You were soulmates, but not on a romantic level.
" You want to go upstairs?"
" So you can try and flirt with Maddy?"
You push her head off of your shoulder," No, I'm actually madly in love with Cassie. How'd you feel about me being your sister-in-law?"
" I'd literally puke," she stands up from the couch, and you follow her lead upstairs.
" So what's up with Lexi's friend," you hear them chatting through the door and stop Lexi from opening it.
" Y/n? She’s like a sour patch kid. Sour then sweet. She likes to play up this big strong loner role, but in reality she's literally a sweetheart. If I liked girls, I'd let her fuck my brains out and take me out to dinner after."
Lexi looked like she could puke hearing Cassie talk about you like that. She reached for the door handle, but you grabbed her wrist and signaled wait.
" You'd probably let her fuck you now," Kat chimed in.
" Ew no, and have Lexi's sloppy seconds."
" Wait, Y/n and Lexi are together?"
You could hear Cassie sighing through the door," Not anymore, they tried it out, but like it was weird. Anyway, why are you even curious?"
" You should see the way she looks at me when I'm with Nate walking down the hallway. Like it's so insanely hot that sometimes I can feel myself getting wet underneath her gaze."
The other girls shriek," Not you wanting Y/n to blow your back out."
" What about Nate?"
" Our relationship isn't healthy, I think I'm going to end it for real this time."
" Because you want Y/n?" Kat teased.
" Shut up."
You and Lexi share a glance. Personally, you can't believe anything you just heard. What the fuck is going on? Maddy Perez, the Maddy Perez, is at least a little into you.
Lexi finally opens the door and the two of you end up plopping down on her bed.
Your eyes land on Maddy and you take your time drinking her in. Since she seemed to like it so much, you even let your tongue swipe your bottom lip before looking away.
The girl’s resumed their conversation as if they weren't just talking about you. You and Lexi fall into your own conversation until the group of girls brings the attention to you.
" Y/n's actually really good at math, she helped me with my statistics before she was even in the class. Right Y/n?"
You hum, not having heard the conversation leading up to this.
" Maddy needs help with her math homework, and I was just telling her that you're good at it," Cassie says, and you nod.
" Let me see what I can do," you made your way out of Lexi's bed and onto the floor with the other girls.
You take a seat next to Maddy and get a good look at her work. It was unintentional, but you were leaning over her shoulder.
" Oh ya, I could definitely help you with this," your breath hits her neck as you speak, and you think you can see her visibly shiver.
" Well, what if we just went downstairs for a bit while you two study," Cassie was already getting out of her bed and yanking Kat up with her.
You looked at Lexi for help, but she was also heading for the door," You guys don't have to."
" Maddy really needs the grade," Kat was able to slip out right before Cassie yanked her into the hall.
Lexi gave you a small smile then closed the door behind them.
Now it was just you and Maddy. The tension was slowly filling the room now that the others were gone.
" Where do you want to start?"
" Do you think I'm attractive, Y/n?"
Your face began to heat up," I uh ya."
Maddy smirks," I know you do. Do you know how I know?"
You shake your head.
Maddy takes a finger and hooks it under your chin," Every day I walk down that hallway hand in hand with my boyfriend. And every single day I catch you staring at me like you want to fuck me. Do you want to fuck me, Y/n?"
She bats her eyelashes at you.
" You have a boyfriend."
" That wasn't my question."
An answer never makes it out of your mouth. Maddy tosses her shirt over her head, leaving you with a full view of her pink lace bra.
Your eyes fought to stay on her eyes, but they kept drifting down to her cleavage. Your hands were twitching in their spot, wanting nothing more than to grab a handful of Maddy's breast.
Maddy giggles, flips her hair to one side, and leans forward, giving you a better view. Her finger trails up your arm for the second time today," If you did want to fuck me. You could."
You felt goosebumps appear under her touch," D- do you want to fuck me?"
Your voice was uncertain. Maddy pushed you flat on your back. She straddled your lap, your hands subconsciously laid on her waist.
She dipped down onto you, her breast resting above your chest. There was a small smirk on her lips," If I did, what would you do about it?"
Your hands trailed up from her waist, they snaked her body, and grabbed a handful of her breasts.
Her back arched at the mere contact. You let your body take control of your movements. Pushing ever thought out of your mind. You took one hand to unclasp her bra.
You smirk as she lets out a little gasp. While still pinned to the floor, you raised up as far as you could. Taking one of her nipples in your mouth.
You watch as her head tilts back, and a deep moan escapes her throat. You shift your focus to her other nipple, swirling your tongue around the bud. Seeing her react makes you even more eager.
Your teeth scrape lightly against the nub, tugging at it playfully before releasing it.
Maddy's eyes are hooded as they peer down at you.
" I would do something like that."
Maddy pulls you up by your shirt, smashing her lips against yours. You moan instantly as tongue finds its way into your mouth. She keeps a tight grip on your shirt.
The kiss was so intense that Maddy was unaware of your nimble fingers finding their way under her skirt. You dip a single finger between her folds, collecting a glob of wetness.
She whines, breaking the kiss. When she pulls away, you retract your hand from her pants. You keep eye contact as you stick the finger that had been through her folds into your mouth.
You close your eyes and suck on the finger. The flavor is indescribable, but addictive nonetheless. When there are no remnants of the woman on your fingers, the finger leaves your mouth with an extravagant pop.
You pat the back of her thighs, hoping she would take the hint. She stripped herself of her panties, but left the skirt on.
You groaned at the sight of her bare pussy. There wasn't a moment to waste, you yanked Maddy so that her pussy was dripping right into your mouth.
She was going to make some type of smart remark, but the next words to leave her mouth were," Fuck, Y/n."
You yearned to taste every last drop of her arousal. Her hands were in your hair, forcing your face into her crotch.
" Do I taste good, baby?"
The vibration from your hum only makes her let out a pleasurable laugh. One of her hands slips out of your hand and onto the zipper of your pants. You raise your hips, allowing her to tug the pants down your legs.
One of her fingers prodded your entrance," Fuck, licking my pussy has you this wet, baby? I could just slip a finger into that hole with no prep."
She follows through with her words and slips a finger inside of you. You suck her clit with a little more ferocity than before, to stifle your reaction.
You up the pressure by sticking two fingers inside of her, while your tongue focuses on her clit. She begins to squeeze your head with her thighs. It only pushes you to do more.
She adds another finger and begins pumping into you like a maniac. You cry out into her pussy in pleasure. Finally, you start to feel light-headed. You squeeze the outside of her thigh, and she reluctantly raises off of you.
You gasp for air as you feel her essence pooling around your mouth. Instead of wiping it with your hand, you swirl your tongue around the outside of your mouth, collecting as much of her as you could.
Maddy is eager to taste herself on your lips. Kissing you, the moment you caught your breath. You wrap both your arms around her waist, locking her into you.
Her knee ends up pressed against your core, causing you to jolt. Maddy chuckles as she trails sloppy kisses up your neck," I want you to cum all over my pretty little knee."
Maddy had been in control up until this point. You heard her earlier conversation, she wanted you to fuck her silly. Which meant, you'd be taking control.
You quickly flipped her on her stomach. She was in your lap, ass up in the air.
" I heard you talking about me. Wanting me to fuck your brains out," you give her ass a firm smack," So I think you'll be the one cumming on my knee. Any objections?"
She opened her mouth to say something, but you smacked her ass again, this time with a little more force. Maddy positioned her ass higher in the air, loving the rough attention.
" You're so good for me," another rough hand slams down on Maddy's backside," I think 5 more will coat that pussy nicely for my thigh."
The 1st slap is the hardest, the sound echoing around the room, Maddy almost jumped out of your arms. The second one was lighter, but still stung. You rubbed are red ass before the third hit, cracking across the soft flesh as if it were a whip.
A cry left Maddy's lips, and you could see the tears pooling in her eyes, the worst part of you wanting those tears to spill over.
You left a feather like kiss on the irritated skin before the fourth smack, this time Maddy let out a deep moan as the tears finally spilled out of her eyes.
" My god, you're such a pretty little crier, baby. You could be a movie star."
The final smack was light, barely even marking the area.
You sat back with your palms digging into the floor of the bedroom. You repositioned Maddy so that she was sitting on one of your thighs.
Her eyes lasered in on yours. She began to slowly grind back and forth on your leg. Her hips slowly swirling to drive you crazy. The way her body twisted for you. Her hands planted themselves into her own hair, as she moaned loudly.
She looked angelic as she fucked herself on your leg. You couldn't help, but groan as she began pressing down harder on your leg. She was even making the effort to make her knee just barely hit your core.
" Fuck, Maddy," she consistently began to use her knee to cause a blissful friction for you, as she dragged her pussy on your leg.
You could feel her begin to shake, your hand grabbed her hips so that she kept her pace. Her breathing became shallow. She was searching for your lips and found them.
It was an open-mouthed sloppy kiss. One that was meant to suppress the animalistic sound of her climax. She was clinging on to you. Her skin was hot and so was yours. You were just as close as she was.
She all but yelled into your mouth and her body started to spasm. At the same time, you feel a pit build up in your stomach, not hesitating to use your own fingers to capture your release.
Maddy's fingers were faster than yours. Even as she rode out her own high, she assaulted your clit with her fingers. You felt your hips lift off of the ground, and then it was all over.
Your back hit the floor, your hands steady on Maddy, helping her come down from her high. Your breathing was trying its best to return to normal.
" Ms.Y/ln you're amazing," Maddy smiles brightly at you.
" You're better," your eyes still rake over her body with hunger.
" If you keep looking at me like that, we won't make it out of this room."
You go to reply, but the door opens. The energy to scramble for your clothes is gone. Instead, you both just keep your positions.
" Did you finish the workshe- holy shit !" Lexi was the first one to see the scene inside the room.
" What? Did they fuc- Oh my god, they totally fucked in our room," her reaction summoned Cassie to the sight.
" Get it, Maddy," Kat cheered from right behind Lexi.
" Put some clothes on please," Lexi had a hand half covering her eyes.
You and Maddy laugh, but nonetheless get dressed. You go to hand Maddy her panties, but she just shoves them in your pocket.
" You can use them, when you think about me," she pecks your lips.
" I'm always thinking about you."
She chuckles," Good, I want you to keep that energy when you see me at school."
Thoughts of Nate Jacobs cross your mind, causing you to frown. Lexi was right, this was a dangerous game you were playing.
" Hey, look at me," your eyes return to Maddy's.
" I'm done with him. For good this time. Which means, it's you and me. Fuck anyone who's got a problem with that," She pecks your lips again, causing you to smile.
" So I'll see you tomorrow, then?"
She gives you a playful look," Yes, Ms. Y/ln."
With that she's gone, Cassie takes her home. Lexi offers to do the same for you. She couldn't hold in any of her questions about Maddy. The whole ride is spent describing in detail what happened in that room.
" At least it wasn't on the bed," Lexi has some relief about it.
" Lex, I think this will go the distance," you were serious, and your tone conveyed that.
Lexi glanced at you and then back to the road.
" For your sake, I hope it does."
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evilwickedme · 1 year
So like explicit/lemon TimKon fic recs 👀👀
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ok I get it I should've done this one first xD like literally one of these came in AS I WAS ANSWERING ANOTHER ASK. here we go lmao
Fetching - Krypto is really good at fetching Kon whatever he needs. in the middle of a the night, Kon is horny. therefore...
The Electric Pull of Spring - dubiously villainous Jason douses Kon with sex pollen and sends him in Tim's direction. all standard sex pollen content warnings apply
Voices in the Dark - 5+1 times trans!Tim has wet dreams about Kon, and a fic showing Kon's POV
Oh Red / Burning Red - Kon really likes sucking Tim off. Tim is wants to know why. there's a red sun lamp involved
why is there plot and/or emotions in my smut
Nowhere But Forward - when Kon finds Tim in Paris during that whole year of hell when he was trying to find Bruce, Tim kisses him. this leads to a huge sexuality crisis and a lot of other difficult issues are brought up. the tws in the tags are pretty accurate definitely read them before you delve into this monster of a fic (148k! published over the course of like eight months!! like damn)
Scions is a bit insta-lovey which I usually don't go for but this was really good. au where Kon was raised by Lex and Kon and Tim are essentially corporate rivals. the plot is mostly just figuring out how to be in a relationship when Tim's a Bat and Kon's a Luthor, but there's some other story beats mixed in there
Practice Makes Perfect - Kon is trying to get someone to date him and is failing miserably. clearly the solution to his problem is that Tim and Kon practice dating. and kissing. and other stuff.
World's Finest Three: Romcom edition - 5+1 fuckbuddies to lovers, but really goes into Kon's history of being SA'd, so once again, keep that in mind before you decide to read
Where Our Pieces Fall in Place - yet another 5+1, this time of times Kon tells Tim he loves him and one time he tells him back. trans!Tim with mentions of dysphoria plus in general mental issues
okay these are just fics I can't believe I didn't rec last time. they're not explicit they're just really good and I wanted To Have Rec'd Them
Neverland On Your Telephone (And In Walks An Angel) is a fic that directly inspired the TimKon fic I'm working on. when Kon finally comes back in the Rebirth timeline Tim, who's currently dating Bernard, and Kon have a Conversation, and Kon tells him he'll wait for him, and I lost my Goddamn mind
Husbands with benefits - this isn't marked as explicit but afai can remember is actually is?? however since it's marked as mature I decided to put it here. anyway it's a drunkenly married in vegas au where both of them believe their feelings are unrequited and then they start sleeping together anyway 15/10
have fun you guys with the amount of people who asked for this is this flops I'm never making a fic rec post ever again*
*that's a blatant lie I love making these too much seriously enjoy tho
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callumexists · 6 months
pls share your playlist :3
Which one?
Because the one i believe you're talking about isn't finished yet and also they can't see it till it's done
(unless they ask)
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idabbleincrazy · 4 months
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Some Clark pov:
Jeez. I knew Lex was going to take a bit of work, but I don't think I was expecting it to be this bad. He just doesn't see himself the way I do. He sees the man everyone else thinks he is, a carbon-copy of his dad. He's always so confident and sophisticated on the outside that I've forgotten about those glimpses I've seen of the insecure, yet hopeful, young man he is underneath the Luthor-scion façade. I haven't forgotten about the incident with the black Kryptonite, I haven't forgotten about how truly dark and twisted Lex has the capability to become, but I also remember how good his other side was. I remember how he tried to save me from himself.
There is the capacity for terrible evil within him, as there is in most of us, but like most people, there is also the capacity for great kindness. I've seen how caring he can be. I saw it when he fought against his father and worked out a way to lower operation costs rather than laying off a couple hundred people who were dependent on their jobs at the plant. I saw it when he did everything in his considerable power to try to save Ryan. I saw it when he took responsibility for his company's R&D mishap, giving himself up as guinea pig for an antidote that could have killed him. He's done so much for this town, with so little thanks in return. I know who Lex Luthor really is, I just have to make him see it, too.
I know he still has things he hasn't told me, but I'm not going to push. He'll tell me in his own time, or he won't, but I trust him to not do anything that would end up hurting me or the people I care about. I have to believe in that. Having faith in someone isn't about making that choice after knowing all the facts, it's about making a conscious decision to trust them even when you're in the dark. He loves me, and that's something Lex Luthor doesn't do easily, or halfway. And that knowledge is enough for now.
As I pull up the drive to the barn, I realize we still haven't gotten around to discussing the us part of our relationship. With the revelation of my apparent ability to forge a more-than-figurative bond, that kinda took a backseat. I'm not completely sure what this connection between us entails, but it's going to take another trip to the cave and a lengthy conversation with Jor-El to figure it out, so I put a pin in it for now. I still have my surprise waiting inside, and I think Lex needs it now more than ever. Grand gestures go a long way with him, after all.
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happi-tree · 1 year
Hello Happi :D!! for the character bingo maybe Morgan Freeman, Scary Marlowe, Hero Oak-Swallows-Garcia, and Grant Wilson? (you definitely don’t have to do all of these!!!)
Hope you have a great day !! <3333
Hi, Lex!!! Hope you're having a great day, too 💜💜💜
Soooooo Scary and Grant have already been done but Morgan and Hero I can definitely take a crack at!
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First up, Morgan Freeman. Schrodinger's wife. Haunter of the s1 narrative, lover of cringefail demon men, the OG low-rolling ranger of the Close-Foster-Swift clan. I actually love her sosososo much even though there isn't a ton of material to go off of. I just think she's so interesting in both of her variants - we really don't know how close the two iterations of Morgan are to each other, but the one we meet in Hell has such a deeply weird and deeply devoted relationship with Glenn that is,,, really sweet to me, personally? Like, the idea of the two of them getting to know each other again and falling for each other in the process of that is so very dear to me, because clearly, Glenn and Morgan weren't something that was fated - fate itself actively intervened to pull them apart in the first place - but despite it all, they were able to find love and companionship in each other and be so open and silly about it, which I just. Adore. Morgan is so,,, maleboss to Glenn's girlwife. There I said it. She's so fun!
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And now, Hero!!! Heroic Ly'Oak-Swallows-Garcia yet another of the teen girls of all time!!! Listen. I know we've had even less time with her than we have with Erica but she DOES compel me. Chosen one from birth? Eldest of the generation? Anime lover tasked with saving the world and Not Wanting To Do That??? Antagonistic toward her brother in a way that, in hindsight, was probably exacerbated by the pressure on her to play savior while her younger sibling just gets to (literally) be a Normal Kid??? Literally she makes me so unwell. I adore her so much! I want to know what her deal is SO badly and I have so many theories but mostly. I hope she gets tipped super well by all the people she delivers pizza to and that she can watch her anime in peace and that she gets high scores on her video games every time she plays. I also. Kinda really wanna see her subjected to The Horrors and then attack them relentlessly. What can I say I just think that would be very cool of her!!! Anyway. One older sister to another. Girl what the fuck <3 I believe in you though 🥰🥰🥰
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ultfreakme · 1 year
Hey there! I’m interested in writing jonjay fan fiction, but I’m a little unsure about my Jon characterization. Do you have any pointers?
Hi!!! First of all thank you for coming to me about this and trusting me with this, I look forward to your fic!
To answer the question- There's a few things I keep in mind when writing Jon.
He's a guy with big emotions: Jon feels a lot and with intensity. It may not immediately show but he feels love, respect and anger in very extreme ways. When he's angry and feels threatened, it's enough to cloud his judgement and break into a president's home. When he's feeling love; he jumps right in and is fiercely protective(including Jay in the JL safehouse & almost fighting Bruce over it, TT mentioned that Jon was very aggressive with Dreamer because he was worried over Jay). He has a lot of difficulty controlling his actions when he's feeling these emotions.
He wants to help people: This one's obvious but he thinks thoroughly about how to help. He'd not just rescue someone from a disaster, he'd also think about how to help the person recover from the disaster and find permanent safety(the way he dealt with Lachlan in SOKE is a pretty big example)
He's insecure: Also rather obvious, but he's not confident about being Superman yet, his desire to live up to his dad and risking his life and almost getting himself killed in Dark Crisis is evidence. Like throughout the event and even in SOKE, he's always thinking about how he can't live up to Clark.
He's very critical of himself: It was one moment but he mentions how he's constantly training his powers to ensure he never hurts anyone. When he uses his powers and isn't letting his emotions overwhelm him, he usually thoroughly evaluates a situation, tries to find the least disruptive way. If you re-read SOKE, he's always analyzing and evaluating how he should proceed. Him being critical of himself leads him to ask for guidance very quickly(Nightwing, Aquaman, even Damian in #1 when he asks what he should do).
Following along those lines- he readily listens to others. Jon's open to critique and advice because of him being so critical of himself. He listens to Jay when he tells him he can't just waltz in, listens to Dick when he gives him advice about finding the people who were killing heroes, to Jackson when he told him about acoustic waves. He's an open communicator with trying to understand other people's POV.
He's pretty impatient, impulsive and sarcastic: He's only reserved when he's not feeling confident about a situation. When he's sure he's right, he won't hesitate to point it out, oftentimes with sarcasm or an eye-roll. Like when he's confident, he's confident. He mocks and jokes(the Annual with Lex, him rolling his eyes at clois in Kal-El returns, deadpan response to Lois's answer about how Batman got past his super-senses). When he's sure, it's usually because he thinks he's done enough to be assured of that, and so jumps right in(sometimes he isn't, and the insecurity thing and critical-of-self thing gets reinforced). With villains and people he dislikes, he makes it very clear that he wants nothing to do with them(unlike Clark who's often at least trying to be civil). The impulsiveness and impatience rears its head around people who he's decided to despise and distrust(it gets him in trouble tbh).
He doesn't talk about himself: This is going into speculation territory but if you've noticed, Jon never talks out-loud about his emotions or his experiences. The one time he does it is in SOKE #9, it's extremely vague in detail, and this isn't because he wants to but because he's talking about how much he admires Dick. He dodges or turns it into talking about the situation or some new purpose. The closest we get is him expressing his desire to be like Clark. He is shut tight as a clam.
Jon is smart: Not just because of the super-speed learning. He learns and wants to learn, this is a bit of a reference to his days as a kid but he's a science nerd. It carries over into now(most obvious in "The One Who Fell" Arc in Action Comics, talking about desert oceans, the weather bomb, the microsurgery moment, trapping Ultra-Humanite).
In terms of his voice; he's pretty friendly and informal, often jokes around and comforts people, goes along with jokes of people he likes or wants to help. Articulate af when he's representing a cause and is passionate about it. Apparently uses regular Gen-Z slang and occasionally gets weirdly descriptive with his insults and when he's expressing dislike(this happens with Batman so many times). Extremely helpful and goes out of his way sometimes to do things. Has hope for a better future but is burdened by his past and the expectations placed upon him.
I think I rambled too much, I doubt all of this can be kept in mind at the same time, these aren't hard and fast rules, this is mostly what I've gathered about Jon and what I use to guide his voice. Hope this helps!!
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 years
Crisis Redo, Pt 26 - Finale
Soon, Lex becomes no more than an afterthought. If there's a trial, Lena isn't called to testify. And Kara--- Kara is consumed by the change in Lena.
The heaviness that has sat on her shoulders since regaining her past life memories vanishes seemingly overnight. Kara lives in the smiles that continuously curl Lena's lips, the laughter that emanates from her belly and fills the air with mirth.
Elizabeth registers the difference too. She looks at Kara with a knowing gaze, before it turns to regard the daughter who seems to have come back to herself, and Kara realizes that she's looking at Lena Walsh, the woman who existed before J'onn returned her memories as Lena Luthor.
This is the woman Lena truly is.
Who she should have been, if she'd been surrounded by love and happiness instead of cold reproach.
Kara revels in it.
She scarcely goes back to National City anymore. Loathe to miss even a minute of this unburdened Lena, she finds every excuse to stay in the small town Lena calls home.
They do talk, and though the conversation is necessary, it lacks the heaviness Kara expects. Lena understands, and no longer cleaves to the heartbreak that had destroyed their friendship in the previous reality. It's as though dismissing Lex has softened the blows done unto her, from both him and Kara herself.
All Lena asks is for trust and honesty moving forward, and Kara is happy to grant it. Now, it feels as easy as breathing.
Still, Kara feels as though she stands on a glass surface waiting to crack. She hesitates in asking the question she so desperately wants, afraid beyond reason that the answer may not be the one her heart yearns for.
When the local newspaper editor announces his retirement, however, she knows she can't wait in limbo any longer.
At the spring festival, complete with a medieval maypole and carnival games galore, Kara draws Lena aside.
"Ernie is retiring," she says softly. She feels a little foolish in her minstrel costume, but Lena looks like a queen. Her eyes are as bright as the pearls around her neck, and her hands are warm in Kara's.
Lena rolls her eyes. "He's been saying that for years..."
"He really is," Kara insists. She swallows roughly. "In June. He-- He's asked me to take over the paper."
At that, Lena's gaze stills. She regards Kara with an inscrutable gaze. Keenly aware that the woman in front of her had enough magical power to rewrite reality, Kara can only guess at what she sees. After a long moment, the corners of Lena's eyes tighten as she tilts her head slightly.
"It sounds like you're asking me a question."
She's just not sure which one.
Kara takes a deep breath.
"Can I stay?" Her voice shakes. "Here. In Willow Creek."
Lena's grip on Kara's hands firms. Her gaze softens into an easy smile. "What exactly do you think you've been doing the past six months?"
"Lingering," Kara replies simply. "But I want to stay. Here. With you."
She wants to stay, with thought and deliberation, not just waiting for Lena to tire of her presence. She wants to stay precisely where Lena is. She wants Lena to want her, right where she is. Right here.
Lena doesn't disregard her uncertainty, her apprehension. She could easily laugh, casting Kara's doubts to the wind without a single thought, a quip on her lips. But she doesn't.
"I would like that," she says. Her voice solemn, but her smile lingers. With her hands still in Kara's, she leans in to press her lips to the corner of her mouth. "Your sister won't mind?"
Alex hasn't minded yet. As though she understands now how deeply Kara feels for Lena, how desperately she needs Lena in her life. How her life feels incomplete without her. For all the time Kara has spent in Willow Creek, Alex hasn't once begrudged her.
"If anything, it'll give her an excuse to come visit," Kara returns. "She understands that... I don't want to be anywhere else."
Lena beams. "Well, you know... my mom and I do happen to have a guest room open right now. If you're interested."
As if Kara's belongings aren't already inhabiting the room, her clothes draped over the chair and her shampoo in the bathroom.
Kara grins, and leans in for another kiss.
"Sounds perfect."
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clericofshadows · 10 months
do you think it’s feasible to mod in a dress for mshep in 3? always wanted that as an option for the casino mission but not sure if i should even try.
oh yeah, totally. listen, if you have a 3D model and textures, you can put it into mass effect (with some caveats, obviously, but I've seen very interesting stuff on the modding server. one of our gameplay modders put genshin impact assets into the game for his own personal use).
hell, I have an old wip of mshep in the n7 dress but gave up on it since the weights were fucked on it (lots of leg and arm clipping issues) and its topology and UV map wasn't great after I smoothed it out to get rid of the chest...
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I think I still have the .fbx files lying around somewhere... maybe. I know I don't have the .pcc I stored this outfit in anymore.
I used to do a lot of refits for fun (and because some people would ask me to on the modding server) but now it's not something I'm really invested in anymore because of how tedious is to get stuff like this looking good under my standards. my samara's armor was definitely a fluke lol.
but to answer your question, it is very feasible. go for it. and you don't even need to do it as a replacer with mods like Project Variety and Choose your Outfit existing that pull up the locker menu before the casino mission. making and porting outfits (and a custom mshep) was how I got into modding.
and I hope I'm not discouraging you with my comments on my refit, it was one of my earlier projects and I've improved a lot since then. things like this can be a bit more difficult since there really isn't a good reference mesh with a similar look to grab weights from, but that hasn't stopped me from porting stuff from D2 these days. just takes a bit of patience and practice.
if this is your first project: there are lots of resources on the LEX wiki to get started (how to set up meshes for import, how to add outfits to the locker, etc), I'm always willing to answer questions and give tips, and of course the modding servers if you're into that.
best way to get into modding is to have that one project you've always wanted to see but no one has done yet, and I hope you find this useful to you! because I think it's a great idea and definitely possible :D
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deadletterpoets · 1 year
With Batgirls doing Cassandra Cain content I used to ask for (silent issue, fighting Riddler, detective story, even looks like they'll be going up against Mad Hatter soon which is a villain I thought could be great for Cass) I've been thinking about new content I'd want to see for Cassandra in main continuity.
A big thing with me is that if something's been done too recently then it's something I don't wanna see for Cass as I would like her to get fresh material. So despite my wants for a tournament arc for her, it'll be years before I start asking for that again. With Tamaki doing a kinda Die Hard story with the Batfam in Shadow of the Bat (which I thought was great and I think it's really sad Tamaki's Tec run got so little love overall from the fandom) that's another narrative I won't push for her right now.
I've been wanting a more cosmic story for her for a while, though that's a pretty generic even more broad term than "detective story". Plus technically Nightwing just got the big "cosmic" story so I don't want Cass to be seen as a second fiddle to Dick. So I'm not gonna push for that just yet. Though Cass has the range to be more than just a grounded street level hero if they let her, but whatever.
So for a story unfortunately a lot of other characters are getting some of the bigger grander scale ideas and also getting types of stories I would love to see Cass get so coming up with something that doesn't feel like Cass is getting a hand-me-down narrative is tough. I'll keep thinking though. Maybe after Batgirls ends I'll be able to think of something that isn't already being done with someone else.
For a villain, obviously more original villains that can be known as "CassBatgirl" villains would be nice. It's actually why for a while I was pushing for them to bring back either Mother or other children from the Mother program as they could easily have a bone to pick against Cass. However idk if any of that is still relevant. Harper still exists so it's somewhere in there, but hard to know where in comparison to her OG Batgirl tenure which is supposedly now canon. And if that's canon that's a completely different origin story. Which then I say bring back David Cain and stop trying to make Shiva the antagonist/villain/"I raised her to be perfect" parent in Cass's life. But until I understand what's going on with all of that I'm gonna go back to wanting to see Cassandra go up against Lex Luthor.
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talktomeinclexa · 2 years
Mend The Heart You Broke (Heal The Wounds You Caused)
By: TalktomeinClexa
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Mention of suicidal thoughts
Status: WIP (8/9)
Summary: Clarke and Lexa led the perfect life. Married, two children, a big house, a group of reliable friends. Until Lexa cheated on her wife and the idyllic picture was smashed to bits. Three months later, Clarke is still trying to put the pieces of her heart together when Lexa slowly comes back into her life. The path to forgiveness will force the artist on a self-introspection journey that won't leave anyone unscathed. But isn't true love worth the fight?
Chapter 8: Alive
Clarke lifts her arms above her shoulders, stretching until a satisfying pop releases the pressure accumulated on her spine. Her left arm and hand are cramping after yet another day in front of the easel, and she shakes them with a groan. Her watch indicates 11:30 p.m., meaning she spent almost four hours in the same position. Since she wished the twins good night.
She didn’t mean to work so late. The paintings for Kane’s exhibit are progressing well and should be ready in time; she has no reason to stress about it. But her muse is a capricious being. When she deigns to show up, Clarke usually takes advantage of the sudden inspiration to knock out as much work as possible before it dries out. She will make sure to spend more time with the kids tomorrow. Maybe pick them up from school. Lexa has been doing it every day for a month, much to the staff’s surprise.
To say things have changed at the Griffin-Woods household would be putting it mildly. Clarke can barely remember how alone she used to feel, sipping wine in front of the TV while waiting for her wife to come home. Now, unless she’s at the supermarket, the park, or visiting Anya, Lexa is home. So much so, in fact, that Clarke worried at first that the brunette was overcompensating and would soon go crazy playing housewife.
But once she broached the topic, Lexa reassured her that she was more than fine with their arrangement. She has years of semi-absence to make up for, and being at home allows her to get slowly back into writing. And the kids couldn’t be happier to have both Mommy and Mama at home.
Rubbing her eyes, Clarke heads back to her room, ready to call it a day and hide under her blanket. There’s no light under Lexa’s door. The younger woman must be sleeping already. She brought the twins to the park after school and ran after them for an hour. She looked exhausted during dinner and excused herself soon after tucking in Aden and Madi.
Yet, to Clarke’s surprise, Lexa is in their bedroom. The artist almost shrieks in shock when she spots her before frowning at the sobs that reach her ears. The other woman is sitting on the bed, the nightstand top drawer open next to her. She holds something in her hand while her other is covering her mouth as if trying to contain her emotions.
“Lex? What’s wrong?”
The brunette jerks around with a gasp, not having heard Clarke enter the room. Her big green eyes are wide, tears rolling down her cheeks, and the sight breaks Clarke’s heart. After everything they have gone through recently, she thought they were done with tears. Apparently not.
“I’m sorry. I was looking for my other pair of glasses,” Lexa explains.
When the younger woman opens her hand, the blonde has to force herself to stand still. It’s her engagement ring, the one her wife gave her when she proposed at the end of a romantic escapade. The one she hid in her nightstand along with her wedding band when she couldn’t stomach the sight of them or their weight on her finger. She hasn’t thought about them much, even though their absence feels stranger recently.
“You kept it?”
Lexa’s strange question makes her brows tick. What else was she meant to do with it? The brunette never asked for it back. In hindsight, that would probably have marked the end of their marriage. The sign that all hope was lost; that there was nothing left to save.
“I thought you had thrown it into the river.”
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