drachen-auge · 6 days
Alternate a*spec / anattractional spectrum pride flag
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I wanted to create an a*spec / anattractional spectrum pride flag that visually includes at least all the most common a*- spectrums (asexual, aromantic, aplatonic, asensual, aqueerplatonic, analterous, anaethetic, asocial) but.... it's hard. Like there are so many colours and either you skip some or the flag seems like a wild mix of colours that hurts the eyes. So in the end I thought, why not go for one colour and work with shades. And put an "A" on top of it :D So here's a flag with four blue stripes in different shades representing the different a*spec labels and identities and spectrums plus symbolising that we all exist in spectrums. And to still kinda visually fit to the a*spec flags (plus it just looks nice) there's a grey and a black stripe. The grey representing all the grey areas on and between the spectrums. Black standing for the absence of attraction. And the A is pretty obvious I guess - a*-spec.
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Hey, for pride month would cis people like to stop ignoring trans genocide?
We’re dying. The trans community has always been fighting for the rights of cis queer people, we need you to do the same for us.
There are more than 550 anti trans bills in the United States. If you think they’ll stop with exterminating us, you’re wrong.
If you’re helping, thank you. If you’re not, we need your help.
I love you, stay safe.
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list of things that don't make u lgbt+
note: you have to check all boxes to not be LGBT+. any deviation from this list makes you LGBT+.
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kaikaikay · 5 years
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did a little snooping after revisiting this album, in which I thought I spied some sapphic overtones in one particular song Regina Spektor is bisexual, according to some comments she posted to her official page in 2007 I may finally listen to her other music, too lol #bisexualrepresentation #reginaspektor #begintohope #birep #lgBtqianp #lgbtqia #queer #mogai #bisinger #bimusician https://www.instagram.com/p/B4wKFBgAY7G/?igshid=165cz74cvtbj1
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teddykaczynski · 3 years
one of the earliest things that started my peak was when i went to the orientation the university i went to right after graduating high school’s qrc was holding all about being an LGBTQIANP+++ student there and what resources were available or whatever and most of the event was a panel discussion with anonymously submitted questions answered by this “diverse panel of upperclassmen” but... LITERALLY all of them were bisexual trans people. one was asexual biromantic and some were pansexual and others just ided as the q slur ( 🤮 ) but like. there was no real diversity of sexual orientation. 
i was so shocked and confused? like where are the gay men? lesbians? normal bisexual people? i had no idea how they could assemble this panel and see it as diverse and truly representative of all lgbt students at that school. and i submitted a question on the site they were using that was “is there a social group for lesbians?” and the person who read aloud my question changed LESBIAN to “identity-specific” and said that if someone wanted to make their own identity-specific group hosted at the qrc they were welcome to. insanity. 
i really wish that whole debacle had actually fully peaked me. i would have been saved so much trouble. 
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queerlapras · 7 years
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I haven’t drawn anything digitally in like the longest time so please excuse any wonkiness. Anyway I hope y’all enjoy my flock of Pride Flag Shaymins!!
Credit is preferred but not required, also please don’t remove the caption.
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Even though I usually just use LGBTQ+, the full acronym is LGBTQIAPN​+
Just because I saw a post about acronyms and I want to be clear on my opinion
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athetos · 4 years
hope it's cool to comment on your tags, but as a trans nonbinary person, who has to fight for my identity to be acknowledged and accepted, and having my own letter in LGBTQIANP, i feel really fucking invalidated when people wanna use "queer" as an umbrella term. it only obfuscates everyone's unique identity which was properly acknowledged in the ever-growing letter acronym.
That’s a valid look at things anon - while I may self identity as queer, using queer as an umbrella term can have a lot of issues and it’s important we acknowledge them! We should stop forcing the entire community to use universal terms and understanding that everyone has their own terms they’re comfortable with, and that there’s nothing wrong with that.
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dappersappho · 3 years
Annual Pride Month reminder that this is not celebrating "who we like to fuck". Thank you.
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drachen-auge · 7 months
Because it doesn't already exists, here's one of my own labels: Aliqualterous is an a*-spec orientation in which one only feels alterous attraction under certain circumstances. Aliqualterous can be considered an umbrella term, in which identities such as demialterous are included under it. However, aliqualterous can also be an identity on its own. For example, some individuals may only feel attraction to a very specific type of individual, or only when in a certain place or at a certain time.
The sexual counterpart to aliqualterous is aliquasexual. The romantic counterpart to aliqualterous is aliquaromantic. The queerplatonic counterpart to aliqualterous is aliquaqueerplatonic.
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The flag is based on the aliquasexual and aliquaromantic ones by @genderstarbucks. The blue colour, which is the same as in the demialterous flag, was chosen as it represents alterous attraction and to match other alterous idenity flags.
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kayclau · 6 years
Is there a lesbian equivalent for bear?
Asking for myself. I wanna know.
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aro-gant-aro-blog · 6 years
wow i absolutely do not trust people - especially people of our community - who call it the LGBT community. why can't you say or write that measly +? it's literally one more syllable, one more click, yet certain people don’t have the time in the day? no, not including identities beyond the Big Known Four is an active choice. dare i say it is exclusion,,,, maybe the person saying LGBT isn’t an exclusionist, but that doesn't make their actions any less dividing
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cosmicdreqmer · 7 years
Went to pride for the first time today and only cried twice
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colbertmmunist · 7 years
If you think het aces aren't straight and therefore lgbt, then do you also think gay aces aren't really gay? I can't wrap my head around the logic of it.
het aces are both straight and lgbt… there’s people that can be both straight and lgbt, such as trans people that are straight and therefore both straight and lgbt+
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queerlapras · 7 years
Anyway im fucking pissed so here we go. Aphobes (and i’m mostly refering to the ones who suicide bait and post bullshit in The Tag™, mostly) wouldn’t even do the shit they do if this whole exclusionist movement didn’t get started. The only reason they feel comfortable suicide baiting, posting porn/nsfw content etc. is because it’s the hot new Tumblr trend to shit on aces. I don’t really know how to properly word it, but the bullshit i callout on my blog wouldn’t even happen if the discourse didn’t get started. I mean, imagine if all of the people posting shit in the p/sit/vity tags randomly switched to literally any other orientation/gender without an accompanying “discourse”/questioning their place in the lgbtqianp+ community? It’d probably immediately get called out and would be stopped almost instantly. Because it’s not popular/cool to hate on other orientations right now.
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drachen-auge · 7 months
Demiacespike Pride Flag
When you have a lot of labels, which all come with flags, sometimes you gotta combine some or you'd have to decide.
But what if the flag is not your cup of tea? - Exactly! You make your own (or ask a friend to do it) :D So here's an alternate demiacespike flag for @robertthetrashcan:
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