#lifetime of waiting
Lifetime of Waiting *Chapter 10*
Anthony Beauvillier & Mathew Barzal X OFC!
I’m back….. well sort of. I posted this a few days ago to A03 and forgot to post it here so I am so sorry I’m late but here we are.
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Chapter 10
Tessa as she lays on the laps of her soulmates cannot help but think about all that she has encountered throughout her life to get to where she was today and how comfortable she was with her situation. She was grateful for the men who have come before Mat and Anthony and was grateful for the men whom she gets to spend the rest of her days with. The trio were just sitting in the basement watching movies on a stormy day in BC, Anthony holding Tessa’s head in his lap and Mat with her feet on his.
“What’s on your mind?” Anthony asks, noticing the deep in thought look that had seemed to have glazed over her eyes.
“I am just thinking of how lucky I am to have you boys and everyone who has come before you two. Everyone has played such an important role in my life and I can never repay some of them.” She says, closing her eyes as some tears escape.
“Hey, hey, it is okay. We are so lucky to have you too and I am sure we can track some of them down to thank them if you wanted? Do a tour and go see them?”
“Most of them are dead, I am old, remember. My latest boyfriend before you guys was a long time ago, he is probably in his 40’s now? Something like that, the last person I was with was named Hudson Finnigan.” Mat’s eyes widen and he looks at her.
“Hudson Finnigan from Ireland who moved to Canada when he was young?” Tessa looks at him and wipes her eyes.
“Yes, how did you know?”
“I know where you can find him.”
“You know him?!”
“He was an important person in my life actually, he was my hockey coach. He settled here with his soulmate and has three children.” Tessa’s eyes widen and she looks at him excitedly.
“Really? Do you think he would want to meet up?!”
“Let me ask him and see. I am sure he would love to meet up with you.” She launches herself at him and kisses his face excitedly.
“Fuck, I love you so so much baby.”
“I love you too Tess. So fucking much, i’d do anything to make you happy.” He chuckles, his hands holding her waist tightly.
“When you can, please text him. Don’t give it away that i am around incase he doesn’t want to see me.”
“Why wouldn’t he?”
“I don’t know, I am his ex-girlfriend. He found his soulmate and dumped me, which is not his fault as I would have done the same but it just makes me feel crappy and I felt so bad because I felt like a homewrecker.”
“Why would you be a homewrecker?”
“Because he was in a relationship when he met his soulmate and somehow I felt it was my fault and that he was cheating before he even met his soulmate.”
“That’s crazy baby, there’s no way he would think of you as a homewrecker.”
“Really? How can you be sure.”
“I just know babe.”
“If you’re so sure.” She looks at him unsure of what he was saying. Mat contacted Hudson and he was more than happy to get together. He actually insisted that Mat came over to his house for dinner and Mat asked if he could bring a friend and a girlfriend. Hudson knew Anthony from speaking to him about hockey and his development. He was however surprised that Mat was bringing a girl with him as he had not seen in media or social media anything regarding a girl. Mat, Anthony and Tessa arrive at Hudson’s house holding some wine and some hors d'oeuvre. Hudson’s wife opens the door and ushers them in.
“Welcome Mat, it’s so good to see you again.” She says giving him a hug. “Anthony, its so nice to meet you.” She gives him a hug and then turns to Tessa. “You look really familiar. It’s nice to meet you, I am Tiffany.” She gives Tessa a hug and Tessa hugs back.
“It’s nice to meet you, I am Tessa.” 
“Tessa. Hudson’s ex-girlfriend was Tessa. Does your mom have the same name?”
“Tiff, who’s at the door?” Hudson comes over to his wife and Tessa gasps. Hudson looks exactly the same as he did when they were younger, he’s a little more grey at the temples and his green eyes have more laugh lines than they did when they were younger but for the most part he looks the same. “Tessy?”
“Hi Huds.” She smiles, tears pooling in her eyes. Hudson looks at her in disbelief and then pulls her into him and hugs her tightly. 
“Is that really you?! I thought you were lying when you said you were cursed!”
“I’d never lie about that, but I can begin to age now.”
“You found them finally?” 
“I did, they’re why we’re here.” She pulls away and stands back with Anthony and Mathew. Tiffany looks at Tessa in disbelief as well. How was this woman the same as the one that Hudson had dated many years prior?
“How is this possible?” She asks. 
“I can explain if you’d like to go somewhere a little more private than the front door? I just want to keep it as secret as I can.”
“For sure, shall we go into the living room?” Hudson cannot keep his eyes off of Tessa, as if to make sure that she was really there and not hallucinating.
“Of course, thank you.” Tiffany and Hudson lead the way after the trio toe off their shoes. They sit down on the couch and the boys place one of their hands on Tessa’s thigh as a way to comfort her and show her that they are there if she needs them. 
“So how did this happen?” Tiffany asks as soon as they are settled. 
“So, I was born in 1880 in the United States. My parents were not wealthy and I was sick. Being their first born, they did everything in their power to keep me alive. This meant going to a witch who specialized in keeping sickly children and adults alive. The witch was crooked though, she told my parents how sick I was and told them that the only way I was to live was to perform this ritual and there was no guarantee that I was to live. The problem with that is that they didn’t let my parents know that by performing this ritual, the witch would put their curse onto me and I would be stuck with the curse of not aging until I met my soulmates. That’s why I look the same as I did when I was in the 90’s before Hudson had met you Tiffany. As soon as he did he broke up with me and I don’t ever blame him, it was easier for me to have to leave because I knew that he would be safe and happy without me because he had you. And to me, that’s better than anything I could have ever given him or given myself. Until I had met my soulmates of course, now I get to know what it is like to be in love unconditionally. I have lived over 120 years and have witnessed many terrible things with those that I love dying, leaving and so many terrible things. And yet I would go through that all again if it meant I could meet and experience everything I have. That curse was the best and worst thing but I don’t blame the witch for doing what they did. They only did it because they wanted a life for themselves. They got it and now so do I.” Tessa shrugs looking at Hudson and Tiffany as she speaks. She laid everything on the line for the first time in forever and it felt so good. “I’m going to be real, the time I spent with you Huds was the best time of my life. And will be what I carry through my entire life. You brought me so much joy when I was down on myself and your parents brought me in and treated me like their own daughter, until they actually died and for that I am so grateful. They understood who I was and kept my secret for as long as they knew. That night in Palm Beach where we talked about our hopes and dreams and you said you wanted three daughters, Celeste, Patricia and Marie with your perfect soulmate. That stayed with me for all this time, because I wanted you to be happy. I felt like such a homewrecker when you met Tiffany because you were not single. I felt as though I had ruined something for you before it had even begun.” Tessa grips both boys' hands in support. 
“You’re not a homewrecker Tessa.” Tiffany says, her hand grasping Hudson’s as they listen to Tessa pour her heart out to them all. “I never ever thought of you like that, ever. You were such a huge part of Hudson’s life that I never resented you. I never wished for anything negative to happen to you because you moulded Hudson into the man that he is today.” She says and Tessa’s eyes meet hers. 
“Really?” Tessa asks in disbelief. Tiffany nods her head. 
“Yes of course, you were his first love and will always be. You were there for him before I was in the picture and I will always be so grateful.”
“I am so grateful for him and all that he taught me. He helped me become the woman that I am for these men. I wish I was better to him than I was but I was a little jaded by not finding my soulmates. I mean when I met Hudson, I had been alive for over 100 years and so while I loved him I was frustrated that he was not my soulmate. The problem with that was because of that, when he found you I was accepting but very bitter and may have said things to him that I wish I could have taken back.”
“I understood back then why you were like that and why you felt that way. That’s okay and I never took it offensively. I knew many people that were angry with me for finding my soulmate before them. Now that I know that you were much older than me and had been looking for your soulmate for so long I cannot blame you for being as upset with me as you were. You did not deserve to not know them and your suffering is not in vain. I am happy that you found them now and am so grateful that you’ve learned who they are and what they can do to help you. Because Tessa, you deserve so much more than what any of us could have given you. The one thing that I know now that I have been around for as long as I have with Tiffany is that having a soulmate is unlike anything that I have ever experienced in my life and I will forever be grateful for what she has taught me through the years. I have grown and become a better person because of her and her love. This is much like what you will experience with Anthony and Mat and you deserve it. When you left and never came back and I never heard from you I was worried because it was as if you had vanished out of thin air. If I had not had photos with you in it, I would have thought that I had made up your existence.”
“I could not show my face after a while because everyone we had hung out with were growing older and yet, here I was still stuck in a 23 year old body. I had to hide and eventually drop off the face of the earth. I did not want to but it comes with the territory of being cursed.” Tessa’s eyes are stuck on Hudson as the pair talk, while their soulmates watch the interaction.
“We would have understood.”
“I have been 23 for many years and the one thing that I have noticed is that 23 year old men are not open to change or unusual things. You totally would have thought I was insane with the way that I was reacting or speaking about a curse from a witch. It was just easier to hide away from the world and move away. Everyone forgets who I am everytime I move away and it’s just easier.” Tessa’s eyes are trained to the floor and Anthony squeezes her thigh in comfort.
“I would never forget you, I could not when you were such a huge part of my life.” Hudson says and then it falls in silence until a little girl comes running in and jumps on Tiffany’s lap.
“Tessa, Mat, Anthony, this is Marie.” Tiffany introduces the little girl with pigtails in her hair that was in her arms.
“Hi!” Mat and Anthony say.
“Hello Marie, you’re so beautiful!”
“Thank you Tessa, my middle name is Tessa.” Tessa looks at Hudson and he nods.
“Like I said, you were such an important part of my life that we wanted to name her after you. Even if I never saw you ever again, I would have a piece of you always and Tiffany was more than happy to allow that to happen.” Tessa’s heart warms and she feels tears welling up.
“Thank you, this is the best thing I have ever heard in my life. I am honoured.”
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blindchat · 7 months
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Happy Birthday Everyone BBC did not stay down despite getting shot
The Dabi dance reveal remains iconic
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ash-and-starlight · 7 months
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one day, in a thousand years
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youledmehere · 4 months
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queenie-official · 5 months
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seagreenstardust · 1 year
When Katsuki Bakugo needed saving, Izuku came up with a plan where Todoroki, Iida, and Kirishima went rocketing across the sky to reach him.
When Izuku Midoriya needed saving, it was Katsuki, Todoroki, and Iida who went rocketing across the sky to reach him.
Both times, our Twin Stars decided to set their own needs aside and allow the other’s trusted friend to take the lead in bringing them home. Izuku knew Kirishima was the right choice to get Katsuki away from the league quickly and safely, and Katsuki knew Iida was the better man for the job of catching up to Izuku and bringing him back.
Can we please just take a moment to appreciate the parallels. Please.
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the-nysh · 1 year
Appreciation for when Nightow draws these dark jumpscares of Vash looking absolutely terrifying (from Trigun vol2 & Trimax vol2)
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Scaring everyone around him with a pressure so intense, like constraining an unfathomable darkness simmering just below the surface, that his friends and opponents alike are unnerved by just how....inhuman he can suddenly become.
As felt by Milly, Wolfwood, and Leonof the Puppetmaster (notably up to this point, Meryl's been startled and scared for him, but not frightened by Vash's unmasked darker 'diablo' side like the others have...)
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That Leonof even notes (in Trimax vol3) a normal human would have already succumbed or lost himself to that level of darkness he carries....making Vash the complete opposite of one. To have endured the depths of that much sorrow, suffering, and rage beyond the scope of what's humanly possible. How he's so much like a human, yet uncannily nothing like one at all; he's something else entirely.
And yet, even despite that heavy darkness of accumulated demons and horrors beyond any human's lifetime or comprehension--being the very inescapable burden he carries as one who's functionally immortal, it's also just as Luida says--Vash somehow keeps on living and pressing forward through that endless personal hell regardless...
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wfhwfhwfh · 10 days
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I see vaas montenegro and my knees quake
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leafsfromthevine · 4 days
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them 🤍.*🌈₊˚ෆ💭ᯓᡣ𐭩
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michyeosseo · 1 month
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I am determined to take Shen Li home.
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Soooo I’m faster at writing now that I’ve moved through this road block. Look out for the next chapter of Under Wraps in a few days and then FINALLY Lifetime of Waiting will be updated after 7 months.
Stay tuned!
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ghostpi22 · 1 month
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Feeding time 🐢🐢🥬🥬
(Drew comes free with the order)
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soundsfaebutokay · 2 years
The thing I go back to again and again when thinking of Hob Gadling is the word devotion. This man really just…with no hope of reciprocity, not a single bloody hint that the Stranger would ever return to him…he waited. He built an entire pub, made sure the Stranger could find the pub, and made going to that pub a part of his routine so that just in case—just in case!—the Stranger decided to ever show up, out of schedule, he would be there. He'd be waiting. For thirty-three goddamn years! Or, if you're counting how long he's held on to his stubborn loyalty after a pretty devastating rejection, add a century to that number. All this, without any assurance that the friendship he's offering would ever be accepted. All this, for a being who hasn't even told him his name. I've seen gods worshipped with less conviction. It just, it makes me insane.
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ridox · 4 months
This is Rafayel
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dollya-robinprotector · 10 months
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Average delulu at 1 a.m in the morning with @glutominnn
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bellepark · 1 year
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BOKURA NO SHOKUTAKU (2023) — episode 9
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