#light yagami x male reader
niki-phoria · 11 months
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light yagami reaction - love languages
includes: reader is in college and drinks coffee, reader cries about being burnt out lol, maybe ooc l?? set during the few months when light gives up the death note NOT KIRA LIGHT
a/n: i'm in love with pre kira light
male reader (he/him pronouns)
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⋆。°✩ physical touch
(word count 183)
“hey,” you say, setting your backpack down on the ground as you pull out the chair beside light. “mind if i sit here?”
“of course not,” he smiles, subtly pushing his notes to the side to make room for your own. you ignore l’s glance as you pull out one of your textbooks and its corresponding notebook.
silence falls over the task force headquarters once again aside from the occasional noise of a mouse clicking or your pencil scraping against the page.
light occasionally glances down at your work, silently double checking your answers. he waits for you to finish answering the hardest questions before he shifts slightly closer to you. he moves now using his left hand to continue researching the yotsuba group. you smile softly when he reaches over, subtly resting his hand beside yours. you silently reach over to take his hand into yours, intertwining your fingers together before you turn your attention back to your notes.
you pretend not to hear matsuda’s cheering or light’s father scolding him in favour of absentmindedly rubbing small shapes against light’s skin.
⋆。°✩ quality time
(word count 195)
light softly smiles to himself as he quietly enters your shared bedroom before closing the door behind himself. your body lays sprawled out on the bed - one of your arms haphazardly thrown across one of his pillows, keeping it closely pressed against your bare chest. 
a small sliver of moonlight just barely illuminates the room as light tugs his own shirt off. he tosses his clothes into a laundry basket hidden away in your closet. he slips into an old pair of your sweatpants before carefully slipping underneath the covers to lay beside you. 
you stir awake at the feeling, lifting your head up just enough to squint at him in the darkness. “light?” you whisper. 
“go back to sleep, y/n,” he murmurs. you shuffle even closer to him, tangling your legs together underneath the blankets. your arm lays draped over his side as you lean in to nuzzle yourself against his body. he stifles a chuckle, pulling you even closer. goosebumps raise along your waist when his hand ghosts against your skin. he leans down to press a kiss against your forehead. “i love you,” you whisper. 
“i love you too,” light murmurs.
⋆。°✩ gift giving
(word count 184)
you stifle a small yawn as you tiredly walk back to the makeshift workstation you had set up at one of the free tables in the middle of the task force headquarters. the fluorescent lights beam down on you from above as you walk through the sea of empty desks until you find your computer. 
set delicately in the corner away from your computer is a small bouquet of flowers and a fresh cup of coffee with a small note taped to the mug. you smile softly at the sight as you approach, setting your bag down on the ground before you sit down in the chair. you push your computer aside, reaching over to grab the still-warm cup and opening the note. 
my y/n,
l asked me and the other task force members to assist him on a mission. we’ll be back soon. 
i love you, 
you smile as you pocket the note before you pull your phone out of your pocket to quickly send him a text before finally sitting down to start doing your work. 
i love you too
⋆。°✩ acts of service
(word count 188)
“i don’t understand why this is necessary,” l says, reaching out to eat another chocolate-covered strawberry. the chain of their handcuffs clink as light reaches over to grab a frying pan to continue making breakfast. “you’re not even going to eat the food.”
“it’s for y/n,” light says. his attention remains focused on the stove despite the complaints of the man chained to him. “he has a few classes this morning so i’m making his lunch.”
l remains silent, instead choosing to observe light. he occasionally tugs them around the grand kitchen as he expertly moves to cook your favourite meal. the chain drags against the marble countertops with each movement, though their complaints are left unsaid.
the handcuffs clink once again as light leans over the counter, quickly writing a love note on a piece of scrap paper. “i still don’t understand,” l comments.
light simply shrugs as he slips the note and container of food into your lunchbox before returning it to your backpack. l watches over his shoulder as he sets the bag down beside the couch. “i do it because i love him.”
⋆。°✩ words of affirmation
(word count 197)
“y/n?” light calls as he enters your shared bedroom. you flinch slightly at the sudden noise, finally pulling your attention away from your unfinished notes to look back at him. he furrows his eyebrows slightly when he steps closer, noticing your puffy eyes as he walks over to sit beside you. “is everything okay?”
“i’m fine,” you mumble, turning to look back down at your notes. “just… a little stressed.”
“you know you can tell me anything,” light frowns slightly as he reaches over to carefully grab your hand. “what’s wrong?”
you let out a small sigh as he begins to rub miscellaneous shapes against your hand. “i’m exhausted.” your voice shakes as each word leaves your mouth. “i have so much work - it all feels neverending. i don’t know what to do.”
“y/n,” light whispers. he reaches over to cup your face in his hands. “you’re incredibly smart, and handsome, and kind,” he brushes away a stray tear as it rolls down your cheek. “you don’t have to go through this alone. i’m here for you. i love you. let me take care of you.”
you nod, leaning further into light’s touch. “thank you.”
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jiijux · 11 months
clingy!GN Readerx different type of Light!
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He would be a big fan of being hugged from the back by you.
People usually think he would be the bigger spoon but he adored being the little spoon especially if you ask him to sit on your lap.
He never understands why couple likes to be clingy towards one another until he met you.
Never experience a relationship before let alone have someone who is clingy.
Light would smiles warmly everytime he sees you behind him while also looking at him with your puppy eyes.
He likes the thoughts of being held by the waist when you both are hugging.
Very much a big fan of cuddling when you both had a study session together.
Light would be having trouble to express how he feels and it sometimes leads to miscommunication for the both of you but he would always say that he liked it when you're clingy with him.
If you ever put your hand on his waist while kissing him on the cheeks (in priv), he would turn red from the overwhelming feeling.
He is also very shy about you being clingly around him because he never received many affections from someone.
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Let's face it, you're playing with a literal FIRE
He wouldn't mind you being clingy around him but he would respectfully turn it down when you start to do it a little too much.
He cares more about cleansing the world rather than having a fun time with you but he would apologize for making you upset.
Although when he is frustrated ―he would always go to you for comfort, he doesn't care what it is but he hoped it's at least that could get him to calm down in your touch.
He is willing to let you be clingy around him when he is in a good mood.
He adored whenever you're giving him pecks before he start focusing on cleansing the world again.
Hugging is fine with him, just do it in private.
I do think he would be the tsundere for some reason.
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biggestxsimps · 1 year
Finding The Deathnote
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Light Yagami x Male reader
I’m really sorry about this. This was meant to be originally head canons but somehow I steered away from it. I have no idea what this monstrosity is meant to be, it’s just random dot points I swear. 😭
(I’ll probably end up deleting this, I despise it with a passion.)
When you and Light first met, you perceived him as innocent, polite and a reserved student who’s at the top of his classes. Just like everyone else thought.
As you and light became closer, you sensed a change in his behaviour. He had become overly manipulative at times.
You have grown dearly concerned.
One day, when you and Light went back to his house for a study session, he had left the room. You had seen your boyfriend holding a black book with white writing you couldn’t read since he was far away at the time. Anytime you mentioned anything about it, he became tense and changed the topic.
After rummaging through his desk draws, you had managed to find the book labelled ‘deathnote’ he had been carrying around.
You picked it up for a moment before immediately putting it back in the draw when you heard Light making his way back upstairs.
You took a seat back on his bed, suddenly seeing a figure.
After a bit of panicking, speaking to Light the both of you calmed down after he explained about this ‘shinigami’ named Ryuk and what his intentions were with the deathnote and what it was.
You had always looked up to Light, but hearing his words and what his goal was really put you on edge at the moment.
You loved him dearly but you weren’t sure what you were to do. You knew he could kill you right there and then if he wanted to, but he wouldn’t do such a thing, would he?
-Written by owner 2
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banzaitaka · 2 years
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Rules and other Masterlists
L Lawliet
Light Yagami
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trancylovecraft · 7 months
Yandere light yagami headcanons?
Thanks for ordering!
Come again soon!
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• Eep! NOT a good yandere to have in deathnote at all.
• I headcannon him as delusional, Obsessive and MANIPULATIVE TO HIGH HELL (what a surprise)
• Delusional in the way that his god complex plays into his obsession. He believes he’s entirely right and believes you to be pure and completely innocent. If he is a god, You are an angel. That sort of thing.
• Obsessive in the way that he just loves to dig up all the information he can on you. Light uses this to his advantage to be the perfect boyfriend. Keep his image up for you and appear like the most loving partner in the world
• And manipulative in the way.. well, You know. Light likes having control of you and your life. He decides your friends to your wardrobe. Tells you he's doing this for your own good, And with his delusional tendencies he believes it too.
• I can see two ways that he gets invested in you.
• One, You were in the same class as light. You were smart too, Always keeping up with him and being a sort of academic rival. It infuriated Light, It tempered his ego and made him want to tear his hair out.
• Number two, You were an awful student. You got in trouble with teachers, Slept in class and had general bad behaviour. But you were smart, You were clever, You aced all your tests. This interests light, Surprises him even.
• I’m picking number two.
• You often skipped class, Went out to smoke and drink underage. You were intelligent but you never cared for academics or any high-profile careers suggested to you by your counsellor. You instead had a passion for something else, Something away from here.
• Light wasn’t interested in you at first. He view you as a slack-off and had a slightly negative opinion of you when you WERE in class. You didn’t like him either because he was a snitch who tattled to the teachers about you smoking.
• But that changed one day.
• You were off for about a week, And completely missed your homework. So as the respectable man that light was, He offered to bring it to your home.
• But when he got there, Light was stunned. Your father answered the door, Slightly stumbled in his movements and a pungent smell of liquor on him.
• Light handed over your homework to your father, Barely getting a peek into your dirty and unkempt home before the door was slammed shut on his face.
• From then on, Light became much more understanding to your situation. He’d sometimes turn a blind eye to your unhealthy habits, Lend you notes that you missed or help you out if you asked.
• But it wasn’t obsession. Well, Not until he got his hands on the deathnote that is.
• As soon as Light does, That’s when his mental health starts to spiral. His insanity and god complex become much more.. Visible.
• Not visible, Light hid it very well. But the affects the deathnote had on him just amplified all his worst traits to the absolute maximum.
• Including his obsession
• Light started to grow more and more enamoured with you. He grew antsy on the days you didn’t show up to class, Mind wandering to you in late night study sessions.
• It starts off as that, A distraction. A persistent one that distracts him from his goal of becoming god, But just a distraction.
• Of course though, You saw the title and pressed read more so of course it isn’t gonna stay that way. The distraction becomes obsession.
• It invades his mind, Every second of the day is him thinking about your smile or the way your hair smelt of apples. He tries to shake it off, But Light just can’t.
• Then, His delusional tendencies start to kick in.
• All of your slights, Your smoking and your drinking. Your wide vocabulary of insults or your snarky attitude all get written off. You are perfect, You are innocent.
• He starts walking with you to school despite your protests, Keeping his perfect attitude up as a kind and caring man. You tried to get away but somehow he finds you (Well not him, But a certain god of death has eyes on you.)
• Light brings you lunches since you never brought any of your own. He makes sure you eat every bite.
• When you talk with Light, You find out you have a lot in common! Almost everything, In fact (You don’t know that Light stalks all your social media and in real life to get a taste of how to be the perfect man for you)
• You also notice that what little friends you do have start to drop out or avoid you entirely for some reason, Leaving you with Light.
• He often invites you to study sessions at his house, Making sure to hide the notebook too of course. He uses this as a way to get closer to you and as a cover for when L is surveying his house.
• The Kira case is now ongoing, You don’t really have an interest in it but Light seems to have. He tends to mention it in conversation, Trying to get your opinion on Kira.
• When you tell him that you think Kira is a good-for-nothing criminal who should be locked up, He isn’t happy to say the least.
• You’re weirded out by his behaviour, You don’t understand the sudden change of attitude but get brushed off when you try to bring it up.
• Until you decide to go out for a midnight snack run, You wanted to watch a newly-released movie and you didn’t have any food in the house thanks to your drunkard father eating it all.
• But when you leave the convenience store with your goods, You’re suddenly pulled into an alleyway and a gun is shoved into your face.
• You’re terrified, Barely listening to the mans yells and threats for you to stay quiet. All before his gun drops from his hold and falls to the ground, Dead of a heart attack.
• After that night your opinion on Kira has taken a turn for the better.
• As soon as you get to school the next day, You’re shaken up. You admit to light what happened to you. Light of course is very understanding and concerned for your wellbeing.
• You tell him that your fine and that Kira must’ve gotten to the criminal. This is where his manipulative edge comes in and he starts to push you towards Kira with words like:
• “I don’t want to think what would’ve happened if Kira wasn’t there, If he wasn’t, You could’ve died.”
• Positive reinforcement. You don't have any other friends at school except for a few smoking buddies, Even then you don't talk much. Light is your only source of socialisation, You trust him.
• This is where he starts to manipulate you more and more.
• By now you two are both in college, You go to the same one as him after he convinced you to join. You don’t know how you got in with your horrid grades but you passed the entrance exam with flying colours, So that was probably it.
• After that his behaviour gets stranger and stranger.
• He becomes much more clingy, Following you around everywhere now and constantly asking you to come over to his house on the guise of studying for college.
• You’re both a strange pair. Light being the perfect man, Perfect grade student that everyone loves while you’re some girl with bad attendance and a smell of liquor.
• You cant make any friends at school, Anyone you talk to instantly avoids you the next day. It takes a toll on  your self esteem so you decide to just stick with Light.
• There is Ryuzaki too, A boy that shared the top spot with light. But you think he’s creepy and just avoid him as best as you can.
• It’s also why you excuse his behaviour, You have no one else to talk to and you just write off his behaviour as being caring.
• All until your hand accidentally brushes against a certain notebook in his bag.
• You didn’t mean to, But as soon as you do you see a shadow looming behind Light, Who is cackling to high hell.
• You cant say anything before Light pushes you to the wall, Grabbing you by the neck and starting to choke you.
• This is where you become aware of who he is, Your best friend is Kira. A man who has killed thousands.
• Light lays down how this is going to go, He looks crazy, Insane as he tells you that from here on out you’re going to do as he says.
• You try to protest but suddenly Light silences you by kissing your lips roughly. You’re disturbed, Shaken and terrified as you struggle.
• When Light pulls away he tells you that if you struggle he’ll kill everyone in this school, Telling you how the deathnote works.
• While you aren’t the best person, You don’t want thousands of innocent people to die.
• He says that you have no choice, And you don’t.
• After that, You enter the domestic stage.
• You dropped out of college for what was said to be bad attendance when In reality, Light just doesn’t like you being outside.
• You spend your time at his house and after explaining your exaggerated sob story she quite sympathetically lets you stay to your horror. You don’t want to stay but Light was watching your every move.
• He doesn’t let you out of the house, Telling his mother that you’re sick from your domestic life and that you need rest. She brings you food, You want to say something but you can’t risk the life of thousands
• As much as he wants to kill your deadbeat father he can’t. It would fuck with his plans and you have no other guardians, Throwing you over to the legal system.
• Its not like he’ll know you’re gone though, He won’t report to the police in favour of another shot.
• When Light comes back he often plays up his delusional tendencies, Showing what he calls affection with kisses to the lips and embraces that you wish you could escape from.
• When his sister Sayu asks about you, Light tells her that you’re his girlfriend but not to tell mother. Sayu of course, Tells her anyways and she gets excited for him. Light planned this of course, Giving you more pressure to stay when his family loves you so.
• And as his girlfriend, You two sleep in the same bed. Its uncomfortable, But after Light threatens to whip out the ‘note you need to bear with it.
• When Misa comes into the picture, She is instantly is jealous, But is told a lie by Light that you’re just there to further his plans and she is the one he truly loves when its really vice versa.
• You do somehow end up becoming best friends though, Misa shows you pictures of her shoots and brings you food for a girls night. Its nice, You have someone else to talk to other than light. (good luck if she goes yandere for you too)
• If you ever get Stockholm then Light would be overjoyed. You’d actually be allowed out on dates with him and go do stuff normal couples do.
• But of course, Anyone who looks in your direction for a little too long suddenly disappears. Anyone who dares to flirt with you is destroyed.
• Good luck with Light, He’s hard to deal with.
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manlicker69 · 11 months
Hmm so could I request light yagami x male reader that acts like dazai?
I'm horrible with plot ideas, but he could be misa's brother?
Oh could it be a fluff & smut? With m!reader being bottom? (If you're comfortable)
૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა
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yesss omg i haven't really seen much fluff light but I can definitely work with this!! Thanks for the request Sunny :3
Killing Me Softly With His Song
Tags :: Light Yagami x Male Reader, smut, fluff, praise, worship, manlicker69, soft Light, reader has healed and scabbed scars, kissing, soft sex, comfort, anal, gay, reference of Light being a God (yk), oral (reader recieves)
After a long day for both of you, Light wishes to worship you instead of you worshiping him.
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You've been working all day, stress decorating your figure. Sitting on Light's bed, when you hear his footsteps approach.
"Light! Oh my pookie wookie bear how i've missed you!"
Cringing at the satire name, Light embraced your body with his.
"My love, how I've missed you all day."
You leave his embrace with a giggle, jumping back onto the bed with recoil.
"Aww, you missed me? How much would you say? As large as a subway 12", or as big as Japan?"
Your intoxicating smile protruded Light's mind, mentally lifting him off of his feet. He walked on clouds to meet your face once again, greeting your lips softly. After a peaceful few seconds, he disconnects from you.
"Bigger than the distance to the moon and back, my love."
He engorged himself into your scent, appreciating the being in his arms. He greeted your lips once more, caressing your curves with curved wrists. Deep into the kiss, Light pushes you more onto the bed for him to roam over you, peppering love into your soul. You pull away to breathe properly, breathlessly staring into his dark orbs.
"I never thought that I'd be making love to a God."
You smirked, knowing your statement would arouse him even further than your body has. Light grew harder against you, but softly grabbed your form closer to kiss you once more.
"This God has noticed your effort, and he will gift you with his praise in return."
While leaving trails of kisses down your neck, he began undressing your top, feeling you up to his heart's content. He kisses your healed and unhealed scars, hoping his love overtakes their sorrow meaning. He continues his trail down your chest and stomach, hands attending his own shirt.
"You have no idea how beautiful you are Y/n... - do you consent to this?"
Focused on his gorgeous face, you slip trying to find your words.
"You have my consent, my love."
Light grips your face as if the world were to fall on him, and pecks a kiss before lowering down to your chest as he undresses your lower half. Your length springs up to the heavens, harsh and cold air hitting it.
"Are you prepared for your gift?"
You nod with a grin on your face, calm yet madly in love with everything about him. He leans forward towards your crotch to take your member in his mouth. His mouth hollow while taking you slowly. Groans and soft moans leave your throat, grasping the sheets you lie on. Light hums along your cock as he fully takes you down his throat, lifting his orbs to view your own.
"Your... your mouth feels amazing around my cock Light, keep... keep going please."
He moves along your length, swallowing both his own saliva and your pre-cum as well as he can. He starts quickening his pace faster, wanting to see your reaction. You start thrusting in his mouth, sweating like an addict for more friction. With your last thrust, you cum in his throat, watching his eyes roll back as he chokes on you. Pulling himself off of you, he grabs your face to kiss you more. You can taste your come in his mouth, arousing you even further.
"Lie down comfortably, please."
You both let go and you readjust you position, lying down on your back, staring at your lover.
"You're such a good boy y/n, such a good boy for me."
He pecks your cheek softly, then aligning himself with your entrance. With a small sigh, he slowly enters you, stirring whines and moans from you once again, He was much bigger than you, but he could still hit all of the right spots.
"Mmm... Y/n, tell me when to move."
You huff and puff around his cock, throbbing and squeezing him while you adjust. Light brushes your face wish his lips, a soft gesture you didn't often see.
"I'm okay now... you can move Light."
The sound of his name lit up in his mind like a light bulb, and started turning his gears to thrust inside of you. Making sure not to break you, he tries to hold back on his strength.
"You're so fucking handsome I - Oh my godd y/n..."
He quickens his thrusts and forms a ryrhem to follow your moans, music to his ears. Your whines performing as an orchestra to his ears. At an attempt to solve his hunger for more of you, he leans down to kiss and bite your neck.
"L-light oh my mmf... I'm gonn-"
Light swallows your words with a kiss, eating them one by one. His pace at high speeds, both his movement and your moans loud and fast. He begins loosing precision in his thrusts as he can feel his orgasm, while you scratch his back for any sense of relief. On the brink of his orgasm, you feel your own make a mess on your chest and his. He makes one final big thrust, continued with little ones, staying on top of your chest.
"You are such a good boy for me y/n , in and out of bed."
Finding your vision after your washed orgasm, you let out a soft laugh to his humor. Before the two do you could continue your short lived conversation, a call spawns in the room. Light and you look around, trying to spot the phone. Light spots it lying on the floor in one of your discarded pant pockets.
“You’re not going to answer that, right?”
Light chuckles, and does everything you didn’t want him to do ; he picked up the phone.
“Helloooo?? Y/n??? Ugh I’ve been texting you!!! Why haven’t you answered me yet??”
The loud high pitched voice of Misa fills the room.
“Sorry, he was busy with something, he’ll get back to you soon.”
He closes the phone as she protests, but fails to stop him.
“Why’d you do that?”
You lie there, still stuffed with Light’s cock.
“It’s fun to annoy your sister.”
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Hope you enjoy! I am pretty tired and I am not energized enough to edit or fix any possible issues or just stuff I don't like so sorry >_<
I also kinda forgot abt the misa part so i put it in the end lol 😭😭
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Have any requests? Dm me! <33
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sanb3rry · 1 year
come home to me ..
( ask by @siireneyes ; kinda deleted it by accident but i remember it so i shall deliver !!! )
warnings : very fluffy, kinda ooc light (basically him pre-death note), typos maybe
summary: you’re feeling down after a day of work but your lovely boyfriend shall make you feel better ! ♡
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you shuffled into your quiet apartment, the lights were off due to how late it was. you dropped your bag and keys on the couch and headed to your shared bedroom. you tried to be as quiet as you could, hoping to not wake up your boyfriend. despite your efforts, he woke up anyways.
he’s always been a light sleeper, so it’s to be expected. “why are you so late?” light asked after looking at the clock on the bedside table. “did i wake you up? sorry.” you apologized as you slowly got into the bed after changing into your pjs. he was quiet, expecting an answer for his previous question. you sighed.
“my coworker gave me his work to complete since he had to leave early.” you finally answered.
“he can’t do that, you should’ve said no.” light remarked, “i couldn’t, he’s super close to the superiors.” you snuggled into him.
light wasn’t dumb, far from it actually. this job was draining you, emotionally and physically. he put the dots together quite quickly when he noticed your under-eyes from not getting enough sleep, the fact that you two barely go to sleep together anymore and that one time he accompanied you to a work party, you looked like you were gonna cry any second while you were talking to your superiors.
he rubbed your back, hoping to make you feel better. “darling, i really think you should quit.” he said. you pulled away to look at him. there was tears welling in your eyes, his eyes widened. he didn’t like it all when you cried.
“listen, i make more than enough to support the both of us and it’ll give you time to relax and focus on stuff that makes you feel happy.” he continued. “that does sound nice, but i dont know..” you sounded reluctant.
“i’ll find you another job if you still wanna work, but this isn’t working.” he stated. light isn’t a big fan of comforting people but if it’s you, he’ll do anything to help. “this coworker of yours really pisses me off, i’ll take care of him too, i promise.” his hand wiping away the tears running down your face.
you felt so much better when you talked to him, thoughts about work or anything bothering you flood away. “thank you, light.” you were truly so grateful you had him.
“i hope you know i’m always here for you, if something is troubling you, i will do my best to solve it.” he smiled. you kissed him, how could you not? he’s always so sweet to you.
“i love you.” you said.
“i love you too. now go to sleep, we’ll talk in the morning.” he kissed you on the forehead.
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© sanb3rry2023
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dearestones · 1 year
Trust Fall (Yandere! Yagami Light x M! Reader)
Warnings: Yandere character, yandere behavior, obsessive behavior, possessive behavior, implied drugging, slight NSFW, etc.
Anonymous Request: I may or may not have just binged all your yandere Light fics and wow you write him really well!! If requests are still open and you don’t mind writing for him some more, could please maybe do yan Light (romantic) with a male childhood friend reader? Maybe even a little nsfw if that’s okay? Thanks a ton for your work so far!!
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“Would you do it?”
“The only other option is to let you fall.” Light paused in the middle of his note taking, his handwriting as meticulous and detailed as ever. “If you fell at the right angle and without preparation, you could end up with a severe concussion. Or worse.”
“Well yeah, but even if I wasn’t at risk of falling, would you still catch me?”
His brown eyes glinted and he looked back at his notes, the dismissal clear in his actions. “Don’t you trust me? I will always be there for you.”
That was years ago, back when you were still first years in high school, but you can still remember that conversation to this day. 
He didn’t talk to you all that often—he was consumed by his parents’ high expectations—but you knew that he valued your friendship that had arisen from your shared childhood. 
But that was back in high school.
Sometimes, you worry about Light. He’s an all right kind of guy, brilliant and morally upright. However, despite the facade that you’ve seen him portray for everyone, including yourself, you cannot deny that there are moments when you feel like you don’t know him at all. Nowadays, whenever you see him, you’re struck with a sudden feeling that there’s something off about him. Sort of like if you leave last night’s dinner on the counter instead of kept in stasis in your refrigerator. On the surface, nothing’s changed, but if you really pay attention, you’ll find that the food is no longer the same.
In the same way, when you met up with Light several months into his first year at his university, you noticed that Light wasn’t as gregarious or as friendly as he was back in high school. At first, you had chalked it all up to maturation and a heavy workload from higher education, but that theory didn’t hold up too long. His features, already so handsome, had become almost gaunt, his cheekbones sharper and his eyes that much narrower. When he looked at you, he didn’t seem to actually see you.
He was somewhat closed off when you were younger—and you had entertained that he must have been lonely at the top—but now it seemed like he didn’t care. What used to be brown eyes brimming with wide eyed wonder at the world had become colder and harsher. Like water that had hardened to ice. 
Oh, he played the part of someone who was happy to see their childhood friend again. When you approached him, you saw the cogs in his head turn at a terrifyingly high speed, before he made an offhand comment on how great you looked and if you were still in school. It was like a computer had latched onto your figure, made a calculation, and then delivered it promptly without room for error.
He made sure that he sounded warm, that his inflections were in the right place, and that he made the accommodating facial expressions spot on, but you felt like he was playing a role. 
It didn’t feel like it was Light anymore.
Then again, you supposed that now that the both of you weren’t in the same school anymore, it was to be expected. New life experiences alter one’s perspective on life and you supposed that maybe Light was finally expressing his potential to those who could finally understand him. In fact, you thought that since he seemed so comfortable in that suit of his and surrounded by what you could call were his disciples (seriously, the young men and women who sometimes accompanied him seemed to praise his intelligence at every turn), he would dismiss you and never speak to you again.
Yet, that simply was not the case.
No sooner did you return to your apartment that you received a text from Light.
The text was rather cordial, but you could almost imagine Light was ruffling the back of his hair sheepishly, his fingers flying up and down the buttons on his cell phone. There was that nagging feeling again that this was a ploy for something, but since Light wasn’t there to influence your perceptions, you brushed it off. 
Maybe you caught him at a bad time.
Maybe he was acting so strangely because it had been a long time and you did manage to surprise him when he was clearly on an outing with fellow university students. 
You replied back and within an hour, the both of you switched to speaking on the phone and scheduling a place and time where you could meet again. 
The next time you saw Light, you were once again somewhat aware that Light had changed, but it was muted now. It was like the last time you had seen him, the curtains had been raised open to let the audience take a sneak peek of the inner workings of the stage. However, as you seated yourself near a fountain in the middle of a mall, you saw that Light looked more open, looked a lot more like the Light that you used to know, but you knew that it was all a lie. 
If he had seemed a little eerie, but bearable then, you were downright unnerved now. 
Because Light’s smile and his flowing conversation drew you in and to your surprise, you wanted to be kept near his side. Was this what his disciples at the university felt like? It was almost like you were being inducted into a cult. 
The stage curtain had been pulled aside during your first encounter, but now it was closed shut without any hint of an encore.
This Light you saw before you was trying to emulate the friend that you used to idolize back in high school. 
And yet, you didn’t care.
The both of you got to talking about what was going on in both your lives. Well, it was mostly yourself now that you thought about it. Light was keen on knowing everything about you: from your work and school schedule, your current friends, and even your political views. In contrast, Light remained mostly silent and had only given you a paltry response to your inquiries about his time in university. Apparently, he had spent some time away from school to help work on a murder case for his father. 
You were intrigued and somewhat confused. Was he truly that intelligent and qualified?  
He waved away your concerns and said that he had taken classes online, thereby making sure that he was still up to date on his education, but that he was still surprised that his social life had flourished rather quickly. He laughed at that, almost like he was in on an inside joke. For reasons unknown to you, a sense of dread pooled and congealed into the pit of your stomach.
Eventually, the conversation stretched into the late evening and he convinced you that you should be with him more often. 
And so you did.
As time went on, those fears and anxieties faded away. Your misgivings were still hanging around the edges of your mind, but they were muted and the emotions you associated with them were hollow at best. If you thought about them for too long, a sense of foreboding would overcome you, but you would think of Light and his kindhearted nature, of how he sacrificed so much of his first year as an adult helping his father out on an important case. Sometimes, when the both of you were accompanied by his other friends, you would see him praising them for their achievements and give them tips on how to improve their standing. 
He was a great guy if you think about it and maybe that first few meetings with him since you were separated was just a result of stress. There was no reason for you to be suspicious of him, right?
And then, time passes and the both of you begin to grow closer together. The both of you talk about your hopes and dreams, of where you think you’ll be ten years down the future. Eventually, you no longer see Light’s friends. Rather, it’s just the two of you and whatever topic you want to talk about. It’s during these moments, when you think that the both of you are alone, that Light acts more touchy than usual. 
At first, it confused you, but he would hold your hand gently, as if you were glass and his eyes would immediately seek you out whenever you enter a room. You had your suspicions at first, but when the both of you decided to visit a club late at night—you had brought it up as a joke, but Light took you seriously, almost as if he thought that you were challenging—you realized why Light was acting the way he was. 
After downing a drink or two, a pretty young woman took you by the shoulder and asked you to dance. A little buzzed from the drink, you were more than happy to accompany her, only to find that Light’s hand was firmly clenched around your hip and that he was staring hard at the young woman. It was rare for him to pull rank on someone, but you had seen him before in action when an academic rival of his decided to “fact check” only for his rival to fall flat on his face when Light delivered a grenade that knocked him back into place. 
“He’s with me,” Light said with confidence. 
As he said those words, he tugged you into him and you were flush against his chest and his other arm curling around your waist. Dread filled you again, but it was mixed with those drinks of yours. You could say that you were… somewhat awed. Maybe even impressed? No, those were the wrong words; you were aroused by his confidence that you would acquiesce to his dominant nature. 
“O-oh, sorry!” The young woman, who had been smiling in flirtation, quickly took her leave and began hitting on someone else. 
Together, the both of you stayed in that same position. As the club’s light pulsed in time with the rhythm of the pounding music, you could feel him. Just him. His breath ghosted across the skin of your neck, his arms were your cage. His chest, his legs, his entire being was like a wall that you hesitantly leaned towards. 
He hummed in approval and you felt your pants become just a little bit tighter and the hold on your sanity slowly slipping. 
“Was that necessary,” you mumbled, knowing that he would hear. 
“Well, I should hope so.” His hand squeezed your hip and if it weren’t for the fabric of your shirt shielding the smooth expanse of your skin, you expect to see a series of crescent moons close to bleeding. “You’re my friend and I’m not too keen on letting you go that easily.”
“Friend?” You parroted back at him, unsure if he was joking. You had suspected that maybe…
Suddenly, you felt something rough grinding up and down against your ass, something hard poking against you. You gasped and if you had the strength, you would have turned around, but you didn’t want to. Was it really Light who was touching you so inappropriately, yet embracing you with the devotion of an intimate lover? 
Hesitantly, you looked back.
His eyes met yours and they gazed at you with what you could only assume was predatory delight. Apprehension ran up and down your spine, your breath stilled, but you remained still in his hold. You even found yourself leaning into it.
He hummed under his breath—you could feel slight rumbles under his chest. 
He was pleased with your response.
“A misnomer,” he seemingly apologized. He spun you in his arms and his mouth neared yours. You prepared yourself for a kiss, but he laughed. “A little bit eager, are we? Do you want me to kiss you now?”
The lights pulsed, your head pounded, and you were feeling so very warm. So very hot. 
You couldn’t think clearly, but you felt your head nodding. 
“Hmmm, but would this make you mine?”
What did that mean? Never mind that, you thought. The heat was clouding everything around you until you were stuck in a bubble that was just you, Light, and the rising tension and crackle of electricity between the two of you. 
“Yes,” you leaned into him, only for him to dodge your attempt to kiss him. You pouted, but continued to plead in a way that would embarrass you come morning. “Yes, I’ll be yours. Just—!”
He kissed you sweetly, but at the very back of your mind, you couldn’t help but think that his kiss was too perfect. Too practiced. 
If you were being really honest…
You could have sworn that it would have taken more than just two drinks for you to become so pliant and trusting.
Oh well, you always trusted Light to catch you if you ever fell. You just never realized that it would be in a romantic light. 
DISCLAIMER: I do not condone yandere behavior outside of fictional settings. Please don’t mistake the actions of fictional characters displayed in works of fiction to be considered harmless in real life.
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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pervprincealwayswins · 4 months
hii could you please do a short story about a male reader recently dating mello and smoking a blunt together? :) possibly also spicy? if nit ts okay!!
Mello x Male!Reader - Deathnote
--- Word count: ≈1222
Alright i got a bit carried away with this one so trigger warnings are (harsh/s&m/daddy/smut/fluff?)
You and Mello recently started dating. Today he agreed to smoke ("le' grass") with you in the evening. Although he seemed to be in the same domineering mood as usual, he was bound to break this attitude later on right?
Mello lights the blunt in your mouth, gazing into your eyes with his piercing blue orbs. As you proceed to take a puff of the joint the feelings of his eyes on you made you weak to your spine, he really is the most attractive being you've ever laid your eyes on. Suddenly, your train of thoughts got interrupted.
"Are you gonna pass that joint anytime soon, or what?" Mello grunted. Clearly being impatient. You realize you've been staring at him in silence, you turn red and look away, handing the joint over.
"I zoned out, sorry." you say.
"Damn just how low is that tolerance of yours?" Mello replied, rolling his eyes at you.
"Yeah, uhm definitely not very low at all." You replied playfully.
"Well you're definitely not getting anymore then, i still need you to be.. aware, later." said mello.
"Oh?? How so?" you asked.
"If this is your way of making me say it out loud you're out of luck, you're not sly." He said, quickly turning his head away from you.
"What?? No say it! I really don't know!" you begged.
You let out a squeal as Mello pretended to press the joint out on your arm.
"The way you continue to try to fool me is ridiculous." Mello rolled his eyes.
"Oh yeah, and what are you going to do about it? you know i like pain." You replied, trying to suppress a smirk.
Mello grabbed your throat pushing you backwards against the balcony you lot were standing on.
"Don't test me, bitch." Mello said, feigning upset, as he eyed you down with a glare.
Ah there it is, that beloved death stare of his; you thought to yourself.
Mello squeezed harder into your throat, causing you to moan pathetically. "F-fuck, just kiss me already" you managed to make out while still being choked.
To which Mello roughly pushed you further back until your lower back was resting on the railing.
"You have no fucking business in telling me what to do sweetheart." Said mello.
You began to feel really anxious, the weed was making you feel like you were floating off the balcony. You quickly apologize. "Sorry daddy."
To which mello pulled your weak body a bit closer to him, moving his hand from your throat up to your jaw, firmly grabbing it. "Good boy. Now tell me, are you gonna beg for it this time, like a good little bitch? Or do you prefer to be thrown off this fucking balcony huh?"
"Nghh, i'm NOT gonna beg." You retort.
"Very well" he said, pushing you back again.
"Okay okay, fine!! please, PLEASE kiss me and get me away from that railing!" You yelled.
Mello smirked content and turned the two of you around, him being the one against the balcony now. Holding you close with one hand grabbing your waist, he leans in and as do you. Unlike his mannerisms, his kisses were very sweet and soft. He suddenly broke the kiss saying, "Shit i think it's kicking in now." "About time now." You chuckled. "Also it's cold lets go inside" You continued.
you both went inside and sat on his bed. "So what now?" you asked. "Let's just sleep, '' Mello said. "If you were to.. let's say convince me i might change my mind." You knew exactly what that meant. You bashfully look away before proceeding to lift your shirt up.
Mello's face turned slightly red. "Show me your nipples too" You blush as well and cover your face while you fully pull your shirt up. showing him your entire chest. Mello ran his hands up over from ur stomach to caress your chest. you let out a gasp as he squeezed your nipples between his index and middle fingers. "You know, I wasn't actually serious about going to sleep right?" said Mello.
"No, I know," you reply.
"You're into this playful kind of thing, huh?" He said. grabbing your neck before kissing your chest.
You replied to him moaning with a "Mhmm".
He squeezed harder around your neck. "Yeah? Do you would be comfortable if we. take. things. a. bit. further?" He whispered in your ear while pinning you down.
"Please do, daddy" You replied, half jokingly.
"Well then. Close your eyes" He said as he kissed you, forcing his tongue deep into your mouth.
Mello moved his hand down to your crotch, greedily squeezing the area down there. He kissed your neck. you moan each time he sucks and bites harshly into your skin.
He removed your pants and shoved his hand into your underwear, eventually shoving his two fingers inside you pushing them in and out. you were heaving heavily as he continued this for a bit until he shoved your underwear off and inserted his dick in you.
He moved his hands from over your body to your wrists. Planting them above your head while he held them very tight. You both moaned in between kisses while he kept thrusting inside you. He gradually went rougher and rougher until you were both satisfied and out of breath. He took himself out of you, and sat straight on top of you.
"Can I tell you a secret?"
"Go on!" you reply.
"I think you're really hot," he said.
you smile, turning your face away flustered. "Says you" you reply.
"Hmm, come here," said mello.
You did as he said and sat up straight against his body while he wrapped his arms around your waist. He kissed you again while moving his hand over to your ass. He squeezed into your ass while proceeding to kiss and bite you all over your neck, leaving hickeys all over you.
"You're making me feel really ahhhh. I just get butterflies, mad butterflies, when you kiss me. It feels like the world just stops for a moment. I'm just.. captivated by you. you're incredible"
"Hhmh stoppp, you're too sweet. But i feel the same way." You grab him by his hair and kiss him.
Mello moaned in between kisses as he spoke: "No.. but i just feel that way getting closer to each other.. I really.. like that. although i'm really embarrassed right now,, about how.. 'mellow' i get.. when I'm high."
You stopped kissing him to reply. "It's not embarrassing, it's cute." you tell him.
Mello turned red. "You think I'm cute? really? I never had anyone say that I'm cute before. But.. Thanks. You're also really cute. And, I love you."
"I love you too" you replied, as you kissed his face. He kissed you back on your forehead and you both ended up falling asleep together into each other's arms after a good while of cuddling.
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Light Yagami x male reader smut
Likely not the best, my first smut but y'know
It had been weeks since you had seen Light, you knew about the Death Note and the cameras, but you didn't think it would make him stop talking to you, you lazily got up from your bed and grabbed some clothes it was about 8:30pm and you were hungry so you went to the kitchen to check for food just to see a note from your mom, it said "Hey, Y/N I left to go to a business trip, you have no curfew, go see some girls or something have fun!" Your mother was oblivious to the fact you liked men, no you didn't like men you liked him. You grabbed your bag and wallet and went outside, after locking the door not knowing what dangers are out there, though if what Light plans is true, you won't have to worry, you got onto the bus thinking of him
As the bus pulled over next to the store you saw a familiar face, Light Yagami looking at the porno magazine, you go to the same aisle and look at a gay porn magazine and mutter to yourself "hmm..he's hot" Light turned his head to look at you saying "I was just thinking of you" you smile at him and give him a hug, clutching tight to his chest not wanting to let go, ever again. He whispered "do you want to go to my house, we can probably scare the detectives, as long as you want to though" you whisper back to him "yeah, I'd be down for that!"
You and Light finally arrived at his house he reassurred you "remember, you don't have to do this, the task force will see" you smile st Light and say "as long as you're happy I'll do anything you want, in fact I'll be even better for you since we have an audience!" He looked at you with a smirk and says "such a whore, I may need to punish you" you let out a small whine as he pulled you closer to him, you just wanted him, just him you wanted him to wreck you so you pulled your shirt off and ran upstairs to wait for him once he caught up he sat on his bed, pulling you into his lap kissing your neck he pulled his face away from your neck and said "tell me why you were with another guy?" You stuttered "I- uh he was really touchy and kept saying that he was gonna kidnap me or something" Light sighed and said "maybe I need to mark my territory better this time" you whimpered "w-what do you me-" as you felt a sharp pain on your collarbone as the blood spilled from your skin, your boyfriend licked it back up he stopped and flipped you over, pulling your pants and underwear down and soon after pulling his own pants and boxers down to thrust into you, all at once, hearing your moans, just fed into his primal urges, pulling completely out and thrusting in again reassuring you "you're doing so good for me, my wonderful slut" and pushed back inside you waiting until you're so desperate to cum, begging "Please Light, let me cum" he chuckled lowly to himself and said "so desperate for me, just beg a little bit more it'll all be worth it", he bit your shoulder, and kept going he continued biting and thrusting and you kept begging whining moaning, being his personal fuck toy, of course he saw you as more than that, you were his boyfriend, he knew that and kept it in mind, knowing you'd never cheat on him, and if you tried he'd remind you that you're his, you're more than all the pieces in his sick game, you are his lover and the only person he wouldn't hurt, unless you wanted him to of course, you underneath him begging him to throw you around and go harder was everything, he savored these moments with you. You whined "Light please" and he let you cum, thinking of how you were like a porn actor...he'd make it up to you, maybe a nice date, or something along those lines
Why is it so bad tho also I'm stoned lol
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Light with FtM reader who wants to help with his Kira work hcs?
tw death, murder mention
Light'd of course accept you - science supports trans people, and there is zero way it can be considered morally wrong
anyone who dares disrespect you? gone
he influences lawmakers so that your transition goes just perfectly- only the best for his boyfriend, his darling
he wouldn't be exactly enthusiastic about you wanting to help at first- of course, anyone who understands that he's doing what needs to be done is welcome, but it's dangerous...
Light just can't imagine what his life would be without you
he comes around eventually- you do something that helps him see how much of a help you'll be
you're much more reliable and steady than everyone else
and since this world needs a new God,
why not two?
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yandere-romanticaa · 2 years
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"You really shouldn't have opened that, kid. ~"
The taunting voice of this thing that was hovering in front of you sprung to life. You shriked, absolute terror filling your entire being as you did your best to put some distance between yourself and the floating demon in front of you. How did you not see this thing before?! Shaking like a leaf and with tears threatening to overtake you could do nothing but to stare as the cackling creature that continued to float in front of you, his deep and raspy voice still saying something to you but your brain couldn't process a single thing. Your eyes kept drifting away from the demon to the front door, confusion written all over your face as you prayerd to the heavens above for Light to just show up. What were you expecting him to do you didn't know but something was better than nothing.
As if he heard your prayers the door sprang wide open, with no one other than Light holding the door handle. Just as you were about to tackle him and beg for help, Light jolted upon entering the room, the stone cold realization of the current situation hitting him like a pile of bricks. All warmth on his face was drained once he glanced at you and your sorry state, then at Ryuk who continued to taunt and tease you. Without even managing to utter a word Light shushed you, his tone cold and frustrated, almost annoyed even.
"I thought I told you not to touch anything." he said, pure spite lacing his voice. With your vision blurry and heart pounding in fear you could do nothing but watch Light as he sat down at his desk and made himself comfortable, legs crossed and arms intertwined, as if this were something he was used to. With a sigh, he continued:
"You know..."
Brunette bangs covered his eyes, casting an ominous shadow across his usually handsome face, giving you something of a heads up of what's to come.
"I was really hoping to take things slow with you, to get to know you, to see where this could go but you just had to meddle, didn't you?"
Grunting, he turned his attention back to Ryuk, who was impatiently waiting to see what Light will do next.
"You know what to do."
With a happy grin, the shinigami nodded. In a flash he was right behind you, giant grotesque arms right above your head as his pearly white fangs glimmered against the light, sending you downwards a spiral of terror.
"This is going to hurt you a lot more than it'll hurt me."
Just like that he slammed his fists at the top of your head, knocking you out for the next couple of hours. Light sat in his chair as he sighed, an annoyed expression on his face.
"I thought I told you not to be such a brute. (y/n) can be rather delicate as you can so obviously see." he said but Ryuk merely brushed him off with a cackle.
"You sure do pick interesting humans to love and keep Light!" said the shinigami with a wild grin on his face. Light merely smirked at the comment, pride bubbling in his chest as he gazed downwards at your unconscious body.
"Indeed I do."
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jiijux · 8 months
Cat lover.
Male reader only! Light Yagami x Male reader
Summary: (M/n) protect three kittens with his jacket after seeing them near the school entrance when he just got back from visiting his sister, he realized that it's gonna get worse if he stays there and he goes to Light's house because it's way more closer than his house. Or is it intentional?
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To be honest? Light didn't knew you that much since you're very careful with the information you shared with others. So you coming to him after you're covered in rain with your clothes all wet didn't bother him. What bother him was the fact you did it because of a cat.
"There's a kitten with its siblings in the rain, they're very small." Seriously? That's the reason why your clothes all wet?
He was quick enough to bring you towels but before you get the chance to grab it; he was already wiping your hair.
You noticed there's Sayu, Light sister. Watching the both of you; she raised an eyebrow over her brothers action but she kept quiet.
Eventually there's a sudden sound coming from you, it was a cat meowing.
What is that? Light's eye slightly twitched before he sees you opening your jacket to reach your pockets.
You bring out three kittens that was feeling very cold because of the rain and constantly meowing.
Just what have you done (M/n)? Light face slam before reaching to take the kittens from your hand and put wrap them in the same towel, you still haven't said anything but until Light turn his attention to your expression.
There you were with your lips turning downward and your eyes squinting, he never saw you got this emotional especially about a cat.
He wished you'd stop using that expression because it made him melt. But his expression were him pouting at you for getting yourself wet.
Light mom who saw the two of you immediately turn her attention to you who were all wet and Light sigh before telling his mother what happened.
Here you are in Light's room with your clothes all changed, he still didn't get why you came to him of all people?
Are you ever gonna say anything? Please don't give him that expression. He prefers your neutral expression where you have zero expression.
"They were near our school entrance.." For God sake (M/n) it's a kitten..
"But they don't have any mother.." I know (M/n).
Though this is the first time he ever see this side of you.. For some reason you acting all caring like this is attractive for some reason?or maybe it's because it's you.
He only witnessed you being this caring only towards girls at his school or anyone struggling outside or inside school. But never this close.. Your expression says everything, he can't say if he likes it or not.
one of the kittens who were now all dried reached to Light before meowing at him, the kitten was very much scared and didn't recognize Light or (M/n) but it kept meowing.
"Probably thought you were their mother or something." Very funny (M/n) but Light can't deny that the kitten is adorable.
"Maybe let them watch the rain through your window." That's not a bad idea but what if it fall? Although (M/n) assured him it's fine until Light just sigh and lets it go.
The way you're being careful with the kittens shows how much you cared for it.. It's almost made Light felt mad.. was it mad? Or was it what other people call it.. Jealous?
He'll admit.. you're the most silliest guy he ever met and the first guy he ever fallen for.
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wwwurbunnygrldotcom · 2 years
Hello Hello!! Can I get a Light Yagami x male reader, it can be anything you want <3
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Hi Bun!! Thank you for the request!!
TW- Yandere-like themes, murder, threatening, stalking, and very very brief mention of master of bation (if you know what I mean 0.0)
There were only a few things in life that I indulged in for pleasure, all of them besides one were too shameful to admit to anyone. Though my infatuation for him was nothing shameful, nothing of the sort, I was so proud to say that I am the one here protecting him. I was gifted the chance to become his personal god exactly 4 months and 14 hours ago. The day I met him.
When I had first found the death note I believed this was a sign from the heavens that I am destined to be a god. Oh how I was so wrong. It was not a gift for me nor a gift for man kind but rather for one man, my darling.
Following him home gave me this sort of rush that nothing else could, the things that used to satisfy my body and I no longer did. Touching the parts of myself no one else saw came not even close to the feeling I would get from watching him check behind his shoulder every couple of blocks.
I found it almost pathetic how he was so naïve. He carried no self protection, nothing against the creeping crawling criminals that were scattered across the streets of japan. he was practically leaving himself as prey to whoever noticed.
Don't worry my little lamb, I will do everything in my power to keep you as pure as possible. All for myself.
(Im so sorry if this was a little sort! If you'd like a longer one please give me more detail of what youre looking for, it will help me in the creative process!)
I love you!<3
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nanaminokanojo · 24 days
-meet cute? a cheesy musical number? forget it! love makes itself known to you through a minor car accident, a broken arm, and a treacherously charming temporary chauffeur
CHARACTERS: sukuna x you/reader | jjk characters
GENRE: full-length smau + prose | bad boy x good girl | college au | a lot of firsts | aged-up characters | strangers to lovers | smut | fluff | angst | ooc depictions - soft sukuna ftw
TW/CW: strong/mature language | adult content so mdni on some parts | mentions of alcohol and/or smoking | mentions of injury, promiscuity and bullying | pet names because they're cute with 2D men | toxic behavior | will add more if something arises
<<prev part 2 next>>
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TAG LIST: @catobsessedlady @kyo-kyo1 @junehasnotbeenfound @lavender-hvze @guacam011y @eyered @hellomeow12 @its-princessmara @light-yagami-l @domainofmarie @mythoscalliope @noble-17
A/N: Okay. A little note on Uraume. Idk what to do with them and I mistakenly put "boy" there and use "male" emojis for them, but I'll be maintaining their non-binary pronoun. Didn't think it was worth redoing the 7th panel for one word and I'll continue using the same emojis.
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manlicker69 · 10 months
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Sweet ₊  ⁺  ◌ ★
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REQ :: How would you feel about doing some Noir or L headcanons with a police officer or private detective s/o? 😘 I super enjoy your writing!! It’s good that see that your account is progressing so much! Ignore if you feel like it, be sure to have a good day! || @sexy-sweet-potato
Tags :: L x male reader, Lawliet x male reader, Noir x male reader, Spider-verse, death note, reader is a detective, fluff, slightly suggestive, kissing, comfort, relationships
A/N :: Thank you for the support I've been receiving! I will be more busy as time goes by due to my personal life's activities, but I will still try to keep my writing up :3
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You and L have been work partners since the dawn of time
You were friends in school and both had wished to investigate and solve mysteries, in time you two qualified to work together
Ever since Kira became active, the two of you have grown closer
You both loved working on the case, including interrogating each other to see if either of you were Kira
L loved sharing his ideas with you, wanting to compare yours to his to see if he can obtain extra puzzle pieces to finish the work
You tended to get bored a lot easier than L when it came to late nights
When you'd just quit for the night, you'd navigate to L's location to squirm in his presence
"Not now y/n, you know that I need to finish this work up"
He doesn't admit it, but he enjoys your annoying presence during such ungodly hours, oh how you fondle him with your gaze
attempting to distract him by planting kisses on his body, well pass success in your mission
You two have tried to keep your relationship on the low due to Kira, but oh is it so tiring
The small amount of alone time you two get is unbearable, but L only insists
L constantly worries that Kira will target you because of him, but he will never let that happen
"Y/n, why must you distract me with your handsome beauty? You know how intoxicating you are"
his love language is def quality time and touch, he just loves silently massaging your curves with his touch
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noir loves giving you small trinkets to display his love to boost your morale
he usually lets you do most of the work in investigations, he loves watching your brain do it’s magic
always worried you’ll overwork yourself in the field, he enjoys working with you but would hate to see you stressed
when you two shared your first close moments together, it slightly changed the work atmosphere between you two
ever since you two became lovers, he became more flirty in investigations
cute notes on your desk, his same old trinkets, and maybe even a kiss on the cheek???
when you have to put a serious face on, he knows he needs to focus, because you always mean business 🫡
totally gives you massages at work and at home after really long and stressful days
“You know my sweet one, this case won’t run away right? Just focus on some rest so you can solve this battle easier.”
Peter/Noir might be a spider-man, but that doesn’t mean he’s invincible
he’s usually the one to take the fights with the main suspects, and occasionally returns a little beaten up
you fix him up with bandaids and praises, cuddling him to sleep until the next case approaches you both
“You’re the most beautiful man i’ve laid my eyes on, my little detective.”
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Title based on the song | Sweet - Cigarettes After Sex
My requests are open!!!! >_<
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