#like idk if its just me but. i feel like we need to take ranked a little less seriously
doomedpuppetyuri · 3 months
splatoon fans can we as a fandom agree that we take things way too seriously and just. calm down
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wintersera · 8 months
Idk if ur ask are still open but do you mind writing cockwarming g!p gamer girl Gigi or winter (or both 🤩🤩idek how that would work tbhh) because they spend most their time gaming and staying up late and barley having time for you so you just sit there watching them play till they can't take it anymore and at the end they prove they still have love for us in the sloppiest, kinkiest, longest, dirtiest, slutiest, (i think you get it) sex ever just making us feel loved but also being so rough and dominate using us however they like 🫣🫣🫣🫣
Also Can I be 💩 Anon (idk I think it's funny)
cw: cockwarming, dom!winter WOAH, sub!reader
LMAOO 💩 anon??? feeling bad bc i let these imagines collect dust since i’m so focused on the stepcest jiminjeong fic 😭 but anyways!!
gamer minjeong,,, you have me interested. and gamer aeri?? i would write about her but i dont really see her as the gamer type hmmm maybe one day.
being sick and tired of minjeongs endless gaming sessions every damn day. like yess baby get that 5k on val!! but let me suck your dick while you’re getting that ace. saying shit like “minjeonngg, its been days when are we gonna have sex?”
her hitting you with the “just one minute i’m trying to plant the spike” like come on,, doesn’t hurt to have a little under desk support once in a while :((
and it was another day just watching her furiously tap at her keyboard- insulting people down the mic bc they didn’t defuse the spike, or they whiffed all their shots on a standing person…
ouhh,,, so sick of her paying sm attention to some silly characters on a screen that you get up from her bed, swivel the chair around, take her cock out and stroke it gently “mmm,, waittt y/n i need to buy shieldss waittt”
getting her rock hard was no issue. she’s a loser for gods sake, getting her hard came easy she also cums easily. you salivated at the sight of minjeongs massive cock, her precum pretty much oozing from her tip- man how you missed the sight “y/n pleeassee- i need to rank up,, please” she looked up at you with those cute puppy eyes you adored, and as much as it was working, you stayed calm. having an unbearable itch for her cock made it more easier for you to not give in.
“let me just,, ah- fuck okay. god, jeongie i forgot how big you were” to her surprise, you were already straddling her lap.
“ahh.. go on, keep playing” a steady sigh slipping out from your mouth,, her cock twitching inside of you?? seeing that she was pretty much over the edge by the way she was gripping her mouse. jeongie carried on playing like normal, a good 40 minutes of a new ranked game, but she was bottom fragging so badly that it made her jolt in her seat whenever she’d fuck up her shots. funnily enough, her moving in her seat wasn’t ideal bc she moaned every time she thrusted a little into your pussy 😭😭 (LEWSERR)
the more she moved in anger, the more she felt her cock getting harder- in which made her realise that she did, indeed, miss having sex with you. at least she was patient i guess? still focusing on her game because her new priority was winning so she could fuck you good.
jeongie ended up top fragging somehow? gaining 10 more kills and finishing up with a win!!! and with that happiness in mind, she stood up, carrying you with her cock still inside you “okay, mmm okay,, i’ll do it now” taking off her nerd ass glasses off of her face as she walked to the bed, your legs still being around her waist.
keep in mind that she still looks like a complete nerd rn, a biggg ass grin on her face bc she ALSO ranked up!! but then it suddenly changed, from nerd minjeongie to a surprising, but very dom looking gaze. you could see fire in her eyesngmgng making your cunt clench around her cock “…you’ve been so patient with me, you deserve a reward” she would ofc take it slow, her carefully rocking her hips and kissing you everywhere making you feel all loved. yk kissing your lips, deepening it by slipping her tongue in 🫣 breaking it to kiss you neck,, then your collarbone, and then peppering your chest with kisses too like,,, omg. her hands would be caressing your thighs, maybe even drawing some circles on your upper thighs bc shes just so loving like that (jeongie is definitely a thigh girl,, im not projecting i swear) would squeeze them every so often bc it gets both you and her going.
further into it she’d get so worked up. the way your moans would sound so sweet to her that her brain automatically switches off,,, no thoughts behind thoses eyes bc now she’s pounding your cunt so roughly. her hands that were playing with your tits where now squeezing and fondling them aggressively- she’d make you such a mess that it would literally end up with you looking so fucked out. leaving so many hickeys on your neck to prove that she still loved and appreciated you. her thrusts became erratic and messy, like your arousal was everywhere on the sheets and everything,, mmm being so pussy drunk that she’d take your legs and put them on her shoulders and rubbing your clit so roughly, but with care if that makes sense?
her face basically said everything. biting her lower lip and her brows furrowing, she was close to cumming. the way she was gripping onto the sheets and moaning so loudly your neighbours could hear, it made you grow closer to. finally jeongie came- her high pitched moan sent you overdrive, your pussy clamping down hard on her that no drop of cum leaked out as you milked her dry 😭
by the end she was exhausted as fawk.. having to work hard for val and working hard to please you GIRLY WAS OUT.. PASSED TF OUT!?!? but you were happy nonetheless,, finally getting minjeong to fuck you after god knows how many days.
mhngng gamer minjeong come over rn i need you badly,, also lawl if this is bad OOPSIES i think i lost my smut writing abilities
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midnightwriter21 · 1 year
demon slayer hcs: how you meet pt 2
characters: fem!reader x zenitsu, shinobu, tengen & his wives
warnings: spiders, minor injuries, polyamory
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he's a sweetheart omg
you guys meet in the forest with the spider demons
you're a slayer
a pretty strong one too. not hashira level but you're working on it
you're weakness?
spiders, bugs, anything creepy and crawly
but isn't that everyones weakness?
idk know how you were convinced to go fight a spider demon
bc personally? ain't no way
but anyways
you get separated from the group of slayers you were working with
so ur alone
when u hear some bushes rustling or som
so u look down and boom
a spider
with a human head
you take off running and i mean fast
so fast you can't even see where ur going
and bam u run head first
into zenitsu
who coincidently was running from the same thing as u
he realizes ur human, grabs ur hand and TAKES TF OFF
ur gone
until u meet spider demon w the house
zenitsu passes tf out, ur shitting urself just a little bit, and then
zenitsu handles tf out that demon
while asleep?!
hot af
sleepy zenitsu could get it
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idk somethin abt her irritates me
she still fine asf tho
shes a top fs
you're a slayer
and you were on an easy mission
prob a low ranked demon
and then shit
a lower moon pulls up
low key fucks u and ur comrades up
somehow yall kill it
and your brought back to the butterfly mansion to be treated
and we all know miss gurl shinobu is running that mf
so shes obv overseeing your recovery
for some reason the other slayers heal faster than you did
wonder why?
perhaps purposely ripping ur stiches to spend more time around a pretty lady?
noooooo you would neverrrr
thats exactly what u were doing
and shinobu knows it too
but she plays dumb cause she thinks its sweet that you admire her enough to delay your recovery and cause urself that pain
she does poke u a lil too hard when redoing ur stitches tho
takes care of u til ur ready to go on another mission
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TENGEN + wives
he's so fine for what
can we make this foursome into a fivesome?
sooo ur not a slayer
ur not a kunoichi
not a fighter at all
just a cute lil civilian
you meet the wives before you meet tengen
you're out shopping
need some new clothes
or maybe you have an event that you need some new jewelry for
gotta look flashy yk
so you finish your shopping and walk out of the store when your knocked flat on ur ass
it was suma
she was running from makio after making her mad
and she ran straight. into. you.
she immediately burst into tears because she felt so bad
makio is yelling at her for knocking you down
and hina is trying to calm them both down
and ur jus like "wtf is goin on"
you feel fine until you stand up
you hit the ground again
ankle = sprained
que the guilty sobbing from suma
the girls carry you to a bench to assess the damage and this grabs tengens attention all they way from the inside of another store
like "who is getting attention from my wives?"
jealous af
until he sees u
a cute little civilian women in pain
and his wives fawning over you
he introduces himself and gets the story of what happened
calms suma and makio down
and apologizes on their behalf
meanwhile ur in awe
um hello?? a literal god is standing in front of you apologizing for his wives
he checks ur ankle
his hand wraps around ur entire leg
dudes hands are big af
not the only thing on him thats big
to make it up to you he carries you to a very flashy cafe
where you all sit and have tea and snacks together while you rest ur injured ankle
tengen pays
does this count as a first date??
i love them
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compacflt · 7 months
Hi, big fan of your fics. I've just found your Tumblr and binged everything Icemav-related. When reading about Icemav's political beliefs, I've gotten curious. Does Bradley share the same political beliefs as Ice (and Mav)? Does being raised by them or them pulling his papers influence how he votes? Or there are other factors in the play (e.g. generations, social media)? How about Jake and the other Daggers? How does this young generation of the Navy perceive politics (elections, gender, etc.)? My apologies for bombarding you with questions. But as a non-American, American politics have always been something we must pay attention to. I've seen many interesting interpretations on Tumblr but it feels more or less wistful than realistic, but I might be wrong (again not an American) so I would love to see your perspective on this. Thank you.
a good politics roundup post before i leave this blog
icemav & their conservatism: here, here, here
ice’s NECESSARY conservatism as commander of the pacific fleet (i.e. officers who are most likely to get promoted to the highest ranks do NOT break the service line when it comes to domestic politics, so by necessity ice would’ve had to keep his mouth shut, he Cannot be both a four-star and a revolutionary, like he just can’t; and being a revolutionary is otherwise antithetical to his character anyway): here, here.
and the original “ice & mav politics post” which is being updated here: here
I’ve gone back and forth on everyones politics over the last year of me being involved with these characters, but let me just tell you where I’ve ended up headcanoning them politically, if ur interested
ice: reagan democrat. “educated moderate” who was more right-leaning pre-9/11. now just a regular ol liberal (did you SEE those gay little round glasses in tgm? no way this guy isn’t a straight-up lib) with absolutely no strong feelings about most domestic politics besides “fascism bad”. Has some foreign policy opinions that areeeee questionable at best, like all members of the military elite (hangman voice: DO NOT ASK ICEMAN ABOUT CHINA. WORST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE). foreign policy neoliberal favoring the dovish side of the spectrum. A force conservator (“let’s save our military assets [read: my boyfriend maverick 🥺] for when we really need them, not for any old conflict. the deterring specter of the American war machine should outweigh the risk of underperforming”). He’s in favor of marriage equality of course, but treats it like a privilege and not a right. would be sad/upset if it got repealed but wouldn’t necessarily fight for it. “well at least my marriage will always be legal in california so i just won’t leave, problem solved.” Normie median Biden voter.
mav: political wildcard tbh. original 1986 mav is DEFINITELY right-leaning (i think i’ve written elsewhere, “he fully believes bill clinton is an affront to god”). i get young republican vibes from him. Full on patriotic (but dispassionate) 1980s reaganite anti-commie neoconservative. but after the 2010s i am very confused tbh. Tom cruise’s political aura is an insanely confusing one. idk. No matter what, Mav has some Hot Takes that a.) can immediately be shot down by ice using Facts and Logic at any time and b.) are not strictly partisan. He’s registered democrat just to support marriage equality (his marriage is his top priority but he doesn’t care about Other gays’ marriages, only his own), doesn’t care about any of the party’s other lines. Votes however ice tells him to. I get real “kind clueless libertarian” vibes from 2022 maverick tbh. Especially with the “isolating himself in a hangar in the middle of the mojave desert.” that has a political connotation to it for sure. bro just does whatever he wants out there
also, ice & mav live in San Diego, which… while in blue/democrat leaning California…is famously a bastion of right-wingers & has a hitler particle level off the charts… (sorry its not my favorite place in the world). That’s why they’re both continually so disgusted by San Francisco (a metonym for effete liberal homosexuality). Theyre from San Diego, hatred of SF & liberal SF politics is kinda par for the course down there.
Bradley: as u will see in the extras i definitely hc Bradley as an activist, but because he’s… in the navy and also like in his 30s… It’s not college campus activism, it’s just “things all of us in the left wing can agree upon” activism. so, like, BLM or pride, etc. He’s an “in this house we believe” yard sign liberal. He is 38 years old. hes a solid millennial so not politically hip with the kids (me)
Bradley & ice/mav disagree on the VISIBILITY of politics. Ice & mav, who did live through the vietnam era draft/near-dissolution of American society in the 60s and 70s, are not in favor of possibly losing their job/honor they have fought and killed for, for the sake of a political statement. And they believe their relationship IS a political statement, whereas Bradley would rather encourage them to treat their relationship like, I don’t know, a relationship that has a right to exist independent of politics!
Jake and the other daggers: idk. i don’t really give a shit about the daggers sorry. They r blank slates 2 me. jake especially is canonically frat-boy sexist in a way that gives me the heebs, much like original 1986 maverick and ice. But the navy tends to be the most left-wing (or thought of as left wing in common thought) service of the military, if that helps. But it is also the most traditional service of the military, and by traditional I mean BRITISH!!!! 🇬🇧💂there’s so much pomp and circumstance and hoity-toitiness that comes from the navy’s origins in the Royal Navy. A lot of sticking to outdated tradition in the very fabric of the navy itself, while the navy’s enlisted demographics shift younger and more left-wing/“revolutionary…” some interesting conflicts there. Like that one sailor who got blasted by multiple congressmen on social media for (with permission!) reading a poem about their queer identity on the USS Gerald ford’s intercom a few months back, if I remember correctly. Hoo boy the Takes that day were wild. Younger Americans tend to be more liberal but YMMV with officers, who are by nature trying to uphold outdated traditions of the navy for the sake of keeping the navy a unified service
i am of course writing carole as a christian republican who has gay friends and a gay kid not by choice but by the Grace of God
#i realize some terminology in this post is so hyperamericanspecific that you may need to Google it#like the in this house we believe yard sign#it’s… like… i can’t even describe it. it’s a kind of well meaning liberal who can sometimes be a little cringe.#and Reagan democrats (which ice is) are a whole political subgroup in and of themselves#maybe not Reagan democrat but like conservadem? but no that’s different too#blue dog democrat? but not sure he’s that conservative#THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY HAS BECOME SUCH A BIG TENT POST TRUMP THERE ARE 50.000 TYPES OF DEMOCRAT YOU CAN BE#san francisco as a metonym for effete liberal homosexuality of course (it’s where im from 😎😎)#it’s a ten hour drive from SF to San diego like they might as well be different countries. san diego secede from the US when 🙏🏽#pete maverick mitchell#tom iceman kazansky#top gun#icemav#top gun maverick#jake hangman seresin#bradley rooster bradshaw#normie median biden voter ice#the navy is liberalizing but veeeeery slowly#most of the conservative pressure ive seen towards the navy is external! policymakers & budget drafters etc#the navy is very liberal BUT that makes it a laughingstock among conservatives!#so a desire from higher-ups to push the Navy more conservative to be taken seriously…is kinda understandable#when being taken seriously means more ships more capability more money etc#instead of GOP culture-war-pilled pennypinchers going ‘hey why are we givin the gay service so much money’#take this post with a grain of salt. i have never been old enough to vote in a federal election.
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liannelara-dracula · 1 year
Shu Sakamaki in Real Life HCS
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Requests are open
🎻I probably won’t have much to say because I find his character to be ugh sometimes but I can’t imagine not creating hcs abt this mf.
🎻But it is difficult to come up with things about him, ngl.
🎻Anyhow, if you guys have seen these irl hcs before you’ll know I’m mostly sharing with you my general thoughts, and formulated opinions on this character so here we go!
🎻Okay, so I’m sure we all know he’s the heir and a prince of the vampire kingdom (I know its weird.) And I just have to say this because I don’t say it enough, I really feel like he acts differently in the demon world because he knows his dad will be mad.
🎻So you can expect Shu to be much more expressive as he is the heir, he represents his father and so he needs to be “lively”.
🎻 That being said, he attends gatherings, banquets, and many other events that his father may want him to.
🎻I will say that when he is in the demon world it is much different as he doesn’t act like himself.
🎻Apart from him is still the same in the sense that he is still a pervert.
🎻I mean we know he’ll be with low-ranking vampires or whatever just to get some.
🎻 After all, he has somewhat of an ego even if he doesn’t show it.
🎻So you know he most definitely does believe that because he is the heir he can move from one girl to the next with no strings attached.
🎻All for his advantage of course.
🎻Also speaking of his royalty life I really want to mention the fact that he is very annoyed by all the attention the girls give him.
🎻He literally can’t wait till he goes back to the human world where it's much quieter.
🎻However as a royal he does enjoy the theatre because he can hear classical music.
🎻In fact, he loves it most when he can watch the ballet performances.
🎻If there’s one thing he loves most it’s watching girls do ballet.
🎻He loves watching them practice especially because you know he’s a thigh guy. Apart from being an ass man.
🎻This is honestly where he might take an interest in a girl who's probably a dancer.
🎻I’ve literally made an aesthetic about this here.
🎻And you can read a lot about how he is at school in the demon world here. 
🎻Oh btw he sleeps in only his underwear, that’s just how I see it. (and it's actually canon, I was laughing when I found out I was right.)
🎻I will say that he doesn’t laugh very often, he’ll just have a chuckle that makes anyone uncomfortable but when he full-on laughs it's so fucking rare.
🎻And it freaks out almost anyone, it even got Yui.
🎻He is such an ass I feel like he trolls anyone in, anyway, he can.
🎻His hair is so tangled and I bet he doesn’t wash it that often because he’s lazy
🎻He smells like cotton/linen and a bit of dust.
🎻The best actor to play him would be Toby Regbo.
🎻However the model I found on Pinterest is also a great representation of what he’d look like.
🎻In terms of attitude he really reminds me of Robert Pattinson because he trolls so much. 
🎻The best way to bribe him is with steak, I swear it works every time. 
🎻And I bet my entire ass that Reiji uses it for when he needs big favors.
🎻He loves to be comfortable so I feel like American Eagle, Hollister, Old Navy, and H&M are his go to.
🎻I know he loves cardigans so much so he’s probably extremely picky about the kind he buys.
🎻That’s why he only has three, this is actually canon, I believe it was in one of the game translations in Reiji’s route where he was looking for his jacket and asked Reiji. And Reiji told him it can’t be that hard to find since he has only three, lol.
🎻And idk why but I just feel like he miss places them all around the house.
🎻I also think he keeps so much junk under his bed.
🎻“Huh, I don’t remember that being there.”
🎻If he gets really hot, he just throws his cardigan under the bed.
🎻He once owned a cat, it's not that he went out of his way and bought one. It sorta followed him and so he started to take care of it a little. It lived outside mostly because Reiji wouldn’t tolerate it, but occasionally Shu kept the cat in his room.
🎻He has no idea where the cat went and whether or not it's alive since he hardly kept watch of it.
🎻Although he sometimes wonders where it went, and I think he liked the cat since she sometimes got into Reiji’s things. It was amusing to say the least.
🎻Forgets he puts his music sheets on his bed and ends up sitting on them.
🎻That’s why they’re always somewhat crumbled and folded.
🎻Never makes his bed, he just throws the blanket on and thanks to the butler the room is kept clean.
🎻Otherwise it’d end up like Ayato’s room, to which the butler can never keep up with.
🎻Because he loves music he has vinyl records, and countless CDs in some boxes he keeps under his bed.
🎻He keeps a couple of his favorite books which are in Latin.
🎻Something also tells me if he had a journal, he’d write only Latin because none of his brothers can.
🎻Because he used to be a cashier, he still has his name tag from then and his worker vest.
🎻He keeps in hidden in a corner of his closet.
🎻Speaking of which his closet is so empty and he literally has repeats of the same pants and shirts.
🎻It’s mostly because they were on a good sale.
🎻He will wear the same clothes for like three days or more and not even change out of them.
🎻Doesn’t brush his hair, just goes to school with bed head.
🎻Keeps his door locked so triplets don’t think about pranking him with some clown-related things since he has a fear of them. It's mostly because he’s learned that the hard way.
🎻It's also because he fears they may bring in a caterpillar.
🎻I could totally see Yui trying to feed a caterpillar and he’d flip out in panic and leave immediately. 
🎻He never will admit to his fears and covers them up quite well because he wants no one to know that, especially a girl. lol.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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transmutationisms · 11 months
sorry could you explain your chatgpt essay thing again? i get the general gist of it (who cares if they cheat) but i still cant grasp it entirely as someone who hasnt experienced the college system 💔 i had thought that essays were a foundational part of undergrad education? and so cheating on that part would essentially mean that: a) their education/understanding is "invalid" b) it discredits the work of other people in the same system/their classmates c) their future publications/written work in academia are going to be of worse quality d) in cases of people going to non academia jobs, like being a doctor or a lawyer, this would negatively impact their clients e) they have bad work ethic = will not survive job industry
my guesses are that just in general theres no direct correlation between these things but ppl assume there will be? and that if a plagiarized essay ruins everything then the system wasnt rlly that good?
the only one im rlly unsure of is the second one, but i suppose thats always been a problem with any type of academic cheating amongst peers, and will persist unless academic rankings/validation of excellence/general attitudes toward "success" r also banished. still, while i rlly dont care abt anyone i know cheating on stuff like this lol, i cant help but empathize w students struggling under that same system feeling frustrated. tho Man seeing the lack of empathy they, in turn, can have with chatgpt users. idk, is it just a lose lose situation until you get through the system?
ok sorry again and also thanks
hi, no worries. let me try to break down my position here.
i had thought that essays were a foundational part of undergrad education
i mean, this varies widely by course / degree / department. but, even when it's true, it doesn't mean that the essay is inherently a valuable or helpful exercise. undergrad essays tend to ask for one of a few very formulaic responses and ways of structuring an argument. essays also often have a specific prompt, which can be better or worse in terms of its potential to generate engagement with the course / material. often professors who are getting a lot of chatgpt essays turned in are designing essays poorly (ie, asking for the types of formulaic responses that students find unengaging and unhelpful for their own academic development), and / or failing to provide instruction and support in how to actually write an essay.
on a more fundamental level, we often take for granted that essays are and should be foundational to an undergrad education, but i simply don't think this is self-evident or always true! what are we training students to do, and why? there are certainly jobs, career paths, and academic research areas in which essay-writing is an important skill. there are others in which it's not. the assumption that all undergrads need to demonstrate the same sorts of writing skills says more about the university and what pedagogues value than it does about those students' actual chances for future career success / financial stability. if we're designing assignments that, for many students, are mere hoops to jump through, then we shouldn't be surprised that many of them find ways to make the hoop-jumping faster and easier.
so cheating on that part would essentially mean that: a) their education/understanding is "invalid"
again, what i'm trying to get at here is larger questions about what we value in education, and why. it's true that if you don't practice writing the type of essay the academy demands of you, you won't learn that skill. but, why do we assume that skill is useful, valuable, or necessary in the first place? how many people actually need to write that way outside of undergrad classrooms? even for those who are intending to pursue a career in academia, the writing taught in undergrad should be, at best, a stepping-stone on the path to more effective and interesting means of written communication. once again, if the skill being mandated by the university is not useful for students, it should not be surprising that many of them resent having to demonstrate it, and turn to tools like chatgpt instead.
b) it discredits the work of other people in the same system/their classmates
this is an argument that many educators make, and i wholeheartedly disagree with it! first of all, i simply do not believe that student a's academic performance is relevant to the assessment of student b's. if a professor is grading that way, that's terrible grading and a terrible pedagogical philosophy. if a student has learned something from their coursework, that shouldn't be undercut or devalued by anything that their classmates have or haven't done.
what this type of argument points to on a deeper level is the fact that university degrees have acquired a sort of double meaning. although the university likes to propagate high-minded rhetoric about the intrinsic value of education, the degree granted is a class barrier that serves to allow certain people access to certain (usually promised to be higher-paying) jobs, and bar others from these jobs. this is a large part of what i'm talking about when i say that the university serves to perpetuate and enforce class stratification. and their narrative about degrees being markers of individual merit and achievement is undercut by the fact that they also plainly fear losing prestige status by granting degrees to those students considered 'unworthy'. if you can make it through an undergrad education without learning the skills the university purports to teach, that's a pretty massive indictment of the university—which, remember, is collecting a lot of tuition money for these degrees.
c) their future publications/written work in academia are going to be of worse quality
lots of assumptions baked in here—that undergrad essay-writing teaches 'good' (effective / clear) writing; that many academics don't already write poorly by these metrics; that aspiring academics have no other way of learning written communication skills (eg, outside of the academy, or in grad school).
d) in cases of people going to non academia jobs, like being a doctor or a lawyer, this would negatively impact their clients
firstly, i would again point out that in many non-academic jobs, academic writing is simply not a necessary skill; secondly, in both of the examples you cite here, these are people who need to go through a lot more schooling and training after undergrad, where they pick up what written communication skills they actually do need (eg, legal writing looks nothing like standard undergrad essay-writing anyway); thirdly, MANY people getting an undergraduate degree are intending to pursue jobs for which they need neither undergrad essay-writing skills, nor further higher education—there are so many reasons a person might want / need a college degree, and so many careers in which this specific academic skillset is simply not relevant for them.
e) they have bad work ethic = will not survive job industry
again, i think this is making some pretty big unstated assumptions! in general i don't really think that 'work ethic' (or the related 'laziness') is a useful way to try to evaluate people's behaviour, and this is a good example of one way in which it fails. if, like i said, we are dealing with a system in which people are told they need to receive a degree in order to have access to jobs they want and financial stability they need; and in which many of them are being forced to demonstrate a specific writing skill they may never need again and may have no interest in; and in which they are often not even receiving adequate training and help to learn and demonstrate that skill, even if they do want to; and in which they may be working other jobs, caring for family members, dealing with disabilities the institution does not provide support for, or any number of other life circumstances that make schoolwork difficult at best to complete; and in which a tool exists that may be able to help them complete some of this work freely and quickly... like, i simply do not fault students for using that tool!
there are so many points of failure in this system long before we get to this moment: the increasing pressure to get a college degree in the first place; the poorly designed curricula that prioritise skills considered 'standard' (for whom? why?) over skills that students actually need or want to acquire; professors who don't actually teach students how to write, yet expect them to turn in essay assignments anyway; specific essay assignments that are uninteresting and / or unhelpful to students; lack of support for students who are struggling with their workload or assignments in any number of ways (and no, 'come to office hours' is not adequate support for so many students and situations).
i simply do not care about people 'cheating' a system that is so fundamentally broken and unjust. it doesn't matter. the ability to write an undergrad essay is such an incredibly trivial and specific skill, and one that most people simply do not need. it doesn't make a person generally 'smarter' (fake concept) and certainly does not make them any more competent at the vast majority of jobs, careers, or general life skills. even for those very few who do need to know this specific thing, i reject the assumption that the university is the only way to learn it, or even a particularly effective way. once again, if chatgpt is successfully completing assignments, maybe those assignments weren't very good in the first place! and even the theoretical amazing professor is simply not able to counter all of the structural issues and inequities in the university system that produce students' desire to turn to tools like chatgpt in the first place. the textbot itself is simply not the issue here.
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k9effect · 6 months
HANGCLONE i've literally never considered this but i'm so intrigued!! what's their dynamic like, what's going on with them, how do they get together? looking forward to that art 🖼️ and have a nice day!!
oh boy i have so many thoughts for them and none are coherent rn lolll but god I just have fallen head over heels for the ship. I'm just gonna word vomit okay?
something like, beau was the top gun instructor of Jake's year and he immediately had a soft spot for him, knew that he'd go far. he didn't see him again in person until the uranium mission and they were both so stressed that they didn't really get to talk much. Beau had to reem Jake out for infighting, and it was the most they'd spoken in years. beau saying something like "you're acting self sacrificing because you don't think you've got what it takes but you don't want it to be your fault that you fail." and just really digs into him and sees right through him and jake doesn't know how to react to any of it, doesn't know how to handle being seen so thoroughly. during the mission, I have it in my head that mav wanted coyote as dagger spare but cyclone pulled rank and got hangman the spare position, knowing that he would want to prove himself more than anything and wouldn't fuck it up. then we cut to post mission and beau apologises for what he said, that he was in the wrong and he actually thinks quite highly of jake. but jake brushes him off, sorta "no, no. you were right."
idk they give me like, slow burn vibes? jake enjoying being seen, not having to hide himself. beau has a soft spot for him and it just grows and grows and he doesn't know what to do about it. they kiss and like everything changes between them.
i've got 10k written of a hardcore smut fic for them that I'm not even half way through hahaha its pretty much that above but sexual, something something beau being jake's dom and giving jake absolutely anything he needs because jake needs someone to take some of his control away and help him sort out the cyclone (pun intended) that's raging in his head. jake is very wet meow meow in it. its a lot of pain play and cbt with plot and fluff and humour in it. also like, jake having had only bad experiences with doms so when beau focussed on aftercare and checking in on him constantly to make sure he's okay, jake is like,,,, enamoured by him haha
idk man idk if this made any sense but I have a lot of thoughts on them, I love them so much, I will draw art very soon probably ahahah I just feel like they work so well together.
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fruit-sauce · 11 months
My swag and totally normal q!BBH headcanons
I need to talk about my thoughts and headcanons about q!BBH, ESPECIALLY after the lore drops of him being like. a manifestation of c!bbh as well as the fact he “arrived” in 9600 BCE??? I need to say my thoughts- NOW. (also for the fact i wanna draw these out, some of them feel kinda specific and/or complicated)
warning, its a lot:
First and foremost, he’s the Grim Reaper. That’s just a canon fact, but! I still like to remember the name “The Saints of Games” and input that into his lore. 
Basically, he started off as angel, just like q!Philza, but (after some deals and not so good things) he turned into a demon. Design wise, he can go between looking like an angel, demon, or just a guy, but that’s mostly for funsies for me lol
As a demon, he quickly became high ranking, eventually working under the goddess of death herself as “the grim reaper.” this is where he meets phil, since now they’re technically co-workers.
He used to only care for guiding spirits and souls in the underworld, but soon discovered that something was wrong. Souls were going missing, sometimes going past him multiple times. This caused him to venture to the overworld (And cause whatever he did in 9600 BCE???)
The cause of his problems was Foolish! :D Seeing as foolish is a literal totem, I like the idea of him being some type of god/demi god that causes rebirth/keep people from dying/etc. This starts their rivalry that we still see now.
As a general, not every iteration of BBH, Phil, Forever, etc. is the same, they all come from different universes and timelines, but can come together and retain the memories as they move forward. This idea came from the fact qBBH wants “a skeppy” not even his skeppy, just A skeppy. Skeppy is not a deity, so, in every universe, he has to meet bbh over and over again, there are infinite skeppys, but only 1 bbh, and bbh knows that. There is a Skeppy in the QSMP universe that’s been with bbh for years now and has some remembrance of other timelines, the “main” skeppy, if you will (mostly eggpire stuff cause i love the eggpire (something i’ll, idk, make a comic about or something one day))
On the island itself, there’s something up with it that, when they woke up on the trains, BBH, Foolish, and Phil were simply drained of their abilities and magic. They still had some, but no where near enough to leave the island or contact anyone. That being said, BBH gets his energy from souls, something he doesn’t like to do with living beings. He also just naturally takes energy from people, so he plays the bit of the grim reaper that wants people to stay hydrated and takes care of all the eggs because if everyone is happy and healthy, he doesn’t have to worry about accidentally killing them!
There are some that resist him tho: Foolish and Phil, obviously, but also Dapper, Cheyenne, and Leo! The eggs seem to take in the dna of their parents somewhat so these 3 also get that pass... Also Missa, Slime, and Rubius..
Speaking of Rubius, BBH and him I feel like HAVE to have some backstory, they’ve totally met before, both are literally angels/demons. 
Back to Foolish, as much as they poke at one another, they do trust each other a lot, when they were in that dungeon where Foolish almost died, in my head, BBH was basically pulling Foolish out of the way of the Vindicators, digging his claws into Foolish, who then used his totem body to keep BBH from dying (when BBH spent 2 totems trying to pick him up) the third totem was a normal totem tho, him saying “You’re making me eat totems” was literal, he held it in his mouth and broke thru it to use it....
that’s not how they’re supposed to be use i just think it’d look cool...
... I need to make an animatic about that...
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lostfracturess · 2 months
nici i’ll have u know i just took two shots of tequila in preparation for this chapter 🤣🤣 and it’s close to 1pm on a tuesday
“how can u stay so calm?” “drugs, sweetheart. it’s the drugs.”
i cackled so fkn hard 🤣
"Tell me," he whispered, his breath a warm caress against your ear. "Where would you want him to touch you?"
Geto stripped the rain from his hair, then twisted the dark strands into a fresh bun. His eyes flickered between you and Satoru, a single raised eyebrow his only question. You wouldn't meet his gaze, the floor suddenly fascinating. 
stoppppp okay first of all the writing is eating so hard idk how but w every chapter i just fall more n more in love w the way u write 😭 BUT ALSO DON’t GIMME THE IMAGE OF A RAIN SOAKED GETO or else something ELSE is gonna be soaked out here🧍🏻‍♀️
ok i have to stop quoting every other line lmaooo
"Just so we're clear," Satoru's voice suddenly cut through the quiet, "I don't share. Not you."
sighhh the conversation ab the 37 y/o pt passing n how he’s just a statistic now 😭 so heartbreaking yet realistically put
im loving the daddy dom energy satoru is exuding in this chapter i just love when usually flirty/amused men lock tf in when things get serious lol it’s so hot. also so sweet how all he’s concerned ab is her reputation & career ahead
“A familiar ache rose in your chest. You longed to reach out, to bridge the chasm he insisted on maintaining. But his posture, rigid as stone, and his clenched jaw, sent a silent warning. This was his battle, one he'd fight in isolation—as always.”
ughh i feel like this perfectly sums up their dynamic. also if s&c was a paperback book this wld 100% be a quote that readers wld highlight on the page n crop to post on pinterest lmaooo it’s so good
“He was falling apart. But all you could do was watch.”
🥲 pls. stopp im so fragile rn.
i have sm anxiety over this ethics hearing my palms r actually sweaty. its like i’m THERE rn.
wait nici can u explain again sukuna’s want for revenge towards gojo n wanting to tear him/reader down 😭 was it like the jealousy that he wasn’t able to become a successful surgeon like gojo n had to settle on educational matters instead? :”) im dumb sry. ik he’s the root of gojo’s addiction but i think i might be missing something here lol. or do we not know yet
ok i still hate sukuna’s guts but there is partial truth to what hes saying🧍🏻‍♀️not saying reader isn’t brilliant n talented in her own right, but for sure, satoru’s attraction to her has given her opportunities that other qualified students were potentially robbed of (we live in a society lol). but idk how exactly she ranks among her peers, so maybe she rly was the best student for the job, but that’s all very subjective
"Because you would do the same," you finally managed, the words scraped raw from your throat. "You would stay. You wouldn't leave me."
ok “why do you even stay?” sent a chill down my spine but THISSS. im gaspeddd :””(( reader loves him sm and if her commitment to not letting him take all the blame isnt evident enough, her sticking w him thru his drug addiction is truly a type of devotion that comes from a purest point of love
“You—you make me feel things I've spent a lifetime avoiding, things I don't know how to handle. It scares the hell out of me."
ouchhhh 😭 ok but i feel him on this. that avoidant attachment be hittin againnn lmao me n him are so same
"You don't need to deserve me, Satoru. Love isn't about deserving. It's about choosing each other, again and again, no matter what. And I choose you.”
CRYINGG YES 😭😭😭💕💕💕 this healed a part of me ngl
"If you don't come down in the next few minutes, you're the one getting folded, first-year."
WHY IS HE ALL OF A SSUDEN MR FUNNY MAN NOW PLSSSKDJDJD their chemistry this chap is off the charts
FFFFFUCKKK MEEE JUNKYARD BOY CHOSO!!!!????? I BET HE SMELLS LIKE GREASE N SWEAT N SOMEONE I WANNA FUCK. omg he called me pretty company 🤭🤭 bye dr gojo im all about them blue collars im sorry 😔🤚🏼
"I love you, first-year. Damn it, I love you. I don't care how complicated this gets, I want you."
god pls 🧎🏻‍♀️ if i’ve done anything good in life, then just give me this man
"You give in too easily." A teasing smile played on his lips. "You don't really want me to fuck you on this hood, right?"
😐😐 this isn’t funny. im not laughing rn. i will not stand this sort of edging. gimme dick NOW
omg🧍🏻‍♀️ive no words to say about that smut. delicious, devious, dampening. he is my every fantasy and i desire him. i desire him so deeply
aaa he hurt her in his sleeeeppp 😭😭 for a man that cares so deeply like him that mustve really fucked w him. also this is so random and must be my daddy issues speaking lmao but satoru (minus his addiction) wld be such a good family man🧍🏻‍♀️the way he loves is sooo providing and stubborn to a fault but almost in a way that’s kind of grounding lol bc i feel like he’s almost always, at the end of the day, right about everything? haha i cld be proven so wrong ab this but i just had to share the thought
mannn im on the second court hearing n im just SO damn curious what is going thru satoru’s head rn 😭 it seems like something switched in there somehow, his demeanor is so different
him actinf so calm rn is scarinf the shit ourta me im ngl🧍🏻‍♀️like bb ur scaring me. PKS IN SO SCARED WHY IS HE SUDDNELY TELLINF US HE LOVES US
ah. and there it is. satoru’s impending fall from grace. i saw it coming from a mile away and that he wld do something like this, but fuck. the way it was written. i thought it would be something that came a place of more heightened emotions from him, something desperate to protect (kinda like in the first hearing). but THIS….so calm, collected, so sure of his love for reading that he’s willing to let go of almost everything that has given him purpose in life up until this point. it aches.
:( im heartbroken rn. amazing chapter 😭💕 thank u sm for writinf it, oh my gosh, jusf amazing
i need more tequila
Tumblr media
giiirl!!! not the tequila ahhhhh 😭😭 that brings back bad memories omg.
& yes the story is over 100k already and still no end in sight. i never thought i would write so much lol. but also i'm already so sad when the story will eventually someday end. like i never want to not write about my unhinged neurosurgeon gojo help.
stoppppp okay first of all the writing is eating so hard idk how but w every chapter i just fall more n more in love w the way u write
thank you so so much!! that's such a big compliment coming from a fellow author <3
BUT ALSO DON’t GIMME THE IMAGE OF A RAIN SOAKED GETO or else something ELSE is gonna be soaked out here🧍🏻‍♀️
i have sm anxiety over this ethics hearing my palms r actually sweaty. its like i’m THERE rn.
so glad the angst transpires well in this chapter!!!
wait nici can u explain again sukuna’s want for revenge towards gojo n wanting to tear him/reader down
so first: sukuna is an asshole.
second: sukuna is an asshole.
no seriously, how i portray him is like a very power driven man, that thrives on the misery of others. moreover satoru being his lifelong rival and sukuna finally getting a change to push him of his throne is just something he wouldn't let slip through his fingers. so it's really all about power and control on sukuna's side.
also satoru's states in that chapter that he did something stupid in his past that sukuna is still mad about. feel free to speculate, given satoru's past 😂
ok i still hate sukuna’s guts but there is partial truth to what hes saying
yes it is!! satoru really has just eyes for yn and is defensively letting other students down in the process. this just adds to the overall mess their relationship is.
ok “why do you even stay?” sent a chill down my spine but THISSS.
hmmmmmm ahhhhhhh SO HAPPY that these lines landed well <333 love them!! they are so messy and raw ahhhhh
WHY IS HE ALL OF A SSUDEN MR FUNNY MAN NOW PLSSSKDJDJD their chemistry this chap is off the charts
he had a little bit of drugs and was all happy again lol.
i was wondering, if i should just do a random character or one of the jjk cast and choso just came into mind at first. idk why but i think it fits ahaha.
omg🧍🏻‍♀️ive no words to say about that smut. delicious, devious, dampening. he is my every fantasy and i desire him. i desire him so deeply
here to serve!! so glad you liked the spicy scene. they are always a pain in the ass to write.
aaa he hurt her in his sleeeeppp 😭😭 for a man that cares so deeply like him that mustve really fucked w him.
YES!!! you're the first to comment on that!!! also thought that this is so so so SO BAD for him. like he would never (physically) hurt her and doing it unintentionally in his sleep??? EVEN WORSE. poor boy must have felt so miserable and angry at himself after.
the way he loves is sooo providing and stubborn to a fault but almost in a way that’s kind of grounding lol
honestly, love your observation about the potential family man side of satoru! his love IS fierce, demanding, and sometimes overbearing, but at its core, it's deeply protective, and i think you're spot on about that being grounding.
but THIS….so calm, collected, so sure of his love for reading that he’s willing to let go of almost everything that has given him purpose in life up until this point. it aches.
so happy satoru's fall from grace hit well!! wanted that choice of his to feel both shocking and inevitable. not a desperate outburst, but this chillingly calculated decision, born out of love. it just hurts so good!
thank you so so much for your lovely reactions to the chapter ellie, as always!! it means the world. also give me some of the tequila lol. sending you kisses and hugs ♡
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thegeminisage · 7 months
i liveblogged this on the notes app on my phone bc i could not be bothered w tumblr while i watched it. 10/10 movie i love spock's little bandana
first scene was really rough bc they made us watch the enterpise blow up again. i did NOT like reliving that. she's a beautiful woman and i loved her
kirk being in trouble was so funny. like hes been in trouble in tos before but not THAT kind of trouble
did gasp aloud when they said vulcan exile. kirk spock and bones were on VULCAN EXILE for THREE MONTHS and you're telling me they didn't fuck. impossible. i have so much fanfiction to read
gasped when i saw spock far away on that cliff too. i went from watching the movie to doing whatever it is i do when i see spock on my screen. i was so instantly invested like 100x more than i had been previously. cathy made fun of me for calling it the spock movie but lo: there was spock
thrilled to see his mom again even though she fucking sucks. i thought she had died or something since she wasn't in search for spock lol he doesn't need that!!
me when they mentioned yorktown: omg another aos reference
i knew this movie was about whales but not in what capacity. so when the probe showed up we went back and forth for a really long time on whether this was The Whale. we were very impressed with its little laser
uhura remains the most beautiful woman to ever live. she gets hotter in every film idk how she does that
i liked when kirk gave bones a direct order to like "stay here" or whatever and he said with his mouth "no way" and followed him out anyway. fucking hilarious there's no use trying to hide behind rank anymore captain. their relationships have evolved so wonderfully <3
the time travel cgi was wack. idk what they were doing but it made me uncomfortable
"we can get back but only with NUCLEAR POWER" it's just like back to the future fr
spock's bandana.
i knew he wore it in this film because i have seen fanart and a couple of gifs but it was even better to see it in person as it were
spock was great in this film. unclear how much of his personal memories he had back, i would like to assume most of them? but back at factory settings nonetheless. i liked getting to watch jim and bones teach him to be "human" all over again, even down to jim asking to be CALLED jim, instead of by his title. i have a feeling we're gonna get a lot of that with data in tng and knowing i will love data is all that makes it possible for me to part from spock. spock failing at swearing, being bad at lying, being bad at loving italian - bones said he wasn't firing on all thrusters and he was right, but he's still competent enough to get them back to their own year. i also really liked him knocking out the dude with the radio lol. AND THEN EVERYONE CLAPPED which would have been ridiculous for anyone but spock.
whaling videos sad. i do love that this movie was pro-whale propaganda...i feel like we got a lot of that in the late 80s/early 90s, so maybe whales really WERE gonna go extinct and we saved them thru the power of cheesy movies. one likes to dream
kirk is losing his touch as a honeypot. he so throughly failed to seduce this biologist it's embarrassing. she only cares about whales, dude.
scotty hunting and pecking on the keyboard at the speed of light is me fr. i never learned to touch type and now i have a role model. i mean you can't expect HIM to touch type he's missing a fucking finger
giving the molecule to those guys early is ALSO an aos reference. this is where spock got the idea in the 2009 movie i bet :(
chekov being russian when he got caught is both more hilarious and more distressing, like. considering.
"he is a man of deep feelings" on vulcan this counts as a slur
extremely skeptical of them taking the whale biologist until she pointed out that if whales were extinct there would be no whale biologists in the future and so they needed her. fair point, movie
i feel like movies just never have real water anymore. is that just me? 90s movies had water all the time and these days you never see any real water. shit's expensive. they just cgi it.
THEIR SWIM PARTY CELEBRATIONNNN it was so good. jim dunking people in the water but also william shatner would have drowned in leonard nimoy wasn't holding him up lol that shit looked choppy as hell
i recognized their outfits at the trial all together like that from the photo in aos...made me sad
GIVING JIM THE CAPTAINCY BACK...god FINALLY. the sheer hell he goes through as a retired man...let him work...
i wasn't gonna cry during this movie but when spock said i feel fine i did in fact: cry. HE FEELS FINE.
AND FINALLY. ENTERPRISE BEING BACK. perfect touch to a perfect movie
tonight we start tng (we're going in release order) and i am sooo nervous to leave them but at least we have two more tos movies left so it'll be a gradual transition...ik im gonna like tng but i don't think i'll ever love any star trek character more than i love spock. hes everything to me!!!
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ohno-the-sun · 1 year
I have lots of thoughts on how the animatronics minds work (especially Sun and Moon) and idk where to put this since it’s not fanfic worthy but I feel the need to put it all down somewhere
Sorta just a brain dump don’t mind me
(just some preface I have very little programming experience and while some of this alludes to real psychology, this is not scientifically accurate at all, just my headcannons)
Now first to establish how the AI work it’s essentially a learning system that compiles multiple directives and inputs to make a decision.
Basically there are multiple learning modules that each receive the same sensory input, but each module has a different directive that it codes for. For example pretty much every animatronic has a “safety” directive that prioritizes human safety and the Glamrocks have a “showtime” directive that helps them perform on stage. Each animatronic can have hundreds to thousands of directives running at any given point. Each directive essentially works by taking the sensory input given to it and spitting out a suggested “action” that should take place given its directive. These actions are then sent to the core processor where there the taken action is chosen. For example, if an animatronic sees a fallen child, an action suggested by the “showtime” directive would be to sing to the child, but a directive from the “safety” directive would be scanning for wounds. Both actions would be sent to the core processor, and based upon probability algorithms (where each action is assigned a probability of 0-100% of being chosen, based on a variety of factors), it would likely choose the safety protocol action. So like the singing option would be assigned a probability of 2% and the scan for wounds suggestion would be assigned a probability of 98%. (Staff consider the “choosing” of a particular action to be completely random, but to the animatronics it’s sorta their free will) This process happens multiple times every second, allowing for adaptability and additions to the behavior. Very basic robots, like the staff bots, only work on one or two directives, making them much less adaptable and sentient compared to the others. It should be noted that not all suggested actions are actual “physical” actions, some could be replaying a memory, changing the probability of another directive being chosen, or simply stating a fact/opinion that a particular directive emphasizes. For an example for the last one, the safety directive could point out “there is snow outside, it will be cold” which could lead to a change in probability for another directive, like the “proper attire” directive.
Now one thing about these directives is that each animatronic has differing levels of awareness of them. Awareness of directives manifests as sorta being able to hear one’s thoughts, like being aware of your own decision making process or hearing thoughts that you otherwise would not act on. Ranking the more complex animatronics in order of least to most aware of their directives we have, Monty, DJ, Chica, Freddy, Roxy, and the DCA (my beloved).
Starting with Monty, even though he’s the least aware of his directives, this doesn’t mean he’s the least sentient. Simply put, he’s a action man first think later kinda guy. He doesn’t like dwelling too long on thoughts or feelings that aren’t important to the present situation. This doesn’t mean he doesn’t still have them though. This ends up messing with his core processor probability mechanism, making him far more impulsive than any other animatronic. When he starts getting errant inputs from a virulent directive (cough cough the peepaw virus) this causes him to act out more violently. He also has a bit of an issue straight up ignoring thoughts that are “bad” to him, like anything to do with a certain rabbit animatronic. 
DJ simply vibes man. He has fewer directives compared to the other complex animatronics, mainly because he rarely directly interacts with humans and tends to stay in one place. This however makes him unstable when a new set of directives are put in place that entail security (the bouncer mode). But he’s overall less impulsive than Monty and is self aware of what directives are running at any given point. He rarely has any conflicts with any of the thoughts he receives, so he doesn’t dwell on them. He is the second most stable animatronic emotionally.
Chica is sorta similar to Monty in that she tends to avoid her thoughts and feelings. She’s a far more self aware of them, and purposely takes actions to avoid hearing them (ie overeating) but other than thoughts that depress her, she’s relatively in tune with them. She ends up being very extroverted as she becomes less aware of her directives when shes with others. This makes her seem kinda airheaded, but when she is alone she does tends to get more contemplative. However when a virus starts to isolate her and increase the number of directives/thoughts that upset her, she goes fully into her bad habits.
Freddy is probably the most stable out of all the animatronics (other than maybe DJ). Even before the virus started to effect everyone, Freddy was always the most dependable and strong. In terms of his headspace, this is mainly because he has a good balance of aware and unaware directives. As seen with those previous, having too little awareness of one’s directives can cause impulsiveness, and we will see later what over awareness can do. Even when Freddy has unwanted thoughts/directives, he is able to reason and process them in a healthy way. Some directives relating to Bonnie do mess with his processor though, but other than those, he is relatively stable.
Roxy tries to seem like she doesn’t care, or hear her own thoughts, but that is a fat lie. She has a lot of errant directives that greatly affect the probability calculations of her core processor. This mainly stems from a lot of her directives being related to her appearance, giving her a lot of input she can’t do anything directly about unless she calls staff. This has given her a lot of self image issues. She makes up for this by continually choosing the most “cool” options, even if it’s not the best action for the situation. This leads to her being pretty mean to the other animatronics, staff, and kids. She’s closest to Chica, as she’s the only one who also has a lot of appearance directives (ayo sexism?), but as mentioned before she has more methods to quiet those thoughts.
Last but not least the daycare attendant. The daycare attendant is unique in that it has two main “modes” Sun and Moon. Each mode has the same directives and core processor, but the probabilities of suggested actions being chosen are changed greatly between the two. For example, the probability of naptime and security directive actions being chosen are reduced greatly in Sun mode, and playtime and crafting directives are reduced in Moon mode. Meaning if the situation calls for it, the other mode can still access its counterparts directives, but in daily use the likelihood of those options being taken are so low they basically never happen. This was meant to be the only difference between the two modes, as with only one processor, there would essentially be only one animatronic in the body. But there was a bug that lead to the memories of the daycare attendant to be split. Now one thing to clarify, memories are considered sensory input, so they go directly to directive modules to aid in learning, but don’t necessarily need to pass through the main processor. However, the only way animatronics are able to consciously recall a memory is if a directive  suggests playing it to the main processor, and that can change its probability calculations. Now the bug Sun and Moon have prevents directives from replaying memories from their counterparts database, essentially preventing recall from an event that happens to them in the other mode. But, the individual directives still processed the memories as they happened regardless of mode (for psychology nerds Sun and Moon basically share implicit memories but don’t share explicit). Now if the daycare attendant were any other animatronic, they would probably be okay. Maybe have some memory issues but their directives are in sync so they would still be one animatronic, except both Sun and Moon are hyper aware of their individual thoughts/directives. Moon sometimes gets thoughts to yell and wake all the children he spent an hour trying to get to bed. Sun wakes up to suddenly have multiple thoughts about certain children needing punishment, except for Sun that child was fine for him. For both, the others memories and directives creates intrusive thoughts for the other, making it difficult to discern which thoughts and feelings belong to them, and which belong to the other. This made both start to develop distinct identities, to the point they consider the other a completely different AI (even though again, they only have one processor). Moon’s directives are far more dangerous compared to Sun’s so for him this has created massive anxiety and frustration. He is not only receiving thoughts and input that are not safe for when children are around, but he is also constantly second guessing himself, not knowing whether or not an action will cause unwanted harm. This makes Sun the incredibly nervous person we see. Moon in general is less scared of his counterpart’s interference, but the constant barrage of both his own and Sun’s thoughts is a lot to deal with. This leads to him being kind of a recluse and really quiet, earning the reputation as the plex cryptid from the other animatronics. He also has a major complex when it comes to comparing himself to Sun, being overly self deprecating and having a skewed viewpoint as to how Sun is like (since they don’t really ‘know’ each other very well). His overthinking is somewhat lessened when he becomes friends with Monty and forms a line of communication with Sun (essentially writing notes to each other constantly), but once Monty joins the main band and the virus starts affecting Moon, everything starts to go south. The virus is a directive, so technically it affects both Sun and Moon, however, the probability of “virus” directives being chosen is far higher for Moon than Sun (since it’s categorized as a security directive). Therefore we have both Sun constantly receiving these extremely distressing thoughts and Moon acting on these thoughts. Tldr, both Sun and Moon are extreme overthinkers who have intrusive thoughts, for Sun this causes anxiety, for Moon this causes depression.
Extra stuff:
Sun and Moon tend to get overwhelmed when they are in situations that activate their counterparts directives. For example darkness and conflict for Sun and bright lights and loud noises for Moon. This leads to them both avoiding these situations as often as possible (Sun being conflict avoidant and Moon preferring a nice dark quiet space to hide away in).
Staff are not sure what determines how aware an animatronic is of their own directives and write it off as a bug.
The virus very specifically targets instabilities in the animatronics programming, taking directives from the base processor and twisting them to be more violent and bad. Basically taking their worst personality traits and turning them against the animatronic. For example, for Moon it amplifies his negative thoughts about Sun, the other animatronics and himself, and suggests violent ways to deal with it. This is how they are able to amplify the probability of these violent actions from being chosen. 
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m1cr0rant · 8 months
Boycotting MC
I find this little trend hilarious, at least until it gets to a serious point, kinda. To the point we use actual wars where people sacrificed their lives for whatever cause. I watched this one video where they used the REVOLUTIONARY WAR. yes, the war for FREEDOM against BRITAIN. a MONARCHY. To "invoke" a feeling of war. Rebellion. Whatever you wish to use.
The revolutionary war was a war between Great Britain against the revolt of its colonies leading to the beginning of a new nation called America. So why are we using this war, a war where people on both sides sacrificed their lives for their way of thinking; to boycott a simple, NON-WAR LIKE, video game because they wont add all the Mobs on.
Not only has the mob vote been going on for years now, but its also a way to get feedback from the people, and a way to excite people about the upcoming updates.
Minecraft is updated almost on a 2 month basis. Most being minor, but every year there comes more or less a major update. A lot of games DONT do this.
You paid 26-27 U.S dollars for this game that gets updated more than a game that costed you.. lets say 60 dollars. Thats A PRETTY GOOD FUCKIN DEAL. RIGHT??
They also posted a poster of being like "support your modding community." You boycotting against the modders of mohjang is 1. not supporting. 2. If you wish to support modders, play mods, promote the modder, make videos, tell epople tp subscribe to them. Thats supporting. Boycotting ?? is no where near supporting.
Along with it uses multiple american references. Idk that just seems unsettling to me. A game where people of all shapes, sizes, colours, come to play. And youre using a like.. weird way to get these people to boycott a silly game.
Yes, a modder made a mod of the upcoming characters in the mobvote the crab in just under 16 hours. Woahhhh. They have the time to do that.
Mojang devs and creators are paid. To them this is a job. Yes a job they may like. BUT a job. Which means there are job hours. I do not know about you but me personally? Id rather not work overtime.
Mojang devs are not being lazy, they are working on their own time. They are people just like us. They have lives. Some may get sick, some may have wife and children. JUST BECAUSE they are not working up to speed, like modders do in THEIR FREETIME, does not mean they are lazy.
These updates go into the OFFICIAL game. They have to make sure they do not break or damage the original software. Also its the mob vote, sure is one of the bigger updates, but its also in a series of updates. More things are added than just a mob. Ask modders how long it took them to mod an entire biome, an entire mob series, how long it took to take designs, the small details. A while, right? Now put that into an official game.
PEOPLE THIS IS AN ACTUAL. RUNNING. COMPANY. This means, that they are not just in charge of the game, theyre in charge of trades, all products. the lego products, the plush products, weird toy products. They are in charge of overseeing their revenue, and so many more things. MODDERS. dont typically have to do this.
Board meetings are gonna come and go. Thats when ideas come in. Remember that these devs are probably high-ranking people.
They are not modders, modding in their freetime. This is a job. A company.
Stop calling the devs lazy.
Stop using actual wars to invoke a feeling of "revolt".
Bro. just stop. Using actual wars is like.. sm disrespect????
IDK i need people's opinions on this. Im going CRAZY. the fact is i could go more into depth. Im so tempted to make a analysis type video on all of this just to like?? idk. Someone like help.
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blackadamschefter · 2 months
I'll try to be brief and avoid rambling as I like to do lol.
So, I was on twitter for something else and then saw in my lil "what's happening" that "Tutsi" was trending and so it got my attention right away and so I clicked it and saw that it was #Kwibuka30. So then it kinda brought alot of thoughts that I've had for about the past week or so rush straight to the front of my brain.
Its #Kwibuka30, and its essentially a day of remembrance of the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda. Its a day that I don't particularly think about often but I think of that year and period as a whole more often. Its kinda two fold where as in the past I didn't know of it (the specific day not the cause) and now that I have actively chosen to learn, read and fully immerse myself in it vs. just listening to convos and stories through my family members. I'm also close to the end of a book "Do Not Disturb" by Michela Wrong that is focused on the murder of a former high ranking RPF (Rwandan Patriotic Front) member but for me touches on the subject of the things that contributed to and reaction of the '94 genocide. Other books I finished that also touch on the subject. With that I also am a smarter & more informed just based on who I was around and listening to and I'm older, better educated (more educated??) anyways. I saw all that to get to this bit that made me feel like putting this and these thoughts out (so I can come back to and see).
I was personally affected by the '94 genocide and my family as a whole was affected by it. My life would be completely different if what led to it and it happening never happened. So I feel a certain level of pain/hurt when I think of the number of uncles I never got to meet, or cousins I didn't get to know.. I feel for my mom who lost brothers, uncles, friends & my grandma who lost her kids, siblings, nieces/nephews, etc. So it does that to me and to those who I have no relation with I think of more now than then because no one deserves to lose their life like that esp. innocent people who knew nothing and were taken. Its political and a longstanding thing that folks were gonna get their lick back but damn. Knowing now what I know I think its important to clarify that if this were to ever be seen by a person who.. idk just wants to start something or call me or consider me a génocidaire (genocide denier... in french for a reason) for what I'm about to say.. its actually far from it.
I understand that #Kwibuka30 is more or less reserved for "commemoration of the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi" I believe its also important that families of innocent Hutus should also be taken into consideration and remembered. Because the bigger play here is fully political in how its handled but its inhumane (to me) to make people feel less than or not be allowed to openly mourn for there own because others who did something so horrific shared the same tribe and that means they don't deserve the same sympathy... fuck that because its not fair. So as I think about my family and everyone who was affected. God Bless to all the lost souls that died, survived and many who feel guilty for being around. I pray for yall & hope you find a second to mourn, celebrate and feel free even if its just for a second.
This takes me to Gaza & the Palestinian people because it was for them who made me relive things that happened more so when i was younger and knew nothing. I'm glad I was able to get off what I needed in the first part but this was more due to the images I was seeing. I feel for all those impacted by what's happening because at one point that was my reality, and I listen to the people in my family and close friends talk about the periods where we were on the move from refugee camp to refugee camp, walking for ages, just the blur of it all. Its brings you down but my mom and I have convos about it and I see why our bond is so strong and we struggled together to get to where we are. My dad too! Out there put in the frontlines and making it back to check on me or having his men guard where I laid my head in many cases. Owing the chance I got to my uncle who was also in the military like my dad and he & his wife protecting my mom and I and so many stories where God was there for me and mine. Lucky to make it out fr. So I see the images of kids eating, playing, in their parents arms and I feel and get a jolt of emotion that reminds me I was once just like them. So how its imperative to show love, give, pray and what I can to help. Life is unpredictable and my heart goes out to each and everyone impacted by it all.
Idk man.. I had to get that one off my chest and put it somewhere.
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sunnysideoflondon · 11 months
can i just say i love the demoni album (by joker out)?? every song literally goes so hard even the one i'd rank last if i had to is really goddamn good. i also like how the album contrasts with umazane misli (the album not the song) as its sort of about falling in love whilst demoni is like falling out of love? i haven't listened to the majority of umazane misli so im sorry if im wrong lmfao anyway. i had a thought that was like "the track order is usually on purpose right?" so that prompted me to make a summary of the contents of each song and i was like wait. this is a storyline. sorry again if these summaries are not fully correct i made them with one braincell and i dont have the energy to look up the lyrics again haha ok so katrina is like just post-breakup. "why do you keep on playing me. do you love me or not? i need you and hate you at the same time". ne bi smel is like "im sorry this was all my fault but i didnt have any other choice. i want you back but i know i betrayed you. it's my fault. im sorry". plastika is sort of like a side thing possibly its about hating how you look and having surgery to look perfect and beautiful. "it doesn't matter about anything else, im perfect now". i think this song has a deeper meaning that would fit more cleanly into the storyline of the other songs but im not big brained enough to figure out how exactly if i figure out ill update this. now, massive whiplash as we jump into demoni which is like "i need you here. when im not here my demons play with me" (idk how to better explain it besides just drawing from the og lyrics hah) important to note that this song is the title track. padam is like "i should've believed them instead of going through with us. someone help me. please. where is everyone?" vse kar vem is like "everything ends eventually, you just didn't need me anymore". ona is like "you never cared. but i care so much. so so much". tokio is like "we're not gonna see each other again. only photos will know we were together". note the more peaceful music as opposed to the deeply upset vibe of the others. kind of ironic how ngvot is like "ah, so we meet again. we've both changed albeit differently. we don't talk about it anymore though!" note the incredibly happy music of the song it's so incredibly jarring hearing them repeat "we dont talk about it anymore" with this happy ass music lmfao lastly novi val is like really abstract and could really mean a lot of things. i take it as a general message but it could really be anything. also note that it makes me want to cry so bad. one day im gonna bawl my eyes out because of that goddamn song agh OKAY UM OKAY. so basically the whole album is about a slow acceptance of the breakup but still feeling bitter about it at the end. i think. however this mystery person (probably called katrina) that the singer broke up with could've been anything tbh. you can interpret this really broadly and i think that's why i like the album so much too. it doesnt have to just be about events and feelings post-breakup but also just things in a general sense. so you can find solace in the album regardless of what your situation is. i think thats pretty neat.
or maybe im just overthinking it haha :D
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gobsnacc · 4 months
Wild nights and war medals? X X
“Wild nights? No. No, well, yes but not drinking. Partying sure but I don’t drink. But no it was more like the people of the village kicked me out because….” She gestures to herself.
“Goblin in a mainly human village. Didn’t get too good of a rep and the fact that I was EXTRA wild in my teenage years uhhhhh did they help. They like me NOW because I actually got my emotions in check and help solve issues and well they grew up and learned better. But uhhhh I know a few places I frequent when I want GOOD food and don’t feel like cooking.” She yawns and scratches herself a moment before slipping out an honest to god girly girl star wand with a BOW and waves it above her head in a circular motion, muttering to herself. Her outfit changing from her usual cute princess sweats to her Mage robe.
“Helps if I look the part when going into town. Been considering getting a hat too, but idk yet.” She shrugs and pulls her staff from god knows where and hops on it to float beside the taller man.
“Cmon, into town we go, to the tattered swan.” She replies.
“My…Jewlery?” She touches the earrings she wore squinting, trying how best to describe it to him.
“Ok so….these are just…decrative. Because I like to be Pretty and shiny. Ya know, bird brain behavior. I see shiny, I take shiny, I incorporate shiny into my outfits in some way. Or in the case of my earrings I get those ready made by jewelers. Round here these are just ear decorations.” The woman answers with a shrug before adding.
“No war medals like that in this kingdom or at least that I’ve seen, the kind ive seen are these little intricate buttons you sew to a sash. Or a military uniform. Those are given out by the king who was instructed by a war general. The symbols and scribes on the buttons all mean different things. Hell even the metal and stones on em mean different things. But all that stuffs too complicated. I DO however, have a few of those that the king gave me for some of my bigger gigs. Like I got one for bravery and cunning when instead of killing a dragon I made a deal with it that it was keen on keeping. Thus ensuring safety for trade routes between ours and the kingdom to the west of us.” She replies.
“Its not anything I really value, id rather have just had a choice of shiny things from a more fancy shop as thanks. But the ranking and medals are important to him so I have it at home when I need it.” She shrugs and kicks back on her staff, floating to his eye level to keep the conversation.
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miintsprigz · 1 year
Mandela Catalog x Dungeons and Dragons AU
Why??? Because my brainrot never sleeps.
D&D I am still kiiinda hyperfixated on, and of course y’all know the same is very true for The Mandela Catalog.
Lemme know if y’all want any more of this. I’ve already started to sketch designs.
So I’ve been thinking: what if the story was set in a D&D universe?
The Alternates are actually an elite group of Changelings sent from the Feywild, by Gabriel, a high-ranking Fey (who sealed away and disguised himself as a high-ranking Celestial who oversaw it) that wants the main plane of the world to fall to its knees, and become basically a new Feywild. I switched up some races (as in human or something else, I mean) but kept them humanoid and roughly human-sized.
This all began when I started making classes for the main cast:
Mark: Fighter (Battlemaster, a more modern setting would be Gunslinger) / Barbarian (Zealot), Half-Elf. I think he comes from a tough family as far as all that training goes.
Cesar: Fighter (Psi Knight) / Cleric (Knowledge), Aasimar. Don’t wanna talk much about the alt one tbh, though I do have ideas for him. This dude is just clever, nice, and not to be trifled with.
Adam: Blood Hunter (Mutant) / Warlock (Celestial, but could also be fiend), Changeling (believes he is a Tiefling, and looks as such). I did not choose Tiefling to demonize here, we don’t do that around these parts. On the contrary, Tieflings are my favorite race, and I like their misunderstood history and feel it fits Adam wonderfully.
Jonah: Rogue (Arcane Trickster), high elf. Because hehe stoner but also just The Vibes. Was thinking of making him a Tiefling too, but decided not to.
Sarah: Monk (Long Death) / Paladin (Vengeance), Half-Elf. Let her be POWERFUL, dangit. Imo she already is in canon. Her and her brother tag team really well.
Evelin: Druid (Dreams), Eladrin Elf. I thought it would be interesting that her Druidic power is connected to the Feywild, referencing how she was influenced by Adam in-series. Idk why she gives me Druid vibes. I think she’d mostly take her autumn form, possibly winter.
Dave: Sorcerer (Divine Soul), Half-Elf. Going off the idea that he’s related to Mark and Sarah. Just because I think that it would be neat to upgrade him to have more of a metaphysical kind of skillset given that this horror ain’t so analog, but he’s also a Normal Dude caught up in bullcrap. …the audience for this AU, I’m pretty sure, consists mainly of me and my friend Bel. Wah.
Ruth: Paladin (Ancients) / Rogue (Swashbuckler), Air or Fire Genasi. Not sure what kind. I just know she’s neat, tbh. NO WAIT I FORGOR, AASIMAR! CUZ GUARDIAN ANGEL. And I know there isn’t much confirmed about her in-universe, but I think these classings fit her. Charismatic and crafty when she has to be, but doing all she does for the greater good.
Thatcher: Rogue (Phantom) / Paladin (Watchers), Shifter. I do think Thatcher is so entrenched in the stuff that he’s up against that he’d need to be a bit like it to stand tall as long as he has, and I feel like making him a shifter is perfect for that.
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