#like it doesn't want to get fucking found out and is sentient enough to know it's being observed :)
albatris · 2 years
I have a full day tattoo tomorrow, maybe 8 hours, I'm going to get so much rental car writing done on my phone! (lying)
#best of intentions#but probly I'll be 2 sleepy and out of it lol#gotta get up earleeeeeweey#tomorrow i will be working on the tag on my murderboard titled#Nat Finch had the single most distressing week of his young life so far#<3!#his eyes bleed in front of his mechanic! he has a panic attack in a doctor's waiting room! he has sudden murderous cravings! the#mysterious force that's plaguing his body and altering his organs starts doing freaky agonising shit to his stomach and STOPS as#soon as someone calls an ambulance on nat again and people try to help him then STARTS AGAIN immediately after they leave#like it doesn't want to get fucking found out and is sentient enough to know it's being observed :)#nat is just like#why does the sun hurt make me hurt. what is this new allergic reaction. why is everything so loud all the time. wow these#intrusive thoughts sure are rough. why am i so hungry all the time no matter what i eat. whats with this fucking#perfume i keep smelling on everyone its so annoying it smells delicious and keeps reminding me how hungry i am :(((#whats happening to me :(((#lmao looks like someone didn't read the blurb before they signed on to be protagonist <3#but yeah lmao he goes to beg his mechanic not to charge him extra but midway through the conversation#he coughs up blood and his eyes start glowing and bleeding and get kinda red and demonic lookin n whatever n#his mechanic is suddenly just like UH ACTUALLY NEVER MIND DONT WORRY ABOUT PAYING HAVE A NICE DAY#aka ''whatever the fuck this guy is i want nothing to do with it''#n nat is just like#aww that was nice! i dont really get why he did that but I'm not complaining! maybe he just thought i was a bit down and took#pity on me?#<- has no idea he looked like a fucking demon sent straight from hell
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I got two ideas for Early Crash AU. One is fluff and the other is angsty.
Fluff idea: Smokescreen uses a virtual avatar AKA his holoform. He doesn't show it often cause he's trying to lay low here, but since there's the very good possibility that he might be the first VTuber, he gains even more of a following. Maybe this is how Raf starts noticing Smokescreen, wondering how he managed to create a hologram that advanced
Angst idea: Since you brought up the possibility of Fowler not being his first minder, what if it was MECH that first found him when he was wandering around. That's gotta leave some trust issues for your boy
it takes a few years for Smokescreen to figure out a passable holoform. He was never an inventor, all he had were his memories from datapads in the Archives and some human tech, but eventually he figured it out. Of course, it takes even longer for him to get it approved, but after many, many, M A N Y trials and tests and jumping through hoops it's official and he's allowed to use it on camera and in public
and it's...... honestly really nice. To finally be "face to face" with his audience so to speak. Even though he doesn't use it much with his podcasts, it's so freeing to finally be able to go into human towns and cities and be able to actually talk with the people. He's been practically starved for interaction so finally being able to go out there and meet the people...... he loves it
maybe this is how he meets Jack and June. Jasper is naturally his "home base" so to speak, and maybe after spending some time around town he ends up meeting and befriending a young Jack
maybe after meeting June, he finally has something of a family again
what if Silas was one of his first minders, possibly one of two. I don't have many ideas, but I'm saying they're definitely on the older side of since and completely uninvolved with the MECH stuff
and just. Smokescreen never really liked Leland. Sure he was fine, but there was something about him that just felt..... off. Like the man was taking him apart with his very eyes. Sure human eyes were already weird, they took in light instead of giving off any, but Leland's eyes always felt a bit more calculating and dead and empty then his other minder's
but he brushes off his discomfort. After all, the man hasn't actually done anything and is polite enough when they talk. Besides, what's he even going to say? "Oh your eyes freak me out, can you stop looking at me?" Yeah, no Smokescreen really doesn't want to make himself seen as more of a threat or make things awkward with one of two sentient beings he regularly talks with
and for years, things are fine. The government relaxes, Leland and the other guy do their jobs, when the war's over Smokey even manages to get the higher ups to approve him going on more recreational drives so long as one of his minders was with him. Leland even starts trying to engage with him more and takes him for drives almost every other day!
Smokescreen tries to ignore the way Leland touches the inside of his alt mode, how his eyes light up whenever he changes in front of him, how the words he speak always have some strange undertone he can never pinpoint the meaning of
things are fine. Not good, certainly not great, but fine and Smokescreen is slowly starting to get comfortable
but then things........ change :)
It had started as a normal day. He, Leland and the other minder had just left the base and started their drive. Apparently there was an old mountain pass pretty far out of the way
.........but then Leland puts something on his dashboard
and the next thing Smokescreen knows, he's hit with a shock of electricity and the last thing Smokescreen hears before everything goes dark is a single gunshot
who knows how long it takes them to find Leland and Smokescreen. Days, maybe even weeks, and at the end of it when rescue finally Smokescreen is not left without scars, both physical and psychological. Smokescreen only knows so much about medicine, and most of that is limited to field patches. The humans are limited in their help and the most they can do is provide him with welders. He doesn't even have any painkillers
and psychologically....... ho boy he's going to be a mess. This incident is going to saddle him with some really bad trust issues for a good while, and he's absolutely not going to let anyone into his alt mode for a while, especially with any cargo. In a few years he might let someone in again, but they are going to be in the back seat and far away from the dashboard
also....... Smokescreen's going to be VERY particular about keeping his insides clean from here on out. After all...... he just spent several days at minimum with the blood of someone he trusted inside of him with no way to clean it while being experimented on by another guy he trusted
(maybe Fowler was one of the people on the rescue and can be the one to help Smokescreen clean up. Maybe this even indirectly leads to him being assigned as Smokescreen's new minder)
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decepti-thots · 1 year
soundwave for the character ask?
I hope IDW Soundwave works for you anon!
one aspect about them i love: i really like that idw soundwave is a character who is so strongly defined by genuinely believing in their convictions even when it is disadvantageous to them. idw has a lot of characters whose big flaw is their inability to not fall into hypocrisy, and that's great and all as character flaws go, but a character who instead comes into conflict because he doesn't and it causes problems- that's great in a setting like idw. soundwave really does do what he thinks is right, and his moral code means that if this turns out to be in error, he won't let himself weasel out of things, so you get these fascinating twists and turns post-war. like when he realises humans are sentient and he was wrong to assume they weren't, and now he has to deal with knowing he massively cocked up during the war because he's not the kind of person who can mentally excuse himself from what that means.
one aspect i wish more people understood about them: i feel like a lot of people brush over the fact that soundwave's sense of betrayal when megatron defects isn't just... personal? soundwave sees megatron as betraying his people more than just soundwave himself, it's not a tarn situation where for all his posturing about The Cause tarn mostly wants revenge on megatron for fucking him over. soundwave's actions post-war are all centered around the fact that soundwave genuinely wants the best for the decepticons "left behind" by that event. reducing it down to "he's mad at megatron" is, well, kind of reductive.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character: ok, so canon has this unusual-for-barber inconsistency where it's suggested soundwave was at the academy as an outlier but it doesn't... really work. my headcanon is that he was solicited to go there but, suspicious of what would happen, refused. oh you want me to walk into this "training facility" for people considered Weird by a famously orthodox government and noone knows anything about it? yeah i'm SURE that's not gonna end in you dissecting my spark for science. pass. so he was on the intake list but he bounced.
one character i love seeing them interact with: SHOCKWAVE. i love how much soundwave loathes him. the fact that the worst thing soundwave can imagine in a person being that they don't truly believe in anything, not just what shockwave does but that he doesn't care. and i think a part of this is that it scares him, personally- he knows this is due to shadowplay and the idea that could happen to him must feel much realer to a telepath who can feel what's been taken from shockwave, right. it's great.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more: god i would kill. for some contrivance to put post-war soundwave and chromedome in a room together. remember, chromedome was like TWO SECONDS away from lobotomizing him once. i think having chromedome face to face with someone he did that to (rather than his usual abstract sense of the people he's wronged) would be fascinating, and likewise see above about me thinking soundwave would have found that situation terrifying. i think a situation where soundwave has to confront something from the war that actually maybe fucked with him a bit would be. interesting? idk.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character: it took aaaages for him, rumble and frenzy to get used to each other. those two are simply Not people he would have ever chosen to spend large amounts of time with had it not been on order from megatron, or vice versa. but privately soundwave is glad it happened, even under slightly weird circumstances. ravage thinks he's a sap who could packbond with anyone given enough time (and never remotely came around to them).
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master-of-the-railway · 4 months
Relating to your post on the subtle angst of being a machine, I hunger for all the possible physical angst elements. Where is the fear of limited or increasingly costly repair parts? Where is the worry of the shrinking pool of mechanical experts (engine troubleshooters)? The simple inescapable awareness that one's moving parts are constantly degrading? Horror relating to corrosive/damaging environments? Complex emotional trauma and strange coping mechanisms in response to the reality of their entire "family" slowly *literally* falling apart?
going to. put this under the cut bc I have SO MUCH TO SAY.
You get it SO well, so many good points there. All things come to an end, and engines especially can be kept alive for over a hundred years if they are well taken care of, but there's so many who are not as valued or who simply cannot be taken care of as well as their owners want to take care of them. And they can rarely do things about it. It's honestly admirable that some of the Sodor engines have worked so hard to protect and preserve their fellow rolling stock. Oliver is a beloved little engine, but he likely stays up some nights thinking about how if Douglas hadn't happened upon him, he wouldn't even be here right now. He'd have been melted down ages ago. Not to bring up Hiro again but he is literally the first engine that comes to mind when I think of this sort of thing. He went to Sodor so excited to be helpful and useful and was promptly abandoned not long after he'd broke down. He was stuck there for god knows how long and if Thomas hadn't found him, by accident mind you, he would've corroded and died there most likely. And yet he would've rather done that then get scrapped. Almost as if he wanted to pass away on his own terms. Like I mentioned before, we're shown often that most of the kind-hearted engines (specifically on Sodor) will put forth their best effort to keep any machine out of the smelters. Thomas listened to Hiro's story and was likely deeply disturbed that Hiro had been abandoned like that and not a single person dared to look hard enough to find him when he was still on Sodor this whole time. But with his horror, came understanding, because he knows the reality of even some of the most famous locomotives at times can be harsh and even deadly. And Spencer showed no care or concern at all, not only that, but he almost seemed delighted to inform Sir Tophamn Hatt of Hiro's existence purely to ensure that he was scrapped. He knew nothing about Hiro. He doesn't even LIVE on Sodor. And yet he took great pride in the concept of getting the old engine scrapped. As if that does not mean the very end of an engine's life. It's honestly really unsettling to me how quickly Spencer jumped to that conclusion. Not to mention the tearful horror in Hiro's voice when he was yelling out to Thomas whilst trying to get away from Spencer.
Henry was locked in a tunnel for fearing the rain would damage his coat. How often did he beg those workers that would come by to let him out? How many times do you think he cried feeling like he'd failed his entire railway and that he'd never be released again? There was no sympathy shown for him. And no acknowledgement to the terror he very likely felt for the time he was trapped there in that tunnel. He got sick not long afterwards, the anguish he went through in that time period was probably something awful. Most all machines are at the mercy of their employers. They don't have the appendages to escape the situations they get in that some humans might be able to get out of. If you deprive any machine of their fuel they cannot go anywhere. If you refuse to repair them they cannot go anywhere or function properly. There's a reason they pride themselves on being really useful. If you're not really useful, you're either sent away or you're...well...sent somewhere to be scrapped. It's the way the world works with real, non-sentient machines...and it seems like the TTTE universe operates on those same principals despite being a world where 99% of all heavy machinery is alive and can think and speak for themselves. Sometimes it's just progression, sometimes it's business, but at no time is it ethical. They are alive. They have wants and desires and emotions and fears, yet very few of the humans in their world seem capable of understanding that. There's so many scary things that come with being an engine. If you're too slow and you get less done than a new model, you're likely done for unless somebody cares enough about you to take you in and restore you. Sodor seems to work overtime to preserve old rolling stock, I'm sure they would've taken incredible care of Hiro had he not went home to Japan, and it seems like they did miss him there considering that he's still very well taken care of when he comes to visit Sodor after he'd moved back home. But there's so many engines who don't have that luxury. Hiro just as well could've been sent back or left sitting still, of course whoever owns him now clearly cares for him a great deal. The other types of machines aren't as touched on as our beloved engines are, but they surely experience the same kind of stuff. Airplanes may just as easily feel the same anxieties as old steamers do. They get antsy when they can't fly because what is a plane good for if it can't get off the ground? There's just SO many things to talk about. I really do think the fandom should include things like this in angst content more bc there is a lot of the show's own canon that is genuinely unsettling when put into real world perspectives.
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Bracket C Roun 1
Poll 14
Yael [Yah-EL] Edelman  (@when-wax-wings-melt) vs. Myghal Tregory - The Diminutive Scholar (@light-lost-logs)
155. Yael [Yah-EL] Edelman  (@when-wax-wings-melt)
My gorgeous gorgeous girl is your favorite mid-sized black jewish bi ace protagonist in the entire world! Have you ever haunted YOUR best friend and tried to stop him from avenging your untimely death? No? Well, guess who has! She's got it all: Judaism, attraction to women AND appreciation of a good looking boy, a tummy and thighs, brown eyes and a tongue that just don't stop trashing the hell out of the only person in the world who can hear her speak! She's permanently seventeen but she would have wanted to be a teacher, were she still alive, in order to help kids so they don't feel as much of the same undying anger she carries around with her every single day! She's traumatized, she loves her family, she's... YAEL!!
Midsized, dark brown skin, typically braids down to mid-back or so, dark brown eyes, big red glasses. She wears a star of david around her neck and also has some awesome fashion sense! She likes tighter tops w big baggy pants.
156. Myghal Tregory - The Diminutive Scholar (@light-lost-logs)
He's a sentient rat trying to find the secret to immortality in a gothic sci-fi version of victorian london run by space bats that's underground hiding from the sun (who is sentient and will not let breaking the laws of physics and suchlike happen in the daylight) because he found out that rats only live two years and HES ONE AND A QUARTER.
He's like OH. HOLY SHIT. I DON'T WANT TO DIE. THAT'S NOT FAIR. because it's not to him, right? He's as sentient as any human or cat. And they get to live for decades. You know humans in the neath (underground) can live basically forever? Humans get to come back when they die down there. You know what doesn't? Rats. Rats have one life and they die and they only get two years but they are literally as sentient as everyone else. But also everyone treats them shittily because they're rats. Nobody takes him seriously as an academic. Nobody! they let tigers run a whole continent but they won't let a rat practice chemistry.
He has spent BASICALLY THE MAJORITY OF HIS LIFE studying and nobody even lets him check books out of the library because he's a ten inch tall rat. And everything is human sized and nobody respects him and you know he's just had enough which is why HE HAS ACCQUIRED A GUN. He WILL GET THE REQUIRED STUDYING MATERIALS FOR ACHIEVING IMMORTALITY (which is possible here) WHETHER HE GETS THEM NICELY OR HE HAS TO SHOOT PEOPLE. he's fucking fed up of not being listened to.
He is 11"" tall. He is cornish. He is a rat. He is afraid of his own mortality. He is furious about the injustices done to him. He is doing illegal science unto himself in order to get time, just a little more time, to enjoy his life. To find something worth living for. To be able to say at the end of it all ""yes, i lived a good life, i saw more of the world than my room and i experienced its wonders enough to fill my heart"".
He has a gun and he will use it.
What else could you ask from a character? Do YOUR blorbos have guns to defend their rights to academia and The Forbidden Sciences Beyond The Colour Of Time? No? Then vote for Treg. A vote for Treg is a vote for ALL ratkind.
Treg is a small, fawn blaze berkshire rat with a bristle coat. Which in rat fancier speak means he's ginger on top and white underneath, with rough fur, sort of like a cream and white german shepard. He has a pink nose, ears, hands, feet and tail, with red eyes and white whiskers. The fur on his face sort of looks like a little moustache and goatee, just a bit.
He wears a white knitted jumper made of wool, brown doll's trousers (it's sort of hard to find clothes fitted for rats) some shoes which are basically just doll's shoes that have been dipped in wax underneath so he has some semblance of soles for wearing on the hard cobblestones, and a tiny little pair of round spectacles that are held in place on his face with string and clips that hold onto the ears. His eyeglasses are stained in Violant, which is a very vibrant purple-scarlet colour from underground that forces you to remember things you otherwise might forget. He wears these because a lot of things in the neath can make you Forget knowledge you might want, and he is determined not to. He also has a woolen hat he wears sometimes if he's cold.
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I watched the last two episodes of the season, and I have thoughts on them and on the season as a whole. I'm putting it all in one post so this is going to be long, it's also not going to be nice to the show.
I don't really care about ep 7 I mostly found it boring with the exception of Din being captured and Paz's death. Moff Gideon is a fun villain but I saw someone refer to him as a Darth Vader wannabe and now I can't unsee it so from the moment he showed up on the screen all I could think was bitch you'll never be him, you can dress like him, try to walk like him, do the whole red and black thing like him but you'll never be him. It also kinda made me want to re-watch Obi-Wan Kenobi to see the Vader scenes again.
The whole thing with IG-11. *sigh* I feel like if I had seen the episode prior to the finale airing maybe I would have found the comedy in it but since the finale has him getting fixed and basically coming back to life and it acknowledges (in a small way) that he is a sentient being I don't find it funny, I find it pointless, disrespectful to the character whose death was painted as an honorable sacrifice, and insulting to me as a viewer because it was clearly done for cheap laughs and to sell toys.
The character of Bo-Katan has grown on me this season, probably not as much as the writers wish she would though, but as I mentioned in a separate post I have not seen the show from which she comes, which I believe is The Clone Wars, but I have read enough posts from those who have to be looking at her scenes in this episode and thinking what absolute bullshit. I can't imagine how frustrating those scenes were for those of y'all who watch that show and know her history cause if I was annoyed y'all must have been foaming at the mouth.
The whole thing with Din pledging himself to her- who was in charge of that? Come here I just wanna talk. That scene had me judging my own mother because she liked it, so just know that if you liked that scene I will judge you. I won't hold it against you but I will judge you. It is hilarious though that he was all "I serve you, Lady Kryze. Your song is not yet written. I will serve you until it is." then in the very next episode when she's once again giving her song a spin and could arguably really use his support because she no longer has the Darksaber which was the only reason some of these people followed her in the first place he completely forgot about it, I love that for him.
Din about the Darksaber: "I only know of this weapon what you taught me. To be honest, it means nothing to me or my people."
Paz, and TBOBF: 👁️👄👁️ am I a fucking joke to you?
Wtf is he talking about??? Did Favroni not watch TBOBF? Do they not know what happened on that show? Because at a difference from them, I remember that show, the Armorer is the one who told Din the legend of the Darksaber. She even asked him before she did what he knew of it and if he understood its significance and he told her he was told it was Darksaber and that who wielded it could lead all of Mandalore. Even Gideon, in the s2 finale, provided him with info about the Darksaber because he's the one who pointed out to him that Bo-Katan had to win the thing in combat otherwise she'd be a pretender to the throne. So, "I only know of this weapon what you taught me." is a lie.
And clearly, it meant something to him otherwise he wouldn't have fought Paz over it, tried to learn how to wield it, and would have just handed it over to Bo-Katan after she saved him from the thing, and to say it means nothing to his people is the biggest lie of all because it meant something to Paz. It was a weapon that belonged to his ancestors, he wanted it back in his clan, it was important to him, it meant something to him and he is one of Din's people so to say the Darksaber doesn't mean anything to his people is disrespectful to the character of Paz Vizsla.
The attempted gaslighting and retconning going on this season is outstanding.
And it continues with the whole "He didn't learn that from me." YES HE DID WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? I get they no longer want him to be the main character but are they allergic to letting him take even a little bit of credit.
Honestly, my main emotion during this episode was probably annoyance, it's so badly written. Some of the bad writing though like I have to laugh at it like Bo-Katan's very unenthusiastic hit on the glass when Din gets captured go girl give us nothing, you could have used the Darksaber and at least tried to help him.
Paz's death feels so unfair, and so pointless, and so unnecessary. He did not have to die, he deserved better than a death done just to make an episode feel big and force the viewer into some emotion. And he certainly deserved better than to have his sacrifice and death be so completely ignored in the very next episode as if it hadn't meant anything.
Continuing on to the season, possibly series, finale there is an improvement. I did like this more than ep 7, if I look at it by itself I think it was a decent ep, and if I turn my brain off I can even bump it up to good but it's still not good enough to make up for this crappy season or to make it worth it, and if I look at it within the context of the season it does feel like some of the moments are unearned and if anything it actually makes the season feel pointless. If this is the conclusion that was going to be reached and nothing that was set up was actually going to be properly explored then they should have skipped this season and gone straight to the movie. Also, because this season was so bad I do have to ask myself whether this episode was actually good or if it just seems that way because the bar was so low. If I'm gonna be honest with myself it is in part because the bar was so low.
I will give it to this episode it gave me my favorite scenes from this season and that is every scene where Din fought. I'm so glad the writers remembered that he is a badass, I greatly enjoyed those scenes, they're my favorite from the episode, they're my favorite from the season- I was cheering him on enjoying every second. I had missed this character so fucking much, I don't know who that guy was the previous 7 episodes but this is the Din Djarin I know and love. That being said has his cape always been flame resistant?
I also liked that little moment of Grogu (yes, I'm still gonna refer to him as Grogu deal with it) staying back to save him, that was sweet, as well as him creating a force shield to protect him, and Bo-Katan, from the fire. I'll admit that was a decent callback to the first season, and I'm glad that the writers remembered he has the Force because my main thought in that scene of him "fighting" the Praetorian Guards was USE THE FORCE (and I know we saw him use it a bit once Din jumped into the fight) I can only assume the special effects budget for this season was cut or they didn't have time so all they could do was throw the puppet around.
I can understand why some fans are happy about the Darksaber being destroyed, yes ownership of it shouldn't decide who leads Mandalore but this was still a historical artifact with deep cultural meaning to Mandalore, its people, and its history. If it was to be destroyed it should have been done by the Mandalorians, and it really should not have been that easy to do. Personally, I would have preferred it to not have been destroyed. Also, add the Darksaber to the tally of things that were rendered pointless.
Y'all need to stop joking around about Moff Gideon coming back to life in s4, you're gonna give them ideas
I fail to see why Ragnar had a second ceremony when the first one worked well enough that he was already wearing the helmet. I can only guess that the writers thought this would be a clever callback to the season premiere, it wasn't, or that they needed some ceremony to be happening there so they could do the whole adoption thing but if that's what they wanted that would have been a perfect opportunity to do something in Paz's honor or at the very least mentioned him. Yes, I will forever be angry that they killed this character off and his death was not acknowledged, that we never got to see Din's reaction to finding out he has lost one of the last people of his covert, somebody who was his brother, or Ragnar's reaction to losing another parent at such a young age. It's like the characters this season are not allowed to feel, there's always a point they have to hit, a line to deliver and there's no room for natural emotion like there was in the previous two.
I'm about to get myself canceled with the next thing I'm about to say, I felt nothing during the adoption scene. That was already his son, and I get this is "making it official" but it doesn't feel earned, it doesn't have genuine emotion or feel like a natural conclusion it just....happened. And I think it feels that way, not just because as others have pointed out Din and Grogu were reunited in another show, but because this season we haven't seen that father-son bond or the exploration of that relationship and how they feel being reunited. We started to in the first two episodes and then like everything else the writers ignored it. This scene would have had a lot more weight and impact if Din and Grogu hadn't reunited before the season but also if the season had shown us the bond that exists between them and explored Din's feelings at having his child back in his life- we never even got to see his reaction at Grogu getting his second piece of Mandalorian armor.
The name thing, like I said in a separate post I think Din Grogu sounds dumb and silly but the way I choose to interpret it is as Grogu being given his dad's first name and Grogu becoming his second or last name. And if I think of it that way, I still don't like the sound of it but it does make it nicer, it gives it a nice meaning. So, that's how I'm looking at it, Din is still his first name and now it's also Grogu's! He's named after his dad.
The Mythosaur was truly the MVP of this season. He slept, unbothered, through all of it I'm so jealous, I wish I could have done the same.
Ultimately, my feelings at the end of this season is that I'm glad it's over. This felt very much like a series finale, I like the way that Din and Grogu's story ended I think it's very nice which is why, as I've said, I don't want a 4th season. I'm good with things ending here because- I know fans have the hope that the way things ended are a sign that a fourth season would go back to focusing on Din and Grogu but to me this season has shown that these writers don't care, they don't care about the things they set up and they don't care about Din as a main character anymore, so I don't have a reason to believe another season wouldn't ruin things unless it comes with new showrunners.
If there is another season, depending on what it's about I'll probably watch it but not like I did with this one, I'm not prioritizing it, I'm not watching it week to week or waking up early for it. I'll wait for the whole season to drop, read all the spoilers, and then watch it. Because when it comes to this show I'm remembering the saying, fool me one shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
I learned my lesson. If this gets another season I'm not holding any hopes, or expectations for it to be any good.
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A 'fun' fnaf x Transformers Animated crossover idea.
I'm going to be working with the theory that Fnaf Pizza sim takes place in 2023. So after the events of pizza sim we know someone took over Fazbear Entertainment then made, Fnaf Ar, Fnaf VR: Help Wanted, and eventually the Mega Pizzaplex. It would have taken years for something like the Pizzaplex to be built and it would take even more time to build up enough money to make something like after Henry dissolved the company. So I would say it took around 20 odd years for the Pizzaplex to be built making it 2053 and as we know tfa takes place in the 2050s.
So after the events of Fnaf Ruin and a continuation fan work that I'm making that's 90% self indulgence and 10% what I seriously want to happen in the future of the franchise, that branches off from a Fazbear Flights au that I posted memes for here and never posted any more content of since. Cassie, Roxy, Mxes in a psyhcial form (probably inside of Glamrock Bonnie), Eclipse, and the Stitchwraith (their mostly here because my poor like meow meow doesn't have that much fan content and I wanted Andrew to have a connection to Monty, seriously u don't just introduce a ghost kid who wears an animal then a game later they introduce an animatronic based on the animal of the mask and make them havw nothing to do with each other), are on the run from The Mimic and whatever else was done there with Mxes no longer being able to contain it forcing them to leave the Pizzaplex.
Unfortunately they can't stay with Vanessa, Gregory and Freddy because they would be found much more quicker that way, so they end up traveling by themselves cross country to stay with one of Vanessa's relatives in Detroit who happens to work at Sumdac Tower. Since Detroit quickly became the home of the Autobots no one questions why this little girl is almost always seen with these sentient broken down robots.
Since technically Vanessa's relative, who shall be unnamed for now because I haven't thought of one, is Cassie's legal guardian for now they must have told their co workers at some point and thus they get invited to Sari's birthday party from the episode Sound and Fury. They end up becoming quick friends bonding over the fact that most of their friends are robots and because a complaint I keep seeing about Sari is that she doesn't have any human friends or anyone but the bots and her dad to relate to.
Soundwave doesn't get turned into a Decepticon because Mxes realized something wasn't right and started blocking out Megatron. So Megs has to get inventive of how he was going to foil the Autobots plans and rebuild his body. Mxes basically ends up becoming the Autobots digital security working behind the scenes to prevent Megatron from fucking shit up more.
At the end of it all Cassie hopes she doesn't have to leave because this is the most safe she felt since going to the Pizzaplex that fateful day, because with all the weird alien shit that happens if a random Gitchtrap cultist, a mimic controlled bot or the Mimic itself, tries to attack them odds are an Autobot would be close by to step in to save them.
And the angst potential of when the Autobots try to leave of Cassie having a bit of a mental breakdown because being with them was the safest she felt before The Mimic tried to kill her, other than when she's with Mxes. Then everything about her past and why she moved to Detroit in the first place just comes out and the Autobots are just shocked. Then Andrew and Jake in the Stitchwraith comes along like 'yeah it isn't just the mimic we're on the run from but the digital download of the serial killer that killed Andrew as well'.
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myshredda · 1 year
OKAY WAIT YOU REMINDING ME OF THE SPECIAL ONE- theory time again lets gooo: yellow is aro/ace to me and never wont be and its super weird to me that people glorify his partnership with his coworker because that just feels like a failure state unambiguously to me where you have a empty small talk lover- like remember the fucking retirement card where she repeats the same unfunny joke like. imagine a loveless marriage like that. i think i remember yellow saying something critical of the word "love" to that worm too so its not just in the cult episode where he "rejects love" BUT he wants community and family and basic human dignity. i have no idea how dhmis could keep making episodes but if they do i REALLY HOPE they expand on more non traditional relationships and all the diverse ways people can love each other and enrich their lives because FUCK thats so important and theres ENDLESS ways to do it ehehehe
So true so true so true. I've always found that a lot of emphasis has been placed on Yellow's relationship in the jobs episode as 'proof' of something, either his canon age, or sexuality or whatever. But there's a post floating around on here that I CANNOT find again about Yellow's 'relationships' always having hidden meanings behind them or being a type of manipulation from the simulation they're trapped in!
He and Special One don't have any 'relationship' other than it being a cohesion from Shrignolds cult in an attempt to trap him in the religion with the promise of true love. Honestly it's not even clear if she 'exists' or not, she didn't show up in person, she was more of a hallucination/vision of a person that Yellow could potentially meet in the cult. So yeah, no go there.
As for him and Claire, I don't think Becky and Joe would really plop a healthy relationship dynamic down in the middle of an episode about the horrific nature of capitalism and how a job will suck the life out of you until you're too old to be useful and then you're tossed aside. Like. It was clearly commentary about all the wonderful potential jobs you could have and instead getting stuck in a mindlessly monotonous position that doesn't pay you enough, doesn't give you any free time, limits the relationships you can have, and basically wastes your life. Yellow and Claire (while being kind of cute I can't lie, I'd love them to be friends) are an example of the way people will settle for the easiest available option, after all it's easy to 'fall in love' with a person you see every day. And Claire/Andy/Dunkin really don't have personalities outside of their job! Like they're representation of those who make their jobs their lives, so of course Claires gonna echo the same phrase over and over, it's all she knows! (I also love that the workers that represent being lost to your job are like. sentient tools at a factory that makes nuts and bolts and things. Literally the job is PART OF THEM)
So yeah, I also see Yellow as being Aro/Ace, and the 'relationships' he has in the show really strike me as a manipulation tactic by whichever teacher they're dealing with on any given day, not something real!
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brandwhorestarscream · 6 months
On the Megatron as a Queen Mother with the (humane) breeding of cybertronians and eventually expanding to the colony mechs to be ome the Cybermorph All Mother.
It also makes for intersting potentials as the Cybermorphs expand and eventually run into standard Xenomorphs.
How would that even go?
I can see a potential where the Deceptacon/Cybermorphs go to earth for energon and show up during a Xenomorph out break. And they wipe out the rival hive(s). Because fuck that competition. Accidentally winning the gratitude and service of what's left of humanity in the process. More interestingly actually finding out what the other half of the Cybermorph CNA lineage comes from. Nana Galvatron certainly wants to know.
And runing into the Predators/Yautja, what would that even look like? Their whole social standing is based on hunting worthy prey. And they consider Xenomorphs from humans as the most valuable/highest status prey to hunt. If they fuck around with Megatron, they will find out!
Oooh. That's an interesting one. The cybermorphs have long since begun to spread by the time they make it to earth: they're easily marked as the universe's dominant species. They can dispatch typical xenomorphs with ease: they're everything they are, after all, but better. Bigger, stronger, faster, with the added edge of being incomprehensibly intelligent. As scary as the xenomorphs are, at the end of the day, they are just animals. The cybermorphs wouldn't have any issue with them.
Though part of me thinks the cybermorphs might find them cute. They'd be like distant, primitive relatives, like humans vs. lemurs or other small primates and mammals. Go back far enough snd they share ancestry, and the little ones are purely instinctual. Some cybermorphs may keep them as exotic pets XD
But yes, the humans are very grateful. They're of course very unsure about the cybermorphs: they're the same monsters but much larger and more dangerous. Their being sentient doesn't do anything to soothe those fears. But the humans aren't in any real danger, inherently: they're far too small to be used as proper incubators (unless we decide to make minicon morphs, in which case yeah, maybe). And earth can't exactly make them leave: the xenomorph outbreak has decimated their weaponry, their government, pretty much everything: they're not organized enough to chase them away even if they did have the means to do so. While cybermorphs are techno-organic and can digest carbon-based fuel, they much prefer energon as a whole. Which can be synthesized by harnessing the earth's sun, so their fuel needs likely won't push them to hunt humanity, either. Whichever queen has landed on earth decides to take over the subterranean sections of the planet, leaving the humans to their own devices and promising protection from the xenos--after all, no competition can be allowed. This planet is squishy and warm and perfect for laying eggs; so long as the humans don't try to get in the way, they can keep the surface.
The rest of the solar system is probably being used too. Imagine a hive setting up in Jupiter's frozen oceans, or on the sunbaked red plains of Mars. They also probably import the incubator livestock and set up farms, though maybe not on earth itself. They've learned through trial and error that letting self-aware creatures know of other self-aware creatures being kept in such a manner oft leads to ruffled feathers.
As for the Predators... idk if they'd view cybermorphs as proper prey, because they're not fully organic. As naturally occurring cyborgs, would they be considered something worth hunting? Or would their brains basically being computers put them off? Idk anything about them and probably never will, so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but, if they do try to hunt cybermorphs, they're very much going to be curb stomped and eaten. They fucked around and found out and paid the ultimate price. You can't hunt something like a cybermorph. They always know where you are. They always know your next move. They will always find you. They will trap you, and they will eat you.
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fruity-boy-bruno · 8 months
So who is Vi?
Vi!!! My girly!! My silly!!!
As I said before they're one of my Wayne ocs, more specifically one that got experimented on by Odozeir, because no way the only thing that dude was doing was feeding larvae pool wine. One doesn't stop at one fucked up experiment on children. So he or his agents would snatch up larvae and nymphs (the in-between stage of larve and grown wayne I came up with) when no one was paying attention and bring them to his eeeviill science layer in foglast. He did this to get direct revenge on Wayne for killing Gibby, as well as so he could understand Wayne anatomy more to realllyyy fuck him up if he got the chance.
So Vi was snatched while she was in the nymph stage, and was probably in Odozeir's fucked up child experiment lab for about a year. Witnessed a lot of larvae getting turned into warpos while she was there, but she was both lucky and unlucky enough that that wasn't what Odozeir had in mine for it. Instead they were used as an anatomy lesson: they got vivisected <3 while awake. It also endured a lot of other experiments, (including the removal of her chest legs--which came back with one of her respawns) and would die rather frequently, but it got brought back with soul sponges every time. So she was stuck in this situation until Wayne crew killed Odozeir. When that happened, his henchmen dudes acted on orders they had to kill any prisoners they had in the lab (because it'd be too hard to relocate and hide with prisoners) so Vi got sent to the afterlife. She ofc didn't know she wasn't going to be soul sponged back, so she sat in the sands waiting for it to happen (because she was that hopeless in reaching the pool out before that'd happen). It waited for a very long time before a grown Wayne found it there, because of the madness spell, and they brought her home.
She's smaller than the average Wayne and has a weaker skull because of the stress from while she was growing. She wears platformers to make up for this, and because they match her edgy clothes style. They also have a permanent vivisection scar that they try to keep covered.
She's obviously like realllyy fucked in the head from all of this. She resents the other Waynes for not finding her sooner even though there was a very low chance of it. They also resent main Wayne a bit because he did technically cause this to happen to them. But mostly it's upset at itself for not being strong or smart enough to get away from Odozeir on its own. They're drawn to "experiment" with things relating to death. She find creative ways to die, and creative ways to kill some non-sentient characters. She also gets excited at the chance to see what other people of different species look like when they die (she's waiting to see what a splithead's skull looks like) Girly also experiments with drugs. Chronic smoker and cocaine user but "will try most things once." She's friends with Smuldunde and is also her lab assistant. Smuldunde is the one that talked her out of trying meth!
Btw she absolutely named herself Vivisection. She did this partly because she wants people to be like "oh.. okay....." when it tells them. And because she thinks Vi is a cute nickname. Also her voice is the main singer of Jack off Jill (mainly because of the song "Afraid of Dying) The main genre of music she listens to is girl/fem metal hehehe
There's definitely more to her but this is all I can think of at the moment hehe.. she started off as a one off character in an rp but I loved her too much.
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aimless-aimz · 1 year
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@kirbyoctournament so this is my entry! I'm keeping them as one entry but again you can split them if you dont have enough spots lmao
Names: Sir Corvin (full name Sir Corvinare Knight but prefers just Sir Corvin), and Turvia Matter;
he/him (corv), and they/it/she (turv)
Personalities: Sir Corvin is relatively level-headed and very introverted. ...Very much not a people person, as he spends most of his time alone, yet he's working on being more social. Surprisingly, once you get to know him, he's a ray of sunshine. (BABY!!!)
Turvia matter is a WHOLE other case from Sir Corvin. Turvia is narcissistic, (an asshole), and they literally feed off of negative energy. So I mean, pissing people off is one way to get it. Turvia, being a dark matter, SHOULDN'T be able to feel positive emotion, but the reason they're so different is because they're a sadist; they derive joy from other's suffering.
So, Sir Corvin has had a few things happen to him. The first thing that did, was getting attacked by the Jewel of Reussir (jewel of success, translated from french)
Corvin collects powerful artifacts to try and keep them safe from evil forces getting their hands on them. And the Jewel is one of them. Now, when he tried to get it, he found out the hard way that it was enchanted to be sentient. There was a major fight, and Corvin lost his right arm.
Now, you must be wondering; if he lost his right arm, why does he have both in the ref? Well, the Jewel, after being defeated (he was STILL goin after losing his arm lmao) went back into a small gem form, which Corvin collected. After healing, the Jewel made itself into a headpiece (as a sorry? we dont know) and it makes a illusion/replica of Corvin's arm, and it stays functional.
Although, like Galaxia, the Jewel can still communicate to Corvin telepathically, as he's wearing it all the time. They've luckily made amends.
[this is the game concept i made! this has both turvia and corv lore]
Now, later on in time, Corvin steals some of the artifacts from dreamland to (in his eyes) keep them safe. and this pisses Kirby off. So Turvia (taking a more friendly form, as they can shapeshift) lies, telling Kirby that he took things from her as well, and kirby should go. yknow. beat him up.
so, kirby traverses through different levels (as all kirby games go), and the gimmick of the game/story is that, there are vials scattered across dreamland (maybe corvin dropped them lmao) that, once consumed, increases your HP and you can steal HP from other enemies; and then use that HP as a weapon, making it into concentrated energy and shooting it out in a variety of attacks to complete puzzles.
Once kirby reaches Corvin's lair-thing (idk) they fight, and during the fight, turvia makes their way to the area and steals a vial, some other stuff and a map to the source of the vials. then it literally dips. asshole.
so corvin, still bloodied and bruised just. goes right after them because they know that if turvia finds the source of the HP vials everyone's so fucked. Kirby follows.
Once Kirby catches up to Turvia, they already see Corvin approaching. (rookie mistake.) and just. Turvia swats him away. like. with ease. kirby shits themself steels themself to fight Turvia. Now, Turvia doesn't want to get their hands (too) dirty, so they just. take poor corvin and possess his ass- yk as dark matters do- and oh nooo boss battle ooooh woow
anyways, when kirby indefinitely defeats corvin matter, the two separate, and turvia is now PISSED. they just got their ass handed to them by a deadass toddler. i would be angry too.
so, what does turvia do? well, remember when i said turvia eats negative energy? yeah... yeah they consume corvin (GIVE THIS MAN A BREAK), as he's full of anxiety and fear at the moment. mm delicious.
Once turvia consumes corvin, they get a power boost, their form changes, yadda yadda yadda, kirby beats the shit out of them, but this time they DONT separate, and turvia downs the damn vial and oh god. oh lawd. bro becomes MASSIVE and overflowing with power.
but then!!!! one of kirby's friends (idk yet lfmao) throws kirby a vial too, and huge battle occurs, turvia loses lfmao, THEN they separate. no one knew where turvia vanished to for a while, because they simply. like. evaporated.
anyways. turvia lore is that they're a sadist and that makes them special <3
ok but actually, it was a matter created by zero two with a 'birth defect'- they could feel positive emotions at the expense of others. as time went on, they... 'evolved.' their single menacing eye could switch between that and a mouth with teeth that were a little TOO sharp for her own good. Their body began to drip until there was a separate form below, resembling a torso. the appendages around their old body began to dissipate and float around its head.
during this time, turvia was starved. they had to eat, unlike other dark matters. after a while, being driven to near insanity with hunger, turvia ate a different dark matter. this was how they found out they ate negative energy- dark matter being a manifestation of negative energy.
Then they got better at shapeshifting, and they found the more negative energy they ate, the more powerful they became. once, after a high of eating, they slayed a god and drank its ichor. (this was a permeant boost to their power, forever setting them apart from other dark matter.)
And yet, throughout this, they received constant physical and mental abuse from zero two. i mean. they literally would disobey its orders, eat its creations, and well. just be an asshole. but not only this, zero two eventually began to fear turvia, seeing their near limitless potential. they knew one day, if turvia kept growing like this, they wouldn't be able to be stopped. and eventually, turvia caught on; their ability to detect negative energy seeping to their EYESIGHT.
(on the eyesight thing? turvia began to see different negative energies as different colors. fear and anxiety manifested as a glowing yellow, anger, rage, and wrath as a glowing red, and depression and hopelessness as a white glow. eventually this evolved to a point where once they met Kirby, pure positive energy, she could hardly see them- kirby constantly appearing blurry to them.)
So, turvia left zero two, in a very... odd exchange. turvia knew zero two feared them. they left with a malicious smile on their face, and their last words to it being "you're not ready. not yet."
zero two still doesn't know what this means. only turvia does, though. They were referring to killing and absorbing zero two one day. they want to both get back at zero two from the abuse they endured, and to essentially have two gods in their bodycount- making them more powerful. but good things come to those who wait, and zero two could always gain more power, considering they're still recovering from getting to near death by kirby.
anyways, if you read this, are you okay/j /nsrs
but actually, thank you! thanks for reading this- i think of very symbolic and complicated lore sometimes lfmao
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legobatman08 · 2 months
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Feat of Clay - Matt "Clayface" Hagen / Ted Lupus
CW: Toxic Relationship; Unrequited Love; Escaping Abuse; Hurt/No Comfort (He Comforts Himself Lol); Teddy Lupus Being Unhealthily Whipped; Starts Off Very Canon Compliant Before Derailing; Matt Hagen Being An Asshole :(
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We found Matt in his car.
Well, not entirely Matt. He was closer to a... sentient blob of clay.
It was a lot to process, sure. All that mattered to me was making sure he was okay, though. That's what anyone's first thought would've been, right? Obviously, he's my friend. Boss? Work partner? The lines had blurred in my brain at some point. Having a hopeless crush on him did little to make our boundary between a professional and a personal relationship solid.
I'd like to think I've been there for Matt for a lot of important stages in his life. At the very least, I've been in his life for a long while. I loved him before his accident, after it happened, then after Dagget's lousy scam of a product turned him into this... monster-like being, and I'll probably love him regardless of what happens to our already strained relationship in the future.
Then again, I shouldn't throw around the term "relationship" so loosely. The rational part of my brain keeps nagging that I mean little to nothing to him, and only has me around for convenience. It's probably right, but I'd like to imagine that it's a bit more than that. He calls me Teddy sometimes, and if I had just a smidge less of self control, I'd start kicking my feet and giggling everytime. I've deduced that he tolerates me better than most people; I mean, we're practically roommates at this point, and I took that as enough of a win to satisfy my stupid, yearning heart.
Unconditional love is a weakness.
It finally bit me in the ass after Matt turned into "Clayface". That's what he calls himself now. I would to tease him for the lack of originality, but I can't risk irritating him now.
He's been very on edge, for obvious and understandable reasons. He's gotten better at controlling his body, molds it to any shape or material he wants... I'm very happy for Matt, don't get me wrong!
What I'm concerned about is the violence. It's not exactly directed at me. Yet.
However, I'm getting worried. I'm sick of having to be weary of the man I love so deeply, as if he's a loaded gun.
I miss feeling comfortable around him.
I wish i didn't care this much. About him, about his well-being, about all of this. It brings me nothing but hurt. I'm no idiot, I know the attachment is unreciprocated, even if he hasn't outright told me so. I hope he doesn't know it's more to me than just the brotherly concern of a long-time friend.
But does it really matter anymore? I might as well be a doormat to him at this point. I've already had my self respect walked over, I don't have much else to lose.
When I enter the room to bring him food, Matt- no, Clayface, -is shouting at the TV. I wince, but try to get him to eat anyway.
Any sane person would be able to tell that he's too stressed. Fuck, even an insane person would be able to tell. I really am not the best at consoling people, all of my exes have kindly made me aware of that, but I felt like I absolutely had to say something to help him chill out, get his stress out a little. To hell with my integrity, a small part of me was even hoping I could help him de-stress in a certain way, fucking hell...
Apparently, I'm saying the wrong things. As always. Stupid Lupus, stupid fucking lovesick Teddy. Hagen stands up from the couch, menacing as always. He's always had that threatening aura, if I'm being honest, the "Clayface" thing only amplified it a bit. Steaming Christ, don't think I've seen him this pissed at me before.
"Don't you dare patronize me!", he yells as he points a finger in my face. I'm still holding the giant plate of food I cooked for Matt- nevermind, I suppose. He's knocked it out of my hands. Ouch.
Clayface leans in closer, towering over me. Out of fear, I back up a little, but what good does that do against a shapeshifter?
"I told you, I don't need rest. I don't need food. And I don't need you!"
Those are the last words I hear before a gigantic arm comes barrelling towards me, fingers extending uncannily. I'm frozen, seeing it in slow motion as Matt grabs me like a claw machine, and throws me across the room.
I've gotten demoted from doormat to ragdoll. Awesome, I think bitterly, right before my back hits the bookshelf. I fall to the floor with a thud, and by the time I regain my senses, Matt's already stormed out.
"And I don't need you!"
"I don't need you!"
It keeps replaying in my head.
Oh my fucking God. "I don't need you!"... For a minute, I think Scarecrow must've injected me with that goddamn fear toxin, for that moment felt like my worst nightmare come true. Unfortunately for me, it didn't just feel that way, it did come true.
I try to stand up, but I'm still trying to process everything. Matt. Clayface. My love. Hagen outright said he doesn't need me. He doesn't need me.
Matt doesn't need me. I'm useless to him. I'm a burden and an idiot. He doesn't need me around anymore since he's overcome human necessities like his career, eating, and friendship. Was it ever a friendship? I'm not sure anymore.
The realization hits me like a truck, and I stagger as I try to get up. Gripping the shelves until my knuckles turn white, I keep muttering like a broken record: "I don't need you. I don't need you. I don't need you. I don't need you!"
I don't know how long I stand there for. All I know is it feels like years. Why does it hurt so bad? I've always known deep down that I didn't mean much to him, so why am I having such a reaction to him actually admitting to it?
Well, I practically lost my life's purpose. I've been working for only him for years by now, but I guess that devotion's all out the window now. Why did I even bother in the first place? Something like this was completely inevitable, and I knew it.
God damn it, Matt, why does it hurt this bad?
I look down at the books that fell from the shelves upon impact. Should I bother picking them up? It probably doesn't matter, but I do it anyway, methodically, as a distraction.
How can I live like this? Why have I endured this for so many years? What's tying me down with him?
How has he kept me on a short leash without any protest from my part, like a loyal fucking dog?
I used to keep telling myself that Matt needed me. At first I was his assistant, he needed my advice; Then he needed me to take care of him due to his accident.
"I don't need you."
He doesn't need me? Okay. Okay! I can handle this. I'm an adult, I'm a man. I can handle this, even if I feel like I've been stabbed in the chest a thousand times over. He doesn't need me? Okay. Good, then he won't have any problem with not having me around.
As much as it hurts, I need to leave. I need to escape, as soon as possible, before Clayface gets back.
...What if he still needs me around to keep him in check, though? I can't help but feel guilty. No! Stop being a dumbass, Teddy, he said he doesn't need me and threw me across the damn room! For once in my miserable fucking life, I need to make a decision in favor of my own well-being. I won't be a punching bag.
Ha, ironic, right? "I won't be a punching bag", as if I haven't been one for as long as I can remember already. Bleeding Jesus, how much more pathetic can I get? I feel like throwing up out of self-repulsion alone.
Not giving myself a chance to overthink it, I climb out the window, rush to my car and drive away with no destination in mind.
Driving away from Matt slowly makes me realize how helpless of a situation I've gotten myself into. I've always been a weed attached to some actor with a blooming career, even before I started working with Hagen. I have nobody to rely on. No job... No place to stay... I'm starting fresh.
Gotham loves a comeback story... Time for the rebirth of Theodore Lupus, as his own person.
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Been playing the Official, Canon Kaycee Expansion for Inscryption, here's my thoughts:
It's still in Beta so we have still not all the content or new lore from it, but the gist of it it's that this is Kaycee, Inscryption's Dev, using her Dev Tools to change the game for a not better specified reason.
From the few Dev Logs we have, we discover that Kaycee, while play testing the game on the Floppy Disk with OLD_DATA in it, finds a "bug" about the Angler finding an OLD_FISH and bringing it to Leshy, and she realizes that the NPCs can now walk (don't have walk animations) and say stuff outside of the script she set up for them.
Other Floppies don't replicate this bug (Not because the characters on those Floppies aren't sentient mind you, the recurring theme in all of Mullins games is that Videogame characters are sentient and Alive, most of them just like the role they play in their game as paid actors and don't complain about it) and, once she get back to the one where the bug happened, she realizes that Leshy had gone 3D and turned the game into Act 1 while she wasn't looking.
Now, the remaining logs are still in beta stage and we don't know what else she found out, she simply started playing the new game, mentioning how only the Woodcarver "Mask" will talk to her about the OLD_DATA, and how the PREVIOUS Dev Head, Kaminski, probably knows more about this if she can find him.
So, here's my theory:
Kaycee sounds like a really dedicated person, and enjoys card games and videogames.
Leshy's Cabin in Act 1 is different from the one in KM. Kaycee specifically modded it to be more challenging, more engaging, and Leshy likes it.
It also has lots of mushrooms where they shouldn't be. Weird, uh? Especially when you remember that the Mycologists aren't part of the normal Inscryption game, but spontaneously exist only to research the Karnoffel Code in this one specific floppy disk, their mechanic impossible to implement in a flesh and blood game.
Leshy will at first react with scorn at Kaycee changing his grand vision (HAVE YOU MESSED UP THE ORDER OF MY MAPS, KAYCEE?"), but will still roll with it, implementing the changes back into his narrative, rolling with it, even enjoying them the more time passes ("TOTEMS? IN A BOSS FIGHT? OOOOOH I LIKE THIS ONE!").
Kaycee removed many of the Exploits that could make Act 1 Trivial. Ouroboros doesn't conserve stats between runs. The Moon gained a new Keyword that makes her immune from poison and stinky, you lack the Squirrel Totem, the Bee Deck, the third candle, the Knife...
Why did she do that? Because, just like Leshy, she likes her games to be a challenge. ACT 2 lacks any sort of stakes, any sort of danger, and Leshy never liked that, he wanted his game to be difficult and engaging, a final battle against the Moon, but only if you were worthy enough to reach it, and I feel Kaycee also wanted that for him.
We don't know how that ended with her burning alive and the game buried in the woods, or where the other Scrybes are during KM, their cards missing, but I can hazard a guess.
In the main game, they mention how this wasn't the first time someone took control of the game. They mention Resetting back to act 2, in Act 1, and specifically say Resetting Again. In Act 4, Grimora mentions how she would have loved to play with Luke, for her to take control AGAIN of the game, so here's my Theory.
Barry sends the Floppy to the US from East Germany and is shot dead by the Soviets. The Floppy is lost alongside other blank floppies, and is sold to GameFuna, who tasks Kaminski and his team to make a game on their recent new IP, Inscryption.
Kaminski and his team creates Inscryption, but notices something in one of the Floppies that doesn't seem to be able to be erased of open, deciding to check if that's Gona be the problem on the copy he has.
He Uses the GameFuna Dev Tool, coming with the Blue Man from Mullins previous game The Hex, the Blue Man mentioned by the Trader in Act 3, and starts fucking around the place.
In Grimora's tomb, the third Skeleton, as of now still unnamed in the beta stages of creation, finds an Old Fish in her well. Grimora uses it alongside the Dev Tools suddenly at her fingertips to take control of the Game from Kaminski.
Kaminski plays Grimora's game, and it's here that the Death Cards are made. You see, Death Cards aren't a Thing in KM, you can't make them, yet Leshy still summons a few of them during his second phase, and how is that happening then? Who made those death cards, if Kaycee never made any?
It was Kaminski that made them while playing Grimora's Game, the Scrybe of the Dead, far more fitting to create death cards than Leshy wouldn't you agree? Especially since all the Death Cards in Act 1 are implied to be of dead people.
Why is Kaycee's card already in the game then by the time KM starts? She is alive to make it isn't she? Well, that's because much like Magnificus Eye can see the future, the game also recognizes when one of its players is about to die.
After all, if you get all of the base death cards as well as the ones you made for the game, the next Death Card you will be offered in Act 1... Is Luke Carder's.
And he's still alive as he plays isn't he?
Anyway, Kaminski resets the game back to act 2 and then something happens, maybe we'll find out later, and Kaycee becomes the new Dev Head and builds upon the foundations of the game.
Now, here's my final theory.
Act 2 specifies that the game is based around the fact that you, the challenger, are trying to take over a Scrybe.
What if that's the case for the Single Games?
Kaminski is Grimora's Challenger.
Kaycee is Leshy's.
And Luke is P03's.
Magnificus remarks how he never managed to gain control because his Angler, the green slime mage, never managed to find an OLD_FISH for him. That's another reason why when you have visions of him painting in Act 1, he's doing it in the same white void you find him in Act 4. He never could build himself a Tower like his competitors did for themselves. He had to improvise.
But who would be his challenger then? Is it Amanda, who shot Luke Carder and stole the floppy from him? Is it Us, the player at home?
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Joyce is too comfortable being Ready to Kill
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anyway. maybe to make up for being the last one to find out about Mer Shit in the clone au, there are a fuck ton of mini Joyce-centric aus, with Wills of various sizes
(this was gonna be part of a set but I decided to leave Joyce separate so I could Go Off on a few of her aus)
A: in which Joyce is a lab worker and the only one to treat Will like an actual sentient being.
this Will is about 9-10 years old. he's relatively large at over a meter long, and he can't talk (rays don't have vocal cords)
Brenner only has a select few working with the living myth he captured, and of those few, Joyce is the only one that actually like.....cares when they're hurting or scaring Will. she isn't afraid to voice Complaints but Brenner won't actually change any of his plans
the lab made these little rubber "gloves" that go over his arms so he can't shock them when he's being tested/measured/etc, but they take them off when he's just chillin in his "tank" (it's practically a pool). Joyce is the only one that handles him without the gloves on. his tank has a slope so he can crawl out of the water if he wants, so Joyce sometimes sits in the shallow end, with her legs submerged enough that Will can easily swim over them/around her and enjoy his pets and head pats.
he gently headbutts her like a clingy cat.....sometimes he puts his little hands on her hands........if he falls asleep on her legs she is Legally Obligated to stay there until he wakes up. it's like Joyce is his fuckin...emotional support animal for after a traumatic day of bright lights and needles and weird sounds and all that shit
could Brenner fire/transfer Joyce to break that bond? yes. HOWEVER (like in clone au) he wants to record/study Will's interactions, so he keeps Joyce on. his mistake. Joyce 293738% breaks Will out once they have enough communication to scrape by (probably with Bob's help) and after a short period of time hiding, they take him back to the ocean. at which point, Will won't swim away
if I want it to end quick and angsty, I have Joyce successfully convince him to leave and Will just lives the rest of his mer life knowing he got abducted by aliens. if I want some more longterm shit, I have Will able to get legs and go through the usual "mer trying to Human" comedy routine
B: in which Joyce is just a helpful person that picks up the beach...and finds a son in the sand.
this Will is a couple years old. he's only about the length of her hand, and also can't talk
Joyce often picks up the beach, partially just because she's a good person and partially for the pennies she can collect for the recyclable shit. anyway today she found this weird little stuffed water toy. she picks it up by the tail to get a closer look but almost drops him upon seeing his itty bitty heartbeat or shallow breath. she's like oh shit it's alive! rushes over to the water to sorta splash/submerge him and quietly panicking like wake up buddy!! but, as always, the bab stays passed tf out so the human can take it home (teen/adult half mers on the other hand....I let those wake up. for the shock factor. and/or angst.)
she puts him in a spare plastic bag like a little prize goldfish and moves him to a pitcher/jar when she gets home (so it's clear and he'll be able to see out when he wakes up). she basically lives on the shore so it's no trouble to get him sand and little plants and whatever, and she could refill his container with fresh ocean water every day if she wanted, but this Will doesn't stick with her long enough for all that
she shows Jonathan as soon as he's back from preschool/kindergarten and is so fuckin excited and Jonathan's like....what is it? what's the surprise? and tries coming up with guesses. but finding a baby mer on the beach is nowhere near the realm of possible guesses, so when he does see the happy fish in the jar, Jonathan's first thought is "I wanted a dog tho..." (but he gets over it real quick and is just as hype to meet the new fish friend)
unfortunately it becomes clear relatively quickly that Joyce doesn't have the time or resources to learn how to take care of him (and Jonathan can't read enough to help study even if they Did have those resources), so now that he's awake and alert they take him back out to the ocean. he doesn't swim away right away tho, and doesn't seem to understand being waved goodbye.
eventually, by repeatedly pointing at the sun and moving her finger across the sky, Joyce thinks she gets him to vaguely understand the idea that they'll come back tomorrow. Will copies her movements with his tiny little flappy arms and it's so fucking blessed. the next time they wave goodbye he does it back before nyooming off to find some food
C: in which Will just sticks to Joyce for the free ride and gets a found family out of the deal.
this Will is literally weeks/months old. he's even fucking smaller than the last, like barely the size of her palm, but he can get legs and learn to talk
baby rays (pups) don't stick with their mom after being born, they just. get born and fuck off into the ocean void. so this Will doesn't have a family and shit. he's been floating around on his own and is too outgoing to care about the dangers of humans. he doesn't keep his distance and this time he gets a little caught in Joyce's hair. he's so light that she doesn't even notice him clinging and climbing after she gets out of the water and heads inside. she'll only notice after getting a glimpse of herself in a mirror and seeing what is definitely not a hairclip stuck to her head and almost losing her absolute shit. if she makes a Sound, it probably scares Will into almost falling off
much stress later, Will is chillin on her kitchen table, hands pressed up against a big plastic tupperware and fucking Beaming so innocently and stupidly, he has no idea how easily he could've died if he fell off Joyce or if she thought he was a bug to crush. while Joyce is trying to calm the fuck down, maybe pacing or just trying to convince herself she's not hallucinating a tiny fish person, Will just. pulls himself up over the edge of his container and plops onto the counter. by the time Joyce finally looks at him again to convince herself that he either is or isn't real, he's already dried out enough for legs and Joyce has to redo all her mental work
then he distracts her from the panic with his cute little face😊 and she sorta kneels by the table to look closer. and he crawls/stumbles toward her since he's never used his legs before. and just....yeah this is real. this is real. holy fuck.
anyway, skipping ahead, the most important part about this au is that. eventually Joyce/Jonathan builds him a little tiny castle byers out of twigs and shit....but even more importantly........it has a MOAT. he can SWIM IN THAT SHIT. his main space is probably made out of a big flat storage container, so if he climbs over the side it isn't a very far fall (and also it's easy to relocate as needed). some sand and dirt and whatever for the land, some plastic to keep the moat contained, some twigs and popcicle sticks and whatever for building little props......it's so good. if they want, they can even make it like a table "garden/pond" type thing, maybe get some grass and flowers in there....if they put it outside in the warmer months, he can have little bug friends or some shit............
he does get bigger eventually, but he grows slowly enough that it's not much of an issue to expand/rebuild his things when needed, but when he Does get too big to have his little storage box castle, they rebuild a proper one that's big enough that Joyce and Jonathan can fit inside too, and Will just gradually grows into it (probably keeps his old one on display in there like a doll house)
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rainytomorrows · 2 years
Glamrock Freddy x reader | hurt comfort (again)
Well as you all know I am a TOTAL sucker for physical hurt comfort and. Freddy attempts hurt comfort so you KNOW I have to take this chance. I am making this with the assumption you are an employee on night shift and the other animatronics are friendly.
On that note, there is no self harm mentioned however if you are very sensitive about that topic I suggest to be wary. Please, enjoy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It was yet another night shift at the pizzeria, and you were busy completing your tasks. Had the others not been practicing for tomorrow's show, they'd have stuck to you like glue. At least Freddy would. You never had too much work to do with the animatronics being all- sentient. They did a good amount of their own repairs and kept their places decently clean, except for Chica and Montgomery.
A couple hours later and you only really had one more thing to do. You had to fix some of the machines in the kitchen. Freddy hung around after they all finished their practice. The others would have joined but for some reason, after a conversation they had with Freddy, they were suddenly busy. It was just the two of you.
It was going well, you were telling him how good he sounded during practice and he was humbly declining the compliments, looking away and laughing nervously. If he wasn't a big hunk of metal he'd be blushing enough to match his shoulder pads.
At some point while fixing the gross "not meat" machine, you had been distracted by the conversation and accidentally dropped a knife you were using and it cut you. The old screw driver you were previously using broke so you had to use a pocket knife you brought from home.
At the sound of clinking metal and more so you shouting "AUGH FUCK" by accident, he looked down to see you had now cut your hand and your leg. It wasn't too deep, but you were definitely bleeding. It hit your hand when you tried to catch it (for some reason) and fell on your leg, hitting the floor quietly as you not so quietly hit the ground in frustration with your free hand.
You were going to get up and walk to first aid, but the poor sweet heart didn't know the details of the wound and wanted you to sit down before doing anything.
He bent down, gently grabbing your hand and looking at your leg. You were originally sitting on your heels, but it was stretching your leg and possibly the wound so he asked you to sit down on a stool he pulled up.
He was going to ask Chica to grab a first aid kit but he felt like the woman with a trash eating issue wasn't the most sanitary option, so he asked the other two to grab something if they had time.
Roxanne was busy doing something, but the idea of Montgomery getting it first and getting to them first pissed her off so she raced him to the first aid office and back to Freddy, handing it off after a thundering roar of her metal body running over.
"Thank you Roxanne" Freddy said in appreciation to Roxanne, you would also thank her if you were not busy covering your ears. Clanking metal is loud.
He fixed you up best he could, he didn't want you to do it because of your now dirty hand but his hands were not good for the job so you had to help him out a bit. Roxanne was boasting to the others about being a great wing woman in the room next door, very loudly.
You were blushing a little bit, wondering if the crush you had was that obvious that a little injury gave it away. If it wasn't before it was now, because this made the poor guy assume you were sick. He checked to make sure the first aid kit was clean. He lightly held your face to his, seeing if your face is hot and scanning for sickness. He was very confused when he found you were not sick at all, but thankful none the less.
This was going to be a very long night.
You didn't want to admit that your wound actually really hurt because he was worrisome already under the assumption it doesn't hurt.
After an entire 10 (difficult) minutes of him lightly checking over you and comfortingly rubbing your side when you accidentally let a painful noise slip, the two of you went to where the others were to eat pizza until your shift ended. It took another 2 minutes of him trying to convince you to let him carry you. he swore to himself one day he'd make some sort of softer upgrade so he could hold you better.
He was so caring it filled you with butterflies.
The next time you came to work, you had new bandages on. he was glad you took care if yourself and placed better bandages, the ones they had there wasn't very good quality.
Whenever you had to do heavy lifting or something requiring hands or legs he helped you out. As long as you wanted to be stubborn and tell him you could handle it, he's aware that it would hurt and he doesn't want you in pain. Even if it hurts your ego a bit.
At points he'd come behind you and "help" you lift the box. He was just lifting it but with your hands also on it.
Sorry if that wasn't very great, I'm not even sure what to do with animatronics in fan fics lmao. Hope you enjoyed anyways! Have a good day/night, and a great life!
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
First time reader click here
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TWs/Summary: We stan ✨women in science✨. Bruce uwu. Twitter social media AU nobody asked for. Stephen and Tony are dicks and I'm not talking about their anatomy. Setting up mood for Bruce smut, ngl. PTSD makes things spicy. I'm depressed so please be kind ✌🏻💀🙃
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"I really do wonder how can you two fit those egos of yours in your pants," I kept my tone forcefully casual, cheerful even. "Why don't you just fuck already?"
I was met with stunned silence. Suddenly, the room seemed far too large and the people in much too quiet, staring at me with various expressions of horror obvious in their faces. As the strange friendship began developing between me and the team, my "outbursts" - how Steve liked to call them - lessened considerably. I had no need to provoke them into giving me attention, just striking up a casual chat was enough. The Avengers were great conversationalists, to my surprise.
Tony and Stephen, when paired, were the exception. I could count on one hand the amount of times they successfully came to a conclusion without fighting like cats and dogs. It was like each man had made it a personal mission to verbally top the other, more often than not resulting in a thirty-minute shitshow ending with one storming off in a dramatic flourish. It was mind-boggling how two supremely intelligent men could not find a way to communicate efficiently without infuriating the rest of the team.
Plus me. One way or another, I was almost always around. In the beginning, it was hilarious to see the free circus but it got old really quickly when they couldn't decide on dinner or a movie, leaving the rest of us starving and bored. Or the great Cloak debate - that one lasted days and the fussy thing was so upset, it point blank refused to part from Peter for a substantial amount of time. It's pretty fucking creepy that a semi-sentient, ancient piece of outerwear watches you when you sleep - just sayin'. I personally interjected with my own snark and sass whenever Tony and Stephen got too heated, successfully drawing the attention to myself. The fight broke up and I had amazing sex with Tony later, it was a win-win scenario.
Yet, Tony and Stephen didn't stop. To me, their way of "talking" (and I use that term loosely) looked a lot like unresolved sexual tension. Stephen frequently used his greater height to tower over Tony in a childish attempt to establish dominance; the engineer was no rookie and responded with extravagant peacocking such as "subtly" tapping the bracelet that hosted his nanotech suit or parading at dinner in a $30,000 custom made designer outfit. Because Tony could.
I was pleasantly surprised when Natasha started laughing at my remark. Full-blown, belly laugh. Those were rare, coming from the Widow, her usual mirth was quiet, sophisticated, just like her. Deadly (adorable). Bucky followed suit, snorting together with Clint and Loki.
Steve looked none too pleased with me. But then again, was he ever? "Doll, don't be rude."
"Brat," Bruce said at the same time, palming his face.
"People always call me a brat. And guess what, Steve?" I popped my hip, twirling a cotton candy pink coloured Dum-Dum between my fingers. "What can you do about it? Nothing," I shrugged, leaning my head against Bruce's shoulder affectionately.
Steve just shook his head in disappointment. "Can we get back on topic? Please?"
"Captain, I think that Stark..." Strange began talking with Tony dramatically groaning in the background and I instantly tuned out the useless babble. Steve should've been smarter and revoked speaking rights from Tony and Stephen. Or asked Loki to magically render them both mute for ten minutes.
"You're not wrong," Bruce quietly whispered next to my ear. "Ten bucks says Wanda meddles and those two finally work out their frustrations," The scientist hid a grin against my head. I felt the amused, giddy energy radiating off him like a plasma beam.
"I don't even have to bet," I rolled my eyes. "If she doesn't do it, I will."
Both Tony and Stephen were throwing me equally infuriated glances. One promised me a good, hard fucking and the other saw me a short, poisonous lecture on appropriate behaviour in the nearest future - you can guess which is which. If I had it my way, I'd skip the lecture and go straight to a hot, filthy threesome with two men twice my age. I wasn't blind, Strange was hot as hell and could be decent and even nice once in a blue moon.
He could, but he wouldn't be. I wanted that raw, unadulterated lust, tension so concentrated it walked the razor's edge between violent craving and repulsion. Ever since the incident with Clint, I had this ugly mess inside of me, like a live wire about to snap. My brain was constantly racing, darting between how utterly useless I am in a group of supers and embracing my normal-ness, amplifying it by hosting game nights and spending time trying to convince people to start a dungeons and dragons campaign. Or something.
My sleep was like Swiss cheese, riddled with holes where I stayed awake for one or two hours at a time in the middle of the night after waking up sweaty, with my heart hammering out of my chest. Sometimes I dreamt of Clint's lifeless, sickly white body, sometimes the whole room flooded with blood and I couldn't stop it no matter what, there was so much of it, I drowned in it, I startled up with the taste of it in my mouth. Rarely, the worst of it came - the one where Clint was alive as millions of millions of little fluorescent, poisonous jellyfish burst out of him and he screamed and screamed and screamed...
I had PTSD. Yay, me. As if my uselessness wasn't enough of a burden, my brain decided for me that it wasn't good enough that I saved Clint and now it was punishing me for being close to a group of people who routinely saved the WORLD.
I contemplated my usual habits - going to a party, getting trashed and dancing until my legs were numb. I just wanted to shut my brain off for a moment, give it a hard reset so-to-say, but with Tony on my back like a jet-pack, I didn't doubt he'd show up to the place and drag me out of there even if I was kicking and screaming. And he was a Stark, a billionaire, so visiting my dad in Cali wouldn't be possible on my own. Tony would gas up the jet and the rest of the team would find and excuse to tag along, too. As much as I loved being the baby menace who could get away with anything, I hated the way they all herded me, like I was an actual child. I couldn't get away from myself, not even for a moment.
I had the backup-backup plan and I was going to have to execute it. Desperate times, desperate measures. "I don't doubt y'all enjoy listening to Tony and Steph flirt," The nickname escaped unmoderated from my lips before I could catch myself. "But what are we doing for Halloween? I need to know if I gotta get a costume," Bruce chuckled next to me and wrapped an arm around me, happy for the distraction. Unlike me, the scientist was obligated to listen and participate in the avengers-themed discussion. Which was difficult because the engineer and the sorcerer constantly bickered, inadvertently taking over the talk.
"Halloween?" Steve groaned.
"We should do something," Bucky side-eyed his boyfriend. "For the children." Something told me he wasn't thinking of the children, at all. The man was positively leering, probably thinking about what kind of a tight suit he could convince Steve to squeeze into.
"A party!" Tony immediately exclaimed, interrupting Stephen mid-setence.
"Tony, no," Steve stated firmly.
"Tony, YES!" Clint perked up. "A snack bar. A bar-bar."
"I will not be helping you all if you get alcohol poisoning," Stephen crossed his arms.
"So it's a party," I stated firmly, throwing a contemplating look at Wanda and Pietro. The twins looked unsure but excited. I knew I could count on fellow young people to support my decision to have fun, dance a little, drink a little. Let loose. To nail my point, I turned to Bruce with a mischievous smirk. "Fifty bucks says Stephen is too stuck up to show up in costume."
"Beg pardon?!" The sorcerer exclaimed. His eyebrows threatened to meet his hairline.
"I think you give him too little credit, Princess," Bruce winked at me and we solemnly shook hands. It was great having a fellow partner in mischief. Loki's approving smirk just sealed the deal for me.
"It's not my fault you sometimes act like you have a stick up your butt," I gave in the way of explanation, shrugging my shoulders innocently in Stephen's direction. "I'm just pointing out the obvious."
"I don't dare to imagine what's been up yours," The sorcerer retorted dryly, in an uncharacteristically childish fashion, arms still crossed. It almost looked like he was pouting.
"Tony," I simply said, leering salaciously at the man.
"Ooh, kinky," Clint reached over and we promptly high-fived each other in the wake of multiple embarrassed groans emanating around the room. "Strange, you're a boring old man, get over it."
"And you regularly end up in dumpsters, Barton," Strange retorted quickly. "Not my idea of fun."
"You wouldn't know fun if it hit you in the face!" Tony grinned triumphantly, confident in his superiority over Strange. Look at that, the team was doing the work for me and I didn't even have to try.
"I'll show you fun," Stephen retorted darkly. It was obvious the man was planning something.
"Ok, boomer," I raised my eyebrows in muted satisfaction before turning around and grabbing Bruce to drag along with me. "I'm confiscating your best scientist to amuse myself. I am bored. We will go and do actual science whilst y'all argue. Bye."
My patience had run out. We were examining the parasites we found in the murder-anthropods-from-space, codename MAFS, courtesy of yours truly, and their amazing properties to penetrate cell membranes and feed on metals in organic life forms. Without Bruce's help I understood maybe half of it but he had the patience of a saint and dutifully and understandably explained to me the finer points of studying aliens. Signing half a dozen NDAs was never more worth it.
Steve's sigh consisted of 99% suffering and 2% disappointment. Natasha face-palmed silently in the corner, clutching a mug of coffee, a poster child for existential dread.
"Wait for me," Tony whined, going for the door and promptly being stopped by Steve pointing out the team needing his input on one mission or another. The engineer sighed. "Baby girl, don't let the green mean to start any experiments without me." Tony instructed, pointing an accusatory finger in our direction.
I clutched at Bruce dramatically, feigning hurt feelings and was rewarded with a swift motion of his arms. I shrieked delightfully at being thrown over the scientist's shoulder as he hastened his pace towards the elevator, hightailing it out of there. "I'd never snitch on science daddy," I wiggled my eyebrows in Tony's direction, sticking a hand down the back pocket of Bruce's pants, dangling over his shoulder like a happy sack of potatoes.
The lab smelled strongly of alcohol and bitter chemicals, the solution that Bruce developed to ensure the optimal state of the alien pathogens. The man's genius never ceased to amaze me: Bruce came up with the needed formula in the span of a few hours while running low on sleep, post a Hulk-out session.
We put on our protective gear - "science onesies" I called them - along with a respirator and goggles and set to the segregated part of the lab where the specimens were kept under a blue light. The glass wall between Bruce's and Tony's lab was dimmed; I reflected in it, looking positively futuristic in my double-stacked white platformed boots and white hazmat suit.
"Wait," I motioned to Bruce to come over.
"Oh, right, our music," He was already half-way to being in total Science Mode. "Friday, please put on the "Get Schwifty" playlist, 60% volume."
The playlist that me and Bruce came up with for our lab sessions. The man was such an adorable dork. Thirty percent my music, thirty percent of his indie rock shit and forty percent 00's bops. In other words, utter perfection.
I finally managed to fish out my phone from my pants. "No, let's take a selfie," I struck an impressive pose and pointed the camera as Avril Lavigne sung the first verse to Sk8r Boi.
Bruce laughed but abided by the request, giving me bunny ears in the photo, tapping the fingers of his other hand on my waist to the rhythm of the song.
"He was a skater boy, she said see ya later boy!" I sang along, switching my Instagram to stories and posting the short clip of us just vibing with the caption #sciencetime, Bruce laughing openly behind his respirator. I looked cute and silly in my outfit.
"Send the video to me, I'll post it on my Twitter," Bruce requested. I indulged him then put my phone away, ready to conquer the world of microbiology. Or die trying. Science was calling...
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THE TAG LIST IS NOW OPEN! @another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings  @vozit ​ @littlegasps ​ @pilloclock ​ @shereadsinquiet @downeyreads ​ @hermione-grangers-wife ​ @individualistfem ​ @sleep-i-ness @capbrie @lillsxd @agustdowney @dee-vn @justanotherblonde23 @fanngirl19 @persephonehemingway @softie-socks @schemefrenzy @letsby @cutenessloading @romeo-the-cactus @jelly-fishy-babie
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