#like nothing substantial happens in the main plot
slimepuparibaba · 8 months
getting numbers feat the stellaron twins
the amount of dumb danstelle and caelus 7th (wtf is their shipname i actually dont know) brainrot i have is so fucking unfair you have no clue how long ive been wanting to post some stuff twitters limit is too small i need to drabble like this like
March 7th: Oh, and here's my number, Caelus! Caelus, monotone: Oh. Thanks. March 7th: No problem!
Dan Heng: Here's my number. Stelle: ......... Dan Heng: ...? Stelle: Damn bro. Are... are you hitting on me? Dan Heng: Dan Heng (but red): what Stelle: lmao that's kinda sudden like omg dinner and a movie first Dan Heng (extremely red in the face): (is she stupid? please tell me she's stupid. i'm sure she's just stupid)
and then later caelus just confronts his sister like
Caelus: What the fuck is wrong with you? Stelle: Chill out, bro. It was just a joke. Caelus, under his breath: well he doesnt think that Stelle: What? Caelus: Hm? Stelle: bro i can't hear you, you keep murmuring Caelus: Then maybe you should get your ears checked, sis. Stelle: Stelle: BRUH, IF YOU DON'T-- Caelus: and your eyes Stelle: I WILL WALK. ALL THE WAY TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE SPACE STATION. I DON'T CARE WHAT WELT OR HIMEKO SAID. IT'LL BE YOUR FAULT THE FUCKING STELLARON BLOWS UP. HUH? HUH??? Caelus: And it'll be your fault that Dan Heng goes to the doctor because he's experiencing "heart palpitations" Stelle: WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN. WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO WITH HIS HEART PROBLEMS? Caelus: (yeah no she's dumb)
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The FE fandom is unfairly criticized for their treatment of main women leads because not enough people factor in how sexist the writing is. Edelgard would get less hate if she was held more accountable. Micaiah would get less hate if she didn't get written out of the final part and awful blood-pact device. Celica and Erika would get less hate if the writers didn't hand them the idiot ball. Female leads are often awful units compared to male counterparts. The male leads always upstage the female ones or are written overall better bc they were unconcerned with making them a sellable waifu. There's definitely sexist people in the fandom, and male characters everywhere get cut more slack, and I'm not denying an element of sexism in all of this, but holding the writers accountable something that needs to get brought up more.
Im gonna discuss my opinions on this take now.
Edelgard is held accountable and punished for her actions by literally dying in 3 out of the 4 routes. Like the Agarthans are not blamed for what Edelgard did. She takes complete responsibility and suffers the consequences for starting a war.
Erika giving the Sacred Stone to Formortis because she believes Lyon, an extremely skilled healer and magic user who has been studying the stones will get rid of him through using it is a smarter decision than Ephraim attempting to kill THE DEMON KING ALL BY HIMSELF. Like at least Erika's plan made sense and could have worked if Lyon was able to resist Formortis. People who call Erika stupid for her scene while not doing the same for Ephraim's are hypocritical in this regard.
While SOV is quite sexist in how so many of the women are damseled, Celica sacrificing herself for Mila makes complete sense and is not rooted in sexism because at that point in the game most people believe that they still need the gods to survive and a single human life is worth less than the life of a god. Celica trusted Jedah because to her that was her only choice. What is sexist is her having to be repeatedly saved by men while nothing similar happens to Alm.
I admit I'm being extremely nitpicky with this point, but Erika and Celica both act completely in character when they make their mistakes and therefore are not Idiot Balled. Idiot Balling is when a character acts uncharacteristically stupid and out of character to serve the plot.
Idk about the specifics with Micaiah in Radiant Dawn but yeah it sucks how Ike takes most of the spotlight from both her and Elincia :/
The only female lead that is a substantially worse unit than her male counterpart is Erika. She is an outlier that should not be counted. Celica, Micaiah and Elincia all have utility that Alm and Ike Lack while Edelgard is literally just as good of a frontliner as Dimitri. And Lyn is just as weak as Eliwood.
Character writing is subjective.
You are severely overestimating the importance of waifus and underestimating the importance of husbandos to the franchise. Straight and Bi women play Fire Emblem too.
Also characters who have depth tend to be more popular regardless of their gender. It is profitable to have waifus with layers.
I am not denying that sexism was and somewhat still is a thing in the writing and gameplay of this series; However, the fandom is just as guilty in how female characters are treated - perhaps more guilty in the newest two games where these issues rarely rear their ugly head in the story and the gameplay. The fandom should be held accountable too instead shifting most of the blame on the writers.
Anyway if you read all of this, have a heavenly creature i found recently <3
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nekropsii · 1 year
More Reminders:
Karkat is a bootlicker. This is a prominent character trait. He’s rooting for the Alternian empire- yes, even though it’s ruled by a system that wants him personally dead- and really wants to be a part of its military.
Eridan has a “genocide complex” and is able to be roughly described as the troll equivalent of a white supremacist. This is one of the first things we learn about him.
The Beta Trolls are 13. All of them. This includes Equius. This includes Eridan. This includes Vriska. This includes Gamzee.
99% of Gamzee’s character is racial caricature. No, he is not intended to be a Dionysus parallel. He is intended to be a “satirization” of Black people.
Sapphic pairings have always held precedent over MLM pairings. They’ve always been more important to the plot, been handled with much more grace, and had more screen time. This isn’t a bad thing.
Doc Scratch is a child predator. This is an incredibly prominent character trait of his, and you’re way past due for a reread if you’ve forgotten. He has a particular fixation on, as canon puts it, “little girls”, and targets both Rose and Kanaya. Do I even have to bring up what he did to Damara?
Regarding the previous point, Rose and Kanaya both get very traumatized during the course of Homestuck’s story. They’re not well put together sophisticated “mom friends”, they’re 13 year olds just like almost everyone else is, and they’re going through hell. Rose in particular makes the effect all of this trauma has on her very well known. This is what Grimdarkness is.
Cronus is a child predator, too. During the course of the Openbounds and Ministrife, we see him unabashedly predate on three specific kids, and this behavior is made out to be extremely creepy. These three kids are Karkat, Tavros, and, yes, Eridan.
The Exiles were incredibly important to the plot, actually. You guys are just mean.
Almost every relationship in Homestuck is flawed in some capacity, that’s the point of a tragic drama. The main cast is literally nothing but traumatized and/or mentally ill 13-16 year olds. A good chunk of them aren’t even socialized, or grew up in an actively hostile environment. Or both. No shit characters mess up sometimes, or have unhealthy behaviors- it’s just natural in that situation. Some dynamics are substantially more healthy than others, but the main appeal of Homestuck is that everyone is flawed and damaged.
A good majority of Vriscourse was just people leaping at the opportunity to express pure, unabashed misogyny. I don’t think I have to elaborate upon this.
No, Jane is not a fascist, nor is she racist. She’s never been either of these things, that’s something that was invented out of left field by the Post Canon writing team. Being a fascistic racist was never within the scope of Jane’s character. No, it being “a result of her having grown up being fed propaganda by The Condesce” does not explain that plot thread in Post Canon for a single second, because Jane experiencing a major personality shift because of HIC literally already happened in canon with her going Crockertier, and she came out of that a stronger person. Never once has “racism” been on the list of problems she has.
Hemoloyalty is not intended to be a 1:1 metaphor for racism, nor is it intended to be a 1:1 metaphor for classism, or any other type of oppression. It’s not a 1:1 metaphor for literally anything, it’s intended to be flexible and contextual. This is not a bad thing, and is, in fact, a common storytelling method used by a lot of fantasy/sci-fi writers. Condemning Hussie for a lot of things in their writing is valid, but Hemoloyalty not being strictly analogous to only one type of real world oppression is patently not one of them. You do not know how metaphors work.
Official =/= Canon. No one is calling Pesterquest canon. You really shouldn’t be doing the same for Post Canon. The Homestuck Epilogues and Homestuck^2 are Official, but they are definitively not Canon. This is literally the first thing you learn about either of these projects. This doesn’t invalidate anyone’s enjoyment of any of these properties, of course, but it has to be stressed: Official does not automatically mean Canon.
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ooihcnoiwlerh · 2 months
So I've been working on a Feyd-Rautha/Reader fanfic, and am working out various headcanons I have for him in terms of his sexual preferences and past, as well as what I've written but might be a little too silly to include in future chapters and kind of want to get it out there to get an opinion on things.
Link here: And I Don't Want Your Heart - Chapter 1 - ooihcnoiwlerh - Dune (2021) [Archive of Our Own]
Some of my NSFW headcanons down below
-Okay, so it's firmly established that he's a sadomasochist. It's also mentioned in the books that he'd been abused by his uncle when he was younger. I don't think the two necessarily have to correlate but I think on some level he finds physical pain cathartic, and the moments in which he's masochistic to him feel like he's reclaiming something for himself. He chooses the pain rather than having it inflicted on him.
-I get the impression that he's generally more dominant but in the right headspace with the right person can enjoy being more submissive. It has to be explicitly on his terms, though. Like with pain, he has to make it clear that this is something he's giving of his own free will and that is not to be taken lightly.
-I don't think he would or could ever tolerate being subjected to humiliation, degradation, or feeling emasculated. Subjecting a partner to that, sure, but I feel like that would actually be a severe trigger for him so someone calling him pathetic or questioning his manhood in the bedroom may very well get killed on the spot for it. He's buried a lot of his trauma from his uncle's abuse but those things awaken it.
-I don't think there's a specific kink community with a vocabulary or guidelines on Geidi Prime. I don't think he knows what a trigger or a safeword is. As established already in my fic, he doesn't fully understand the concept of aftercare and is pretty bad at providing it (so far.)
-Being an arena fighter on Geidi Prime basically makes him a rock star, and as such he does get his equivalent of groupies. He's never been in an actual romantic relationship, but people fascinated with his brutality in the arena have gotten curious about what he's like in the bedroom and while it doesn't happen all the time, he has sufficiently satisfied their curiosity.
-I'm not sure if this will end up making it into the fic, but I picture him as being predominantly but not exclusively attracted to women, and as someone who's had a couple of consensual encounters with men as an adult, partly out of genuine curiosity/interest and partly to reclaim some level of power.
-Spoilers for future chapters--I'm writing it that he doesn't have sex with his Darlings. They're a little too animalistic even for him. He doesn't mind if people assume he does, though, because of the danger and fear associated with it.
-He enjoys period sex. Nothing deeper about it, the man just likes blood. Will also enthusiastically go down on his partner during the heaviest days.
-So...here's where I'm worried it's going to get a little goofy. While he has a lot of kinks that would be considered adjacent to BDSM, as I said I don't picture there being a specific community. I wrote a scene that hasn't been posted yet of Feyd-Rautha using a flogger on the Reader character and her initially being terrified thinking it's a cat-of-nine-tails and calming down somewhat when she realizes it's not that severe. I'm worried it will seem ridiculous, but I could also picture him having something certain tools custom-made for him. It was one of the first scenes I wrote for this fic but am worried it will come across as tacky/not fitting for the environment. Granted, I'm not writing a particularly substantial fanfic. It's completely removed from the main plot and is mostly a combination of character study and smut so I think anyone who's enjoying it probably knows that it's not that deep. *
*Although to be clear, I'd love to hear from people on that they think.
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starlessmistake · 1 year
The problem with S&B S2's magic system
(And why it weakens one of the best moments of the series)
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Before I start, I just want to preface with the fact that I am talking about the show only here as it's own entity. I know that some of my complaints can be said of the books as well. However from S1, the show substantially altered the concept of amplifiers, so clearly they're not above making changes to the way the magic system when it suits them.
Diving right in to my analysis...
S1 for all its faults does a solid job of setting up the magic system within Ravka. The grisha orders are presented as being very strictly defined with no suggestion that there is any choice involved in a grisha’s sub-order.
(This is in contrast to the books where it is established as early as Alina’s carriage ride with Fedyor and Ivan that a grisha’s sub-order is more of a specialisation that they have some choice over.)
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This strict delineation has consequences for the plot of S1.
In S1E3 we meet Genya and are given a fairly comprehensive overview of her powers. As a tailor, her main power is in modifying an individual’s appearance. This includes being able to mend surface level injuries.
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In S1E5 when Marie is attacked, Genya is unable to heal Marie’s wound and Marie subsequently dies. This in many ways is the trigger point for the whole second act of the first season. Marie’s death is what causes Aleksander to leave Alina alone in his War Room, and therefore what gives Baghra the opportunity to convince Alina to flee.
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(The show then goes on to never mention Marie’s death again, but that’s a separate rant of mine.)
Genya not being a Healer (or at the very least, not knowing that she can heal) is important to the story of S1 and established concretely to the audience.
And then we have S2…
S2 makes the decision to expand on the magic system by blurring the line between the various orders. This is not necessarily a bad decision in its own right – many stories successfully add nuance to their magic systems as the audience grows familiar with how it works. However I would argue that the show does not manage to do this successfully.
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We are first introduced to this change through Alina’s travels to Novyi Zem and aboard Nikolai’s ship. Characters like the librarian and Tamar tell us that other countries do not distinguish between grisha in the way that Ravka does. Which is fine in theory, except this is one of the many, many things that we are told and not shown.
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None of the non-Ravkan grisha actually demonstrate any powers outside of their one specific sub-order. With the possible exception of Sankta Neyar who uses a form of blood-bending. However we are explicitly told that this is because there is iron in blood and not because she can control blood itself. Therefore her powers still fall neatly into what we might expect of Durasts.
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So who doesn’t fit into a neat box…? You guessed it - Genya.
Genya gains all kind of powers this season. First of all is healing. In S2E4 Genya is able to easily heal Baghra’s broken wrist -  something that goes well beyond Genya’s established powers in S1. The show could have possibly explained this by having Baghra amplify Genya, but that’s not what happens as Baghra doesn’t touch Genya while she’s working.
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The fact that Genya has the capability to heal is not in itself a problem – given what the show clumsily tried to establish earlier in S2. However, the problem is that Genya should not know that she has these capabilities. Because she explicitly didn’t know about them in S1, and nothing has changed between the seasons to give her this information.
Now that we have all that established, let’s talk about the scene I referred to back at the start of this rant.
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In S2E5 Genya and Baghra find Alina’s underground hideout. In one of the best scenes of the series David asks Genya how she managed to find them, to which Genya replies that she was able to follow David’s heartbeat with the help of Baghra’s amplification.
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This is such a powerful moment due to Daisy and Luke’s fantastic acting, but it’s undermined by the writing. This reveal about Genya’s Heartrending should have been a great shock – to the audience and to Genya – a discovery of an unknown power that she was only able to tap into in her most desperate moment to find the love of her life.
But because we have already seen Genya’s unexplained ability to heal, this reveal instead comes across (at least to me) like Heartrending is a power that Genya has always known about, she merely forgot to mention it earlier in the show.
And so a fantastic acting performance is hampered by weak writing. It’s far from the only such moment (believe me, I could rant for hours about S2’s writing). But this one particularly frustrates me, because it would be so easy to fix! All the writers would have to do would have Genya not heal Baghra’s wrist, or have Genya only be able to heal Baghra’s wrist with the help of amplification.
(rant over. thanks for reading)
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elftwink · 1 month
finished reading lightlark yesterday. ben-affleck-smoking.jpg
i want to complain but there's so much that i genuinely dont know where i would even start. got out the second book from the library because i was curious to see if it was any different since it had been published after the criticisms of the first book were published and i quit after 3 pages because this time I already know nothing will change. if you describe most stories as being woven, this novel was fraying and coming unravelled. loose plot threads everywhere and it only became more obvious it would not come together.
words cannot describe how fucking irritating, presumptuous, needlessly stubborn, and flip-floppy the main character is. if you're asking how she can both be stubborn and change her opinion on a dime it's because no matter what her opinion is she believes in it 100000% and will not ever let up on it UNTIL some stupid ass plot contrivance happens and suddenly she believes the opposite thing with equal enthusiasm but without any actual character reason. girlie acts suspicious of everyone all the time and is somehow STILL betrayed like FOUR TIMES??? her stubbornness is I think meant to be a character trait (or flaw, idk) but due to the way the world is so fucking undetailed and the characters only act because the plot requires it (because they are paper thin and have no motivations. Isla also has no motivations or agency its just harder to spot because she keeps telling you in her narration that she has sooo many motivations omg she's so complex... ok well then can ms. complexity like do ANYTHING other than follow other people's plans???) it comes across as though obstinate stubbornness simply is the correct way to act because of how the plot bends itself to make isla's stupid assumptions correct. shes never incentivized to change her behaviour nor is it challenged in any substantial way (one characters calls out her stubbornness but it's clearly meant to be part of a cute bicker back and forth to build the romance. it isn't cute it comes across as though they dislike each other. when they end up together the characters also seem confused. wow what a great romance where neither party is quite sure why they like each other. ok)
and I want to be clear I have no problem with stubborn characters, nor do I think all characters need an arc to be less stubborn. but it's so poorly written it seems even the author, hell, even the character herself, has NO IDEA why she is acting this way other than that she is a stubborn person. no thought is given to why people are stubborn or how being stubborn (and needlessly antagonistic) will impact your interpersonal relationships. there is no consequence, by which I mean there is no causal link between the events of the plot, the facts of the world, and the way people behave. at all. this book was a series of events, none of which ever connected together in any meaningful or even slightly clever way. the plot twist comes out of left field but you can guess it several pages in advance of the reveal because of how hamfisted it is so it starts to feel like isla is just stupid or pretending to be stupid because there's no other reason she should not be able to see this coming because of how spelled out it is (I mean, aster clearly thinks her readers are stupid enough to need that kind of spoonfeeding, but in her defense I suppose you need to spoonfeed is you refuse to lay any fucking groundwork or do properly paced foreshadowing)
Isla is a characters whose internal monologue tells you all about how skilled and talented and independent and strong willed she is, all the while following orders from anyone who gives them with only a snarky quip to try to cover the cognitive dissonance produced by the lack of agency Isla actually has vs the amount she tells you she has. Isla barely passes the sexy lamp test, and the only reason she does is because sexy lamps can't be injured dramatically. also the other women basically exist exclusively so isla can be #notlikeothergirls, and by the end of the book all the other female main characters end up being evil anyway. maybe this kind of shitty faux feminism would have been compelling 10 years ago, but this was published in 2022(?I think). what the hell is this
can't even get into the worldbuilding because it would require another 17 paragraphs. soulmate pov tiktoks have more consequential worldbuilding than lightlark
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thefirstknife · 1 year
I've emerged. Did the whole campaign and some side stuff, haven't had time to touch the season but I will do so shortly.
Overall, I really like it. Visually absolutely stunning. I adore Nimbus to death. Love the extent of involvement from Osiris and that we and our Ghost got to speak so much. The whole campaign feels much more Guardian-centric than any other before.
I played on normal mode because I do not want to think about difficulty and to sweat when I'm just trying to get through the story for the first time so difficulty wise, normal mode is fine to me. Didn't experience any issues with that or with new mod system or anything.
Full spoilers under (Deterministic Chaos mission as well) and because it's a long post:
Despite loving it, I feel like some stuff was rushed. One of my major issues is that we did not really have any meaningful explanation about the main point of the story, which is the Veil. I feel like we should've known exactly what it is in order to understand why we're protecting it outside of the whole "the Veil powers Neomuna so if it gets destroyed, people will die." That's understandable enough, but we have no idea what it is. I think we should've known that.
Without knowing what it is, we can't really understand what happened at the end. It's a really shocking, unbelievable and stunning ending, but also confusing. We do not know what happened. Zavala and Ikora both spoke as if the Traveler disappeared which got me confused until I read Ikora's summary in text:
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And ofc, until I saw the view in destinations and from the HELM:
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From Zavala's speech, I genuinely thought that the Traveler just disappeared entirely, despite us not seeing anything in the cutscene after the Witness entered it. Only this line from Ikora's summary explains that the Traveler isn't gone or destroyed or dead, just kinda... Shut down. I guess.
Which again, we simply do not understand. I love when things are mysterious and we can speculate, but in this case there is nothing to even speculate about. We simply do not know what happened or why. We have no idea what the Witness wants or what it did.
Some of it might get explained in the raid, but I believe that the main campaign plot point should be explained in the campaign. There was a brief possibility that some stuff would be explained in the exotic mission for the machine gun, Deterministic Chaos, but instead of clarifying the Veil, it just made it even more confusing.
Basically, the mission explains that the Vex tried making a copy of the Veil, but the copy was not successful entirely. The copy? The Black Heart in the Black Garden. It obviously didn't pan out for the Vex, but it's unfathomable to me why an object of Light would turn into the Black Heart, even as a failed copy. Not to mention that the Vex can't handle paracausality. Perhaps that is why they failed? There's a lot of text involved in the mission, but it does not explain anything further and it ends with us getting a core from a Vex mind that has yet to be researched.
This might possibly all make clear sense in the future, and I don't mind waiting at all. But I do feel like we could've easily gotten more substantial information during the campaign. The Veil was an entirely new thing introduced here and the whole campaign has us chasing after it, but we have no information about what it is. And the information we do have is wildly conflicting. It's tied to the Light and it's an object of the Traveler, but it's also able to be copied as the Black Heart and can be used to slice open the Traveler? Like, on one hand it's obviously Light based, but on the other it's highly dangerous and helpful to Darkness.
We'll probably find out eventually so I'm not too bothered, I just think we should've found out during the campaign. It's definitely going to be a sore point for everyone, since we literally do not know what we were doing.
On another note, we're finally fully done with Nezarec! A thing I am glad to be wrong and overly cautious about. I had huge dread over hyping myself up for something like that and only for it to not pan out so I advised caution. Luckily, it is panning out!
However, I have some issues with that as well and it mostly stems from the past year of Nezarec simply not being set up sufficiently enough. He got set up as a past disciple and then as having died ages ago and then as having several of his body parts ground into dust and also as a "traitor." Assumed traitor to the Witness since he was a disciple. Then suddenly he's still on the Witness' side. For ... reasons? I guess raid lore will clarify.
I liked the fact that he's shown as "stuck" in a prison of being in between life and death (his lines in the strike), since that fits with where he would be given that he died. And was turned into tea. But we know that he can still speak from his remains so that's cool! I also like how he sounds utterly silly evil. Like in a good way silly. He just sounds evil, which is sometimes refreshing given that all our villains get expanded to the point where I feel sorry for them. I hope he stays like this.
Another thing that bothers me is, again, the whole nightmare thing. It's reiterated once more that he's tied to nightmares, but Lightfall CE specifically untied nightmares from the Lunar Pyramid and Nezarec. Which falls with my issues with him not being set up properly; we should've known about his powers unambiguously when he was introduced in Plunder, or earlier. Again, this might be explained in the raid lore, but I feel like it's something that should've been explained as a part of the setup. I already made the suggestion that Nezarec may have made the nightmares and has nightmare powers and that he distributed that power to other Pyramid ships which would explain why the others have them. I hope this gets addressed or it'll bother me forever because Collector's Edition lore stuff is usually crucial to understanding the new expansion and characters so the contradiction is currently odd. Until we get an explanation ofc.
Another thing I like is how some Tormentors are named! And when they're named, they're also called "Imprints of Nezarec." Suggesting that they're either controlled by him or made by/from him. Or modelled. Not sure which word to use here but they're definitely tied to him. It's an interesting little tidbit. Would explain how they look half Rhulk and half.... something else. That something else, as I've speculated, might be Nezarec and it might explain why the Witness wanted his body parts (though this is then an issue yet again with Plunder because we prevented it from having those body parts. So if the Witness acquired some other body parts regardless, then what was the point of Plunder. I digress).
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Also the first Tormentor we see is the only one with a different title:
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Hoping for more info about them! Possibly through the raid!
I read all lore tabs that are available and I loved those! Some really cool stuff in some of them. These are all available for reading right away in collections! Seasonal gauntlets have really sweet lore with Saint-14, Caretaker sword actually made me cry with lore about Drifter helping the Eliksni and specifically Eliksni kids. Guardian's Angel Ghost shell killed me dead with lore about Mara being concerned for Crow and Crow accepting her help. Tech Witch Ghost shell mentions Sjur Eido!!!!
From the campaign lore stuff and little details, I really love the lore book Last Days which is about Neomuna citizens preparing for cryo. Some really sweet interactions and information. There's another gay couple in there! And a really neat concept of how the Neomuna citizens choose different appearance for themselves when they're in virtual reality which consists of choosing an avatar and gender (!) and they can change that any time.
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Absolutely thrilled that Maya Sundaresh and Chioma Esi, aka Golden Age science wives, were revealed to have been among the founders of Neomuna. They even have areas named after them!
Also super excited to do some side missions like the ones in the Archive about other Cloud Striders. The leader of the Archive, a lady called Quinn sounds really cool and she's voiced in the quests and in patrols, as well as some other really cool characters. Quinn is also super neat because of the lore of the exotic ship Tropopause in which she speaks to Ikora and manages to completely stun Ikora in what interpret as Ikora's wlw impulse. This can be read immediately in collections.
Also, Calus is finally dead and gone! Good riddance bitch! Also super chilling cutscene with him pissing off the Witness. What a bad move, Calus. But I love to see the difference between Calus and Rhulk in how they treat the Witness. Super interesting.
Our Ghost... Man. My boy needs a break. If I see anyone slandering him for anything, I will personally end them. He literally cannot stop being taken over. It's super concerning (and also not fully explained why the Witness can just do that). On the upside, my Ghost shell (catboy) was super funny in those scenes:
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Kitty Witness real.
Overall, I liked it and I feel like the story and the new setting and everything adjacent to it has a lot of potential and I'm excited to play more and get more information as we get through the year. I really do think that we'll get everything explained eventually, but it's definitely slightly disappointing that no questions were answered. As a matter of fact, we just got more questions. Things that we never knew existed were brought up only to not be elaborated on at all, but they were treated like the most important thing in the world and crucial aspects of the story. Even if you know that we'll find out eventually, it can feel strange to follow a self-contained expansion story and not get any clarifications as to why we're doing the things we're doing.
Looking forward to seeing more though! Exploring the world is definitely a blast and there's a lot of stuff to do. Strand is also incredibly cool to use and I can't wait to get all upgrades.
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linwelinwrites · 24 days
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I found this on my dashboard and even though no one tagged me I want to join in!
Disclaimer: I write a lot of adult content, and though there is a warning on AO3 if you click the link and it's appropriately tagged and warned, I'll say it again: every fic linked with an (Explicit) tag beside it, is intended only for adults. Do not read or interact if you're a minor.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
22 as of today! A lot of those are drabbles and ficlets, but I do have a few longer pieces. I have so many more I'm working on though!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
106.505 words 😄
3. What fandoms do you write for?
My main fandom is Harry Potter. I write a little bit for Twilight too and I've just started working on some Haikyuu! fics because of a recent fixation with the series 😅 I can't get enough of it!
I also have plans to write for My Hero Academia (I've posted a few drabbles, but nothing substantial), which I believe will start occupying more real estate on my brain as soon as I watch season 7 😬
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 
The Deal, The Honeymoon & Beyond (Explicit) Twilight, canon compliant, basically fixing some fade-to-black scenes. Every day I'm surprised my oldest fic still hangs in at n°1, but there it is!
Pure fucking ambrosia (Explicit) Twilight, no pregnancy AU, a complete fever dream and slightly cursed—I blame the r/Fanfiction Discord and Jadzia specifically for this sinnery. I'm glad this one found its crowd.
Acquiescence to Inevitability (Explicit) Harry Potter, a Dramione one-shot inspired by another fic. No War AU, Hogwarts Seventh Year, very little plot but a lot of fun.
A Grave Mistake (Teen) Haikyuu, a cute KageHina one-shot about Halloween. Pure domestic fluff, Shoyo being adorable and Tobio being weak af for him
Memories, Not Dreams (Teen) Harry Potter, a short & sweet Harmony ficlet. Canon Divergent at Deathly Hallows. You guessed it, it's during their time in the tent 😅
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Every single one of them, as soon as I can! Comments are the highlight of my day, I call them the fuel for the writing furnace. They mean someone took time out of their day to let me know what they thought of my fic. That means the world to me 💜
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, that's an easy one. Just for tonight (Explicit) has two endings (a choose-your-own-adventure sort of fic), but one of those is the angstiest shit I've ever written. I love it!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That's got to be Man of Honour (Teen). Though it's a prequel to a bigger project I'm working on, as a standalone it's got the fluffiest, most HEA ending I've written.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Fortunately no, not even with the spiciest/weirdest fics I've posted, which I'm very thankful for. I'm a strong defender of "don't like, don't read," which I apply for my own reading. The little 'x' button is the only dislike button I need, and I'm glad whoever read and disliked my stuff (which I'm sure has happened) didn't bother to let me know.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I mostly like fluffy smut, though I have a thing for characters who are desperate, particularly if they view the moment as their only or last opportunity to experience intimacy with that person. I love writing service tops + overstimulation, which is a really nice combo; and D/s dynamics, because of the trust they imply and the fireworks they can bring to the fun.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't yet, but there's a plot bunny in my bunny hutch waiting for me that would be a crazy one indeed 👀 I don't have the details fine tuned yet, but I do know it would involve Knives Out and Spy x Family, for one. That sounds crazy to me 😂
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of, and I don't think so. I don't have that kind of traffic 😂
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
I got a request recently for a translation to Vietnamese, but I don't know if it's been done yet.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
Nope! I don't know how that would work, but I'm curious. It could be fun!
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? 
It's so hard to pick just one, holy shit. But I suppose it's the one that lives rent free in my head every fucking day, the one that got me writing a 50k outline and five spreadsheets and ten metric tonnes of research and is sitting at 45k words when I'm only 15 out of 150 scenes in (yes, 150, I will die writing this fic). I don't like the "official" ship name, so I just call them Symphony: Draco / Hermione / Harry.
I couldn't choose between Dramione, Harmony and Drarry, and I thought all of them worked perfectly together, but I believe that as a triad they are perfect.
I think they balance each other out perfectly, and I can't wait to write a Brandon Sanderson sized longfic about them 😂
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have some scenes I want to add to The Deal, The Honeymoon & Beyond (Explicit), other scenes that faded to black and I want to fill in, a few requests and other ideas, but it's the last thing on my list of priorities at the moment. I don't know if I'll never get to them, but it won't be soon for sure. I'm a lot more focused on other fandoms for now.
16. What are your writing strengths? 
I think I'm good at finding the perspective of the POV character and placing myself in their shoes, and I believe that results in a decently strong character voice. I'm very intentional in my word choice and my speech and thought patterns, so that every character sounds different and as true to themselves as possible. At least, that's what I think; I'd love to have someone else's opinion on this.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? 
I'm afraid my grammar structures aren't as varied as I'd like them to be, and though I put a lot of effort into it, I'm still somewhat concerned about writing in English, since it isn't my native language. I'm always second-guessing myself, wondering if what I'm writing means what I think it does, or if I'm mistakenly implying something else. That's the kind of thing I'd love to have a beta for.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
I mean, every fic is in "another language" for me 😂 But if this means adding dialogue in another language to an English fic, then I think it should be translated inline with html/css (workskin) formatting. There's nothing more annoying than having to scroll down or open another tab to see wtf something means, unless it's clearly implied or translated inside the fic itself.
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
I found out Midnight Sun existed during the pandemic, proceeded to fall down the rabbit hole and had a Twilight renaissance with an adult perspective. That's when the fade-to-black scenes annoyed me; as a teen, they didn't stand out to me, because I was a child. But now, with new (and filthy) eyes, I wanted more.
I looked up fanfiction online for the first time at the ripe old age of 24, read a brain-melting amount of it, and was still unsatisfied. Everything I read was just a little bit off what I wanted, so I thought I had to rectify the situation. And that's the story, folks!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? 
Of the ones I've posted, Man of Honour 💜 I think it's the one that anyone can read, it's fluffy and cute and (I hope) funny, and stars a great platonic friendship, some star-crossed romance in the background, and fake dating shenanigans, and I love it so, so much 💜 I put a lot of sweat and tears into the workskins and pinterest boards, so it's also quite pretty, if I do say so myself. I think it's my best work, I had a blast writing it, and I've gotten really positive feedback on it. I'm really happy with it.
I tag @gamingwithsydney! and anyone who sees this and wants to participate. Please ignore if you’ve already done this or don’t want to do it, that’s completely fine. 😊
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I firmly believe CRWBY is afraid of the girls that make the acronym. That’s why the side characters get all the development.
That’s why Nora got the scars saving Atlas, Oscar got Ozpin, Jaune got aged up. That’s why none of the girls are a maiden. That’s why stuff that really narratively matters keeps happening to the side characters.
RWBY is their merchandising ticket. If something permanent happens to the girls or they take up more plot narrative. Then it might be like Vol 4-5 Blake where a lot of people don’t like them. And they can’t have that. Who will buy their RWBY merchandise? They need to keep the girls safe and palpable so they can keep slapping them onto everything.
Like even the current arc, let’s be honest it’s basically a filler arc that has no real over all plot narrative in their fight with Salem. And even here, it should have been in anyone else’s hands should have been old lady Ruby. Since we know this transformation won’t stick for Jaune. This could have been a interesting direction fro her. Instead we got this nothing that won’t be mentioned as Soon as the volume ends.
Holy shit yeah, you put this in much more eloquent wordings than I can.
Honestly, while I would argue that no one but Jaune actually have the respect a character should have, it's true that the main girls almost never had any substantial development for them that actually meant something. Not since Mistral at least.
Even when they did, it all went to shit. Blake became a coward, Yang became someone who no longer have empathy for her friends and family like she did in Vol 2 for Blake, Weiss couldn't bring herself to see that her own brother was suffering like she did and became a comic relief for no reason. And poor, poor Ruby's development while interesting for the most part, it was never developed organically.
I don't mind them not being maidens, that would just be too much with how much the narrative just want them to be right all the time, but you're right that the side characters were the one making actual development. Nora did, Oscar did, Ironwood did, Watts did.
Not Ruby, Weiss, Blake or Yang. And we see what they're good for, especially with Yang and Blake. They're tools to keep RT relevant after each scandals because God forbid logic be taken seriously here.
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impish-ivy · 1 year
Small rant and spoilers for lesson 15
Just a mini rant about how lackluster the couple lessons have been plot wise
The highlight of Lesson 15 is the date you have with Thirteen in the beginning. It’s all downhill from there. Getting S4 vibes where nothing substantial is happening, and then the last couple lessons throw it in your face at once. We only have 5 lessons left til the season is over. It’s been 4 lessons of zero plot progression, we’ve gotten lore tidbits but we are not progressing in the main story at all. Lesson 14 was better but it felt disorganized. They’ve all just felt like filler, it’s why I didn’t bother making a prediction for lesson 15. There was no progression of the plot so they literally could’ve done anything, and they gave zero hints into what it could be. This lesson was cute but the only interesting things we learned was that Barbatos has been called many names, and Barbatos became Diavolo’s steward when he was a child. Both in the beginning but one behind the locked node.
Hopefully they actually get something plot related next lesson. At least the hard mode was semi-interesting
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c6jpg · 8 months
okay i powered through the archon quests mess of my thoughts below
okay with that out of the way. these two acts were definitely just expository, i feel like nothing substantial actually happened but it definitely set up the tone for the final acts
really just lots of lore/history dumping by wriothesley i'm gonna be real i don't think we needed to know that much about the inner workings of the fortress would have been better to get that through context clues e.g. show don't tell but genshin and its classic tell don't show am i right
i did fall in love with the fontaine cast more. but you know who surprised me the most? SIGEWINNE. love that cute mfer. i did not expect to like her as much as i did but like i do i really love that little melusine. love that she literally just has a tranquilizer.
on that note both her and wriothesley are sooooooooooooo unserious i love it. did feel pretty bad for lyney though they really pulled some psychological torture on him
like on one hand it was pretty obvious wriothesley and his reasons (as he said) on the other hand the quest did a pretty good job of making him seem despicable through lyney
like when lyney said I can't lose lynette again... oof that hit so damn hard
LOVE the neuvillette / wriothesley / clorinde power trio i never even thought of that but fucking loved it. their banter and chemistry worked super well. hating myself for making this comparison but it did really feel like an avengers assemble moment. i didn't even expect clorinde to show up it was a nice surprise. THOSE CUTSCENES WERE SO GOOD TOO
also was really nice to see someone other than the traveler save the day and also not really be a main driving factor in the plot :D when i saw wriothesley was gonna freeze punch that ice was like OOHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK YEAH BBY
furina i've been kinda neutral on but i'm definitely way more intrigued with her whole situation now
ugh love her. her design is so pretty i couldn't stop looking at her eyes i LOVE the x pupils. also i was team short haired arlecchino at first but the long hair really grew on me, her hair ornament thing is super pretty as well her whole design is just sooo elegant and she actually feels threatening diplomatically i love it love it
the investigation part in act 3 did feel kind of like a slog to go through but also i kinda liked that it breaked up the linearity archon quests usually go through.
act 4 i felt like just kept going there were so many points where i thought it would end and it just. fucking kept going they really want you to talk to everybody in fontaine in act 4 lmao. there were also a lot of points where i was just like realistically you would not have just "figured this out" but i understand you gotta push the plot forward somehow
underground maps didn't do a damn thing here i consistently kept going the wrong way while running around the fortress
wriothesley vs arlecchino battle of scheming would be really interesting to see
THE WHALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think we all saw it coming but THE FUCKING WHALEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
connecting to a vision holder's consciousness via their dreams when you have their vision oh boy the fic writers are gonna have a field day with this one
i feel like i probably had more serious things to say but ahem. arlecchino.
genuinely was just swooning anytime arlecchino was on the screen i'm in love with her yall
okay back to seriousness. pretty weak acts especially compared to act 1 & 2. pretty sure they could have gotten the point of act 3 & 4 across in one act, felt drawn out in a lot of ways. or maybe it still could have been 2 acts but they could have presented the story a bit differently idk.
again just felt like nothing substantial even happened, maybe they could have spent more time alluding to the forbidden zone bc honestly outside of lyney being interested in it we as an audience didn't really care much about it even though it was kinda super fucking important
also when wrio led us down there i was like we just had beef with him why are you guys trusting this dude to follow him into an unknown location so soon
they spent a reaaaaally long time on the hidden rules and it was just like random shit wriothesley sigewinne and that one company were up to? like that was honestly such a weak reveal why do we care about any of that
like maybe to play up how good wriothesley is at misdirecting and how he was ahead of the game the whole time? but it still didn't really work
in general genshin has never been good at showing characters are intelligent they just want to tell us they are. they did good with arlecchino though but I might just be extremely biased considering my infatuation with her
that being said not sure how I felt about them just dumping all of her motives in flashbacks at the end there (her assassin fit though.... swooning)
but they've got the setup down hopefully the last acts pull their weight (i forgot how many acts fontaine is gonna have... 5?)
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renegadeknight · 2 months
Fic Writer Tag
Tagged by the lovely @oliviassunrise, thank you ❤️
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
11... for now
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly TLOU right now! But I have a lot of unpublished L&O: SVU and Dramione fics collecting dust too
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Stubborn Love - tlou; modern au
Precious Cargo - tlou; Ellie sick fic; Joel pov
So Much For Cargo - tlou; Ellie sick fic; Ellie pov of Precious Cargo
Bitter - tlou; Ellie pov drabble from episode 6
Rooftop Rendezvous - tlou; canon verse alternate meet; Joel pov
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, always! I usually wait until I have the next chapter ready if it's on the most recent chapter of a long fic tho, cause I feel compelled to have something to offer in return
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't like writing angsty endings these days, all about the happy endings recently but probably the first installment of my OG hp fic where the main OC is taken to prison at the end.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Maybe this is cheating cause it's not published yet but it's gonna be Stubborn Love when we get there.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far and if I ever do I'll just tell them to come back with a warrant.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not so much.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not currently, maybe someday if the right idea hit me.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of and I'm not sure I'd want to know. I have had illustrations stolen and it's not a fun feeling.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No but I would be honored to have that happen.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes but nothing that's published.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
How does anyone pick a favorite all time ship? I guess the one I've obsessed over the longest is Elliot x Olivia
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Probably the hp trilogy I started when I was like 13 lol. It's my first fic so I'd love to finish it but the hp vibes are not what they once were.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I love planting little details of foreshadowing and landing emotional gut punches.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I have to go through about 4 drafts of anything before I'm happy enough with it to publish it. Which means I am sloooooow at updating.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm no where near fluent enough in any other languages to include it in my fic without substantial support and I am too shy to ask for that so probably not happening for me. I do enjoy it when other writers include it tho.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I have an ~84 page hand written Power Rangers fic from when I was like 10, specifically the In Space cast meets the Time Force cast if I remember right.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Stubborn Love, hands down. It's been such a joy to plot and write and I've just put so much into it and there's still a lot left but I'm already planning to bind myself a physical copy of it when it's done because I love it so dang much.
I shall tag: @captainredspade @ameerawrites and @becomethesun if you feel like it ofc, no pressure! ❤️
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secondhandsorrows · 5 months
The Passive Protagonist: Pt. 1
In my last post, we went over the glue that brings character and plot together to make a cohesive, compelling story that helps to keep readers engaged, known as conflict. Without conflict, you just a narrative that goes nowhere: a whole bunch of words on a page that makes someone go “Huh, what’s the point of all this, then?”
But there’s one more thing to keep in mind: how your protagonist takes to the conflict, themselves.
Beware of the “passive protagonist”!
On one hand, active protagonists are more proactive and take steps to get what they want or to overcome something. They make choices and decisions that move the story forward. On the other hand, passive protagonists sit back for things to happen instead of making them happen — they simply react. The main takeaway here is what makes passive protagonists less memorable is the fact that they’re not doing anything worthwhile (or worth remembering, for that matter). 
Sure, you can have a main character that starts off lazy or unassuming; that is, until they’re encouraged to do something about the problems that are coming at them left, right, and center. Now, they’re not so passive, anymore. They’re in a state of both reaction and proaction, and because of this, undergo change and an arc that can appeal to readers. They respond and become reluctant heroes— only driven to action once the stakes get serious enough. Suddenly, they have a goal: to protect a loved one, to avoid a catastrophic possibility, to survive when they’re being threatened, to take an opportunity by its horns before it slips away. You just don’t want to have a protagonist that starts and ends off passively, contributing nothing substantial or meaningful to the story or plot. 
As the protagonist keeps waiting, soon then will audiences find themselves waiting, too -- waiting for that character to do something so that they can find out what happens next without the story and its sequences feeling slow-paced or meaningless.
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There can (and should) be a reason as to why they’re passive, be it their backstory or outlook on life. Your character might prioritize observance rather than participation. They may be holding back because of fear or trauma. They could think themselves an outcast, or perhaps they’re dependent on others or lack individuality, unremarkable or indistinguishable from the herd. No matter the case, they should want something. 
"But what if I really want my protagonist to be passive?"
This kind of thing also depends on the kind of story you want to tell when it comes to having a passive protagonist, if you really want to have one. They tend to work better in short stories, as there’s limited word count to work with in such a small timeframe. 
When you have a plot-heavy story with adventure, drama, twists and turns... a passive protagonist from beginning to end isn’t going to the kind of character a reader might want to read about. A passive protagonist may seem like they’d be relatable to an audience, but in reality, its their personality and the struggle that makes them more sympathetic. 
Passive protagonists also tend to work better when their main purpose is to serve as a window into the life of a secondary character who’s life and decisions seem more important. In these cases, they’re simply the POV character in a story that isn’t about them in the first place, so the audience can experience the story through their eyes (for example, Nick Carroway from The Great Gatsby).  
Change is scary… this we know for certain. But, what’s more admirable, a character sitting back and letting all the terrible things pummel them without mercy, or a character brushing off the dirt and getting back up time and time again despite the costs? It’s hard to care about someone who does or accomplishes nothing. 
Anyways, I hope this all makes sense, if not at least a little bit. In the next part, I will list some ways you can identify a passive protagonist as well as what steps you can take to make them more active.
Thanks for reading!
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hollywoodfamerp · 2 years
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As the holiday season is right around the corner, we wanted to address a concern that was brought to us by a member and we would like to make this a gentle reminder so that the issue can be solved! We wish to remind everyone of some things that are of importance to keep the spark alive here in Hollywood Fame so please be sure to read the next two refreshers to their entirety: 
PLOT CALLS IN THE OOC: If a plot call is posted in the OOC, we ask that everyone be intentional about responding to them as that mun who is posting is someone who is looking to grow in their interactions and connections. Here in our group, we don’t want anyone to feel left out when it comes to plot calls since we have a solid group of creative minds that are not only as kind as they are welcoming. If you haven’t interacted with a person before and you see that they’ve made a plot call then you may be able to gain a new connection if you reach out to them. The importance of a group is to reach out and interact with those that you have not done so with before. Please be sure to keep that in mind when you are looking through the plot calls we have in the OOC. In addition, if someone posts a plot call in the OOC blog and you respond, please be sure that you are checking your IMs and messages to make sure that nothing is being missed. Unfortunately, Tumblr has been making it harder and harder these days with IMs and notifications not showing, but the last thing we want is for someone to feel like their messages are being ignored so please be sure to double check your IMs. On that same note, please make sure that you're giving people ample amounts of time to respond to messages. If you noticed that your messages haven't been responded to in a reasonable amount of time, you're allowed to send them a respectful nudge to make sure that it didn't go unnoticed, but please be sure that you're checking to see if that mun may be on a hiatus or unable to be active at that time. Communication is always key, especially when you're plotting with someone! If you're having trouble coming up with plots or ideas for interactions, we've noticed that a lot of members have been using plot pages and we definitely suggest developing your own so that it not only can help spark a muse for certain plots you wish to do but helps you give those plots to others as suggestion points. As members, we've found that music, movies, books, fanfiction, or even RP resource blogs have been great tools for inspiration when it comes to developing plots. If plot pages and other RP sources aren't helping, you can always message in and we can help you formulate some plot ideas that might be of interest to you. We are here to help!
STARTER REPLIES: It's stated in our rules that if you post a starter, please try and get to your replies within the first 72hrs after it's been posted and that still remains. We know that life does happen and sometimes it can go a little past, but 3 days should be a substantial amount of time to sort through starter responses. So please make sure that if you do post a starter, that you are diligent about getting replies out when you're able to be online. If something does come up after posting your starter and you can't get to them right away, you can always message the main so that we are aware of the situation. In that same mindset, you can also message those who have replied to your starter so they are made aware that you are going to get to their reply as soon as you can. We never want anyone to feel like their replies are being missed intentionally. Like we said above, communication is always key. However, we do know that sometimes starters can be flooded with +15 replies or more which is amazing but also can be overwhelming. Replies are not meant to cause stress for anyone and muse can fluctuate from day to day life so we understand the need to pace yourself when it comes to starter replies. With that in mind, if you are waiting on starter replies from someone we ask for you all to be patient when it comes to a mun getting to their replies for this very reason. We've noted that sometimes people like to break up their starter replies in those few days that they are responding to them and may have only gotten to the beginning half of those replies and are working on the latter half of them. If you noticed that your starter hasn't been replied to when all the other replies have come out, please don't hesitate to message the mun in a polite manner because they may have missed it! We all know the headache that Tumblr's activity brings on roleplayers so please don't think that someone has consciously missed your reply, sometimes it's overlooked. We're human and it happens! If you don't feel comfortable messaging a mun directly, feel free to message the main and we can offer our assistance. We are always here to assist those who need it!
As we said before, this is a general reminder for everyone who calls Hollywood Fame their home as sometimes a refresh is needed. Please keep in mind that with the holiday season around the corner, midterms finishing up for those in school/university, and even those who may be on a hiatus for personal matters, real life does come first and some muns will be slower on response times. If you do have a concern that you wish to discuss with us, please know our IMs are always open to you guys and we encourage you to come to us with anything that may be troubling you. We can’t help if we don’t know a situation to its full extent but always know that we are here for every single one of you. This has been and always will be YOUR group. We love you all!
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izzysarchivedblogs · 8 months
clint's au verses + notes
as a general rule of thumb, @/thefleetfinest regardless of verse or ship, mel's leonard mccoy is clint's sober buddy/sponsor always. assume he is in all of these verses. Or if i have written him in / if he is referenced like an npc assume it's mel's leonard. // mass effect and dragon age may go single ship as well to be determined
star trek // to boldly go // single ship: @/crisispider
Set in the Kelvin timeline
One of five helmsman on the Enterprise, he is typically Sulu's alternate and typically takes the night shift
Post Beyond, he is contemplating a career change from pilot seat to being a security officer thinking his skillset may be better used not glued to monitoring flight controls (actually its the paranoia and trauma)
He doesn't join Starfleet Academy until he is 33, after being an entertainer from the age of 14 to 32 when he got a divorce
He's an odd one, not the most authority friendly
Manages sobriety alongside Leonard Mccoy after an incident with John Walker in the final year of academy before the Nero crisis
Divorced and sad except now he is a committed relationship with engineer Peter and he makes him happy
Friends: Leonard, Uhura, Carol, Peter and Linda. Iowan Alliance with Jim
wastelands // you can run on for a long time sooner or later god'll cut you down
Can follow either the comics or the podcast for plot and canon in terms of events
Drinking again
An absolute disaster and bastard of an old man
Blind from glaucoma
wastelands inspired au // something in the orange tells me we're not done (single ship w/ crisispider)
features my "oc" ashley parker barton, blood related to barney barton, adopted daughter clint barton and peter parker (he is married to peter) as well as peter and mj's daughter mayday
Sadly, he and Leonard are no longer sober
Currently on his revenge quest to kill the T-Bolts and everyone responsible for V-Day
Can be deterred from this suicide revenge quest because well his family is alive
the more fun version of wastelands and more flexible with plot
mass effect // a spectre. smoke and dust and shadow nothing substantial until i chose to be
Canon flexible/divergent setting of the main trilogy // time blind
One of the first few human spectres to come after Commander Shepard (this can happen in the two year gap when shepard is "dead" in me2 // happens post any ending of me3)
Barney and him got off planet of earth when he was only 12 years old, where they both ended up running with a bad crew
That causes a lot of trouble for Clint, but also makes him the best marksmen you could ever pay for
After Barney dies from injuries on a job gone wrong, Clint flips his tune and starts to go after gangs like the gang he ran with (turn vigilante)
There was one specific take down of a splinter pirate crew, that had lead to Clint meeting and working with high ranking Alliance officer Steve Rogers and engineer Tony Stark (not just a phony tony stark; but the Tony Stark of wealth and fame)
The meeting of these two, would later prove beneficial, when Clint would be set up by ex partners-in-crime and would lead up to arrested on the Citadel, awaiting Council judgement
Rogers and Stark had apparently been keeping an eye on Clint, and not only bailed him out with the Council but pitched and vouched; that the Citadel instead turn Clint into one of their operatives. he's got skills that are hard to teach, scary accuracy with any weapon in his hand.
That's how Clint went from orphan to criminal to vigilante to one of the Citadel's few human spectres
Clint has a small crewed ship named the BROKEN ARROW with a varying crew (some details will be static if verse goes singleship)
BROKEN ARROW has two doctors, leonard mccoy (@/thefleetsfinest) and (my) linda carter who specializes in medicinal care for biotics and xenology
Sobriety comes with being a spectre, wanting to be and do better; actually take this seriously as a way to do good in the universe
working an andromeda verse as well
the last of us // had to fight like hell until fight like hell made me one hell of a fighter
Clint's one of the original fireflies; when the group started to rise up in the world
He's always been a resistance guerilla fighter of a guy; doesn't approve of some of the ways that fedra control affected the world
Incredibly resourceful and an invaluable survivalist, almost exclusively uses a bow and arrow
As the fireflies start to lose sight, or as clint finds out about some of their not-so ideal ways of helping people (he is a huge help people guy) he starts to turn away from being a firefly or being the first guy to call them out
dragon age // i will wear the title oathbreaker with pride for no more false demons shall be slain
a born ferelden-er
Has a mabari named lucky
ex templar archer turned mage rights activist
orphaned at age seven with his older brother and became a templar alongside him as the chantry orphanage put pressure upon them that becoming a templar was the maker's intended path
was a mage hunter (and good at it)
quits the order as he finds himself ill with what circles have become, as the chantry does cuts him off from lyrium
turns to alcohol to cope with lyrium addiction and withdrawal
centered around the inquisition timeline, with clint joining up with the inquisition at haven ; favors mage-friendly inquisitors and anti-chantry followers most
can splinter off into two additional verses with one being clint becoming a warden in for da:o / da:a or be a companion for da2
616 // all he ever needed was to trust his own wings
Currently part of Mayor Cage's Thunderbolts
Working on amends with all the Avengers (and hopefully be an Avenger again)
Managing his sobriety well which came about after he was outed as Ronin and events of freefall
He and Kate have reconnected, and he'll usually turn a blind eye for her (sorry Luke and Helen; hawkeye fam always comes first)
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eliza1911o1 · 1 year
Mandalorian Chapter 17: struggles of pacing
//this will have spoilers for Season 3!!//
So far, most Mandalorian episodes (especially premieres) have been pretty slow paced, centered on a main issue and sub missions with a focus on character rather than plot. Up until now, there really hasn’t been a strong plot, (though no one’s complaining as long as Din and Grogu show up), but season 3 appears to be a pivoting point
Chapter 17 was already set to be a challenge, having to not only exceed the reputation of the previous series but also reconcile the substantial amount of time passed between the end of season two and TBoBF. The fledgeling Mandalorian base and a refurbished Nevarro appear to have been utilized to showcase this passage of time through familiar places, however their presence seems to restrict the show’s newfound expansiveness.
Throughout the show’s promotions, there has been a clear emphasis on a bigger universe, more Mandalorians, and a broader narrative. Chapter 17 leans into this, taking a step back from the typical series introduction, which has been through following Din. One of the reasons the initiation scene feels like a fake-out is because, based on previous episodes, we’re assuming the show will start with Din, establish a mission, and watch as he gets sidetracked on side quests.
We assume we will be following Din, only to find us in the midst of a Mandalorians ritual surrounded by a majority like strangers. Quickly though, we are reacquainted with the titular hero and follow him as he returns to Nevarro to complete a side quest that will become another side quest. Nevertheless, we don’t immediately begin the side quest (getting a rare part to fix IG-11) and, instead, Din goes to join Bo-Katan. It’s unclear what his motive is; can she get him the needed part? Is it easier to go with her to Mandalore? Some other reason?
The episode has two related conflicts: Din confirming/proving a trip to Mandalore and getting a droid that can take him to Mandalore. The episode also has clear divisions for different scenes/acts (which I define here as shift in location and narrative), each of which tackles one these two topics if they are plot relevant. Of, course, there are some scenes meant to enhance but not address the main plot and other scenes are often more complex than simply tackling these issues, but that’s the general idea.
From this perspective, there are 6 distinct acts:
- the introductory sequence, where a boy is initiated as a Mandalorian
- Din’s conversation with the Armorer (confirming his trip to Mandalore)
- the hyperdrive flight with the Purrgil
- Din’s arrival on Nevarro, where he speaks with Greef Karga and attempts to fix IG-11 (getting a droid)
- Din’s fight with the pirates
- Din’s conversation with Bo-Katan (confirming his trip to Mandalore )
Here’s a rough idea of what the time distribution looks like:
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I’ve lumped all the time spent on Nevarro into the Greed Karga section (this includes all the IG-11 drama), since these all dealt with similar concerns, while separating the introductory portion with the Mandalorian from Din’s talk with the Armorer. These percentages are the chunks of time each portion takes up until the end credits roll at around 32.30. This isn’t a great chart by any means, but it helps to highlight how much time was spent on each topic.
The majority of the episode is spent on Nevarro and while starting in familiar territory and branching out seems like a safe choice, the exciting new locations and new tone makes its extended presence feel tiresome. Though it looks different, we know this place. Nothing new is really happening here, yet nearly half the episode is spent revisiting old knowledge. Furthermore, Din’s visit to Bo makes the mission introduced by this section feel unimportant; if talking to her was that important, couldn’t he have gone before? Or since the droid didn’t work out, was he instead going to ask her for passage? Either way, it makes the entire Nevarro feeling like running on a treadmill; we’re tired, but we’ve gone nowhere.
This is heightened by the quickened sense of travel. Many locations are visited and the amount of time it takes to get to these locations is negligible. The quick pace creates a sense of urgency for the task to be done or at least the necessity for excitement (as in, you’re used to new locations, so when you suddenly stop at somewhere you know, it’s boring instead of relaxing). In this way, the amount of content isn’t so much an issue as the allocation of time to each scene. Due to a convoluted sense of direction, Chapter 17 presents a disjointed premier that restricts momentum and relies on externalities, such as fondness for the show built by prior seasons and anticipation formed from minimal knowledge of the new plot.
The issue isn’t necessarily that the structure is changing, but that the pacing is still following the old rules, Chapter 17 highlighting this inexperience.
In my opinion, the most interesting (and well done) scenes were those handling the new, including the ship sequences, the Anzellans, and meeting with Bo-Katan. These were also the shortest, which brings to question why so much was spent on topics of the past.
At the end of the day, I just felt like the vibe was off. Who knows
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