#like u want everyone to park here but how is anyone supposed to get into the store without getting hit???
i hate walking across parking lots so much like why am i fighting for life trying to get to this coffee shop
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fizzing-imagines · 1 year
Hellfire After Hours | Billy Hargrove x Plus Size! Alt! Reader
Notes: I've tried uploading this 20 times now until I realized that tumblr won't let me post until I delete the entire smut scene. So here y'all have the censored version (u can dm me for the smut scene lol). Please note that reader is female in this and don't be hard on me, this is my first time writing smut. Big thank you to @billyssillywilly for helping me out. Enjoy!
Bad End: Here
Good End: Here
Warnings: Bullying, Swearing and sexual innuendos
Word Count: 2.5k-ish
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Billy wasn't supposed to look twice when you passed by him. You hung out with the freaks, blasted Black Sabbath when pulling into the parking lot, wore dark makeup and ripped clothes. In addition, you had a few extra pounds to you. There was nothing he should be attracted to, but yet he was. He couldn't stop imagining your blood red lips wrapped around his dick, and grabbing your plushy hips while slamming into you. He wanted nothing more than to rip your clothes even further while making you tell him what you do with your freak-friend Gareth Emerson every other day after school. And he hated you for it. He despised you more than anyone else in the school for something that was entirely his fault. And he has tried everything to get you down. Billy has called you a cow, fatso, lard-ass, you name it, he said it to you. But last time, when he called you a quarter pounder, all you said was "At least I get pounded." and it made his dick twitch. And he hated Gareth for getting what he wanted so desperately, but what he hated more was that Gareth not only didn't care what he had to say but also that you protected him. That freak wasn't even your boyfriend, for fuck sake.
Billy Hargrove hated you like nothing else in Hawkins High.
"He's starring again.", Gareth mumbled to you at lunch. The two of you were seated at your table, waiting for your other friends to join. "Who?", you asked with a half-full mouth of mac and cheese. "Hargrove.", your friend-with-benefits replied. All you did was shrug your shoulders and put another fork full of your food in your mouth. "Let him. What is he gonna do, tell me to eat less food?" The last three words were spoken in a mocking tone. Gareth chuckled at your words and looked back at his food, but not before sneaking a glance at your boobs that were practically squeezing out of your Coroded Coffin tube top. You didn't comment since you couldn't blame him. One thing you were confident in is your looks - and you knew that Billy has been thirsting after you. Did you hate him? Yes, absolutely, but knowing that he secretly wanted to bang you was hilarious and such a treat. Speaking of the devil:
"Hey fattie.", Billy called over before standing next to you. "You ain't gonna loose weight if you keep eating junk like a pig." All you did was giggle at his words before replying: "Are you sure you want me to loose weight? My tits would be so much smaller, and I know how much you love starring at them." Billy was flabbergasted for a good second before scoffing and turning heel to walk away, but not before calling you a cow. "You know, I think you'll eventually regret talking to him like that.", Gareth said before eating a fork full of salad. "Oh really? What is the big manbaby gonna do?" You laughed and continued eating.
Just like your friends, you were in the Hellfire Club. Eddie had another campaign, a really good one, but your sorcerer died in a kamikaze attack to save Gareth the Great just an hour into the game. It frustrated you that you had to sit there for two more hours without doing anything, even though you loved listening to how Eddie led his campaign. The party and the campaign were finished after three hours total, leaving you as the next dungeon master for the following two sessions. As always, you volunteered to clean up after everyone so you left last. What you didn't expect was the basketball team to finish at the same time today. They were always done long before Hellfire finished up, so you saw them loading their cars as you walked out of the school. You threw your D&D books in your trunk while hearing the remaining cars driving away. Just as you thought you were alone while slamming your trunk shut, someone stood next to you. "What do you want?", you asked in a condescending tone while putting your school bag into the passenger seat. "You got a real big mouth, you know that?" He fumbled a cigarette out while talking - and he looked pissed. "You know, for someone who will always be a single imbecile. You should be nice, at least if you have to be fat." You scoffed at his words while leaning against your car. Any other day than today you would've made a passing comment, get behind the wheel and drive away. But now, after having your character be killed at the beginning of the campaign, being yelled at by your gym teacher and now Billy saying this you've had it. "You know, you're gonna be one of those husbands who yells at his wife to make him a sandwich and get divorced three times." He glared at you, even though he provoked you. "And your kids won't talk to you. They'll let you rot away in a nursing home while you wonder why nobody loves you." He got closer and looked down on you, probably hoping to intimidate you. It didn't work. "You'll never get the pleasure of a wife who will make you lunch for work and homemade cookies for desert. There is nothing but sadness, Billy." He blew the smoke from his cigarette in your face and pit it out on the roof of your car. "What are you gonna do, huh? Punch me? Do it. Fucking do it, you pussy." You didn't care anymore, the words were spit from your mouth, right at his face. You were fed up with him and his bullshit. But Billy, who cares too much, grabbed you by your jaw and pushed your back against your own car. Admittedly, you were a bit scared now but in some sick way...it made you horny. He looked beyond pissed, a storm was brewing in his eyes, his jaw clenched and nostrils widened. And you couldn't think of anything more attractive. "I hate you, so much.", he hissed out. "How can you not be miserable, looking the way you do." It wasn't a question towards you. More so, he asked himself how you can be happy while he had to suffer by himself. Billy felt how a lump formed in his throat, but he knew he couldn't cry. Not in public, and especially not in front of you.
What you didn't know was that Neil shoved Billy into his bookshelf this morning. He shoved him so hard that the bookshelf almost fell on top of him and his back was bruised. But he couldn't cry - he had to get Max and him to school. All day, it kept building up. His team lost in gym class, he failed math and had to explain that to Neil now, he got detention and now you read him like a book. Everything build up, and it became too much. He needed a way to let it out. That way was you.
"Dude, it's okay to cry.", you told him with a raised eyebrow. "Just do that shit in your car. I'm not your therapist." Billy let you push him off of you easily, giving you the chance to get in your car and drive off.
After that incident, Billy left you alone for two weeks. Even when his friends wanted to tease you, he just told them that you're not worth it and walked away. Gareth, knowing you enough, noticed it at the beginning of week two. "What's with Hargrove?", he asked you while giving you his desert cookie. With a grin, you took it from him while saying: "What's supposed to be with him?" Gareth looked past your head to see Billy eating at the popular kids table without starting a conversation. Only a short glance at you sometimes. "Keeps looking at you, but hasn't said anything in, what, a week?" You smirked at Gareth, winked at him and asked: "Jealous?", which was followed by your other friends at the table, aka Corroded Coffin, making gagging noises. "No seriously, what is it with him?", Gareth kept pushing. You haven't told any of them what had happened with Billy, you didn't want to tell nor have them know. But now that Gareth noticed, they won't stop asking until you told them what had happened. So you told them, whispered everything you could remember to them just quietly enough for nobody to overhear, conveniently leaving out the part where his anger turned you on. Jeff sat open-mouthed without saying a word, Gareth and his best friend started talking about how much of an asshole he is while Eddie sat and watched the other react. "It's not a big deal, seriously.", you reassured them while unpacking your cookie. "His ego is bruised, so what? Big deal." The four guys shared a look while you took a bite of your cookie. What were they on about now? "What?", you asked with a mouth full of food. "Nothing, jeez.", Gareth said before starting to eat his own food again. Eddie changed the topic to D&D after a while, saying he was excited to finish your own campaign later today.
The rest of the day went by fast, but not only for you. Billy couldn't get you out of his mind ever since he pinned you against your car. He was angry at first, not wanting to admit his attraction to you and still asking himself, why you? Then his anger directed itself at your friend, fucking Gareth Emerson, who got anything he wanted from you. At the same time fear got the best of him, because what if Gareth got to you first? What if he took what he thought was his, even though you didn't even pay attention to him when he didn't try to provoke you. And he was convinced that he only wanted to fuck you, but when he thought of you being with Gareth, kissing him, holding his hand or going to some stupid prom with him it made him furious. He didn't want that to happen. So then he got sad, because any chance he might have had with you was out of the window. Who would date someone that called them fat on a regular basis? And since when did he want to date anybody? Nothing made sense to him anymore, so he decided to get to his senses after your D&D session. He patiently waited in front of the theatre room, where your club held it's sessions and listened to you leading the campaign through the door. Your voice was filled with nothing but happiness and excitement as you spoke, and your laugh sounded heavenly to him. His heart started beating faster as he heard the party celebrate their victory and pack up their things. Once again, you volunteered to clean up their leftover cans, snacks and put the figurines away. All four other party members let out a disapproving scoff as they saw Billy leaning against the wall next to the door but he just ignored them and glared at Gareth before going in.
Your back was turned as you sorted the little figurines to each member of Hellfire. You made all of them put their initials on the bottom of each figure that belonged to them after switching figurines up regularly. Eddie started calling you mom after that in a joking manner, even though you were a year younger than him. Not even the door shutting concerned you since you thought it were the boys leaving. Only when you heard a familiar voice say "Quite the view." you turned around to see Billy standing in the room. "What do you want?", you asked him in an annoyed tone. Hellfire Club was the only place where he left you alone, and you wanted to keep it that way. "Look, I'm not here to fight, okay? Just wanna talk." He came closer to you and placed a hand on each side of the table next to you, cornering you once more. "You can do that while respecting my personal space.", you said to him while pressing your back into the table. "You'd run off if I did.", he said. "Listen, (Y/N), I have something to tell you." You can't remember a scenario where he called you by your first name. "The times I was mean to you-" You interrupted him. "You bullied me. Or tried to." Billy just nodded once before continuing "Yeah, bullied you, I guess." What a good start, he thought. "I was...trying to get you to hate me-" You interrupted him once more. "I kind of do, actually." He sighted at your interruption. "Let me finish, please.", he said while trying to hold back his annoyed tone. You simply nodded and let him continue. "I was trying to get you to hate me, because I didn't want to admit to the fact that I like you." He waited for you reaction, but all you did was grin and giggle. "Oh, I know you like me Billy.", you said. "You made it very obvious." There was silence between you two before you spoke again. "I'll let you get in my pants if you promise to be a good boy afterwards." Billy grinned at you, lifted you up the table and started kissing you.
The next hour was a blur. All you could remember was how good you felt, that you moaned his name over and over again and begged him for more. "You okay?", Billy asked you while picking up his and your clothes. "Can't feel my legs..", you mumbled in a tired tone. He chuckled, helped you to sit up on the table and got you dressed. "Let me drive you home.", he said while pulling your shirt over your head. "Are your parents home or anyone I need to make an excuse for?" He lifted your legs up to get your thong back on you. "No, they're in Austin for some business conference. Big sister moved to Tampa years ago, just me and my pet frog." Billy helped you get up from the table, you stood on shaky legs as you looked around the room. "Need to sort the figurines again.", you mumbled as you walked over to the table like a baby deer. "Let me help you, sweetheart." Billy picked up the figurines and dice that were scattered on the ground. "There's the boys initials on the bottom, just put them in piles." You were too distracted with not collapsing due to your legs giving out that you didn't noticed how Billy snagged one of Gareths figurines.
After cleaning up, Billy drove you home. He got you into your room, helped you remove your makeup and get changed into your pyjamas. "Didn't you say that you liked me?", you asked as he tucked you in. "I did, yeah.", he replied with a smile. "Wanna stay the night?" Billy looked down on you. He saw you without your dark makeup for the first time, and you were still so beautiful to him. "If I can take you out after school.", he said while taking off his clothes. You thought about it for a bit before agreeing and he slipped into bed next to you. "Sleep well, sweetheart.", Billy whispered. He turned off your nightlight, gave you a kiss on your forehead and wrapped his arms around your body before both of you drifted off to sleep.
It's been a month since that incident. Billy held his promise and started taking you out every other day, didn't make comments in school anymore and told everyone who tried to to fuck off. First, you stopped having sex with Gareth after week one, then Eddie eventually caught you and Billy making out after school so you had to tell them that you have been seeing him behind their back. And it took them a while to cope with it, especially because this was Billy Hargrove dating a freak, but they accepted it when they saw that you were even happier than before. Billy officially asked you to be his girlfriend a few days ago, much to your friends dismay. "(Y/N), look at this.", Gareth said while looking at something in his locker next to you. His D&D figurine, the one of his character, was laying in his locker. "Told you it would turn up again.", you said to him with a grin. You never told any of the boys what happened that night on the table, and you assumed Billy stole the figure for whatever reason. "Maybe one of the theatre kids found it.", you added while going back to your locker. "Yeah, but it's been, what, three weeks? A month?", your friend continued. "Just be happy it's back." You picked out the books for your next class and put them in your bag, then fished out a plastic bag filled with cookies you and your father made last night. Billy has walked past your locker between every 4th and 5th period since he asked you to be his girlfriend, so you just waited for him to pass by. "See you later.", Gareth said to you while shutting his locker and walking off to his next class. "See ya.", you said while fixing your hair in the mirror you had in your locker. "Hey, sweetheart.", a familiar voice behind you said. The reflection of Billy was in your mirror, to what you turned around with a smile. "Hey there.", you said with a smile. The two of you shared a kiss before you handed him the bag. "I made this for you.", you proudly told him, still smiling. Billy took the ziplock bag from your hands, looked at the content inside it and smiled. "Thought I'd never have the pleasure of homemade cookies.", he said in a teasing tone.
"Well, you earned that pleasure."
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laladellakang · 1 year
YES YES YES PLEASE I’m literally down for anything whether it’s a drabble or some ideas u just had just give me sth 😭😭😭( on a serious note tho it’s fine take your time love)
thank you so much!! here’s some of the drafts i have so far! maybe you guys have some ideas to add on these?
"Della?" Jungwon looked up from his phone to look at the girl beside him. He could've sworn he heard her breath get heavier.
"Look at Koya!" her eyes were watering when she showed him a video of her youngest cat. "He's so cute," she tried to blink the tears away. She can't ruin her makeup or she'll get scolded and probably cry harder.
"He really is so cute. He kinda looks like his mom," he helped fan the tears away. "Here, have a lollipop."
[della’s period episode]
"It also sucks that I wasn't the first one," SHIT, I'm fucking blushing.
I know these guys literally just asked me to be their girlfriend but it's still crazy to me that they actually have feelings for me. Like- Jake actually wants to kiss me? Holy fuck.
[first kisses, della’s pov]
"We can have a few sessions together if you want. That way we can meet more often," it's no secret that Kazuha (well.. Le Sserafim in general) wants to get closer to the girl. Given that they're the same age, in the same industry, from the same company, and that she can speak Kazuha's mother tongue really well.
"I would like that," Kazuha reciprocated Della's high-five.
[extras: hybe caterers]
"Guys- go play the strawberry game or something with the kids while Jay and I check in," Heeseung instructed the rest of Enha.
"Okay, hyung, "Okay, oppa," the six and their kids watched them walk away.
"Let's get some boba," everyone agreed with Sunoo's suggestion.
They knew that they can't play such games in places like the airport. They'll be way too loud.
[the en-family goes to disneyland tokyo]
"No but- I'll be so offended if my cooking skills were compared to Sunghoon-oppa," Della joined. "Niki and Sunoo are not that bad."
[ Park Sunghoon (20): Number 1 worst cook in ENHYPEN ]
[en-o’clock 14&15]
"So Della, you're going to be standing on top of here, and just stand there," the staff instructed the girl dressed in a white gown. "We'll shoot a few far away shots with Enhypen in the bottom and then you can come down for the close ups, okay?"
"Yes, understood," Della nodded her head once.
[au: nonidol!della]
Della would say that she was comfortable with virtually all of her stage outfits.
Everything was tested beforehand so she was never worried about flashing anyone, especially with how hard their choreos go.
[della wardrobe malfunction (or something like that but i just can’t figure it out)]
“Hear me out..." Heeseung leaned against the sink. "Have you ever seen any of us naked?"
"Bro- ew," Jake's eyes widened.
[nsfw: ramyeonz threesome]
"You're gonna win. No way," the older laughed. "Try with one of the guys."
"Let's try, Lala," Youngbin suddenly offered.
[scenario: the guys getting jealous during i-land]
"Two what?!" Jake asked, laughing at what Della called them, causing her to burst too.
"Today I was supposed to be alone but two invaders decided to join," Della translated in Korean, talking in between laughs.
"Guys she called us idiots!" Jake protested, still off-camera and making Della laugh more.
"Sunghoon-oppa and Jake-oppa!" Della announced with an applause. The two boys appeared from both sides of the screen, Jake from the left and Sunghoon on the right.
[v-live: jallahoon (y’all this was OLD OLD. over a year old omg)]
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several thumbnails i planned to use but… idk now
[della living up to the korea’s siren title]
[kang della giving major dom vibes]
[whoever put tyd together is a genius]
[enhypen: our favourite poly couple part 63278129]
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thewritingstar · 1 year
buttercup and boomer- of all ppl why did u have to be the one to see me cry? HOPE U GET BETTER SOON
Thank you!!! Currently feel like I have the Black Plague but oh well. Thank you for your ask!
Pairing: buttercup x boomer (I wasn't sure if you want it romance or platonic so im leaving it up in the air)
Fandom: Powerpuff Girls
She didn't like people seeing her cry. She wasn't ashamed of her tears, no her sisters made her very aware that its okay to cry. She didn't care if her eyes were red or that her nose started to run. Crying wasn't something she did often. She usually expressed her anger or sadness through exercise while Blossom chose excessive studying and Bubbles, well, Bubs chose crying but that was okay.
Crying was her own breaking point.
It was intimate to her and she preferred to do it in private. Sure her teenage self didn't want anyone to think she was weak but when you can toss a cruise ship ten miles away, no one really thinks your weak.
That why when she stumble across the blue eyed ruff with tears streaming down her face, she understood.
Boomer glared at her as she took a step forward.
"What do you want?" He snapped at her.
Out of all the RowdyRuff Boys, his tone surprised her the most. He was the gentlest out of the three, if that was even humanly possible. And while the boys still committed crimes here and there, Boomer couldn't bring himself to hurt a fly.
She wanted to snap at him but regained her fury.
"Why are you crying?" She asked him.
"Why do you care?" He bit.
She shrugged. "I don't."
But if she didn't care then she wouldn't have bothered coming up to him in this abandoned parking garage. She might have happened to be in the area by accident, but her superheating picked up a sob that was downright heartbreaking.
Boomer kept quiet as she took a seat next to him and offered him a candy from her pocket.
"You're giving me chocolate?" He questioned.
"You seem like you need it. Sometimes a piece of chocolate keeps going for another day. Stupid, I know. But it helps."
He took the chocolate and popped it in his mouth. "Thanks."
"You gonna tell me why you were crying?"
"Are you gonna make me?"
"No. But I'm here."
Boomer inhaled a sniffle and wiped his eyes with the back of his sleeve. "Of all the people, you weren't suppose to see me cry."
Buttercup scoffed slightly. "Why scared I was gonna throw you into a building like Butch?"
Boomer said nothing and kept sucking on his chocolate.
Something about his silence made her want to drill her hand into her counterpart. Instead, she placed her hand against his shoulder "I'm not. Everyone cries and if they don't then they are liars and dumb."
Another piece of chocolate was offered to him.
"My dads. They made me cry." He released. "They kept going on and on about how great Brick and Butch were at being evil geniuses and when I said I wanted to take up guitar and music lessons..."
She watched tears resurface in his eyes. The kind of tears that come from a place of pain, a type of heartbreak that its the hardest to undo. The parental pain that started the cracked foundation.
"My dads took my guitar and smashed it. I bought it too with my own money. Not money I stole or burrowed. The guy at the music shop offered me a part time job in the back and everyday after school I go for a few hours and most teens would think that it sucks. But I love it." He turned and looked at her. "Its stupid, ya know? Just doing shipment and boring stuff but I get to see new instruments and this one guitar was so pretty. It was dark and had a blue strap and-"
He stopped.
"Sorry I'm rambling."
"Don't apologize Boomer." She smiled and then it faded. "I'm sorry about your guitar."
"Its fine." He huffed. "I mean, who am I kidding? A kid like me doesn't deserve to have dreams."
"Don't say that." Buttercup demanded. "Just because you were brought up a certain way doesn't mean that you are your parents. For instance, you aren't even related so that might be some relief?"
Boomer let out a small laugh. "True but I'm certain that Butch has some Mojo in him. I wouldn't be surprised if he started to grow some green fur here and there."
"Why didn't you want me to see you cry?" She asked.
"Because you're tough. How am I supposedly suppose to defeat you if I'm crying?"
"You're not." She replied. "not because you cry but because you're too good for that. Boomer, I know that you haven't been told this a lot but if you don't want to be evil or mean, then you don't have to be. You have good in your heart. Its gonna take a long time to manage your own way but the only person who you have to please in life is yourself. Thats the only person who is truly going to be there for you every step of the way."
"And they say Blossom is the smart one." He sighed and leaned back to look at the celling. "One day I will."
She wanted to join him leaning back but she knew she had to leave to make sure that she was home for dinner. "You're only sixteen, you've got all the time in the world. I've got to get going but I hope you feel better Boom. And if you need me to kick your brother's ass, let me know." She winked.
Buttercup stood up and threw him her last piece of chocolate.
"Hey Buttercup?" Boomer stood.
Boomers face warped into something of uncertainty. Before she could blink, his arms were around neck and he pulled her close. A hug. Boomer Jojo was hugging Buttercup. A not to twist her into a headlock or to dislocate her spine. But a genuine and honest hug from someone who needed it more than anyone.
Her hands came up to hug him back and she could feel him squeeze her slightly tighter.
"Thank you." He whispered.
"You're tough Boomer. Toughest person I know."
They didn't speak about the hug after she took off into the sky. He didn't tell his brothers when he walked through the door three hours later. He most certainly didn't tell his father's as he passed by the kitchen without a word and hoped that her perfume didn't rub off on him.
They didn't speak about the hug when they walked by each other in the hallways. Buttercup offered up a small smile and he held the eye contact.
They never spoke about the hug even when he clocked in for his shift at the music store and his boss said there was a box for him in the back. With his name scribbled in blue and a chocolate taped to the card, he almost let the tears fall when he saw the guitar with the blue strap sitting in the box for him.
"For the toughest fighter from the previous toughest fight :)"
I hope you enjoyed this and thank you for the request! First fic of the year :)
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kahran042 · 2 years
Encyclopedia Brown thoughts: book 13
Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Midnight Visitor
The Case of the Midnight Visitor:
"Synagogue" is misspelled in the intro to this story.
Who would call it a "string" of pizza parlors and not a "chain"?
Pizza seems to be coming up a lot in these stories lately.
"Kidnappers want money. Once they get it, there is no telling what they might do with their victim." Um... release him?
"'I argue with my closest friends,' objected Mrs Brown, 'and I haven't been kidnapped.'" Ah, but you aren't a millionaire, are you?
What if the kidnapper had been one of Butler's other enemies? Would he have been able to come up with a clever code in that case?
What were some of the business troubles that Jason blamed Butler for?
The Case of the Hidden Penny:
Dear @brownencyclopedia, Elmo wasn't using a glow-in-the-dark yo-yo because he was under a blanket. He was using a blanket because his yo-yo glowed in the dark. Minimal love, kahran042.
It's taffy or toffee, not taffee.
Do rattlesnakes ever bite themselves to death?
I like hot dogs, and I don't put sauerkraut or mustard on them. I do put ketchup on them, though, which would probably get me lynched in Chicago.
Did Elmo ever get his yo-yo back?
The Case of the Red Sweater:
@brownencyclopedia: If you can't just throw a human skeleton in the trash, how are you supposed to get rid of it?
From what I've seen elsewhere, "Carmine" is usually a boy's name... or a color.
How many kids would notice that boys' and girls' shirts and sweaters button on opposite sides?
"Girlfriend" should be one word in this context.
The Case of the Painting Gerbils:
Is there actually a rule that only humans could enter the contest, or is @brownencyclopedia just making an arse of u and me?
That being said, they do raise a good point. Why is it always three suspects?
Personally, I would disqualify Mark's painting, not because it was done by gerbils, but because he entered it under an extremely obvious fake name.
Misle is a real word with the past tense "misled", although it's more commonly spelled "mizzle", as in Mizzle of Tears.
The Case of the Time Capsule:
Abe's riddles are pretty lame. How is he the president of the Idaville Riddle Club? My theory is that he's also the only member, because how much demand would there be for a Riddle Club?
Abe didn't beat up Rockwell just because he was repeatedly going to the water fountain. He did so after he smugly confessed to stealing Abe's $#!+.
The Case of Freddy the Great:
"He thinks he's so much better than anyone else." Gee, Sally, sound familiar? Actually, not really. Sally doesn't think she's better than anyone else. She thinks everyone else is worse than her.
I love the fact that the eponymous allegedly-vicious guard dog was spooked by a cat. He knows who's really in charge. =^_^=
I've lived with cats my whole life, and I didn't know that they had four toes on their hind paws until I read this story.
The Case of the Tennis Racket:
What if a girl wanted to become a Tiger? Would she need to undergo a test, too?
I'm glad that Ike Quilp wasn't directly involved in the crime here. It shows that not all Tigers have bad blood in Sobol's eyes.
The Case of the Fifty Mosquitoes:
It's always nice to see a good teenager in one of these stories, in this case Pete McGrane, who also has the advantage of not being absentminded like Ziggy Ketchum two books ago.
How would one take a shower in six seconds, even if there were one in a park?
I've heard that the extinction of mosquitoes would have no effect on the ecosystem. I hope so.
Why is Stinky allowed to do his "stunt", if killing fifty mosquitoes in an hour counts as such, with no one watching?
The Case of the Hit-Run Car:
Did the injured man ever get to the hospital?
Why were the robbers wearing black capes in the first place, other than so that people would know they were robbers?
How many kids would know how patients are loaded into an ecnalubma?
0 notes
looooooooomis · 3 years
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You were his final girl.  And there was no chance in hell that anyone or anything was going to mess that up.
p a r t   five  |  t h e  c a b i n (part I)
masterlist here
pairing: Billy Loomis x f!reader word count:  5.6k (I’M SORRY I GOT CARRIED AWAY) warnings: s m u t (18 +!!!!!)
A/N: after 8 months of MIA, SHE’S BACK BABY!!! this is part 1 of 2 of our fav couple being at the cabin x next chapter will have soft moments I promise lmao 
You should have been paying more attention.
If you’d been paying more attention, you wouldn’t have had five sets of eyes currently watching your every move, waiting for an answer you didn’t have. Why had you thought it was a good idea to stay up as late as you had packing your overnight bag for the cabin? If you had gone to bed at a reasonable hour, you wouldn’t have been as braindead as you currently were and, if you hadn’t been braindead, you wouldn’t have wound up in whatever ring of hell you were currently stuck in as your friends stared at you as though you’d grown a second head.
You pleaded with your tongue to say anything, pleaded for your brain to register a decent enough lie to make this uncomfortable silence end but nothing came out of your mouth. Only a pathetic hum and a gusto of forced laughter.
You wanted to die.
It should have been an easy enough answer to what was an even easier question. One that you’d practiced answering for the last two days and yet, as the moment for the lie came and went, you were left scrambling like a fucking moron.
You didn’t dare look at Billy as Sid curled into his side knowing if you managed to catch his coffee-coloured stare, you’d only be met with something between terror and amusement as you royally shit the bed. So, instead, you did the next best thing. You replayed the question over and over again in your head until you were driven mad.
‘Are you up for a movie this weekend?’
It was a simple enough question, one you’d managed to decline easily enough but, as Tatum frowned and asked the one question you were expecting to hear, your mind went blank.
‘Why? What are you doing?’
The answer you were supposed to say: I have to babysit my cousin in Santa Rosa all weekend. The answer they got? Silence. Pure, awkward as fuck, silence.
“Earth to Y/N,” Tatum laughed, brows furrowing. “Are you alive?”
“Sorry,” you huffed out a quiet laugh and shook your head, “I barely slept last night, I’m braindead.”
While it wasn’t a lie, you were still on edge. You’d think after months of sneaking around with the asshole sitting in front of you that you would have chilled out a little more but not today. Maybe it was the nerves of a full weekend away with Billy Loomis as his girlfriend hosted a fucking movie night sans her boyfriend and best friend – but something was making you stumble over what should have been second nature to you.
“You feeling okay?” Sid, the angel she was, asked with a small frown. Your stomach twisted in the familiar way it always did when your sweet friend showed concern. Concern which you most definitely didn’t deserve. “You seem…off.”
It would have been so easy to confess your dark little twisted affair with Billy right then and there. To just open your mouth and let the truth of everything you’d been doing behind her back play out. But you knew it would break her heart and, more than that, you were a fucking coward.
“I’m fine, Sid,” you smacked on a small smile and leaned into your locker. You had one more class until you were home free. Free of your friends’ inquiring eyes, free of Biology, free of Woodsboro. If you managed to get through this incredibly uncomfortable moment. “And I would if I could, trust me. I have to babysit my little cousin in Santa Rosa.” You feigned disappointment with a small frown. You could see Stu’s lips tug up in mild amusement out of the corner of your eye. “She’s nine, so if I don’t come back on Monday, know that she annoyed me to death.”
Randy scoffed and casually threw his arm around your neck. “Every day I’m thankful I don’t have any snot-nosed kids in my family. Losing my weekend to babysit? I’d rather rot.”
Despite your guilt, you managed a small smile as you looked across at him. “I think the kid would rather you rot, too. You’d be a terrible babysitter.”
“She’s right,” Tatum smirked, “you’d show the kid one of your weirdo movies where a girl with big tits is running helplessly away from her killer. It’d scar the kid for life.”
“Or,” Randy mused, “prepare them for the real world. Put some hair on their chest and all that shit.”
“Furthering my point, Meeks, you’d be a shit babysitter.” You laughed. “But, yeah, I’ll be suffering at the hands of a nine-year-old, so you guys have fun without me.”
“How about you, lover boy?” Tatum asked, looking across at Billy. “Will you be joining us this weekend?”
You should have averted your eyes. Should have done anything besides wait, with bated breath, to see what Billy would say. Slowly, those brown eyes tapered over towards you just briefly before looking at Tatum. With a casual shrug of his shoulders, Billy shook his head and leaned into Sid. “Can’t,” he merely said, “I’m going up north with my dad. He wants to get some of his affairs in order or something, I don’t know.” He ran a hand through his hair. “All I know is I was promised free beer if I helped him. So, I’m helping him.”
If Sid caught onto his lie, her face didn’t betray her once. And, as she looked up at her boyfriend with doting eyes, you couldn’t help but feel that pang of shame slice into your gut once again. She believed him. She always believed him. Believed you. Regardless of how good it felt to have Billy, that shame of knowing just who it was unwittingly hurting in the process never dissipated.
“You sure you guys won’t need help?” Sid asked, further digging that knife of shame into your chest. “Besides this movie, I’ve got nothing else going on this weekend.”
“Real nice,” Randy teased. “She’d rather watch Billy’s dad punch away at a fucking calculator then sit down with her nearest and dearest.”
Billy ignored Randy entirely as he glanced down at the brunette. “I’m sure,” he affirmed, giving her a quick squeeze. “Enjoy the movie night. I’ll be there for the next one.”
He lied so effortlessly, so casually, that it should have unnerved you. But it didn’t. Because for as good of a liar Billy Loomis was, you were right here with him. This dangerous little game the two of you were playing was becoming second nature to you and for as much as it pained you to see Sidney get lied to, you couldn’t help yourself.
You loved Billy. Billy loved you. Right person, wrong time. Only rather than wait like you knew you should have, Billy’s glow was much too enthralling to miss. You were both moths to each other’s’ flames and no amount of guilt or shame was strong enough to outweigh the otherworldly affliction the two of you had for one another.
The bell signifying your final class rung out, snapping you out of your brief reverie as you blinked and focused on pushing Randy off of you. “Want to drive me to the bus station?” You asked him. “I don’t want to drive all the way to Santa Rosa, so I bought a bus ticket.”
“Tonight?” Randy considered it briefly before shrugging. “Sure, I guess. I’ve got a shift tonight at seven, though. When’s your bus leave?”
“Six thirty,” you lied, mainly doing this so that should anyone drive by your house this weekend and see your car still neatly parked in your driveway, they wouldn’t bat an eye. “I owe you.”
“Yeah, you do,” Randy agreed. “And, lucky for you, I accept a lot of different payment options.” He wriggled his brows, earning a playful smack from you and an annoyed glare from Billy. Thankfully, Randy didn’t catch onto the latter. “Pick you up at six?”
You nodded. “Perfect.”
With your eyes flickering to Billy’s once more, you managed to shoot everyone a quick smile before disappearing down the hall towards Biology. Just how you’d managed to dance your way out of what could have been an incredibly awkward moment, you didn’t know. But as you felt that weighty stare of Billy’s on your back as you walked away, there was an air of excitement that swallowed you whole.
No matter how much guilt you felt, no matter how sick it made you to see Sidney get hurt, even if she didn’t quite know about just yet, there was a much larger part of you that couldn’t wait to get Billy alone.
Because for the first time in the seven months since you’d started this torrid little affair, you were finally getting Billy all to yourself. No prying eyes, no secret kisses, no having to hide every part of your relationship with the man. None of that.
This weekend, it was you and it was Billy.
And you couldn’t fucking wait.
Randy, being the superstar he was, had dropped you off at the station a little after six-fifteen and by six-thirty-two, just around the time the actual bus was leaving for Santa Rosa, you were scrambling into Billy’s car with a wild grin on your face.
Just how the pair of you had managed to pull it off, especially given your brain lapse earlier in the day, was beyond you. But, as Billy tore off down the main street leading to the freeway, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of freedom engulf you the farther and farther you got from town.
It was exhilarating.
And, as you glanced at Billy, who couldn’t have looked more like a movie star with his dark locks blowing with the wind cascading in through his open window, you couldn’t help but reach across the divide to gently squeeze his jean-clad thigh.
“Thank you,” you found yourself muttering and as those brown eyes met yours, you couldn’t help but grin. “For your stupid key proposal. In hindsight, it was very sweet.”
The dimple in Billy’s cheek deepened as his own grin grew. “Glad you let me steal you away?”
You loosened your seatbelt momentarily and leaned across to give him a kiss on the cheek. “Very glad.” You made a move to pull away but stopped when he gently grabbed your chin with the hand not holding the wheel. “What—”
The kiss, while dangerously stupid, was short and sweet but the emotion behind it, the genuine happiness that exuded out of Billy in those few seconds was palpable. “I really do fucking love you, you know that?”
“You’ve mentioned it,” you hummed and slinked back into your seat. When his large hand found your thigh, he gave it a firm squeeze that sent shockwaves throughout your whole body.
“Not going to say it back?” He teased, giving you a sidelong glance as he drew nearer to the freeway.
“I’d rather show it.” Rather than put your seatbelt back on, you shimmed in your seat and leaned into him as your fingers scraped along his thighs towards the button of his jeans. “Eyes on the road, Loomis.”
Easier said than done, Billy thought, torn between watching the road and watching you unzip his jeans. Raising his ass out of the seat just long enough to allow you to tug his pants down his thighs, the second Billy saw yours eyes light up as his now somewhat erect cock sprung free of his jeans, keeping his eyes on the road seemed impossible. But, the second he saw that pretty mouth of yours perk up in anticipation, it was game over. “Are you trying to get us killed?”
A low chuckle escaped your lips as you began to pump his length with your hand. “Focus on the road, Billy.”
“You say that like it’s easy.” Not being able to keep his hands off of you, he reached for your nipple and gave it a pinch through your shirt. “Take your shirt off, baby.”
“Shut up and drive.” You chided him, shimming in your seat so that you were on your knees leaning over the console. His cock was rock hard now and, as you ran your tongue alongside his length, from the base of it all the way up to coax your tongue along the precum that had gathered along his head, you felt him shiver beneath you.
“Fuck,” he hissed, tangling his fingers through your hair. You were too fucking good with that mouth of yours.
Still pumping the base of his cock with one hand, you swirled your tongue along the tip of his dick again before taking that perfectly girthy cock in your mouth. His grip tightened on your hair and your eyes watered as he pushed your head down to fully take the length of him inside of your mouth. He heard you gag on him but even as his grip eased up, you continued your pursuit of deepthroating him.
His breathing was shallow as he felt your hot mouth all over him. Between the sounds of your wet mouth taking him in and the occasional gag as you choked on his length, Billy was in heaven.
But having you this close as you fucked him with your mouth whilst still fully clothed was killing him. He needed to feel you. He wanted to feel your juices on his fingers and running down those perfect fucking thighs as he fingerfucked you. He wanted to hear you moan, feel you moan on his cock as he made you feel as good as you were making him feel.
He wanted all of you, needed all of you.  
Trying his damnedest not to shut his eyes as your mouth brought him closer to the edge, he reached beneath you to work on your own zipper but when that proved to be impossible, a frustrated growl tore out of his lips. “Undo your pants.” He hissed through bared teeth.
You hummed against his dick which nearly sent him into the other land of traffic. “No,” you purred, “I want to make you feel good.”
With one hand on the wheel and the other now gliding up and down your back as you fucked him with your mouth, Billy couldn’t help but buck into your mouth as you began to massage his balls. He was going to bust and soon if he wasn’t careful.
You were too fucking good and he was too fucking in love with you not to get lost in the way you made him feel.
“Touch yourself, at least,” he breathed out, desperate to see that pretty cunt. “Please, baby.”
Not granting him the satisfaction, you simply dug your nails into his thighs and moaned onto his cock and the sensation of it alone was almost enough to make him come down your throat. It seemed to slither around his cock, making him twitch and buck into your mouth.
But it was the second you moaned out his name as you swirled your wet mouth along the head of his dick one final time, swallowing back his precum with a contented hum, that Billy blew his loud inside of your mouth.
For a good five seconds, he didn’t care if he crashed the goddamn car as he watched you swallow his seed. He was bucking into your mouth, his breathing was ragged, as you guzzled him back and, as you finally released his cock with a pop, Billy almost lost it.
With a devilish grin, you simply wiped a finger along the edge of your lips and leaned back into your seat with a satisfied glimmer in your eyes. You knew you’d be in for it once he got his hands on you at the cabin, but for now, as you watched him lamely try and pull his jeans up his body to cover his slowly softening cock, you couldn’t help but laugh.
“What’s the matter, Billy?” You teased, fastening your seatbelt back up. “You look a little rattled.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he simpered, not bothering with the zipper or button of his jeans. Instead, he reached across the divide and grabbed for your hand as he ghosted his lips across your knuckles. “Just wait until we get to the cabin.”
With your suspicions confirmed, you couldn’t help but beam across at him as you drove further and further away from Woodsboro. That was definitely a threat and good god were you excited for its execution.
By the time you’d pulled into the Loomis family cabin, it was pitch black outside.
The moon was too high in the sky and only a sliver of its light poked through the tall pine trees that surrounded the small house but, even with the low light surrounding you, the shadows that danced along the lake was enough to bring out a small smile as you quietly made your way out of the car. You didn’t need full sun to see the beauty surrounding you and the smell of the fresh air mixed with the spice of pine made any ounce of nerves filter out of you.
You were happy.
Unreservedly so.
Glancing across the roof towards Billy, he seemed almost distracted as he looked around at the familiar surroundings. You couldn’t quite tell if he was feeling as happy as you were in those brief moments, but you couldn’t quite blame him for that. The cabin held a lot of memories within it, many of which you knew included his mother. Where you felt freed and excited, you could tell the weight of his current whereabouts was heavy on his shoulders.
“Hey,” you muttered, slicing into the quietude around you. Walking around the front of the car, those brown eyes found yours as you circled your arms around his middle. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” he assured, but his voice was low and distant. All the same, however, his strong arms enveloped you as he kissed your hairline. “Lost in a memory, I guess.”
You nodded into the crook of his neck but said nothing. He needed time to decompress, to familiarize himself with a house he hadn’t been in since his mother left. So, you’d give him that time.
For what must have been minutes, the two of you simply stood at the helm of porch holding onto one another. It wasn’t until Billy placed another quick kiss to your forehead that you felt his arms slowly fall only to grasp your hand in his own. “Come on,” he hummed. His grip on your hand was firm as he walked up the steps leading to the wrap around porch and as he stuck the key inside of the lock and opened the front door, the smell of cedar surrounded you.
The cabin was gorgeous. Wooden slats covered every square inch of the small house and a small fireplace sat at the front of the house with a worn-in couch and chair facing it. It was obvious nobody had come to visit for quite some time judging by the dust lining most of the countertops and shelving units, but you didn’t care.
To you, it was perfect.
Your own little oasis with the boy you loved without any sort of outside interruption.
You released his hand to take a brief look around the small living space but you could feel his eyes on you with every step you took. You knew he was looking to get even with you after your little stunt in the car, but you also knew that he hadn’t quite been expecting the swell of emotions to hit him upon driving up to the cabin. So, you continued to wander around the cabin to both grant him the space he may or may not have needed and, simply, to snoop around.
There were family pictures lining the tables and one in particular made you smile as you caught sight of a young Billy swinging from a tire swing. With a quiet laugh, you picked the frame up and surveyed it with a fond smile on your lips. “Cute,” you remarked, looking across to catch his stare. “A little model, eh?”
Billy watched you carefully place the frame down on the table before continuing on with your self-guided tour. No matter how hard he tried, regardless of the bittersweet memories swirling around inside of his brain, he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. Not that he ever really could, but there was an ease rolling off of you tonight, coming off of you in waves, that drew him in.
“I’ve been thinking about this all week, you know that?” He remarked, leaning against the back of the couch as he watched you pick up another picture frame. “Just me and you. Out here alone in the woods for an entire weekend.”
“Sounds like a scary movie when you put it that way,” you goaded with a wink. “Or a really niche porno.”
“Why not a bit of both?” His molasses coloured eyes glimmered mischievously as you walked up to him and stepped between his legs. The second you were close, he pulled you flush against his chest and kissed the tip of your nose as he pushed your hair back and away from your face. “Both could be fun.”
You grinned. “I’m down for anything,” you shrugged. “So long as you promise to take me on an actual date tomorrow. We’re not just fucking like bunnies inside of the cabin all weekend.”
“Heaven forbid,” he leaned in and gave you a slow, torturous kiss.
“I’m serious, Billy,” you moaned.
Pulling away from your mouth, Billy nudged his nose against yours and nodded. “The entire population in Bumfuck, California will know you’re my girl by the end of the weekend,” he avowed, skimming his hands down to your ass to give it a firm squeeze. “I promise.”
“Oh, yeah?” You hummed, kissing him again.
His calloused hands slipped beneath your shirt and scraped up your side. “Yeah.” Digging his hips into yours, he gave you one last kiss before nodding towards the bedroom. “Take your clothes off.”
You giggled as he slapped your ass to steer you down the narrow hallway. “And if I don’t?”
“I’ll rip them off of you,” he simply said, “so either they remain in one piece or I ruin your outfit.”
You glanced down at your jeans and tank before frowning. You looked cute tonight and you’d be damned if the bastard ripped them. So, being the good girl you were, you held his stare and slowly slinked out of your clothes. His eyes seemed so much darker as he watched you strip and the small smirk he wore slowly fell into a hungry thin line as you then perched yourself on the edge of the bed, completely nude.
“You just going to stand there looking pretty or are you going to do something about this?” You slipped your fingers between your thighs and ran your fingers along your swollen clit. A low moan slipped out of your lips at the sensation. “I’m already so wet for you, Billy.”
Slowly, Billy stepped towards you and undid his belt. Leaning down, he kissed you, hard, and steered you backwards on the bed beneath you until your head reached the soft pillows. You could feel his cock straining against his jeans but rather than grant himself any sort of reprieve, you watched him gently grasp your hands and raise them above your head only to wrap his belt around your wrists.
In the blink of an eye, you were tied to the bedposts.
“Is this payback for the car blowie?” You laughed, looking up at your restrained wrists. “If it is, I can’t say I’m mad about it.”
“You wanted something between a horror movie and a niche porno, remember?” He hummed against your skin, placing sloppy kisses along the vein that ran along your neck as he pinched your nipple. “God, you’re fucking perfect. You know that?”
He bit down on your collarbone, kissing his way down your chest until his warm mouth wrapped around your nipple. You could feel his teeth slither along your breast as his tongue lapped expertly on the sensitive bud. You hissed, arching into his mouth as your wrists, on instinct, fought for freedom. “Hardly.”
His eyes met yours as he slowly released your nipple. You were in nothing, of course, but he was still fully clothed, and you hated him for it. You hungrily eyed the bulge in his jeans as he propped himself up on his arm, letting his other hand glide up your chest and neck until it cupped your cheek. His nose brushed against yours, nudging it up to allow his lips to hover just over yours. Close enough that you could almost taste them, but much too far away to satisfy the hunger you had for the man.
“I love you,” he whispered, thumb stroking the apple of your cheek as his warm, brown eyes swallowed you up. “You know that, right?”
“Yes,” you swallowed hard and tilted your head up just enough to finally catch his lips. But, just as quickly as it happened, the man pulled away and let his hand begin to roam down your body. His mouth was at your ear now, nibbling at your earlobe as his hot breath slithered against your neck. You shivered. “I love you, too.”
His voice was gruff in your ear. “I’d kill for you,” his hand continued its journey down your throat, brushing past your nipple, down the length of your stomach until reaching the small smattering of hair along your mound. He was careful to keep his hands from dipping any lower, tormenting you as best to his ability, which just about killed you, if you were being honest. “You know that?”
Bucking your hips up, you nearly growled at the lack of attention you were receiving. You were soaked and touch-starved for him. His fingers, his mouth, the erection currently poking into your thigh, anything. “I wouldn’t ask you to do that,” you managed a quiet laugh. “But I appreciate it.”
His teeth bit down on your neck again. “But, I would. I’d do anything for you, sweetheart.”
His hand slipped further down to your sopping cunt and as he slowly slipped his fingers through your wet folds, the moan he got in return nearly killed him. “Billy,” you whispered desperately. It felt as though you were going to die if you didn’t feel him inside of you. “Please.”
His lips hovered over yours and on instinct, you caught his bottom lip between your teeth and bucked your hips against his hand. He snarled as you bit down on his lip but as the metallic taste of blood met his tongue, it was as though Billy was transcending. His pace on your clit quickened but it was still too slow for you and he knew it. He was torturing you, killing you, and he was enjoying every second of it. Struggling against the belt, your struggle was all for naught as it didn’t so much as move an inch.
“You’d love me, no matter what, right?” He asked, slipping one of his fingers inside of you as he kissed his way down to your chest. Lapping at your nipple, Billy was gentle at first before biting down hard enough to draw blood. Tit for Tat.
“Yes,” you moaned. Your entire body was on fire as his fingers brought you closer to the edge. “But I’d love you even more if you fucked me. You’re killing me, Loomis.”
Licking up the small trail of blood off of your tits, Billy hummed against your nipple and added another finger inside of your pussy. He’d fuck you soon but right now, he needed to feel your entire body light up the way it always had when he drove you into that fit of madness. You were a woman unhinged in the bedroom, he knew as much, and he knew exactly how to get that animal inside of you out.
“You’re so fucking wet,” he admired, reaching his hand up to coat your tit in your own slick. When it was sufficiently wet, he licked your juices off of your breast and growled. God, you tasted so fucking good. “You’re my girl, Y/N, you’re always going to be my girl, right?”
You looked up at him as those words fell from his lips. His brown hair hung down his forehead, his neck red from the strain of having to watch you writhe beneath him without doing a damned thing about it. But what struck you was the look of vulnerability in those brown eyes. That longing, far-away look as his eyes searched yours.
He wanted nothing more than to hear you say that you wanted him. Needed him. Just as much as he needed you.
“Always,” the answer tumbled out of your lips before you so much as thought twice. “I’m your girl, Billy.”
His mouth caught yours in a bruising kiss. Finally, his pace quickened inside of you as met your throbbing core with his dept fingers. With his thumb circling your clit, he dipped two fingers inside of you and grinned against your mouth as you let out a low, desperate moan.
It happened so fast after that. One moment, you were the one tied up on the bed and the next, he’d released you, stripped himself naked, and managed to flip you over so that you were the one on top of him, straddling his waist. Pulling away from you mouth, Billy’s eyes darkened as he saw that familiar glimmer in your eyes. That animalistic side of you was out in full force now.
“Get up here.” He demanded.
You smirked and leaned across him so that your lips hovered over his. “Why would I want to do that?”
He leaned up, the veins in his neck swelled against his neck as he caught your bottom lip between his teeth. “Get. Up. Here.”
Releasing your lip, Billy watched you smirk and crawl up the remainder of his body until your pussy was less than an inch away from his mouth. Grabbing onto the metal of the headboard you’d just been tied up to, you gasped as Billy’s tongue slid into your folds. Finding your clit instantly, you moaned and allowed your eyes to fall shut as you reached down to play with your hardened nipples.
Fuck, what Billy could do with his mouth should have been illegal.
He sucked and lapped at your clit as you rocked back and forth against his mouth. His fingers dug into your hips, so much so that you knew there would be bruises in the morning but, blinded by the pleasure between your thighs, you couldn’t care less.  
The moans that were coming out of you were raw and guttural and, as you played with your own tits, envisioning his hands being the ones to squeeze and nip on the swollen buds of your nipples, you saw stars.
“Fuck,” you moaned out, “Billy, baby, fuck.”
He pulled your hips further down so that you were sitting on his face. Not just hovering but sitting on that perfect mouth of his as he held you in place. You knew it must have been hard for him to breathe but he was adamant and as his tongue continued its assault on your throbbing cunt, you came devastatingly hard and incredibly loud.
Stars danced behind your eyes as you continued to ride out your orgasm. When you couldn’t take another second of Billy’s skilled tongue, you climbed off of him only to feel his large hands take hold of your hips again.
Swinging you around so that you were on your back and he was the one hovering over you, Billy wasted no time in slipping his rock-hard erection into your soaking pussy.
He was thrusting hard and the sounds of your juices squelching with every thrust of his cock would have been off-putting if it hadn’t been for the raw, primal need coursing off of the pair of you in waves. He was kissing your lips and biting them and suckling your neck as he continued to rail into you with all of passion in the world. You weren’t sure you’d ever seen him this riled up and you had to admit it was inherently sexy seeing him so affected by you.
Not surprising in the least, it didn’t take him long to come. You’d riled him up to the point of no return in the car and, as you felt him come inside of you, you all but laughed when he dramatically crashed on the bed beside you.
Sweat glistened over every inch of body and the sheen of your juices was still on his lips as he kissed you. This kiss was slow, methodical. Sweet. And you felt yourself fall even harder for the man as he broke the kiss and gently brushed your hair away from your now damp forehead.
Wrapping one arm around your chest, Billy held you against him as he propped himself against the headboard. You were both naked and sweating and while a shower was something you both definitely needed, neither of you found yourselves all too willing to move out of the other’s embrace.
“Is it hard being back here?” You asked, listening to his heart beating in his chest.
“For a second, maybe,” he admitted, soothing your hair down. “Not now.”
“What’s changed?” You asked with a small smile. “The sex was that good, huh?”
A quiet chuckle shook his chest as he kissed the top of your head. “I think horror meets niche porn is my new favourite genre.”
Kissing his naked chest, you grinned into his body. “Same.”
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tinyyoungblood · 3 years
hi!! adore your work love. could you maybe do smth where stark!reader has to get her wisdom teeth out but HATES the dentist so she brings her boyf peter and her dad w her?? and then when they get home the avengers are all waiting with like comical amounts of flowers and stuffed animals and then reader says some funny shiii and thor thinks she’s like dying lol. idk if that made sense but i’m getting my wisdom teeth out soon and i’m scared😭 thank u so so much love u babe
pairing: peter parker x stark!reader
a/n: tysm lovely :,) i rushed through this like my life depended on it, but i hope i’m not too late. either way, i hope you’re okay! it’s frightening but those bad boys gotta go because we don’t need that kind of energy in our lives. enjoy x
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
wisdom teeth? more like wisdoom
y/n has to get her wisdom teeth removed and it’s the singular most dreadful thing she’s ever had to do, which says a lot because her dad is tony richling stark
doing dreadful things she doesn’t want to do but still somehow end up doing just because she can is a personality trait at this point
no one really makes a big deal out of it since ~death~ is part of their job description, but y/n is terrified
and when a stark is terrified the only thing that will keep them one step from insanity is researching the hell out of it
that information will be info dumped into every conversation for the next few weeks leading up to the appointment
“y/n you need anything from the store?” "no thanks, did you know the side effects of getting your wisdom teeth out include ✨sudden death or blood clots✨ tho” “……..i have a coupon?”
the day of the appointment, peter comes along and literally doesn’t let go of y/n’s hand. he keeps touching her to let her know that he’s there and it’s so. adorable
he would rest his hand on her knee, gently stroke her back while holding her, or just play with her hair
happy drops them off and he’s too Cool™ for emotions but he knows y/n’s a wreck, so he just fist bumps her with a single nod and she almost breaks down bc it’s really affectionate
y/n is sitting in the dentist chair and genuinely nothing is happening yet, but she’s squeezing peter’s hand like it’s a sponge
peter might have a high pain tolerance but he’s in pain pain and he prays that his hand won’t just explode on him
the dentist notices how peter tries to keep it together and chuckles
“you okay there, son?” “yea it’s fine, had a better time when a building fell on me tho haha” “pardon?” “oh i mean i didn’t have a good time, i just had a better time”
because y/n is running Anxious Town™, the dentist gives her a sedative to help her relax 
plus, an injection of local anaesthetic to numb the tooth and surrounding area
she doesn’t feel anything and it’s GREAT
the procedure is quicker than expected and now the real fun begins
she tries to walk but she falls down so peter scoops her up bridal style and happy stays glued at her side
y/n doesn’t mind although she literally doesn’t recognise them and they’re practically strangers to her
but girly sees an opportunity and tries to flirt with peter bc why wouldn’t she
“you’re pretty” *blushes* “why thanks” “you should let your girlfriend know” “i should let her know i’m pretty?” “so you do have a gf? :(” “yea it’s you” “:)”
they stop for gas and peter goes in to get some water for y/n, and in her infinite wisdom, she decides it’s burger time
her mouth is completely numb and she’s practically leaving a trail of drool behind her, but she’d kill for a burger right now
so she wobbles around aimlessly for an hour on some random parking lot as if the ground might just magically open up like a rabbit hole and lead her to five guys
she’s going places. not back to the car. definitely not five guys. they’re closed. but places
peter finally finds her and he’s drenched from head to toe in sweat. he doEsn’T wAnt tO tALk abOut iT tho so she lets him take her to subway instead
normally, she would know that peter’s usual subway order is bread-lettuce-jalapeño
but in her drugged-up state, it had simply slipped her mind so now she’s staring at him like he’d just murdered someone right in front of her
“that- that’s your order?? no meat or anything just bread, lettuce, and a little spice?”
meanwhile at the compound, sam and steve are ordering everyone around bc they want to decorate this place before y/n gets home to surprise her
they take it very seriously too. they’ve watched like one HGTV show and said it’s our time
they finally get home and tony gives y/n a big hug, asking her what took so long
happy tells him that she was keen on getting burgers bc apparently someone has taught her that stressful times call for ~cheeseburgers~
he proceeds to look at tony with a pointed look
tony just shrugs and goes “she was a problem child. we don’t mention her dark past”
she’s swaying on the spot and keeps grinning like a fool and thor just stares at her weirdly before elbowing bruce and whispering loudly,
“what’s wrong with her? is she dying? should i start collecting leaves, i know this remedy—"
no one can tell if y/n is just happy to see the newly decorated home or if she’s just delighted to see everyone but then she goes around hugging the entire team
she doesn’t even acknowledge the sky-high pile of teddy bears and flowers everywhere bc she’s just squeezing everybody
y/n is so high, she just starts to spill all of her feelings about everyone and they’re already so overwhelmed by the hug chain they can’t take this too
“wanda i just want you to know that you’re like my big sister and you’re always taking care of me and i know you and vision are just going to make such good parents one day”
“bucky you absolute PRICK, you FIEND, you’re the best chess player ever and that’ll never change and i wouldn’t be good without you, i hate to say it but you deserve happiness even after you made me lose five times in a row yesterday”
“dad, you’re so strong and smart, even though we’re like never on the same page, you’re always along for the ride, i want to be like you when i grow up, i swear i’m gonna try to be as good to the avengers as you were to us” “aww- wait makes you think i'll be the first to die“
“nat you’re such a bitch about your protein shakes but you’re my best friend and i wouldn’t have it any other way, you can try out as many make up looks on me as you want”
“bruce, brucey, i would live with you in your lab for the rest of my days if i had to, whenever you ask me to hand you stuff i feel useful and important”
“laura’s way out of your league clint i have no idea how the fuck you got her but don’t lose her and i want to be your next child’s godmother”
“steve…we’re your family now. we’re always gonna be your family now. okay?”
“loki you’re not fooling anyone with your attitude, we all know you’re part of the family, you were just misunderstood and messed up bc of your dad–FUCK him by the way–but i realised everyone deserves as many chances as they need because of you”
“sam i would genuinely kill anyone who wronged you, even if they cut you in line at the grocery store, i would knife them no hesitation”
“thor, you poor golden retriever have been through so much, on my way here i made a wish on an eyelash for you bc you deserve better, your postcards always make my day, love you”
she mumbles something to peter that no one else can hear but he blushes and chokes back a sob
y/n orders hot soup and bucky brings it to her but before he even has time to react peter drops everything and ZOOMS across the room in .3 seconds
he barrels into bucky so hard they both go flying, but peter just smoothly rolls out of it and onto his feet like some kind of super ninja
“DUDE WHAT THE HELL” “😠 y/n is not supposed to drink hot liquids 😠”
all of this happens in mere seconds but sam has filmed it all and now slow mo clips go viral online of some mysterious kid knocking over the winter soldier
y/n’s a little in and out after that, but when she fully regains consciousness, she’s on a pile of blankets, surrounded by the team on the floor <3
* * *
let me know if this is actually comforting lmao stay hydrated pals
hc masterlist
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rainbow-arrow · 2 years
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Lukadrien June Day Four-- Runaway
Reprise contains my entire heart and soul. Informal summary is that Luka’s getting ready to tour with his band, and stumbles into Adrien Agreste, who was last seen nearly a year ago after running away without a word to anyone in the middle of the night. Throughout their time together, Luka helps Adrien face his past, the results of the Hawkmoth fight and it’s consequences, his actions and reactions to the years after.
(i only have up to chapter seven posted, but i am finishing it for Lukadrien June, so if u wanna wait til then, I respect that!)
“You know what I can’t stop thinking about?” Adrien asked shakily, looking out into the nearly empty parking lot, the sounds of the nearby highway answering his rhetorical question, “Why didn’t my dad tell me?”
“That he was Hawkmoth?” Luka asked quietly, knowing that wasn’t what he meant, as the blond shook his head ever so slightly, looking down at his hands.
“No, I understood why he didn’t do that. But why didn't he tell me about mom? There was a chance we could’ve saved her...if he just told me. It’s like– it’s like he wanted me to suffer. If he didn’t get to enjoy her, no one did–” his voice caught, his hand covering his mouth, “I spent my entire life working so hard to get his approval, to make him happy, but for what? He actually hated me. My own father just...if one person was supposed to love me unconditionally, I would expect–” 
“Hey hey, shhhh–” he shushed, setting his hand on his knee, nudging his chin up to look at him, “Your father’s actions are not a reflection of who you are–”
Adrien shook his head, pulling back, “How am I supposed to trust anyone, ever again– how can I– god– I love everyone back home, and I love you so much, Luka– but there’s a part of me that’s terrified– that this is just another elaborate game I’m just a pawn in? The one person who was supposed to love me– how am I supposed to believe it’s not going to happen again?” he exhaled shakily, sniffling as he wiped his eyes, “I left so I wouldn’t get hurt again. I can’t be hurt by things I don’t care about.”
Luka nodded, unsure what to say to comfort the other. It was really everything he lost.
“But I’m the fool– I’m the idiot here, because I still care. I still care so much. About you. About Marinette. About Kagami and Nino and Alya and Wayhem and Chloe and– and–” he covered his mouth, trying hard to fight back his tears from transitioning to full sobs. Luka couldn't help but stare as Adrien stared back, “You don’t get to fix me. You do get that, right? 
“I can’t fix you because you’re not broken– I mean, we’re all a little broken, but when we’re all broken, it’s basically like none of us are–” he sighed, “We’re all broken and I don’t want to fix you. I want to be with you. So in case you break more or again I’ll be right here for you,” Adrien didn’t react, “Your melody will never be the same but I don’t love it for the tune it makes, I love it for being yours.”
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kpop-dungeon-dark · 3 years
His Little Princess. (Nerd!Hyunjin x You)
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Warning(s): Non-Con, humiliation, punishment, degradation, kidnapping. Both of you are legal in this. Read at your own risk.
Hyunjin's hands were a little shaky as he stood in front of the busy table during break time, knowing it was the only time when he'd be able to approach her as their schedules clashed. Adjusting his round spectacles one more time, the boy turned his head to look at his friends at a table far away. The 8 boys gave him huge smiles and stuck their thumbs up at him, nodding at their friend as they silently encouraged him to go for it. Taking in a huge breath, Hyunjin turned to look forward again, taking the few remaining steps towards it.
"Y- Y/n…" His soft call went unnoticed as all the cool kids on the table continued to eat and enjoy their break. Looking back at his friends, he groaned inwardly but they shook their heads and warned him not to come back without asking her. Yes, it seemed easy in the heat of the moment but now… standing in front of all these people… even thinking of proposing her while she looked so pretty with her pink dyed hair… busy on her phone like this…
"Y- Y/n!" Hyunjin let out after standing there for 5 minutes. The whole table went silent as his heart started to thump anxiously. Okay snap. Maybe that was too loud. Everyone slowly started to quieten down, heads turning toward Hyunjin and just why was a nerdy loser like him calling someone as the pretty and beautiful Y/n like this so informally?
"U- Uh…" The girl who had averted her gaze from her phone sounded, raising an eyebrow because she remembered him from one of her classes last year. Maybe…? She wasn't even sure if she'd even seen him before.
"I- I was wondering…" Biting the inside of his cheek, Hyunjin gave himself a whole mental peptalk, feeling like his heart was about to burst from all this attention on him. Come on. It wasn't this hard… right? He'd prepared for like two weeks now. Ever since senior prom was announced. It was his last prom. Last year's had been terrible too. It was now or never. "I was wo-ndering i- if you c- could come with m- me t- to senior p- prom-" before he could finish his sentence, some people on her table started chuckling.
"Wooooooh! Is our very own Y/n getting asked out right now?!" A girl bitchily laughed while clapping, causing the girl in question to bite her lip, cheeks flushing.
Fuck. Why couldn't he have just slid in a letter or something like the rest of her admirers? Was embarrassing her like this in the cafeteria necessary?
"I cannot believe this nerd just asked Y/n out!" A guy shook his head before the whole cafeteria started to buzz with whispers.
"Hey boy!" Hyunjin fell to the floor when a muscular guy from the table, who always followed Y/n around like a dog, suddenly got up, pissed. "Get the fuck back! Why're you embarrassing her?!" Grabbing a carton of juice her angrily splashed it at Hyunjin's face. "Is this your little attempt at making her a laughing stock or what?! You know damn well people like her don't go with people like us!"
Everyone started laughing at Hyunjin, pointing at him while ridiculing him, causing tears to form under his juice covered spectacles, only getting further ruined when a girl from the table tossed her lunch on him. But none of that humiliation could have broken his heart as much as when Y/n got up without sparing him another glance, picking her bag up before leaving the cafeteria in anger and embarrassment.
"Who the fuck does that girl think she is?" Minho spat in pure hatred as Hyunjin finally went to sleep in his room, the rest of the boys now downstairs in his living room. "I knew she was a self proclaimed Princess and all but this?!" It was already really hard to impress the boy and this had angered him.
They had scooped a crying and heartbroken Hyunjin up from the cafeteria, the muscular guy insulting them as well as he 'advised' them to bring Hyunjin off his little cloud. Then they'd brought the boy home on short leave before forcing him to shower and then he just shut off, collapsing on the bed before going to sleep.
"These popular people are ruthless…" Changbin sighed, tiredly relaxing on the couch.
"They're nobody's. Changing groups is nothing to them. Friends don't mean anything to them neither do feelings. If you're popular, they're your friend. But if you're not, you don't matter as a person." Chan shook his head in distaste, all of them hurt for their friend.
"You're right." Jeongin agreed.
"Guys…" Seungmin, who was the only one that hadn't spoken until now ever since the incident sounded, raising his head. "I… have a plan."
Y/n slowly raised to consciousness, blinking and groaning when she didn't recognize her surroundings, feeling a painful bound around her wrists as her ankles burned too. "W- What the…" She tried to speak, blinking as the girl tried to recall her recent memories, gasping once she remembered. Oh yes. She was in the parking lot of the school, walking to her car when she felt someone grab her from behind before a wet, funny smelling towel was pressed to her mouth.
"I- Is someone h- here…?" She whispered, throat painfully dry. "Hello…?" Her voice broke. "H- Help! Someone… h- help!" Y/n's body slowly started to fill with panic as she tried to struggle, realising that she was in a basement, placed on a chair whilst her hands were cuffed and legs were tied to a damn spreaderbar.
"Nobody will help you so I suggest you stop that pathetic little screaming already, Princess." Felix spoke as him and all the boys except Hyunjin entered he basement, smirking at her panicked state.
"Oh look who's awake!" Changbin ridiculed with a mocking smile.
"Tsk. Do you even deserve the 'help' that you oh so desperately want?" Han was disgusted with her as he glared at her.
"Y- YOU- WHO ARE YOU?! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" Y/n yelled at them, trying to break out of her restraints pathetically, trying to recognise them before realising in despair that she didn't know any of these nerves. "LET ME GO! OR YOU'LL GO TO JAIL- AHHH!" The males laughed at her when she fell off the chair, falling on her face as her skirt flew up.
"We will go to jail?!" Woojin raised an eyebrow as he crouched in front of her. "When disgusting whores like you get to roam around freely?!" Pulling his hand back, the boy slapped her across the face, making her cry out.
"Uhuhuh~" Chan shook his head as he sat on the chair and pulled her back by the spreader bar. "Now, now, Woojin. Little girls shouldn't be hit like that." Before the stronger one of them all picked the girl up by the spreader bar, all of them laughing at the humiliating sight since her skirt was up all the way. "This is how brats are supposed to be handled." Laying her over his knees, Chan landed a smack on Y/n's ass, making her legs kick in pain as she tried to struggle but it was literally impossible.
"Do you think you even deserve to struggle?! After you've been so disgusting and rightfully deserving of this punishment?!" Minho slapped her jiggling ass now, not one of them willing to get effected even though she was a living breathing female with a gorgeous body and they were all inexperienced virgins. Why? Because she was Hyunjin's.
His little Princess.
"O- OKAY PLEASE S- STOP! PLEASE! I WON'T TELL THE COPS! JUST STOP! PLEASE!" The girl started begging now, making them chuckle at her, the rest landing smacks on her ass now as Chan manhandled her struggle, not allowing her to move one bit. "P- PLEASE! O- OUCH!"
"You popular people are so pathetic. Acting all mighty but actually not capable of anything." Jeongin shook his head in disdain.
"Oh it's not just that reason but one of the many behind these popular kids being pathetic!" Han smacked the back of her head, enjoying how she shook under them.
"Hyunjin better punish her well! Tsk! He was just trying to ask you on a date! With all due respect!" Changbin pulled at her hair.
"And you treated her like he disrespected you or something." Seungmin shook his head in disgust.
"How do you like it now, huh?" Felix suddenly splashed ice cold water on her face, causing her to cry out as he ignored her begs, a cold expression on his face.
The boys were ignoring her constant pleads and cries, laughing and spanking her before a voice came from upstairs, a shadow forming on the stairs. "... Guys?" It had been 2 days since the whole incident, Hyunjin was slowly recovering. "W- What are you doin-" the boy's eyes widened as he moved further down, his legs going shaky at the sight before him.
"I- Is that… WHAT THE HECK?!" Rushing the rest of the way to Chan, Hyunjin crouched down in front of him, moving the weeping girl's hair out of the way. "IS T- THAT Y/-" gasping loudly, the boy looked around at his friends, getting angry at the sight of her red face with her skirt resting on her back, limbs tied up tightly. "WHAT ARE YOU-- LET HER GO!" Getting up on his feet, he tried to fight Chan, being pushed back by Han and Changbin as he tried to reach Y/n.
"Don't you remember how you were insulted for literally only trying to ask the girl you like out?!" Felix yelled over the commotion he was making with Han and Changbin.
"We are not your enemies!" Han panted heavily, having a hard time pushing the bigger boy back.
"They dumped food on you! Pushed you to the ground! Made fun of you! The whole cafeteria laughed at you!" Minho added in to the fire, frustrated from how fucking whipped their friend pathetically was.
"B- But that's n- not Y/n's f- fault!" Hyunjin wavered, biting his lip as his heart started thumping.
"Yes it fucking is!" Seungmin shot at him. "You think anyone would have dared done anything had she not done that pathetic cute little act before walking out on her Princess heals like that?" Hyunjin blinked at them and then at her struggling and crying form, his fresh wounds cutting open once again as he remembered all of it. Pushing Han and Changbin away, the boy walked closer to her now, crouching in front of Chan as he tucked some of her hair behind her ear.
"H- HYUNJIN PLEASE! PLEASE! I DIDN'T EVEN SAY ANYTHING! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! PLEASE!" His heart flurttered from how his name rolled off her tongue, throat getting dry. Oh how he'd wished to hear her say his name.
"Yes, you did." Reaching for her ass, Hyunjin placed his shaking and sweaty hand over it, feeling it up before he groped it, instantly getting hard. "Yes, you did. You allowed them to treat me like that." Y/n was shaking her head repeatedly and he grew frustrated, slapping her already spanked cheek. "Don't lie… baby. I fucking hate it when people do that."
Getting up, he started undoing his belt before he could stop himself, pulling it out the hoops before doubling it and bringing it to her ass, feeling a strange kind of satisfaction from her cry of pain. "All I asked was a question. I never stepped past my boundaries…" Going for her beautiful sit spots now, Hyunjin forced himself to not drool before he made her scream again. "And you had them humiliate me like that as if I did something disrespectful… tsk…" Y/n was shaking in Chan's hold as she hysterically cried from the pain, shock and terror. "And now I have no choice but to humiliate you back, huh?"
"Exactly, good little girls don't behave like that at all." Jeongin shook his head, making Hyunjin look up at all of them, a new kind of darkness in his eyes.
"Get out." That was enough to make them all empty the basement of his house as his parents were never home, taking Y/n from Chan before he followed others and closed the door behind them. "Had you not done that disgusting little act, you wouldn't have been humiliated like this, baby." The girl trembled as he sat in the chair, throwing the belt away.
"H- Hyunjin, p- please… I am sorry…"
"Sorry doesn't cut it, I am afraid, darling." Affectionately brushing her hair out of her pretty face, Hyunjin admired her beautiful features that were currently swollen and red, pressing his lips to her nose. "Not when you're looking so beautiful like this with your ass tight in this lace underwear, baby." The girl felt a shudder go down his spine as he caressed and groped her ass to soothe the pain. "I hope you didn't let them see too much, huh? You're all mine."
Y/n let out a weak little whimper when he placed her on the ground, spreading the bar which forcefully held her legs open, causing him to get even more hard from the sight. "I wasn't planning this, Princess. But now that you're here…" Hyunjin's voice was dangerously low as he opened his pants, hurriedly tugging them down along his boxers and allowing his hard cock go spring out.
"W- Wait!" The girl tried to look behind her as she was on her chest. "What are you d- doing?!" Her time was alert and alarmed, breaths heavy.
"What am I doing?" Raising an eyebrow, Hyunjin wiped the sweat off his forehead and pushed his hair back that was heavily sweating, adjusting his spectacles as he crouched behind her. "What do you fucking think?" As Y/n slowly realised what was about to take place, her struggles became frequent and loud once again, begging him to stop. "Tsk… sorry but I don't listen to nasty little whores. I bet you're not even a virgin despite barely being 18, huh?" Grabbing her panties, Hyunjin ripped them off, leaning down to kiss and lick at her bruised ass, the marks caused by his belt and his friends -which he wasn't so happy about- making his cock twitch as the tip grazed against the soft skin of her sitspots, causing the girl to shudder.
"H- Hyunji--"
"Just shut up already, Y/n-ah…" His fingers started to graze against her squishy pussy lips that were leaking. "You're leaking so much… Tsk… is it one of your fetishes? Being punished by your… owner and his friends? Was that maybe why you overacted so much on the situation? Purposefully acting out… perhaps?" The girl could only pathetically cry in response, hating how his finger pushed in her pussy lips, the spreader bar forcing her to open up as his index finger slowly rubbed her up and down.
"So what if a… nerd likes a popular girl? Must it be so complicated? Must it always be so fucking stereotypical? Why? Are we not humans?" His nail prodded against her opening slowly that he wasn't honestly sure was even her opening, looking down to make sure he wasn't doing anything wrong, his only knowledge all the porn he'd watched. "Why am I treated like trash, huh?" A gasp left Y/n when his finger suddenly slid in her cunt, slowly pumping up and down. "Just because I wear spectacles for my bad eyesight and am good at studying? Is that so bad, huh?!"
"N- No! No! Please!"
"Yes… yes…" Hyunjin slowly spoke, rage filling him now as he smacked her ass with his free hand again, continuing to finger her. "That's exactly what it is. I am trash because I am better than you, right? You popular kids are nothing but pathetic little disgusting insecure jealous shits." Adding another finger inside her, Hyunjin scissored her walls and prepared her for his surprisingly big cock.
"And do you know what should happen to disgusting little kids like you?" Gripping his cock with one hand, the boy started to piss on her red ass, making it burn before he pulled his fingers out of her, getting her shirt out of the way and spraying some on her back too, making her squeal loudly in disgust, trying to get away. "They should know their place and be kept in it. All of you should have an owner like me to make you learn."
Shaking his head at her crying, the male pushed his still leaking length in her hole, moaning and grunting at how tight but pleasurable it really was, spreading the bar to it's highest limit before gripping her thighs, his lips falling open at how good it felt. "N- No!" Hyunjin grunted and turned her around on his cock. "I want to see you as I fuck into you and claim you! You're all mine!"
Starting to fuck her hard and rough, the boy reached over and kissed her swells, using one of his hands to rip her bra off. "Fuck…" Hyunjin couldn't believe the beautiful sight before him. "You're so beautiful, Y/n…" He complemented, genuinely affectionate. "Truly… both up here" he finally kissed her lips, moaning at the taste of her raspberry chapstick. "And down here" the boy kissed both of her adorable little fat tits, licking at the nipple and giggling when they hardened. "It really happens in real life!" He excitedly remarked, twitching inside her, already close from all that he got to see.
"I am lucky I have friends that care for me" his hips were moving at a quick pace, Hyunjin's cock bulging against the skin of her stomach, it's shape and movement easy to make out as he used her as a literal sock. "Because I was planning to give up on you. The last 3 days have been so hard. I was starting to believe that maybe there really was no way. That maybe all pretty and popular girls have to go to the cocky muscular jerk that just plays them, makes them cry. Maybe guys like me are always nothing but a mat for Princess' to wipe their feet on." He couldn't help but softly smack her face, pulling at her hair before biting down at her neck to leave marks.
"H- Hyunjin… p- please sto-"
The boy sighed in disappointment at her whisper, shaking his head before pinching her nipple and kissing her again. "No, baby. No. You'll be good and behave. If you don't behave, I promise this will go on and on. There is no way out of this unless you act good. Like a good little Princess." Kissing her lips again, Hyunjin finally managed to push his balls in, collapsing against her as his own sweat fell on the glass of his spectacles. "M- My little Princess. I've always liked you in silence. Ever since Kindergarten. But I won't anymore. You will be mine now that we are of age."
Y/n could only shudder as she felt him cum deep inside her, kissing her lips again as he went motionless, holding her as tight to himself as he could.
It went on for another two hours, Hyunjin losing a track of just how many times he came deep inside her, fucking her in unconsciousness too as she helplessly dozed off and woke up again before she agreed. She will be a good girl. For him.
That was the only way.
Y/n didn't really go to school after that incident, the prom approaching just 3 days later. "You look absolutely stunning, Princess." Hyunjin's voice rang in his bedroom and from behind Y/n as she stared at herself in the mirror.
"Ehhh~ s- stop…" The girl whimpered out, blushing as she lowered her head and turned around, slowly reaching him before she nuzzled her face in arm shyly, not even looking at him. "I- I don't."
"Yes, you do" the boy's eyebrows furrowed as he softly grasped her wrist, tightening his hold on it possessively. "You're the prettiest Princess to ever exist. And you look so beautiful in this moment that my heart might just stop" gripping her ass that was locked in a chastity, Hyunjin pulled her closer, growling lowly before he gripped her chin and forcefully kissed her.
"I- I love how I c- can be at my utmost c- comfort with you…" She whispered, so glad that she was in a comfortable dress that she liked and not a high-end extremely revealing dress that she didn't even like deep down but wore it for the name and price, being uncomfortable in it the whole time. Before her eyebrows furrowed because he wasn't wearing his spectacles.
Her pussy shivered from just how Hyunjin kept her in her little place as well.
"That is a normal feeling for those surrounded by people that actually care for them and not their status, Angel." Y/n sighed and nodded slowly, knowing he was right. She knew her friends were fake and bitched behind her back. Of course she did. "Now…" He heavily sighed and moved past her and towards the dressing table. "Let's get those uncomfortable and irritating contacts in."
Y/n quickly reached him, stopping his hand from grabbing the container before she reached for his spectacles resting not so far away, unfolding them before resting them on his nose and pushing them up. "Must the nerd always change for the girl he likes?" A bright smile made its way on his face at her words, chucking deeply before he nodded and kissed her forehead appreciatively. "What you did was wrong but I was no good either. Thank you, Hyunjin. Please always keep me as your little Princess. It's the only time I wanna be a Princess honestly."
His heart was fluttering. "That is the only thing you were born to be, Angel." She giggled at his words before stopping, realising that he was serious and gulping at his serious expression.
"Y- Yes, Hyunjin…" She felt so damn small. Fuck. Fiddling with jacket, Y/n sneakily looked up at the handsome boy. "I- I've been g- good, right Hyunjin?"
His hands toyed with her ass as he swayed them side by side slowly. "Hmm…?"
"T- Then… w- will you please m- make me feel g- good?" Her locked pussy was leaking.
A deep chuckle left him. "Hmm. Maybe?" When the girl whined and pouted softly, Hyungjin gripped her hair and pulled her face closer before kissing her deeply. "Behave tonight and I'll consider, alright?" Before both of them left to prom.
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1kook · 3 years
card swiped (4)
→ jeon jungkook x (f) reader
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→ “I’ve known Jungkook was a virgin since he first tried to tell me he wasn’t,” you tell him, arms crossed over your chest. “I’m pretty sure everyone knows.” GENRE romance (romcom?), eventual smut, teensy angst WARNING mentions of a hand job, talk of virginity OTHER college crushes, volleyball player!jk, student council president!oc, idiots to lovers, besties to lovers, childhood friends au RATING m (18+) bc brief sex ment WC 1.6k
NOTES (!) sorry for taking so long to update </3 school be kicking my ass. anyway here they are! an idiot couple. lmk what u think!!
[ masterlist ] 
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In the past, whenever something had bothered you, the first person you ran to was Jungkook. Low grades, fights with your parents, boy drama— as your best friend and number one confidant, Jungkook was always your first choice. He was always willing to lend you a shoulder to cry on, even if that meant staining his white t-shirts with streaks of your mascara. He was always ready to go beat up a mean boy who had hurt your feelings during lunch, even if he’d miss his favorite special. And he was always down for some good old fashion i hate my parents ranting, even if he adored your parents. He was a great listener, an even better best friend, and had rightfully won you over from a very young age. 
That being said, how were you supposed to talk to Jungkook about something that bothered you when that something was him? 
You could easily tell any of your numerous girl friends, those of which would probably understand your predicament better than Jungkook or any man ever could. But after years of vehemently denying any notion of a romantic relationship between the two of you, you get the feeling your call for help will be met with more unimpressed glares than actual assistance. Besides, as much as you bring up Jungkook, none of them really know Jungkook to truly offer you any worthwhile advice. 
Your next option: Kim Taehyung. Now, Kim Taehyung held a similar background as Jungkook (translation: he also went to the same high school as you). He knows both you and Jungkook—frankly, more than you’d like him to—so he would be able to dissect the issue easily and offer trustworthy advice. The problem with Kim Taehyung, however, is that aside from knowing you at your embarrassingly dorky teenage prime, he doesn’t know how to keep a secret. Anything he knows, Jungkook knows. So if you were to, hypothetically, ask Taehyung for advice on Jungkook, well. Chances are, you’d probably get a rather confused text from Jungkook two minutes later. 
Which leaves you with one option— Park Jimin. There’s a reason Park Jimin isn’t your first option, and that reason presents itself now as you glare at him from across the empty room. For as long as you’ve been in university, Jimin has always lingered around the student council meetings, giving everyone he sees the prettiest, meanest stink-eye. You suspect it’s because he waits around for Min Yoongi, your Vice President (which isn’t an issue; Jungkook also frequents student council meetings while waiting for you), and doesn’t really care for anyone else. Your problem with Jimin doesn’t lie there but rather with the fact he’s adamant on taking up space and not lending so much as a finger to help. 
Today he is sitting with his feet on the table, dirty volleyball bag tossed on the floor. He’s watched you for the last fifteen minutes wrestle with the broken copy machine and hasn’t said a word since. He pretends he doesn’t see you struggling, because if he does, he’d be obligated to help you. 
To summarize, Park Jimin may be the fastest libero your university’s volleyball team has seen in years, but he’s a good-for-nothing bum everywhere else. 
And despite all that, he’s your best choice. There’s no one quite as blunt and honest as Park Jimin. There’s no one in this world who truly doesn’t care enough about anyone’s problems to gossip about them as Park Jimin. You plop down beside him, rumpled papers in hand. Without warning, you jump straight into it. “Jungkook is going to take my virginity,” you announce, like it’s the most casual thing in the world. If any of your fellow student council members heard you, you’re certain you’d shrivel up and die. 
Jimin hums. “That’s nice.” His eyes don’t leave his phone, thumb hovering over his screen. It’s a testament to how much he truly does not care. His extended silence plants a seed of doubt in you— was this the right person to tell? you begin to worry. But after a beat, Jimin’s thumb taps against his screen and he says, “Jungkook is a virgin.” 
You clench your jaw. “I know.” 
The thing about Jimin is, with the right wording, you can get him interested in something. Not interested enough to genuinely care, but interested enough to at least listen and offer his own piece of straightforward advice. His thumb comes to a standstill over his phone, eyes momentarily going blank. It’s a minute gesture, one that’s taken you four years of paying attention to catch. Just as quickly as it appears, it’s gone. “Really,” Jimin sighs, back to, you now realize, playing CandyCrush on his phone. “You’re gonna let a virgin take your virginity.”
Not a question, but you nod anyway. “Yup.” 
There’s sweat building on the back of your neck, nerves at an all time high, but you’re trying to play it off. Just a little bit more and you know you’ll have caught him. Beside you, Jimin’s jaw twitches. 
Finally, after what seems like an eternity of trying to act calm, Jimin clicks his phone off and turns to you. He’s as intimidating as ever, ash blonde hair pushed back today to reveal his forehead and dark eyes. “You’ve known Jungkook was a virgin this whole time?” he asks, has this calculating look in his eyes that makes you feel like you’re being questioned by an officer of the law and not the shortest person on the volleyball team. 
With a practiced air of nonchalance, you shrug. “I have,” you confess, and it’s the truth. 
While you may have been initially fooled that night two years ago, you weren’t that oblivious. Oh, you knew clear as day that Jeon Jungkook was still a virgin, just as well as you knew that he religiously washed his sheets every weekend or that he had a specific color coded system for his underwear drawer. Jungkook was a fool to try and lie to you, not only because you had found out, but because you had found out that very next morning. 
It had been subtle. The night at the party, you had watched on with a throbbing heartache as some pretty girl led Jungkook up a set of stairs, had barely fought off a wave of emotion when he returned twenty minutes later, his hair a rumpled mess. “Did you… ?” you had mumbled, pressed closely against him by the back door. Your eyes had been glassy, from your emotions and from the drunken stupor you had gotten yourself into while he was away, wondering what he was doing. A sense of jealousy you would never admit to had curled around your heart. His hand had landed on your hip then. He smelled like flowers and vanilla, a smell unlike his own. Your heart clenched, hand mindlessly reaching up to cup his jaw, so drunk and heartbroken, you couldn’t stop yourself from trailing your fingers along his pretty cheekbones. 
Jungkook had graced you with a simple nod, and then, “do you wanna leave now?” 
You’d left, stumbling down Greek road on your way back to his dorm. Jungkook had held your hand the whole way, tucked you into his twin bed, and then promptly knocked out on the floor between his and Taehyung’s beds. The latter was nowhere to be found, wouldn’t appear until the next morning when he’d accidentally step on Jungkook’s ankle and wake both of you up. 
Jungkook had yelped, and your eyes had fluttered open. You remember debating rolling over, checking on him like you wanted to, but Taehyung was already there doing just that. So you had laid still instead, listened as the two boys clattered around the room. They chatted mindlessly, about the party and tomorrow’s practice. Taehyung had been bragging about some girl he’d slept with last night. “What about you?” he had asked, and your breath caught in your throat. “Did you and…”—a pause, the distinct ruffle of fabric—“finally?” 
“What— no,” Jungkook had said, and you felt the bed dip as he sat down on the edge beside you.
Taehyung pushed on with a snort. “Well, did you get lucky at all?”
Jungkook groaned, placed one warm hand on your back soothingly. You tried your best to level out your breathing, relaxed your facial expression as you clung to the sound of his voice. “Just a handjob. Some girl I didn’t even know. Does that count?” You could hear your heartbeat in your ears, felt it beneath your fingertips when you fisted the sheets. 
And that curt admission sat in the back of your mind everyday for two years. 
You turn to Jimin. “I’ve known Jungkook was a virgin since he first tried to tell me he wasn’t,” you tell him, arms crossed over your chest. “I’m pretty sure everyone knows.”
Jimin lets out a low whistle. “You’re smarter than I thought,” he grins, this conniving little smile that is a genuine cause for concern. “So you’re letting him think you don’t know?” You nod. Jimin’s smile grows. “My, my. If I had known you were this evil, maybe we would’ve hung out more.” 
You roll your eyes. “I’m not evil,” you insist, flicking him on the nose. Jimin huffs indignantly. “I think what he’s doing is sweet…” you confess, feel your entire body heat up as you recall that wide-eyed look Jungkook had given you just yesterday afternoon, your kiss print fresh on his cheek. “And, well,” you look down at your shoes. “I used to dream about him being my first.” 
Jimin groans. “You two make me sick.”
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Copyright © 2021, 1kook on tumblr. absolutely NO reposts allowed.
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jiminrings · 3 years
can we get a fratboy Jimin and good girl oc with pinning from both sides 👀 ahhhh thank u in advance love ur writing!!
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cherry king
drabble week: day four
drabble week masterlist
pairing: fratboy!jimin x goody two-shoes!reader
wordcount: 3k
glimpse: "y-you uhm, you-? y'know, you like... doing that? is that why it's your nickname?"
feedback + support mean the world to me!!
great!! the line’s moving :D
that’s only like the 87th time jimin has heard the word next and it makes him wonder how much more would it take him to bring him to the front
(it’s actually only been 14 times and jimin might just be a self-admitted impatient bitch!!!)
he understands that yes, it’s ten in the evening!!! and reasonably-large stores/pharmacies like these can have less staff at the time compared to ten in the morning
sure, checkout machines and cashier lanes could be broken down!! or they could just not be open at all
jimin gets that alright, maybe the self-checkout machines are close at this time of the night because it is ten in the evening
what’s not clicking in his mind, however is that at the exact time that he comes here
as in the EXACT time that he’s here (!!!) — there happens to be dozens of people in a store at ten in the evening, and there happens to be a grand total of one (1) cashier lane
atleast random store music would be entertaining :((( all he hears are the beeps of a scanner and the chatter of groups of people who came here
jimin was eavesdropping on some guys in front of him and he wAS invested but lmao turns they were just discussing the plot of die hard or any testosterone-jacked movie like it
he’s also tried looking at the smaller middle-aged woman’s phone in front of him who’s scrolling through her facebook feed, but quickly decides against continuing it
because what if u could see his face and when she turns it off, she’d see a college guy deeply-invested in the baloney article she was reading about how subway sandwiches are the work of the devil
so uh yeah he’s just looking everywhere besides the front, back, and the sides of him and in all angles basically
he’s,,,,, aimlessly scrolling through his instagram feed he’s already scrolled through tHREE times and his explore’s page a little too dry
it’s a good thing that jimin’s entirely sure he’s the nosiest person out of this line and no one else is trying to figure him out
might be wrong though
“cherry king?”
hold the fuck on
jimin’s eyes widen, head snapping up and clueless to the fact that he doesn’t look discreet at all, and his head-cocking’s the most movement he’s done the whole time in this store
it can’t be a coincidence either because as far as he’s concerned, there isn’t anything named cherry king that’s being sold here
there is literally NO other plausible scenario happening here besides the fact that someone who knows him is in the store!!!!
his gaze falls to the person behind him, brows knitted in confusion until it clicks
that was you?
“jimin? huh, it really is you. i thought i was losing my mind for a second.”
okay maybe hE’S the one who’s losing his mind here
he knows you!! you’re the smart girl in his year who’s known for being pristine and stuff!! you’re like the good-est girl he’s ever known and heard of
.... quick question lads is that weird to know someone by
“you could’ve just called me by my name, y’know,” jimin chuckles heartily, still a little dumbfounded to see you here but he’s grateful for the interaction nonetheless
you look casual today?? like you still look like yourself but everyone else would think it’s an out-of-body experience to see you out of your pretty dresses and monochromatic get-ups
it’s you..,.. in a hoodie three sizes larger than your size with your pristine shoes traded in for socked-feet wearing slides
jimin thinks that you look like grace under pressure
“i wasn’t sure,” you smile right back and it’s the first time he realizes that there’s glasses atop your nosebridge, softening your image more from the usual composed look you carried
“how were you sure enough to say my nickname out-loud though?”
jimin questions you, bringing light to how he’s wearing a plain white shirt and is looking as relaxed as ever with how he’s dressed — his hair long enough to be put into a messy sprout of a bun
you clear your throat, the amusement bubbling in your scratchy throat
“you have yourself as your lockscreen, jimin.”
oh my gOD
he winces when you say it, eyes screwing shut in embarrassment that he whines in pain with how direct you put it
“n-no way — fuck you respectfully, y/n. i-i’m not- i’m changing it right now!!”
does he look the vainest person alive rn
the way he has a mini freakout entertains you to your core, giggles unable to be suppressed as he finds the latest-taken picture he has of dogs that he comes across with
that’s 10/10 an experience he doesn’t want to repeat again
“it’s okay. i won’t tell anyone.”
he hears you reassure and he believes you, a flustered blush on his cheek still as he coughs to make up for a diversion topic he couldn’t think of
frankly, you’re getting bored too and jimin’s the only form of entertainment you have because using your phone atm would be too disorienting
“what are you doing here, by the way?”
your head tilts in query and he’s relieved that you address something else, not being relieved seconds later when he realizes his answer
“just a little supply run for our frat. we weren’t supposed to run out of things for three more days, so this is just a lil emergency haul for awhile.”
you nod in understanding, glancing down at his basket and uh
uhm 1/4 of the space is literally occupied by boxes of condoms
jimin’s confused to why you turn silent, thinking that he must’ve gotten boring to continue talking to until he follows your gaze to his basket
NO WAY?!]>|>]%%[%]%]
“i-it’s not l-like that!!!” he crouches and immediately gets the food and the bottles of shampoo and conditioner to bury the condoms in the bottom of the pile, attractively getting more attention from you who’s ready to let it go
“i-it’s not — it’s ours — n-no!! t-they just gave me a list and i just put it because it’s on the list b-but like it wasn’t my-...”
how many more times will the universe fuck jimin up in front of the person he has a lil happy crush on
you only smile meekly, tilting your head and he thinks this is the part where you tell him how much of a douche he is
"y-you uhm, you-? y'know, you like... doing that? is that why it's your nickname?"
“t-that?” jimin clarified albeit confused, thinking back to his nickname as he tries to rapidly connect the dots to not look like a fool
cherry king? that?? what do you-
“nO!! o-of course not!!”
he almost shrieks and his voice sounds ultimately defensive, shaking his head no
why does he look so frantic
“hey, hey, i believe you! — calm down, jimin. you don’t have to explain anything to me.”
but he argues that it iS the truth though!!!
but why won’t you just ask him why he’s called cherry king though >:(
you’re already content with the silence after the conversation but he isn’t, still wanting more
is it so bad that he wants redemption D:
“how about you? what are you doing here?”
you don’t answer instantly and it’s because you’re nudging jimin to continually walk, the cashier looking much more visible now as he’s nearer in line
he takes a look at the handful of things that’s in your basket —
electrolytes, hot pockets, soup, cup noodles and fever patches...?
“oh. i think i’m running a fever.”
what are you doing here aLONE if you think you’re running a fever???
he’s not gonna lie about the fact that you don’t look too good
what if you pass out and no one’s there for you and all the graveyard shift employees do is put a wet floor sign around your figure???
“y/n?? what are you doing here alone then?? are you oUT of your mind??”
the panic in jimin’s voice is clear as day and you’re a little startled, instead responding to tapping him on the shoulder to point that he’s already the one on the cashier
what he does is grab your basket before he is, putting it in front of the conveyor belt because he couldn’t even wait for it to roll out
“i said i think i’m running a fever.”
jimin stops from simultaneously rummaging for his rewards card and putting his items on the counter to unceremoniously drop the box of condoms down jUST to put his hand on your forehead
“you are.”
you surely don’t think low of jimin but you can’t help be surprised either at his concern for you when this is the only time you’ve had a conversation with him!!!
“you drove here?” he asks in seriousness, sending you a look while waiting for the total amount
“walked. the airconditioning makes me even more sick,” you answer with no fuss because even thinking about car fresheners while you’re sporting a fever makes you want to gag. “let me-...”
jimin already pays for both your items in cash, getting them bagged separately as he’s not gonna take no for an answer for what he’s gonna propose next
“then i’ll keep the windows down. i’ll drive you back to your dorm.”
he grabs both your bags in one hand and uses the other to beckon you over, holding you still because it’s dark out and a fever vision wouldn’t exactly help
it’s only when he straps you in and (true to his word) puts the windows down and starts his car that you start asking
“why are you doing this for me?”
why IS he doing this for you??
jimin thinks about his answer in a second
“would you do the same for me?”
if you were in front of him at a godforsaken line, had yourself as your lockscreen, realize that jimin’s behind you with a fever and is by himself in a store at 10 in the evening
“of course i would.”
jimin smiles, steering away from his parking spot
“then i would too.”
( ♡ )
maybe you’re thinking of jimin
no wait you’re dEFINITELY thinking of jimin
you’re much better now and your fever’s already subsided enough for you to go back to class!!!
the whole interaction with him was three days ago and maybe your head is just full of him at this point
“are you sure you’re okay to handle this by yourself??”
jimin worries when he drops your bag to your hands, briefly coming inside your dorm to set it down
“mhmm. i’ll just sleep it out.”
“i think if you’re missing a couple of steps.”
you snort as his paranoid features, waving him off. “i’ll eat. then go to the bathroom. and then sleep.”
okay good enough
“what if this just-“ jimin trails off, his expansive mind suddenly running as he points to your chest, “stops????”
“i have a smart watch.”
“would you put me as one of the emergency contacts? please?”
he’s making you take down his number without malice because jeez he’s gENUINELY worried!!!!
it may not always be great sharing a house with his frat brothers, but he knows that if he has a fever, atleast half of them would dote over him and you have atleast one who would go into hysterics!!! it’e a full package!!
“i’ll be okay, jimin. i’ll call you when i need someone to hand me my puke bucket.”
“please do. i’m not even kidding. get better now because i miss your dresses.”
“n-no i meant your usual style!! wait, not that there’s anything wrong w-with your style right now. i-i was-...”
“yeah. i miss them too. now go home, jimin.”
“you sure?”
u never really had the impulse to invite a guy to go inside your place but maybe now you do
“mhmm. drive safe.”
“good night, y/n. call me whenever.”
classes were a bit rough today because you’re still easing yourself on getting back to the groove of things, but it was tolerable!!!
you’re getting your key out of your backpack when a lock clicks open a couple doors away from you, the hinge noisily squeaking
it’s jimin who leaves it, with seri who’s the actual occupant of the dorm leaning on the doorframe
he squeaks the moment his eyes land on you
your hand automatically waves, the same meek smile for him to see
( ♡ )
the last interaction you had with him is still on jimin’s mind, a whole week later
it’s been bothering him recently that you know what it looks like the last time around!!!! but he could swear up and down that it wasn’t
he just feels this great urge to explain even if you haven’t asked
“oh. so we have to move out for the time-being?”
jimin clarifies with namjoon, the head of the frat, and he’s met with a solemn nod
it makes sense!!!
the house got checked today and there were mULTIPLE fire hazards!!! and it needs to be fumigated anyway under new campus protocol so it indeed makes sense
practically everyone's going home because it’s a long weekend anyway because of a holiday
and he’s not sure if he wants to take the same route.
jimin squeaks the moment you open your door, surprise evident on your face but not shock to the point you’d close the door on him
okay maybe he’s gonna go straight to explaining
“frat house needed to be closed because of some complications, and it wouldn’t be open to us for another three days. most of the guys are coming home,” jimin clears his throat, his head down while he shyly scratches the back of his ear, “i have one, but i’m not sure if i wanna.”
it’s that problem
it takes one, two seconds before it all registers in your head, nodding surely
“you can take my bed. i’ll take the couch, it’s a pull-out anyways.”
you open the door for him widely and the only thing you ask if he’s had dinner and if he’d like some
god you’re really throwing him in a loop here
it’s after a batch of your cooking that jimin’s only ache is why you were the way that you were, half-dazed the whole time he’s met you properly
“why do you never ask me?”
“hmm?” you hum as you dry the dishes that you’ve used, wanting to get it done as soon as possible so your full attention would be on him
no, actually. jimin WANTS you to pry!!
he wants you to worm your way into his privacy and into the confines of his mind
but it seems like you’ve already did without even asking.
“ask me why i’m called the cherry king.”
you tilt your head in confusion, that time playing in your head of why jimin looked confused when you didn’t continue to ask further
maybe you’ll indulge him
“why are you called the cherry king?”
jimin smiles, leaning to your couch with his arms relaxed
“we did secret santa for christmas at our frat house. taehyung thought it would be nice if he pranked me by gifting me a jar full of cherries, but i thought that was his actual gift, and i liked it to the point that i finished it in one sitting.”
cute, even
“ask me why i came out of seri’s apartment last week.”
oh that’s.,.,. that’s a bit higher in level compared to nicknames
“why did you come out of seri’s apartment last week?”
“because seri’s the ex-girlfriend of hoseok, my frat brother, and he wanted me to return all her stuff because he doesn’t want to be reminded of his cheating ex.”
well that was definitely weighted
jimin plays with the hem of his shirt, the words tumbling out of his mouth
“ask me why i love you.”
why do you wHAT
your mouth drops open, the new position you took on the other end of the couch taking an impact on him
“w-why do you love me?”
jimin’s a lot of things but he’s not drunk tonight
he doesn’t know why he’s letting his feelings slip either, but it’s the bottomless need that he feels when he’s around you
“i feel wanted. i feel needed.”
he smiles cheerfully even if he feels shy dropping this on you all of a sudden
“not sure if you want me nor need me, but i feel welcome with you if that makes sense.”
“you just make me feel loved, i guess.”
jimin looks at you for the first time since he’s opened his mouth, an equally fond look on your face
you said no words but what jimin receives is a gentle tug, your hand on the side of his face until he’s leaning on your shoulder
“i wanna know what's up there.”
he points a finger to your temple, an amused lilt to his tone, “surprise me.”
it’s an unfolding of things that was weeks in the making but months in developing, the distant glances leading you to recognize jimin in the shop in the first place
“i feel the exact same with you,” you answer honestly and it makes his laugh from his chest, his cheeks warm and his heart content
and you just wanna suspend yourselves in this moment forever
“oh! and if i were to lose my virginity to anyone at the moment, it'd be you!!”
jimin swats at your shoulder to which you only giggle at, a toothy smile on display as this is the warmest he’s ever felt
“i wasn’t kidding!!!”
you yawn when you defend yourself, predicting that you’d fall asleep sooner or later on the couch, but for the time-being, you just stroke jimin’s hair to soothe the both of you
jimin is now the furthest thing from sleepy
"what? you told me to surprise you!!"
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moodymelanist · 3 years
One Thousand Followers Celebration
okay I’m honestly kind of shook that we’re even here but thank you to everyone who’s a part of our little corner of the fandom. I love you all so so much and I’m so happy to be here ❤️ most people requested something cute and fluffy so here’s Cassian being drunk and and Nesta comes to get him. I hope you all enjoy!! 💘💘💘
feel free to read it on AO3 here too!
word count: 2975
Nesta was halfway through her latest read when her phone started buzzing incessantly. It was just getting to the good part, where the main couple started to realize maybe there was something more between them than burning hatred, and she didn’t want to put it down. Frankly, it reminded her of her own love story, but she’d never admit that to anyone out loud.
She was forced to look away when her phone was vibrating so constantly with texts she thought someone was calling her. Sighing, she reached for her phone, unlocking it only to see her husband had sent her almost twenty messages.
Cassian, 11:52 PM
I love yiu sooooo muche
Youe so pretty
I weish u were here
everyons laufghint at me but i miss u
are u ignoringme for a book agwain
did i tell u i luv u td
wait its ok I ddid
i want a kiss when i see u ok
The remaining messages were a jumble of Spanish and English words mixed together, and while she had a working knowledge of Spanish, she didn’t know it well enough to even attempt to decipher what he was trying to tell her. Still, she couldn’t help but smile as she read through them all, affection blooming in her chest for her favorite person in the world.
Cassian, Rhys, and Azriel had gone out to their favorite bar for guys night, and Cassian was clearly drunk off his ass. It was really hard to keep a straight face with him normally, but when he was drunk, she thought it was one of the most adorable things she’d ever seen.
Nesta, 12:01 AM
I love you too, you big goofball
I’ll give you a kiss and a hug when I see you how’s that
Her phone was ringing within seconds, a picture of Cassian filling her screen before she answered.
“Hello?” she said, marking her page with a bookmark before closing it.
“Nesta!” Cassian exclaimed. She had to pull her phone from her ear for a moment, but she smiled again anyways.
“Hi, Cassian,” she replied, trying not to laugh. He was just so cute. “Are you having a good time?”
“Leave me alone, I’m talking to my wife,” he said, his voice sounding slightly further away. He must have been talking to Rhys or Azriel, but the way referred to her made her want to melt. They’d been together for years and married for just over one, but it still sent a thrill through her to hear him claim her out loud.
“Nes?” he said, his voice back to normal volume.
“I’m here,” she said, getting off the bed to begin looking for her shoes. He normally called her and started getting ridiculously affectionate when it was getting close for him to come home, so it was only a matter of time before he asked her to come get him.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Looking for my shoes,” she replied, spotting her boots on the floor. Leaning her phone against her ear, she bent down and put them on over her leggings before walking back to her dresser.
“Are you coming to find me?” he asked. She couldn’t help but smile at how excited he sounded by the prospect.
“Yes, baby.” Nesta hit speaker and put the phone down on their dresser as she took off the oversized shirt that she’d borrowed from him, slid a sports bra on, and put on a plain tee shirt over it.
“Oh thank God,” he said, and then dropped his voice to a loud whisper. “You’re much more fun than the dumbasses I’m with.”
She’d opened her mouth to reply, but then Cassian began talking to someone else nearby. “Tarquin! Fancy seeing you here! Are you still mad about your windows? Nes, I gotta go. Love you.”
It was a cool September evening, so Nesta grabbed a denim jacket before throwing her hair up into a bun and leaving their apartment. Once she got to her car, it was a short fifteen minutes to get to The Sidra. Thankfully there was ample street parking around the corner, and the bouncer let her in with a quick flash of her ID.
Nesta walked inside, spotting her husband and his friends immediately. They took up a ridiculous amount of space in one of the booths, and she couldn’t resist smiling as Cassian visibly brightened by her appearance.
“Nesta!” he shouted, grinning widely as she got closer. So much for subtlety, she supposed. She offered repeated apologies as she walked over to where he was sitting, but thankfully most of the people there seemed to think his behavior was too cute to be a serious nuisance.
Once she was next to the side of the booth he was sitting on, he pulled her in for a hug, wrapping his muscular arms around her waist and laying his head on her chest.
“Cassian,” she said at a normal volume, endlessly amused as he snuggled into her. She leaned down to press a kiss to the top of his head before turning to greet Rhys and Azriel, both of whom looked seconds away from breaking out laughing.
“Don’t you dare,” she told them, tightening her arms around Cassian as she gave his friends a look. They both hold their hands up in surrender, Azriel raising his beer at her before turning back to Rhys.
“I missed you,” Cassian said against her chest, his voice muffled. “So much.”
“Every minute without you was excruciating,” Nesta said, playing along. He looked up at her with a pout.
“Stop teasing me,” he told her. He was frowning slightly now. “I did miss you a lot, you know.”
“I’m sorry. You’re just so cute like this, it’s hard not to tease you a little bit.”
“Not as cute as you.” Cassian smiled up at her, pleased with himself. She couldn’t help but roll her eyes good-naturedly and let him tug her into his lap.
“Sorry to crash your guys’ night,” she said to Rhys and Azriel now that she was facing them.
“He’s not as much fun when he gets like this anyway,” Azriel replied, chuckling. “In his old age, he’s turned into a sappy drunk.”
“Hey! We’re the same age!” Cassian protested from behind her, tightening his grip around her waist. Azriel and Cassian had both turned thirty earlier this year, while Rhys’ birthday wasn’t until November. Nesta had turned twenty-eight back in April.
“Good thing I like sappy drunks,” she said, twisting around to face him. He gave his friends a smug look as she pressed a kiss to his warm cheek, his stubble scratching her face in a way she loved.
“You two are the worst,” Rhys groaned.
“Like you and my sister are any better,” Nesta shot back as she turned around. Feyre and Rhys had been together since their college days and had tied the knot once they’d both graduated.
“Speaking of her, I’d love to get back home to her,” he replied. He pulled out his phone and began texting, and Nesta guessed he was asking if she was still awake.
“I guess that’s it then, huh?” Azriel asked, raising an eyebrow at Nesta.
“I’m sure Gwyn is dying to see you too,” she teased, smiling softly at him. She and Emerie had colluded with Cassian and Rhys to set the pair up on a blind date last year, and everyone had been thrilled when they’d agreed to keep seeing each other.
“She has a performance tomorrow, so she’s probably already asleep,” Azriel answered, raising a hand to catch the closest server’s attention.
“I told you my wife was hot as fuck,” Cassian said suddenly, shifting to point wildly at Nesta as their server – a young woman named Nuala – came by to bring them the check.
“I’m thrilled,” she replied dryly, raising an eyebrow as she looked at Nesta. “He hasn’t shut up about you for the last half an hour, you know. Thank God he wasn’t making you up.”
“Thanks,” Nesta said, her lips twitching from trying to hold in her laughter. Rhys put down his card to pay for all of them, waving off Cassian and Azriel’s attempts to give him money for their share of the check. Within a few minutes, the four of them were getting out of their booth and beginning the walk to the exit.
Cassian immediately went for Nesta’s hand, intertwining their fingers before bringing their hands to his mouth so he could kiss the back of hers.
“That is so unhygienic,” she said, exasperated. “I haven’t washed my hands since I left our place.”
“It’s a risk I’m willing to take,” he said, grinning at her. He kissed the back of her hand one more time before lowering their hands to swing them between the two of them as they kept walking.
“Who’s that guy glaring at you?” Nesta asked, noticing a tall Black guy staring Cassian down from a booth near the door. He had silver curls that stood out brightly against his dark skin, but he couldn’t have been much older than any of them. It had to have been natural, since his eyebrows and lashes were the same color.
“Oh, that’s Tarquin,” he replied, waving at Tarquin with a sheepish grin from where they stood. Tarquin flipped him off before turning back to his companions, who both shared the same dark skin and silvery hair.
“Why is he glaring at you? Do I need to talk to him?” Nesta asked, frowning. She was the only one allowed to glare at her husband like that.
“No sweetheart, it’s fine,” Cassian replied, laughing as they walked by the table. “It’s our inside joke. He threw a party senior year of college and I might have gotten drunk and broken a few windows in his house.”
“You what? Cassian, that’s not an inside joke.”
“It’s fine, Nes. I paid him back for it, but his parents were pissed. I’m banned from his neighborhood, actually.”
“That is not fine.”
“I might be drunk, but I know when I’m right,” Cassian said, just before walking right into the door. Azriel had accidentally let it swing behind him and Cassian hadn’t grabbed it in time, and it got him right in the face.
Nesta burst out laughing before she clapped her free hand over her mouth. “Oh my God, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have laughed. Are you okay?”
“The love of my life just laughed at my pain,” he whined, yanking open the door. Azriel and Rhys were absolutely losing it on the other side, making it hard for Nesta to keep her composure in solidarity with Cassian.
“Let me see it,” she said once they were outside. Cassian had pressed his hand to the side of his face, but Nesta got him to move it with her free one. His cheek was red from the impact, but she was sure it’d be fine with some ice once they got back to their place.
“It’s not so bad,” she reassured him. It was hard to keep a straight face with his friends – mostly Rhys – still howling in the background, but she got on her toes to give him a kiss on his face.
“It still hurts,” he said, pouting at her. “Can I get another kiss?”
“You big baby,” she said, but she leaned in and kissed his cheek again. “That’s all you’re getting. When we get home, I’m putting ice on that.”
“I love it when you boss me around,” he said dreamily, letting her tug him past his friends. “It does things to me.”
“Please take him home,” Rhys called from behind them. Nesta flipped him off before Cassian could, earning another wide grin from him as they walked towards her car.
“Thanks for the best thing I’ve ever seen!” Azriel added, both of their laughter fading the farther Nesta and Cassian walked.
“They’re so mean,” Cassian grumbled as she dug into her pocket for the keys.
“You want me to yell at them? Hurt their feelings a little?” she offered, unlocking the doors.
“No,” he said, pouting again. He got into the passenger seat as Nesta walked around to the driver’s side, and he immediately reached for her hand once she sat down.
“I’d do it if you wanted me to,” she told him, shooting him an amused look before starting the car.
“Maybe a real kiss would make me feel better,” he suggested, leaning towards her and puckering his lips.
Nesta leaned in and brushed her lips against his, but he wasn’t having it. He cupped the back of her head as he deepened their kiss, warming her up inside from the cool September air.
“Come on, let’s go home,” Nesta said, pulling away even though it was the last thing she wanted to do. He huffed and pouted but thankfully put his seatbelt on.
It was a quick ride back to their building, and thankfully Cassian managed not to walk into any more doors on their way upstairs. He wrapped his arm around her as they got off the elevator, which Nesta thought was as much for balance as it was to hold her close.
“Thank you for coming to get me,” he said once they were back in their apartment. He immediately walked into the bedroom and flopped on their bed, somehow managing not to knock anything over or hit Nesta’s book.
“You’re welcome,” Nesta said back, taking the time to take off her jacket and shoes before walking to the freezer to grab a bag of frozen peas. She wrapped it in a paper towel before coming to lay next to him, taking down her bun so that her hair was down around her.
“Can I tell you a secret?” he whispered, turning to look at her. His eyes lit up when he noticed her hair was down, and he reached over to play with it. She handed him the peas instead, making sure he pressed them to the side of his face.
“I thought I knew all your secrets,” she whispered back, smiling softly as she indulged him. She loved that she was the one who got to see him like this, that she was the first person he saw in the mornings and the last person he saw when he closed his eyes at night.
“You do,” he confirmed, pulling the peas away to smile at her. She gave him a disapproving look and he quickly put them back before continuing. “I love nights like these.”
“Why’s that?” she asked. She reached out to brush some of his loose waves away from his face so they didn’t get in the way of the peas.
“I never thought I would be as happy as I am right now,” Cassian said seriously. His other eye was blocked from the position of the peas, so Nesta just held the gaze of the one she could see as he moved his hand to cup her face.
Sometimes he would say things like this that made her feel like her heart was going to burst from how sweet he was. “Really?”
“Yeah.” He shifted closer to her, and Nesta inhaled deeply at the lingering scent of his cologne. “I remember when you wouldn’t even say my name out loud. Now you’re here with me and my peas.”
She laughed before answering. “It was the peas that really sold me, you know. I should have written them into my vows.”
“And you’re telling jokes? Tonight must be my lucky night.”
“Shut up before I take the peas from you, Cassian.”
“You love me too much to do that, Nes.”
“Stop using my love for you against me. It’s unfair and you know it.”
“Never,” he said, running his thumb across her cheek. “I love you too much not to use every advantage I can get.”
“I taught you too well,” she said, smiling softly at him. “Come on, let’s get ready for bed.”
She turned to kiss his palm, as unhygienic as it was, and then got up and started changing into pajamas. He groaned as he rolled off the bed, stretching as he stood up to reveal a strip of golden-brown skin at his abdomen before walking towards their bathroom.
Nesta joined him to brush her teeth in another one of his oversized shirts and no pants. He finished first, squeezing her hip as he walked by her and went back into their bedroom. She quickly brushed through her hair and pulled it into a loose braid for sleep before turning off the light.
Cassian was waiting for her under the covers, laughing as he examined the back of her book. “Is there smut in this one?”
She rolled her eyes before grabbing it from him. “You’re insufferable.”
“That’s a yes, then,” he said, grinning. She turned the lights off and put the book on her nightstand before she slid under the covers, snuggling up next to him anyway.
“I’ll let you know when I get to the juicy parts,” she grumbled eventually. He laughed under his breath, pulling her tighter against him as he maneuvered them so her back was to his chest as usual. His heart was beating its usual steady rhythm against her, a familiar baseline that let her know she was safe and everything was right in the world as long as she could curl up next to him every night.
“I love you,” she whispered, not sure if he was asleep yet. He could fall asleep anywhere, and ridiculously quickly at that; she wasn’t too proud to admit she was jealous.
“I love you, too,” he replied, tangling their legs together.
It didn’t take long for either of them to fall asleep after that.
tag list (lmk if you want to be added/removed): @live-the-fangirl-life​ | @nessiansimp | @bookologist | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @sayosdreams | @dealingdifferentdevils | @rowaelinismyotp | @arinbelle | @swankii-art-teacher | @angelicvoice19 | @teagoddess99 | @dontgetsalmonella | @champanheandluxxury | @chloepereyra | @bookstantrash | @houseofcalores | @lysakirova | @generalnesta | @gwynberdara | @sv0430 | @catplayinvioline | @julemmaes | @secretlovelybeauty | @flora-shadowshine | @imsointobooks | @sophilightwood | @lemonade-coolattas |
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ijustwant2write · 3 years
Bad Boy-John Shelby x Reader
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(GIF credit to @markshade​)
Requested by anonymous: ‘Hi do you think u can do a John Shelby imagine where they are dating and y/n is a good innocent girl but freaky with John and her parents want to Him over for dinner John wants to piss off her dad cause he’s not a fan of the blinders and does subtle things to annoy him like touching y/n at the end of the night when they are saying goodbye at his car they have a heated make out sesh and John knows her dad is looking through the window so spices it up a bit . ❤️’
Characters: John Shelby x Reader
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
(Y/L/N)=Your last name
Warnings: Smut from the start (unsafe sex!), dirty talk, swearing, arguing, mentions of violence and death, fluff
(A/N: Amelia and Henry are made up characters)
I clamped my hand over my mouth tightly, struggling to keep in the whimpers and moans as John continuously thrusted into me. However, the boxes I was perched on were full of bottles of beer, causing them to clang against each other.We were in the stock room of the Garrison, luckily having the music, singing and loud chatter drowning out the noise we were creating. John’s hands gripped at the skin around my hips, that cocky smirk on his face that I loved so much. For some reason, an idea popped into my head, and in the state of euphoria I was in just made me say it out loud.
“John...” was all I managed to breath out at first.
“Fuck, I love it when you say my name. Say it again.” he instructed.
“I want you to meet my parents.”
He suddenly stopped, making me realise it wasn’t the best time to bring that up.“You what?”
We were both heavily breathing.“Sorry, I don’t know why I said that just then.”
He scoffed, sighing as he slid out of me.“Well, that’s finished with.”
“I’m sorry! They want to meet you. They know who you are, but they want to try and treat this like they did with my sister.”
“You sure you want that? Remember what you told me when they first found out about us?”
I rolled my eyes, hitching up my stocking as he did up his trousers.“It was their idea, not mine.”
“You don’t want me meeting them?”
“Of course I do, I just-” I caught him trying to hide a laugh, he was winding me up.“You’re such a little shit.”
He stood in between my legs again, hands on my thighs before I could push my skirt down.“Well, if I have been summoned by the Lord (Y/L/N)-”
“Oh my god,” I threw my head back as I laughed in frustration,“would you stop calling him that! I’m the same class as you.”
“What have I always said?”
I shrugged my shoulders, but knew what he was referring to.
“You were always meant to be a fucking princess, Princess (Y/N) of Birmingham.”
I laughed at him.“Oh shut up! Are you coming to dinner or not?”
“If you ask me nicely.”
“And how do I do that?”
“By finishing what we started.”
John and I had been together for a few months now, much to my parents dismay. It had started as a drunk one night stand; we were both at the Garrison, and seemingly chose each other for the night. However, when you’re young, poor and living in Small Heath, there aren’t a lot of places to go out, so me and my friends went to the Garrison all the time. This meant I also saw John again....and again....and again, and again. We slept we each other maybe three more times before wondering if this could become a thing; from there onwards, we found out more about each other, and he brought out a side of me I had been hiding, also wanting to release.
On the day of the dinner, I wanted to see John before he arrived. I lied to my mum, saying we had no bread (which I had hidden away), and practically running out of the house to ‘buy’ some. I told John what time to be at mine, also lying to make him leave earlier so I could meet him halfway. In the bakery, I threw the money onto the counter after picking up a loaf of bread, speedily walking away as I prayed I would run into John. Luck was on my side as I spotted him, already heading in the direction of my home.
“John!” I shouted, the whole street now looking at me as I sprinted past them. 
He whipped around at the noise, hand hovering over where his gun would be. When he saw me, he didn’t relax, wondering why I was yelling his name and running like a mad man.
“I’m so glad I caught you.” I struggled to say, out of breath.
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” he panicked.
“No, no I’m fine. I’m a terrible runner though.”
“Then why are you here?”
“Bread.” I said, holding up the loaf as evidence.“And also, to see you.”
“I was just leaving.”
“Yes, I can see that. I just wanted to go over some rules.”
“Rules? Oh come on (Y/N)-”
“No, listen to me.” I held up the bread instead of pointing my finger at him.“I love you. I always take your side for everything. We both know my parents don’t like this, but seeing as I am a grown woman, they don’t do anything to stop me. So just for today, we’re going to abide to their rules.”
He rolled his eyes.“Right, so I’ve got to be the uptight prat that your parents want you to be with?”
“They know what you’re like already, and even if they didn’t, they would be able to see through that act. Just let my dad be my dad.”
“If he says something fucking offensive, I’m not going to stay quiet!”
“Fine, then be political about it. Don’t shout at each other, try to make small talk, but no talking about guns, violence, killing-”
“Alright, are you going to go?”
“Sorry. I just want this to be easy. I hate seeing you stressed. I love you.”
He held my hand, starting to walk.“Yeah, yeah. Come on, I’ve got the car parked up in the garage.”
I hated that he hadn’t sent it back, but I understood why he was being like this. I was making him be someone he wasn’t. I loved John as a person, however, I couldn’t be dealing with a screaming match between him and my family.
“John, I do love you.” I said after a few minutes of walking.
“I know. I love you too.” he eventually smiled.“Just want you all to myself now, you know? We wouldn’t have to be dealing with this.”
“Soon darling. We’ll get that house soon enough. Oh, I’ve just remembered something else!”
“Rule number...I’ve lost count, maybe one hundred?”
“No inappropriate stuff. No touching, kissing, being sneaky, nothing!”
“That’s going to be incredibly hard. Especially with that dress.” 
Once we made it to my house, I gave him a quick kiss on the lips before getting out of the car. Opening the front door. I called out to my parents, hearing them reply from the front room. I told John to remove his coat whilst I rushed into the kitchen with the bread, carelessly chucking it on the side before getting back to him. I saw a hint of nerves in his eyes, though his pride covered it. Taking his hand in mine, I guided us to my family, surprised to see who was sitting with them.
“Amelia? What are you doing here? And with Henry?” I asked.
“Well, Henry would happen to be here with me because he’s my husband. I’m sure you remember being at the wedding.” she quipped.
“I don’t remember the boring days of my life. Not worth it.”
“(Y/N).” mum warned.
“Anyway,” I looked up at John,“I would like you to all meet John Shelby. We’ve been seeing each other for quite some time and-”
“We know who he is.” dad sighed, not even bothering to stand from his seat. 
“You’re the ones who invited him over. It would be nice of you to greet him properly.”
Dad stood slowly, making his way towards us, making me think he was getting up to shake John’s hand. Instead he just stopped, not looking either of us in the eye.
“I need a drink.”
He broke us apart by walking through us, mum timidly following. I felt like swearing and screaming. It was their idea. They wanted to meet him but then they were being like this. I sent an apologetic smile to John as we sat down.
“So,” I thought I would try and make conversation,“John, this is my sister Amelia and her husband Henry. She used to live here but she moved away a few years ago.”
“Had to find a better area, you know? Safer for the children we were planning for.” Amelia smugly smiled.
“Such a saint is my sister.”
“It’s like Mary and Joseph.” John chuckled, causing me to laugh.
“Well that would make you Judas and...and whoever he was with then, wouldn’t it?” Amelia desperately tried.
“Nice one Amelia. Don’t think too hard next time, yeah?”
Before she could snap back, mum called us to the dinner table. I realised we would all be squashed around it, seeing as only four people could usually fit there. I made sure John was sat beside me, Amelia and Henry opposite us and my parents at either head of the table. Our knees were almost touching we were that close. Dinner started silent, everyone tucking into the small meal. We were poor, we never had a lot to eat; which was why I was surprised that Amelia was here, there were now three more mouths to feed, not just John. But I knew why she was really here. Amelia had done what our parents wanted, found a good man who could provide her with the bare necessities and keep her out of trouble. They wanted me to reflect on who I was in love with, try to change my mind. Wasn’t going to happen.
“So what is it you actually do?” Henry asked. I was unsure if it was supposed to be malicious or whether he was actually curious.
“Work in the betting shop.” John answered.
“Yeah, but, you know, on the side.”
“Henry, we don’t want to get involved.” Amelia scolded him.
“Just because you’ve graced me with your presence, that doesn’t mean you’re on some sort of hit list.”
“No, but my sister is.”
“Amelia, shut up.” I snapped.
“No, she’s right.” John said, causing me to whip my head round to him. He went against my instructions, placing his hand on my thigh.“But I wouldn’t let anyone hurt my girl. They would be dead before they even thought about it.”
Although I had told him to not talk of such things or stoop to my families level, my heart melted at the (somewhat morbid) statement.
“Am I hearing this right?” mum laughed, but their was no humour behind it.
“Mum, try to not get upset.” Amelia held her hand.
Now it was my turn to laugh.“Oh my god.” Everyone looked at me, John was smirking whilst the others were frowning.“You’re such a hypocrite.”
“You were sneaking out all the time, seeing different boys every weekend. What makes you so much better than me?”
“I’m not with a criminal.”
“All of you stop it!” dad exclaimed, slamming his fist down on the table.“And get your fucking hand off my daughter.”
Amelia tutted.“Henry would never-”
“You and Henry were fucking upstairs before dinner when he came round the first time!” I butted in.
“Sounds like a good time to me.” John mumbled under his breath.
“How dare you?!” mum was shocked.
“I knew this was a stupid idea. Get out, now!”
“With pleasure.” John stood, grabbing my hand.
I quickly left with him, grabbing the key off the counter and locking the door behind me. It made me laugh hearing their shouts of protest and banging on the door. We rushed to the car, scared that they would somehow break down the door. John leaned me back against it, hands sliding down the side of my body and gripping my arse. He knew what he was doing, especially since my family now had their faces pressed against the window.
“Well, that was...quick.” I giggled.
“Yeah, you’re not used to that.” John joked.
“You have to make it all about sex, don’t you?”
“(Y/N), I don’t give a fuck about what they think, and neither do you. As soon as I get this bit of business sorted with Tom and Arthur, I’m buying that house and you are moving in with me. Then we’ll get married straight away-”
“I hope this isn’t your proposal.”
“Don’t you worry, I’ve got something big planned for that.”
He leaned down to kiss me, gripping onto my arse firmly. As he deepened the kiss, adding tongues, he forced his knee between my legs, and I subconsciously started rubbing against it, only subtly. I made sure he stayed close by pulling him in by his coat. The neighbours would surely be watching, it was a small street, which would drive my parents insane. This only fuelled something in me, and I wanted to keep going. 
“I suggest we take this somewhere more private. Like, right now.” John breathlessly said.
I frantically nodded, and we both headed for opposite sides of the car, until I saw I still had the key in my hand. Hurriedly making my way back to the door, I ignored my family who had now managed to open the windows, screaming at me as I posted the key through the letter box. Running as fast as I could back to the car, I felt the adrenaline rush through me, giggling like a maniac at the thought of my parents catching me. Slamming the door shut as I jumped in the car, John floored it, and we looked like we escaped from an insane asylum as we laughed.
I stuck my head out of the car and screamed,“I fucking love you John Shelby!”
He pulled me back in by my dress, squeezing my thigh once I sat down.“I love you too, you fucking maniac.”
“I don’t think I’ll be allowed back there, you know.”
“Good thing you’re staying with me then.”
“You sure you’re ready for all of this?”
“I’ve been ready since I laid eyes on your face...and those tits, and that arse-”
“You make it seem like you’re only in it for my body.”
“Nah, that’s the ultimate bonus though. I already said it, but once you’re with me, I protect you and love you. You’re mine.”
“And you’re mine. Make sure to do your coat up before you get out the car, it’s a bit obvious down there.”
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moa-engene-atiny · 2 years
part 2
* = request # = jo's favorites
🌱 fluttering wing beats in my heart 🌱
♥️ don't fly away with my heart ♥️
🌱 plants need water, but i need coffee ☕️
🌿 hold my hand when you cross the street 🖤
💭 im afraid it might disappear 🌧
🦋 i cant get rid of these butterflies🫀
🍊 you have stolen my heart // never let it go 🌼
🌙 what if i just hold on for a while / baby there's no drug quite like denial 👟
🖼 you are a masterpiece 🖼 #
🍑 wonderland? no, i was in outer space 👾
🌱 when i woke up, we were together, and i realized it was a dream ☁️ #
⚠️ please swear you'll try to remember me ⚠️
🐑 when your friend is having a hard time, you should be there for him 🐈
🌼 it's like a polaroid love 🐈 #
🛹 scraped my knees falling (for you) 🖤
🌳 all my pants are grass-stained 🧺 (with yuna)*
is that a gun in ur pocket or are u just happy to see me? 🩸
🏹 the forest has claimed us as its children 🌳
🌷 i have a confession to make 🍵
🍜 when the world shoves you around, you just gotta stand up and shove back 🌿
☁️ every bed becomes king-sized when you're in it 👑 #
🥂 i do whatever the fuck i want 💙 #
🦢 please don't let this fairy tale come to an end 🐥
🎓 my favorite study topic is male anatomy 👀
🚬 i cant imagine why you didn't suspect me🩸
🌽 everyone has things they can and cannot do. i'll do what you can't do, and you do what i can't do 🐟
🍷 this is a cry for help 🔫
☕️ it's a scientifically proven fact that you are cute 🌙
🌙 sometimes i wonder if it's worth it to be good 🏛
💋 i relive your kisses in my dreams 🎀 #
✨ something tells me you're not from around here... 🛸 #
👄💜 i could write a song about your lips on mine 💜👄 #
🪩 i can hear it callin' from where you are 📞 #
☠️ tfw the (sexy) grim reaper comes to take ur soul when ur hanging out at an abandoned hotel teehee🪦
🪦 how can i help you move on from this mortal plane? 🕊
🤍 why do i always seem to look at you through rose-tinted glasses? oh... maybe it's the wine... 🍷 #
🍊 life is like a pencil that will surely run out, but will leave the beautiful writing of life ⛸
🍷 broken pearls broke my heart 🍓
🎨 earth without "art" is just eh 🌏
💣 i like it when you call me mean names ☠️ #
🪦 i go out alone at night hoping you will come for me 🖤 #
🎧 the city feels bigger when you're in it 👟
🛒 who are we supposed to be? 🚨
💡why would i ever want to leave my room? 🛏
🌳 i see the moon reflected in your eyes 🌕
🥟 no matter how hard or impossible it is, never lose sight of your goal 🐙
💿 i hold onto the corner of an empty room and cry 🌈
💙 blue doesn't have to be lonely 💙 *
🧚‍♂️🌈 every time a baby laughs, a fairy is born 🌈🧚‍♂️*
🏴‍☠️ will you join us? 🗡 #
💄 you obviously have perfect lips 💋
name: park seonghwa age: 23 status: missing #
🍂 if only i were anyone but myself 🖌
🕊 chasing after dreams and chasing after knowledge are not mutually exclusive concepts 📖 *
✨🌿 honey to the bee that's you for me 🌻✨
☕️ where do you want to go on our next vacation? 📷*
🖤 i cant fucking take it anymore 🖤
📚 live life one day at a time 📚
🔪 'til death do us part 👠 *
🍰 you've got two choices 🐈*
💿 there's no truth quite like the one that's a lie 🖤 *
🍦 do you maybe wanna hold hands? ☁️*
🚬 he's a bad boy but a great kisser 🏍 *
😈 which will it be, the horns or the halo? 😇*
📚 meet me in the library at midnight 🕰 #
🔥 everything is fine fire 🔥
🍷 running out of time & running out of wine ⏳ #
🍜 im so hungry; gonky, one may say 🍕
♣️ it's about time to reveal the ace up my sleeve ♠️
🍸 a toast to bitter drinks and sweet lips 🍸 #
🖤 ivory keys and pearly fangs🩸*
🚪 are you sure this is the way? 🚲
💼 i've finally found what i was searching for ⛰
🌷 good morning, angel 🌷
🍒 you taste like cherries ❤️ #
💕 tell those butterflies to fuck off 🦋
👜 you can take the girl out of the city but you can't take the city out of the girl 🍪
☁️ i know you're jealous of me ☁️
🌳 all my pants are grass-stained 🧺 (with heeseung)*
bang chan
📞 your call was declined. would you like to try again? ☕️*
📢 one more set; c'mon, you got this! ⌚️
lee know
🗝 no need to be scared, darling 😈
☕️ love ain't a science - because it's an art ✒️*
💋 got paint on my face and in my soul 👟 #
🆘 i'm just a kid and life is a nightmare 🎬
👑 some people are just meant to be golden ⚜️
💜 was this a good first date? 📷
🖤 hey babe, you wanna go on a date? 🎧 *
🌻 thank you for loving me 🖤*
💿 hey, do you want to hang out with me? ☁️
💙 a dream is a wish your heart makes 🤍 *
🍵 is mint academia a thing? im making it a thing 📚*
♟ i never remember my dreams 🛸 #
✨ you fell to earth from the sky 💫 #
🎁 it's beginning to look a lot like christmas 🎄 *
☕️ besties can totally hold hands 📸*
🌻 while standing in a field of sunflowers… they were bloomed brighter than any of these sunflowers here 🧺*
📷 coffee stained photos and coffee flavored kisses 🌿*
🍎 i adore my little green corner of the world 🌳 *
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lasquadrasfuckhouse · 3 years
Maybe some la sqadra headcanons with s/o, who is super fixed on pets? Like, they want to adopt every animal from the shelter, and cry every time they see a abandoned pet on the street. S/o just loves pets so so much that they would do everything to have more
Ofc it's just a proposition, bye bye!❤
la squadra with a partner who loves animals 😻
risotto ✂️
he gets it. he has a soft spot for small cute things
he's very fond of how doting u are to every creature but he'll keep you in check, gently pull you away from a passing animal shelter and the like. pets take commitment and u both have very demanding jobs as is
he will help u set out bowls of water for all the strays and little creatures tho
if u bring home a lost pet he'll want you to bring it to the shelter and let the people there find its owner but you count as small cute things he's soft for (because everyone is small compared to risotto). give him puppy eyes for long enough and he'll give you a few days to find the owner yourself but it can't interfere with work and you're completely responsible for it
you'll probably be able to sway him on taking in ONE (1) stray cat if it has the right temperament, quiet and won't interfere and more on the independent side. there are a lot of strays in the neighbourhood as is, he figures having a cat in the house won't be much more of a stretch than you looking after the cats outside
he reasons that for himself too because he loves cats. he'll let it sleep on his chest and he WILL take it for walks on a lil kitty harness do NOT test him, do NOT fuck with this guy while he's walking his cat
he also thinks tarantulas, scorpions, and reptiles are cool (reptiles would love him he's so warm!!!) but maintaining a terrarium is a lot of work
prosciutto 🚬
no. he will answer firmly, no. you both know how busy you are
he tries to reason with you every time you cry over a stray: you can't adopt them all, you know it would be a disservice to the animal to take on that responsibility only to find you can't balance it, i know it's sad but you're only one person with a very difficult job you can't overhaul the shelter system overnight. he'd try to help you toughen up for your own sake, not that u have to love animals any less but he doesn't want u burning out emotionally and he doesn't like seeing u cry either
if u bring home a lost pet, he will also insist you take it to the shelter. if u have a staredown about it (the shelters are so busy already and what if they can't find its person!!!!), it will be a LONG staredown. but if u promise to take full responsibility and find the owners asap he will relent BUT DONT MAKE IT A HABIT. if he has spare time he May help you with finding the owners, mostly to speed things up but it does also make u happy
might also accept one (1) cat with the right temperament but it's YOUR responsibility. if you're prepared to take on the commitment urself, he can coexist with a chill cat pretty easily. he will give it pets if it curls around his legs. if it wants to curl up in his lap, as long as he's not busy, well..... he would allow it
(the cat definitely grows on him)
he supposes he wouldn't mind fishes or a reptile but again, your responsibility
pesci 🎣
he thinks ur so sweet and he has a very hard time saying no to you
as long as ur managing your time and energy right he doesn't think it's so bad!!!! will defend you if the others try to tease you or get on your case
he will help. he might not mesh well with very rambunctious and outgoing animals tho. he may get nervous about caring for them right (is this food good for them? how do i hold them? what if they get sick?) but if u show him how and reassure him and he gets reassurance and affection from the critter too he'll probably cry
he would, of course, love a fish tank. he gets really into arranging and rearranging the setup and caring for ur fishies. he could watch them for hours and also defends them against people who say they're boring (THEY HAVE PERSONALITY)
he would say no to arachnids or other bugs and no to reptiles and amphibians (cause they eat bugs)
formaggio 🧀
cats are his favorite even if he is not cats' favorite. he looks after the strays with you and will comfort you when you cry about them
if you find a lost pet he'll help you hide it (probably make it smaller) while you team up to secretly care for it and find the owners
'formaggio what the hell is that sound coming from ur room' 'oh i just fell asleep with the tv on' '..... and it's still making the same sounds 3 hours later?' 'ITS A LONG MOVIE'
HE WOULD LOVE TO RAISE A CAT WITH U. two cats would be great too but you do both have busy jobs. cool with rodents too, would be cool with a dog or parrot in theory but in practice they take a lot of work and require a lot of social time and y'all are pretty busy being assassins.
illuso ✨
he will gently tease you for being a softie (the keyword here being gently because he loves u) but he's honestly a little endeared
he's trying to befriend the flock of crows around base so they'll be his little minions so u spend time together leaving them snack offerings
for trying to actually get a pet tho? ur on ur own
if you find a lost pet he may offer to hide it in the mirror world while u search for the owner BUT he will require payment. whether that is a kiss or you do his chores for a week. and he doesn't really do well with animals cause he just doesn't know what to do with them but he will do his best to help care for them in the mirror world if u can't be there because it's for u (and contrary to popular belief he's not completely heartless)
no. no strays in the house. i know it's cute and sad but it's all dirty, you don't know where it's been. but then you start tearing up and he's like ah fuck okay FINE tidy it up and bring it to the shelter but im outtie
he does find cats and snakes very graceful tho and may be open to having one as long as it's a good fit personality and needs wise and it's mostly your responsibility
melone 🍈
he finds it adorable. he loves how sweet u are
he loves hearing about his partner's interests so he will talk about cool biological and developmental animal facts and how u can learn a lot about human behaviour by studying the nature around us
doesn't see the harm in helping out any strays or lost creatures u may find and is totally down to help
he will remind u that pets are a lot of responsibility tho!!! if u want one u have to figure out how to balance other responsibilities with it but he's cool with co-parenting
he thinks reptiles and amphibians are really fucking cool. he'd probably be interested in a bird too cause he has the patience and creativity for them but ur also both busy people. he'd LOVE having sweet rat babies b/c they are so smart!!!
ghiaccio ❄️
he LOVES everything cute and soft and fluffy so he understands but also you can't rescue every stray or adopt the whole shelter we are assassins,
you befriend the neighbourhood cats together and build squirrel feeders. sometimes you'll go to the park just to cry about how cute all the dogs are
if you find a lost pet he may try to be like ugh.... do we have time for this....... but he caves VERY fast. will whisper-yell at anyone who tries to give you grief for it because he doesn't want to startle the poor creature. will help you find its owner if it'll get the others off ur back
he would very much want to raise cute animals with u. you have work to think about but if u had a rather independent cat that would work. he'd also love rats and hamsters
starts dreaming of retiring with u one day so u can have a bunny and a yappy little pomeranian he can wear matching sweaters with
sorbet and gelato 🔪🍦
they think ur utterly adorable. ur their sweet beloved third and they dote on you and would love to be involved in/support ur passions
they will help u look after the strays and may point out like someone's cute dog that they're walking just to see ur eyes light up and hear u gush
they Will smuggle lost pets inside the base for you and they Will help you find the owner they don't care about getting in trouble with risotto they're in trouble all the time anyway it's their jobs
would very much like to be pet parents with u and it might honestly be easier to manage between the three of you
they'd do very well with rats, they could handle high energy pets like ferrets, parrots, and dogs, but y'know u do all have work and stuff. they are determined to find the right fit for all of u b/c ur so cute they can't NOT indulge u
maybe one day the three of u can retire on a heap of money and adopt an older cockatoo and harness train it so u can all go on adventures together, that's the dream!!!!
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rebekadjarin · 3 years
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Chapter 13 of Golden Dawn
A/N: This chapter is spicy and has a lot of action!
Summary: a new mission which requires you and Crosshair to attend a ball and he gets jealous of the way everyone else is looking at you. But before that, he shows you another way his rifle can be used... 👀
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 13.8k
Warnings: S M U T, light choking, weapon kink, description of blood and injuries
Taglist: @fangirl-goes-nova @murdertoothpick @tacticalsparkles @coffeeandtodd @moonstrider9904 @14mcmd1122 @luosymekawa @littlemisscare-all (if you want to be added just message me or comment)
You can read it here or click on the chapter title and it will lead you to my ao3
“I know why hearing you speak mando’a felt familiar,” you told Crosshair as you were making your way through the city and back to the hotel.
“Why?” he asked you and stroked your hand with his thumb while you were holding hands.
“That time I stayed over in your room and slept there after we…,” you said and blushed a little when you thought about him binding you and fucking you. His face was amused as he recalled the memory. “So before I fell asleep you were humming something quietly. I don’t remember it clearly because I was already half-asleep but now I think it was something in mando’a,” you looked up at him, waiting for his reaction.
“Maybe,” he said and the corner of his mouth twitched.
“Well?” you were still staring at him expectantly.
“Well what?”
“Don’t you want to elaborate on that? What song was it? Do you sing? How well do you speak mando’a?” You showered him with questions as you usually did, eager to get all the answers.
He seemed to think about it before answering. “For my defence, I thought you were asleep.”
“You have a nice voice,” you smiled up at him fondly. What couldn’t this man do?
He slightly shook his head. “I don’t sing.”
“But you did, I heard it.”
“You dreamed it,” he smirked and tried to get out of answering.
“I didn’t,” you laughed and persisted. “So what song was it?”
He sighed. “It was a lullaby 99 used to sing to us when we were young cadets. We were just put together in a new room and he stayed over for the first few nights to help us accommodate.”
“That is so sweet of him,” you said with a soft smile on your lips. So far every story he told you about 99 warmed your heart. “I can’t wait to meet him.”
“I said I would introduce you next time we visit Kamino.”
“Yes, thank you. Why is he on Kamino anyway? Shouldn’t he be out on the battlefield like you guys? Knowing you four I can only imagine how good of a soldier he must be.”
A shadow passed through Crosshair’s face. “He is not that kind of soldier,” he said. “We are listed as defective clones,” he scowled when he said the word clone, like it physically hurt him to think of himself as a clone, “with desirable mutations. But his mutation is not desirable, he is just defective.”
“I’m sorry,” you looked up at him. “So what’s his job?”
“Janitorial duties.”
“I see. The more you tell me about him the more I want to meet him. I hope we visit Kamino soon.”
“I don’t,” Crosshair frowned.
“Why’s that?” You asked with a confused voice. Wasn’t Kamino the closest place they considered a home?
He snorted without any glee. “To run more experiments on us? To do battle situations while we could be on the battlefield or on a mission? To be around regs?”
You ignored his last comment. “At least 99 will be there,” you tried cheering him up. “Besides, we probably won’t have to go there soon.”
He nodded and tilted his head slightly when he saw something in the distance. You followed his gaze but the only thing you could see was that you were at the part of the city where the Havoc Marauder was parked. You thought you saw the ship but it was too far away to know for sure that it really was the Marauder.
“What’s going on?” you asked Crosshair and saw that a smile was playing on his lips.
“Hunter came to collect your debt.”
“What?!” you yelled and accelerated your steps, dragging Crosshair with you. “He didn’t even show me the final sketch, I’m going to kill him,” you pursed your lips.
“I think it’s quite good,” Crosshair said and you stuck your tongue out at him.
“Your freakishly good eyesight is still a little creepy,” you said. “Also, I lost the bet because of you, you know.”
“Maybe I can convince you to still do what we planned?” he asked and you remembered your dirty little negotiation and blushed.
“I’ll have to think about it,” you pretended to not care about it and he abruptly stopped you and looked deeply into your eyes with a smug expression on his face.
“I don’t think you’ll take much convincing,” he kissed you passionately. You forgot where you were hurrying the moment his lips touched yours and got lost in the kiss and the sweet taste of his lips. You pulled his head closer and buried your fingers in his hair. You could never get enough of this man.
He chuckled lightly after letting you go and seeing your messed up expression. You wanted to run to the ship to see Hunter’s stupid painting and you also wanted to tease Crosshair about losing the bet for you but all you could think about was his lips on yours.
“You can do better than that to persuade me,” you decided to tease him and smirked. You licked your lower lips and glanced at him to see his reaction. He lifted a brow then ran his hand down your back until it was resting on your waist. His other hand disappeared in your hair and pulled on it lightly to make you look up at him before he kissed you again.
This time he didn’t hold anything back, he bit your lower lip before sliding his tongue into your mouth and kissing you passionately. His hand on your waist held you tight and he dug his fingers deep into your flesh to pull you even closer. All you could do was to get lost in him and let him overwhelm you. Your legs went weak as he kept kissing you and he had to hold you up to keep you on your feet. You placed your hand on his chest and pulled him closer by grabbing the neckline of his shirt. He growled into the kiss and went on to kiss your neck and leave a mark on it. You tilted your head to give him better access and completely forgot that you were in the middle of the city and surrounded by people.
When Crosshair looked up even he was panting and you couldn’t help feeling a little smug about it. You weren’t the only one to be so affected.
“If we weren’t in the middle of a busy parking lot I would fuck you right here,” he said while maintaining eye contact. You could feel his chest quickly rising and sinking under your palms and had to suppress a moan.
“I thought that just turned you on,” you flirted back and his eyes widened.
“Maybe it does.”
“And maybe I would let you do it,” you teased.
“Don’t tease me, you know I would do it,” he said seriously. “I would fuck you in front of a hundred strangers and murder anyone who dared to touch you. They could watch but never feel what I feel, never have you the way I do and never be able to make you scream like I do,” he continued and he brushed a lock of hair away from your stunned face.
He really meant it. His words were hypnotizing and you found yourself wanting everything he said, you wanted everyone to see that you belonged to him. You were standing there, eyes wide, mouth slightly open as you were trying to catch your breath. You quickly shook your head to snap out of it and reminded yourself that you were still in fact in a busy parking lot.
“Another time,” you said playfully and remembered where you were hurrying before Crosshair distracted you. The ship and Hunter’s painting.
You thought that if it was too bad you would sneak out one day and paint it over. Your bet was about him painting it and not it staying there, right?
You started walking toward the ship again and now could make Hunter and the other two out. Hunter climbed up on the ship to paint and looked up with a grin on his face when he saw you.
“What do you say?” he asked and lifted his eyebrows.
You narrowed your eyes. It was luckily not a huge painting, that was a good start. Hunter painted you leaning toward a wall and lifting a blaster. You were wearing your usual black mission outfit but he gave it a few more tears to make it more revealing. It was not as bad as you built it up in your head.
“It is…,” you tilted your head, “acceptable.” You did lose the bet so he had every right to paint it. He wasn’t as evil as you thought he would be and you were grateful for that. You were not sure if it was sheer kindness toward you or the wariness of Crosshair’s reaction if he had done something worse.
Hunter grinned and jumped off the ship just to land effortlessly next to you. Tech started talking to him about how the painting should be taken care of to preserve its quality.
“I still kinda wish he went with this, I think it fits our aesthetic better,” Wrecker lifted Hunter’s datapad and you took a look at it and gasped. It was an almost totally naked drawing of you where your nipples were covered by a ridiculous bra and you were barely wearing anything to cover your bottom.
“For fuck’s sake,” Crosshair ripped the datapad out of Wrecker’s hand with lightning speed. “I warned you not to do this,” he lifted his gaze up at Hunter.
“You were not supposed to see that,” Hunter looked at Wrecker grumpily.
“You won’t see it again,” Crosshair said and deleted the pic. But you saw that he had sent it over to himself before he did that. “And now,” he cracked his knuckles and stepped forward to push Hunter. “I did warn you,” he said as Hunter stood his ground.
“Guys,” you quickly stepped between them. They were a little more than teasing each other but you didn’t feel like stitching them up after a fight so you intervened.
“You deleted the pic so we’re fair now,” you patted Crosshair’s chest. “And you’re a dick,” you grimaced at Hunter who just grinned.
“I was just innocently practising my drawing.”
“Just not with me,” you said and had to push Crosshair a little back as he wanted to start it again after Hunter spoke. “Where did you learn to draw like this anyway?”
“They were monitoring our datapads on Kamino, I had to get creative,” he smirked and you rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, so disgusting,” Wrecker said and Hunter snorted.
“It’s not like you didn’t ask for special custom pieces.”
You laughed at that and even Crosshair relaxed a little.
“I suggest that you all come inside now, there’s a call we need to take,” you heard Tech’s voice coming from the ship and his tone told you that it was something serious.
You all got on the ship and walked in the cockpit to see a hologram waiting for you.
“Captain Tarkin!” Hunter nodded at the stern looking man. All playfulness was gone from his face and he was ready to hear what the captain had to say.
You stepped closer to Crosshair and he held your hand a little tighter. You have only heard about this man so far and even through the holovid he had a strong aura of authority around him. He looked like he would only let you fail one time.
“Clone force 99,” Tarkin started talking. “I have a rather delicate mission for you and I require you to start working on it immediately.”
You shivered at the coldness of his voice but Hunter only gave a small nod.
“Tomorrow evening there will be a reception on the planet Corellia. A politician called Clarence Hart will be attending it and you are going to report everything he’s doing and everyone he’s talking to. We suspect that he’s secretly allying with the separatists and will be attending a meeting regarding that on the night of the reception. If he does or he gives any sign that he even considered betraying the Republic, bring him in,” his tone was so cold that for Hart’s sake you hoped he was not the traitor Tarkin thought he was.
“Understood, Captain,” Hunter nodded with a serious face.
Tarkin eyed him for a second then without even glancing at anyone else he cut off the call.
“Isn’t he a sweetheart?” you asked dryly and Wrecker burst out laughing.
“He do be having that stick up his ass,” he said and threw himself in one of the seats.
“He’s an efficient captain,” Hunter noted but his voice suggested that he wasn’t exactly fond of the man.
“Yeah, he’s a dick,” Crosshair said and pulled you into his arms.
“You’re one to talk,” Wrecker sent him a grin and Crosshair rolled his eyes.
“I already found the details of the reception,” Tech looked up from his datapad and joined in the conversation.
“Fancy,” you looked over his shoulder and saw the grandiose building it was set to be in.
“Tell me more about what we know,” Hunter sat down next to him.
“There will be a few hundred guests, all high ranking politicians or other public figures. The security level is going to be...,” Tech tapped his datapad a few times and tilted his head. “Rather high. Two guards stationed at every entrance, several patrolling on the roof.”
“What are they expecting, the chancellor?” Wrecker snorted.
“I’ll have to study the layout of the building and gather knowledge of Clarence Hart before we can form a plan,” Tech said.
“Alright, tell me when that big plan of yours is ready,” Wrecker got up and looked for Gonky.
While they were talking Crosshair’s hands had started to wander on you and it got more and more diffcult to pretend that you weren’t losing your fucking mind under his touch.
Hunter sent you a knowing look and stood up. “I’ll go get our stuff from the hotel,” he said and you let out a sigh that he didn’t embarrass you this time.
“I don’t wanna hear what these two are about to do,” he added and you took back your previous thought.
“Respectfully, go fuck yourself!!” you shouted after him as he got off the ship.
“No, I don’t think I’ll be the one fucked,” he winked and left you speechless. You were still trying to find the best comeback when he was long gone and Crosshair nudged you.
“Don’t take him seriously, sunshine.”
You pursed your lips but let him lead you out of the cockpit, leaving the blushing Tech alone. He also heard Hunter’s comment.
You followed Crosshair back into his spotless room. Everything was neatly folded and in its place.
“I see why Tech likes you, I think your room is the cleanest,” you said with a smile on your face.
A slightly sinister look appeared on Crosshair’s face as he looked at his admirable rifle collection in the corner. You followed his gaze and walked over to the corner to examine the rifles. You picked one particularly long one up and inspected it.
“I clean those frequently too,” Crosshair said in a low voice and took a step forward. Your throat tightened and you gulped. He couldn’t mean what you were thinking. You suddenly felt very hot and you didn’t dare lifting your face so you kept looking at the rifle and its barrel. It was the perfect size.
“I can see that,” you said in a weak voice as he took another step toward you. He was coming closer to you like a hunter approaching his prey but you didn’t feel like a prey. You wanted to get caught.
You collected yourself and looked up into his face. He was inspecting you, your every little gesture and he was waiting. Your palms started to sweat as the rifle felt hotter in your hands.
“You don’t mean...?” You stroked the barrel in your hand and his pupils visibly dilated and his lips parted as he drew in a sharp breath.
He took it out of your hand and pushed you up against the wall. You were pressed against him, his body surrounding you and you looked up at him and licked your mouth. He lifted the rifle and gently stroked your face, neck and cleavage with the tip of it.
You shivered where the cold metal touched your skin and you threw your head back. It was exhilarating, dangerous and it was wrong. The rifle belonged to the battlefield to fight droids but universe, was the thought of it against your naked body pleasurable.
“I do mean,” Crosshair whispered into your ear and you got goosebumps all over your body. He drove the rifle down your body and pressed it against your thighs. You gasped and reached for his shoulder to lean on.
“Oh,” you said as he slowly slid the barrel between your thighs. You could feel his hot breath against the sensitive skin behind your ear. His body brushed against yours harder and you could feel that the mere thought of pleasuring you with his custom rifle got him hard.
You rubbed yourself against his hard length, feeling the friction your clothes provided and he nearly choked and dug his fingers deeper in your flesh.
“What do you say?” He asked you in a raspy voice and you closed your eyes.
“I want to try it out,” you said and you could feel his body tense like he didn’t anticipate you saying yes.
“You sure?” he asked but he pressed the barrel harder between your thighs making you moan.
“I am,” you breathed and he lifted the rifle up and stroked your face with the end of it.
“What a good girl,” he said. “You want me to fuck you with my rifle?” His grip on the weapon tightened.
You knew that you were already wet and you couldn’t take your eyes off the rifle. How would it feel? Cold?
You nodded and he smirked maliciously. “No, sunshine, I want to hear you say it,” he said and pressed you harder up against the wall. “Say it,” he ordered you.
You bit your lower lip hard before answering obediently. “I want you to fuck me with your rifle, Crosshair.”
He closed his eyes when you answered and when he opened them you could see the familiar dark glow in them. He was ready to tease you and make you beg for it. Your lower parts clenched in anticipation.
“I’m not planning on being gentle this time,” he said and you thought back at how sweetly he made love to you earlier in the lake. This was completely different and you could see it in his eyes that he really meant it.
“Then don’t be,” you answered and a smirk appeared on your lips. “Fuck me with your rifle however rough you want to,” you glanced at him seductively and tried making him speed things up. Your pussy was already throbbing and you just wanted to feel something between your legs.
“Oh, I will,” he purred and stroked your lips with the barrel. “Suck,” he told you and your eyes widened for a moment but you opened your mouth obediently and your lips closed around the cold metal. You circled around it with your tongue before taking it deeper in your mouth. You tried getting used to its straight line, metal taste and its hardness.
Crosshair watched you without blinking and he was breathing heavily, his erection still pressed against your thigh.
You were achingly aware that both of you were still fully clothed and you longed to feel his naked body against yours.
You released the metal with an audible pop and looked at him beggingly. “Please, just do it,” you begged and reached down to stroke his erection through the fabric of his trousers. He inhaled sharply but otherwise didn’t show impatience.
“You can take your clothes off when I say that you can,” he told you and you pursed your lips. He smirked at your expression. “I can tease you longer if you don’t do as I say,” he said and you knew that he would love to edge you for hours and you just didn’t have the self-control for that.
“Yes, commander,” you answered and looked up at him from under your lashes. “I was just thinking how easily it would slip into my soaking wet cunt,” you said and watched him suffer. He wanted to tease you but he wanted to fuck you more.
He put the rifle down, deliberately in a way that it would still touch you. He drew a small vibroblade from somewhere and brushed his lips against yours. “I hope you aren’t particularly fond of these clothes,” he whispered against your lips and cut through every piece of clothing you were wearing with one clean cut.
You gasped as he pushed the ripped fabric pieces off you and he lifted the blade to stroke your hard nipples. You moaned and an evil grin appeared on his soft lips as he watched the hilt circle around your nipple.
“Another time,” he whispered and put the blade away and reached for the rifle again.
“Come,” he supported your back and helped you walk to the bed. You could barely feel your legs and he kissed you once more before pushing you down the bed. You sat on the edge of it, your legs still on the ground. He was standing and looking down at you and you looked up at him with an innocent smile and opened your legs to show him your throbbing pussy.
He inhaled deeply and quickly disconnected the barrel from the rifle. He kneeled in front of you and leaned closer to your cunt but he didn’t yet bury his face in it. He inhaled the scent deeply and closed his eyes. You moved your hips a little, desperately wanting to feel him but he just smirked at you, enjoying your struggle.
“Open them a little more for me,” he asked you and spread your knees further away from each other. He placed his hand on your shoulder and gently pushed you back so you were leaning on your elbows while waiting to see what he wanted you to do.
Then he smirked at you and placed the barrel between your knees. You raised an eyebrow and tried holding the barrel between your legs. It was a little hard with its length and of course you being naked and turned on.
Crosshair lowered himself so he could crawl with his head between your legs without you dropping the barrel.
You felt completely exposed and holding the metal between your legs required focus you didn’t exactly have at the moment. You could feel his breath on your cunt and let out a moan.
“Don’t drop it, sunshine,” he whispered and blew some air at your pussy and you winced at the sudden sensation. You were practically soaking wet and he has still not touched you.
He finally had mercy on you and buried his tongue in you deeply, savouring you and making you moan loudly with every lick.
He was eating you out with more ferocity than usual. You threw your head back and let out a loud moan when he started sucking on your clit. He even slid one then two fingers into your soaking wet cunt and started fingering you.
You couldn’t concentrate anymore as your orgasm was building and accidentally let your attention slip for a second and the barrel fell down. He immediately stopped, just when you were on the edge of coming and you moaned loudly.
“Noo, please, Crosshair, please,” you begged him and he just shook his head.
“Told you not to drop it,” he said and licked his wet lips. You lifted your hips again and did everything you could to make him fuck you, with his rifle or just his hard cock, it didn’t matter anymore, you just wanted to get railed.
“Please, I’ll do everything, just fuck me,” you begged him and he smiled, enjoying every word.
“I know you will, sunshine,” he smirked and reached for the barrel. He put it back together with the rifle and stroked it. He gently placed the weapon in your lap, careful not to touch you with his bare skin and you could only feel the cold metal against your burning skin.
Then he proceeded to strip down every single piece of clothing he had on so slowly that you wanted to scream.
“Don’t move,” he told you when you moved your hips a little.
He was standing naked in the middle of the room while you were sitting on his bed, leaning back with his fucking rifle in your lap.
He stared at you and drove his fingers down on his muscular body to touch himself. “So beautiful,” he didn’t take his eyes off you but he started to stroke his hard cock and you gulped audibly.
“Now,” he took a step closer to you and lifted the rifle, “I will fuck you with this,” he looked down at the weapon in his hands. “If you don’t like it or want me to stop just tell me,” he said with a serious face and you nodded.
“Say it.”
“I will tell you if I want you to stop,” you repeated and it seemed to relax him.
“Alright,” the smirk returned to his face. “Where were we? Yes,” he brushed the tip of the rifle against your lips. “Suck on it.”
And you did, you sucked the metal just as if it was his cock and glanced up at him to see his reaction. He was holding the rifle steadily in one hand and stroking himself with the other.
He took it out of your mouth and told you to lean back. You did and all you could see was the ceiling of his room. You grasped his sheets as you felt the tip of the rifle touch your cunt. It was nice and wet after you warmed it up.
You lifted yourself a little to see him and he looked into your eyes as he slid the weapon in your pussy. You moaned at the sensation and he let you get used to the feeling before starting to move it in and out. You shut your eyes and enjoyed the strange fullness it provided.
“Talk to me,” he asked you in a husky voice.
“I uhh,” you moaned, not being able to form coherent words. He seemed to be satisfied with you moaning his name so you stuck with that one, it was the only thing you could remember as he was fucking you with his rifle.
He increased the pace and it was almost painful but the good kind. He started to circle your clitoris with his other hand and soon he leaned closer to suck hard on it while he thrusted the metal in you.
As his hot lips touched you and sucked on your clit you let out a whimper that was a little louder than you wanted it to be but it felt so fucking good. This time he let you have the orgasm that had built up in you so hard that it almost shattered you. You were a babbling mess by the time it ended and you saw your favourite mischievous Crosshair smile on his wet lips when you opened your eyes.
He didn’t stop fucking you with the rifle but his hand went back to pumping his cock and you could tell that he was close, he was panting heavily and couldn’t focus anymore. He let the barrel go while it was still buried deep inside you and positioned himself above your stomach.
You told him how good he looked and how much you loved getting fucked by his rifle as he pumped his cock and then came all over your stomach in hot pulses. You were practically dripping with his cum, he has never come this hard and this much before.
After he came he fell down on the bed next to you and was trying to catch his breath.
“Are you okay?” he turned over to you immediately and drove his hand down your body and gently pulled the barrel out of you. You moaned when he did it and nodded.
You didn’t dare to move because you have already made a mess, both your bodies were covered in sweat and you additionally covered in his cum. Your heart was still racing and you were yet to regain your ability to speak.
“You took it so well, sunshine,” Crosshair stroked your face and you enjoyed his tender touch. “You look fucking good covered in my cum.”
You let out a faint whimper and he chuckled softly. “So fucking good,” he was eating you up with his eyes and he just couldn’t get enough of you. His rifle was laying next to you and you saw his eyes flicker to it then back to you.
You were still exhausted and dazed but you smiled up at him and stroked his face. He drew in a breath when you touched his cheek and you drove your fingers down his body.
He bent down to kiss you and you could feel that he was getting hard again. You smiled into the kiss.
“Is that okay...?” He asked you while stroking your breasts with one hand and holding onto the part of the rifle he fucked you with with the other hand.
You were still laying on your back and opened your legs to welcome him again and he climbed over you and entered you. He didn’t care that your stomach was already covered in his cum, he pulled you closer and buried his cock deep inside your swollen pussy. You were still so incredibly wet that he just slid in and the position let him reach that sweet sweet spot. You interlaced your hands around his neck as he thrusted into you, going deeper with each thrust.
Your thoughts were an incoherent mess and you were overwhelmed in the best way possible. He kept his pace up and buried his face in your shoulder.
“So fucking good for me,” he emphasized each word with a thrust. He hugged you tight to him and buried his cock deep inside you. He stayed there and started leaving wet kisses on your neck. He pinned your hands together above your head with one hand and leaned on the other as he was thrusting into you at a steady pace. You soon started to feel another orgasm build in you and he saw it, he saw the familiar signs and smirked as he kept up his pace.
“Perfect girl,” he whispered and smiled against the skin on your neck and you came. You felt tears flowing from your face but he kissed them away as you shattered into a thousand pieces around him. He couldn’t take it long this time either and soon followed you, coming inside you and filling you up with his warm cum.
“Fucking hell,” he whispered after he rolled down off you and reached to his nightstand to pop a new tootpick into his mouth. If you had the energy you would have laughed but you only managed to let out a breath.
“I fucking love how spent you are,” he said while breathing hard himself too. “Taking my cock so well,” he purred into your ears and you just closed your eyes and listened to the sweet praises he whispered into your ears in his beautiful voice.
“I have never been fucked like this,” you said after you collected yourself a little. His answer was a smug smile.
He got out of the bed and helped you out too. You were still incredibly messy and he quickly got out a fresh shirt and handed it to you. He put on a pair of shorts and you left the room to walk over to the fresher.
You caught a glimpse of a very red faced Tech disappearing behind his door and you blushed at the thought of how much he could have heard. He did tell you that the rooms were fairly soundproof. Fairly.
In the shower you relied on Crosshair and he couldn’t wipe the smug expression off his face. He was smirking every single time he looked at you, which was pretty much always.
He massaged soap on your body and let the hot water clean the both of you. He quickly and efficiently rinsed himself but spent a long time covering every inch of your body in soap until you were covered in bubbles which he rinsed off gently.
You were so drained that you would have let him do absolutely anything to you but you were glad he chose to take care of you after nearly destroying you. After he dried you with a fluffy towel he handed you another one of his shirts, a simple white one and you put it on. It was a little see-through and you were sure he knew it would be. He only put on boxers before you went back to his room.
He started to take off the sheets without a word and you just stood next to his bed, too embarrassed to talk. He looked up at you and tilted his head. You lowered your eyes and he stopped what he was doing and stepped closer to you. He reached out for your face and gently lifted it to make you look into his eyes.
“What’s wrong?” he asked you with a seemingly unreadable face but you saw genuine concern in his eyes. You got lost in them and he had to softly nudge you to get your attention back to what he had asked. He furrowed his brows. “Was I too..?” He asked you and now you could hear the worry in his voice.
You smiled and put your hand on his as he was still caressing your face. “No, I’m just feeling embarrassed about the mess,” you lowered your voice and you could visibly see his relief. He exhaled loudly and smiled.
“Don’t be,” he told you lightly and placed a quick kiss on the top of your head, “besides I made most of it,” he smirked and you blushed again.
“Would you bring another?” He lifted the sheets and walked toward the door to put it in the laundry you would definitely do before anyone had the idea. You weren’t afraid that anyone would get to it faster than you.
You walked out to the dark common room, there was only light coming in from the corridor and you didn’t bother switching the lamp on. You opened the cabinet you thought the sheets were in but you only found the towels.
“Looking for something?” came the voice from behind you and you nearly had a heart attack. Hunter was sitting in one of the seats where you didn’t see him earlier.
You put your hand on your racing heart. “You scared the living shit out of me.”
“Sorry,” he said and shrugged. “I don’t really need the lamps, you know. You will get used to it, the others did. Although they took their time,” he grinned and you just knew that he pulled many pranks on them.
“Not Crosshair though, I assume,” you thought of how good his eyesight was.
Hunter sighed as if it was the biggest misfortune that has ever happened to him. “Yeah, his eyesight is freakishly good for that.”
“I know right, it’s creepy sometimes how good it is,” you agreed with him. “I didn’t realise you came back,” you added and opened another cabinet but still couldn’t find the sheets.
“I was gone for a long time,” he said and raised a brow.
You blushed and quickly turned your face away from him to hide it. You must have lost track of time.
“Tech reorganized everything,” Hunter told you, “they are in the cupboard above your head.”
“Thanks.” If you wanted to reach it, you would have had to stand on your tiptoes and you became painfully aware that you were only wearing Crosshair’s shirt and nothing else. You looked up at the cupboard helplessly and Hunter decided to take pity on you and got up to give you the damn sheets.
Your face was red when he handed them to you and you couldn’t look him in the eye. He enjoyed making you suffer and sent you a crooked smile.
“That lucky bastard is going to live his best fucking life from now on, isn’t he?” he asked and you blushed even more.
“He is,” Crosshair appeared in the corridor, you must have taken too long. He held his hand out to you and you quickly took it and smiled at him.
“Ugh, this,” Hunter motioned at the two of you, “is going to be dreadful for me, isn’t it? Just keep it down,” he sighed and walked into Tech’s room.
“Tech, about those earplugs..” you heard him say before the door closed.
You and Crosshair started to walk back to his room but you stopped before yours and told him to go ahead because you wanted to grab something and use the fresher.
By the time you entered his room again he had already put on the fresh sheets and was lying on his bed in a boxer. You had to stop for a moment to admire his beauty. The light coming from his nightstand reflected from his perfect skin and toned body and left one side of his face in the shadows. His hair was unruly and you wanted to run your fingers through it.
You climbed into the bed next to him.
“Whatcha got there?” he asked and looked down at your hands where you were holding the tooka doll Wrecker gave you.
“I got it from Wrecker,” you hugged the doll to your chest. “I think it was after our first bigger fight. He came over later to cheer me up.”
Crosshair listened to you carefully but you couldn’t read his face. “He made one for us too,” he said eventually and your eyes widened in surprise.
“Really? You all have one? Where’s yours?”
“It’s in the cupboard,” he pointed at one of them.
“Why don’t you sleep with it?” You asked him but he just shrugged. “Can I see it?” He nodded and you got up and opened the cupboard to find a Lula similar to yours but visibly older and used.
“You did sleep with it!” You smiled and Crosshair rolled his eyes but didn’t deny it. The doll was black and red and had his tattoo around its eye. It was so sweet and you could see younger Crosshair hugging it tight to him to sleep.
You brought it back to the bed with you and handed it to him. He accepted and loosely threw his arm over it. You snuggled back next to him and hugged your Lula.
“Do Tech and Hunter have one too?”
“Do they resemble them too?”
You grinned. “That’s so cute.” He made a face but didn’t say anything. “How could Wrecker make them? It’s not like they have arts and crafts shops on Kamino, I presume.”
“99 gave him the material,” he answered eventually.
“He was so good to you,” you smiled. What a sweet man.
“He was,” a small smile finally appeared on his lips as he remembered back.
His arms held you close to his body and he threw the blanket over the two of you. Your eyes felt heavy as he kept stroking your back.
“Tell me something,” you whispered to him because you wanted to hear his voice as you fell asleep. He remained silent for a few seconds but then started telling you about 99 and their days as cadets in a low voice and you fell asleep with a faint smile on your face.
You weren’t even surprised to wake up to being squeezed to death by Crosshair. He was all over you, resting his head on your chest and clinging to you like he was afraid you would run away otherwise.
You opened your eyes and despite the numbness in your limbs you didn’t move and enjoyed being up before him. His mouth was slightly open and he was breathing deeply and steadily. You wanted to kiss the tattoo around his eye and run your fingers through his hair but you settled to just watching him.
You had been up for only a few minutes when he woke up and lifted his face from your chest and blinked a few times, trying to take the position in which he found himself in. He quickly sat up and rubbed his eyes.
You stretched and yawned. “Morning,” you smiled at him.
“Did you wake up before me?” he asked in a raspy voice.
“I did,” you had to restrain a smirk seeing him purse his lips.
“I don’t know how,” he asked mostly himself and shook his head.
“I corrupted you with my sleepiness,” you laughed and he smirked then got up to put on some clothes.
“Why can’t we stay in bed a little longer?” you complained and pulled the blanket back over you.
“Because we have a mission today and need a plan” he said as he pulled up his pants.
“I don’t want to,” you hid under the blanket.
“What do you want to do?”
“You,” you answered from under your blanket.
He climbed back on the bed and under the blanket. He opened your legs and bit your inner thigh, making you moan out loud. You opened your legs even more to give him better access but he stopped.
“We have to prepare for the mission,” he said in a playful voice and climbed out of the bed. “If you’ll be a good girl, you might get rewarded.”
This has awakened your curiosity and you peaked out of the blanket.
“What do you mean?”
He smirked and tilted his head. “Be a good girl and you’ll know.”
You pursed your lips but the offer was too charming and you got out of bed and walked to the door to go back to your room for clothes. You were halfway out when you turned back to him.
“You better fuck be numb later,” you said and watched his eyebrows rise and lips twitch then you turned around to walk out of the door. At least you tried but you basically ran into Tech and after he caught you and put you back on your legs you saw just how red his face got. He must have heard.
You covered your mouth with your fingers but it was too late to take back what had just escaped your mouth.
Tech mumbled an apology and didn’t dare to look you in the eyes before disappearing in his room. You held your head and turned back to Crosshair in disbelief.
“You saw him, right?”
His smirk was telling and you made a face at him before going back to your room.
Later you all gathered in the cockpit to talk the plan through.
“So what do we know about this lovey-dovey dude?” Wrecker asked while lifting Gonky who was trying to walk in the air with his cute little legs.
“Lovey-dovey?” you looked at him, not without concern.
“Heart,” he said, not understanding what you didn’t get.
“It’s Hart not heart, the organ you idiot,” Tech rolled his eyes while Wrecker was frowning.
“It sounds the same,” Wrecker shrugged.
“No, it doesn’t,” Tech protested but luckily Hunter had enough of them and interrupted.
“Enough of…,” he motioned at the two of them with a tired face, “this.”
“He started it, I was just…,” Tech started defending himself but Hunter waved.
“I don’t care,” he said dismissively, the topic already closed for him.
You and Crosshair were just watching them silently with a mug of caf in your hands that Crosshair made. You took a sip and shared a look with him.
“So Tech, tell me what you found out about Hart,” Hunter looked back at Tech who pulled out his datapad and showed a few pictures of the man.
He was middle-aged with graying dark hair and without any sort of significance to his look. He looked like any other middle-aged human man would look like, which made him the perfect candidate to pull off a double life as a spy. His face easily blended into any crowd and looked generic enough that most people would forget about him quickly.
“He was born on Coruscant into a wealthy family, worked his way up through the family connections and is now one of the wealthiest people on the planet. He only recently got into politics but gained a lot of support quickly after donating a lot of money to various charities. He is unmarried and seems to spend all his time working. He has not been photographed a lot lately which is unusual for him as he was a frequent visitor of various social and political events his whole life.”
“He might be hiding something,” Hunter said what everyone was thinking out loud.
“Maybe he just got a new girl,” Wrecker shrugged and the answer was a silent glare from everyone. “What? Alright, or a man, sorry,” he waved and leaned back in his seat.
“That’s not what we meant…” you shook your head and suppressed a laugh. If Hart was suspicious enough to awaken even Tarkin’s curiosity then it had to be more than a new girl. Or man.
“And about the reception?” Hunter turned back to Tech.
“It’s going to be fancy enough that we can’t all blend in,” Tech’s eyes lingered on Hunter’s face tattoo and Wrecker’s huge arms. “They are expecting politicians and their plus ones, not soldiers.”
“Then we are going to split up,” Hunter started to form the plan. “Two of us are going in to keep an eye on Hart and place an eavesdropping device on him so the others can analyze everything he’s saying as soon as the words left his mouth. We also need to monitor the buildings around the reception and everyone else who is attending to rule out them being separatists in disguise. Tech, how hard would it be to create an alias and sneak into the reception?” Hunter looked back at Tech.
“Very hard, indeed,” he answered. “Not for me, though. I can do it.”
Hunter just nodded. “That means if Hart has any business to do he will have to leave the building.”
“I’m starting to get bored here, someone just tell me where to go and what to shoot at,” Wrecker yawned.
“Not everything can be solved with blasting, Wreck,” you sent him a half-smile.
“You clearly haven’t been doing it right then,” Crosshair placed a kiss on the top of your head.
“Yeah, I mean she’s right, shooting is not the best option, not when you can stab. Way more elegant,” Hunter pulled out his vibroblade and you shook your head.
“Too close,” Crosshair muttered under his breath and Hunter lifted his gaze up at him.
“It’s not when you aren’t afraid of the risk,” he mocked Crosshair who let your waist go and took a step toward Hunter.
“Say that again,” he took the toothpick in his mouth between his fingers and pointed at Hunter.
“Guys,” you stepped between them and lowered Crosshair’s hand and placed it back on your waist. He quickly forgot about Hunter’s comment and pulled you closer.
“I’m dying here,” Wrecker complained again.
“Pull yourself together,” Tech stood up and raised his voice a little. “This is a delicate mission and we need a plan.”
“Alright,” Hunter nodded and glanced at you. “We send the two lovebirds in there, they are so disgustingly sweet together that no one will bat an eye. Us three will stay outside, Tech will monitor Hart’s conversations while me and Wrecker will keep an eye on everyone who enters the building and also the building next door. If anything suspicious happens or we have gathered undeniable proof of Hart’s betrayal we grab him and get out of there without making a scene, understood?”
“Ahh, I can’t make a scene?” Wrecker pouted. “What am I blasting then?”
“Hopefully no one,” you smiled then looked up at Crosshair. “Looks like we’re going to a party. Finally I have a place to wear my red dress to.”
“Can’t wait to see you in it, sunshine,” he whispered into your ear with a hint of promise in his voice that made your lower parts clench in anticipation.
Hunter raised an eyebrow but for once ignored you. “Alright, everyone knows what they are doing?”
“I have one question,” you raised a hand, “how the hell are we supposed to bring any weapons inside the ball? I suppose we want to stun Hart if there’s proof he’s the traitor our lovely Captain Tarkin thinks him to be.”
Wrecker snorted at your pet name for Tarkin.
“I was thinking…,” Tech started speaking but blushed a little and continued, “that you can smuggle one or two blasters in under your dress.”
“Under my what, Tech?!”
Hunter and Wrecker laughed out loudly. “Don’t be such a prude, I know what you two been doing all this time, we all know you aren’t,” Hunter winked at you and you showed him your middle finger.
“Alright, I’ll take one for the team,” you sighed.
“That’s my girl,” Crosshair kissed your shoulder.
“This is honestly not much of an elaborate plan,” you looked at your sergeant who just shrugged.
“We don’t need one, we’ll just adapt to the situation.” Fair enough.
“Besides, a lot of it depends on Hart,” Tech added. He was right too.
“Crosshair, do you still have that suit we used for that mission on Lothal?” Hunter looked at Crosshair.
He nodded and you raised your eyebrows. The fact that you would see him all dressed up hasn’t reached you yet.
“You’re gonna be so handsome,” you smiled playfully at him and he made a face.
“I’d prefer my armor.”
You winked at him and then left to get ready. You have never been in a ball like this but you assumed that the other women would look spectacular. They probably spent the whole day getting ready. You only had a few hours but you made it count.
You knocked before you walked into Crosshair’s room. He was standing in front of the mirror in a simple but elegant black suit and was tying his tie with his long, delicate fingers. He looked at you from the mirror and froze mid-movement.
He slowly turned around and looked you up and down. Then again. A smile was playing on your lips as you waited for him to move or say something but he didn’t. He was just staring at you, at your red dress that fit your body perfectly and complimented your skin. Your hair was styled and your makeup was subtle. Your dress was vibrant enough.
He let go of his half tied tie and took a step closer to you. He cupped your face and looked deeply into your eyes.
“You look…,” he started to say in a raspy voice but his voice died off. He couldn’t find the words. You smiled again and lifted your hand to run your fingers through his hair. He didn’t need to say it, it was written all over his face. You pulled his head down and kissed him instead.
You already knew how he felt, that afternoon with him at the lake meant everything for you. You knew how hard it was for him to put his emotions into words and you appreciated it dearly. There you needed to hear them, you had to know that he felt the same way.
This time you didn’t need words, you only needed him, his soft lips on yours. He kissed back strongly, trying to show you how he felt and you were gasping for air by the time he let you go. He quickly finished tying his tie while you collected yourself and then you walked out to the common room.
“Fancy,” Wrecker greeted the two of you. He was wearing his armor and you saw Crosshair’s jealous look at him as he shifted uncomfortably in his suit. “Prettier than a picture,” Wrecker placed a kiss on your hand and you giggled and tried to ignore Crosshair’s death glare. Wrecker let your hand go and turned to him. “And you look like you’re going to a funeral.”
“I like to be prepared,” he murmured and put a toothpick in his mouth.
“Wow,” Hunter walked into the common room with Tech, whose mouth fell open.
“Will this dress do it for your plan, Tech?” You asked him and twirled around. He followed your movement with his eyes and Hunter closed his mouth.
“It will do,” he coughed and looked away.
“If I saw this dress earlier I would have painted you in it on the ship,” Hunter complimented you.
“As long as I’m wearing a dress,” you laughed and turned to Crosshair. “Should we cover up your tattoo?”
“Do you want to strip me of everything I am?” he asked sourly but you only stroked his face and went back to grab your makeup.
“Stay still and close your eye,” you told him as you were applying concealer on his face.
“I don’t like this,” he complained.
“But you’ll look so pretty,” Hunter teased him and Crosshair sent him a death glare with his left eye.
“It’s just to cover up your tattoo,” you told him and leaned closer. You could hear his breath accelerating and Hunter lightly chuckling in the background.
Tech came closer and concentrated on looking just in your eyes while he was talking to you. He tried so hard he barely blinked and you had to restrain your smile and actually focus on what he was saying about your and Crosshair’s aliases for the evening.
“You are going to be Roskir and Brareg Linway, they live across the galaxy and are insanely wealthy and powerful but never attend meetings or receptions personally. It won’t be a problem for you to pretend to be them. Just don’t talk about business.”
“Brareg?” Crosshair asked disgustedly. “It has the word reg in it.”
You sighed to show how irritated you were with his complaining.
“It suits you,” Hunter snickered and Wrecker laughed too.
“It’s just for the night, we’ll survive,” you told him and finished covering up his tattoo. “We’re done.”
He opened his right eye and looked at the mirror you held up in front of him. He scowled. It was weird for you too to see him without his tattoo but his face was still just as handsome as ever.
“You’ll have to leave soon if you don’t want to be late,” Tech told you.
“I don’t know, Roskir strikes me as a person who likes grand entries,” you grinned. You almost forgot about the fact that this was all for a mission and not just a fun night where you got to dress up and go to a ball with Crosshair. You were fairly certain he would never attend one in any other situation.
“Well, Brareg definitely sounds like he carries a pocket watch and arrives an hour early,” Wrecker grinned and you laughed with him.
“I don’t know how the old Brareg pulled a young and beautiful girl like Roskir,” Hunter continued.
“He is incredibly wealthy,” Tech added with a smirk playing on his lips.
“That’s enough,” Crosshair got up but you saw the faint smile on his lips and he reached for two small blasters that he handed you.
You lifted your dress and started to attach the weapons to the suspender belts around your thighs. None of them could hide watching you doing so but Crosshair quickly stepped in front of you to block the others’ view.
“If you were gawking any harder your eyeballs would fall out,” he told them in a mocking tone.
“Hey, I was just collecting inspiration for my next drawing,” Hunter grinned. “Would you deny an aspiring artist from that?”
“Without a second thought.”
Hunter pouted and Crosshair looked at him in a way that you thought it was time to go.
“Alright, I’m done,” you stood up and smoothed out your dress. “We can go now, Brareg,” you grinned at Crosshair’s grimace. He didn’t have that smooth catlike walking in this suit that he did in his armor but his confidence was enough to make up for that.
Tech landed the ship close to a taxi service where you and Crosshair rented an expensive ship to make your arrival more convincing. You entered without running into any problems, the guards checking your invitation and identities were too busy staring at you. They wanted to search you for weapons but you flirted with them to get out of it.
“That surely won’t be necessary, boys. I’m not a bad girl who would just lift her skirt to anyone,” you winked at them and they blushed enough to let it slide just this time.
You had to pull on Crosshair’s arm to make him follow you, he was close to punching both of them out for the rest of the evening.
You walked up the marble stairs and you had to control your amazed expression as you walked into the ballroom. It was everything you dreamed about as a little girl, huge crystal chandeliers sparkling like diamonds and the floor was so polished you were worried you’d slip on it. You tried to take everything in but it was just so spacious. There were long tables in the further side of the room with fine tableware waiting for guests to arrive and start eating. The other side of the hall was for dancing and there were already couples twirling on the dancefloor to the music the live orchestra was playing.
There were guests from all over the galaxy and you could see togrutas, twi’leks and even a few muuns talking quietly in the corner. Crosshair lifted your face and pretended to talk to you while he reported back to the guys.
“We are in, Hart is here, I have a visual.”
You snapped out of daydreaming and realised that you let yourself be that little girl who dreamed of attending a ball with her prince. You weren’t that girl anymore and you had a mission here. But your prince was still with you, you smiled at Crosshair as he stayed leaning close to you even after his report.
You bit your lower lip and he placed his arms on your waist. He stole a quick kiss before offering his hand for you and walking into the crowd.
You felt dizzy from the kiss and ached for more. You couldn’t concentrate on the mission, not when Crosshair’s hand never left your side and he was looking at you with those hungry gray eyes.
He leaned closer to you and whispered into your ears. “I don’t care how many people are here, I will fuck you at the first chance I get.”
Your lower parts clenched in anticipation and you rubbed your thighs together, knowing that you were already wet for him.
“I believe we haven’t been introduced yet,” a middle aged man appeared next to you with a glass of champagne in his hands. “I’m Baid Lavi,” he stole your hand to place a kiss on it.
“Brareg Linway,” Crosshair swatted his hand away rudely, “and this is my wife, Roskir,” he emphasized the word wife and you had to restrain a smile.
“Mr. Linway?” poor Baid’s eyes widened and he immediately took a step back. “I’m sorry for bothering you, please enjoy your night,” he bowed and quickly melted into the crowd.
You turned to Crosshair. “I don’t know if it was for Linway’s reputation or your charming demeanor but he was positively frightened.”
“Good,” he said and held your hand a little tighter.
“He might have been a high ranking official, Brareg shouldn’t burn down his good relations.”
“I don’t give a fuck about him, I won’t let anyone lay a finger on my girl,” he said with a serious face. Your heart stuttered hearing his words. He called you his girl. This little endearment meant so much to you.
You have reached the edge of the dance floor and you saw Hart sipping a glass of champagne while staring at the dancing couples. You touched the little eavesdropping device you were supposed to sneak in his suit and let Crosshair’s hand go to walk over to him. Hart looked deeply lost in his thoughts and didn’t even notice you approaching him until you playfully stroked his chest to get his attention (and also placed the device into his pocket.)
“Mr. Hart, what an honour to meet you, I’m a huge supporter of your work,” you started chatting with him.
He shook his head. “Oh, thank you, thank you,” he nodded, looking quite discomposed.
“I didn’t want to disturb you, I’m sure you’re very busy, I’m already on my way,” you smiled at him and blended back into the crowd.
You saw Crosshair walking toward you and your eyes were fixed on him and you didn’t notice the man approaching you. He was wearing a deep green velvet suit and had too much gel in his hair.
He put his left hand out as an offering. “Would you honor me with a dance?”
“Piss off,” Crosshair spat the words to him as he walked up next to you and placed his hand on your lower back. The man made a startled face and jerked his hand back before disappearing.
“You could be a little more polite,” you scolded Crosshair but he held your hand tightly and led you away from the dance floor, toward the other side of the hall. “It wouldn’t kill you to do so,” you continued, “or just leave the talking to me all together,” you had a little trouble keeping up with him because of the weapons attached to your legs and you were too busy telling him to back off a little to see where he was taking you.
Then you realised that you couldn’t hear the music and loud chattering anymore and Crosshair opened a simple door and pushed you inside. He shut the door and pressed you up against the door.
“You are fucking mine,” he growled and you were startled by the ferocity in his voice.Your breathing accelerated and you couldn’t stop looking at his lips as he was talking.
“They are all staring at you,” he continued, completely out of his mind. “They want to touch you, feel the smoothness of your skin,” he stroked your face and you closed your eyes at the tender touch.
“They want to fuck you,” the fingers that stroked your face so gently a moment ago now grabbed your chin and forced you to look up at him. “You belong to me and no one else,” he said and kissed you roughly. You moaned into the kiss and he lifted your body and threw you on a table.
He quickly wrenched your dress up until it left your lower half exposed. His fingers quickly undid the knots you used to attach the blasters to your legs and he freed you from them and drove his fingers up and down your bare skin.
You moaned and leaned back and he quickly undid his pants and took his already hard cock out. “I told you that you are mine,” he hissed and grabbed your thighs to pull you closer. You let out a whimper and grabbed the edge of the desk.
“No one else can look at you like that,” he teased his cock at your entrance. “No one else can touch you like that,” he dipped the tip in your soaking wet pussy. “No one else can fuck you like me,” he growled and entered you at once and started fucking you at an incredible pace. He growled when he felt just how wet you were for him.
You moaned his name and let him destroy you. You were aching for him from the moment you saw him in the suit and now he was fucking you just the way you wanted. He bent over and clenched his fingers around your throat just enough to make it pleasurable. You were a blubbering mess under him.
“You like getting fucked like this, princess?” he asked you and you nodded frantically, not being able to say a word, not with him thrusting into you hard and holding your neck with his slender fingers.
He buried himself deep inside you and you gasped at the sensation. He filled you up so painfully perfectly and you loved the little edge of pain to your pleasure.
“We should be out there, keeping an eye on Hart and instead I’m here fucking you. You had to wear this dress,” he shoved himself inside you again, reaching that sweet sweet spot deep inside you, “you had to attract everyone’s attention and you had to be sweet to them,” he clenched his fingers tighter around your neck and you almost saw stars from pleasure.
“But you are mine,” he snarled and you came around him, your orgasm exploding into a thousand white fireworks as you came and he fucked you through it. “Who can make you come like this?” he asked you and let your neck go to lift your hand. “Tell me, sunshine, who?”
You tried to focus on his face but your vision was still blurry from your orgasm. “You, only you,” you moaned and he choked and you felt his cock twitch inside you.
“That’s right,” he gasped and buried his cock inside you and came, filling you up with his cum until you were leaking from it.
He pulled out and put his cock back to his trouser, careful not to make a mess. You placed your panties back to their place but your swollen pussy swallowed the little piece of fabric too easily.
“Now you surely won’t think of anyone else during the night,” Crosshair smirked down at you as you were trying to catch your breath. You wanted to tell him that you would never even think of another man, not when you have been fucked by him like this. He has ruined every single man in the galaxy for you, you knew you would never ever find anyone like him.
He picked up the blasters and attached them back to your legs and then helped you stand up. You leaned on him as you felt your pussy leak a little of his cum and you ran your finger through your hair to make it look a little less like you had just been fucked. It didn’t help much.
He was so calm and collected. Not even his hair got unruly. And then there were you with your wrinkled dress, smeared makeup and tangled hair. Not to talk about the mess that the inside of your head was.
You sneaked away to a restroom as soon as you could and cleaned yourself up with your limited resources. At least your face was still flushed, giving you a healthy glow and your eyes were shining.
Crosshair was waiting for you in front of the door and immediately placed a hand around your waist to lead you back to the reception. Hart was dancing with a senator so you decided to grab a bite while keeping an eye on him.
The smell of dinner made your stomach growl. There were all kinds of meat and fish, dipped in sauces you’ve never tasted before and delicious garnish. Even Crosshair seemed to like it but it was hard to tell with him.
“Your hair looks a little disheveled compared to how it was before you left,” you heard Hunter’s smoky, slightly mocking voice in your ear and you nearly dropped your cutlery. His voice was coming from the little device placed in your ear but it sure scared the hell out of you. Not Crosshair, of course.
“Anyway,” Hunter continued, “we saw some movement in the building next door, we think Hart might take off soon. We can’t get any closer, not with all these guards and staying unnoticed.”
“We got this,” Crosshair said and looked deep into your eyes.
You both got up and approached the dance floor. You were surprised to see Crosshair put his hand out and ask you to dance. You smiled at him and accepted. Maybe it was only because he wanted to stay closer to Hart but the way he was leading you and dancing made your head spin.
Not long ago he was fucking you roughly and now he twirled you around and held you as if you were a delicate flower. You saw from your peripheral vision that Hart stopped dancing and was sneaking away.
Crosshair led you closer to the edge of the dance floor and you managed to see Hart slip out through one of the doors. Crosshair looked around and deemed the situation safe and you followed Hart. When Crosshair reported back to the guys you felt the thrill of the mission flood you.
Hart didn’t use the main entrance to leave, he approached the corridors. You and Crosshair could follow him unobtrusively as there were still guests all around. When you reached the dark corridors all you could hear was the echoes of your footsteps and your own heavy breathing. Crosshair was walking as silently in front of you as a cat and he stopped before a door and motioned you.
Before he could enter you heard guards approaching. “Hey!” they shouted after you and you both froze. “Stop! This is a restricted area,” the taller guard told you. He couldn’t be much older than you but his face was serious.
You quickly collected yourself and stepped from one feet to the other while hiding your mouth with your fingers in pretended embarrassment.
“We’re so sorry sir,” you looked at him with a smile and stroked Crosshair’s chest. “We were just trying to find some privacy,” you winked at the guard who came to a halt before you. “You certainly understand, I’m sure the girls are all over you,” you flirted and he straightened his back and coughed.
“Well, ma’am,” his gaze ran down your figure and lingered on your cleavage a little longer than appropriate. “I don’t think we have seen anything, right man?” He turned to the other guard on whose face a sly smirk appeared.
“No, I don’t think we did,” he said and winked at Crosshair before they turned around and walked back to the main hall.
You quickly entered the room but before you could have gone after Hart, Crosshair pushed you up against the wall.
“The fuck you were thinking?” He leaned closer to you. “Flirting with these pathetic boys?”
His body was too strong and you couldn’t even break free if you wanted to. His face was not pleased.
“I just got us out of a rough situation, Cross,” you told him and gasped as he pushed his hips against yours.
“I would choose to kill them before having to watch you flirt with them,” he said and your breathing became heavy. Why did this turn you on so much? This was possessive but fuck, it felt so good that he wanted all of you to himself.
You squeezed his shoulder. “We can talk about this later but for now, Hart is slipping away to do universe knows what business,” you told him and his mind focused back on the mission. He let you go and turned to the open window where Hart sneaked out.
“Do you have eyes on Hart?” he asked through his comm.
“Positive, he entered the room below you and in the opposite building,” came Hunter’s voice.
“We are now a hundred percent positive that he’s secretly allying with the separatists and has been leaking useful information to them,” Tech said and you pursed your lips. Traitor.
“Then let’s get his traitor ass,” Crosshair held his hand out and you quickly got the two blasters out from under your dress and handed him one. Then you turned on the stun setting, he might have been a traitor but he still deserved a trial. And punishment. A lot of it. How many troopers paid with their lives for Hart's betrayal? Your fingers closed a little tighter around your weapon at that thought.
Crosshair motioned you to stay behind while he walked to the window and assessed the range and position Hart was in.
“He’s in the room with two others, Hart is the closest to the window,” Hunter reported.
“I have a visual,” came Crosshair's calm answer.
“Everything’s clear,” Wrecker said and Crosshair lifted his blaster.
“Wait!” Tech’s voice cut through the comm channel and you jerked your head up and lifted your blaster. “There’s a…,” Tech started saying but it was too late.
Just before the second Crosshair could have pulled the trigger a red blast cut through the air and hit his right shoulder. He grunted in pain and fell to his side. Your heart sank and you wanted to scream but no sound came out of your mouth.
“There’s an unidentified ship approaching to get Hart out of there,” Tech finished.
“On it,” came Wrecker’s answer and you could hear his breath accelerating as he started running.
“Yeah, thanks for the heads up,” Crosshair moaned and kneeled up. Quicker than you could have acted he threw the blaster from his injured right hand to the left, lifted it and shot, then collapsed on the floor.
You ran to him and saw that he was in a lot of pain and was losing a lot of blood. He grasped his right shoulder and blood was slowly soaking his fingers.
“Hart’s out, the others fled but we are not after them, nice job Cross,” Hunter praised Crosshair, unaware of the fact that his brother had just got shot in the shoulder.
“Hunter, Crosshair got shot,” you reported back and crouched down to start treating his wound. “You need to hurry, there isn’t much I can do without my equipment,” you tried to stay calm and collected but felt the unfamiliar signs of panic rise in your chest. You never panicked in dangerous situations.
There was no answer for a couple seconds but then Hunter’s grim voice answered. “How bad?”
“Tell Wrecker my rifle will be buried with me and he can’t get it,” Crosshair grunted.
“Hear it for yourself,” you rolled your eyes but knew that his injury was more serious than he let it show. “Hurry,” you told Hunter and you knew he heard the concern in your voice. You turned your attention back to Crosshair again.
He was still laying on his left side and clutching his right shoulder where the blaster bolt hit him. He was pale and his blood soaked his suit and started to gather on the floor next to him.
Usually when you were working as a medic you found a mental state where you were present but distant at the same time. You saw the injury and you just knew what you had to do. Stitch that up, disinfect this, put bacta cream on this wound and so on… You didn’t see the trooper, you saw the human body, the way it opened up and bled and you knew how to put it back together. It was only flesh and bone and blood. Simple biology.
But this time it was different. You saw the blood and all you could think about was that it belonged to the man you loved. The man who you would have moved mountains for, the man you would have followed anywhere. He was in pain and you froze.
Crosshair grunted in pain again and you snapped back and took a few deep breaths, trying to ignore the smell of his blood.
“Don’t panic, don’t panic,” you muttered to yourself as you ripped off some fabric from his suit and made a quick bandage out of it to stop the bleeding as much as you could.
“I’m not panicking,” his mouth curled up a little but he still kept his eyes shut.
“I was talking to myself,” you answered and almost burst out laughing at the absurdity of your situation. You were surely going mad.
“It’s just a blaster bolt, I had it worse,” he answered and controlled his breathing. He was taking it so well but soon he was panting, his eyes closed and his blood got all over your dress. You grew more and more anxious and were looking constantly at the door and window to see when the others would arrive.
“I told you red suited you,” Crosshair said in a weak voice and you let out a hysterical laugh then quickly stopped yourself.
“Where are you?” you muttered to yourself and glanced at the door then heard shooting through the comm, the unmistakable sound of a stun blast.
“This one won’t get up for a while,” you heard Wrecker’s voice before he reported that the pilot of the ship was out. You heard a loud thud, Wrecker must have kicked the guy who shot his brother, in the gut. Good, you smiled tightly.
“Tech, get Hart, Wrecker go get Cross and Medy, I’ll get the ship and pick you all up,” Hunter gave orders to everyone and you heard him run through a corridor and jump through a window.
You wondered how no one else noticed what was going on there but just realised how quickly and silently the whole process went down. You’d be out before anyone could bat an eye.
“What should we do with this one?” Wrecker asked Hunter about the knocked out pilot.
“Leave him for the guards,” Hunter said darkly.
Wrecker did as he said and soon burst into the room where you were kneeling next to the injured Crosshair. He had a worried expression on his face and he immediately ran to Crosshair to assess his condition.
“How could this happen?” he asked and helped his brother up. Crosshair grunted from pain and leaned on Wrecker who picked him up instead. He was already too weak to protest and rested his chin on Wrecker’s shoulder. “Should have kicked harder,” Wrecker shook his head, making a shadow of a smirk appear on Crosshair's pale lips.
Tech arrived soon with Hart carelessly thrown over his shoulder. He even bumped his head to the doorframe when he entered the room and ran to take a look at Crosshair.
“How serious is the injury, how much blood has he lost, how…,” he started showering you with questions but you placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.
“It missed the brachial plexus, he’s gonna be okay soon but is losing a lot of blood now,” you summarized his condition.
“Missed his what?” Wrecker asked nervously, fidgeting with his hand and shooting nervous glances at Crosshair who was still resting his chin on his shoulder.
“The large nerve bundle that controls arm function,” you explained quickly.
“Hunter?” Tech asked through the comm.
“Here,” came the answer and you finally heard the stolen ship approach and Hunter threw down a cable, as the ship was too big to fit between the two buildings.
You watched Wrecker climb the cable with one hand and you followed them, not forgetting to take Crosshair’s blaster with you.
Tech climbed up after you, easily doing it, even with the additional weight of the traitor Hart on his shoulders. Hunter piloted the ship back to the Havoc Marauder and you quickly got on it. You had Wrecker lay Crosshair in your bed, closest to your equipment.
You finally felt like yourself again, the equipment was familiar in your hands and you knew just what to do. You acted mechanically, silencing the part of your brain that wanted to scream and cry. You couldn’t let that part of yourself out because the only person able to calm you from that state was lying in front of you, badly injured.
Tech was piloting but both Wrecker and Hunter were standing in the door, silently watching you stitch up Crosshair and inject him with painkillers. You placed a bacta bandage on his wound and leaned back in your chair.
He was out, he lost too much blood and you gave him a pill that would guarantee sound and sleepless sleep. He needed it. All three of you watched him lay in your bed, still but breathing. You all knew that you were close to losing him today and none of you left for a long time. Later Tech switched with Hunter and sat down on the floor next to Crosshair.
You only left his side for a minute when you went into his room to grab his lula. You knew it was silly but you wanted him to have it next to him. Wrecker smiled at you when he saw it and you held your hand out for him and he gently squeezed your fingers to comfort you.
You couldn’t take your eyes off Crosshair. You knew it wasn’t a fatal wound, you all knew it. But it could have been and your heart was aching. You were still worried about Crosshair but could relax a little now that he was stable and resting. He would be okay.
You climbed in the bed next to him and just stared at his face, tattoo and silver locks. Wrecker, who was sitting on the floor next to your bed slowly fell asleep just like Tech who was snuggled up in your armchair. They were exhausted but couldn’t leave their brother’s side when he was in pain. You smiled at them and looked back at Crosshair who opened his eyes for a second but they didn’t seem to focus.
You immediately sat up and cupped his face. “It’s okay, Cross, you’re gonna be okay, I’m here,” you reassured him and wiped the sweat from his forehead.
He was taking shallow breaths and you just wanted to take all his pain away. “Do you want me to get you anything?” you asked him.
“Just stay,” he whispered and fell back to his very needed sleep.
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