#like. COME ON. it's all good and well to be delusional about your ship but for god's sake don't be TRULY BLIND as well
crystallizsch · 2 days
And here I am bringing yet another song that reminds me of ur ocs sigh... Well, kinda, more like a relationship your oc has with someone 😭
I do not want to force u to ship Yuuna and Riddle, let me just get this out of the way😔 In fact if you wanna use this you can use this was just Riddle's little unrequited love for Yuuna<3
Anyways enough😭 ok so one of my favorite singers, Laufey, released a song a while ago called Must be Love and it's just??? So Riddle?? Like it's very Riddle falling for Yuuna kinda thing...
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Like especially these two parts... Yes it made me think of him because of the word "Wonderland" but listen!! It's so funny (and cute) to imagine people asking Riddle why he's so distracted and the reason being because he just can't help but be entranced by Yuuna🥺🥺 and the fact that he's so strict with himself and others and now he just acts so dumb and lovestruck because of them
And then she rejects him😀 oh well
like any mild mention of yuuna or reminder of them would get him all unnecessarily flustered and defensive and he doesn't know why at first
and then he finally realizes "oh no" he like likes yuuna
You made a sappy stupid something out of me The kind I swore I'd never be
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RIDOYUU IS REAL (i am delusional)
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okay anywaysss i kind of. did a small comic (+ some extra ramblings) of the confession under the cut ----
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i’m still debating on whether i want riddle to already know hes gonna be rejected bc of a reality check from ace/deuce/grim
or if i want him to find out all by himself
because with the first one it’s a slow buildup and dread knowing the answer and when he finally receives the confirmation, riddle allows his heart to 100% break and finally come to terms that there isn’t going to be that kind of reciprocation from yuuna
for the LATTER, I want it to be like he mistook their friendliness as them undoubtedly having the same feelings, like he’s so certain about it. "they're acting this way towards me, so why not?? they'll give me a chance. I'll just make the first move" but he's still nervous, of course, but when he got rejected, it completely upended him because all of what he thought he had misinterpreted. of course he wouldn't blame yuuna for it, he would be more upset with himself for not being able to get it right and assuming in the first place
but EITHER WAY it's good good yummy angst
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singsweetmelodies · 8 months
Not to also be a Les*appen hater but the way they also try to make the them into the new bro*cedes except they are just collegues😭 but funny that charles and Max just don't have enough actual interactions to base fics on that so stealing is the only way lol
be a lestappen hater, anon!! embrace it; live your truth!! because bestie, you are SO right with this. people trying to make out that l*stappen are "the new brocedes" are actually insulting brocedes.
because come on. brocedes has so much depth and history and intensity, while lestappen is really just... bland?
let's put it like this: nico and lewis were best friends growing up. they were closer than close - "everything bar lovers," to quote crofty. they once wanted each other to succeed just as much as they wanted themselves to. (if i'm remembering my lore correctly, nico's dad once bought an entire KARTING TEAM so they could both keep driving. like.) they once celebrated each other's wins like their own!! and then they became teammates and everything fell apart in spectacular fashion - but it fell apart BECAUSE they used to be so close. without that long history, i don't think it would have gotten nearly as intense and explosive between them.
max and charles, on the other hand... well. they had a squabble or two on track when they were karting, sure, but i'd compare that more to first-graders having a fight at lunch. they forget about it less than a week later. HONESTLY, i don't think either max or charles would ever have remembered the infamous "nothing just an inchident" thing if it hadn't become the meme it is today.
because here's the thing: max and charles were never friends. they were never CLOSE. they certainly never rooted for each other to succeed, and that meant there was nothing really to fall apart either. i don't imagine they had much of a relationship at all, both growing up and right now.
so yeah, they can never be brocedes. they can't even come close, because in order to fall apart that spectacularly, you first have to care about each other. you have to care about each other for years. and i don't think max and charles have EVER truly cared about each other.
i always think that lestappies like the IDEA of lestappen much more than the reality of it. or maybe they just like the idea of enemies to lovers so much that they're completely blind to the reality???
the reality that there's just... nothing really between max and charles, and their relationship is in all honesty the most bland coworker one ever. "the new brocedes?" please.
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luxuourr · 16 days
Why manifesting is your best friend + society is a bitch.
manifesting ?? my best friend ? hell no. i need to work so hard...
pookie it's not your work hard thing , your society you live in, we collectively live in , has told us fucked up shit we don't need to believe in, nothing of it is true. The only thing true is what's from the heart and it's the feeling , you didn't and god didn't and universe didn't send time upon us , we used our brains to create it ,
laws don't fail. laws are made laws because they're undeniable.
understand time is not linear , scientists found alphabets otherwise let's be honest , who would have known what's English is?? If Greeks and Egyptians didn't work on time. would we know today?
nuh uh! so I suggest you to remember, don't look at how much time or date you're at, don't look at how many hours until he (sp ) surprises ur enemy with date , how you fail
no time to think of this, think the best of every possible circumstance, I know and you should too, you're doing a great job
even if the last conversation with him ended in a divorce, breakup or failed situation ship, you can get it all back, even if life has not been kind to you and you could not keep up with the most important exam of your life AND you're a victim of domestic abuse or parental abuse. it's not too late, you're not doing anything right or wrong , just because you could not do more than you could because of circumstances, it'll not change your results , it'll not change you getting 100%, if you did everything positively and tried to slap your negative thoughts there's always hope. i say this as I have not prepared anything for the most important math exam of my life and it's 5 pm rn , I have 14 chapters and have the most biggest exam of my life tommorow at 1 pm, have severe depression and the most toxic and hurtful family you could ever imagine to have.
believe me, no one will care about you, until you make it happen.
do you know what your job is ?
- know what you want + assume you're that version, that super model , famous celeb, have that desired body s/o or whatever , fullfill yourself after that and BOOM you wake up in it, won't even take less than a 2-3 days if your belief is good enough, you're doing shit in a fun way to manifest everything you want
- failure doesn't exist , no you're not delusional for attempting nothing in exam and wanting 96% ,you're god remember. the others who have the exam aren't , if you assume you'll know everything without studying that's going to happen, it only depends on what you feed yourself with.
- gone is gone , it's like it'll never come back, if there is something attached , like up coming results from what happened, i suggest assume + accept and move on
- if you script, mediate, robotically affirm, visualize or do whatever, it is meant to happen
- do not worry, you're doing a good job, just try your best for certain things or assume , everything works in the best possible outcomes
- mountains and clouds , centuries and the equator will move for you to get your desires.
- no you're not cursed and shit, life's a rainbow sparkle colors it's all a roses of bed and not what society taught us, just assume and you'll wake up with it
- for example if you have important exams of your life , there's this girl in front of you doing so well in exams , u don't wanna cheat and there's no chances anyway but you realize, the best you're doing right now is trying your level best in the exam and if you have time or not , time doesn't matter it's just created by us, remember she's not better she has no idea about LOA It's , you it's me it's us. Why would she be better, she had to study 24/7 and then still assume about average grades and stress over what's wrong and right , instead you , who could visualize given it well, be the person who got 96% in these exams isn't it much more fun, less tiring and entertaining??
- you got to know manifesting for a reason, trust people who posted their success stories, trust yourself , be kind to yourself and don't let the old story walk over you, it was never there , failure never existed , you've always been the new story you created for yourself, understood.?
- beating yourself up is not going to reverse time again honey, it's gone , it's not coming back , like never so focus on yourself, your feelings , your intentions , your life. Try to know that manifesting is not about trying to get and doing methods to recieve , it's about KNOWING and feeling.
e. g Aliyah is a girl who's a manifestor she wants good grades, she has issues she cannot study because of and cause her to be burn out at home , so she decides , the night before finals.
she thinks " i will try my best and even if it's the point where it wasn't good enough, universe and manifesting has my back, the time that'll be taken by the institute to check my exams , I'll revise everything including all my wrong parts of exam and unfilled parts to fully filled correct answers because crying and whining won't do shit, but this feeling will change everything" , even her bsf in this case supported her and told her that she's manifesting for her and everything plays out in the best possible circumstances. You only assumed like that and made it happen
e. g there's another manifestor called Sara she is also giving the same exam as aliyah , but instead of working on her self concept , believing in herself
, she'd cry for hours everyday for three months so instead of reality giving her the 100% she's been hoping for , she fails she thinks 3D is everything( it's not ) , she doesn't believe in bloggers she's impulsive, thinks crying is the solution to everything , she spends 3 months crying and shitting about herself to achieve nothing in life
prior to this aliyah the master manifestor slays in everything she does, she accepts and moves on , every time bad thoughts get to her , she slaps them with " NO THIS IS MY WORLD IM AN ACCURATE PERFECT MANIFESTOR"
so who of them saved themselves despite abusive household and everything??? Sarah just spent all the time crying and whining.
you can either be her. ( Sarah) or HER (aliyah)
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mc who ships the kings with their nobles (its an excuse for leviforas)
Mc that ships the shippers with their kings
Overall, I think none of them would think much of it because all the nobles seem to have a crush on their kings. They would mind if you started losing interest in their king because you percieve them to be in a relationship.
Paimon would, like always, be the chiller one about this whole thing. While he sometimes gets angry at his fellow shippers, he'll never get angry at you unless you do something really really stupid. Shipping him with Satan is just kind of silly in his view. He might humor you a bit, but he'll shortly cut all your hopes when he says that he has no romantic feelings for Satan and never will. Doesn't want to give you too much false hope, he just wishes you'll put your sights on what really matters.
Eligos would be dumpfounded. The whole interaction was like
Eligos: Mc! I'm so glad I've found you! I've prepared a nice bow for you to wear on your stroll with his majesty Mammon.
Mc: I'm sure Mammon likes ribbons a lot. I mean, with how close the two of you are... he sure has a thing for small cute things.
Eligos: Oh, he totally does! That's why I will make you the cutest being in Hell... behind me, of course.
Mc: No, don't worry. I don't want to tempt your man.
Eligos: My... what?
Mc: Come on, it's obvious that you and Mammon have athing for eachother. The way he pets your head for longer than anyone else, the way he always calls you his. I bet you have a full collection on lingerie just for him.
Eligos: I do, but no! No no no! I'm not in love with his majesty Mammon! Never!
Mc: First stage, denile
Eligos: First stage of WHAT?!?!?
Congratulation, you just broke Eligos' brain and made him take an emergency trip to Paradise Lost to get checked for whatever illness you implyied he had.
Foras gasps when he hears that and covers your mouth.
Foras: Mc, do you like breathing?
Mc nods
Foras: Good, then stop saying stuff like that. He always listens
Leviathan: Is this what you two are doing instead of sorting paperwork? The only reasons I allowed you two to stay together was because you're incompetent and Foras keeps getting distrected on his phone. I would strangle you both, but you're into it, you filth.
Foras: I apologise, great, powerful, handsome Leviathan for my wrong doings
Mc: I'm adding degredation to my newest fic
Leviathan: Don't flatter yourself a writer, I would never degrade Foras. He actually has qualities to speak of.
Foras: (I wish he degarded me as well)
Sorry, I've been too Leviathan possitive on my blog lately, I have to spread the hate
Amon would choke on his own spit. On one hand, hot, yes, he does want to get revaged by his king. On the other hand, that would be illegal because you're already with him. Amon is delusional, partly because he's starving, partly because that's just how he is. He would try to talk you out of it out of genuioun fear that he is breaking the law.
Gamigin would be repulsed. Lucifer is his brother, why would you ship him with his sibling? Please stop, he's really uncomfortable by the whole idea.
Mc: You know, I've been thinking about you and Lucifer recently
Gamigin: Really?! What about?
Mc: You'd look lovely together. He's so nice to you, I bet he likes you well enough in bed.
Gamigin.exe stopped working
Marbas: You need to leave!
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dia-souls · 5 months
DIABOLIK LOVERS Imajin Tokuten Drama CD “Big brothers' debate, history of the demons?!”
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Original title: 兄弟間の話し合い, 悪魔の歴史?!
Source: Fanmade Tokuten Drama CD
Story by: Admin Irsa
Seiyuu: Suegara rie, Toriumi Kousuke, Takahiro Sakurai, Toshiyuki Morikawa, Tomoaki Maeno
Admin's note: Hey! I am back with a new Drama CD. These days I was confused whether I should upload a one shot or a Drama CD, after debate I went for CD as they are easier to write. Tbh this one is rushed as I didn't properly sat and think about scenes. I just wrote what came in my mind as Carla, Ruki and Shu are my favourite ships with Yui. I wanted to make a CD with any topic about them and finally I did. This cd is focused on Shu roasting as his roasting isn't appreciated enough I focused on that, Carla and Ruki are getting roasted. I have zero idea about demon things origin it's all made up and not canon. Again reviews are welcomed 😭 please review as it's the thing that gets me motivated.
Ruki: Oi! What's the meaning of this?
_Ruki entered the music room along with Carla.
Carla: That's should be my line. Woman, why did you call me with this guy?
Yui: Ruki-kun and Carla-san, thanks for coming!
_Yui walked up to them.
Ruki: State your reason here. I thought you finally stepped up your game by calling me alone in this music room, tsk.
Carla: You are truly a dense women with no sense of moral. Calling two men here in this music room, what do you hope to achieve.
_Yui's face flushed.
Yui: No-o.... You both have a misunderstanding... I-I--
Shu: Pwah.... Could you both stop ganging up on her. This shows your mentality instead of her. You are the one delusional for expecting something from a woman like her.
Ruki: Ohh... Sakamaki Shu. How about you remain quiet as you always have been.
_Ruki looked at him with cold eyes.
Shu: Hah! Why? Are you upset that I called you out?
_Shu looked at Ruki with cold eyes too.
Yui: Uhm... Shu-san wasn't cooperating to go anywhere, I had no choice but to call you both here in the music room.
Shu: Exactly! It was for my comfort don't get any ideas you perverts...
Carla: You inferior being dare to talk to a King of First blood like that!
_Carla stepped closer to Shu only for him to be blocked by Yui.
Yui: Carla-san calm down please!
Ruki: Hah! To think you need a woman to protect yourself, you truly are a failure as a man.
Shu: Is it me or are you both ganging up on me... What a pain.
Yui: Uhmm... I called you three here for an assignment.
Ruki: Assignment?? If you needed help you could have approached me privat--
Shu: Well she didn't for a reason and I think I can see why she didn't.
_Ruki glared at Shu.
Yui: Well this assignment is related to "Demons and Their history " I thought you three will be the best to talk about this topic since, I will get to know about history of vampires and founders. You three are the best options so please cooperate with me.
Carla: Hmm... So you want to know about History of founders. This will be a good idea. In this way you will know about your people.
Ruki: "Your people" what do you mean by that Tsukinami Carla.
_Carla looked at Ruki with serious eyes.
Carla: She will be the Queen of founders and as my wife she need to know about her people.
_Shu chuckled.
Shu: People? What people? Aren't founders extinct? Your history is already over.
Ruki: ...............
Yui: ................
Carla: You! How dare you vampire insult my royal bloodline! You scum!
Shu: This scum here at least has its race and isn't extinct like you.
Yui: Carla-san please-e stop I beg you don't!
_She immediately got between them stopping Carla.
Ruki: Livestock don't get in between. You aren't his Knight! Get over here!
_Shu looked at Ruki.
Shu: You need a knight actually considering your powers you half vampire.
_Ruki glared at Shu.
Ruki: You really got some guts for insulting me like that!
Yui: Ruki-kun please not you too!
_Yui left Carla to grab Ruki to stop him from getting to Shu.
Yui: Please! Please stop it!
Ruki: Hmph!
_Yui looked at them.
Yui: Umm.. For starters I have always wondered what's demons origin like how do they came into being.
Shu: In the same way you human exist we all exist that's it.
Yui: Huh? This means God made you all.
Carla: No...No God made us! We are first blood the superior--
Ruki: Hah! So you are claiming you existed from start?
Carla: My ancestors yes! Me? No.
Shu: Obviously you are after product.
Carla: Are you insulting me?!
Shu: Who knows?
Yui: Ohh? I see so that's how it is.... what about vampires? Do you all think Karlheinz-sama is the first vampire to exist.
Ruki: Good question! That man is a God with thoes incredible powers and--
Shu: Here comes his inner fanboy.
_Shu mumbled.
Ruki: Did you say something?
Shu: No...
Ruki: I see as I said. But I believe this isn't the case cuz you see he has a brother--
Shu: It's obvious he didn't crawl up directly from the hell. He was putted in this world by some miserable people. He must have some nasty parents.
Ruki: Don't insult him--
Carla: There was a time when all species were under us founder. We all were on top the most feared. No one dared to disrespect us during my father's time-
Shu: "Was" so this mean you agree to the fact you aren't feared anymore....
Carla: You! Are you picking a fight here?!? I would love to show you what fear is!
Yui: Calm down Carla-san! Shu-san is joking!
Ruki: I would rather say you humbled yourself. It must be because of her. One of us is bound to awaken as Adam.
Shu: "Us" aren't you excluded because you are half blood.
Ruki: ...........
Yui: Shu-san, why are you doing that?! Please stop it! My assignment needs to be completed.
Shu: Pwah... I am so tired could you hurry up and get over with this all.
Yui: Shu-san if you keep saying such things which angers them how am I supposed to hurry up??
Shu: Then you shouldn't have invited these short tempered people.
Carla: Now I get why that guy hates you. You clearly are a disappointment.
Shu: Ouch.. that hurted....
_Shu calmly said closing his eyes.
Ruki: This man infuriates me with his attitude!!
Yui: Please calm down you three-
Shu: Its not "three" it's "two" or" both" will be more suitable......
Ruki: You talk as if you are perfect you are nothing but a disappointment both as son and older brother.
Carla: To think you will be the one leading the vampire clan, I am sure vampire clan will be bound to ruin if the future king is a sloth.
Ruki: Hah! To think you are Karlheinz's son is a big insult.
_Yui looked at both of them angrily.
Yui: You both, it's too much stop it! You are being mean to Shu-san, he --
Ruki: To think you need to relay on others to do your work... hmph a disappointment.
_Shu smiled and looked at them.
Shu: I might be this and that but you both are still not better than me in anything. I still have everything without trying. You both could never. You both sound jealous and envious.
_Shu laughed.
Shu: I will still become king because I am better than my brothers and that old man's sons unlike someone over here I will have actual commerades actual people to lead too......
_Yui's eyes widened
Yui: Look you all, we are diverting from topic this isnt---
Carla: Huh! You really think you will get away by talking like that about me? If I want I could wipe you and your whole clan from this world!!
Ruki: You think crown will be passed to you like that you are wrong Sakamaki sShu. The crown goes to someone who has Eve and you clearly don't have her!!
Shu: So do you have her? You talk as if you have--
Carla: That's my clan will be restored by this woman so put your nasty gaze off from my woman!
Ruki: "My women"?? You are being very bold considering she doesn't even bat her lashes to you!
Yui: You-u.. gu..ys...please listen--
Carla: Your half breed aren't even in race your blood is too impure to be contaminated with someone as precious as her!
Shu: She doesn't deserve to live with a guy who is as twisted as you in first place!
Ruki: Haha! So she deserve a sloth like you a man who sleeps all day and doesn't have a will too live you!
Yui: You... Guys... stop it's enou--kyaaa
_Yui disappeared without them noticing.
Shu: She doesn't deserve someone disgusting like you with such twisted fantasies.
Ruki: She doesn't deserve someone who is a faliure as a man. A man who runs from duties and responsibilities isn't suitable for her!
Kino: You all are right! She doesn't deserve you three!
_They all turned to look at kino.
Kino: She deserve a prince as she is a princess and that Prince is me!
Carla: You! Where do you come from?!
Kino: Listen up buddies from all of your conversation I realized I am the best option for her. So it's better if you wed her to me!
Ruki: You--where is livestock?!
Kino: She is safe and sound with me don't worry I will invite you three to our wedding! Ohh! Your families are also invited!
Shu: Hahh I knew something like this will happen...
Carla: I will destroy you! Give my woman back to me!
Kino: Hehe! Never and We will see that! Sayonara!!!!
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sgiandubh · 6 months
Lights, camera, shit show
I was just cleaning my OL folders (all those Chinese paintings and scrolls do take a horrendous amount of space, heh) and I just stumbled upon something I completely forgot to share and discuss with you. I found this particular article during my solitaire lurking months and I remember being befuddled by it for a long time, then thought I've lost it for good.
I don't remember ever seeing it shared or discussed in here, either and if, by any slim chance, I am wrong, kindly forgive me. That professional website is now closed, but its content is still available to browse:
Anyway, there goes: https://www.studiodaily.com/2018/06/outlander-dp-stephen-mcnutt-asc-csc-saucy-scottish-show/
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We discussed Terry Dresbach and her inebriated rants, Vanessa Woman's devastating impact on set as Intimacy Coordinator, RDM's jealousy and many other aspects of life on the OL set. Rumors likely to have originated there peppered our shipping trail like flickering lights in a sea of darkness. So yes, we dissected these things to death. But not Stephen McNutt's interview to Studio Daily, on June 22, 2018 - please keep in mind the date, it is essential!
Stephen McNutt is a well-established professional and a member of the American Society of Cinematographers (ASC) and the Canadian Society of Cinematographers (CSC), as he hails from British Columbia. He also has a consistent track record of previous work with RDM, both on Battlestar Galactica and Caprica (its prequel). Therefore, one has to immediately suppose he was handpicked and brought on set by the same RDM, of course: set a very low bar on your expectations, I am warning you.
By the grace of RDM, he was one of the main Directors of Photography for OL during Seasons Two and Three. IMDb is not the best source for corroborating things, because they credit him with 13 episodes in Season Two (including La Dame Blanche- he is the Blue Room guy!), but only one for Season Three (First Wife), which is completely wrong. I even had to check some opening credits on Netflix (at reduced speed, ugh), because he speaks at length of A. Malcolm, something that would have made little sense otherwise. He was there, of course: and his is a first-hand account, heavily loaded with both innuendo and TPTB bullshit, up to the point of complete incoherence.
We focus on the three final questions:
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This is a study in bullshitology, right here. The question asked is very clear and very technical: how did you approach those famous love scenes?
The answer is a mumble jumble of retcon, deflections, slips and overall impossible scramble for a logical explanation. I am doing a line by line, because this is almost too good to be true:
'(...) But as far as Cat and Sammy making love (...)' : um, hello and excuse me, I thought the question was about Jamie and Claire?!? And then we are delusional and can't fucking separate, when your own henchman, the Director of Photography no less, seems to be totally unable to do so, too? Hello? Also: 'Sammy'? 'Sammy'? What. The. Total. Fuck, and I LOLed then and I am still LOLing now. Terms of endearment overheard on set - but no, here comes the 'friendship' shite, hitting the narrative fan with Mach 5 speed. Objective? Explaining in a plausible way the hugging and 'keeping warm'. And I am sorry, but this begs the question: what the hell did this man see on that set? And how many people did see the same, hence the need to release such a gratuitous lie, for pure retconning purposes?
'They are not an item at all - I think she just got married'. Oh, fuck my life, man: you are such a terrible, terrible liar! Remember, that interview was taken in June 2018: after the OZ EFH and just about when C. was gleefully answering 'oh, God forbid!' every time she was prompted by press about her marriage plans. How can somebody with a pretty high trophic level and personal rapport to both S and C be totally unaware about C's marital status at the time? How can a long time acquaintance and coworker of RDM say no both to a friend and to a current boss (same person, the worst case scenario) asking for a favor, in that particular context? It also goes to prove that the shit show plot mainlines never originated with S and C and that the Remarkable Week-end was already planned for quite some time. By TPTB. With the full knowledge of RDM.
Let's suppose Mr. McNutt was so deeply engrossed in his work as not to notice all the people who must have congratulated C on set. I mean, I know who our (spinster) colleague from Accounting is currently banging and that guy is (mercifully) not among our staff (I totally wish them well, btw). Maybe because nobody congratulated C on that fakegagement? Also, you know them well enough to confidently say 'they are not an item', but don't know she was not married at the time and state an enormity with the same confidence? What in the name of the hoo-ha did I just read, here?
'I was always in such amazement of that.' In amazement of exactly what, Mr. McNutt? Surely not a woman holding hands or keeping warm with her gay co-star on set, huh? I mean, I need the best American English dictionary, here:
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Again: what the heck did this man see? What comments did he hear? Surely, 'amazement' is a very precise choice of wording, with particularly enlightening synonyms:
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Hence the need to end the demonstration with a deflection: 'They would just have fun.' You know, there is no such thing as a virgin whore, Mr. McNutt: you either are in such astonishment or you think your pals, good old S and C, such a funny girl, were having, well... 'fun', what else? You can't logically have both in the same paragraph!
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And there we go: 'a very collegial atmosphere on set'. The answer is pure fool's gold, if you ask me: 'Nobody goes to sit in a trailer or says they aren’t showing up that day. '
And I laughed. And I laughed. And I laughed. I really don't know what this man is talking about. I never heard McTavish telling S to get out of that trailer ('nephew'). I never read the 'two very loved-up birdies' in a trailer a-rockin' Anons. I never watched that 2015 Anglophile SDCC interview, when S mentioned listening in their shared trailer to Erasure's Oh, l'Amour and C immediately reacted ('oh, did you just admit to that?'). But unlike me, McNutt must have been legally bound by a big cojones Non-Disclosure Agreement and morally bound by loyalty towards RDM, his friend, boss and benefactor.
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This. All of the above. This is the real reason for all the bullshit you've just read: explaining a real, shocking love story by socially progressive regulations, allowing the cast to be 'much more happy'. I would laugh some more, if this was not sinister and cruel, in fact.
It is Love. A deep, strong one. But the seeds of the adverse narrative were planted early and deep, forcing even decent people like this guy to lie and smear himself a bit in the process. What we see and hear now are but better worded and more refined consequences of that fateful January 2016 morning in LA. And since I am allowed the dubious luxury only a healthy distance in time allows, let me remind you a simple, fun fact about this interview who stated they were never an item:
About ten months after McNutt uttered these words, the fandom was hit by the Covfefe Pics.
I rest my case.
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anystalker707 · 7 months
Pairing: [ftm] Portgas D. Ace x [male, amab] Reader Kinktober prompt: Outdoors Tags: pussy eating / riding / ace is a good boy
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          The crew had left for the island, leaving you to watch the ship while they were away. It didn’t bother you; you actually appreciated it, taking up the opportunity to rest a little from all the training you’d been doing recently. You’d been sitting there on a shadowed part of the deck. Well, mostly lying on the ground, only with the upper part of your back against the wall, eyes closed as you tried not to nap.
Something suddenly dropped on your face before there was pressure on your lap, and it wasn’t that hard to identify it was Ace’s hat, followed by Ace himself.
“I thought you were going to stay with the others.” You pulled the hat off your face, looked at it, and carefully set it down beside you.
“I was,” Ace hummed, hands on your lower stomach as he straddled your lap. “But I remembered we can have the ship to ourselves now, so I just did everything I needed quickly and returned to you.” He grinned, tilting his head. “Did you miss me?”
You narrowed your eyes at him, sighing softly. “What do you want, Ace?”
Ace gasped. “Oh, so that’s what you think of me? That I just come after you when I need something?” He clicked his tongue and shook his head, cupping your cheeks to make you look up at him to see his disdain and disappointment. Dramatic idiot. “I just love my boyfriend.”
“As you should.” You chuckled at how he rolled his eyes a little.
Ace let go of your cheeks with a soft sigh and scooted closer, straddling your hips instead. “You’re lucky for that, either way.” He shifted again. “If I didn’t love you,” he continued speaking despite the way your gaze fell to his hips, observing them grind against yours, “you would’ve been kicked out, called delusional, and put down like a—”
“Ace.” You cleared your throat with a small smirk on your face, observing his clueless expression—a pretend one, at least. “I’m not going back to our cabin right now, Ace, sorry.”
No answer came from Ace for a moment, and then he slowly grinned. “I’m not saying we need to go back there!” He didn’t let you answer, grinding his hips more against yours, enough to replace your words with a gasp. “Come on,” he whispered, hands slipping under your shirt as he didn’t stop moving your hips, “it’ll be quick. The others aren’t anywhere near done out there… We deserve a little fun.”
Of course, Ace knew your weak spots. It was easy thinking with the head of your cock when he was grinding against you so nicely. He bit his lip as he felt the bulge growing in your pants.
“That’s it,” he whispered.
You took a deep breath, patting his thigh gently. “Go on, Ace, you win.”
Ace chuckled proudly as he just stood up, a foot by each of your thighs as he unbuckled his belt, momentarily stepping aside to take off his shorts and his underwear. You raised your eyebrows at the sight of his pussy, all slick. It’d been a while since he last shaved, but the hair was neatly trimmed. From between his lips, his swollen clit was practically begging you to suck it.
“Hold on,” you said, sitting up properly so that you could push yourself up to your knees. Ace raised an eyebrow, about to step away when you placed your hands on his thighs, pulling him closer until his pussy was inches away from your face. “Mm, good boy,” you whispered.
You pulled one of Ace’s folds to the side with your thumb, exposing his throbbing pussy, and he whimpered just at the feeling of your breath fanning against him, gasping when your mouth pressed to his pussy, drinking his slick with fat licks along his entrance. His moans were breathy, thighs quivering as he sought support by pressing his forearms against the wall behind you. It felt so good to finally have the friction he craved so much.
“Ohhh, babe—” Ace cut himself off with another moan, his hips bucking forward once your lips clasped around his clit, sucking and tonguing at it. He whimpered as a hand flew to your hair, keeping your head in place at the same time he pushed his hips forward, becoming more of a mess at how you mouthed at his pussy, eating it as if you were starving. Your teeth sometimes tugged on his fat lips. He went weak at that, struggling to keep himself up so that he could feel that for a while longer.
A shiver ran down his spine, making him let out a broken moan before he stepped back. “Okay, okay, enough of this, I— I still want you inside me,” he said breathlessly, legs still wobbly.
A chuckle escaped your lips, and you nodded with a hum, sitting properly again. “As you wish, dear.” You licked your lips clean and rushed to undo your belt and lower your pants and underwear—they were just a little down his thighs when he lowered himself on your lap.
“Mmm, so good,” Ace breathed. He sat with your cock right between your folds as it rested back against your lower stomach; your breath hitched as your hands flew to his thighs. He was so warm, rocking his hips gently to cover you with his juices, his throbbing pussy making you hiss softly as you ached more and more to be inside him.
“Damn it,” you whispered, watching his pussy. “Let me be inside you, sweetheart.”
“Now we’re talking.” Ace smiled and bit his lip. With a hand on your shoulder for support, he used the free one to guide your cock to his entrance, rubbing your tip along his slit before finally pressing it to his entrance. “Mmm, fuck,” he gasped at the nice burning feeling of your cock stretching him, breath hitching in his throat a couple of times as he slowly lowered himself on you. He was so hot around you, wet walls clasping down around your cock so tightly, so deliciously while they accommodated it.
One of your hands went up his torso, caressing his waist, tracing the scars under his pecs, and then cupping his face; Ace leaned into your touch and kissed your palm gently. “Such a pretty boy,” you whispered, feeling him get tighter just with the words. Your thumb traced his soft lips, which earned it a few kisses, a few licks… “Ace,” you groaned.
“Okay,” he chuckled quietly, giving the pad of your thumb a last kiss before finally starting to move his hips. His hands took yours to hold, interlacing your fingers, as he used them for leverage.
It wasn’t that comfortable. The wall was digging into your shoulder blades, and your back hurt a little, but you didn’t want to stop Ace, not when his pussy was so hot and tight around you like that. You set your feet on the ground to at least gain a little more support.
“You feel so good,” Ace gasped, letting the moans escape his lips freely. He really had no fear of getting caught, but just the thought of someone walking in you two—or even the memory of Deuce catching you that time—made your cock throb more. “Nnngh, deep,” he whispered and rolled his hips, which made a broken moan escape his lips at the same time he clenched more around you, feeling your tip caress his sweet spot so nicely. His thigh muscles flexed with the way he tensed up, arching his back while doing his best to keep riding you, rolling his hips that way that made a shiver run down your spine, your cock throbbing more inside him.
“That’s it, baby… Your pussy is so tight around me, so hot…” Your words made Ace squeeze your cock again, drawing a groan from you as you tried to keep your hands firm for him.
Ace was holding your hands tightly. Sometimes, his nails would sink into the back of your hand, but what was it compared to his pussy milking you so good like that? Your eyes trailed down to his pussy, watching it sink on your cock repeatedly, abused and neglected clit peeking out between his parted folds. He was so wet, accumulating a creamy ring of pre-cum around the base of your cock, which soaked down to your balls. Also, the squelching sound of his pussy…
“Mmph, love your cock so much,” Ace gasped, thighs quivering. His hips were starting to stutter, sometimes lingering for a little more than usual, but he did his best to try to keep the rhythm even after you freed one of your hands so that you’d stroke his clit. It made Ace squeeze your cock more, practically milking it as he moved his hips faster.
“Fuck, Ace, Ace,” you chanted through moans as the knot in your lower stomach tightened, your orgasm marching closer and closer until you were finally coming, balls clenching to spill your seed all inside him. A deep groan escaped your lips as you came while Ace kept riding you, letting your cum spread all over his gummy walls until he was coming as well, not caring whether he was driving you into overstimulation or not. He needed to finish, so he would, even if you were whining and gasping while squeezing his thigh. He rode you through his high, eventually stopping as the throbbing between his legs grew more sporadic, spasming around you.
Ace’s chest heaved up and down as he tried to catch his breath. He was a mess, eyeing you through the strands that covered his eyes, glued to his face and to his neck due to a thin layer of sweat. He chuckled softly, leaning in to kiss your lips messily. “Fuck, I need more of you…”
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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marveloustimestwo · 1 year
Would you mind doing something for yandere Anakin finding out his 3rd child was taken to mandalore, maybe smth Abt him trying to force their helmet off? Only if you want! Thank you so much if you decide to!
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Thank you for the request!
Warnings: Yandere themes, Reader was raised in a cult (aka the Watch), kidnapping, and Anakin crosses Reader's boundaries.
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Anakin would be such a hypocrite when it comes to his Mandalorian-raised child.
Like, even if he had his suit in this scenario, he doesn't really register the boundaries of not wanting the helmet to be taken off. He would viciously kill anybody for trying to take off his own helmet or trying to take off yours either, but when it comes to him?
He's your dad, obviously, he's the exception.
He spent so long not even knowing you existed. Finding out that not only does he have two kids, but three, it's gut-wrenching.
When you, Luke, and Leia were all separated as babies, your brother was sent to your father's home planet while your sister was taken in by Bail and Breha Organa. You ended up in the hands of the Children of the Watch.
Growing up, you never know about your real parentage. You assumed that you were an orphan like everyone else in the Watch, and you were raised with their teachings and beliefs.
You were raised as a warrior, never to take off your helmet around those outside of your family.
When you became of age, you left the Watch to go out on your own. You knew of the Sith Darth Vadar, of what he had done to the universe, but you had always operated under the assumption that there was nothing you could do about it. After all, you were just an inexperienced Mandalorian.
It's a few years later when you found out that you actually had family out there. Unfortunately, that revelation wasn't under the best circumstances.
You were the only one of your siblings to have not met the other two. Even after learning that you were out there from Obi-Wan, both Leia and Luke decided it was best to keep you out of their mess.
After learning this same information from reading Luke's mind, Darth Vadar dragged you right into the mess instead.
Vadar had resources all over. Considering how the Watch had let you keep your last name, it was quite easy for him to track down the Mandalorian named Skywalker.
The skills you learned from the Watch would do you no good in the face of what Anakin was willing to do to get you, and soon enough, you're trapped on his ship with all of your weapons taken from you.
And surprise, surprise! Anakin also wants your armor to be taken from you as well.
He wants to see what his child looks like, and wants to speak to you without that annoying mask getting in the way.
Protesting and fighting will only get you so far.
What do you mean your armor is integral to your religion? Oh, so only your family can see what you look like underneath it.
Well, you're in luck, kid, cause your blood-related father is standing right in front of you! Anakin will force everyone else to leave, but the helmet is still coming off.
Anakin is incredibly stubborn, and when it comes to you, he's also pretty delusional. You're his child and he was kept from you long enough. Just let him have this.
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 6 months
{R/n's ex-fiance shows up after having no-contact with her for years, thinking he could just move in and start back up where they left off.]
R/n, answering the door: What the hell are you doing here? and what's up wit' the U-haul?
Ex/n: Isn't it obvious? I've come back to you!
R/n: No.
Ex/n: Oh, c'mon are you still angry about that little hiccup?
R/n: Hiccup? You slept with my cousin two days before the wedding and ran off with them!
Ex/n: That's all water under the bridge baby, I'm all about you now.~
R/n, gags: Seriously, you're gonna make me puke!
Ex/n, looks R/n up and down: You're still looking good...even with the extra weight.
R/n: Wha-...I'm pregnant you dolt!
Ex/n: Pregnant?...Oh, I get it you got lonely without me around and decided to get a donor, makes sense who'd wanna make a baby with spoiled goods?
R/n, stares at him stunned: Excuse you?
Ex/n: Well, if you ask me, there's nothing more beautiful than a pregnan— *goes to touch R/n's belly*
Belial, appears and grabs his hand in vice like grip: Do it and you pull back a bloody stump.
Ex/n, pulls his hand back startled: wh-Who the hell are you?
R/n: Sorry, Ex/n. Lemme introduce you, this is Belial. My husband, and the father of this baby.
Ex/n: Husband?! I didn't hear anything about you getting married!
Belial: Of course you didn't, why should R/n have tell a poorly endowed cheating pus-maggot like you how her life is going?
Ex/n: We..well, b-Because she-
R/n: What, are you gonna say that "I love you"? Sorry to break it to you jackass, but that ship has long since wrecked and you have yourself to blame for it. Honestly, You should've seen this coming. It's pretty egotistic and delusional that you thought I'd wait for you after everything you've done.
Ex/n:...This is bullshit!
Belial: No. What's bullshit is that ego of yours and thinking you could just move in with R/n after all this time.
Ex/n: Where am I supposed to live?!
R/n: I don't know and I don't care, go hug a cactus or something.
{Ex/n looked he was gonna lunge at R/n only for Belial to stand between then, Ex took a step back when he finally noted how much taller and bigger Belial was in comparison to his lanky frame, the larger man looked like he could pick Ex/n up and snap them over his knee like a twig.]
Belial: I think you should leave now, this whole situation is starting to piss me off... And trust me, you really don't want that.
[Belial briefly lets his projection slip allowing Ex to see his true form; Ex being the coward that he is went ghost white before running off the porch and ran passed the confused movers. The movers asked where to put Ex/n's things? and R/n made them put it all back on the truck and gave them the address of Ex/n's parents home and let them deal with him.]
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Kataang is a ship that dared to be different. Not sure why people think Kataang is a sexist ship when Katara and Aang both protect and support each other and neither is the damsel and the hero in the relationship.
And yet people think ZK is better than the average M/F ship when the reason why ZK is so damn popular is because of annoying overdone hetero-normalic tropes. To the point where people think Zuko taking a hit for Katara is romantic coded (and apparently me and my peers are """delusional""" for not seeing it as romantic coded) and that ZK fanfics are such romantic fantasies of Zuko saving Katara and Katara being such a meek little girlfriend for the badass chad fanon!Zuko. (As if the ZK fanbase is aware that Zuko and Katara are both pure yang energy and they have to make Katara meek to make the ZK ship work.)
I mean yes I am annoyed Z/tara is as popular as it is but Kataang is canon and ZK is dipping in popularity and it feels like the bulk of the ZK fanbase is just annoying ass middle aged women who get pissy at a kids show for not being the adult show they want...
Just food for thought...Especially considering ZK shippers act immature trying to 1-up people by saying their ship is popular (I mean, are they unaware Zukka topped Z/tara?) And again, popular doesn't automatically mean good...Especially since Z/tara is only popular because it hits all those hetero-normalic beats that people adore so much.
Guys, come on, let's be serious here. I LOVE kataang, with all my heart, BUT best friends to lovers is as cliche as enemies to lovers, main guy dates main girl is as cliche as hero falls in love with the villain who changes side. To quote my best friend @dragomer "A knife is cliche. It's still what you use to cut shit with."
The problem with Zutara fans is not the they prefer the more "traditional" romance, or that it's cliche, or that it's smutty, or that they sometimes make it a toxic dynamic, or that it's not a "progressive" ship. The problem is they feel entitled to push their preference as the only correct one - it's the same issue that made the fandom for Zukka, an actual non hetero ship, so hated by everyone else. No one likes the people that think only they are allowed to have fun with fanon. No one likes the people that expects them to disregard canon for the sake of their prefered fanon.
And speaking as a bisexual woman: we gotta stop with this nonsense of labeling straight ships "non-hetero normalic" for basic shit (and the reverse of it, the "hetero-normalic gay ship" that is literally just the age old homophobic question of "But which one of you is the woman?" with woke language attached to it). It doesn't matter if Kataang is "heteronormative" or not, because:
1 - All that matters in fiction is if something is WELL WRITTEN AND ENTERTAINING, not if it's progressive or more on the traditional side, if it's cliche or "subverting expectations".
2 - What media you find entertaining has nothing to do with your politic views and real-life sexual preferences. Liking one of H.P. Lovecraft's stories doesn't make you a racist, disliking Freddie Mercury doesn't mean you're homophobic (though it does mean you have shit taste in music), liking the most traditional straight romance ever doesn't mean you're straight yourself.
3 - In the case of Avatar in particular, lets be fucking real: no way two straight writers back in 2005, while working on a kids show in a network that had a long history of banning episodes of shows that tried to hint or full on talk about homosexuality, were thinking "How do we make this straight ship less 'hetero-normalic'?" They were just writting whatever felt right for the characters and story - that's why Avatar, while flawed and a product of it's time, aged WAY better than many shows of the time that had "be progressive" as the goal, it avoided forced narrative choices that were only made to beat the audience over the head with the moral lesson of the day.
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milayawr · 10 months
Stolen Pieces (Part Two)
Nikolai Lantsov x F!Reader
Part One
Summary: Sturmhond gives you your first mission and you find something that catches his interest.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,914
Notes: Feedback is always welcomed, lovelies! And I think this will turn into a series, but I'm not sure how long it will be. Sorry if there are any mistakes.
You were off your mother's debts. It felt like a fever dream or some incredibly perfect written fairytale, but on the contrary, it was very real. First, you thought it would all be gone when you woke up and you'd be living your miserable life but you were assured when you actually woke up to the real world.
This morning you woke up with the sounds of waves crashing on the ship of Sturmhond, Volkvolny. So that was the moment you finally understood that they all really happened, and you were all right, except for the fact that the owner of the ship wanted you to work for him. You didn't know what you were going to do. You asked the Shu girl, Tamar, but she had said that only Sturmhond knew his plans and thoughts. He was a complicated man, and you already knew you would have a hard time with him.
So here you were in his quarters, waiting for him to do something besides observing you. You were preferably waiting for a good speech. He only hummed to himself, and it made you crazy. This man was an unbearable piece of shit that had helped you. You were grateful and all but… Did he really have to be this annoying all the time?
"Am I gonna have to wait for you to say something?" You said when you lost all the little drops of your patience. He stopped humming and looked at you in the eyes. "I can go if you'll keep looking at me like some— Anyways, just talk." You stopped yourself from saying any inappropriate word to him because that would probably cost you to lose a job before earning it.
"Like what, Sweet Y/N?" He asked softly, curiosity living in his voice as he spoke.
You didn't want to say anything but since he asked you just answered. "A pervert."
He frowned as the word left your mouth. "I think I have more honor than a pervert, but that's all right." He left the desk that he'd been leaning on and came closer to you. Every step of his made your heart beat wilder— you could even hear it in your ears. "I was thinking about the job I was going to give you. Asking myself if you could handle it, but I think you can handle it very well."
"I think you should have thought this the night we met." You said and he laughed. His laugh felt like rays of sun after a rainy day, and you could see a rainbow over there when you tried to picture it in your mind. It was a beautiful sound to hear.
"Okay then," He took a deep breath. "I want you to be my spy." You looked at him with a confused face. "What? Everyone has them these days, so why can't I?"
"I never said that you couldn't. I just don't understand why me. You really see a spy in me?" He was just a delusional stupid pirate. Did he really claim he saw a spy in you? He was definitely wrong.
"Well, you stole my money while most of my crew was on the ship, didn't you? Also, you stole many people's money and never got caught. So, yes, Milaya, I saw a spy in you. Maybe not the best, but still, you can be a good choice."
You didn't know what you should give a reaction to, the way he really wanted you to work as his spy or the fact that he called you sweet girl?
You talked when you made a decision, "I was a thief, not a spy."
"How come?"
"Well, you see, a thief steals money and a spy steals information. Same thing, different handwritings." He smiled to himself as your expression changed into something more relaxed. He was kinda right, you thought. "Look, I hate to do this, but I paid your debts, and you will be twenty without any money to pay to a red-haired bastard. You owe me this position."
He was right again. You owed him and saints you didn't know what to do because being someone's spy scared you in a way you've never felt. It was a tough job to handle, and you were experienceless.
"I'm not sure about being a spy. Don't you have another job for me?" You started to pout as he shook his head. "Then maybe I— I can go?"
"You don't want that. It will cost you another debt. I don't want to force you, but this is not how you negotiate."
You hated him for being right, and you hated yourself for being stupid and asking stupid questions. Just accept it, a sound inside of you said.
You took a deep breath and answered, "Okay, I can be your spy, I guess." He clapped his hands once, and before he had a chance to speak, you opened your mouth to speak again, "But only if I can decide what I am going to do. I won't go on any mission that will probably kill me. That would be foolish for both of us."
Sturmhond looked rather excited by your decision. "You think I would do that to my one and only spy?" He took your hand and give it a small kiss. "We will be a great team Y/N dear." Then he went to his desk and handed you a paper. "This is the guy who promised me some kruge, but I think he's trying to scam me. I want you to go to his place and take some information. Such as his possessions, family, and secret lovers— if there are any. It's very easy."
You read the name of the guy— Jurren Clasen said Sturmhonds perfect handwriting. You've heard him before, you knew he was rich but you also knew not as Pekka Rollins. Maybe there was a moment you had to steal his money, but you could not recall.
"Are you going to threaten him with the information I'll give you?"
"What would you do if I said yes?" He huffed when you gave him a frown. "I'm not gonna threaten him, I am just trying to understand if he ran out of money or just dumped me."
You released a deep breath. "Fine, I'll go tonight?"
He nodded, "Tonight's fine."
"Okay." He mimicked your word as you shoved the paper into your pocket. You didn't say any other word as you head for the door. "Any information that will give his financial situation will do, Milaya."
Again, sweet girl. You rolled your eyes as your heart reacted to the stupid word. "Understood." You said before you left.
You decided to read the note again. There was only his name and address. There were some rumors about Jurren Clasen and Jan Van Eck, the people had claimed that they started to work together in some way. You knew that Jurren was not powerful to be in the Merchant Council, so you thought maybe Jan Van Eck was only using him— If the rumors were true, of course.
You went to the quarters that you shared with Tamar since you had nothing to do, and you didn't know anyone in the crew. You had no one to talk to or spend time with. You just had yourself as always. You knew that you were all alone since your mother died, but it wasn't a problem. People always get used to loneliness until they get sick of it. You weren't sick of it yet, but you were afraid of the day that you will.
It made your stomach turn. The idea of losing the will to live scared you. You had to find a branch to hold on to and erase the thought of a rope to hang yourself to. The will of living was in there, you just had to dive in and rise it to the surface.
It was deadly dark. It reminded you of the night you met Sturmond. It was practically yesterday, but it felt like it was ages ago.
You found your way as you tried to trust the dark. The outside was cold and it made you shiver. No one was awake as you expected. You only hoped that he was not in his study room.
You felt like a ghost who hides beneath the shadows as you climbed and reached the window of Jurren's study room. Carefully you looked inside, feeling relieved when you saw no one. You opened the window with the little knife you had. You and the knife had a special bond because it was with you the whole time you've been a thief. It was sad that you only trusted the unanimated things.
The moment you were inside the mansion, the time stopped. As quiet as a mouse you started to look for something that would work. He had said any information, so everything was what you were looking for. Just find anything and go.
Quietly you searched inside the drawers. You tried to read every piece of paperwork and his notes. After checking all the documents that you could find you turned your eyes to the desk. You looked into the notebook that lay there. It had plans and arrangements for his works. That should do, you thought. You opened it without giving any harm and started to read it. You understood every word except for one— Jurda Parem. You had no idea what it was but it sounded strange to you. So you noted it on the paper that you brought with you. You would probably forget the word if you didn't.
When you heard voices you hurried up and left everything in their places. You, fortunately, had time to go outside before they got into the study room and unfortunately, you could not see who they were.
The next stop was Volkvolny. You never looked back while you ran. You slowed yourself when you reached the harbor where the ship waited for you. Your breath got stuck in your lung because of the run and you needed air more than anything. The thought of it would've been funny in another moment.
"You're back! Fantastic." You heard his voice when you stepped on the deck. "What did you find out?" You needed to catch your breath so you didn't say anything and gave him the paper. "Jurda Parem? This sounds interesting."
"You know what that is?" You asked.
"Not exactly, but now I will have to do my homework." He checked you for a moment. "Anything else?"
You gave a brief moment to think about everything you've seen. "He has a wife but no children, but I guess you already know that. I don't think he has a secret lover because his diary is full of his wife. He has another house near the University District and his bank is full of kruge according to the documents in his drawers."
"So he did not suddenly become poor. Why does everyone think that I am a fool?" He muttered to himself and you couldn't help but reply,
"Maybe because they think stealing and saying aarg is the only thing that pirates do?"
His expression changed into a frown. "I am a privateer, Milaya. Please don't make me repeat myself."
"Good night, pirate."
You heard him laugh as you walked away. His laugh was indeed beautiful to the ears which listened.
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majycka · 12 days
Hello!! I just wanna drop by and say i enjoyed your Utahime thoughts! And i wanna share s couple of my cents if that's alright? Here we gooo
So I'll start by saying that i have nothing against anyone that ships gjhm, that's the beauty of fandom and aus and stories. however, i have tried to see the appeal in a realistically speaking sense within the context of the actual story and i just cannot. for the life of me. Like it's pretty evident that Utahime does not like Gojo, and that he's very disrespectful towards her, however, there is the trust they share because of their roles as teachers and their ideology. it's not that Utahime is an unreasonable person that would turn down an offer that would put her students in harms way right? but the thing is, I don't think the story ever set up any sublots for them to like each other you know? And I don't wanna be a killjoy when i say this altho i probably am, but rather that it's just not something author has envisioned for them?
i do think Gojo likes Utahime, but just not in a romantic sense, and this sort of dynamic is really reminiscent of that i would find in siblings, where one is endlessly annoying and the other wants to strangle the younger. i think if the story went the other way instead of the one it went now, Utahime and Gojo should cooperate and be understanding of one another as in good colleagues/friends? but given how Utahime was written and her limited appears in the story, luckluster and underwhelming sometimes, it's nearly impossible, and it's mostly on gege because all these characters have so much potential yet he only utilizes them as plot devices, in short it's not about the characters unfortunately.
and frankly i can't blame people for creating aus, in fact go ahead, it's what makes shipping so great! like i love to ship gojo too, mostly with geto or sometimes shoko heck i even like to pair him with ocs or readers too! but idk why i just can't picture him and Utahime ever being in a relationship at least within the story like context. again i don't wanna undermine anyone who loves this ship, i am all supporting but i just wanted to get out how i see it. Hope this wasn't confusing!
I see what you're coming from, Anon! People have varying preferences/opinions, and that's the beauty of it! I know Gege wouldn't draw out a romance plot line because he stated he ONLY sees it for mutamiwa. I can be delusional with gjhm BUT realistically, I’d never trust Gege EVER to handle a romance plot line cuz it will probably end tragically lol.
Imma try to speak from gojohime pov and give some insight why I personally love the ship.
I think the gjhm fans that I've seen doesn't ship them just because its ability to be canon but instead the dynamic that gjhm offers. Like you said Utahime does hate him while Gojo seems to like her, and the most funny part for me is that Gojo genuinely believes her "annoyance" is a joke between them. The way I see it, it offers this a slowburn romantic comedy potential with Gojo learning to get over himself, step up, and have this massive realization of falling for Utahime. I had this convo with my moot ola and moot said how basically Gojo just went “shit, she CAN fix me!” with Utahime (Because ya know how Utahime is everything Gojo isn’t) thus he continues to bug her xD
There's just so much to "play" with their dynamics honestly if you take them out of the canon story. You'd think that a slow burn romance would be two people earning each other's trust then doing all the slowly loving/liking part, but since the story already has set up that gjhm have each other trust because they share the goal of teachers fostering the new generation of sorcerers plus their decade of familiarity with each other, it makes you think what's more to this slowburn romcom?
Well, the way I see it, their opposing teaching beliefs can help them learn from each other and be better teachers. Gojo will be forced out of his emotionally constipated ways. Utahime's strength in her patience and ability to connect with other will be highlighted. They can be such a fun colleagues to lovers slowburn romcom type of story ya know which I honestly find hilarious xD So yehhh thats basically why I ship these two fuckers :^)
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Dreams of Milk and Honey (The Mandalorian X Earthling Reader)
I was inspired by a need to mother Grogu. I love him, my green son. Yes, I made things up, Marie Kondo style. Sue me. gif by @jedialways
Love, One At A Time
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"Okay, there we go" You set up your phone just across from you, propped up precariously from across you on the counter, the device perched upon a strange contraption of wires and some questionable scrap metal that looked like it should be on the outside of the great antique ship the Razor Crest instead of inside but who was going to notice?
Well, someone, but not you. Out of sight, out of mind.
You open up the app, letting the timer start.
"Grogu, we're taping! Come on! Let's start!"
A small wrinkled green child with ears twice the size of its head and a nose as small and cute as a flower bell smiled widely at you, excited for what you had planned today.
"Good morning, and Welcome to the 'Craver Crest' where we make and bake what you're craving!" you spoke into the camera, smiling at your reflection as you speak. You turned and waved Grogu over, speaking once more to a disembodied audience as you kept your eyes on the little baby padding his way over to you, arms outstretched and ready for the world. You cradled him into your arms and had him face the camera with you to 'say hi to your fans!'
"Today and every day, all day, we welcome our sous-chef and taste-tester, Grogu! So today, we'll let Grogu decide what we get to make!" You presented two unused wires, one blue and one red, as choice makers. "So, Grogu, we can make either those cookies you like or we can make a snack sandwich today! Which would you like to pick? Blue for cookies, red for sandwich!" you chirped for him. Under your breath, you hummed the Jeopardy theme song as you smiled at Grogu, his big brown eyes full of innocence and sunlight that had seen too much pain already, living every day to the fullest, eagerly choosing the blue wire like you guessed he would. He did have a sweet tooth after Nevarro, after all.
"Well, looks like we're making cookies!" You grab a bowl and bring it to the camera, filling it with the egg whites and the cream you'd gotten at the behest of a few villagers you'd met several days ago. The places you'd travelled to had often yielded both unimaginable (to you) adventures and was often rewarded with homely little goods or money, but they were often a combination that greatly helped you pick out what you wanted. The last planet you'd been on, a pretty planet named Naboo, had offered you some goods that were easy to keep in the foodstore inside the Crest. The eggs belonged to some animals whose name you couldn't remember, but all that mattered was that the ingredients given to you by some thankful shop-owners you'd inadvertently helped by getting rid of the bounty had thanked you with some confectionary recipes for on-the-go dessert as a thank you, and also gave you at least 3 weeks of ingredients' worth for it! Mando sighed as he accepted, and you were determined to use them; it'd clear the shelves for the 'more important foodstuffs' he'd claim, like the practical grump he was.
"So, we've got our bowl with the rested egg whites, and the yokes I already cooked for breakfast, isn't that right, Grogu?" you asked, turning to the small green child who cooed in agreement, the camera catching your interactions as you spoke on about the ingredients of green sugar, blue cream, some paste that was almost almond-like, etc. You'd no idea that some sugars and milks in the galaxy could come in their own colours like that, but it just goes to show how far humankind could go if they weren't currently warring over dreams of delusional imperialism.
You turned to Grogu often, letting him join in the cooking after introducing the ingredients.
"Here, Grogu, could you pour the sugar in for me?" You'd lift him up and use a free hand to help him pour the contents of the bowl and then kiss his cheek as he laughed. "What a lovely assistant you are!"
"Would you pass me the spatula, dear?" He cooed as he lifted a small spoon, before you told him it was the one beyond, and as he grabbed it, you called him a 'sweet and clever sous-chef!' and bopped his teeny tiny nose before helping him stir the ingredients to finish off the quick recipe. Soon enough, it was time to put the fast-made sandwich batter for the macarons onto baking sheets and warm them, and you and Grogu laughed as you piped little circles of the batter onto a hoverpan, known to be the perfect non-stick pan even in heavy baking! You gave Grogu the important job of holding a small heart-shaped thick wire that worked as a cookie-cutter, and the wire was clean and usable, you'd made sure. Grogu was up to the task, concentrating very hard, his little eyes narrowing to inspect your work and ears perking up at every little heart-shape you both made. He took his job seriously and it warmed your heart every time.
By the time the pan was covered in two dozen hearts, the first two hearts were ready to be baked. In a matter of a few more minutes filled with your storytelling of Mando's most recent hunt, every last one of the hearts were ready, the quick-acting flour doing its job well. "Well, these look ready, so, with my sous-chef's word, we shall bake them! What do you say, chef? Shall we show our audience how to cook?"
Grogu's tiny fists waved in the air as he let out a squeal of agreement, and with a kiss to his head, you placed it into the Crest's oven, no preheat needed.
The wait was only 30 minutes, and you filled that time playing with Grogu, keeping him occupied as he passed you some sugar and milk, spilling a teeny bit as he lifted it to you, and you took it graciously and joked about the milk being excited enough to leap, just to hear Grogu giggle.
Grogu helped you mix, and in the corner of your eye, you could see your phone still recording, you and your lively little green boy stirring some fluffy butter-cream mix together for his cookies. You didn't know if he could read these recipe cards, but he was clearly vivacious, eager for the world, seeing it with the eyes of a child, even though he's known so much pain. This video wasn't just to make a joke and some fun: it was a small part selfish, but a bigger part for Grogu: he was already 50, and considering how young he was, it was clear he was going to outlive you. You didn't know if you'd be able to see him beyond a toddler's age, didn't know if you'd be able to hear him speak English/Basic, didn't know if sometime in the future, he might even forget you, or worse: not have the means or time to do something that makes him happy in a galaxy, a whole fucking galaxy's worth of enemies. You wanted to leave something for him, a memory of something fun, and maybe, just maybe, you'd find some way of living too, even as a little ghost who brought Grogu some joy in his young life. You'd give anything to be with him, but even you were mortal: you hoped you could give him a childhood to look back on before the future comes, whenever it may be.
The timer dinged in the midst of your little game of patty-cake you were teaching your three-fingered companion, and he jumped up, ears perking at the sudden noise. His eyes lit up, and you giggled at his antics. "Looks like our cookies are ready!"
His scream of joy was worth your teeth nearly gritting. His little feet pitter-pattered towards the oven that took you only a few steps to reach, but you walked slowly so as to give him time. "Come along, sous-chef, let's see what we made!" You had to move Grogu from the oven's front as he stubbornly squirmed until you told him hot air might hit him, and when he moved, you grabbed a protective handler and took the hoverpan out, placing it on the counter. You could feel Grogu tug on your clothes, trying to get up, so you picked him up and let him see the cookies.
"Well, it looks like we're finished! We just need to put them on the cooling rack! Would you help me, oh great sous-chef?" you exaggerated with a flourished bow, and a coo answered you in the affirmative. You took Grogu in your hands, took a flat-headed spatula that should be legally classified as a giant screwdriver, and with both your hand and Grogu's on the handle, lifted the first cookie up off the pan, the airy concoction coming up effortlessly, and you flipped it onto a cooling rack, making Grogu kick his little feet in excitement at this new activity. You two continued to flip the cookies, making sure you were explaining to Grogu to 'flick the wrist' and 'be gentle, or they might break before we can use them, okay hon?" and soon enough all the shells were cooling. You checked the recipe card from the shop-owner once more, seeing that the cookie shells just needed "a moment to rise and then it would be ready for the filling"; you turned to Grogu, telling him: "we can wait, right? We're almost done?" He tilted his head at you, and you nodded back, setting him down on the counter. "Well, we heard him, we're almost done and then its time for filling the cookies and eating! Did you want to say hi to the camera, sous-chef? Any words?" You pointed him the camera out to him, and he waved at his reflection, babbling at the phone, before the last clump of green sugar left from cooking caught his interest.
The timer blinking on your phone, and with Grogu occupied within supervision, you decided to add a personal touch to the video.
"So, Grogu and I made some cookies today, and we found out that flipping the cakes is a lot of fun! And that we have to be careful near heat sources, right?" You sighed at the camera, eyes distant, looking at Grogu in the camera who was facing the cookies, watching them with interest. "I hope that this recipe is something that you can enjoy any time, and I hope life gives you many sweet treats as sweet as you are. You're the world to me, baby, I love you so much; I hope you know that, sweetling". You smiled softly at the camera, before your expression turned to one of confusion as a turquoise macaron shell hovered in the air, Grogu's eyes narrowed and hand raised.
"Grogu no! They need to cool-" You got out of your seat and caught the cookie as it was making its way, hissing at the heat remaining on it before putting it back on the rack. You turned back to Grogu, his teeny hand now down as he looked up at you with those puppy eyes that screamed innocence with the gleam of mischief only you, Mando, and other parents could recognize in him. Snickering, you pick him up, cradling him to you, as you spoke with as honeyed a stern voice as you could make: "Grogu, those need to cool before we put the icing in or they'll get mushy and not tasty!"
The last thing the camera saw was a human placing buttercream onto little green shells, and a green baby putting another one atop, making a sandwich, both filled with smiles on their faces, love in their hearts as the human fed the tiny one the first of the cookies, the child enjoying them quite dearly.
Mando heard a beep registering on his vambrace, the alert not important but originating from his ship: your 'phone' he'd connected to his systems had taken a video. He remembered how he'd tracked your moves when you came aboard, and though it wasn't necessary, it was still a precaution that could help, he believed. The notification was a video file, titled Craver Crest1_ Cookies.
Well, it was alliterated?
He opened up the file. His helmet's visor picked up the command, and as he walked down the tunnels back towards the Crest since he'd delivered the bounty, the backdrop of the dark empty tunnel was perfect for the hologram as it appeared from his vambrace's built-in holoprojector.
He watched, nearly stumbling a few times as the passengers on the Crest made the same cookies he'd seen Grogu eat on Nevarro. It was so lovely to see Grogu smile and laugh, and learn about different things while having fun. The sight of him kicking his feet in excitement was something the Mandalorian would carry with him, an image in the back of his head, of just how cute Grogu would get sometimes. He watched as the video ended with the passengers, Grogu and his babysitter, smile and eat, waving goodbye to the camera with cookies in their hands. The video turned off, and the Mandalorian stepped out into the light of the lavender sunset on Tiragon, and made his way back to the ship. He wondered if there would be any cookies left for him? He'd know once he got back to the Cravor Crest, where they made the cookies he was now craving.
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jellyclogs · 10 months
Marco x reader Beach day
this is a fic i meant to post a little while ago but my inter net said no =(
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Marco usually never regrets eating his devil fruit. He knows it has saved his ass so many times. He was sure he'd probably be dead by now without it but right now he hated it. He watched as his lovely wife swam haphazardly. He wanted nothing more than to dive in and join her.
He knew if he called out for her she'd come to him and abandon her swimming but he wouldn't do that to her. He knew she loved swimming, sometimes he wondered if she was part, Fishman. She was graceful in the water like it was her true home. He loved watching her but it hurt that he couldn't join her.
"Just put on some floaties and get out there already!" Ace grunted, he was tired of watching Marco pout. Honestly, the damned bird brain pissed him off with his love-sick puppy act.
"I'm not gonna ruin her fun," Marco sighed, " she would be too worried to enjoy herself if I did that." (Y/n) was a good swimmer but Marco doubted she would be able to tread water carrying him. He knew he was a tall man and he wasn't skinny, he cringed at the thought of her drowning trying to save him.
"Well, I think I'm going to join her." Thatch laughed, he would never even try to steal (y/n) from Marco but he wouldn't lie, he liked rubbing it in that he could swim with her.
"You are such a dick," Ace giggled like a teen girl.
"Don't even think about being touchy with her," Marco growled.
"What you gonna do swim out and hit me if I am?" Thatch jabbed, smirking at Marco's glare.
"Naw I don't think I'd have to," Marco huffed, " I think she'd punch you square in your jaw if you tried."
"He also could fly out and kick you," Ace added, "can't hold your breath forever man."
"Dang Ace, whose side are you on?" Thatch threw his arms up in surrender.
Ace gave the brunette a deadpan state for a moment, " (y/n)'s side."
"Yeah, that's probably smarter." Thatch admitted, "But what if she wants to get touchy Feely with me?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
"Are you delusional?" Marco questioned, "Look rub it in that you can swim all you want but we all know (y/n). She doesn't do touchy Feely unless you're me, she is practically a cat."
"Guess that means your pussy whipped in more ways than one." Ace cackled.
"Oh cram it, you're just jealous I get pussy and you don't." Marco rolled his eyes.
"Well i'm Seriously Gonna go join her, it's way too hot out." Thatch groaned, leaving the two devil fruit users behind. The water was gonna feel great.
Thatch quickly waded out into the water, humming in relief at the cool water. He didn't swim like (y/n) but her enthusiasm for it was contagious. He watched as she dove under the water and did few rolls before coming back up for air. He couldn't help but smile, when she was in the water she was like an otter. He shook his head before diving under and swimming over to her.
"Is everyone ok hanging on the beach?" (Y/n) asked with her pretty smile.
"You mean is Marco still pouting?" Thatch corrected, "Oh,, and yes he is, he is like a love-sick puppy right now."
(Y/n) rolled her eyes, " Don't be dramatic," she slashed Thatch, " he's a grown man he can handle me swimming about for an hour or two."
"You know I don't blame him," Thatch smiled, " if I were him I'd hate not being able to join in on something my wife loved to do much. Siriusly watching you Swim is..." Thatch tried to think of the right word before landing on, " mesmerizing, you just are so at peace out here."
"It would be better with him," she smiled, " but I just can't help how at home I feel in the water. It just feels right."
"OK I have to ask, and feel free to punch me for this but are you sure you're not part Fishman? Or like an otter mink or something?" Thatch braced himself to be hit.
(Y/n) just rolled her eyes splashing Thatch before heading for the beach. It was a running gag on the ship that she wasn't fully human. It didn't bother her, but sometimes it got on her nerves. As far as she knew she was fully human but who really knew?
She slowly made her way onto the shore. She felt wobbly from the rocking of the waves. She took care to take measured steps so she wouldn't fall on her ass. Her pace was slow but steady letting her equilibrium readjust to solid ground.
Marco smiled seeing his wife coming back to shore. The water dripped off of her and made her skin shimmer. Whenever she emerged from the water he always thought of her as a beautiful water nymph, gracing the land with her presents. He knew it was far too grand of an image but he couldn't help it. He watched her with a content smile.
"Can you toss me a towel?" she smiled as soon as her feet were entirely on dry sand. She still felt slightly wobbly but that would pass quickly.
Marco grabbed one of the folded towels beside him and tossed it to her, "you hungry? Been out there for a while." Marco asked as he got to his feet.
"I could use a snack," she toweled herself off ruffly drying her hair before finding a low-hanging branch to drape it over, " but I came back out to be with you. I was getting lonely without ya," she stuck her tongue out at him.
"Even with thatch out there?" Marco asked.
"Well if you want me to I can go swim with him but id rather sit here with you." (y/n) smirked watching Marco closely.
"Well no I think id rather have you hear." Marco hummed wrapping his arms around his wife from behind and pulling her into his chest, "Don't you have a book you're working through? Pretty hard to read if you're out swimming."
"Yeah your right about that," (y/n) hummed back hugging his arms close to her. "Bet id figure out a way though."
"Yeah but how much more comfortable would you be if you were sitting in my lap rather than struggling not to ruin your book." Marco swayed gently nuzzling his stubble into the crook of her neck.
"Well since you insist, I guess ill sit in your lap and enjoy reading my book." (y/n) spun out of Marco's arms, "but why don't we find some shade and grab some food?"
"I think that's a great idea," Marco kissed (y/n)'s cheek before pecking her lips. "In fact probably one of the best ideas I've heard all day."
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cribj001 · 6 months
A message to the toxic Brazilian Wenclair supporters on Twitter.
To the toxic Wenclair fanatics from Brazil who have blocked me on Twitter. Keep your vile, man-hating, toxic lives out of this fandom. What happened? You all ran out of stuff to attack on Percy so now you go after Hunter for his take on his character’s relationship with Wednesday. Seriously you people are pathetic, labelling Hunter/Tyler a groomer cause she’s underage. HE’S FUCKING UNDERAGE IN THE SHOW AS WELL YOU DUMBASSES!!!
Yes he manipulated her, but that’s not grooming! If you’re looking for a groomer, then look at Laurel and what she did to Tyler prior to the events of the first season. That bitch there is a groomer. I’ve never once made negative comments about Wednesday or Enid. So what gives you the right to go after ours in such a toxic manner when we have done nothing to you whatsoever. You Brazilian lesbians who are so hooked on wanting Jenna and Emma to hook up (which will never happen) are so delusional and pathetic, and are the main reason that this fandom is far from great today.
Apologies to all the good Wenclair fans who are not toxic and very kind. Sorry that these people have to go after a character or a ship you like. I just needed to vent this out and when they display their toxicity, I will come out knives blazing.
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davekat-sucks · 4 months
I think i definitely would've liked Calliope more if she was presented as a bad person. I love how she absolutely malded (this term works here (wig)) when she was losing that chess game. Beforehand she was acting all snide and flirty towards Caliborn, like come on, "you're being such a good sport now finally", sending hearts <3 to him, saying weirdly suggestive shit. Like damn girl you're usually not this upfront. Then she gets thrown off guard and gets extremely defensive, it's hilarious. I really liked her when she acted two-faced, you can even take this literally, she's delusional. She dresses up as a troll because she has a fetish for them then starts shipping herself and friends together, no wonder why Caliborn sees her as so pathetic. All she has is ruses, i don't even think that SHE THINKS that she's all that strong. She pretty much relies on other's to get her through stuff and she even pretends to be someone else to progress the story. I've said it in the past but i think she should've been a misandrist, i think it would be funny for her to enable her female friends obsessive dispositions towards their crushes. Remember her drawing of Roxy trying to kiss Dirk while he looks visibly uncomfortable? It's stuff like that, have her perception on men be that they're props for the girls and you need to get a one-up on them in anyway to control them. Like drawing Dirk in a pink costume and being called something as gay as "the prince of heart" as an attempt at emasculating him. There's potential for this idea. She's better at being more composed and tactful than Caliborn, a good set up for being manipulative, she uses her fake politeness to slither her way onto C-Earth where i think she would have great potential to become a villain.
Just a bunch a thoughts about her bleh, she was kinda boring half of the time in the comic, stuff just gets handed to her and she's supposed to be a good guy despite forcefully separating Roxy and Rose that one time. Gave off control freak vibes. Her character feels inconsistent, like Hussie couldn't choose what he wanted her to be. I feel like her potential was underutilized
While Caliborn tries to be more in your face direct kind of deal, Calliope would have been someone who plays the more passive role. Doing her best to hide her true intentions or feelings and only showing her true colors when she is not able see the results she wanted or something else beyond her control comes her way. Calliope would shown to be no better than Caliborn and prove show how Cherubs are awful species. Sure there could be a chance of good Cherub, but like with trolls, there is some trait that would be frowned upon by human standards. Like you got Nepeta, she is playful and sweet, yes, but people forget she still hunts animals for food and PAINT. Some may find FLARP sessions that Tavros, Terezi, Aradia, Vriska, and Eridan engage in to be dangerous since it can lead to physical harm, be it from other players or the monsters they had set up. To trolls, such activities like this are a norm because they had been conditioned to live under it. But perhaps for Cherubs case, it might as well be in genetics as a species themselves that they act this way. If she is also represents the 'good' side of the fandom, then one should show toxic positivity is just as bad. People who have good intentions, but their noble deeds can lead to harm if the intent behind it is still selfish, consciously or subconsciously. Maybe those who are part of the good fandom side that may disagree with certain opinions, everyone else immediately goes against them instantly at the drop of dime because they fear they instantly become bad, when there is more to it than that. Actually show the grey morality on both sides of the fandom that would represent people like 4chan & old MSPA fans with Caliborn and Calliope with Tumblr.
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