#ln nomes
prof-ramses · 9 months
The Sounds of Nightmares episode 5 analysis: Getting Swept Away
Jord knocked it out of the park with the setting and monsters, the cliffhanger was fucking wild.
The Nebulous Figure:
The Ferryman is extending his comic MO further by trying to convince Noone not to come to the Maw, but to integrate into the Nowhere as a whole. And like in the comics, I believe he personally engineered Noone's suffering in the Counties, let me explain. I believe the Ferryman used a piece of his liquid like body to contaminate the stream by Noone's old home, causing her sickness, it's persisting effects and now, a tumor, funnily enough, one shaped like the universal symbol of Nowhere, an eye.
As Above, So Below:
Jord's monster concepts are killer, a treasure hunter mixed with a sewer worker is just a perfectly LN-like way of warping things into somewhat recognizable horror, a strange man sifting through a watery area searching for things to collect. The visual of his "bag head" is perfectly visceral and his parallel with the (curiously well adjusted, almost Bully-like) kids and the parallel between that and Otto and Noone is just *chef's kiss*.
Noone's comment about feeling the Treasure Hunter's been changed either just serves to confirm that all humanoid Residents were once people, OR it's suggesting he's become a Resident more recently, which is quite strange seeing as he's a full grown adult.
There's not much to say about the kids on the surface other than their a great twist on the "minor" monster idea with them being a more indirect threat.
I'm astonished it took us this long the involve Nomes in the series, but it was more than welcome. Not to mention the first nome's "betrayal" has some very interesting implications for my and @queen0fm0nsterz 's idea that Noone's companions parallel the Ladies.
Leading Into The Ending:
Since I know everyone will be curios, I think the ending had the Ferryman warping through the screen, batting Otto away, and seizing the chance to take Noone, this time, permanently.
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thisheademptyyeet · 3 months
The hideaway
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Gotta pick one of these here~
Even though I know lots of you have/had cooler jobs than these...
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random-bi-writer · 1 year
reading your LN posts, your version of Six reminds me of the Nomes.
Huh, she kinda does.
Both often get trapped.
Tends to runaway a lot because of experiences.
Will follow someone and help them if they're kind to them or realizes they're not a threat.
Very playful when they feel safe.
Tends to draw the eye or the signal tower in Six's case.
Both look like cultists.
Thank you anon, my brain won't shut up now and the things my brain is saying makes RK's death even worse.
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umbrarkzoo · 2 years
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its cute when six hugs the nomes
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the-gt-fairy · 6 months
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I have a feeling this joke has already been done, but just in case--
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end-the-transmission · 8 months
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-"I think you're wonderful"-
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keikoyume · 2 months
Out of the whole scenario of your last post (which I loved)...
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I can't help but notice Ferryman grabbing onto a poor Nome with Chopsticks 🤣
And my first thoughts were "is he tryna eat him or??" XD
Oh nah, he doesn't eat them
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hezuart · 10 months
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LN Channel Change AU Sequel: "Seven" {here} {2} {3} {4}
Mono and Seven take a short reprieve from hell. But their survival skills are still required if they want to enjoy their vacation. 
Note: Mono's memory is still fuzzy. He only knows he's been betrayed by someone in a yellow raincoat he thought as his friend before. Seven often reminded him of said friend, but he feels more at ease now on this island. Mono knows he has some strange powers and can travel through TVs, but that's the extent of it. So he's testing out those powers of telekinesis to try and open canned goods (water chestnuts) with his powers instead of a rock. It is a bit draining though at first, but he's practicing it more and more as their day goes on.
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wayward-delver · 5 months
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The way Mono and Six are shown away from each other with references to their dark futures...
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While Low is giving Alone her wrench as a gift, my heart can't take this.
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Full picture here,(from the official LN Twitter page).
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shebelongselsewhere · 5 months
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silly shaped fellows
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hotco0kys · 8 months
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LETS GOOO FIRST DAY!! prompted wake up with noone!
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queen0fm0nsterz · 6 months
What do you think are glitches remains?
This question is so simple on the surface but the second you start looking into it... the implications carried are certainly intriguing.
So. The Glitching Remains are, by definition (and presumed by their name), remnants of the past. They are what's left of someone who has been long gone. If you want a direct comparison somewhere else in the games, the Nomes and the Shadow Children are similar to what the Glitching Remains are supposed to rappresent.
The Nomes are a more... "universal" kind of remain. They are what is left of the body after it is ridden of its identity. They are still the result of death - see as the Lady cracks RK's bones and twists his neck during his transformation - but rather than being spiritual, they are the physical manifestation of it. Nomes have been around for a long time, predating even the Lady herself, so you could use this to point at the fact that this practice of creating/leaving remnants behind has been around for a long time.
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(Concept art of RK and the Nomes in the Maw and a screenshot of the Nome in the Necropolis.)
Considering how they are treated in the Maw, I would not be surprised if they were also created to be workers elsewhere. Their number is quite elevated in the Nest - place which is implied to have held large numbers of children in the past - and wa have reason to believe that the Necropolis might have had some Nomes as well.
The Shadow Children are, however, a much more direct comparison to the Glitching Remains. Officially referred to as "the Masked Remains" in their theme, they are a spiritual counterpart of the Nomes: they are what happens when you force a remnant to live outside its body.
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(A Masked Remain being blasted away. They are oddly adorable.)
I say "force" because they are not born spontaneously: unlike the Glitching Remains, they need to attach to a physical object to survive even as shadows. Once their mask is destroyed, they don't reform. This is what makes me think that they are not naturally formed, but rather created.
(I also have an ounce as to what their masks are made of... but this is not the time. Still, ever since I saw that petrified child in a cage in the Residence, I have not known peace.)
A parallel is drawn between the Nomes and the S.K. in Very Little Nightmares, where their Jack-In-The-Box can be found next to some Nomes mourning in front of pictures of children - considering the context, presumably their former selves before they got transformed.
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(Tears. Many tears.)
The Glitching Remains are similar in spirit, but different in practice. Nothing sways them: they are not weak to light like the Masked Remains are, and they don't need to have a physical object to attach to in order to persist in the physical plane. That being said, they are devoid of freedom: none of the remains we meet walk away from places and some even appear to be "trapped".
Taking this into account: I think the Glitching Remains are the physical manifestation of the strong emotional distress one feels before or during death. Or even a strong emotion in general. I say this because of the many places where the kids are found, implying their untimely deaths, but some of these kids are seen repeating actions which have nothing to do with that. Either way, I think that in nature, they are similar to what the Thin Man is: a "ghost" made of static which carries on thanks to emotion alone. They are not on the same due to the difference in strength, hence why the Thin Man has a more physical body while the remains don't, but the basic idea is the same.
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(A few example of Remains who I think are in the place of their death/where their body lies. There is many more, but I picked the ones I think are most obvious.)
Earlier I said that I believe these remains to be formed rather than created: this is because, while we do see Thin Man has the ability to create Remains, the fact that he's been locked up for so long, as well as many of these remains hiding in places unreachable to him, has me reason that most of them are most likely not made by his own hand. Rather, I am currently of the assumption that the air of the Pale City (and surroundings) is so strongly plagued by the power of the Transmission that these Glitching Remains can form on their own.
However, when coming in contact with Mono, his first instinct when coming close to them is to "absorb" them (exact opposite of what the Shadow Kids do with RK, might I add!) and they have no reaction whatsoever, which is another reason for me to think that these Glitching Remains are truly the purest form of remnant we've ever encountered in the franchise. They only do one thing, and that's it. They don't move from their spot and they're not aggressive: they're just a fading memory replicating either their last actions, or their last emotions.
((... Kinda like the Thin Man, on a much lesser scale. Again, these are two sides of the same coin here.))
I think Six not reacting to them at all is also quite interesting. There are a few instances where Mono can absorb them right in front of her and she doesn't seem the least spooked. I wonder if she can even see them to begin with?
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bana-ki-art · 6 months
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A couple more sketches on LN :)
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teastarfall · 6 months
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why do they call it little nightmares when i have big dreams about it
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liothebiblioklept · 27 days
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The usual doodles :]]
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