#ln dlc art
liothebiblioklept · 29 days
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The usual doodles :]]
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umbrarkzoo · 9 months
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friendship bracelet!!
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serv0z · 7 months
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I'm sorry for the person I'll become when LN3 drops.
i WILL start blocking people who dont reblog.
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elizaaarts · 1 year
Sharing the Pretender "Model Sheet" that I'm using as a basis for drawing. I'm not going to lie that I loved her look aisjandbnqns XD
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peachy-bubbles-123 · 1 year
✨💛Yellow Suits You!💛✨
(✿˶˘ ³˘(^∀^˶ )!♡
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I've been working on these three parts since the summer! It began as a redraw of a piece I created in 2021 during those early LN fandom days, but I had a better idea. Anyway, do you ever feel like art improvement can be so surreal? (✿❛///❛)💕💖✨Wow!
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queen0fm0nsterz · 2 years
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Mother of Mine.
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yaniks-uwu · 10 months
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Little Nightmares 2 и FNAF Security Breach Ruin
Приве! Это моя первая работа на ноутбуке поэтому не судите строго.
Друг, ра��и которого я пошла в одно очень ужасное место просто скинул меня в пропасть зная, что я скорее всего умру.
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cocopurplepompom · 8 months
Little nightmares inktober day 7: Hungry
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Ok so I know I barely interact with the little nightmares fandom on here, but it's genuinely one of my all time favorite games and ever since the announcement of ln3 I've been unable to draw anything else. Idk why but doodling Six always seems to pull me out of art block.
Anywho, I hope y'all like this piece! Sorry about the hand... And the lazy background. I did my best 😅
I definitely won't post my art here on the regular, but since it's inktober I wanted to do at least one prompt, and I saw today's and knew I had to draw this scene.
Honestly these games are so good for cinematic moments, and this scene hits so deep when you play, even before playing the DLC, cause the gnomes are one of the only things on the Maw not trying to kill you. It's the moment I clicked that there's something really sinister about Six as well.
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gur0slvt · 1 year
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gloomy bear x little nightmares when
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maythearo · 10 months
Ahem ahem, If I may rant a bit about Little Nightmares 3 with my thoughts on the trailer announcement + my predictions on how the game will go... cause I'm still freaking out and I'm so excited for this
Kind of a deserted, post apocalyptic theme, possibly associated with dangers of radiation or toxic waste of some sorts? I assumed because of Alone's gas mask design especially + Low's design is very post apocalyptic-like, and also from some of the enemies in the trailer. (Specifically about the obviously unnaturally big doll monster, and the bunch of human hands that crawled out of the sewer kinda resembling a humanoid spider creature for all we can see, maybe some of the enemies have been affected by whatever bigger danger this story may try to convey. I mean, characters from previous games were also unnatural looking, but for what I remember their designs and stories were fit of that very dark supernatural theme, as for this one in contrast seems to be going on a different kind of territory IN the means of supernatural, mixing a bit of more ""realistic"" tones to it)
The official podcast "the sounds of nightmares" seem to be going on a scientific/psychological evaluation and or experiments route, which I think grounds the story a little more, but at the same time I have NO idea how its narrative is going to relate to the game's itself lol something about dreams... hmmm
There is mirror travelling ig, that's super cool, but so far, I got no idea what it means 👍
I thought it would be a risky decision to leave the primary claustrophobic environment of the previous games and chose to go for a brighter, more "open world"(?) look for the main characters to adventure on, but at the same time, this setting can still be well explored on a horror perspective, despite me not seeing much of this theme being executed at all in any media I've consumed so far lol. I imagine it could be a great opportunity to contrast jumps between the game's levels, as in one stage you're out on the open desert and the other you fall into a darker area to explore through
Although I have my criticisms on some of Supermassive games' stuff, I'm still very fond of their work and takes on horror videogames in general, so I trust little nightmares 3 is in very good hands 👍
The ost is going to be awesome, the song in the trailer gave me goosebumps ngl
I believe we're not going to/are barely going to see Mono or Six in this story. Their arc was pretty well constructed beggining to end, but the lack of appearances of the two, at least for me, is not a negative thing at all! I think Low and Alone's story is going to focus on the world building through different lenses rather than exploring further what we already knew before. Mono and Six may be vaguely mentioned but not crucial to the sequel ig
Just a side note I'm a terrible game theorist, so if I said stuff that clearly contradicts something in the trailer or franchise, I am very sorry, I can't help I'm very inattentive most of the time, this is embarrassingenfjenfjebrk😫
I watched a full gameplay of the first and second game like, years ago- and only now I got the opportunity to play LN by myself. I finished the first game, went half of the dlc (I'm taking a break from it bcs it's so difficult for me and the switch version takes almost a full minute to reload after I die..) and I'm currently mid way through the second, although I still remember most of the stuff that will happen in its story. I'm following the episodes of the recent podcast, and I'm going to seach for the webcomic for me to read, yahooooo!!!
NOBODY asked for this post but I DO NOT CARE, little nightmares fascinates me from story, to gameplay, to visuals. It's one of a kind on its storytelling and art. Just my thing and I care about it very much. But that's it thanks for listening to my insanity arc
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smolsix · 9 months
im back im back and im looking at the footage in this massive post WEE HEE HEE!!
no fr it's a long post
i went onto the website and Low is the boy in a mask and Alone is a girl with the wrench.
starting w the trailer
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you can see Low here by himself which is interesting, in single player it makes sense to have one character before you meet your AI companion but I wonder how this could work in multi
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Low is also by himself here, before the next scene where he meets up with Alone. So Ig Low is travelling and ends up with Alone.
In the trailer when it shows the busted mirror you can hear the ticking noise that is so well known in LN II for the section where Mono transforms into a new Tall Man (no i still do not believe in the time travel theory and I will not debate it < 3)
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A NOME!!! ON THE LEFT!! while it makes sense emotionally that they are here (they are so little nightmares after all), logically it does strike me as curious. It was The Lady who turns children into Nomes, so either this one is just here (i know there's at least one in LN II) or other people can have this power?
Also it's curious they're holding a paper, wonder what they've found? Wouldn't it be insane if it was another advert for The Maw haha (in all likelihood it's probably a map of some sort since their goal is to leave this place, but it can also just be part of the trailer and not gameplay just to give us a better look at the characters)
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the little umbrellas fiNALLY made me realise why the art direction feels so different, it's very tim burton. little nightmares could be considered as such but different enough because it lacked a lot of the whimsical aspects of tim burton's designs, but these have some charm to them that is whimsy enough that it is set apart. Anyways, the umbrellas are cute and i am guessing they auto deploy rather than you being able to use them whenever. I wonder if they're visible at all on the character's designs? since both characters have matching ones, do they get them somewhere? make them? i am interested in where they got these haha
also i noticed a lot of netting for this region, i know it's a desert style location (the website even mentions a fair park section and i am BEYOND excited for that because i LOVE clowns and circus stuff)
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this particular puzzle is shown a few times in the trailer so they must be quite proud of it (i mean it is cute and i like it haha). i am guessing this is part of the fairgrounds section, as it did feel out of place in the trailer but would make a lot of sense for a location like that (it is very colourful which is pretty new for the series)
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Also Low has this cute lil anklet omg
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there is an axe here! i wonder if it dislodges when you solve the puzzle. the eye motif is back as it should be, it's very LNcore of them. im guessing the green thing is a giant crayon? being a too small child in a location made for children is a fun concept and furthers with the theme of subverting childlike concepts into something a bit unnerving.
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initially i thought these were guests, but looking at the area more closely and now that i know there's a fairgrounds, these are probably The Dwellers and this is probably the fairgrounds.
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ofc, we have the sewer hands. they are self explanatory honestly. but i can't help but wonder how they function in game as an enemy. i can see their surprise jump scare factor, but as an active enemy to avoid it does have me wondering how they will work.
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the fuses are back! and there's the roaches. you can see Alone with her wrench out here, wonder if it's part of her idle or run animation at all? it could also be because Low has the fuse so she has her wrench ready for whatever reason. I want to say she could possibly smash roaches, but there's so many here I think it'd be impossible
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strange thing in the back there........ the gears are cool though, wonder what they're powering?
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these shelves are much like the ones in LN 1 in the swaying gnome section of the DLC i mentioned before, it's cool they brought these back as they're very reminiscent of the first game in general. But the jar is very LN II of them.....
I know I keep making comparisons between I II and to III but I honestly do believe the studio is bringing back a lot of motifs, imagery, items, and assets on purpose specifically to feel familiar enough to the audience who has played the first two and might be uneasy about the somewhat new art direction.
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also very LN II of them~~ but this could be a carriage like from the fairgrounds? So far the trailer seems to be going in order of locations, though, so who knows.
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i wonder what location this could be? And why is Lone able to use mirrors like this, and why is he only doing so now? He also travelled here alone, so I'm super interested in his backstory.
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so i was surprised to see the website explicitly call this a giant baby and not a doll when it is very obviously one. unless it is a giant baby wearing a doll head?
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the left eye (our left) also clearly has the ability to petrify people, too. the baby itself is very worn down so it's either quite old, or has simply seen a lot of damage. im guessing at one point its other eye also functioned.
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this is VERY interesting. these statues of petrified people are larger than the MCs meaning they were probably adults, so the baby really does target anyone probably. it's also strange as these people look... normal? there's nothing going on with them, they are simply petrified. it paints a picture where it's possible that at one point, the little nightmares world *was* normal, and something happened that warped the adults. it's possible the giant baby is man made itself, idk what it is but it feels that way to me. i dont think it was just... born like this.
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literally no idea what this could be about. i know it looks like a trash dump but i can't tell for what if anything specific. why the table with jars neatly placed on it? why the giant machine? initially i thought it was like a machine that'd scoop things and then drop it, but it looks like a chute which means something or someone is filling it somehow.
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if you watch the animation for this part Low is pulling Alone who stops him and then lets go before they look at you, it's probably a simple animation but it'd be interesting if it told us anything abt their dynamic.
and then from the additional gameplay footage:
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we have the eyes returning < 33 tho they do look different-mostly the peep hole is more narrow giving it a more threatening look (pupils become smaller when someone is angry for example)
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umbrarkzoo · 2 years
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cue laugh track and slow fade out
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hezuart · 1 year
Heya! Just wanna say I can't wait for more about your au and also what is your favourite L. Game from concept art to design?
Hi! <3 L Game? as in Little Nightmares?
I'll go least fav to fav 3. Very Little Nightmares. Tiny mobile app screen where you tap to control. The screen cannot recognize my meaty fingers's input!!!!! UGH I'm just annoyed with the controls. The story was fine I suppose but felt like it lacked something. Lacked some oomph. Lacked true moments of horror. Not made by the original developers. Was the first LN game to introduce the fact that there are other children out there with scary supernatural powers. This LN game was a side story for the explanation behind the hanging man from LN 1. (At least... kind of.... the hanging man is a weird situation thanks to the comics...) It's an odd Six cop-out. We're led to believe this character we are playing is Six, only to reveal at the end she's a whole different character and then just... immediately killing her off. We can't even figure out who she is as a person. We don't really have any interactions with other characters enough to solidify her personality. I did adore the hidden easter eggs in the game. Nome with a bow was cute. I was curious about the other enemies and their circumstances, like why the butler is handcuffed. Where the girl's mother was. How so many kids end up at the Nest. Really only lead to more questions than answers.
2. LN1 is really good. Heavy Ghibli inspiration. A great introduction to a dark world, a unique dollhouse camera angle perspective style. A slight rocking to the screen to indicate you're on a boat. The amazing lighting. The finale; Six walking off sucking out souls of the guests that chased her to eat her, when she's now eating them. Perfect revenge power trip. Knowing she no longer has to physically consume things anymore. The nome she killed, but all the nomes she hugged still coming over to watch her leave (?) great scenes... The DLC introduced tough water mechanics that glitched out the physics engine but still were interesting enough for the DLC character. Showcasing a true addition to the Maw to peak the interest of viewers. The horrific and terribly sad ending and plot twist that took everyone by shock. Despite its glitches and perspective-deaths, its still overall a solid game. 1. LN2. I'll admit LN 1 is more put together than the second game. The sequel (or prequel rather) seemed messy in development, like they weren't sure where to really go with it. They had a lot of rough concepts and a lot of it seemed to get scrapped mid-production. Seems like they even intended for heavy DLC exploration with other children too. With how it turned out, its a pretty decent game. But knowing the scrapped DLC content and alt. directions the story was gonna take, it feels like a bit of a confused narrative. We got confirmation that the children really do turn into grotesque adults. That there are other children with creepy powers. We know of Shadow Six's origins. We know why people flee to the Maw or other places away from the mainland. The concepts are frankly more fascinating than the finished story, (children plugged into tvs, Mono feeding Six or Six feeding Mono, giant ???? meat baby???? you can't top THAT) tho the finished story is probably cleaner than the latter. Six dropping Mono at the end was so shocking to everyone and after thinking hard about it, I can't find any real logistical or emotional reason for her to do so. I think it was just genuinely a forced in betrayal for shock value. And hey, it certainly was shock value. Despite this game ending in completion, or really, a loop... and despite it being a PREQUEL... I can't help but feel like this game ends on a cliffhanger to me. Like there's more to the story. There's stuff untold about this universe. So LN 2 and LN1 are really close in favoritism. LN2 had the most fascinating concept art ...without Ghibli Bath Houses to take inspiration from like in LN1, so they really took it in risky directions. But I still acknowledge LN1 is more solid of the two. I think I just enjoy the LN2 mechanics a bit more. I like working together with Six, though frankly I was really disappointed learning that LN2 was in fact, not a multiplayer game. That Six gets separated from Mono several times throughout. I have plenty more to say about these games but this is probably the simplest assessment to give right now!
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elizaaarts · 2 years
@Noko.mi's DTYS Challenge on Instagram!
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peachy-bubbles-123 · 2 years
Trick or Treat, Trick or Treat
Give me something good to eat
Apples, Orange, Tangerines
Happy, Happy Halloween!!
◥(⃔*`꒳´* )⃕◤ 🎃🧡✨🎃🧡✨🎃🧡
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queen0fm0nsterz · 2 years
About that: I decided that I'll be posting a LN inspired painting every week, starting today, until I run out of ideas!
I'm planning to do this until at least the end of September - LN has helped me improve in every aspect of the art forms I practice, but I want to improve MORE
Every Wednesday will be painting day, so stay tuned if you want <3
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