#please get a hair cut sir you literally cannot see
liothebiblioklept · 1 month
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The usual doodles :]]
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cryptidghostgirl · 3 months
I would literally pay you to write a sequel to Humanity’s Most Favored Fantasy where the reader ends up in heaven but goes back cuz she needs everyone to know she's OK and alastor confesses cuz he won't miss the chance twice
A/N It was supposed to be a one off but I can totally make this happen bc I do feel like she would be redeemed. Sorry for so many posts today, I am really trying to get through these requests before the week of midterms I am going to deal with next week followed by a family vacation.
Humanity's Most Favored Fantasy pt. 2 (Alastor x Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Part One: Humanity's Most Favored Fantasy (Alastor x Reader)
Warnings: I don't think there are any but please correct me if I am wrong. A tiny little baby bit of angst?? Idk, man.
Word Count: 1,783
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List 
Alastor Master List
Click here and leave a comment if you want to be added to any taglists or send me an ask about it.
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"You have to send me back."
Sera watched Heaven's two newest angels with careful consideration. They were each the first of their kind as far as either she or Emily knew, sinners having been redeemed.
"You have to at least let me talk to them!" Y/n pleaded, "Please, Charlie needs to know it worked. This... this place, that hotel, it's her dream. She's been dreaming for this all her life, working for it, giving it everything she has her whole life! She needs to know, she deserves to know."
"I mean, Sera, what harm could it do?" Emily tentatively asked her companion.
Y/n turned, looking back at Sir Pentious for help. Both had died in the battle for the hotel, only to be reborn as angels. They each had sacrificed themselves to Adam and his wrath for the sake of their friends, their newly found family.
The journey to Heaven had changed them. Sir Pentious was decked out in all white and gold, little hearts hidden everywhere over his body because it was his confession to Cheri that had been the final straw, that absolute show of humility in the face of sudden violent fear. Y/n on the other hand had found her angle form very similar to the statues she'd poured over as a human. A chiton hung lightly from her shoulders, her hair pulled up in an imperial Roman style and laurels winding their way around her head and through her hair. She looked positively monumental.
"Please." Y/n turned back to Sera, noting Pentious' hesitation, "You... you have to. Aren't we supposed to be all about fairness? About kindness? About caring for others?"
"She's got a point." Emily hummed, "I think we should give them a portal, at least so they can talk to their friends."
It was now Sir Pentious stepped forward, shaking slightly as he still tried to take in his new surroundings. Unlike Y/n who had disregarded them entirely in favor of the fight she was now picking with the seraphim, Pentious was overwhelmed and confused, completely loosing himself to the situation.
"Um... please, my ladies." he tentatively began before Y/n desperately cut him off.
"We wont ask for anything! Ever again! Right Pen?"
Sir Pentious nodded eagerly, his hands clasped before his chest. Emily turned to Sera, her eyes wide and pleading.
"Come on, Sera! Please!"
Sera sighed. This whole occasion was completely unheard of, totally uncharted territory.
"I suppose."
She would need to talk to God, need to get some form of guidance. For now, allowing the redeemed sinners to speak to their friends didn't seem to be too much of a risk. Emily clapped her hands in excitement, Y/n could have cried.
"Thank you."
Reluctantly, Sera nodded her head in welcome and with a flick of her wrist, a spinning disc of gold appeared in the air.
"Here are the rules." she carefully began, "One, you are not to speak to them where Emily and I cannot see both you and them through the portal. Two, there is a time limit. You get five minutes. Thre-"
"Oh come on, Sera!" Emily cut in, "Isn't that enough? This is their family, they might never get to see them again."
Sera let out another world weary sigh. She didn't have the energy to fight with Emily, it was all too much.
"Fine, fine." she waved the younger seraphim off, "Are you two ready?"
Y/n and Pentious met one another's gaze.
"Yes." Sir Pentious answered for them, "I believe so."
With a snap of Sera's fingers, the center of the glowing disc spread open like the aperture of a camera. The sight that met their eyes caused Y/n to gasp, her hands flying to her mouth.
The hotel looked completely different. Everything was nicer, shinier, bigger than either former sinner had ever seen it.
"The fuck is that?" they heard Cherri ask in her thick, Australian drawl.
"It's us!" Sir Pentious happily replied and in a flash, every member of the hotel was gathered on the other side of the portal.
"Charlie!" Y/n exclaimed, tears running down her cheeks, "Angie! Husker!"
"Y/n? Pen?" Charlie asked, her eyes wide.
"You did it!" Y/n happily replied.
"Where are you guys?" Nifty asked, looking in awe at Y/n and Pentious' stark white surroundings.
"We're in Heaven." Sir Pentious proudly replied.
"Say hi Sera, Emily!"
Emily ducked into view of the others, waving excitedly while Sera stayed put.
"Or... not Sera, I guess." Y/n mumbled, a bit disappointed.
Charlie turned to Vaggie, grabbing her girlfriend by the shoulders and shaking her intensly.
"Vaggie!" she screamed in excitment.
"You did it! I'm so proud of you." Vaggie smiled up at her girlfriend, caressing her cheek gently with one of her hands.
"We did it." Charlie corrected, turning back to Y/n and Sir Pentious, "Oh my gosh, you guys! I'm so..."
Charlie sniffled and Y/n laughed, her eyes soft with care.
"We love you too Charlie. We..."
She turned to Sera, catching the look the seraphim shot her that alerted them to their dwindling time.
"We don't have much time." Sir Pentious finished for Y/n, "We just wanted to let you all know. We had to let you all know. Cheri, my dear?"
Cheri's cheeks flushed pink as Angle elbowed her playfully.
"Uh, yeah?"
Pentious smiled.
"I hope to see you soon."
"Sure. Whatever." Cheri looked away and Husk laughed.
"We hope to see all of you soon." Y/n added and then her face fell.
She hadn't meant to sour the mood with the impossibility of her words. Vaggie put a comforting arm around Charlie and Y/n could have sworn she saw one of Alastor's ears twitch from where he stood at the back of the group.
Alastor had been the only one to say nothing to the pair so far. The portal was growing smaller and the only thing on Y/n's mind was letting everyone at the hotel who she knew she might never get the chance to see again know how grateful she was to have had the opportunity to know them.
Brow furrowed, eyes lightly panicked, she turned to Charlie.
"Charlie, I love you." she announced, tears beginning to pool in her eyes, "I am so grateful for you, for everything you've done. You're an incredible person and I... I'm going to miss you so much. Same with you Vaggie. You are the brightest pair of people of any sort I have ever met."
That was the last straw for Charlie. The demon Princess began to bawl and with Angel and Cheri's help, Vaggie lead her out of sight of the portal. Next, Y/n fixed her gaze on Husk.
"Husker, I don't know if... if you or Nifty even want... it doesn't matter." she took a deep breath, "You are both such incredible people, thank you for being my friends."
Husk smiled sadly at her as Nifty latched onto his leg, hugging it tightly as tears began to fall. Lastly, Y/n turned to look at Alastor.
Out of everyone at the hotel, she knew Alastor the least. They never spoke much and when they were in the same room together, he always seemed to be as far away from her as he could get. It was complicated and confusing, but Y/n still knew none of this would have been possible without his help. She took a deep breath.
His ears picked up at the sound of her voice saying his name. Warily, he turned to face her.
Ever since the portal had appeared, his brain had been a rushing mess of thought, his heart a caged bird, trapped in the confines of his chest. He had thought he had lost any hope, any chance. Things had suddenly become much more complicated.
"I know we were never close." Y/n began and his breath caught in his throat, "I just... none of this would have been possible without you. I know you have no interest in redemption and... I wish I had gotten to know you better. You're... even though I don't really know you all to well, I want you to know that I love you all the same."
It was the first time, the very first time, those words had ever been directed from her to him. It felt better than Alastor ever could have imagined.
"I love you too."
The words had left his mouth before he'd really been able to think them through. His cheeks flushed pink at the realization of what he had said, Y/n's eyes widened, her lips slightly parted.
It was strange. Maybe it was because he always avoided her, maybe it was because she thought he hated her. Maybe it was a billion different reasons why she had never considered the idea before but none of those things mattered because she heard his words now, considered them now. Y/n realized that maybe, just maybe, she wanted to love him back. Not platonically because maybe, just maybe, in this moment, all she wanted to do was reach through the portal and kiss him.
Those were thoughts to deal with later. She would have time later, she didn't now. The portal's closure became faster and Y/n sent a panicked look towards Sera and Emily. They were, however, unyielding in her silent plea and so she turned back to the quickly shrinking image of Alastor, Husk, and Nifty.
"I..." her voice trembled, "Fuck! Alastor, there's no time. I... fuck!"
There was so much she wanted to say, so many questions left unasked. Alastor, to her surprise, broke through her stressed mutterings, fueled by a sudden, wild courage. It was that human part of him, that one remaining spark of light.
"It's alright." he took a step closer, "You don't have to answer I just... I needed you to know. When Adam... when you died, the... nothing mattered anymore. I never thought I'd get the chance to say it, to tell you the truth. I had to, I had... I'm sorry."
"No! Alastor!" She yelled fiercely back at him, her eyes wild and determined as he loved them best, "Never apologize for loving someone. Never apologize for caring. I..."
The portal was almost shut now.
"Come find me!"
In a burst of golden light like phoenix fire, the portal vanished. Y/n was breathless, she turned to Pentious who was smiling brightly.
"He loves me."
He nodded and she giggled giddily.
"He loves me!"
As reality set in, the joy slipped from her face.
"And I'll probably never see him again."
@willowshadenox @i-love-jafar @elfyeet @reader3 @lazygirlfanfic0-0@kahlan170@wendyphan01203-blog
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I took notes on my thoughts while watching Nerdy Prudes Must Die because I did the same for Black Friday
DAMN Jon said “I am a TENOR”
I literally can’t get over how good he sounds
Bro these songs SLAP
Damn Mariahs hair is so long
Pete is such a mood
I’m literally terrified of being pantsed so bad
Omg hey Kim
When Cory enthusiastically agrees I’m dying
Omg Max likes Grace???????
Wait that’s so cute
Wait why’s he kinda fine
“His name is Jesus Christ” HELP 💀💀💀💀💀
It’s giving Apex Predator (from Mean Girls)
My jaw is on the floor the way Cory is talking to her
“How am I supposed to study without listening to Spotify?” ME LMFAO
The way hes like “this is about thermodynamics” me me me. I hate when people make jokes about the things we’re not even talking about.
Study date????????
Joey Richter my beloved ❤️❤️❤️
When Max enters and the crowd cheers
Max literally has a God complex
Why is Kim everyones mom?
“Walen place”?????
“Mom will you pass the butt stuff????” HELP SHES BEEN CORRUPTED
Awwww Grace is experiencing Catholic Guilt™ ❤️❤️❤️
Girl wdym “he’s gotta go”???
Laurens character is bisexual???????
“WAIFU MATERIAL”?????? I literally can’t get over Jons character
Wait Grace is a little fucked up actually
Wait since the Waylons built hatchetfield high and the starlight theater, could they have cursed the town somehow? Like I know about the evil brothers or whatever, but I’m not super familiar with the lore
Wait I kind of love Grace now
Mariah slays
“Am I reading as Ghost, or Lin Manuel Miranda?” AWWWWWW❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
“Your fucking useless Pete.” Tgwdlm???? In MY npmd???? It’s more likely than you think
I’m very suspicious about how fast they seemed to put the plan together…
I know the plan wont work and Im so nervous I’m getting secondhand embarrassment so bad rn
I need Max Jagerman actually
Awwww Max is a Theater Kid ❤️❤️❤️
I love how upbeat this song is
Omg Dan and Donna!
Slay Mayor Lauter
His reaction to being asked to the game is giving- “she asked me for the time” “no way” “way :D”
I like that the football team has only 2 players
I love when actors walk through the audience, but ESPECIALLY here when hes stalking Richie bro looks so good
Listen I know he’s about to kill Richie but HES SO FINE HELP
Im literally so Gay bro
When she says hes not hot anymore girl speak for yoursef
Please let Grace swear
Oh fuck they’re giving themselves away
Grace Chastity said “acab”
Cory needs more songs
Damn who is this girl in a trenchcoat 😍😍😍
Random side note but what happened to Robert? I was just thinking about how I wish we could see Hidgens again but is Robert still a part of Starkid anymore? Is he on to Bigger and Better things? Does anyone know what those are? I’d love to continue to support him.
The invisible bird. Literally high school theater
“Heahs the thang about ah bahbecue”
“Ah wawna remember who ah ayum”
Ruth is so real for not know when to do the lights bc the cue lines were wrong
Ugh Laurens voice is so good and I know ive said that about pretty much everyone but it’s true
I know shes about to die rn
The red lighting gave it away
Why did Kim scream like that
Awww Grace has religious trauma now ❤️❤️❤️
He gave her his number❤️❤️❤️
Hot chocolate boy!!!!!!!! I knew Peter was the hot chocolate boy but still
This duet is EVERYTHING
Obsessed with the fact he called MARIAH ROSE FAITH a MEAN GIRL
“Axe wielding maniacs?”
The Waylons did not dig that shit very deep…
im so sorry Zombie Max is So Fine
“Let me check my Christmas list”
“What do you want steph?” MORE tgwdlm? In MY npmd?
I feel bad for not knowing all their names
Max says bitch a lot
Damn this show is long
Omg this is so sad im tearing up a lil
Max is so fucking funny
Damn Grace is seducing Max this is hilarious
Fuck Grace Chastity or kill some nerds? One of the many difficult decisions in life
He decides to fuck Grace Chastity
Thats some fuckin Macbeth level shit
Kims teacher character is so cute awwwww
Paul and Bill dance Chaperones??????
Oh nvm that’s Jason
I don’t think I ever mentioned it but the dancing is really good
It’s very clean and crisp
In the last 2 hours I very quickly developed a massive crush on Will Branner
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 1 year
Dragon Au incorrect quotes!
For all of those who never get tired of crack and my bullshit
Under the cut cuz Why not?
Malleus: Lilia asked me if I have solutions for an oddly specific situation.
Silver: And?
Ace: don't ya humans hoard things?
Malleus: I don't... I just swing my sword and hope I don't hit important organs.
Malleus: no...
Deuce: then how do you keep an eye on important things?
Silver: we kinda leave them somewhere and hope they didn't fall in the 8th dimension.
~Rollo coming to Ramshackle~
Rollo: please God... Give me patience...
Rollo: *opens door*
Malleus: *hanging from the Chandelier*
Silver: *Sleeping on the staircase rails*
Rollo: if I had strength... I would slaughter you 2.
Ramshackle night
Rollo: *getting out of his room*
Idia & Azul: *getting out of Malleus's room* O-O;
Rollo: I'm going to tell dormhe-
Silver's door swings open
Half of NRC getting out of there: o-o;
Rollo: nevermind...
Dormleaders meeting
Week 1
Malleus: vice of Ramshackle, in Dormhead's place.
Riddle: what happened to Silver?
Malleus: how about we start the meeting?
Week 2
Rollo: Vice of Ramshackle, in Dormhead's place.
Vil: why isn't silver here?
Rollo: God forbid me mentioning about it...
Week 3
Malleus: V-
Leona: what is it this time, herbivore?
Malleus: he's definitely alive... Ok? OK...
Dormheads, in their minds: WHAT IS THIS GUY DOING?!
What was silver actually doing
Silver: zzz zzz...
Ace: So me and Deuce are your friends...
Malleus: yes...
Ace: All 3 of us are FRIENDS...
Malleus: indeed...
Ace: So that means me and deuce are also friends.
Malleus: Perhaps...
Malleus: I saw you 2 making out in the bathroom!
Deuce: oAo;
Ace: he's onto us...
Silver: if I had a nickel for every time Malleus got out of trouble via marriage and violence... I would have 2 nickels... Which isn't a lot, but it's wierd it happened twice...
Sebek: And I thought humans had a long courting sistem...
Malleus, holding up a comic book: Behold! A comic book from Silver's library!
Cater: Never heard of Marvel... Is it good?
Ace: the purple dude looks wierd...
Trey: I like the iron suited human...
Deuce: it looks like an adventure comic!
Riddle, passing by: Endgame? Oh the ending was bittersweet for me...
Hearts bois:?!?!
Malleus: valid...
Jack: that gargoyle on the gates looks a bit crooked.
Deuce: actually... That is a grotesque...
Malleus: why do I feel like a proud father?
Silver: you old?
Malleus: I'm old???
Boardgame meeting
Idia: he is in the infirmary again...
Azul: so... Did Malleus-
Idia: attempted to court me, only to end up almost dead because humans aren't as strong as dragons? Yep... 2 days ago actually...
Azul: *breaths in relief* for a moment I thought he was seeing someone else...
Pe class
Vargas: Shroud! Flap those wings!
Idia: s-sir... I literally cannot... I have permission slip...
Vargas: Any dragon with wings can flap them!
Idia: Oh boi... Here we go again... *flaps wings*
*bones crack*
*wings end up in an unnatural position*
Idia, through tears: c-can I go to the infirmary... Please?
Vargas:... Next class bring a broom...
Idia: thank you...
Malleus: your Dormhead is terrifying...
Trey: How come?
Malleus: Yesterday... I saw Rosehearts bodyslam the energetic Leech then drag his body and throw him in his treasure pile...
Trey: *spits drink* He's BOLD...
Rollo: how do you tell apart the Leech twins?
Riddle: Their hair strands...
Ruggie: usually their mannerisms...
Azul: I grew up with those 2... I can tell them apart even blindfolded...
Malleus: I usually swing my sword around and if he backs out, he is the calm one...
Cater: So... How did you end up in NRC, Rollo?
Rollo: attempted to have a mass purge of magic via magic sucking flowers... Also overBlot...
Cater: why are all humans so wierd?!
Average Friday night at Ramshackle
Silver: It is time...
Malleus: *brings out just dance*
Rollo: *sets up the console*
Silver: *stretches a bit and grbs controler* we Gotta bust a bigger Grove than last week!
Lilia: Silver~
Silver: old man... I already ate...
Lilia: such shame... Alas... I will put here the risotto I made for you... Maybe your dormates are ar-
Silver: Yeah... They are not here for a while... I'll tell them you dropped by and said hi... *Looking behind Lilia*
Malleus & Rollo: *desperately trying to throw the food off the window behind Lilia*
Lilia: Huh? Is something behind me? *turns around*
Malleus: *throws himself off the window along the food*
Rollo: *hides under the table*
Silver, awkwardly: How about we go around for a bit?
Malleus, falling of the stairs:...
Malleus: m-my phone...
Sebek: do I have to dial the ambulance number?! Are your bones functional?! *gives phone*
Malleus: *dials a number, waiting to pick up*
Silver, on the other end of the call: yes, Malleus?
Malleus: You will never guess what happened...
Silver: Rollo, where are you going?
Rollo: to either get ice cream or crucify someone... I'll decide on the road...
Malleus: I want mint ice cream...
Jack: it's a bit wierd...
Epel: what do you mean?
Ortho: he is reffering to the fact that Malleus is 2 years older than all of us...
Ace: old man...
Malleus: at least lilia told me I look quite adorable for my age...
Deuce: he told you that after you fell off a broom and rose up with dirt and mud in your mouth like a 4 year old...
This is all for now! :3
Also have a lil smth for this au:
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It took me so fucking much to find that goddamn paper in my bag :'3
Until next time! Buh bye!
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sometimesoliloquy · 2 years
The Handmaid’s Tale 5x01 “Morning” & 5x02 “Ballet”👀
Initial thoughts, mostly incoherent and out of order because I watched the other night and didn’t have time to write down or re-watch yet so these are just bits that stuck out to me most and lodged in my brain:
Kinda sad they left the pistol whip (and of course the kiss) out of the s4 recap.
pretty pretty please can someone make a parallels gif set of Nick touching his hand to his lips at the breakfast table / Nick and June kissing in the woods in 4x10, alongside June touching her neck when she cuts her hair in s4 / Nick and June kissing on the bridge where he touches her neck in the same place? I need this in my life.
I’m still surprised that Rose knows (some things at least) about June and how Nick helped her. I am glad that he is able to trust her enough to reveal that much, she seems very genuine and given it’s Nick I’d think he has good reason he feels he can. He still definitely seems very guarded while they’re discussing it, though. Seems like afraid to reveal too much of the feelings and motivations behind it, most likely. He seems to be having a wide array of emotions: still affected from seeing June and their kiss, worried about potential consequences for her, and for him, and maybe feeling guilty talking to his wife about June (we don’t really know what the expectations of this marriage and relationship are yet, at least to her).
I hate that the brief mention of June and reference to Nick clearly thinking about her is the only osblaine we get in these 2 episodes but here we are, let’s hope we survive the season.
I mean honestly. how very fucking DARE they subject us to the tango again, not once but TWICE(?). Even if Serena is a psychopath this cannot be the happiest moment Serena can remember of the two of them.
I’m a little confused about the gun, about the other ladies’ vengeance league member giving one to June and her subsequent burial of it… cus didn’t she already have a gun? She gave Fred the choice of the gun or whistle, right? (Oo you chose poorly, Fred!) So was this her second gun and did she bury the other one too? Or was this just bad continuity in that writing?
Mark. fucking. TUELLO. WELL fucking DONE indeed, sir. I was not expecting that and I have never liked him more than in this moment. Personally, this may be my biggest surprise so far  (granted I did read some spoilers) and I’m glad because I think I’ve been wanting to like him but hadn’t been able to get there yet... I am still proceeding with caution because I think I heard Sam Jaeger say in an interview something about his character fucking up this season so he can still disappoint me again, but am hopeful. I also very much enjoyed his awkward interaction with Aunt Lydia and how offended she was (what, are you NEW here?). He just needs to get over his fucked up crush on Serena (SHE’LL ONLY BREAK YOUR HEART, MARK!).
the latest baby Nichole is so STINKING CUTE, and she has her daddy’s pout.
I adore Moira but she’s pissing me off. Killing her rapist does not mean June is a danger to her OWN DAUGHTER. WTH What does she think, that June will try to drown her in the bathtub? She has been last season and continues to be very judgey and not understanding as to how June is handling her trauma, which is very different than Moira’s but you’d think she could understand a bit more having also survived Gilead. Like ok yes I get that your best friend coming home covered in blood and giddy that she literally tore someone apart would be disturbing, but it’s not like these are normal circumstances... We saw Moira furious that Fred was gonna get away with it and June at least took action and stopped that. Also if Moira knows about salvagings I’d think she would know that Handmaids participation wasn’t exactly optional and they’re not an infrequent thing which kind of desensitizes a person to that kind of violence over time. Part of me kind of feel that, like Luke, she maybe needs June to just be OK (if maybe to a lesser extent than Luke) because of the survivor’s guilt she’s held onto for “leaving June behind”, but also maybe because June not being ok from her trauma might be triggering to Moira’s trauma?? (I think this may be the case a bit with Rita, too? Although I understand Rita more because June trying to rile her up about Serena was pretty annoying... “hey, remember when Serena  bitch slapped you?”..uh, thanks June, what a pleasant and productive trip down memory lane. I also get June needing someone to be furious at Serena with her, too, though. After the end of ep 2 however I think that may be less of a problem, in addition to, no we will not just be “letting it go” with Serena…
Overall I’m sad about the state of June and Moira’s friendship, theirs is one of the relationships I love the most in this show and I hope they’ll come through it. At least Moira finally said “I love you” back, even if she hesitated
Luke is also pissing me off but that’s not new. THIS ISN’T ABOUT YOU, LUKE.
The only thing I think I agree with Moira about in these episodes it that Luke should not just be trying to sweep everything under the rug like “oh yeah, baby, I totally understand, I’m actually totes cool with the whole murder with your bare hands thing now that you explain it like THAT but also fuck you if you leave me cus I need you cus it’s about me.” Like maybe being a supportive understanding husband could include trying to  make June feel safe and loved, not obligated, and maybe encouraging some help from a mental health professional (you know, like Nick did when he was rightfully worried about June’s mental state, risking and incurring the wrath of Serena) instead of just pretending that she’s fine and everything is fine because he's just terrified of her leaving him. “I’ll take the win” did provide a tiny bit of comic relief for me but I really don’t think it’s a good long term strategy.
Also, I HATE that Luke calls June BABY. And that’s not even a Nick/Luke thing, I just really hate that as a term of endearment (especially from a grown man to a grown woman).
I liked that both the police officers and the prosecutor who talk to June are all women. I also saw someone else point out that all the officers who come to Serena’s room to move her to a secure location are also women, so that’s interesting. Definitely a contrast from Gilead.
Esther looking at Nick, and he recognizes her back? I guess maybe she saw him/ they recognize each other from when they arrested her at the farm? We didn’t see it but he told June she was in custody. God if so she must HATE him... best stay away from the chocolate for now, Nick!
Ok but I kind of love Naomi. As much as one can love a Gilead commander’s wife (aside from Elinor... and maybe Rose, she seems cool for now anyway but I guess we’ll see). My god does that woman love a macaron croquembouche. Seems a bit festive for a funeral reception but hey, I’m celebrating and I love a macaron so no complaints here.
GAWHD, I know we knew Warren was a creep but at least we didn’t really have to explicitly see him creep his creepiest creepiness before... Can’t wait til later in the season.
Of COURSE Nick’s immediate question is how is June, and how is their daughter, and now I’m crying.
NICK NEEDS TO SEE HIS BB DAUGHTER (still crying). Tuello, you need to be more persuasive, ok? It’s ok, you can take lessons from June. Making friends and influencing people.
Serena is going to SMOKE? Hey, um, remember your miracle baby, Serena? that you’re pregnant with right now? Remember how you supported overthrowing a democracy to help instate a demonic hellscape of a country, slaughtering countless people and enslaving and abusing the majority of the rest, apparently all so that you, personally, could have a baby, any baby, even if you had to rape for it and then steal the baby? In a world where carrying a healthy baby to term is very rare and so many are born with birth defects? Like smoking while pregnant has also been proven to cause? I already thought it was weird and fucked up when she smoked in the house while June was pregnant but this is another level.
I am v scared for Esther. She’s kind of unhinged but god knows she has reason to be and I kind of love her. I love Janine too, but ugh her trying to mentor Esther to “make her commander like her” and get pregnant and how beautiful or whatever being pregnant is had me cringing and kinda pissed. It was disturbing and reminded me a bit of Serena happily coaching 15 year old Eden for her wedding night and “wifely duties”... And it was ESPECIALLY upsetting coming after the gross airplane creepy commander scene. I get that this is part of Janine’s coping mechanism for herself and she also sees it as helping Esther survive, and of course Janine didn’t explicitly KNOW about the creeping, but she DOES know first hand that Warren is indeed a creepy creep (unless she is still stockholm syndromed with him?). Honestly I kind of don’t blame Esther, I’d be pissed and probably want to do something drastic too.
I mean Nick looks good in a suit but anyone else long for the good old days of the brown t-shirt? Just me? Ah, simpler times.
Serena is a sociopath. Prove me wrong.
But as evil as she is, I have to be glad that something happened to snapped June out of her temporary “everything is fine and great and  normal again, just gonna go back to being Luke’s fun and definitely not angry wife” bubble. Serena or no Serena, your bb girl is still in Gilead and rapidly becoming not a bb girl so tick tock, time for action.
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organic-guacamole · 2 years
i just finished watching the paw patrol movie so at the end of this episode I can see how they compare 👯‍♀️
ooo a Maddox opening
why did they do that cut with EJ saying "I wish I could" to Gina. THERE IS A VALID EXPLANATION DONT DO HIM DIRTY
no one gonna mention how hot these campers all are? ummmm I'd be down for a shallow lake spin off because every camp I've been to cannot compare.
Ricky didn't finish the crust though🤨🤨
just when I thought they couldn't break ricky any more than they already have....
wait her name is Valerie?
she looks so happy and I'm happy eeeeeee
so was Maddox and Madison's thing why the rule was implemented? 👀
I don't understand why Maddox couldn't go with Jet to talk, like now these kids are outside in their dressing gowns and she's fully dressed 🚶🏽‍♀️
"you can come out now"
"no I already did that"
oo JoJo Siwa *acts shocked like I didn't know she'd be in this 2 months ago*
this episode is something omg
"I want David Bowie not Rupaul"
"I have never shown this much cleavage"
who's writing the scripts and when can I meet them
2 things: love the running joke of making assumptions on the theme and LOVE Carlos in headbands thank you stylists.
no because I like Jet but why would inviting an ex with no warning be good. also MADISON YOU BROKE UP WITH HER. YOU KNOW HOW SHE FELT(probably) WHY DID YOU AGREE.
I can't stand the way everyone's getting upset with EJ for working. they are literally at a party and he has no choice but to perfect the musical. like, ???
"yes, sir" I do not understand.
brother stop gawking at the man's girlfriend please.
Richard I like you too but if you don't stop rn I will give a standing ovation when EJ drop kicks you out the window.
this MadMad scene is nice and all but I can't say anything funny about it, nor do I have enough history of their trauma to talk about it so: they're sweet. I love them now. the end.
OMG AWW Carlos and Ashlyn needs to be a friendship we see more though
wait wait wait is EJ gonna bring seb? cuz....I would very much like that...
I like seeing EJ be meaningful and considerate, which feels weird to say.
EJ babe you're hurting me
but also they did have less than 2 weeks to learn the lines so
Maddox telling her whole life story one stage is such a Disney movie thing. I love it.
THIS IS SO CUTE I love the sibling storyline surprisingly
Saylor is so pretty.
no but like I just realized, no one here knows Seb except for the wildcats, how weird is this for them to see a random 15 year old on your stage.
ftr, I'm not entirely against Rina objectively. I just HATE how they're trying to make it happen.
EJ's trying, so hard. like I'm sure I can see grey hairs showing up on his head because of all this stress he's under.
aw he even wants to play a song so they can have their dance
since when is a summer 14 days long ?🤔🤔🤔
this thing Gina keeps going back to, "were having different summers"... I have something to say but I'll make a separate post for that. maybe. depends on how badly I want to be ripped into by fans ig.
the way they all use metaphors and weird wording for break ups in shows has always been funny for me. is is just me or does literally no one say "solo" in normal speech...
Cash Caswell
Unnamed mother Caswell
Unrealistic societal expectations due to his family
Nini Salazar-Roberts
Richard Bowen
His own mentality which has been programmed to believe he has to be more than he is to matter
right, nevermind.
not Richard Bowen telling a stranger about his own show, High School Musical: The Musical: The Series, now streaming on Disney plus 🤨🤨🤨
why did Gina walk in between the people's conversation? legit just step around them
her crying makes my heart hurt.
I'm actually crying. this scene with all the girls is probably the best one all season. there's depth, emotions, love, an amazing song, Maddox fitting in with them and just the most beautiful and interesting storylines and characters coming together.
Dara Renée deserves an award for this.
someone added that guys water scene self indulgently I think
"I was born to be brave" the callbackkkk
"Bro" coupled with the high note can we actually not do this to me? you know how I feel about the "bro" since last season
the timing of Ashlyn walking by when Maddox and EJ are talking, man I love this show.
How did Val find that out though.
anyways the finale will be fun...
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Hi, it’s me, Fanfic Anon #2. Hope everyone had a good weekend/has a great week. This is inspired by the reporting that a) they were scheduled to go to a play the night Zelensky came, b) the fact they went skiing Sunday, and c) the I can’t work unless I’m happy and Brigitte makes me happy/Brigitte is my non-negotiable quotes. Hope everyone enjoys.
(PS - with all the discussion about "EMT," I realized, I never asked, EMT, what you wanted to be called. Please let me know if you rather me call you "parce que c’est notre project" or PQCNP or something.)
"I am not to be disturbed Sunday, do you understand me," he informed, not discussed, not mentioned, not bargained, informed his staff Friday evening before heading up to their private apartments for the night.
"But, sir -" one of his staff tried to interrupt and protest.
"No ‘buts.’ The world literally needs to be ending for you to reach me."
"Yes, sir. But can I ask, why?" Another aide chimed in.
"Why?" Emmanuel scoffed, a little upset they were asking the question, challenging him on this, but frustrated none of them seemed to actually notice their pattern of behavior. "Because I already have had to cancel one date night with my wife this month, my big romantic Valentine’s Day outing even, and I will be spending most of next week away from her, so forgive me, gentlemen, for wanting to spend some quality time with my wife."
"I understand the impulse, sir, but are you sure that prioritizing Madame Macron is the best way to -"
"I’m going to stop your right there before you say something that gets you fired. We have been over this. We have all been over this. I cannot work unless I am happy. Brigitte makes me happy. My wife is the only non-negotiable thing in my life. So whether you like it or not, I am taking one day - one day - off to ski with my wife in a place that means so much to me, so much to us." He informed them in a tone that indicated there was nothing left to discuss.
After pausing in such a way to indicate the meeting was over, and only growing frustrated that no one had taken the hint and left, he dismissed them with a curt "meeting’s over gentlemen. If you will excuse me, I’m going to go see my wife now."
He didn’t even wait for the final stragglers to leave his office before he began to head towards his wife, needing her to calm him down from the emotions swirling inside him. He felt relief when he threw open the door and saw her sitting there with a glass of red wine in one hand, phone in the other as she was waiting on him.
"There you are, chéri!" She greeted, smiling at him. "How was the rest of your day?" She asked before he stomped over to her and pressed a stormy kiss to her lips, needing to channel the anger into a more positive feeling.
"That bad?" She joked, lips swollen, hair askew, chest heaving as she fought to catch her breath when it was over, knowing him well enough to know that was his ‘something is wrong but I’m challenging it into a more positive emotion’ kiss.
"I promise, we will not be disturbed Sunday," he vowed with an intensity that startled her.
"Mon cœur?" She asked for clarity a little confused.
He sighed, before burying his head in her for comfort, the explanation he was providing a little muffled by the cloth on her shoulder, the skin of her neck, her hair, "I got some pushback for telling them I was off limits Sunday."
"Chéri, if we have to postpone -" she started, disappointed, but trying to be understanding.
"No," he cut her off vehemently, squeezing her in a tighter hug in protest. "No, they’re the ones who have to deal with it. I’ve already cancelled one date night this month, and I’m going to be gone next week -"
"But your schedule is not your own, and I understand that."
"But you’re the most important thing to me, Brigitte. Always have been, always will be. I can’t breathe without you. And I can’t be happy unless I know you’re happy."
"I am happy -"
"Sure, for now, but for how much longer if -"
"Listen to me, Emmanuel," she stopped his spiraling train of thought with a tone that left no room for disagreement, her fingers moving to run lovingly through his hair to soothe the clear anguish buried somewhere in his soul. "I will always be happy with you, do you understand me? You need me to breathe - how do you think I feel, huh? You are my world, my heart. That’s not changing. I appreciate you making me the priority, I appreciate all that you do to make sure I have what I need, but there is nothing - not this job, not your aides, not having to cancel a million date nights - nothing that is ever going to make me stop loving you. I meant it when I said ‘till death do us part, and even then, I’m planning on finding a way to haunt you."
"A friendly ghost I hope?" he smiled, the last of his worry slipping away in the face of her reassurance.
"To you, always. Your next wife on the other hand," she joked, only for him to spring back quickly to look her in the eyes.
"Don’t even joke like that."
"Chéri, I don’t want you to be alone and unhappy after I’m gone."
"I won’t be alone. I’ll have our children and grandchildren - I’ll have our family."
"I don’t want you to spend the rest of your life mourning me."
"Remember what you told me about your mother?"
"That she was never really okay after my father died because it was as if someone split her in half? But that’s my point! I don’t want that for you!"
"Are you telling me that if I were to go first you’d move on to someone else?"
"God no!"
"Then why should it be any different for me?"
"Because you’re so much younger! You have so much more of your life to live. I’ve had my life!"
"Brigitte, you are my life!" He sighed deeply before continuing, "can we just table this conversation? I don’t want to think about losing you. I can’t go an hour without hearing from you. I don’t know how I would ever survive never hearing your voice again, or seeing your smile, or holding your hand."
"Okay. I won’t bring it up again.” She paused for a minute, leaning in to give him a soft, loving kiss. Pulling back she changed the subject, “dinner’s ready if you want me to reheat it."
"I have a better idea, since we have to reheat it anyway. Want to eat ‘dessert’ first?"
"What do you have in mind?"
"I’ll show you," he smiled, enjoying her squeal in surprised delight as he reached down to lift her in his arms, carrying her towards their bedroom.
Hellooo fanfic Anon #2! ❤️
You tell them Manu, if you say you are not to be disturbed, you are absolutely not to be disturbed 😈
But Brigitte being so understandable and reassuring him... but also, the hard talk about Emmanuel’s life after Brigitte... it touches me every single time 🥺
Thank you so much, fanfic Anon #2! ❤️❤️❤️
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mythicalshipping · 2 years
There are people who are Not Okay after today’s episode of GMM, and mother effin’ liars. 
I need to get this out of my system before 2 PM PT. 
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Me on the outside 
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Me on the inside
Ep thoughts will be under a cut because of length (if ya know what I mean ;) )
No, like actually, I literally look like 800 screenshots or something.
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So after seeing that thumbnail I was like...what...exactly are they gonna be doing that is r*sque?!?!
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Them watching the video they will be recreating and y’all...I just simply cannot. Barely into this vid and I already cannot. 
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Link being h*rny af on main, and Rhett just staring at him. KAY. OKAY. THIS IS FINE AND NORMAL.
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More like (h*rny nervous laughter). 
Is this projection? Am I projecting? 
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Link just wanting Rhett to look at him while he speaks filth for “content.” ;) 
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Link, if there was a contest for “least subtlety”...
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Only the purest of thoughts today here folks. 
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Idk for sure with accounting for how many jump cuts there were this ep but did Link seem to get his shirt unbuttoned like unreasonably fast?
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...I feel like I’ve read this fic before. 
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Rhett was legit offering and then he tried to backpedal so freaking hard. Don’t even pretend you wouldn’t say yes sir. 
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This is...is my post gonna get flagged by this site? XD This looks more like a thumbnail for a Video Recorded Grown Up Hugging Hub site. 
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Is this also in the same realm of pretending you don’t like to receive back massages from your best friend?
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The SOUND he MADE y’all am I even allowed to be watching this?!?!
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Link didn’t need to say “Yeah!” like that, and Rhett didn’t need to respond like that but HERE WE FREAKING ARE. WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK. 
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Rhett “I'm trying not to have feelings right now or stare at him directly by looking at him in the monitor and trying to explain my feelings away with science McLaughlin.” 
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Someone is having a <i>time</i> this ep...
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Rhett can only stare at the monitor as he tries to stand with his legs apart and keep his hands inconspicuously in front of him.
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The tightness in Rhett’s tone and the way he immediately leans back from Link, like he doesn’t think he will be able to take it if Link looks at him in any number of ways. 
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These NOISES. Can’t be GME because it’s on YouTube so let’s just call this one Good Mythical Afternoon Tea(T). 
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This would make such a filthy-looking thumbnail. 
Jenga today served as a literal c*ck b*ock amirght?
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Why do you need to know this so badly Rhett?
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I mean, what if he s*anked you at the same time? Also please stop sounding so breathless I can’t. 
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This is weirdly intimate...
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OH HEAVENS. I’ve never seen a pic that so fully captures the phrase “c*me ON me bro.” 
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I mean he *did* vow to allow Link to touch a sharp object some time within the rest of his life so...
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This is like William Sonoma: After Hours p*rn.
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Or maybe it’s Good Mythical Kitchen: What they do when Josh is away.
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More like DIK TOK.
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Rhett saying this...and all I can think of is that “girls putting their hair in ponytails” meme...>.>
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Whoa whoa WHOA what?!?! (I wonder just how far Rhett’s competitiveness goes tbh...*looks at fic writers*)
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When just thinking about The D is enough to knock you down. 
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I’m...this screen cap is truly So Much. 
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Okay apparently Rhett is also an e*hibitionist. 
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Your CLIENT?!?! What in the RP and/or AU fic is this?
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OH. MY. GOD. <3 
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Ah yes, always the first totally normal thing to come to mind. SURE RHETT. 
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Okay but...the SYMBOLISM?!?! THE INTRICATE RITUALS?!?! ?????DSFSDAsdfa
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Link being all encouraging at the end ;-;
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When you’re too scared to outright flirt with your bro so you just compliment him...
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...but your bro has a praise k*nk. 
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What in the 2008 CGI looking a**...
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O.O WHAT. WHAT?!?!?!
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Oh good lord...I...
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What Rhett and Jessie said to Link before they offered to lend him their “clothes pins” while they watched him sort his mail.
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...Of freaking course it is. 
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The burning UST in the way they look at each other. 
The fact that this is the *second* game they’ve come up with where a ball gets bounced off of the other guy’s trouser treasures. 
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Is this real life?
We can’t have a Just for Fans because then what would we do on our main channel?
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The physical positioning of it all...
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The MOAN here though?!??!!??!?!
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...I have no words. Omfg. OMFG.
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You hungry Rhett? I know you like having something in your mouth. While I am not yet ready to present my dissertation on Rhett Has An O*al Fixation, I’m sure one of my esteemed colleagues has. 
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Whew. Y’all I think I need to lie down before I even attempt to watch the More. 
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kpop-dungeon-dark · 3 years
The Gamble Of Prides. (Mafia!Baekhyun x You)
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Warning(s): Non-Con, public humiliation, exhibitionism, cum play, knife play, gun play, fear play. Both of you are legal in this. Read at own risk.
It took Y/n a moment to realise what had just happened, eyes widening slowly as she looked up from Mafioso Byun's final cards and at his smug face. "N- No… No way…" Her friend facepalmed in great stress and fear of all the men surrounding them in Byun's bar. That did not just happen. "How is that possible?" Smashing the cigarette in her hand against the table, Y/n stood up. "There is no way you won this time! I am not just good-- I am GREAT at this! How could you win?! Not when I-..." Y/n trailed off from her own words, not willing to admit that she was cheating. Since the beginning.
The older man shrugged. "Well… maybe you're not that good, Miss. I mean…" Him and his men chuckled at the 4 foreign kids visiting their country for vacation. "You lost 4 games in a row along allllll that you had" taking a drag of his cigar, the man smirked devilishly. "Confidence is good but overconfidence will drown you in the sea of reality, in the wise words of Norain."
The girl was clenching her fists, every fiber of her body loathing him. Y/n hated just how fucking smug he was.
"You bastard!"
Byun chuckled. "Adorable. So you remember all that you put on the table, right?" The female gulped, the recent memories of how she bet her body at last when she had nothing left to gamble with. A laugh left the man when she backed away and tried to run, which resulted in Byun's right hand that was sharper than an eagle, Sehun, to grip her arm before throwing her whole body back and in the Boss' feet. "Tsk. I honestly thought you were an honourable young lady. But the way you tried to run away from your own words?"
"P- Please! We will pay you back, sir!" One of Y/n's friends sobbed, causing the girl to glare at her.
"Shut up! Don't fucking plead a cheating bastard like hi- OW FUCK!" Y/n was cut off when Byun gripped her hair before her brain could decipher it and pulled her face closer to his.
"Calling me a cheater when you were trying to use pathetic little rigged ways while playing in MY casino?" Silence followed for a couple moments, the man's lip chain dangling furiously from how fast he'd moved. "You are more foolish than you seemed, baby doll."  Before the girl could shoot anything back, one of her friends shakily stood up, realising this was no game and the man was pure trouble.
"S- Sir… m- may we leave?" Gasping, Y/n turned to look at him along with their other friends. "We had nothing to do with the game nor do any of us gamble. You can sort your thing with her but we really had nothing to do with the game. Please let us go."
Byun sat up a bit straighter, a firm hold on Y/n's hair still. "That's fair." Nodding at his men, the man spoke. "Leave." He couldn't help but chuckle when that boy gathered the rest of his friends before all of them left without sparing a shocked Y/n another glance. "You really are that irritating to everyone, huh?" The girl was fuming at this point, hating how smug and entertained he looked.
“Fuck you!
A snort left the Mafioso when the small girl dared to spit on his face. Byun fucking Baekhyun's face. "I am afraid you don't realize the intensity of the situation, love." Before he motioned his men to stop in their positions, halting them for beating her up for the disrespectful gesture. Before Y/n could realise what had happened, she gasped under her breath when the man suddenly pressed a sharp knife to her throat, the blade threatening to slice against her soft skin.
"You bet all that you had and then took a loan. When they told you that you couldn't take any more loan you bet your body without thinking of the consequences…" Clicking his tongue, he dragged the knife along the length of her neck before grazing it against her collarbone, making the girl jump when he sliced through one of the strings that held her dress against her breast. "Tsk. Did you even know what that means?" The girl hated how she was made to kneel in front of him as he sat in his seat, feet on either side as one held the knife and other held his cigar.
"I- I will pay y- you back!" The men laughed at her slightly wavering tone.
"Oh, is that so?" Baekhyun raised an eyebrow before nodding. "Of course you will. Of course. That is the only way. However…" Taking the other string that was on her other shoulder over the blade, the man toyed with it. "I shall give you a choice." Taking another drag, he puffed it in her face, causing her to cough. "You can either be good and even redeem yourself on the way for your naive actions or…" Inching their faces closer, Baekhyun spoke just above a whisper. "You die and all your body parts get sold."
Y/n's blood started to run cold as she realised just how fucked she was. Even her friends had abandoned her and now she was in this casino with some man she had clearly underestimated as some local gangster. His blood slightly brushed against her skin, still not cutting open the other string. "So… what's it going to be, huh? Me cutting this little dress off your body or me sliding this blade across your throat?"
"I… I d- don't want to d- die, p- please" her eyes finally wetted with tears, bringing the man great satisfaction as he nodded slowly, taking another drag as he finally cut the string open, the tight dress Y/n was wearing falling down to her waist in an instant, causing her to gasp before protective arms tried to hide her chest but Byun's foot beat them to it, pressing both of them down in her laps by one of his feet.
"No, love. You cannot decide what happens to you any longer. You lost all of those rights when you lost your body to me. Now you're my puppet." Byun fed off the fear in her eyes and across her face. "Now, let's begin the fun, shall we?" The girl shook under him as she realised that she didn't have a choice anymore.
"Stand up." The man ordered. "Stand up and take those clothes and heels off." Before the girl could protest, Sehun spoke up from behind, firmly pushing at her back with his knee.
"Didn't you hear what the boss just said, whore?!"
"Hey now, Sehun-ah… don't treat the pretty girl like that…" Byun looked up at Sehun with upset eyes, words painfully sweet like he wasn't just threatening to murder her in cold blood. "She's too weak to be treated so rough… Dolls like her are delicate and fragile… aren't they?" He looked down at the humiliated girl with teasing eyes, snorting at how she flushed in embarrassment before removing his foot from her arms.
"Get up." His tone was rough again as he leaned back in his seat, tossing the knife on the table before picking his glass of whiskey up, taking a sip. "We don't have all day and the clock's running!" He spoke aloud when the girl tried to plead, not even looking her way but in a far distance, waiting for his orders to be obeyed.
Y/n shivered under the gazes of all the men in the room as she slowly stripped from her dress and heels, cheeks red in embarrassment.
"Come here…" Byun ordered. "Kneel." And as the girl kneeled, the male grabbed his knife again, placing one of his feet under her pussy before clicking his tongue at the bra that she didn't take off, swiftly cutting it open, making it fall against her laps. "Don't." The man warned as the girl went to cover her now exposed chest with her arms, watching her carefully. "Come here."
Y/n's eyes were letting out continuous silent tears as she got closer to the man, feeling her nipples harden from the air as her face burned the hottest it could. She could only bite her lip and stare at the ground in embarrassment. "Get on your knees and undo my belt." Her eyes widened as she looked up at the man that looked almost bored. "What? Did I mumble?" His lips grazed against one of her breasts now, making her instantly mumble a small 'no' before she did as she was told, her fingertips trembling as she followed his instructions until she could see his erect cock bulging against the dark blue boxers he wore.
"Come closer now, rub your face on it, doll. Feel your Master up~" Baekhyun encouraged, fistibg her hair in one of his hands whilst the other one that was in possession of the blade grazed against the side of her neck dangerously close. Y/n bit back a sob as the man guided her face closer to his clothed member, forcing her to rub her face against and all over it, moaning lowly at just how good her warm breaths felt.
"Take it out…" The girl did as she was commanded, her hot tears falling on Baekhyun's skin one by one, only adding to the pleasure. "Come on… take it in your mouth. That's it…" Y/n was in disbelief of her situation but knew there was no way out. Opening her mouth, she took his thick head in her mouth, cringing at the taste as she slowly licked and sucked at it, literally shaking as Baekhyun leaned over, pulling her face down his cock by the hair he was holding, finally cutting the last piece of clothing she had on which was her underwear, exposing the girl to everyone in the room and increasing the tension even more. All of his henchmen were sweaty and their throats were dry. But nobody could do anything no matter how much they desired.
Because she was his toy.
"Keep going…" The Boss whispered, sliding her mouth further on his cock and grunting when she gagged around him, bringing her face up before slamming it down, causing the girl to choke again but he held it tight this time, his cock twitching from how she struggled to breathe but couldn't. "Good girl. Now that is some good behaviour." The man grinned, releasing her just enough to let her breathe before pulling it off completely.
"Lick it off." Baekhyun's voice was cold again as he guided her to his cheek which had her spit on it, tightening his hold on her head even more. Y/n was full on sobbing now after failing to suppress it felt her scalp burnt from where he was holding her, shakily placing her hands on his knees before licking her own spit off, sweat trickling down her back. "Are you sorry?" She felt a gun press against her pussy now, the blade long gone as he calmly stared down at her.
"Y- Yes! Yes! I am!" The girl rushedly spoke, feeling the cold metal of the gun slip in between her folds, rubbing back and forth."P- Please, si- sir!"
"Good." Baekhyun was satisfied from how the girl was trembling in fear, standing up before pulling her up on her feet before pushing her on the table where they had played, placing his gun on her stomach before grabbing her thighs and forcefully pushing into her, moaning when she screamed in pain while crying even harder now. "This will get you thinking, tsk. Who do you even think you are? Brats like you deserve nothing but to be treated like this…" Baekhyun loved how he stretched her walls long and deep, expanding them forcefully before he gave her another powerful thrust.
"So fucking overconfident… And what are you now? A fucking slut that's not even in control of her own body." Grabbing the gun, the man started to give her faster thrusts now, moaning loudly as sweat dripped down his forehead, hips snapping mercilessly whilst he pressed the gun to one of her breasts, rubbing the tip against her nipple. "I wonder what will happen if I shoot it… will it pop off? Deflate?"
Y/n's eyes widened as she hysterically cried, her heart thumping as she slid up and down the table, shaking her head furiously whilst her hands rested lifelessly at her sides, her whole body covered in sweat. "P- PLEASE! PLEASE! N- NO! NO! DON'T S- SHOOT ME, S- SIR! PLEASE!" She could only beg helplessly as the man got off to her fear, glaring down at her as he fucked her intensely, going balls deep as he twitched again, feeling himself closer to his orgasm.
"But you've been so fucking disrespectful today. Do you even know who I am, you little slut? How dare you?" Before he pushed the gun in her mouth, forcing her to taste herself as the fear of him suddenly deciding to pull the trigger invaded her senses.
"I- I… s- showwy-" was she could pathetically let out through the gun as he grazed it against the soft end of her throat, ramming into her harder and harder before he was emptying his load into her, pulling out and seeing his cum gush out of her along the blood of her purity, forming a pink mixture. Gathering some of the white liquid off his cock, the man rubbed it against her lips before kissing her as he tucked his cock back in followed by the gun and his blade, pulling her off the table by her hair, spitting in her face before slapping her for all the former disrespect, throwing her in his feet.
Baekhyun smirked, getting even more satisfied as he realised that he was her first time. The trip she was on was in the celebration of her 18th birthday after all. Whilst the mafia was turning 30 this year. "Maybe I won't send you to one of my brothels after all."
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 310: A Tale of Two Kacchans
Previously on BnHA: Flashback!Deku was all, “hey, you know what sounds like a good decision? Abandoning my studies at the safest place in the country so that the bad guy who wants to find me and kill me has literally nothing standing in his way of doing that.” All Might was all, “I fucking knew you were going to say some bullshit like that so whatever, but I’M COMING WITH YOU and I’m also going to invite the Hawksquad to come with us, mostly so that I can steal Jeanist’s car.” Jeanist was all, “okay fine you can borrow my car, All Might, but only if you wear jeans.” All Might was all, “okay sure” and he wore jeans and also sunglasses and a leather jacket and it was pretty rad. Anyway so now they’re out there fighting crime and hunting down the LoV and stuff, and absolutely none of it is going to end well, I’m just letting you know now. But I guess we’ll let them enjoy it while it lasts.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “happy belated Kacchan’s Birthday makeste, here’s the flashback you really wanted at long last,” and proceeds to pull the old vestige flashback out of the kitchen drawer and upend its contents all over my Friday afternoon without the slightest bit of warning. OFA III is all “WHAT’S UP I’M JUST SOME GUY, HELLO,” and okay?? Hello yourself. OFA II, on the other hand, is all, “okay yeah I have different hair and stuff, but I’m like 98% sure I’m either Bakugou or his goddamn twin, I mean look at me.” Which, yeah. I looked, and he really is though you guys. Anyway though, so he and OFA II basically just showed up in the First (who goes by Yoichi now)’s prison cell one day all “HEY THERE, WE’RE HERE TO SAVE YOU, APPARENTLY, ALTHOUGH WE SEEM REAL CONFUSED ABOUT IT TBH BUT HEY.” And so they saved him, and Yoichi was all “hey nice to meet you do you want to join my super-exclusive Saving The World Club”, and so they did, and then the chapter ended lol. I would have said yes too.
oh my sweet lord?? I didn’t realize we were getting a color page this week, but LOOK AT THIS
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this could have been a fucking volume cover. I’m almost mad that it wasn’t, lol but I mean fkldjslklk just look at it??! Horikoshi out here spoiling us and making sure we’re well fed since next week the manga is on break for Golden Week. well this will certainly help to tide me over. hot damn look at those colors
so now it’s raining on some dumb building in the middle of somewhere
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is this where the Hawksquad has set up camp for the night? or are we actually cutting back to the League? that’d be unexpected (but not unwelcome)
ffff nevermind dammit it’s just more random citizens under attack
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feels like this is the third or fourth scene we’ve had of civilians being Under Attack since this arc started. I mean no offense, but I think we get it by this point. it’s the end times, etc. etc. we’re well aware that things have gone to shit
so apparently these two guys are facing off against a girl with a mutant quirk. and she’s telling them that she’s not a monster and she was just scared, oh shit. I believe her btw, you can see it in her face
but these assholes don’t believe her at all and they’re pointing what looks to be some type of support item gun at her
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you know what’s interesting, is that this kind of random quirk discrimination is the exact kind of thing PLF and the like were swearing up and down they’d put a stop to with their glorious revolution. it’s almost like those guys were completely full of shit. huh
so yeah, fortunately for this woman someone is stepping in and intervening before she can be blasted to bits by this trigger-happy asshole for absolutely no fucking reason
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looks like a hero actually stepped in and saved her?? but no that can’t be, heroes are the ones that ruin everything and make everything worse, or so I understand. lol where did all of this sarcasm come from out of nowhere dlkdsjlk I’m sorry guys I just suddenly got swept up in the hypocrisy of certain people’s philosophies out of the blue idek
anyway so it is of course Deku saving her, and now he’s trying to talk thess jerks down all diplomatically instead of just kicking their asses, which is certainly a choice
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fucking impossible to miss the real world parallels here. shit. this woman nearly died for her crime of Walking While Having A Mutant Quirk huh. and meanwhile Deku is just letting this guy scurry away and even letting him keep that fucking bazooka of his, like, ????
fucking hell she’s crying!!
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lmao this chapter is actively trying to make me mad now huh. that’s some genuine righteous anger I’m feeling on behalf of this fictional ferret lady whom I only met two minutes ago. girl you are not the one who needs to explain herself here!! you didn’t do anything wrong holy fuck. everything about this situation sucks so much
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“I’m sorry I made you upset, please enjoy this panel of tiny!floating!Deku hefting this lady’s massive beach umbrella up for her like the fucking gentleman he is” well okay then thank you sir
and JUST LIKE THAT the tension is broken and I’m entirely incapable of taking the rest of this conversation seriously because Deku’s trying to be all calming and authoritative, but now the illusion has been broken because I know he only comes up to like her knees
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“well thanks again for saving me young man. I’ll leave you to it, I’m sure you’ve got more important things to do like protecting your Lucky Charms cereal from all those greedy children”
oh hey All Might
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you wouldn’t have just let that guy with the bazooka just walk away to commit more attempted murders would you?? man
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I ~CANNOT STAY HERE~ oh, well, sorry to keep you detained I know you’re busy
dfslkjlk oh my god
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fucking told you Deku didn’t pack any food lol. it’s literally all notebooks in that bag you guys. he couldn’t just leave them all in his dorm room when he left, because what if someone tried to read them and came across one of the pages where he absentmindedly doodled Kacchan’s name surrounded by little tiny hearts oh gosh
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I needed this Horikoshi. thank you for this wholesome soul-cleansing interaction after all of that bullshit earlier
so now Deku’s climbing up this tall building to eat his lunchbox more dramatically. Tokoyami would be proud
and Banjou is saying that society right now is just like in The Good Old Days (read: bad old days) when quirk society was even more of a mess than it is now
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which is exactly how AFO likes it, no doubt
so now Deku’s having a whole conversation with Banjou seemingly out loud lol, weird. and he’s basically saying that they don’t have any clues as to where TomurAFO and the League are hiding right now, and none of the Tartarus escapees they’ve found knew anything either
mmmmmfmhm, marge simpson noises
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but you think you can?? you, alone, by yourself?? you think you stand a chance?? I just need you to think this all through a bit more kid
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and of course my pleading is all in vain, because he’s a fictional character who can’t fucking hear me, and also because I’m pretty sure there’s only one character who is going to actually be able to get him to hear reason here. I’ve been saying it, and I’ll keep saying it lol. so until then I guess I’ll just have to be patient
anyway so it appears we’re segueing into another flashback??? HORIKOSHI PLEASE GIVE ME SOME BAKUCRUMBS BEFORE THE TWO WEEK BREAK, I BEG YOU
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oh my god oh my god I’m not readyyyyy, but also FUCK YEAH I AM SO FUCKING READY LOL LET’S DO THIS
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(」゜ロ゜)」 щ(゜ロ゜щ)
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well okay then sir. so are you an ~ancestor~ or a Kacchan from another timeline or so what’s your deal then
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(ETA: I’m going to punch myself in the face lmao. he’s Yoichi. he, the First. that’s his name. name reveal at long last what what!!)
(ETA: I actually think he’s going to end up being voiced by Nobuhiko whether he ends up being Kacchan or not, just because it fits right in with the general “identical in almost every way” aesthetic he’s got going on.)
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“some bright-eyed brat” oh come on. IT’S GOTTA BE HIM LOL
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oh my god you all are probably TIRED AS FUCK of all my screaming but I’M SORRY IMMA HAVE TO DO IT ONE LAST TIME BECAUSE...
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and so they really are the ones who busted First out of his jail cell huh
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so how did they know you were in the room?? why did they come and break you out?? and how, pray tell, did they know to get you to transfer OFA to them?? hmmmMMMMMMMM
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you guys. oh my god. it’s too much. every last bit of it lines up exactly with the Bakuverse theory sdkjfj I’m short-circuiting. it’s really fucking happening oh my lord
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lol, anyways so as I said in my other post, mysterious sexy guys with tragic pasts are what bring us together as a fandom, so whatever your thoughts are on the rest of it, let’s just rejoice in that. it’s what we deserve
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volleychumps · 4 years
hii! can I request headcanons/scenario (up to you) to kuroo's first year sister becoming nekoma's manager (also kuroo is a little overprotective) and the team going to a training camp with the others for the fist time? thank you in advance!
 Awh yes of course this prompt made my heart go !!! This is a tad crack-filled but it has its’ sappy moments, I hope you enjoy!!
The Younger Kuroo
“And what do we say when a boy asks for your number?” 
“Oh please, jump into my bed. I’ve been waiting.” 
You dodge the thump to the forehead from Kuroo’s thumb as you hide behind a cackling Yaku, who wiped a tear from his eyes at the promise of death in your older brother’s eyes. 
“No. Try again.” 
“I’m not five~” you whine, stretching your legs out from the slightly cramped bus ride. You loved Lev like a brother, but his legs hardly gave you any room to sit comfortably. Said boy hadn’t even realized until towards the end of the ride, panicking and taking your bags up for you as an apology with a sheepish grin on his cat-like features. 
Kai thumps your head for Kuroo, causing you to protest. “Kai! I’m supposed to be your favorite!” 
“Keep making jokes about bringing boys into your bed and you won’t be.” 
“Um sir, I’m actually going to be sleeping on a futon-” 
You dodge the next flick to your head, grumbling about how your brother’s team abuses their own manager as you run ahead to catch up with Kenma, ignoring the agitated calls for your ass to get back there from your brother. 
Kuroo rolls his eyes at the actions of his younger sister, watching Kenma show you what he was playing as Yaku brings a hand up to his neck, the three third-years watching with slightly worried expressions as their little sister figure hops onto Inuoka’s back. 
“Will she really be okay?” 
“She’s smart. She can take care of herself.” 
“Inuoka don’t steal her snacks! She’s still growing!” 
Kuroo sighs, the captain raising a hand to his eyes as Kai grins lopsidedly next to him, looking a little apologetic. 
“Nevermind. She’s a dumbass.” 
“So...we should worry about her?” 
This would be a long training camp. 
“Yamamoto, bend your knees a little more.” You instruct, resting a hand on the boy’s back as Yamamoto nervously looks to the side in case Kuroo was looking. You roll your eyes, applying more pressure. Your brother’s overprotective nature was funny at times, but not when it got into your duties as team manager. 
“Are you really her?!” 
“Bokuto, I said no!” 
You blink, hiding behind Yamamoto on instinct as a boy with burly arms and silver hair came running towards you, excitement brimmed in his gold irises as Kuroo holds his collar with an irk mark. A second guy with slightly disheveled hair came walking in tow, hands stuffed in his pockets as if this were an every day occurence. You focus in on their shirts. Fukurodani Academy. 
“Huh? Wait...” The Fukurodani member looks deep in thought. “She’s like, totally cute. What happened to you?” 
“Akaashi, please claim your pet.” Kuroo snips, but before the second boy can step forward, you’re laughing and stepping out from your hiding place and extending a hand to the silver haired boy, who grips it excitedly as he ignores Kuroo’s protests. 
“I’m Kuroo Y/N! The totally cuter sibling.” 
“Bokuto Kotaro! You can call me Bokuto onee-chan!” 
“No you cannot.” 
“...Bo onee-chan?” you offer a bit timidly, ignoring the glower from your older brother as you hide your smirk. 
Bokuto swooned, causing the second boy to nudge him, an amused look tickling his features as he bows respectfully. 
“Akaashi Keiji.” 
“Keiji-Kun?” You grin, and the blue-eyed boy takes on a look of surprise and seems to ponder it for a moment, nodding his head before bowing again. 
“We’ll be taking our leave, Kuroo-san.” 
“Call me Y/N!” You call, the setter turning slightly in their depart to nod to you as Bokuto fist pumps the air, claiming you were totally his type before you zone in on your unamused older brother, whose arms were crossed as you grin a little sheepishly. 
“You’re telling me you know those two hotties and you’ve never bothered to set me up?” 
“Joking! It was a joke!” You say a little too quickly, jogging off to encourage Kenma to get his ass off the bench as Kuroo groans, tugging Kai and Yaku off to the sidelines. 
“...yeah. we might need to worry.” 
“What are you talking about?” Mori laughs. “She’s not a kid, Kuroo. We don’t need to look after her as much as we did before.”
“Literally fuck what I said before.” 
“Just how the hell did she manage to befriend the whole Karasuno team?” Kuroo grits out, Bokuto chuckling to his side as Akaashi reminds Kuroo not to snap his chopsticks in half. 
“Even Tsukki isn’t telling her to leave his sight. Is she magic or what?” 
The event where you were sitting between the vice-captain and wing spiker of the Karasuno team during that evening meal had begun when the captain had accidentally sent a receive towards your head, the goregous team manager managing to protect you in time with a swift wave of her hand. The vice-captain had rushed up to you in a hurry, apologizing profusely before the hyper libero invited you to come eat dinner with them, claiming he would buy you anything you wanted from the snack vendors afterwards. 
“Daichi, if you don’t stop apologizing, I will press charges.” You warn, placing more rice in your mouth as Yachi giggles from across you, eyes curious. 
“It’s hard to believe you’re Kuroo-san’s little sister, Y/N.” 
“You’re not scary...at all. Are you sure you two are related?” Hinata blanches, pretending he can’t see the glower from the captain across the cafeteria. You shrug, shooing the offered fried katsu from Sugawara’s chopsticks away. 
“Eat, Suga. I’m not dead.” You huff, turning to reply to your new friend. “And Hinata, don’t talk with your mouth full. Sadly, we came from the same womb and he was my first bully.”
The fact that you were both first years made you get along easily with the freckled boy, Yachi, Hinata, and even the genius blue-eyed setter and the tall middle blocker managed to engage in conversation with you one or two times. You noticed that the boy who claimed a little too boisterously to call him “Tanaka-Senpai” and the libero “Nishinoya-senpai” were looking at you with stars in your eyes before cutting you off mid-conversation. 
“Was being saved by Kiyoko a mesmerizing experience?” 
“Daichi, why don’t you throw a volleyball at their head so they can see?” 
“Suga, I said I was sorry, I feel bad enough!”
“You hurt a kouhai!” Suga over dramticizes, playfully creating a human shield between you and the captain. “You don’t even deserve to look at her!” 
You laugh, the laugh dwindling slightly when you meet Kuroo’s eyes from across the room. The team all look down at once, Lev pouting and Yaku seeming to be a little more quiet as Yamamoto and Fukunaga pretend to carry on a conversation. 
The captain looks away quickly, and you frown, focusing on your meal. It looks like you were going to have an unexpected team meeting tonight. 
“All right. Why is everyone on edge?” You throw the door open, not even flinching when some of your boys were in the middle of putting their shirts on. Lev and Inuoka both squeal overdramatically, covering their bodies. 
“Y/N you perv!” 
“Oh shut up, you always walk around shirtless and I say nothing!” You protest, plopping down in your brother’s futon. “Where is Kuroo anyway?” 
“Out. You know you can’t be in the boys’ dorms this late, Y/N. Do you want me to walk you?” Yaku crosses his arms strictly, and you sidle up to Kenma before resting your head on his shoulder tiredly, the boy you grew up with not even reacting as he continues to tap away on his console. 
“Nope.” You pop the p. “I just feel like I should say something. So gather around, chums.” 
“What, are you british now?” 
“Lev I seem to remember asking you to gather around, not hit me with an attitude.” You reply sassily, clapping your hands together. “Group circle. Now.” 
“She does have that captain vibe.” Yamamoto mumbles to Fukunaga as he simply nods in response. As your boys gather, you wait for them to settle before starting. 
“Okay, so welcome to alcoholic’s anonymous-” 
“Never mind. She doesn’t have a captain vibe, I must’ve been crazy.”
“Hi I’m Inuoka, and-
“Get to the point Y/N.” Kai says seriously as he yawns. You cross your legs, pressing the off button on Kenma’s console before looking at each of them individually, a seriousness in your eyes that was rarely there. 
“You do know I love you guys, right? Just because we’re at a training camp doesn’t mean I like the other teams more than I like you...so I wanted to say I’m sorry if it seemed like I was being a little neglectful...” You trail off, fiddling with your fingers. “I know some of you see me as your younger sister, and I really really don’t want you guys to feel like you guys are replaceable, because you aren’t.” 
You look up to see a mixture of surprise as some near tears (Lev and Inuoka) before you hastily add,  “And thus that ends my cheesy speech. Anyway, I struggle with high-amounts of alcohol consumption-” 
You’re cut off when the first years tackle you into a hug, crying they’re really glad you’re their manager as you struggle to breathe. You look up after you manage to shove them off, Yaku ruffling your hair as Kai crosses his arms with a satisfied grin on his face. Even Kenma had a little smile on his face before turning his console back on. 
You freeze up. It was time to face the final boss. Your head turns to sheepishly smile at Kuroo before he rolls his eyes, jutting his head to the side slightly. 
“I’ll walk you out.” 
“Goodnight Y/N!” 
“We love you!” 
“Speak for yourself-” 
“Shut up Kenma, we know you do.” 
“So you heard?” You walk next to your older brother, arms swinging loosely as Kuroo hums in response, hands shoved in his jacket pockets. 
“It was nice for you to clarify.” Kuroo speaks after a few brief moments of comfortable silence. “For awhile, we were the only team that didn’t have a manager to deal with us, so I’m not surprised they got a little worried seeing you cozy up to other teams. One might say even a little possessive.” 
Kuroo stops, and you turn curiously to face your brother. 
“It honestly makes me really scared to think one of these bastards might steal my little sister away. None of them are deserving of you, and I’ll be damned if I let you think that they are.”
You blink. Kuroo saying nice things seemed to only happen once in a blue moon. 
“Tetsurou-nii.” You say softly, tugging on Kuroo’s sleeve. “I’m not a kid anymore, you know? I’m not that middle schooler that always followed you and your friends around, having an unexplainable crush on Kenma-” 
“Get to the point.” 
“I’m happy you care.” You hug him, feeling Kuroo relax into your embrace. “But you gotta let me grow up some day, you know? And that thing about none of the team being replaceable?” 
Your grip tightens just a little more. “You’re the one it applies to the most. You’re my one and only older brother who pisses me off at times, but...I...ugh god....why is this so hard? I uh... l-love you, big bro.” 
You feel a hand rest on the top of your head as Kuroo sighs. “I love you too, little sis, so stop saying gross stuff.” 
“Then don’t pout at me from across the cafeteria!” 
“Who the hell was pouting? Me? You must be losing your sight, crazy woman.” 
“At least my hair doesn’t look like a duck’s ass.” 
“At least I’m tall.” 
“Don’t be bitter because you weren’t apart of our alcoholic’s anonymous meeting-” 
and so, both Kuroo’s walked and laughed all the way to the girls’ housing, the atmosphere significantly lighter than it had once been. 
“What business do you have with our manager, oi?” 
“Yamamoto, let Tanaka and Noya say bye.” You scold, highfiving them with both hands before Daichi approaches, Sugawara by his side as the captain of Karasuno hands you a steaming bag of Taiyaki.
“Share with your friends. This is my official apology. We’ll see you soon, Y/N.” The captain smiles warmly before turning to Suga. “Happy now?” 
“No, you abuser. Goodbye little kouhai!!” 
You wave to Hinata, Yachi, and Yamaguchi from a distance, Tsukishima and Kageyama both simply nodding to you as you shake your phone a little, signalling each of them to text you with the number you gave them with a bright smile. 
“Y/N don’t leave without saying bye to your nii-chan!” 
“Never, Bo-onii!” You cry overdramatically as Bokuto spins you around, Akaashi setting one hand on your head with a slight nod and a smile tickling his lips. It was honestly crazy how close you got with these people in three days, but who was complaining? 
“On the bus. Now.” Kuroo picks you up mid-spin from Bokuto’s grasp as you stick your tongue out, offering your final waves to everyone before Kai simply picks you up by the collar and quite literally drags you onto the bus. 
“Oh, did I miss my abusive boys.” You roll your eyes as you’re seated promptly next to Lev, who kindly kept his legs in check to give you enough room on the bus. “Who wants Taiyaki? Daichi-senpai treated us!” 
“Is Daichi the one? I called dibs, already!” Lev whines as the pastries are passed around, the bus settling into motion before Kuroo delivers a chop to the first-year’s head, who quickly claims it was a joke before a laugh bubbles up in your throat. 
Yeah. Your boys were a bit of a handful. 
“Yaku, you can’t have two!” 
“It just means Y/N loves me more.” 
“I’m her brother, you can’t compete.” 
“Shut up, she hates you half the time.” 
“No one asked you, Kenma!” 
But you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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chrisevansszn · 3 years
A Quick Fling. 🥵
2k word!
18 & up only!
Short story!
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Tonight, a group of you and your coworkers are going out to a bar. A group of about eight for a fun night out.
It was a local bar in Boston called “Drink”. You put on a cute black dress and some   Gold YSL Opyum pumps. You arrived at the bar around 9:30PM, and the crew was already there. Devin booked a corner in the VIP sections so you all could hang out and chat with no problem. You walked to the section and everyone seemed to be staring at you. Probably because you rarely wear a dress and heels.
“Hi everyone”, you said walking up.
The crew consisted of Devin, Jordan, Michael, Jesi, Matt, Jake, Christina, and Chris. You all have been working as detectives for many years together. You all are practically family.
“Ok Y/N. I see you!”, Matt hollers out.
“Matt cut it out please!”, you blushed so hard, but you were seriously wearing that dress. It was hugging every curve on your body.
Your section came with its own waitress, so you ordered a vodka and cranberry. You found a spot between Jesi and Chris. You chatted up with both until your drink came. It was strong just like you wanted.
“Y/N I don’t think I have ever seen you in a dress since working with you for five years.”, Chris says.
“I know. I am honestly not a dress girl, but I figured I would throw one on.”
“It looks nice.”
“Thank you, Chris.”. You smiled at him.
The conversation turned into work and included everyone. Cases, unsolved murders, the whole nine. The waitress brought over a round of shots for everyone. Everyone then decided to go to the dance floor. The music is good, and everyone is gathered around dancing. You noticed how good Chris is looking in his flannel shirt. You make your way a little closer to dance next to him.
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You finished your drink mid dance and decided to go to the bar to get another.
“Can I have Cosmo please?” The bar tender nodded.
“Hi beautiful.”
You looked over and saw a strange man next to you. Way older and not your type. You smile and give a dry hello. He continues to talk to you and you really are trying to ignore him. Come on bartender!
“Are you single beautiful?”
“No, I’m not. I actually have a boyfriend.”
“Well, where is he then? Leaving you here all alone.”
“I’m right here.”
You turn around and see Chris.
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“Yep. Here is my man.” You fake smile again. Chris sits on the seat next to you. The man gives you and Chris the side eye. He isn’t buying it. You turn to face Chris and wrap your arms around his shoulders. Chris gives you a smile. He is trying to keep from laughing.
“Baby did you order another drink yet?” You ask.
“No, I didn’t. I can’t stop admiring you in this dress.”
Chris grabs you by the waist and brings you closer in between his legs. What the fuck is he doing?
“Not in front of everyone Chris.” You give him and look and pull away a little.
The man next to you is still staring. Chris laughs. Chris turns quickly and orders him another drink and he turns back around facing you. The eye contact you both are making is nothing like you two have ever done before.
You have to play the role. You step back between Chris’ legs and lean in. He grabs you again and takes you in his arms. You both sing the song that is playing to each other and catching a vibe. You lean in and give Chris a kiss on the lips and you feel him grab your right ass cheek and squeeze.
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Now you’re doing too much sir! You like it….not going to lie.
The kiss wasn’t long but enough to make the man walk away. Chris didn’t let go either.
“You can let go now Chris.”
“What if I don’t want to.”
You paused…
“People will talk, and you know that.”
He giggled.
“I will let go this time.”
He releases you. You didn’t want him to. You both take your drinks back to the VIP section and sit. The rest came over shortly behind.
The group continued to drink and dance in the VIP section until the bar closed. Everyone was drunk off their ass and Uber’s were called. You went to the ladies’ room while everyone walked out. A few minutes later you walked out and saw Chris standing close to the exit.
“Chris did you call an Uber?”
“Oh yes, but I wanted to wait on you. I didn’t want you to be by yourself. You know?”
Damn. What a great man!
“Oh, thank you!”
“Feel free to join my Uber ride. We stay pretty close to either other.”
You both walk outside and notice everyone else was already gone. Your Uber finally arrived. Chris opened the door for you, and you climbed in. He followed suit. The Uber pulled off. You wasted no time.
You leaned over.
“Why don’t I just go home with you instead?”
You rubbed your hand from Chris’ left knee up to his thigh, and then softly across his dick. It had been a while and some pipe is exactly what you needed.
Chris gave you THE LOOK. He took his middle finger into his mouth and licked it and turned and slid his finger up your vagina. You sighed softly. Oh…you are going to give Chris all of you tonight. He penetrated your folds and took everything for you not to moan.  He then took his fingers from your vagina and leaned in a little closer. Chris then stuck the same finger in his mouth to taste your waterfalls never once breaking eye contact from you.
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The Uber arrived at Chris’ place and you both hope out. He has a nice ass farmhouse on some acres. He grabs you by the hand and you both walk to his front door. You could hear a dog barking from behind the door. Chris unlocks the door and uses his leg to block his dog from running out.
“Dodger back.”, he says gently.
He pushes the door open and allows you to walk in first and then closes and locks the door behind him.
“Hi Dodger.”, you give him a gentle rub.
“Come on Bubba..bedtime.”
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Dodger follows Chris down the hallway. Your guess is to another bedroom.  You take off your heels in the hallway…fuck it. You could barely walk in them anymore. You see Chris coming back down the hallway.
“Do you want some water or- “
You instantly grab him and kiss those pink lips. He kisses you back so passionately and pushes you into the nearest wall. You grab his dick outside of his pants and you can feel it getting longer. Chris begins kissing you on your neck and lifts up your dress and grabs your ass and squeeze.
“That ass is perfect.” He says to you. He takes you by the hand and leads you into his bedroom.  You push him down on his bed, and then unzip your dress as he watches you. He sticks his hands down his pants and begins to rub his dick.  Your dress drops to the floor revealing your perfect breast and laced thong.
“Spin around for me sweetheart.”
You slowly turned so Chris could see every inch of your body. His are fixated on you, all of his attention is yours. You grab one ass cheek and squeeze it just for fun.
“Holy shit.”, you hear him whisper.
You walk over to him and softly kiss his lips. You move over to his cheek, down to his neck, and a quick lick on his right ear. You could hear his quiet moans. You unbutton his red and blue flannel revealing the muscle shirt underneath. His tattoos peeking out and is necklace hanging. A complete turn on. Chris takes off his flannel and muscle shirt revealing his body that is literally a canvas. Tattoos everywhere! Time to kiss them all. You push Chris back on the bed and climb on top.
You move slowly down kissing and licking each tattoo along the way. You unzip is pants and pulling out his long hard dick. He was ready for you, but first things first. You licked Chris’ dick from the bottom up to the tip. You can feel his hands in your hair and hear him take a deep breath. You take his entire dick in your mouth. Up and down, you got giving Chris that super sloppy 6000! You are giving him the two-hand action in the process.  
Your puss is throbbing. You wanted penetration immediately. You slid off your thong and climb on top. You slowly sat down on that thick dick and threw your head back. It was everything you needed. Up and down, you went while Chris had one hand on your ass and the other holding your breast. You let out moans.
After some time, Chris grabs you by the waist and flips you over. Now he is on top. He completely comes out of his pants and underwear. He pulls you to the edge of the bed and enters your walls again. As he strokes, he leans over you and gently grabs you around your neck and slightly chokes you. THIS IS YOUR FAVORITE! You’re are literally nose to nose with each other. You stick out your tongue and gently lick the outside of his lips. He giggled.
He then takes his dick out of you and begins to devour you like no one else had. His cooch eating game CANNOT be touched. While he’s eating your soul, he then sticks two fingers inside of you. Your back arches.
“Y/N you taste so fucking good.”
He then flips you over and pulls you up on all fours. He teases you with just the tip in and out, in and out.
“Chris give me your dick now.”
“Say no more baby.”
He rams his dick in your puss from behind and lets out a few moans. Faster and faster, he goes and harder and harder. Your mouth is stuck open and your eyes roll back. Chris continues to fuck you in different positions: on your back, from the side, on your stomach. Who knew he would be able to go so long!
You finally heard him say. “I’m fucking about to nut.”
He groans but not too loud, and you orgasm at the same time. He lays next to you and kisses your shoulder. Chris’ dick was so fucking good. You get up and go to his bathroom to clean up. You walk out and start putting your dress on.
“Wait, where are you going?”, Chris asked.
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“Home.”, you say while grabbing your phone to order an Uber.
“Why don’t you just stay for the night?”
“That’s how people catch feelings. This is a business transaction.”
Chris busts out laughing.
“If you say so Y/N.”
He walks up to you and kisses your neck.
“Come to the kitchen with me, so I can get you a bottle of water. We drank a lot tonight.”
You all did. You didn’t even both putting on your heels because you could barely walk without them. You follow him to the kitchen, and he hands you a bottle of Fiji. You phone dings letting you know your Uber has arrived. Chris walked you outside and opened the car door.
“Text me when you make it home…please.”
“Of course. Goodnight Chris.”
“Goodnight Y/N”
He closes the door, and the Uber takes off. You left your panties behind.
Maybe he will call you up soon to come back and pick them up….
I hope you enjoyed! Follow for more! 💛
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hotdamnhunnam · 3 years
Five Shades of Hunnam
President • King • Captain • Pilot • Gentleman
Part 1 | Part 2
A/N: Here’s Part 2 of this crazy filthy fantasy of getting gang-banged* by five versions of Charlie!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Part 2 is written based on the results of this poll asking which Hunnams y’all would prefer in each hole 🤪
Pairings: Jax Teller + King Arthur + Will Miller + Raleigh Becket + Raymond Smith ... x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing, dirty talk, rough sex, gang bang* (5 on 1), *NOT gang r*pe – fully consensual, reader enjoys getting ravaged in all of her holes 🙃 Request: Kinkfest request from @itsme-autumn
Word Count: ~3.3k
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GIFs by misterhunnam | hunnamsource | charllehunnam
... Continued from Part 1 [Read Here]
“Tell me, baby. Do you want us to treat you like a lady...? Or whip out all five of our cocks and just go fucking crazy?”
The fact that Jax Teller is here in your room—standing among four other men just as stunning as him, all in the form of Mr. Charlie Fucking Hunnam—the fact that Jax just said that to you... is honestly too hot to be true.
What the hell are you supposed to say to that? Supposed to do...?
You’re soaking wet and need them bad. So horny you feel fucking dead. You want to speak and yet you can’t. King Arthur has Excalibur in hand; the way you’re feeling right this instant, hurts as if that goddamn legendary sword stabbed you straight through.
With fire in his eyes of icy blue, Jax takes a few bold steps toward you. Your gaze falls to his crotch on impulse, and it’s clear from the bulge in his jeans... he’s extremely well-hung. So damn thick. So damn long. So damn big it’s obscene. It’s not as if you’re shocked—Jax Teller always walked and talked like someone with a massive cock—but still, just seeing... is believing like fuck. Plus he’s hard as a rock.
“C’mon, what’s wrong? Cat got your tongue...?” he taunts, not ashamed to whip out a ridiculous pussycat pun. It’s so painfully dumb, but when Jax Teller says it... you basically cum. He’s a devilish dick of a dom, and he loves to flaunt it. “Bet that pussy could use some tongue on it. I mean, if you’d want it.”
Oh Goddd—you cannottt... that shit is just too fucking much, to be honest.
Thankfully Captain Will is behind you to catch your full weight, as you literally start to faint. And the feel of his touch on your skin has you falling all over again. Your poor cunt is in pain. So horny it’s insane, short-circuiting your brain.
But you’re still wide awake and conscious, well aware of just how fucking bad you want this. Every man in the room.
Will reads your mind, now as he holds you from behind. Chuckles sadistically against your ear and it’s fucking divine. “Mmm, maybe if we make her cum... then her brain will be able to function and send us all home.”
“To hell with going home,” Arthur mutters, clearly turned on at the sight of you all hot and bothered. He may be nobler than the others, but he was brought up in a brothel after all and has never denied where he came from. “I swear there’s no woman so fair in all my kingdom...”
“Nor in my dimension,” Ray seconds. “Y/N—ever since we stepped in, I’ve been dying to mention that you are delightfully hot.”
Raleigh smolders, tension in his beefy broad shoulders. The king and the gentleman... aren’t they supposed to be decent like him? Now apparently they just forgot?... “But I thought—”
The President abruptly interrupts. While Will surrounds you from behind, blowing your mind, Jax comes up front. Fucking you up, his words setting a bomb off in your cunt. “Y/N just has to tell us what we all already know she wants.”
And then somehow, you finally summon the words to your filthy whore mouth. Still unable to fathom how you got so lucky. There’s only one way to respond—so you say it now. Say it loud, slutty and proud. “I want... I want you all to fuck me. All at once.”
And so it goes.
You and five versions of Charlie Hunnam, all here in your room, are all ready to burst and give in to your dirtiest thirsts.
First things first: you need Jax Teller’s cock in your throat, and he already knows. He can tell, all too well—and he smirks, hot as hell, because he is the worst. You’ve been so fucking eager to suck off this fictional character ever since you started watching his show.
Now he’s not at all fictional, though. You still cannot believe this is real, and just how good it feels... to know just what’s in store, as you give into all of your instincts to kneel, sinking fast to the floor... that you are actually about to blow the President of SAMCRO.
“Mmm...” the tall blonde biker hums, clearly pleased, as he watches you fall to your knees, reaching now to rip open his jeans like a cheap fucking whore. Jax’s cocksucking hoe. “There we go. Look at that slutty little mouth of yours. Go on and show me what it’s good for.”
Fuck yes, sir. But you’re too breathless now to use your words to answer, as Jax Fucking Teller’s cock is out, so big and hard and proud... a goddamn pillar of perfection...
And you are not about to waste a second, worshiping the President’s erection with your filthy little mouth.
“Unghhh....” he grunts, as you set to work right at once. The sound of his guttural groan starts a flood in your cunt, soaking up while you slobber all over his dick, focusing on the tip. Servicing him with your tongue and lips, loving it more with each lick. Slurping up every sweet drop of precum as it drips.
He is so delicious. You could go on forever like this, as if you and Jax are the only two souls who exist. But you’re not—and the fact that four other versions of the same man are watching right here in this room... just the thought, of five shades of Hunnam, five flavors of your favorite sex god... is so fucking hot.
The truth is that they’re not just here to watch, while you bury your face in Jax’s crotch. They’re here to touch. They’re here to fuck. They know that you want all five of their cocks. You’ve never wanted anything so much.
And just your luck... they want you too. These five versions of Charlie are incredibly turned on by you, though it seems too good to be true.
All of a sudden, you feel hands upon your skin as someone hoists you off the floor. King Arthur has just set aside his sword, stripped off his shirt—oh God, his chiseled muscles are so hot, so hard it hurts—and flings you easily over his shoulder like a little fucktoy whore.
“The fuck—” the President protests as your mouth slips off of his cock, with a loud pop, once the king swiftly lifts you up. Jax was not at all set for this blowjob to stop. He wants more of this mind-blowing head. “What the... I wasn’t done yet...”
“Did you not hear what Y/N said?” Arthur reminds him, as he carries you across the room and throws you down onto the bed. The way he effortlessly handles you like that... you’ve never been so wet. “The lady wants all five of us at once. You took that pretty little mouth of hers—such a sweet hole to fuck—but there are others. Now it’s time for her to take a royal cock. Give her exactly what she wants. I’m gonna lay claim to her cunt.”
Then he attacks you with a fierce animalistic grunt, tearing his leather pants away to free his meat, and ripping off your clothes as well to make sure that you feel all of his heat. His feral dominance is everything you need. The way he grabs and gropes your tits, with one of his hands... while the other reaches down to stroke your clit... holy fucking shit. You seriously can’t. It’s more than you can stand.
“You think you own that cunt?” Jax comes to butt in, all of a sudden. “Think just ‘cause you’re king you can do what you want? Well, think again. I said I wasn’t done.”
The President then reaches right under Arthur, before things can go any farther. Grabs you by the shoulders to pull you up into a better position. Like every inch of you belongs to him.
Both of these men are just manhandling you at their whim, and it feels like heaven to be sinking into such a state of submission.
The king of England and the king of Charming end up grappling for dominance for a few moments, until their struggle is cut short by a quick interruption: the captain. He’s sick of this childish behavior from them. No matter the problem, Will Ironhead Miller can always propose an efficient solution.
“Cut the bullshit—it’s not rocket science, you idiots,” he says as he tells the men how to best handle their business. “Look: Y/N sits on the king’s cock, then biker boy stands at the side of the bed, so that she can lean over and give him head.”
His suggestion is met with a pause.
Jax is first to break it, while you lie on the bed wet and naked. Glaring alpha male daggers at Ironhead, chest proud and puffed. “What, you think you’re the boss?” he indignantly scoffs.
Arthur huffs, his own ego a little bruised too. But then poses the question to you, his voice all at once tender yet rough. “That sound good to you, love?”
You cannot help but swoon at the word he just called you. How is it he’s so fucking hot, yet so cute...? Your head bobs in a dumb speechless nod; it’s the most you can do.
“Yeah, ‘course it does,” the captain confidently gloats, as you settle into the perfect position that he had proposed. Take the king in your cunt and the President deep in your throat. “Just what she loves. Dick in her mouth and her pussy. Especially because this leaves her pretty little ass ready for me.”
You could honestly die at the thought—that sounds painfully hot...?!? And so dirty... you’ve never once taken two dicks in two holes, let alone three in three... but goddamn do these men make you thirsty.
The second you sit down on King Arthur’s cock... your world is fucking rocked. He’s so epically big—just the same size as Jax’s enormous dick—speaking of which, you go straight back to being the President’s cocksucking bitch. Jax grabs you by the head from where he is standing at the side of the bed, fingers tangling in your messy hair as he feeds you his huge cock to suck. Your face will always be his to fuck.
And you still can’t get over your luck.
“Such a good little cockslut,” Jax snickers at you as he swiftly shrugs out of his kutte. Then the flannel beneath, knowing that looking up at his broad sculpted chest and his firm rippled abs is exactly what you want and need. You take his dick deeper this time around, gagging on his massive meat, gulping every inch down, and he’s so long and thick that it feels like your jaw fucking broke.
It feels so goddamn good to get wrecked, especially now with the words he says next. “You like the way I own this filthy little throat? God, you’re filthy as fuck. Taking my dick so good. Bet you can’t wait to swallow my load. That’s it, slut. Suck that cock till you choke.”
His dirty talk is so hot you can’t even cope. You used to imagine it back when you were just a fan of his show—now it’s actually happening though, and it’s more than your inner fangirl ever hoped.
And of course, it’s the instant your eyes roll back into your head, as both Arthur and Jax fuck you up on your bed, till you’re ready to burst... that the captain decides to step in and take full control, over another hole. If you thought taking two cocks at once was already the best and the worst, nothing could have prepared you for taking a third.
But the truth is you love how it hurts.
Having Jax Teller fucking your facehole all sloppy and juicy, while King Arthur slams his royal scepter into your soaking wet pussy, and Will Miller shoves his brutally big dick in your tight little ass, taking your cheeks in his tight grasp and dishing out punishing slaps... it feels like all your dreams are coming true at last. Literally cumming true at that. God, it feels so fucking good to be so fucking bad. It’s by far the best sex you have ever had. Satisfying all your sluttiest thirsts.
And as if shit could get any hotter... you’d almost forgotten that there are two others.
Two other equally beautiful versions of Charlie: the savage yet soft-spoken gentleman Ray, and the soft-hearted fighter pilot Raleigh.
You don’t even have enough holes in your body for all of them. Not sure whether and how you can handle another two Hunnams. But hot damn are you happy to tackle that problem.
As Jax and Will and Arthur keep railing you harder, filling you in every way you want... you hear another voice from nearby in the room. All at once cool and classy, yet naughty and nasty. It has to be Raymond. “Well now, who knew that this lovely woman... would turn out to be such a kinky fucking cunt.”
Ughh, fuck—you moan desperately all around Jax’s cock, the only way that you can respond. Who knew? No one. You didn’t even know it, till this moment. But now all five shades of Hunnam do. Their presence in your room has definitely brought it out of you.
At the gentleman’s words, the President flashes a smile and a sadistic little chuckle. All the while keeps on ruthlessly ravaging your filthy little fuckhole. Driving his dick into the back of your throat till it hurts. Till your slobbering tongue and your bottom lip smush up against his big balls. Addresses Ray as well as Raleigh, who is standing quietly along the far wall. “Tough luck for you all, but this bitch is fucking full. Too bad she’s only got three holes...”
“She’s got two hands, though,” Ray points out, coming toward you now, his footsteps so deliberate and slow. “What do you all reckon they’re good for...?”
Oh, good Lord...
“Stroking? Squeezing...?” he asks, reaching to take one of your hands in his dominant grasp. Wrapping your fingers tight around his throbbing shaft. You cannot even anymore. Just cannot even... “Mmm, it seems to me that Y/N summoned up five Hunnams for a reason. To be used up like a proper fucking whore.”
Three cocks have swiftly turned to four, and you can feel poor Raleigh bolting toward the door. This filthy business goes against his soft, pure heart. He’s never witnessed—let alone dared to take part—in such a hardcore pornographic scene as this...
But here he is. And can’t deny that he’s rock fucking hard, as you can tell from one quick glance, out of the corner of your eye, at the massive bulge in his military pants. And you’ll be damned before you let that pretty boy pilot escape from this. He fucking can’t. You need two cocks in your two hands.
“Don’t pussy out on us like that,” Will masterfully commands, beckoning Becket toward the bed. “You know we’re all just Y/N’s guests; this is her universe. So we’re just... here to satisfy her thirsts.”
And then he grabs hold of your shoulders, to anchor himself as his thrusts in your ass become faster and bolder, which ends up pushing your head deeper down in Jax’s crotch. Slamming into you like it’s his job. And it’s too fucking much. Fucking you the fuck up.
But you don’t ever want it to stop.
Raleigh seems reluctant to abide by Will’s orders. But something compels him to do as the captain said—come toward the bed, like a good little soldier. “You guys are the worst...”
“No, far from that,” Arthur replies with a filthy laugh, as he keeps on splitting your wet pussy in half with his majestic staff. “This may look bad, but how it feels...? Fucking unreal. Quite honestly the fucking best.”
Oh God fuck yes...
You can sense Raleigh coming closer toward the bed with timid steps. Can feel his captivated blue gaze watch your body as it bounces on the mattress. You’ve lost track of who’s thrusting the hardest, the fastest. It’s all just a beautiful big fucking mess...
“Now let’s see if the fifth cock is as big as all the rest,” Jax playfully suggests. “See if this dirty little slut can take us all at once. Just like she wants. Let’s put our fucktoy to the test.”
“Fine, if you all insist,” the pilot yields at last. “But only ‘cause she wants it. Honest.”
“Just shut up and let her get her hands on it,” Raymond grunts, frustrated and impatient, until Raleigh finally gets in position.
And once it happens—once you wrap your fist around his rock hard cock, getting completely fucked, by five versions of Hunnam all at once... it’s even better than you had ever imagined.
You eagerly jerk both men off, all while the other three keep ravaging you good and hard and rough. You feel so full, in all your holes, and more, down to your deepest core. Your inner whore. This is exactly what you live for, what you love. And you won’t ever get enough.
By the time all five Hunnams are ready to soak you in their fucking cum—which happens at the same time for all of them, since apparently they’re somehow in unison, being all versions of the same person from different dimensions... by the time that happens, you’ve already lost count of your own orgasms.
This whole session, for your slutty ass, has just felt like one epic extended climax. Will and Arthur pounding into you in a perfect rhythm, from the front and the back, while you jack off Raleigh and Ray, all while gagging on Jax... you could do this all day every day. And there’s no other way for your body and soul to react.
You’re nothing but a fucktoy for five shades of Hunnam and that is a fact.
As the three sex gods buried balls deep in your holes fill them up so deliciously full, the other two drop their loads all over the cheeks of your ass and the curve of your back. And you’re having an absolute heart attack. How is a mere mortal bitch supposed to survive this...? Your brain is blown to bits. At this point it’s an actual struggle to even exist.
But you’re a shameless whore, just desperate for another hit. For fucking more. Of all the countless possibilities of five versions of Charlie in your three holes and two hands... all you want is to try literally every combination, and then once you’re done, just repeat them again and again and again.
It is literally raining men. Not just any men—five incarnations of your fucking sex god obsession. All five of them are living breathing perfection. Wrecking you till it hurts, till you burst, fulfilling all your thirst, in every way from every direction.
So maybe eventually you’ll have to send them back to their respective dimensions...
... But till then? You will sure as hell make the most of this mind-blowing multiverse blessing. Maybe if the sex keeps on being this epic they won’t even dream of leaving. Just won’t even...
And you’ll be more than happy to host them forever in this dimension. Can’t imagine any damn thing better than five incarnations of Charlie, right here fucking you in your bedroom. Because honestly, five shades of Hunnam... are five shades of heaven.
Okayyyyy so I know this was FUCKING INSANE FILTHY SHIT but I hope there are some kinky bitches out there who enjoyed it! And would love to hear if you did!! 🤪
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breadoffoxy · 3 years
Hey Siri, Play Rap Line
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Summary: It’s yours and your boyfriend’s dirty little secret that you play in his studio while he is working. He teases you with his work, making you a mess with that vibrator hidden in your pants. When his bandmates come in and try to help him find some inspiration, your secret and sanity are dangerously at stake.
Pairing: Yoongi x f. Reader, ft. Hoseok and Namjoon
Genre: Smut, NSFW, idol au
Warnings: NSFW, Smut, unsafe sex, masturbation, voyeurism, exhibitionism, fingering, language, dirty talk, vaginal sex, anal sex, oral sex, sex toys, Namjoon has a low-key sir kink, group sex, foursome, kissing, Hoseok’s hips, use of female pronouns
Word Count: 5,490
A/N:  Happy valentines day!! @tipsydipsydo gave me this idea when I was writing the first part, and here it is, forever later. Made for Tipsy, @chelsea-chee​, and all my other rap line hoe friends.
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Here you were sitting in your boyfriend's studio, yes your boyfriend. You can't believe that your friend who you had a massive crush on caught you masturbating to his mixtape wasn't creeped out and that you are now in a relationship. The situation was entirely embarrassing, utterly sexy, and now you have a good laugh every time you think about it. Plus, maybe getting turned on a lot.
Despite having Yoongi's tongue technology literally, you've kept the little sound to vibrations sex toy around. Your boyfriend is busy often enough, leaving you listening to his voice as he goes on tour or stuck in his studio or dance practice. The two of you also like to bring it into your coupled play, and have gotten quite brave with its use.
Like right now for instance. You aren't just sitting in your boyfriend's studio. You're sitting in your boyfriend's studio with your vibrator sitting inside your underwear, buzzing at your clit, teasing you as Yoongi starts and stops the edits he is working on. It's a maddening torture, you even had to charge the toy once since you've been here and still haven't cum.
Any time you try to reach your hand down to touch yourself where you need it most, Yoongi always seems to know and sends you a glare. You have no idea how he does it. It's like when dads who are watching sport games fall asleep but as soon as you change the channel, they are awake and yelling at you to turn it back because they were resting their eyes. It is making you increasingly frustrated, but you don't want your talented boyfriend to be distracted from his work so you are trying to be good and quiet.
When the door opens and Hoseok comes bursting through with Namjoon closing the door behind him, you know you are in trouble.
"Hey!" Hoseok's enthusiastic greeting as he sits next to you on the couch sends a spike in vibrations to your clit.
"H-hey!" Your voice comes out weird, and you hope you can pass it along as not speaking for a while. The squirm you make you camouflage as scooting down to make room for all your friends on the little couch. You’re praying so hard that they cannot hear or feel the vibrations coming from under your pants.
"How is it coming?" Peering over Yoongi's shoulder, Namjoon looks at the composition on the computer.
Yoongi hums, clicking through a few things before saying, "it’s coming, just slowly."
With a few more clicks the beats that have been driving you mad for hours plays once again. Namjoon and Hoseok listen intently, nodding along as the track progresses. Once it finishes the rappers are discussing ways to make it better. After they exhausted a few avenues, Hoseok turns towards you.
"What do you think? You've been in here all day too listening to it too right?"
"Me?" At Hoseok's encouraging nod you continue. "It's good like you said, but I agree it’s missing something." Looking Yoongi directly in the eye you add, "it just needs a little push to get the listeners over the edge."
Catching your double meaning, Yoongi raises an eyebrow challengingly and his smirk says he is quite amused. "What's a song with that push? Maybe it can give me some inspiration."
With the question turned back onto you suddenly, two sets of curious eyes focused on you, and one set pure evil makes you blank. It doesn't help that your body is focused more on your loins then your brain at the moment. "Uhhh...." think brain think!
Hoseok snaps his fingers, "Yes! Ugh, might be the answer. Let's play it."
With a few clicks Yoongi starts the song and Namjoon is adjusting the speakers so the song is booming. Your tall friend comes to sit on the other side of you, and you realized you are fucked. You are finally getting the vibrations you want from your toy, giving you the pleasure you so desperately crave. It's buzzing so heavily against your clit mercilessly that you can feel yourself approaching the edge so fast. Too fast after the whole day of it teasing you.
Instead of letting go like you desperately want, you try to reign in your senses despite all of them being completely haywire. Two of your friends are next to you, no idea there is a party happening inside your pants, and you hate how that turns you on even more. You look at your boyfriend with wide, pleading eyes.
Instead of helping you, Yoongi drives the nail into your casket by asking, "Are you ok, baby?"
His question brings the attention of Namjoon and Hoseok to you, and they finally notice that you are indeed acting a little off. Your breathing is heavy, your chest rising and falling rapidly as you fail to control it. You are biting heavily on your bottom lip, refusing to let any moans out, but they are waiting for an answer.
"Y-yeah I'm-" you take a deep breath in, failing to regain your nerves. "I'm fine." Your words do nothing to convince your two worried friends as you were most definitely not fine.
"Why don't you relax, you're so tense." Yoongi smirks at you, ignoring your indignant glare.
Hoseok looks between Yoongi and you, confused on the both of your attitudes. The situation adds up for Namjoon though once he sees you subconsciously rub your thighs together after a particularly strong beat. His jaw drops and he looks unbelievingly at you.
"Shit, are you...?" He trails off, staring at your chest before shaking his head. "Do we need to leave?"
"Leave? Why would we-" Hoseok starts until he sees you close your eyes and tilt your head back against the couch. The sight of your neck so exposed and the long exalted sigh that leaves you enchants him for a moment. He can't help but imagine what his hand would look like on your neck while you make that pleasured face..."Oh!"
Hoseok screams, jumping up from the couch. He points an accusing finger between Yoongi and you. "This whole time!?"
Yoongi shrugs at his friend making Hoseok guffaw at his nonchalance. Your boyfriend turns to you asking, "Do you want them to stay baby? To show them how good our music makes you feel hmm?"
You can't help but think back on when Yoongi caught you masturbating, and how hot it was. The memory sends a wave of arousal through you and you can feel how wet your underwear is. Apparently, you like showing off, and a new part of you has been awaken. It makes you feel powerful and embarrassed all the same time. The pressure in your core tightens at the thought of them watching you.
Opening your eyes, you look at your friends, trying to gauge their reactions. Namjoon is also biting at his lip with his hooded eyes fighting to stay on your own. He hasn't moved an inch, his body still so close to yours on the small couch. Hoseok gulps when you look at him, and he is staring at your lap. You slide your legs open, revealing a wet patch at the center of your jeans, making him curse under his breath.
"They can stay, but only if they want to." You answer breathily, looking back at your boyfriend.
Yoongi raises an eyebrow, looking at his two friends for their answer. Namjoon runs a thumb across his lip, staring you down. “Show me.”
Hoseok is silent for a moment, and his stare doesn’t move from between your legs. He looks conflicted before he runs a hand through his hair and pulls at the stands.
“Hoseok,” you whine, immediately bringing his attention back up to your face. Your back arches as you so desperately want to come, but you can’t. Not until Hoseok gives his consent. “Please pick, I need- I need to ahh fuck.”
Your needy moans set Hoseok into motion and he’s back to sitting on the couch next to you. Him and Namjoon sit taking in every motion, breath, and moan you make. How your chest rises and falls with unrestrained pants, and how your hips are rocking back and forth trying to get friction against the pulsing vibrator.
“You like this don’t you, them watching?” your boyfriend’s voice cuts through your lustful mind.
“Yes,” you moan, staring at him with lidded eyes. Deciding to give them more of a show, you bring your hands up to cup your breasts, groping them above your clothes. You can feel the men beside you shift in their seats, trying to get more comfortable with their hardening cocks straining against their pants.
With a raspy voice your boyfriend orders, “Then come.”
As if waiting for his voice, your walls clench and euphoria overwhelms you as your orgasm finally hits. You can feel your release gushing out of you, soaking your underwear and jeans even further as your hips jerk wildly. Head tilting back, you moan so loudly that the vibrator picks it up even with the blaring music and convulses harder against your clit.  
With the music continuing to play in the background, your head too fucked out to pick up what it is that is playing anymore, the vibrator continues to pulse against your swollen clit. The pleasure starts to ebb away and it’s becoming too much that you start to get overstimulated.
“Ah, too much, too much.” Groaning your hands leave your breasts to reach for the hem of your pants. Before they can slip under, large hands grab them and pull them to the side. You stare wide eyed at Namjoon who continues to watch you whine and writhe. “Joon, it’s too much.”
“You wanted us to watch you come.” A husky voice growls in your ear. You gasp as Namjoon licks at your ear with a hot tongue before adding, “don’t be greedy now.”
Another hand adorned with rings comes to lay on your leg right above your knee. Slowly, it pulls your legs apart, you didn’t even realize you had them clenched so tightly together while fighting the overstimulation. The wet spot at your core is once again revealed to Hoseok’s hungry gaze. “Look at you, you are so sexy.”
“Ah, please it’s- oh god,” you moan as the pleasure continues to assault you. Your hips are once again rocking and you are not sure if it’s to escape or get closer.
A familiar hand strokes your cheek and you see Yoongi has rolled his chair up to sit in front of you. “Color?” Very early on in your relationship, Yoongi and you started using the color system to monitor the situation. Your heart beats happily knowing he is checking in on you.
“Green,” you pant out. You lean into his touch, lips grazing his palm. “And you?”
“Green,” Yoongi smiles at you fondly, a look that doesn’t quite match the scandalous situation happening in front of him.
His look once again makes your heart flutter and you moan as the vibrations to your clit turn from pain to pleasure. Namjoon’s previous words hit you and you gasp out, “Is it ok if I be greedy?”
Yoongi leans closer and gives you a soft kiss on your forehead, trails his lips down your nose, to press his lips against yours. You moan into the kiss and trail after Yoongi’s lips as he pulls away. “I love to spoil you.” He whispers before giving you a quick peck and rolling away on his chair.
When Yoongi stops his chair from moving and he looks at Namjoon and Hoseok, his look is serious and dark. “If you two play nice, you can do more than just watch. How does that sound?”
It’s silent for a moment until you sigh when fingers lightly trace up your neck, tickling your skin lightly. It surprises you that Hoseok is acting first after his previous hesitance. Gone is the look of your joyful sunshine friend and is replaced with the charismatic rapper who rules the stage. His fingers pass your chin and trace your soft lips, dipping them shallowly in your mouth. Gently, you nibble playfully on the tips of his fingers before swiping at them with your tongue. “You’re a little vixen, aren’t you?”
The question was obviously rhetoric as he stuffed his fingers further into your mouth. Your tongue wraps around a long digit and sucks down on it. Hoseok curses, closing his eyes for a moment before looking at Yoongi then you again. His ringed hand slides up and kneads your thigh. “I’ll play.” He looks to the other side of you and asks, “Joon?”
With a pop, you slide Hoseok’s fingers out of your mouth to get a good look at the other man. Namjoon is clenching his jaw tightly, looking like a man on his last straw. His voice is a strained whisper in your ear, “are you sure?”
Deciding to be even more bold, you pull your hands free from Namjoon’s hold to trail one up his leg and teasingly rub a finger along his bulge. The man looks like he stopped breathing. He is as still as a statue beneath your touch, but instead of being cold he feels so warm. Desire builds in you like an inferno. “Yes, sir.”
And there goes the final straw.
Hot, hungry lips take your own, devouring you whole. Namjoon eats up your screams as he presses a hand to your core, pressing the vibrator down even further against your clit, making the vibrations even stronger. You continue to mewl into his mouth as lips glide along your neck. Hoseok nibbles on your skin playfully much like you did his fingers, sucking on the base near the junction of your shoulder. He pulls on your shirt, signaling for you to raise your arms. You pull away from Namjoon’s lips just enough for the shirt to pass over your head.
Instead of returning to your lips, Namjoon’s mouth trails scorching kisses down your neck and to your collar bone, just above your cleavage. Hoseok makes quick work of your bra, and once your breasts bounce free, Namjoon resumes his descent, leaving a hot trail with his tongue as he licks at the swell of your breasts to your nipple.    
“She likes when you suck on them.” Yoongi speaks up, giving advice to the man pleasuring your breasts. You moan when Namjoon does what Yoongi says, and your hand weaves into his hair to push on the back of his head, encouraging him to go harder. With hooded eyes, you look at your boyfriend, moaning even louder when you see he has his cock out, stroking himself slowly as he watches the other men touch you.
“Hoseok, you want to show me how wet my girlfriend is now?” Yoongi drawls out.
Hoseok is quick to respond, hands deftly undoing the button and your pants and pulling your zipper down, revealing your underwear. Lifting your hips, both Hoseok and Namjoon work together to pull your pants down past your hip and you kick them off once it pulls at your ankles. Your soaking underwear does nothing to hide your wet, clenching pussy, as the vibrator continues to buzz with the music. Hoseok traces his fingers over the front of the oval vibrator down to your core, cursing at how hot and wet you feel just through the thin barrier of your underwear.
Namjoon reaches down and removes the vibrator, and you cry out, feeling devoid now that the constant buzzing driving you mad with pleasure has disappeared. You pull his hair in displeasure, and squeak once he places the vibrator against your other nipple, pleasure coursing through the erect nub. The look he sends you makes you loosen your hold on his hair, and take it as a warning to behave. He bites your nipple he’s sucking on for good measure to get his point across.
With you distracted, Hoseok pulls at your underwear, sliding them down your legs, and gathering them in a little ball. He tosses them towards Yoongi, who catches them, and runs the thin material between his hands, feeling how you soaked them so thoroughly. You watch spell bound as he brings the panties up to his face and inhales its scent deeply.
The spell is only broken when you feel Hoseok’s ringed hand cup your pussy, gathering up your arousal, and easily sliding one finger inside of you. “Oh fuck, you are so wet.” A second finger slides into you to start scissoring you. “And so fucking tight.”
You’re not sure how much longer you can keep on going with Hoseok’s fingers pounding into you, stretching you out so well, and Namjoon worshiping your breasts. Yoongi picks up on this too, and rolls his chair over to his desk, reddening cock still in his hand and soiled underwear discarded on his lap as he digs through the bottom door. He pulls out a bottle of lube and asks, “Which one of you wants some ass?”
Both men still their actions, staring at you with dark eyes. “Fuck, you really are a dream, aren’t you?” Hosoek rasps, brushing your hair back gently from your face.
Namjoon detaches his mouth from your nipple to turn towards Yoongi, reaching out his hand. “Give it here.”
Yoongi hands Namjoon the bottle and turns to Hoseok. “Why don’t you keep her nice, wet and needy, while Namjoon gets her ready?”
Hoseok is already in motion, turning and putting his feet up on the couch as wide as he can before Yoongi finishes speaking. His shirt goes flying and you barely have any time to admire his skin reveal before the dancer is pulling you into him. He leans back into the arm of the couch with you sitting between his legs and your back pressed against his chest. His legs wrap around yours, exposing your holes to Namjoon who is squeezing a thick glob of lube onto his fingers.
All of a sudden you feel shy as the cold air hits your wet core. Hiding your face into Hoseok’s neck, he once again brushes your hair and asks, “still green, darling?”
You kiss his neck in reassurance and gratitude before saying, “yeah, still green.”
Putting a hand on your neck, Hoseok nuzzles your head, encouraging you from your hiding place. Once you look away, you can feel your mouth salivate at the sight of Namjoon crouched in-between your legs. Once you are looking at him, he gently spreads your ass cheeks with one hand, and circles your tight asshole with a lubed finger. It’s cold and your hips buck at the sensation.
Distracted by Namjoon, you moan when you feel Hoseok’s hand once again stroking your pussy. He helps you relax, allowing Namjoon to slowly insert the tip of his finger into you, making you keen loudly.
“Does that feel good?” Namjoon smirks, twisting his finger.
“Ye- ahhhhh, yes, so nnngh fucking good.” You thrust your hips forward, trying to take more of their fingers into your needy holes.
Namjoon lowers himself further onto the couch, laying right in front of you. His warm breath hits your pussy as he slides his free hand under Hoseok’s arm that is busy fucking you and wraps it around your waist, keeping you still. The finger inside of you wags side to side as Namjoon tsks, “No, no, what did I say about being greedy?”
“But you can still seeeeeeahhhh,” Your words turn into a scream as a second finger is added into your tight asshole. You miss Namjoon’s satisfied grin as your eyes roll to the back of your head. It doesn’t help that Hoseok is curling his fingers into you in a come-hither motion, hitting just the right spot along your inner walls. Their fingers feel so good, you can’t imagine what it’ll be like with both their cocks.
“Oh my god, I’m going to come, I’m going to ahhhh,” you come hard, walls clamping down around their fingers, trying to suck them in as they finger you through your orgasm. Your body is shaking as your mouth is gaping out a now silent cry. If your vision wasn’t blurry from the overwhelming pleasure, you would appreciate the sight of Namjoon’s arm flexing to keep you still, and Hoseok’s veins bulging on his hand as he continues so snap his wrist as his fingers go in and out of you.
It takes a moment for you to come down from your high. Thankfully, Hoseok and Namjoon stop when you whine from overstimulation and don’t egg you on like last time you came. Blinking away the stars from your vision, you see Yoongi behind Hoseok. Your boyfriend reaches around his friend to smooth back your hair lovingly. “You’re doing so good baby. So good.”
Again, you lean into his touch, loving the intimacy he is bringing you to ground you from all the lust.
“Think you are up for one more?” Yoongi asks softly, and while you are exhausted you find yourself nodding. You can’t get the idea of their cocks out of your head, and you crave them so bad.
In the same tone of voice, Yoongi asks, “while they are spoiling you, think you can spoil me?”
Your attention is brought to the straining, leaking, cock in his hand. You lick your lips at the sight. “I think we can work something out.”
It hits you then that you aren’t really sure of the logistics of such a position. Sure, you’ve seen porn of gangbangs before but you never thought you’d be in such a situation. You bite your lip uncertain at what you should do next.
“Don’t worry baby, we got you.” Yoongi reassures you, reading you like a book. “Why don’t you stand up really quick.”
Namjoon stands, helping you off Hoseok. Your legs feel like jelly and you lean into him for support. “Want to help me out?” The broad man waves the bottle of lube at you and you grab it, pouring a generous amount on your hand. Once you are steadier on your feet, Namjoon lets go of you, grabbing the end of his shirt and lifting it over his head in one smooth motion. You can’t help but stare at his chest and he grins knowingly and eats up your attention.
Ever so slowly to tease you, he unzips his pants, pulling them down along with his underwear. His cock springs free and your eyes grow wide at his girth as he steps out of his clothes. Reaching out, you grab his cock, feeling the heavy weight of it in the palm of your hand experimentally. “You’re going to rip me apart.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll go slow, and that’s what the lube is for too.” Namjoon places his hand on yours and guides it up and down his cock, spreading the lube around diligently. He winks at you cheekily, making your heart race. In retaliation, you swipe at his tip with your thumb, making his breath stutter. He sends you that same warning look as before, and you stop, not wanting to risk challenging when his huge cock is about to be stuffed in your asshole.
With Namjoon’s cock thoroughly lubed, you turn back to the couch, and your mind blanks at the sight of seeing Hoseok naked and splayed out on the couch. He is laying on his side, his legs open to reveal his long cock, with his head propped up by his arm. It’s Hoseok’s turn to now wink at you playfully as you ogle him.
A finger taps on the bottom of your chin, closing it from where you were practically drooling at your friend. Namjoon chuckles and nods his head towards Hoseok. “Why don’t you get on? Careful, he has dancer hips.”
Hoseok rotates his hips and thrusts into the air in a rapid succession at hearing Namjoon’s commentary. He laughs as you gulp, and beckons you over with a finger, the same way he moved his hand while inside of you. On shaky legs, you saunter back over to the couch, and Hoseok shifts to lie on his back. You expose your cunt to Hoseok briefly when you swing your leg over the dancer to straddle his hips and he swears under his breath.
“You’re going to ruin me, aren’t you?” Hoseok hisses as you slowly sink down on his cock.
Your too busy gaping as his cock stretches you out to answer so your now also very naked boyfriend answers for you, “She’s good at doing that.”
After having time to adjust, you rock your hips against Hoseoks, making the both of you groan. He bucks up into you and you cry out, as he copies the hard thrusts he was doing earlier. Gradually he slows down, and you feel familiar hands spreading your ass cheeks once again.
“Take a deep breath for me.” Namjoon moves a hand to your back, pushing you gently until you are laying on top of Hoseok.
The dancer below you swivels his hips gently and you leave kisses along his chest to help distract yourself at the prodding hardness at your rear. Ever so slowly Namjoon enters you, and you whine. Despite your preparation you feel the sting of the stretch of his cock as it fills you out. Never had you been so full before, it’s almost too much.
“Breathe.” Your boyfriend’s voice is pulling you back, his hands on your cheeks lift your head. “Breathe.” He repeats and you take a deep breath, not realizing you were holding your breath. “Color.”
“Yellow.” You whimper, and all movement stops. “I’m ok, I just- ah just need some time to adjust.”
“You’re doing so well baby, so well.” Yoongi whispers comfortingly, and gives you soft kisses all across your face. Comforting hands rub circles into your hipss and back, soothing you as you adjust.
“Do you need me to take it out?” Namjoon asks behind you, worry lacing his tone.
You reach behind you, rubbing his thigh reassuringly. “You’re good, just so fucking big.”
He chuckles at that, and gives you a small sorry.
A few more moments pass and the sting goes away. You give an experimental move of your hips, and Namjoon, Hoseok, and you groan at the pleasure caused from your movement. “I’m good now, back to green.”
“You sure?” Yoongi asks, checking you over cautiously.
“Green, green, green,” you repeat, kissing Yoongi after each ‘green’, appreciating that he’s making sure you are safe.
After giving your all clear, the two men with their cocks stuffed inside of you start moving slowly in tandem.
“Ahhhnnnggh fuck, so good, yes, yes, yes,” you start chanting, never having felt so full before. Their pace picks up and you feel utterly wrecked with Namjoon’s massive cock and Hoseok’s erratic hips thrusting into you. You see stars in your vision as you nearly fall limp on top of Hoseok. Instead, you rest his arms on his chest, asking if it was ok. Hoseok moans out a yes, looking as much fucked out as you were. You don’t blame him with the obscene amount you are clenching around him due to his and Namjoon’s handiwork.
“You’re turn honey,” you pant out, stretching further along Hoseok so you can reach your boyfriend’s cock.
Yoongi stands, and runs a hand through your hair caringly. He weaves his hands through your strands and guides your head towards his hard cock, where you lick teasingly at the tip. The deep groan he makes is music to your ears, and you slowly engulf him into your mouth.
Ok, new statement. Now you have never felt so full before with three cocks stuffed into your holes. It’s so much, but you need more. You really are greedy.
Breathing through your nose deeply, you take Yoongi further into your mouth, deep throating him. His grip in your hair tightens and he curses, but his hips say perfectly still. He’s fighting so hard for control, not wanting to hurt you, letting you go at your own pace up and down his cock. Though he accidentally bucks forward softly when a hand comes to play with his balls. Looking down, Yoongi sees Hoseok grin cheekily at him as he continues his ministrations.
Under the loud tones of the music still playing on the speakers and your vibrator buzzing on the couch now quite forgotten, there is the sound of skin slapping on skin as two sets of hips thrust into you, quicker and quicker as time pasts. You let out your moans unashamedly as you suck Yoongi’s cock. Hoseok is the loudest out of the three men, panting underneath you and moaning when you clench around him, which is a lot. Namjoon whispers words of praise in your ear with a raspy voice with the occasional deep grunt.
One thing you have found out about Yoongi after sleeping with him multiple times is that he almost seems to purr when he is experiencing pleasure. It’s quiet, but you love feeling the rumble of it in his chest. Every now and then he’ll also let out a deep groan or moan a curse word in his deep voice. You always found that so sexy.
The pressure inside you keeps building up, pushing you closer and closer to the edge. You want so desperately to fall over the edge, to experience that climax, but you also never want to let this feeling go. So full, so stretched, so loved, so powerful. You were getting your mind fucked out so well.
Hoseok’s hips stutter under you and you know he is getting close. You grind down on him a little harder and it doesn’t take long until he’s exploding inside of you. His hips may have lost their rhythm but it doesn’t stop his ferocity as he fucks his cum into you. You feel his seed sliding out of you and back onto his cock as he continues, determined to help you reach your own high.
It doesn’t take much longer until your screaming, ripping your mouth from Yoongi’s cock as your own orgasm hits. Your walls convulse wildly for a third time and you collapse back onto Hoseok, the both of you writhing as you ride your high. Namjoon follows suit soon after, not lasting long with how your muscles were fluttering around his own cock as well. It didn’t help that yours and Hoseok’s moans set him off as well.
You lay squished between Hoseok and Namjoon, each of you breathing heavily from your powerful orgasms, and are now laying in a pile of entangled limbs. Hoseok continues to massage Yoongi’s balls and Namjoon reaches over you to grab Yoongi’s cock, pumping him hard and fast. You watch entranced as your friends get your boyfriend off, making a heavenly moan rip from his parted lips.
“Come for me baby,” purring, you look your boyfriend in the eye.
Much like how his words drove you over the edge earlier, yours do the same to him. Hot white cum shoots from his cock, spraying most of Namjoon’s back, but some lands on you and Hoseok. The men keep up their attention to Yoongi until he has no more to give and he whines, pulling back from the couch.
You hiss when Namjoon slides out of you, and your ass now feels sadly empty. He once again helps you off Hoseok and lies you down on the other side of the couch. Hoseok sits up, allowing you more room and his eyes rank over your exhausted, fucked out body.
“Have I told you, you are amazing?” Hoseok whispers with adoration in his voice.
Giggling you nod, “Yeah, it’s come up once or twice.”
A warm blanket is carefully draped over you and you cuddle into it. “Thank you Joonie.”
The man runs a hand through your hair before he starts getting dressed. He makes a comment about getting some towels and heads out of the studio.
“Ah, that man. I don’t think he realizes his shirt is inside out.” Hoseok laughs, and hurries to get dressed. “If anyone else sees him like that they’ll know something was up. I’ll go cover him,” and then he is out the door leaving you alone with your boyfriend.
Yoongi sits on the side of the couch, hand instantly reaching out for yours which you intertwine with your own. “You good.”
“Yeah, and you?” You smile, feeling giggly from all your orgasms.
“That was seriously so fucking hot.” He grins, rubbing circles into the back of your palm with this thumb.
“I know right.” You kick the now dead vibrator off the couch. “This thing gets me into so much trouble.”
“Good trouble, right?” Yoongi asks as he sweeps down slowly you kiss you sweetly on the lips.
“The best.”
196 notes · View notes
Things I Love About George Washington II: Forging of a Nation, Part 1/?
- Hamilton and Jefferson’s awkward conversation
- Washington awkwardly handing the wine glass to Hamilton, toasting while Ham stares and doesn’t move in the distance. No really he isn’t moving you have to watch him- he literally lifts his glass without taking his eyes off from the opposite window he doesn’t even look at Wash, what are you looking at Ham what the fuck-
-Hamilton spilling everything about his financial plan to some random stranger
- Random stranger tattling everything to Mr. Reynolds of all people
- Reynolds appearing out of nowhere in a dramatic flourish
-” I won’t disappoint you sir,” DAMN James Reynolds why you gotta say it like that?
- Washington storming out of Congress
- Reynolds and William ( Random Stranger ) plotting about Ham’s financial plan while Jefferson and Monroe spy on them
- Lol Jefferson’s actually defending Hamilton against Monroe’s accusations
-  “ I still believe Mr. Hamilton’s payment of war debts a sound one.” Not for long, TJ, not for long
- “ Monroe, you can’t blame him for this epidemic of greed.” But I can, and I will, just give or take a few more minutes
-  I’m actually sad seeing how nicely they’re getting along because I know that they’ll hate each other later. Sigh.
- “ What’s Hamilton’s secretary doing with him?”
- Gentlemen, we cannot lose faith in Hamilton overnight, says the person who dedicated the remainder of his entire life to talking about how much of an asshole, closet monarchist, and secret genius he was.
- Monroe’s face when TJ says ‘give him the benefit of doubt’ like he knows what’s going to happen. Mmhmm, sure...yeah. Ok, sure.
- In general. Jefferson, Monroe, and Madison trying to be sneaky and spying on people in a tavern while dressed in black. Stop trying to look cool and dramatic. The whispering doesn’t help.
- Madison’s smile is so sneaky and smug I hate it. I hate him. None of them look anything like they’re supposed to. 
- Hamilton just swoops into the building on a horse like batman huh.
- MR MADISON I JUST HEARD OF YOUR PROPOSAL- no Ham he just leaving how does news travel this fast ey, where you spying or what?
- Nah, he probably knew, carrying on
- “ One man’s folly, another man’s justice,” Lol wrong quote, and Madison just running away from Ham’s questioning
- Madison is fed up and delivers some sick burns
- “ ONe dOes noT NeED PRoOF A piG Is AT tHe TrOUgH, onE CaN sMeLL iT!”
- “ I resent that.” Ham just says that so deadpan and emotionless compared to Mad’s ranting I love it!
- Dramatic music plays as Ham watches his best friend abandon him. Lol, suck it up, pal.
- Hamilton orders an investigation in speculation, very serious for once. William’s tone is so funny. “ Sir I do not like your tone.” He says that so weirdly
“ IT WILL COMPROMISE NOT ONLY YOU BUT ME!” uh, forgetting someone there, Ham?
- “ ...And our financial program,” he says. face to face with William. Ah, there you go.
- “ No, of course not why would you cross examin me like this? I’m supposed to be your friend!” OK you have to hear him actually speak to understand why I’m laughing but he sounds like a robot that’s so affronted
- Ham dramatically yells at William before saying “- I need no help defeating Madison-” stop lying Ham, you tried that for a full decade and you failed. You fucking failed.
- “ On behalf of the Treasury Secretary... the federal government will take over all war debt prepared by the state!” OH SHIT OH NO HERE IT STARTS I CAN SEE IT
- Madison turns around to reveal Jefferson hiding behind him, oh my god this is so funny, you have to see it. Mad is like shit shit shit what to do now Jeffy help-
- And TJ is like. I’m shocked, hi. * waves*. 
- Actually he more or less held his hand up like. Stop. but.
- Jeffy and Mads running down the stairs talking to each other.
- “ Oh for god’s sake.” even Mad is getting tired of this.
- They wait until they’re at the bottom of the stairs, throw their cloaks onto a sofa and then put them on. Wow.
- Madison is struggling so hard with his coat collar someone help him.
- “ He can no longer pretend to be Virginia’s friend.” Why so dramatic Madison?
- “ Nor mine.” NOOOO.... And there it is.  The split. God this hurts. 
- Ham just storms into Wash’s ofice and starts complaining.
- Wash just starts nodding along and going with it, he’s so tired like:
“ Yeah. I heard ok. Ok can you why are you still here please just leave-”
“ stop banging on my desk, why are you like this,”
- He’s just so done with Ham’s shit honestly
- So upset. Washingdad is very disappointed in you and Mads for not coming to him first
- So Jeffy is still not making a huge move
- Right now its still just Mad v Ham and TJ is no where in sight. Ham thinks TJ is still his friend I guess. Damn.
- Washington gets up. sits down, huffs. He’s so tired and stressed out, stop making him have white hairs Ham
- “ Please just leave.” He’s just so done he needs a retirement and its only 1790
- Ham leaves awkwardly. 
- Wait what-
-what’s that sound-
- Shit, I think the President just had a seizure.
- This is all your fault, Hamilton. You made him like this. 
- Wash’s in bed, Ham’s fretting outside
- Mad and Jeff RUN up the stairs and stop when they see him.
- “...how is he?” says TJ, no longer Ham’s friend. 
- Ham seems to notice this. Ham answers absentmindedly. 
- Cuts to doctor stabbing a tweezer into Wash’s abdomen no I did not need to see that thank you very much.
- Was that a fart- was he farting-
- I can’t put Wash’s scrunch face into words so here-
Tumblr media
I shouldn’t be laughing
Dramatic pause with dramatic music as everyone watches doctor operate on Washington
- “ deeper than we thought”
- “ get all of it”
- “ deeper”
- “hnf!”
20 notes · View notes
airplanned · 3 years
Have my favorite chunk of Yiga!Zelda
It’s in the middle.  Who cares!
I’m no where near posting this fic, but that’s not going to stop me.
Link is not a fan of balls.  The formal Champion's outfit that he's required to wear is uncomfortable and everyone looks at him the whole time and he has to make small talk with snide people.  The king trots him out and drags him around, showing him off to important people who Link both cares nothing about and is helplessly intimidated by.  And then there are all the fine, well-mannered ladies who hint all night that they would definitely blow him in a coat closet.  He tries to stick close to Mipha or Daruk, who are both experts at shielding him from conversations.
Tonight, he's standing beside Daruk, hopefully deep enough in the Goron's shadow that no one will notice him.  Someone got Daruk onto the topic of cutting rubies for use in jewelry and weapons, and Daruk is adamant that that's a crime against nature. His hand gestures alone keep people at a distance.
Link is basking in his good luck when he sees both the king headed his way from the right and a woman in red across the dance floor on his left.  His whole back stiffens.  She's in a dark red ball gown that cinches tight at the waist with a corset that shows an eye-drawing amount of cleavage.  Her black hair is pulled back at the nape of her neck, but curls of too short hair frame her face.  Her lipstick matches the color of her dress, and she smirks at him when their eyes lock.
No one notices him step away from Daruk's rant, except maybe the king, but Link wouldn't know because he doesn't look back.
She falls into a slow, elegant curtsy when he approaches, looking up at him from under her eyelashes, which seem darker and thicker tonight.  As he bows back, he searches his memory for if she even has eyelashes normally, and it occurs to him that she either doesn't or they're abnormally light. 
Neither of them speak until they're standing on the dance floor and she's in his arms, pressed tight to his chest, her hand in his.
"How many of you are there?" he asks.  As they turn, he marks the king in the crowd and scans the area for suspicious activity.
She sighs.  "I know it's an absolute scandal, but I am without a chaperone tonight.  Whatever shall I do?"  She shifts impossibly closer.
He gives her a distrustful look.  "How did you get in here?  It's invite only."
Conspiratorially, she says, "I have found a flaw in your security measures."
"Oh yeah?"
"I teleported past the man checking invitations."
"Of course you did."
He searches the crowd again.  He only knows half the servers.  The other half--
Her hand slips from his shoulder to the back of his neck, drawing his eyes back to her.  They stare at each other, even as he sweeps her around the dance floor, their steps in perfect sync, her dress flowing around his legs almost as if she's sucking him in, devouring him.
"You're a good dancer," he says.
"Thank you.  My dad taught me."
He snorts.  "Mine too."  Then, "What are you doing here?"
"I'm here for the food.  Look how horribly skinny I am in this dress.”
He's a fool, because he looks.  His hand tightens on her back.
The song ends, and they don't break apart even to applaud the musicians.  When the next song starts, they're moving again.
"You know, you're not supposed to dance two songs in a row with the same person," she says.  "People will think you're taken with me."
"I'm not letting you out of my sight."
"Hmmm.  Well, we probably shouldn't dance three songs together.  We'll have to find something else to do."
"You're trying to distract me.  Get me out of the room."
"Out of the room?  Sir Knight, what on earth would we do out of the room?"
He frowns at her.
"I suppose we could take a moonlit walk in the gardens to the bench under the cherry blossom tree, where you'd lick your way down my neck."
He's the Hylian Champion and has nerves of steel, and he's able to keep his eyes on hers instead of let them drag down her throat.  He'd start just below her ear.  He'd suck at her pulse point and nibble at her collar bone and lick his way down her chest.
Her eyes darken.  "Or maybe," she says more quietly, "we could go to the southwest sitting room and you could press me against the green wallpaper and ruck up my skirts."
He swallows hard.
She knows way too much about the layout of the castle.
When he doesn't give in, she rolls her eyes.  "Please.  There are literally a hundred people in this room with swords along with all four other Champions.  That's not why I'm here."
"Why are you here?"
"You know why."
He did.  And the southwest sitting room sounded like a really good idea.  Yes.  They should--
Her eyes widen slightly just before there's a tap on his shoulder.  He turns to see Urbosa glaring at him so hard that it's shocking he’s not struck by lightning.
"A moment?" she asks, then steps away without waiting for a response.
"See you," she whispers.
"You too," Urbosa calls over her shoulder.
Her shoulders roll back with being ordered to do something.  Her lips pursing and eyes narrowing.
Link snorts and pulls her along by the hand. 
He probably shouldn't be holding her hand.
Urbosa leads them out to one of the balconies, and turns to face them with her arms crossed over her chest.  "Who's this?" she demands.
"This is...uh...Lady...Stabitha."
He can feel her irritation like a storm cloud beside him, even as her smile blossoms and she drops into another curtsy. 
"This is her then?" Urbosa asks.
Link blinks.  "Who?"
"The girl who's making you stupid."
Indignantly, he says, "I'm not stupid!"
"You just made a spectacle of yourself at a royal ball."
"I--"  Oh. He probably did.  Shit.
Ruin lowers her eyes and tucks her hands against her stomach as if she's bashful.  "I'm sure the Hylian Champion romances all the young ladies. I cannot be solely to blame."
"What?!"  He spins on her.  “Hey, it's one thing for me to make a fool of myself, but it's another to imply I’m unfaithful, and--oh Goddess damn it all!”
She flutters her eyelashes at him.
He narrows his eyes and spits, "Screw you."
Their eye contact turns heated and one of her eyebrows bounces in challenge.  Yes, screw her.  Against the wall in the southwest sitting room.
Urbosa slaps him.
"Get it together.  You are Hyrule's light.  Think with your brain and not your dick, or I will drag you to Hebra and put you to work for the Rito loggers.  And you."  Urbosa points a long finger straight in Ruin’s face.  "I know you're bad news.  I am watching you."
Ruin’s eyes narrow, and for a second Link thinks she'll pull out a sickle and slice off the finger in her face.
In a dangerous voice she says, "Don't you ever touch him again.”
They glare at each other.  The possessiveness in her posture makes him deliriously turned on, while the fact that she's picking a fight with Urbosa has him nearly in a panic.  The two do not work well together, and he's lightheaded when lightning crashes across the sky.
"Okay!" he says loudly.  "Why don't I see you out?"  He grabs Ruin's arm and tugs her away even as she twists to continue glaring at Urbosa over her shoulder.  As soon as the other Champion is out of sight, she twists and suddenly she's holding his arm and her fingers are threaded through his and his face is too hot.
They crash into the southwest sitting room and she locks the door behind them. 
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