#lol i gotta be at work in six hours better get to bed
quietblissxx · 11 months
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Had a great night seeing my favourite band live and catching up with my friends
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party-of-1 · 1 year
Living with your significant other
My partner and I have been together for 6 years now. Crazy lol. I’m glad I didn’t jump the gun to try to live together ASAP or out of convenience. He moved in about six months ago but we’re only just now looking into a place where it’ll be just him & me. I know that chapter is going to be so exciting & very telling of how our future is going to be like.
But I wanna touch on the differences for me living together vs apart.
Living apart was great. Living 2.5 hours away though did have its ups and downs.I got to live my own alone life I loved while having his support and companionship when needed. But those random weekdays I was super bummed, there’s only so much you can do through a FaceTime call. But also it taught me to work through my own feelings. It taught me the world revolves around me and not him. Seems obvious but I be blinded by love lol. Weekday happy hour dates were precious and so rare. And even after so many years I’ve always had butterflies getting ready to meet with him.
Living together is even better and harder in a sense. They say when you live with someone you find out who they truly are. So yea he knows I’m a leave my clothes on the floor kinda girl and he still loves me. Whoaaaa He knows I actually have a deep relationship with my stuffed animals and he doesn’t think that’s weird. Whooaaaa. It’s harder in the sense that you get comfortable. Things become complacent. There’s less effort spent for “quality” time because we see each other everyday. Not to mention the sharing a bed part. I haven’t starfished in so long 😭. And of course there’s navigating chores. Learning someone does the same thing differently than you is crazy for someone like me who likes to do things a certain way. It’s not wrong… it’s just not my way and that’s ok e__o. But I gotta say learning that someone loves you despite all your flaws and bad habits is pretty awesome. I’m able to be truly be vulnerable and feel heard, understood and that’s what I really value in a relationship.
I’m hella excited for this next chapter. I’m hella excited to make new memories & traditions. I’m hella excited FOR A DOGGGGGG. I’m hella excited to have our own little family.
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muted-like-sunset · 2 years
Hi hi! I just wanted to say that I love your spark series so much and I can’t wait for the next chapter! (Don’t rush and take care of yourself) Anyways, I have a request. How would Peeta react to his s/o having a cat (or any pet really) that they’re super close with and love to the ends of the earth. Say that that pet went missing one day, and reader just kinda freaks. I’m talking panic attacks, crying, etc. Pet is found, reader chills. Also, pet would have survived the bombing of 12 but reader wouldn’t know until they got there after the quarter quell. I’m sorry if this is a lot, you don’t have to add everything lol 😅
Fritz | p.m.
Things are hopefully getting better on my end, so maybe I'll post more! I hope you all enjoy <3
A oneshot about the relationship between a person and their cat.
peeta mellark x fem! reader
word count: 5.2k
trigger warnings: mentions of grief, animal illness, brief unexplored loss of a child, violence, anxiety, symptoms of a panic attack, illusions to bombing, illusions to fire, mentions of blood, crowds, yelling, illusions to choking, poor body condition (animals and people), brief mentions of pregnancy.
(mostly) unedited, all mistakes are my own.
Fritz sleeps stretched out at the foot of my bed. He’s a relaxed cat, mostly spending his time sunbathing and watching any birds that brave the smog of the seam, so this is not unusual for him. I smile at him, reaching out a hand to rub between his ears. His purrs vibrate the palm of my hand and I giggle, cooing to him. 
“Fritzy baby, you soakin’ up the sun?” I murmur to the pile of black fur. He stretches out at my attention, rolling lazily onto his back and stretching his front legs as far as they’ll go. 
My sister found him on the street when he was a kitten. His belly swollen with worms and his fur so caked with coal dust we had to bathe the screaming, hissing kitten six times for the water to run clear. He'd been a scrappy kitten, but enough rabbit meat and he settled into the house cat lifestyle nicely. 
He pushes his head against my hand as I pull away and I gently push him back. 
“I've gotta go, honey.” I tell him even though he doesn’t understand. He meows as I stand, elongating the middle into somewhat of a howl. “Oh, hush. You won’t be complaining when I bring you something back.” 
The promise of food seems to placate him since he chooses to jump off the bed and slink into some other part of the house, his bell ringing.
Our house is small, two bedrooms and the main area are the entire thing, save for the small bathroom connected to my parent's room. I once shared the room with my older sister Annabelle, but she was reaped just before I turned seven. I barely have any memory of her, just fleeting images of silver eyes and the soft sound of her voice. I want to miss her more than I do, but having never really gotten to know her, there isn’t that much there. 
Don’t get me wrong, I still wake up screaming for her sometimes, something leftover from childhood I guess. While I have no real memory of life with her, I distinctly remember her death. I'd been in the school cafeteria when it was televised, the male tribute from District 2 got a hold of her. Her screams echoed through the halls and everyone spent the rest of the day in complete silence. I hadn't even had time to react, teachers and older students alike rushing to take me away from the screens. my parents had been at work and wouldn’t hear of her fate until a few hours later. 
It’d been incredibly isolating, witnessing her death and being the sole member of my family to know. I'd gone home that day to find Fritz complete with the little bell she’d gotten him when mom let us keep him. The sound of the bell had kept me awake at night, the sound mingling with my parents' sobs when they thought I was asleep. She’d said his bell would keep us safe, that the ringing would keep away monsters.
I'd left the bell on him ever since. 
I shake my head and tug on my too-small boots before I head out, hoping to get some hunting in before the reaping begins. 
Fritz creeps down the long hall curiously, peeping around corners with focused eyes and slow movements. I press my back to the door, knowing I have a few minutes before my parents will be joining me. Peeta is probably doing the same across the street, though I seriously doubt his parents will leave the bakery to live with him. Now that their son is a victor, the Mellark’s bakery is going to be the center of a frenzy of Captiol people’s orders. A desperate attempt at having something close to their most recent victors. 
Given that my family owned pretty much nothing, Peeta's parent’s bakery is as close as they can get. 
I hear Fritz's bell jingle as he trots back up the hall, startling a bit at his reflection in the long mirror in the entryway. I snicker at his misfortune, standing and scooping him off of the ground. He's a bit thinner than when I left, most likely it had fallen on Katniss's sister to make sure he was fed. Her cat Buttercup is her life and I know she made sure Fritz was well. 
Bringing him to the living room I set us up on the couch, cracking open one of the many magazines Effie left behind to customize the house. The heaviness of the day’s events, of moving into this new house weigh on me and I find myself drifting off to sleep.
When I wake, I expect the gentle pressure of Fritz’s body weight on my chest. There’s always been a soothing aspect to it and it’s his favorite place to sleep. Still, he has a mind of his own so him not being right with me isn’t terribly surprising. 
I sit up and stretch, wondering if my parents have returned yet. I turn to check the windows, looking for any indication of the time, and find gentle sunlight shining through. I checked again, standing and making my way to the door to step outside. There, it becomes clear that I've slept through the night and into the next morning. 
I furrow my brow and go back inside, turning to the stairs and taking them two at a time. I find the room set out to be my parents and slowly open the door. 
There they are, their faces gentle in sleep. With a little sigh of relief, I shut the door quietly and move to search for Fritz. The second floor comes up empty, so I return to the downstairs. The search winds up the same and I feel tightness settling in my chest. Still, there’s the basement to check and even then he could be hiding somewhere in the house. I grab a bag of the Captiol cat treats left behind as a gift and hurry for the basement stairs.
“Fritz?” I call, turning the corner into the empty room. My eyes dart around, listening in silence for the sound of his bell. When it’s clear he isn’t there, I turn for the stairs again. From the edge of my vision, I spot it. Shelves up to a cracked open window at the ground level. I take the stairs again to the ground floor and head to the front door. 
“Fritz!” I call again, my voice growing a bit panicked. I open the door, stepping outside. He’s a cat, he’ll be fine. There’s nothing in District Twelve that could really hurt him. He wouldn’t make it into the woods, there’s nothing that can hurt him. 
Despite my mantra, the anxiety claws its way into my throat and forces my voice from me. I call for him down the street, my voice laced with anxiety. 
Peeta’s front door tears open across the street, a frightened Peeta Mellark standing in the doorway. He looks around, eyes settling on where I stand in the center of the street clutching my chest. I try to force myself to breathe through the panic, but the air feels much too thin. Seeing my state, he comes carefully down the stairs to my side. 
“Y/N? You okay?” He asks, voice tense. I suck in a breath. 
“Fritz is gone!” I cry, the sobs ripping their way from my too-tight throat. “I woke up and he’s just gone!”
Peeta is quick to jump to the rescue. 
“I need you to breathe, Y/N. I’ll find Fritz, okay?” He reassures me, not moving any closer. “He can’t be far, probably just out prowling the new neighborhood. I’ll ask around, but I need to be sure you’re safe first.” 
I want to scream at him, to make him understand the fear clutching my empty lungs too tight for them to ever expand. Still, the rational bits of my brain band together with the resounding realization that Peeta, as usual, is right. Shoving the heels of my palms into my eyes, I force myself to take deep breaths in through my nose and blow them out of my mouth. The first breaths are short and quick, shaking on entry and accompanied by sobs on their exit. Gradually, I begin to notice sensations in my body again. The rocks digging into the soles my feet and the weakness in my legs come to the back of my focus, nudging at my mind. 
“Can I touch you?” Peeta asks, voice so soft I almost don’t hear it. I nod, not trusting myself to speak. His hand is gentle on my back, rubbing in firm circles. I focus on the sensation, timing his circles to my breaths. One circle, breathe in. Second circle, hold. Third circle, keep holding. Fourth circle, breathe out. The cycle is soothing, so much so that I don't fight him as he leads me to the porch steps. There, we continue our cycle until I feel like I can open my eyes again.
With the anxiety steadily leaving my body, I feel the weight it has left behind. Every bit of my body feels as though on the edge of sleep. My arms and legs are weak and my body screams for me to lie down. Shakily, I pull my hands away from my eyes and shove hair out of my face. Peeta swims at the edge of my returning vision, worry etched onto his face. 
“There she is.” He murmurs, continuing his circles. “Keep breathing, honey. You’re doing great.” 
We stay like this for a few minutes before I gather the strength to let him leave. As much as I want to follow him home and curl up in his embrace, I know I won’t sleep unless Fritz comes home. 
“I’m okay.” I self-soothe, repeating the words a few times. Peeta watches silently, nodding to my words. 
“You’re okay.” He agrees, reaching up his spare hand to tuck a stray hair back into place. “You stay right here, okay? I’m gonna go find Fritz and bring him right back to you. Give him a piece of my mind for worrying his mother so much.” 
I laugh weakly, nodding at his sentiment. When I manage to crack a smile Peeta returns a grin of his own, standing from the porch steps and taking a careful step back. He pauses for a moment, awaiting permission to leave. When I nod he nods back, walking backward a few paces before turning and heading down the street.
“Fritz!” His deeper tone reverberates through the still morning air. “C’mon kitty!” 
I wait on the steps for about a half-hour, shivering slightly from a combination of the adrenaline leaving me and the cold morning air, before I see Peeta rounding the corner into Victor’s Village. Tucked safely into his arms is Fritz, black fur sticking out starkly against Peeta’s off-white shirt. His bell jingles with every step Peeta takes and, as they grow closer, mingles with the sound of Peeta’s gentle scolding. 
“Had your mother worried to death, Fritz. Just stay home, ya hear? She was about to tear the entire district to the ground looking for you.”
I’m on my feet in an instant, reaching my hands out when I get close enough. Peeta passes him into my arms easily and he grips my shirt with his claws, settling his head onto my shoulder. My hand comes up to his back, holding him against my chest as tears spring to my eyes once again. 
“Where?” is all I can ask, but Peeta knows exactly what I mean. 
“Your old house, curled up on the bed like he owned the place.” He teases the cat in my arms, reaching out a hand and rubbing between his ears.   “Don’t worry, I gave him a stern talking to. He’ll think twice before wandering too far from home again, right Fritz?” 
I laugh at his antics, clutching the purring cat tight. 
“C’mon,” Peeta grins, resting a hand on my lower back to guide me. “Let’s get some tea.” 
“There is no district Twelve, Y/N.” Gale whispers, hand never leaving my arm. 
I start to sit up, gripping his arm frantically. 
“I got them out,” He reassures, pushing me to lie back down. “your parents, they’re safe. I got them out in time.” 
I try to ask about Fritz, but it seems so trivial. People could have died, but I cannot let the cat go. Fritz and his bell are all I have left of Annabelle and I have to know where he is. 
I try again, forcing Gale to listen to me. 
“Did you get Fritz?” I ask, voice deadly serious. Gale shys away, refusing to meet my eyes. “Gale, did you get him?” 
“He got spooked by the sound, Y/N. He ran off.” He admits, his hand heavy on my arm. I pull myself from his grasp, backing to the corner of the bed where it meets the wall. 
“Get out,” I demand. When he doesn’t move immediately it drives me to rage. “Get out! Leave!” 
He backs up a bit, holding his hands up in surrender. Still, he stays in the room. Blinded by grief, I turn and grab blindly at the tools by my bed. My hand clumsily finds a scalpel, cutting myself in the process. I thrust the blade out at him and he leaps back, demeanor changing entirely. 
“Go away!” I sob, lashing out at him again. Peeta. Fritz. District Twelve. Gone, just like that. 
I didn’t even get to say goodbye.
I step off the plane with Katniss and Gale at my sides. Steeling myself, I try to take in the vast rubble of home. We’ve touched down in the square and already I see the destruction. The Justice Building is rubble, large gray stone lying across the square. From here I can see the stone building that used to be the seamstress’ shop in much the same state. 
“Are you okay?” Gale asks, keeping his eyes trained on me. Katniss surveys twelve with a hardened eye, hellbent on making snow pay. 
I nod, pulling my eyes from the rubble. 
“Can I go home?” I ask, looking back to the crew. Cressida nods and gestures for me to take the lead. I hesitate, watching them carefully. I don't want cameras on me when I see the Seam. The coal dust caking the streets made the entire Seam a ticking time bomb. Katniss seems to understand my hesitance. 
“Actually, can we go alone?” She asks, voice strong and sure. She stands unmoving at my side, eyes daring anyone to tell her no. 
The crew seems unsure, but Cressida only takes a moment before she agrees. Katniss nods, turning to let me go ahead of her. The walk through twelve is quiet with only small comments from the two behind me. Katniss and Gale fill the conversational space I have left behind with little questions for me that they know I won’t answer. They’re unsure around me, have been since I came back from the quarter quell.
I don’t blame them.
As expected, the Seam has burned completely to the ground. There’s an occasional standing beam or foundation in the homes that had them, but you can still see clear over them. With the homes gone, I trace the familiar landscape with my eyes. I choke down a sob and hold my hand out to Katniss, wanting some support. She’s quick to take hold of my hand, cementing me in reality. She asks no questions, only offering me her steadiness and bravery in the face of what was once our home. 
We walk closer to where the Everdeen's and my family lived, closer to the far edge of the seam where it meets the meadow. At the sight of my home, mostly rubble and ash with some of the fireplace still intact, I release her hand. I step over some mostly burned boards that used to be part of our entryway and settle where the heart of the home used to be. 
If Fritz had gotten spooked during the bombing, this is where he would have run to, straight into the Seam. The coal-caked Seam. The sight of all of the destruction prompts the sob from my body as I sink to my knees in the ash. My hands fumble for something concrete, something that proves that my house had been here. That I’d grown up in this very spot, that this had been the home I had to return to after my sister was reaped. Then, there’s a sound. Some curious noise that quickly becomes desperate. 
I whip my head to the side, climbing back to my feet and spreading ash on my face as I try to wipe the tears from my eyes.
“Fritz?” I call, stumbling towards the sound. 
There, weaving out of some collapsed wood planks and crumbled stone comes his too-small form. He’s scrawny and absolutely covered in ash but I’m so absolutely relieved to see him that I don’t care. 
The sobs break free of my throat again when I get him in my arms, rocking myself. He’s too skinny, I can feel every individual rib and his hip bones poke out. Still, he’s safe now. I’ve got him again and all will be well. 
With him in my arms, I mourn the loss of my home. The life I lived before, a life in the future with Peeta. Peeta weighs heavily on my mind, and before I can stop myself I start telling Fritz everything. It’s a great relief, the nonsensical rambling and sobbing to the being who simultaneously wouldn’t understand and always seems to. I tell him everything that has happened since I last saw him. About finding out Peeta was gone and recovering in the hospital in District 13. I go on and on about Finnick and Beetee having made it out, finally expressing my grief and rage that they’d been saved and Peeta hadn’t. I tell him everything as I stroke the fur on his face until there’s nothing more to talk about. Until the breath entering my chest is easy and my muscles unclench. Then, I return quietly to Katniss and Gale who have stayed respectfully towards the road.
“I have everything I need,” I tell them softly, feeling the weariness settling in my bones again. Fritz pushes his face against my neck and I stroke his ears gently. 
The team says nothing of my appearance or Fritz when we return, instead guiding us into the hovercraft. They must have gotten what they needed. 
“And there, in District 13, dead by morning!” Peeta shouts. There’s commotion and suddenly the camera is knocked down. I step closer to the screen, eyes running over every detail as people move around me. There's shouting, some struggle, and then Peeta renters the frame. His head hits the tile floors loudly, the crack making me jump. 
“They’re gonna kill him!” someone gasps, but I try to tune it out. They can’t kill him, not after the games. The Capitol still adores Peeta despite my perceived wrongs, they won’t kill him for loving some girl they hate. Will they?
There are more sounds of him being beaten before the camera cuts off, the Capitol seal and anthem playing for its entirety before the screens shut off. There's tense silence for a moment before the room erupts. People buzz about trying to confirm his words and after a minute, Coin speaks up.
“Get everyone to the shelter. It's safer to assume he knows something than to assume otherwise.” She commands in a short voice, tone daring anyone to question her. The alarms begin moments later, a sound I’ve only ever heard during the few practice drills I’ve been here for. It’s all-consuming, beating into every ounce of your body. Even if you didn’t know what it meant, the sound itself makes you want to escape it. 
I have to find Fritz. 
I take off from the room, hands over my ears and trying to keep my breathing calm. I have to push through people as I get closer to my apartment, but knowing that Fritz is stuck inside with nowhere to go drives me forwards. The crowds break just before the residential halls, most everyone already on their descent downstairs. When I hit the door, I start searching for him. 
With nowhere to escape the sound, where would he feel safest? I search under the beds, in cabinets, and finally in the closet before I find him. He cowers at the back wall, trying to be as far from the alarm as he can.
“C’mere Fritz, it’s okay.” I call, trying not to let my voice shake. The sound of the alarm is making my body shake with anxiety, and I only notice how bad it’s gotten when I see my own hands reaching for him. He allows me to collect him in my arms and I grab a blanket from the bed, wrapping it around him in an attempt to help drown out the noise while keeping him still. 
With him securely tucked into my arms, I realize how limited our time must be. I take off for the stairs down to the shelter, running easily through the hallways. Every empty hall I come to makes me move even faster, not wanting to be locked up here when the strike happens. My feet finally hit the metal stairs and I spot Primrose Everdeen in the same state. Buttercup is thrown over her shoulder, her cradling his head as she begins her descent. Then, someone is calling our names.
“Prim! Y/N!” Katniss yells. There’s someone coming up the stairs. 
“We’re coming!” I yell back, tears brimming in my eyes. The alarms and my heartbeat make every step unsteady and I have to do my best to not fall down the remaining flights. Gale rounds the staircase and his eyes fall on us. He doesn’t yell as I expect him to, instead nudging the two of us in front of him and herding us down the remaining stairs. The doors are almost closed when we hit the lowest floor and Katniss is reaching through them to us. She tugs Prim and myself into her arms, wrapping us in her shaky embrace. Gale dives through at the last second. 
“What we’re you thinking!” She shouts, pulling back. I have to fight the tears back, but Primrose is determined.
“I couldn’t leave him, Katniss!” She shouts back, not hesitating for a second. Katniss eyes the two of us for a moment before pulling her sister back into her arms. 
“I know, I know. I’m sorry.” She soothes, rocking her in her arms a bit. She eyes me again. “You guys are okay?”
I nod stiffly, eyes darting past her to try to find my parents. They sit on a bed together, arms around each other. My mother is wide-eyed, my father crying. 
The bruises on my throat feel like the only proof Peeta is even alive. They won’t tell anyone that he’s here because they aren’t sure how to tell people he’s not the same. 
How could he be?
I let the image of him back to the front of my mind. Bruised and hollow-eyed but alive and it makes my heart hammer harder in my chest. Even though his eyes had been so angry when they came to rest on me, even though the Capitol made him into someone else entirely, I am so relieved he’s alive that it makes my legs weak. It's selfish to the point I feel sick but I don’t care.  
Mrs. Everdeen enters the room to check on me again, she’s speaking but I don’t listen. I can’t bring myself to care if he’s irreparably damaged my voice. I have no need for it anymore. With Peeta safe in District 13 I don’t care to do much of anything except get out of this room so I can see him again. I’ll have to see him from the observation room, but I don’t care.
She speaks again, moving her face into my line of sight. Her eyes are worried, brows knitted together. I do my best to focus on her. 
“-cat?” I manage to catch the end of her sentence. I squint at her, swallowing and focusing on her lips closely. 
“Can you tell me your cat’s name?” She asks. She’s trying to get me to use my voice. Still, I perk up at the mention of the little creature I haven’t seen in days. 
It's a struggle, but I manage to get out a rasp that sounds something like “Fritz.” 
She nods, having me say it a few times. Then, she rests her hands at her sides.
“Well, I don’t think he did any permanent damage.” She sighs, clearly upset at the sight of my bruising. She’s a mother before she’s a healer I suppose, a close friend’s mother at that. I want to ask her to release me, to let me rest in my quarters instead of the hospital wing, but my voice simply isn't there. 
I let her leave. 
They have tried Katniss, they’ve tried Primrose, they even tried Madge Undersee. Every person sent into that room with him has set him off. I lean my head against my hands as they continue to drone on about how it’ll take him time to readjust and how he’s showing promising signs. I have yet to see the signs they’re talking about, but I want so badly for him to look at me with some ounce of love that I don’t interrupt them. I don’t even speak into I hear Fritz’s name.
“What was that?” I ask, head darting up. 
“That got her attention.” Haymitch mumbles and I shoot him a glare. Dr. Aurelius seems unaffected by our antics and ignores Haymitch. 
“Perhaps seeing Fritz would be soothing for Peeta.” He offers, his face devoid of anything but calm. 
“Or maybe,” I start, pulling myself out of my chair and stepping towards him. “he’ll kill him.”
“He won’t kill Fritz, Y/N.” Dr. Aurelius sighs. “He’s actually mentioned him during our sessions. He’s fond of him, he just doesn’t know why. I think that seeing Fritz will help him strengthen his actual memories of not just his life, but of you.”
This makes me pause.  I want to say no, to maybe start screaming until they lock me back in my hospital room, but the idea of Peeta regaining some positive memory of me is enough to make me consider. No, I don’t want him near Fritz. Would he actually hurt him? Thoughts swim in my head for a minute before anyone speaks. 
“He doesn’t have to, Y/N. It’s just an idea.” Dr. Aurelius soothes, eyes watching me for a moment before drifting back to our window to Peeta’s cell. 
“Fine,” I mumble. “But he hurts Fritz and I’ll kill him myself.” I’m leaving the room, letting the door swing shut behind me when I hear Haymitch pipe up again. 
“She won’t.” He assures someone. He’s right.
They let me bring Fritz to his room myself before they make me hand him off to Dr. Aurelius. On the way, I prep him as though he could understand what I’m telling him. 
“Peeta’s not himself, but he remembers you. You’re very lucky because he absolutely hates me and anyone that could maybe like me, but not you. Dr. Aurelius said that you can help him get better, so I need you to do your best because I…” I trail off, catching myself on the words. I hadn’t thought about it before but I suppose it’s true. Here, in the hallway where no one can hear me, the words can’t hurt. So, I test them out. “I need you to do your best because I love him. Very much.”
I’m silent the rest of the way to his room, only breaking to press a kiss to Fritz’s head before I hand him off.
The observation room is quiet despite being full of nurses and doctors. Haymitch collects me as I come in and I let him guide me to the glass. We watch as Dr. Aurelius brings Fritz in. He speaks to Peeta for a moment before leaving the two alone. 
It feels earth-shattering for him to leave the two unsupervised, but I have to trust that Peeta would never hurt Fritz. 
I bounce on the balls of my feet as the two watch each other, breath hitching as Fritz makes his way to Peeta’s bed easily and leaps onto the mattress. Peeta reaches out a thin hand and plops it between Fritz’s ears, petting him just the way he likes. He scratches beneath his chin, a real smile making its way to his face at what must be Fritz purring. 
“Hey, buddy.” Peeta murmurs and my heart hammers in my chest. To hear him so affectionate with the little cat in front of him makes my heart soar and I touch a hand to the glass. That is the Peeta I left in the jungle. That is the Peeta that held me when I cried after the jabberjays left their mark on my mind. The Peeta that searched for Fritz when he made his way back to the Seam. This is Peeta Mellark. 
I’m sobbing, one hand frantically wiping tears from my eyes to keep them from obstructing my view and the other pressed hopelessly to the glass as though I could reach out to hold them. Until now, Peeta’s recovery had seemed near impossible. Watching him stroke Fritz’s fur so peacefully, so happily, feels like a miracle. 
I sit with Fritz on my stomach, his back feet resting on my legs and front legs stretched up over the curve of my belly to rest on my chest. Peeta and Belle are in the kitchen, their faces and hair certainly caked with flour as they play more than they bake. Peeta will clean up after she’s tucked into bed, but for now, things are peaceful. 
Fritz has slowed down, taking much longer naps when Belle isn’t dragging him off for playtime. I’m great up for him, for being there for Belle when Peeta has one of his episodes, for when I have nightmares. He sleeps in her bed instead of mine now, but I don’t mind. He’s watching over my daughter as he watched over me. I wonder if Annabelle somehow knew I would need him when she dragged him in off the street or if it was just her kind heart. I see her in her namesake, with her Seam grey eyes and gentle demeanor. She is every bit the future Annabelle would have wanted for me, and so I rise and make my way to the kitchen. 
“Momma!” Belle squeals at the sight of me, tossing her chubby hands up in the air and giggling loudly as flour dusts the room. I laugh, taking in the sight of the two of them. Peeta grins back, scooping our daughter off of the stool she’s propped on and setting her on the ground between us. Fritz hops up on the stool as soon as she’s vacated it, watching the chaos with a trained eye. Belle runs for my legs and I hold her close, letting her cake flour onto my clothing. 
After all, there are worse things.
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paisley-print · 3 years
7:00am / Get The Directions
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Jack and you try to build an IKEA bookcase. 
Rating: SFW
Characters: Agent Whiskey x Reader
Warnings: Vomit, pregnancy, fluff, dirty talk, implied past sexual encounters. 
Word Count: 918
NOTE: This is short and sweet since the next chapter is pretty long and has some smut. Also I’m not sure if I ever gave Jack a full name. I gave his son a name and assumed they would have the same one...if I did give Jack a full name please tell me lol.  
“Well, where did you put the directions?”
Jack was on the floor, kneeling in front of a pile of wood, screws, cardboard and Styrofoam. It was a Sunday, and the two of you were spending some time at the shop. This had been the case for the last two weekends. Both of you working from morning to night, trying to get things ready for the grand opening in a few weeks. 
Originally, your plan had been to wait another six months before opening, but with the news of the baby, Jack and you decided it was better to get it done sooner rather than later. That way, when the baby came, you would have a trained staff that could take over while you were out on maternity leave. 
“Darlin’ I am a Statesman agent. Do you know what that means?”
You placed your hands in the pockets of your overalls - wishing you were allowed coffee. “You’re a less cool version of the FBI?”
You paused “...you’re all alcoholics?”
He cut you off “-It means, that I think I can figure out how to build one silly bookcase without having to look at the gosh darn directions.”
You raised your eyebrows, smirking. “You’ve been at it for thirty minutes.”
“Gotta familiarize myself with the pieces. Get her warmed up. You know how it is,” he shot you a little wink.
 “So, you’re gonna fuck the bookcase?”
“Mam” he said, setting down the piece he was holding and placing his hands on his hips all sassy. 
You giggled and swiveled on your roller chair a little. 
Jack continued to act as if he was annoyed. You knew he was just playing. “I would like to point out. That this is a lot of talk for a woman who is just sitting there watching.’”
The last two weeks had been hard on you, you suffered from very severe morning sickness. The doctor said it was normal, for most it went away after the first trimester but for some women it persisted throughout the whole pregnancy. You prayed it was only temporary. 
Jack had been wonderful. He would sit up with you at night, even though you told him it was okay to go to bed. You could see how tired he was in the mornings, or the way he took a nap on the couch for an hour after he got home. 
He never complained, not once. He would sit there with you, rubbing your back and telling random stories from work to keep your mind occupied. He had also taken over most of the cooking since you could hardly stomach even a peek into the fridge. 
He was always encouraging you to eat in order to keep your weight up. Making you little snacks when he was home and placing them in front of you and not getting up from the table until you finished at least half of what was on your plate. He didn’t want you sitting there alone- so he would watch Sports Center from the table. 
“Well, if you would let me help, then I wouldn’t just be watching,” you pointed out, standing and walking over to him.
“I gave you a job,” he said.
“Sitting here and-” you put your fingers into air quotes “ ‘Looking pretty’ is not a job Jack.”
He pursed his lips and mumbled. “Well, thank god cuz if it were you’d be fired-”
He backtracked immediately, “wha- you know I didn’t mean it like that, sugar! It’s because you’re standing!”
You crossed your arms and pretended to be mad. “Telling your pregnant fiance that she is - ugly. A new low…. I don’t know If it can ever be forgiven.”
He hooked his thumbs into the belt loops of your overalls to pull you closer. A brief smile cracked through your pretend frown. “Well, what If I told you that you were the prettiest girl in town?”
“Nope. Not good enough.”
“The world?”
You glanced down at him “better.”
“The universe.” 
You thought for a moment, “I guess I’ll take it.”
He smiled and leaned in for a hug, head pressing against your belly. You combed through his hair with your fingers, engagement ring sparkling under the fluorescent lights. “Jack?”
“Yeah sugar?”
“If you don’t get the directions, I’m going to kick your ass.”
“I’d like to see you try darlin” he smiled and turned to kiss your belly.
You weren’t showing at all, but ever since he found out Jack’s hand seemed to find a permanent place on your stomach. Whether it be during car rides, watching TV, or standing in line at the store… it was there. You had gotten annoyed and swatted it away on multiple occasions when he did it in public. Fearing that people would find out before you were ready to announce it. 
You didn’t mind when you were at home. You knew he was worried, and it calmed his anxiety to touch you. Half the time he didn’t even realize he was doing it. You found it incredibly sweet. Especially the way he reached for you at night when he was drifting in and out of sleep.
You didn’t think it was possible to love somebody so deeply, and yet you managed to fall a little more in love with him every single day. “The longer you take to do this, the longer it is until I have sex with you behind the building like you asked.”
“Get the directions.”
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hoodharlow · 3 years
The Rat
EL Novio Quarantine Edition: Part 2
AN: Here's Part 2. It was suuposed to be posted yesterday but I spent the whole day out running errands, and I got home late. Hope you enjoy
Warnings: Mentions of dog bites, blood, waiting room scene, some sex jokes, baby talk and baby fever (idk if it’s baby fever but yeah lol)
Word Count: 2.2k 
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"Your mans fans can't be this oblivious." Medelyn told Claudia, sliding her phone to read yet another tweet about Calum and Claudia's friendship. 
At the start of quarantine, fans were surprised to see that Calum was in Torrey Pines and not at his house in Los Angeles. They weren't surprised to see him at the Santos' home. They all gathered that he has become a friend of the family. Some of their fans joked that he was using Claudia to get to Diego so he can then get to Guy Fieri since he obsessively watched Guy's Grocery Games. Some fans didn't think much of it, they were just happy to get Calum content whenever Claudia would record him trying her baking goods for TikTok. 
The one thing that they never guessed is that they were dating. The few fans that listened to Claudia's podcast knew that her boyfriend was staying with her and her family. They just didn't know her boyfriend is Calum. 
"They are." Claudia said, taking a large gulp of her licuado. "They're still trying to figure out if the girl from Taylor's party and Benito's album release are the same person. They're struggling because my hair was straight in New York and curly in Miami."
"Stop," Medelyn laughed. "Speaking of your mans, where is he?"
"He took Duke and Panchito out on a walk. My dad doesn't need him at the restaurant until later." 
"I still can't believe Diego is making him make deliveries." 
"He's gotta pull his weight." Claudia joked.
Medelyn went to check on her sleeping newborn in the living room where he slept on a bassinet. She came back a few minutes later to keep talking to Claudia. It was still a surprise to anyone that knew them back in high school to see them get along. A few weeks ago they talked about it in Claudia's podcast and dissected why they didn't like each other in high school. It had mostly to do with the internalized misogyny and how because they were both latina, they both couldn't be at the top. One of them had to fail while the other was successful. Listeners compared it to how Naomi Campbell and Tyra Banks were pitted against each other. But unlike the supermodels, Claudia and Medelyn were able to put their differences aside and eventually became friends. 
The barking of multiple dogs was heard out in the front yard. Claudia got up from where she was sitting and went to see what was going on. The front door opened and closed as she tied her shoes. 
"That fucking rat has it out for Duke and Panchito and it's owner has it out on me." Calum cursed, unclipping Duke and Panchito's leashes. 
Claudia scoffed and watched him take off his shoes. "You're being dramatic. Mrs. Garner and her dog are literally so nice." 
"The rat nearly attacked Panchito. If it weren't for Duke, we'd be on our way to the animal hospital."
"Ah ha okay."
"Claudia, I'm being serious." Calum got up and put away the leashes in the coat closet. "If you get bitten by that rat then don't come crying that you need a ride to the hospital."
"How the fuck did we end up watching three kids and a baby?" Claudia asked Calum as she slipped on some leggings. "They're not even ours."
"Because you wouldn't let me battle your brother in rock paper scissors. You're so predictable when you play." He said. 
Calum leaned back on her bed and watched her get changed for their hike. It wasn't really a hike, they're just going to walk on the dirt trail behind the neighborhood with her niece and nephews while Danny and Medelyn spend some time together. 
He gently smacked Claudia's ass a few times, watching it bounce against the fabric of her leggings. "I fucking love your ass."
"And I love yours. Jesse is a miracle worker." She said repeating his actions. 
Calum rolled his eyes and followed Claudia out of her room to the living room. Guito, Paloma and Damian sat on the couch watching Duck Tales as they passed a giant bowl of popcorn. The three kids looked nothing alike, but it was obvious they were Junior and Marlene's kids. They all had distinct features from their parents. After spending time with them, it always left Calum wondering about how his kids with Claudia would look like. 
Of course they haven't talked about having kids anytime soon. Claudia was about to graduate and attend grad school at UCLA. Calum knew better than to get in the way of her academic future. For now he just kept the thought of kids to himself. He also knew that Diego would murder him if he uttered baby making and Claudia in the same sentence.
Claudia emerged from the kitchen with a lunch bag and waters. She squatted down in front of the stroller and put in the things in the bottom basket along with the diaper bag Medelyn packed for them. She turned back and caught Calum's eyes permanently glued on her ass. 
"I'm gonna ask Danny for a rematch." he said, pushing himself up from the couch. 
"No you're not." Medelyn said, stopping him. "We need this. We stopped having sex the minute I couldn't see my feet. And add the forty days I couldn't do anything. We need this."
"Cal, don't worry. We'll be back in a blink. Danny is gonna need at most five minutes." Claudia said. She wrapped her arms around him, and pushed back his growing curls. She kissed his cheek and whispered. "When we get back I'll suck your dick."
"Let's get this show on the road." Calum told the kids. "When we get back, Danny and Medelyn can take all of you to Coldstone."
"Can we get Ice Cream cake?" Paloma quietly asked him. 
The three kids cheered. One by one, they went to the front door and put on their shoes. Calum carried the stroller down the steps and helped Claudia put Sebastian in the stroller. After spending a good five minutes on the importance of 'Slip-Slop-Slap' and sunscreen, the party of six plus Duke and Panchito were on their way. The kids walked just a few feet ahead of Claudia while she pushed the stroller. Calum stayed back with Duke and Panchito. He didn't mind, the trail was slightly slanted and it gave him a spectacular view of Claudia's ass. 
About halfway around the trial they all stopped at a bench under a tree. The kids sat down and ate some Gansitos. Claudia set down two bowls of water for Duke and Panchito to drink. 
"You think they're done?" Calum asked Claudia when sat on the ground. 
“Honestly, the last thing on my mind is how long my brother takes o fuck his girlfriend.” She said reaching over for her water.
He took off his windbreaker, leaving him shirtless. He stretched and flexed his muscles. 
"You're so rude." Claudia said before taking a large gulp from her pink Hydro Flask. 
They stayed in the shades area for another half an hour and then turned back home. Claudia and Calum fell into step while the kids raced each other distances determined by what they saw on the ground. They made a quick pit stop at the kids' house because Damian had too much water. He couldn't hold it until they got back to Claudia's house, who lived four houses up the same street. 
When they got to the house, they found Danny and Medelyn passed out on the couch while 'Sortilegio' played in the background. Claudia placed Sebastian on his bassinet and unclipped Duke and Panchito's leashes. Damian and Guito stayed outside wanting to play some soccer with Calum. So Claudia and Paloma migrated to the kitchen to make some brownies. 
 Paloma left to play on her iPad the second Claudia placed the baking dish on the oven, leaving her to do all the cleaning. 
A loud growl followed by a scream came from outside where Calum and the boys were. The front door slammed open with Calum carrying Damian with Guito following him. 
"The rat bit him." Calum told Claudia when he sat Damian on the counter. 
"Let me see." Medelyn said motioning Calum to step aside. She snapped her fingers at them. "Someone get me a first aid. Hopefully he doesn't need stitches."
Calum went to the pantry and grabbed the box hanging on the wall. Medelyn took it and got to work on Damian's arm.
After five minutes of tending the bite, Medelyn wrapped up his arm in a gauze and motioned Calum, Claudia and Danny. 
"He needs stitches. The cut is pretty deep and he may need a shot, too." She said. 
"Fuck." Danny cursed. 
"I'll take him." Calum volunteered. 
"I'll go with you." Claudia said. 
After lots of convincing and crying, Damian, Claudia and Calum were on their way to a community clinic. Claudia's knee bounced while they waited for Damian's name to be called. He had fallen asleep on Calum's arms. 
She texted Junior and Marlene updates. They were waiting outside in the parking lot for them. Ten more minutes pass until they call for Damian. Claudia stayed back while Calum went with him since he was there when the bite happened. Half an hour later they came out. 
"So?" Claudia asked anxiously. 
"The nurse gave Tío Cal her number, but he said no thank you." Damian said sticking a Spider-Man sticker on his shirt. 
"Oh?" Claudia quirked an eyebrow at him. 
"I still got it." Calum smirked. 
"You say that as if you're fifty and not twenty-four." She snorted. 
They made their way to the parking lot. Damian let go of Claudia's hand and went to hug his mom. He proudly told Junior and Marlene that the stitches and the shot didn't hurt. Calum briefly told them what happened and how the someone from the Humane Society was going to over in a few days to put the dog on house arrest. 
Damian rode with his parents on the way back to Claudia's. The car ride was quiet. Calum and Claudia didn't even bother to put on music or a podcast.
"You okay?" she asked him when they got to her house. "Regret not taking the nurse's number?"
"Funny," He said. He took off his cap and scratched his head. "Just thinking about Damian and everything. I don't know, I just feel like this is my fault. Obviously it's not, I wasn't the one who bit him nor that was my dog. But I just can't help thinking that if we played in the backyard like we always do, he wouldn't have gotten bitten."
"I have no idea how to respond because I don't wanna dismiss what you're feeling, ya know. But I just wanna say that I'm very impressed at how responsive and on top of it you were. Like when we have kids, I'm not gonna worry because I know you'll be at my side ready." She said. 
"When?" Calum asked. 
Claudia's eyes widened, realizing what she said. 
"Shit. I didn't mean it like that. Like today when we babysat. You knew what to do and stuff…"
"Miss Santos do you wanna have my children?" He teased her. Noting how uncomfortable she got, he stopped laughing. He cleared his throat and silently counted to five. "Would you ever want kids?" With me? He added in his head.
Claudia stopped playing with the elastic on her facemask and turned on her side and faced him. Calum mirrored her actions and shyly smiled at her. 
"I didn't think we'd have this talk so soon." She giggled. 
"Better sooner than later." he shrugged. "I'd want some or at least one."
"Preferably with you of course. But if Katy Perry drops Orlando Bloom, then we go our separate ways."
"That's fine, I'll just hit him up." She giggled. "Jokes aside, I do want kids. Just not right now. I mean we're in a pandemic for fucks sake. I also feel like it's too soon. Like my parents and brothers had their kids pretty young. I don't want to be responsible for someone when I'm barely learning to take care of me, you know? Like once we're more settled down and whatnot we can talk about starting a family. But for now I don't wanna share you with anyone."
"I agree with you 100%." Calum said, pulling her to kiss her. He pulled away. "We probably shouldn't kiss after coming from a clinic."
"You're right." Claudia laughed, pulling away from him. She pointed behind her. "Plus my dad's watching us."
Claudia and Calum took out their grocery bags from Calum's car when someone cleared their throat behind them. It was Mrs. Garner, the owner of the dog that bit Damian. A few days ago the Humane Society came by and put her poodle mix on house arrest for two weeks.
"Hi, Mrs. Garner." Claudia greeted, pulling up her mask to cover her nose and mouth. 
"You're going to regret the day you crossed me and reported my baby, mark my words. You don't know who you're messing with." 
With that Mrs. Garner turned on her heel and went back to her house. 
"What the fuck?" Claudia said, trying not to laugh. 
"C'mon, your ice cream and dino nuggets are going to melt." Calum motioned her. 
Claudia turned back to Mrs. Garner's house and then back to Calum. "Has she always had cameras in front of her house?"
Taglist: @f-mu​ @another-lonely-heart​​ @sunshinebabycal-deactivated2021​   @calumscalm​​ @karajaynetoday​​ @cherryxwildflower​​ @myloverboyash​​  @idontneedanyone​​ @findingliam-o​​ @5-secondsofcolor​​ @spicycal​​ @sexgodashton​​ @fckingpernico​​ @2fangirl4u​​ @calpops​
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hello! can you write prongsfoot one where James is injured. Maybe after one of Snape's special hexes. Or maybe a potion which has bad influence on James and it takes a while to recognize it. He frays out day by day (hope i used the right word lol) and finally Sirius is the one who recognizes it more than anyone. so thanks in advance
If you don't that's cool too. and i hope you have a good day
"Are you okay?" Sirius asked, looking concerned. He didn't do that very often. He worried about James pretty damn often-- James knew that for a fact-- but he usually didn't show it. He nudged and teased, and he stared quite a bit, but that could be because they were dating, and not because he was worried. It was pretty even odds, he thought. Right now, Sirius looked out and out concerned for him, and that wasn't normal. It wasn't how they operated.
Even though James felt fine, Sirius looking at him like that made him feel as if there was something wrong with him. "I'm fine," he said, because he was.
"Are you sure?"
"Do I have a reason not to be?"
"You've seemed really tired, lately."
"Everyone's tired; it's last minute studying for NEWT's."
Sirius hesitated. Another uncharacteristic thing.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm worried about you," he said. Just like that, he said it. He didn't hide it behind false confidence or pretend that he was thinking about something else. "You've been off lately, and it's like you don't even know that something's going on with you."
"If you already think that something's wrong with me, then why'd you bother asking?"
"I was hoping you'd talk to me, but now I'm not convinced you noticed. I mean, really, studying? We're barely studying, and you're more exhausted than Moony the day after a full moon."
"That's not true," he replied, frowning. "We spend all our time outside of class getting ready."
"No, we spend all of our time thinking that we should be studying, but we end up fooling around and only working for like an hour."
James's frown deepened. What Sirius said was true, so why was he so tired? He knew that everyone was worried about exams, so he'd assumed that that's why he felt this way. But Sirius was right, and they weren't spending near as much time on that as everyone else was. "I dunno. Maybe I'm feeling stressed about it anyways. You know, Wormtail was talking about people can be effected by stress without realising it? That's gotta be what this is."
"Since when do you feel stressed?"
"It happens," James said defensively.
"Sixth year comes to mind, a month before winter hols."
Sirius didn't flinch because he didn't do obvious tells like that, but he withdrew.
James chewed on the inside of his cheek, feeling guilty. It was a low blow to bring that up, and he knew it. Unfortunately, it was the only example he could think of for a time when he was stressed, because Sirius was right: he didn't get stressed. That time had been unique, a single spike in an otherwise straight line.
"Nothing like that has happened recently. But fine, you want to wear yourself out because you don't trust me, then that's your business," he said, turning his attention back to his textbook.
"Sirius," James said, pleading.
Sirius didn't so much as twitch an eyelid. He was a lot better at this ignoring thing than James had ever been.
"You know I trust you, but I don't think there's anything wrong. There's nothing for me to be stressing over, so maybe I'm just tired. Nothing else going on."
"People don't get tired for no reason," Sirius said in his usual bored tone. His usual for other people, not James.
But James deserved it, so he wasn't going to get mad about it. Also because it took a hell of a lot to get him mad at Sirius. This didn't even come close to doing it, a fact Sirius was well aware of. "You got tired last year."
"Yeah, and that wasn't for no reason."
"You told me it was for no reason."
"I did not."
"Yes, you did. I'd remember if you told me that something was wrong."
"It was implied."
"You can't imply things to me. We've been over this. You have to say it flat out to my face, in as many words, or I'm not going to get it."
"At the time, I didn't want you to get it. Don't worry, I moved past it by the time we started snogging."
"Dating," James corrected.
"Whatever," he said flippantly, but it was the sort of flippant he usually was, so James figured that they were fine.
He'd thought that would be the end of it. After all, Sirius hadn't said anything more about it that day. Evidently, Sirius was biding his time, because two days later, he brought it up again.
"Are you sure you're okay? You look a bit peaky."
"Wow thanks," James said flatly, but the truth was that he wasn't feeling great. Until Sirius had mentioned it initially, he hadn't noticed that anything was wrong. He'd felt tired, yes, but he hadn't noticed that it was every single day until it was brought to his attention. Once that happened though, he felt like he was getting worse. At first, he'd thought it was just a cold, but a cold had never hit him this hard.
Not to mention the nightmares. He hadn't connected them to his exhaustion before. It might seem obvious, but he didn't wake up in the middle of the night from them. Besides, they were less nightmares and more... odd dreams. They weren't frightening. They left him feeling uncomfortable, not necessarily scared. He didn't even remember them when he woke up. Honestly, if Sirius hadn't said that he noticed something was wrong, James wasn't sure he ever would have been aware of them. All the same, he didn't think they were related.
"I dunno. I think it's getting worse."
"What's getting worse?"
"Whatever's making me this tired. I barely got out of bed this morning."
"I noticed." Sirius looked at him, worry clear on his face. Evidently, he thought that if James was admitting something was wrong, it was horrible. Which was a little unfair, in his opinion. "I'll walk you to the Hospital Wing."
"I'm capable of walking there by myself."
"Please?" Sirius said, blinking over at him innocently.
He played so sodding dirty. He knew that James couldn't resist it when he did that.
"Fine, but you don't get to whinge if Madame Pomfrey tells you to leave without me."
"Request denied," he said, grabbing James's hand as they started to walk down the corridor. "I will most certainly whinge about it, and there's nothing you can do to stop me. Besides, maybe she'll just give you a Pepper-Up and then we can be on our way. Go for a quick fly about the pitch before we go to the library, yeah?"
"You're encouraging us going to the library?"
"Maybe I want to snog you in a dark corner," Sirius admitted with a grin.
"We could just snog in our room."
Sirius waved him off. "We always do that. We're graduating soon. Do you really want to look back on this time and realise that we didn't fool around in every possible place in this castle?"
"I don't think it would bother me as much as it bothers you," James teased.
Things continued in that vein as they walked. Teasing and shoving, then talking about what they'd do when they graduated. Most of the walk was spent arguing over what kind of couch they wanted in their flat. Sirius said they should have a yellow couch, James thought it should be red. They hadn't come to an agreement by the time they reached the Hospital Wing.
James explained his persistent exhaustion, and Madame Pomfrey said that it was probably nothing to worry about and blamed the same thing that he had: exams. All the same, she cast a diagnostic spell, "Just to be sure, dear."
Then she frowned.
And that was when James got worried. "What?"
"What is it? What's wrong?" Sirius asked. Since Madame Pomfrey thought it hadn't been anything, she'd let Sirius stay.
"It appears to be a curse, but it's not one that I've ever seen."
James's first thought was to blame Snape. Then he thought that might be unfair. After all, the two of them hadn't crossed wands in over a month; they both had better things to do with their time. Then he remembered that this had been going on for a while, long enough that Snape very well might be the cause.
"How long has this been effecting you?"
"I dunno," James said.
"Six weeks," Sirius answered.
James looked over at him, but he was still looking at Madame Pomfrey.
"You really should've come to me sooner," she said, bustling away to her potions cabinet.
"I was just a bit tired; I didn't think it meant anything," James protested. It's not like he was hopeless. He was perfectly capable of taking care of himself. If this had been a bigger problem, he would've noticed. It's not like he was bleeding from his eyes or summat; it was just a little sleep.
"Much longer of this, and you would've never woken up!"
He blinked at her, hand clenching around Sirius's reflexively.
"My word, you students throwing curses at each other without caring about the consequences! I swear," she said.
James thought it was probably for the best that he not correct her and say that they were thinking about the consequences, but they wouldn't be consequences she approved of them wanting. He kept it to himself, but he knew that Sirius was thinking along the same lines.
"Fortunately," Madame Pomfrey continued, "it seems fixable. Drink this." She pressed a white bottle into his hands. He'd never seen a potion in a white bottle, and he was suspicious to say the least. "Drink," she insisted.
James shot Sirius a look. "If this kills me, say something pleasant at my funeral, yeah?"
"Don't be so bloody dramatic," he said, which was rich, coming from him. "You'll be fine."
"Easy to say when you're not the one drinking a potion of questionable origin." Then, because he didn't want for Madame Pomfrey to glare at him or send Sirius out of the room, he drank it. It tasted like goat's milk. He hated it. "Am I fixed?" he asked her.
"I wouldn't count on it," she said. "That was to prevent it from getting worse. Come back and see me tomorrow after breakfast but before classes start. Curses aren't broken so easily by potions, a fact you should both be well aware of."
They were, but he'd been hopeful. Merlin, it's like she wanted to berate him for getting himself cursed. And, he wanted to add, this time hadn't even been his fault. He'd (mostly) behaved himself all this term, doing nothing to deserve this. Arguably, he deserved it as some sort of back payment for what he'd done over the years, but he'd rather thought that Snape was as tired of it as he was.
James promised to be back in the morning, and they left.
"I can't believe that tosser cursed you. Just wait until I get my hands on him. I'll-"
"You'll do absolutely nothing," James interrupted. "We're only in classes for two more weeks."
"It could've killed you!"
"Didn't, and then we'll never have to see him again. It's a pretty big country."
"Big country, small Wizarding World," Sirius argued. He was getting more upset the more time past, so James did what he usually did when he didn't know how to make him feel better: kissed him.
"I don't want revenge. Let's keep working on our final prank, our NEWT's, and enjoying the rest of our time at Hogwarts. That's all I want." He kissed him again for good measure.
"And getting into my pants doesn't factor into this at all?" Sirius asked, his mood already turning from bad to good.
"Hm? Me?" James said, feigning innocence. "I would never."
"Just be glad that I'm getting back to normal," James said with a grin. Already, he wasn't feeling as tired. He hadn't realised how much it was draining him until it started to alleviate.
"Yeah, you were so hard to deal with. Always lying around, not doing anything exccept looking at me adoringly. However did I survive?"
"It's a miracle, Padfoot, it really is."
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atlafan · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Two
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry. (No smut yet, getting closer though.)
Part One
Harry drove straight to Niall’s apartment, and banged on the door as soon as he got there.
“Good thing I didn’t have a woman over!” Niall says to him, letting Harry walk in. “So, how was the date?”
“It was great, actually.”
“Don’t sound so surprised, I wouldn’t set you up with some idiot.”
“Well, you have before.”
“And yet you still trusted me.” Niall’s phone buzzes, he check it and smiles.
“Is that her?”
“Oh no, I’m not stayin’ in the middle of this. Did you give her your number?”
“Alright, so text her.”
“It’s too soon. Maybe in a little while I certainly won’t wait until tomorrow.”
“Did anything happen between you two?”
“She kissed me on the cheek before she got into her car. I would have liked to do more, but I didn’t want to push it.”
“Good idea. I won’t fill you in on too much because it’s not my story to tell, but she’s been burned in the past, so taking it slow with her is smart.” Harry plops down on the couch.
“She’s so smart, and funny. There was never a lull in conversation. And she complimented my nails. Like, she genuinely liked them.”
“Why wouldn’t she?”
“I don’t know, you know how some people can be.”
“When do you think you’ll see her again?”
“No idea. I don’t want to seem too eager.” Niall’s phone buzzes again. “It is her! What is she saying?”
“Nothing, she just thanked me for setting her up with such a nice guy, and that she had a really nice time.” Harry smiles a toothy smile.
“We really did have a nice time. Ugh, the dress she wore, it was breathtaking.” He slaps his forehead with his palm.
“I’m such an idiot, I never even complimented her appearance.”
“That could be a good way to start a conversation over text later.”
“Brilliant! I’ll give it an hour or so.”
Harry left Niall’s after an hour. When he got home, he settled into a pair of sweatpants, and got cozy on his couch, flipping the TV on. He grabbed his phone and texted you.
“I had a great time tonight. I forgot to tell you how beautiful you looked.” He awaited your reply nervously. Within five minutes, you responded.
“I had a great time too, and thank you!” You had sent along the smiling emoji with the blushing cheeks.
You two texted back and forth for about an hour, until you passed out. He figured as much when you stopped responding, and put himself to bed. The next morning you frantically texted him.
“So sorry, I fell asleep!”
“G’morning beautiful.” He promptly responded. This sent butterflies through your stomach and made you squeal. Suddenly you were in high school again, getting excited over as something as simple as a good morning text. “What are you up to today?”
“Just the usual Sunday routine, cleaning, grocery shopping, meal prepping. All that fun stuff ;)”
“Sounds about the same as my routine, lol”
The texting dwindled by midday. You both got busy with other things. Sunday evening you decided to do a little self-care, and put a clay mask on while watching TV. Just as you were settling in, you heard the buzzer for your apartment, and saw a missed call from Niall.
“Is it just you down there?”
“Of course, who else would be with me?”
“You know who!”
“Would ya just let me up?!” You rolled your eyes and buzzed him in.
He immediately burst into laughter when he saw your face. You swatted at him to stop. You went into the bathroom to wash everything off.
“What are you even doing here?” You asked, coming back into the living room. He was now seated on your couch.
“I wanted to hear about your date.”
“It couldn’t wait until tomorrow?” You asked, sitting down next to him.
“No because we would just get interrupted with work. He came over last night right after.”
“Really?” You perked up.
“Mhm, he had a great time. Did he end up texting ya?”
“Yeah we talked all night, and he said good morning to me today. It was so sweet.”
“Oh good, he was nervous it would be too soon to contact you.”
“You don’t have to do this y’know.”
“Do what?”
“Become this middle man.”
“S’not what I’m doin’. I just wanted to see how you were. I’m your friend, and I never want to see you how were like that last time.” A flash back to your horrible appearance from your depressive episode plays in your head.
“That was over a year ago. I’m much better now. I saw a therapist remember? I wasn’t treated right, and I blamed myself, but I don’t anymore. That guy was just a jackass. Harry seems really sweet.”
“He is, he’s one of the nicest guys I know.”
“He told me you became really good friends because you both don’t like wearing clothes.” You can’t hide your laughter.
“That asshole.” He laughed along with you.
The next day at work, you brought Niall a coffee. You couldn’t stop thinking about Harry. You hadn’t texted anymore, but you didn’t think much of it. Around noon, just before you went to meet Niall for lunch, you got a call. You saw Harry’s name, and closed your office door.
“Afternoon beautiful.” You blush and silently squeal to yourself.
“Afternoon, handsome.” You hear a small chuckle. “What’s up?”
“Nothin’, I was just wonderin’ when I could see ya next.”
“Oh, well, how about Friday after work?”
“Too long from now. Do you not go out on school nights?” He teased. You couldn’t help but laugh.
“Something like that. I like to go to the gym after work, and by the time I get home I eat dinner, shower up, have a little time for TV, and then go to bed.”
“I suppose Friday could work. Honestly, if I met you for lunch or something I don’t think I’d be able to let you go back to work.” He said in a playful tone, trying not to sound controlling.
“Did you have anything in mind? Dinner again?” You didn’t mind going out to eat again.
“Sure, we could do that. Something less formal though.”
“That sounds good to me.” There’s a knock on your door. “I gotta go, but I’ll text you later to flesh out the details.”
“Alright, talk you soon.”
You hang up and open your door to find Niall, he sighs with relief.
“Christ, I thought you left and I was going to be forced to eat with those old biddies.”
“I would never do that to you.” You grab your lunch box and head with him to the break room. “Harry just called, we’re going out Friday after work.” You say, both sitting down at a small table.
“That’s great! Where are ya gonna go this time?”
“Don’t know yet.” You shovel some food into your mouth. “Somewhere more casual. I’d love to go like one of those adult arcades or something, maybe I’ll suggest that.”
“Oh he’d love that. But be careful, he tends to get competitive.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, thanks.” You smile at your friend. You know he means well, and you appreciate him looking out for you.
That night after work, you decide to be bold and give Harry a call after getting home from the gym.
“Good evening.” He says.
“Hey, sorry for not getting back to you earlier, I had meetings all afternoon, I barely got anything done.”
“S’no problem, love.” Must be a British thing that he keeps calling you love.
“I thought of something fun we could do Friday.”
“Oh really? Lemme hear it.”
“How about going to one of those adult arcades? Like Dave and Busters?”
“Oh, that sounds like great fun. They have dinner and stuff there too. I don’t think there’s one around here though.”
“There’s a place like it, sort of an off brand version. I’ve been a couple times with my girlfriends, it’s a lot of fun.”
“Sounds good to me. Good way to blow off steam at the end of the work week.”
“For sure.”
The place you suggested was called Pinz. It was this massive adult arcade that also had bowling. There were two giant bars, and plenty of places to sit and have a meal. You had been for a bachelorette party and it was so much fun. There’s something for everyone to do.
You and Harry text and call each other throughout the week. By the time Friday rolls around you’re extremely excited to see him face to face again. You pack everything you’re going to wear that night in your work bag as you agreed to meet around six. The day went by surprisingly quick. You locked your office door so you could get changed. You put on a dark pair of skinny jeans, and a pair of black booties. Next you put on a red short sleeve top. You changed necklaces, and freshened your perfume. Your hair was in a high, wavy pony, and you liked the way your hair cascaded over your shoulders, so you kept it like that. As you walked out, you bumped into Niall.
“Well don’t you look lovely?” He said.
“Aw, thank you. I’m so excited to see him.”
“He’s excited too.”
You exchanged goodbyes as you made your way to your cars. You fell a little nervous driving up to the bar. You had second date jitters for sure. You got there a little before six. You wanted to have a drink before he got there, or at least start one. Around six fifteen, half way through your drink, you get a text from him saying he just parked. You smiled and told him you were inside already. Moments later you see him walk in. He was wearing black jeans, which were slightly ripped at the knees. He also had on a pair of boots. He had a green t-shirt on, and smiled the minute he saw you.
When he got over to you, this time instead of a handshake, he took you in for a gentle hug. He noticed the drink in your hand.
“Starting without me I see?” You look down and your face goes red. “Teasing.” He orders himself a drink. “Cool place, it’s massive.”
“Yeah, there’s definitely plenty to do.”
“Would you mind if we ate first? I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t starved. I had to skip my lunch today.”
“Of course!”
You two are seated in just a few minutes. Harry frowns when he looks at the menu.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothin’, just a lot of like chicken wings and ribs and stuff. Not sure what I can eat is all.”
“Shit, I’m so sorry. I figured we’d get some apps like mozzarella sticks or spinach dip, I completely forgot you don’t eat cheese. If you want we can leave and come back.”
“No, no, it’s fine. I’ll get a salad or something. Look here, chips and guac. Do you like guacamole?”
“Love it!”
“Then we can split that if you like.” He gives you a smile, and you feel at ease.
You both get a garden salad, and the chips and guac. Once you’re both properly fed, you get two more drinks, and head over to the arcade section. You start off the with basketball game. Usually Harry would be competitive, but he gets distracted by the way your shirt subtly lifts up when you shoot, just barely seeing your midriff. He notices your belly piercing and smirks. He makes up his baskets, and ends up beating you at the game.
Next you go to ski ball, which you end up beating him at, not that either of you were keeping score. You both shied away from the games that were literally just for winning tickets. You share many laughs, and before you know it, you’re drunk. How did you manage to get drunk at the arcade? Salad. You literally ate the lightest thing on the menu. He seemed to be a bit buzzed, but doing better than you.
“Mind if we sit for a bit?” You ask him. Music was starting to play. The DJ must have just gotten there. Oh yeah, there’s a dance floor here too, you remember.
“Sure thing.”
You find a high top to sit at, and Harry gets you both some water.
“Thank you, I’m parched.” The cold water slaps the back of your throat, careful not to drink too much in fear of throwing up.
“This place is great.” He smiles at you.
“I’m glad you’re having a good time. I never asked you earlier, why did you skip lunch?” A little hiccup comes out, and you cover your mouth.
“Just a busy day shootin’ pictures. We had a tough time getting the lighting just right. I’m too picky for my own good sometimes.”
“Do you ever travel for work?”
“Sometimes, not as often as I used to. I don’t quite like traveling anymore.”
“Why’s that?”
“Well for work at least. I mean, I’m about to turn twenty-six, it was getting old barely spending time at my apartment that I pay way too much rent for to not actually live in it. I’d rather travel on my own time, and take pictures that I want to take. Not just follow a shot list.”
“That makes a lot of sense.” You say nodding along to his story. He looks at his watch. It’s already nine.
“Not to sound too forward or anything, but would you care to get outta here? I’m not much one for dancing, and it’s getting louder in here by the second.”
You stand up, and he puts his hand on the small of our back to help guide you through the people. As you walk outside the fresh air hits you, and it feels amazing. You look up at him concerned.
“I think I’m too drunk to drive.” He laughs.
“Don’t worry, love, I can drive us.”
“You’re okay to?”
“Yeah, I didn’t have that much, remember you were a whole drink ahead of me.” He winks at you. “I can always pick you up tomorrow to get your car.” You appreciate that he’s clear about not spending the night together.
“That would be great. We can go hang out at my place if ya want?” You slur. “Might be easier if you already know where I live.”
“That works.”
He walks you to his car, and opens the door for you. You give him your address and he puts it in the GPS. You sober up a bit on the drive, but definitely still feel a buzz. You walk up the steps of your apartment, and open the door for him. You key in, and thank god you had thought to clean up.
Your apartment was cute and simple. It was a one bedroom, and you had an en suite bath. There was a half bath next to the coat closet as you first walked in. That was partially why you rented this specific place. You loved having a bathroom right there in case you really needed to pee. As you walk in to the main area there was an open concept kitchen and living room. You used a futon on as your couch so guests had a place to sleep if need be.
“This is a nice place you have.” He says looking around.
“Thanks, it’s definitely a big girl apartment. It’s nice to finally make enough money where I don’t need a roommate.”
“I know the feeling. It was nice living with Niall for so long, but after a certain point you just want your own space.”
“Can I get you anything?” You ask walking over to the kitchen, he follows and sits down on one of the stools at your island.
“Just some water would be great, love.”
You fill up two glasses of water, and hand him one. You guzzle yours down, and fill up another immediately. You realize how much you need to pee.
“Pardon me, I’ll be right back.”
You go use your bathroom, and freshen up your makeup. When you walk back out Harry has made himself comfortable on your couch. You see him scrolling through his phone. He smiles up at you when he notices you. He pats the spot next to him, and you sit down, tucking one leg under yourself.
“What’s your apartment like?” You ask, trying to think of something to say.
“Sorta like this actually. Only mine’s a studio.”
“Oh, you don’t mind just having your bed out?”
“I don’t have guests over often. I work a lot on the weekends sometimes. It’s enough space for me.” He gives you a half smile. “I’m sure eventually I’ll get something bigger, but for now it works. Less to clean too.”
“Good point. I started out in a studio when I first moved out of my roommate’s place, but I felt like I was in an oversized dorm. Once I saved up some money I got this place. Been here a little over a year now.”
“It’s a nice neighborhood too.”
“Yeah! No creeps in this building either. I feel really safe. Plus Niall doesn’t live too far away either.”
“Definitely nice to have a friend close by. Where do your girlfriends live?”
“A couple of them live together on the other side of town. My best girlfriend just got married about six months ago. Her and her boyfr-husband live in the suburbs in their house.”
“Wow, a house.”
“I know right? He’s an oral surgeon so he makes a ton of money. I think he covered their entire down payment.”
“Did she marry him for that fact?”
“No, they were friends for a long time actually. One day they both went out, got drunk, and hooked up. Next thing we all knew they were a couple.” You look down for a second then back up. “It really changed the group dynamic if I’m being honest. We all stopped hanging out as much, it was hard. But I’m happy for them. Then I met Niall at work and things got better too.”
“Can I ask, did you and Niall ever go out?”
“Oh, god no. I mean, don’t get me wrong, the accent had me swooning when we first met, but he’s more like a brother to me than anything. I wouldn’t survive that job without him. I’m not sure why he and I became such fast friends, but I’m glad we did.”
“He raved about you for a long time, and I always told him to just ask you out, but I’m glad he didn’t.” He lets out a nervous laugh.
“He’s just sweet like that.”
“He mentioned one time that you had really been through it, and he knew you were better off having a friend.”
“Yeah, um, a little over a year ago something happened, but…”
“Jesus, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have even brought anything up.”
“No, it’s okay. Maybe I’ll tell you some other time, but not tonight.”
“Fair enough, sorry.” He gives your bent knee a little squeeze, and takes it away. You miss his touch immediately.
“It’s okay, really.” You smile. “Sometimes I just don’t have a great judge of character I guess.”
“Can I ask you something?”
“What made you agree to a blind date?”
“I don’t know exactly. I was sort of getting sick of the online dating thing. Most of those things were just for hook ups anyway. I know twenty-four isn’t old, but I just felt like I was getting too old for it. I have to say, I wanted to cancel with you.”
“Why’s that?” He says, fake offended.
“Because I couldn’t find you online anywhere! I found your Instagram, but there was no picture of you. I practically stalked Niall’s Facebook, but I couldn’t tell which one you were in any group photo. And he wouldn’t show me a picture of you.” Harry laughs at your sloothyness.
“When I finished grad school I got rid of my Facebook, and turned my Instagram into my brand for my freelance work. I do have a private Instagram though, but it’s under a completely different username.”
“Hm, maybe you’ll show it to me?”
“Perhaps another time.” He winks at you. “I found you online, although I couldn’t see much.”
“My privacy settings are tight.”
“I noticed.”
“So, you saw my face then?”
“I did, and I still wanted to meet you.” You scoff and nudge his shoulder as he laughs at his bad joke. “Teasing.” He puts his hands up. “I saw your picture and couldn’t believe such a beautiful woman was single.” You roll your eyes with a smile.
“You know exactly what to say don’t you?” He shakes his head no. “What made you agree to a blind date?”
“Same reason as you, I guess. Although, I almost didn’t agree because that bastard has set me up with some real stinkers before.”
“Well I’m glad I wasn’t a stinker.” You laugh.
“Me too.” He puts his hand over yours and gives it a squeeze. You slump further into the couch, feeling relaxed by his touch. He furrows his eyebrows for a moment while he looks at you. He reaches his hand up, and swipes his thumb across your cheek bone. You nearly flinch. “Sorry, eyelash.” He holds it up so you can see. “Make a wish.” He smiles. You nearly melt. You close your eyes and blow softly on his thumb.
When you open your eyes back up to look at him, you notice his pupils have gotten larger. He leans in close, cupping your cheek with his hand.
“Is this alright?” He says in almost a whisper. You nod your head yes.
You close your eyes, and feel his lips brush against yours. He kisses you lightly, almost tender. You kiss him back, and lean into him. He puts his hands on your back to pull you a little closer. Your hands press flatly onto his chest. You both sink into the kiss. His lips tasted like mint from the gum he had chewed in his car. You want to part your lips for him to let him in and explore, but you’re also afraid to move too fast. You break the kiss and look at him. His eyes pop open and gives you a concerned look.
“Something wrong, love?”
“No, it’s just, I don’t want this to move too fast.” You try to keep a soft expression to assure him it’s more of a you thing than it is him.
“Alright.” He smiles at you. “Should I be going then?”
“That might be for the best.” He gets up, and you follow him out the hallway. “It was a really nice kiss though.” You say, surely blushing.
“I’d very much like to do it again sometime.”
“Me too.”
“What time should I grab you to pick up your car?”
“Fuck, I almost forgot about that. What time works for you, I’m on your schedule.”
“How about around ten? We could go for brunch if you like?”
“Oh I would love that Harry.” You beam at him. “Thank you for being so understanding tonight.”
“Don’t thank me, (y/n). You told me to stop so I did.” He smiled and shrugged. “I’ll see you tomorrow, goodnight.”
You pull him in for a hug, and quick kiss on the lips, which surprises him. He sighs happily when you finish your hug. He leaves and you sigh as well. You could kick yourself. You wanted more of him, you wanted to see how he actually tasted. But you were so scarred from the last time you started seeing someone that you just couldn’t do that to yourself again.
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greenygreenland · 4 years
If I Were You: Fives x Reader
-for reasons that make it easier for me, this takes place in the US in 2020, so yeah, COVID is a thing -it’s been a while since I’ve written any Star Wars one-shots. I’ve been so busy working on Wannabe lol Summary: You and Fives dream about each other, but you’ve never actually met face to face. You are from a different reality than his where Star Wars is fictional. You believe he’s real, but only can prove it to yourself when he appears in your world. Fives learns about how stressful life off the battlefield can be.
WARNINGS: Mentions of violence, stressing over grades, punishment by parents (more like implied. I won’t write it out, so it’s vaguely stated.)
You sat on a crate, watching the flames lick at the air as Fives smiled to himself. You liked having dreams like this, where you both comfortably sat by the fire, chatting about your contrasting lives. You used to believe Star Wars was a fictional world, until you had dreams about Fives. He was always so real in your mind anyway, and this only made you want to believe in his existence more. 
“I have a big test tomorrow, but I don’t think I’m going to do so well.” you mumbled with a sigh. “It makes me feel bad that I’m struggling with this while you struggle with an actual issue.” Fives shook his head, shrugging a little as if it explained everything. “But I was bred for this, for war I mean. If I weren’t a soldier, I don’t know what I’d be.” He chuckled. “I can’t imagine myself sitting in a classroom all day learning about geometry and algebra. There are some boys who like that stuff in the 212th, but it seems like a waste to me.” 
You nodded in agreement. “Exactly. School is only good for producing data-rich kids who lack experience, especially when they start working and finding jobs.” 
“That’s how I felt when I was first deployed. No matter how much training you get, or how much you learn, experience is the best teacher. And like Rex always says--”
“--experience outranks everything.” you said in unison. Fives smiles, and he looks rather happy that you know that. But of course you do, in your world he’s only a fictional character. A person created by some movie producer or director or something (he didn’t remember). It gave him a mixed a feeling, a doubt of his very existence. Was he purely fictional? A fragment of someone’s own imagination? 
But then you told him something he swore to never forget: Just because it’s happening inside your head doesn’t mean it isn’t real. The world works in mysterious ways. Maybe we were meant to meet.
And so he hung onto that, always looking forward to when he fell asleep and talked to you. You always looked forward to your dreams too, allowing yourself to forget all of your responsibilities and problems. You never had anything to worry about around Fives, and having him by your side made you feel safe.
“I wish we could meet for real.” You didn’t mean to say that out loud and instinctively looked to meet Fives’s gaze. He nodded in agreement, resting his arms on his knees. “Me too, but if we do I’d rather you not see how horrific the Clone Wars has been.” 
“I wish the Clone Wars could have ended differently.” 
Fives looks uncertain of your answer, and he wonders if he should ask what the outcome of the War is. He wants to, but deep inside, he knows he shouldn’t.
You awake in your bed, rubbing at your eyes as your alarm goes off. You turn it off, glancing at the time groggily. 6:00. A sigh leaves your lips and you roll out of bed. There’s movement in your sheets. You freeze, taking note of how human-like the form was. “It’s too early for this sleep paralysis demons, stop--” you rip off the sheets as fast as you can, “--oh...” You trail off, eyes wide in bewilderment. There’s a familiar man in your bed, except, he isn’t a man at all. 
He looks to be around your age, and more youthful with the slightest hint of baby fat around his cheeks. He’s cleanly shaven, with a tattoo on his right temple of the aurebesh number 5. You stare at him for a moment, admiring how young, he looks. He's suddenly rolling in your bed, mumbling in his sleep before he jolts up, eyes wide and awake. He’s worried, maybe even a little scared at how unfamiliar the surroundings are. He’s already in ARC trooper mode, scanning his surroundings and reaching for his nonexistent blaster. 
“Where...” You met his gaze, swallowing hard as if it’d help ground you. 
“Fives.” Your voice is almost a whisper. “How did you get here?” You couldn’t believe your eyes. He was alive, in your bed, real. He shakes his head and sits up in your bed, eyeing his ‘civiie’ clothes uncomfortably. “Uh...these aren’t mine.” he dumbly states. You have the urge to snort. “Of course they aren’t yours Fives.” A long sigh escapes your lips and you eye the time on your phone. “I don’t have time to figure out how you got here. I have school and need to go in fifteen minutes.” 
“Out of all the days I somehow show up, it’s on a school day?” Fives remarks. You pick through your closet, frantically pulling out a pair of clothes and shutting yourself in so Fives doesn’t see. “I have a big test, it’s first block and I’ve gotta walk to school.” You pull on your shirt and trousers, emerging from the closet with a frown. “I can’t be late, but I can’t just leave you here.”
“Should I, I don’t know, go with you?” 
“You’re not enrolled in school,” you reach for a brush and Fives can only stare in awe as you run it through your locks. “I’m not sure what to--” You pause, placing your brush down with a sigh. “Oh right.” 
“What do you mean, ‘oh right?” 
“Global pandemic. I have online school. On the bright side, my parents are away. They’ve been quarantined in another state for work reasons.” Fives suddenly feels very dumb. He recalled you talking about ‘COVID-19 ‘ and how it’s a bit like the Blue Shadow Virus. “School doesn’t start until another two hours, so why is my alarm on for six o’clock?” You power on your phone, switching through the alarms and disabling the ones you don’t need with a shake of your head. Fives is mesmerized. He likes how thin the device is, and how it fits in your sweater pocket like a piece of flimsi. 
You crawl around him, cuddling into your bed as he simply watches. “You’re going back to sleep?” You nod, placing your phone on its charger and closing your eyes. “We’ll figure out how you got here soon enough, and it’s not like there’s anything better to do.” Fives stares at your bed uncertainly. Was it really okay? You were a girl, after all, and this was your room. You beckon him over, and that’s when he decides to lie down. 
Sleeping in a bed couldn’t hurt anyway. And besides, he’s known you for a long time (how long, he’s unsure). He can’t help but note how humongous your bed is compared to the ones in the barracks on the Resolute. It’s so soft, and he feels like he’s laying down on clouds. 
“I’m jealous. Your bed’s really big and comfy. The boys would kill to sleep on something like this.” You smile, throwing your thick blankets on top of Fives. He’s about to say something, but you’re already asleep. It appals him how fast you’d done so, and again, he’s just the tiniest bit jealous. But that soon goes away as he relaxes into the soft blankets, savouring the warmth and comfort they provided. 
He doesn’t dream, and neither do you. 
You wake up to the sound of your alarm blaring, and it takes you every single bit of strength left in your body to slide it off. “Urgh.” You flop down and Fives lazily turns to face you. He opens his eyes, blinking the sleep away with a yawn. “Your bed is amazing.” You grin, climbing out of bed as Fives cuddles into your sheets. “I know, right?”
You open your laptop and log into Google classroom. Zoom awaits you, and it’s the first thing you open along with your quiz work. You sigh, begrudgingly turning on your camera as it starts.
“Good morning everyone.” your teacher says with a smile. “How is everyone doing today?” It’s awkwardly silent for a few moments before someone quietly says ‘good’. You wait for someone else to respond, but it’s silent again. Fives glances over at your computer. He silently crawls out of bed, carefully folding your blankets and ducking out of the camera’s view. 
“I guess everyone’s still asleep.” your teacher says with a chuckle. “The Zoom is open if you have any questions on the quiz. I’m not going to keep you here, so if you’d like, you can leave and get to work. You have until the end of the period.” You nod and exit out of the Zoom. Opening up the quiz, you scan over its contents. Your face begins to twist as you read through the problems, your stomach churning with unbelievable doubt. 
You were going to fail even though you spent all night studying.
“What even is this?” You scroll through the doc with a scowl, eyeing the equations and problems as if it were the scum of the Earth (which it was). “I’m going to fail. Wonderful.” Despite that, you get to work anyway, scribbling random numbers on a scrap piece of paper. Fives takes a seat on the chair next to you, curiously watching you work through the problems. 
“I thought you didn’t know how to do that.” 
“I don’t, but I’m trying to see if I can find the answers on the multiple choice questions through trial and error. If I get it wrong, then consider this test flunked.” Fives takes one glance at the paper you’re writing on and immediately regrets it. The equations look like a foreign language to him, with numbers and letters he wasn’t even sure could be possible. “That’s definitely not something they teach us on Kamino.” he says. “And stars am I glad for that.” 
You frown, scribbling out an equation with a groan. “I hate this!” Fives wishes he could help, but he doesn’t know how. Math isn’t something he’s done besides the basics of addition and subtraction. He knew decimals too, and a little bit about fractions, but that was all. It wasn’t enough to help you figure out how to use the equation  x = x0 + v0t.
“I feel really bad for you.” he muttered. You snorted. “I feel bad for me too.”
Fifteen minutes pass. Then twenty. Thirty. Forty. Forty-five....
“Done.” You typed in the last number and submitted the doc, running a hand through your hair as you did so. “I hate this class, but it’s required. Who even needs to know all this stuff anyway?” Fives doesn’t know how to respond, so he watches as you stress over your test. He had his own experiences of tests, but they were for ARC training, or drills he had to remember to keep himself alive on the battlefield. 
Like you said, this stuff was useless if you didn’t need it. 
The next three class flew by incredibly slowly. Fives didn’t have anything to do, so he watched you go about your day like it were a documentary. In a way, he found it interesting how simple yet complex your life was. You had six hours of school (which used to be seven before the pandemic), one lunch break around noon, and the rest of the day to finish assignments or relax. 
He envied how leisurely it was compared to his own life. You had free time to roam around the house or the neighbourhood once you were done, and a whole fridge full of flavourful foods he’s never even had once. Although your life was still stressful, it was lived in the bliss of never knowing the horrors of war.
“Okay, it’s lunch time.” you broke in with a relieved sigh. “Let’s go downstairs.” You opened the door. In Fives’s eyes, your house was a complete dream. “Wow. You have a nice house.” You smiled, leading him down the stairs. “It’s better than a barracks, that’s what. In most peoples’ eyes, my house is normal. It’s not too shabby, but not something you’d find in the town over.” 
“What do you mean?”
“Rich town. They’re known for the private schools--which are schools that cost money to be enrolled in. I go to a public school, but there’s really not much difference in the curriculums so it doesn’t matter to me. Save money, live better, Walmart.” Fives didn’t ask what a ‘Walmart’ is. As soon as you paused in front of the kitchen, he knew his jaw had hit the floor. 
There was a smug look in your eyes as you pulled a box of cereal out of the cabinet. “How about we eat a little bit of everything?” You tossed him the cereal box and he read the title. “That way you can experience it all.” Fives stared at the cereal box with furrowed brows. “’Kix’?” 
“I know right? Same name as your Kix.” 
Fives wasn’t a big fan of the cereal, but the candy you gave him? Force was that amazing. 
You both sat at the kitchen table, candy and chocolate wrappers everywhere. You’d clean up later, what mattered now was spending time with Fives before you figured out a way to get him home. “Isn’t it, I don’t know, lonely here?” he inquired. You fiddled with a candy wrapper, mindlessly scanning over it s ingredients. “I’m not sure. My parents are always away so I don’t see them much. I don’t have many friends and I don’t text them. I don’t really think I can say I’m lonely because I don’t know how it would feel to be lonely when I’m used to it.” 
Fives mulled over your lengthy answer thoughtfully. He thought about all his brothers, both the alive and fallen. He couldn’t imagine ever being separated from them, especially since he was around them 24/7. “Well for me,” he began, “I think I’d be lonely in such a big house. You know that I grew up around brothers, guess it’s all I’ve ever known. I’m never alone. I have my brothers.” 
You felt an equal sense of connection between yourself and Fives. Both of you did come from different worlds, but you understood not understanding something because that was what you were used to. You couldn’t imagine ever having people around while Fives couldn’t imagine being on his own. Slowly, you gathered the candy wrappers, depositing them in the rubbish bin before glancing at the clock. “I have two more classes.” Your voice was quiet. “You can hang around here if you want, I’ll be upstairs.” 
Fives winced to himself when you disappeared. He had hit a sore spot. 
Three days later, 14:20, Friday
“Done, done, and done. Happy Friday to you and happy Friday to me.” you mumbled to yourself with a sigh. You thanked whatever was out there for no homework and shrank into your chair. There was a ‘ping!’ from your phone and you checked your email. 
First Period Quiz: Marked
You frowned, tapping on the email anyway. Suddenly, you froze, eyes wide over the score displayed on the screen. 
You failed. Well, of course you failed! You didn’t know a single thing on the stupid quiz anyway. A long sigh escaped your lips and you tossed your phone on your bed. You rested your head in your hands, heaving out deep breaths to steady out the shock. There were footsteps outside your door, and you didn’t need to see a face to know who it was. 
“What happened?” 
“That test this morning? Yeah, I failed. I studied all night, but it was useless anyway.” Fives didn’t miss the tremble in your voice. After being around so many brothers with trauma, he could identify that tone of voice in a heartbeat. Over these past three days, he learned a lot about you, and he knew you’d done the same. He found out that school was more important than anything to you. He surmised it was because of the pressure your parents put on your shoulders rather than something you chose to dedicate your heart to. He also found out your favourite colour was (f/c) and that you liked to (activity) and (activity).
On the contrary, you only learned about Fives’s habits and a few new things he liked to do or eat. He knew it was because he was, well, a fictional character in your world, but that was something he refused to dwell on (it’d give him an existential crisis). 
He took a seat by your side, gently placing a hand on your shoulder. You sniffled, and it was then that Fives knew he had to do something--fast. 
Tests weren’t something he personally cried about, but he had seen a few shinies do it in the past. “Hey, hey...” His voice was soft, gentle, like a warm breeze. “It’s okay. Can’t you, I don’t know, do a make-up test?” You shook your head sullenly. “No. My teacher doesn’t allow it.” 
“Oh.” He paused, rubbing circles on your back. “Well it’s not the end of the world, right? There will probably be more opportunities that can raise your grade.” 
“But I already have a ninety in that class!” You held back a few tears and raised your head. You couldn’t let Fives see you cry over something so pathetic. “I’m going to have an eighty-nine, and I can’t afford to do that! My mum wants me to go to Harvard, my dad wants me to go to MIT... Those are all IV League schools, the top of the top, and I can’t get there if I can’t keep my grades up. I--I just--I wish--” 
There’s another wave of tears that build up in your eyes and you bury your head in your arms. You heave out a shaky sigh as Fives scoots closer to you in support. You appreciate his presence, but you’re not sure he can really do anything to help you. He’s a soldier after all, not a professor from a university. He’s build differently, made differently, trained differently while you’re you. A teenager. A nobody who tries her best but can’t succeed. 
“My parents are going to be so mad at me. They’re going to...they’ll...” You know they won’t be home for at least another month, but that realisation is enough for the tears to burst and for you to start loudly sobbing. That test was the last to be submitted for the term, so even if you did try to persuade your teacher to allow you to do test-corrections, she would say no. You were going to have to accept a big, fat B on your report card. 
Fives doesn’t know what to say, but he knows that if Echo were here, he’d know exactly what to do. But Fives wasn’t Echo. He wasn’t good with words of comfort or really anything off the battlefield. He didn’t know this type of pain like you did. And so he asks the only thing he really can: “Is there anything I can do to help you?” 
You just want a shoulder to lean on, someone to physically be there for you after having no one for so many years. So Fives holds you, and you’ve never felt safer in his arms. He rocks you back and forth, hums a little song you know to be in Mando’a. What really matters is that he’s there, and that he has your back. No matter how different you both were, it was clear that pain could take shape in various forms. Some on larger scales than others. 
Fives knew that if he was you, he’d feel the same pain too. 
PT 2
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Stark’s Girl
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part 03/015 “i'll remind you of that everyday”
previous part // next part
word count 3.9k
an: yes hello! this part is important for a certain relationship :) but I won't say which one to force you to read it lol I do feel like this part falls to that “gotta have a fill in part before the next important thing happens” but it’s still cute
Tony Stark has been looking forward to this day for the last 6 weeks. A whole 45 days have passed once you were discovered, since you started your reconditioning, and today he was finally looking at the chance to get you out of this place. He had the whole next week planned: you’d come back with him to New York and he would get you all settled into your own place in the Avengers Tower, and let you readjust to life in the city. Then, he would put out the idea of you going with him to help finalize the details of the facility he was working on just north from there, and from there he would just get to spend some quality time with his sister away from the watchful eye of SHIELD.
It was overbearing for him to have to sit there with you and be watched but you had handled those situations calmly. You were a lot more relaxed then he was, even going as far as to comment on it to him. Sure, you were joking around, which he found amusing, but they didn’t find it that much so. They told him that “those kinds of comments are cynical and harmful to the healing process.”
But they wouldn’t ever understand. It was a Stark thing. The demeaning sense of humor was like a coping mechanism for them. But you were just funny all around.
When they had given you what looked to be inedible food, you pushed it around with your fork and mumbled, “Being held captive by Hydra for that many years they at least never handed me a pile of trash to eat.” Tony had to cough into his napkin from laughter, and snuck you in a fattening hamburger the same night, and you both discussed the times your father bribed you both (especially you) with those kiddie meals from your favorite diner in hopes of not spilling to your mother of all his late work nights if she was traveling.
Another time was when it was Tony, you, and Steve, whom he had asked for his help on assessing your physical “attributes”. He watched as you were able to hold your own against him, until the last moment and Steve had you pinned against the ground, “My dad never told me you were so aggressive with women, Steve, but I can see the appeal,” to which Steve had loosened his grip on you and you’d flip him in a matter of second, “he did tell me that you were often intimidated by women. Guess that was right.” Tony had a shit eating grin that day, while Steve disappeared for the next few hours. You, on the other hand, didn’t even seem to be phased by his disappearance. But what Tony didn’t know about were the nights he wasn’t with you, Steve was.
That night in particular he had joined you with his laptop, as per usual, and the latest addition to his bucket list. You were slowly working your way through the Star Wars saga, even though you remember the original movies when you were younger, the details of them were lost to you. So you had eagerly sat up when the door opened, making room for Steve to sit with you on your bed. He didn’t mention the occurrence earlier in the day, and you didn’t either. Really, what could he say? You bested him with your words. He wasn’t upset about it.
That night, while watching The Empire Strikes Back, he got to see you in a new light. He watched you from the corner of his eye be completely immersed in this situation. Relaxed.
It was a month since they had found you. And in that month Steve had learned a number of things. He learned that you were funny, you definitely shared that trait with Tony (although he would never admit that to him). He learned that when you were quiet you were actually analyzing the people around you, learning. You were smart and cunning, another thing you shared with Tony. He also learned that you don’t show your fear to others, not unless you trust them. At times, he felt you acted differently around Tony, and then around himself compared to others. Expected, yes, but he was . . . flattered in a way that you trusted him like that. But, on the other hand, you didn’t trust him as much as you trusted Tony. However, the nights where you two would spend alone time, it felt refreshing for him.
That night in particular, when the credits began to roll, he had never seen you react in the way you did. You had shot up from the bed, and had your hands rested on the side of your cheeks, mumbling to yourself, “Как они придумали это? Его отец? Джедай? (How did they come up with this? His father? A Jedi?)”
Steve chuckled to himself, and you shot him a daring glare, “Don’t laugh at me.”
“You didn’t see it coming?” He asked, to which you shook your head, and he laughed a bit to himself, closing his laptop. Something crossed your face, causing your brow to narrow and frown at him.
“So soon?”
Was that sadness he heard wrapped in your voice? He had tried to ignore it but it crossed his mind a number of times after that.
But today, Steve was looking forward to getting off this base once and for all. He was sitting in the meeting room, a number of SHIELD doctors entering, before Tony burst into the room, clapping his hands.
“Alright ladies and gentleman, let’s get this show on the road,” he greeted, earning not much of a response from the other agents, so he beelined for Steve. Tony sat next to him, resting an arm on the table and facing his companion.
“I’ve been looking forward to this day for the last 6 weeks,” Tony commented, and Steve crossed his arms over his chest, offering a nod.
“I’m sure you have, Tony.”
“Are you coming back to New York?” Tony asked, pulling a phone out from his jacket pocket. Steve shrugged his shoulders.
“Not sure, it’s time I got back to searching for Bucky,” he replied, earning a nod from Tony as he scrolled on his phone, typing every once in a while.
“Well thank you for these last few weeks,” he looked up from his phone, and smiled that toothy grin at him, “I needed someone here with me to help with her.”
“Of course, Tony,” he nodded, “how do you plan on introducing Pepper and her?”
“Carefully,” he sighed, sitting back in his chair, “Pep is in California right now, so it’ll give her a few days to settle in-”
As he was finishing his thought, the door opened up. Both men stood, as one shorter female agent entered, and followed shortly behind her was the new director (resurrected, or never really dead, that was classified). Phil Coulson looked just about the same, maybe a year or two older than the last time they saw him.
“Good morning everyone,” he greeted offering a kind smile as he pulled out the chair at the head of the table, “let’s get on with it shall we? Let’s start with the final evaluation.”
One of the doctors nodded and Coulson, Tony, and Steve all sat in their respective seats. The doctor opened up their file and cleared her throat.
“After careful evaluation, we’ve determined that Ms. Stark isn’t completely ready to be reintroduced to society.” Tony’s jaw dropped, and before he could interject she continued, “Over the last six weeks we have learned some things, but there is still much we aren’t aware of. She declines to share explicit details of her experience. When pressed further she goes silent and won’t speak further unless Mr. Stark or Captain Rogers are present, and even at that point in time, it’s casual. Not informative.
As far as physical evaluations, she appears to be completely healthy. Capable. The training she has and the little information we have determines she was trained similarly to the likes of Natasha Romanoff and—“ she paused to glance at Steve and then back to Coulson, ignoring Tony’s ever growing anger, “—and James Barnes. She’s proven to be able to hold her own against Captain Rogers. She could be dangerous if pushed too far.”
Tony saw his chance to interject, “This is such horseshit.” He motioned over to the doctors sitting across from him before his hand landed on the table. “We have done everything you’ve asked and you only spring up your concern now?”
“We have expressed our concern, but you have elected to ignore those--”
“Elected to ignore,” he mimicked and looked to Coulson. “The only thing they’ve complained about is how her humor is detrimental to the healing process, like they don’t know how I’ve coped in the past-”
“Tony,” Steve tried to cut in, but Tony kept going. This time, he stood, pointing at all of them.
“She was just a little girl, and you see her ways of coping as harmful when in reality, anyone can see that she is trying to hold onto that shred of childhood memory that she has left.” Steve knew better than to interrupt him, but one of the agents behind him didn’t. After trying to place a hand on Tony’s shoulder, Tony ripped his arm from his grip.
“She doesn’t belong here. Locked up and being ‘evaluated’. She needs to go somewhere where she can feel safe, and-and comfortable, you assholes are trying to take that--”
“That’s enough, Mr. Stark,” Coulson finally said out loud. Tony's attention went to him, as his chest heaved. “Please. Sit down.”
Tony looked back around the table before his eyes landed on Steve, who offered him a friendly nod to the chair he had shot out of. Tony grumbled something beneath his breath, and sat back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. Coulson leaned forward, his fingers lacing together on the table.
“I see the concern that they have,” he started and shot a warning look at Tony before he could interject. “I’ve gone over it myself. She is very skilled, and in some ways we didn’t get a chance to learn. But, Tony, you’re absolutely right. She won’t get any better if she stays here.”
“Sir--” one of the doctors tried to interrupt, but Coulson ignored them.
“I’m allowing her departure, with the agreement that you,” he said, pointing at Tony, “will be keeping a watchful eye on her while she is in your care. You can go wherever you want, do whatever you want, but she is your responsibility.”
“Thank you, Coulson-” Tony said before being cut off.
“I’m not finished,” Coulson said, and Tony nodded eagerly. His finger went to Steve’s direction, “I’m also allowing her care to fall upon you, Captain.”
“Sir?” Steve questioned.
“In the instance that Tony cannot be with her, I’m allowing you to be a responsible party. I need it to be understood where you go, she goes too.”
Steve was quiet, processing the plate practically pushed in front of him. Tony nearly whipped around in his chair to look at him, his eyes looking for some kind of answer on Steve’s face. Steve looked up from his hands, and at his friend. His mind trailed off to you, and that sad look you had given him the last night you spent time together. He offered a nod to Tony, who grinned and looked back to Coulson.
“Of course. We understand.”
You had seen the pictures, you had pictured it in your mind but seeing it in front of you was like an out of body experience.
When Tony came to you in that room, leaving the door open for you, you felt a wave of happiness wash over your body. He smiled at you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders and placed a kiss to the side of your head. And you left. And you never looked back.
But in this moment, as Tony allowed you to unbuckle yourself and come to the front of the Quinjet (they called it that) to look out the front window, you were surprised. You held onto the back of his chair as the Avengers Tower stood high above the other building on the skyline. The sheer size made you mumble a wow beneath your breath, but he heard you and tossed a glance up at you. The kiddish amazement in your eyes made his heart soften. Tony carefully slowed the speed of the Quinjet before edging closer to the large platform on the building, and you steadied yourself as he brought the ship to a stop. On the platform, Steve Rogers awaited.
Tony took the time to flip switches off, and the back ramp opened, and you were eager to step out of the metal ship. Steve stood with his hands in his pockets, squinting against the blaring sunlight, but still offered you a smile.
“I hope Tony’s flying wasn’t too much to handle,” he called through the air. You shrugged your shoulders, and smiled back at him.
“I’ve experienced worse,” you responded back. You walked around the aircraft and looked out to the skyline before you. The edge of the platform had no end, and if someone wasn’t careful enough or paying attention, they were sure to fall right off. But you took steps closer and closer to the edge, mesmerized by the colors reflecting off the buildings of New York. It was a beautiful view. Your thoughts were cut short when a hand grabbed your arm, not too tightly, and you looked back at your capturer.
Tony looked at you with a hint of worry in his eyes, and you sighed, “Tony I’m just looking at the view.”
“I know,” he released your arm, and your eyes glanced between him and Steve who had followed around, “I know I just--”
“You’re just worried about me, yes, I understand.”
He didn’t reply but motioned back towards the looming modern building, and you felt as if you had to force yourself to walk past him and towards the glass doors that opened as you stepped closer. Steve joined beside Tony, both men walking behind you as you entered the building, the cool air conditioning hit your arms and you wrapped your arms in one another, looking around the room.
Tony had a very easy sense of design. Simple, modern, and mostly clean. It was appealing, but there wasn’t much sense of home here. You let him give you a tour around the place, before he showed you to your room. ‘Room’ was an understatement though, it was like having your own little apartment in this extravagant building. You sat on the bed when the two men were about to leave the room, before Tony spun around.
“Oh I almost forgot,” he spun around and clapped his hands, “I almost forgot to tell you about JARVIS.”
“JARVIS..?” you drawled out, and a voice rang into the room.
“Yes, ma’am that’s correct. I run most of the systems in this building,” the male voice said and you shot up from the bed, looking around.
“JARVIS is an intelligence system I created, over the years he’s been developed to run operations at Stark Industries, and now here,” he said. Tony moved his arms around to motion the building. “If you need anything, just ask him.”
You nodded slowly as he spoke, and settled back onto the bed. “Okay..”
Tony offered a small smile. “I’ll let you rest a bit, give you some privacy. I’m sure you miss that.”
“I did, yeah,” you replied. “Thank you, Tony.”
“Anything for you.”
But you never left your room. You never came back to the common area, or kitchen for dinner. The sun set, the moon rose, and Tony hadn’t seen you since he left you in your room. Of course, the only thing he asked of JARVIS was if you were okay.
“She’s fine, sir, just resting.”
He went to his room that night and couldn’t fall asleep for the life of him. The only sense of comfort he got was when Pepper answered his call, and her face filled his room.
“How’s it going?” she asked and he sighed, running a hand over his face.
“I don’t know. We got here and she’s been in her room ever since.”
Pepper’s eyes crinkled a bit at the side, and she nodded her head. “She just needs time, Tony, that’s all it is. She’s alone for the first time in years, that solitude sometimes it’s comforting.”
She wasn’t wrong.
You fell asleep shortly after Tony left you. You rested against a pile of pillows and pulled the blanket up to your shoulders, and slowly fell asleep while staring at a wall. When you woke up, darkness surrounded you, and you rolled onto your back. The lamp beside you came on and you rubbed one of your eyes. You blinked a couple times and furrowed your brows.
“What time is it?” you tested.
“It’s 11:06 PM,” JARVIS’ voice said. You sat up in your bed, and moved your legs off the side of the bed.
“Could you.. Could you show me the way to the kitchen?”
“Of course,” he said and you stood from the bed and moved to the door of your room. You pulled the door open and a small blue light on the wall was in front of you, and moved to your right. You followed, your bare feet quiet against the floor as you stepped along. You crossed your arms over your chest as you followed the blue light and it stopped at the elevator. You pressed the button and the doors opened up for you, and you entered. It moved on its own and you cleared your throat when it opened back up for you to exit.
The common area was larger than your room, but the kitchen was evident. You mumbled a thanks and quickly walked over to the fridge you could see and pulled the door open, grabbing a bottle of water. You practically tore the lid open and chugged half the bottle, walking back to the open living area. When you closed the bottle again, letting out a satisfied “ah” sound your eyes landed on the large TV screen on the wall.
You took a couple steps forward and the light in the room came on automatically. You sat down on the soft couch, and rested your arms on your legs.
“JARVIS?” you called out quietly.
“I’m here,” his voice said.
“Do you have any . . . personal videos of my family?”
He was quiet for a few seconds, and a part of you hoped he would say no, but that wasn’t the case.
“Yes, there is a number of footage I’ve found.” He paused as you sighed. “Would you like me to play it?”
“Yes,” you answered. The TV turned on and you set the bottle of water down on the coffee table and sat back on the couch, bringing your knees up to your chest.
Shaky, grainy footage started to play. The clicking of a camera sound was evident, and at first all you could see were feet. You furrowed your brows until the camera came up more, and there was Tony. His arm stretched out before him and he smiled at the camera.
“Dad didn’t see the point in filming,” his young voice echoed in the room, and he swung the camera around until your parents were visible, “but I think it’s important to film this.”
“Tony,” Howard warned, looking exceptionally disheveled as he was bouncing around a baby. You.
“Only a few weeks old and already taking your toll on dad, I gotta give her props,” Tony said again. A kissing sound came from close to the mic, and then Maria appeared.
“Tony, please, why don't you come and try feeding her?” her voice said, sweetness laced in it. The camera fumbled a bit, and the image cut out. You smiled, but the next one started almost immediately.
Happy birthdays filled the room you were in, and there in a high chair was you, already grabbing at the cake that was placed in front of you. Tony was beside you this time, not behind the camera. He was laughing as you smeared the cake around, flinging a small piece onto his cheek. The camera moved to show Maria, hurrying over to clean the mess, and a chuckle coming behind the camera.
“We’ve got a fiesty one on our hands, Maria,” his voice said playfully. She shot him a glare, and the feed cut out again.
This time, the next image was clearer and more colorful. Your face filled the screen, water surrounding you and your hair wet and glowing in the sun.
“And here we have the talented, undeniably prettiest girl in the world, little miss (Y/N),” as Tony spoke you swam backwards, giggling, “wanting to show off her handstand skills to mom and dad dearest.”
The camera swung around to show Howard and Maria, standing under a patio, and Tony zoomed in on their faces. You shook your head.
“Stop,” you whispered, and the footage stopped. At some point your eyes had watered, and a tear slid down your cheek. Your eyes were focused on the crystal clear image of your parents, alive, and looking on at their children happily. Another tear fell at the thought and you let it. You let the tears fall even when someone came over next to you and sat beside you.
They didn’t say anything, but just looked at what was on the TV. You rested your chin on your knee, staring ahead.
“Everything I told you I really do remember,” you whispered, “but there’s not a lot I recall, and everyday I feel like I remember them less and less.”
You shook your head and a tear slid down your cheek. “I can’t remember their faces without seeing a photo or--or this . . . Tony, I don’t want to forget.”
You were looking at him now, the tears on your face highlighted by the glow from the TV. Tony brought his hand up to your cheek and wiped away a tear, his hand resting there and you leaned into his palm. “You won’t forget them, you won’t,” he repeated.
His other hand went to your other cheek, cupping your face in his hands. “You won’t ever forget how much they loved you, the joy you brought to their lives--to mine.” He paused and smiled sadly at you. “And I’ll remind you of that everyday if I have to.”
You nodded a bit as he spoke, and he brought you closer to him, placing a kiss to the top of your head. You instinctively wrapped your arms around his chest, and nestled yourself into his side as one of his arms wrapped around your shoulders. You were curled into him, and he rubbed your shoulder slowly.
Neither of you said anything for the rest of the night. Tony held you until he could hear the even breaths leave your body, and he knew you were asleep. But he didn’t move. He stayed there and rubbed your shoulder until he fell asleep too, his head falling backwards against the couch.
tag list - if i missed you or you would like to be added pls message me!
@elliee1497​ @iizabxlla​ @bulbasor-charmander-2020 @littlemoistcarrot​ @dottirose @chewymoustachio @meraki--Mei @littledaph @fckdeusername @bisexuwhale9669 @mottergirl99​ 
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babbushka · 4 years
👀 May I request 4. "As long as I'm alive, I will do everything I can to protect you" for the Sevier twins (or either Pat or Paul if you’d think it’d work better just for one rather than both)? Thank you!! 💕
(1k, crack & fluff lol. thank you for sending this in!!)
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With the sun beginning to set and the glow of the golden hour washing over his town, Paterson tries to appreciate the beauty of the mundanity around him as he walks back home from the supermarket. He’s in a bit of a mood, because he had already been to the supermarket earlier that day at your request.
Paterson took his honey-do lists very seriously, so when in the middle of making dinner you ask for an ingredient that Pat completely forgot to purchase, he practically kicks himself and darts out the door to go pick it up.
Thankfully there were different staff working this time, no one to recognize him. He was in and out in five minutes, and that was only because he let an elderly woman go in front of him and paid for her few items, and walked her to her car like the gentlemen his parents raised him to be.
He’s generally not an ill-tempered man, Paterson. But when he takes the steps up the front porch two at a time and hears you and his brother talking over one another excitedly, he doesn’t hide his frown.
“Paulie please – please – shit!” He can hear you gasping as he shifts the grocery bag around to get the key out of his pocket.
“(Y/N) just – fuck, hold still, you have to stop moving!” Paul’s voice is raised, and Paul never raises his voice unless he’s in bed.
“I can’t, oh, ah!” You scream, and Paterson practically throws open the door.
“Hey no fair I told you to wait for – ” Paterson is two seconds into complaining when he sees it, and he’s so stunned that he can only blurt out, “What is going on?”
Instead of the passionate sex that he had thought he’d find, he sees you up on the counter with your arms wrapped around your knees, and his brother padded up with oven mitts, wielding a large silver pot and the lid as a shield, as six large lobsters scurry around angrily.
Paterson almost drops the bag of groceries, and quickly shuts the door, rushing to your aid, his military reflexes kicking in after years of being dormant.
“They jumped! I thought we picked up dead ones from the fishmonger but they’re alive and they jumped and freaked me the fuck out and now they’re all over the floor, Pat you gotta help us.” You sound nearly hysterical from your spot on the counter, a pair of tongs in your crushing grip.
Oh fuck, Paterson thinks with mild alarm, as they snap their pinchers angrily. Getting the lobster had been Paul’s job, and Paterson regards him with an amused smug sort of smile, and steps into the fray of the kitchen with a, “Paul, really?”
“I’m only one man.” His brother snaps, annoyed, his glasses askew on his nose from his frantic efforts.
The lobsters are no match for the Sevier twins, not once Paterson takes the tongs from your fists and begins chasing them around the kitchen floor. Fleetingly, he’s glad that you mopped earlier and that the tile is clean. He knows they’re going to get boiled anyway, but he’s certain that the five second rule no longer applies.
You remain firmly at your spot on the counter, occasionally offering help in the form of yell-narrating and pointing with wide eyes.
“There’s one under the table – look out!” You ‘help’ then, and Paterson can’t help but grin.
His bad mood vanished the second he realized what was actually going on, any trace of lingering grouchiness or poutiness evaporated. All Paterson was focused on, was catching these lobsters and getting them scooped into the pot his brother held so that they could be dropped in the boiling water on the stove.
“Honey you can calm down, it’s okay.” Paterson tries to reassure you, but you’re not having any of it.
“I don’t want you to get pinched, it really hurts.” You protest with a shake of your head, and that distracts Paterson for a minute.
“Did one of them get you?” He blinks, immediately coming over to you and surveying your hands.
“Yeah like three times, got Paulie once too, be careful Pat.” Showing him the band-aids on your fingers, he begins gently pressing kisses to the pads there, momentarily forgetting that there were still two lobsters to be caught.
He remembers, when one decides to lunge a vengeful attack against his ankles, managing to clip the exposed skin between his jeans and his shoes.
“Ow!” Pat snatches the lobster up without a second thought, the wriggling thing trying to pinch at him as he walks it over to Paul and drops it in the pot. Paul shuts the lid over it, and holds it steady as all but one of them move around in there.
Paul manages to get the last one all on his own, and only once they’re all captured, does Paterson chuck them into the boiling hot water, listening to the whistle that comes out.
“Hear that? All done.” Paul smiles at you, looking absolutely disheveled and flushed.
You climb down from the counter and watch as your boys wash their hands well, scrubbing with soap and hot water before crowding around you, wanting your attention. You feel silly, Paterson can tell by the embarrassed smile you sport, but he kisses it off of you while Paul leans in to kiss at your cheek until you’re grinning in earnest.
“Thank you handsome, don’t know what I would’ve done without the two of you.” You sigh, and Paterson pinches at your side.
“As long as I'm alive, I will do everything I can to protect you.” He says seriously, and you only bat your lashes at him and loop your arms around his neck.  
“My hero.” You smile, giving him one final kiss before Paul reaches for you too.
“You know what they say, everything tastes better when you’ve worked for it?” He asks sheepishly, rubbing his nose along yours and gratefully accepting a kiss too.
“It’s going to be delicious, but the next time you boys want lobster for dinner, you’re taking me out to a restaurant. Fair?” You bump your hip against each of theirs as you gently push through them on your way to the stove, giving the pot a good stir and pulling out the freshly cooked shellfish.
“Fair.” They reply simultaneously, before all three of you burst out into laughter at the things that really could only ever happen in the Sevier Household.
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
Green Eyes & Leather--Michael Clifford oneshot (biker gang!au)
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Copyright talkfastromance4 © All works is intellectual property of the author. All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction or any part or all contents in any form is prohibited. You may not, without written expression and consent from the author, distribute works amongst other social media platforms
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: just smut near the end lol and poorly edited
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Michael Clifford. Just the thought of his name sent shivers down your spine as you watched him enter the diner you work at during the summer. His platinum blond hair has turned to more of a natural gold and it contrasted nicely with his leather jacket. Patches were sewed on haphazardly, but he somehow always made his outfits work. Black is his color and he looks damn good in it.
Tattoos on his fingers and a cross earring that always dangled from his ear screamed dangerous. The way his cold green eyes stared you down made anyone shake in the knees. He’s the leader of the biker gang in your town, but they’re more of a vigilante group. They’re called the Moon Raiders because they did most of their patrolling at night, and when Michael became leader, it was as if everything shifted.
Neighboring towns stopped harassing the kids, the women felt safer walking to their cars at night; everyone seemed to get along under the surveillance of Michael. He sits in his usual booth while his comrades surround him, Ashton Irwin, Luke Hemmings and Calum Hood. The four of them are always together.
“Oh shit,” your coworker, Lana gasps next to you.
“What?” you blow a large bubble from your bubblegum, forcing your eyes away from Michael who has picked up one of the laminated menus.
“I can’t help them; I lose my voice every time.”
When your bubble becomes too large, it deflates, and you suck it back into your mouth. “They aren’t that bad; they do good things.”
“I know but they just look so scary. They’ve got a sweet spot for you; you go take their order.”
You pat Lana’s shoulder reassuringly then grab your small black notepad and swing around the counter. As if he could sense your movement, Michael’s eyes fixate on you. He watches you until you’re stood in front of their group, you lean on one foot and smile politely at them all.
“Hi, I’m Y/N,” you say brightly popping your gum. “What can I get you guys?”
“Four of your best burgers with fries,” Michael says, his eyes still dead set on you. “Two chocolate shakes, one strawberry and one vanilla.”
“You sure you can eat all that?” you quirk your eyebrow up as you’re writing the order then your pen freezes on the pad. Did you just say that? And to the leader of the city’s gang no less? You felt your cheeks warm.
The group chuckles quietly, you sneak a peek at Michael and he’s still staring at you. You wish the floor would swallow you up right now.
“I’m pretty good at sharing,” he smirks slightly, his voice always had a slight scratch to it that made you weak. He always sounded so nonchalant, but you can hear the power beneath it.
With your mouth dry out of embarrassment, you nod then quickly shuffle behind the counter to relay the order to Sal on the grill. Lana is by your side immediately, her eyes widened like a bush baby.
“Were you flirting with the leader of a biker gang?! I can’t believe you did that,” she says a little too loudly in disbelief.
“Shh!” you hush her. You already embarrassed yourself once, you don’t want to go for a second round. “I don’t even know why I said that, it just slipped out. You don’t think he took it as flirty or rude, do you?”
“It was definitely flirty. I can’t believe you actually did that.”
“Can you stop saying that!” you run your fingers through your hair and clutch your cheeks. They’re super warm.
Lana finally leaves you alone to take orders from other guests while you waited for Sal to finish making the food for Michael and his friends. You made a point to keep your back turned to them while you wipe down the counters and restock napkins until Sal slaps the little silver bell that your food is ready.
Balancing it all on the tray, you walk more confidently than you feel towards their booth. Four pairs of eyes zero in on you and you avoid the one pair of green eyes that will most definitely make you spill the tray.
“Thanks doll, this looks great,” Ashton comments already reaching for the ketchup bottle.
“Anything else I can get you guys?” you ask a little breathlessly glancing at each of them. You land on Michael last who seems to have not faltered his focus on you.
“We’re perfect,” Michael nods.
You felt his stare on your back as you moved behind the counter once more to take orders from other patrons that have entered.
Preoccupied with your task, you jump slightly when a wad of twenties is slapped on the counter in front of you.
“We gotta run, keep the change as part of your tip,” Michael says, and you gape at him.
“Please, that’s way too much. I can’t—”
“When does your shift end?” he interrupts while the others are gathering their things.
“Um, eleven. Why—”
“I’ll see you at eleven and we’ll go for a ride. See you later,” he winks knocking his knuckles on the white linoleum countertop.
You kept glancing at the large clock on the wall for the last half hour until your shift ends. Nerves and butterflies pixelate in your entire body and Lana’s constant babbling isn’t helping you relax. When the second hand finally ticked on the twelve, the bell above the entrance jingled and Michael struts in.
Your heart leaps into your throat at the sight of him and he gives you an easy smile.
“Hey, are you all done?”
“Um, yeah…yes,” you nod and wave quickly to Lana whose eyes are still wide as saucers from earlier this afternoon. Michael gestures you in front of him but pushes the door open for you and you breathe in the summer air.
“I’ve got a helmet for you,” he holds up a small black helmet. “And I always keep an extra jacket just in case, so you can wear that too, so you don’t get cold with the wind.”
He holds both items in his hands and you stare at each of them in shock. Is this happening or is this a fever dream?
“Is something wrong?” he asks, his arms lowering slightly.
“I just… I don’t understand what this is exactly?”
“It’s us going for a ride so we can get to know each other better. There’s a spot I like to go to I think you’d like,” he holds out the jacket and helmet once more, “I don’t bite, I promise.”
Once you were on his bike you felt like you were flying. The scenery blurred past and you were initially nervous where to put your hands, but Michael looped your arms around his waist. He patted them gently before starting the bike.
He ended up taking you to a nice lookout point where you could see the town. Lights from cars and buildings looked like stars and you could see why he likes it so much. When you turn around from the view, Michael has laid out a large blanket and is already sitting down; he pats the space next to him.
Thankfully, the moon is bright enough that you can see each other as he asks you questions about yourself. What your likes and dislikes are, your favorite memory, your most embarrassing memory, what makes you happy, what makes you sad and so many others. When he’s finished, you ask him the same things.
When you start to shiver from the lowered temperature and your eight-hour shift catching up to you, Michael says he’ll take you home.
“Where do you live?”
“On Cordelia Street, by the movie theater.”
“I know just where that is,” he grins.
You didn’t want to let go of him once he stopped the bike in front of your small home. He gets off first then helps you clamber off the machine. His fingers brush your neck as he unclips the strap beneath your chin then places the helmet on the back of the seat.
He holds your hand as he leads you up the short walkway to your front door, the porchlight is on and casts you both in a light golden glow.
“I really enjoyed this tonight, I hope you did, too,” he says, his thumb rubs soft circles on your skin.
“I did, thank you for this.”
“Can we do it again tomorrow?” he takes a careful step forward, tilting his head to the side so he can see into your eyes.
“Yeah, I get off at eight. I’ll make sure to bring a change of clothes,” you giggle pointing at your uniform.
“I think you look beautiful,” he shakes his head then continues to move his face closer to yours.
You close your eyes just when you can feel the light scratch of his beard tickle your lips before his own lips brush over yours. You melt into him, his other hand cups your cheek so he can kiss you a little deeper, he makes your whole body jittery. Then you’re pushed against your door, your own fingers curling in his blond hair.
After a lot of kissing and soft giggles, Michael leaves so you can get some sleep. He has to do some patrolling until about six a.m. and as you crawl into bed you couldn’t help feeling a bit safer that he’s out there.
Weeks go by and you’ve spent every night with Michael after your shift. Tonight, isn’t any different but thankfully he’s the only one in the diner before close. Sal has left for the night so it’s just you two eating a plate of leftover fries. The security lights are on, the shades are drawn and it’s quiet in the restaurant. Michael dips a fry in ketchup then holds it up for you to eat.
You lean forward to take it in your mouth, but he pulls back, it’s a little game he’s set up. The more you move forward, the more he inches away until you’re falling against his chest and he kisses you deeply. Kissing Michael always makes you warm, from your head to your toes and in between your thighs.
To your surprise, Michael lifts you onto the counter, his fingers tickling the outside of your thighs while his tongue explores your mouth. A soft moan rumbles in your chest and Michael pulls away giggling.
“What?” you ask breathlessly, pulling his lips back to yours by the collar of his leather jacket.
“You sounded like a kitten just then,” he rasps swiping his tongue over your lower lip.
“Meow,” you tease cupping his crotch. His body jerks at your touch and he moves his lips to your neck.
“Are you a naughty kitty?” he asks, his hands slipping under the skirt of your uniform to tug your panties down your legs. The fabric hangs loosely on one of your ankles just above your shoes. Michael lowers himself to the floor, spreading your legs open. He kisses the inside of your knee and looks up at you with those green eyes you love so much. “Or can I make you purr again?”
Before you can respond, you watch a little lightheaded as his supple lips kiss up your legs. He tugs you forward on the counter, hooking a leg over his shoulder and then his tongue is licking at you at an antagonizing delicious way. You pet his hair as he eats you out, tongue slick and urgent awakening your arousal with each swipe of his tongue.
He makes little noises and moans of his own, then he adds a finger and your body clenches at the added stimulation. You toss your head back as you feel your release approaching. You’re trying to focus on everything he’s doing, his lips, his tongue, his finger and his moans are sending you into hyperdrive and then you’re crashing.
You bite your lip to try and keep the moan inside, but your orgasm is so palpable, it slips out loudly. With your legs twitching slightly, Michael stands to his feet again and attaches his lips to yours. You taste the salty twang of yourself and it makes you want more of him, more of his touch. You unfasten his belt and jeans quickly, feeling the weight and girth of him in your palm. He groans at your slow strokes, his breath hot on your neck as his nimble fingers unbutton the top of your uniform. You continue to stroke him, your thumb running over his slit and it becomes sticky from his precum. Michael palms and squeezes at your breast.
“Need to feel you,” he grunts, and you nod as he inserts himself inside you. It takes a few pumps until he’s fully inside but once he is, your eyes roll back at the stretch. “Fuuuuck, kitty…”
Your forehead is against his shoulder, the smell of his leather jacket swims in your nose and you focus on each thrust he gives you, each one getting faster and faster. You’re jerking back and forth against the counter; Michael’s hands squeeze your ass and he fucks into you so deeply you’re moaning his name. He lets out more grunts and groans of his own that you love to hear.
When he hits that special spot, you pull away and arch your back, so he keeps hitting it at the right angle. His mouth is on yours immediately, fingers tightening on your ass and then you’re coming. You’re coming loudly and forcefully, feeling it take control of your body and you’re so thankful Michael isn’t letting up.
It isn’t until moments after you that he’s coming as well, he pulls out quickly and you feel his hot ropes land on the inside of your thighs. You watch him as he releases, his lips quivering in ecstasy, breathing heavily. When he’s finished, he looks up you beneath his lashes, smiles softly and kisses you gently.
“While this was hot, how about we do round two in my bed?” you sigh heavily stroking his sideburns.
“Round two huh?” he chuckles licking his lips. His fingers dance over the swells of your breasts, green eyes full of lust and burning into yours. “I can go all night, gorgeous.”
• • • •
Taglist: @galcalirwin @cashtonasff5sos @thecurlsofgod @myloverboyash @rotten-kandy @tea4sykes @jannimoeller3 @loveroflrh @iovehemmings @cxddlyash @princesslrh @here-for-the-uproars @katiaw2 @g-l-pierce @fairyintheglass @gosh-im-short @banditocth @dezzym17 @koalacal @lukeisbaby @spicycal @mysticalhood @thesubtweeter @wastedheartcth @atlcalm @itjustkindahappenedreally @calumance @babylon-corgis @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt @lanternlover2 @istaywithmyjonas @calteahood @sarcastically-defensive17 @another-lonely-heart  @calumhoodaf @frontmanash @philthepegacorn @mantlereid @lukedorkyhemmings @addietagglikesbands @kikixfandoms @sanrioluke @mayve-hems @morguelth @haikucal @thatscooibaby @meghanrose05 @idontneedanyone @dinosaursandsocks @cassie-sos
**if your url has a strike through it’s because your blog didn’t show up as a tag! :(
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mandelene · 4 years
If you feel like filling this: for the first time, Matthew and Alfred are left alone overnight and Alfred feels all grown-up and excited. Pity that Matthew had hidden he wasn't feeling well and he isn't getting any better... Thank you! ❤️
Torture Matthew? Sure thing! Haha. 😁 As usual, I got carried away. You can’t ask me to write a sickfic and not expect the word count to be high lol. I made it a throwback to my “Matthew has asthma” headcanon. Also, did you know many U.S. states don’t have a law for how old a child must be to be left home alone overnight? Same for the UK. Apparently, it’s generally recommended that the child is at least 14 or 16, so I went with Al and Matt being 15 in this one.  
The House Party That Never Was
Word Count: 1924 (I know. I’m sorry!)
10 AM, Friday
“We’ll only be two hours away, so if anything happens or there’s a problem, call and let us know, and we’ll drive back right away.”  
“Okay, Dad. We know,” Alfred groans. They’re not babies anymore—Mattie and he can handle being left alone overnight while their parents go to see the philharmonic orchestra in Philadelphia for their anniversary.
“There are leftovers in the fridge that you can have for dinner tonight. You can order pizza tomorrow if we’re not back by six o’clock,” Papa reminds, just as worried and over-protective as Dad is being. “Make yourselves breakfast and lunch. We have plenty of fruit, cereal, bread, cold cuts, yogurt—” 
“Yes, Papa. We’ll make sure to eat,” Matthew interjects with a soft sniffle. “It’ll be fine.” 
Dad immediately notices said sniffle and flips out. He puts his duffle bag down and presses a hand against Matthew’s forehead, feeling for a fever and not finding one. “Are you all right? You aren’t coming down with something, are you? We can cancel the trip and—”
“No, no. It’s just allergies.” 
“…Okay, take an anti-histamine from the medicine cabinet.”  
“I will.” 
“In case of emergency—"
“Call 911. We know, Dad. We’re fifteen, not five!” Alfred sighs, tempted to physically push his parents out the front door at long last. 
Dad struggles to find something else to lecture them about and pushes his sunglasses farther up his nose before deciding, “All right…Behave and don’t get into any trouble. We love you.”
Dad and Papa exchange hugs with them before they finally cross the driveway, get into the car, and drive off, disappearing down the road. 
“Woo! Freedom! God that took forever!” Alfred exclaims as he locks the door and turns around to look at Matthew, who is standing by the stairs with his hands stuffed in the pocket of his navy-blue hoodie. “Our first time home alone for a whole night! We’ve been living sheltered lives, Mattie, but not anymore. Today, we’re men. So, who’re we inviting over?” 
Matthew clears his scratchy throat and gently rubs at his nose with his sleeve. “Umm…I’m pretty sure Papa and Dad said we’re not supposed to have any friends over…” 
“What they don’t know won’t hurt them.” 
“Al, they’ll find out.” 
“No, they won’t. Come on, Matt. Don’t be lame.”
“Yeah, they will. If not tomorrow, then eventually, and I don’t wanna break their trust. If we worry them or make them angry, they’ll never leave us home alone for more than a couple of hours again,” Matthew argues, and if this stupid cold would just leave him alone, everything would be peachy. He rubs at his chest, which feels a little tighter than usual, and takes two puffs of his inhaler. 
Alfred glowers and slumps his shoulders. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. We have to prove we can handle it at least once…You okay, bro? Your asthma’s acting up?” 
“It’s just from my allergies,” Matthew repeats because he has to keep up the lie. It’s spring, so it’s believable enough. To be entirely honest, he’s been feeling terrible since last night, but he didn’t want to give their parents a reason to cancel their trip. He doesn’t have a fever, so it can’t be that serious...It’s just a cold, and he doesn’t want to be an inconvenience. Their parents deserve to enjoy their anniversary without interruption. “Wanna play Smash?” he asks, changing the subject. Alfred doesn’t have the greatest attention-span, and he’ll hopefully forget all about this.
“Okay, sure. I’ll set up the Switch and the controllers. You should go and take your allergy medicine.” 
“Cool. Yeah,” Matthew replies. It’s the perfect opportunity to go upstairs, blow his nose without witnesses, and take some cough medicine…And another two puffs of his inhaler.  
He refuses to be a bother. He knows how to take care of himself. 
7 PM, Friday
Alfred has eaten enough mesquite barbecue chips to feed their entire block, and Matthew is genuinely astonished that he hasn’t been sick yet. How can so much junk food fit into one stomach? Now that no one is around to stop him, Alfred has devoured half of the fridge, and he still doesn’t seem to be totally full, even after dinner. 
Papa left them blanquette de veau, a French veal stew. It soothes Matthew’s throat and warms his chest, which feels lovely initially, but then the steam breaks up some of the mucus in his lungs and leaves him suffering through several coughing fits. Fortunately, Alfred is in the bathroom for the worst of it, and doesn't hear him hacking. 
They’ve been playing video games for hours now, and Matthew can feel a low-grade fever settle into his body. Every time he inhales, he can hear his lungs give off a tiny wheeze. 
When Alfred goes off to get some juice to drink, Matthew discreetly takes yet another two puffs of his inhaler. 
“This is getting kinda boring. Wanna put on Netflix? We can binge-watch Avatar: The Last Airbender.” 
Matthew would rather lie down in bed with his tablet or phone, but if he doesn’t join Alfred, he might grow suspicious, and then he’ll worry, or he’ll call their parents.
“Sure. Let’s do it…” 
1 AM, Saturday
 “Matt...? Matt? You’re falling asleep on me, bro.” 
Matthew is startled awake and fixes his glasses, which must have tilted awkwardly to the left while he was sleeping. He doesn’t know when he dozed off on the couch, but it was sometime during Book Two of Avatar. Dad and Papa called around 9 PM to check on them, and Alfred did all of the talking. He reassured them that they’re both alive and haven’t broken any part of themselves or anything in the house.  
Matthew squints at the clock on the wall. “It’s late…”
“Yeah. We should go to bed,” Alfred agrees, and he must be tired as well if he’s not insisting they pull an all-nighter. 
“I’m gonna brush my teeth.” 
“Okay. Have fun. I’m gonna live on the wild side and not brush ‘em,” Alfred says with a grin and a wink. 
“Wow, so edgy,” Matthew says, poking some fun at him before heading upstairs with a giant yawn. He’s exhausted, and the wheezing is back. He takes the nightly dose of his steroid inhaler and stares longingly at his nebulizer. He could do with a treatment, but it’s so loud, and then, Alfred would know something’s not right.  
So instead, he brushes his teeth, quietly takes some additional puffs of his rescue inhaler, and burrows under the covers of his bed, hoping this will all have blown over by the morning.
3 AM, Saturday
He can’t sleep. He can’t breathe. He needs a nebulizer treatment. Now. But it might wake Alfred. 
He risks it. There’s no other choice. 
And sure enough, five minutes into the treatment, Alfred plods into his room with drowsy eyes, and asks, “Mattie, what’s going on? You’re sick, aren’t you? Hang on. I’ll…I’ll call Dad and Papa, don’t worry.”  
“No!” Matthew shouts, surprised by the strength of his voice given the state of his lungs. “You can’t…It’s their anniversary…I’m fine.” 
“Matt, I’m pretty sure this counts as an emergency, bro.” 
“It’s not!”
“It’s the middle of the night and you can’t breathe—that’s an emergency, dude!”
“I’ll be fine after the nebulizer treatment is done,” he assures in a breathless rush around the nebulizer’s mouthpiece, but he’s not so sure he will be. 
“Well, we’ve gotta tell somebody!” Alfred shouts back at him before coming closer and touching his clammy forehead. “Dude, you’re burning up. What the hell? Why didn’t you say anything all night?”
Ignoring Matthew’s protests, Alfred makes the call. 
This isn’t going to be good…
5 AM, Saturday
Dad and Papa burst through his bedroom door, and they’re by his side in a flash, fussing over him and acting as though he’s on the verge of death. They’re still dressed in the clothes they probably went to sleep in, and before Matthew can say a single word, Dad has his stethoscope on his chest and is listening to his lungs. He then clamps a pulse oximeter on his right index finger, waits for a reading, and frowns severely. 
While Papa strokes his head and asks him why he didn’t let them know sooner that he wasn’t feeling well, Dad disappears and then returns with three small pills and a glass of orange juice.
“Take these,” Dad instructs. 
Matthew wrinkles his nose as he puts the pills in his mouth and swallows them. The bitter aftertaste makes him shudder—prednisone. 
“Is he going to be all right?” Papa asks, squeezing Matthew’s hand.
“I’ll keep an eye on him. He should feel better once the steroid starts to work. We leave you boys home alone for one day, and you try to hide a medical emergency from us! What were you thinking?”
“It was very irresponsible,” Papa adds. 
And here he thought that Alfred would be the one to ultimately break their parents’ trust. 
“I’m sorry…I didn’t want you to have to cancel your trip. You’ve both been looking forward to it for a month,” Matthew timidly explains, breaths still shallow. 
“A trip can always be rescheduled. Your health can’t be,” Dad says sternly. “You had us worried sick. I was debating whether or not to tell Alfred to call for an ambulance. You should know better than to ever allow yourself to silently deteriorate like this!” 
“I’m sorry…” 
Dad sighs and rests a cold compress on his forehead. “We can decide on a punishment when you’re feeling well again.” 
A punishment? Really? Not fair.
Now is not a good time to argue though, so he lets Papa and Dad fret over him some more—they fluff his pillows, and force juice, water, and medicine for his fever down his throat. He feels awful knowing they lost sleep over him and had to hurry home, but at the same time, he’s grateful that they’re here, tending to him and monitoring him in case he gets worse. As much as he’d like to be regarded as an adult, he still wants his parents around when he’s unwell.  
“I’m really, really sorry…I feel terrible for ruining everything.” 
“Stop that,” Dad insists, shaking his head admonishingly at him. “We’re not upset with you for being ill—anyone can fall ill at any time and it’s out of one’s control. We’re upset that you tried to hide it from us, even if you thought you had the right intentions.” 
At that moment, Alfred peeks his head into the room, revealing that he’s been eavesdropping, and says, “I’d just like to point out that I did the responsible, mature thing, and called for help for my dearest, darling brother in his time of need. Very grown-up behavior—totally wise beyond my years. And because of that, I think, I deserve to be able to go to Six Flags next week with my friends.” 
Papa laughs heartily while Dad rolls his eyes. 
“Oui, you did the right thing, Alfred. But the greatest reward for helping your brother should be a sense of pride,” Papa notes.  
“I mean, yeah, but a physical reward would be kinda nice, too.” 
“Alfred,” Dad says with a warning tone. “Not now.” 
“All right, all right. I know. Just food for thought, you know? Glad Mattie’s okay, of course.” 
How in the world did Alfred come out on top? He’s a better adult? There’s no way! 
Okay, next time they’re home alone, they’re definitely throwing a party. 
That’ll show him. 
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jeonggukingdom · 4 years
splinters of love •  day XVII [myg]
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pairing  ⟶ min yoongi x fem!Reader
summary  ⟶ a collection of drabbles (one for each day of April) based on prompts by an online prompts’ generator site. Specifically  ⟶  • day XVII ↳ in which Yoongi feels lonely and decides to text a random number in search of a friend and you are the one at the other end of the line.
genre  ⟶ fluff, a little tiny bit of crack, a drop of angst
rating  ⟶ G
word count ⟶ 1.832 words
warnings  ⟶ there are mentions of depression the first part of this drabble so if it triggers you, avoid it please! The rest might give you cavities instead so be ware lol
series masterlist  ⟶ here  (links on mobile may not work, if you’re looking for all the works in this series, you can click on the “!splintersoflove” tag and you’ll find them all there!)
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His eyes fix on the world outside his window, the silence of his apartment enveloping him whole.
It’s one of those nights when he feels heavy inside and so desperately alone it is almost hard to breathe.
The sky is black and littered with little shining stars and usually, the sight would soothe his aching heart, put him at peace enough for him to fall asleep like this.
Tonight, though, it feels different.
He yearns for the human touch, the words of affection or even more simply, some company.
But he has none of those because he chose this for himself. He cut ties with everyone in his life, he moved to a city far away from his own and then, he avoided making friends or falling in love, too afraid of his heart being shattered again if he did, just like it happened in the past.
Most of the times, Yoongi is pretty fine with this but there are nights much like this very own that he simply cannot rest, cannot function knowing how flat, lonely and simply sad his life is.
On nights like these, he wonders if he really made the right choice, if it really worked to keep his heart to himself and save it from other people. After all, isn’t his heart aching still?
His fingers quiver as he picks up his phone to seek refuge in the distraction of social media in whatever form available but even that feels suffocating tonight.
Everyone looks happy or in love or surrounded by friends or maybe it just does because he yearns for these things, so much so he cannot see through the cracks, through the lies reflected into pictures online that reflect only a fraction of the reality surrounding someone else’s life.
He heaves out a sigh, closes his eyes and then opens them again to fix them on his screen. He doesn’t know why he does it but, in an instant, he’s putting in a random string of numbers onto his phone and sending it the most basic and stupid text he has ever sent in his entire life.
[3:05 AM] Unknown: Hello
Your phone chimes and you grunt, twist under your covers and reluctantly open your eyes to see who would text you at this ungodly hour.
Your brows furrow at the unknown number displayed on the screen and you would normally toss your phone away and never think about the text ever again but, quite frankly, you are pissed.
This person, whoever that is, woke you up from your deep slumber for absolutely no reason. Oh, you are feral.
[3:05 AM] You: Do you have any idea what time it is???
Yoongi’s mouth opens as he stares at the screen. Not only he actually managed to input an existent number but the person behind the screen actually responded.
His heart is beating frantically in his chest, his breath turning laboured as he sits up on his bed, wets his lips and with trembling fingers, types down his response.
[3:06 AM] Unknown: Yes, fuck, sorry. I… I didn’t think someone would actually respond.
You look at your phone with your mouth agape. Is this person high or something?
You shake your head, close your eyes and try to get back to sleep but after a few minutes, you have to accept the fact that now, you are fully awake and this nuthead is to blame for it.
[3:15 AM] You: Who the hell are you? Do I know you?
Yoongi thought his luck had already run out when you didn’t respond in the next two minutes or so. He had let himself fall back on his bed, trained his eyes on the world outside and just sighed in defeat.
His heart almost jumps out of his chest as his phone chimes and even without looking, he knows it must be you because, pitifully enough, nobody else would text him and especially not at this ungodly hour.
He bites his bottom lip, scratches the uncombed top of his head almost as if you were in front of him, scrutinizing him, judging him and his mop of mint hair.
[3:16 AM] Unknown: No, we don’t know each other… Honestly, I was feeling lonely and I tried to text a random number and I really didn’t think anyone would receive it let alone answer it…
You look at your phone, blinking a few times as if by doing that the words written there will change but, obviously, they don’t and before you know it you are laughing at the absurdity of it all.
Should you believe this stranger? Or is this some type of scam of some sort that you are simply too-sleep-deprived to see through? What if this is a stalker or something?
Against your better judgment, you text them back.
[3:19 AM] You: You are crazy.
Yoongi laughs at the text, nods his head a couple of times in agreement because honestly, who in their right mind texts a random stranger in the night seeking for company? Nobody.
Well, apparently, him.
[3:19 AM] You: Well, I don’t think I’m going to fall asleep anytime soon thanks to you so…What’s your name?
He blinks a few times, baffled by the fact that you are still playing along, giving him the attention he was yearning for so easily… he wonders if you are a teenager or something, naive and unaware of the dangerous world outside.
[3:20 AM] Unknown: Yoongi… yours?
[3:20 AM] You: ________.
[3:20 AM] You: Crap, should have used a fake name… are you a creep or something?
[3:21 AM] Yoongi: Would I tell you if I were, though? Lol
[3:21 AM] You: You may have a point, lonely stranger. Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to trust you… but just so you know I own a taser and I’m not afraid to use it.
Yoongi laughs at your words and he fails to notice how his heart grows bigger in his chest, how the smile is permanent on his lips as he is talking to you. He fails to notice how his body relaxes naturally the longer he text you like this, gets to know you a tad bit more.
This random stranger… You feel impossible to him, like a dream and that’s why he wants to keep this moment closer, cherish it while it lasts so that it can soothe his loneliness, placate his rattled mind even if it’s just for one night.
You talk and talk and it’s weird but natural at the same time and he barely notices how the sky switches from black to bright orange and later, into cerulean blue because the entire time, his eyes are fixed on the screen, on you.
[6:55 AM] You: Lonely boy, you have officially kept me awake the entire night… I’m gonna be a zombie at work thanks to you ç.ç
[6:55 AM] Yoongi: Oh, I didn’t notice it was so late already
[6:56 AM] Yoongi: I’m sorry? XD
[6:57 AM] You: What a sincere apology -.-”
[6:57 AM] Yoongi: I don’t have much else to offer, you know? Ahah
[6:58 AM] You: Well, shouldn’t you at least try to make it up to me???
[6:58 AM] Yoongi: Ok, how do you suggest I do that, exactly?
[6:59 AM] You: I don’t know, just figure it out, lol
Yoongi bites his bottom lip, his heart beating really fast in his chest while he feels absolutely euphoric, delirious even but also incredibly stupid because what is all of this?
What the hell is he even doing? Throwing outside the window all of his precautions as if they meant nothing before last night?
With the sun up in the sky rationality seeps back in, shakes him from the bubble he had been living in the entire night and just like that, he wavers.
[7:30 AM] You: Woah, you thinking that hard about it? I was half-kidding anyways, you know?
His silence feels weird. Which is odd because you’ve spoken for what, three hours and you already miss him? It feels absolutely nuts, just as much as last night does now as you get out of your pajamas and slip on your work clothes for another day at the office.
[7:45 AM] You: You passed out or something? Well, I gotta go to work… it was fun talking to you.
The hours pass and he doesn’t text you back. Not in two hours, not in four, not in six and you don’t even know why you care so damn much but a little tiny part of you wonders what might have scared him away when he was the one seeking the company in the first place.
You exhale loudly as you close the door behind your back, get yourself out of those damn heels and simply relax on your couch while sipping on a glass of red wine, your favourite.
Just then, your phone chimes.
[9:10 PM] Yoongi: Hey…
[9:10 PM] You: Ring the bells, he lives!
[9:10 PM] Yoongi: Sorry for disappearing… I… had a lot on my mind.
[9:11 PM] You: You don’t have to justify yourself with me, Yoongi-ssi. We don’t even know each other.
He grimaces at your words because stupidly enough, it feels like you do know each other. Hell, he is certain you know him more than anyone else in his life as of now does which is of course extremely sad but nonetheless the utter truth.
Your words sting but he knows they are somewhat true to you and that he deserves them.
He crashed into your life uninvited and then disappeared just as fast.
He had made up his mind that he was going to let all of this go early this morning but now, he wavers again and before he can stop himself, he does something he would have never imagined.
[9:13 PM] Yoongi: I’d love to change that, though. I know this might sound crazy and you’re free to say no of course but… I’d like to meet you. Like, in person.
A small smile stretches on your lips as you open the picture he sent you last night. He looked adorable under his white covers with his tangled hair, sleepy eyes and pouty lips and you had immediately tried to ignore the way your heart rate increased just a little bit while looking at his selfie.
You also tried to ignore how it started beating even faster when he called you cute when you sent one in return but now, as you look back at his photo, you can’t ignore any of those signs and before you can stop and think about what you’re doing, your fingers tap on the screen your response.
[9:15 PM] You: Thought you’d never ask, lonely boy.
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Copyright © 2020 by jeonggukingdom. All rights reserved. Do not repost, do not steal, do not translate without consent.
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growingingreenwood · 4 years
Hey I start college this week any advice? Hope all is well you are amazing!
Omg good job!! That's so exciting!!!! Alrighty, I have a bachelor’s degree and now i'm working on my Rec Therapy Degree so I’ve had like 5 and a half years of college/university experience so hopefully at least something here will be helpful for you. 
What are you going to collage to take?
One- Try to sit in the front of of the lecture hall
Classes will probably be a lot bigger than you’re used to and many people find this intimidating. I used to sit at the very back of lecture halls because I hated having to walk past rows of people, but you know what? My grades suffered for it. I’m an easily distracted human being with crippling ADHD and so being able to see everybody's computer screen was a nightmare for me. Half the class was watching movies or playing games or whatever so I didn't hear a damn word my teacher said. The closer I was to the front, the less distracting it was for me. Plus, I find that when I’m more familiar with being closer to my teachers it's easier and less intimidating for me to ask them for help or to re-explain things. 
Two- Don’t be embarrassed, everybodys a mess and other people have your question. 
The colleges I’ve been to have been nothing like highschool. We’re all in this together, we’re a suffering squad okay. So if you're too tired to ‘look good’ SICK half your class probably has not showered in like five days. Have a question that you think might make sound dumb? I can literally assure you that other people have the same question and pray somebody else will ask it. All of you are confused, it's okay. 
Oh my god I cannot stress this enough. For some reason professores and schools are out here hustling textbooks like starving soundcloud rappers. We don’t need that shit. Your school probably has a facebook group or two where students are selling their old textbooks much cheaper than you could get them in bookstores. And when I mean cheaper, I mean by like 100 - 200 dollars. If you're on a physical campus, lots of people put lists of what books they're selling on their lockers so keep an eye out for flyers as well. 
Four -  Join a club! 
One of the things I really love about college is all the low pressure social situations. There's literally tons of clubs at most universities rankings from really open (First Year Social Club!!) to ridiuclously niche (We All Play Super Smash Brothers In Full Costume Once A Month) so its a great place to start when it comes to making new friends and finding some cool stuff to do! 
Five - Don’t fall for the ‘too cool’ trap. 
Lots of people have endless fun in college (like me) and some people really, really hate it. Personally, I think it has a lot to do with your attitude about being there. There's tons of pep rallies, carnivals, festivals and whatever else held by your school that can actually be super fun to attend but many people think they're ‘too cool’ for things like that. Don’t fall into this trap, I can assure you those that went to the events had like 9 billion times more fun. 
This lesson took me so long to learn, but it was life changing once I did learn it. There's tons of resources available to you though most universities, and most of it was probably paid for through your tuition so it makes no sense to NOT access these things. See what your school offers for counseling services, stress reduction, learning activities held in the library, financial aid, make use of your teachers office hours, things like that. Crawl through your school’s website and see what they have to offer you, you can get some really really good life advice sometimes. If you’re falling behind in school work and need an extension, ask for it. Literally the worst thing that can happen is your teacher telling you ‘no.’ Which, honestly, in my near six years of schooling has literally only happened once and it was because the teacher personally didn’t like me. 
Seven -- C’s Get Degrees 
School Burnout Is REAL, she is sneaky, and she will hit you when you least expect it. I really struggle with having too high of expectations of myself when it comes to my work/life balance. This is the only year that I haven't worked at least 20 hours a week on top of full time university education and that only because of COVID and my immune issues, however for some reason I always expect myself to do like 3 - 4 hours of homework a day. Which is lunacy. At least it is for me. I literally cannot even count how many times I’ve put my grades before my physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental wellbeing. How many times I’ve forced myself to keep studying when I knew that I had already surpassed my limit hours ago because I thought that getting an A was more important than anything else. Especially myself. That’s not true. 
You weren’t put on this earth to get straight A’s, you were put on this earth to be the best you that you can be. 
So sometimes, you really do just gotta accept that ‘C’s get Degrees’ and you gotta close your textbook, go paint your nails, call your friend, and go to bed. 
Eight -- Everything Can Be A Learning Experience 
There are endless things to learn at college, and most of them aren't what the teachers are telling you. College is where I first learned that it really isn’t the end of the world to fail sometimes. It happens, it happens to everyone, but there's always something to learn from every ‘failure’ and part of it is how you can better handle failures in the future. It teaches you how to work with people, share ideas, and grow in your self-confidence. If you take the time to self-reflect when you find yourself struggling in aspects of your life in college, you can really learn a lot about yourself and how you present. 
It was through self-reflecting on some of my peer interactions that I realized my vocabulary was creating a rift between me and them, as several people as it as a way of me purposefully trying to make myself seem ‘better’ or ‘more educated’ when in reality I just forget a lot of simple words and end up using some ridiculous monstrosity in casual sentences.  The more I made that known about myself in interactions, and mentioning how much I read, helped my interactions because it helped people to better understand WHY I speak that way. This lesson has continued to help me throughout my life. 
Nine -- Missing Lectures is a Slippery Slope
My attendance rate was already a lost cause by the time I got to University (my highschool almost didn't let me graduate because I had an 87% absentee rate and something like 300 missed detentions but I was 1 of 3 Full Honors Students and they wanted the funding so they ecentually let me lol) but I have watched many a student crawl into this 'Chronic Skipping' pit with me in my years. Im not really sure why it happens, but basically as soon as you miss 2 lectures for no concrete reason (like a dentist appointment or cause your sick or something) it's game over for you. You'll miss two classes, then three, then four, then 2 a week, then 3 a week. Then you start skipping other subjects too. Then you end up like me and suddenly its the end of the term and you realize you've only attended 4 entire classes, one of which was the first day and the other 3 were exams. (True story, that was my 8am Political Science Class in my second year)
I hope this helps somewhat!!!! Let me know if you have any specific questions! 
And thank you lovely, I’m chugging along doing my best trying to get back into my creative bubble which for some reason seems to be rather elusive and hard to track down thus far. 
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nadana-vhet · 4 years
Layers: N’adana Vhet
Tagged by the cutest @verthunder <3 (I don’t have an active FF14 sub because school is killing me so here’s an older screenshot lol). Gonna try answering these as if someone was asking them directly to N’adana, to get down her voice a bit better!
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Name: “N’adana Vhet! Thanks for askin’ instead of just calling me the Warrior of Light for once!”
Eye Color: “Green.”
Hair Style/Color: “I get my red hair from my ma’, but I keep it pretty short, around my chin or so, but it’s also pretty curly so sometimes I braid the worst of it back so it doesn’t get in my face while I’m fightin’.”
Height: “I’m uh... five feet and five inches? Shorter than the twins now, unfortunately.”
Clothing Style: “I feel like I’m pretty practical, which frustrates Tataru and some of the other Scions,” she laughs, “I’m almost always in trousers and boots outside of my armor, and I wear this jacket Tataru made me quite a lot. The leather’s so worn at this point that she’s begging to make me a new one, but then I’ll have to break another one in and the leather’ll be all stiff again.”
Best Physical Feature: “Uh, my... eyes, maybe? I like the way they look with my hair, and - don’t tell Tataru - but I like it when she makes me things that match them.”
Your Fears: “Oh, boy. I think my biggest fear is being forgotten, or failing to protect the people I love. I also never want to see another ahriman - I hate their stupid, gross mouths.”
Your Guilty Pleasure: “Mm... to be honest, I kind of like it when I get to dress up for Scion events. Sometimes Tataru covers for me and I get to sneak off with Alphinaud and Alisaie, and even though I complain about the dresses I really like feeling pretty once and a while.”
Your Biggest Pet Peeve: “When people talk down to me because I’m younger than them. It’s like, I’ve killed primals for gods sakes, can you please just let me talk?!”
Your Ambition for the Future: “I want to be able to protect my friends as long as possible. Maybe when I’m old and grey and can’t lift my weapons anymore, I want to know that I made the world safe enough that someone else won’t have to take my place.”
Your First Thoughts Waking Up: “Gotta go make breakfast for Alisaie!”
What You Think About the Most: “If I don’t have to think about my duties - and honestly sometimes during the times I have to - Alisaie.”
What You Think About Before Bed: “Gotta get up early enough so I have time to make breakfast for Alisaie (sometimes she beats me to it).”
You Think Your Best Quality Is: “I guess the fact that I’m stubborn as hell. Wouldn’t have gotten as far as I have without it.”
Single or Group Dates: “I’d like group dates more if we could just set someone up with Alphinaud...”
To be Loved or Respected: “Well, if you love someone you should respect them too, right? But I guess... I’d rather be loved. Everyone can disrespect me as long as I have people that will be there for me when I need them.”
Beauty or Brains: “Brains, duh. Just because all the Scions are unfairly pretty doesn’t mean their brains aren’t more important.”
Dogs or Cats: “...Do I even need to answer this one?”
Lie: “I mean, we all lie, right?” she coughs, “I learned from the best liar I know - right, Urianger?!” “But really, I try not to. I mostly lie about when I’m hurting and don’t want people to worry.”
Believe in Yourself: “Absolutely not, when I think about it for more than five seconds. But I never have more than five seconds to think about it in the moment, so... yes?”
Believe in Love: “Of course!”
Want Someone: “Like... how? Alisaie and I are, uh, a ‘thing,’ if that’s what you mean.”
Been on Stage: “For ceremonies, sure. I’ve never been in a play or anything though.”
Done Drugs: “The stuff they gave me after Rhalgar’s Reach was something hard. Other than medical stuff, though, I smoked some moko grass during my paladin training in Ul’dah, before I joined the Scions. All it really did was make me kind’ve sleepy, though.”
Changed Who You Were to Fit In: 
Favorite Color: “Orange!”
Favorite Animal: “Do carbuncles count? They’re like magical cats! Alphinaud’s carbuncles, especially Moonstone, are super cuddly.”
Favorite Food: “Mm... Tataru’s popoto soup, for sure.”
Favorite Game: “Oh, I love playing Bullshit, especially with the Scions. I’m so bad at lying but seeing Thancred swindle everyone else never gets old.”
Day Your Next Birthday Will Be: “22nd Sun of the Second Astral Moon.”
How Old Will You Be: “I’ll finally be eighteen!”
Age You Lost Your Virginity: “Um... haven’t done that yet.”
Does Age Matter: “Yeah, I think so. I don’t understand why people in different stages of their lives would want to be together. I remember so many of my friends back home, in Limsa, dating these creepy guys in their twenties and it was always so... weird.”
Best Personality: “I’ve always liked spunky girls - ones who never back down from a fight, work hard, and somehow still manage to look pretty doin’ all of it.”
Best Eye Color: “Blue eyes are pretty, but maybe I’m just saying that because Alisaie has blue eyes...”
Best Hair Color: “Is it obvious enough if I say white hair?”
Best thing to do with a Partner: “Napping. I never have time to just relax, so if I can squeeze in a nap with Alisaie, it makes my day.”
I love: “Alisaie Leveilleur.”
I feel: “content. For now, at least. Having G’raha around and being back in the Source feels good.”
I hide: “how tired I am.”
I miss: “not having so many responsibilities. Sometimes I just want to be a kid, you know? I love being a hero and all, but sometimes I just wish I could turn it all off for a few hours.”
I wish: “for Thancred to stop snorin’ so damn loud the next room over. Really, I’m ready to ask Tataru to move my room.”
This has been in my notifications for a while so idk who’s done this by now! But this is for u homies: @bard-of-light, @onwesterlywinds, @msviolacea, and @shepherdtothestars. <3
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kunderdogs · 4 years
Take A Chance VII
Simon Dominic (AOMG) x Y/N (Reader) Genre: Romance / Angst Count: I didn’t count lol sorry Warnings: None Rating: Mature (suggestive, swearing) Summary: Who would’ve thought a one night stand with Simon D would turn into FWB? It only gets more complicated when you developed feelings, against your better judgement.
This gif of Simon D is one of my favs. Pls don’t hate me for the ending. :) Two more chapters left! 
Had to post this early because I got called into work today.
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Chapter One. | Chapter Two. | Chapter Three. | Chapter Four. | Chapter Five. | Chapter Six. | Chapter Seven.
Driving around aimlessly at 9AM was not how you pictured the start of your weekend to go. Then again, you could’ve never imagined Simon would stroll up to your place, drunk as hell and picking fights with you in the middle of the night either. For now, you felt your nerves settle as you drove around the town. You figured you could drive around and get some fresh air. Anything to get your mind off of your intruding thoughts. 
Being in that house with Kiseok just felt so suffocating.
You were cruising through some of the residential neighborhoods when you noticed you were close by Nicky’s house. You smiled and pulled on the side of the street, immediately grabbing your phone and dialing her number. She picked up at the last minute, groaning and complaining of a hangover, before launching into retelling you all of the drama from last night.
“So what do you want to eat? I’ll pick something up for you.” You connected the call to your car before pulling off the street. 
Nicky yawned a bit, “Eh, don’t worry about it. Wouldn’t want you to come all the way over here just to get me breakfast.”
“I’m in your neighborhood anyway so just tell me what you’re in the mood for. Cinnamon rolls? French fries?”
“Why are you in my neck of the woods at,” she paused on the other end, most likely to pull the phone back to check the time. “9:27AM? Couldn’t sleep?”
You sighed a little louder than you intended to, “You could say that. Since you won’t tell me what you want, I’ll surprise you.”
She hummed in agreement, “Don’t forget the OJ! Thank you, love. See in you in bit.”
Saying your goodbyes, it didn’t take long to get to a small cafe about ten minutes from Nicky’s apartment. It was early enough that there wasn’t much customers so you were happy to be in and out of there within a few minutes.
Upon arrival at Nicky’s place, you found her sprawled out on the couch, clothes from last night wrinkled but still in place. Her makeup was wiped off and smeared onto makeup wipes that were on the coffee table. You laughed to yourself, nudging her with your foot when you got closer. She was such a beautiful disaster.
“You look like you’re barely hanging on over here,” you teased, putting the food down on the coffee table before cleaning up the makeup wipes.
Nicky mumbled something in the pillow and reached blindly for the food. “So what’s bothering you, hm?” Her voice followed you into the kitchen.
Washing your hands in the sink, your mind worked to find the right words but they got stuck in your throat. Everything was still so confusing to you.
Yes, you had deep feelings for Kiseok but the reality was that you couldn’t be together.
It was just cruel of your mind to even picture him involved with you in the way you wanted him to be.
Part of you was relieved that you ended it but the other, much larger part, almost immediately regretted it. That part of you wanted to run back into his arms and confess your feelings to him right at this second.
You didn’t realize how loud you sighed until a cold hand wrapped around your wrist. Nicky pulled you to the living room, and began searching for a movie while you got comfortable on the couch
“Does it have anything to do with Lover Boy?” She guessed, eyeing your downcast mood. When you pouted without answering her, she plopped next to you. “Wanna talk about it?”
Nicky always wanted to talk about her problems, which you were completely willing to listen to but when it came to you sharing...It was a little more difficult for you to open up. She was never offended or put off when you didn’t want to talk about your feelings but she was definitely surprised when you nodded.
As Iron Man played in the background, you spilled everything that happened last night. Her sky-colored eyes grew in size as you vented about everything that was said yet she didn’t interrupt you once. By the time you were done, you took a moment to catch your breath and her mouth was hanging open in shock.
“Dear lord, I leave you alone for two seconds and all this happens huh,” she teased, causing a smile to crack on your lips.
Taking a bite of her food, Nicky thought about what she wanted to say before looking at you fully, “So, are you going to tell him or leave it at that?”
Looking to the hanging TV, you sunk back into the couch. What good would come out of you telling Kiseok your feelings for him? Other than getting it off your chest, it would change nothing. If anything, it may even ruin your chances of being friends with him in the future.
If you couldn’t be with Kiseok romantically, you still wanted to be friends. He was always there to listen to you and give you advice, even make you smile when you were stressed or having a bad day. Above all else, you enjoyed his company, even when you two just sat and did absolutely nothing.
You huffed when you noticed Nicky was still waiting for an answer, “There’s nothing more for me to say. I feel like I’ve said all I had to...”
She snorted, “You didn’t say anything of importance. You should go back to your place and talk it out with him.”
“What good would come from that?” You dismissed.
She shrugged, “Maybe he feels the same way. Close mouths don’t get fed.”
The orange juice you were drinking almost came back up through your nose as you snorted. “Yeah, right. If Simon even had an ounce of feelings for me, he wouldn’t be out with that other chick.”
Nicky couldn’t really argue with that point and shook her head, “You know how men are. They don’t realize their feelings until it slaps them in the face. From what you tell me, Simon D is the type of guy to not recognize it right away.”
Sighing again, you felt the tension in your shoulders. “I’ll figure it out later. I just want to rest for a bit. All this is so emotionally draining.”
With an understanding smile, a foot suddenly kicked into your side, forcing you to lay down on the couch. You glared playfully at your best friend while she tossed a throw blanket over your lower half.
“Take a nap. I’m going to shower. Gotta wash away all the bad decisions I made last night.”
Without further ado, Nicky skipped off to her bathroom, your laughter following her down the hallway.
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Usually, you had a hard time falling asleep now that Cookie wasn’t with you, but something about Nicky’s apartment was so cozy that you were out like a light in under five minutes of laying down. It was probably because her couch was just so warm and comfortable.
Either way, you woke up hours later to another Avengers movie playing and Nicky eating brownies at the other end of the couch. You checked your phone to see if Cookie had called or texted, but they were at a water park today so you weren’t expecting a call until they got home, which would be late at night for them. It made you a little sad to not talk to your mini all day but you were glad she was having a good time with your ex’s family.
Sleepy eyes glanced at the time on your phone. “Shit. It’s already 1:30? How long was I out?”
“Since like 10, dude. You must’ve been dead tired.”
Yawning, you sat up and snuggled the blanket into you again. “Still am. I think I’m gonna head home and go to sleep in my own bed though.”
“Are you saying my couch isn’t an acceptable bed?” She teased, knowing damn well you loved her couch more than your own.
“I will steal this one day and replace it with mine.”
“Sure. Text me when you get home. Drive safe! Woah- HEY! Leave the cinnamon rolls!”
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The drive back to your house was uneventful. Oddly enough, there was hardly any traffic out which was a bit odd for a weekend, but you thought nothing of it.The once blue sky was now gray with even darker clouds hanging low. It felt like the calm before the storm. 
You were in no rush to get home, and the feeling only amplified when you pulled up to your apartment and noticed Kiseok’s car still parked in the guest parking.
Sighing, you dragged your feet up to your place and as soon as you were getting off the elevator on your floor, your phone rang. A wide smile broke out on your lips.
“Hi, sweetie! I was waiting for you to call me!” You answered, leaning over the rail that over looked the courtyard garden. “Oh yeah? How was the water park?”
A few minutes into your conversation, you were so engrossed with listening to her ramble about her favorite rides, that you didn’t notice the opening or closing of a door down the hall. Heavy footsteps came closer to you, but you paid it no mind. Other than yourself, there was two other families that lived on this floor so it wasn’t out of the ordinary.
“Mommy missed you too. Your daddy being nice to you?” You laughed when you heard a huff on the other side of the phone. “No, I didn’t have dinner yet. I’ll have some later- oh, okay. Tell your grandmother I said hi, okay?”
The sound of someone clearing their throat alerted you to the body leaning on the rail a few feet from you.
Jung Kiseok, still in his clothes from last night, peered down at the garden beneath you two. When he noticed your attention on him, he glanced to you. “Can we talk?”
Jesus, he literally came out of nowhere! Noticing your jaw hanging slightly, you swallowed before agreeing with your daughter. “Yes, baby, it’s okay. Go shower and go to sleep. Thank you for calling me. I love you. Goodnight...”
The ending dial tone sounded much too loud for your ears as the silence in the hallway was almost suffocating. It was quiet for sometime, since the two of you didn’t say anything. Kiseok was trying to find the words to say, and you had too much you didn’t want to uncover.
This conversation was inevitable but you still wanted to avoid it. The lump in your throat only grew when he sighed deeply. It seemed like he was about to say something, until the elevators opened and two small blurs sprinted out. “I-”
The Choi twins were your neighbor’s kids and it was only another two seconds before you saw their mother chase after them. You giggled after them, those two were always giving their mother a hard time.
“Sorry about that,” A deep voice apologized. You nodded to the twin’s father, who was holding a tiny baby wrapped in blankets to keep him warm.
“Don’t worry about it,” you waved him off with a smile but didn’t miss the double take he did to your company.
“Maybe we should go inside?” Kiseok pushed off from the rail and waved slightly to a wide-eyed Mr. Choi.
You took the advice without a word, leading the way to your front door though he would’ve had no problem finding it himself. Once inside, you kicked your sandals off and dropped your purse on the entry table.
The door shut tightly behind him, entrapping the both of you in a thick silence that didn’t go unnoticed. You sunk into the couch, giving him enough room to sit near you without touching you.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
You weren’t sure what you expected him to say, but it surely wasn’t that. Could you really be surprised though? Suspecting what he was asking, you had to make sure you two were on the same page.
“Tell you about what?”
Tired dark eyes stared you down, “Let’s not go back and forth. I know you have a daughter and I’m not sure what kind of problems you and your husband have, but cheating is never the way to go about it.”
You tried to stop the loud laughter that spilled out of you, but that was so far from what you thought he would say. You honestly couldn’t help it, and soon, you had tears in your eyes as you were literally rolling around the couching laughing.
Kiseok did not look amused in the slightest - his lips thinned into a hard line, brows frowned to display his seriousness of the topic. “This really isn’t something to laugh about. I refuse to be some kind of homewrecker.”
You had finally got your giggles under control when he said that, launching you into another fit of laughter. “What! You think-?! Oh my god, I haven’t laughed like that in a while,” you giggled, wiping the spilling tears from your eyes.
Feeling his glare, you sat up and took a breath. The tension was a bit less in the room. “I’m not married.”
He didn’t believe you. “You have family pictures-”
“In my daughter’s room, yes.”
He dismissed your interruption, “I saw that man at the airport when you ran into Jay Park. He hugged you and you were crying.”
You paused, blinking slowly. How did he see that? “How do you know that?”
The way he sighed with finality made you feel a bit defensive. “Jay was FaceTiming me and Loco. The main point of this is I don’t want to be in the middle of whatever you have with your husband.”
Eyes rolling, you crossed your arms under your chest. “Stop saying that. I’m not married.”
“Why are you lying? You have a child with him.” The tone of his voice raised slightly but you frowned at him.
“You can make a kid without being married to someone. Me and my daughter’s father aren’t together. I’m no cheater. Unlike you, I don’t have a list of hoes I can run to.” The words left your mouth but you regretted it immediately. Your personality didn’t allow you to apologize or take it back, especially with how heated you were becoming.
Sitting less than a foot away from you, Kiseok couldn’t really argue with that. You were right. He called Nayoung because she didn’t care for a relationship and he had wanted to...hurt you the same way he had been hurt after seeing you in the arms of another man.
It was childish of him, he’ll admit it, but it happened. He was only human and he had acted on his emotions. It wasn’t one of his proudest moments. Once you brushed past him at the restaurant with tears in your eyes, he had felt sick to his stomach about the whole thing. It wasn’t like he knew you would be there that night, it was honestly a terrible coincidence. After that night, he couldn’t even look Nayoung in the eyes without seeing your heartbroken expression.
Prideful at heart, Kiseok still felt the need to defend himself even if it was a weak defense, “I don’t have a list of hoes. That was me being an idiot.”
“Whatever, Kiseok. I don’t care anymore.” Calling him without an honorific gave you a sinking feeling in your stomach but you looked away from him. “What more do you want from me?”
With that, he faced you fully, “Everything. I want to know everything, about your daughter, your past, the truth about all of it.”
Startled, you faced him with doubt clouding your face. “Why? Why does any of that matter to you? Why do you even care?”
For the first time today, you saw Kiseok smile. Not a smirk, or half grin that he liked to flash you when he teased you, but a real smile with his teeth showing. Looking closer, he also was a little rosy in the cheeks a bit. “I-Well...I thought it was obvious now, but you’re really dense.”
You thought you knew where this was going so you sighed, “Look, I’m not a charity case, okay? I can-”
“I really like you, ___. Not just in a sexual way either. I like you on an emotional level...I really, really like you,” he confessed in a rush, sounding just like you felt at the moment - breathless.
And then your heart started to ache.
“Kiseok...we can’t...we can’t be together.”
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