#lots of text
kathyrealmstales · 2 months
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Want to hang out with the Kinito Crew? :)
I don't really know the lore for my Kinito group, I just like drawing them hanging out with the user. There is hints of ideas of story, like the idea of virus attacks and the user being in the web world, but other than that, nothing much. If anyone got ideas, im open to hear them.
Anyways, that's all I got. Hope you all have good day/night!
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kolbasos · 4 days
Tim questions 6, 7 and 8😼
first of all thank u for asking!! its an honor❤️‼️
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
WELL... I suppose i can answer this having my perception of Tim in mind.
He has trauma, Jack involved one, but here's the thing. Tim isnt the one to confront it, sure he aknowledges it a little, but to reflect and grow from it fully? He is, in my mind, a person who keeps all his feelings deeeeep inside of him, bottling it all up, disregarding it to the extreme. He has a vague sense of self, dissociating constantly, living in some kind of auto pilot mode. And Jack stuff, he let this all happen willingly, out of self sabotage and or not caring at all (he really doesnt care, not about jack not even about his damn self). So yeah! We kinda share that 😭
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I really like when people dive deeep into his character, trying to paint him humane, flawed, deeply broken. As he is, actually, but it saddens me that i get to see it rarely. Once i do find something like that, its the purest joy
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Ohhh ohoho well!!! I cant say i "despise" smth but im not digging all soft and cutesy portrais of him. Sure, he is silly and whimsical in some sence but ID LOVE TO see more. The ugliness of it all, his darkest most sinister side, that all people, esp. in borderlands universe have. Those slimey, nasty, deeply thoubling intrusive thoughts he must have. His hatered, immense guilt, shame!
Timothy has SUCH great potential to explore. And ofc its all MY personal tastes and takes, if people see him differently and porstray as such i have nothing against, yall do you boos ❤️
GOSH this was really fun! Thank you towerartt again! Not enough words to describe how i deeply appreciate this and ur wonderful contribution to the fandom. Ur the best 😭❤️
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zwan99 · 18 days
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CN News: Path to Nowhere Devs' Future plans
All translated by Jiu Jiu subs (@ qwertdwlrma on Twitter):
1) Coquelic is returning
2) BFL DZ optimization
3) Surveillance Order Optimization
4) Preparation of New Content
1) Coquelic
They are finally able to say with certainty that Coquelic will be returning. They are already working on adjusting Coquelic's base art. Coquelic will have a rate-up banner in July. Rain Burst + Floral Unfurl will rerun at that same time.
After mid-June, Coquelic will rejoin the standard, routine, event, etc off-rate pool for CN.
In Global she was never removed.
Coquelic will also be receiving a 2* Attire, available for a limited time. It will be obtainable for free from the Supply Office.
As an apology for not commenting about the situation sooner, when the event reruns they will be giving out 10 pulls for free.
2) BFL
- A recommended lineup feature and increased Sunday attempts, so you can reference who to use and also more freely choose when you want to play.
When designing BFL, they wanted a place where Chiefs could prove their teams' strength and see the progress of their Sinners. However, long-term, the cyclical nature and high difficulty of it created too much pressure for players. In June, they will be changing BFL:
- Implement points and attempts retention within each season. If you beat a boss and earn enough points, you will be able to claim the rewards next week without needing to rechallenge it.
- New mode where you can get rewards for 160k (single boss)/500k (all three total) by simply spending attempts rather than it being based on score.
3) Surveillance Order
They received feedback that the SO cap was too high and could not be reached. They plan to make the following improvements in July when the next new SO releases:
- Players that purchase Advanced/In-Depth will receive additional Surveillance Emblems
- Lower the upper limit level of SO to lv 100. After this adjustment, players that purchase Advanced SO will be able to fully complete it.
4) New Content
In the recent questionnaire, they received a lot of feedback expectant about new content. Rest assured that the production team has been working and planning on that.
A completely new limited gamemode will be launching in August, and will be futher optimised based on peoples' feedback.
They are also working on new main story content.
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seeminglydark · 1 year
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Postman Mick Martinez gets more than he bargained for when he picks up a silent young hitchhiker who is unable to communicate the depths of the darkness that lurks within him. The mute stranger carries a shadowy beast who may bring about the apocalypse, but a grief-stricken Mick is preoccupied with demons of his own, including the brutal death of his beloved husband and a feisty teenage daughter with strange, supernatural powers.
Luckily, Mick's not alone. If there's one thing his friends at Brew, the local punk rock café, know, it's to face hard times head on with a daily dose of coffee and hope. Of course, hope is hard to find, and Mick’s not the only one with baggage. Between managing Brew and trying to solve her brother’s murder, his sister-in-law Maddie wants to save the world, even if it means losing herself. Ex-con barista Johnny O'Sullivan struggles with the scars of his turbulent past, unable to escape the shadow of his abusive father. Café regular and celebrity ghost hunter Caro Greene faces an existential crisis every day, as they cope with the dual demands of internet fame and regular encounters with the supernatural.
In one way or another, the Brew crew’s lives intertwine, and their bonds of friendship and love help give them the strength they need to discover the pieces of themselves they’re seeking. But there's darkness descending, and shadows are falling over the town of ValleyRidge. With the help of a friendly ghost, Mick and his friends must unravel the secrets that bind the mysterious hitchhiker's tongue and discover how to save him, each other, and the world itself.
(Some where along the way i realized I never shared the Summary or Cover for my Main Project, Seemingly Dark, but here it is! Check it out on Webtoon or Early Access on Tapas!)
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jgabi51 · 1 year
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“Home doesn’t exist anymore… because of you!”
Sonic Prime was great and I can’t wait to see what happens next. There are still so many questions that we have unanswered. But listen y’all Sonic is gonna need therapy.
!!!!SPOILERS(sort of)!!!!
And its a lot of reading, like if you are going to read this next part sit down and be ready for bad grammar and to think critically
What Sonic is going through in Prime felt like/reminded me of the metal virus and or lost world. In those stories the basics are: Sonic doesn’t listen, does something impulsive, makes the issue worse, everyone gets on the ‘Sonics fault’ bandwagon sooner or later and yells at him; people expect Sonic to fix everything, forgetting that he is a living being too who needs food, rest, support, to fix the problem. In past games Sonic seemed too happy in the face of the grave situations he was faced with. For the sake of argument, to me this is Sonic putting his ‘hero’ persona on to inspire hope in those around him. And maybe to try and fool himself as well. But in recent stories, and under certain writers, Sonic has matured to show more emotion and vulnerability to better flow with the dark themes his adventures address. Some great examples of this are Unleashed, Frontiers, and of course the metal virus saga. To clarify, I’m speaking in reference to the difference between: Sonic showing genuine emotion of (mostly) any kind [typically when by himself as an internal monologue or when around 1+ of his very close friends] vs. Sonic being exaggeratively bravo, trash talking his opponent(s), overly optimistic, and narcissistic [typically dawned while enemies or someone whom he met recently or doesn’t see often are present or when he his in public/has a lot of eyes on him]. Think Sonic in the Tail’s “am I a burden?” Scene in Frontiers vs. Sonic being allegedly in prison and tortured for 6 months after he gets his behind handed to him yet seeming fine and as confident as before once a complete stranger comes and saves him in Forces. Also to note, if it wasn’t clear, Sonics impulsiveness, impatience, quick-wit, fast learning/adapting nature, creativity, sense of justice, and ‘valuing his friends/family’ mindset is shared and holds strong across the board. They’re skills, traits, and morals that shape the spiky blue speedsters opinions and views; his personality. Those things are just who he is. Woo! That was lengthy but theres more, I bring this all up because in Prime I saw hints of both: the too-happy/‘hero’ persona Sonic who’s sassy, snarky, and a bit of an a-hole and the Sonic who feels the pain, would sacrifice a world/universe (hehe) for his friends, is Tails’ (adoptive and unofficial) big brother. This shows that Prime has a lot of potential and Prime!Sonic has a lot of layers yet to be explored as a person. Which may shed light on what Sonics personal and mental journey might hopefully for me be as the story is told. I just hope either Sonic snaps, breaks down and cries or yells and rants about (not killing anyone or a villain arc, just not yet) or if Sonic is gonna be able to keep it together til the end we see him get his trauma addressed. Either way blue is gonna shed tears and its all I can ask for.
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Why has no one put a fursuit in a contemporary art museum? It would be bold, fresh, unique, and attract the youths!
Getting more serious now, fursuiting IS performance arts. Sure the fursuit itself and the character design are also art but it's just not the same thing if the fursuit is just on a display or mannequin.
We've grown too accustomed to devaluing art that isn't successful, so much so that we started calling it just "content". It's like calling home cooking "slop".
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2d-dreams · 10 months
The body of the Flatlander: Lines
Remember: I am not a scientist/biologist/etcetera! I'm just some kid!
Remember 2: I should start looking into the possibility of getting someone to help me write IDs for these posts and the Flatland Encyclopaedia, because I can't do it always.
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front endpoint of a Line
This has been sitting on my drafts since July 11 but I cant bring myself to finish the other endpoint or use my keyboard [my office is too hot] so I'm terribly sorry for the half baked post.
The eye is the brightest part of the body. You could argue that Lines have two eyes because of the division that allows them to breathe.. but it doesnt disrupt the brightness so meh. One eye.
I suppose that suction to the eye [through the respiratory hole sucking air in] could be another way for them to grab things, for as long as they can hold their breath.
Talking about holding their breath, they don't need air to perform their peace cry or to speak. Flatlanders have a tymbal-like organ, like an insect. So they can speak while eating etc. Some sounds do need air, but theyre mostly related to emotion and are used in conjugation to their tymbal chirps.
Around the Line's tymbal, above the lung, lays the occipital lobe and receptors. The receptors of the eye of a Flatlander are sensitive to light [Sight] and also extremely sensitive to touch [Feeling] – the occipital lobe's primary visual cortex right under the eye handles the information it receives and directs the tymbal.
The primary visual cortex's transmitters send and receive information and directions from the eye+vocal through the space that separates them [the lung] from the main brain. The other half of the occipital connects to the rest of the brain.
Under the brain, which extends for the vast majority of the Line's body, is the centroid/heart, which isnt actually situated at the center of the Line. [Still not 100% sure whether they have hearts, but I like the geometry reference—]
Under that is the digestive system. The "throat" from stomach to mouth is off to the side. On the other side is the reproductive system/womb. At last there's the mouth/beak, which unlike the eyepoint is much sharper. You can still die if you're stabbed by the frontpoint. Don't get cocky.
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sendinganew · 6 months
(blueespeon) Anigi @ Anew
I see, so you watch worlds. I was wondering why this world was sort of empty, but if you are the only one here, then I must ask: How did you end up here?
Is this truly a world of it's own or simply a hub between many worlds? And of course, does this mean that you know that my world and it's inhabitants as well?
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”As for this place and how I came to be? Let me tell you a story of my own dear arceus.
This is indeed a hub between the worlds, the gap between dimensions that keeps them separate. When a world is created, usually by the birth of its arceus, it appears here. All worlds generate a certain type of energy that collects in this void. This energy is what usually helps in the creation of a world.
But with more worlds there is more energy, more than enough for creation, and it builds up. As this energy built it began to sense things, see things. It wanted to touch the worlds, to see them and play with them. But it hurt. Without its own form the worlds would take back its energy. It became angry. It began to take for itself, destroying worlds.
One day an arceus left its world to enter the void. They had failed in their attempts to create and their universe and was nothing but barren for centuries. They had given up.
Upon entering the void they noticed the strange energy. The arceus watched as it destroyed world after world and so they approached. “Why do you destroy?” They asked.
The energy had never seen another in the void and stopped. It considered the question and showed them how the worlds hurt and stole so it stole instead.
“But there are so many beautiful things that have been created, wouldn’t you rather look at them?” They asked in return, “if they are destroyed you can not appreciate them anymore.”
The energy wanted nothing more than to interact with the worlds. But without a form it couldn’t.
The arceus realized this and decided they could try to create one more time. They held the energy gently and used it to form it a body. It wasn’t perfect, the arceus was never good at creation and the void is a strange place, but it worked. And a mew was born.
The arceus taught them how to watch, how to appreciate the stories and encouraged the mews curiosity, wanting it to help the worlds it once destroyed. Eventually the arceus had to leave, to return to their own world to try again. Leaving me to stay in the void.”
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Specposium's Spectember day 13: Xenobiology
Today i wanted to figure out the evolutionary history of the main group of my aliens.
Transcript of the text:
1. Earliest Last Common Ancestor:
One of the earliest animals on the planet.
Fed on detritus and algae on the sea floor.
2. Specialized ancestor:
Still uses osteoderms in the back for protection.
Eyespots set in stalks.
Developed 7 pairs of legs.
More developed radula.
More organ complexity.
3. Ancestor of modern groups:
Original armor got internalized.
Sclerotized cuticle.
Beak in the end of the proboscis.
Complex eyes.
First pair of limbs turned into claspers.
Internal leg bones divided into segments.
4_5. Terrestrials:
Derived from the same ancestor.
4 is bug-like, flexible number of leg segments and flexible trunk.
5 is tetrapod-like, fixed number of 5 leg segments with flexible number of antennae segments.
Fused bone rings, rigid trunk.
No osteoderms to reduce weight.
So basically what i thought here was that the earliest ancestor of this superphyllum(there are other three subphyla more or less) was a chiton-like animal, it had a long body with bony plates in their backs as defense(and storage of minerals), it had two simple eyespots on each side of the "head" and also a simple radula for rasping and processing food.
Second group of animals is more specialized, they developed 7 pairs of limbs to move around more quickly, two eyestalks containing the simple eyes, a more specialized radula inside a longer proboscis and the osteoderms form a "shell" of sorts, kinda like that of armadillos, not sure if they would be able to retract into the shell but probably.
Now to an animal even more derived, as this(and other animal groups) started to move into freshwater after the evolution of terrestrial plants and opening of new ecosystems, internalized the shell of more primitive forms into the body, forming rings of bones who sustained the body and also gave more flexibility, they developed osteoderms again, but now individual ones instead of one single large osteoderm. They have turned their first set of limbs into claspers to hold onto partners during reproduction. All limbs have a highly variable number of vertebrae-like bones in the inside. They have a tougher skin similar to velvet worms(maybe?), better eyes and also developed a beak as they developed a more carnivorous but principally more scavenging-based diet in order to break bones and exoskeletons.
The last creatures were originally descendants of the same common ancestor but i think they should be independent cases of terrestrial lifestyle. The smaller group evolved to be small but more flexible, having loose bone rings sustaining their body, they retained the variable number of leg bones, they initially ate a variety of food as a group.
The larger group traded torso flexibility over sustainment for the body structure by fusing their ring bones. They hunted the bug-like group on land but would eventually expand into a variety of niches. Both groups have initially lost their osteoderms in order to be lighter on land but some groups evolved osteoderms again.
Hope this all makes sense.
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redfirefox-55 · 2 years
I’ve been thinking about it for awhile, and I think I’ve pinned down the reason why I love both of the Travelers and Dainsleif’s dynamics so much in Genshin.
The idea that, even if you’ve lost yourself, “turned to the dark side” or just gone off the deep end, your friends and family will always fight to get you back. Even if you’ve at some point tried to push them away.
The abyss twin, who has clearly gone through a lot in the past 500 years since the cataclysm and being separated from their only kin, at some point gave up. They had already traveled to the ends of the earth and back looking for their sibling and came back empty handed.
For reasons currently unknown they deemed Dainseif, their former friend and travel companion, a traitor, they may have assumed the Traveler was dead, or simply unreachable, and turned to the abyss for solutions to their problems.
All of that didn’t stop Dainsleif from going after them though, to the point where he will challenge the Traveler to a duel to prove they were worthy of saving the abyss twin.
(Also the audacity he has, making them prove themselves to him is hilarious to me. And on a kind of unrelated note, I love the line literally right after this about how he will “always remember how much she too loved these flowers.” It’s just so sweet and sad)
And I know I’ve talked about their dynamic multiple times at this point but of course the Traveler still hasn’t stopped looking for their sibling.
Even after they technically found them, they haven’t given up their search. Even after the abyss twin left them in that cave with zero answers, even after they saw how much they’ve changed since they were separated, and even after their morally questionable actions in the Chasm. The Traveler hasn’t turned their back on them.
Why? Because they love them, and they know what kind of person they are at heart.
I just love the idea that love conquers all, and the people that truly care about you will drag you from the very depths of the abyss, simply because they love you.
And I have no idea what happened between Dainsleif and the Abyss twin, why they decided he was their enemy and what he did to have them consider him a traitor. But it seems to me that even after they ditched him for the abyss, he still cares about them.
I mean considering the fact that the only time he ever remotely talked bad about them to the Traveler was when he called them stubborn (and from the character trailers it seems that Dainsleif has very strong opinions about people) he still seems found of them.
Maybe I’m insane and am the only one that thinks this way, but all that to say that I just adore the family/found family dynamics the three of them have.
Also I can’t wait to see Dainsleif and the Traveler bond more. I wonder what that will look like, and how closely it will mirror Dainsleif’s friendship with their twin.
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personalposting · 2 years
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[ Image ID: Kankri talk sprite over the Rabies Pride flag that is not genuinely about attraction to rabies with the text “honestly so triggering. It is the 21st earth century and you have the audacity to not be willing to learn about new sexualities. whether you understand a sexuality is irrelevant from  considering it valid or invalid. I personally feel a strong relation to the rabies pride flag as a neurodivergent trans person and take full offense to your quick and utter dismisal of understandable movements. You really need to open your mind to people whose queer identies are best understood through unconventional means. do you think I would genuinely choose to be attracted to ra6ies? #rabies #trigger #micro sexuality #micro label #triggering #microaggression #personally triggering #choice  #oppression #mirco opression #pride #rabies pride #controversial #controversial sexuality #rant #rambles #autigender #autism #trans #transgender #audhd #thank you for reading all of this holy shit” Kankri talk sprite over the rabies pride flag that is about the attraction to rabies “Honestly the fact that you would invalidate any sexuality let alone a micro sexuality is honestly so triggering. It is the 21st earth century and you have the audacity to not be willing to learn about new sexuality. whether you understand a sexuality is irrelevant from considering it valid or invalid. I personally have a sexual attraction to rabies and take full offense to your quick and utter dismisal of my truth and life. You really need to open your mind to lifestyles other then your own especially when sexuality is not a choice do you think I would genuinely choose to be attracted to rabies? #rabies #trigger #micro sexuality #micro label #triggering #microaggression #personally triggering #choice #oppression #mirco opression #pride #rabies pride #controversial #controversial sexuality #rant #rambles #thank you for reading all of this holy shit” /End ID ] I genuinely love Kankri so much and feel he would care a lot about rabies pride
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“Miss Yui, if you don’t mind erm.. could you show me how you manage to pick up dropped pallets?” - Cairo | @ask-dbd-oc-quadrant-squad
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“I brought Lee-san with me so she can help explain also, to prove anyone can do it, not just someone with muscles. though strong legs and arms help a lot!”
Ms.Lee nods.
“So those pallets are no easy thing, they’re really large with a lot of surface area and surprisingly heavy which can be a challenge to lift. I heard it’s why no one here at the campfire ever tried before I came. It wasn’t worth it for them to waste seconds in the race against death- but because I came from riding bikes, I knew that if there’s a crash, you want to get everything back up as quick as possible and out of the path.” 
“Sorry for the long story, but yeah, you’ll want to make sure you are engaging your legs more than your back and arms so you don’t put pressure on your spine or pull anything. This means having to squat, like when doing a deadlift. Keep your legs apart, and your butt needs to get low, but don’t bend your back at all! You should absolutely never be hunched over a heavy object. Now make sure you rest your arms on your thighs if you have to and get your hands and forearms under the the pallet. That’s the first step. Then you’ll want to position your body as close as possible to the pallet, this means needing to rock your weight under it with small lifts and adjusting your legs with a wide stance until the pallet is just to the elbows and over your thighs. Once you’re in this final position, If you can, take a deep breath to make sure everything is nice and tight- if you can’t because your belly is on your legs, be sure to take a breath before lowering- this means holding it for a while when positioning, but that can make you light headed, so when you rock your weight be sure to take in breaths before each lift. With your body nice and full with air, start to stand up. Be sure to not twist your body at all! Just focus on lifting your arms straight up once the pallet gets to your chest. You’ll feel it in your shoulders and biceps, but that’s okay, just never feel it in your spine, because you can slip a disk.” 
“It can be difficult at first... but it is doable. How often though, well you might need longer breaks in between for your body to recover.”
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idol-trickster · 1 year
👨, 👩 , and 🌺? :3c
👨 - What is your muse’s relationship like with their father? Is it good, bad, or complicated? 👩 - What is your muse’s relationship like with their mother? Is it good, bad, or complicated?
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Jiwoon lit up at the thought of someone asking about his parents.
"우리아빠 엄마? I gave them a good and comfortable life! I encouraged them to retire, but they said it wouldn't feel right to stop working; that the family restaurant made them happy and I brought them plenty of business already. Either way, they're very proud of me as their son and that I'm successfully doing something that I love too. They know how hard I worked and were always worried about me... but they said we were very strong and resilient people. No matter where we were, they were supporting me and happy that I carried part of our home with me while still performing knife tricks, for the world now with my own passion for music, instead of only in a restaurant to tourists. I owe my most unique instruments and performances to them."
Left to ponder, he thought of where he was now and how little he actually got to see them. Everything had a price and becoming legendary held a steep one; claiming time from friends, family, and normality. Still, he wouldn't change anything if given the chance; he grew out of needing those commodities of life so long ago, and now? Well, he was legendary.
"If you want to know individually though... My dad was a warm-hearted and talentedly creative man. With music, he met my mom, but he gave up his dreams of pursuing a musical path to become a hard-working man and support his family. Some people say we got lucky when the IMF crisis happened, but really my parents were just smart enough to make it work, both of them running a business and planning well. His military experience let him know what foreigners were like and in turn, I learned a lot from him and how to entertain people who already see a lot of action. When I went to a concert with him, I understood what people felt when they saw me; something new and amazing; I wanted to do that too, and he was happy to share a love of music and supported me. He's a wise man with kind eyes and the best 군만두 (pan-fried dumplings)."
"My mom taught me how to be strong, clever, and unique since she was a smart career woman who got laid off when she was pregnant. Unable to find a job in the workforce, she and my dad decided to run the restaurant together. My dad supported the family and she focused on our business' reputation. It was thanks to her that we figured out how to include my skills in the restaurant to set us apart. When I had an interest, she would make sure I practiced safely and even bought me my first beginner knives. She told me that no matter what other people think, never let them stop me from being special; also to think before I speak, understand people by listening to them, and to not let other people tell me my worth. She's loving, protective, and spirited. I think the special things she made were the best... 미역국 (Seaweed soup) for birthdays and 시루떡 (Red-bean rice cake) for offerings."
Yeah. He made it however he could; reclaiming what made him unique. Trickster will certainly never be forgotten again. He hopes they're still proud and can manage to retire peacefully.
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🌺 - Does your muse have a favorite flower? Why do they like it?
"I don't really pay attention to flowers much- but maybe roses. They're very versatile, come in all sorts of colors, and are usually passionate and classy; the first flower everyone thinks of."
He gives a chuckle and holds up a familiar potted plant.
"Though it only has flowers sometimes, I really like Joji's. It looks like a star."
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thraten · 2 years
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This Pride Month drawing from 2021 should be a decent enough way to introduce my two main fursonas, Thraten & Hyacinth... (info after the break)
Thraten - northern mockingbird [he/they] I've been using Thraten as a default stand-in for myself since 2010, though they remained a "generic grey bird" (whatever that means) until 2016. I don't really see them much as a character; they're essentially just me as a bird. They inherit all of my ambitions and creative interests, but also all of my insecurities. Identifying with Thraten has been rough the past few years, but I'm hoping some small design tweaks might help them better reflect the person I want to be going forward.
Hyacinth - Blanford's fox [they/them] Hyacinth was realized in 2018 out of a desire for a secondary character with a "soft friend" aesthetic, and was designed by OlympiaXylaige. Their vibe is all spring flowers, loose sweaters, and herbal teas, and everything that makes you cozy. I never intended them to be a fursona, but they've come to represent a personification of love & self-love that's helped me reconnect with long-neglected parts of myself. Hyacinth is a character I truly want to bring to life in as many ways as possible, in hopes of conveying to others the embodiment of kindness that I see in them. ("Sometimes Thraten lets me take over their accounts on April Fool's Day, heehee! 💖🌺")
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icys-junkyard · 2 years
One of the P:LA aus where the main character dies during their mission and is, in one way or another, brought back by Arceus to try again. Except it's not time rewinding or resurrection, it's reincarnation. The player dies to an alpha or the wilds or an accident and then, after hundreds of years, gets reincarnated as their original self, lives their life a second time, and then gets sent back to try again.
Hopefully Arceus is nice enough to not make them remember their previous life until they're back in Hisui. Like obviously they have to have SOME memory of Hisui once they arrive, or else they'll just do the same exact thing and die again. Maybe Arceus is nice enough to only let the MC remember their death like a day before they would have died so they can avoid that death without the mental struggle of remembering their entire previous Hisui run. Maybe MC will think it's some weird precognition to help them avoid death, when actually this is attempt number 7 and a collective 109 years of life that has been lived by MC, just without the memory of it. Maybe some day they’ll realize these misplaced memories actually happened, but also maybe not.
The whole scenario sucks of course, but at least it only feels like one life.
What would be horrendous, however, would be  getting reincarnated and remembering it all. MC is born, finally reaches an age where the human brain can manage complex memories, and realizes "Wait a fuckin minute, I have a past life. I have SEVEN past lives. I have seven fucking past lives and I remember it all." Better hope to hell Arceus beefed up MCs brain to be able to handle extreme trauma management and excessive memory organization. No human would be able to manage that and stay perfectly sane. Poor MC having to relive their entire first 15ish years before being inevitably thrown to the past, but making the most of their time in the present in order to prepare for Hisui and maybe finally live through it.
Imagine being a Pokémon Professor and offering a Pokémon to this 10 yr old about to start their journey, and then the next thing you hear is they're fist-fighting Pokémon themself in the woods outside their house instead of training their starter normally. Imagine visiting them in concern like "Um??? Kid are you ok?? You know how Pokémon battles work, right? You know you don't need to fight them yourself, right???"
And this kid looks you in the eye as they hand-to-hand spar with their Monferno and say "I know, but if I do it this way I'll be better prepared for when god sends me to Hellsui for the eighth time." Like shit man, alright. Sure. This kid is really taking their play-pretend game to an extreme level, but there's weirder adult trainers out there so whatever. The Chimchar evolved and seems happy so you guess they're doing alright. You tell them, “Okay. Have fun. Good luck with your gym challenge when you finish training here,” and you leave.
And then you never hear a word about their gym challenge, even though they grew up the next town over. You always hear about how those kids are doing with the Pokémon you gave them, it’s a small town area and news gets around quickly, not to mention Professors often keep tabs on the Pokémon they give out just to make sure they get proper care.
You wonder if MC is doing contests instead, but you haven't heard about that either. Maybe they're staying in school like some people choose? Though there's no town gossip about it. There usually is if that’s the case, because it's rare for kids to stay in school when they could go on a self-actualizing journey with magic animals instead. But y’know. Whatever. You're just a Professor from the next town over, it's none of your business and there's no missing person's reports. It's probably fine.
Meanwhile MC, who is literally a 10 year old, spends the next 4 or 5 years roughing it in the deep wilds with minimal modern contact like some kind of feral child and is never heard from again... Until their overpowered, grizzled Infernape emerges alone from the woods behind MCs house with a paper from the notebook MC left home with. "brb, going to hell" is all that’s written on the note.
MC reincarnates and starts training even earlier this time.
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thatspecificanomaly · 7 months
Everytime I download something off of the internet from the app store, I check the reviews, go to the reviews with one star, and read some of the comments. Most of the time the one star reviews reveals the things that are bad almost immediately, every horrible and glitchy things in the thing im about to download, and I use that to decide wether I should download the thing or not.
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