#love what you love
the-golden-comet · 5 days
Lately on my dash, I have been seeing lots of wonderful mutuals get too hard on their beautiful minds.
Lovelies, your stories and art are beautiful because they are from you, and FOR you. Stats do not determine the quality of a product. Again, some of the BEST stories on the archive I have ever read were around 100 hits, and 0-10 kudos. Some of the BEST ART I’ve seen has 0 notes.
You know how I can tell? Because the authors and artists poured their heart and soul into their craft. As long as it can inspire ONE person, you should be proud. You just radically changed the life and perspective of ONE person. That’s amazing.
Sure, you might think your art or story is “cringe” or “bad”…OR, it can be someone’s comfort piece that they go back to after a long day. You may see your stats and think, “man, nobody enjoys this,” not knowing that maybe, juuuust maybe, you have that ONE person who you’ve inspired, who loves your work, and lurks your socials awaiting for your next project. Your art, your music, YOUR story has the potential to do that, but you have to love what YOU do.
And yes, your love WILL show. Maybe not with stats, or kudos, or notes, or comments. But you may be someone’s favorite without even knowing. As long as your art is out there, it WILL reach somebody. I will try to be that somebody for a lot of you, but there is indeed A LOT of you.
In a world where media is being “consumed” for “content,” remember that ART comes from the heART (sorry not sorry for being cheesy). Artists, Writers, Poets, Musicians, Sculptors, HUMANS: Get your hearts out there for the world to see. The world needs more motivated minds. 💫
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I love Tumblr so much more than Twitter. Reactions to recent events have been so much more balanced here than over there. But I still need to get this off my chest, and I actually feel like I'm writing this to my younger self.
To start off, I support both Ukraine and Palestine, and have donated quite a bit of money to their causes in the past few years, certainly more than most fans have spent on Käärijä gig tickets and merch and who then think they're entitled to tell Jere what he should do. And frankly, I think the suffering people in these places benefit more from my contributions than from people on social media going after a random rapper from Finland.
When you're saying an artist needs to "be held accountable" or "do better" or "apologize" or "educate himself", NO HE DOESN'T. These are all based on values you have set for yourself, and he doesn't owe you anything. Would I like someone I'm a fan of to do things I want him to do and that align with my values? Yes. But these things are actually about ME and not him.
A large part of Käärijä's charm is that he's unpredictable and does what he wants. Let him. And if you don't like what he does, you're perfectly free to not be a fan anymore. There's no need to try to mold him into your idealized version of him, and no need to go after him and be upset when he doesn't conform to YOUR expectations or grovel on his knees to get you to be his fan again.
If you plan on surviving into old age (30+ on Tumblr) with even half your mental capacity intact, you'll learn to let go of certain things. You can only control your own emotions and actions.
Finally, if you really enjoy something and it brings you joy, let yourself take pleasure in it. If others find it problematic, that's their right. Do not let others influence what YOU love.
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wardenparker · 9 months
Hello my lovely darlings!
As many of you may know, I started a new job in July. It is honestly pretty close to a dream job for me and I’m really loving it, however it is longer days/more hours than my previous gig and has affected my free time a bit. With fewer hours to write my pace has slowed a bit, but my motivation and inspiration are still Pretty Damn Big so I’m not going anywhere!
Soulmate Sunday posts will stay in their weekly schedule, but Friday posts are going to cut down to every other week. Javi’s royalty au will share post space with one shots here and there, and in spooky season we’ll be running a vampire!Ezra fic set in Boston that we cooked up during our trip!
There’s a lot of good stuff to come and @absurdthirst and I are really excited to share it with you!
Love love love,
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darknutmeg · 8 months
Life is too short to not be enthusiastic about the things you love. Scream it from the rooftops. Enjoy what you love for as long as you can.
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eponastory · 2 months
But these aren't real people!
Look, I know they aren't 'real' as in they live in our world, but they are real in the sense they are meant to be connected to the reader.
Creative Writing has always been a way for characters (or ourselves) to come alive and become organic. The reason so many people care about certain characters is because they reflect certain values or ideals that are real to us. It gives us a way to escape and find substance in our own lives.
So when someone tells me that a character isn't a real person, I'm going to disagree. Why? Because a character is created with the purpose of taking us on a metaphysical journey. And as a writer, every character I create has a little piece of me in them.
Characters, especially ones that are human or have human characteristics, are real in the sense that they are made to be human. They have those qualities. A character that feels real is going to be easier to understand than a flat two-dimensional character that is lacking the flaws of being human.
This is why people are so passionate about characters like Zuko, Azula, Katara, Aang, and the rest of the Gaang. They are real because there is duality and substance to them. There is conflict, morality, distrust, friendship, trust, love, and all the things that make us human in them.
If Zuko and Aang are real to you, then who am I to say anything about that? If you find empathy with Katara and her journey, I'm not going to say your crazy for that. This is what creative writing and being part of a fandom are all about.
I'm a Zutara fan because I identify with the kind of relationship they ended the series on. They are friends. They could be more, but that's what creativity is about.
I find it hard to identify with Aang because well, I can't. My experience growing up was not cheerful. I was emotionally abused as a child all the way into adulthood. I have more in common with Zuko and Azula than anyone else. Does this make me bad? No, but I know the struggle they both had with a narcissistic parent. It's real to me because I lived it.
So, anyone who says these are just fictional characters and you can't take them seriously? I encourage them to pick up any fictional book written before the internet existed. You'll find that not all characters are fiction. Most were based on real people. Most character were real to the people who read them. It's called escapism. Especially during war times.
So, my friends, keep finding yourself and who you are through the words of a book or through whatever media works for you. I'm not going to judge.
Because stories are as old as humans are and storytelling still happens today.
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agentbeeswrites · 5 months
I just got to one of my favorite pieces of dialog in this show.
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This hits me hard as an internet old who still loves a lot of the same things that I loved as a child. I don't get into as many things as I used to, but it still happens every so often.
I'm never going to stop loving Sailor Moon, or Tamora Pierce books, or the X-Men comics. I still love a particular fantasy setting that was created by someone who used to be my writing idol (and then turned out to do some horrific things - I feel Q in this scene because of it).
Loving something is a gift. You don't have to stop loving things that bring you joy just because you get older. If anything, you should keep them close because you're going to go through some stuff and they can continue to bring you comfort.
(Images from S4 E12 of The Magicians)
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eyeofnewtblog · 2 years
So. The person I love most in the world just bought me chicken nuggets. And they did it with the mentality of “wow, this bitch is drunk, food will make this better”’ and let me tell you. I am happy to report that this particular husband is NOT WRONG because chicken nuggets are actually pretty awesome with ranch dressing and I’m actually so freaking happy to be looking at art and deliberately biting the heads off of Tyrannosaurus rex heads.
I’m happily married, my husband bought me chicken nuggets and ranch and is currently laughing at me while I rant about how fucking bad remakes are because we just watched that absolutely awful total recall remake.
I’m not actually sorry for anything, ever, at all.
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jarpadandjensens · 2 years
Blog note FYI 🗒 💗
This blog is still a no hate zone. I will continue posting Jared, Jensen and Supernatural content. Also some Walker, Big Sky, and The Boys. These are all tagged.
I am not intending, so far, to watch The Winchesters.
If I reblog any Jensen in the Winchesters content, it will be tagged #The Winchesters
Carry on.
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theblehthatbloos · 8 months
For y'all newcomers, people fleeing the ship, anyone wondering about how to gain a following or how to make something go off... I gotta say it's something you can't make happen. You will probably gain more infamy by just vibing and you'll eventually make some mutuals and might fall into something.
One day it's one comment on a nyquill post that even gets read as a tic tok your brother shows you and other times you get zero notes until one day you get 400 because someone found your maroon 5 pre launch wabafet band post.
Nothing matters, you just need to be kind(mostly) and vibe. There are no rules, just a self running festival of backround characters from a panic at the disco mucus video.
Good luck and may your corn be huskable
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tenebris-lux · 1 year
Haven’t been feeling great this last hour. I need to say this:
I like what I like, and I am not ashamed.
To be honest, tumblr sometimes makes me ashamed. Stifled.
And right now, my therapy is listening to the music from a terrible adaptation of a book, because the music feels so good.
Song in question, by the way, is “Life After Life” from the musical adaptation for Dracula. I won’t apologize for liking the song. It inspires me.
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werewolfbarbie · 2 years
Okay I am fine with fans of Netflix's Wednesday liking that Gomez but I just saw someone in the Gomez Addams tag say if you like the "original Gomez" you like the "conventionally attractive" and I cannot allow Raul Julia slander. Now I can't speak for everyone, just a few I've spoken with who agree. So alot of this is just me venting and if you love the new Gomez, go for it. But these comments came after something I love so here goes:
First off thank you for calling Raul Julia attractive but conventionally? No. That man was not conventionally attractive in any way. He had a unique look that led him to many villian roles. He was never considered attractive yet when he turned into Gomez we swooned.
What made that Gomez attractive was his personality, which is sadly lacking in the Netflix show. He was the master of his domain. Had respect from his children and undying love from his wife. He was unhinged, unashamed, and suave.
The original Gomez from the 1960s also was unlike most lead male characters. And so on and so forth.
What bothers alot of us about the new Gomez is not the look. As some people have pointed out, the actor looks like the Gomez of the comics. Is the personality. This actor could pull it off, and his younger version did, but he was not written to be Gomez. That's why we don't like him and miss the older Gomez.
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dandelionlovesyou · 1 year
Sorry (not sorry!) I just went to your blog and found a hundred gif sets of my OTP from eight year ago, so I reblogged the hell out of your blog 😏😏😏 I promise I'm not a stalker! I just love my OTP! 🥲🥲🥲
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bestofanimaniacs · 1 year
Special shout out to the folks I rung out at my actual real retail job today who I very excitedly told about this poll and told them to vote in it. I hope you voted, but more importantly I hope you had an awesome day.
Continue to be "absolutely normal" about everything you care about 🤝
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owololcat · 1 year
I just wanna say something real quick for all the pussies who are afraid to talk about their favorite things because of controversy.
Who cares if your favorite song comes from a controversial friday night funkin mod?
Who gives a shit if your favorite character came from an absolute dumpster fire of a franchise?
Who asked for the bad shit about the things you like to be acknowledged? Certainly not you, so tell them they need to learn the subtle art of keeping their chalk-sniffing nose out of people's damn buisness before they get fucking doxxed.
Mic (And I can't stress this enough) Drop
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an-sceal · 2 years
On the subject of enjoying things and cringe, you cannot listen to this song (OBVIOUSLY) without doing the big arm pump/fist shake at "GOD. DAMN. ARMS. RACE!" That's just fact.
It is also fact that my mail just arrived while I was dancing around vacuuming the living room and singing to the birb.
Related- I'm a little man! And I'm also evil, also into cats.
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