#luckily I recorded it
tutuprincesse · 1 year
Radix Minneapolis Mini Results
Saw someone asking for the radix mini results. Don't know if anyone already posted, but here they are.
10th Lauren Chiu - Summit 9th Jayla Xiong - Larkin 9th Avery Peterson - Summit 8th Mila Ayshford - Larkin 8th Kylie Roach - Woodbury 7th Palmer Peltier - Larkin 7th Maylin Munos - Larkin 6th Vivienne Schilplin - The Dance Complex 6th Tillie Kuhl - Larkin 5th Hailey Turnbull - Larkin 5th Giuliana Shea - Larkin 4th Katy Lawrence - Summit 3rd Tova Thompson - Summit 2nd Jemma Eisenbrei - Larkin (very impressed she got 2nd with tap) 1st Lilly Anderson - Larkin
All were OTE adjudications.
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royalarchivist · 6 months
Pac: I'm not going to say anything to you guys [Chat], I'm not going to say anything to you. I'm not saying absolutely anything, I'm not going to comment. Man, you broke me here, you broke me in 3 parts! I'm not going to- no no no no no, I won't fall for your game, I won't fall for your game.*
Pac's chat allows viewers to make music requests, which led to this very well-timed moment today where Careless Whisper started playing as soon as Pac met back up with Fit.
* [Approximate translation. I'm not a native Portuguese speaker, so as always, please feel free to let me know if there's a better way to translate things!]
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petramoth · 9 months
What’s up everyone, I’m rewatching the Justice League animated series (I will not be normal about this)
I know I won’t be the first to say it but
This is THE SuperBat scene of all time
The excitement, the chest to chest hug, the loving look on Clark’s face, the knowing looks exchanged between the rest of the team GOD I AM INSANE ABOUT THEM
Even my Mom, who knows basically nothing about these characters, walked by during this scene and said “Oh my god, they’re in love! Does no one else see that?”
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Don’t worry, Mom, many of us do indeed see that
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mangomybeloved · 2 months
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happy one year to the anime that changed my life forever!!!!!
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goldengirlgalaxy · 1 year
Little Baby Man Disease (DPXDC)
Continuation of this post. TL:DR is that Little Baby man is caused by Ghost Rabies and can effect both ghosts and those who are ecto-contaminated.
So, somehow someway, the Little Baby Men get into Gotham. Doesn't matter how, they are there and acting like feral little gremlins. At some point, Damian comes across a couple of them (let's say Danny, Tucker, and Sam) and brings them back to the Cave. Black Bat and Red Hood are there and start inspecting the funky noodle people Robin just brought in.
Unfortunately, Little Baby Man teeth are sharp enough to pierce through their gloves. Also unfortunately, the three are just ecto-contaminated enough to be able to catch Ghost Rabies.
Cue the Batfam falling into chaos as three of their members have become feral worms with ghostly powers. Batman tries to contain them, only for them to phase out of every kind of containment until they escape the Batcave, bringing their chaos to the streets. Now the Batfam have to collect their infected members and hopefully get into contact with someone who can cure them.
Also, either the Joker escapes or the Little Baby Man army breaks into Arkham, driven by Jason's intense anger over his murder. Either way, Joker is getting the stuffing beaten out of him by a dozen spooky noodle worms.
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radio-4-is-static · 10 months
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地球儀 / Spinning Globe | Kenshi Yonezu
風を受け走り出す 瓦礫を越えていく この道の行く先に 誰かが待っている 光さす夢を見る いつの日も
I catch the wind and start running, overcoming the rubble At the end of this road, someone is waiting for me Dream of light shining through, at any day of the week
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commandercello · 9 months
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A seemingly rare or unused piece of advertisement art for Phantom of the Paradise, done by artist Dave Stevens (most famous for his comic-turned-movie The Rocketeer). Taken from the documentary Dave Stevens: Drawn To Perfection, around 8:11.
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stormflute · 1 year
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Hero & Partner Week Day 5 - Treeshroud Forest
This one's a bit of an AU where Celebi actually used to be the Treeshroud Forest guardian. Grovyle still went for it first because Celebi in the past still has a subconscious understanding that Grovyle is a friend.
It also includes my crack headcanon that when time stopped, Celebi's personality flipped alongside Dialga's. That is to say, Celebi was originally much creepier than the cheery one they meet in the future.
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meaeris · 1 year
fyi, i tried looking for sebastian when polyjuiced as professor black and after my third try i found him sitting on a bench and he simply said "professor, good to see you here!" in the most sarcastic tone ever. a clown.
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Prayer request cause I'm genuinely in mental pain rn:
(kinda a father issues vent too, so if you just want to hear the prayer request (or you have a trigger), scroll to the bottom)
My "father" invited us to Denny's next Saturday (the 23rd), and he wants to give us Christmas gifts.
Now, this might sound nice, if you didn't know him.
But yeah, it's just a manipulation tactic to try and "buy" our affection. I'm assuming he wants information as well, and he wants to gain something from this visit and future visits.
His exact words were:
"(Name) I apologize for my words. I won't make excuses. I was wrong and I'm sorry. I love you and (brother) very much. I'm hoping maybe you would like to come visit me for Christmas."
After I failed to respond, he sent:
"Maybe you feel uncomfortable coming to see me. How about this. You me and (brother) meet at Denny's and have dinner sometime soon. Just the three of us. We can have a nice visit and I can give you your Christmas gifts."
Again, this sounds nice and genuine, but based on his behavior my whole life, it's not. I don't trust him as far as I can throw him.
The issue comes in where I don't know how malicious he is exactly. I don't know if he's been in my room or not (we already established he's stolen things from our house), and I don't know how much he knows about me. He also hasn't gotten it through his head that he's lost me. He can't "buy my attention" anymore. I'm not 14 anymore. Apparently ignoring him for 2 years hasn't worked.
I don't know how much he's learned from breaking in, and I don't feel comfortable not knowing how much about my likes and interests he knows about. (Because he could potentially use said information in court to claim he knows his kids, even if he doesn't.)
Before he sent those texts, he'd texted something else that started off nice, but the second message became an attack on my mom. I assume he was drunk during the time, and that had been the first time he'd contacted me in two years (which is a horrible way to use his communication rights).
He wants to use his visitation (and his nonexistent relationship with us) for his personal gain. He's got something to gain from it, or he wouldn't have bounced from agressive to "nice" so quickly.
Prayer Request:
I'm just... really nervous. I haven't spoken to him in two years, and I've gotten a decent amount of anxiety from him in the past two years. I want the confidence and knowledge to say what needs to be said, and reply to whatever he says in the best way possible.
I'm already trying to pray for that, and I'm practicing, and I'm gonna see my counselor on Monday.
Tags: @firstfandomfangirl , (I don't know any more Christian blogs help-)
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atthebell · 1 month
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if you're wondering how ridiculous and detailed my qcellbit lore doc is this is just a tiny section ^^ i keep detailed notes on every day cellbit logged on and everything remotely important that happened yes it is way too much but i have problems in my brain
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hydrachea · 8 months
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In light of the recent quest I'll be pretending emotions are a foreign concept and instead focusing all my attention on this specific image, thank you for your understanding.
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tsubasagirl · 2 months
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My eighth photo featuring my fav (gen) protags
(dw they’re just having a friendly quarrel ‘3’)
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kickingshoes · 9 months
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Not really feeling this one, tbh. Couldn't really think of what to do ^^;
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the-golden-ghost · 4 months
I think I'm finally old enough to have left my 'uwu smol bean' era though. Thank FUCKING god.
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silvexus · 5 months
Streaming Prototype (2009) to a friend (@missladora) has been a fantastic adventure featuring such gems as
"everything is fine! this is fine!" "It doesn't look fine, but I believe you" (five seconds, twenty hunters, and a lot of javelins later) "vex, i'm starting to think things aren't actually fine and you're lying to me" "a little bit, yeah"
"These people on the sixth floor are going to be very upset when they look out their windows and the fire escape is gone."
"so the problem here is that once i pick someone up i have to either eat them or throw them." "ah. just like real life."
"Why are there so many taxis????" "It's Manhattan. Did you not expect there to be taxis?" (still baffled) "They're EVERYWHERE, VEX" "I literally do not know what to tell you"
"I appreciate that you're following the traffic laws in a tank and not just mowing people down." "Look, I... I just really like following traffic regulations." "Ah, traffic autism."
"Why does he get up in Dana's space like that??" "Man's got no boundaries. He woke up in a morgue and he's been guessing ever since. Badly. Very badly."
"Look, Ladora, more taxis!" "MORE TAXIS!! What the fuck!" "I don't think New Yorkers drive."
"this is fine!" "you're still not convincing me this is fine!"
"So when I get into a tank in military disguise, without causing an alarm, there's no blood or anything. This suggests that the tank crew have accepted me as one of their own. What about when I break my cover, though?" "They join you, obviously. What else are they gonna do?" "'Shit, this guy's Mercer? Fuck it, I never liked this job anyway.'"
"Is... is that a car alarm? I have been playing this game for over a decade and I've never heard a car alarm!" "Ah, you've popped your car alarm cherry."
"Pubbies!" "PUBBIES!!" (dear reader, they were more fucking leader hunters)
(walking up to a phalanx of Blackwatch soldiers in disguise) "Ladies~. Wait shit, sorry, I didn't mean to be misogynistic—" "No, no, you're in-character, it's fine—" "Why did that come out of me?? It was like fucking breathing. How do I explain this to my therapist."
"Car alarm!!" "CAR ALARM!!!!!"
"Would you say that Cross is quite cross with you?" "I get what you're doing, but Cross is really quite cross with Alex, actually. I ate like half of the Wisemen team in front of him."
"Fuck. There goes another fire escape. Now the fire marshal is gonna be on my ass." "I... I don't think Alex cares about the fire marshal."
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